The Ancestry of John Howard Camp
This site is currently undergoing a MAJOR revision. More biographical information is being added when it is found. Children of ancestors are being added and descendancies of notable cousins are being integrated into the family information of our common ancestors. A very major addition to the family tree is currently being worked on, but cannot be included yet until a paper detailing the research findings of others has been published. The conjectured ancestors of Sarah Clark (and the many notable cousins thereof) have been removed due to lack of any real evidence.

		 /Egidius/Gillis Campe
	      /Judocus Franciscus Campe
	      |  |        /Judocus de Taeye
	      |  |     /Simon de Taeye
	      |  |     |  \Livina Corthals
	      |  |  /Petrus de Taeye
	      |  |  |  |        /Egidius Buysse
	      |  |  |  |     /Joannes Buysse
	      |  |  |  |     |  \Judoca (__)
	      |  |  |  |  /Egidus Buysse
	      |  |  |  |  |  \Elizabeth Dhaenens
	      |  |  |  \Elizabeth Buysse
	      |  |  |     |        /Jan de Wulf
	      |  |  |     |     /Jan de Wulf
	      |  |  |     |     |  \(__)
	      |  |  |     |  /Abraham de Wulf
	      |  |  |     |  |  \Grietken de Clercq
	      |  |  |     \Vincentia de Wulf
	      |  |  |        |  /Georgius/Jooris de Zuttere
	      |  |  |        \Joanna de Zutter
	      |  |  |           \Martina (__)
	      |  \Petronella de Taeye
	      |     |  /Adriaen Drieghe
	      |     \Jacoba Drieghe
	      |        |     /Jan Aerts
	      |        |  /Petrus Aerts
	      |        |  |  \Joanna de Taeye
	      |        \Joanna Aerts
	      |           \Livina van de Kerckhove
	   /Ferdinand Campe
	   |  |           /Gislenus Lacaeyse
	   |  |        /(possibly) Petrus Lacaeyse
	   |  |        |  \Sibilla van Amerongen
	   |  |     /Livinus Lacaeyse
	   |  |     |  \(possibly) Alouisa Vanwastene
	   |  |  /Petrus Antonius Lacaeyse
	   |  |  |  \Livina Mestdagh
	   |  \Isabella Therese Lacaeyse
	   |     |              /Jooris van Overvelt
	   |     |           /Jacobus van Overvelt
	   |     |           |  \(__)
	   |     |        /Jan/Joos van Overvelt
	   |     |        |  |  /Vincent Teirlinck
	   |     |        |  \Francijntgen/Francynken Teirlinck
	   |     |        |     |  /Jan Lippens
	   |     |        |     \Jacquemijne/Jacoba Lippens
	   |     |        |        \(__)
	   |     |     /Jacques/Jacobus van Overvelt
	   |     |     |  |        /Francois Rogiers
	   |     |     |  |     /Adriaen Rogiers
	   |     |     |  |     |  \(__)
	   |     |     |  |  /Vincent Rogiers
	   |     |     |  |  |  \Begella Wulfram
	   |     |     |  \Maria/Maeyken Rogiers
	   |     |     |     |     /Jooris de Wulf
	   |     |     |     |  /Gabriël de Wulf
	   |     |     |     |  |  \(__)
	   |     |     |     \Margaretha de Wulf
	   |     |     |        \Catharina Martens
	   |     |  /Joannes van Overvelt
	   |     |  |  |        /Cornelis Standaert
	   |     |  |  |     /Joorken/Jooris Standaert
	   |     |  |  |     |  |  /Jan Lippens
	   |     |  |  |     |  \Pierynken Lippens
	   |     |  |  |     |     \(__)
	   |     |  |  |  /Jacques Standaert
	   |     |  |  |  |  |     /Joannes Speeckaert
	   |     |  |  |  |  |  /Jacobus Speeckaert
	   |     |  |  |  |  |  |  \Margriet Lippens
	   |     |  |  |  |  \Petronella Speeckaert
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                                     /Arnould I van Aarschot
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                                  /Arnould II van Aarschot
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                                  |  \(__)
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                               /Arnould III van Aarschot
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                               |  \(__)
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                            /Arnould IV van Aarschot, Graaf van Aarschot
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                            |  |     /Giselbert de Looz, Comte de Looz
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                            |  |  /Emmo de Looz, Comte de Looz
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                            |  |  |  \Erlende de Jodoigne
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                            |  \Beatrix de Looz
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                            |     |  /Dirk III, Graaf van Holland
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                            |     \Suanehildis van Holland
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                            |        \Othelindis von Haldenleben
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                         /Godfried van Aarschot, Graaf van Aarschot
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                         |  \(__)
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                      /Annekin van Aarschot, Herr van Lubbeck
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                      |  \Alix (__)
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                   /Arnould van Aarschot de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                   |  |     /Arnould I van Rostelaer, Seneschalk van Brabant
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                   |  |  /Arnould III van Rostelaer, Seneschalk van Brabant
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                   |  |  |  \(__)
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                   |  \Mechhia van Dieve
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                   |     \(__)
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                /Gilbert de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                                |  \Maria Heilweghis
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                             /Jehan de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                             |  \Maria Wilmarus
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                          /Joannes de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                          |  \Lysbeth van de Poele
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                       /Jacobus de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                       |  \Lysbeth Bornecolve
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                    /Jacops de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                    |  \Adriana van Durme
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                 /Diederick de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |                 |  \Elisabeth de Smet
	   |     |  |  |  |     |              /Jacobus de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |              |  \Janne Gaeyaert
	   |     |  |  |  |     |           /Petrus de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |           |  \Livina de Roye
	   |     |  |  |  |     |        /Joannes de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |        |  \Maria van der Beke
	   |     |  |  |  |     |     /Joannes de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |     |  \Joanna van de Vijvere
	   |     |  |  |  |     |  /Vincentius de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |     |  |  |  /Jan Dyselinck
	   |     |  |  |  |     |  |  \Joanna Dyselinck
	   |     |  |  |  |     |  |     \(__)
	   |     |  |  |  |     \Betken/Elisabeth de Pape
	   |     |  |  |  |        |     /Gelijn van Maldeghem
	   |     |  |  |  |        |  /Joannes van Maldeghem
	   |     |  |  |  |        |  |  \(__)
	   |     |  |  |  |        \Aernaudijne/Arnaudine van Maldeghem
	   |     |  |  |  |           |  /Cornelis van Schoonackere
	   |     |  |  |  |           \Avesoete van Schoonackere
	   |     |  |  |  |              \(__)
	   |     |  |  \Jacquemijnken/Jacoba Standaert
	   |     |  |     \Martynken Martens
	   |     \Anna Marie van Overvelt
	   |        |  /Joannes van de Wattijne
	   |        \Judoca van de Wattijne
	   |           |     /Joannes Goossens
	   |           |  /Judocus Goossens
	   |           |  |  \Anna Snoers (Smet)
	   |           \Anna Goossens
	   |              |     /Niklaes van de Rostijne
	   |              |  /Joannes van de Rostijne
	   |              |  |  \(__)
	   |              \Pauwelyna van de Rostijne
	   |                 \Livina de Taeye
	/Karel Francies Campe
	|  |           /Nicolaas Landuijt
	|  |        /Cornelis Landuijt
	|  |        |  |     /Pauwels Buijck
	|  |        |  |  /Corneils Buijck
	|  |        |  |  |  \(__)
	|  |        |  \Petronella Buijck
	|  |        |     \Tanneken Martens
	|  |     /Petrus Johannes Landuijt
	|  |     |  |  /Joannes Wieme
	|  |     |  \Livina Weime
	|  |     |     \Livina Snoeck
	|  |  /Petrus Antonius Landuijt
	|  |  |  |     /Joannes/Jan Vergauwe
	|  |  |  |  /Antonius/Antoon Vergauwe
	|  |  |  |  |  \Maria Simoens
	|  |  |  \Judoca Vergauwe
	|  |  |     \Elisabeth (Isabelle) Steijaert
	|  \Catharina Antonia Landuijt
	|     |  /Elias Lammens
	|     \Maria Jacoba Lammens
	|        |     /Joannes Cornelis
	|        |  /Martin Cornelis
	|        |  |  \Elisabetha de Mejere
	|        \Francisca Cornelis
	|           \Magdalena/Helena VanderBossche
     /Alfonse (Albert) Camp
     |  |                       /(__) Nijskens
     |  |                    /Peter Nijskens
     |  |                    |  \(__) van der Reij
     |  |                 /Joannes Nijskens
     |  |                 |  \Maria (Gijsen/Ginsen/Gissen)
     |  |              /Hubertus Nijskens
     |  |              |  \Catharina Meeuwissen
     |  |           /Jacobus Nijskens
     |  |           |  \Johanna Vrencken
     |  |        /Johannes Nijskens
     |  |        |  |     /(__) Sweels
     |  |        |  |  /Corsius/Corst Sweels
     |  |        |  |  |  \(__)
     |  |        |  \Petronella Swe(e)ls
     |  |        |     \Cornelia Caris
     |  |     /Henrij Nijskens
     |  |     |  |  /Jacques Kercker/Kirckels
     |  |     |  \Elisabeth Kercker
     |  |     |     \Maria (__)
     |  |  /Pieter Johannes Nieskens
     |  |  |  |        /Adrianus/Adriaan Seij
     |  |  |  |     /Pierre Sies/Petrus Seij
     |  |  |  |     |  \Joanna Claerhoudt
     |  |  |  |  /Jean Francois/Johannes Franciscus/Jan Frans Seij
     |  |  |  |  |  |  /Joannes de Zuttere
     |  |  |  |  |  \Petronella Brigitta de Zutter
     |  |  |  |  |     |              /Judocus/Joos Clays
     |  |  |  |  |     |           /Jan Clays
     |  |  |  |  |     |           |  \(__)
     |  |  |  |  |     |        /Aernout Clays
     |  |  |  |  |     |        |  |  /Pieter de Pau
     |  |  |  |  |     |        |  \Margaretha de Pau
     |  |  |  |  |     |        |     \Grietken (__)
     |  |  |  |  |     |     /Joannes/Jan Claeijs
     |  |  |  |  |     |     |  |  /Denijs Buysse
     |  |  |  |  |     |     |  \Catharina Buysse
     |  |  |  |  |     |     |     \(__)
     |  |  |  |  |     |  /Joannes/Jan Claeijs
     |  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  /Gillis de Smet
     |  |  |  |  |     |  |  \Susanna de Smet
     |  |  |  |  |     |  |     \Tanneken Matthijs
     |  |  |  |  |     \Anna Maria Claeijs
     |  |  |  |  |        |        /Jacobus de Zuttere
     |  |  |  |  |        |     /Roelandt de Zuttere
     |  |  |  |  |        |     |  \Adriana Maes
     |  |  |  |  |        |  /Roelandt de Zuttere
     |  |  |  |  |        |  |  \Livina (__)
     |  |  |  |  |        \Catharina de Zuttere
     |  |  |  |  |           |     /Nicolaas de Vriendt
     |  |  |  |  |           |  /Joos de Vriendt
     |  |  |  |  |           |  |  \(__)
     |  |  |  |  |           \Anna de Vriendt
     |  |  |  |  |              |  /Gillis Batens
     |  |  |  |  |              \Catharina Batens
     |  |  |  |  |                 \Tanneken Huige
     |  |  |  \Catharina Seij
     |  |  |     |  /Joannes/Jan de Zuttere
     |  |  |     \Maria Norbertina/Norberta de Zutter
     |  |  |        |  /(possibly)Cornelis/Corneel de Wael
     |  |  |        \Anna Maria de Waele
     |  |  |           \(possibly)Maria van Verdeghem
     |  \Maria Theresia Nieskens
     |     |        /Arnoldus Boerendonk
     |     |     /Judocus Boerendonk
     |     |     |  |     /Johannes Heremans
     |     |     |  |  /Judocus Heremans
     |     |     |  |  |  \Maria Jansen
     |     |     |  \Johanna Heremans
     |     |     |     |  /Johannes de Wael
     |     |     |     \Elisabeth de Wael
     |     |     |        |        /Jan van Mullem
     |     |     |        |     /Phillipus van Mullem
     |     |     |        |     |  \(__)
     |     |     |        |  /Petrus van Mullem
     |     |     |        |  |  |  /Pieter Coppens
     |     |     |        |  |  \Amelberga Coppens
     |     |     |        |  |     \(__)
     |     |     |        \Amelberge van Mullem
     |     |     |           |        /François Vercauteren
     |     |     |           |     /Gillis Vercauteren
     |     |     |           |     |  |  /Johannes Duerinc
     |     |     |           |     |  \Margriet Duerinc
     |     |     |           |     |     |  /Jacob Waumans
     |     |     |           |     |     \Katelijne Waumans
     |     |     |           |     |        |     /Joos Van Ackere
     |     |     |           |     |        |  /Adriaan van Ackere
     |     |     |           |     |        |  |  |  /Pieter Staes
     |     |     |           |     |        |  |  \Katelijne Staes
     |     |     |           |     |        |  |     |  /Anthonis Zouters
     |     |     |           |     |        |  |     \Marie Zouters
     |     |     |           |     |        |  |        |  /Gillis Mast
     |     |     |           |     |        |  |        \Amelberge Mast
     |     |     |           |     |        |  |           |  /Andries Van Mieghem
     |     |     |           |     |        |  |           \Margriete Van Mieghem
     |     |     |           |     |        |  |              |  /Gillis Van Ackere
     |     |     |           |     |        |  |              \Agnes Van Ackere
     |     |     |           |     |        |  |                 \Elisabeth Brijssincs
     |     |     |           |     |        \Lijsbette van Ackere
     |     |     |           |     |           |   /Niklaas Polfliet
     |     |     |           |     |           \Margriete Polfliet
     |     |     |           |     |               |  /Gillis Loots
     |     |     |           |     |               \Amelberge Loots
     |     |     |           |     |                  \Margriete Sculaerts
     |     |     |           |  /Joannes Vercauteren
     |     |     |           |  |  |  /Mathijs Persoon
     |     |     |           |  |  \Joanna Persoon
     |     |     |           |  |     |  /Phillips Goeman
     |     |     |           |  |     \Katelijne Goeman
     |     |     |           |  |        |  /Pieter Vergouwen
     |     |     |           |  |        \Jacomine Vergouwen
     |     |     |           |  |           |  /Jan van Remoortere
     |     |     |           |  |           \Katelijne van Remoortre
     |     |     |           |  |              |  /Willem Hondt or Hons
     |     |     |           |  |              \Margriete Hondt or Hons
     |     |     |           |  |                 |  /Jan Aelbrecht
     |     |     |           |  |                 \Amelberge Aelbrecht
     |     |     |           |  |                    \Elisabeth 'sBruynen
     |     |     |           \Barbara Vercauteren
     |     |     |              |           /Adriaan van Wijnacker
     |     |     |              |        /Jan van Wijnacker
     |     |     |              |        |  |  /Jacob Spruuts
     |     |     |              |        |  \Katelijne Spruyts
     |     |     |              |        |     |  /Niklaas van Polvliet
     |     |     |              |        |     \Marie van Polvliet
     |     |     |              |        |        |     /Heinric Coppiins
     |     |     |              |        |        |  /Pieter Coppiins
     |     |     |              |        |        |  |  |  /Jan Raes
     |     |     |              |        |        |  |  \Margriet Raes
     |     |     |              |        |        |  |     |  /(__) VanDer Haghe
     |     |     |              |        |        |  |     \Amelberga VanDer Haghe
     |     |     |              |        |        |  |        \Mabelie (__)
     |     |     |              |        |        \Marie Coppiins (Keppens)
     |     |     |              |        |           |  /(__)
     |     |     |              |        |           \Katelijne 'sTayen
     |     |     |              |        |              \Elisabeth 'sTayen
     |     |     |              |     /Merten van Wijnacker
     |     |     |              |     |  |  /Joos Vermeere
     |     |     |              |     |  \Cornelia Vermeere
     |     |     |              |     |     |  /Jacx Smet
     |     |     |              |     |     \Amelberga Smet
     |     |     |              |     |        |  /Jan Zwitten
     |     |     |              |     |        \Katelijne Zwitten
     |     |     |              |     |           |  /Jan Speecht
     |     |     |              |     |           \Lijsbeth Speecht
     |     |     |              |     |              |  /Hendrik Melis
     |     |     |              |     |              \Lijsbette Melis
     |     |     |              |     |                 |  /Gillis van Buendre
     |     |     |              |     |                 \Margriete van Buendre
     |     |     |              |     |                    |  /(__) Steenaert
     |     |     |              |     |                    \Katelijne Steenaert
     |     |     |              |     |                       |  /(__) Maes
     |     |     |              |     |                       \Margriete Maes
     |     |     |              |     |                          \Gertrud (__)
     |     |     |              |  /Merten van Wijnacker
     |     |     |              |  |  |     /Gilles ver Haghe
     |     |     |              |  |  |  /Jan ver Haghen
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |  |  /Daneel Dalscaert
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |  \Katelijne Dalscaert
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |     |  /Jan van Polfliet
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |     \Pascine Polfliet
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |     /Joos Brisinc
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  /Gilles Brisinc
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |  |  /Pieter Mins
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |  \Elisabeth Mins
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |     |  /Gillis Bake(n)
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |     \Elisabeth Bake
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |        |  /Jan Bonne
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |        \Beatrix Bonne
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |           |  /Lonis Noens
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |           \Beatrice Noens
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |              |  /Jacob Vossaert
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |              \Amelberga Vossaert
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |                 |  /Pieter Ongenaets
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |                 \Katelijne Ongenaets
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        |  |                    \Katelijne van Doorslaer
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |        \Katelijne Brissinck
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |           |  /Gilles ver Heyden
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |           \Elisabeth ver Heyden
     |     |     |              |  |  |  |              \Katelijne Muters
     |     |     |              |  |  \Joanna ver Haghen
     |     |     |              |  |     |     /Jan VerStraeten
     |     |     |              |  |     |  /Jan VerStraeten
     |     |     |              |  |     |  |  \(__)
     |     |     |              |  |     \Antonine VerStraeten
     |     |     |              |  |        |     /Pieter Abeele
     |     |     |              |  |        |  /Bouwen van den Abeele
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |  |  /Jan van Havere
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |  \Clare van Havere
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     |           /Wouter van den Ackere
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     |        /Niklaas van Ackere
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     |        |  \(__)
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     |     /Wouter van Ackere
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     |     |  |   /Jan Gheent
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     |     |  \Clementie van Gheent
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     |     |      \(__)
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     |  /Jan van Ackere
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     |  |  |  /Jan Van Velde
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     |  |  \Mabelie Van Velde
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     |  |     \Margriete (__)
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |     \Amelberge van Ackere
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |        |  /(__) Boytas
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |        \Amelberga Boytas
     |     |     |              |  |        |  |           \Elysabeth (__)
     |     |     |              |  |        \Lijsbeth Abeele
     |     |     |              |  |           |  /Jacob van Raemdonck
     |     |     |              |  |           \Lijsbeth van Raemdonck
     |     |     |              |  |              |  /Pieter Varendonc
     |     |     |              |  |              \Josine van Varendonck
     |     |     |              |  |                 |  /Michiel Hildegheers
     |     |     |              |  |                 \Kathelijne Hildegheers
     |     |     |              |  |                    |  /(__)
     |     |     |              |  |                    \Elysabeth Bolsele
     |     |     |              |  |                       |  /(__)Bolsele
     |     |     |              |  |                       \Amelberga Bolsele
     |     |     |              |  |                          \Heylsoete (__)
     |     |     |              \Joanna/Janneken Wijnacker
     |     |     |                 |  /Anthonis Vercauteren
     |     |     |                 \Barbara Vercauteren
     |     |     |                    |     /Adriaan van Steelant
     |     |     |                    |  /Gillis van Steelandt
     |     |     |                    |  |  |  /Judocus Vale
     |     |     |                    |  |  \Amelberga Vale
     |     |     |                    |  |     |  /Symoen Schelfhaut
     |     |     |                    |  |     \Catharina Schelfhaut
     |     |     |                    |  |        |  /Pieter Speelmans
     |     |     |                    |  |        \Elisabetha Speelmans
     |     |     |                    |  |           |  /Niklaas Gabrieels
     |     |     |                    |  |           \Margriete Gabrieels
     |     |     |                    |  |              |  /(__) Van Weere
     |     |     |                    |  |              \Margriete Van Weere
     |     |     |                    |  |                 \Margriette van Hoghenweghe
     |     |     |                    \Amelberga Steenlandt
     |     |     |                       |  /Jan de Meyere
     |     |     |                       \Lijsbette de Meijer
     |     |     |                          |  /Joos Wittock
     |     |     |                          \Amelberge Wittock
     |     |     |                             |  /Niklaas s'Hooghen
     |     |     |                             \Amelberge s'Hooghen
     |     |     |                                |  /Wouter Smeets
     |     |     |                                \Amelberge Smets
     |     |     |                                   |  /Jan Potters
     |     |     |                                   \Lijsbette Potters
     |     |     |                                      |  /Michiel van Overloop
     |     |     |                                      \Lijsbeth van Overloop
     |     |     |                                         \Margriete Maes
     |     |  /Johannes Franciscus Boerendonck
     |     |  |  |              /Judocus Scheerlinck
     |     |  |  |           /Guilielmus/Wilhelmus Scheerlinck
     |     |  |  |           |  |  /Petrus Droeshout
     |     |  |  |           |  \Catharina Droeshout
     |     |  |  |           |     \Joanna Veldemans
     |     |  |  |        /Petrus Scheerlinck
     |     |  |  |        |  |  /Gerardus Coppens
     |     |  |  |        |  \Maria Coppens
     |     |  |  |        |     \Catharina Deegdemakers
     |     |  |  |     /Judocus Scheerlinck
     |     |  |  |     |  |     /Petrus de Brauw
     |     |  |  |     |  |  /Judocus de Brauw
     |     |  |  |     |  |  |  \Elisabeth Moock
     |     |  |  |     |  \Adriana de Brauw
     |     |  |  |     |     |     /Henrius van de Velde
     |     |  |  |     |     |  /Joannes van de Velde
     |     |  |  |     |     |  |  \Anna Schinck
     |     |  |  |     |     \Anna van de Velde
     |     |  |  |     |        \Gertrudis van Varenbergh
     |     |  |  |  /Jan Scheerlinck
     |     |  |  |  |  |        /Adrianus de Schrijver
     |     |  |  |  |  |     /Adrianus de Schrijver
     |     |  |  |  |  |     |  |  /Jan de Clippel
     |     |  |  |  |  |     |  \Elisabeth de Clippel
     |     |  |  |  |  |     |     \Margareta van der Maele
     |     |  |  |  |  |  /Adrianus de Schrijver
     |     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  /Jan Verleysen
     |     |  |  |  |  |  |  \Margareta Verleysen
     |     |  |  |  |  |  |     \Joanna de Greve
     |     |  |  |  |  \Adriana de Schrijver
     |     |  |  |  |     |        /Erasmus de Rijck
     |     |  |  |  |     |     /Martinus de Rijck
     |     |  |  |  |     |     |  \Barbara van Raverschot
     |     |  |  |  |     |  /Mathias de Rijck
     |     |  |  |  |     |  |  \Machildis van den Berghe
     |     |  |  |  |     \Anna de Rijck
     |     |  |  |  |        \Elisabeth Verstraeten
     |     |  |  \Pietronella Scheerlink
     |     |  |     |     /Franciscus de Pelsmaecker
     |     |  |     |  /Judocus de Pelsmaecker
     |     |  |     |  |  |  /Thomas Heydens
     |     |  |     |  |  \Maria Heydens
     |     |  |     |  |     |  /Robert de la Tour
     |     |  |     |  |     \Maria de la Tour
     |     |  |     |  |        \Anna Kerremans
     |     |  |     \Josina/Judoca de Pelsmaecker
     |     |  |        |     /Matheus van Wetter
     |     |  |        |  /Egidius van Wetteren
     |     |  |        |  |  |  /Egidius Dauman
     |     |  |        |  |  \Judoca Dauman
     |     |  |        |  |     \Joanna de Mol
     |     |  |        \Catharina van Wetteren
     |     |  |           \Adriana Robert
     |     \Carolina Dorethea Boerendonk
     |        |        /Petrus Opdorp
     |        |     /Petrus Johannes Opdorp
     |        |     |  |  /Aedigius Lammens
     |        |     |  \Maria Lammens
     |        |     |     |        /Jacobus Haeghens
     |        |     |     |     /Joannes Haeghens
     |        |     |     |     |  \Anna (__)
     |        |     |     |  /Jan Haehgens
     |        |     |     |  |  \Maria de Vos
     |        |     |     \Anna Haeghens
     |        |     |        \Petronella Pauwels
     |        |  /Adrianus Franciscus/Adriaan Francies van Opdorp
     |        |  |  |        /Cornelius de Ridder
     |        |  |  |     /Christophorus de Ridder
     |        |  |  |     |  |                 /Laureijs de Smet
     |        |  |  |     |  |              /Willem de Smet
     |        |  |  |     |  |              |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |           /Gheert de Smet
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |              /Daneel de Keysere
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |           /Daneel de Keysere
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |           |  |  /Gillis van De Putte
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |           |  \Maria van De Putte
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |           |     \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |        /Jan de Keysere
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |        |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |     /Peeter de Keijser
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |     |  |  /Wouter Seelmakers
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |     |  \(__) Seelmakers
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |     |     \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |  /Peeter de Keijser
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  |  |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |  \Joanna de Keijser
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |     |  /Jan, dit de Sleeghere van Den Wijngaerde
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |     \Maria [Margriete] van den Wijngaerde
     |        |  |  |     |  |           |        \Kathelijne Arijs
     |        |  |  |     |  |        /Pauwel de Smet
     |        |  |  |     |  |        |  |  /Gillis Raes
     |        |  |  |     |  |        |  \Kathelijne Raes
     |        |  |  |     |  |        |     \Yde Smets
     |        |  |  |     |  |     /Cornelius de Smet
     |        |  |  |     |  |     |  |  /Paschier Witleer
     |        |  |  |     |  |     |  \Margriet Witleer
     |        |  |  |     |  |     |     \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  /Gaspar Smet
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |                 /Goossen van Herbosch
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              /Gielis van Herbosch
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  |              /Jan de Pullewouwe
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  |           /Jan de Pullewouwe
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  |           |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  |        /Gielis Jans/Egidius Jans van Pullewoude (de Polewoude)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  |        |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  |     /Jan Gielisjans (Van Pullewouwe)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  |     |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  |  /Willem van Pullewouwe (Gielisjans)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  |  |  |  /Symoen Soys, alias vander Bruggen
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  |  |  \Elisabeth Suys
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  |  |     \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |  \Elisabeth/Lijsbette Gielisjans
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |              |     \Beatrix Van der Hoeven (van den Roe)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |           /Goossen van Herbosch
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |           |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |        /Henrick van Herbosch
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |        |  |  /Jan Jacobs
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |        |  \Kathelijne Jacobs
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |        |     |  /Robrecht Suetmans
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |        |     \Kathelijne Suetmans
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |        |        \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     /Goossen van Herbosch
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |  |           /Joannes Moeijersoens
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |  |        /Hendrick Moeijersoens
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |  |        |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |  |     /Jan Moeijersoens
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |  |     |  \Maria Covens
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |  |  /Jan Moerijersoens
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |  |  |  \Godelieve van Nieuwenhove
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |  \Josine Moerijersoens
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                                      /Godefroi VII, Duke of Lower Lotharingia           ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                                   /Henri I "le Guerroyeur," Duke of Brabant
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                                   |  \Margareta van Limburg                             ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                                /Henri II, Duke of Brabant
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                                |  |  /Mathieu de Flandre, Comte de Boulogne             ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                                |  \Mathilde de Flandre
