The following are transcripts of various COMLEY
wills, in date order
Most have come from the Public Record Office site. The
earliest known, so far, is that of Thomas COMLEY of Forthampton, Glos, Nr
Tewkesbury. The earliest Wiltshire one is Johannes COMLEY of Corsham, proved
in 1638.
List of transcribed wills
Index of Wills from National Probate Calendar
Index of Wills held at Hampshire Record Office
Back to COMLEY Home page
Johannes Comley | of Corsham, 1638 | |
Aldeme Comley | of Broad Somerford, 1652 | |
Thomas Comley | of Broad Somerford, 1723 | |
Theophilus Comley | of Great Somerford, 1763 | |
James Comley | of Weston Birt, 1775 | |
Robert Comley | of Weston Birt, 1796 (buried at Elberton) | |
John Comley | of Cowhill, Thornbury, 1796 (buried at Westonbirt) | |
William Comley | of Nettleton, 1800 | |
John Comley | of Didmarton, 1806 | |
William Comley | of Marshfield, 1832 | |
Jane Comley | of Southampton, 1845 | |
John Comley | of St James, Westminster, 1846 | |
Index of Wills from National Probate Calendar: | ||
John Comley | 1860 | late of Lambridge, Bath |
Robert Comley | 1861 | late of Barton St Mary, Glos |
John Comley | 1863 | late of Harley Street in the City of Bath |
George Comley | 1864 | formerly of Birmingham but now of Oaken Gates, Salop |
Thomas Comley | 1865 | late of Railway Hotel, Harrow |
William Comley | 1865 | late of Broughton Street St John Bedwardine, Worcester |
William Comley | 1866 | late of Broughton Street St John Bedwardine, Worcester |
William Comley | 1867 | late of 7 Osborn Street, Whitechapel |
John Comely | 1868 | formerly of Tentor House St Marks Street Great Prescott Street Goodmans Fields |
William Comley | 1868 | late of Broughton Street St John Bedwardine, Worcester |
John Arthur Comley | 1872 | late of 121 Gladstone Buildings Shoreditch |
John Wardle Comley | 1874 | late of Chase Side in the Parish of Enfield |
John Comley | 1875 | formerly of Kingston upon Thames, late of the "White Hart", Orpington |
William John Comley | 1875 | formerly of Regents Park, late of Nice, France |
James Edwards Combley | 1876 | late of Wedhampton, Wilts |
William Comely | 1876 | formerly of Cowhill but late of Oldbury on Severn |
Joseph Comley | 1876 | late of Caerleon |
Robert Comely | 1877 | late of Condicote |
Jane Comley | 1877 | late of John's Villas, Redhill |
James Edwards Combley | 1878 | late of Wedhampton, Wilts |
George Comley | 1878 | late of 33 Hoxton Square, Shoreditch |
William Comley | 1879 | late of 33 Brunel Street New Swindon |
Robert Comley | 1880 | late of Moredon, Rodborne Cheney, Wilts |
Ann Comley | 1881 | late of Jasper Road, Upper Norwood, formerly of 27 Mornington Road, Regent's Park |
John Brown Comely | 1882 | late of Albert Street, Walsall, Staffs |
Alfred Hewlett Comley | 1882 | late of Woodfalls in the Parish of Downton |
Elizabeth Comley | 1882 | late of King's Caple in the County of Hereford |
George Frederick Comley | 1882 | late of the 'Marquis of Granby' Inn Penkhull |
Charles Comley | 1883 | formerly of 5 Clifton-square Albert-road Peckham |
Mary Comley | 1883 | late of Heathville Villa London-road in the City of Gloucester |
Ann Comely | 1884 | late of 3 Southgate-road in the City of Winchester |
Thomas Comly | 1884 | late of West Kington in the County of Wilts |
Robert Comely | 1885 | late of Westend Oldbury on Severn Thornbury |
Robert Comely | 1886 | late of Naunton in the County of Gloucester |
George Comley | 1886 | late of Cravells-road Harpenden |
Ernest Edward Comley | 1888 | late of 426 High-street Cheltenham in the County of Gloucester |
Joseph James Comley | 1888 | late of St Ives in the County of Cornwall |
Mary Ellen Comley | 1888 | late of Sugden House 59 Lillieshall-road Clapham in the County of Surrey |
William Comlay | 1889 | late of 13 Havant-road Buckland Portsea in the County of Southampton |
Maria Comley | 1889 | late of 34 Prince-of-Wales-road Kentish Town in the County of Middlesex |
Henry Daniel Comely | 1890 | late of 'The Roebuck' in the Parish of Corsham in the County of Wilts |
Joseph Comley | 1890 | late of Point Marquet in the Island of Jersey Station Master on the Jersey Railway |
Mary Ann Comley | 1890 | late of 24 Moira-terrace Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan |
Sydney Curtis Comley | 1890 | late of Tynesdale Chesterfield-road Ashley Hill in the City and County of Bristol |
James Comley | 1891 | late of the Burges and of 9 Cope-street both in the City of Coventry Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer |
Joseph Comley | 1891 | late of 8 Shawbury-road Lordship-lane in the County of Surrey |
Selina Mary Comley | 1891 | late of Cope-street in the City of Coventry |
John Comley | 1892 | of Penylan near Castletown Monmouthsire |
Ann Comley | 1894 | of Bridgend Glamorgan |
Joseph Baker Comley | 1895 | of Coventry Collector and House Agent |
Sarah Comley | 1895 | of Island Cottage Harpenden Herts |
John Gill Comely | 1896 | of 3 Southgate Road, Winchester |
Sarah Comley | 1897 | of 15 Margaret's Hill, Bath |
Will of Johannes Comly of Corsham
Made on 13th April 1637 and proved on 20th June 1638
PRO Ref 11/177
In the name of God Amen. The thirtieth day of Aprill Anno Dm
1637 I John Comley of Corsham in the county of Wilts & diocese of Sarum
being weak in body but of good(?) memory thanks be unto God do herein(?) make
my last will and testament in manner and form following ffirst I commend my
soul unto the hand of almighty God my maker and redeemer suffering(?) through
the ?? of the death and Bitter passion of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
to have freedom from and pardon of all my sins And my body I commend unto
the earth from whence(?) it came to be buried in the Churchyard of Corsham.
As concerning my worldly goods I bequeath as follows
First I give and bequeath unto my son John Comly
my best bedstead and table board and ??? and cupboards(?) ??? and the Chest(?)
being all in . . . place my son John to a trade
and the remainder to be payed when he shall attain the age of twenty one years
Item I give and bequeath to my oldest daughter Elizabeth
my biggest ??? to be delivered after my decease
Item I give to the said Elizabeth one ??? and
my biggest ??? to be delivered immediately after the decease of my wife Also
I give to the said Elizabeth ten pounds of current
money to be payed when she shall attain the age of twenty one years or att
the day of her marriage if she be not troublesome to her mother
Item I give to my daughter Mary one ??? to be
delivered after my decease Also I give to the said Mary one ??? and one brass(?)
??? after the decease of my wife and ten pounds of current money to be payed
when she shall attain the age of twenty one years or at the day of her marriage
if she be not troublesome to her mother
Item I give to my daughter Debora one ??? to
be delivered after my decease one ??? and one ??? bed and one brass(?) ???
to be delivered after the decease of my wife and ten pounds of current money
to be paid when she shall attain the age of twenty one years or att the day
of her marriage if she be not troublesome to her mother
Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth my warming
pan after the decease of my wife
Item all the rest of my goods as well movable or immovable and not hereby
bequeathed I give and bequest to Mary my wife
whom I make my sole executrix to this my last will to see my debts and legacies
payed and my funeral expenses discharged. M?? is that if any of my said children
happen to dye before they attain the age aforesaid then ??? legacies bequeathed
to ??? to those of my children living. So for my ??? ??? I ordain and appoint
Simon Croker(?) Clerke and John Turk to ??? this
my will ?formed(?) and for their ??? to be taken herein I give to each of
them half a crown a peace to buy each of them a pair of gloves
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand ??? the day and year above
written. The mark of John Comly ??? signed in presence of ???
??? the ??? meaning of this my will is that the eight pounds given to the
children afore named by their grandfather is part of the ten pounds a year(?)
