College Corner Methodist Episcopal Church
College Corner Methodist Episcopal Church
Historical Sketch, 1894 by W.R. Lathrop, Pastor

The College Corner Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in May, 1836.  The organization consisted of thirteen members, as follows:  Joseph Kitchen, a local preacher; Bloomfield Boone, John J. Murphy, Mrs. Kitchen, Mrs. Boone, Mrs. Murphy, Samuel Ridenour, Barbara Ridenour, Dr. Brice Purcil, Eliza Purcil, Caleb Shera, Sallie Shera and Margaret Ridenour.

In 1838 a frame church, 35 by 45 feet in dimensions, was built.  In 1855 the brick building, at present known as the Old M.E. Hall, was erected.  The present beautiful structure, costing a little over ten thousand dollars, was dedicated December 14, 1890.

Dedicated 1890


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