Comments to logic tablets

Comments to logic tables

Did apples fall on people before Newton. Sometimes awkward and backward questions can lead to new apples. Did the Sumerians invent the syllable language or were they only codifying. My pure guess is that the syllable structure is much older than the Sumerians.

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This conclusion I make from the fact that Finnish is still a pure syllable language. Finns are supposed to be an isolate compared to the Indo-European and Semitic languages. If not, the Finns were Sumerians? I think the joke if meant seriously would force Aryans to be Finns at once.

Still, they created the syllable language at a time when civilisation began to explode in many inventions. The best premise is to see the two big cultures as parents of written language. The Egyptian developed to be written with consonants while we still have the Sumerian as a mostly pure consonant-vocal syllable language.

In my analysis I have not taken to account many later rules of language. For instance H has vanished in many cases, and there are many stressed A and E sounds. The accents move the observation point to another space-time. However, probably I cover the word formation of that time. The grammar was less developed.

In Spanish is more than 50 words beginning with double LL and like the Celtic the syllable order is opposite to ours. A word like LLAMA might have been LALAMA initially and the double syllable marks either action or extension. This word means passion or flame and using the above tables it would be "flowing power". The Word LAMA could also be used about the lama Dalai Lama.

Languages of today have been dialects with their own specialities compared to their origin. There is difference in pronouncing the vowels o and u and we easily mix them. Languages with many consonants or old prefixes and suffixes have be worn down and that is why there is a big difference between writing and pronouncing in English. In Finnish are few prefixes from the ritual age and that is why it is so pure. The Latin influences are mostly some frequent suffixes.

These prefixes are in all languages KH, CH, DG, DJ, TJ, SJ for instance and they are probably of the ritual kind. We can omit them in original language to get the root. That does not change the meaning. I think many Swedes would have preferred something else than the tj and sj sounds. They sound not right on our tongue.

In word formation the prefixes were used to show that people were under a deity, I suppose. The same effect gives the suffix -inge and likely in placenames showing they were living in the name of a particular deity. I call it a theo-dative.

In Denmark are also many placenames with the ending -um. It is often a dative plural like the ending -a telling that the village worked for the deity in the root of the name. The concept ornum known on Jutland should then be read "to the Boars". That tells us about the boar as figurehead of the tribe. Further we know from the Gundestrup cauldron that the warriors wore symbolic boars in their headgears at least on the reliefs.

Working with languages and expressions in the rock carvings require that we know about the rules and logic in language. We are not aware of the logic in our own language, since we got that with our mother's milk.

To this time I have roughly interpreted all the carvings on Dal. Yet I have only studied the easiest in detail to get an overall picture and use as proof when writing about laws and rituals. We need much more work and I do not know if my lifetime is sufficient for that work. Many texts I understand intuitively but have difficulties in presenting them in words.

For instance I think I intuitively understand these lines:


This line is about synchronising sun and moon year I think



These short texts are on the Ronar spit west and may be from fourth millennium BC.

The logic of language is that the same syllables or strings of syllables can be used in same connection in different places. In the logic tables are about 150 binary syllables with consonant-vowel with the common consonants as denominator. Surely they were not all frequent then, but in a complete dictionary of today we will find early all of them.

We have to remember that a syllable is only a fragment of meaning. Then it is only a fragment of the examples used to show the idea.

Besides the binary syllables are the combinations of vowels and some syllables for questions. I think I have seen the Q on some rock and it is originally a circle and the vacillating line crossing the circle. It shows the uncertainty in a question about the matter enclosed by the circle.

The ring was a central symbol in the Celtic world. The abstract ring symbolises the assembly or society. If you are "in the ring" you are a member as when we dance ring dances. If you are inside the ring, you are on the agenda. That means all things from entertainer to teacher and judge on the positive agenda. The negative agenda is when under investigation and accusation. Then you can be set outside it and in worst case be shortened by a head length. Your ring is Midgard and its centre the pole and it is the subjective world. The entire world enclosed by the ultimate serpent is Allheimr = All-home the time-space of mankind. We all need to define and enclose the ultimate concepts. We cannot grip an indefinite universe. Between Midgard and the Grand old Serpent is Utgard and in that other worlds as an expression for other different tribes.

In the ring of the thing as the normal legal sphere the ring had different symbolic meanings. The neck-ring were for the male or female leader's ritual head. In a peaceful folkland and with a priestess as leader the responsibility was surely only to be ahead of the suite in rituals and lead the land softly. The more macho folklands might need a chief with his neck as pledge. The ring was also used as oath-ring when the privates swore their oath to the chief or the thing. This part we can call "the male league".