Probatum fuit Testamentium ??? to Mary Comley
Will of Aldeme Comley of Somerford Magna
Made on 7th March 1635/6 and proved on 8th January 1651/2
PRO Ref 11/220
Note on Aldeme Comley's will:
In 1635, he describes himself as 'old and weak of body'. He also refers to 'Aldam,
son of my son Aldam', but as he makes no reference to Aldam having to wait until
he is 24 to inherit, which he does later for other grandchildren, presumably
he is over 24. This would mean that Aldam's father, Aldam, is about 44-48, so
Aldeme snr. is about 70. He was obviously not as 'weak of body' as he imagined,
as it was not until 1652 that the will was proved, so he survived a further
15 years, making him well into his eighties. The assumption is also made that
the children are named in order of age.
Why does his daughter Ann appear to have the surname 'SUMLER', when he then refers to her inheriting on marriage, 'if her mother do like of the match"?
If anyone can correct any of the transcription please contact
In the name of God Amen
The seventh day of March Anno Dom(?) one thousand six hundred thirty five and
in the eleventh year of our sovereign Lord Charles King I Aldeme formerly of
Somerford Magna in the County of Wilts and Diocese of New Sarum ??? being now
old and weak of body but of good and perfect memory thanks be given unto Almighty
God do ordain make and declare this my ???? ???? my last will in manner and
from following that is to say first I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty
God my Creator through whose mercy and the merits(?) of Jesus Christ
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne John forty
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Aldam one
Item I give and bequeath to Aldam the sonne of my sonne
Aldam two pounds to be paid as soon & as with ??? my wife ???
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne William Comley
the sum of ten pounds to be paid after the decease of my wife
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Thomas Comley
the sum of four pounds to be paid after the decease of my wife And my will is
that after my wifes decease that my sonne William Comley
and my sonne Thomas Comley should have the possession(?)
of the Leasehold which I do now rent
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Theophilus Comley
the sum of four pounds to be paid after my decease as soon ??? ???
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Comley
twenty pounds to be paid at her marriage day if her mother and her brothers
do think the match fitting
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Sumler(?)
eight pounds to be paid at her marriage day if her mother do like of the match
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Joan Osborton(?)twenty
shillings to be paid after my decease as soon as with ??? it may
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne in law Thomas Lealdy(?)
twenty shillings
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne in law William Browne
twenty shillings
Item I give and bequeath to Aldam the sonne of William
Browne to be paid when he shall accomplish the age of four and twenty
Item I give and bequeath to William the sonne of William
Browne to be paid when he shall accomplish the age of four and twenty
And my will is that after my wifes decease my sonne William
and my sonne Thomas should have the residue of
all such goods and chattels which my wife have, all Legacies and ??? paid and
disbursed I give and bequeath the same wholly unto my wife whom I ordaine and
make the whole only and soft(?) s??? of this my last will and testament And
I intreate my trusted and well beloved friends in Christ John
Whitworth and Gabriel Loyde to be and stand ordered of this my last will
and testament and for their ??? and ??? herein I give unto each of them two
shillings apiece on money In wittendo(?) et Signum Aldam Comley who writing
above said was by the testator Aldam Comley on the day and year written publically
to be his last will and testament and by him also then(?) sealed and signed
in the presence of John Whitworth Gabriel Lovell
The eight day of January in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred
ffifty one English still there issued forth a commission to Thomas Comley the
natural and lawful sonne of Aldhame Comley late of Broad Somerford in the County
of Wilts deceased having goods chattels and debts in several jurisdictions sufficient
to found the jurisdictions of the Prerogative Court to administer the goods
chattels and debts of the said deceased according to the tenor and offset(?)
of the said will ??? that Ann the relict and ??? named therein ??? before she
took upon her the ??? of the same in this Court he being first sworn well and
truly to administer the same.
of Thomas COMLEY of Broad Somerford, proved 1723
Wiltshire Record Office
In the Name of God Amen
I Thomas Comly of Broad Somerford in the County of Wilts Woolcomber being aged
and minding my mortality but of sound and perfect memory for which I praise
God do make my last will & Testament in manner following
First I resign my soul into the hands of Almighty God my wonderful creator hopeing
through the merits of my saviour to obtain full pardon of all my sins and my
body I commit to the earth from whence it was taken to be decently interred
at the discretion of my Executrix herein after named and loaching(?) my world(?)
estate I dispose thereof as follows. First I Devise and bequeath all that my
Messuage Tenement Garden Orchard & appurtenances situate in Broad Somerford
aforesaid and wherein I now dwell unto Mary my loving
wife to hold the same to her the said Mary during her widowhood And after
her decease or the sooner determination I give devise and bequeath the same
to Mary Eldridge daughter of my Brother in Law William
Eldridge and to the heirs of her body Lawfully issuing for ever And for
want of such issue I give devise and bequeath the same to Elizabeth
the daughter of my Sister in Law Susan Eldridge and to the heirs of the
body of the said Elizabeth lawfully issuing for ever
And for the want of such issue to the Right Heirs of the said Thomas
Comly for evermore. Also my will is and I do hereby give to my loving
sister Hester Goddard the sum of Twenty Shillings
(and I charge my said House and Premises with the same) to be paid her the said
Hester at sixpence a week till the said sum of Twenty Shillings be fully satisfied
and paid The first payment thereof to begin and be made in six months after
my decease or sooner if the person or persons liable to pay the same shall think
fit Lastly I make my said loving wife Mary my full
& sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament Unto whom I give All
my Goods Chattels & personal Estate Whatsoever or of what kind soever And
I hereby revoak all former wills by me made. In Wittness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and seal this Six and Twentyeth day of September in the Ninth year
of the reign of our Sovgn Lord George by the Grace of God King of Great Britain
etc Anno Dom 1722
Signed sealed Published & declared to be the last will & Testament of
the said Thomas Comly in the presence of
John Tuck
Jeffery Brinsdon(?)
John West
Proved (in Latin!) 21 Aug 1723 at Chippenham
of Theophilus Comley of Great Somerford, proved 1763
Wiltshire Record Office
In the name of God amen. I Theoffolus Comley of Great Somerford in the County
of Wilts Yeoman Do make and Declare this my last Will and Testament. I being
of a sound and perfect mind memory and understanding (Blessed be God) in the
manner following (that is to say) I Give and Bequeath unto the Children of my
late Brother Joseph Comley late of Cricklade in
this County of Wilts Yeoman departed(?) that shall be living at my Death the
sum of Ten pounds of Lawful money of Great Britain to be Equally Divided between
them Share and Share alike.
Also I Give and Bequeath unto Joseph Comley and Theoffolus
Comley Sons of my late brother John Comley late of Kington in this County
of Wilts Yeoman departed(?) ffive pounds a piece(?) of like Lawful money.
Also I Give and Bequeath unto William Comley Jane Wakefield
and Elizabeth Comley Son and Daughters of my late Brother Thomas Comley
late of Dauntsey within the said County of Wilts Yeoman departed ffive pounds
a piece(?) of like Lawful money.
Also I Give and Bequeath unto John Comley Theoffolus Comley
Elizabeth and Ann Sons and Daughters of my late Brother Jeffery Comley
late of Great Somerford aforesaid Yeoman departed the sums of ffive pounds a
piece(?) of like Lawful money.
Also I Give and Bequeath unto Simon Miles John Miles William
Miles Thomas Miles Nathaniel Miles and Ann Sons and daughters of my late sister
Elizabeth Miles of Great Somerford aforesaid departed the sum of ffive
pounds a piece(?) of like Lawful money.
Also I Give and Bequeath unto Elizabeth Miles the wife
of the said Nathaniel Miles and Sarah Miles wife of Thomas Miles the son of
John Miles the sum of ffive pounds a piece(?) of like Lawful money.
Also I Give and Bequeath unto Theoffolus Comley
of Knigton aforesaid my wearing apparel and pott(?)
and lastly I Nominate Constitute and Appoint John Smith
of Great Somerford aforesaid Gentleman whole and Sole Executor of this my last
will and Testament In Witness whereof I have ??? unto sett my hand and seal
this fifth day of August in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred
and sixty one
Signed sealed published(?) and Delivered by the said Testator Theoffolus Comley
as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us
X The mark of
Theoffolus Comley
18th Nov 1763
Great Somerford
The Will of Theophilus Comley
This will was proved at Malmesbury on the 18th Day of November 1763 before Rob??