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                                |     \Marie de Blois, Comtesse de Boulogne              ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                             /Henri III "le Pacifique/le Débonnaire," Duke of Brabant
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                             |  |     /Friedrich I "Barbarossa," Emperor                 ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                             |  |  /Philipp, Duke of Swabia
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                             |  |  |  \Béatrix de Bourgogne                              ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                             |  \Maria von Hohenstaufen
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                             |     |  /Isaakios II Angelos, Eastern Roman Emperor        ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                             |     \Eirene Angelina
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                             |        \Eirene Palaiologina                               ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          /Jean I "the Victorious," Duke of Brabant
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |  |        /Hugues III, Duke of Burgundy                      ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |  |     /Eudes III, Duke of Burgundy
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |  |     |  \Alix de Lorraine                                  ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |  |  /Hugues IV, Duke of Burgundy
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |  |  |  |  /Hugues de Vergy, Seigneur de Vergy                ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |  |  |  \Alix de Vergy
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |  |  |     \Egidede Trannel, Dame d'Autrey                    ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |  \Alix de Bourgogne
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |     |     /Robert II "le Jeune," Comte de Dreux              ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |     |  /Robert (III) "Gasteblé" de Dreux
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |     |  |  \Yolande de Coucy                                  ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |     \Yolande de Dreux, Comtesse d'Ossone
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |        |  /Thomas de Saint-Valéry, Seigneur de Saint-Valéry  ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |        \Alienor, Dame de Saint-Valéry
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                          |           \Adela de Ponthieu, Dame de Saint-Aubin            ==>
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                       /Jan Van Der Plast
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                       |  \Aleydis Van Der Plast
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                    /Joannes Van Der Plast
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                    |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                 /Egidius Van Der Plast
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |                 |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |              /Joannes Van Der Plast
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |              |  |  /Jan Nolten
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |              |  \Katelijne Nolten
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |              |     |        /Henric Meert
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |              |     |     /Jan Meert
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |              |     |     |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |              |     |  /Jan Meert
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |              |     |  |  \(__) Veele
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |              |     \Lijsbeth Meert
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |              |        \Maria Thonijs
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |           /Joannes Van Der Plast
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |           |  \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |        /Egidius Van Der Plast
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |        |  \Maria Cocx
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |     /Henricus Van Der Plast
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |     |  \Gertrudis Noytkens
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |  /Egidius Plas
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |  |  |  /Gillis Stickers
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |  |  \Liesbeth Stickers
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     |  |     \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     \Adelheid Plas
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |        \(__)
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |  /Antonis/Anthunis van Herbosch
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |  |  |  /Franchoijs van Campenhout
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |  |  \(__) van Campenhout
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  |  |     \Agneeta Verbelen
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |  \Maria van Herbosch
     |        |  |  |     |  |  |     \Martijne Jacobs
     |        |  |  |     |  \Catharina de Smeth
     |        |  |  |     |     |     /(__) de Vettere
     |        |  |  |     |     |  /Henricus de Vettere
     |        |  |  |     |     |  |  \Anne de Pauw
     |        |  |  |     |     \Anna de Vettere
     |        |  |  |     |        \Catharina sMoilders
     |        |  |  |  /Adrianus de Ridder
     |        |  |  |  |  |  /Judocus Meskens
     |        |  |  |  |  \Cornelia Meskens
     |        |  |  |  |     \Anna Scheltiens
     |        |  |  \Antonia de Ridder
     |        |  |     |  /Henricus Boman/Booghmans
     |        |  |     \Catharina Boman/Booghmans
     |        |  |        \Catharina Heymans
     |        \Johanna Maria van Opdorp
     |           \Maria Anna de Poorter
  /Robert William Camp
  |  |                    /Christopher Kuchman
  |  |                 /Balthasar Kuchman
  |  |                 |  \Eva (__) or Hedwig (__)
  |  |              /Luca/Lucas Kuchmann
  |  |              |  |  /Mathias Heinze
  |  |              |  \Regina Heinze
  |  |              |     \(__)
  |  |           /Mathei Kuchmann
  |  |           |  |  /Henri Kofliski
  |  |           |  \Anna Kofliska
  |  |           |     \Elisabetha (__)
  |  |        /Joannes Josephus Kuchmann
  |  |        |  \Anna Rosina (__)
  |  |     /Joseph Kuchman
  |  |     |  |     /Elias Rinke
  |  |     |  |  /Thomas Rinke
  |  |     |  |  |  \Hedwig (__)
  |  |     |  \Magdalena Rinke
  |  |     |     |     /Martin Rademacher
  |  |     |     |  /Martin Rademacher
  |  |     |     |  |  \Eva (__)
  |  |     |     \Maria Joanna Rademacher
  |  |     |        |  /George Czepanski
  |  |     |        \Anna Rosa Czepanski
  |  |     |           \Anna (__)
  |  |  /Valentine Kuchman
  |  |  |  |           /Georgy Rademacher
  |  |  |  |        /Georgy Rademacher
  |  |  |  |        |  \Regina (__)
  |  |  |  |     /Georgii Rademacher
  |  |  |  |     |  |  /Henri Kofliski
  |  |  |  |     |  \Hedwig Kofliska
  |  |  |  |     |     \Elisabetha (__)
  |  |  |  |  /Joannes Anton Rademacher
  |  |  |  |  |  |        /Balthasar Heintze
  |  |  |  |  |  |     /Adam Heintze
  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |  |  |  /Christophori Heintze
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  /Martin Sabals
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  \Dorothea Sabals
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     \(__) (perhaps Eva?)
  |  |  |  |  |  \Maria Elisabeth Heintze
  |  |  |  |  |     |     /Peter Riedel
  |  |  |  |  |     |  /Christopher Ridel
  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |  |     \Regina Riedel
  |  |  |  |  |        |  /Joannes Günter
  |  |  |  |  |        \Hedwig Günter
  |  |  |  |  |           \(__)
  |  |  |  \Anna Theresia Rademacher
  |  |  |     |     /Joannes Kofliski
  |  |  |     |  /Joannes Joseph Kofliski
  |  |  |     |  |  \Eleanora Rosa Krug
  |  |  |     \Dorothea Kofliska
  |  |  |        \Elisabeth Dünnebier
  |  \Mary Theresa Kuchman
  |     |  /Andreas/Andrew Ogor
  |     \Anna Ogor
  |        \Maria Anne Mogar
John Howard Camp
  |        /Michael Hefner
  |     /Frederick Hefner
  |     |  |  /Johann Petrus Marx
  |     |  \Catherine Marx
  |     |     \Barbara Altmeier (or Altmeiss)
  |  /Michael Howard Hefner
  |  |  |        /(possibly) Almon Hames
  |  |  |     /David Hames
  |  |  |     |  \(possibly) Abigail Bennett
  |  |  |  /Horace Moody Smith Hames
  |  |  |  |  |              /John Fransoy
  |  |  |  |  |           /Hendrick Francisco
  |  |  |  |  |           |  \Geeshee (__)
  |  |  |  |  |        /Johannis Francisco
  |  |  |  |  |        |  |     /Francois/Frans Henriks Van der Koeck
  |  |  |  |  |        |  |  /Michael Van der Koeck
  |  |  |  |  |        |  |  |  |  /Machiels (Jans?) de Vries
  |  |  |  |  |        |  |  |  \Leventje Machiels de Vries
  |  |  |  |  |        |  |  |     \(__)
  |  |  |  |  |        |  \Leventje Van der Koeck
  |  |  |  |  |        |     |  /Joost Fransen
  |  |  |  |  |        |     \Sara Joosten
  |  |  |  |  |        |        |     /Jan Goosens
  |  |  |  |  |        |        |  /Aucke Janszen Van Nuyse
  |  |  |  |  |        |        |  |  \Ebelken Hermans
  |  |  |  |  |        |        \Geertruyd Auckrsz Van Nuyse
  |  |  |  |  |        |           |     /Jan Gerritsz
  |  |  |  |  |        |           |  /Pieter Jansz
  |  |  |  |  |        |           |  |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |  |        |           \Magdalena Pieterse
  |  |  |  |  |        |              \Adriantgen Arentsdr
  |  |  |  |  |     /John Francisco
  |  |  |  |  |     |  |        /Hendrick d'Oremus
  |  |  |  |  |     |  |     /Cornelis Doremus
  |  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  /Thomas Corneliszen Doremus
  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  |  /Joris Matthyssen
  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  \Jannetje Joris Van Elslant
  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  |     \Hubrechtje Jans
  |  |  |  |  |     |  \Aeltje Doremus
  |  |  |  |  |     |     |           /Hendrick Ackerman
  |  |  |  |  |     |     |        /Laurens Hendrickszen Ackerman
  |  |  |  |  |     |     |        |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |  |     |     |     /David Ackerman
  |  |  |  |  |     |     |     |  \Janneke (__)
  |  |  |  |  |     |     |  /Abraham Davidszen Ackerman
  |  |  |  |  |     |     |  |  |  /Jean Belliers
  |  |  |  |  |     |     |  |  \Elizabeth Belliers
  |  |  |  |  |     |     |  |     \Catherina Herque
  |  |  |  |  |     |     \Anneke Abramse Ackerman
  |  |  |  |  |     |        |     /Gerrit Stoffelszen Van Laer
  |  |  |  |  |     |        |  /Adrian Gerritszen Van Laer
  |  |  |  |  |     |        |  |  \Barbara Adriaens
  |  |  |  |  |     |        \Aeltje Van Laer
  |  |  |  |  |     |           |  /Abraham Isaacszen Verplanck
  |  |  |  |  |     |           \Abigail Verplanck
  |  |  |  |  |     |              |     /Jean Vigné
  |  |  |  |  |     |              |  /Ghislain Vigné
  |  |  |  |  |     |              |  |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |  |     |              \Maria Vigné
  |  |  |  |  |     |                 |  /Jean Cuvellier
  |  |  |  |  |     |                 \Adrienne Cuvellier
  |  |  |  |  |     |                    \(__)
  |  |  |  |  |  /Francis Francisco
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |                    /Johannes de Mandeville
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |                 /Michael de Mandeville
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |                 |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |              /Johannes Mandeville
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |              |  |  /Aegidius Van der Rade
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |              |  \Maria Van der Rade
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |              |     \Sara (__)
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |           /Yellis Janszen Mandeville
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |           |  \Trijntgen Wilms Van Harderwijk
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |        /Hendrick Mandeville
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |        |  \Elsje Hendricks
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     /Johannes Mandeville
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  /Jan Harris
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  \Elisabeth Janse Harris
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |     |  /Claes Janszen Stavast
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |     \Lysbeth Claese
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |        \Eva Gerrits
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  /Hendrick Mandeville
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     /Hendrick Hendrickszen Van Rane
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  /Hendrick Bruyn
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  /Hendrick Janszen Spier
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  \Seytje Spier
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     \Madgalena Jans Van Swol
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  \Elisabeth Bruyn
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  /Anthony LaCombe
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     \Margarietje LaCombe
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |        \Styntje Jans
  |  |  |  |  |  |  \Sarah Mandeville
  |  |  |  |  |  |     |        /Hendrick Janszen Spier
  |  |  |  |  |  |     |     /Johannes Spier
  |  |  |  |  |  |     |     |  \Madgalena Jans Van Swol
  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  /Frans Spier
  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  /Frans Jacobsen
  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  \Maritje Franse
  |  |  |  |  |  |     |  |     \Geertie Gerrits
  |  |  |  |  |  |     \Helena Spier
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |        /Cornelis Meertensz
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |     /Roelof Corneliszen Van Houten
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |     |  |  /Ros Jansz Van Bruechuysen
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |     |  \Adriana Van Broechuysen
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |     |     \Catharina Cornelis (Crijnendr)
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |  /Cornelis Roelofszen Van Houten
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |  |  |     /Hendrick Gerritszen Van Ness
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |  |  |  /Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Ness
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |  |  |  |  \Gerritje (__)
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |  |  \Gerritie Cornelise Van Ness
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |  |     |     /Adriaen Hendriksz
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |  |     |  /Hendrick Adriaensz Van den Burghgraeff
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |  |     |  |  \Barbara Dircksdr
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |  |     \Mayke Hendricksdr van den Burgh Graeff
  |  |  |  |  |  |        |  |        \Anneke Jansdr
  |  |  |  |  |  |        \Dierckje Van Houten
  |  |  |  |  |  |           |  /Reynier Bastiaenszen Van Giesen
  |  |  |  |  |  |           \Magdalena Van Giesen
  |  |  |  |  |  |              \Dircke Cornelise Van Groenlinde
  |  |  |  |  \Margaret Francisco
  |  |  |  |     |                    /Hendrick Gerritszen Van Ness
  |  |  |  |     |                 /Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Ness
  |  |  |  |     |                 |  \Gerritje (__)
  |  |  |  |     |              /Jan Corneliszen Van Ness
  |  |  |  |     |              |  |     /Adriaen Hendriksz
  |  |  |  |     |              |  |  /Hendrick Adriaensz Van den Burghgraeff
  |  |  |  |     |              |  |  |  \Barbara Dircksdr
  |  |  |  |     |              |  \Mayke Hendricksdr van den Burgh Graeff
  |  |  |  |     |              |     |  /Jan C. Dirckszen
  |  |  |  |     |              |     \Anneke Jansdr
  |  |  |  |     |              |        \Teuntje (__)
  |  |  |  |     |           /Cornelis Van Ness
  |  |  |  |     |           |  \Alida (__)
  |  |  |  |     |        /Gerrit Van Ness
  |  |  |  |     |        |  |        /Cornelis Van den Bergh
  |  |  |  |     |        |  |     /Gysbert Corneliszen Van den Bergh
  |  |  |  |     |        |  |     |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |     |        |  |  /Gerrit Gysbertszen van den Bergh
  |  |  |  |     |        |  |  |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |     |        |  \Maria Gerritse Van den Bergh
  |  |  |  |     |        |     \Teuntje Gerrits
  |  |  |  |     |     /Cornelis Van Ness
  |  |  |  |     |     |  |        /Cornelis Van den Bergh
  |  |  |  |     |     |  |     /Claas Corneliszen Van den Bergh
  |  |  |  |     |     |  |     |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |     |     |  |  /Cornelis Claaszen Van den Bergh
  |  |  |  |     |     |  |  |  \(poss.) Ariaantje (__)
  |  |  |  |     |     |  \Sara Van den Bergh
  |  |  |  |     |     |     |  /Jan Ouderkerk
  |  |  |  |     |     |     \Susanna Ouderkerk
  |  |  |  |     |     |        \(poss.) Annatje (__)
  |  |  |  |     |  /John Van Ness
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |           /Jacob (Van Schoenderwoert)
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |        /Teunis Jacobszen (Van Schoenderwoert)
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |        |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |     /Jacob Teuniszen Van Woert
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |     |  \Sarah Denys
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  /Jacob Van Woert
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  |  |     /Jan Loockermans
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  |  |  /Pieter Janszen Loockermans
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  |  |  |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  |  \Anna Loockermans
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |     /John Duncanson
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |  /James Duncanson
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  |     |  |  \Janet Watson
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  |     \Maria Duncanson
  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  |        \Helen Livingston
  |  |  |  |     |  |  \Alida Van Woert
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |        /Jan Oothout
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |     /Jan Janszen Oothout
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |     |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  /Jan Janszen Oothout
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |  |     /Hendrick Gerritszen Van Ness
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |  |  /Cornelis Hendirckszen Van Ness
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |  |  |  \Gerritje (__)
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |  \Hendrickje Cornelise Van Ness
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |     |     /Adriaen Hendriksz
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |     |  /Hendrick Adriaensz Van den Burghgraeff
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |     |  |  \Barbara Dircksdr
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |     \Mayke Hendricksdr van den Burgh Graeff
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |        |  /Jan C. Dirckszen
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |        \Anneke Jansdr
  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |           \Teuntje (__)
  |  |  |  |     |  |     \Hendrickje Oothout
  |  |  |  |     |  |        |  /Dirck Evertszen
  |  |  |  |     |  |        \Aeltie Evertse
  |  |  |  |     |  |           \Fytie Reyerts
  |  |  |  |     \Leventie Van Ness
  |  |  |  |        |        /John Fransoy
  |  |  |  |        |     /Hendrick Francisco
  |  |  |  |        |     |  \Geeshee (__)
  |  |  |  |        |  /Johannis Francisco
  |  |  |  |        |  |  |     /Francois Hendricks Van der Koeck
  |  |  |  |        |  |  |  /Michael Van der Koeck
  |  |  |  |        |  |  |  |  |  /Machiels (Jans?) de Vries
  |  |  |  |        |  |  |  |  \Leventje Machiels de Vries
  |  |  |  |        |  |  |  |     \(__)
  |  |  |  |        |  |  \Leventje Van der Koeck
  |  |  |  |        |  |     |  /Joost Fransen
  |  |  |  |        |  |     \Sara Joosten
  |  |  |  |        |  |        |     /Jan Goosens
  |  |  |  |        |  |        |  /Aucke Janszen Van Nuyse
  |  |  |  |        |  |        |  |  \Ebelken Hermans
  |  |  |  |        |  |        \Geertruyd Auckrsz Van Nuyse
  |  |  |  |        |  |           |     /Jan Gerritsz
  |  |  |  |        |  |           |  /Pieter Jansz
  |  |  |  |        |  |           |  |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |        |  |           \Magdalena Pieterse
  |  |  |  |        |  |              \Adriantgen Arentsdr
  |  |  |  |        \Alida Francisco
  |  |  |  |           |        /Hendrick d'Oremus
  |  |  |  |           |     /Cornelis Doremus
  |  |  |  |           |     |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |           |  /Thomas Corneliszen Doremus
  |  |  |  |           |  |  |  /Joris Matthyssen
  |  |  |  |           |  |  \Jannetje Joris Van Elslant
  |  |  |  |           |  |     \Hubrechtje Jans
  |  |  |  |           \Aeltje Doremus
  |  |  |  |              |           /Hendrick Ackerman
  |  |  |  |              |        /Laurens Hendrickszen Ackerman
  |  |  |  |              |        |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |              |     /David Ackerman
  |  |  |  |              |     |  \Janneke (Jurckse?)
  |  |  |  |              |  /Abraham Davidszen Ackerman
  |  |  |  |              |  |  |  /Jean Belliers
  |  |  |  |              |  |  \Elizabeth Belliers
  |  |  |  |              |  |     \Catherina Herque
  |  |  |  |              \Anneke Abramse Ackerman
  |  |  |  |                 |     /Gerrit Stoffelszen Van Laer
  |  |  |  |                 |  /Adrian Gerritszen Van Laer
  |  |  |  |                 |  |  \Baijken Aerjans
  |  |  |  |                 \Aeltje Van Laer
  |  |  |  |                    |  /Abraham Isaacszen Verplanck
  |  |  |  |                    \Abigail Verplanck
  |  |  |  |                       |     /Jean Vigné
  |  |  |  |                       |  /Ghislain Vigné
  |  |  |  |                       |  |  \(__)
  |  |  |  |                       \Maria Vigné
  |  |  |  |                          |  /Jean Cuvellier
  |  |  |  |                          \Adrienne Cuvellier
  |  |  |  |                             \(__)
  |  |  \Cornelia Hames
  |  |     |                  /Jesayes Drake
  |  |     |               /Cornelis Drake
  |  |     |               |  |  /Adam Brouwer
  |  |     |               |  \Aeltje Brouwer
  |  |     |               |     |     /Jean Verdon
  |  |     |               |     |  /Jacob Verdon
  |  |     |               |     |  |  \(__)
  |  |     |               |     \Magdalena Jacons Verdon
  |  |     |               |        |  /Thomas Badie
  |  |     |               |        \Maria Thomasdr Badie
  |  |     |               |           \Aeltje Braconie
  |  |     |            /Jacob Drake
  |  |     |            |  |     /Arent Laurenszen Toers
  |  |     |            |  |  /Laurens Arentszen Toers
  |  |     |            |  |  |  \Anna Claes
  |  |     |            |  \Mareytje Laurens Toers
  |  |     |            |     |     /Frederick Thomasz
  |  |     |            |     |  /Thomas Frederickszen
  |  |     |            |     |  |  |  /Cornelis (__)
  |  |     |            |     |  |  \Fransje Cornelis
  |  |     |            |     |  |     \Celitje Willems
  |  |     |            |     \Francyntie Thomase
  |  |     |            |        |  /Adriaen Adriaensz
  |  |     |            |        \Maritje Adriaens
  |  |     |            |           \Tryntje Stevens
  |  |     |         /Cornelius Drake
  |  |     |         |  \Helen (__)
  |  |     |     /William Drake
  |  |     |     |  |           /Jean Genung
  |  |     |     |  |        /Jeremiah Genung
  |  |     |     |  |        |  |     /John Snoyden
  |  |     |     |  |        |  |  /Jan Snedan
  |  |     |     |  |        |  |  |  \(__)
  |  |     |     |  |        |  \Grietie Snedan
  |  |     |     |  |        |     \Grietie Jans
  |  |     |     |  |     /Jeremiah Genung
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |     /John Denman
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  /John Denman
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |                 /Thomas Stoughton
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |              /Henry Stoughton
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |              |  \Christian (__)
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |           /Thomas Stoughton
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |           |  \Johane (__)
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |        /Edward Stoughton
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |        |  \Margaret (__)
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |     /Francis Stoughton
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |     |  |     /John Exherst
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |     |  |  /Richard Exherst
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |     |  |  |  \(possibly Alice Sepham)
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |     |  \Mary Exhirst
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |     |     \Alice (possibly Notebeme)
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |  /Thomas Stoughton
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |  |  \Agnes (__)
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |  \Judith Stoughton
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  |     \Katherine (__)
  |  |     |     |  |     |  |  \(__)
  |  |     |     |  |     |  \Martha Denman
  |  |     |     |  |  /John Genung
  |  |     |     |  |  |  \Deziah (__)
  |  |     |     |  \Nansey Genung
  |  |     |     |     \Sarah Clark
  |  |     |  /John Hinchman Drake
  |  |     |  |  \Charlotte Van Zile
  |  |     \Lauretha Drake
  |  |        |                 /Adam Brouwer
  |  |        |              /Pieter Brouwer
  |  |        |              |  |     /Jean Verdon
  |  |        |              |  |  /Jacob Verdon
  |  |        |              |  |  |  \(__)
  |  |        |              |  \Magdalena Jacobs Verdon
  |  |        |              |     |  /Thomas Badie
  |  |        |              |     \Maria Thomasdr Badie
  |  |        |              |        \Aeltje Braconie
  |  |        |           /Abraham Brouwer
  |  |        |           |  |  /Uldrick Kleyn
  |  |        |           |  \Petronella Uldricks Kleyn
  |  |        |           |     \Baefje Pieters
  |  |        |        /David Brouwer
  |  |        |        |  |        /Jean de Marest                                   ==>
  |  |        |        |  |     /David Demarest
  |  |        |        |  |     |  \Marguerite de Herville
  |  |        |        |  |  /Jean Demarest
  |  |        |        |  |  |  |     /Pasquier Sohier
  |  |        |        |  |  |  |  /François Sohier
  |  |        |        |  |  |  |  |  \(__)
  |  |        |        |  |  |  \Marie Sohier
  |  |        |        |  |  |     |  /Jacques Ernoult
  |  |        |        |  |  |     \Maria Ernoult
  |  |        |        |  |  |        \(__)
  |  |        |        |  \Lea Demarest
  |  |        |        |     |  /Simon Deruine
  |  |        |        |     \Jacomina Deruine
  |  |        |        |        \(__)
  |  |        |     /Peter Brewer
  |  |        |     |  |     /Hans Jacobszen Harty
  |  |        |     |  |  /Jacob Hanse (Hartje)
  |  |        |     |  |  |  |     /Hubert Lambertsz Mol
  |  |        |     |  |  |  |  /Lambert Huybertszen Mol
  |  |        |     |  |  |  |  |  \Geertgen Cornelisdochter
  |  |        |     |  |  |  \Grietje Lambertse Mol
  |  |        |     |  |  |     \Tryn Pieters
  |  |        |     |  \Jannetje Hartje
  |  |        |     |     |     /Dirck Stratemaker
  |  |        |     |     |  /Jan Dirkszen Stratemaker
  |  |        |     |     |  |  \(__)
  |  |        |     |     \Tryntje Stratemaker
  |  |        |     |        |  /Gerrit Janszen Van Steenwyck
  |  |        |     |        \Geesje Gerrits van Steenwyck
  |  |        |     |           \(__) (possibly Catryna)
  |  |        |  /Samuel Brewer
  |  |        |  |  |           /Johann Härter
  |  |        |  |  |        /Johannes Peter Härter
  |  |        |  |  |        |  \Catharine Peters
  |  |        |  |  |     /Johannes Michael Härter
  |  |        |  |  |     |  |  /Michel Schipp
  |  |        |  |  |     |  \Anna Catharina Schipp
  |  |        |  |  |     |     \(__)
  |  |        |  |  |  /Michael Herder
  |  |        |  |  |  |  \Maria Cecilia (__)
  |  |        |  |  \Maritje Herder
  |  |        |  |     |        /Andries Rees Van Lipstadt
  |  |        |  |     |     /Wilhelm Rees
  |  |        |  |     |     |  \Ciletje Jans
  |  |        |  |     |  /Benjamin Rees
  |  |        |  |     |  |  \Catryn Janse
  |  |        |  |     \Maria Rees
  |  |        |  |        |     /Jan Thomaszen Witbeck
  |  |        |  |        |  /Hendrick Janszen Witbeck
  |  |        |  |        |  |  |  /Andries Luykaszen
  |  |        |  |        |  |  \Geertruy Andriesdr
  |  |        |  |        |  |     \Jannetje Sebyns
  |  |        |  |        \Geertruy Witbeck
  |  |        |  |           |     /Franciscus Winne
  |  |        |  |           |  /Pieter Winne
  |  |        |  |           |  |  \Anna (__)
  |  |        |  |           \Lyntje Winne
  |  |        |  |              \Tannetje Adams
  |  |        \Cornelia Brewer
  |  |           |        /Jeremias Hess
  |  |           |     /Johannes Hess
  |  |           |     |  \(__)
  |  |           |  /Michael Hess
  |  |           |  |  |         /Otto Scherp
  |  |           |  |  |      /Peter Scherp
  |  |           |  |  |      |  \(__)
  |  |           |  |  |  /Philip Scherp
  |  |           |  |  |  |  |   /Thielman Menck
  |  |           |  |  |  |  \Margaretha Menck
  |  |           |  |  |  |     \Appolonia (__)
  |  |           |  |  \Anna Margaretha Scherp
  |  |           |  |     \Anna Margaretha Barbara Matheß
  |  |           \Elizabeth Hess
  |  |              |        /Michael Schauer
  |  |              |     /Johan Adam Schauer
  |  |              |     |  \Anna Magdalena (__)
  |  |              |  /Wilhelm Schauer
  |  |              |  |  |  /Jurg Wilhelm Fritz
  |  |              |  |  \Maria Elisabeth Fritz
  |  |              |  |     |   /Johann Kauffmann
  |  |              |  |     \Maria Elisabetha Kauffmann
  |  |              |  |         \(__)
  |  |              \Margaret Schauer
  |  |                 |            /Leonard Kreußler
  |  |                 |         /Johannes Kreußler
  |  |                 |         |  \(__)
  |  |                 |     /Johann Philipp Kreußler
  |  |                 |     |  |   /Conrad Sylwy
  |  |                 |     |  \Anna Maria Sylwy
  |  |                 |     |      \(__)
  |  |                 |  /Johannes Kreisseler
  |  |                 |  |  |   /Benedict Braun
  |  |                 |  |  \Anna Catharina Braun
  |  |                 |  |      \(__)
  |  |                 \Margaretha Kreisseler
  |  |                    |  /Jacob Manck
  |  |                    \Anna Eva Catherina Manck
  |  |                       \Anna Margaretha (__)
  \Margaret Cornelia Hefner
     |  /(__)
     \Adelaide Affleck
	|        /William Affleck
	|     /Robordson Affleck
	|     |  \Margaret Chisholm
	|  /William Affleck
	|  |  |  /James Mckay
	|  |  \Janet Mckay
	|  |     \Janet McKinnon(?)
	\Elizabeth Affleck
	   |  /John Follett
	   \Anne Follett

John Howard Camp [parents]
Robert William Camp, was born on 6 December 1925 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, baptised there on 20 December 1925 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church (Godparents: Frank Kuchman and Ann Kuchman), died on 1 July 1994 in Rochester, and was buried on 6 July 1994 in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. He married on 30 August 1947 at St. John the Evangelist's Church in Rochester. [parents]
Margaret Cornelia Hefner [parents]
Children of Robert William Camp and Margaret Cornelia Hefner
1. John Howard Camp.

