Surnames B

Index of Births in Seychelles

For Years 1790 to 1904

for BUTLER surname

Copies of birth certificates can be obtained from the Seychelles National Archives or the Civil Status Division. Try the archives first as most records before 1900 are held by the archives. Click on the links for more information.

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Child's First Names

Date of Birth


Alban Joël Amédée 20/04/1895  BUTLER George CELESTE Roseline
Andre Edward 30/04/1862  BUTLER Theodore JORRE DE SAINT JORRE Idalie
Charles Theodore Stanislas 13/02/1878 BUTLER Stanislas PAYET Agnes
Claircine Idalie 30/11/1886 BUTLER Thomas HOUAREAU Claircine
 George 13/03/1860  BUTLER Theodore JORRE DE SAINT JORRE Idalie
George Emmanuel 01/01/1891 BUTLER Thomas HOAREAU Claicine
Henriette Idalie 01/10/1847  BUTLER Theodore JORRE DE SAINT JORRE Idalie
Jonathan Thomas Alfred 01/10/1847 BUTLER George CELESTE Roseline
 Joseph 25/02/1892 BUTLER Joseph WILLIAMS Julia
Joseph Clement 05/02/1873   Josephine No 428
Josephine 05/02/1894 BUTLER Joseph Clement  WILLIAM Lelia
Louis James Stanhope 23/07/1883 BUTLER Thomas  HOUAREAU Claircine
Malcy Ida 15/01/1882 BUTLER Stanislas PAYET Egnisse
Marie Ida 01/05/1853 BUTLER Théodore JORRE DE SAINT JORRE Idalie
Marie Louise Grace Elodie 11/04/1871 BUTLER Théodore ADAM Marie Louise Grace Elodie
Marie Noemie Angella 04/12/1885 BUTLER Stanislas PAYET Egnisse
Marie Sarah Noémie 23/10/1837 BUTLER Théodore JORRE DE SAINT JORRE Marie Catherine Idalie
 Melville 20/03/1899 BUTLER George CELESTE Roselina
Pauly 15/07/1897 BUTLER Joseph WILLIAM Julia
Roseline Amelia 13/07/1893 BUTLER George CELESTE Roselina
Samuel Henry 11/10/1888 BUTLER Thomas HOUAREAU Clercine
Stanislas 24/09/1859 BUTLER Théodore JORRE DE SAINT JORRE Marie Mathurine Idalie
Théodore 06/03/1836 BUTLER Théodore JORRE DE SAINT JORRE Catherine Idalie
Thomas Ashington 01/05/1882 BUTLER Thomas Canon HOUAREAU Marie Claircine
Thomas Canon 08/09/1855 BUTLER Theodore JORRE DE SAINT JORRE Idalie
William 17/04/1902 BUTLER Joseph WILLIAM Julia
William Ashington 28/10/1857 BUTLER Theodore JORRE DE SAINT JORRE Idalie
John Nathaniel Sydney 01/10/1888   EDOUARD Berthe

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