John Copson Clerk ???? ??? lawful Vicarogate? Of the Reverend & Worshipfull
Chas Weston Clerk M.A. Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Wilts and by him admin
of the po?? And choll? of the dead? & anyway concerning this his will ???
granted to John Smith the Sole Executor within named being first sure of the
truth of the said will to perform the same and pay the etc. - hard to read!
At Malmesbury on the 18th day of November 1763 the Executor within named was
Sworn before me
J. Copson, Surr(?)
of James Comeley of Weston Birt, Proved 1775
PR 11/1012
This will was proved at London the thirty first Day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy five before the Right Worshipful Sir George Day Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissory of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of Elizabeth Comeley widow the Relict and Robert Comeley the son of the decd and executors named in the said will to whom admon(?) was granted of all and singular the Good Chattels and credits of the said deceased they having been first sworn by common duty to admin.
Examined with the Original Wills by John Watson
of Robert COMELY of Weston Birt, proved 1796
PR 11/1281
This is the last will and testament of me Robert Comely
of Weston Birt in the county of Gloucester Gentleman made the ninth day of August
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six as follows
that is
first I give and bequeath to my Niece Mary Limbrick
wife of Mr Thomas Limbrick the sum of five hundred
and fifty pounds in ?? she is living at my decease and if she is not then living
I give and bequeath the said five hundred and fifty pounds to the said Thomas
Limbrick in trust to be by him paid to and divided amongst such of the
children of my said Neice as shall liv to attain the age of twenty one years
when and as they shall respectively attain that age in equal shares together
with the interest thereof which I direct shall from time to time be placed out
at interest for the purpose of accumulation
also I give and bequeath to Mr William Shipp Osborne
the sum of twenty pounds and to Thomas, Benjamin, Joseph,
George, Eleanor, and Hester Hignells and Mary King, the four brothers
and three sisters of my late wife the sum of five
Guineas apiece
and I also give and bequeath to my servant Rachel Tyler
the sum of ten pounds
and I hereby will order and direct the aforesaid legacies to be paid within
six months next(?) after my decease
All the rest residue and remainder of my goods Chattels Moneys Rights and Credits
after payment of my Debts funeral expenses charges of proving this my will and
the beforementioned legeacies I give and bequeath to my Brother
John Comley if living at my decease and if he is not then living I give
and bequeath the same Rest Residue and the Remainder of my Goods Chattels Monies
Rights and Credits to the said William Shipp Osborne
In Trust to be by him together with the interest thereof paid and divided in
equal to and amongst such of the children of my said Brother
John Comely as shall live to attain the Age of twenty one years when
and as they shall respectively attain that age and the principal with ?? to
be placed out at ??? such secruity as the said William
Shipp Osborne shall approve of and the interest also to be placed out
in like manner from time to time as the same shall become due and be ??? for
the purpose of accumulation until the several and respective times for paying
and dividing the several parts thereof and of the principal monoies as aforesaid
and I do hereby further order will and direct that the said William
Shipp Osborne his executors and Admons shall and may reimburse themselves
out of the said Trust Monies for his and their loss of time and for all Costs
Charges Expounds and damages which he or they shall or may pay bear sustain
be at or be put unto for or by reason or means or on account of the execution
or management of the aforesaid trusts and that he or they shall not be answerable
or accountable for any more money than shall actually route(?) to his or their
hands nor for the loss of any money by depositiong for safe custody or otherwise
without a wilful ??? or default
And lastly I do hereby make nominate constitute and appoint my said Brother
John Comely if living at my decease and if he is not living the said
William Shipp Osborne sole executor of this my
said last will and testament ??? whereof I the said Robert Comely the testator
have to this my said last will and testament set my hand and seal the day and
year first above written Robert Comely signed
sealed published and declared by the testator Robert Comely
as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto
subscribed our names as witnesses in his and each others presence and at his
request John Rawlins Isaac Freeme(?)
On the twenty sixth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six Administration (with the will annexed) of all and singular the goods chattels and Credits of Robert Comley late of Weston Birt in the County of Gloucester deceased was granted to William Shipp Osborne the sole executor named in the will of John Comely deceased whilst living the Brother sole executor and residuary legatee named in the said will having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer the said John Comely survived the deceased but died without having taken upon him the Execution of the said will
of John COMLEY of Cowhill, proved 1796
PR 11/1281
This is the last will and testament of me John Comely of Cowhill in the parish
of Thornbury in the county of Gloucester Yeoman I give and bequeath unto Mary
my wife all my household goods Dairy and Husbandry utensils and all my
stock of Cattle Sheep Hay Corn Waggons Carts Ploughs and Plough ??? and all
other my Live and Dead Stock upon or belonging to the messuage farm lands and
premises I now or at the time of my decease shall rent or occupy at Cowhill
aforesaid or elsewhere in the parish of Thornbury and also all and every debts
and debt or sums or sum of money which at the time of my decease shall be due
owing or belonging to me for or in respect of any Cattle(?) C??? or stock sold
off or from the said farm or premises and also all my estate su??? in and to
the said farm and lands to hold to the said Mary my wife
her Exors(?) admons and assigns subject to and I hereby charge the same with
the payment thereof of all such rent as at my decease I shall owe for and in
respect of the same farm or the stock thereon and also to the education clothing
maintenance and support of my five children John Mary
Robert William and James in a proper and suitable manner and to the full
and entire satisfaction of my Trustee and Executor herein after named until
they and each of them shall arrive to their respective ages of twenty one years
and as to all the Rest Residue and Remainder of my goods Debts credits and all
other my personal estate . . . . also the residuary Personal Estate and effects
of my late brother Robert Comley deceased which
by his last will he gave to me I give and bequeath the same respectively unto
my good friend William Shipp Osborne of Badminton
in the said County Gentleman his Exors and Admons upon trust nevertheless that
he or they do and shall as conveniently may be after my decease convert the
same (except such part or parts thereof as shall then be ?? by mortgage or bond
and which the said Wm Shipp Osborne
And I hereby revoke all former wills or testaments by me made in witness whereof
I have to the first sheet of this my last will and testament (the same being
now in this ??? pro?? sheet of paper) set my hand and to this other sheet thereof
my hand and seal the fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord One
thousand seven hundred and ninety six John Comely (seal) Signed sealed published
and declared by the said testator John Comely as and for his last will and testament
in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence
of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witness thereto John Bawllins
of Weston Birt and Geo Rolph(?)
This will was proved at London the twenty sixth day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety six before the honourable Sir William Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of William Shipp Osborne the sole executor named in the said will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn by commission duly to Administer
of William COMLEY of Nettleton, proved 1800
Copy of original in Wilts Record Office
In the Name of God Amen
I William Comely of Nettleton in the County of Wilts Yeoman being in good health
of Body and of perfect Sound and Disposing Mind and Memory considering the uncertainty
of this life Do make and declare this my Will and Testament in manner and form
That is To Say First I will that all my Just Debts and my Funeral Expenses may
be duly and justly paid by my Executrix herein after named. Then I give and
Bequeath unto my beloved wife Betty Comly All and
Singular immediately after my decease my goods Chattels and Effects of all kinds
or nature whatsoever or wheresoever wholly and solely to her own use and benefit
and the Same to be disposed of as she my said wife shall think proper anything
contained or expressed in this my will to the contrary notwithstanding And I
do hereby appoint my said wife Betty Comly whole
and sole Executrix of this my will and do hereby revoke and disannul all former
wills by me ever before made and do declare this to be my last In witness whereof
I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty third day of November in the
year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety six.
