Kwai Nidôbak:

Kwai Nidôbak:

There is no absence of the word "Elder" in the Abenaki Language. Yes, this word was presented to us by the new arrivals to our communities.  However, we have always had the basic concept.  Please note that the examples I have given you below are in the animate (living) format, which when spoken automatically renders respect

When I speak and refer to Elderly people, I use the following:

kchiaowia = The oldest
negôniwinno = An old person
negôniwinnoak = the old people
Kchiaoid =  He/she who is old/great in age
Kchiao = He/she is old/great in age
Kchiaoak = They are old/great in age

Using the word "Elder" in the tribal sense of a person who is spiritual, and or may be a gifted person, I would use the following:

Kzowadowinno =  He/she is a valuable/important person (speaking of a person with a respected position in the tribe)
Kzowadowinnoak = They are valuable/important people (speaking of people with respected positions in the tribe)

Kchiagakigamwinno =  He/she is a great teacher
Kchiagakigamwinno = They are great teachers

kwsilawinno = He/she is a person worthy of respect
kwsilawinnoak = They are people worthy of respect

In the Abenaki Language, for the word "Elder" in the Native American Indian concept. I would say it as follows:

Wawasiwinno = He/she is a holy person
Wawasiwinnoak = They are holy people

Wawasinnoid = He/she who is a holy person
Wawasinnoijik = They who are holy people

Molôwawaldamwinno Niwaskomkik = A person with a lot of knowledge of the Spirit World.  (Spiritual Person)
Molôwawaldamwinnoak Niwaskomkik = People with a lot of knowledge of the Spirit World.  (Spiritual People)

In the Abenaki Language, for the word "Elder" in the church concept, I would say it as follows:

Kôkchi kwsilawinno aiyamihawigamiwigok = He/she is a very great person worthy of respect in the church.
Kôkchi kwsilawinnoak aiymihawigamiwigok = They are very great people worthy of respect in the church.

I hope the above has been of some help to you.  Some of the words above you will not find in the Dictionaries.  They have never been in print, and are known only to the speakers of the Abenaki Language.

Your friend,