Bredemeier/Brademeyer Family History

   Our genealogy pages contain the history of the Bredemeier/Brademeyer families beginning in Germany in the year 1500.
   Our grandfather,
Friedrich Wilhelm Bredemeier immigrated to America in the year 1887 from Bremen, Germany to the port of Baltimore, Maryland.  In becoming an American citizen he chose to use the name William Fredrick Brademeyer.  At the young age of 17, he came to a foreign land and here learned the language and customs; and through hard work elevated himself to an owner of a great portion of land in North Dakota.
   While standing in the pastures and fields that his family called home, you can become very appreciative of the times and hard work they must have endured.  The fourth generation of Brademeyer's now own and work this land that William called home.  The fifth generation of children now play among the hills and along the Bear Creek that was the playground of the children of William and Maggie Brademeyer.  The well traveled road that goes across the land is still visible, having been made by many trips with the horse and buggy, before our modern day roads and vehicles.
   The following pages contain history about the Bredemeier/Brademeyer families.  I have always believed that family genealogy is more rewarding if we have photos of our ancestors.  Therefore I have included photos - which take longer to load, but well worth the time to wait!
   We hope that you enjoy the information and the photos.

Margaret Brademeyer

I would enjoy hearing from anyone that is interested in the Bredemeier/Brademeyer lineage.
Genealogy has become my hobby, and I am interested in all aspects of genealogy research.
The names of individuals and families that comprise the last four generations of our family history have been left off because of privacy consideration.  We will however help you to establish a connection to the past if you are able to supply me with names and birth dates.

Fred & Margaret Brademeyer
11272 County Road 33
Verona, North Dakota
Phone: 701-432-5640
Email: [email protected]

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