Friendly Messenger October 2007
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October 2007

This Month's Contents:


Beloved people of God at St. Peter's,

Earlier this year, I got a call from an agency who was helping a new family settle into the area. In addition to checking out real estate, this agency had the job of checking out churches. The agent asked a bit about our church. Then he said, “Do you have programs for children?” So I said, “We have a small but active Sunday School, and while we don't have a lot of programs, we have something better.” Unfortunately, the agent never asked what this “something better” was, but his question led to me to think about the ways that we, as a small congregation, have unique opportunities to be a part of the lives of youth and families.

I grew up as a pastor’s kid, and as a pastor’s kid, even in a big congregation, I was beloved. I could do nothing wrong (even when I did!), and I grew up never doubting that I was safe, and cherished. It is one of my deepest hopes that each child in this world may know this kind of love and safety. Every child needs to have at least one adult - outside of their family - who is absolutely crazy about them. As a small congregation, the gift that we have to offer families and children is not more programs, but relationships. We are able to surround children and families with a community of love and support. This is the “something better” that I want to claim and celebrate.

Our world continues to become more and more fragmented, with fewer people live close to their extended families, and parents and children are more and more isolated. There are lots of activities and programs of which children can be a part. We, however, have something unique. Churches are among the few places in our society where people gather together inter-generationally. We are a place where old and young come together and share meals and share stories and share a purpose. We are a place where each child (and adult!) is held as important and unique and so precious. Here are St. Peter’s, children are known by name by countless adults who really care about them. We sing “Happy Birthday,” share Christ’s peace, and sneak chocolate to children during church. This really is miraculous. This is the kind of stuff that changes lives.

I do believe that fun activities, service projects and education are important, as they create opportunities for our young people to build relationships with each other and others in our congregation. These programs are a necessary part of the church. But we, as a small congregation, are able to do something unique, something deeper, something even better. We can live out Jesus’ call to “welcome the little children,” to really welcome them into the life and love of God through this community. Through the gift of our smallness, we are able to build relationships with one another and with families. May we continue to grow in this gift and call, that all God’s children may know a place full of people who are absolutely crazy about them.

In Christ,
Pastor Sara


The September Congregation Council Meeting was opened at 7:30 PM on September 10th with a prayer by Pastor Sara.

Christian Education: Oretha informed the Council that new books are being used, and the committee is very enthusiastic.

Property: Leigh advised that some of the church windows need reglazing and Tony is looking for a contractor to give us an estimate.

Evangelism and Outreach: Barbara Shebey reported that cards were sent to Ken Troy and Walter Dobak.

Stewardship: Although Rev. Fletcher harper of Green Faith was unable to give his presentation on September 10th, the ELCA has put together a full audit for churches to follow. A copy of the full report is being circulated among Council members to determine if there are things which we can do or change to be more responsible in our interaction with the environment. Also, we continue to hope that members will volunteer to give a 2-3 minute personal or inspirational reflection on witnessing faith in action, among members of our families, friends or community. Please think about adding your thoughts to this important program.

New Business: (a) Christine Zehrfuhs has agreed to serve as a Council member through January to replace Olga Bruce who is still in Rehab. (b) The Council approved having Erik Henriksen do an insurance evaluation for our church.

The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,
Joan Hassard


Office Hours

The church office hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 A.M. - to 1:00 P.M. If the door is not unlocked, please ring the bell or knock. Pastor Sara will also be available at the church on Thursdays.

Building Wish List

Gail, our secretary, Pastor Sara and the Property Committee will be compiling wish lists which will be posted on the bulletin board near the side door. Please look at these lists and see how you can help in the running of our church by donating something needed or desired. Thanks for your consideration.

Adult Forum

Everyone is invited to attend our Adult Forum on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am, This fall our study centers on the Lord’s Prayer, as well as our Stewardship themes. The Adult Forum will not meet every Sunday. Please check the schedule posted in the narthex.

Let It Shine - St. Peter's Vision Appeal

Praise be to God! Due to the generosity of St. Peter’s members and friends we were able to meet our 2007 Vision Appeal goal in July. What an incredible thing to have reached our goal 5 months early, passing our goal of $8,333 for the year. To date: we have received over $9,500. We are well on our way to raise our total goal of $25,000 before the end of 2009. We have been very blessed by the gift of so many of you and we are so very grateful. Thank you! When the members of the Bishop’s staff of the New Jersey Synod heard of the news of the generosity and faithfulness of our congregation and its friends, they wrote the following e-mails to me, and I wanted to share their words of celebration and affirmation with all of you...