Foot rings have surely always been the very tight client-ship. The arm ring was a gift and an indefinite bond between the receiver and the giving part. In Beowulf the Lady of the House got the gold the brave fighters and legionaries brought from abroad earned in different ways or robbed. Then she gave some of it to the brave.

Our finds of gold in kilos dated sixth century show that it was the right description in Beowulf. Part of it is neck-rings showing that it was ritual gold for the community. Then the individuals in practice worked for the deity.

In all these cases the real ring created a vicious ring as an abstract bond of the ideas implied.


Summary about symbols

We have all bias and preconceived ideas. I can confess that I have left much of that kind behind, but I will not tell what. That is the secret of man and especially all bureaucrats that they never make a fault.

Many amateurs and scientists have obviously had the evidence right before their eyes but have not seen it. Or, maybe they have never been on Dal where the evidence totally fills the picture and become like the difficulty in seeing the woods for trees.

By my judgement the rock carvings of Dal are the keys to understanding the art as well as legal and ritual idea in the picture. If anything is World Heritage, the carvings with readable text are. The texts and the capability to make their own texts and symbol logic must lift our attitude to a higher level.

Those who believe that magic can catch animals can try themselves. They can try it with cults and believing in virtual doers to get food on the table. They can also try to make a symbolic language.

We need logic thinking and no magic or speculation can create it. Of course the texts are not in plain Nordic or English so the sceptic can always deny them. Still we have the symbols and often they are identical with known languages. Unfortunately there are few clear strings, however enough to prove the symbolic language behind.

Then it is almost a world sensation to know that our ancestors four to five thousand years ago was on the same intellectual level as the writing Sumerians and Egyptians. They were definitely not primitive magicians practising mysterious shamanism.

The problem ahead is only to solve the language in the past and the corresponding syllable symbols. Some of them are also used as ideograms, which make the vocabulary versatile for the writer and the time that, used it. However for us it makes it difficult because we have to know the code and the ritual and legal structures behind.

They made most of the carvings on Dal during one occasion and mostly they are untouched. They show a normal attitude that they wrote sacred laws for their society to eternity or marked their claims. The rock is the eternal aspect of the laws. They thought the message to be eternal.

In Bohuslaen there are often many layers and much sketching we only can speculate in. It can be everything from sketching during common discussions to young people's pass-time knocking to try to understand the world of the adult. Many of the motives are like writing down a line or two about a novelty in the society. We can never tell if the picture really mirrors their daily life in practice. Still, we have the evidence about what they knew about.

Here follows a list of more comments to the syllable symbols. When we have a good list, we can solve some details in new pictures.

Meaning in symbols, icons ideograms

VA. The Hittitian VA-symbol can be divided in three ER-RA-ER, since the middle staff with a crook is used for RA sometimes. A herds staff shows the RA = limit for the sheep. In our words it reads "now-flow without a limit". The convention when picturing endless series is to picture the flow with a "counting" event RA and then show one or more from the following period. ER is the smallest fragment of a now-flow, an existing point or cupmark.

BA. This is a strengthened or definite flow. It is the root in the word BAN consisting of BA NA. NA makes it definite and with order. The BAN-symbol is a bow less than a half circle. It is usually bigger than the symbols AN and NA pictured by a little half circle. AN was Sumerian heaven and NA is used for the underworld in Nordic tongue.

We see the definite BAN with IBAN = to be in ban, understood as the yearly round or following sun and moon. BAN-I-BAN is when they synchronised sun and moon orbits. A late word seems to have been "haraban" inter-preted as "forking loop"

PA. The idea is further strengthened and tied to the ground or the object. It is characteristic for the symbolism in Northern carvings. However, it is not entirely different from known languages. They have instead a leg or a foot. The Nordic inventions are the use and making them different or add some attribute.

Most frequent are contoured footprints with a crossing stroke or two and sometimes marked heels or a warped stroke. We read one stroke IF or IF and maybe also IFA and IPA used in female names in Hittitian. In many languages A at end of word is the feminine gender, or we can say "crook" to next word. We still have it in many languages. In Swedish and Finnish we make congruence between the vowel in root and ending of words.

The use of IP is varied and used for sun, leader, mans and in combinations for a special man. IF is as in English and as understood it means "care about" like a leader.

