Dis and Dat

Dis and Dat
Copyright 2003, ©:, by Alice Corbett

Index to   birth   death   marriages

On this page

1834 school scholars
Where oh where are these people buried.
Teachers Mar 15 & 16, 1886
Class of 1896 Brownville
1918 Cape Vincent High School Graduates
1918 Watertown High School Graduates
Daughters of the War of 1812 Northern Chapter 
Reunion of the survivors of the 94th Regiment Civil War

An article in the Watertown Daily Times Monday Feb 14, 1881
An Old Document.
In 1834 Moses Adams was the schoolmaster at the old stone school house on the south road in Rutland. Mr. Adams was a fine penman and it was his custom to prepare lists of the scholars and present each one with a copy - at the close of the term. The following is a true copy of the list as presented to Miss Phebe Spaulding, now Mrs. Phebe Smith of this city, mother of Harry Smith.
"A list of scholars which attended Moses Adams school in the year 1834:

Lewis Sailler                                                     Flora Ludington
Abel Olney                                                       Schuyler Ludington
Seth Olney
Murrel Olney
Amasa Olney
Marvin Winslow
Paty Winslow
Amasa Winslow
Dyer Winslow
Mark Winslow
Benjamin Kimball
Charlotte Kinball
Nathaniel Kimball
Lurancy Hale
Sylvia Hale
Julia Hale
Henry Hale
Olive ???
Harriet Perkins
Parly Perkins
Nancy Perkins
? Perkins
Stephen Conklin
James Conklin
Thomas Conklin
Sally Conklin
Johanna Conklin
Ephraim Conklin
Ruthemina Conklin
Sally White
Alm ? White
Melissa White
Miles White
Charles White
James Tyler
Lewlemia Andrus
Ludema Andrus
David Andrus
Altsa Evans
Mary Benedict

 Where are these people buried ??                      If you know please contact me.

Proven Nina               d/ Jasper & Cora           d 3 Set 1892   age  11m 21d      T/ Hounsfield            

Brown Isaac                                                    d 5 Sep 1892  age  34y 3m 5d   City of Watertown    101/2 Rutland St.

Blackman Harrison                                          d 6 Sep 1892  age  76y8m         City of Watertown    142 Main St

Potter Robert                                                  d 6 Sep 1892  age   86y6m5d     Brownville

Miller Clinton             s/ W. M. & Alice           d 1 Sep 1892   age    7m4d        Dexter                    

Bradt Thomas D.                                             d 3 Sep 1892  age 65y6m          City of Watertown     41 Meadow St.

Riordan Harley B.      s/ O. E. & Maggie          d 4 Sep 1892  age 5m                City of Watertown     43 Academy St.  NOTE: there is an O. E. Riordan buried in N Watertown Cem.

Bradway Ella F.        d/ John E. & Ella             d 4 Sep 1892   age 5y10m         City of Watertown    146 Main St  NOTE: there is a John Bradway buried in N Watertown Cem.  

Norris Jennie            w/ William                       d 4 Sep 1892  age 38y              City of Watertown      24 Meadow St.   


Mar 15th & 16th, 1886 list of  those attending teachers institute. 
Recorded in The Watertown Daly Times newspaper Watertown, NY.

