John Coumans Sr. Descendancy

The Descendants of John Coumans Sr.

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John Coumans Sr.  - born 1795 in County Cork, Ireland
       - Mary Coumans
        - born ca. 1826 in New Brunswick
       - Simon Coumans
        - born ca. 1828 in New Brunswick
       - John Coumans Jr.
    - born 1832 in New Brunswick
       - Elizabeth Coumans
  - born May 28, 1836 in New Brunswick
       - Anne Coumans
         - born ca. 1837 in New Brunswick
       - Jane Coumans
          - born ca. 1841 in New Brunswick
       - Thomas Coumans
     - born Feb 10, 1843 in Stratford, Ontario



Carissa Thomas ~  [email protected]