Calvin Littlefield Obituary

—The funeral of Mrs. Persis Littlefield occurred on Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 2 p. m. at ber late home. It was very largely attended, for she was loved by many. On March 35th last she was 86 years old. She was the next to the last of a family of thirteen brothers and sisters. A brother over 90 in Pennsylvania survives her. Of this Scott family of seven sisters and six brothers the youngest died at 41, but the average age of all is over 73 years. The parents came into this country from Vermont about 1804. Persis Soott was born in 1812, joined the Baptist church in Woodville in 1881, was married to Lyman Littlefield in 1888 and transferred her membership to the Belleville Baptist church about the same time. For sixty-two years she has been an honored member. Her life was a life of sorrow, though with many compensating joys. She saw her husband and her eight children alllaid away in the tomb, her last son, Milan, having died two years ago this preseat month. She developed a sweet Christian character through all in her sorrows, and up to the end she was far more a comfort than a care to those about her. She had been ill but a short time. She passed away in perfect peace, going to the welcoming home awaiting her at the hands of departed loved ones. The funeral sermon was preached by her pastor from the text in Heb. 10:87, "He endured as seeing Him who is invisible," and this seemed a most fitting summary of her life. She will be greatly missed by her friends, and especially by her daughter-in-law and grand children who were so deeply attached to her. The memory of the just is blessed.



Article as it appeared in the Jefferson County Journal