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Little is known about the photographer H.K. Entwhistle, except that he was in business in Glossop in 1935 (see accurately dated post card photo below). |
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Eli Hand
(1915-1936), taken by H.K. Entwhistle of Glossop, taken in 1935
Format: Post Card Size: 140 x 189mm Image © & courtesy of Karen Fraser Notes: Karen Fraser's uncle, Charles Eli Hand was engaged to May Robinson. He died a year after this photo was taken in Dinting Lake, trying to save a 10 year-old boy who had fallen through the ice. Sadly, neither of them survived. |
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Chronicle 29 March
HUMANE SOCIETY AWARD FOR GLOSSOP HERO - "Charlie Hand" - The Glossop hero who has been awarded the Vellum of the Royal Humane Society for the gallant rescue attempt which led to his death. The official communication sent us from the Society reads:- "The Vellum of the Royal Humane Society has been posthumously awarded to Charles Eli Hand (21), labourer of 125 Victoria Street, Glossop, Derbyshire, who lost his life in attempting to save Malcolm Wragg (10), of 97 Dinting Vale, Glossop who was drowned when the ice broke on Fountain Reservoir at Dinting on February 18th. Hand tried to get the boy out of the water, but he also was thrown in and the bodies of both were not recovered until later." |
Glossop Chronicle
date unknown]
CARNEGIE AWARD FOR GLOSSOP HERO - The brave deed of "Charlie" Hand has been recognised by the Carnegie Trust. His Worship the Mayor (Councillor Beckmann) has been informed that at their monthly meeting last Thursday the trustees of the Carnegie Trust have decided to place Hand's name on the illuminated role of heroes of the trust, to present to his mother a memorial certificate framed in oak and to make a contribution of £100 to the local fund. Along with the letter and cheque was a personal expression of thanks to the Mayor for his assistance to the trustees. The Mayor intends to present the certificate along with the Royal Humane Society certificate, to Mrs Hand at the next Council meeting on May 27th. |
Glossop Chronicle
date unknown]
COUNCIL PRESENTATION TO MRS HAND - "There is nothing that we can do to restore to Mrs Hand her son, but I am glad that his heroism has been recognised by the public and the Carnegie Trust," said the Mayor, at the Council meeting on Wednesday night. He was presenting to Mrs Hand a certificate framed in oak from the Carnegie Trust (who have also given £100 to the fund) and the vellum of the Royal Humane Society which have been awarded posthumously to her son, Charles. Mrs Hand was accompanied by her children and Miss Robinson, Charles's fiancee. Making the presentation, his Worship said: "I have to perform a duty which will bring back - though I don't suppose we need reminding - a very heroic deed by which one of our fellow townsmen lost his life." The Mayor added that he very much appreciated the response of the general public and the donation of the Carnegie Trust. The Fund has reached £511. Mrs Hand, accepting the gifts, spoke with emotion, saying: "I can assure you they will always be treasured by me and my family. I am truly grateful, Mr Mayor," she went on, "for all you have done for me and the general public for their generous response to your appeal on my behalf. I should certainly have been in poor circumstances through the loss of my son, but I console myelf that it was the Will of the Almighty. With the money I can live in comfort and please accept my heartfelt thanks." |
Image kindly provided by Karen Fraser Anon (1912) Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire 1912, Kelly's Directories Ltd., London. Anon (1932) Kelly's Directory of Derbyshire 1932, Kelly's Directories Ltd., London. |
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