Haugsbyn The Museum part 1

The Museum

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Near the café is a small Bronze Age museum.

It gives the feature of the age up to what the archaeology gives us. All the items are copies of real finds from Stone and Bronze Age. In that kind of society they used whatever nature gave and they knew what was the best use for everything. They needed a large area to get all necessities during the year.

Still some material and tools had to be bought in other places. We know from the finds that they bought flint chisels from southern Sweden as an example. That was because they have flint there. On the other hand we have on Dal some good finds of "green-stone" so maybe they bartered with that.

Our impression of the things is very different.

The Danish graves have given much material showing the skill in handicraft at the time when the upper class wanted to be the example for people, I think. My childhood was in the countryside. Then many looked upward and tried to be as the nobility. Since the High Game had many rooms our house should also have many rooms. Nowadays they are back in the old fashion big everyday room … the best memory is the splendid food we got at least in weekend and that copied also the High Game.

My experience started in the old peasants' society and I feel much of it in my body. I have used some of the tools in my youth. It was not so primitive as someone may believe. They did not need to produce for luxury. The daily bread was enough.

Tools like these made the Egyptian culture.

Our climate was not so good ... probably as in Germany now. The domesticated animals were much smaller and they needed perhaps ten skins a person per year. On the wilderness Dal elks and deer were surely seen as their livestock.

Reconstructed houses are nearly speculation, since the only remains are posts, fireplaces and stones.

Maybe they whitewashed the walls with chalk. From the third millennium BC are finds of tools for carpenters. Indoors skin or rya rugs on the walls gave a cosy feeling at least in wealthy homes. On Dal the house was seen as a mother until our days. Not to forget maybe some one from Dal made a trip to Greece during that age?

Here they monitor three aspects on archetypes.

At left the trading fellows with hats used by Phoenician traders. Fellowship was a good thing and it was good to have fellows abroad. They needed a place to stay and also friends to protect the guests. In Denmark the metals had to be imported. The only way to get rich was by trade.

Still the Danish Bronze Age graves and the late ritual gold speaks more for a society lead by priests. In the middle is the male league for the young men to get rid of their aggression before marriage. Behind them in red is the "collegium of seven" that gave the law.

The sitting lady Tinia came with the Phoenicians from about 1000 BC onwards. She is the pregnant summer when it weigh "grow --- or not grow ". In the night sky she is Libra. The tumbling men and dancing girls they maybe found in the Egyptian trade.

Apes keep themselves clean, why should our ancestors be dirty and badly dressed?

In left section are many bronze neck-collars from Denmark. It is the Brisingamen as well as the lunula from the age of Inanna in third millennium. It was meant to lure the young men to the agriculture fields. The usage lasted until the Great Migration with finds of golden neck-collars for the Maiden. And neckrings for the leader or pair of leaders as we see in Västergötland.

Girls have been elegant and they have used means to made them self attractive for more than 30000 years we have some evidence from. Some Danish buried girl wear her hair in a fashion we see at Knossos at Crete. It is just the reminder about the influence and of course they bartered with something so it was a two-way communication.

The handicraft in making clothes improved with the web from third millennium onwards. Some of the garments from the Danish graves are masterpieces of women work.

That day I met this "little clothed" in the Garden.

In south Europe are many finds of statues and amulets of a little clothed girl. I see it as an urge to mankind that the little one, who's mother sleep in Underworld should get clothes and love.

The place for Thing is in the grove behind the house, but there is not much visible now. I suggest there has been a harg, which was a square or triangele used for deciding the rituals according to the night sky. There is a schetch of a squared zodiac and another Rock 1 has the two half-year serpents with a figurative part showing the summer season.

According to the folklorist A. Lignell in 1840 there should have been an avenue too. That is why I speak about a Thing Place they have worked on maybe since third millennium BC.

Another field is the Woods with rock-carvings from the period of Aries after 1200 BC. The Woods were places for young love ... as it was in my younger days.

Now we leave this holy place

See you again

URL to the museum
