Peter Mallory



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Direct descendant is highlighted in red 

Peter Mallory                       Immigrant Ancestor                                           see FAMILY TREE
Born: Abt. 1627 England          


Mary Preston


Rebecca Mallory

One of the first Mallory's to arrive in this country was Peter Mallory. The exact date is unknown, but the year is usually given as 1637. He signed the Planter's Covenant in the New Haven Colony in 1644.

It is believed that Peter Mallory came to this country by way of Virginia. By 1639, there was heavy traffic between New Haven and Virginia, and the young Mallory may well have decided to move North, leaving his older and wealthier relatives behind. There are a number of descendants from the Virginia Branch, including many Nathaniels. There are many Nathaniels in Peter's descendants as well.

He married an unknown Mary, usually thought to be Mary Preston of New Haven. There is recorded, on Feb 6, 1648, this report:

"Peeter Mallory and his wife was called before the court and was charged with the sinn of vncleaness or fornication, a sinn wch they was told shutts out the kingdome of heaven, without repentaine and a sinn wch layes them open to shame and punishment in the court. It is that wch the Holy Ghost brands with the name of folly, it is that wherein men show their brutishness, therefore as a whip is for the horse and asse, so a rod is for ye follish backs. They confessed their sinn, and desired the court to show them mercy in respect of their bodies, she being weakely, and for ought is known, with child, and he subject to distraction, haueing sometime bine distempered that way. Wch things the court considereding, thought it most meete to punish by fine and not by corporall punishment, and therefore ordered that they pay 5 pounds as fine to the town, and that they be brought forth to the place of correction that they may be ashamed and that it appeare the corporall punishment is remitted in respect of mercy to their bodies, but with the shame of the sinn as if the correction was laide on."

The "sinn" is without doubt pre-marital sexual relations. It is not uncommon for young people to be called into court for this, and there are many similar instances in the old records.

Peter became successful and was a large land owner. He died between 1697 and 1701, leaving ten children. The family prospered and a great many descendants have been documented. With the advent of the Revolutionary War, many Mallory's emigrated from Connecticut to Canada as United Empire Loyalists. They settled on land along the St Lawrence River and founded what is now Mallorytown there. They also settled in New Brunswick as well.

Brent Hooton     [email protected]