Alfonse (Albert) Camp, was born on 1 November 1884 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, died on 18 April 1940 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. He married as his first wife Mary (__), who was born in 1891, died in 1910, and was buried in the Newark Main Street Cemetery, Arcadia, Wayne County, New York. He married as his second wife Mary Theresa Kuchman. [parents]
Children of Alfonse (Albert) Camp and Mary (__)
1. Cecilia M. Camp, was born on 24 May 1910, and died on 21 February 1983 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York. She married William Potter.

Mary Theresa Kuchman, was born on 17 July 1885 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, baptised there on 28 July 1885 in Holy Redeemer Church (Godparents: Alfred Streb and Josephine Fink), died on 23 September 1947 in Rochester, and was buried there in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. [parents]
Children of Alfonse (Albert) Camp and Mary Theresa Kuchman
1. Winifred A. Camp, was born on 29 October 1914 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, died on 18 December 1990 in Rochester, and was buried there on 20 December 1990 in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. She married Clarence Weidman, a son of Milton Weidman and Christina (__), who was born on 25 December 1911 (living in Irondequoit, Monroe County, New York, 1920 census), and died in November 1958.
2. Arthur Valentine Camp, was born on 12 January 1916 in Rochester New York, and died in Florida in January 1977. He married Alice Colby, a daughter of Robert E. Colby and Beatrice Ryan, who was born on 27 October 1921, and died on 18 February 1987 in Florida.

World War II Army enlistment records show that Arthur enlisted on 14 December 1942 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York as a Private. He was listed as having had 2 years of high school education, employed at Gager, Petroelum Products, married, height 70 inches, weight 149 lbs.

3. Sylvia C. Camp, was born on 27 February 1918 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and died on 18 June 1957 in Rochester. She married as his first wife Edward Zeitvogel, a son of Herman Zeitvogel and Effie Holgate, who was born in 1916.

World War II Army enlistment records show that he enlisted on 17 February 1943 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York. He was listed as having completed 3 years of high school employed as a Meteorologist or Dispatch Clerk (Crew) (Crew dispatcher, railway), married, height 71 inches, weight 149 lbs. He would go in after a battle was over with to set up operations there. After the death of his first wife, Edward married as his second wife Muriel (__), which ended in divorce.

4. Edward Norbert Camp, was born on 8 May 1923 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, died on 21 April 1995 in Rochester, and was buried there on 26 April 1995 in Irondequoit Cemetery. On 10 May 1947 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Rochester he married Doris May Colby, a daughter of Robert E. Colby and Beatrice Ryan, who was born on 30 June 1917.

Edward grew up on 58 Weaver Street in Rochester, graduated from Edison Technical High School and studied drafting at Rochester Institute of Technology. World War II Army enlistment records show that he enlisted on 3 April 1943 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, as a Private. He was listed as having 4 years of high school, single, with dependents, height 43 inches [sic], weight 118 lbs. He was a mechanic in the Air Force stationed in Arizona and on 28 April 1944 in the 461st A.A.F. Base Unit, Squadron F-41, Hammer Field, Fresno, CA. He was employed as a master model maker at Bausch & Lomb, and retired after 47 years. He was a member of the St. Cecelia's Men's Club and the Bausch & Lomb Early Settlers Club. He liked to garden and enjoyed spending his summers with his family at their cottage on Conesus Lake. He enjoyed sports and often attended Rochester Red Wings baseball and Rochester Amerks hockey games.

5. Robert William Camp, married Margaret Cornelia Hefner.

Michael Howard Hefner, was born on 17 June 1893 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and baptised on 6 December 1908 in Holy Trinity Church, Webster, Monroe County, New York. He died on 27 November 1968 at the Veterans Hospital, Batavia New York, and was buried on 30 November 1968 in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. He married on 25 June 1924 in Corpus Christi Church, Rochester, Monroe County, New York. [parents]
Adelaide Affleck, was born on 12 October 1897 at the at Camberwell Workhouse in Camberwell District, London, England, baptised on 8 March 1898 in the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Friary Road, Peckham, London, England (godmother: Jessie Affleck), died on 23 January 1987 at 40 Presque Street, Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and was buried in April 1987 in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. [parents]
Children of Michael Howard Hefner and Adelaide Affleck
1. Margaret Cornelia Hefner, married Robert William Camp.
2. Mary Virginia Hefner, was born on 22 January 1927 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, baptised (date and place unknown) (wit.: Fred Hefner and (__)), died unmarried on 6 January 1997 in Rochester General Hospital in Rochester, and was buried in May 1997 at Holy Trinity Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York.
3. John Howard Hefner, was born in 1929 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and died there in 1930, aged about 18 months.
4. Rita Anne Hefner, was born on 19 May 1932 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, baptised (date unknown) probably at St. John the Evangelist Church in Rochester (wit.: unknown), and died on 4 January 1987 in Rochester. On 28 February 1953 she married Floyd Shares.
5. Elizabeth Murial Hefner, was born on 27 February 1935 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, baptised on 24 March 1935 at St. John the Evangelist Church, Rochester (wit.: Richard L. Weider and Arlene Smith Weider), and died on 6 June 2003 in Watertown, Jefferson County, New York. On 9 May 1959 at St. James Church in Rochester she married Thomas Crowley, who was born on 28 February 1931 in Rochester, baptised on 15 March 1931 at St. Augustines Church in Rochester (wit.: Vincent J. Crowley and Corrine L. Kavanaugh), and was a son of Dennis Leo Crowley and Mary Estelle Kavanaugh.

Karel (Charles) Francies Campe, was born on 20 March 1831 in Eeklo, East Flanders, Belgium, died on 24 August 1897 in Newark, Wayne County, New York, and was buried on 26 August 1897 in the Newark Main Street Cemetery, Arcadia, Wayne County, New York. He married on 25 April 1861 in Oostburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands. Charles, his wife, and 6 children, emigrated to the United States on Thursday, 5 May 1887. he was naturalized on 19 March 1894. [parents]
Maria Thereas Nieskens, was born on 25 November 1841 in Oostburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands, died on 5 January 1921 in Lyons, Wayne County, New York, and was buried in the Newark Main Street Cemetery, Arcadia, Wayne County, New York. [parents]
Children of Karel (Charles) Francies Campe and Maria Thereas Nieskens
1. Petrus Bernardus Campe, was born on 17 July 1861 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, died 4 August 1933, and was buried in Newark Cemetery, Newark, Wayne County, New York. About 1889 he married Louise (Hochmeyer?), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1861. She may be the Lousie Campe who died 18 March 1910, and was buried in Newark Cemetery.
2. Eduardus/Edward Franciscus Campe, was born on 5 September 1863 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, probably died in 1942, and was buried in Newark Cemetery, Newark, Wayne County, New York. On Thursday, 5 May 1887 in IJzendijke he married Em(m)a den Bleecker, a daughter of Petrus den Bleecker and Bernardina Wille, who had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born about 1865 in IJzendijke, and possibly died in 1913. Edward and Emma emigrated in 1887.
3. Bernardus Franciscus Campe, was born on 18 January 1866 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died there on 25 July 1880.
4. Ferdinandy Franciscus Campe, was presumably born on 18 January 1866 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died there on Sunday, 26 November 1871.
5. Sidonie Marie Campe, was born on 25 March 1868 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died there on Monday 28 September 1868.
6. Emelia Sophia Campe, was born on 13 January 1870 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, died unmarried on 3 May 1928 in Clifton Springs Sanitarium, Clifton Springs, Ontario County, New York, and was buried in Newark Cemetery, Newark, Wayne County, New York.
7. Theophile Henricus Campe, was born on 14 April 1874 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on 2 July 1951. On 12 July 1909 he married Margaret Whelan, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1875. She may be the Maggie Whalen who appeared in the 1880 Federal Census for Galen, Wayne County, New York, and if so was a daughter of Thomas Whalen and Mary (__).
8. Polidor Campe, was born on 23 September 1875 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, died on 7 September 1941 and was buried in Newark Cemetery, Newark, Wayne County, New York. On 8 June 1904 at St. John's Church, Clyde, Wayne County, New York, he married Catherine Frances Mack, who was born on 31 August 1880, died 12 September 1965 and was buried in Newark Cemetery.
9. Ferdinand Campe, was born on 31 January 1878 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, died on 28 December 1936 in Lyons, Wayne County, New York, and was buried in Newark Cemetery, Newark, Wayne County, New York. On 22 January 1902 at St. Michael's Church, Newark, Wayne County, New York, he married Anna Maria Burkhardt, who had no birth or baptismal record, died in 1958, and was buried in Newark Cemetery.
10. Franciscus Bernardus Campe, was born on 6 April 1880 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died there on Wdnesday, 10 February 1886.
11. Cyrille Benedictus Campe, was born on 25 March 1882 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on 19 July 1951 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York. About 1910 he married Catherine Mary Enser, a daughter of John G. Enser and Philippine Reaper, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1885, and died in 1942.
12. Alfonse (Albert) Campe, married as his first wife Mary (__), and as his second wife Mary Kuchman.

Valentine Kuchman, was born on 22 November 1859 in Lgin, Prussia, baptised there at the Catholic Church on 23 November 1859 (Godparents: Josef Gabriel and Anna Rosina Rademacher), and died on 5 November 1912, presumably in Rochester, Monroe County, New York. He married on 6 November 1881 at Holy Redeemer Church in Rochester.

Valentine arrived in America in 1881. [parents]

Anna Ogor, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1859 in Berlin, Germany, and died in August 1926 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York. [parents]
Children of Valentine Kuchman and Anna Ogor
1. Joseph Kuchman, was born on 7 March 1881 in Germany, and died on 14 November 1951 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York. On 26 June 1906 in Rochester he married Elizabeth Wahl, a daughter of Frank Wahl and Louisa Fischer, who was born in March 1882 in Rochester, died on 20 April 1961 in Falls Church, Virginia, and was buried in Holy Sepulchure Cemetery in Rochester, New York.
2. Frank Kuchman, was born on 6 July 1882 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, died there on 26 January 1948, and was buried there in Holy Sepulchure Cemetery. On 21 June 1905 in Rochester he married Josephine Haefele, a daughter of Raphael Kaspar Haefele and Anna Margaretha Amann, who was born on 31 May 1884, and died on 16 April 1934. On his World War I Draft Registration, Frank reported that he had lost three fingers from his right hand.
3. Stephen Valentine Kuchman, was born at 3:00 A.M. on 5 November 1883 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, died on 30 October 1959 in Rochester, and was buried there in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. On 19 October 1910 at St. Francis Zavier Church in Rochester he married Mary Julia Kuhn, who was born on 5 September 1888, died on 8 February 1958 in Rochester, was buried there in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, and was a daughter of Peter Joseph Kuhn and Mary Agatha Bogner.
4. Mary Theresa Kuchman, married as his second wife Alfonse (Albert) Campe.
5. John Lawrence Kuchman, was born on 8 August 1895 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, died there on 20 January 1936, and was buried there on 24 January 1936 in Holy Sepulchure Cemetery. On 21 May 1918 he married Ada Viola Pink, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 5 November 1941 in Rochester.
6. Rose Kuchman, was born on 16 December 1886 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and died there on 30 January 1955. On 29 September 1909 at Holy Redeemer Church in Rochester she married Anton Joseph Amann, a son of Franz Josef Amann and Kreszenz Vogel, who was born on 8 November 1885 in Austria, and died in 1948 in Rochester.
7. Martha Kuchman, was born on 28 June 1888 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, died there on 12 December 1896, and was buried there on 20 December 1896 in Holy Sepulchure Cemetery.
8. Magdalena Clara Kuchman, was born on 23 January 1890 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and died there on 17 February 1965. On 21 May 1921 in Rochester she married Edward Drasch, a son of (__) Drasch and Mary (__), who was born on 23 September 1891, and died in February 1969.
9. Sophie Catharine Kuchman, was born on 10 March 1892 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and died there on 22 January 1959. She joined the order of the Sisters of St. Joseph and took the name Sister Norbertine.
10. Anna Barbara Kuchman, was born on 9 December 1893 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and died on 11 August 1926. On 30 November 1916 at Holy Redeemer Church in Rochester she married Henry Edward Rappleyea, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1896 in New York.
11. Amelia Rosalia Kuchman, known as Mollie, was born on 5 May 1897 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and died there on 18 July 1956. On 8 September 1926 at Holy Redeemer Church in Rochester she married Howard Marlow.
12. Josephine Agnes Kuchman, was born on 17 January 1899 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and died there on 3 July 1965. She married Howard Fleming, who was born on 30 July 1891 in Lincoln, New York, and died on 4 August 1966. In his World War I Draft Registration Card he listed his birth year as 1893, stated that he was working as a chauffeur for the Despatch Construction Company in East Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and that he had a floating kidney.
13. George Kuchman, was born on 19 November 1900 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, and died there on 15 March 1902, aged 1frac12; years.

Frederick Hefner, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in 1865 probably in New York. He died on 1951 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in Holy Trinity Cemetery. He married on Wednesday, 16 April 1890, at 8:00 P.M. at the residence of Horace Hames in Webster, Monroe County, New York. [parents]
Cornelia Hames, was born in July 1871 in Webster, Monroe County, New York. She died in 1907, probably in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. [parents]
Children of Frederick Hefner and Cornelia Hames
1. Michael Howard Hefner, married Adelaide Affleck.
2. Joseph Floyd Hefner, was born on 4 July 1898 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, baptised on 2 November 1908 at Holy Trinity Church in Webster (wit.: Henry Martin and Elizabeth Miller), died on 5 May 1969, and was buried in Holy Trinity Cemetery. He married Eva Cecilia Spall, a daughter of Philip Spall and Thereas Heimes, who was born on 17 September 1899 (probably in Webster), baptised on 23 September 1899 at Holy Trinity Church (wit.: Anthony Heimes and Mary Schmitt), died on 10 December 1966, buried in Holy Trinity Cemetery.
3. Frederick Hefner, was born on 19 July 1901 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, baptised on 2 November 1908 at Holy Trinity Church in Webster (wit.: Henry Martin and Elizabeth Miller), died on 6 January 1963, and was buried in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Webster. He married Alma Louise Klem, perhaps a daughter of Bernard A. Klem and Lucy M. (__), who was born in 1908, died (date unknown), was buried in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Webster.

Elizabeth Affleck, was born on 3 October 1878 in Richmond Barracks, Palmerston, South Dublin, Ireland, and died on 27 April 1920 at 72a East Dulwich Grove, Camberwell England. She had one child by an unknown liaison. On 15 June 1899 as recorded at the Register Office, Westminster, England, she married Walter Lawrence Loomes, who had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 8 December 1943 at his home at 56 Elliots Row, Southwark, London, England. [parents]
Children of unknown and Elizabeth Affleck
1. Adelaide Affleck, married Michael Howard Hefner.

Children of Walter Lawrence Loomes and Elizabeth Affleck
1. George Walter Loomes, was born on 24 October 1898 in North Kilworth, Leicestershire, England. He married as his first wife Florence May Courteney. He married as his second wife Ivy Rephra Wilkes.
2. (__) Loomes, was born on 25 February 1901 at 24 St. Georges Buildings, Southwark, London, England, and died the same day.
3. Charles Lawrence Loomes, was born on 25 February 1901 at 24 St. Georges Buildings, Southwark, London, England. He married Josephine Winifred Johnstone.
4. Frances Gertrude Loomes, was born on 1 June 1902 at 26 Temple Street, Southwark, London, England. She married William Charles Nunn.
5. Edith Anne Loomes, was born on 3 April 1904 at 11 Paragon Row, Newington, London, England. She married Jack Albert Boyles, who died on 15 August (__).
6. Phyllis Anne Loomes, was born on 9 February 1906 at 51 Hayles Buildings, Elliotts Row, Southwark, London, England. She married William Charles Nunn.
7. Kathleen Lilian Loomes, was born on 6 May 1907 at 51 Hayles Buildings, Elliots Row, Southwark, London, England. She married Giordano Bruno Bozzoni.
8. Ivy Elizabeth Loomes, was was born on 12 April 1909 at 51 Hayles Buildings, Elliotts Row, Southwark, London, England. She died of Scarlett Fever and toxemia on 5 June 1914 at Joyce Green Hospital, Dartford, Kent, England.
9. William Loomes, was born on 11 July 1910 at 51 Hayles Buildings, Elliotts Row, Southwark, London, England. He married Elsie May Edwards.
10. Jessie Agnes Josephine Mary Loomes, was born on 14 December 1911 in Southwark, London, England, She married Henry Jeffrey.
11. Robert Henry Loomes, was born on 5 March 1914 at 56 Elliotts Row, Southwark, London, England. He died of infective enteritis on 23 September 1914 at 56 Elliotts Row.
12. Reginald Joseph Loomes, was born on 5 March 1914 at 56 Elliotts Row, Southwark, London, England. He died of infective enteritis on 21 September 1914 at 56 Elliotts Row.
13. Irene Florance Loomes, was born on 17 July 1915 at 56 Elliotts Row, Southwark, London, England.
14. Magdaleen Ruby Loomes, was born on 7 December 1917 at 56 Elliotts Row, Southwark, London. She married John Robert Philo.

Ferdinandus/Ferdinand Campe, was born on 18 October 1795 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 19 October 1795 (Godparents: Gerard Janssens and Veronica Steijaert). [parents]
Catharina Antonia Landuijt, was born on 8 September 1800 in Waterland Oudeman, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Ferdinand Campe and Catherine Landuijk
1. Wilhelmus Fredeicus/Willem Frederic Campe, was born on 16 March 1828 in Eeklo, East Flanders, Belgium.
2. Carolus Franciscus/Karel Francies Campe, married Maria Thereas Nieskens.
3. Leopoldus/Leopold Campe, was born on 8 January 1834 in Eeklo, East Flanders, Belgium.

Johannes Pieter Nieskens, was born on 16 March 1807 Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands, baptised (no date) probably in Eede (Godparents: Francois van Achter and Jean van den Eeckhout), and died on Saturday, 13 January 1894 in Oostburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He married on Wednesday, 7 November 1838 in Oostburg. [parents]
Carolina Dorothea Boerendonk, was born on 9 November 1803 in Hoofdplaat, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Monday, 22 December 1873 in IJzendijk, Zeeland, The Netherlands. [parents]
Children of Johannes Pieter Nieskens and Carolina Dorothea Boerendonk
1. Maria Theresia Nieskens, was born about 1839 in Oostburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died there on 4 June 1840.
2. Maria Thereas Nieskens, married Karel Francies Campe.
3. Pieter Johannes Nieskens, was born on 12 October 1843 in IJzendijk, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On Wednesday, 19 June 1872 in Oostburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands, he married Maria Louisa van Hooft, a daughter of Dingeman van Hooft and Sara de Man, who was born on 12 March 1849 in Sint-Kruis, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He emigrated on the United States on Wednesday, 20 August 1879.

Joseph Kuchman, had no birth or baptismal record and was born probably in Germany. [parents]
Anna Theresia Radmeyer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born probably in Germany. [parents]
Children of Joseph Kuchman and Anna Theresa Radmeyer
1. Valentine Kuchman, married Anna Ogor.
2. Joseph Kuchman, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 8 January 1882 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York.

Andreas/Andrew Ogor, had no birth or baptismal record.
Maria Anna Mogar, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Andreas/Andrew Ogor and Maria Anna Mogar
1. Anna Ogor, married Valentine Kuchman.

Michael Hefner, was born on 19 May 1837 in Baden, Germany. He died on 21 September 1899 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there on 24 September 1899 in Holy Trinity Cemetery.
Catherine Marx, was born on 19 December 1838 in Bavaria, Germany. She died on 6 June 1910 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in Holy Trinity Cemetery. [parents]
Children of Michael Hefner and Catherine Marx
1. Catherine Hefner, was born on 2 October 1860, possibly in Henrietta, Monroe County, New York, confirmed in 1874 at Holy Trinity Church, Webster, Monroe County, New York (no confirmation name or sponsor listed), died on 10 March 1886, and was buried in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Webster. She married as his first wife Michael Marchner, who was born in 1855, died in 1943, was buried in West Webst Cemetery, and may be the son of Wolfgang Marchner and Catherine (__).
2. Nicholas Hefner, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1862, possibly in Henrietta, Monroe County, New York, and died unmarried (date unknown).
3. Frederick Hefner, married Cornelia Hames.
4. Anthony Hefner, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1865, possibly in Henrietta, Monroe County, New York, was confirmed on 21 November 1881 at Holy Trinity Church in Webster, Monroe County, New York (no confirmation name or sponsor listed), and died unmarried (date unknown).
5. Heinrich Hefner, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1868, possibly in Henrietta, Monroe County, New York, confirmed on 12 October 1885 at Holy Trinity Church in Webster, Monroe County, New York (confirmation name unknown, sponsor was Franciscus Lieberman) and died unmarried after 1925.
6. Jacob Hefner, was born on 26 October 1871 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, baptised on 18 November 1871 at Holy Trinity Church in Webster (wit.: Jacobus Kunz and Catharina Marz), died on 17 January 1958 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, and was buried there in Woodlawn Cemetery. on 11 September 1894 in Grand Rapids he married Mary Troy, a daughter of James M. Troy and Margaret Kilmartin, who was born in February 1868 in Caledonia, Kent County, Michigan, died on 12 December 1945 in Grand Rapids, and was buried on 14 December 1945 in Woodlawn Cemetery.
7. Michael Hefner, Jr., was born on 7 December 1873 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and baptised on 17 December 1873 at Holy Trinity Church in Webster (wit.: Mathias (illeg.) and Barbar (illeg.)). He died young.
8. Maria B. Hefner, was born on 10 July 1876 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, baptised on 16 July 1876 at Holy Trinity Church in Webster (wit.: Michael Michels and Maria Chomee(?)), confirmed on 19 June 1892 at Holy Trinity Church (confirmation name was Barbara, sponsor was Barbara Marx), and died in 1939. In 1898 in Webster she married Fred Anton Heimes, a son of Anton A. Heime and Elizabeth Awlsuth, swho was born in 1871 in Schmallenberg, Germany, died in 1953, and was buried in Holy Trinity Cemetery.
9. Franciscus Hefner, was born on 6 April 1879 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, baptised on 13 July 1879 at Holy Trinity Church in Webster (wit.: Jacob Wander and Monica Kuntz), died on 22 February 1882 in Webster, and was buried there in Holy Trinity Cemetery.
10. Agnes Hefner, was born on 24 July 1881 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, baptised on 31 July 1881 at Holy Trinity Church in Webster (wit.: Michael Marchner and Agnes Hefner), confirmed at Holy Trinity Church on 11 August 1895 (confirmation names was Cristina, no sponsor recorded), and died unmarried on 15 August 1907 while being confined to a sanatarium for tuberculosis.

Horace Moody Smith Hames, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1848 in Webster, Monroe County, New York. He died in 1932 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. He married about 1870 probably in Webster, Monroe County, New York. [parents]
Lauretha Drake, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1853 probably in Webster, Monroe County, New York. She died in 1928 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. [parents]
Children of Horace Moody Smith Hames and Lauretha Drake
1. Cornelia Hames, married Frederick Hefner.
2. Ella May Hames, was born in December 1874 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, died there in 1932, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. About 1893 probably in Webster she married Ruben S. Volk, who was born about 1874 in Webster, died in 1912, was buried in West Webster Cemetery, and was the son of Jacob Volk. Ella's tombstone reads "Ella May Volk Kelly" indicating a possible second marriage.

William Affleck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in the early part of 1854 in Swindon, Wiltshire, England. He died on 26 December 1921 at 11 Pernells Place, Camberwell, England. He married on 1 June 1876 at the Parish Church, Wollwich, England. [parents]
Anne Follett, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1855. She died prior to 1880. [parents]
Children of William Affleck and Anne Follett
1. Susan Jessie Affleck, was born on 16 February 1877 in Cork, Ireland, and died on 7 February 1948 at 75 Becket House, Tabard Street, Southwark, England. At the Church of Our Lady of Seven Dolours, Camberwell, England, she married Walter Edward Beagle, who died on 25 October 1956 at St. Giles Hospital, Camberwell, England.
2. Elizabeth Ellen Affleck, had a child-bearing liaison with (__), then married Walter Lawrence Loomes.

Judocus Franciscus/Josse Frans Campe, was born on 31 December 1759 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 5 March 1825 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 3 May 1785 in either Lembeke or Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Isabella Theresia Lacaeyse, was born on 11 February 1764 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 4 September 1834 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Judocus Franciscus Campe and Isabella Therese Lacaeyse
1. Petrus/Peter Campe, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1786 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 24 October 1789.
2. Jacobus Franciscus/Jacob Frans Campe, was born on 11 December 1787 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium and baptised there on the same day (Godparents: Jacob Kampe, lives in Eeklo, and Anna van Overvelt, lives in Kaprijke). He married as his first wife Johanna Catharina Blancke, who had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his second wife Nathalia Anna Haerens, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Joannes Baptiste/Jan Baptist Campe, born on 21 January 1789 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 22 January 1789 (Godparents: Jan Baptist Campe, lives in Lembeke and Catharina Lacassie, lives in Kaprijke), and died there on 29 March 1790.
4. Maria Jacoba Campe, born on 20 March 1790 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 20 March 1790 (Godparents: Ignaas Lacassie, living in Kaprijke, and Maria Jacoba Campe, lives in Lembeke).
5. Joannes Baptiste/Jan Baptist Campe, was born on 26 December 1791 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 27 December 1791 (Godparents: Jan Baptist Lacaeijse and Anna Maria Kampe).
6. Sophia Campe, was born on 24 August 1793 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 25 August 1793 (Godparents: Frans Lacaeijse and Carolina Cornelia Lievens), and died there on 1 November 1794.
7. Ferdinand Campe, married Catharina Antonia Landuijt.
8. Petrus/Pieter Campe, was born on 24 April 1801 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day (Godparents: Paul Campe, farmer, 36 years and Lieven Dierkens, day labourer, 28 years; both living in St. Laureins), and died there on 5 October 1859. On 28 November 1821 in Sint-Laureins he married Joanna Cornelia van Hijfte, a daughter of Jan baptist van Hijfte and Charlotte Francisca Van de Plassche, who was born on 19 March 1800 in Sint-Laureins, and died there on 13 November 1874.

Petrus Antonius Landuijt, was born on 28 July 1767 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 28 July 1767 (Godparents: Antoon Vergauwe en Anna Maria Landtuijt), and died on 21 March 1802 in Waterland Oudeman, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 22 October 1799 in Waterland Oudeman. [parents]
Maria Jacoba Lammens, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband and as his second wife David Wittesaele, the widower of Maria Barbara Nachtergael, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 13 June 1799 in Waterland Oudeman, East Flanders, Belgium. She married as her second husband Petrus Antonius Landuijt. She married as her third husband Petrus Josephus Everdeij, a son of Henricus Josephus Everdeij and Joanna Maria Dhont, who was born on 12 March 1776 in Waterland Oudeman, and died there on 4 August 1804. On 18 June 1805 in Waterland Oudeman she married as her fourth husband Henricus Josephus Pollet.
Children of David Wittesaele and Maria Jacoba Lammens
1. Maria Cornelia Wittesaele, was born on 3 November 1789 in Waterland Oudeman, East Flanders, Belgium.
2. Bernardina Philippina Wittesaele, was born on 20 August 1791 in Waterland Oudeman, East Flanders, Belgium.
3. Joanna Bernardina Wittesaele, was born on 18 August 1793 in Waterland Oudeman, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 1 August 1795.
4. Joanna Francisca Wittesaele, was born on 3 February 1796 in Waterland Oudeman, East Flanders, Belgium.
5. Petrus Joannes Wittesaele, was born on 22 March 1798 in Waterland Oudeman, East Flanders, Belgium.

Children of Petrus Antonius Landuijt and Maria Jacoba Lammens
1. Catharina Antonia Landuijt, married Ferdinand Campe.

Children of Petrus Josephus Everdeij and Maria Jacoba Lammens
1. Joannes Josephus Everdeij, was born on 4 June 1803 in Waterland Oudeman, East Flanders, Belgium.