Carrie Ackerman Dexter
Florence A Ackerman Dexter
F G Adams Antwerp
Miss Ahler Redwood
Frank W Allen Hounsfield think East
H M Mrs Allen Cape Vincent
Jennie Allen Adams
Jennie Allen Sandy Creek
Martha J Andrews East Watertown
Jennie A Armstrong South Rutland
Anna C Arnold LaFargeville
Mary A Arnold LaFargeville
Susie Averill Adams Centere
Lizzie M Ayer Adams Centere
Celinda Baldick Black River
Minnie V Baldick Black River
Jennie M Banks Perch River
Ruth Barbour Watertown
Laura Barr Carthage
Emma Bell Dexter
Frank Bell Redwood
Mary Bemis Pierrepont Manor
Nettie Benis Pierrepont Manor
Nora  Bettinger Sandy Creek
Chas N Bibbons Burrs Mills
May E Bibbons Burrs Mills
Mary Bishop Ellisburg
Susie Bishop Sandy Creek
George A Bogert Redwood
Adele E Bossuot Carthage
Inez Bowker Brownville
Anna Bowles East Hounsfield
Mary Bowles East Hounsfield
E Edna Breen Watertown
Robert Brimmer Rutland
Anna Brooks Adams
Belle C Brooks South Rutland
Nellie M Brownell Watertown
Eunice L Buckley Adams Centre
Meda Burnham Theresa
M Ella Bushnell LaFargeville
Clara M Butler Sackets Harbor
Laura M Butler Sackets Harbor
Louise Butler Sackets Harbor
Jennie M Byam Chaumont
Lucy Carpenter Perch River
W E Carpenter Lorraine
Cora A Carter Great Bend
Lida Caulkins Lorraine
Vinnie S Caulkins Lorraine
Edith Chapin Copenhagen
Hattie Chapin Antwerp
Mildred Chapin Copenhagen
Cina Chapman Theresa
Mattie S Chatlin Adams
Nettie S Churchill LeRaysville
E A Clark Adams Centere
Lottie Clark Redwood
Flora Cleveland East Hounsfield
Addie L Cole Stone Mills
Josie Cole Brownville
Ada B Connell Watertown
Angie L Cook Ellisburg
Addie Cooley Barnes Corners
Fred D Corey Brownville
Gertie M Cornwell Watertown
Emma Corp Clayton
Mary Cotrell Sanford Corners
Delano D Cottrell Deer River
Nellie E Cough Cape Vincent
Dora Crowner Watertown
A A Daniels Chaumont
Sarah Darnuth Sackets Harbor
Lola Dealing Adams Centere
Rolland B Dewey Clayton or Holland
Bertha M Dillenbeck Dexter
Kate Dorchester Limerick
Sarah Dorchester Dexter
William Draper Natural Bridge
Laura Eastman Mannsville
Lois Eastman Belleville
M C Eastman Rodman
Hattie M Eggleston Antwerp
Candence Fischer Chaumont
Addie M Flansburgh Three Mile Bay
Maggie L Foley Carthage
Alice L Ford Chaumont
Lydia M Fox Depauville
Monroe French Felts Mills
Fannie G Fuller West Carthage
Ora J Fuller Theresa
Florence Gates Sterlingville
May Gates Sterlingville
W W Gellette Cape Vincent
Frank George Theresa
Libbie George Theresa
Henry G Gifford Watertown
Rosa A Glass Adams Centre
Lettie Gloyd Depauville
Eliza Grafftey Pierrepont Manor
Willard J Graves Watertown
Charles O Gray Alexandria Bay
Nettie Gray LaFargeville
T C Gray West Carthage
Margaret M Green Adams Centre
Ida B Greene Adams Centre
Anna Griswold Limerick not sure
Allie Haas Chaumont
Jennie Haas Chaumont
Sarah R Haas Chaumont
Dora Hahn Orleans Corners
Della Harding Lacona
Clarence G Hardy Sanford Corners
Emma S Harrington Watertown
Retta Haveu Adams
Carrie E Henry Evans Mills
N J Her*** page is torn
Mina M Herrick Alexandria Bay
Nella Hill Natural Bridge
Flora A Hitchcock Woodville
Hattie Hitchcock Lorraine
Julia Hogan Redwood
W H Holladay Brownville
Dell Hollister Ellisburg
Anna Hoover Pamelia
Ida M Horr Cape Vincent
Rayton E Horton Chaumont
Carrie G House Pamelia
Geo B Mrs Howe Black River
May E Howland Theresa
Bertha M Hubbard Carthage
D Jay Hubbard Chaumont
Jennie L Hubbard Carthage
Hattie Hunter Pillar Point
B C Huslin StLawrence
L B Irwin Stone Mills
Belle K Jewett Adams
Emma J Johnson Watertown
Agnes M Joles Omar
Mamie Keily LaFargeville
Flora J Kellogg Adams
Nellie Kinball Clayton
Lucy King Worth Center
Alma Knight Sackets Harbor
Mabel Knight Black River
Mary E Krebs LaFargeville
W D Laird Pierrepont Manor
Lillian H Lamson Pierrepont Manor
Anna F Langden Philadelphia
J F LaRue Alexandria Bay
