Eller Chronicles May 1990-p2

The Eller Chronicles




Despite considerable effort the exact places of origin in Germany of the mid- eighteenth century Eller immigrants to American remain undocumented. Because many immigrants usually came from the same locality and traveled on the same ship, the place and family of origin of one immigrant may lead to information about others. Therefore, the complete list of passengers aboard the ships are listed below which brought four early Ellers to Pennsylvania in the period 1740-1747: Johan Georg, Michael, Henry and Christian. [Rupp, Israel Daniel, "Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania From 1727 to 1776". 2nd rev. ed., Philadelphia: Leary, Stuart Co., 1927.]

"Sept. 30, 1740. Palatines imported in the ship Samuel and Elizabeth, William Chilton, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Deal, England- In all 206

Franz Epgardt,
Johannes Schnog,
Peter Berger,
Johannes Hoffman,
Joh. Peter Anders,
Paul Dunschman,
Johan Christ Kraffeller,
Johannes Theis Fiser,*
Johan Christ. Schmidt
Johan Christ. Frantz,
Johan Jacob Fischer,
Christ. Peter Fischer,*
Martin Schmidt,
Philip Bosser,
Christian Kirbach,
Georg Wilhelm,
Friedrich Lohner,
J. Adam Luckenbach,
Joh. Georg Rorich,
Joh. Peter Schneider
Joh. Henry Arth, ?
Johannes Wergraf,
Christian Schumacher,
Johan Wilhelm Klein,
Carl Jacob Weymer,
Johan Adam Meyer,*
Johan Adam Schneider,
Johan Adam Muller,
George Wilhelm Kirbach,*
Johan Friedrich Schneider,
Johannes Brandenburg,
Johan Hubrecht Dimott,*
Joh. Henrich Luckenbach,
Johan Simon Erlegner,
Joh. Gerhart Luckenbach,
Joh. Adam Hammacher,
Joh. Hubrecht Hammacher,
Joh. Ernst Rarich,
Joh. Moritz Kohn,*
Herman Betzer,*
Johannes Hadorn,
Henricius Schneider,
Jost Kremer,
Theis Schneider,
Conrad Hirsch,*
Thomas Schneider,
Johan Peter Schreiner,
Johann Theis Muller,
Johan Adam Bender,
Joh. Peter Shoemaker,
Joh. Peter Harhaussen,
Johan Adam Rorich,
Johan Bertram Klein
Johan Simon Huller, *
Hans Henry Muller," *

(Eds. The above is the only known record for Johan Georg Eller. How was he related to the other Ellers who came in the 1740's? It is highly likely that he came from the same place in Germany as the following Ellers.)


"Sept. 30, 1743. foreigners imported in the ship Phoenix, William Wilson, Commander, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes.

Wilhelm Holty,
Otto Hai,
Lenhart Wintergress,
Johannes Dandoner,
Matheis Treuckel,
Johannes Ungear,
Christoff Holwer,
Jacob Rubly,
Michael Bauer,*
Michael Leavy,
Johannes Schnee,
Lorentz Pratzmann,
Henry Reydmeyer,
Paulus Behringer,
Phillippus Bayer,
Hans Michael Stumpf,
Joh. Nicklas Lohman,
J. Ernst Reiffschneider
Johannes Gansle,
Johan Frederick Esch,
Johann Jost Kohler,
Georg Klingmann,
Johan Georg Sternbirger,
Johan Valtin Reul,
Johann Georg Schaffer,
Friederick Miller,
Johan Henrich Wagner
Peter Handwercker,
Benedict Nessbaum,*
Jacob Geiger, sen.,
Jacob Geiger, jr.,
Matheis Kent,
Johannes Bar,*
Johannes Stamm,*
Peter Bor,
Jacob Bom,
Melchior Bar,
Melchior Bar, jr.
Melchior Seydler,
Philip Reesher,*
Philip Spegel
Jacob Sansle
David Sausert,?
Frederich Kohler,
Jacob Siherrer,*
Isaac Will,
Henry Meyer,*
Dewald Hochstadt,*
Johann Henrich Hauss,
Henry Donig,*
Michael Masserly,*
Daniel Mauss,
Peter Bartolames,
Phillipus Bartheus,
Nicklaus Fey,
Lorentz Cuntz,
Georg Huber,
Conrad Wirth,
Adam Rickman,
Nicklas Hoffman,
Bernhart Mackler,*
Henry Georg Nees,*
Johann Niclas Gauer,
Johann Jost Vetter,
Michael Steckbek,
Anthon Bensinger,
Hans Adam Felbaum,*
Conrad Felbaum,*
Caspar Reithnauer,*
Johannes Reudenauer,*
Joh. Michael Fuchtharn,
Christian Rorbagh,*
Johannes Nusbaum,*
Johan Adam Herbes,
Bernhart Muller,
Johannes Schmidt,
Cal. August Erlwein.*"

[Eds. One bit of indirect evidnce suggests that the Michael Eller in the above list was George Michael Eller. George Michael's eldest son, Peter, who settled in Ashe County, NC named a peak, "Phoenix" mountain. This name came, according to family tradition, from the name of the ship which brought his family to America.]


