Friendly Messenger April 2008
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April 2008

This Month's Contents:


Beloved People of God at St. Peter’s,

Alleluia, Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed, Alleluia! Remember the game “hide and seek?” Just recently, I was playing this game with some very young children. We had a great time, mostly because they were not particularly good at hiding. They would find some spot with their foot or head sticking out, and would always be giggling. This was great, because the point of the game was not really in the hiding. The most fun part was in the finding, with the laughter and big hugs that would come with it. The best part of the game is not in sitting alone under a chair, but in being found.

At the beginning of “hide and seek,” the “finder” would count down and yell out, “Ready or not, here I come!” and the finding would begin. With Easter so early this year, it’s as if we’ve moved straight from Christmas, into Lent and into Easter. I feel like Jesus is calling out, “Ready or not, here I come!” Easter comes to us, whether we are ready for it or not. And while we were mostly ready - the services ready, the choir sounding fabulous, the lilies all in place, I wonder if we can ever be fully ready for Easter. Who could be ready for this world-shaking promise of life eternal and abundant? How could we ever prepare ourselves for the transformative news that the world will never be the same because of Jesus? Jesus comes to us, raised from the tomb, shattering the powers that destroy us, conquering death and all its derivatives. Jesus breaks open the tomb, whether we, or the world, are ready for him.

Jesus comes, ready or not, and comes to find us. This is the good news of Easter. Jesus finds us. No matter where we hide, no matter what heavy burden covers us, no matter how lost we’ve become, Jesus finds us, and being found is the best part of all. Jesus finds us and surrounds us with his love, laughter and joy.

In this Easter season, as we revel in the joy and wonder of having been found, we are called to follow Jesus, and be “finders,” too. We have this good news of a God who broke open the tomb, who brought life to us and to all the world, who is out in the world, looking for the lost and broken and sorrowful. Great news is too good to keep hidden to ourselves. What fun would the game be if the “finders” never came looking, and the hiders just stayed under the chairs? The fun comes in the finding, in the relationships that are built, in the laughter and stories and joy. This is also true for us, as we live as an Easter people. The great joy of being church is in being found, in gathering together to sing and pray and share the Holy Meal, and be God’s people together. The great joy is in being gathered up, and then sent, to join Jesus out in the world in finding. The great joy of being church is when we find the ones hiding, and share with them this story of our God, the Great Finder, who gathers all of us up, to bring us to life and joy, and laughter. In this Easter season, the world shakes in joy and expectation, as Jesus spins around, and says, “Ready or not, here I come!”

A most blessed Easter to you!

Pastor Sara


St. Peter’s Council met on Monday Evening, March 10th. Pastor opened with a devotion by Joan Chittister about hospitality.

Goal Setting: After pastor’s report, we spent about an hour brainstorming and talking about our ministry goals for 2008. As we talked about reaching out for new members, each person told their story of how they found themselves at St. Peter’s. We learned that many times it was because of personal relationships, and invitations, as well as the hospitality of the congregation. Two themes made up our conversation - hospitality, and reaching out to our community through events. We talked about simple things like opening the door on warm Sundays to let people know we are here, and inviting our neighbors and friends. In reaching out to our neighborhood, we talked about doing some events such as an ice cream social in the summer, a yard sale, and a potluck with our new congregation, Iglesia Wesleyana, which shares our worship space. An ad hoc committee will begin meeting to plan some of these things and would love to have others help.

Building: This past month we had a plumber come in to clean the furnace and furnace chimney (which was 90% blocked) and fix some mechanical problems. The cost of the repair was $1500. It was approved to do a special appeal to cover this cost. Barbara Henriksen will work with Thrivent to secure matching funds.

Social Ministry: After much discussion, it was decided that we would not do a Spring Fling this year, but would put energy into other outreach events for our community. We celebrated the many years of important ministry to seniors that this ministry brought, and reflected on how this work we started has been carried on by many in our community in services to seniors.

Other Business: The council approved the request from Literacy Volunteers through the Plainfield to use our building for ESL (English as a Second Language) tutoring during the hours during the day that Pastor and/or the church secretary are in the building. Council approved Pastor’s continuing education time away after Easter and vacation time in the summer. We have 5 readers at Stony Brook School this Spring to continue this important ministry in our community. The NJ Synod’s Mission on the Move Financial Campaign was introduced to the council. We will continue to talk about this campaign which seeks to raise money for mission in New Jersey and to encourage congregations to grow in their mission to the world.

The meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.


