Silken Threads [P654C]

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Edward Shepard



Elizabeth Shepard


John Shepard


Abigail Shepard

Deborah Shepard


Sarah Shepard




Abigaill Pond


John Pond


Daniell Pond


Ephraim Pond


Rachel Pond

Hannah Pond







Daniel Pond















Abigail daughter of Edward and Violett Sheeppard, christened October 12, 1627 [Church of England Records: Essex: Lawford].

Nath Fisher sell Dan Pond 2 acres upl abutts Thw. Stickland easte: Nath Fisher west, highway to pond north swamp south

& 2 acrs swampe, abutts Thwa Strickland east, Nath Fisher west the forsed prcell north, waster swampe south deed to make

mrd the 2 acrs upland, is to mayntaye fence round. about: & nath Fisher is to have the refussall, if Dan. pond sell

bill fro. Dan pond to Na Fisher, 8� 4� prsent paye, 3� mor 1 month after 29:7. mo. next 1� more before ye end of 7. mo. 1652

20 of ye 10th mo. 1651. mrd that Lieft Fisher & Eleazer Lusher in the behalfe of ye Town being ther unto deputed agree wth Daniell Ponde Carptr as foloweth, the sd Daniell doth undertake to frame & set up 2 windowes upon the back side of ye meetinghouse at ye direction of ye Towne, of each side of ye officers seate one, that shall be like in all respects to those girth windowes in ye newe meeting house so fare as the places ar capeable of, & allso frame & set up a sufficient frame upon the north end of ye meeting house for ye hanging of ye Bell and doe all ye Carpenters worke therunto necessary, the shingling of the penthouse over ye Bell exepted, & to make & set up one conveanient & sufficient payer of flewe boards at the said end of ye meeting house, the Towne undertakeing onely all the necessary cariage of the timber thereunto necessary, & prvide the boards for ye flew boards

this frame for ye hanging ye Bell is to be made according to ye forme & prportion then betwixt ye prties exprsed, all this worke is to be done wth ye first oprtune & fitt season

For & in Consideration whereof the said Joshua & Eleazer in the behalfe of ye Town engage to sattisfie to the sd Daniell the sume of 3� & in case the sd Daniell when the worke be done shall aprhend he loose by the worke & shall make it reasonably apeere he is to have Ten shillings more, the whole to be pd, halfe in wheat & halfe in Indian corne, the Indian when the sd Daniell shall demaund upon reason[] warning & the wheat when the worke is done

Unto which Covenant as is all ready expressed on the other side of this Leafe the prties engaged subscribe thier names, Eleazer Lusher, Joshua Fisher in ye behalfe of ye Towne; Daniell Pond in ye behalfe of himself

At a Genrall Towne Meeteing 1651 Danll Ponde ar admitted Townesmen

At a Genrall Meeteing 1651 ye first of the eleventh mo: called Januarie Dan: Ponde ar admitted Townesmen

5 of ye 11:mo. 1651 Joseph Clarke is assigned to paye to Danll Ponde 12s due from him selfe in prt for defect in high waye worke, & in prt from meadfield Rate 0-12-0

3 of 12 51: The Town Rate - Dan Ponde 00-03-04

26 of ye 12 mo. 1651 Willm Bullard is assigned to pay to Danll Ponde 2 bushels of wheat out of his Town Rate

17 of 3 mo:1652 Bills sent to the Constable to paye out of the Towne Rate - to be pd to Danll Ponde 3-0-0

3 of ye 7 mo:1652 Constables thier account, Disbursed by them out of ye Town Rate of 35:4s as followeth, by bill from ye selectmen ... to Dan Pond by W. Bullard 1-0-0

28 of ye 10 mo 1652 - The Town Rate: Dan: Ponde 00-01-06

Disbursemts It to Danll Ponde for worke at the meeteinghouse 01-00-00

ye 7 of ye 1. Mo: 1652: The devision of the devident of 500 Acres to the Inhabitants upon the rule of prsons & estate; Danll Ponde Lot 7, granted 4 acres 2 roods 22 poles

29 of 6 mo: 1653: The Countrey Rate made - Danll Ponde 0-14-0

The Schoole Rate - 24 of 7 mo. 1653: Danll Ponde 0-1-0

29 or ye 10.1653 pd to Danll Ponde for work about the meeteing house 0-12-0

11mo 3 53 Tho Battell: desires his devdent beyond strawbery hill being prt of hi sown Jonath Fayerbanks, Dan. Pondes, Joh Rices

--- Pond was received in ye church 8d 11m 53 .