"Oct. 25, 1746. Foreigners imported in the Neptune, Thomas Wilkinson, Master, from Rotterdam, last from England.

Johannes Kauffeld,
Arenne Consul,
Henry Miller,
Jacob Shnyder,*
Johannes Heindt,
Joh. Friedrich Windst,
Joh. Fried. Windst, jr.
Johan Peter Funck,
Johann Jacob Pfeiffer,
Peter Sutter,
Jacob Raunch,
Jacob Bauman,
George Kauffeld,
Adam Kogh,*
Daniel Jacob,
Franz Reynhart,
Nicklas Felle,*
Valentin Leonhardt,
Jacob Bauman jr.
Nicklas Kauffeld,
Joh. Christoff Hausmann,
Andreas Reinhart,
Isaac Steiner,
Joh. Peter Langenberger,
Wilhelm Baussman,
Philip Ginder,
Johannas Steiner,
Joh Philip Reinhart
Lorenz Baussman,
Henrich Steiner,
Jacob Baab,
Peter Willem,
Johannes Sobel,*
Jacob Steiner,
Georg Weber,
Michael Werntz,
Jacob Huntz,
Dewalt Angny,*
Caspar Dewalt,
Jacob Leisser,
Carl Risch,
Georg Ernst,
Pierro Berro,*
Jean Duesto,*
Saul Ruibec,
Francoi Conrieu,
Joseph Gerra,*
Pierre Vaintvas,
Christoffel Pausch,
Conrad Conrath,*
Philip Wissner,
Henry Shneyder,*
Joh. Bernhart Fer,
Peter Grosnickel,
Michael Fischer,
Johannes Breitenbach,
George Zimmerman,
Joh. Christian Leibrock,
Friedrich Reinhart,*
Alexander Gibbno,"*


"Oct. 9, 1747. Foreigners imported in the ship Restauration, James Hall, Captain, from Rotterdam;, last from Leithinhabitants of the Palatinate and places adjacent.

David Scherch,
Martin Lesch,
Johannes Scanz,
Nicolaus Miller,
Tobias Pflieger,
Leanhart Horein,*
Johannes Knecht,
Andreas Seitle,
Hieronimus Greber,
Johannes Loffler,
Joh. Georg Surmmer,
Johan Peter Beyl,
Joh. Adam Kauffman
Hans Georg Jung,
Jacob Muller,
Jacob Roder,
Philip Hinsch,
David Dietterich,
Martin Stareicker,
Andreas Riess,
Thomas Zigler,*
Jacob Houpt,*
Joh. Georg Kuhner,
Martin Pfiengstag,
Caspar Ber,*
Jacob Endi,
Georg Klees,
Georg Rohrer,
Johannes Yetter,
Baltas Mauerer,
Jacob Hacke,
Michael Wagner,
Peter Mosser,
Peter Mosser, jr.
Hans Guth
Andreas Beyer,
Jacob Wetzler,
Simon Isbod,*
Johannes Fuchs,
Jost Kobel,
David Kobel,
Peter Wittmer,
Samuel Rosser,
Jacob Beysely,*
Michael Funck,
Jacob Gross,
Adam Tamas,
Christian Rupp,
Henry Righter,*
Hans Lay,
Michael Foss,
Bernhart Beck,
Georg Beyer,
Martin Moll,
Michael Meyer,
Johannes Leonner,
Joh. Lorentz Staueker,
Christoph Wagner,
Georg Fried. Klingel,
Hans Georg, Klingel,
Heinrich Rosch,
Joh. Philip Busch,
Joh. Daniel Busch,
Joh Paulus Misser,
Samuel Wendel,
Christian Muhleissen,
Geo. Friederich Kasper,
Philip Jacob Meyer,
Georga Daniel Eppler,
Georg Lertschle,
Lucas Flak,*
Hans Adam Sebaldt,
Hans Georg Torr,
Jacob Bentzinger,
Joseph Lobwasser,
Johan Georg Wendel,
Hans Georg Hoffman,
Johan Peter Lutz,
Johannes Schemmlein,
George Wallmiller,*
Heinrich Haupman,
Michael Hoffman,
Joh. Franz Lemmlein,
Joh. Peter Stock,
Joh. Michael Weckesser
Philip Hebeisen,
Johan Jacob Ebener,
Christoph Homan,
Friedrich Rohrer,
Conrad Bisecker,
Joh. David Klemm,
Joh. Gotttreied Bohner,
Michael Reinardt
Hans Georg Eberbartt,
Hans Georg Shmitzer,*
Joh. Philip Hopff,
Gottfried Rattenauer
Joh. Christaph Skilberberg,
Johannes Hermann,
Johannes Feldmeyer
Georg Muckenberger,
Hans Leonard Butz,
Hans Michael Schlauch,
Cristoph Muhleissen,
Gottfried Lauerer,
Andreas Bosshardt,
Michael Schill,
Balthes Zericher,
Jacob Rosch,
Mattheus Mauck,
Jacob Hettler,
Jacob Scherich,
Johannes Weissman,
Hermanus Mumau,
Johan Jacob Schof,
Christian Tragher.*
Christian Schneider."