Signed sealed published and declared by the before named testator William Comly
as for his last will and testament in the presence of us
James Hatherwell
Robert Viner
At Chippenham on the 19th Day of June 1800 Betty Comly Widow Relict of the deceased
& sole Executrix within named was duly sworn before me
On a separate piece of paper:
19 June 1800 Nettleton
The will of William Comly deceased
This will was proved at Chippenham on the 19th day of June 1800 before the Rev
William Douglas Clerk MA Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Wilts And by him
administration of all and singular the Goods and Chattels of the said deceased
and any ways concerning his will was committed unto Betty Comly Widow Relict
of the deceased and sole Executrix therein named
(being first duly sworn of the truth of the said Will and faithfully to perform
the same, and to pay the deceased debts and legacies as far forth as his Goods
and Chattels will thereto extend and the Law bind her, and to exhibit a true
and perfect inventory of the Goods Chattels, and Credits of the Deceased and
yield a just and true Accompt when lawfully required.) Saving the rights of
all Persons
William Boucher Registrar
of John COMLEY of Didmarton, proved 1806
PRO Ref: 11/1448
In the Name of God Amen
I John Comely of Didmarton in the parish of Oldbury (on the Hill, not on
Severn - AJM) in the County of Gloucester being of sound mind memory and
understanding blessed be God do therefore make publish and declare my last will
and testament in manner and form following (that is to say) ffirst I will and
direct all my just debts and ffuneral expenses shall be fully paid and satisfied
by and out of my estates and effects herein after mentioned then I give and
devise unto my son Joseph Comley ??? annuity or ??? yearly sum of ffifty pounds
of lawful money of Great Britain payable quarterly by and out of my share ????
all that leasehold Messuage lands and premises situate at Nettleton in the County
of Wilts lately in the occupation of Mrs Betty Comely
and I hereby charge the same with the payment thereof accordingly unto my said
son Joseph Comely and his assigns(?) for and during the term of his natural
life and my will and mind is that my said son Joseph Comley and his assigns
shall have full power and authority to seize and distain ???? part or parts
of such my said leasehold estate in Nettleton aforesaid for the payment of that
same annuity quarterly on non-payment ??? as in case of rent in arrear and that
the same shall be paid with all costs and expenses attending such distress(?)
and ??? and that the first payment of the said annuity shall be made on the
first quarter day that shall happen next after my decease. Also I give and devise
unto my son William Comely and Richard
Carter of Hosdon(?) in the County of Wilts Gentleman their heirs and
assigns the sum of one thousand pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be
taken out of my personal estate in trust that they do as soon may be after my
decease cause the said sum of one thousand pounds to be invested in ??? or ???
in ??? public ffunds or in such other legal ??? as they deem sufficient and
pay ??? to be paid to my said son Joseph Comley
or his assigns the interest thereof as that same shall ??? and be ??? by them
in my said Trustees their heirs and assigns or the survivor of them and I further
will and direct that my said Trustees William Comley
and Richard Carter their heirs and assigns shall
have full power and authority at any time after my decease to advance the whole
of the said sum of one thousand pounds or any part thereof to my said son Joseph
Comely for the purpose of his advancement in life if they shall deem it prudent
and expedient so to do or to withhold the same in trust as they shall see good
and if the said sum of one thousand pounds or any part thereof shall remain
in the hands of my said trustees William Comely and Richard
Carter their heirs and assigns at the time of the decease of my son Joseph
Comely then I will and direct that the same shall be divided in equal
portions to and amongst such child or children of my said
son Joseph Comely lawfully issuing as shall respectively live and attain
the age of twenty one years and in default of such issue(?) of my said son Joseph
Comely then I give and devise the sum in equal portions to and amongst
such child or children of my sons John Comely Alldom Comely
Edward Comely and my daughter Elizabeth Wickham
lawfully issuing as shall respectively live and attain the age of twenty one
years and whereas I have already and before the execution of this my will given
to my son John Comely the sum of two thousand pounds
for the purposes of his advancement in life and have moreover lent to him the
sum of one thousand pounds now I hereby will and direct that the said sum of
one thousand pounds now due and owing from him to me shall be held and taken
as part of my personal estate and applicable to the purposes of this my will
if the same shall remain outstanding and due from him to me at the time of my
death. Also I give and devise to my said trustees William
Comely and Richard Carter their heirs and
assigns the sum of eight hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to
be taken out of my personal estate in trust that they do as soon as may be after
my decease cause the said sum of eight hundred pounds to be invested in their
names in the public ffunds or such other legal securities as they shall deem
sufficient pay or cause to be paid to my son Edward Comely
or his assigns the interest thereof as the same shall accrue and be received
by them my said trustees their heirs or assigns and I further will and direct
that my said trustees William Comely and
Richard Carter their heirs and assigns shall have full power and authority
??? from after my decease to advance the whole of the said sum of eight hundred
pounds or any part thereof to my said son Edward Comely
for the purposes of his advancement in life if they shall deem it prudent and
expedient so to do or to withhold the same in trust as they shall see good and
if this said sum of eight hundred pounds or any part thereof shall remain in
the hands of my said trustees William Comely and
Richard Carter their heirs and assigns at the time of the decease of
my said son Edward Comely then I will and direct
that the same shall be divided in equal portions to and amongst such Child
or Children of my said son Edward Comely lawfully issuing as shall respectively
live and attain the age of twenty one years and in default of such issue of
my said son Edward Comely then I give and devise the same in equal portions
to and amongst such child or children of my sons Joseph
Comely John Comely Alldom Comely and my daughter Elizabeth Wickham lawfully
issuing as shall respectively live and attain the age of twenty one years also
I give and devise to my said trustees William Comely and
Richard Carter their heirs and assigns the sum of two thousand pounds
of lawful money of Great Britain to be taken out of my personal estate in trust
that they do as soon as may be after my decease cause the said sum of two thousand
pounds to be invested in their names in the public ffunds or such other legal
securities as they shall deem sufficient pay or cause to be paid to my son Alldom
Comely or his assigns the interest thereof as the same shall accrue and
be received by them my said trustees their heirs or assigns and I further will
and direct that my said trustees William Comely and
Richard Carter their heirs and assigns shall have full power and authority
??? from after my decease to advance the whole of the said sum of two thousand
pounds or any part thereof to my said son Alldom Comely for the purposes of
his advancement in life if they shall deem it prudent and expedient so to do
or to withhold the same in trust as they shall see good and if this said sum
of two thousand pounds or any part thereof shall remain in the hands of my said
trustees William Comely and Richard Carter their
heirs and assigns at the time of the decease of my said son Alldom Comely then
I will and direct that the same shall be divided in equal portions to and amongst
such Child or Children of my said son Alldom Comely
lawfully issuing as shall respectively live and attain the age of twenty one
years and in default of such issue of my said son Alldom
Comely then I give and devise the same in equal portions to and amongst
such child or children of my sons Joseph Comely John Comely
Edward Comely and my daughter Elizabeth Wickham lawfully issuing as shall
respectively live and attain the age of twenty one years
also I give and devise to my said trustees William Comely and Richard Carter
their heirs and assigns the sum of one thousand pounds of lawful money of Great
Britain to be taken out of my personal estate in trust that they do as soon
as may be after my decease cause the said sum of two thousand pounds to be invested
in their names in the public ffunds or such other legal securities as they shall
deem sufficient pay or cause to be paid to my daughter
Elizabeth Wickham or her assigns the interest thereof as the same shall
accrue and be received by them my said trustees their heirs or assigns and I
further will and direct that my said trustees William Comely and Richard Carter
their heirs and assigns shall have full power and authority ??? from after my
decease to advance the whole of the said sum of one thousand pounds or any part
thereof to my said daughter Elizabeth Wickham for
the purposes of her advancement in life if they shall deem it prudent and expedient
so to do or to withhold the same in trust as they shall see good and if this
said sum of one thousand pounds or any part thereof shall remain in the hands
of my said trustees William Comely and Richard Carter
their heirs and assigns at the time of the decease of my said daughter Elizabeth
Wickham then I will and direct that the same shall be divided in equal portions
to and amongst such Child or Children of my said daughter Elizabeth Wickham
lawfully issuing as shall respectively live and attain the age of twenty one
years and in default of such issue of my said daughter Elizabeth Wickham then
I give and devise the same in equal portions to and amongst such child or children
of my sons Joseph Comely John Comely Edward Comely and
Alldom Comely lawfully issuing as shall respectively live and attain
the age of twenty one years also I give and bequeath unto my son William
Comely to hold to him his heirs executors administrators and assigns
forever all those my ffreehold Messuages Lands ??? ??? and premises with all
and every of their appurtenances to me belonging situate in the Several parishes
of Luckington in the County of Wilts and Acton Turville
in the County of Gloucester or wheresoever
else also I give devise and bequeath unto my said son William Comely his heirs
executors administrators and assigns forever all that my share or ??? of a leasehold
Messuage Lands ??? ??? and premises with all and every of their appurtenances
to me belonging situate in the parish of Nettleton in
