Thirty-sixth Session of Salem Association, September 20 · 21 · 22 · 1879

Regular Baptist Churches

Horsehead Church, Franklin Co. AR

Minutes of the Thirty Sixth Session, Salem Assoc.

Held with Horsehead Church, Franklin Co. Ark.
Embracing September 20, 21, & 22, 1879

Officers: Elder R. K. Pound, Moderator
Bro. J. W. Crockett, Clerk


Saturday, September 20, A. D. 1879

Saturday at 10 o'clock the Salem Association met at the time appointed at Horsehead Church. Prayer by Elder Mark Jackson. The introductory sermon was delivered by Elder J. R. Fisher, from St. Matthew, 28 chapter, 19 and 20 verses.

The Delegates then repaired to the house prepared for their reception, and after a short but able advice on the duties of the members of the Association, opened with prayer by Elder Thomas Dotson. The Association was then declared in order for business.

The letters from the several Churches composing the Salem Association was then called for, read, received and the Delegates' names enrolled. The Association then proceeded to elect a Moderator and Clerk. Elder R. K. Pound was chosen Moderator and Brother J. W. Crockett, Clerk.

Invited visiting Ministers (were) seat with us in council.
(Reading of) the Constitution, Rules of Decorum and Articles of Faith.

Opened the door for the reception of new Churches.

Called for corresponding letters, and received one from Washington Association by the hands of Elder Thomas Dotson, which was read and received; and also a bundle of minutes, and the delegate was invited to be seated with us.

On motion agreed to continue correspondence with Washington Association, and Elder I. S. Pound was appointed to prepare the letter.

On motion Elders J. R. Fisher, Wm. Deremiah and F. Dunn, with the Moderator and Clerk, a Committee of arrangements.

On motion appointed Brothers J. W. Anderson, W. D. Shores and Elder B. R. Lovitt a Committee on Finance.

On motion appointed Elders Thomas Dotson, Wm. Deremiah and R. K. Pound to fill the stand on to-morrow, and preaching to commence at 10 o'clock.

On motion adjourned until Monday morning at 9 o'clock, Prayer by Elder D. Garrison.

Sunday Morning, 9 O'clock, September 21, 1879.

A large assembly gathered at the water-side, where the Ordinance of Baptism was attended to by Elder R. K. Pound. After baptism the congregation returned to the Church-house, which was very large and attentive. The services of the day were introduced by Elder Thomas Dotson, from Eph, 2 chap, 19, 20 and 21 verses. Elder Wm. Deremiah followed from 1st Cor., 15 chap, [9] verse. Elder R. K. Pound followed from St. John, the Evangelist, (.....) chap., latter clause & verse. At the close of the services on the Sabbath it was manifested that the Lord was in our midst, the brothers and sisters were made to rejoice, and sinners were made to weep, and mourners to cry for mercy.

Monday Morning, Sept 22, 1879

The Association met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Elder. Wm. Deremiah.

Called the roll of Delegates.
Called for the bill of arrangement, which was read, received and the committee discharged.

On motion agreed to continue Union meetings.

On motion agreed to have four Union meetings. First at Western Concord Church, commencing on Friday before the second Sabbath in July, 1880. Elders J. R. Fisher, I. S. Pound, D. Garrison and C. C. Stuart agree to attend the same. Second at Cane Creek, commencing Friday (.....) in August, 1880. Elders F. Dunn, C. C. Stuart and Brother (.....) Pleasant Grove Church, commencing on the Third Sabbath in July, 1880. Elders J. R. Fisher, Wm. Deremiah and Russell Brown agree to attend the same.

On motion called for the corresponding letter to the Washington Association, which was read and received, and the following brethren agreed to bear the same: Elders J. R. Fisher, F. Dunn, R. K. Pound and Brothers I. Gardner and N. T. Dickerson, which will be held with New Hope Church at Kingston, in Madison County, Arkansas, commencing on Friday before the first Sabbath in September, 1880.

On motion called for the report of the Finance Committee, which reported $8.50 in the hands of the old Treasurer and $19.50 by contribution, making a total of $28.00.

On motion agreed to have six hundred copies of these Minutes printed and that fifty be reserved for correspondence, and that the Moderator and Clerk superintend the printing and distribution of the same.

Resolved to hold our next Association with Pleasant Hill Church, in Franklin County, Arkansas, commencing on Saturday before the third Sabbath in September, A. D. 1880, and that Elder R. K. Pound preach the introductory sermon, and Elder F. Dunn his alternate.

On motion the Clerk shall be Treasurer the ensuing year.

On motion the Clerk was given $8.50 for his trouble.

On motion the Association tenders her thanks to the brethren and (last page is missing)

Resource: Minutes of the 36th Session of the Salem Association of Regular Baptists, Salem Assoc., R. K. Pounds & J. W. Crockett, privately Printed (Sept. 1879), S.W. Smith, Tulsa OK, custodian.

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