Hamilton, Ohio
Industry in Hamilton, Ohio

Over time, many factories progressed from smaller concerns (like foundries) to larger operation with larger products (for instance, the machine tool industry).  Sometimes this step was accomplished through a consolidation or merger of similar factories.  For example, Lane-Owens-Dyer (agricultural implements) became Hooven-Owens-Rentschler (machine tools) in 1882.  Hooven-Owens-Rentschler in turn conolidated into a larger corporation, General Machinery in 1928.

Agricultural Implements/Machine Tools

H.P. Deuscher Foundry's "Hamilton" Corn Planter, 1891
Hamilton Gasoline Engine 
(The Advance Mfg. Co.), circa 1910
Niles Tool Works machinist, 1897
General Machinery employee, circa 1945

There were many other opportunities for employment in Hamilton.
Choose another trade: papermaking, safemaking, brewing or
proceed to find out how the Hamiltonians of yesteryear spent their leisure time.

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