Follett Freesite

A Genealogy Website

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I hope you enjoy this site. Please remember the following as you browse these pages:




Do not assume that information I have included in my gedcom file or this website is true, complete or accurate.


The information provided is only as accurate as the sources who have provided information. Often my sources may be subject to occasional inaccuracies in memory or mistakes made in recording family information.  Even public records can contain typos and misspellings.  Older records are often based on transcribing handwritten information that may have been incorrectly interpreted in the transcription process.


Although I can make no guarantee of the accuracy of information on this site, I do my best to record the sources from whom I received information. City, County and Federal Public records are often great sources for basic information, but even they are subject to mis-transcription of information or misspellings. Family surnames may be subject to changes in spelling over the years or centuries, sometimes due simply to family preferences.  And many people coming to America from other countries have often "Americanized" their original birth names.  Therefore, choosing the "best" spelling of a name can often be difficult or impossible.


Please feel free to contact the site administrator (myself) if you feel you have more accurate information than that placed on this site, or would like to make contributions or additions to my information.


Thanks to all those persons who have contributed their family information over the years. Your assistance has been invaluable.


Intellectual Property (I.P.) Notice


All content on this site was researched, prepared, compiled, and/or drafted by Bonnie Follett. Any content that was not directly authored by Bonnie Follett is believed to be a "Fair Use" of materials that were either sent to me by others, found on the internet or in other public records. However, if you have found any materials on this site to which you make a claim of copyright, please feel free to so inform me by formal letter to my contact address, along with any proposed solution you are seeking. If requested based on a valid claim, I will remove any offending materials from the site.


This site is a not-for-profit undertaking.  It is provided as a public service to genealogists and persons researching their family trees.



© 1999-2015 Bonnie M. Follett. All rights reserved.



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