Any information on the place of origin in Germany of any of the above individuals will be appreciated. J.G. Eller, Rt. 2 Box 145-D, Whittier, NC 28789.



Experts say more German genealogical records exist under one roof in the Family History Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 35 N. West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150, than can be found in any one place in Germany. They advise researchers to "do their homework"-, that is, research all pertinent records in the U.S.A. before contacting German archives and genealogists.

I choose not to follow this advice; I began research in the U.S. and Germany about the same time. I wanted to learn about contemporary Eller families of Germany as well as those of earlier times. I also wished to make contact with German Eller family researchers. I knew it was a long shot but I hoped that luck might bring quick answers about our ancestral Ellers. That has not occurred, but during the search much valuable data on Eller families of Germany continues to be compiled.

To those contemplating research in Germany by correspondence or in person, I do recommend at least three publications in English first be studied:

  2. Charles M. Hall, THE ATLANTIC BRIDGE TO GERMANY, Vol. I-VII 1974-1984;
  3. Angus Baxter, IN SEARCH OF YOUR GERMAN ROOTS, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1985.
German publications should be consulted by those who read German.

Had I confined my research to the U.S., much knowledge of German Ellers would still be unknown to me and the EFA, and such rewarding contacts as those made with Georg Eller, Klaus Napp-Zinn, and others, would not have occurred. I plan to continue this two-pronged approach. In the meantime, beginning in this issue is the first of a series of reports based on my German research. I hope this will be of interest to researchers in both the U.S. and Europe, will expand interest in Eller family research on a world-wide basis, and acquaint the non-research members of the EFA with the great diversity among the world-wide family of ELLER.


The IGI, published by the L.D.S. Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, is a major source of genealogical data. The IGI for 1988 lists hundreds of German Ellers, their religion and place and date of genealogical events. These data were photographed directly from various Germany church and other records by L.D.S. personnel.

The IGI, on microfische, is available at L.D.S. branch libraries throughout the world. Each card contains more than 350 pages with 30 names per page. Photocopies of the microfische can be obtained from the Library in Salt Lake City.

The IGI divides the world into regions and the region, country and date of the publication appears at the top of each card. For example, Germany is filed under the region of Central Europe, and under Germany the former kingdoms, or political units, are filed alphabetically in the following order:



The published IGI lists surnames alphabetically in the first column and individuals under that surname are then listed alphabetically by given names. For marriage records the name of the spouse is listed; for birth or christening records the name of both parents are listed. The events in the current IGI came mainly from church parish records and are limited usually to births, christenings and marriages.

The alphabetical listing by given names in the published IGI serves well those who are seeking a specific Eller name when the full name is already known, but for other purposes this arrangement is awkward. For example, members of the same Eller family and different families living in the same place are separated and scattered and chronology is distorted. This is disconcerting when, as in my research, place names are of major important since a chief objective is the location of the place of origin of early Eller immigrants to the U.S. I have rearranged below the data from the IGI such that the place names, rather than given names, are alphabetically arranged. Events at a given place are rearranged in chronological order. Research is facilitated by this arrangement by bringing to light many relationships and serial events obscured in the published IGI.

While the data available from IGI are insufficient to reconstruct in all cases individual family lines, place and family names deserving further research are easily spotted; also, matters of general interest about the Ellers of Germany become evident. EFA members may be surprised at the large number and wide dispersion of German Eller families both in time and space. Perhaps more surprising is the large number of catholic Ellers. One should not exclude arbitrarily from consideration catholic Ellers as possible ancestors of early Eller immigrants to America. While in all probability the early Ellers were Protestant, changes in religious affiliations were not unknown. England excluded Catholics among early immigrants to the American colonies and some Germans Catholics changed their religious affiliation in order to avoid difficulties in reaching America.

(Another level of diversity in the Eller families may exist. I continue to receive undocumented reports of Jewish Ellers Can anyone throw some light on this possibility?)


Pre 1871 Political MAP of GERMANY

Click on a thumbnail picture above to get a larger representation, then use your browser's back button to get back here. [ADE]


Examine the given names in the following list and note the common use of the same names in many different families, a German practice continued for several generations by immigrants to theU.S. Some given names are the same as of earlyEller immigrants to the U.S. However, similarity in given names alone is not a dependable indicator of relationship. Even a cursory examination of the data conjures up all sorts of mental images and questions about the relationships of the Ellers of the U.S.A. and Europe.