1656 The returne of the Commetie the 20 of the 12 mo

Whereas the Inhabitants of the Towne haveing generally had former notice were met the 23 of the 11 mo 1656 and ther by thier voate then passed declared and acted thier resolution that all the Comon rights of the towne both of Comon feedinge for the home heards of cattell and all devisions of lands should be devided to the prsent Inhabitants by grants made to them being Townesmen & their heyres and assignes for ever by the rules of persons and estats as lands had been formerly devided and that this should be a standing rule for all Comon towne rights heerafter to be gratned: and for further explication of thier mind therin did by voate allso resolve upon th equestan that such men as have houses or Lands in towne shall receive comon rights accordinge to the prportion of thier estates though them selves live att prsent out of towne and for the effecting heereof Cometted the car trust and power necessary there unto into the hands of the Select men for the time being: who there upon have accordingly made the followeing devision and grants to the persons heere after named alloweinge each person as much as to 8� estate and to estates being valued as formerly in devisions of lands and to towne and Cuntrie rates the whole account beinge putt together to every 18� one Cowe or oxe or 5 sheepe with their increase for one yeare or 5 goates the whole number of Cowe Comons aforesaid being thus granted being 477 and all brokin sumes or fractions that reach not to one Cowe Comon is prportioned to so many sheepe or goats as it will amount unto the rule of devison of Lands to be heereafter granted is prportioned to 532 acres according to which prportion & rule each devision is to be made heereafter, be the devident more of lesse

Where upon is Granted to the men whose names are heere under written and to thier assignes for ever

The sum of Daniell Pond's estate is 80-0 and contains 4 Cowe Comons, 2 Sheep comons and the Devident is granted 4 � acres 32 Rodes

6. of 10.59: The Countrey Rate, as followeth, the sume to be payed to the Tresure out of this Rate being 39� - 19s � 6d, and the overplusse remayneing for Town charges is 10� - 9s � 3d ... Dan: Ponde 00.07.06

20.12.59: A rate made for the payemt of the charges ariseing from and concerning the whole settling of Comon Rights, being raised upon the sd grants, at 9d. p Comon, the whole sume 19-07-08 ... Dan: Ponde 03.04

10. of 1.1659-60: The Schoole Rate for the raiseing 25� on 5� wherof is to pay bro: metcafe 12�.10s, being by Town voate to be borne by the schollers the other is pd by estates at 1d p � to over pluse where of is to paye Towne debts ... Dan. Ponde 00.14.03 ... its agreed that the one halfe of this Rate shall be at prsent gathered

18 of 5.1660: The names of the Inhabitants Interressed in the devident now to be layed out together wth the number of thier Lotts as they fell in order ... Dan Ponde [38]

14 of 9 mo. 1660: The Countrey Rate for the Levieing of 38� - 19s � 00 where of 30� - 10s � 5d, is for payeing the Countrey asessemt, for the Colledge Acct & Deputies charges, the over plusse being 8� - 8s � 7d is to defray Town charges ... Dan: Ponde 00.06.09

11 12 mo 1660: A rate made for the schoole and for the defraying other charges: in the Towne: which do amount to the sume of twenty seven pounds and five shilinges and a peny, thier is three shilinge: twoo pence aded more by Isack Bulard rate ... Dan Pond 0.11.7

Abigail Pond died July 5th, 1661 in Dedham .

2 10 mo 1661: The cuntry rate for the leaving of forty seaven pounds: seaven pence wheare of 29 pound: is for the paying the cuntry asesment the coledge proportion deputyes chareges 7 pounds and secetory orders: and deputye wages: six pounds: The overpluse is one pounde seaventeene: and three pence: ... Dan Ponde 1.6.8

25th day, 12th month, 1662 Daniel Pond bought of Ralph Wheelock, his estate, on which was a dwelling house and barns and a piece of swamp land called the dead swamp amongst the rocks .

March 22d, 1662/3 Daniel Pond received a grant of Lot No. 15 in Wrentham .

1664: Daniel Pond received a grant of twelve acres on the mill-creek in Wrentham .

2:9:69: Assemb at night, Upon information that Tobyas Doable is dangerously sicke at his Mr John Alduse house after the time of his hyered service was expired: where upon he being in poverty depend upon the Towne for reliefe: and the family where he is being other wise visited with sicknes and incapeable of longer entertaynmt of him, and the house of Anthony Fisher being a place fitt for supply, Deac: Aldus, Pet: Woodward, and Sergt Avery or any two of them are deputed to treat with Anthony Fisher to attayne roome in his house and with Nill Mackyah to attend the sayd Tobyas in the time of his sicknes at the Townes charge, and the said comittee to prvide prvisions for him and give account to the Towne ... Dan: Pond 1.14.8

15:9:69: A Rate made for the payemt to Phillip sachem for his Rights in Towne lately purchased asessed at 8d p Cowe Comon according to the first grants. Totall sume 17�-8s-0d to be payed in money ... Dan: Ponde 02.11

January 15th, 1671 Daniel Pond attended the meeting of the propriators of Wrentham .