Henrij Nijskens, was born on 29 August 1770, baptised the same day on Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Mart Reijnders and Godefridus Breuckers), and died on 2 February 1819 (wit.: Abraham Jansen en Hendrik J. Vallays) in Sint-Kruis, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He married on Friday, 6 January 1804 (Republic date 15 Nivose XII) in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands. Witnesses were Louis Verkade, Pierre Bankaert, Francois v/d Akker, and Francois Vercraeye. [parents]
Catharina Seij, was born on 25 December 1778 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 25 December 1778 (Godparents: Jan de Schepper and Petronilla de Zutter), and died on 11 April 1829. [parents]
Children of Henrij Nijskens and Catharina Seij
1. Marie Therese Nijskens, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about March 1804 in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died there on Sunday, 20 September 1807, aged 3 years and 6 months.
2. Seraphine Nijskens, was born on 5 June 1805 in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised (date unknown but probably in Eede) (Godparents: Pierre Bankeart and Pierre van Vooren).
3. Johannes Pieter Nijskens, married Carolina Dorothea Boerendonk.
4. Johannes Baptiste Nijskens, was born on Saturday, 23 September 1809 in Heille, Zeeland, The Netherlands, baptised possibly there (no date) (Godparents: Sara Doebels and Jan de Kostekker), and died on 22 April 1864 in Koek, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On 8 May 1850 he married Francesca Du Mez, a daughter of Johannes Francies du Mez and Sophia Kesbeke, who was born on 28 March 1827 in Assenede, East Flanders, Belgium, died on 14 April 1905, and was buried on 17 April 1905 in Hoek, Zeeland, The Netherlands).
5. Jacques Bernard Niskens, was born on 2 February 1812 in Sint Jan-in-Eremo, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised possibly there (no date) (Godparents: Joseph Ververs and Piet (__)).
6. Ludovicus Nijskens, was born on 16 March 1814 in Sint Jan-in-Eremo, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised possibly there (no date) (Godparents: Ludovicus Verstraete and Philipina Verstraete).
7. Anna Nijskens, was born on 7 July 1817 in Sint Jan-in-Eremo, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised possibly there (no date) (Godparents: Daniel Baart and Carolus d'Hont), and died on 27 March 1847 in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands.

  Information found here taken from the research of Marcel Nijskens
Johannes Franciscus Boerendonk, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1772 according to his marriage record, and died on Tuesday, 5 July 1808 in Schoondijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He married on Monday, 9 February 1801 (Republic date 20 Pluviose IX) in Hoofplaat, Zeeland, The Netherlands. [parents]
Johanna Maria van Opdorp, was baptised on 14 February 1780 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium. She married as her first husband Johannes Franciscus Boerendonk. On 2 August 1809 in Schoondijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, she married as her second husband and as his second wife Philippus Jacobus Wage, the widower of Maria Elisabeth de Nijs and a son of Adriaan Wage and Siana de Smit, who was born on 30 November 1772 in Knokke, West Flanders, Belgium, and died on Monday, 15 November 1819 in Waterlandkerkje, Zeeland, The Netherlands. [parents]
Children of Johannes Franciscus Boerendonk and Johanna Maria van Opdurp
1. Pieternella Maria Boerendonk, was born about 1802, and died on Thursday, 19 July 1832 in Waterlandkerkje, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
2. Carolina Dorothea Boerendonk, married Johannes Pieter Nieskens.
3. Joannes Judocus Boerendonk, was born about November 1805, and died on Thursday, 28 August 1806 in Hoofdplaat, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
4. Joseph Boerendonk, was born about 1807 and died on Saturday, 20 August 1808 in Schoondijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands.

Children of Philippus Jacobus Wage and Johanna Maria van Opdurp
1. Dorothea Wage, was born about 1811 in Waterlandkerkje, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Monday, 18 January 1864 in Oostburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On 23 July 1828 in Schoondijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands she married as her first husband Josephus Anthonius Messelin (or Anthonie Josephus Masleijn), a son of Louis/Ludovicus Messelin and Genoveva Constantia Daniels, who was born about 1808 in Schoondijke, and died on Wednesday, 22 February 1837 in Waterlandkerkje. On Wednesday, 9 February 1853 in Oostburg, she married as her second husband and as his second wife Constantinus Plasschaert, the widower of Paulina Leijman and a son of Jacobus Livinus Plasschaert and Anne Marie Carpentier, who was born about 1799 in Bouchaute, Belgium.
2. Philippus Jacobus Wage, was born in June 1812, and died on Monday, 17 August 1812 in Waterlandkerkje, Zeeland, The Netherlands, aged 8 weeks old.
3. Anna Johanna Wage, was born about 1814 in Waterlandkerkje, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Friday, 14 March 1856 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On Saturday, 24 May 1834 in Waterlandkerkje she married as his first wife Joannes Bernardus Viane, a son of Bernardus Franciscus Viane and Levina Catharina Quio, who was born about 1820 in Sint-Marguerite, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on Wednesday, 18 July 1883 in IJzendijke. He married as his second wife Johanna Maria Junis.
4. Jacobus Wage, was born about 1815 in Waterlandkerkje, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Sunday, 7 May 1871 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
5. Phillipus Bernardus Wage, was born about 1818 in Waterlandkerkje, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Sunday, 21 May 1848 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He married Idorsica Sophia van de Gehuchte (or Genachte)

Johann Petrus Marx, had no birth or baptismal record.
Barbara Altmeier (or Altmeiss), had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1799 in Germany, died of apoplexy on 11 May 1875 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there on 12 May 1875 in Holy Trinity Cemetery.
Children of Johann Petrus Marx and Barbara Altmeier (or Altmeiss)
1. Catherine Marx, married Michael Hefner.

David Hames, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1811/1812. He died in 1895 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. He married on 28 October 1839 in Penfield, Monroe County, New York. [parents]
Margaret Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1814. She died in 1882 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. [parents]
Children of David Hames and Margaret Francisco
1. Cornelius P. Hames, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1845, and died on 22 December 1924. About 1870 he married Carrie (__). He was referred to as "Peter" in the 1865 census for Webster, Monroe County, New York, indicating that that was probably his middle name.
2. Francis D. Hames, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in July 1846 according to census records. About 1866 he married Ida U. (__), who was born in 1849 according to census records, and died in 1919. He was referred to as "Delevan" in the 1865 census for Webster, Monroe County, New York, indcating that that was his middle name.
3. Horace Moody Smith Hames, married Lauretha Drake.

John Hinchman Drake, was born on 1 September 1820 in New Jersey. He died on 1 January 1890 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. He married about 1849 possibly in Webster, probably in Monroe County, New York [parents]

John Drake had living with him at both the taking of the 1850 and 1860 census a womand named Sophie Rivenburgh, who was later described in the 1875 New York State census as his niece. The specifics of that relationship has not been found.

Cornelia Brewer, was born on 12 October 1822 probably in Columbia County, New York. She died on 22 October 1866 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. [parents]
Children of John Hinchman Drake and Cornelia Brewer
1. Winfield Sanford Drake, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1850 according to census records, probably in Webster, Monroe County, New York. He married as his first wife Lettie (__). After 1892 he married as his second wife Dora (__), who was born about 1852 according to census records. In later years he was known as Sanford W. Drake.
2. Philip King Drake, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in March 1851 according to census records probably in Webster, Monroe County, New York, died in 1924, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery in Webster. About 1880 he married Sarah Elizabeth (Libbie) Bancroft, who was born on 26 August 1863 in Webster, died in 1930, was buried in West Webster Cemetery, and was a daughter of William Riley Bancroft and Alida Ann Van Alstyne. Philip was known as Felix.
3. Lauretha Drake, married Horace Moody Smith Hames.

Robert/Robertson/Robordson Affleck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1826, possibly in Longswade, Midlothian, Scotland, and died (date unknown) of Apoplexy. On 15 June 1849 in St. Cuthberts, Midlothian, Scotland, he married as his first wife Janet Mckay. On 6 October 1866 as recorded at The Register Office, Lambeth, London, England, he married as his second wife Elizabeth Waldron, who was born in 1840 in St. Budes, Devon, England, and died about 1886 in Camberwell, London, England. [parents]
Children of Robert/Robertson/Robordson Affleck and Elizabeth Waldron
1. Robordson Affleck, was born in 1870 in Battersea or Lambeth, London, England. He married Elizabeth Lydia H. Banks.
2. Thomas Affleck, was born in 1870 in Battersea or Lambeth, London, England.

Janet Mckay, was born on 27 December 1825 in St. Cuthberts, Midlothian, Scotland, and died on 11 May 1862 at 40 Upper Robert St., Plumstead, London, England, at age 36 from Cerebritis. [parents]
Children of Robert/Robertson/Robordson Affleck and Janet Mckay
1. Marion Affleck, was born in 1852 at Swindon, Witlshire, England.

She is listed as Marion in the 1861 Census for Swindon. No Census, Marriage or Death references for her are found after 1861.

2. William Affleck, married Anne Follett.
3. James Affleck, was born 26 September 1858 at Swindon, Witlshire, England. He married Ellen Caroline Coleman.
4. Henry Affleck, was born on 4 April 1861 at Swindon, Witlshire, England.

He was Royal Navy. His father was calling himself Robertson at this time, and was listed as a Smith's Striker. In the 1861 Census, he was shown as being one week old, and living at 39 Bath Street, Swindon. His father was listed as a Hammerman. In the 1881 Census he was apparently an Ordinary Seaman in the Royal Navy. His ship is listed as HMS Minotaur.

John Follett, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of John Follett and (__)
1. Anne Follett, married William Affleck.

Egidius/Gillis Campe, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1709 in Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 6 June 1791 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 22 November 1740 in Lembeke.
Petronella de Taeye, was born on 19 October 1723 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 13 June 1797. [parents]
Children of Egidius/Gillis Campe and Petronella de Taeye
1. Joannes Baptista Campe, was born on 15 April 1743 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
2. Maria Jacoba Campe, was born on 9 July 1745 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 21 February 1820. On 1 May 1766 in Lembeke she married Petrus Ysebaert, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Anna Maria Campe, was born on 8 March 1748 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 4 May 1776 in Lembeke she married Emanuel Buyck, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Petrus Campe, was born on 7 May 1751 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 8 January 1782 in Lembeke he married Joanna Maria Steyaert, who had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Judocus Franciscus Campe, married Isabella Therese Lacaeyse.
6. Jacobus Franciscus Campe, had no birth or baptismal record. On 6 May 1783 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium he married Joanna Theresia Bonami, a daughter of Judocus Bonami and Catharina de Smet, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1758, and died on 30 August 1785 in Eeklo, East Flanders, Belgium. Witnesses to their marriage were Guilielmus Campe and Marie Petronilla de Reu.
7. Paulus Campe, was born on 28 January 1763 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 18 March 1849 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium. On 18 June 1799 in Adegem he married Barbara Van Landtschoot, a daughter of Georgius Van Lantschoot and Anna-Maria West, who was born on 26 October 1764 in Adegem, and died there on 4 September 1826.

Petrus Antonius Lacaeyse, was born on 23 May 1723 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 4 Novemer 1787. [parents]
Anna Marie van Overvelt, was born on 8 April 1728 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 17 March 1814 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Petrus Antonius Lacaeyse and Anna Marie van Overvelt
1. Franciscus Livinus Lacaeyse, was born on 23 December 1765 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married Joanna Vereecke.
2. Carolina Theresia Lacaeyse, was born on 29 October 1755 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. She married Joannes Mortier.
3. Livina Maria Lacaeyse, was born on 3 July 1757.
4. Ignatius Lacaeyse, was born on 3 February 1759 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 5 October 1794. He married as his first wife Maria van Huffel. He married as his second wife Petronella Catharina Steyaert.
5. Joanna Maria Lacaeyse, was born on 1 October 1760 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium.
6. Joannes Baptiste Lacaeyse, was born on 3 August 1762 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 27 August 1845. He married Veronica Steyaert.
7. Isabella Therese Lacaeyse, married Judocus Franciscus Campe.
8. Maria Catharina Lacaeyse, was born on 13 December 1767 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 27 January 1768.
9. Engelbertus Lacaeyse, was born on 17 March 1769 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium.
10. Petrus Joannes Lacaeyse, was born on 4 May 1770 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on the same day.

Petrus Joannes Landuijt, was born on 23 August 1733 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 24 August 1733 (Godparents: Peter Roels en Petronella Buijck), and died on 20 June 1782 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 7 October 1766 in Sint-Laureins (with Banns published there on 27 September 1766 (witnesses: Corneel Landtuijt en Joanna Maria Goeborghe)). Witnesses to the marriage: Corneel Landtuijt en Joanna Maria Goeborghe. [possible parents]
Judoca Vergauwe, was born on 8 October 1740 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day (Godparents: Corneel Steiaert en Judoca Vergauwe), and died on 22 May 1776 in Sint-Laureins. [possible parents]
Children of Petrus Joannes Landuijt and Judoca Vergauwe
1. Petrus Antonius Landuijt, married Maria Jacoba Lammens.
2. Joannes Franciscus Landuijt, was born on 21 May 1769 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 21 May 1769 (Godparents: Corneel Landtuijt en Maria Vergauwe), and died there on 27 November 1770.
3. Anna Maria Cornelia Landuijt, was born on 20 January 1771 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 20 January 1771 (Godparents: Corneel Winnen en Anna Maria Goenberghe), and died on 21 August 1772 in Sint Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium.
4. Joanna Cornelia Landuijt, was born on 13 February 1773 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 13 February 1773 (Godparents: Martin Lievens en Joanna Cornelia Vergauwe), and died there on 28 April 1784.
5. Joannes Franciscus Landuijt, was born on 09 November 1775 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 09 November 1775 in Sint Laureins (Godparents: Georgius Rogiers en Barbara de Vriese).

Johannes Jean Nijskens, was baptised on 12 October 1734 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Lambertus Karis and Anna Vrijecken), and died on 2 May 1803 in Nederweert, Limburg, The Netherlands. He married on 23 January 1759 in Leveroy (wit.: Hubertus Nijskens and Gertruda Kercker). [parents]
Elisabeth Kercker, (also found in records as Kircker and Kirckels) was born on 4 February 1738 in Baexem, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died on 18 August 1810 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands. [parents]
Children of Johannes Jean Nijskens and Elisabeth Kercker
1. Jacobus Nijskens, was baptised on 16 August 1759 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Hubertus Nijskens and Maria Jansen), and died on Sunday, 8 February 1807. He married Marianne (Dauvels or Danneels).
2. Petrus Nijskens, was baptised on 14 November 1760 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Mart Reijders and Joanna Drenters), and died on Tuesday, 11 April 1815 in Aardenburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On 3 July 1788 he married Jozina Cruzon, a daughter of Abraham Cruzon and Magdalena Antize, who was born on 23 January 1764 in Aardenburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on 13 June 1833.
3. Henricus Nijskens, was baptised on 25 June 1762 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Simon Kircker and Gertrude Jorissen), and died there on 15 July 1764.
4. Maria Nijskens, was baptised on 8 March 1764 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Petrus Koolen and Hendrina Nijs), and died on 5 May 1830 in Nederweert, Limburg, The Netherlands.
5. Joanna Nijskens, was baptised on 21 November 1765 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Joannis Karis and Joanna Kercker).
6. Cornelia Nijskens, was baptised on 7 February 1768 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Hubertus Jeurissen and Maria Luijens). On 13 April 1796 in Baexem, Limburg, The Netherlands, she married Leonardus Willekens.
7. Henricus Nijskens, married Catherine Sies.
8. Joannes Petrus/Jean Pierre Nijskens, was baptised on 27 September 1772 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Johannes Reijnders and Joanna Wijers), and died on Tuesday, 29 January 1811 in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On Wednesday, 3 November 1804 (Republic date 2 Brumaire XIII) in Eede he married as her first husband Reine Rosalie Verlsuijs, a daughter of Gaspard Versluijs and Marie Jacqueline Tramon, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born in 1786 in Eede. On Wednesday, 11 December 1811, in Eede she married as her second husband Augustin van Hijfte.
9. Godefridus Nijskens, was baptised on 26 October 1774 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Hubertus Breuckers and Gertrude Kercker). On 31 July 1797 in Nederweert, Limburg, The Netherlands, he married as his first wife Petronella Kivits, who was born on 12 September 1761 in Nederweert and died there on 13 December 1819. On 2 June 1827 he married as his second wife Joanna Maria Gerris, who was born on 6 February 1797 in Strateris, Limburg, The Netherlands.
10. Maria Barbara Nijskens, was baptised on 25 December 1776 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Johannes Vogels and Anna Vaessens), and died there on 28 December 1778.
11. Cristianus Nijskens, was baptised on 21 May 1778 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Johannes Vogels and Elisabeth Beemder). On 20 December 1802 in Leveroy he married Anna Maria Dreesen, a daughter of Jean Dreesen and Marie Houben, who was born on 6 February 1775 in Hunsel, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died on 18 April 1837 in Leveroy, a daughter of Jean Dreesen and Marie Houben.

  Information found here taken from the research of Marcel Nijskens
Jean Francois/Johannes Franciscus/Jan Frans Seij, was baptised on 14 April 1752 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Gerard Steijaert and Joanna van Meenen), and died on Sunday, 13 September 1807 in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He married as his first wife Maria Norberta de Zutter. On 23 November 1803 (Republic Date 1 Frimaire XII) in Eede he married as his second wife and as her second husband Marie Cornelia/Marie Cornelie Weijns, the widow of Jacobus de Blaere and a daughter of Joannes Franciscus/Jan Frans Weijns and Barbara Judoca van de Genachte, who was born on 16 March 1769 in Sint-Margriete, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Maria Norbertina/Norberta de Zutter, was baptised (as Maria Albertina) on 15 November 1737 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Albert Frans Ondereet and Anna Maria Goethals), and died on Monday, 22 August 1803 (Republic date 4 Fructidor XI) in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands, aged 66 years. She married as her first husband Carolus Franciscus Septimus/Carel Francies/Carel Frans Verstraete, a son of Judocus Verstraete and Maria de Wandel, who was born on 28 March 1726 in Maldegem, baptised there (no date), and died on 12 March 1776 in Aardenburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands. She married as her second husband Jean Francois Sies/Johannes Franciscus/Jan Frans Sies. [parents]

Children of Jean Francois/Johannes Franciscus/Jan Frans Seij and Maria Norbertina/Norberta de Zutter
1. Catharina Seij, married Henricus Nijskens.


Children of Carolus Franciscus Septimus/Carel Francies/Carel Frans Verstraete and Maria Norbertina/Norberta de Zutter
1. Maria Verstraete, was born on 20 May 1761 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on (no date), and died there on 28 June 1766.
2. Regina Verstraete, was born on 3 April 1763 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on (no date), and died there on 23 April 1766.
3. Philippina Verstraete, was baptised on 12 November 1765 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on (no date), and died on Thursday, 26 September 1833 in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On Tuesday, 20 May 1800 (Republic Date 30 Floreal VIII) in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands, she married Petrus Arnoldus Banckaert, a son of Cornelis Jacobus/Corneel Jacob Banckaert and Petronella Angelina Verstrijnghe, who was born on 23 December 1771 in Eede, baptised the same day in Middelburg, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on Sunday, 14 March 1847 in Eede.
4. Judocus Livinus/Livien Verstraete, was born on 11 March 1768 in Aardenburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands, baptised on the same date in Middelburg, East Flanders, Belgium, and died unmarried on 31 January 1792 in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
5. Ludovicus Joannes Verstraete, was born on 5 January 1772 in Aardenburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands, baptised on 6 January 1772 in Middelburg, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on Sunday, 22 November 1857 in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On Sunday 29 June 1800 (Republic Date 1 decade Messidor VII) in the Administrative Municipality of Sluis, Zeeland, The Netherlands, he married Maria Jacoba Quataert, a daughter of Joannes Quataert and Isabella Clara de Clerck, who was born on 5 January 1778 in Eede, and died there on Saturday, 19 December 1857.
6. Maria Cornelia Verstraete, was born on 7 February 1775 in Aardenburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands, baptised on the same day in Middelburg, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 28 June 1776 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium.

Judocus Boerendonk, was born at 9:00 A.M. on 14 June 1748 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, baptised there on Sunday, 16 June 1748 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Judocus Heremans and Joanna Mertens), and died on 3 February 1819 in Hoofdplaat, Oostburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He married on 27 April 1772 at the Roman Catholic Church in Hontenisse (witnesses: Joannes Franc. Tote and Joanna de Veuglaer). [parents]
Pietronella Scheerlink, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1752 in either Hontenisse or Van Aalst, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Friday, 28 March 1828 in Hoofdplaat, Zeeland, The Netherlands. She survived her husband who died on 3 February 1819. [parents]
Children of Judocus Boerendonk and Pietronella Scheerlink
1. Johannes Franciscus Boerendonk, married Johanna Maria van Opdurp.
2. Anna Catharina Boerendonk, was born on 16 August 1773 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Tuesday, 21 March 1865 in Graauw en Langendam, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On Monday, 26 September 1796 (Republic date 5 Vendemiaire V) in Graauw en Langendam, she married Johannes de Koning, a son of Cornelis de Koning and Josijna Rondonk, who was born on 20 December 1773 in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Sunday, 25 November 1832 in Graauw en Langendam.
3. Apolonia Boerendonk, was born on 12 August 1775 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died there on Thursday, 6 September 1849. On 6 August 1795 in Hontenisse she married as his second wife Johannes Franciscus/Jan Francies Tielman, the widower of Anna Van Den Broeck and a son of Judocus Franciscus Tielman and Josyna Sponselee, who was born on 28 November 1755 in Hontenisse, baptised there on 30 November 1755, and died there on Wednesday, 5 March 1834.
4. Judoca Boerendonk, was born on 23 February 1777 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands. She married Pieter Joseph Croijen, a son of Pieter Joseph Croijen and Carolina Muller, who was born about 1801 in Hoofdplaat.
5. Petronella Maria Boerendonk, was born on 18 December 1778 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died young.
6. Petronella Boerendonk, was born on 11 September 1779 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Monday, 10 July 1854 in Hoofdplaat, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On Thursday, 28 May 1801 (Republic date 8 Prairial IX) in Hoofdplaat she married Judocus de Keijzer, a son of Louwereijs de Keijzer and Joanna Vlaming, who was born about 1774 in Moerbeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
7. Johanna Boerendonk, was born on 19 October 1780 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died young.
8. Maria Francisca Boerendonk, was born on 12 December 1781 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On Saturday, 7 July 1798 (Republic date 19 Messidor VI) in Hoofdplaat, Zeeland, The Netherlands, she married as her first husband Pieter Francies Knudde, a son of Ignatius Knudde and Judoca Schalken, who was born on 3 March 1762 in Biervliet, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Tuesday 13 March 1810 in Hoofdplaat. On Tuesday, 29 January 1811 in Hoofdplaat she married as her second husband Pieter Joannes de Mullewe, a son of Jacobus de Mullewe and Pieternella Walge, who was born about 1787 in Waterdijk, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
9. Petrus Boerendonk, was born on 6 June 1784 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
10. Johanna Boerendonk, was born on 7 February 1785 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
11. Dorothea Boerendonk, was born on 13 February 1786 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
12. Jacobus Boerendonk, was born on 12 July 1787 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
13. Judocus Boerendonk, was born on 11 July 1788 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died young.
14. Anna Maria Boerendonk, was born on 19 September 1789 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
15. Judocus Boerendonk, was born on 20 January 1791 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He died young.
16. Judocus Boerendonk, was born on 25 February 1792 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
17. Maria Anna Boerendonk, was born on 4 August 1793 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands.

Adrianus Franciscus/Adriaaan Francies van Opdorp, was baptised on 16 February 1754 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 19 July 1774 in Lebbeke. [parents]
Maria Anna de Poorter, had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1756 in Sint-Jansteen, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
Children of Adrianus Franciscus/Adriaaan Francies van Opdorp and Maria Anna de Poorter
1. Susanna Maria van Opdorp, was baptised on 12 August 1774 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
2. Franciscus/Francies van Opdorp, was baptised on 6 October 1775 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on Thursday, 26 January 1826 in Schoondijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On Tuesday, 20 May 1800 (Republic date 30 Floreal VIII) in IJzendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, he married Pieternella Geense(n), the daughter of Matheeuw Geense(n) and Janneke Verdegem, who was born on 7 March 1780 in Ovezande, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Wednesday, 12 January 1848 in Schoondijke.
3. Petrus Josephus van Opdorp, was baptised on 25 October 1777 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
4. Johanna Maria van Opdorp, married Johannes Franciscus Boerendonk.
5. Dorothée van Opdorp, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1788, and died on Sunday, 25 October 1857 in Oostburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On Thursday, 28 February 1811 in Schoondijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, she married Philippe Leijns, a son of Mathieu Leijns and Jeanne Dobbelaar, who was born about 1786 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on Monday, 26 December 1853 in Oostburg.
6. Judocus van Opdorp, was baptised in (no date) 1789 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium.

(possibly) Almon Hames, had no birth or baptismal record. It is an assumption that Almon Hames is the father of the children listed, and it is also an assumption that the children listed are indeed brothers and sisters. The scarcity of this surname in New York State combined with the close proximity that these family lived relative to each other certainly suggests a family connection. Sars McNutly has identified the parents of Amanda Hames as Almon and Abigial. Amanda married Horace Smith Moody, and turn David Hames named one of his sons Horace Smith Moody Hames, suggesting that David and Amanda were siblings.

Almon Hames (or Hains, or Haines) does not appear in the 1790 and 1810 Federal Census. Possible explanations for this could be that he was not living in this country yet, he managed to avoid the censu taker, he *is* in the census but may have been mistranscribed on online records, or he may simply have not been the head of the household that he was living under when the census was taken. An Almon Hains appears in the 1810 Federal Census for Deer Park, Orange County, New York with 1 male 45 and over, 3 females under 10, and 1 female 16 to 25.

An Almon Hames appears in the 1820 Federal Census for Seneca, Ontario County, New York with 1 male under 10, one male 10-16, one male 45 upwards, 3 females under 10, 2 females 10-16, and one female 26-45. Also, a Benjamin Hames appears in the same census (different page) with 2 males under 10, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 16-26, 1 male 26-45, 2 females under 10, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 26-45, with of said 2 people engaged in Commerce. There are three other Hames households mentioned in the census: Jalestt Hames of Lansingburg, Rensselaer County; John Hames of Stillwater, Saratoga County; and Nathaniel Hames of Burtus, Cayuga County. [A Benjamin Hames, described as an old resident of Webster, died on 26 July 1895 according to the 27 July 1895 edition of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. There are only, to my knowledge, only two Benjamin Hames in Webster: one died in 1904 and the other was born around 1870, seemingly too young to be called an old resident. Could this Benjamin in the 1820 census be the person being talked about, and if so, hwere had he been hiding for all these years?].

(possibly) Abigail Bennett, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of (__) Hames and (__)
1. David Hames, married Margaret Francisco.
2. John F. Hames, was born on 4 November 1817, died on 1 January 1884, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. About 1840 he married Adelia Lockwood, who was born on 15 March 1823, died on 16 August 1890, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery.
3. Amy Hames, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1820, died on 1908, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. She married Alfred Lockwood, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1821, died on 8 September 1870, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery. She was mentioned as a sister in benjamin Hames' obituary.
4. Benjamin Hames, had no birth or baptismal record and was born (either about 1822 according to census records or about 1824 according to his obituary), died on 9 March 1904 in Fairport, Monroe County, New York, and was buried on 11 March 1904 in West Webster Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. He married as his first wife Phebe C. (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1824 according to census records, died on 10 November 1856 (aged 31 years) in Webster, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. On 29 April 1863 in Fairport, Monroe COunty, New York, he married as his second wife Elizabeth A. Hine, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1836 according to census records, died on 18 March 1897, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery. The Reverend N. Bosworth performed the ceremony.