Lena E Lawrence Adams
Eliza Lean Watertown
Cora B Lester Mannsville
Estella Lewis Wilna
Lizzie C Lewis Rossie
Annie Locklin Clayton
Dell Loomis Dexter
Jeannette J Lutz Brownville
S I Lyon Watertown
Carrie Magoveny Watertown
Katie G Mahanna Plessis
Agnes M Maloney Watertown
Anna F Maltby Adams Centere
J J Mather Adams Centere
Mollie E Mathews Carthage
Arthur J Matthews Adams
S W Maxon Clayton
Lizzie McDonald Woodville
Mary McDonald Woodville
Franc McEntyre Redwood
Clara McKinley Tremains Corners
Ella McKinley Fishers Landing
Manie H McKinley Clayton
Ella L McNulty Watertown
Jennie Merrick Watertown
Adelaide Miller Antwerp
Martina Miller Three Mile Bay
Mary M Mitchell Adams
R M Moore Evans Mills
Sarah Moore Carthage not sure
Georgian Morse Rices
Anna E Mott Burrs Mills
Mollie Muldoon Watertown
** Mrs Myers Antwerp page is torn
Rosella M Nestor LaFargeville
Ida Northrop Limerick
Alice Northrup Evans Mills
Nellie M Northrup Evans Mills
M H Norton Plessis
Nellie Norton Plessis
Etta Oatman Adams
Minnie E Oatman Rodman
Ellen A O'Brien Woodville
Sue Olney Redwood
Anna V Owens Adams Centre
Jessie Paige Watertown
Edith  Parker Adams Centre
Kate L Parker Brownville
M Netta Parker Dexter
Mary E Parker Rodman
Mary E Pawling Watertown
Mattie J Pawling Watertown
Frank L Pelo Adams Centre
Delia Petrie Evans Mills
Ella Phelps Sackets Harbor
Gertrude Phillips Three Mile Bay
Katie J Phillips Natural Bridge
Mina M Place South Wilna
E S Mrs Pool Rutland
Celia L Potter Sackets Harbor
Tentie E Ralph East Rodman
Grace Ranney Clayton
Jennie Redden ? Ellisburg
Mertie Reed Watertown
Clinton A Reeves Dexter
Lella Rice Brownville
Kate M Riley Watertown
Ella Roberts Black River
Burton Rogers Watertown
Elva Rogers Watertown
Milton I Rogers Evans Mills
Sarah Rogers Chaumont
Clara A Rose Watertown
Ella E Rounds Sandy Creek
Florence Rounds Sandy Creek
Maggie Rowe East Watertown
Edward C Ryan Redwood
Nettie Ryel East Watertown
Mollie Salisbury Sandy Creek
Mattie Sanderson Redwood
Helan Sarvey Wilna
Aldie B Schwartz Pillar Point
Emma Schwartz Theresa
Edith E Seeber Depauville
Roselia Shaver Perch River
Eva Shoemaker Natural Bridge
Frank D Sidmore East Watertown
Minnie Simpson Alexandria Bay
Claire B Smiley Watertown
Maude L Smith Rutland
Stella Sourwine Stone Mills
Carrie Stanley Clayton
Harley A Starkweather Brownville
W W Steele Lorraine
Frank A Stevens Henderson
S Marla Stillman Adams Centere
Richard L Stoddard Sanford Corners
Carrie S Stokes Dexter
Clara E Strainge Dexter
Nellie M Strainge Dexter
Minnie E Streeter Carthage
Maggie S Sylvester Carthage
Emma I Talcott Brownville
Della Tallman Orleans
Ella Taylor Pillar Point
A M Mrs Terry Watertown
W G Thurber Alexandria Bay
Carrie Timmerman Orleans Four Corners
Harttie Timmerman Orleans Four Corners
Jennie Timmerman Plissis
Wells Timmerman Limerick
May L Todd Rodman
Mary L Tolman Watertown
Susie L Tolman Watertown
Anna I Tuft Rosiere
Julia Ullman Watertown
A D VanAllen Dexter
Nora E VanDuzen Carthage not sure
Flora E VanSchaick Adams Centere
Jennie Vautrin Rosiere
Mina Wait Chaumont
Leona L Walker Cape Vincent
Irving Walrath Watertown
Will H Warner Chaumont
Kittie Washburn Ellisburg
Cora Webb Brownville
Hattie Webb Watertown
Kate Webb Woodville
Maude Webber Clayton
Minnie Webber Clayton
Nora H Welch Cape Vincent
Nettie Westwood Antwerp
Florence A Wheeler Mannsville
M White Watertown
May White Redwood
Clara E Whittemore Cape Vincent
Dora E Wilder Smithville
George A Wilder Watertown
Geo O Williams Pierrepont Manor
Louise M Williams Woodville
Maggie I Williams Adams Centere
Ruth Williams Copenhagen
Susie A Williams Adams Centre
Ida E Wilson Watertown
Erwin W Witt Brownville
Ida H Wood Woodville
Mamie Wood Woodville
W B Wood Great Bend
Libbie M Wright Adams Center
Hattie Wylie Sandy Creek
Grace F Watertown page is torn


