Calumet County, Wisconsin Genealogy & History

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Chilton Times April 14, 1877

Two Sportmans Burned-On the 7th inst., Wm. Finkle and Nathan Wheeler, two well known sportsman in this city started down stream on a fishing, hunting, and trapping expedition expecting to be absent ten days or two weeks. They pitched one of their tents on the South west point on the bank of the river near the mouth of the Killsnake creek on Sunday afternoon, having prior to the captured some muskrats and an otter, the latter however got away with the trap. On Sunday night they retired to sleep but were suddenly aroused by the glare of fire and discovered that the tent and hay were in flames. Mr. Finkle was the first to awake and alarmed his companion who wildly seized the burning mass and hurled it in every direction regardless of the danger to his person. In fact Wheeler acted more like an insane person than anything else and as a result both of his hands were fearfully burned as well as his face, a portion of his body and clothing while Finkle escaped with a few slight burns on one hand and a portion of his clothing. The two tents, fishing nets decoy ducks and a portion of the bedding and extra clothing were destroyed. Mr. Finkle with great presence of mind, but at a risk to himself, saved the ammunition and fire arms although the stock of Wheeler's rifle was partially burned. It must have been a fearful trial while it lasted and we are glad to record it no worse, although Wheeler will be unable to use his hands for a long time to come.

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