The Gackle Republican - 1918 Births

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The Gackle Republican - Births


1 FEB 1918

* Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith on Tuesday, January 29th, a daughter.

8 FEB 1918

* Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Math. Poykko, on Monday, February 4th, a son.

22 MAR 1918
Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Metz, Sunday, March 17th, a son.

22 MAR 1918
Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Math Speidel on Friday, March 15th, a son.

22 MAR 1918
Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pykko on Monday, March 18th, a son.

22 MAR 1918
Born - To Rev. and Mrs. Aug, of Streeter, at a Aberdeen, S.D., hospital on Wednesday, March 20th, a son.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gumke, Jr. are the proud parents of a baby girl, which the stork left at their home 12 miles southeast of town on Sunday evening, April 14th.

24 MAY 1918
A baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Lang, living one-half mile north-east of town, this week. [Leah Lang]

24 MAY 1918
A 6 1\2 pound soldier boy made his appearance Saturday night at the home of Postmaster and Mrs. Emil Nenmann [Neumann]. We understand that he is a Democrat and that mother and boy are doing nicely.

7 JUN 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Remboldt are happy over the arrival of an eight pound boy born to them on Thursday.

23 AUG 1918
A son was born on Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. John Meisenholder, living 5 miles northeast of here.

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