About Robin
A lil’ bit ‘bout me!

Who am I? A hillbilly, of course! I’m a Stone County native, born right down there at Cape Fair, Missouri. I ran barefoot all over them thar hills as child! Now I jus’ run all over them in my mind!  No sirrr’ee, I ain’t uppity one lil’ ole bit! ‘Sides, I’m kin to most ever’one in the county so’s no need to be snooty ‘bout where I come from and what I do fer a livin’.

About my site: Feel free to use my files to fill in your own Private research. I will gladly share what I have, but I request that you not use my material for profit or display it without my written permission. If ya do..I’ll jus’ have ta come lookin’ fer ya!

Any additions or corrections welcome! Please email me.

Hobbies: Genealogy, herbal healing, writing tall stories, and listenin’ to a sad country song.

Ocupashun: Not a darn thing! When I take a notion to, I sell my beadwork.

Marriage: You betcha! Biggest, meanest, Creek Injun you ever laid eyes on!

Young’uns: Yep…two fully growed and grand young’uns too!

Age: I ain’t tellin’. You’ll have to sniff that one out fer yerself!

Where I live: Sigh…stuck in Okla. Wait’n ta go back home to MO!

Name: Well, jus’ what ever suits ya. I’ll answer to Carmon or Robin.

A Few Of My Favorite Web Sites
My Husband's Creek Ancestors Page One

My Husband's Creek Ancestors Page Two

Stone County, Missouri (A great site full of online records)

Birdlady's Nest (My friend)

The Dunne's Home Page (My friend, and Birdlady's sis)