According to the 1850 census for Webster, Monroe County, New York, Benjamin was employed as a carpenter, and his real estate was valued at $700. His obituary was published in the 11 March 1904 edition of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle:

HAMES - In Fairport, N.Y. Wednesday, March 9 1904 at the family residence on North Main Street, Benjamin Hames aged 80 years. Besides one sister, Mrs. Amy Lockwood, of Webster, he leaves two daughters, Mrs. B. F. Hamilton of Westfield, and Mrs. John White, of this village. Funeral Friday morning, March 11th at 10:00 o'clock from the house. Internment at West Webster.

5. Amanda Hames, was born on 17 November 1826 at Webster, Monroe, New York, died there in 1885, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. Prior to 1846 she married Horace Smith Moody, a son of Rufus Moody and Lucretia Nash, who was born on 17 June 1827 in Williamson, Wayne County, New York, and died on 17 December 1895 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York.
Amanda Hames and Horace Smith Moody have other descendants, such as:
.Adelina Louise Moody - MERTON ELMER LEWIS (1861-1937) Mayor, State Attorney General


Francis Francisco, was born on 2 July 1784 in Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York. He died on 29 February 1848 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. About 1806 he married as his first wife Mary (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1786, and either died or was buried on 6 June 1812, with burial occurring in the old Cooksborough Cemetery, Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York. About 1813 he married as his second wife Leventie Van Ness. [parents]

In 1826 he and his family move from the east and settled on a tract of land extending from what is now the West Webster Cemetery to Irondequoit Bay in Webster, Monroe County, New York. On 27 March 1844 he sold one half acre of land which was to become the West Webster Cemetery. He left a will in which he mentioned his wife Levine Fransisco; children Sally, wife of David J. Ketchum of Webster; Catherine, wife of Palmer Ketchum of Hannibel, Oswego, New York.; Margaret, wife of David Hames of Webster; Cornelius P. Francisco of Webster; Elida M., wife of John Knapp of Webster; Ann Jane, wife of Edward Tyrrell of Webster; all of full age and Francis Vanderhoof of Flenda, New York, a grandson of full age, son of Emily, a deceased daughter.

The 30 November 1848 edition of the Rochester Daily Advertiser ran the obituary of Francis Francisco:

"Sudden Death - We understand that Mr. Francis Fransisco, an old and highly respected resident of West Webster, died very suddenly yesterday morning. He had been in usual good health and on Monday ploughed in the field all day. Yesterday morning he got up his team for the purpose of coming to the city, and went to his house to eat breakfast. Soon after taking his seat at the table, he fell back in his chair, and expired in a few minutes. His age was 64 years. The cause of death is supposed to have been apoplexy."

A curious mystery - Francis mentions a daughter, Catherine, wife of Palmer Ketcham, in his will. His son Cornelius mentions this Catherine and another sister, Catherine, wife of Alexander Hamilton Lucas, in his will. Why did Francis not mention the wife of Alexander Lucas in his will? Why Cornelius have two sisters named Catherine? Both Catherines appear in the 1850 census, so it is not a matter of one Catherine having two husbands in the course of her lifetime. Based on the age of the wife of Alexander Lucas, it would appear that she is probably the daughter of his first wife, Mary.
Children of Francis Francisco and Mary (__)
1. Sally Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1808 according to census records. She married Daniel J. Ketchum, a son of Joseph Ketcham and Alida Van Ness, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1806 according to census records.

According to 1850 census records for Webster, Monroe County, New York, Daniel was employed as a farmer and had real estate valued at $4,680. According to the 1855 census for Webster, both he and his wife has been residents of Monroe County for 14 years.

2. Catherine E. Francisco, was born about 1812 in New York, died in 1898, and was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Gainesville, Wyoming County, New York. Prior to 1832 she married Alexander Hamilton Lucas, a son of Joseph Lucas and Hannah (__), who was born in 1804, died in 1878, and was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery.


Leventie Van Ness, was born on 5 December 1786 and baptised on 4 February 1787 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke (wit.: Cornelis Van Ness and Aaltje Doremus). She died on 12 December 1867 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. [parents]
Children of Francis Francisco and Leventie Van Ness
1. Catherine Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Palmer Ketchum, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Margaret Francisco, married David Hames.
3. Cornelius Peter Francisco, was born on 14 April 1817, died on 27 April 1863, aged 46 years, 19 days, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. He married as his first wife Hannah P. (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1826. He married as his second wife Sally Ann (__), who had no birth or baptismal record. She died on 9 August 1847, aged 26 years, 2 months, and 16 days, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery.

His will was proved 9 May 1863, and in it he mentioned his widow Hannah S.; mother Lavina Francisco of Webster; sisters: Margaret, wife of David Hames; Alida, wife of John Knapp of Webster; Ann, wife of Edward Tyrrell of Penfield; a half brother, Jacob Van Ness; and Sally, wife of Daniel Ketchum of Webster; Catherine, wife of Palmer Ketchum of Hannible, Oswego County; Catherine, wife of Hamilton Lucas of Gainsville, Wyoming County, New York; and Francis Vanderhoof, child, of Emily Vanderhoof, a deceased sister. Administrators were Cornelius and Hannah Francesco.

4. Alida Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1821. She married John Knapp, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1822.
5. Ann Jane Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1823, died on 6 September 1888, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. She married as his first wife Edward Turrill, a son of James Beebe Turrill and Phebe Turrill, who was born on 5 September 1818 in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, died on 14 November 1898 in Penfield, Monroe County, New York, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery.

Edward married in 1890 in Penfield, Monroe County, New York, as his second wife Ruhanah Strong.

6. Emily Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Nathaniel Vanderhoof, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1805 in Wells, Hamilton County, New York, and died on 22 April 1847 in Floyd, Onieda County, New York.

After Emily's death, Nathaniel and his son Francis moved to Oneida County, New York. In 1831, Nathaniel married Susan Soule (1806-1844, daughter of Thomas Soule and Betsy Huffcoot). He was a captain of artillery in the State Militia, and Francis was a drummer.

7. Catherine Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1812, died in 1898, and was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Gainesville, Wyoming County, New York. She married Alexander Hamilton Lucas, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1804 in New York, died in 1878, and was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery.

William Drake, was born on 3 January 1789 in New Jersey. He died on 4 January 1877 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. He married on 14 August 1814 in the Rockaway Presbyterian Church, Rockaway, Morris County, New Jersey [parents]

William and Charlotte were married by the Reverend Barnabas King. Both were living in Pequannock, New Jersey, at the time of their marriage. William enlisted 3 January 1813 as a private in Capt. John Hatfield's 3rd U.S. Volunteers for one year and was discharged 25 January 1814. According to the 1865 census for Webster, New York, Charlotte was listed as having had 7 children by that point in time (Bible records show 8 children).

Charlotte Van Zile, was born on 20 April 1793 in New Jersey. She died on 28 April 1874 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery.
Children of William Drake and Charlotte Van Zile
1. Phebe Ann Drake, was born on 1 December 1815 according to family Bible records, and may possibly be the buried in 1819 in Rockaway Cemetery, Rockaway New Jersey.
2. Eunice Drake, was born on 8 June 1817 according to family Bible records, and died on 18 January 1820. "Our daughter Eunice Drake departed this life January 18 1820 aged 2 years 7 months 10 days."
3. John Hinchman Drake, married Cornelia Brewer.
4. Sarah Maria Drake, was born on 23 March 1823 according to family Bible records.
5. William Walice Drake, was born on 2 July 1825 according to family Bible records, and died on 21 April 1829. "Our son William Walice Drake departed this life April 2 1829 aged 3 years 9 months."
6. Jacob King Drake, was born on 29 December 1831 according to family Bible records. He married Margaret Loraine Sherman, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in November 1840 according to census records for Webster, Monroe County, New York.

In the 1850 census for Webster, Monroe County, New York, he was living with his parents and employed as a laborer. Jacob and Margaret had 6 children according to census records, though only the names of five of their children is known. Jacob was employed as a carpenter and living with his family in Put-In Bay, Ottawa County, Ohio at the time of the 1870 and 1880 Federal Census. According to the 1900 census for Webster, the had two grandchildren living with them: Florence, born in October 1892; and Earl, born in February 1895.

7. Caroline Mary Drake, was born on 15 September 1831 according to family Bible records, died in 1903, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. She married David D. Hagedorn, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1821, and died on 2 December 1873. David's will was administered by his wife, Caroline, and Felix Drake (his wife's nephew).
8. Edward Drake, was born on 12 December 1834 according to family Bible records (which in this instance are somewhat illegible and the birth date is primarily a guess).

Samuel Brewer, was baptised on 17 July 1791 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Robert Hoes and Lydia Herder). His occupations was listed at various times in census records as farmer or laborer. He married on 11 December 1810 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack. [parents]
Elizabeth Hess, was baptised on 29 May 1789 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: William Bloom and Elizabeth Fritz). [parents]
Children of Samuel Brewer and Elizabeth Hess
1. Peter S. Brewer, was born on 23 February 1811 and baptised on 14 April 1811 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (the Parents). He married as her third husband Agnes Ann Rogers, the widow of (__) Austin and David McKee, who was born on 22 July 1822 in Washington County, New York.
2. Michael H. Brewer, was born on 10 March 1813, baptised on 18 June 1815 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: the Parents), died on 9 October 1866 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. He married Eliza N. (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1823, died on 8 August 1863 in Webster, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery.
3. Maria Brewer, was born on 2 February 1815 and baptised on 18 June 1815 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Laurance L. Land and Maria Brower).
4. Margareth Brewer, was born on 5 April 1818 and baptised on 21 June 1818 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: the Parents).
5. Cornelia Brewer, married John Hinchman Drake.
6. Caroline E. Brewer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1833 according to census records. She was living with Samuel and Elizabeth Brewer when the 1850 census for Webster, Monroe County, New York, was taken.

William Affleck, was born about 1805 in Lasswade, Midlothian, Scotland, and died prior to 1866. He married on 26 February 1820 in Lasswade.

The Old Parochial Register for Lasswade, Midlothian (Edinburgh) shows an entry in the Register of Proclamation of Banns and Marriages, dated 26th February 1820 (for the first Sabbath) between a William Affleck and a Margaret Chisholm who "have given in their names for the proclamation in order to marriage" - the marriage must then have occurred after the third "calling," presumably on 11 March 1820.

Margaret Chisholm, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of William Affleck and Margaret Chisholm
1. Elizabeth Affleck, was born on 11 August 1822 in Lasswade, Midlothian, Scotland.
2. Robordson Affleck, married as his first wife Janet Mckay, and as his second wife Elizabeth Waldron.
3. possibly James Affleck, was born about 1839 probably in Scotland, and died in 1900.

James Mckay, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Scotland.
Janet McKinnon, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Scotland.
Children of James Mckay and Janet McKinnon
1. James Alexander Mckay, was born on 21 August 1817 in St. Cuthberts, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland.
2. Thomas Mckay, was born on 21 December 1819 in St. Cuthberts, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland.
3. Catharine Mckay, was born on 14 May 1821 in St. Cuthberts, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland.
4. George Farquharson Mckay, was born on 14 January 1824 in St. Cuthberts, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland.
4. Janet Mckay, married Robardson Affleck.

Petrus de Taeye, was born on 3 November 1690 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 4 November 1690, and died there on 24 August 1744. On 27 April 1719 in Lembeke he married as her first husband Jacoba Drieghe. [parents]
Jacoba Drieghe, was born on 12 February 1698 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 13 February 1698. On 27 April 1719 in Lembeke she married as her first husband Petrus de Taeye. On 14 August 1745 in Lembeke she married as her second husband Petrus Cornelis Dhaese, a son of Petrus Dhaese and Joanna Rogiers, who was born on 1 May 1708 in Lembeke, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 10 August 1764. [parents]
Children of Petrus de Taeye and Jacoba Drieghe
1. Joannes de Taeye, was born on 4 February 1720 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 5 February 1720, and died there on 27 February 1720.
2. Christophora Carolina de Taeye, was born on 16 August 1721 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same day. On 10 May 1741 she married Franciscus Matthijs, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 8 October 1780 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium.
3. Petronella de Taeye, married Egidius/Gillis Campe.
4. Joannes Franciscus de Taeye, was born on 20 February 1726 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
5. Livina de Taeye, was born on 20 September 1728 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
6. Georgius de Taeye, was born on 14 November 1731 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 6 August 1733.
7. Bernardus Franciscus de Taeye, was born on 5 August 1734 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 16 March 1735.

Livinus Lacaeyse, was possibly born on 16 October 1666 in Kaprijke, East Flanders Belgium, and died there on 17 February 1742. He married on 22 January 1715 in Kaprijke. [parents]
Livina Mestdagh, was born on 24 October 1689 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 16 January 1747.
Children of Livinus Lacaeyse and Livina Mestdagh
1. Petrus Antonius Lacaeyse, married Anna Marie van Overvelt.
2. Livinus Lacaeyse, was born on 23 July 1717.
3. Joanna Theresia Lacaeyse, was born on 9 October 1718 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 25 July 1724.
4. Joannes Baptiste Lacaeyse, was born on 16 November 1719 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 18 February 1771. He married Livina Maria Vanzeele, who was born on 22 June 1720 in Kaprijke, and died there on 1 May 1786.
5. Mattheus Lacaeyse, was born on 16 August 1721 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married Isabella Cappele.
6. Theresia Livina Lacaeyse, was born on 4 October 1725 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 5 October 1728.
7. Isabella Theresia Lacaeyse, was born on 4 October 1726 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 25 September 1788.

Joannes van Overvelt, was born on 4 April 1694 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 7 April 1746. He married on 10 February 1720 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Judoca van de Wattijne, was born on 15 November 1697 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 17 November 1697, and died there on 8 May 1765. [parents]
Children of Joannes van Overvelt and Judoca van de Wattijne
1. Anna Marie van Overvelt, married Petrus Antonius Lacaeyse.

Antonius/Antoon Vergauwe, was born on 23 January 1703 in Maldagem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there (no date) (Godparents: Jan Sijmoens and Elisabeth Braet), and died on 20 October 1783 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium. On 16 February 1734 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium (witnesses: Peter Ingelberge and Livina Steijaert), he married as his first wife Elisabeth (Isabella) Steijaert. Banns for their marriage were published there on (__) February 1734 (witnesses: Emmaunuel Vergauwe and Maria Francisca Steijaert). On 27 April 1744 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium (witness(es): Peter Gomberge and Maria Jacoba Vereije). On 27 April 1744 in Sint-Laureins (witnesses: Peter Gomberge and Maria Jacoba Vereije) he married as his second wife Anna Maria Gomberghe, a daughter of Petrus/Peter Gomberghe and Elisabeth Catharina Vereecke, who was born on 4 August 1724 in Sint-Laureins, baptised there on 5 August 1724 (Godparents: Lucas Verheecke and Marianna Dhaenens), and died there on 29 March 1771. Banns for their marriage were published on 12 April 1744 in Sint-Laureins (Godparents: Ludovicus van Vooren and Petronella Blondeel). [parents]
Children of Antonius/Antoon Vergauwe and Anna Maria Gomberghe
1. Petrus Joannes Vergauwe, was born on 23 January 1746 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 23 January 1746 (Godparents: Peter Gomberge and Petronella Rogiers), and died there on 13 March 1747.
2. Petronella Theresia Vergauwe, was born on 9 January 1748 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 9 January 1748 (Godparents: Peter Gomberge and Maria Jacoba Verheije), and died there on 6 October 1784. On 24 April 1770 in Sint-Laureins she married as her first husband Guilielmus Josephus de Bruijckere, a son of Joannes de Bruijckere and Petronella de Vos, who was born on 26 December 1741 in Sint-Laureins, baptised there on 28 December 1741 (Godparents: Jan van Hecke instaed Guilielm Josef Ghijsens en Joanna de Vos), and died on 4 February 1772 in Eeklo, East Flanders, Belgium. Witnesses to the marriage were Adriaan Prevoet and Anna Maria Goenberghe. She married as her second husband Petrus Jacobus Tasschaert, a son of Petrus Jacobus Tasschaert and Petronella Veretsel, who was born on 22 February 1746 in Sint-Laureins, baptised there on 22 June 1746 (Godparents: Jacob Hamelinck and Petronella Bruneels), and died there on 10 March 1785.
3. Petrus Vergauwe, was born on 16 June 1750 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 16 June 1750 (Godparents: Peter Schutijser and Isabella de Vos). On 21 March 1773 in Sint-Laureins (with Banns published there on 6 May 1773 (Witnesses: Antoon Vergauwe and Maria Janssens)) he married Catharina Constantia Verdeghem, a daughter of Judocus van Veerdeghem and Maria Columba Janssens, who was born on 16 May 1748 in Heille, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised on 16 May 1748 in Middelburg, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Peter Janssens and Elisabeth Benoot). Witnesses to the marriage were Antoon Vergauwe and Maria Janssens).
4. Livinus Vergauwe was born on 25 February 1753 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 26 February 1753 (Godparents: Livien Magerman and Susanna de Ruijter), and died there on 8 March 1785.
5. Carolina Vergauwe, was born on 4 April 1755 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 5 April 1755 (Godparents: Georgius Rogiers and Joanna Maria Engelbeer), and died there on 4 December 1780.
6. Emmanuel Vergauwe, was born on 6 December 1757 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 7 December 1757 (Godparents: Peter Stevens and Petronella Geijssens). On 1 May 1785 in Middelburg, East Flanders, Belgium (with Banns publsihed on 1 May 1785 in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands) he married Joanna Cornelia de Brabander, a daughter of Joannes Baptiste de Bradander and Anna Maria de Pauw, who was born on 25 April 1766 in Sint-Laureins, and baptised there on 25 April 1766 (Godparents: Baldwin van Lanschoot and Maria Cornelia de Pauw). Witnesses to the marriage were: Frans de Meijer, lives in Heille and Joanna Vergouwe, lives in St. Laureins).
7. Anna Catharina Vergauwe, was born on 20 January 1762 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 21 January 1762 (Godparents: Frans Laros and Petronella Theresia Gomberge). On 9 January 1785 in Middelburg, East Flanders, Belgium [with Banns published on 9 January 1785 in Aardenburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands), she married Joannes Franciscus de Meijer, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1750 in Sint-Truiden, Limburg, Belgium.
8. Elisabeth Vergauwe, was born on 30 May 1766 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 30 May 1766 Josef Bauwens and Joanna Catharina Genberghe). On 5 June 1792 in Sint-Laureins (with Banns published there on 26 May 1792 (witnesses: Jan Claeijs and Maria Fransisca Vergauwe)) she married Petrus Jacobus Claeijs, a son of Bernardus Claeijs and Livina Maria de Weerdt, who was born on 1 November 1767 in Sint-Laureins.

Elisabeth (Isabelle) Steijaert, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 15 December 1740 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Antonius/Antoon Vergauwe and Elisabeth (Isabelle) Steijaert
1. Joanna Cornelia Vergauwe, was born on 28 November 1734 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 29 November 1734. With Banns published on 10 July 1754 in Sint-Laureins (witnesses: Peter Standaert en Anna Maria Gomberghe) she married as her first husband Georgius Franciscus Rogiers, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1729 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 23 October 1779 in Sint-Laureins. On 7 January 1780 in Sint-Laureins with Banns published there on 31 December 1779 (witnesses: Peter van Hecke en Catharina van Verdeghem, beiden wonen St. Laureins) she married as her second husband Bernardus Van Hecke, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1753 in Sint-Laureins, and died there on 11 May 1780. On 13 August 1780 in Sint-Laureins she married as her third husband Franciscus Xaverius/Frans Xavier Martens, a son of Franciscus Joannes/Frans Jan Martens and Maria Catharina van den Driessche, who was born on 12 September 1738 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died on 23 February 1782 in Sint-Laureins. On 26 November 1782 in Sint-Laureins with Banns published there on 10 November 1782 (witnesses: Adriaan de Sutter, woont Adegem en Jacoba Basselez, woont St. Laureins) she married as her fourth husband Joannes Franciscus de Zutter, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1746 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 8 February 1790 in Sint-Laureins.
2. Maria Francisca Vergauwe, was born on 6 April 1736 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 11 March 1797. On 26 September 1761 in Sint-Laureins she married as her first husband Peter Franciscus/Peter Frans Laro, a son of Jacobus Laros and Livina Teerlinck, who was born on 19 October 1736 in Sint-Laureins, baptised there on 20 October 1736, and died there on 17 November 1784. She married as her second husband Joannes Baptiste Lievens.
3. Joannes Bernardus Vergauwe, was born on 12 April 1738 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 13 April 1738 (Godparents: Jan Moeraert and Elisabeth Blondeel), and died there on 22 April 1752.
4. Judoca Vergauwe, married Petrus Landuijt.

Jacobus Nijskens, was born on 27 May 1693 in Heythuysen, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died on 4 February 1756 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands. On 25 November 1723 in Leveroy he married as his first wife Cecile (Lucia) Nijs, who was born on 30 September 1696 in Leveroy, and died there on 6 September 1726. Before 15 October 1729, probably in Leveroy, he married as his second wife Petronella Sweels. [parents]
Children by Jacobus Nijskens and Cecile (Lucia) Nijs
1. Hubertus Nijskens, was born on 18 August 1726 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands.

Petronella Sweels, was born on 2 October 1710 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died there on 27 June 1747. [parents]
Children of Jacobus Nijskens and Petronella Sweels
1. Cristianus Nijskens, was baptised on 15 October 1729 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (wit.: Johannes Karis and Cornelia Karis). On 28 November 1755 he married Maria Catharina Paulissen. Witnesses to the marriage were Jan Karis and Gertrudis Jeurissen in Leveroy.
2. Joanna Nijskens, was baptised on 16 August 1731 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (wit.: Johannes Nijs and Antonia Swels).
3. Johannes Jean Nijskens, married Elisabeth Kercker.
4. Maria Nijskens, was baptised on 27 October 1742 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (wit.: Theodorus Nijs and Joanna Janssen), and died on 15 November 1760 in Leveroy.
5. Mathias Nijskens, was baptised on 22 August 1745 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands (wit.: Jacobus Jorissen and Petronella Hermans), and died on 30 November 1820 in Grathem, Limburg, The Netherlands. He married Petronella (Halfers or Halvens), who was born on 14 July 1735 in Grathem, and died there on 13 January 1815. Witness for their marriage were Vossen Henricus and Hendricks Johanna.

  Information found here taken from the research of Marcel Nijskens
Jacques Kercker/Kirckels, had no birth or baptismal record.
Maria (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jacques Kirckels and Maria (__)
1. Elisabeth Kercker, married Johannes Nijskens.

Pierre/Petrus Seij, was baptised on 16 September 1703 in Middelburg, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 21 July 1775 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 13 June 1751 in Maldegem. [parents]
Petronella Brigitta de Zutter, was baptised on 2 July 1725 Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Bernard Claijs and Joanna Buijck), and died there on 25 March 1779. [parents]
Children of Pierre Sies/Petrus Seij and Petronella Brigitta de Zutter
1. Jean Francois/Johannes Franciscus/Jan Frans Seij, married Maria Norbertina/Norberta de Zutter.
2. Isabella Theresia Seij, was baptised on 10 October 1754 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Martin Spelier and Fransisca Theresia van Hevel). She married Bernardus Francois/Bernard Frans Braet, a son of Cornelis Braet and Anna Catharina Gillis, who was born on 19 October 1757 in Maldegem.
3. Laurent Seij, was baptised on 28 October 1757 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Laurent de Baere and Maria de Windt), and died there on 18 November 1757.
4. Bernard Seij, was baptised on 5 November 1758 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Peter Ci and Maria Norbertina de Zutter), and died on Friday, 29 January 1808 in Heille, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He married Barbe van Hout(t)e.
5. Josef Seij, was baptised on 15 August 1762 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jan Motte and Susanna Vercraije). On 11 November 1787 in Aardenburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands, he married Petronella Theresia de Baere, a daughter of Antonius de Baere and Joanna Theresia Cauwe, who was born on 27 October 1763 in Eede, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised on 27 October 1763 in Middelburg, Belgium.
6. Ambroos Seij, was baptised on 9 March 1766 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Peter Verpoorter and Maria Clais), and died there on 25 May 1781.

Joannes/Jan de Zuttere, had no birth or baptismal record. He married on 26 September 1722 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium.
Anna Maria de Waele, was baptised 5 November 1696 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Andreas de Vos and Anna Bulaer), and died on 5 May 1740 in Maldegem. [possible parents]
Children of Jean de Zutter and Anna Maria de Waele
1. Petronella Joanna de Zuttere, was baptised on 19 June 1723 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Peter Waelens and Catharina de Wint), and died there unmarried on 10 September 1745.
2. Maria Cornelia de Zuttere, was born on 17 February 1726 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Martin Peveron and Joana de Rouck).
3. Frans Jan de Zuttere, was born on 25 April 1729 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Frans van Hecke and Joanna Cornelia Uijtterschaut), and died there on 19 October 1730.
4. Peter Jan de Zuttere, was born on 15 July 1731 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joanna Grammens), and died there on 30 October 1735
5. Jacob Bernard de Zuttere, was born on 21 January 1734 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Peter Pringiest and Joanna Hauterschaut), and died there on 5 April 1743.
6. Maria Norbertina/Norberta de Zutter, married Jean Francois Sies/Johannes Franciscus Sies.

Arnoldus Boerendonk, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1722 probably in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died in 1775. He married on Sunday, 12 February 1747 at the Roman Catholic Church in Hontenisse. Witnesses were Petrus Buijtaert and Joanna Heremans [parents]
Joanna Heremans, was born at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, 10 September 1725 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there in the Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday, 12 September 1725 (Godparents: Jacobus Roels and Joanna Mertens). [parents]
Children of Arnoldus Boerendonk and Johanna Heremans
1. Judocus Boerendonk, married Pietronella Scheerlink.
2. Wilhelmus Boerendonk, was born at 7:00 P.M. on 29 September 1751 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on Friday, 1 October 1751 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Joannes de Meulder and Catharina Heremans).
3. Petrus Boerendonk, was born on Thursday, 9 November 1752 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on Saturday, 11 November 1752 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Egidus Beurm and Joanna Janses).
4. Anna Catharina Boerendonk, was born at 1:00 A.M. on 17 January 1754 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, baptised there on Friday, 18 January 1754 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Marinus Vleeschauwer and Anna Adriaenses), and died young.
5. Johannes Boerendonk, was born at 11:00 A.M. on 15 May 1755 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on Thursday, 15 May 1755 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Joannes Hael and Maria Anna Brugheman).
6. Anna Catharina Boerendonk, was born at 11:00 P.M. on 9 March 1757 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on Thursday, 10 March 1757 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Marinus Vleeschauwer and Anna Adriaenses).
7. Elisabet Boerendonk, was born at 3:00 A.M. on 2 October 1759 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on Wednesday, 3 October 1759 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Judocus Leenknecht and Elisabet Cappendeijck).
8. Thomas Boerendonk, was born at 3:00 A.M. on 2 October 1759 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on Wednesday, 3 October 1759 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Thomas Vervoort and Petronella van Huffele).
9. Adrianus Boerendonk, was born at 11:00 A.M. on 24 December 1761 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on Friday, 25 December 1761 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Adrianus Brugghemans and Catharina Maria Magd. Vervoort).

Jan Scheerlink, was baptised on (__) February 1715 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Van Langenhove en Anna De (__)). [parents]
Josina/Judoca Pelsmaecker, was baptised on 21 January 1716 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Van Den Maele en Josina Van Wetteren). [parents]
Children of Jan Scheerlink and Judoca Pelsmaecker
1. Judocus Scheerlinck, was baptised on 20 May 1746 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Scherlinck en Catharina Van Wetteren), and died on Sunday, 4 January 1807 in Boschkapelle, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On Sunday, 24 January 1773 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, he married as his first wife Maria Magdal/Magdeleine Andriessen. Witnesses to the marriage were Joannes Franc. Totte and Judoca van den Broeck. On 23 October 1784 he married as his second wife Josijna/Jossine/Judoca Melief, a daughter of Engel Melief and Maria Verdonck, who was born in 1747 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died on Monday, 30 June 1828 in Boschkapelle.
2. Theresia Scheerlinck, was baptised on 13 October 1747 Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Scherlinck en Anna Hulstbosch), died there on 23 November 1747, and was buried there on 24 November 1747.
3. Andreas Scheerlinck, was baptised on 5 December 1748 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Andreas Daens en Maria Judoca De Rijck). He is probably the Andries who married Anna Catharina Verhoeven.
4. Pietronella Scheerlink, married Judocus Boerendonk.
5. Theresia Scheerlinck, was baptised on 13 August 1752 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus Meert en Anna Maria De Schrijver), and died there on 3 December 1752.
6. Franciscus Scheerlinck, was baptised on 30 May 1754 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Franciscus De Pauw en Joanna Maria Scherlinck).