What were the relationships among those widely dispersed Eller families? Did they all belong to a single ancestral line, begun in the long forgotten past and later fragmented during the endless wars that destroyed hundreds of people and many records etc.? Some German researchers suggest that the Eller surname arose independently at different times and in more than one place, thus giving rise to unrelated Eller family lines. Of course a major question is which of these Eller families, if any, were ancestral to the American Ellers?

Dr. K. Napp-Zinn of Koln has stated that his ancestral Eller family lived only 13 miles from the ancestors of Georg Eller of Bingen and, so far, no kinship between the two lines has been found. However, the apparent lack of kinship among these and other Eller family lines, now extant, may only reflect the past turbulent political history. A complete Eller family history, if such existed, might reveal a single common origin for the surname of Eller. For me, I prefer to accept all Ellers as "cousins." regardless of race, creed, or ethnicity. We hope all will join the Eller Family Association and assist in researching Ellers on a world-wide basis. We cannot promise that all questions will be answered, but we guarantee the quest will be fascinating.

The list of German Ellers in the 1988 edition of the IGI, while extensive, is far from complete since the records were compiled mainly from scattered church parish records, and those often incomplete. Thousands of additional records in hundreds of churches and archives are not yet included in the IGI. The IBI is an on-going program of the L.D.S. Library and new names and events are added with each new release of the index at intervals of 3-4 years.

The following Eller events from the IGI abstract can be assessed at a glance under each specific place name. Although not a scientific sample, the number of events at a particular place provides some indication of the number of Ellers living there in a given time per4.od. Again, on e must remember these data may he incomplete for all Ellers of that time and place. Although connections to early Eller immigrants to the U.S. are not apparent in the IGI data, some families and places appear to merit further research.


ELLER DATA ABSTRACTED AND REARRANGED FROM THE INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICL INDEX (161), 1988, L.D.S. Genealogical Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. (My thanks to Madeline Fletcher, 1908 Sequoia Street, Fort Collins, CO 80825 for copies of the IGI information.)

Part 2 - Vol. VI:3 pp. 185-193

LOCATION:State or kingdom, County, Town, & Parish (if given).
RELIGION:(In parenthesis after place name) K= Catholic; E= Evangelical; E-L= Evang. Lutheran; E-R= Evang. Reformed; C= Civil
EVENT:A= adult christening; B= birth; C= christening; D= death; M= marriage; N= Census; W= will; M= all others. (--M= all others ?? [ADE] )
DATE:year of event in last column; month and day of event available from original publication.

