Brauns & Williams Families - Moss
Ima Evelyn MOSS (female)
FatherUnknownThomas Wesley MOSS
MotherFeb 1892Effie Belle LIVELY

(h/o Ima Evelyn Moss) TRUELOCK (male)

Ima Evelyn MOSS (female)
FatherUnknownThomas Wesley MOSS
MotherFeb 1892Effie Belle LIVELY

(h/o Ima Evelyn Moss) CROCKETT (male)

Ina Maria MOSS (female)
FatherUnknownThomas Wesley MOSS
MotherFeb 1892Effie Belle LIVELY

(Mrs. Ina Maria Moss) TRUELOCK (male)

Lennice Louise MOSS (female)
FatherUnknownThomas Wesley MOSS
MotherFeb 1892Effie Belle LIVELY

(h/o Lennice Louise Moss) JOHN AKA ROMERO (male)

Lennice Louise MOSS (female)
FatherUnknownThomas Wesley MOSS
MotherFeb 1892Effie Belle LIVELY

(h/o Lennice Louise Moss) KELLY (male)

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