Petrus Joannis van Opdorp, was born in 1724 in Kalken, East Flanders, Belgium, and died in 1775 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married there on 31 October 1756. [parents]
Antonia de Ridder, was born on 25 August 1729 in Merchtem, Brabant, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Petrus Joannis van Opdorp and Antonia de Ridder
1. Adrianus Franciscus/Adriaaan Francies van Opdorp, married Maria Anna de Poorter.
2. Anna Catharina Van Opdorp, was baptised on 12 February 1756 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
3. Barbara Van Opdorp, was baptised on 20 November 1758 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
4. Jan Baptist Van Opdorp, was baptised on 9 October 1761 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on Monday, 9 July 1804 (Republic date 20 Messidor XII) in Hoofdplaat, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He married as her first husband Victoria Verschave, a daughter of Pieter Johannis Verschave and Maria Catharina Verbrugge, who was born on 26 March 1771 in Hooglede, West Flanders, Belgium. On Wednesday, 24 July 1805, in Schoondijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands, Victoria married as her second husband Johannis de Ridder.
5. Petrus Jan Van Opdorp, was baptised on 12 February 1764 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married Isabella Coppens.
6. Petrus Van Opdorp, was baptised on 14 October 1765 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 30 May 1797 in Lebbeke he married Maria Booghmans/Bochman.
7. Petrus Josephus Van Opdorp, was baptised 14 June 1769 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
8. Theresia Van Opdorp, was baptised on 15 January 1774 in Lebbeke, East Flanders, Belgium.

John Francisco, was born in Pequannock, Morris County, New Jersey, either on 3 July (as it appears on his Revolutionary War Pension) or 27 July (as it appears in the family Bible record). He died on 21 December 1832 and was buried in Lord Cemetery, just inside the Ontario County line from Yates County, New York. He married about 1769 in New Jersey as his first wife Sarah Mandeville. He married as his second wife Abigail (__), who was born on 3 January 1781, and died on 8 April 1852 in Rushville, Gorham, Ontario County, New York. [parents]

John moved to New York State in the early 1770's where he served in Lieutenant Colonel Yates' Regiment, 14 Albany County New York Militia during the Revolutionary War. His will, dated 22 July 1831 and proved 28 January 1833 mentioned that his wife was to have $300, son Francis Francisco, $200, and he further mentions the heirs of daughter Lany Faks (husband, John), sons Henry and John, Henry's son, Isaac, and his daughter Henrietta Morse (husband Morgan Morse), heirs of son, Thomas (property in Town of Wells, Montgomery County), son David, heirs of son Cornelis, heirs of daughter Olive Fake, as well as "money deposited in Troy Savings Bank, claimed by me on one side and by Andrew, Jacob A., and John A. Snider and Gilbert Alexander against me. The executors were Adam Fake and Amasa Gage and the witnesses were Oliver Phelps and Robert Lyon of Canadaigua. A codicil, dated 27 December 1832 mentioned Henrietta, "now wife of Morgan L. Morse, and daughter of my late son Henry." The witnesses were Chester Loomis and William C. Gooding of Gorham. A second codicil, dated 29 December 1832, had as its witnesses Chester Loomis and Adam Fake.

Sarah Mandeville, was born on 14 December 1749 in New Jersey. She died on 9 July 1820 in Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York, and was buried in Cooksboro, on the east side of Speigleton, Raymerton Rd., in the rear of the school-house, east of Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York. [parents]
Children of John Francisco and Sarah Mandeville
1. Hendrick Francisco, was born on 30 June 1770, baptised on 6 September 1770 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River (wit.: Hendrick Mandeviel and Lena Mandeviel), and died prior to 27 December 1832. About 1791 he married Elizabeth (__).
2. Madeleena Francisco, was born on 1 September 1774 in Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York, baptised (no date) 1774 (as Marlena) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke (wit.: Jurry Fransisko and Derckye Mandeville), and died prior to 9 October 1814 (on which date her husband married as his second wife Susanna See). On 6 June 1796 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schghticoke, she married John Ray Fake, a son of John George Fake and Mary Elizabeth Loanes (or Lohnes), who was born on 5 March 1776 in Pittstown, and died on 4 February 1825 in Pittstown. She was called "Aule Francisco" in the marriage record.
3. Thomas T. Francisco, was born on 2 January 1777 in Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York, baptised (no date) 1777 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Shaghticoke (wit.: Thomas Francisko and Elizabeth Mandeviel), and died prior to 22 July 1831 in Wells, New York. He married Christina (__).

His father's will states, "To heirs of my son Thomas, I give and devise all my real estate in the town of Wells in the County of Montgomery, to hold the same to their use and their heirs and assigns forever."

4. Cornelius Francisco, was born on 25 March 1782 in Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York, baptised (no date 1782) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke (wit.: Cornelius Fransisko and Antie Demore), and died prior to 1831 in Brighton, Monroe County, New York. He married Rebecca Ketchum, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1784, and died on 15 September 1821 in Pittstown.

The will of Cornelius was probated in January 1831. All children (Chauncey, Maria, Samantha, Daniel, and William) were mentioned in their father's will.

5. Francis Francisco, married Leveyntje Van Ness.
6. David Francisco, was born on 27 April 1787 and was baptized at Tamhenick as recorded at the Lutheran Church of Albany (wit.: Michael Francisco and wife Annatje). He died young.
7. Alida Francisco, was born on 28 June 1790 in Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York, baptised on 6 March 1791 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke (wit.: None), died on 21 November 1865 age 75 yrs. 4 mo. 21 days, and was buried in the Schaghticoke Old Lutheran Cemetery. She married Jacob Fake, a son of John George Fake and Mary Elizabeth Loanes (or Lohnes), who was born on 4 June 1785 in Pittstown, died on 22 February 1816 age 30 yrs. 8 mo. 18 days, and was buried next to his wife ("He was a tender parent and an affectionate husband").
8. David Francisco, was born on 1 January 1793 and baptised on 2 January 1793 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke (wit.: None).
9. John Francisco, was born "the 2 of 1794" (possibly on 2 May 1794) and baptised on 5 July 1795 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke (wit.: Thomas Francisco and Elisabeth Francisco).

John Van Ness, was baptised on 25 November 1759 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Lowis and Rebecca Van Woert), died on 30 December 1838 probably in Monroe County, New York, and was buried in Bushnell's Basin Cemetery, Rochester, Monroe County, New York. He married on 15 July 1784 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Shaghticoke. [parents]

He was a soldier of the Revolutionay War. His name appears several times in the manuscript record, "Certificates of Treasurer," Col. 8, on file in the New York State Library at Albany, New York. They show that he received pay for his services as a private in Captain Thomas Brown's company of the 14th Regiment, Albany County New York Militia, commanded by Colonel Peter Yates and Lieutenant-Colonel John Van Rensselaer. He did not receive a pension for his military services.

Alida Francisco, was born on 19 February 1767/1768, died on 28 November 1833 probably in Monroe County, New York, and was buried in Bushnell's Basin Cemetery, Rochester, Monroe County, New York. [parents]
Children of John Van Ness and Alida Francisco
1. Alida Van Ness, was baptized on 27 November 1784 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Shaghticoke (wit.: Jacob N. Ness and Cattrina Bra). She married Joseph Ketcham, possibly a son of Daniel Ketcham and Mary Hall, was born on 12 August 1777 at Pittstown, Rensselaer, New York, died on 6 May 1856 at age 78, and was buried in Bushnell's Basin Cemetery, Perinton, Monroe County, New York.

He was living in Perinton, Monroe County, New York, in 1855 according to census records for that locale. They also state that he moved to Monroe County about 1839.

2. Leventje Van Ness, married Francis Francisco.
3. Sara Van Ness, was born on 5 January 1789, and baptized on 27 November 1789 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke (wit.: Jacob V. Valkenburg and Sara V. Ness). She married Jeremiah Grey Blaisdell, a son of Thomas Blaisdell and Isabell Finne, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1789 at Redding, Fairfield County, Connecticut, and died on 7 August 1825 at Junius, Seneca County, New York.
4. Cornelius C. Van Ness, was born on 26 February 1792, baptised on 12 March 1792 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Saratoga (wit.: None), died on 2 November 1871, aged 79 years, 9 months, and 11 days, and was buried in Rushville Cemetery, Gorham, Ontario County, New York. About 1840 he married Loraine Gage, a daughter of Amasa Gage and Barbara Ann Overacker, who was born on 23 October 1808 at Gorham Township, Ontario, New York , died on 17 January 1877 probably at Gorham, Ontario County, New York, and was probably buried in the Rushville Cemetery in Gorham.

He was listed on the 1836 tax roll for Monroe County, New York, as having 73 acres in lot 50. He was not on the 1843 roll.

5. John H. Van Ness, Jr., was born on 20 March 1794, died on 10 May 1860 at age 66, and was buried in Bushnell's Basin Cemetery, Perinton, Monroe County, New York. He married as his first wife Betsey (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1800, died on 28 July 1854, and was buried in Bushnell's Basin Cemetery, Perinton, Monroe County, New York. He married as his second wife Mary E. Hannan, a daughter of James Hannan and Lucretia (__), who was born on 2 January 1821, died on 6 February 1859 at age 38, and was buried in Bushnell's Basin Cemetery, Perinton, Monroe County, New York.
6. Anna Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1796 based on cemetery records which record her as being 43 years old at the time of her death, which occurred on 27 June 1839. She married as his first wife Hiram Cronkhite, who had no birth or baptismal record and was either born about 1799 [based on the 1850 census for Henrietta, Monroe County, New York, in which he claimed to be 51 years old], or about 1802 [based on cemetery records which state that he was 65 years of age when he died in 1867], died on 13 March 1867, and was buried in Bushnell's Basin Cemetery, Perinton, Monroe County, New York.

Hiram married as his second wife Sarah Ketchum. He was mentioned in the will of his father-in-law, John Van Ness. A road was laid by his house in 1833. In 1836 he was found on the tax rolls with unknown acreage in lot 65. In 1843, he again appeared on the tax roll with 168 acres in lots 61, 65, and 66. Hiram Cronkhite appeared in the 1850 census for Henrietta, Monroe County, New York. His occupation was listed as farmer, as owning real estate valued at $15,000, and as having been born in New York. Among the others listed in his household were Sally, aged 36 (his second wife), Hiram, aged 24, Myron, aged 14, Sarah, aged 9, Stephen, aged 6, and Eliza, aged 11 months. Hiram was also found on a juror list for 1859.

7. Peter P. Van Ness, was born on 11 March 1798, baptized on (__) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tiossiock, died in 1850, and was buried in Bushnell's Basin Cemetery, Perinton, Monroe County, New York. He married Sally (__).

He built a house in 1810 on Bushnell's Basin Victor Road east of the school (later acc. by Jenson (__)).

8. Henry F. Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1800 at Rensselaer, New York, died on 3 November 1873, and was buried in Bushnell's Basin Cemetery, Perinton, Monroe County, New York. He married Sarah Maria (__).
9. Jacob Van Ness, was born on 5 February 1805 at Hoosick, Rensselaer, New York, died on 10 September 1868 at age 63, and was buried in Peek Cemetery, Florence Township, St. Joseph County, Michigan. About 1827 he married Maria Morrison, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1807, based on 1850 census recorded for Mendon, St. Joseph County, Michigan, which state that she was 43 years old at the time of the census.

He owned real estate valued at $2000 at the time of the 1850 census for Mendon, St. Joseph County, Michigan. His occupation was listed as farmer.

10. Abraham D. Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1808, died on 26 July 1854, and was buried in Bushnell's Basin Cemetery, Perinton, Monroe County, New York. He married, but his wife's name is unknown. She died prior to the writing of his will.

In his will (undated), he mentioned his heirs (brothers and sisters): Cornelius C. Van Ness of Gorham, Ontario County, New York; Henry Van Ness of Mendon, Michigan; John Van Ness of Perinton, Monroe County, New York; all of full age; Lavinia Francis, a widow of Webster, Monroe County, New York; Sally Blaisdell, a widow of Troy, Ontario County, New York; Catherine Barnhart, a widow of Mendon, Monroe County, New York, all of full age. He also mentioned children of a deceased brother Peter: Mary Jane, wife of Eliphalet Laphem, of Plymouth, Michigan, John Van Ness of Perinton, Helen, wife of Lester Smith of Perinton. He also mentioned Margarte L. Ketchum of Florence, Michigan; Daniel Ketchum of Webster, John V.N. Ketchum of Perinton, Alida M., wife of Jacob Van Ness of Hannibal, New York; Sally Ann Mosier, a widow of Florence, Michigan; Phebe, wife of Joshua Washburn of Gorham, Ontario County, New York; William Ketchum of Perinton, all of whom are children of Alida, a deceased sister, also several by the name of Cronkhite, illegible, being children of a deceased sister, unnamed.

11. Catherine Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record. She married David H. Barnhart, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1799, died on 23 July 1851, and was buried in Bushnell's Basin Cemetery, Perinton, Monroe County, New York.

David appeared in the 1840 census for Perrinton, Monroe County, New York, and in the 1850 census for Webster, Monroe County, New York.

Cornelius Drake, was born in 1754, baptised on 7 February 1757 as recorded at the Hanover Presbyterian Church, Morris County, New Jersey, died on 15 December 1839 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. He married on 2 February 1786 in New Jersey. [parents]

Cornelius appeared on the Hanover Township, Morris County, New Jersey, Tax Rolls from 1786 to 1807. An abstract of a Morris County, New Jersey, pension application dated 12 July 1824 states that Cornelius "enlisted for the term of one year on 14 February 1776 in the company commanded by Peter Dickerson in the 3rd Jersey Regiment commanded by Colonel Elias Dayton on the Continental Establishment - that at the expiration of the year he enlisted again in the same company and continued to serve until the disbanding of the army in 1783 - that he was present at the affair of the Short Hills in Essex County State of New Jersey in the year 1777. That he was engaged in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth and that he was present at the taking of Cornwallis at Yorktown and that he served in the Western Campaign in the year 1779 against the Indians under General Sullivan - that his named had been placed on the pension list and dropped there from on account of his property ... that he has a grandson and a daughter from whom he has received some little assistance - that his employment is a farmer and that he has hitherto been able to rent a small place but that in consequence of his advanced age (he being sixty nine years and nearly nine months old) that profits he is able to devise from that pursuit had become entirely inadequate to his maintenance." On 29 September 1824, Cornelius Drake, being duly sworn in open court, stated, among other things, that he had bought a small house and lot of land in Morris County in 1807 and that he continued to live on said place until 1822, when he sold it and bought a small place in Roxbury township, expecting to pay the balance of the purchase price "by coleing and cutting wood off the place; but the sickness and death of a part of his family disables him from making the residue of the payments and compelled him to give up the place to the vendor and loose all of his first payment (two hundred and ten dollars) except ten dollars." Recites that he will be 70 years old on the ensueing 20th October, 1824.

Nansey Genung, was born on 22 May 1764 in New Jersey, and died on 11 March 1823, probably in New Jersey. [parents]
Children of Cornelius Drake and Nansey Genung
1. Rhoda Drake, was born on 12 April 1787 probably in New Jersey, died on 28 November 1865, aged 78 years, 7 months, and 14 days, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. On 8 February 1809 she married as her first husband Samuel Canfield, a son of Timothy Canfield and Experience Cady, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1780 in Morris County, New Jersey, and died on May 1822 in Denville, Morris County, New Jersey. After 1822 she married as her second husband and as his second wife John Bowers, widower of Rhoda's sister Susannah Drake, who had no birth or baptismal record, died on 8 May 1860, aged 76 years, 4 months, and 10 days, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery.

While it is not known if Rhoda had children by John Bowers, a Squire Bowers and his wife, Hannah, buried a child named Mary J. Bowers (died on 5 October 1852, aged 3 years, 1 month, and 16 days) in West Webster Cemetery.

2. William Drake, married Charlotte Van Zile.
3. Susannah Drake, was born on 16 March 1791 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, and died on 1 May 1822. On 27 December 1811 she married as his first wife John Bowers, who had no birth or baptismal record, died on 8 May 1860, aged 76 years, 4 months, and 10 days, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. He married after 1822 as his second wife Rhoda Drake, sister of Susannah.

While it is not known if this couple had children, a Squire Bowers and his wife, Hannah, buried a child named Mary J. Bowers (died on 5 October 1852, aged 3 years, 1 month, and 16 days) in West Webster Cemetery.

4. Isaac Drake, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1793 in New Jersey, died on 28 May 1882 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, and was buried there in West Webster Cemetery. He married as his first wife Esther Burnet, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1793, died in 1861 in Webster, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery. On 15 September 1865 in Webster, Monroe County, New York, he married as his second wife Louisa Thompson, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1815.
5. Phoebe Drake, was born on 20 August 1795 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, and died unmarried on 15 August 1815.
6. Mary Drake, was born on 20 October 1798 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, died on 9 February 1873, aged 74 years, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery, Webster, Monroe County, New York. On 16 June 1824 she married Joshua Mott, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1783, died on 28 April 1858, aged 75 years, and was buried in West Webster Cemetery. Mary was listed in the New York State census of 1855 for Monroe County, New York, and stated that she had lived in that county for 30 years.
7. Cornelius Drake, was born on 7 May 1801 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. On 20 January he married Martha Tunis.
8. Antie Drake, was born on 28 September 1809 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, and died on 13 September 1810.

Peter Brewer, was baptised on 12 April 1754 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Benjamin Lozier and Dina de Groot, zyn huis v.). He died between 10 April 1830 and 29 November 1830 (the dates that his will was written and proved) in Claverack, Columbia County, New York. [parents]

Peter's will was dated 10 April 1830, proved 29 November 1830 and in it he named his sons: Peter, Abraham, David, Samuel, and John, his daughters: Maria, wife of Lawrence L. Lant, Jane, wife of Michael McCad, and Gitty, wife of Varnum Garner. The executors were Dr. Jacob S. Miller and William W. Rockefeller, and the witnesses were John I. Miller of Claverack, I.A. Van Walkenburgh of Claverack, and Lawrence G. Gant.
Maritje Herder, was baptised on 5 April 1756 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Benjamin B. Rees and Maria Herder). She was not mentioned in her husband's will dated 10 April 1830, and is presumed to have been deceased. [parents]

Children of Peter Brewer and Maritje Herder
1. David Brewer, was baptised on 28 July 1776 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: David Brouwer and Neeltje Witmore). On 26 August 1801 he married Catherine Miesig.
2. Maria Brewer, was baptised on 9 August 1778 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Michael Herter and Maria, his wife). Prior to 29 September 1798 she married as her first husband John Herder, the son of Jan Herder and Kommertje Hoes, who was born on 6 May 1780, baptised on 18 June 1780 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: John Smith, Joris Herder, and Geertruit Decker), and died prior to 1 June 1800. On 1 June 1800 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack she married as her second husband Lawrence L. Land, the son of Laurence Landt and Christiena Schults, who was born on 23 April 1781, baptised on (date) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverck (wit.: ), and died on 29 October 1837 in Durham, Greene County, New York. On 30 April 1842 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack she married as her third husband Caspar Sheffer Dobbs, who was born on 18 August 1782 and baptised (date?) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kinderhook (wit.: ).
Maria Brewer and Lawrence Landt have other descendants, such as:
.Laurance Landt - Cathlina Hess
 .Lewis Gebhard Landt - Caroline Mary Pulver
  .Mathias Cole Landt - Hulda Theresa Benson
   .DANIEL BECKWITH LANDT (1896-1961) singer
   .KARL BENSON LANDT (1908-1997) singer
   .JOHN MATHIAS LANDT (1911-1959) singer
3. Peter Brewer, was born on 18 March 1781 and baptised on 8 April 1781 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Peter Herder and Hilletje Herder). Possibly on 15 November 1812 he married Polly Weaver.
4. Michael Brewer, was born on 22 September 1783 and baptised on 2 November 1783 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Michael Herder and Catharina Smith).
5. Benjamin Brewer, was born on 11 January 1786 and baptised on 26 February 1786 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Ghent (wit.: Benjamin Herder and Linje Herder). He probably died prior to 10 April 1830 as he was not mentioned in his father's will.
6. Jannetje Brewer, was born on 4 May 1788 and baptised on 8 June 1788 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Andrew McCarshore and Elizabeth Brewer). On 16 October 1822 she married Michael (McCann or McCad).
7. Samuel Brewer, married Elizabeth Hess.
8. Johannes Brewer, was born on 3 November 1793 and baptised on 1 December 1793 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Johannes P. Schmit and Gertruy Herder).
9. Abraham Brewer, was born on 24 April 1796 and baptised on 29 May 1796 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Peter Schmit, Jr. and Elizabeth Schmit). Possibly on 19 April 1824 he married Letty Smith.
10. Gertje Brewer, was born on 30 October 1798 and baptised on 9 December 1798 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Jores M. Herder and Gertje Decker). She married Varnum Garner.

Michael Hess, was born on 14 October 1753 (tombstone) and baptised on 12 November 1752 as recorded at the Reformed Church of Germantown (wit.: Michel Scherp, and wife Anna Elisabeth Carpin). He died on 5 December 1839 (tombstone) and was buried in the Teal Plot, Ogden Farm, Roxbury Road, Claverack, Columbia County, New York. His will being proved on 23 February 1839 calls his death date into question. He married on 10 February 1784 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack. [parents]

According to his tombstone inscription, Michael's birth date occurred almost a year *after* his baptism, and his death occurred almost a year *after* his will was proved. The tombstone inscriptions are suspect. Michael served as a private in the 8th Regiment, Albany County Militia during the Revolutionary War. His will, dated 9 February 1831, and proved 23 February 1839 mentioned his wife Margaret; children Margaret, John, Cornelia, Caroline, Jeremiah, Rachel, Betsey, wife of Samuel Brewer, Jacob, Sally; Margaret and Catharina, children of my daughter Catherine, late wife of David Shufelt, decd.; Cornelia, Caroline, Jacob, Oscar, Mary Ann, children of my dau. Polly, late wife of James S. Showers, decd.; Maria, Margaret, Christina, Michael, Lawrence, George William, children of my late son Geo. Wm. decd. Executors were Stephen Storm, son Jeremiah, and Corn. I. Miller. Witnesses were Stephen Storm, Corn. I. Miller, and A.L. Jordan.
Margaret Schauer, was born on 14 November 1765. She died on 16 January 1839 and was buried in the Teal Plot, Ogden Farm, Roxbury Road, Claverack, Columbia County, New York. [parents]

Children of Michael Hess and Margaret Schauer
1. Margaretha Hess, was born on 18 October 1784 and baptised on 7 November 1784 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Johannes Scharp and Margaretha Hess).
2. Johannes Hess, was born on 18 December 1786 and baptised on 14 January 1787 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Ghent (wit.: Johannes Scherp and Catarina Schauers). He married Jane Miller.
3. Elizabeth Hess, married Samuel Brewer.
4. Catherine Hess, was born on 29 July 1791 and baptised on 28 August 1781 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Heinrich Stoppelbeen and Catharine Hoes). She married David Shufelt.
5. Maria Hess, was born on 19 March 1794 and baptised on 6 April 1794 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hillsdale (wit.: Johannes Klapper and Elizabeth Morvin). She married James S. Showers.
6. George Willem Hess, was born on 20 August 1796 and baptised on 25 September 1796 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Wilhelmus Grad and Magdalena Maul). He married Maria Land, who was born on 24 January 1801 and baptised on 15 February 1801 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Peter Brower and Maria Herder), a daughter of Lawrance L. Land and Maria Brewer.
7. Jacob Hess, was born on 9 November 1798 and baptised on 23 December 1798 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Jacob Scherp and Catharine Heisser).
8. Cornelia Hess, was born on 17 February 1801 and baptised on 5 April 1801 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: William Miller and Cathrina Smit). She possibly married Michael A. Land.
9. Cathlina Hess, was born on 17 February 1801 and baptised on 5 April 1801 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Lorenz Diel and Elizabeth Deder). On 10 July 1824 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack she married Laurance Landt, who was born on 13 November 1802 and baptised on 5 December 1802 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: William Shultz and Christina Shultz), a son of Lawrence L. Landt and Maria Brewer.
Laurance Landt and Cathlina Hess have other descendants, such as:
.Lewis Gebhard Landt - Caroline Mary Pulver
 .Mathias Cole Landt - Hulda Theresa Benson
  .DANIEL BECKWITH LANDT (1896-1961) singer
  .KARL BENSON LANDT (1908-1997) singer
  .JOHN MATHIAS LANDT (1911-1959) singer
10. Jeremias Hess, was baptised on 6 January 1804 and baptised on 11 March 1804 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Johannes C. Muller and Gertruy Schinkle). He may possibly be the Jeremias Hess who married Margaret Smith.
11. Sally Hess, was born on 27 March 1806 and baptised on 18 May 1806 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Jacob Sharp jr and Sally Renny).
12. Rachel Hess, was born on 8 December 1808 and baptised on 22 January 1809 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: the Parents).

Simon de Taeye, was born on 22 February 1653 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 25 February 1653, and died there on 23 August 1720. On 25 January 1682 in Lembeke he married as his first wife Elisabeth Buysse. Prior to 1693 he married as his second wife Christophora van Voore, who had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Simon de Taeye and Christophora van Voore
1. Maria de Taeye, was born on 31 March 1693 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 1 April 1693, and died there prior to 1720.
2. Joanna de Taeye, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1694 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, died there on 17 September 1694, and was buried there on 18 September 1694.
3. Elisabeth de Taeye, was born on 6 August 1695 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there prior to 1720.
4. Judoca de Taeye, was born on 8 March 1699 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 15 March 1737. On 29 April 1724 in Lembeke she married as his first wife Cornelius Verheecke, a son of Petrus Verheecke and Joanna van de Kerckhove, who was born on 20 February 1696 in Lembeke, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 19 November 1745. Cornelius married as his second wife Joanna Maria Dhaese.
5. Jan de Taeye, was born on 3 February 1702 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 4 February 1720, and died there prior to 1720.
6. Georges de Taeye, was born on 2 July 1707 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 3 July 1707, and died after 1719.

Elizabeth Buysse, was born on 4 August 1657 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 5 August 1657, and died there on 7 January 1692. [parents]
Children of Simon de Taeye and Elizabeth Buysse
1. Livina de Taeye, was born on 28 August 1683 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 29 August 1683, and died there prior to 1686.
2. Livina de Taeye, was born on 6 January 1686 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and was baptised there on the same day.
3. Judocus de Taeye, was born on 13 August 1689 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and was baptised there on the same day.
4. Petrus de Taeye, married Jacoba Drieghe.

Adriaen Drieghe, had no birth or baptisamal record, and died on 26 May 1728 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 6 May 1695 in Lembeke.
Joanna Aerts, was born on 7 March 1650 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 13 March 1650, and died there on 25 March 1721. On 6 June 1679 in Lembeke she married as her first husband and as his second wife Johannes Dhaese, the widower of Maria Laute and a son of Arnold Dhaese and Margareta Martens, who was born on 28 March 1633 in Lembeke, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 13 February 1694. On 6 May 1695 she married as her second husband Adriaen Drieghe. [parents]
Children of Johannes Dhaese and Joanna Aerts
1. Livinus Dhaese, was born on 19 December 1680 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 20 December 1680, and died there prior to 1694.
2. Joannes Dhaese, was born on 4 February 1682 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same date, and died there prior to 1683.
3. Joannes Dhaese, was born on 27 February 1683 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same date.
4. Judocus Dhaese, was born on 19 July 1685 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 5 June 1764. On 23 October 1710 in Lembeke he married Magdalena Verhelst, a daughter of Petrus Verhelst and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died about 7 November 1731 in Lembeke.
5. Livina Dhaese, was born on 16 March 1687 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 17 March 1687, and died on 26 April 1764 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 14 February 1706 in Lembeke she married as her first husband Judocus de Backer, a son of Martin de Backer and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1685, and died on 12 May 1715 in Kaprijke. After 1715 she married as her second husband Lieven Heetesonne, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 23 April 1731 in Kaprijke. She married as her third husband Petrus Uytterschaut, who had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Andries Dhaese, was born on 24 May 1689 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 25 May 1689, and died prior to 1694.