the County of Wilts and lately in the occupation of Mrs Betty Comely
subject nevertheless to the annuity to my son Joseph Comely
as herein before expressed and ??? charge the same with the payment thereof
accordingly also I give devise and bequeath to my said son
William Comely his heirs executors administrators and assigns all those
my leasehold messuages lands and premises situate at Sopworth in the County
of wilts and at Nettleton in the said county or wheresoever else provided. Lastly
and my further will is that my said trustees and the survivor of them his heirs
and assigns shall not be charges(?) or chargeable(?) with or accountable for
any more of their said trust monies than they shall respectively actually receive
or shall come to their respective hands by virtue of this my will nor with or
for any loss which may happen to or for the same monies and premises(?) or any
part thereof so as such loss happen without their wilful default nor with or
of them for the ??? of them and also that it shall be lawful to and for my said
trustees and the survivor of them his heirs and assigns in the first place by
and out of the respective trust monies and promises to deduct and reimburse
himself and themselves respectively all such loss charges costs and expenses
as they or any of them shall respectively sustain expend or be put into for
or by reason of the several trusts hereby in them reposed(?) and so to all the
rest(?) residue and remainder of my real and personal estate and effects whatsoever
and wheresoever not before herein before disposed of I give devise and bequeath
the same and every part thereof subject to the payment of my just debts and
funeral expenses unto my said son William Comely to hold to him his heirs executors
administrators and assigns for ever and I do surely(?) constitute and appoint
my said son William Comely sole executor of my will hereby revoking and making
null all former wills by me at any time made and declare this only to be my
will and testament ion witness whereof I have to this my will contained in ffive
sheets of paper affixed together set my hand and to the fifth and last sheet
my hand and seal this second day of December(?) one thousand and eight hundred
and two # John Comly Signed sealed published and declared by the testator as
and for his last will and testament in the presence of us and in whose presence
and at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names
as witnesses # Wm Holborow, Knookdown # James Clarke Oldbury # John Huland East
This will was proved at London the eleventh day of September in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six before the right honourable Sir
William Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or(?) Commissary of the Prerogative
Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of William Comely otherwise
Comly the son and sole executor named in the said will to whom administration
was granted of all and singular the goods chattels and c??sits of the said deceased
having been first sworn by commission duly to administer.
of William COMLEY of Marshfield, proved 1832
Gloucestershire Record Office
This is the last Will and Testament of me William Comly of Marshfield in the
County of Gloucester Yeoman made the second day of December in the Year of our
Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty nine as follows
First I give and bequeath to Isaac Woodward of
Marshfield Brewer all my Money and Security for Money upon trust nevertheless
that he the said Isaac Woodward do and shall with
all convenient speed after my decease call in collect and receive the same and
dispose of it in manner and form following that is to say
First I give and bequeath unto Thomas Shell of
the parish of Box my silver watch
Also to his three Children Mary Ann, Elizabeth and Ellen
one pound each
and the remainder of my property to be equally divided amongst my five
Children after paying my funeral expenses and all other charges which
the said Isaac Woodward may be at by reason of the trust reposed in him
and lastly I do hereby make constitute and appoint the said Isaac Woodward Executor
of this my said last Will and Testament In trust In witness whereof I have set
my hand and seal the day and year above written
The mark of X William Comly (Seal)
signed sealed and delivered by the Testator William Comly as and for his last
will and Testament in the presence of us
John Golding Isaac Woodward
This will was proved 13th January 1832 by Isaac Woodward the sole Executor
Edwin Maddy Principal Surrogate
Under £100
Testator died 6th August 1831
of Jane COMLEY of Southampton, proved 1845
(Sister of John Comley, below)
PRO Ref: 11/2027
This is the last Will and Testament of me Jane Comley of the Town and County
of Southampton spinster (late housekeeper to messieurs Randall & Son of
the same place Chemists and Druggists) as follows
First I give and bequeath my silver watch and gold key and all my wearing apparel
and also the bedstead which I now use with the bedding and furniture(?) thereto
belonging and all the furniture being in ??? sitting room unto my niece
Ann Comley for her own absolute use
And unto my nephew William Comley I bequeath and
give all my plate and all plated articles of which I may be possessed at the
time of my decease
I give devise and bequeath to my executors Edward Mayor
Randall of Southampton aforesaid chemist and my(?) brother John
Comley of Berwick Street Soho London Boot and shoe maker their executors
and administrators all that my leasehold messuage or dwelling house with the
garden and appurtenances thereto belonging situate at Romsey in the County of
Southampton the Equity of Redemption wherein was conveyed to me by my late
mother Hannah Comley deceased upon trust that they the said Edward
Mayor Randall and John Comley or the survivor of them or the executors
or administrators of such do and shall sell(?) dispose of and convert the said
leasehold premises into money as soon as conveniently and if practicable within
six calendar months after my decease and upon sale thereof the receipt or receipts
the said Edward Mayor Randall and John Comley or
the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such shall be an
effectual(?) discharge for the purchase money and the person or persons paying
the same shall not be obliged to see to the application thereof or be answerable
or accountable for the misapplication or non application of the same or any
part thereof provided always and I hereby direct that the said Edward
Mayor Randall and John Comley their executors administrators and assigns
shall previously to the exercise of such general power of sale give unto my
nephew James Comley of Romsey who now occupies
the said premises the option of purchasing the same for such sum or sums of
money as may appear reasonable and proper to my said trustees but in the event
of such offer for sale being unaccepted by my Nephew or being accepted he shall
refuse or neglect to complete the purchase of the said premises within four
calendar months after the offer shall have been made to him then my will is
that the right of occupation given to my Nephew shall cease and my said trustees
shall proceed as if such right had not been given and as to the money which
may be produced by any such sale as aforesaid I dispose thereof as follows (that
is to say) I devise in the first place that all such of my just debts and funeral
and testamentary expenses as may not have been previously been paid out of my
general personal estate shall be thereout fully paid and satisfied
and I give unto my nephew William Comley son of
my late brother William Comley the sum of five
and to each of my nieces the said Ann Comley and Mary
Jane Comley the sum of five pounds
and as to the ??? Residue of such money together with all other my estate and
effects of every description I devise and will that the same may be divided
and paid to my brother the said John Comley and Samuel
Comley and the children of my deceased brother
James and William in the following proportions that is to say
one fourth part to my brother John
one other fourth part thereof to my said brother Samuel
one other fourth part thereof to the children of my deceased
brother James Comley who shall be living at the time of my decease equally
to be divided between them share and share alike
and the remaining fourth part thereof to the children of my deceased
brother William Comley who shall be living at the time of my decease
equally to be divided between them share and share alike
and I make constitute and appoint the said Edward Randall
and John Comley joint executors of this my will who in exercise of the
??? hereinbefore reposed(?) in them shall not be liable for involuntary ???
or for more money than shall come to their respective hands In witness whereof
I the said Jane Comley have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and
seal this ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and thirty nine - Jane Comley - Signed sealed published and delivered by the
within named Jane Comley the Testator as her last Will and Testament in the
presence of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each
other have herein after subscribed Our Names as witnesses Wm(?) Morton(?) Mather
Drugst 146 High Street Southampton John Waggett No 1 High Street Southampton
By this codicil to my above written will I give to each of my executors above
named the sum of five pounds which I hope they will accept as some token of
my respect and regard
Witness my hand this ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and thirty nine - Jane Comley - Wm M Mather - John Waggett
In the prerogative court of Canterbury
In the Goods of Jane Comley spinster deceased
Appeared personally John Waggett of Norland Square Kensington in the County of Middlesex Doctor of Medicine and made oath that he is one of the subscribed witnesses to the codicil to the last Will and Testament of Jane Comley late of Orchard Place in the Town and County of Southampton spinster the said codicil bearing date the ninth day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine and being written at the end of the said will and now hereunto attached(?) and the further made oath that on the ninth day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine the said Testatrix duly executed the said codicil by signing her name at the foot or end thereof in the presence of this deponent(?) and the said William Morton Mather the other subscribed witness thereto both of whom were present at the same time and this deponent and the said William Morton Mather thereupon attested and subscribed the said codicil in the presence of the said Testatrix - John Waggett - on the twenty fifth day of November 1845 the said John Waggett was duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit
Proved at London with a codicil 3rd Decr 1845 before the worshipful Thomas
Peatt Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oaths of Edward Mayor Randall in the
will written Edward Randall and John Comley the brother the Executors to whom
Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.