Location: BADEN

Baden, Baden-Baden, Stiftskirche (K)
(M) Franciscus Eller/MargarethaHanser1705
(C)Mary Magdalena Eller
Franciscus Eller/Margaretha1707
(C)Catharina Eller
Franciscus Eller/Margaretha Wernerus Finck1709
(C)Joes Jacobus Eller
Franciscus Eller/Margaretha1711
(C)Franciscus Eller/Margaretha1713
(C)Maria Ursula Franciscus Eller/Margaretha1716
(C)Maria Ann Eller- Franciscus Eller/Margaretha.1718
(C)Anna Rosina Eller-Franciscus Eller/Margareth.1720
(C)Margaretha Eller Franciscus Eller/ Margaretha.1721
(C)Joannes Eller
Franciscus Eller/ Margaretha Zall1724
(M)Magdalena Eller/Joannes Georgius Warth1732
(M)Ursula Eller/Jacobus Daul1744
(M)Margaretha Eller/ Franciscus Daul1745
(M)Barbara Eller/ Joannes Dietrich1748
(M)Michael Eller/Elisabetha Buchgard1751
(C)Maria Ann Eller
Joes Eller/Magdalena Knoebler1753
(C)Joannes Batistaeller
Joannes Eller/Magdalena Knebil1755
(C)Joannes Georgius Eller
Joannes Eller/Magdalena Kniebler1758
(C)Franciscus Josephus Eller
Joannes Eller/Maria Magdalena Knoebler1760
(C)Maria Magdalena Eller
Joann Eller/Magdalena Knoebler1762
(C)Maria Francisca Eller
Joannis Eller/ Maria Magdalena Knebl1765
(C)Maria Ann Eller
Joannis Eller/Magdalena Knoebl1767
(M)Maria Anna Eller/Joseph Schindler1833
(M)Johanna Eller/Ferdinand Bossler1861
(M)Albert Simon Eller/Caroline Luise Schwefel1872
(C)Albert Simon Eller
Albert Simon Eller/Caroline Luise Schwefel1872
(C)Luise Eller ?/ Stephanie Eller1875
(M)Magdalena Eller/Franz Wilhelm Joerger1882
(M)Wilhelm Eller/ Katharine Kopp1886
(M)Magdalenam Eller/ Bernardum Daul1889
Baden, Baden, Achern (K)
(M)Joseph Eller/Theresia Friedmann1862
(C)Mary Magdalena Eller
Joseph Eller/ Theresia Friedmann1865
(C)Karl Eller
Joseph Eller/Theresia Friedmann1869
Baden, Baden, Balg. (K)
(C)Maria Ann Eller
Eutherio Eller/Magdalena Peter1787
(C)Romanus Eller
Josepho Eller/Anna Maria Zialler1788
(C)Francisca Eller
Mathaeo Eller/Catharina Pflieger1789
(C)Bernardus Eller
Eucherio Eller/Magdalena Peter1789
(M)Mathaeum Eller/Annam Mariam Burgar1789
(C)Carolina Eller
Antonio Eller/ Barbara Hagel1790
(C)Euphrosina Eller
Ludavico Eller/Walburga Begler1790
(C)Eleonora Eller
Mathaeo Eller/Maria Anna Burgert1791
(C)Cunigundis Eller
Antonio Eller/Barbara Hagel1792
(M)Josephum Eller/Catharinae Schneiderberger1791
(C)Isidara Eller
Mathaeo Eller/Maria Anna Burgard1792
(C)Ignatius Eller
Ludovico Eller/Walburga Gebler1793
(C)Veronica Eller
Josepho Eller/Catharina Schneiderberger1793
(C)Antonius Eller
Antonii Eller/Barbarae Hagel1794
Josepho Eller/Catharina Schneiderberger1794
(C)Juliana Eller
Mathia Eller/Maria Anna Burgard1794
(C)Fidelis Eller
Josepho Eller/Catharina Schneiderberger1795
(C)Ignatius Eller
Ludovico Eller/ Walburga Sebler1799
(M)Paulum Eller/Johannam Pflieger1800
(M)Ursulam Eller/Xaverium Razer1801
(C)Maria Josepha Eller
Paulo Eller/ Johanna Pflieger1802
(M)Ursulam Eller/Josephum Burkard1803
(M)Walburgam Eller/Laurentium Daul1803
(C)Aloysius Eller
Ludovica Eller/Walburga Sebler1805
(C)Valentinus Eller
Paulo Eller/Johanna Pflieger1806
(C)Josephus Eller
Paulo Eller/Johanna Pflieger1808
(M)Adam Eller/Zozilia Burgard1810
(C)Katharina Eller //Helena Eller1811
(C)Kreszens Eller
Joseph Adam Eller/Zezilia Burkard1811
(C)Andreas Eller
Simon Eller/Rosina Fritz1813
(C)Josephus Eller
Adam Eller/Cecilia Burckart1813
(M)Simon Eller/Euepfrosina Fritsch1813
(C)Carolus Eller
Adam Eller/Zoezilia Burckert1815
(C)Agnes Eller
Simon Eller Rosina Fritsch1816
(C)Elias Eller
Adams Eller/Coscilia Burgert1818
(M)Fiedelis Eller/Magdalena Daul1818
(M)Isidorus Eller/Zoezilia Peter1818
(M)Julianna Eller/Mathias Frueh1818
(C)Rosalia Eller
Isidor Eller/Coezilia Peter1818
(C)Annastasia Eller
Isidorus Eller/Zoezilia Peter1820
(C)Crescentia Eller