Children of Adriaen Drieghe and Joanna Aerts
1. Jacoba Drieghe, married Petrus de Taeye.

(possibly) Petrus Lacaeyse, was born on 6 April 1627 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 11 March 1668 [parents]
(possibly) Alouisa Vanwastene, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 31 March 1668 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Petrus Lacaeyse and Alouisa Vanwastene
1. Livinus Lacaeyse, married Lavina Mestdagh.

Jacques/Jacobus van Overvelt, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 22 July 1705 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Jacquemijnken/Jacoba Standaert, was born on 8 December 1669 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 9 December 1669. [parents]
Children of Jacobus van Overvelt and Jacoba Standaert
1. Joannes van Overvelt, married Judoca van de Wattijne.
2. Jorijnken van Overvelt, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1698 probably in Lembeke, East Flanders Belgium.
3. Jooris van Overvelt, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1701 probably in Lembeke, East Flanders Belgium.
4. Joanna van Overvelt, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1705 probably in Lembeke, East Flanders Belgium.

Joannes van de Wattijne, had no birth or baptismal record.
Anna Goossens, was born on 23 May 1659 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 25 May 1659, and died there on 12 September 1704. On 14 June 1682 in Lembeke she married as her first husband Petrus Heyman, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 21 November 1693. She married as her second husband Joannes van de Watine. [parents]
Children of Petrus Heyman and Anna Goossens
1. Joanna Heyman, was born on 30 November 1684 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there prior to 1692.
2. Petronella Heyman, was born on 14 February 1687 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 15 Febuary 1687.
3. Elisabeth Heyman, was born on 9 December 1689 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 11 December 1689, and died on 31 January 1761. On 28 July 1709 in Lembeke she married Gillis/Egidius van de Rostijne, a son of Jacobus van de Rostijne and Anna Teirlinck, who was born on 17 July 1686 in Lembeke, baptised there on the same day, and died on 27 November 1739.
4. Joanna Maria Heyman, was born on 12 May 1692 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 13 May 1692.

Children of Joannes van de Wattijne and Anna Goossens
1. Livinus van de Watine, was born on 1 March 1695 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 3 September 1695, and died there on 25 September 1702.
2. Judoca van de Wattijne, married Joannes van Overvelt.

Joannes/Jan Vergauwe, had no birth or baptismal record. He married on 14 November 1700 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium (witnesses: Jan Mellier and Antoon Reijnheere).
Maria Simoens, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 22 December 1719 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Joannes/Jan Vergauwe and Maria Simoens
1. Petronella/Petronilla Vergauwe, was baptised on 10 August 1701 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Sijmoens and Petronilla Vergauwe), and died prior to 1713.
2. Antonius/Antoon Vergauwe, married Elisabeth (Isabelle) Steijaert.
3. Maximilianus Emmanuel Vergauwe, was born on 20 November 1704 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 21 November 1704 (Godparents: Emanuel Vergauwe and Caroline Sijmoens), and died there on 17 December 1740. On 25 February 1732 in Sint-Laureins (witness(es): Antoon Vergauwe and Petronella Blondeel) he married as her first husband Maria Cornelia Blondeel, a daughter of Cornelis/Corneel Blondeel and Catharina van Noorde, who was born on 1 March 1714 in Sint-Laureins, baptised there on the same day (Godparents: August Lammens and Jacoba Blondeel), and died there on 25 February 1761. Banns for their marriage were published on 10 February 1732 in Sint-Laureins (witnesses: Ludovicus van Vooren and Petronella Blondeel). She married as her second husband Joannes/Jan van Quekelberghe, and as her third husband Petrus Joannes/Peter Jan de Vuldere.
4. Anna Maria Vergauwe, was born on 23 February 1706 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day (Godparents: Jan van Hijfte and Anna Sijmoens), and died there on 30 July 1706.
5. Joanna Cornelia Vergauwe, was born on 25 October 1711 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 26 October 1711 (Godparents: Jan Amelijnck and Joanna Vereecke).
6. Petronella Vergauwe, was born on 23 March 1713 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 24 March 1713 (Godparents: Peter Luntjens and Petronella Claeijs), and died there on 20 August 1714.
7. Petronella Catharina Vergauwe, was born on 19 September 1714 Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day (Godparents: Laurent Vereecke and Petronella Huijsman), and died there on 25 March 1738.
8. Judoca Vergauwe, was born on 14 February 1717 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same day (Godparents: Judocus Sijmoens and Judoca Hoose).

Hubertus Nijskens, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Johanna Vrencken, had no birth or baptismal record.

Children of Hubertus Nijskens and Johanna Vrencken
1. Isodorus Nijskens, was born on 15 November 1690 and baptised in Heythuijsen, Limburg, The Netherlands (Godparents: Henricus Luyts and Anna Vrencken).
2. Jacobus Nijskens, married Petronella Sweels.

  Information found here taken from the research of Marcel Nijskens
Corsius/Corst Sweels, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 4 September 1727 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands. He married on 20 May 1708 in Leveroy. Witnesses for the marriage were Thonisken Leen and Lambert Caris. [parents]
Petronilla (Neulken) Caris, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 6 February 1767 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands.

Children of Corsius/Corst Sweels and Petronilla (Neulken) Caris
1. Petronella Sweels, married Jacobus Nijskens.

Adrianus/Adriaan Seij, had no birth or baptismal record.
Joanna Claerhoudt, had no birth or baptismal record.

Children of Adrianus/Adriaan Seij and Joanna Claerhoudt
1. Pierre Sies/Petrus Seij, married Petronella Brigitta de Zuttere.
2. Petronella Theresia Seij, was baptised on 2 August 1705 in Middelburg, East Flanders, Belgium.
2. (__) Seij, was born and died on 2 August 1705 in Middelburg, East Flanders, Belgium.

Joannes de Zuttere, had no birth or baptismal record. He married on 29 May 1724 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium.
Anna Maria Claeijs, was baptised on 6 September 1683 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Philip de Zuttere and Magdalenea Boudins), and died there on 14 March 1730. Prior to 1701 probably in Maldegem she married as her first husband and as his second wife Franciscus Josephus/Frans Josef van de Wiele, the widower of Elisabeth de Rijcke and a son of Joannes van de Wiele and Jacoba Parmentier, who was baptised on 3 April 1657 in Maldegem, and died there on 27 July 1716. On 9 January 1717 in Maldegem she married as her second husband Peter de Vos, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1692, and died there on 16 October 1723. She married as her third husband Joannes de Zuttere.

Children of Joannes de Zuttere and Anna Maria Claeijs
1. Petronella Brigitta de Zuttere, married Pierre Sies/Petrus Seij.
2. Joannes/Jan de Zuttere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1726, and died on 3 February 1730 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium.

Children of Franciscus Josephus/Frans Josef van de Wiele and Anna Maria Claeijs
1. Ignatius/Ignaas van de Wiele, was born on 1 November 1701 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date).
2. Cornelis/Corneel van de Wiele, was born on 28 January 1703 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date).
3. Anna Maria van de Wiele, was born on 30 March 1704 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there (no date), and died there on 3 July 1704.
4. Maria Catharina van de Wiele, was born on 21 September 1705 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date). [A Catharina vande Wiele died on 18 January 1727 in Maldegem, aged 21 years. On 24 January 1724 in Maldegem this Catharina married as his first wife Joannes Standaert, a son of Guilielm Standaert and Maria Cornelia Logist, whose birth date is in question may be either about 1694, about 1697, or 25 November 1699, all in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 25 January 1768 in Maldegem. Witnesses to the marriage were Cornelius Logiest and Petronella van de Wille.]
5. Willebordus/Willebord van de Wiele, was born on 12 November 1706 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there (no date), and died on 9 April 1715.
6. Petrus Jacobus/Peter Jacob van de Wiele, was born on 18 February 1709 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date).
7. Elisabeth van de Wiele, was born on 25 March 1710 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date).
8. Joanna Cornelia van de Wiele, was born on 10 October 1712 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there (no date), and died there on 23 June 1736. On 7 January 1732 in Maldegem she married Joannes/Jan Spelier, a son of Martinus/Martin Spelier and Livina Geens, who was born on 24 May 1707 in Maldegem, baptised there (no date), and died there on 4 June 1736.
9. Petronella Laurentia van de Wiele, was baptised on 30 September 1714 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium.
10. Anna Francisca van de Wiele, was born on 18 December 1715 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there (no date), and died there on 25 June 1716.

Children of Peter de Vos and Anna Maria Claeijs
1. Livien Bernard de Vos, was born about 29 November 1717 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 9 December 1717, aged 11 days.
2. Maria Magdlaena de Vos, was baptised on 21 July 1719 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Peter Claeijs and Maria Magdalena de Zutter).
3. Jacob Peter de Vos, was baptised on 12 August 1721 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jacob Caulenaere and Anna Catharina Geernaert).
4. Anna Petronella de Vos, was baptised on 1 October 1723 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Ignaas vande Wiele and Anna Catharina vande Wiele), and died there on 1 January 1724.

Cornelis/Corneel de Wael, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1651, and died on 21 April 1703 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium. He married as his first wife Petronella/Petronilla Mortier, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1648, and died on 19 April 1690 in Maldegem. He married as his second wife Maria van Verdeghem.
Children of Cornelis/Corneel de Wael and Petronella/Petronilla Mortier
1. Petrus de Waele, was born on 5 December 1673 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there (no date), and died there on 9 February 1730. He married Maria Roelof, a daughter of Joannes/Jans Roelof and Maria de Bree, who was born on 16 June 1674 in Maldegem, and baptised there (no date).
2. Judoca de Waele, was born on 31 January 1676 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date).
3. Cornelia de Waele, was born on 5 July 1679 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date).
4. Maria Livina de Waele, was baptised on 19 November 1681 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium.
5. Barbara de Waele, was baptised on 8 February 1684 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 16 February 1734. With Banns published on 4 June 1709 in Maldegem she married Joannes Uijtterschaut, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1657, and died on 27 March 1719 in Maldegem.
6. Joannes/Jan de Waele, was born on 5 March 1686 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date).

Maria van Verdeghem, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1658, and died on 20 May 1722 in Maldegem.
Children of Cornelis/Corneel de Wael and Maria van Verdeghem
1. Joanna de Waele, was born on 2 September 1691 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date).
2. Cornelis/Corneel de Waele, was born on 8 November 1693 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date).
3. Josephus Wihelmus/Josef Willem de Waele, was born on 5 November 1696 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date).
4. Anna Maria de Waele, married Joannes/Jan de Zuttere.
5. Joannes/Jan de Waele, was baptised on 9 May 1699 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 13 February 1719.
6. Maria de Waele, was born on 27 April 1703 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there (no date), and died there on 29 April 1703.

(__) Boerendonk

Children of Judocus Heremans and Elisabeth de Wael
1. Arnoldus Boerendonk, married Joanna Heremans.
2. (speculation) Jacobus Boerendonk, had no birth or baptismal record. On Wednesday, 7 November 1764 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, he married Albertina Vinck. Witnesses to the marriage were Egidius Buijtaert and Isabella de Schepper. Their child, Wilhelmmus, had as their baptismal sponsors Cornelius Leenknecht and Joanna Heremans, the latter sponsor most likely the wife of Arnoldus Boerendonk. Another Jacobus Boerendonk appears in 1753 with a wife named Anna Daris - could this be a first marriage for Jacobus, or a completely different Jacobus? Another Jacobus appears married to Anne Roels.

Judocus Heremans, was born on Monday at 11:00 P.M. on 22 April 1696 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on 23 April 1696 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Judocus Heremans and Margareta Dinkens). He married on Sunday, 10 January 1723 at the Roman Catholic Church in Hontenisse (witnesses: Judoca Krieckaert and Joanna Mertens). [parents]
Elisabeth de Wael, was born during the night on 20 January 1702 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on Sunday, 22 January 1702 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Nicolaes van Mullem and Cecilia Noens). [parents]

Children of Judocus Heremans and Elisabeth de Wael
1. Apolonia Heremans, was born at 4:00 A.M. on Friday, 8 October 1723 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there in the Roman Catholic Church on 10 October 1723 (Godparents: Joannes Fonck and Catharina van Caer).
2. Petrus Heremans, was born at 1:00 A.M. on Friday, 8 October 1724 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, baptised there in the Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday, 10 October 1726 (Godparents: Livinus van Dam and Catharina Lambrechts), and died young.
3. Joanna Heremans, married Arnoldus Boerendonk.
4. Petrus Heremans, was born at 12:00 P.M. on Sunday, 8 December 1726 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there in the Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday, 10 December 1726 (Godparents: Petrus Suij and Maria Stommelinckx). On 22 February 1746 in Boschkapelle, Zeeland, The Netherlands, he married Joanna Andriesen, who had no birth or baptismal record, and was born about 1725 probably in Boschkappele.
5. Joseph Heremans, was born on 1 January 1727 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He married Adriana Asselman, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1730 possibly in Hulster, Zeeland, The Netherlands, a daughter of Petrus Asselman. She may also have been the Adriana baptised on 28 March 1735 in Stoppeldijk, Zeeland, The Netherlands, the daughter of Petri/Pieter Asselman and Anna Marie Molenaar.
6. Anna Catharina Heremans, was born at 10:00 P.M. on Monday, 9 February 1728 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there in the Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday, 10 February 1728 (Godparents: Petrus Koen and Anna Neve). On 4 August 1748 she married Paulus Vermorke.
7. Maria Anna Heremans, was born at 6:00 P.M. on Sunday, 26 June 1729 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there in the Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday, 29 June 1729 (Godparents: Judocus Volkrick and Anna Robijn).
8. Cornelius Heremans, was born at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, 20 June 1730 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, baptised there in the Roman Catholic Church on Saturday, 22 June 1731 (Godparents: Cornelius de Wael and Anna Robijn), and died young.
9. Laurentius Heremans, was born 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, 10 July 1732 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there at the Roman Catholic Church on Friday, 11 July 1732 (Godparents: Laurentius Verhoeven and Elisabeth Robijn).
10. Judocus Heremans, was born at 11:00 P.M. on Wednesday, 8 June 1735 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there in the Roman Catholic Church on Thursday, 9 June 1735 (Godparents: Judocus van der Neck and Judoca Catharina Ottermans).
11. Cornelis Heremans, was born at 1:00 P.M. on Thursday on 20 September 1737 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there at the Roman Catholic Church on Saturday, 21 September 1737 (Godparents: Cornelius Roel and Anthonia Berremans).

Judocus Scheerlinck, was baptised on 19 February 1686 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Srob en Maria Keppens), and died there on 12 May 1756. He married on 13 October 1711 in Erembodegem (witnesses: Joannes Van Langenhove and Adriana Trist). [parents]
Adriana de Schrijver, was baptised on 30 January 1685 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Van Langenhove en Adriana Trist), and died there on 27 December 1753. [parents]
Children of Judocus Scheerlinck and Adriana de Schrijver
1. Gulielmus Scheerlinck, was baptised on 8 August 1712 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Reinerius Verelst i.n.v. Gulielmus De Brauwer en Ann De Rijck), died there on 20 January 1792, and was buried there on 21 January 1792. On 8 May 1740 he married Anna Maria Turiani, a daughter of Judocus Touriani and Barbara Verleijsen, who was baptised on 7 May 1714 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Joannes Dedemaecker en Anna Dedemaecker), died there on 26 April 1786, and was buried there on 28 April 1786. Witnesses to the marriage were Judocus Scherlinck and Judocus Tourriani.
2. Jan Scheerlinck, married Judoca de Pelsmaecker.
3. Joanna Maria Scheerlinck, was baptised on 24 January 1717 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus De Schrijvere en Joanna Maria Scheirlinc). On 2 September 1744 in Erembodegem she married Joannes Baptista van de Maele, a son of Judocus Van de Maele and Maria Meert, was baptised on 3 August 1719 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Joannes Baptista D'Haen en Anna Van Der Elst).
4. Franciscus Scheerlinck, was baptised on 12 March 1719 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Franciscus Verleijsen en Joannes De Scrijver). On 26 December 1748 in Erembodegem he married Maria Victoria de Clippel, a daughter of Joannes de Clippel and Catharina Beeckman, who was baptised on 23 December 1723 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Judocus De Clippel en Maria Kieckens). Witnesses to the marriage were Judocus Scherlinx and Adrianus de Clippel.
5. Judocus Scheerlinck, was baptised on 4 March 1722 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Verleijsen en Josina De Schrijvere), and died there on 4 February 1800. On 3 February 1754 in Erembodegem he married Joanna Catharina Gijsels, a daughter of Joannes Gijsels and Maria de Pauw, who was baptised on 1 September 1728 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Joannes De Pauw en Catharina Gijsels), and died there on 7 January 1775. Witnesses to the marriage were Judocus Scherlinck and Joannes Ghijsens.
6. Anna Maria Scheerlinck, was baptised on 11 July 1724 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Arijs en Anna Maria Van Santen).
7. (__) Scheerlinck, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 27 February 1725 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium.

Judocus de Pelsmaecker, was baptised on 18 November 1670 in Hekelgem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, and died on 25 October 1731 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 16 July 1702 in Erembodegem (witnesses: Egidius van Wetteren and Joannes van Hover). [parents]
Catharina van Wetteren, was baptised on 27 December 1677 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Carolus Robert en Catharina Engelbert), and died there on 28 March 1754. [parents]
Children of Judocus de Pelsmaecker and Catharina van Wetteren
1. Egidius de Pelsmaecker, was baptised on 1 May 1703 in Hekelgem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 12 February 1772 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium. On 25 January 1728 in Erembodegem he married as his first wife Maria van Valckenborgh, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 17 September 1769 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the marriage were Judocus Pelsmaker and Egidius van Falkenborgh. He may also have married as his second wife Maria van den Wijngaert.
2. Joannes de Pelsmaecker, was baptised on 5 February 1706 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Van Haver en Adriana Robert).
3. Judocus de Pelsmaecker, was baptised on 17 April 1711 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Van Wetteren en Adriana Roberdt), and died there on 19 March 1754. On 2 June 1745 in Erembodegem he married as his first wife Maria Anna Callebaut, who had no birth or baptismal record and died in Erembodegem on 1 August 1748 with burial there on 3 August 1748. Witnesses to the marriage were Egidius de Pelsmaeker and Petrus Callebaut. On 1 May 1749 in Erembodegem he married as his second wife Gertrudis Droeshaut, a daughter of Egidius Droeshout and Anna Callebaut, who was baptised on 25 January 1720 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Petrus Droeshaut en Gertrudis Van Den Velde), and died there on 29 September 1773. Witnesses to the marriage were Egidius de Pelsmaeker and Egidius Droeshout. She married as her second husband Egidius Vergheylen.
4. Josina/Judoca de Pelsmaecker, married Jan Scheerlinck.
5. Joanna de Pelsmaecker, was baptised on 27 July 1718 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus Redant en Joanna Van Varenbergh), and died there on 15 May 1805. On 8 June 1745 in Erembodegem she married Franciscus de Pauw, a son of Judocus de Pauw and Ludovica Steels, who was born about 1717 in Erembodegem, and died there on 17 April 1800. Witnesses to the marriage were Petrus Lambour and Joannes Scherlinck.

Petrus Opdorp, had no birth or baptismal record.
Maria Lammens, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Petrus Opdorp and Maria Lammens
1. Petrus Johannes Opdorp, married Antonia de Ridder.

Adrianus de Ridder, was baptised on 22 June 1695 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus Verdoot en Maria Herpels), and died there on 28 April 1743. He married on 12 September 1724 in Merchtem. [parents]
Catharina Boman/Booghmans, was baptised on 16 June 1688 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, and died there on 20 November 1762. [parents]
Children of Adrianus de Ridder and Catharina Boman/Booghmans
1. Andreas de Ridder, was baptised on 28 December 1725 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Andreas De Bont en Catharina Heymans), and died there on 7 January 1726.
2. (__) de Ridder, was baptised (by the midwife) on 28 December 1725 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: None), and died the same day.
3. Antonia de Ridder, married Petrus Joannis van Opdorp.
4. Adrianus de Ridder, was baptised on 10 October 1731 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus Booghmans en Anna De Mayer).

Johannis Francisco, was born on 7 December 1724 in Distorns Neck (Gansegat), Essex County, New Jersey, and died after 16 April 1771. He married on 30 April 1745 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk. [parents]

Johannis probably moved to New York about 1770 where he and his sons saw military service in the Albany County militia during the Revolution.

Aeltje Doremus, was born on 14 December 1725 and baptised on 26 December 1725 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Andries Hoppe and Abigail Akkerman). She married as her first husband Johannis Francisco. She married as her second husband and as his second wife Cornelis Van Ness, the widower of Alida Van Woert and a son of Gerrit Van Ness and Sara Van den Bergh, who was baptised on 19 January 1726 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Joh. and Maria V.D. Bergh). [parents]
Children of Johannis Francisco and Aeltje Doremus
1. Henry Francisco, was born on 1 August 1745 probably in Gansegat, Essex County, New Jersey. On 7 February 1779 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke he married as his first wife Jane Titchout, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1792. About 1792 he married as his second wife Elizabeth (__).

Henry appeared as a Private on the Roll of the 2nd Regiment of the New York line commanded by Colonel Philip Van Cortlandt. He appeared as a Private on the Roll of the 14th Regiment of the Albany Militia, commanded by Colonel Peter Yates. He may be the Henry Francisco who died intestate in August 1804. John Francisco, Edward Ryan, and Thomas P. Francisco were bound by the sum of $500 to administer Henry's estate on 1 September 1804.

2. Thomas Francisco, was born on 20 August 1747 probably in Gansegat, Essex County, New Jersey, baptised on 12 September 1747 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Thomas DeRemis and wife), and died in 1815 in Gorham, Ontario County, New York. He married Elizabeth Mandeville, a daughter of Hendrick Mandeville and Magdalena Spier, who was born on 22 May 1749 and baptised on 11 June 1749 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River (wit.: Antie Cadmus and Lisabeth Cadmus).

Thomas probably moved to New York State in the early 1770's where he served as a private in the Albany County Militia, 14th Regiment. On 2 October 1779, he received pay (amount unknown) for services as a private in Captain Mathews De Garmo's company of Lieutenant-Colonel John Van Rensselaer's regiment of Albany County's Militia. Another time he received £1.5s.10d for services as a private in Captain Hendrick Vanderhoef's company of the above regiment and at another time received amounts for services in Colonel Peter Yate's regiment. He returned to New Jersey after about 10 years but was found in the 1790 census for New York State where he was listed as a resident of Pittstown, with a family consisting of nine persons. He was a postmaster of Pittstown in 1791. He later removed to Gorham, Ontario County, New York, where he died in 1815. His brother Levi was appointed administrator of his estate, 24 November 1815.

3. John Francisco, married as his first wife Sarah Mandeville, and as his second wife Abigail (__).
4. Abraham Francisco, was born on 12 February 1751 probably in Gansegat, Essex County, New Jersey, and died in Gorham, Ontario County, New York. On 25 August 1773 at Half Moon (as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany) he married Hester Vandercook, a daughter of Michael Van der Koeck and Cornelia Van Ness, who was born on 14 November 1752 and baptised on 7 December 1752 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Simon Vaness and Catlyntje Vaness).

Abraham was a private in the 14th Albany County, New York Militia during the Revolutionary War, and served under Captain Mathew De Garmo, Captain Hendrick Van der Hoef, Colonel Peter Yates, and Lieutenant-Colonel John Van Rensselaer. He received pay for military services on 2 June 1780 and 26 October 1780.

The Will of Abraham Francisco

The People of the State of New York by the grace of God free and independent, To all to whom these presents shall come or may concern send Greeting Know Ye that at the town of Canandaigua in the county of Ontario on the eight day of April A.D. 1826 before Jared Willson Esq. Surrogate of our Said county the last will and testament of Abraham Francisco deceased, a copy whereof is hereunto annexed was proved and is now approved and allowed of by us and the said deceased having while he lived and at the time of his death goods chattels or credits within the state by means whereof the proving and registering the said will and the granting administration of all and singular the said goods chattels and credits and all the auditing allowing and final discharging the account thereof doth belong until us, the administration of all and singular the good chattels and credits of the said deceased and any way concerning his will is granted until Michael A. Francisco and Richard Washburn executors in the Said will named hereby requiring you well and faithfully administer the same and to make and exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and credits and alto to render a just and true accounting of when thereunto required.

In Testimony whereof we have caused the seal of office of our Said Surrogate to be here unto affixed. Witness Jared Willson, Esquire, Surrogate of the Said county at the town of Canandaigua aforesaid the eighth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty Six. Signed: Jared Willson

I, Abraham Francisco of Gorham county of Ontario State of New York being sound in my mind but infirm in my body and certain that I must soon lodge my frail body in the dust but uncertain of the time when do make the following disposial of my property

Firstly I give and bequeath to my wife Esther Francisco one and ten sheep and all my household furniture of every description.

Secondly I give and bequeath the use interest and benefit of all my property both real and personal not bequeathed in the above article in every part of the world that I may die seized unto my wife Esther Francisco and to my daughter Clary Francisco for their suport and maintainance during during (sic) their natural lives and the life of the longest liver and at their deceas and the deceas of the longest liver if there shold be any of the above sd. Property either real or personal not expended in and for the support and maintainance of the above described Esther and Clarry then the above sd. Widow that be equally divided betwixt my surviving children and if no surviving child or children then betwixt my grand children

And I do hereby revoke all other wills heretofore by me made and constitute and my son Michael A. Francisco and my son in law Richard Washburn executors of this my law will.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixteenth November A.D. 1824. Signed: Abraham (his X mark) Francisco.

Attest: James Harrington, Henry A. Francisco, Lemuel Dwelle, Jr.

Ontario County. Be it remembered that on the eighth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six personally appeared before me Jared Willson Esquire surrogate of the county of Ontario James Harington and Lemuel Dwelle, Jr. who being duly sworn did depose and say that they the deponents saw Abraham Francisco late of the county of Ontario deceased sign and seal the written instrument then known unto them of which the aforegoing is a true copy purporting to be the last will and testament of the said Abraham Francisco deceased bearing date of the sixteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four that at the time thereof the said Abraham Francisco was of a sound disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of them the deponents and that they the deponents and Henry A. Francisco subscribed their names as witnesses to the said will in the presence of each other and in the presence of the testator. Signed: Jared Willson.

Will transcribed by Lyn Wilson, Ontario County NYGenWeb.

5. Lavyntje Francisco, was born on 8 April 1753 probably in Gansegat, Essex County, New Jersey, and baptised on 20 May 1753 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Pompton Plains (wit.: Hendrick and Sara Van der Hoef). On 6 November 1782 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke she married Gerrit Voorhees.
6. Anne Francisco, was born on 7 March 1755 probably in Gansegat, Essex County, New Jersey, and was buried in Cooksborough Cemetery, Pittstown Township, Rensselaer County, New York. On 13 April 1771 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke she married as her first husband Henry Vandercook. a son of Michael Van der Koeck and Cornelia Van Ness, who was born on 18 April 1751 in New Jersey, died on 20 January 1813 in Pittstown, and was buried there in Cooksborough Cemetery. In 1816 she married as her second husband Jacob Van Ness, wh ohad no birth or baptismal record, and died in December 1826.
7. Levynus Francisco, was born on 12 March 1757 probably in Gansegat, Essex County, New Jersey, and died on 7 December 1844. On 5 March 1778 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke he married as his first wife Sarah Vandercook, a daughter of Michael Van der Koeck and Cornelia Van Ness, who was born on 3 January 1759, baptised on 27 January 1759 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Pompton Plains (wit.: Dirk Vreland and Catrina Vreland), and died prior to 1786. On 28 November 1786 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke he married as his second wife Charity Carpenter, who was born on 3 January 1759, died on 3 August 1831, and was buried in Lord Cemetery, Ontario County, New York. He married as his third wife Abigail (__), who was born on 3 January 1781, died on 8 April 1852, and was buried in the Peabody and Sayer Lot, Pine Corners, Yates County, New York.

