Join Our DNA Study





Any male with surname BEAL, BEALE, BEALS, BEALL, BELL (or similar surname) is welcome to join our surname project. Females may also participate in our studies by using a living, male, close relative – with the correct surname – as surrogate for the testing. Females may also participate in a mtDNA test.

For full participation, you must complete a descendants chart, or a list of your known ancestry (to the best of your ability), and submit it to a project administrator. This should include dates and place of birth, dates and place of marriage (and spouse name), dates and place of death, for as many generations as possible, to assist in analysis. If you have no knowledge of your ancestry, it does not exclude you from testing to possibly learn your ancestry!

It is possible to order a test kit without fully participating in our study. If this is what you desire, the above requirement does not apply. You will receive match notifications, but no analysis or any other benefits that follow full participation. You will only receive a certificate with your test results, and password access to the testing agency website. We will still add your results under our project privacy codes to our results web page, for you to see possible matches.

How To Join

If you meet the eligibility requirement, you should then contact a project administrator with your interest in joining our project - see contacts at the bottom of this page. If you are ready to order now, click on the FTDNA link and fill out the order form.

Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) - FTDNA offers results for up to 111 markers. The cost is $169 for a 37 marker test,  $268 for a 67 marker test, $359 for a 111 marker test - for more refined results. You will receive instructions with your test kit on how to collect a DNA sample (cheek swab) and where to return the test kit. When your DNA sample is received by FTDNA, you will be given log-in access to your FTDNA website. Also, be sure to send a descendants chart, or a list of your known ancestry, to the webmaster.

After you place your order, we suggest that you visit some of the DNA-related websites we have listed. These will help answer many common questions people have about DNA testing for genealogy.


Be sure to enter or upload your test results to Ysearch to increase your chances of finding matches. Provide your User ID or Record ID to the webmaster, and he will post your Ysearch link on the surname-appropriate haplosearch page.

If matches to another participant are found, that participant may be contacted to see if ancestry data can be exchanged. An administrator will facilitate this exchange, only if there is mutual agreement. No pedigree or contact information will be made public without your consent. By default, only your privacy code and Y-DNA test results will be revealed on our website. If you desire to be contacted directly by other participants or researchers, you may request that your email address be posted on our haplosearch page.

Ann Beal Logan <bealdna @>
Member, Association of Professional Genealogists; Chair, Ontario Genealogical Society, Halton-Peel Branch.

Thomas G. Beals <tg.beals @>
Ph.D, Molecular biology; DNA researcher (lab rat) and bioinformaticist.

Stuart James Beall <jamesbeall @>
Webmaster for Beal, Beall, Beals, Bell DNA studies.


Y-DNA Results

Updated: 15 May 2014