James and Mary Barger - Bamkins go to Pembrokeshire

James and Mary Bamkin

The Bamkin family are believed to be all related.. This page shows the move to Pembrokeshire and the start of descendants in Canada whose surnames include Smith, Davies, Turk, Pearson and Rowley and the unusual first name Ithmer.

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For Rees in Angle try also this person

And that person

And for Lettice Smith (nee Bamkin) try also this person for people including Ithmer Pearson, Davies, Rowley and Turk.. all Bamkin descendants.

James BAMKIN - son of John and Elizabeth

Married Mary Barger

14 September 1782

She died in 1855


Martha Bamkin

15th May 1786

Who had Hester 1822 at Freystrop and Lettice in 1817? at Penally

Had Thomas Bamkin

4th March 1788

Had John Bamkin

13th Aug 1790

(presumably died before 1803)

Had Mary Bamkin in 1792

Had Jane Bamkin

Had Lettice Bamkin 1801 who married Charles Smith in 1873. She died 1879 after having 6 children who have descendants living in Canada.

Had John Bamkin 1803

Had Mary Bamkin in 1808

 Had Elizabeth Bamkin in Angle, who married David Rees a fisherman in 1810. She had already had 1 or 2 children called John.

 James Bamkin was apprenticed into framework knitting (in Leicestershire) together with his brother. Died 16th September 1813




 Last updated December 2002