Assorted Links

Assorted Links

Outdoorsy Sites

Grand Teton National Park

Travel Sites

Sports Sites

California Sites

Virtual Yosemite - Live!
Yosemite National Park
Alcatraz Island
Redwoods State & National Parks
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Mt. Diablo
Park Net-Great Sites
Grand Teton Mational Park

Math Sites

Artsy Fartsy Sites

The National Gallery, London
The Louvre, Paris
The Ufizzi, Florence
The Tate
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
The Metropolitan, New York City
The Museum of Modern Art, New York City
The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.
The National Museum of Art, Osaka
Beethoven the Immortal
Ingrid's Beethoven Site
The Beethoven Chat Channel
Center for Beethoven Studies
The Beethoven Depot - midi works by Beethoven
Handel site 1
Handel site 2
Tovey Recording

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