Office Hours

The church office hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 A.M. - to 1:00 P.M. If the door is not unlocked, please ring the bell or knock. Pastor Sara will also be available at the church on Thursdays.

Sunday Morning Adult Forum 9:15 a.m.

Want to nourish your mind and heart? Want to spend some time in conversation and spiritual growth? Come and join us for our Adult Forum, on most Sundays, at 9:15 a.m. Keep your eyes open for the upcoming topics and dates. These will be posted on the narthex bulletin board. All are welcome, and no experience is necessary!

Weekly Bible Study

Join us each Wednesday for a Bible Study held at the church at 4:00 p.m. We will focus on the texts for that week that will be read at the following Sunday's service. (See “Word for the Week” further on in this newsletter.) Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for this informative time together, as we grow deeper in our faith and understanding of God’s word.

Loved by God, growing in faith, we are a place of welcome, sharing the love, hope and joy of Jesus Christ

This is the purpose statement that was adopted by St. Peter’ congregation at our Annual meeting on January 27th, 2998. The hope is that this statement, which grew out of shared prayer, Bible study and conversation, will continue to take roots in our life as a congregation. It names both who we are today, and who we long to be in our future. This is something for all of us, from all of us, to give life and focus to our ministry. We will place this statement throughout our building, in our bulletins and elsewhere, to remember our purpose and to focus on our ministry. May God bless us and lead us as we participate in God’ mission with our unique purpose!


We wish to extend congratulations to Corrine (Ziccardi) France and her husband, on the birth of their daughter, Gianna Marie France, and to Dominic Ziccardi and his wife, on the birth of their daughter, Savannah Grace Ziccardi. Congratulations and best wishes as well to Grandma, Judy Ziccardi. May God bless these gifts of new life.

Conference on Congregational Ministries

The 19th annual Conference on Congregational Ministries will be held on Saturday, April 12th, at Steinert High School in Hamilton Township. The theme this year is "Raise Up Leaders - Come Follow Jesus for the Sake of the World.” Please see Pastor Sara for brochures describing the workshops offered and registration forms, which need to be postmarked by April 2nd.

Building Wish List

Gail, our secretary, Pastor Sara and the Property Committee will be compiling wish lists which will be posted on the bulletin board near the side door. Please look at these lists and see how you can help in the running of our church by donating something needed or desired. Thanks for your consideration.

With Gratitude

“...I thank my God every time I remember you...” Phillipians 1:3

God works in amazing ways through the generous and humble service of faithful people. In our newsletter each month we are going to share gratitude for the people who have done so much for our congregation in the past month. The purpose of this is for us to give praise to God for the many gifts and generous work of our community. If there is something or someone you want to thank and give praise to God for, please let the office know and we can include them here...

We thank God for:

Ken Troy, Leigh Rink and Tony Pasquarello for all their work on our furnace,
Pat Klatt for chairing, and all others who helped out with our Palm Sunday Breakfast,
Mary Ann Schwarz and our Choir for all the special music during Holy Week and Easter,
Pat Shebey, Altar Guild Chairperson, for beautifully decorating our sanctuary for Easter,
All of our Acolytes, Ushers, Communion Assistants and Readers for their faithful service,
Pat Klatt for serving as Worship Leader on March 30th while Pastor Sara was away.

We give thanks to God for you, and for your willingness to share your many gifts!

Young Adults in Global Mission

This program provides one year international cross cultural experience in service, learning and leadership development. Participants engage in assignments with churches, or faith-based, or community-based organizations, developing relationships that provide rich opportunities for growth, support and spiritual life. Placements are made by matching the participant’s interests, skills and gifts, with needs in the following countries and locations: Argentina, Uruquay, Germany, India, Jerusalem/West Bank, Kenya, Slovakia, South Africa, Philippines, United Kingdom and Mexico.

If you are interested, please speak to Evelyn Troy.

Global Mission Event

This summer's Global Mission Event, entitled “God’s Work, Our Hands,” will be held at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, July 17-20. For further information, please visit their Website,

Women of the ELCA

The Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) invite all women to participate in their many activities. Meetings with a specific theme or activity are usually held at the church once each month. Our Katie’s Quilters usually meet twice a month on a Wednesday morning at 10:00 and a Friday evening at 7:00. Check with the office for the monthly schedule of activities.

In June, 2007, our women delivered an additional 85 quilts to Lutheran World Relief center in Maryland. Food items for FISH, the local food bank, are continually collected and delivered. Thankoffering Sunday is held in November. Many other opportunities for fellowship and service are coming along. As you can see, our women are very active.

