Autauga Genealogical Society

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Join Us

Are you interested in history and genealogy? You are invited to join the Autauga Genealogical Society (AGS). Although our primary focus is on the old Autauga counties of Autauga, Elmore, or Chilton, you don't have to have roots in Autauga County or even Alabama  to benefit from membership in our organization.

Except for the months of June, July, August, and December, and occasional field trips, meetings are held the third Sunday of each month at 2 131 North Washington Street behind the Primary School and across the street from Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church. Our programs range from local and Southern history, genealogy, and culture to other topics of interest to genealogists and historians. Dues received after September will be considered payment for the following year.

AGS membership is $25 per household and includes:

To join, please print the following membership form and mail it along with your payment.

PDF Membership form


The Autauga Genealogical Society (AGS) is a non-profit organization and all donations are tax exempt 501[c][3] and may be claimed as personal federal income tax deductions.