The purpose of this site is to . . .
provide a resource for researchers of the BRAILSFORD family name
including common derivatives such as Brailsforth, Bralsford, Brealsford &tc
Is your visit due to photos published in the "Derbyshire Times"?
. . . then follow this direct link to the photos of Brailsfords in Clay Cross, Derbyshire.
Jan 2015: Recently aired:
Great British Railway Journeys is a BBC Two history travelogue documentary television series presented by Michael Portillo.
Michael includes a visit to Southwell in Nottinghamshire, where he discusses the origin of the popular cooking apple "Bramley's Seedling", and pays a visit to the original tree.
He makes an apple pie, and a toast to Mary Ann Brailsford, the lady whom planted the seed/core that produced the first tree.
The 29 minute programme is free (for UK viewers only) to watch until Feb 18 2015 on the website, Season 6 Episode 12 (Boston to Hensall)
Help our strive for excellence in presenting accurate information . . .
If you spot an error (typo or otherwise), or you have some additional information, please
email me.
Thanks to all who have sent data and images. They will be accessible as soon as possible.
Be aware that whilst I have an incredible amount of data & images, only a small proportion is currently online.
So please tell me about your family so I can try to help you with your research!
Even if you're not a researcher, but have a family connection, we would love to hear from you.
Finally, you'll need to be patient... I'm a newbie to site building. Hopefully you will all find something of interest...