From Rev. Scott Schantzenbach, Assistant to the Bishop, New Jersey Synod:

GOD IS GOOD! Wow! This is wonderful news and a strong witness to the faithfulness of the people of St. Peter’s and the work of the Holy Spirit in your midst!

I know that the decision of the congregation to head down this path was reached after great debate, prayer and with a courageous faith. God has richly blessed the North Plainfield community with a congregation which is bold to step forward trusting God’s direction...

I can’t wait to tell this mission story to your brothers and sisters in the Synod. It is a story of mission and grace.

Blessings on your ministry!

and from Rev. Judith Spindt, Assistant to the Bishop, New Jersey Synod:

What a story! I think of the vacant lot the congregation was going to sell to survive. This news is a great witness to what God can do when people open themselves up to the power of the Spirit, taking risks for the mission and behaving their way into a new way of being church. To God be the Glory. What fun it will be to witness to what God is doing in North Plainfield.

God is most certainly doing good things through you. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness. Our Vision Appeal will continue through the next few years as we continue to grow in our ministry and mission. Please plan to contribute to our future ministry through this Appeal, in addition to your regular giving. Your generosity makes all the difference, your faithfulness brings about God’s work in this world. Thanks be to God!

Pastor Sara

With Gratitude

“...I thank my God every time I remember you...” Phillipians 1:3

God works in amazing ways through the generous and humble service of faithful people. In our newsletter each month we are going to share gratitude for the people who have done so much for our congregation in the past month. The purpose of this is for us to give praise to God for the many gifts and generous work of our community. If there is something or someone you want to thank and give praise to God for, please let the office know and we can include them here...

We thank God for:

Erik and Paul Henriksen for hosting our church picnic in June,
Barbara Shebey for keeping the flowers so beautiful in the atrium,
Bob Hassard for leading us in music while Mary Ann was away,
Irene Plitz, Linda Nietman and Ev Troy for leading worship while Pastor was away,
Katie’s Quilters for showing God’s love through more quilts sent around the world,
Irene and Bella Plitz for bringing them to LWR in Maryland,
for all the generous people who gave to the Vision Appeal,
for the congregation council and their work at our retreat,
and special thanks to all those who made our 115th Anniversary Luncheon and Celebration so wonderful: including Gary and Gina Johnson, Irene Plitz, Tony and Dominique Pasquarello, Kirsten Briggs, Ev and Ken Troy, Lutheran Men in Mission, Linda Nietman and Barbara Henriksen, and Mary Ann Schwarz and the choir.

We give thanks to God for you, and for your willingness to share your many gifts!

Women of the ELCA

The Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) invite all women to participate in their many activities. Meetings with a specific theme or activity are usually held at the church once each month. Our Katie's Quilters usually meet twice a month on a Wednesday morning at 10:00 and a Friday evening at 7:30. Check with the office for the monthly schedule of activities.

In August, 2007, our women delivered an additional 80 quilts to Lutheran World Relief center in Maryland. Food items for FISH, the local food bank, are continually collected and delivered. They assist our Lutheran Men in Mission at our Annual Dinner Theater. Thankoffering Sunday is held in November. Many other opportunities for fellowship and service are coming along. As you can see, our women are very active.

To find out how you can join in, and to find out what's happening when, please talk to an active member, watch for announcements in the Sunday bulletin, or call the church office (908-754-0530)for further information and/or the name and phone number of the proper contact person. Our Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America look forward to welcoming you!

Lutheran Men in Mission

Our Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) meet once a month at the Church. All men of the church, young and senior alike, are welcome and encouraged to attend. Check with the office for the monthly schedule of events. In recent years, LMM has sponsored our Annual Picnic, and have have organized and cooked for our Annual Dinner Theater. They also take a regular turn with Fellowship Time after services, plus present our ladies with carnations on Mother's Day.

Work days at the church are also scheduled when a need arises. Each month, the men collect and deliver many bags of food to the local FISH program. Many other opportunities for fellowship and service are coming along.