of John COMLEY, Bootmaker, of St James, Westminster, proved 1846
(Brother of Jane Comley, above)
PRO Ref: 2046
This is the last will and testament of me John COMLEY of No 92 Berwick Street
in the parish of Saint James Westminster in the County of Middlesex Bootmaker
I give to my wife Mary my four post bedstead bed
mattress and hangings and I give the permission to occupy such portion of the
upper part of my said residence No 92 Berwick Street aforesaid as she pleases
to select on condition that she pays to my trustees and Executors hereinafter
named a fair rent to be fixed by her and them or her and their referees(?) in
the usual way
I give to my daughter Mrs Deborah de la Salle Tubbs
my family bible and my best piece(?) glass in the first floor of my said residence
I give to my son William Comley my watch my best
easy chair and writing desk
I give to my son Harry Comley my ??? glass and
a ??? table in the parlour of my said residence . . .
I give to my son John Comley my sofa in the first
floor of my said residence . . .
I give to my daughter Maria Comley my silver spoons
. . .
I give to my daughter Ann Comley my best tea pot
. . .
I give to my daughter Cornelia Comley my silver
tea spoons . . . .
I give to my son Charles Augustus Comley my Encyclopaedia(?)
and a . . . .
I give to my grandson John Tubbs my history of
I give to my granddaughter Deborah Tubbs my tea
To my grandson Charles Tubbs my other violin
And to my granddaughter Emma Tubbs my large testament
. . . by virtue of the will and codicils of my late sister
Jane Comley deceased . . .
twelfth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty
Proved at London 17th Decr 1846 before the worshipful Robert Joseph Phillimore
Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oaths of William Comley
and Charles Augustus Comley the sons the Executors to whom Admon(?) was
granted . . . .
National Probate Calendar:
Index of Wills and Administrations:
5 October 1860. John Comley late of Lambridge in City and Borough of Bath Gent
deceased died 27 April 1860 by Margaret Addis wife of Philip Addis Chymist and
Druggist of 7 Claremont Place Bath the Relict the sole Executrix
COMLEY, Robert
9 July 1861. Robert Comley late of Barton St Mary Glos Gent died 25 May 1861
at Barton St Mary proved by Mary Comley widow and sole Executrix
Effects under £450
7 May 1863. Late of Harley Street in City of Bath deceased 9 April 1868 at Lunatic
Asylum in Box in Wilts proved at Principal Registry by Mary Ann Comley of 17
Roby Place Bath Widow the Relict
COMLEY, George
Effects under £450
29 April 1864. Formerly of Birmingham but now late of Oaken Gates Salop Woollen
Draper died 29 March 1864 proved by James Leek of Oaken Gates Draper sole executor.
COMLEY, Thomas
18 March 1865. Late of Railway Hotel Harrow died 20 February 1865 at Railway
Hotel proved by Louisa Comley of Railway Hotel Widow the Relict and sole Executrix.
COMLEY, William
late of Boughton St., St John Bedwardine, Worcester, Foreman Tailor, died 19th
May 1865 at address aforesaid, administration granted to Sarah Comley, Widow
and Relict.
Note in margin - this grant (Febry 1866) ceased and expired. Another grant
of Administration of goods Dec 1868
COMLEY William
effects under £800
7 February 1866. Letters of Administration of the Personal estate and effects
of William Comley late of 22 Boughton-street in the Parish of St John in Bedwardine
in the City of Worcester Foreman Tailor deceased who died 19th May 1865 at 22
Boughton-street aforesaid left unadministered by Sarah Comley Widow the Relict
of the said deceased were granted at Worcester under the usual Limitations to
John Comley of Twerton (near Bath) in the County of Somerset Clothworker the
Grandfather and Guardian of William James Comley Albert Comley Frederick Comley
Kate Comley Spinster and Fanny Comley Spinster respectively Minors and of Henry
Comley Julia Annie Comley Spinster Louisa Comley Spinster and Charles Edward
Comley respectively Infants the Children and only Next of Kin of the said deceased
he the said John Comley having been first sworn.
Former Grant at Worcester August 1865
Handwritten note in margin - This grant ceased and expired. Another grant
of Admin of goods unadministered at Worcester Dec 1868
COMLEY, William
Effects under £600
25 February 1867. Will of William Comley late of 7 Osborn Street in Parish of
Whitechapel and 3 Brunswick Cottages Stoke Newington Road in St John West Hackney
Middlesex dentist died 15 January 1867 at 7 Osborn Street aforesaid proved by
William Henry Comly of 7 Osborn Street etc. Dentist and Edward John Comley of
7 Osborn Street etc Dentist the sons the Executors.
Effects under £200
22 October 1868. Will of John Comley formerly of Tentor House St Marks Street
Great Prescott Street Goodmans Fields late of 71 High Street Whitechapel both
in Middlesex Surgeon deceased who died 30 April 1868 at 114 Victoria Park Road
in the County aforesaid proved by Susanna Comley of 7 Selby Villas South Penge
in the County of surrey Widow the relict the sole Executrix
COMLEY William
effects under £800
31 December 1868. Letters of Administration of the Personal estate and effects
of William Comley late of 22 Boughton-street in the Parish of St John in Bedwardine
in the City of Worcester Foreman Tailor deceased who died 19th May 1865 at 22
Boughton-street aforesaid left unadministered by Sarah Comley Widow the Relict
of the said deceased were granted at Worcester under the usual Limitations to
Thomas Comley of Roseland Cottage St Austell in the County of Cornwall Watchmaker's
Assistant the Uncle and Guardian of William James Comley Albert Comley Frederick
Comley Kate Comley Spinster Fanny Comley Spinster Henry Comley and Julia Annie
Comley Spinster respectively Minors and of Louisa Comley Spinster and Charles
Edward Comley respectively Infants the Children and only Next of Kin of the
said deceased he the said Thomas Comley having been first sworn.
Former Grant at Worcester August 1865. The Letters of Administration granted
at Worcester February 1866 having ceased and expired.
COMLEY, John Arthur
Effects under £200
27 April 1872. The Will of John Arthur Comley late of 121 Gladstone Buildings
Shoreditch in the County of Middlesex who died 7 March 1872 at 5 Bear Street
Leicester-square in the said County was proved at the Principal registry by
Frederick Webb of 5 Bear Street Brass manufacturer the sole Executor.
COMLEY, John Wardle
Effects under £7,000
25 November 1874. The Will of John Wardle Comley late of Chase Side in the Parish
of Enfield in the County of Middlesex Gentleman who died 4 November 1874 at
Chase Side was proved at Principal Registry by Charles Augustus Comley of 7
Well Street Oxford Street in the said County Bootmaker and George Comley and
Edwin Comley both of 33 Hoxton Square in the said County Brush Makers the sons
the Executors.
Effects under £1,500
The will of John Comley, formerly of Kingston-upon-Thames in the County of Surrey
Gentleman but late of the "White Hart" Inn Orpington in the County
of Kent who died 10 January 1875 at the "White Hart" was proved at
the Principal Registry by Mary Ann Maria Lamb (Wife of William Lamb) of Kingston-upon-Thames
the daughter sole Executrix
COMLEY, William John
Effects under £5,000
6th March 1875. The Will of William John Comley formerly of 48 Delancey St,
Regent's Park in the County of Middlesex but late of Pension Internationale
Petite Rue St. Clienne Nice in France Gentleman who died 8 February 1875 at
Pension Internationale was proved at the Principal registry by Ann Comley of
66 Mornington Road Regent's Park Spinster Sister Charles Augustus Comley of
7 Wells Street Oxford Street in the said County Bootmaker the brother and William
Jones Uphill of 3 Castle Street Falcon Square in the City of London Merchant
the executors.
