Loving Sister,
I goes to meeting sometimes; we have a meting every other
fifth day at our house, my husband grose weakly; the Lord
who Lited our candled hath not put them out. Our children
Remember their loves to you all. I have sente two presents
to the(e) as a toacon of Love and youenity. We donte know
that thear heath bene any mischip done in the government as
yet by the Indins, but dont know how soon thear may be for
some is doubtfull thear my be before the truble some times
be over. I desire the(e) to remember oure kind Loves to all
oure neare Relations and friends. We under Stand that oure
brother John Grubb is desesed, but we have no Cartunty of
it. I desire thee to let me know what is become of Peter
Grubb's widow. Remember my Love to brother Henry Grubb in
Richard Beeson
the tocens which i sente wa Love and Youenity |
Acknowledgements:Many thanks to our cousin Richard Brown for sending us this wonderful letter. The letter was typewritten; obviously transcribed from the original. It is possible that a word or two was mis-read. If anyone has access to the original letter, please let me know. There is no end to the generosity of our cousins. The following letter was submitted by JoDell Koelling Steuver, daughter of Nixie Beason Koelling and gggggggrand-daughter of Charity Beeson. This letter is the response to the above letter from Charity and was published in THE GRUBB FAMILY by Gilbert Cope, 1893. Thank you JoDell for sending this along.
Charity Grubb Beeson |
"Ye 9th of ye 9th mo; 1758; West Bradford, Chester County Loving Brother and Sister; I received Your Letter this day, Dated ye 5th Month 1758, in which I had Great statisfaction to hear of You, Except that Impediment and Stopage in my Sister's Breath and my Brother's Weakness for which I am Ready to Sympathise With, Still hoping that Light, the Grace of God, may be your instructor Until it may Please Him to Call us Unto Himself Which is my Desire Both for you and myself, it Gives me Great Satisfaction to hear of your Keeping to meeting knowing by Experience the Benefit of Waiting Upon the Lord of help in this time of trouble. I have at this time no Child at home But I Acknowledge for myself on the Behalf of my children the Love My cousins has Remembered to us. The Present you have sent to me I Acknowledge and hope to keep as a Sure token of friendship. My desire is that you may be Still kept from the Merciless hand of the Enemy [Indians] and Above the fear of them by trusting in the god of all strength. We have frequently heard of their doing Mischief in the Province. According to Your desire I shall Let our Relations Know the Contents of your Letter as soon as Possible; the time being so short I have not as yet had no Opportunity But I shall be Carefull. Brother John Grubb is Certainly Deceased this Life he Died with the Gravel and Was decently Buried at Chichester in Friends Buring Ground, the Corps Accompanied by Brothers Emanuel, Samuel, Nathaniel and my self, With a great Company of Others. Brother John has set his two oldest Negroes free and the Rest to be set free at twenty five Years of age. Sister Hannah Grubb Lives at Wilmington & among her Children. I saw her Lately. She lives Exceeding Well full and Plenty. My Children and family is at Present in health as Usual and their families. My son Nathaniel and Isaac is out at Work at the mason trade. Joseph is at John Wall's. John Wall, my son in Law has a daughter about nine months old and Calls Her Name Charity. Our Brothers is all in Good health Except our Living and Beloved Brother Samuel; he is at this time in Kingwood in Hunterton County in West Jersey or Was there Lately to be Cured of a Cancer in his Under lip which is Very Painfull. Brother Richard, I have heard Lately of Joseph Gregg and his family they are all in Reasonable Good health. I have heard nothing to the Contray from thy Cousins by the River. So I Conclude Still Remembering that Love and Unity Which ought to subsist among Brethern and Sisters in the fellowship of truth. Please to Remember my Love to My Children and Grand Children by My Late husband and to William Cox and his Wife Rachel Wright, With all Other Enquiring friend. Do no Neglect Writing to me as often as Possible and the Circumstance of Your Affairs and Condition if you please, Concerning these Troubelsome times.
This from your sister Phebe Hadly." |
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