The Abenaki Language


Compassion = Kedmôgidaômwawôgan

the act of expressing mercy to others

Understanding = Wawidahômwawôgan

the act of expressing comprehension to others

Unconditional Love = Kzalmômek ônda tebakweniganal

to love someone without boundaries

Respect = Kwsilawakamigzowôgan

the act of expressing respect to others

Honesty = Zôbaskidôbawôgan

the act of being a true man

Humility = Piwihozwôgan

the act of making self small

Community = Môwkawôgan

the act of working together as a common group

Fairness = Ntôwnamenawôgan

the act of judging others well

Forgiveness = Anhaldamawôgan

the act of pardoning/absolving others

Faith = Wlômawaldamwôgan

the act of believing in something

Hope = Nkawatzowôgan

the act of wishing for something

Charity = Kezaôzowôgan

the act of buying for another

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