COMBLEY, James Edwards
Effects under £3,000
Double probate passed at Salisbury March 1878 (q.v.)
22 September 1876. The Will of James Edwards Combley late of Wedhampton in the
Parish of Urchfont in the County of Wilts Yeoman who died 27 August 1876 at
Wedhampton was proved at Salisbury by George Ruddle of West End Farm Bishops
Cannings in the said County Farmer and Joseph Jackson of Devizes in the said
County Solicitor two of the Executors.
COMELY, Joseph
Effects under £100
20 September 1876. The Will of Joseph Comeley late of the town of Caerleon in
the County of Monmouthshire who died 9 Septmeber 1876 at Caerleon was proved
at Llandaff by Margaret Comeley of Backhall Street Caerleon Widow the Relict
the sole Executrix.
COMELY, William
Effects under £200
12 February 1876. The Will with a Codicil of William Comely formerly of Cowhill
in the Parish of Thornbury but late of Oldbury on Severn in the Manor and Parish
of Thornbury both in the County of Gloucester Gentleman who died 7 january 1876
at Oldbury on Severn was proved at Gloucester by Robert Comely of Cowhill yeoman
and Walter Comely of Oldbury on Severn Yeoman the sons the executors
COMELY, Robert
Effects under £8,000
26 June 1877. The Will with a Codicil of Robert Comely late of Condicote in
the County of Gloucester Farmer who died 28 April 1877 at Condicote was proved
at Gloucester by John Hanks of Charlton Abbotts in the said County Farmer and
John William Comely of Oddington in the said County Robert Comely of Naunton
in the said County and Thomas Comely of Westfield Farm in the Parish of Guyting
Power in the said County Farmers the Sons the Executors
Effects under £450
1 June. Administration of the effects of Jane Comley late of John's Villas London
Road Redhill in the County of Surrey Widow who died 5 April 1877 at John's Villas
was granted to James Cooper of 101 Seymour-place Bryanston-square in the County
of Middlesex Lodging-house Keeper the Brother and one of the Next of Kin
COMBLEY, James Edwards
Personal Estate under £3,000
26 March 1878. The Will of James Edwards Combley late of Wedhampton in the Parish
of Urchfont in the County of Wilts Yeoman who died 27 August 1876 at Wedhampton
was proved at Salisbury by James Combley of Batheaston near Bath in the County
of Somerset Corn Factor the son the other executor. Former Grant at Salisbury
September 1876 (q.v.)
COMLEY, George
Personal Estate under £2,000
29 May 1878. The Will of George Comley late of 33 Hoxton-square Shoreditch in
the County of Middlesex Tooth Brush maker who died 4 April 1878 at 33 Hoxton-square
was proved in the Principal registry by Fanny Jane Comley of 33 Hoxton-square
Widow the Relict the sole Executrix
COMLEY, William
Personal estate under £600
13 March 1879. The Will of William Comley late of 33 Brunel Street New Swindon
in the County of Wilts who died 19 February 1878 at 33 Brunel Street was proved
at Principal registry by John Comley of 22 George St Croom Hill Greenwich in
the County of Kent Porter to the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn and George
Comley of 43 Crawford Street Bryanston Square in the County of Middlesex the
sons the executors
COMLEY, Robert
Personal estate under £800
13 March 1880. The Will of Robert Comley late of Moredon in the Parish of Rodborne
Cheney in the County of Wilts Yeoman who died 26 July 1880 at Moredon was proved
at the Principal Registry by Robert Comley of 13 Brook-street Kensington-road
Lambeth in the County of Surrey Coachman the Son and John Comley of 110 King-George-street
Greenwich in the County of Kent Gentleman the Nephew the Executors
Personal estate £563 8s 4d
24 October 1881. The Will of Ann Comley formerly of 27 Mornington-road Regent's
Park in the County of Middlesex but late of 'The Laurels' Jasper-road Upper
Norwood in the County of Surrey who died 18 September 1881 at 'The Laurels'
was proved at the Principal registry by Charles Augustus Comley of 86 Islip-street
Kentish Town in the County of Middlesex Bootmaker the Brother and Cornelia Homewood
of 81 Mornington-road Widow the Sister the Executors
COMELY, John Brown
Personal estate £682 0s 9d
10 January 1882. Administration of the Personal estate of John Brown Comely
late of Albert-street Walsall in the County of Stafford Crucible Manufacturer
who died 24 December 1881 at Albert-street was granted at Lichfield to Mary
Comely of Albert-street Widow the Relict.
COMLEY, Alfred Hewlett
Personal estate £470 14s
8 March 1882. The Will of Alfred Hewlett Comley late of Woodfalls in the Parish
of Downton in the County of Wilts Boot and Shoe Maker who died 14 February 1882
at Woodfalls was proved at Salisbury by Hannah Comley of Woodfalls the relict
the sole Executrix
COMLEY, Elizabeth
Personal estate £21 18s 9d
8 March 1882. Administration of the Personal Estate of Elizabeth Comley late
of King's Caple in the County of Hereford Widow who died 14 January 1882 at
King's Caple was granted at Hereford to Charles Comley of King's Caple Labourer
the Son and one of the Next of Kin
COMLEY, George Frederick
Personal estate £382 3s
18 August 1882. Administration of the Personal Estate of George Frederick Comley
late of the 'Marquis of Granby' Inn Penkhull in the County of Stafford Innkeeper
who died 7 December 1881 at the 'Marquis of Granby'was granted at Lichfield
to Louisa Comley of the 'Marquis of Granby' Widow the relict
COMLEY, Charles
Personal estate £1,378 0s 2d
2 May 1883. The Will of Charles Comley formerly of 5 Clifton-square Albert-road
Peckham but late of 9 Heaton-place Peckham Rye both in the County of Surrey
Law Clerk who died 3 April 1883 at 9 Heaton-place was proved at the Principal
registry by William Henry James Page of 20 Shawfield-street Chelsea in the County
of Middlesex Baptist Minister and George William Burrows of Caenwood House Beulah
Hill Upper Norwood in the County of Surrey Esquire the Executors
Personal estate £1,749 11s 4d
20 March 1883. The Will with a Codicil of Mary Comley late of Heathville Villa
London-road in the City of Gloucester who died 4 January 1883 at Heathville
Villa was proved at Gloucester by John Bryan of the said City Solicitor and
Alfred Bindon of Weston-super-Mare in the County of Somerset Lodging House Keeper
the Executors
Personal estate £362 9s 1d
19 September 1884. The Will of Ann Comely late of 3 Southgate-road in the City
of Winchester Spinster who died 27 January 1884 at 3 Southgate-road was proved
at Winchester by John Gill Comely of 3 Southgate-road Land Surveyor the sole
COMLY, Thomas
Personal estate £162 11s 3d
21 February 1884. The Will of Thomas Comly late of West Kington in the County
of Wilts Yeoman who died 11 January 1884 was proved at salisbury by Elizabeth
Comly of West Kington Widow the Relict the sole Executor
COMELY, Robert
Personal estate £590 2s 8d
25 July 1885. The Will of Robert Comely late of Westend Oldbury on Severn Thornbury
in the County of Gloucester gentleman who died 15 March 1885 at Westend was
proved at Gloucester by Elizabeth Comely of Westend Widow the Relict Walter
Comely of Cowhill Thornbury Gentleman the Brother John Cullimore of the City
of Chester Gentleman the Executors
COMELY, Robert
Personal estate £1,408 14s
9 April 1886. Administration (with the Will) of the Personal Estate of Robert
Comely the Younger late of Naunton in the County of Gloucester Farmer who died
28 January 1886 at Naunton was granted at the Principal Registry to Frederick
John Comely of 17 Montpellier-villas Cheltenham in the said County Corn Dealer
the son one of the Residuary Legatees substituted
COMLEY, George
Personal estate £266 0s 1d
9 April 1886. The Will of George Comley late of Cravells-road Harpenden in the
County of Hertford who died 16 March 1886 at Cravells-road was proved at the
