Larine Larsdatter - born 1820, died 1889 in Denmark
Laurine / Larine Larsdatter
30 March 1820 - 26 January 1889
daughter of Lars Nielsen and Maren Larsdatter of M'onge, Denmark


Birth and christening record for Larine, from Vejby parish register

Confirmation of Larine at age 14, from Vejby parish register

Larine Larsdatter and Jorgen Jensen in census

Translation of Census records for Larine    1845 - 1880

Article about Larine Larsdatter from Danish folklore journal magazine Dragtjournalen published 2 August 2008.

These photos and descriptions of Larine's handiwork, embroidery and sketch book come from Lita Rosing-Schow, a writer for the Danish journal Dragtjournalen .  Her article was roughly translated and summarized in English by Camilla Luis Dahl, who gave me permission to post the information and photos on my webpage.  She wrote:  "You are welcome to post it to your webpage and photos too - just put a link to author, name of article and a link to and you are of course allowed to quote all you want and use my translation as well"
Tidsskrift udgivet af Dragtpuljen og
Center for Tekstilforskning
Saxo-institut, Københavns Universitet
Njalsgade 102
2300 Kbh. S