FA. The syllable illustrates our attitude and outlook as well as the original idea. The logic seems odd, because the main meaning is "without" and it is harder than the opposite AF. Then it is a question about where we have the logic observing point. In this case the giving hand becomes without the thing, as in the Nordic word "faa/ FA-A" meaning to get. However a frequent use is also as a question, when it is a pre-stage to getting.

The negative logic is often difficult immediately to understand because it is opposite to our normal routes in the brain. The graded meaning between V, B, P ,F is most frequent with A but is also seen with the other vowels.

AD. The meaning is the same as Danish "ad". In Latin the morpheme seems to be a defined length or extension. Still, interpreting it directly to Swedish or English is difficult. Swedish "aat" is mostly used as preposition to the dative object then showing a move/flow towards the object. In Ritual Age the deity was the object in ritual and practical life at least among fundamentalists. Evidence is maybe few but it is pure logic.

AD in original meaning is meaning a movement along. Maybe along is the best word but towards show also the meaning. Then the word AD-DA means "towards then" and is an indefinite word open in both ends via the vowels. A consonant closes the word is the logic. In the English words ladder and adder the root is defined, however these words have developed from other root but following the original logic. The Irish or old Celtic words and placenames Gulfadda and Bunnan Addan gave me the idea and they seem original.

DA. The meaning is likely to be inverted, as it is if we follow a circle with two halves. The forward direction is AD and the passed is DA and the observation point is the invisible border between now and then. In the carvings it is used for "the other period" outside the agenda. Observe the use of the word "outside" since they thought in time-space. Danish use is the same today. "Datid" is past time.

If we make the gesture two fingers on each side of head or the logic room we discuss we say that a matter is set outside. When writing we use quotation marks. In my youth they called them "goose eyes". They surely meant to set things within goose eyes "to another world" or out of the main law. So when we see some subject surrounded by goose eyes we can expect it out of law. When we see sucking deer out of law, it surely means not to be hunted as the normal case.

TA. This is quite frequent but also seen as the marking of the toe on a footprint. That means we read the connection TA-PA. Then it marks the direction or reference. An old expression is also "toe" as the place for the farm houses. Probably the one standing on his toes symbolised Perseus.

AL. The word is intention to flow and in the Levant surely used as prefix to describe "the highest" understood as the flow giving. It is still today in the word Allah. In Nordic used in the word "allheimr" where it is a doubled prefix ALAL. The inverted syllable is LA meaning defined flow. Then the word allheim means "the time-space of all flow to the homes". In Haugsbyn I derived it from the wave line understood as LA LA LA and a little fragment is LA. In the same logic IA IA IA pictures a saw-tooth line and a flow or "in flow". We see the same logic in Cypriot.

They picture the short L in our way as a long stroke. Maybe we should read it sometimes as LI. I derived it from an expression "ligeud" = right forward as a direction. The word is still in use in Danish. In the particular case I think they stood at heel and saw in a known direction.

RA. The Hittitian ruler's seal includes the aedicula showing the organising of the society. I suppose they derived the pillar with ram horns from the seal. It is like a border between man and heavenly deities. Sometimes they symbolise the syllable as the shepherd's crook. It was the Egyptian pharaoh's symbol that he was the highest leader of shepherds too, then showing them the limits or borders.

In Finnish the meaning is most obvious in the word "raja" meaning border. In Hittitian and the Levant the word "ras" seems to mean the figurehead of a village or city in ancient time.

MA. Once we suppose that many carvings are about time, then this symbol ought to be very frequent. The root is surely in many of the ships with indefinite strokes as cargo.

The Scandinavian word for moon is MAANE and its is surely derived from "man". Old Norse máni and old High Germanic is máno the linguists use that explanation. The Roman ethnologists told that Mannus was a common god among German tribes. Maybe there is something in it, but we have to be careful when we translate or transferred languages. Sometimes the Romans used a translation and sometimes they wrote it as they heard it.

It is almost the same in all writing about ancient cultures that especially names are a mix of the original and of Greek or Latin. In Mesopotamia Sumerian, Babylonian and Akkadian are mixed. Then interpreting the syllables and original meaning of the words are difficult for us.

Anyhow it is the man in the moon behind our word I guess. The moon god was the favourite among growers. The Sumerian heritage may be of the same kind as LU mean man and LUNA became the word in Latin and other languages. The Sumerian footprint LU with a little stroke in the marked heel is also found in our carvings. In neo-Hittitian temples I read an expression "rit de luna", which must mean "moon ritual". Some old ritual words in Scandinavian have also the root LU. Sometimes back in history they made the conventions and chose the word that became convention and use today. Some of them we can find in dialect dictionaries about old words. Sometimes in the past they choose the word MAANE instead of LUNA or other alternatives.