Principal registry by Sarah Hodge (Wife of Robert Hodge) of Chulmleigh in the
County of Devon the Daughter and Walter Keen of High-street Hemel Hempstead
in the said County of Hertford Butcher two of the Executors
COMELY, Ernest Edward
Personal estate £1,744 0s 7d
19 November 1888. The Will of Ernest Edward Comely late of 426 High-street Cheltenham
in the County of Gloucester Grocer who died 27 October 1888 at Westfield Hawling
in the said County was proved at Gloucester by Amelia Bessie Comely of 426 High-street
Widow the Relict and Basil Comely of the Manor Farm Fairford in the said County
Farmer the Brother the Executors
COMLEY, Joseph James
Personal estate £6,328 9s 3d
18 February 1888. The Will of Joseph James Comley late of St Ives in the County
of Cornwall Outfitter who died 4 January 1888 was proved at Bodmin by Carloline
Lucinia Comley of St Ives Widow the Relict the sole Executrix
COMLEY, Mary Ellen
Personal estate £1,429 3s 10d
The Will of Mary Ellen Comley late of Sugden House 59 Lillieshall-road Clapham
in the County of Surrey Spinster who died 20 June 1888 at Sugden House was proved
at the Principal Registry by Wallace Breem of Watten-road Dorking in the said
County Brewer the Nephew the sole Executor
COMLAY, William
Personal estate £76 12s 2d
4 October 1889 The Will with a Codicil of William Comlay late of 13 Havant-road
Buckland Portsea in the County of Southampton who died 18 June 1889 at 13 Havant-road
was proved at Winchester by James May Hooper of 187 Somers-road Southsea in
the said County Fitter in Her Majesty's Dockyard at Portsmouth and John Hooper
Comlay of 122 Toronto-road Buckland Shipwright in the said Dockyard the Executors
COMLEY, Maria otherwise Maria-hannah
Personal estate £118 19s 6d
12 October 1889. The Will of Maria Comley otherwise Maria-hannah Comley formerly
of 51 Mount-street Westminster-Bridge-road in the County of Surrey but late
of 34 Prince-of-Wales-road Kentish Town in the County of Middlesex Spinster
who died 21 July at 34 Prince-of-Wales-road was proved at the Principal Registry
by Cornelia Homewood of 2 New-West-end Finchley-road Hampstead in the County
of Middlesex Widow the Sister the sole Executrix
COMELY, Henry Daniel otherwise Henry
Personal estate £44 1s 9d
27 January 1890. The Will of Henry Daniel otherwise Henry Comely late of 'The
Roebuck' in the Parish of Corsham in the County of Wilts Innkeeper who died
8 August 1888 at Corsham was proved at Salisbury by Sarah Ann Comely of 'The
Roebuck' Widow the Relict the sole Executrix
COMELY, Joseph
Personal estate £30
22 February 1890. Administration (with the Will) of the Personal Estate of Joseph
Comely late of Point Marquet in the Island of Jersey Station Master on the Jersey
Railway who died 15 May 1889 at Point Marquet was granted at the Principal Registry
to Maria Whitfield of Galloway House Carlton-road Putney in the County of Surrey
Spinster the Neice the Residuary Legatee
COMLEY, Mary Ann
Personal estate £237 15s 6d
4 December 1890. Administration of the Personal Estate of Mary Ann Comley (Wife
of James Edward Comley) late of 24 Moira-terrace Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan
who died 9 June 1888 as 24 Moira-terrace was granted at Llandaff to the said
James Edward Comley of 24 Moira-terrace Wholesale Fancy Dealer
COMLEY, Sydney Curtis
Personal estate £40 12s 8d
10 June 1890. Administration of the Personal Estate of Sydney Curtis Comley
late of Tynesdale Chesterfield-road Ashley Hill in the City and County of Bristol
a bachelor who died 19 April 1890 at Tynesdale was granted at Bristol to Caroline
Lucinia Comley of Tynesdale Widow the Mother and only Next of Kin
Personal estate £987 18s 5d
19 August 1891. Administration (with the Will) of the Personal Estate of James
Comley late of the Burges and of 9 Cope-street both in the City of Coventry
Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer a widower who died 8 February 1891 at 9 Cope-street
was granted at Birmingham to Arthur Ernest Comley of 1 and 2 Burges in the said
City Furniture Dealer the Son the Next of Kin
COMLEY, Joseph
Personal estate £629 10s
The Will of Joseph Comley formerly of 42 Shardeloes-road Lewisham-High-road
in the County of Kent but late of 8 Shawbury-road Lordship-lane in the County
of Surrey who died 2 January 1891 at 4 Shawbury-road was proved at the Principal
Registry by Charles Frederick Adams of Highfield Underhill-road East Dulwich
in the County of Surrey Appraiser the sole Executor
COMLEY, Selina Mary
Personal estate £40 14s
19 September 1891. Administration of the Personal Estate of Selina Mary Comley
(Wife of James Comley) late of Cope-street in the City of Coventry who died
23 August 1890 at Cope-street was granted at Birmingham to Arthur Ernest Comley
of the Burgess in the said City Furniture Dealer the Administrator (with Will)
of the Personal Estate of the said James Comley
In 1892 the format given in the books changed and omitted some of the detail
of earlier years.
Effects £172 7s 6d
Comley John of Penylan near Castletown Monmouthsire died 5 December 1891 Probate
at Llandaff to James Comley Master Mariner
Effects £15
Comley Ann of Bridgend Glamorgan Widow died 10 April 1893 Administration London
18 May to Henry Beeche Comley Confectioner
COMLEY, Joseph Baker
Effects £1,911 10s 11d
Comley Joseph Baker of Coventry Collector and House Agent died 27 February 1895
Probate Birmingham 8 June to Ann Baker Caldicott (Wife of Thomas Caldicott)
and Ruth Ellen Barrow Widow
Effects £254 8s 5d
Comley Sarah of Island Cottage Harpenden Herts Widow died 7 May 1894 Administration
London to Sarah Hodge (Wife of Robert Hodge)
COMELY, John Gill
Effects £503 18s 4d
Comely John Gill of 3 Southgate-road Winchester Land Agent and Surveyor died
29 February 1896 probate Winchester to Edward Douglas Goodwin Solicitor
Effects £35
Comley Sarah of 15 Margaret's-hill Bath Widow died 11 April 1895 probate Bristol
18 May to Louisa Birth (wife of Richard Birth)
1898 and 1899 - nil
Name | Ref No | Place | Occupation | Other |
Paul COMLEY | 1728ad050 | Isle of Wight |   |   |
John COMLEY | 1740b024 | Winchester, St Swithin | Blacksmith |   |
To loving wife Sarah Signed 2nd May 1740 Proved 9th August 1740 |
John COMLEY | 1741ad044 | Otterbourne | Blacksmith |   |
Admon to Jane Comley, widow on 21st December 1741 | ||||
Abraham COMLEY | 1757a032 | Romsey | Tallow Chandler | son of Thomas |
To loving wife Hannah To honoured father Thomas Brother Thomas Sister Sarah Comley Brother John Signed 3rd December 1756 |
Thomas COMLEY | 1761a017 | Romsey | Malster |   |
To my son John Comley Wife Mary Son Thomas Daughter Sarah, marrying Clement Sharp Brother Samuel Comley Signed 4th November 1760 Proved 9th April 1761 |
Sarah COMLEY | 1779a027 | Winchester, St Michael | Widow |   |
To brother Robert Wheable Sister in law Miriam Wheable of Avington William Windsor and Sarah his wife Signed 20th December 1773 Proved 11th November 1779 |
James COMLEY | 1811ad20 | North Stoneham |   |   |
Caroline Scorey, daughter , wife of Thomas Scorey 13 July 1811 |
John COMLEY | 1813b07 | Romsey Extra | Bricklayer |   |
To wife Elizabeth Son John Comley - baker Daughter Sarah, wife of Thomas Skeats Signed 4th April 1813 7th October 1813 |
Elizabeth COMLEY | 1818ad12 | Romsey Extra | Widow |   |
Admon to John Comley, grocer, 10th October 1818 | ||||
Samuel COMLEY | 1825a15 | Romsey | Cordwainer |   |
Wife Anna Comley, at her death to my children
22/12/1803 Agreed by children of deceased that if any dye and leave children they shall inherit their part James Webb Comley Jane Comley Wm Comley Samuel Comley John Comley Witness(?) Moses Comley, Hannah Comley 17th June 1825 Anna Comley duly sworn - sum did not exceed £450 |
Page updated: 18/11/08