Happy Heinie

The Decoy Doughboy

Souvenir Edition -- Printed in Czechoslovakia

May 23, 1945. -- Publishes by and for the men of the 18th Combat Team. -- First Infantry Division, U. S. Army.

Happy Heinie

Here is a set of words to the Regimental March. We suggest you keep this clipping and use it in your songfests until you can "Shout! and make em know it."


Jump for Reveille
Smack he enemy
Pound away with your gun
This war has got to be won
So keep the foe on the run

We led in
Africa, Sicily
France and Germany
Now we'll tackle the Jap
And punch him off the map
Then we'll go home.



Come on and make 'em know it. . . .
Shout! Shout!
Bring down the roof-tops
Shout! Shout!
Shake down the stars
Shout! Shout!
Sing Happy Heinie
Lead On, Big Red One, Lead On!


We're the Infantry
18th Infantry
An we're proud of our name –
Our claim to fame.
To our native shore
We'll return once more
Taking with us
The world's acclaim.


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