Hope's Wedding Letter

Letter written by Hope Foster Johns to her youngest brother Abraham at the time of his marriage to Alice Mae Johnston in Sebastian, Florida

Ida, Louisiana Aug 12 (1906)

Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster

Dear brother and sister,

Your letter received last Thursday and so completely took my breath, it took all this time to regain enough to write and congratulate you both. I was truly surprised and for a moment a wave of sadness passed over me of the thought of our only single brother putting on (the) double harness, but only for a moment did I let those thoughts hang over me, for I thought how much happier you would both be with each other's love. You know Abie I've told you all along you ought to get someone to love, and love you. And I'm sure you have it now, so Alice I'm glad to welcome you into our family as a sister, and hope that you will feel that you are one of us. Be good to my "little Bud" and he the same to you, and may you both be happy and prosperous and never have cause to regret this step. I pray God's blessings on you as you start out in new married life. When your letter came Foster and I were in the mist of a big tomato canning. I stopped and read and reread your letter, could hardly believe my own eyes. I told Foster you all might have given us time to get over there to see you married, but you all better come see us on a wedding trip. I would be delighted to have you at any time. I tell everyone I don't intend to go anywhere till Robert is two or three years old but if I get a chance I would be tempted to go see you all. Our baby is mighty sweet but lots of trouble and badly spoilt. Sometimes I haven't sense enough to know what I'm doing with so much to do, can't get any sort of help, and with cooking, washing, and ironing and everything to do, and half sick too, then the baby crying, is enough to upset anyone. But I ought not to write this to a newly married couple for it might discourage at the start. Must go to the baby he is crying now and Roy can't quiet him. Well I got his mouth stopped up with a bottle of milk for a few minutes. Henry has been gone since last Friday week ago, will be home tomorrow. I tell them I'm learning to be a widow right along.

Foster went to the Quarterly Conference yesterday at Gillian. He said they had rather a hot time over the parsonage question. Belcher (La.) and Dixie (La.) at that end of the circuit wanted it and Ida (La.) at this end as there is a church here. The Means had given two lots, so Mr. Jim Means said he would give another lot joining the two making three in all if they would locate the parsonage here, so it was finally decided and suppose will build this fall.

Eunice and T? are visiting at Red Fish. T? will teach in this school next season. We have been helping Cousin Bev put up some peaches for her while she is gone. I never saw so much fruit in my life. Foster is going to write so I will stop and write Mama a few lines. With lots of love for yourselves and all the rest.

Your sister,

I do wish I was able to give you all a nice present, hope I can someday.


Tuesday 14

Dear Abie,

I wrote this Sunday to get off in yesterday's mail, but Foster asked me to wait till today so he could write too. I did so then he didn't get to write. He had to gather his tomatoes which took him half the day, then he had to work on his Algebra which he takes of Prof. Bush twice a week preparing himself to go to Baton Rouge to the L.S.U. in Sept.. Last night after he had gone Cousin Bev came to tell him he had a phone message from his brother that his family are going to "Moon Lake" for a two day fish, and wanted them to go with them, and as there are two girls along of course he went. Got up and left before we got up. I will say however Foster is delighted over the step you have taken, and I'm sure will love his new Auntie very much. As he has said many times, she was the finest girl going.

Our baby was quite sick last night for the first time. Had good deal of fever and cried till four this morning before we got him quiet. He seems better now. I hope he doesn't get sick again.

Had letter from Mama. She was standing her trip right well. I've sent you a $1.00 - tell Alice to get any little article she wishes with it. Wish I could do more but will have to strain every point to send Foster off and we have such expenses this year. Lots of love and again wishing you all much happiness.

your sister,


Congratulations old fellow! Hurrah for you and Miss Alice. I think you will make it o.k.. Here is a dollar bill from us.

Yours truly as ever,
H. S. Johns
(Henry S. Johns)