To find out how you can join in, and to find out what’s happening when, please talk to an active member, watch for announcements in the Sunday bulletin, or call the church office (908-754-0530) for further information and/or the name and phone number of the proper contact person. Our Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America look forward to welcoming you!

Lutheran Men in Mission

Our Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) meet once a month at the Church. All men of the church, young and senior alike, are welcome and encouraged to attend. Check with the office for the monthly schedule of events. In recent years, LMM has sponsored our Annual Picnic. They also take a regular turn with Fellowship Time after services.

Work days at the church are also scheduled when a need arises. Each month, the men collect and deliver many bags of food to the local FISH program. Many other opportunities for fellowship and service are coming along.

As with the Women's Group, to find out how you can join in, and to find out what's happening when, please talk to an active member, watch for announcements in the Sunday bulletin, or call the church office (908-754-0530) for further information and/or the name and phone number of the proper contact person. Our Lutheran Men in Mission look forward to welcoming you!

E.P.E.S. (Educacion Popular En Salud): “Promoting Health, Hope and Healing!”

The “Mission” - EPES is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of shantytown inhabitants through the training and organized participation of the residents themselves. Over the past 20 years, EPES has trained hundreds of local people as community health promoters. The great majority (97%) of the health promoters are shantytown women.

The success I witnessed at EPES illustrates that dialogue which respects and listens to all voices, has the possibility of inspiring great and lasting social improvements. The community health promoters often told me that, before EPES, they felt worthless, but when they began participating in the events at EPES it gave them a reason to get up in the morning. The women who work with EPES were some of the most inspired people I have ever met.

Meghan Chapman, EPES Intern, Marlboro College, Vermont

St. Peter’s support of $20 weekly, which is given by our members in memory or in honor of a loved one, or to remember a special occasion, helps us keep our yearly pledge of $1,040, which goes directly to EPES in Santiago, Chile. Sign up on the chart in the office hallway, and pleae use an envelope clearly marked EPES Mission Support.

Thank you St. Peter's, for supporting this important and sorely needed mission.

Evelyn Troy, C.M.I.

ELCA World Hunger Appeal

“In 2004, our church’s World Hunger Appeal celebrated its 30th anniversary - 30 years of bringing help and hope to people in need.” These are the words addressed to us in a letter from Mark S. Hanson, presiding Bishop of the ELCA. He goes on to say, “In this anniversary year, our church will be celebrating the work of the Appeal...Through your giving, you have been part of this mosaic of hope that comes through merging relief, sustainable development, advocacy, and education. Your gifts are part of a picture - of a church that is responding faithfully and effectively to its Lord’s command to feed those who are hungry and to seek justice for those who are oppressed.”

Please continue to be a part of this picture by giving generously to our church’s World Hunger Appeal.

Gifts can be given through St. Peter’s, or sent directly to ELCA World Hunger Appeal, P.O. Box 71764, Chicago, IL 60694-1764.

Word for the Week

Each week we are given the gift of God's Word in our lectionary texts, the texts assigned to us for each week of worship. You will hear these words on Sunday mornings and the Sunday School children study these texts. I invite you to take some time during the week before you come to church on Sunday to read, study and pray with these texts each week. It could be a simple way to do daily devotions. On Monday, read the first reading, Tuesday, the psalm, on Wednesday, the second reading, and Thursday, read the Gospel texts. On Friday and Saturday, go back to those readings you had questions about and dig more deeply into your study. These passages can also be read in preparation for our weekly 4 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study held at the church.

One simple way to read these texts is to ask yourself the following questions:

1. What does this piece of scripture tell me about God?
2. What is God up to in this text?
3. What does this text call me (or us) to do or to be?

These are some of the questions I pray and ponder as I prepare for my sermons each week, and perhaps as you begin to ask them with me. We can grow in deeper conversation and connection with God and God's mission in the world. And you might even have a deeper experience of worship on Sunday morning.

Week before April 6, Third Sunday of Easter:
Acts 2:14a, 36-41
Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 (13)
1 Peter 1:17-23
Luke 24:36b-48

Week before April 13, Fourth Sunday of Easter:
Acts 2:42-47
Psalm 23 (1)
1 Peter 2:19-25
John 10:1-10

Week before April 20, Fifth Sunday of Easter:
Acts 7:55-60
Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16 (5)
1 Peter 2:2-10
John 14:1-14

Week before April 27, Sixth Sunday of Easter:
Acts 17:22-31
Psalm 66:8-20 (8)
1 Peter 3:13-22
John 14:15-21

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Last modified 4/1/08