Membership Information

Membership Information

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Membership Application

Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in the Anderson name and its affiliates. An application for membership (husbands and wives are included in one subscription) can be made by printing this page (landscape format is best). Please complete the form and send it by ordinary post (snail mail) with a remittance to cover the subscription. This is £12 for people who live in the EEC including the UK. For people outside this area, the cost is £15 to cover the higher postal charges. However, this can now be sent using your own cheque or money order in your own currency as follows:

  • US dollars $30.00
  • Canadian dollars $39.90
  • New Zealand dollars $47.22
  • Australian dollars $42.78

For other rates please request information from the editor by e-mail. The subscription covers one year's membership and the cost of printing and postage for the journal and newsletters. Applications should be made to the Secretary at the following address:-

Ian A Anderson,
Abbots Ann,
Three Pears Road,
Merrow, Guildford, Surrey.

Renewal of subscriptions is due on 30th November each year

Please enroll me as a member of "THE ANDERSON ASSOCIATION".

Full name ................................................................................Title (Mr. Mrs. Dr. Ms. etc.)


Spouse's name:......................................................................Title (Mr. Mrs. Dr. Ms. etc.)



............................................................................ Postcode:................................................

Telephone No. ..........................................................

E-mail address...................................................................................................................

I attach a remittance (cheque or money order) payable to The Anderson Association to cover the newsletter, journal and one year's subscription.


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