The Gackle Republican - 1910 Births

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The Gackle Republican - Births


* Mr. and Mrs. David Duflath have a new boy.

18 FEB 1910
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Christ Neuman Saturday morning a baby girl. The mother and baby are reported doing nicely.

25 FEB 1910
On Monday morning Feb. 21st the stork swoped down upon the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Fode and left a fine 10 pound boy [Oscar] at the door. It is needless to say that Theo. is highly elated over the arrival of the "Kleine Junge"

18 MAR 1910
The Stork again made his appearance Wednesday morning and left a new blacksmith with Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Falkenstern.

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8 APR 1910
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meyers on Tuesday, a bouncing baby girl. Mother and child doing well, and Chas. a happy father.

15 APR 1910
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hagen are rejoicing over the arrival of a bouncing baby boy at their home Wednesday.

22 APR 1910
In last weeks issue we forgot to mention that the stork visited the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Boss, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hagen and Mr. and Mrs. Knopp leaving a boy at each place.

6 MAY 1910
Emanuel Koenig is wearing a broad smile these last few days, which is due to the arrival of a great big boy who came to make his home there Friday. Mother and child are getting along nicely. [See Deaths 18 May 1910]

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3 JUN 1910
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lehr Tuesday of last week.

17 JUN 1910
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Harris this week. At last report mother and child were doing nicely.

24 JUN 1910
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hogan are rejoicing over the arrival of a big baby girl on Wednesday morning of this week. Dan appears to be the happiest man in town these days and carries an extraordinary smile. Royal Banners were plentiful to his friends. All are doing nicely.

16 SEP 1910
R. S. Miller received word from Lisbon Tuesday morning that a big boy was born to them. Mrs. Miller stated that there was no scale around that would weigh over ten pounds and that the new boy more than tipped the ten pound mark. Of course you can imagine how much larger Sid. feels since the arrival of the boy, who will be the assistant cashier at the State Bank in time to come.

23 SEP 1910
This week's issue of the Republican is rather late but we are sure you will excuse us when we tell you the reason. There was a six pound girl born at our house Wednesday and our mind and time has been taken up with her since that day so if you have not received your paper or job printing on time, try to overlook it. [R. H. Petitt]


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