"The Abenaki Language"

Say the parts of the years.

Ida pagaiyawal gadenal

Parts of the Years

gaden   year

gadenal   years

piligaden   new year

piliwigen gaden   it is a new year

aligadenek   the year is

alamik�wadimek   New Year's Day

              (to greet each other)

n�widbakad asma alamik�wadin   New Year's Eve

              (Midnight before greeting each other)

pamgadenek   this year

ligaden     it is a year

majigaden   a bad year

majigen gaden     it is a bad year

majigenol gadenal     these are bad years

wligaden     a good year

wligen gaden     it is a good year

wligenol gadenal   these are good years

negwedjigadenwaiwi    during every year

negwedgadeniwi    during the year

kwanigadenek     the year long

�zahagigaden     a difficult year

�zahagigen gaden     it is a difficult year

�zhagigenol gadenal     these are difficult years

kazigadenwaiwi     for many years

wakasigaden     a few years

wakasigadeniwi     in a few years

kasigaden     many years

kasigadma     many years old

k�kasigaden     very many years

k�kasigadenwaiwi     for very many years

pagaiya gaden     part of the year

pagaiyawigen gaden     it is a part of the year

pagaiyawigenol gadenal     these are parts of the years

pasan�gaden     a full year

pabas�gaden     half of the year

pabasiwigen gaden     it is half of a year

naoji gaden     some of the year

naojiwigenol gadenal     these are some of the year

mziwigaden     all year

mziwigen gaden     it is all year

nan�wigaden     middle of the year

nan�wigen gaden     it is the middle of the year

machiwigaden     end of the year

machiwigen gaden     it is the end of the year

matgaden     the year is ended

matanaskiwigen gaden     it is the end of the year

wanaskiwigaden     at the end of the year

wanaskiwigen gaden     it is at the end of the year

m�jagaden     beginning of the year

m�jawigen gaden     it is the beginning of the year

m�jagadeniwi     at the beginning of the year

nakwaltak gadenek     it is next year

nosokak gadenek     it is the following year

kizi pamgadenek     after this year

asma pamgadenek    before this year

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