Friendly Messenger April 2005
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April 2005

This Month's Contents:


Easter is coming. Spring is on the way. The long days of January and February have left us and March has arrived, but as I sit here I see snow on the ground and ask where is spring, but we know it is coming with budding trees, greening grass and flowers. The same is true about Easter with its joy and hope for all Christians.

As Holy Week approaches let us consider, for a moment, what an amazing week that was for Jesus. It was a week of welcome, celebration, betrayal, suffering, death, and then triumph over death for Jesus and for us.

We can participate again in that extraordinary week. On Palm Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem to a welcoming crowd who paved his way with palms and their cloaks, cheering him on. We can celebrate that day on Palm Sunday, when we also have a Palm Sunday Breakfast.

Later that week Jesus had supper with his disciples on Maundy Thursday, during which he broke bread with them and drank wine, as we can do this Maundy Thursday.

On Friday, a day of sorrow and grief, we can stand by Jesus and remember again the sacrifice he

made for us by attending our Good Friday Service.

Then the miracle of miracles, we have the joyous and triumphant day of Easter, when we can once again rejoice in our Lord's victory for us over death.

Let's all share in the exciting events of Holy Week by joining together in worship and joy at all of the following services:

PALM SUNDAY, March 20th

 8:30 AM-Alternative Worship Experience
 9:00 AM-Palm Sunday Breakfast
10:15 AM-"Procession with Palms"
10:30 AM-Communion Service

 7:30 PM-"In Remembrance" Table Communion Service

GOOD FRIDAY, March 25th
 7:30 PM-"Good Friday Liturgy"

(We join our friends to worship at Holy Cross Episcopal Church, Mercer and Washington Avenues, North Plainfield. Our choir will be singing and one of our lectors will take part in the service.)

 9:00 AM-Communion Service
 10:30 AM-Communion Service

Let's all participate in these important events for we have much to be thankful for.

Bill Shebey
Worship and Music Chairperson


The Congregation Council meeting was opened at 7:30 PM by Pastor Kiesling with a brief service of Evening Prayer.

After the prayer the church council thanked Pastor Kiesling for all he has done for St. Peter's while serving as our Vice Pastor since September, 2004. Pastor Kiesling's guidance was greatly appreciated. THANK YOU PASTOR KIESLING FOR A JOB WELL DONE. WE APPRECIATE ALL OF YOUR EFFORTS!

Confirmation and First Communion are fast approaching. Pat Johnston will be conducting the classes for these events for our young folks and will discuss their education with Pastor Storck when she arrives April 1st.

Barbara Shebey has agreed to be chairperson of the Evangelism Committee.

Worship and Music discussed the services for Holy Week. At the present time we do not have a Supply Pastor for Holy Thursday. Final arrangements for Holy Thursday will be announced Palm Sunday.

The Council has decided to create a Mutual Ministry Committee that will be chaired by Patricia Klatt. The committee will be composed of Pastor, Council Vice President, Patricia Klatt, Chairperson and several members of the congregation.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM with the Lord's Prayer.

In Christ's Service,
Art Klatt, Council Vice President


Alternative Worship Experience

Our Alternative Worship Experience is offered each Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. Our own Linda Nietman is leading this service . If your schedule prevents you from attending our 10:30 a.m. Traditional Service, or if you are looking for something a bit different, come see what our Alternative Worship Experience is all about. Communion will be celebrated the first Sunday of each month.

Office Hours

The church office is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 A.M. - to 1:00 P.M. If the door is not unlocked, please ring the bell or knock.

Sunday School/Adult Forum

Christian Education is available for all adults every Sunday morning at 9:15 am in the Nursery Room with Pat Johnston leading the class. If you are here for the early "Alternative Worship Experience," or if you are bringing your children to Sunday School, stay; Christian Education is for you, too!

Our Sunday Church School program for all ages is held at 9:15 A.M. every Sunday morning!