Adam Eller/ Zoezilia Burgert1820
(C)Maria Anna Eller
Adam Eller Zoezilia Burgard1821
(M)Maria Josepha Eller/Zacharius Ihle1822
(C)Theresia Eller
Adam Eller/Caecilia Burkard1822
(C)Brigitta Eller
Isidor Eller/Zaezilia Peter1823
(C)Elisabetha Eller
Fidel Eller/Magdalena Daul1825
(C)Monika Eller
Adam Eller/Caezilia Burgart1825
(M)Alois Eller/Martina Ratzer1826
(C)Amalia Eller
Ignaz Eller/Katharina Merkel1827
(C)Elisabeth Eller
Isidor Eller/Caezilia Peter1827
(M)Ignaz Eller/Katharina Merkel1827
(C)Friderika Eller
Alois Eller/Martina Ratzer1828
(C)Magdalena Eller
Ignatz Eller/Katharina Merkel1829
(C)Johanna Eller
Valentin Eller/Aloysia Ihle1828
(M)Valentin Eller/Alosia Ihle1828
(C)Gregor Eller
Alois Eller/ Martina Ratzer1830
(M)Josepha Eller/Benedikt Bossler1830
(C)Lukas Eller
Alois Eller/Martina Ratzer1831
(C)Veronika Eller
Valentine Eller/Aloisia Ihle1831
(M)Joseph Eller/ Walburga Bleich1832
(C)Leander Eller
Valentin Eller/Aloisia Ihle1833
(C)Lucas Eller
Alois Eller/Martina Ratzer1833
(C)Simon Eller
Joseph Eller/Walburga Bleich1833
(C)Carolina Eller
Ignaz Eller/Katharina Merkel1834
(C)Bertrud Eller
Joseph Eller/ Walburga Bleich1835
(C)Joseph Eller
Valentin Eller/Aloisia Ihle1835
(M)M. Josepha Eller/Eucherius Durm1835
(C)Ambrosius Eller
Joseph Eller/ Walburga Bleich1836
(M)Agnes Eller/ Andreas Hagel1836
(M)Franz Eller/Theresia Bohn1836
(C)Leopold Eller
Franz Eller/Theresia Bohn1836
(C)Martina Eller
Alois Eller/Martina Ratzer1836
(C)Ottilia Eller
Ignatz Eller/Katharina Merkel1836
(M)Joseph Eller/Klara Ratzer1837
(C)Magdalena Eller
Alois Eller/Matina Ratzer1837
(C)Walburga Eller
Valentine Eller/Aloisia Ihle1837
(C)Marcus Eller
Joseph Eller/Walburga Bleich1838
(C)Gregor Eller
Joseph Eller/Klara Ratzer1838
(C)Carolina Eller
Franz Eller/Theresia Bohn1839
(C)Veronika Eller
Joseph Eller/ Klara Ratzer1839
(M)Andreas Eller/ Margaretha Goetz1840
(C)Barbara Eller
Joseph Eller/Walburga Bleich1840
(C)Leopold Eller
Alois Eller/Martina Ratzer1840
(C)Rosalia Eller
Andreas Eller/Margaretha Goetz1840
(C)Wilhelm Eller
Valentin Eller/Aloisia Ihle1841
(C)Engelbert Eller
Andreas Eller/Margaretha Goetz1841
(C)Louise Eller
Joseph Eller/Klara Ratzer1841
(M)Alois Eller/Jacobine lhle1842
(C)Walburga Eller
Franz Eller/Theres Bohn1842
(M)Anastasia Eller/ Eucherius Daul1843
Joseph Eller/Walburga Bleich1842
(C)Albertine Eller
Joseph Eller/ Klara Ratzer1842
(C)Albertine Eller
Valentine Eller/Aloysia Ihle1843
(C)Albert Eller
Joseph Eller/Walburga Bleich1844
(M)Elisabetha Eller/ Johann Georg Durm1844
(C)Karl Leopold Eller
Franz Eller/Theres Bohn1844
(C)Maria Eller
Aloys Eller/Jacobine Ihle1844
(C)Sophia Eller
Andreas Eller/Margaretha Goetz1844
(C)Albertina Eller
Joseph Eller/ Walburga Bleich1845
(C)Johannes Eller
Alois Eller/Jacobina Ihle1845
(C)Anton Eller
Valentin Eller/Aloysia Ihle1846
(C)Franz Anton Eller
Andreas Eller/ Margaretha Goetz1846
(M)Brigitta Eller/Franz Akenheil1848
(C)Stefania Eller
Valentin Eller/Aloysia Ihle1849
(C)Marcus Eller
Andreas Eller/Margaretha Goetz1849
(C)Wilhelm Eller
Franz Eller/Theresia Bohn1849
(M)Friedrike Eller / Fridolin Herr1850
(M)Karl Eller/ Maria Josefa Merkel1850
(C)Brigitta Eller
Franz Eller / Theresia Bohn1851
(M)Elisabeth Eller/Nikolalus Daul1851
(C)Maria Rosa Eller
Karl Eller/Maria Josepha Merkel1851
(C)Augustus Eller
Franz Eller/Thresia Bohn1853
(C)Magdalena Eller
Andreas Eller/ Margaretha Goetz1855
(C)Eucharius Eller
Lucas Eller/Augusta Ihle1858
(M)Veronika Eller/Stephan Pflueger1858
(C)Anna Eller
Gregor Eller/Bertrud Bleich1859
(M)Karolina Eller/Valentin Merkel1859
(M)Katharina Eller/Anselm Pflueger1859
(M)Marcus Eller/Crescentia Pflueger1859
(M)Lucas Eller/Veronika Peter1861
(C)Stefan Eller
Lukas Eller/Veronica Peter1861
(C)Anastasia Eller