MA is also the root in Mary and other original names showing ideas of fertility and power. We have always to remember that even the words for gods were ideas for the word and then most in the farming.

The Indian word Kumari is associated with a young girl and the offspring of fertility. The Hittitian symbol is a sitting lady in the same position as the mourning lady in Vitlycke. In the latest version she has the Hittitian symbol HE in her pudenda. Maybe it is showing that se is pregnant again.

Interpreting an indefinite comb symbol or a ship with strokes as a moon turn is natural. Sometimes it is an ideogram and sometimes just a syllable

AN and NA, I originally took out of the fragments in the wave-lines. AN is of course the Sumerian Lord of Heaven, but it means also a pre-stage as all gods are in reality. If they are opposite AN is the upper half the circle, then the lower half can be used for the underworld. Then I found the fragment "NAAGRIND" from the Edda and it means the opening to the underworld and the face of Underworld as Sumerian expression.

However it not that easy because we have vertical bow-symbols too. I suppose they are symbols of wane and waxing moon. Then we have always to seek the reference and if possible the string.

AK/AC. It is used in Latin as "begin to" and I discovered that it pictures the angle of a periphery when we make an octagon. It was the next step after the square and they needed main events in half way. Next step is the circle and when we make a figure with sixteen sides we become nearer the circle.

KA and GA are taken from Minoan Linear B and not from the ideogram for the sun year ... there are not any cross lines on the sun, but we can make a virtual image of the solstices and equinoxes. I suppose that, if the sun god made a footprint on earth he would burn through to China with his burning leg. That is if we take it seriously that the sun god made footprints.

In Cypriot they picture the Ionian pillar as if the sun passed over it. Abstracting the sun to something "going" is natural. I have heard some old people use the word "ga" for go.

The wheel became a symbol loved by those with wagons and it was a good symbol for the running time. The Celts seem to have had a familiar attitude to their gods. Some tribes had "He with the wheel" and sometimes they picture the idea with a man attributed with a yoke. If we in Celtic extract the prefix CU from a known CUROI we get ROI which means the wheel. We can also note the German RAD and RAT and like wise Nordic RAAD. It is telling us that the root in leading a community and its assembly came from these ritual terms. In our small village a team of seven in the "raad" was enough.

The symbol can be an ideogram as well as the syllable KA or GA.

XA is an unusual syllable in Nordic languages and we know it mostly from Greek. Sometimes we write the sound "eksa" in Danish meaning go across. The Swedish word "haexa" is used for witch and means then someone who has crossed a dangerous line to otherworld. In the past perhaps they tasted poisonous plants to learn how to use them. Others maybe used them as drugs to "go across". We cannot thank those who once tried out what we can eat and what we can eat if it is prepared in a certain way. For others it was surely witchcraft then.

AS. It was one of my small AHA-surprises when I saw that they pictured a symbol as when we use the thumb and forefinger to show "that much".

We use the word as a link in comparisons and sometimes show likeliness.

SA. The consonant is on the other side of a logic border. Then it means that after a state of rest it is enforcement. In old Nordic we see that logic step clearer than now.

The Cypriot symbol shows action against something. In our languages we have no ZA and it is against our conventions and attitudes to use more power than needed and no violence at all. Just this symbol makes me ask if the language itself tell us something about mentality created by language.

The Yugoslavian languages have no present tense and they are always speaking in past time. It is maybe the cause when they always remember and act after what happened in the fifteenth century?

VE. The meaning is something vacillating or crying. The curved line on Q made me sure and it is in the asking syllable KVE still in use but mostly in half joking questions and in Norse.

Sometimes I have used LI/LE for the curved line I see in my sketches and I have to look for that later.

ED. It is a place for action and the pure line. Ed is an oath and that is a kind of predetermined action. They told the physical act as "edgaang" = oath-going, meaning that they made some action in a certain place. That symbolised the sacred act and what it stands for. The word means also ford, which picture the idea of a narrow passage guarded by the rules included in the oath. Another word is "vad"= what. It is a question "What happens when a river is crossed and water is cold"? On the ritual boat the space between stern and stem is "edet" or the place where things happen.

ER. This is directly the Danish word "is" and in Swedish we lengthen it to A-ER. When we pronounce the word we say something exist and not more. The verb is almost meaningless without another word telling what is present. Hard to say if the dialect difference is up to the tongue or a difference in attitude and mentality. The standardised language is a late development.

