Manor of Langham

Manor of Langham, Essex

Original records at Essex Record Office, Colchester

 Dedham pedigree

 List of manorial records examined

 Dedham notes

 Manorial terms, abbreviations etc.

Summary of references to Alefounder and Alefounder's Wood

Manor of Langham, Essex; Index to copyhold lands

Date Names details land reference
14 Apr 1598 38El William Nevard; Anne Nevard WN sole son and heir of WN deceased adm, AN his mother his guardian parcel of wood cont 5A of wareland parcel of a wood cont 10A of wareland D/DU 457/2/2
5 Sep 1599 41El Mary, Ann & Susan Nevard sisters; William Nevard; Ann Howe widow M,A&S N coheirs of WN deceased adm to land, AH their mother their guardian parcel of wood cont 5A of Wareland parcel of a wood cont 10A of wareland D/DU 457/2/2
31 Aug 1609 7Js Robert Alefounder; William Benteley, Mary his wife RA adm on surr of WB&M 1/3 part of 2 parcels of Wood cont 5A of wareland parcel of a wood cont 10A of Wareland parcel of Hunts alias Wmat Hatches D/DU 457/2/2
7 Sep 1612 10Js An Nevard; Robert Alefounder AN surr to RA 1/3 of 2 parcels of wood cont 5A of wareland parcel of wood cont 10A of wareland parcel of Hunts D/DU 457/2/2
9 Sep 1612 10Js Robert Alefounder RA adm on said surr
18 Apr 1616 14Js Robert Alefounder; Nathaniel Salmon, Susan his wife RA adm on surr of NS&S to her land; fine 10s 1/3 of 2 parcels of wood cont 5A of wareland parcel of wood cont 10A of wareland parcel of Hunts D/DU 457/2/2
16 May 1627 3C Robert Alefounder; Robert Potter; George Gobey RA surr to RP little close of wood cont 2A on land of RP & GG being 5A of wood called Warland parcel of Hunts, on land of RP and GG D/DU 457/2/2
27 Sep 1627 3C Robert Goby; Robert Potter; Robert Alefounder of Dedham RG adm on adm & surr of RP; RP to pay RA £10 on 19 Feb next & 8d pa quittrent & for 21d pa for the 5A
D/DU 457/2/2
28 Apr 1629 5C Robert Alefounder; Ezekiel Cole RA surr to EC all that wood in Langham called Hunts cont 4A D/DU 457/2/2
18 Dec 1654 6C2 Ezekiel Cole; John Clerk EC surr to JC, JC adm, fine 20s Alefounders Wood cont 22A with tents & buildings D/DU 457/2/2
26 Sep 1667 19C2 Rose wid of John Clerk, wife of John Somes R adm on surr will & death of JC for her life; p&e fine 64s, W fine 4s, A t&w fine 20s, Whites fine 2s packs & earles cont 40A & 1 tent; Wents tent; Alefounders tent & wood cont 22A; Whites tent &8A D/DU 457/2/2
17 May 1688 4J2 Edward Clerke; John Clerke, the said Rose; Ezekiel Cole EC adm on surr will & death of JC & on death of R Earles 20A adjoining & 3A ... & 20A called Alefounders wood once Ezek Cole D/DU 457/2/2
27 Jun 1726 12G Samuel Parrish SP grandson adm, SP his father ... ... lands cont 20A called Alefounders wood ... D/DU 457/2/2
24 Nov 1733 7G2 Samuel Parrish; Samuel Young of Langham yeoman SP surr land in occ SY to the said SY tent & lands cont 20A called Alefounders wood D/DU 457/2/2
5 May 1735 8G2 Samuel Young SY adm on the said surr, fine 3s 10d pa & surr to his will tent & lands called Alefounders wood D/DU 457/2/2

Manor of Langham, Essex; Court rolls

2 Apr 1778 Mr Henry Nunn of Manningtree surgeon; Mr Thomas Blyth farmer; Samuel Alston of Nayland, Suffolk Gent.; George Courtman; George Watson Surrender HN to TB, before SA steward Tenement and cust land by estimation 20 acres more or less called Alefounders Wood; wood or land formerly wood called Cattswent Wood by est 8 acres between lands formerly GC and GW upon part of Cattswent on part of the North and upon Frosts Grove on the South D/DU 133/3
4 May 1778 Thomas Blythe; Jacob Hinde esq; Samuel Alston JH Lord of the Manor; SA steward. Recites above; TB adm
D/DU 133/7
1 Jun 1795 Mrs Blyth; Thomas Blyth; Henry Nunn Adm of Mrs B on death of her husband; TB having been adm on surr HN and surr to his will. AW held by annual rent 3s 10d, CW rent 2s. messuage with cust land cont by est 20 acres called Alefounders Wood; land formerly a wood called Cattswent Wood est 8 acres D/DU 133/6
24 Sep 1804 James Blyth; Mary Blyth widow ref to court 1 Jun 1795, MB adm and surr to her will; MB died since last court and before this; JB brings probate copy of will leaving him the land; JB adm All land held by MB D/DU 133/11

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Last updated 16th September 2003 by Peter Alefounder

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