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Michael Dean Canary

     I was born in Arlington, Washington in 1964 and raised in Darrington, Washington.  My Dad's family came from Ohio and Missouri then Idaho and Washington.  My Mom's family came mostly from the mountains between North Carolina and Tennessee.  My family has the unique distinction of bringing together two famous family lines, as my paternal line descends from the family line of Calamity Jane and my maternal line descends from the family line of Daniel Boone.  I am truly honored to be a part of this countries rich heritage and feel that it is a great privilege that I can be able to offer the research that I have done for others to learn from.

     Currently I live in Sammamish, Washington and I am about to start work at Cellular One as a Customer Service Representative unless Verizon Wireless hires me first.  My favorite pastime when I am not doing research is playing music in my band UltraViolet Uforia, so please check us out and support us if you can.  My band mate Steve Webb and I live together in a split level home and devote all our spare time to the band we created.  Steve and I met back in junior high school when my family moved finally ending up in the Seattle area, and have been good friends ever since.

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This site was last updated 01/22/05