1677: Daniel Pond received a grant of Lot No. 25 in Wrentham .

1:11:78: Agreed by the Towne that a devident shall be layd out that thoose men of our inhabitant may satisfy: for thos lands that formerly thay have taken up: upon a devident Account and that the rest of the propriators may have their proportion Answeroble: and the propriators that have takne up land already shalle have their proportion of mony now to be devided being twenty one poud seaventeen shilings two penc in hand and it is agreed that one shilling per comon shall be payd to each propriator and for sheep Comons proportinable. And what is wanting of the mony in hand to Answer Every man his Just proportion: shall be left to the select men to satisgy them as thay shall appear ... An account of the mony payd out to the propriators as foloweth ... Don Ponde �04.4.4

1685: Daniel Pond received a grant of lot No. 37 in Wigwam meadow of Wrentham and lot No. 17, containing eight acres .

Daniel Pond served as a Lieutenant of the militia, and took the Freeman's oath in 1690 .

Daniel Pond died Feb. 4th, 1697-8, at Dedham .

In the yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Nintve Seven Eight the Second Day of ye twelveth Month I Dan11 Pond of Dedham in ye Countie of Suffolke in ye province of ye Masathusetts Bay in Neweingland, though Infirm in boddy yet whole and sound in my mind and memory and understanding and of a disposeing mind I doe ordaine and make this my Last Will and Testament in maner and forme as followeth:

first I comit and comend my soule into the hands of y' Lord Jesus Christ: and my body to ye earth from whence it was taken: after my death to be decently beuryed by ye care and descresion of my Executors hereafter named

My mind and will is: that after my just debts be paid and my funerall charges defrayed: that my Well beloved Wife Anne Pond shall enjoy and possess all my Whole estate both of housing lands tenements orchards gardens chattles or movable estate whatsoever during the whole time and terme of hir naturall Life for her uce benefit and comfort after my decease

I give and bequath to my well beloved Wife aforesaid and to hir Heyres forever: the one halfe of that my three Acres of meadowe as it lyeth in foule meadowe.

I give and bequath to my loveing Son John Pond twentie shillings and that with what he have received allredy to be his whole portion in my Estate

I give and bequath to my loveing Son Ephraim Pond twentie shillings and that with what he have allredy received of me to be his whole portion in my Estate

I give and bequath to my loveing son Robert Pond twentie shillings and that with what be have allredie received of me to be his whole portion in my Estate

I give and bequath to my loveing Daughter Abigaill Day twentye shillings and that with what she have allredie received of me to be hir whole portion in my Estate

I give and bequath to ye Children of my Daughter Rachel Stone Deceased five shillings each of them and this to be their whole portion in my Estate

I give and bequath to my loveing Daughter Hannah Devotion five pounds and that with what she have received of me all redy to be hir whole portion in my Estate

I give and bequath to my son William Pond the other half of that my three Acres of meadowe att foule meadowe above mentioned to him the said William and his Heyres forever

I give and bequath to my loveing Son Williame before mentioned and my loveing son Jabez Pond all that my six Acres of meadowe ass it lyeth in ye broad meadowes to them and their Heyres for ever to be equally devided betwen them

I give and bequath to ye Daughter of my son Dan" Pond deceased twentie shillings to be hir whole portion in my estate

I give and bequath to my loveing Sons William Calab and Jabez Pond and to their Heyres forever all ye Remainder of all my housing buildings lands tenements orchards gardens meadowes swamps and cow-comons that is not allredy disposed of by me in this my will to be equaly devided betwen them three, and this with what they have allredy received or is in this will expressed to them to be their whole

I give and bequath to my Daughter Sarah Pond all ye remainder of my Chattles or movable Estate to hir and to hir heyres forever

And I doe hereby nomenate ordain and appoynt my well beloved wife Anne Pond before said and my loveing ffriends Joseph Wight and John ffisher of Dedham to be my Executors to whom I comitt all poure nessesary for ye full accomplishment and performance of this my last will and testament in all respects as is herein above expressed

In witness thereof I the said Dan" Pond have here unto set my hand and afixed my seal the yeare and day above written Danill Pond In presents of James Mosman, John ffuller & John Dean .

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� October 24, 2008 Richard Joseph Bucknum