"The Abenaki Language"

Say the Dates...

Ida akwôbagimômekil

akwôbagimômek   the date; marking the succession

akwôbakka   the date last year

nikwôbakka   this date last year

akwôbigandenek   the date this year

akwôbipamkisgak   the date today

akwôbisandak   the date of the week

wlôgwa'i akwôbagimômek   yesterday's date

saba'i akwôbagimômek   tomorrow's date

kagwi akwôbipamkisgak   what is the date today

kagwi saba'i akwôbagimômek   what is tomorrow's date

kagwi wlôgwa'i alagimgwak   what was yesterday's date

kagwi kisokw pamkisgak   what day is it today

kagwi alagimgwak wlôgwak   what date was it yesterday

kagwi akwôbagimômek   what is the date

kagwi akwôbagimômek kd'anôbaib   what date were you born

nd'alnôbai akwôbagimômek   my birth date is

kagwi alagimgwak kisokw asma wlôgwak   what was the date the day before yesterday

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