As with the Women's Group, to find out how you can join in, and to find out what's happening when, please talk to an active member, watch for announcements in the Sunday bulletin, or call the church office (908-754-0530) for further information and/or the name and phone number of the proper contact person. Our Lutheran Men in Mission look forward to welcoming you!

ELCA World Hunger Appeal

"In 2004, our church's World Hunger Appeal celebrated its 30th anniversary - 30 years of bringing help and hope to people in need." These are the words addressed to us in a letter from Mark S. Hanson, presiding Bishop of the ELCA. He goes on to say, "In this anniversary year, our church will be celebrating the work of the Appeal...Through your giving, you have been part of this mosaic of hope that comes through merging relief, sustainable development, advocacy, and education. Your gifts are part of a picture - of a church that is responding faithfully and effectively to its Lord's command to feed those who are hungry and to seek justice for those who are oppressed."

Please continue to be a part of this picture by giving generously to our church's World Hunger Appeal.

Gifts can be given through St. Peter's, or sent directly to ELCA World Hunger Appeal, P.O. Box 71764, Chicago, IL 60694-1764.

E.P.E.S. (Educacion Popular En Salud)

The "Mission" - EPES is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of shantytown inhabitants through the training and organized participation of the residents themselves. Over the past 20 years, EPES has trained hundreds of local people as community health promoters. The great majority (97%) of the health promoters are shantytown women.

St. Peter's support of $20 weekly, which is given by our members in memory or in honor of a loved one, or to remember a special occasion, helps us to keep our pledge this year of $1,040, which goes directly to EPES in Santiago, Chile.

Thank you St. Peter's, for supporting this important and sorely needed mission.

Evelyn Troy, C.M.I.

Word for the Week

Each week we are given the gift of God's Word in our lectionary texts, the texts assigned to us for each week of worship. You will hear these words on Sunday mornings, the Sunday School children study these texts, and, in the Season of Lent, I invite you to take some time during the week before you come to church on Sunday to read, study and pray with these texts each week. It could be a simple way to do daily devotions. On Monday, read the first reading, Tuesday, the psalm, on Wednesday, the second reading, and Thursday, read the Gospel texts. On Friday and Saturday, go back to those readings you had questions about and dig more deeply into your study. One simple way to read these texts is to ask yourself the following questions:

1. What does this piece of scripture tell me about God?
2. What is God up to in this text?
3. What does this text call me (or us) to do or to be?

These are some of the questions I pray and ponder as I prepare for my sermons each week, and perhaps as you begin to ask them with me. we can grow in deeper conversation and connection with God and God's mission in the world. And you might even have a deeper experience of worship on Sunday morning.

Week before October 7th:
Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4
Psalm 37:1-9 (Ps. 37:5)
2 Timothy 1:1-14
Luke 17:5-10

Week before October 14th:
2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c
Psalm 111 (Ps. 111:1)
2 Timothy 2:8-15
Luke 17:11-19

Week before October 21st:
Genesis 32:22-31
Psalm 121 (Ps. 121:2)
2 Timothy 3:14�4:5
Luke 18:1-8

Week before October 28th (Reformation Sunday):
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Psalm 46 (Ps. 46:7)
Romans 3:19-28
John 8:31-36

2007 Faithful, Hopeful, Loving Stewardship Campaign 2007

“Now faith, hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13

This year’s stewardship emphasis will focus on the basic principles of faith, hope and love.

Throughout the month of October we will gather around these principles as we name and celebrate the ways that we have lived with God’s gift of faithfulness, a sense of hope for our future, and in loving response to God’s love for us. We will also be invited into greater faithfulness, to lift the vision and hopefulness of our congregation, and to challenge each person and the congregation to grow in loving response and giving.

October 7th: Faithful
October 14th: Hopeful
October 21st: Loving
October 28th: Pledge Sunday

On Sundays throughout October, these themes will be emphasized in the sermon and in our Adult Education time. Pledge Sunday, October 28th, gives us an opportunity to make our commitments of loving response to God by returning our financial pledge for 2008. We will have special time in our worship to celebrate the reception of these pledges, Additionally, members of our congregation will have an opportunity throughout this month ( and throughout the year) to share ideas and experiences of living with faith, hope and love. If you have something you would like to share, please see Joan Hassard or Pastor Sara.

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HTML prepared by Walter G. and Lynn K. Blenderman

Last modified 6/29/2007