The little cupmark also marks units and then it has to be understood for what they stand. Mostly there is a clear step between the normal cupmark and the big. If we suppose that it was meant just to make an eternal mark and unit by the little cupmark. Then there is a thought of opening behind the bigger.

We know that they were exact when they defined surfaces and broke it. Then seeing it as opening the earth for inlet or outlet is natural. Then it is only to try "give out" or "take in" or if it is an ideogram for Mother Earth or the sister of Inanna in that myth. Observe when interpreting text we can always use a whole word if we find no syllable. The target is to write what we see in out language. Often it was surely their own intention to rationalise writing and speed up the making.

A special case is the very big negative knockings. Some of them have what may be flames and then it can symbolise a fire, which is another world. The negative cut is within the logic.

US and OS are used in Latin and Greek as "an opening or a crook" to grip the next word to make a chain of a meaning. In Latin the verbs often end with RE meaning that the action of the verb continues.

We use normally only OS and in dialect it became AAS meaning the mouth of a river, but also a hight as the opening towards the upper Mights.

If used as ideogram it can only mean that we knock on earth to keep old Goan or Mother Earth awake ... Or just a "Hello old woman"! Earthy people of all times have seen their good mights as family members I believe. The mark is found near ancient cultivated fields and on stony graves. In first case it is to wake her and tell that a little one is on the way. In the other case the used one came back to her. In their society Underworld was half their space-time. It need not be more mysterious than that.

RE is in meaning the inverse. It means to repeat or to continue the action of a verb and in other case mean "again". That is the use in Latin still.

ME. This means the decision to take something in the boat on the time river. It is good and it is law in the small decisions as well as in the society. They lived collectively and we can suggest many of their decisions became collective rules or customs.

Old people called them "goose feet" in my youth. We find a pair above deer in grazing in water and fishes "milking" them. Since the constellation is in the sky and was valid for autumn at the time we can ask if they meant it was law to hunt deer in autumn? The Egyptians had a goose in sky near these animals.

In Nordic tradition the thing in autumn was law-thing, which meant that matter of laws were on the agenda. Sometimes they took a hard decision about dead-sentence then. A guess is, that originally it was about the autumn slaughter. They made all necessary decisions before winter.

In Sumer ME meant customs and laws and they had fifty main ME as foundation of society. To us some of them are strange because we do not understand their attitudes to life. Most strange is that they had negative behaviour as normal in a society. Maybe that has to be known and then later punished, if it meant that someone was hurt or lost money. Their logic is not always straight forward compared to ours.

Occasional ancient words are very near our time. In Greek "meta" is near our words "medta/ ta med" with the root ME meaning to take along.

EN have the opposite negation NE. We have the syllable in common with Sumerian Ensi "the first". Finnish "ensimaeinen and ensin" are the same meaning. In Nordic we use EN for one and ending definite words.

EK. That I took from the Swedish EKRA = spoke and with the softer Danish "eger". In a time-wheel the spokes divide the year. The syllable is also usable for a sharp corner as in the early square. It is also opposite to KE and give readable texts and is very frequent.

KE or GE is like our Y and it is an important syllable in farming where to give and give out is important. The term must be neutral like TI because males and females are both giving out and fertilising is like giving in the fork.

VI. The symbol means something between two "wings". The most known and frequent VI is supposed to have been a ritual place for astronomic observation or the Ramadan feast. For instance the Swedish word "viga" means uniting two in a wedding. Also, it is used for the sacred act of uniting a new building to its use etc.

IB. It is used as a Danish name. In the carving Braecke 2 Bohuslaen is an Egyptian accent in a section. One symbol is a heart-symbol.

The others in the series are IP and IF defined above. Maybe we can read some circles as symbols meaning IF or when someone lead or surround something.

ID. The symbol is global and the ideogram shows something mowing towards the centre or outwards depending on our conventions. In Swedish the word is used for an eddy and for eager work and maybe that is just the meaning. IN and UT see below.

TI is perhaps the oldest and most frequent symbol and used in many symbol languages. In Sumerian it means "life". TI is the root in the word tisse, which has the double meaning of a nipple and to wee-wee

... I have never understood why we should name natural things with different tones, if it is Sunday or not and if within upper or lower class. Maybe that just makes the border between people? However, I try people by using the convention wrong. Then I see who love my image and who loves me.

