Index 4

Index to the Memorial Inscriptions for St. Cuthbert's Church, Norham, Northumberland

Ad-By - Ca-Dea - Dei-Grea - Great-Huntley - Hunter-McC - McD-Nes - Nic-Robe - Robi-Tate - Tay-You

Greathed 10 Heatly 127
Greg 95 Hedley 48
Green 94 Heggarty 131
Greene 26 Henderson 2, 24, 40, 58, 70, 76, 123
Greenfield 97 Henrie 123
Greet 95 Henson 88
Gresham 61 Hepburn 71
Grey 121 Herriott 95, 96
Grigor 117 Heslop 51
Goldie 88 Hewit 35, 106
Gordon 49, 67 Hewson 118
Gourlay 5 Hickey 104
Gowan 129 Hill 57, 64
Guthrie 107 Hind 53
Hadden 10 Hindmarsh 96
Hair 20 Hislop 51
Hall 42, 55, 69, 80, 92, 115, 118, 131 Hobkirk 36
Halliday 88 Hoffman 58
Hamilton 123 Hogg 36, 51, 62, 94, 104, 116, 119, 122
Hancocks 129 Holmes 2
Hand 27, 31, 99 Holyday 65
Hardie 20 Home 62, 69
Hardy 37, 49, 104 Hood 22, 38
Harrison 65, 81 Hope 3, 49
Harvey 34 Horncliff 62
Hastie 6, 114 Huen 35
Hatch 20 Hughes 129
Hately 109 Hume 26, 63, 101, 111, 114
Hay 13, 35, 110 Humphreys 101, 105, 106
Heately 5 Huntley 7