Class of 1896 Brownville

This is a list of names under a picture in the series "Old Watertown and Vicinity in Pictures" published in the Watertown Daily Times. I do not know the date it was in the newspaper.
The deceased people are that at time printed in the paper.

Linnell William J principal
Severance Fayette
House Edward
Anderson Walter
Seeber Perie deceased
Nolan Floyd
Fralick Ward
Snyder Charles
Beach Edward
Potter Leonard
Hosner Alvin
Severance Cyrus
Brenan Margaret deceased
Nott Margaret
Drury Edward Mrs
Huck Luclia deceased
Roberts Bessie
Sanderson Polly now Mrs Herbert Gould
Eggleston Zadie now Mrs Edward Dennlson
McLean Ida
Morgan Carl now deceased
Boublah Chester
Boublah James
Hunter Hartley
Knowlton Ward deceased
Smith Mollie
Renwick Helen deceased
McAvoy Sadie now Mrs FrankGalloway
Allison Winfred deceased
Ingalls Florence now Mrs A R Benson
Whittler Beulah now Mrs Halstead
VanAntwerp Bessie
Hart Bessie
Hayes Mina now Mrs John Huff deceased
Brenan Joseph deceased
Shaver Ethel now Mrs Frank Tooms
House Margaret now Mrs Fred Page
Wilson Grace now Mrs Walter Patrick
Root Howard
Seeber Van
Lewis Bert
Hanchette DeForest

1918 Cape Vincent High School Graduates

WDT Wed 04-10-1918 pg 10 c4

President:   George Raresheld
Vice Pres:   Etta Hollenbeck
Sec Treas:    Hugh White

This is the largest class that has been graduated from this school. 8 boys and 5 girls.


Mabelle Constance
Etta Hollenbeck
Gladys Mentry
Cora Wiley
Angellena Willoughby
Robert Best
Clay Branche
Judson Kilborn
Willfred Kilborn
Mark Rainier
Kenneth Steblen
George Raresheld
Hugh White

1918 Watertown High School Graduates

WDT Fri 12 Apr 1918 pg 16 c7

A class of 90 High school students, ten more than last year. 26 boys and 64 girls. 
Eleven students left in January.

The officers are:

President,        William Hinds
Vice President, Shirley Leach
Secretary,        Thomas Bradley
Treasurer,        Camilla Reese

The Eleven students that left in January are:

Dorothy Chapman
Katherine Olean
Helen Briggs
Bernice Cameron
Edna Fellman
L Harry Fuller
Margaret Gabourie
Elizabeth Galleciez
Evelyn Huff
Clarence McCaul
Burma Oakes

June class (the eleven are included in the following also)

