Bev's Favorite Sites

Bev's Favorite Sites

General Genealogy Sites
Ancestry - a huge site designed for beginners and experienced researchers alike.
Cyndi's List - the most comprehensive list of genealogy links on the web.
Family Search - a wonderful research assistant on this site will help you get through your brick wall.
Rootsweb - the extensive database on this site and wonderful mailing lists make connecting with others easy.

Hispanic Genealogy Sites
Al Sosa's Hispanic Genealogy Page - a gateway to your ancestors - try starting out here.
Latin American Genealogy - a discussion group hosted by me on Yahoo! Groups. This is the homepage for the list.

Polish Genealogy Sites
PGSA - very important databases and an incredible source of information. You don't have to pay to use this site but membership is reasonable and what you learn is worth it.
Polish Roots - the Polish website I refer to most often.
PolandGenWeb - jumping off point for all Polish research.

Miscellaneous Sites
BeliefNet - a website that embodies the best of multi-faith dialog.
The Hunger Site - one click a day can really make a difference with this site.
Gratefulness - helping to bring peace to your spirit.
The Green Party of Philadelphia - if you are tired of voting for the lesser of two evils then check out this alternative political party and movement. - I would never get organized if it weren't for the not-so-patient mentoring of Marla a.k.a. "FlyLady". Her list sends a lot of email but there is a plan to it. Give it a try.