Barton in the Beans General Baptist Chapel
© Copyright Tony Kirkman, 2004

Con tents





Welcome to these pages. Until I began researching my NORTON family, I had no idea of their involvement with the Baptist religion. Even so, the knowledge that my forebears had been responsible for the establishment of the General Baptist church in their village has been a recent discovery. Living in New Zealand, I have no access to County Record Offices or other UK repositories so I have to rely on those records which have been filmed by the LDS, or which have been transcribed by others. Hopefully, these pages should help to make some historic General Baptist material more readily available

This is an ongoing project and I shall be gradually adding further databases and resources to these pages, so please bookmark this site and check regularly. If you have any material which you are willing to contribute, please don't hesitate to contact me. (Please change the subject to "about General Baptists").

Please note that my interest in General Baptists is purely historical - engendered by my family research. I am not a practising member of the faith and, apart from the Cauldwell Baptist Church which was established by my NORTON forebears, have no personal knowledge of the churches which have data displayed on this site. I am merely extending the results of my own research, to share with fellow family historians, in the hope of providing a useful resource.


My thanks to Tony Kirkman for the use of his photograph of Barton in the Beans Baptist Chapel; to Sylvia Murphy for her transcript of Castle Donington births; to Mike Spencer for his transcript of Packington births; and to Mike Gould for his notes from Baxter Gate Boys' Sunday School.


While I take every care to ensure accuracy, I take no responsibility for any errors. Full references are provided for all sources - some secondary or tertiary - and the onus is on the researcher to check and verify the information.




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These pages were last updated 27 February 2012
© Copyright Blanche Charles, 2003 - 2012