1. About this site |
2. Pedigrees | Visitation pedigrees and pedigrees taken from Hunter's "Familiae Minorum Gentium" and from Burke's Landed Gentry. |
3. Marriages | Transcriptions of Brailsford family marriages up to 1754 either from parish registers or from reliable published transcripts. |
4. Marriage Licences | Abstracts of Brailsford marriage bonds and allegations. |
5. C17th Tax and other Lists | Brailsfords found in various 17th century lists, including Subsidy Rolls, Protestation Returns and Hearth Tax lists. |
6. Mailing List | Join the Brailsford Mailing List or browse our archives. |
7. What's new |
The Brailsford family around the world are, as far as we know, all descended from the
Brailsford family of North Wingfield, in NE Derbyshire, UK. The Brailsfords of Derbyshire
are one of the few families in England that can be traced back to 1086 and the Domesday Book.
In 1086 Elfin, from whom the Brailsfords trace their descent, held considerable lands at
Brailsford, Bupton, Osmaston and Thurvaston in South Derbyshire. Whilst most Domesday Book
land holders were Normans who accompanied William of Normandy at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, Elfin is a name of Saxon origin.
This website has been put together by members of the Brailsford Mailing
List at Rootsweb.
This site collects together genealogical resources about the Brailsford family. Use the
navigation panel on the left to find your way around the site. This is very much a work in
progress so the data provided at the moment is only the beginning, more is being added
regularly, so use the "Whats new" button to check for recent
additions to the site.
If you have any data you would like to contribute, please
email me.