Sandeman Surname Resource Centre-Origins of the Sandeman Surname


Sandeman Surname Resource Centre

Origins of the Sandeman Surname

Information reproduced here on the surname origins is from "Sandeman, G.L. (ed.) (1950) The Sandeman Genealogy, Edinburgh: George Waterston & Sons". This information is reproduced here for research purposes only, and should not be reproduced anywhere for profit. Please cite appropriately if you use this information elsewhere.

"In the 14th and 15th centuries, it was the custom to add the name of a man's profession to his family name. The name of the Sandeman family came most likely from a Sandeman of Jutland, sent either to Northumberland or the Orkney and Shetland Islands. These islands were Danish to the time of King Christian I, and were given in dowry to the Princess Margaret on her marriage to King James II of Scotland. The Icelandic spelling is SANNANAMADR and the Danish is SANDEMAND, while the English translation of this word is "Delegate," i.e., one sent as a trusted representative.
Information procured in 1927 from Dr. Sofus Larsen (late Librarian-in-Chief to the University of Copenhagen) states:

'The Sandeman (or SANNEMEN, SANNAENDMAN) appear in the "Jydske Lov," the famous Law of Jutland, 1241, under King Valdemar Seyr (Valdemar II, the Victorious), as a judicial institution of eight or ten "truemen" nominated by the King to judge under oath at "Tinge" (Moots) in matters of criminal law. The employment of trustworthy subjects to hear and evaluate evidence, under oath, was already customary throughout Scandinavia, and throughout the territories overseas where Norsemen had settled. But the selection and the duties of such "Sandemen" were most closely and specifically defined in King Valdemar's law-book. This Jutland Code, famous for its extreme severity, ruled exclusively for Jutland. The "Ting" was held in only one place in Jutland, namely, Viborg. It took place under the open sky and the "Sandeman" was seated in a "Karre" made by four timbers reposing on large stones. The role of a "Sandeman" is exactly specified in the Code, and his existence and life is further confirmed in several of the old Danish folk songs.'"

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Last updated on 12th June 2001.