In Memory

We have recently been saddened by the passing of Robert Olsen, son of John and Mary Olsen, and brother of William and Richard, who died on Sunday, March 6th. May our prayers be with the Olsen Family as we trust in the hope of Christ's resurrection. "If we have been united with Christ in a death like His, we shall certainly be united with Christ in a resurrection like His!"

Women of the ELCA

The Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) invite all women to participate in their many activities. Meetings with a specific theme or activity are usually held at the church on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. Our Katie's Quilters usually meet twice a month on a Wednesday morning at 10:00 and a Friday evening at 7:30. In June, 2004, our women delivered 110 quilts, plus health kits and used clothing to Lutheran World Relief center in Maryland. Food items for FISH, the local food bank, are continually collected and delivered. They assist our Lutheran Men in Mission at our Annual Dinner Theater. Thankoffering Sunday is held in November. Many other opportunities for fellowship and service are coming along. As you can see, our women are very active. To find out how you can join in, and to find out what's happening when, please talk to an active member, watch for announcements in the Sunday bulletin, or call the church office (908-754-0530)for further information and/or the name and phone number of the proper contact person. Our Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America look forward to welcoming you!

Lutheran Men in Mission

Our Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7;30 PM at the Church. All men of the church, young and senior alike, are welcome and encouraged to attend. We need you! If you need a ride, please see or call Ken Troy. LMM sponsored our Annual Picnic, a Philadelphia theater trip to see a son of the congregation perform, and Mother's Day refreshments and carnations. They organize and cook for our Annual Dinner Theater. Work days at the church are also scheduled when a need arises. Many other opportunities for fellowship and service are coming along. As with the Women's Group, to find out how you can join in, and to find out what's happening when, please talk to an active member, watch for announcements in the Sunday bulletin, or call the church office (908-754-0530)for further information and/or the name and phone number of the proper contact person. Our Lutheran Men in Mission look forward to welcoming you!

Lutheran Men in Mission extend a special thank you -

to Barbara Shebey, for footing the bill to pay for the new railings that were installed at the Mercer Avenue entrance.

Church World Service

Sunday, April 10th, will be Church World Service Blanket Sunday. A donation of $5.00 will purchase a new reprocessed wool blanket which will be distributed in different parts of the world where needed. A sample blanket is on display in the narthex. Last year, 11 Plainfield area churches contributed $3,769 and 125 Health Kits. Please put your donation in the envelope provided and place in the basket in the narthex or give to Evelyn Troy.

You are cordially invited to attend our Spring Forum on Friday, April 8th, at 1:30 PM, at Wesley Methodist Church, 1500 Plainfield Avenue, South Plainfield.

ELCA International Disaster Response

We should not forget to assist the ELCA's partners as they rebuild communities and lives in India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and other Tsunami affected areas. Checks may be made out to ELCA International Disaster Response, Box 71764, Chicago, IL 60694-1764.

To date, the ELCA International Disaster Response has received more than $1.31 million in donations for Tsunami relief and recovery. One hundred percent of gifts go to help those affected by the disaster.


On Sunday, February 27th, Pastor Beate Storck, our proposed Interim Minister, came to preach at St. Peter's and to administer the Sacrament of Holy Communion. On that Sunday, we were also honored to have Pastor Scott Schantzenbach, Assistant to the Bishop, worship with us. The purpose of Pastor Storck coming to our church was to have the congregation meet her and listen to her preach. The service, extended Fellowship Time and the discussions with both Pastor Schantzenbach and Pastor Storck went extremely well. I am very happy to report that the congregation of St. Peter's voted unanimously to call Pastor Storck as our Interim Pastor.

After the meeting with the congregation, the Church Council met and again unanimously voted to call Pastor Storck as Interim Pastor. The Agreement that must be completed between St. Peter's, Pastor Storck and the Bishop was signed by the Church Council Vice President and Pastor Storck and has been forwarded to the Bishop for signature.

Pastor Storck is scheduled to become our Interim Pastor on April 1st.


Art Klatt,
Call Committee Chairman

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Last modified 3/17/05