Muriel Ackerman Maybelle Cooley Prescott Loomis
Frances Allen Greta Cranston Clarence McCaul
Marguerite Ames Carmen Darby James McGowen
Florence Andrus James Davis Geraldine McVeigh
Gordon Anthony Alice Delaney Willa Mains
Rosalind A Baker Florence Dowdell Martha Mills
Arthur Barber Wilna Dunaway Elizabeth O'Leary
Frederick E Bellinger Edna Fellman Burma Oakes
Neatrice Benoit Mildred Fletcher Katharine Olsen
Korleen Bisnette Laurine Fraley Wayne Parsons
Clara Blackmore Henry Fuller Bertha E Paul
Effie Bly Margaret Gabodrie Dorothy Phillips
Esther Bond Claire Galleciez Howard Poulsen
Thomas Bradley George Gates Pauline Poulsen
Harold R Brennon Kathryn Goerge Camilla Reese
Helen Briggs Wendell George Martha Rogers
Anna Bronson Hattie Hall John Senecal
George Brown Frances Harmon Samuel Stabinsky
Noel Burns Marion Harris Marion E Sullivan
Bernice Cameron Albert Hendricks Thomas Tyidesley
James Campbell William Hinds Lyle VanDuzee
Dorothy Carey Evelyn Huff Doria Viau
Kathleen Carlton Irene Kellogg Roger Washburn
Elsie Carpenter Adeline Knapp Gilbert Welch
Robert Carpenter Bessie Largroix Marion Wever
William Cavanough    Helen Lawrence Edna Wilmshurst
Dorothy Chapman Norma Lawrence Katharine Wilmshurst
Nellie Churchill Shirley Leach Paul Wilson
Arlowine Clark Delia Lindsell Rosalind Wilson
Arthur Coan Anna Longtin Ola Witherstine

Daughters of the War of 1812 Northern Chapter

WDT 18 Mar 1918

Regent                           Mrs. W F Wood
Vice Regent                   Mrs. A T Foster
recording secretary        Mrs. W N Brown
corresponding secretary Mrs. D W Englehart
treasurer                        Mrs. F S VanWormer
registrar                         Miss Emily A Tollas
historian                         Mrs. R T Smith
chaplain                         Mrs. A O Greene
color bearer                   Mrs. F P Metcalf
councillors                     Mrs. H E Rhubart
                                     Mrs. F J Romang
                                     Mrs. James A Horton
                                     Mrs. K R Gotham
                                     Mrs. W B Ball

Six Real Daughters and two members have passed away 
                               Miss. Webster
                               Mrs. Failing
                               Mrs. Reed
                               Mrs. Griffith
                               Mrs. Barnes
                               Mrs. Fitch
 members                Mrs. Lance
                               Mrs. McCrea
Resigned caused by inability to attend the meetings
                               Mrs. Pierce
                               Mrs. Whittier of Adams
                               Mrs. Sill of Syracuse

Mrs. Rice, chairman of the committee for marking the graves of all veterans of the War of 1812 reported that they have placed approximately 60 markers.


Reunion of the survivors of the 94th Regiment Civil War

Part of piece in The Watertown Daily Times, Watertown NY Fri 8 Apr 1904

This is an article about the First reunion in 5 years of the 94th Regiment

Archer J H Adams
Babcock D Smithville
Ball Charles Watertown
Barnes J LaFargeville
Bibbins G H Burrs Mills
Bingham A Watertown
Bradley C J Felts Mills
Brown G Watertown
Calhoun E Watertown
Canfield H M Philadelphia
Case R Watertown
Cheever A Depauville
Chrysler H Algona
Clemons William Watertown
Cooley A E Adams Center
Crane George Black River
Dack A Adams
Demarse G Ilion
Demarse S C Watertown
Draper Charles Carthage
Fields J Watertown
Flansburg William Philadelphia
Ford W F LaFargeville
Fredenburg E Evans Mills
Gouldthdrite W W Black River
Greene Ed Smithville
Halladay C V Watertown
Hamlin E Oxbow
Hart J W Chippewa Bay
Holley C J Ellisburg
Johnson A A Watertown
Kissel A Theresa
Lester Thomas Black River
Loan William Watertown
Loucks W LaFargeville
Mack H Evans Mills
Mack Chester Philadelphia
Mance L  Cape Vincent
Marcellus G Clayton
Merriman Z Watertown
Mooney P Antwerp
Morrison C M Watertown
Porter B Watertown
Rice F Adams
Sheldon Peter Evans Mills
Sloat C W Watertown
Spiedell Z Rome
Sprague C H Watertown
Starkweather W Watertown
Starkweather W W Brownville
Sterling A D Dexter
Sxott John Watertown
Taber L M Lorraine
Taylor S Philadelphia
Tripp D Watertown
Turcott A Watertown
VanBrocklin J LaFargeville
Waite E Antwerp
Wallace H Chaumont
Washburn L Watertown
Waters G W Dexter
Whiting J C Adams
Wise F M Adams
Witt R Plessis
Wodell I P Ellisburg
Wood G  Vallejo Cal
Worden A C Watertown