The English everyday tongue has the softer variant diddies and that is of the same kind as the ordinary tutting used as placename since Bronze Age. About this we can mention that we cannot restrict our words after taboos or other forbidden things. That is if we want to know the truth and measure their time with their measures.

LI. Might be a stroke, but on carvings it is frequently used to express "lika" = equal or equinox etc. Then there is normally a little stroke besides in a little angle.

BO. The meaning of the full cut footprint is derived from how other symbols and footprints have got syllables. Can mean "bo" = site/nest or show some idol on the other side alternatively the other of two?

I suppose the expression "the other" should be understood as to describe the idea of likeliness and that the idea concerns people in common. We have an expression "jaemn, jaemhaug och tredje" meaning "even, even-high and third". That is understood that the two first are equal and so the third unknown anybody. In legal texts and in ideas everything is the same in an equal society.

PU. It is derived from the meaning of words with the root PU. It means usually "working in the fork" or work with something. This symbol is found in two places at Haugsbyn. The Cypriot symbol shows "going to under-ground", I suppose.

TU. It is in the logic of the other of two. In Sumerian myth the doer follows the leader and the idea is probably supposed to concern everyone like described under BO above. Since TO is in use for to, another sound was needed for "to do". I suppose "do" has been frequent in Nordic too, since it nowadays is still in use in the Swedish-Finnish "dona" meaning to do something. As mentioned dialect influences the vowels O and U.

UR. A deep swing in a line or a U pictures this like "urn". Ur is the expression for origin and used to describe some astro-positions as the original. Often they are fragments of a string of symbols together with EK and BAN. When we find similar string in several places, we can expect that it is some symbolic language. It is also a help to seek the meaning through comparing with separate symbols.

In Hittitian UR was used to express nodes in a series. It is like the Danes counting generations backward by using tip like this tiptiptiptip-grandmother four generations behind the grandmother.

RU. That is taken from Hittitian word "runda" meaning a round. Another aspect is raw.

UN. We see the symbol on ritual boats and then it seems to be symbol for Libra. In early Roman/Etruscan it was the goddess UNI I expect to be the sleeping one in Underworld. The later Roman name was Juno meaning "uniting" or the growth during June.

NU. It is the newness and the new moon and of course now too.

KU, GU, SU and Celtic CU are difficult to separate. It stands for the Mights and knowledge.

Leaders in all times are eager to let other take the responsibility. It is the Prometheus in them that make them let the gods be responsible, while the leaders take the real decisions of course ... I saw it today in our little town.

IA/JA. We see the saw-tooth line in the third millenium. Not only in the ceramics but also in some carvings in passage graves. It pictures flow or water like the Egyptian use. We see the triple line at Haugsbyn 1. Then by the Egyptian calendar meaning inundation period.

EA is the Babylonian, and his "brother" is Sumerian Enki and it was the Waterman/ Aquarius symbolised by three short waved lines. We find it on rock 5 Haugsbyn and it is supposed to mark a fix-star for the thing place and the harg.

I/IN The little stroke is the symbol for I and we see it in connections. There is a dialect variation between English and Nordic language when we use I as well as IN to express that something is inside or is a content of something.

Using I as a yoke between two agglutinated symbols in a string as first choice is versatile. The special case is when one symbol is in another. Then it is a question how to separate the syllables in the word INANNA. Should it be IN AN NA or I NA NA NA. I am not sure because we have the Edda word Nanna for the moon goddess wife of Balder. He was a symbol for the harvest and the mate of the moon goddess in spring. I suppose they have skipped an I and called her Nanna as a cousin of Inanna. In our carvings I found one INA in that concept.

These are the most frequent syllables and symbols in the carvings of Dal. We must always remember that the texts are very short and mainly about rituals and calendars. I have described the ideas and shown some texts. To explain all the texts from Dal should need another book.

In my works I have used some place names and some god names from my studies in both areas. Our historians have missed these areas because of the lack of a syllable system that can solve the meaning of the morphemes in the names.

To me our ancestors evidently did not choose names out of the air in meaningless compositions. I think they did as we do, when choosing cultural words or individual names just to keep these important things in folk memory. It is a question about understanding the code and to respect our ancestors as intelligent and cultural beings.

I think we should get the insight that our ancestors invented our cultural language and that is our heritage. We have to store it not solely of piety but so that future generations and we can learn something from it. I do not know what people can learn because I know it is very individual.

If the future child believes our ancestors were primitive beings they do not respect them as forefathers giving us almost every tool we need to be a civilised person. Then they will not threat nature or remains with respect. We see it already when the last remains are vanishing increasingly.