Gregor Eller/Sertrud Bleich1862
(M)Lucas Eller/Cornelia Wendelgass1862
(C)Maria Anna Eller
Markus Eller/Crescentia Pflueger1862
(C)Albertina Eller
Markus Eller/ Susanna Kanitzer1863
(M)Gregor Eller/ Bertrud Bleich1863
(M)Marcus Eller/Susanna Kanitzer1863
(C)Margaretha Eller
Lucas Eller/Carolina Wendelgast1863
(C)Katharina Eller
Gregor Eller/Gertrude Bleich1864
(M)Lucas Eller/Margaretha Frueh1864
(M)Walburga Eller/Karl Braunagel1864
(C)Tobias Eller
Lucas Eller/Margaretha Frueh1865
(C)Wilhelm Emmanuel Eller
Marcus Eller/Susanna Kanitzer1865
(M)Joseph Eller/Luise Merkel1866
(C)Nicolaus Eller
Gregor Eller/Gertrud Bleich1866
(M)Maria Eller/Felix Peter1867
(C)Maria Carolina Eller
Joseph Eller/Luise Merkel1867
(M)Magdalena Eller/Franz Xavier Peter1868
(C)Simon Eller
Gregor Eller/Gertrud Bleich1868
(C)Emil Eller
Lukas Eller/Margaretha Frueh1869
(C)Stefan Eller
Josef Eller/Luise Merkel1869
(C)Luise Eller
Greger Eller/Sertrud Bleich1870
(C)Salome Eller
Markus Eller/Susanna Kanitzer1870
(C)Anton Eller
Josef Eller/Luisa Merkel1871
(C)Luise Eller
Gregor Eller/Sertrud Bleich1871
(C)Stefan Eller
Josef Eller/Luisa Merkel1872
(C)Dionys Eller
Lukas Eller/Margaretha Frueh1872
(C)Rosa Eller
Markus Eller/Susanna Kanit zer1872
(C)Anna Eller
Lukas Eller/Margaretha Frueh1873
(C)Wilhelm Eller
Gregor Eller/Gertrud Bleich1873
(M)Marcus Eller/Anna Durm1874
(C)Katharina Eller
Marcus Eller/Maria Anna Durm1875
(C)Sophia Eller
Gregor Eller/Bertrud Bleich1876
(M)Joseph Eller/Karolina Haeutle1877
(M)Stefan Eller/Maria Anna Durm1878
(C)Stefania Eller
Stefan Eller/Maria Anna Durm1878
(M)August Eller/Rosal Metzmeier1879
(M)Magdalena Eller/Emil Frueh1880
(M)Stefan Eller/Anna Blum1888
Baden, Baden, Dos. (K)
(C)Margaretha Eller
Nicolaus Eller/Margaretha Huglerin1748
(C)Maria Ann Eller
Jacobus Eller/Ursula Kiefferin1748
(M)Anna Maria Ellerin/Martinus Schlotter1749
(C)Ma. - Magdalena Eller
Martinus Eller/Anna Ma. Boslerin1749
(C)Barbara Eller
Jacobus Eller/Ursula Kieferrin1750
(M)Jacobus Eller/Anna Walthurs1750
(M)Maria Barbara Eller/Joannes Adamus Greidenweiss1750
(C)Franciscus Antonius Eller
Jacobus Eller/Maria Anna Buerggin1751
(C)Franciscus Josephus Eller
Martinus Eller/Anna Marie Boslerin1751
(C)Joannes Michaelis
Jacobus Eller/Ursual Kiefferin1751
(C)Anna Maria Eller
Martinus Eller/ Anna Maria Boslerin1753
(M)Maria Ann Ellerin/Michael Jehle1753
(C)Maria Elisabetha Eller
Jacobus Eller/Ursula Kiefferin1753
Nicolaus Eller/Margaretha Hagelin1754
Nicolaus Eller/ Margaretha Hagelin1754
(M)Magdalena Ellerin/Joannes Zeitvogel1754
(C)Anna Elisabetha Eller
Joannes Eller/Anna Maria Daulin1755
(C)Anna Maria Eller
Jacobus Eller/Maria Anna Burggarthin1755
(C)Catharina Eller
Franciscus Eller/Catharina Krumbin1755
(M)Franciscus Eller/Catharina Krumblin1755
(C)Franciscus Fidelis Eller
Martinus Eller/Anna Maria Boslerin1755
(C)Franciscus Ignatius Eller
Nicholaus Eller/Margaretha Haglerin1755
(C)Maria Magdalena Eller
Joannes Eller/Anna Marie Daulin1755
(M)Catharina Ellerin/Udalricus Durch1756
(C)Joannes Eller
Franciscus Eller/Catherina Krumbin1756
(C)Matthaeus Eller
Jacobus Eller/Ursula Kiefferin1756
(C)Joannes Antonius Eller
Martinus Eller/ Anna Maria Bohslerin1757
(C)Eucherius Eller
Jacobus Eller/Maria Anna Buerckin1758
Joannes Eller/Maria Anna Daulin1758
(C)Joannes Valentinus Eller
Francis Eller/Catharina Brummin1758
(C)Nicolaus Eller
Joannis Martinus Eller/Anna Maria Boslerin1759
(C)Joannes Eller
Francisco Antonio Eller/Catherina Krummin1760
(M)Magdalena Eller/Andream Schneider1761
(M)Catharinam Eller/Josephum Daul1762
(C)Ludovicum Eller
Jacobo Eller/Maria Anna Birckin1762
(M)Maria Annum Ellerin/Jacobum Frueh1762
(C)Maria Francisca Eller
Francisco Eller/Catharina Grummin1762
