Pictures from Danna Ertler

Family Pictures from Donna Ertler
Portland, Oregon

The images linked from this and the next page were scanned as bitmap images in color to preserve their original quality, which will remain untouched. Some damage from moisture and other aspects of wear will be corrected by editing at the pixel level. Dennis Skelton & I will do the editing, and as improvements are finalized, these pages will be revised to reflect those changes. The picture of Emma Redsull (bottom, next to Arabella) is from Margaret Bonney who wanted to have her represented. Emma is not in the other pictures. The picture of the painting of Sarah Sutherland McKenzie was carried clear across Canada by Arabella to Oregon Territory in 1841. It was found a few years ago in the attic of the house, still in use, built by Arabella and James Taylor in the 1850's on Suavie's Island on the Columbia river.

A picture of the painting of Sarah (Sally) Sutherland McKenzie
(c 1800-1829).
Wife of Chief Trader Roderick McKenzie Jr.

Arabella McKenzie Spence, from the tintype: Wife of John Clarke Spence, daughter of Roderick and Sally McKenzie.

Amelia Spence, from the tintype: Wife of Thomas Tims Redsull, duaghter of Arabella and John Clarke Spence.

James Sutherland Spence, son of Arabella and John Clarke Spence.

Thomas Tims Redsull

Sarah, Amelia, Caroline Redsull (also a tintype, but not discolored).

T.T. Redsull, Sarah & Amelia

Caroline Redsull

Sarah Redsull

Arabella Redsull

Emma Redsull
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