z hughvanm

                         ~Letter written by Hugh VanMeter~

Hugh VanMeter, born in 1808, was Nancy's 1st cousin. His mother, Susannah Downing was Nancy's mother's sister. Elzey, Hugh, and Isaac were all siblings and lived in Cairo, Ohio.

West Cairo October 2nd 1862 ?

Miss Nancy Thompson

My Dear Cousin

I must first confess my sins for not answering your letter sooner but I know you will forgive me and I will do so no more. Well Nancy we are all well at present that is at home Susannah has been sick for about six weeks with the typhoid fever but she is getting better. She was teaching school and took the fever one week before her school was out. John is to the war and is now in Frankfort Kentucky. James Vanmeter his two boys is gone that is John his own son and James. John Vanmeter son that he raised is gone. John Vanmeters four sons is in the war and Ellzey and Isaac is gone also: I have 8 nephews and son who has gone to fight the rebels. There is but one of the Vanmeter race here that is old enough but what is gone, is there any one family of our race can beet that. There has gone about 1200 young men from Allen County one to about every six of the population and can your county beat that? Our girls is acting the noble part for they declare that they will not marry a man that won’t fight for their country. Will the girls of your county do that? Times is pretty hard here now the rarshas nicked amost every thiry down, but I think our boys will give the south pits against next spring. Our wheat crop here thin season was pretty badly injured by the weavel. Our corn is very good, potatoes is good.and have had a very dry summer here. Wheat is worth 15, corn 20, oats 19 , butter 5, eggs 6. Mother’s general health is very good but her mind is almost gone the most of the time. She don’t know her own children. Aunt Sally is not married yet but she is still courtry yet. Her hare has all come out an a new growth has started an it is about as long as you finger and is curley as any niger you ever seen. Now I can’t tell what is the reason without it is (?) dusky so much: Minty I would like to see you climing that hill once more. Give my love to aunt and all the rest. Write soon and tell me every thing can when you are going to get (married?) I must stop fare well

Hugh Vanmeter