(C)Franciscus Reinerius Eller
Francisco Eller/Catharina Krummin1764
(M)Mariam Catharinam Eller/Simonem Roesler1764
(C)Francisca Eller
Francisco Eller/Catharina Krummin1766
(M)Joannem Eller/Annam Mariam Kuferschmidt1768
(C)Scholastica Eller
Francisco Eller/Catharina Krummin1768
(C)Franciscus Josephus Eller
Francisco Eller/Catharina Krummin1769
(M)Annam Mariam Eller/Joannem Peter1770
(M)Margaretham Eller/ Joannes Georgius Bleich1771
(M)Margretham Eller/Antonium Ihle1773
(M)Mariam Annum Ellerin/ Josephum Ullerich1773
(M)Barbaram Ellerin/Josephum Pflueger1775
(M)Catharinam Eller/Josephum Roesler1775
(M)Sebastianum Eller/Walburga Kupferschmitt1775
(C)Helena Eller
Sebastiano Eller/Walburga Kufferschithin1776
(M)Margaretham Eller/Michaelem Bleich1776
(C)Elisabetha Eller
Antonio Eller/Barbara Haglin1777
(M)Mathaeum Eller/Catharinam Pfliegerin1777
(C)Paulus Eller
Mathaeo Eller/Catharina Pfliegerin1778
(C)Walburga Eller
Josepho Eller/M.--Anna Zillerin1778
(C)Juliana Eller
Sebastiano Eller/Walburga Kufferschmid1779
(M)Magdalenam Eller/ Michaelem Bebler1779
(C)Balthsar Eller
Josepho Eller/Maria Anna Zillerin1780
(C)Wendelinus Eller
Mathia Eller/Catharina Pfliegerin1780
(C)Joannes Adamus Eller
Sebastiano Eller/ Walburga Kupferschmittin1782
(C)M. Claria Eller
Mathaeo Eller/Catharina Pfliegerin1782
(C)Helena Eller
Josepho Elle'r/M. Anna Zillerin1783
(M)Ludivocum Eller/Walburgum Bebler1785
Antonio Eller/Barbara Haglin1785
(C)M. -Ursuala Eller
Mathaeo Eller/Catharina Pfliegerin1785
(C)Simon Eller
Ludovico Eller/Walburga Geblerin1785
(C)Wendelinus Eller
Sebastiano Eller/Walbur!3a Kupferschmittin1785
(C)Rosina Eller
Josepho Eller/AnnaMaria Zillerin1786
(M)Annam Mariam Ellerin/Mathaeum Buehler1787
(C)Thomas Eller
Carold Eller/Eleonora Friedmaenin1789
(M)Romanus Eller/ Genovefa Thysan1818
(C)Brigitha Eller
Romanuss Eller/Senofeva Thsan1819
(C)Andreas Eller
Romanus Eller/Genofeva Thsan1820
(M)Julianna eller/Balthasar Sattler1822
(C)Franziska Eller
Romanus Eller/Genoveva Tschah1824
(C)Valentin Eller
Roman Eller/Genovefa Tschann1827
(C)Bernard Eller
Roman Eller/Genovefa Tschan1828
(C)Maria Anna Eller ?/ Franzisca Eller1859
Baden, Baden, Ebenung Sinzheim
(B)Anna Eller
Bernard Eller/ Appolonia Huck1886
Baden, Baden, Freiburg, Dompfarre (K)
(C)Franz Xavier Eller
Ignaz Eller/Maria Anna Burgert1787
(C)Ignatius Eller
Ignatius Eller/Anna Marie Burkart1789
Baden, Baden, Heidelberg, Eppinger (K)
(M)Joanne Georgio Eller/Susanna Rupp1795
Baden, Baden, Karlsruhe, Ettlingen, Herz Jesu (K)
(M)Joannes Michaeel Eller/Catharina Becker1718
(C)Margaretha Eller
Joannes Michaeelis Eller/Catharinae1718
(C)Franciscus Ignatius Eller
Joannis Michaelis Eller/Catharinae1721
(C)Franciscus Ignatius Eller
Joannis Michaeelis Eller/Catharinae 1721
(M)Joannes Michael Eller/Annae Mariae Korn 1724
(C)Franciscus Ignatius Eller
Michaelis Eller/Catharinae1725
(M)Joannes Michaeel Eller/Catharinae Korn1732
(M)Joannes Michaeel Eller/Barbarae Singer1734
(C)Martina Maria Catharina Eller
Joannis Michaeelis Eller/ Maria Barbarae Bretzinger1736
(M)Coroline El.ler/Carl Hochgruendler1881
Baden, Baden, Muellhofe
(B)Franz Josef Eller
Jgnatz Eller/Katharina Peter1759
(B)Erhard Eller
Franz Joseph Eller/ Maria Anna Boos1784
(B)Ferdinand Eller
Franz Josef Eller/Maria Anna Boos1786
(B)Postalis Eller
Franz Josef Eller/Maria Anna Boos1789
(B)Josef Eller
Franz Josef Eller/ Maria Anna Boos1797
Baden, Baden, Sinzheim
(M)Franz Josef Eller/Maria Anna Boos1782
(M)Anna Eller/Franz Boos1907

-------- J. Gerald Eller

(Eds.Some of given names of Catholic Ellers are in Latin.)

Part II: IGI Eller records from Bayern (Bavaria) and the Pfalz (Palatinate) will appear in the August 1990 Chronicles)


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