Family Surnames



The following is a list of family surnames that have been associated with Calvert, Newfoundland since its earliest permanent settlement. Although some surnames have long disappeared, in their time they were probably as well known as the most predominant surnames of Calvert are today. Little recollection remains of some early surnames, other than their association with a geographic location or topographic feature, or as a character in an anecdotal story recalled from memory by an older resident.

Like many Newfoundland settlements, the early settlers of Caplin Bay were a mixture of Irish and English. While the majority of the settlers were Irish from the south-eastern counties of Ireland, there were a few settlers whose origins were English, originating in all likelihood, from the area known as West Country, England. The ethnic origin of most surnames is obvious, however there are some that could be from either ethnicity. In the absence of written records, these surnames have been categorized under their most probable origin.

The initial piece of information provided with each surname is an extract from Dr. E. R. Seary's book   Family Names of the Island of Newfoundland. First published in 1977, this book which is regarded by most researchers as the "genealogical bible" of Newfoundland, provides information on nearly three thousand family names. The information following these extracts is a collection of events or references gathered from a variety of surviving documents, such as colonial records, court records, voter's lists, directories, and parish records, etc. Their purpose is to try to pinpoint the ethnic origin of settlers and to suggest the most probable time-frame when the family arrived, or was established there. Whenever possible, a summary of the family's history at Calvert has also been provided, with conclusions based primarily on documented information, but with family and community folklore sometimes used as a secondary resource.



Irish Surnames

Surnames of Calvert known, or believed, to be of Irish origin.

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English (or Scottish) Surnames

Surnames of Calvert known, or believed, to be of English or Scottish origin.

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