Last Will and Testement of Levi Francisco

At a surrogates court held at the surrogates office at the town of Canandaigua and for the county of Ontario, on the twenty second day of January A.D. 1844. Present Orson Benjamin, Surrogate.

In the matter of proving the last will and testament of Levi Francisco late of the town of Gorham in the county of Ontario deceased relating to both real and personal estate. On reading and filing the petition of Adam Fake and Thomas Tuft executors of the last will and testament of Levi Francisco late of the town of Gorham in the county of Ontario deceased; it appearing that Pamelia Vanderhoof, Phoebe Vanderhoof, Levi Vanderhoof, George Francisco, Elizabeth Robertson (Robinson), Levi Robertson (Robinson), Jaber Robertson (Robinson), Jedida Robertson (Robinson), Eli Robertson (Robinson) and other children of Hannah Robertson (Robinson) late Hannah Francisco, now deceased, whose names are not known, are minors under the age of twenty one years, have no general guardians in this state and are severally interested in the proceedings to be held upon the said petition. It is therefore ordered that Levi Francisco of the town of Gorham who appears in court and consents thereto, be said he is hereby appointed special guardian for the said minors for the sole and only purpose of appearing for and taking care of the interests of the said minors in the proceedings to be held upon the said petition which is for the proof of the said will.

Orson Benjamin, Surrogate (signed)

Having through the favor of God attained to an advanced age and being admonished by the impurities incident thereto that the day of my departure from this state of existence is at hand, I Levi Francisco of the town of Gorham in the county of Ontario, for the purpose of arranging my mortally concerns do make and publish this my last will and testament. In manner following:

1stly I give and devise to my wife Abigail the use of one third part of my estate for her support and maintenance during her natural life, as her legal _____. 2ndly I hereby direct and order that my estate be divided and apportioned into eleven equal shares and I hereby give grant and bequeath the eleven shares as follows:

To the heirs of my son John L. Francisco, deceased, one share. To my sons Michael L. Francisco, Stephen L. Francisco and Levi Francisco Jr. to each one share. To the heirs of my daughter Sarah, deceased, late the wife of Gilbert Vanderhoof one share. To the heirs of my daughter Elizabeth deceased, late the wife of Nathaniel Gifford, one share. To the heirs of my daughter Hannah, deceased, late the wife of Jeremiah Robinson, one share. To the heirs of my daughter Mary now the wife of John Fires, one share. To the heirs of my daughter Phoebe now the wife of George J. Rifenburg, one share. To the heirs of my daughter Charity now the wife of Jacob Bradt, one share. To the heirs of my daughter Lavina now the wife of John Brandow Jr., one share. And whereas the dwelling house in which I now reside was built by me but is standing on land owned by my son Levi Francisco Jr. Now, therefore, I hereby order and direct that the executors of this my last will and testament sell and dispose of this said dwelling house as a part of my estate and if in their judgment it shall be expedient to remove the said building from its present site, I hereby direct such removal to be made under their direction. Lastly, I hereby nominate and appoint my trusty friend Adam Fake, Esq and my son Stephen L. Francisco, executor of this my last will and testament. In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, and I hereby authorize and direct my said executors to sell and convey all or any part of my estate and good and lawful conveyances thereof to execute and deliver. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Levi Francisco this thirteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and forty two to be his last will and testament.

Levi Francisco

In the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other.

C. A. Loomis of Gorham, Ontario Co., N.Y.
Chester Loomis of Gorham, Ontario Co., N.Y.

I Levi Francisco of Gorham in the county of Ontario being of sound, disposing mind and memory do make ordain publish and declare the following supplement or codicil to my last will and testament as herein contained. Firstly, I direct that my executors pay to my son Levi Francisco Jr. the sum of ten dollars only instead of the equal share as directed in my said will to which this is a supplement or codicil. Secondly, I appoint Thomas Tuft executor of my last will and testament instead of Stephen L. Francisco. The above is subscribed and declared by the said Levi Francisco to be a supplement and codicil to his last will and testament which was executed on the thirteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two. And the said Levi Francisco hath and subscribed and declared this instrument in the presence of each of us, as witnesses who in his presence and at his request have signed our names as such; this fourteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three.

Levi (his mark) Francisco
Adam Fake of Gorham, Ontario County
William Francisco of same place.

At a surrogates court held at the surrogates office at the town of Canandaigua in the county of Ontario on the eleventh day of March A.D. 1844. Present Orson Benjamin Surrogate.

In the matter of proving the last will and testament of Levi Francisco, late of the town of Gorham in the county of Ontario, deceased relating to both real and personal estate. The citation served in this matter on the twenty second day of January 1844 to the widow heirs and next of kin of the said deceased to attend the proof of the last will and testament of the said deceased this day having been duly served and together with proof of service filed in the office, and Thomas Tuft and Adam Fake, executors of the said will appearing and desiring to have the said will proved, and no cause appearing to the contrary it is ordered that proofs of the said will be now taken; and the said Surrogate now ____ proceeds to hear and take the proofs of the said will; which proof will appear in and by the following depositions that is to say; Chester Loomis one of the subscribing witnesses to the said will appearing and being sworn, testifies as follows: I Chester Loomis reside in the town of Gorham in the county of Ontario and State of New York, and am of lawful age and am a judge of the county courts of said county. On or about the thirteenth day of August 1842, I was called upon by Levi Francisco late of the town of Gorham in the county of Ontario, deceased, with whom I was acquainted to draw up for him his last will and testament. This I believe was at my private residence and I did thereupon in the presence of the said deceased and agreeably to his dictation draw up the instrument now here shown to me, of the date last mentioned, as and for the last will and testament of the said deceased, & when completed I read the said instrument to the said deceased carefully in his hearing and with which he expressed himself justified and subscribed the same with his name at the end opposite a seal as the same now appears and declared the said instrument to be his last will and testament which signing and declaration was made and done the presence of my son Charles A. Loomis who now resides at Columbus it the state of Ohio, as well as myself; and we at the same time by the request of the testator & in his presence subscribed our respective names as witnesses to the said will, as the same now appears. The said Levi Francisco was at that time sound in his mind and memory and acted freely and voluntarily in what he did, and in my opinion he was in all respects competent to devise real estate. After it was executed, the testator took the said will into his own possession.

Chester Loomis (signed)

Subscribed & sworn in open court this 11th day of March 1844 before me,
Orson Benjamin, Surrogate.

Adam Fake a subscribing witness to a supplement or codicil to the said will, being sworn and examined, testifies as follows. I Adam Fake reside in the town of Gorham in the county of Ontario, of lawful age, am a farmer by profession. I was well acquainted with Levi Francisco late of the place aforesaid in his lifetime; and by his request and agreeably to his dictation, I drew up the codicil or supplement endorsed upon the last will and testament of the said deceased now here shown to me on the day it bears date; the 14th day of March 1843. When completed I carefully read the said codicil to the said deceased in his hearing, with which he expressed himself satisfied and adopted the same as a part of his last will & testament; and therefore made his cross or mark between his names at the end, written by me by his request because he had a sore on his hand and his eyesight was very poor as he said, and at the same time he declared the said codicil to be a part of his last will and testament, and by his request and in his presence, William Francisco who now resides in the State of Michigan and myself, severally subscribed our names as witnesses to the said codicil. The said testator at that time acted freely and without restraint, and was in my opinion, in all respects competent to make his will. The said will and codicil were at that time taken by the testator into his own possession.

Adam Fake (signed)

Subscribed and sworn in open court this 11 March 1844 before me,
Orson Benjamin, Surrogate (signed)

And the said Adam Fake on his oath further says, that he as executor named in the said will obtained the said will and codicil from Abigail Francisco widow of the said testator after his death and delivered the same to the Surrogate of Ontario county for the purpose of being proved, in the same condition as the same now appear, and in the same condition at when the said codicil was executed.

Adam Fake (signed)

Subscribed & sworn in open court, this 11 March 1844, before me
Orson Benjamin, Surrogate (signed)

Whereupon, I the said surrogate upon the foregoing proofs, being satisfied of the genuineness and validity of the said will do order that the same be admitted to probate, and that the said will together with the forgoing proofs be recorded.

Orson Benjamain,Surrogate (signed)

I certify that the foregoing will of Levi Francisco deceased, relating to both real and personal property was as such duly proved before me, and together with the foregoing proofs thereof, was by me duly recorded and executed this 11th day of March A.D. 1844.

Orson Benjamin, Surrogate (signed)

Transcribed from SAMPUBCO copy by Virginia A. LaVancher, Oneida County, New York, Ontario County NYGenWeb.

8. Cornelius Francisco, was born on 4 December 1759 probably at Gansegat, Essex County, New Jersey, baptised on 12 December (__), and died on 12 January 1837 "on Lake Erie." With Banns published 20 June 1779 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke he married Anne Demarest, a daughter of Nicholas Demarest and Samantha Ackerman, who was born on 14 March 1759 in New Jersey, and died on 15 February 1849.

Cornelius was a private in the 14th Albany County, New York militia, Captain Mathew De Garmo's company, Colonel John Knickerbocker commanding. He lived at Glenville, Schenectady County, New York.

9. Michael Francisco, was born on 12 January 1762 probably in Gansegat, Essex County, New Jersey, died on 23 October 1848, and was buried in Benton, Yayes County, New York. On 16 June 1783 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke he married Annatie Weger, a daughter of Ephraim Weger and Mary Shaver, who was born on 18 March 1762 in Rhinebeck, Dutchess, New York, died on 29 November 1845, and was buried in Benton, Yates County, New York.

Michael came from New Jersey to New York about 1771, where, after his marriage, he removed to Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York. In 1779, at the age of seventeen, he enlised at Fort Edward, New York, as a private in the company commanded by Captain Cornelius Wiltsie, the 1th Albany County Regiment of the New York State Militia, which regiment was under the command of Colonel Peter Yates. He as also a private in Captain Cornelius Vandenburgh's company in the the said regiment, June 1780. He was again a private Decemeber 1781, in Captain Hendrick Vanderhoof's company belonging to the said regiment, then apparently unde the command of Lieutenant Colonel John Van Rensselaer. He removed to Wells, Montgomery County, New York, about 1795, to Amsterdam about 1798, and to Benton in Yates County, New York, in 1808. He was granted a pension in 1832. Also for his service in the Revolutionary War he received a grant ofone hundred acres of land known as "Lot number 78" in the Town of Sterling, New York, in the Military Tract. Michael died and was buried in Benton. His stone was marked "Michael Francisco, a soldier in the Revolutionary War."

10. Jan Francisco, was born on 29 October 1765 probably in Essex County, New Jersey. About 1784 in Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York, she married Abraham Garrison.

Estate of Abraham Garrison
Surrogate Court of Yates Co., File No. 109A

"The petition of Hafsel A. Garrison (a son) respectively showeth That one Abraham Garison then an inhabitant of the County of Yates, died in the said County 11 day of August last past (1833). That at the time of his death he was an inhabitant of the County of Yates That he left no widow Hafsel A. Garison, John Garison, Abrahm Garison & Henry Garison and Livonia Martin wife of Jacob Martin & Alida Pearce wife of Thomas Pearce, children him surviving. That he died very suddenly and left no last Will and testament as far as Your petitioner has heard or been able to discover That in the opinion of Your petition(er) the whole of the personal property will not amount to more than two hundred dollars. Your petitioner prays that Letters of Administration may be Granted to him as a son & Wiley K. Pearce a friend to the deceased."

Signed Hafsel A. [his mark] Garison Dated Penn Yan Nov 12, 1833, Yates County Surrogate Court

"We the subscribers being the next of kin of Abraham Garrison deceased do hearby renounce all our right and Claim to Letters of Administration on the Estate of the said deceased." Dated October 3, 1833. Witness: Juliana Pearce, Thomas Pearce, Wm Eastman, Phebe Eastman, Henry Garison, Alida Pearce, Abram Garison, Levina Martin.

Record transcribed by Lyn Wilson, Ontario County NYGenWeb

11. Alida Francisco, married Johannes Van Ness.
12. Jacob Francisco had no birth or baptismal record.
13. Elizabeth Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record.

Hendrick Mandeville, was baptised on 25 December 1727 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River (wit.: Barend Jacobusse and Elisabeth Herres). He married prior to 1747. [parents]
Magdalene/Helena Spier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1722 possibly in Gansegat, Essex County, New Jersey. [parents]
Children of Hendrick Mandeville and Magdalene/Helena Spier
1. Dirkje Mandeville, was baptised on 17 May 1747 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River (wit.: Jan Bruyn and Hilligont Bruyn). She married Jeremiah Francisco, a son of Abraham Francisco and Elisabeth Stagg, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1745 probably in New Jersey.
2. Elizabeth Mandeville, was born on 22 May 1749 and baptised on 11 June 1749 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River (wit.: Antie Cadmus and Lisabeth Cadmus). She married Thomas Francisco, a son of Johannis Francisco and Aeltje Doremus, who was born on 20 August 1747 probably in Essex County, New Jersey, baptised on 12 September 1747 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Thomas DeRemis and wife), and died in 1815 in Gorham, Ontario County, New York.

Thomas probably moved to New York State in the early 1770's where he served as a private in the Albany County Militia, 14th Regiment. On 2 October 1779, he received pay (amount unknown) for services as a private in Captain Mathews De Garmo's company of Lieutenant-Colonel John Van Rensselaer's regiment of Albany County's Militia. Another time he received £1.5s.10d for services as a private in Captain Hendrick Vanderhoef's company of the above regiment and at another time received amounts for services in Colonel Peter Yate's regiment. He returned to New Jersey after about 10 years but was found in the 1790 census for New York State where he was listed as a resident of Pittstown, with a family consisting of nine persons. He was a postmaster of Pittstown in 1791. He later removed to Gorham, Ontario County, New York, where he died in 1815. His brother Levi was appointed administrator of his estate, 24 November 1815.

3. Sarah Mandeville, married John Francisco.
4. Hannes Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and may have been born on 3 October 1754 in Schaghticoke, Rensselaer County, New York (though supporting information for that is lacking). With Banns published on 5 February 1778 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke he married Geesie Vanderhoef, a daughter of Hendrick Vanderhoef and Sarah Doremus, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1756.
5. (possibly) Maria Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in New Jersey. With Banns published on 26 June 1777 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke she married Cornelius Van der Koeck, a son of Michael Van der Koeck and Cornelia Van Ness, who was born on 14 November 1752 in New Jersey.

Cornelis Van Ness, was baptised on 19 January 1726 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Joh. and Maria V.D. Bergh). He married as his first wife Alida Van Woert. In 1784 he married as his second wife and as her second husband Alida Doremus, the widow of Johannis Francisco and the daughter of Thomas Corneliszen Doremus and Anneke Abramse Ackerman, who was born on 14 December 1725 and baptised on 26 December 1725 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Andries Hoppe and Abigail Akkerman). [parents]

In Cornelius' will, Alida is referred to as his second wife. It is possible that Alida Van Woert predeceased Cornelis. In 1784 a Cornelius Van Ness married Alida Doremus, widow of Johannis Francisco.

Alida Van Woert, was baptised on 2 December 1729 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: M. and Fytie Marselis). She may have died prior to 1784. [parents]
Children of Cornelis Van Ness and Alida Van Woert
1. Gerrit Van Ness, was baptised on 13 January 1751 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jan and Marytje Van Ness). He married Eve Scherp, a daughter of Andries Scherp and Johanna Freer, who was born on 10 October 1750 and baptised (as Eggje) in January 1751 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: isac Vosburg and Rebbeka Vosburg).
2. Jacob Van Ness, was baptised on 3 June 1753 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jacob and Tietje Van Woert). With Banns published on 3 November 1775 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke he married Catarina Bratt, a daughter of Daniel Bernardus Bratt and Willempie Bratt, who was baptised on 4 July 1756 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Barnardus Brat jr and Catarina Brat).
3. Sara Van Ness, was baptised on 12 March 1755 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Gerrit K. and Maike Van Ness). She died young.
4. Sara Van Ness, was baptised on 6 November 1757 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Abram and Alida Van Woert). With Banns published on 6 July 1778 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schaghticoke she married Jacob Van Valkenburgh, a son of Pieter Van Valkenburgh and Bata Van Deusen, who was baptised on 26 March 1750 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Jacob Van Valkenburg and Catlyntje Legget), and died about 1818/20 in Washington County, New York.
5. Johannes Van Ness, married Alida Francisco.
6. Petrus Van Ness, was baptised on 21 January 1766 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Izac and Annatje Lansing). He married Annatje Fort, a daughter of Abraham Fort and Eva Benoit, who was born on 30 January 1767, baptised on 25 February 1767 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Harmen Groesbeck and Marytje Benneway), and died on 14 March 1847 in Washington County, New York.
7. Hendrick Van Ness, was born on 6 February 1773 and baptised on 23 January 1774 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Shaghticoke (wit.: Jan v. Ness and Griettie v. Woert).

Johannis Francisco, was born on 7 December 1724 in Distorns Neck (Gansegat), Essex County, New Jersey. He died after 16 April 1771. He married on 30 April 1745 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk. [parents]

Johannis probably moved to New York about 1770 where he and his sons saw military service in the Albany County militia during the Revolution.

Aeltje Doremus, was born on 14 December 1725 and baptised on 26 December 1725 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Andries Hoppe and Abigail Akkerman). She married as her first husband Johannis Francisco. She married as her second husband and as his second wife Cornelis Van Ness, the widower of Alida Van Woert and a son of Gerrit Van Ness and Sara Van den Bergh, who was baptised on 19 January 1726 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Joh. and Maria V.D. Bergh). [parents]

Please see the entry for 424 and 425 for this couples' children.

Jacob Drake, was born on 16 January 1728 and baptised on 4 February 1728 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Cornelis Van Houte and Egje Vreeland). [parents]

Jacob was a church member of the Hanover Presbyterian Church, Morris County, New Jersey, where he and his wife renewed their covanent on 6 February 1757.

Helen (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jacob Drake and Helen (__)
1. Cornelius Drake, married Nansey Genung.
2. Mary Drake, was baptised on 7 February 1757 as recorded at the Hanover Presbyterian Church, Morris County, New Jersey.
3. Stephen Drake, was baptised on 7 February 1757 as recorded at the Hanover Presbyterian Church, Morris County, New Jersey.
4. Jemima Drake, was baptised on 7 May 1769 as recorded at the Hanover Presbyterian Church, Morris County, New Jersey.
5. Jacob Drake, was baptised on 7 May 1772 as recorded at the Hanover Presbyterian Church, Morris County, New Jersey.

John Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1720 probably in New Jersey, and died in 1795, probably in New Jersey. About 1737 he married as his first wife (__). He married on 22 August 1751 as recorded at the Hanover Presbyterian Church, Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey as his second with Sarah Clark. [parents]
Children of John Genung and (__)
1. John Ganung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1737, probably in Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey. On 27 November 1758 in Bedford, Weschester County, New York, he married Mary Wilson, who was a daughter of William Wilson. John may have been born in North Castle, Westchester County, New York, and went with his father to New Jersey. After the death of his mother he went to Westchester County to live with relatives. After his marriage he went to Carmel, Dutchess County, New York.

John's will was written 18 April 1804 and probated 16 April 1807:

In the name of God -- Amen, I, John Ganong of Southeast, in the county of Dutchess, State of New York, Farmer, being in perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God. Calling unto mind the mortality of my body, and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die, Do make and ordain this my last Will and testament, that is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth, to be buried in decent christian burial at the direction of my Executers, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection, I shall receive the same again by the power of Almighty God. And, as touching such worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, desire, and dispose of the same -- in the following manner and form.

First -- My Son's, I have given all my land-property being all I intend to give them. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Genong an equal part of all my goods, chattles, and credits, the said Sarah Genong is to receive out of the sid movable property, enough to make her equal with her Sisters, which they have received.

Secondly -- I give and bequeath to my Daughter Hannah Mead -- an equal part of all my goods, chattles, and credits.

Thirdly -- I give and bequeath to my Daughter Lucy Mead -- an equal part of all my goods, chattles, and credits.

Fourthly -- I give and bequeath to my Daughter Suanna Anderson -- an equal part of all my goods, chattles, and credits.

Fifthly -- I give and bequeath to the Children of my Daughter Polly Adams -- deceased, an equal part of all my goods, chattles, and credits, to be paid to the said Children when they arrive at lawful age.

All my movable and household goods shall be sold, as soon as my Executors can make it conveinant, and the money arrising therefrom -- to be paid to the above mentioned legatees, their heir's or assign's. I likewise constitute and appoint my trusty friends Reuben Ganong and Edward Ganong, Executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four. Witnesses -- Thomas Hopkins
Isaac Ganong
James Gregory.

2. Jeremiah Ganung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1740 possibly in Croton Falls, Westchester County, New York. He married Zerviah Kellogg, a daughter of Thomas Kellogg and Elizabeth Lee, who was born in 1737 and died in 1827. Jeremiah was educated at local schools. He was a farmer and fought in the Revolutionary War. He may possibly have moved to Connecticut.
3. Jacob Ganung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1748 in Carmel, Putnam County, New York. He married Hannah Wilson.

He was a farmer in the southeast part of Carmel, New York, and appeared on a list of taxable inhabitants of Fredericksburg precinct of the Philip Phillipse patent in 1777. He was also mentioned in his father's will. He served during the Revolutionary War in the Eastern Battalion from Morris County, New Jersey, also state troops, and was a private in the 1st Regiment of the Continental Army. He also enlisted in the 7th Regiment of the Dutchess County, New York, Militia. He was Overseer of Highways in the town of Carmel in 1795, and in 1817 he witnessed the will of Daniel Gregory of Carmel, New York. When he applies for a Revolutionary War pension on 3 May 1818 (age 66), as a resident of Chatham Township, Morris County, New Jersey, he stated that he served in the First Jersey Regiment commanded by Colonel Matts Ogden and was in Captain Meads company. He further stated that he needed the pension because he "... can't work due to lameness in both knees, I have no wife or family living, and I reside with my sister a widow." He was buried in Gilead Cemetery in Carmel.

Sarah Clark, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born before 1720.

The ancestry of Sarah Clark is officially unknown. Harmon Reed Clark, Jr., who researched and compiled much of the Clark information found on the now defunct "Keeping Track - Genealogy of the Clark Family", mentioned in a private email back in the early to mid 1990's that he did not have Sarah Genung (neé Clark) in his database, but that he felt that she probably belonged to the descendants of Richard Clark and Elizabeth (__).

Sarah Clark is a common enough sounding name, and the lack of any other Clark surnames used in association with John Genung make identifying her ancestry all the more difficult. In reviewing the possible candidates for Sarah in the above mentioned website, two stand out as possibilities worth investigating further based on chronology: Sarah, birth date unknown but probably prior to 1724, daughter of John Clark and Phebe (__), and Sarah, born in 1730, the daughter of Jonathan Clark and Hannah (__). Both are mentioned in their respective father's wills (each dated in the mid 1740's) with no husband listed and thus presumably unmarried.

Sarah, the daughter of Jonathan and Hannah, would have been about 21 when she married making her a very attractive candidate indeed. Also, she would have been about 38 when she had her last child. However, there appears to be no reason why she would be found in Morris County, New Jersey (where she wed) while the rest of her family remained in Essex County, New Jersey.

Sarah, the daughter of John and Phebe, has no known birth-date, and it is speculation as to what year she was born. Websites listed her birth year as either 1713 or 1720. A birth year of 1713 would make her a very unattractive candidate as she would have been 38 when she married, and 55(!) when she had her last child. A birth year of 1720 is a little better (31 at marriage, 48 for her last child) though that's pushing things a little. Edge her birth year closer to 1724 and the numbers look more plausible.

Sarah, daughter of John and Phebe, at least has a reason to be in Morris County, New Jersey. Her brother Daniel and his wife Abigail Shipman had a child born in Morris County in 1749. With her father dead by this point, it would be within the realm of possibility that she would have attached herself to Daniel's household until she married, and thus have been in Morris County in 1749.

I am not aware of any customary naming practices for English families in this part of New Jersey, but it is interesting to find the name Phebe among the children of John and Sarah Genung. Of course, the name Hannah also appears among the children's names too so we can't rule out Sarah (Jonathan). On the other hand, Hannah would be the name of Sarah's (John) paternal grandmother. The naming of one daughter Desire in probably honor of John Genung's mother, hints that they may have chosen some of the children's names from ancestors. Perhaps the one and only thing that tips the scales towards the daughter of John and Phebe is the naming of one child Daniel, possibly in honor of her brother. He was the only male child of John Genung and Sarah Clark (though John had three sons by his first wife), and neither John Genung nor Jonathan Clark have a Daniel in their families.

Because of this, I have concluded, based on all the information available to me at this time (and it isn't much), that the parents of Sarah Clark, wife of John Genung, are John Clark and Phebe (__). Please be mindful of this if you chose to incorporate my information into your database.

[speculative parents]
Children of John Genung and Sarah Clark
1. Phebe Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1750. Prior to 12 February 1786 she married (__) Gardner.
2. Susannah Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1752 in Chatham, Morris County, New Jersey. Prior to 12 February 1786 she married Isaac Cory. The will of Isaac Cory of Chatham, New Jersey, was dated 14 August 1810 and probated 12 July 1811, and in it he names Susannah as executrix, with Joseph Genung, Joseph Magie and Calvin Genung as witnesses. No children were mentioned.
3. Nansey Genung, married Cornelius Drake.
4. Hannah Genung, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Rice Nichols. Hannah may have been a member of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Bottle Hill (now Madison), New Jersey. There were three Rice Nichols known at this time and there is uncertainty concerning which Hannah Genung was married to him.
5. Daniel Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1765. About 1792 in Morris County, New Jersey, he married Lucretia (__). They probably lived near Chatham, New Jersey. He and his wife made deeds in 1804. Daniel died in May 1806 in Chatham, and his effects were inventoried 31 May 1806.
6. (Desiah or Desire) Genung, was born on 11 February 1768 in New Jersey. In 1785 in Whippany, Morris County, New Jersey, she married William Cosgrove, a son of Joseph Cosgrove and Mary North, who was born on 17 March 1760, possibly in Connecticut. He was a farmer and stock raiser in Whippany near the Whippany Bridge. He was a marine in the Pennsylvania Navy from 1775 to 1778. He was killed 16 March 1821 by being thrown from a carriage by a colt in Hanover Township, New Jersey, and buried in Hanover. Desire made her will 1 November 1833 with a codicil dated 7 February 1834.


David Brouwer, was baptised on 16 January 1707 as recorded Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Pieter DeMaree and Lydia DeMaree). He married about 1732. [parents]
Jannetje Hartje, was baptised on 14 November 1714 as recorded Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Jacob Kool and Barber, his wife). [parents]
Children of David Brouwer and Jannetje Hartje
1. Abraham Brouwer, was baptised on 21 October 1733 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh (wit.: Roelof Westervelt and Lea, his wife), and died prior to 16 June 1776. About 1758 he married Antje Nix, a daughter of Peter Nix and Cornelia Degraw, who was born on 1 April 1738, and baptised on 23 April 1738 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen (wit.: Johannis Gerritse Blauvelt and Antye his wife).
2. Jacobus Brouwer, was baptised on 15 February 1736 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen (wit.: Harmen Koerten and Tryntie, his wife). He married Elisabeth Degraw, a daughter of Cornelis Harme Degraw and Geertruy Riddenhaers, who was born on 24 February 1734 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey.
3. David Brouwer, was baptised on 3 September 1738 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh (wit.: David Edwards and Lea Brouwer). He is possibly the David Brower who married Annatje Maria Witmore.
4. Trientje Brouwer, was baptised on 31 May 1741 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh (wit.: Jacob Eckesen and Trientje Cuyper, wife).
5. Joannes Brouwer, was baptised on 13 February 1744 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh (wit.: Joannes Brouwer and Rachel Christy).
6. Lea Brouwer, was born on 5 January 1747 and baptised on 11 January 1747 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Daniel Van Deursen and Lea Hartje).
7. Jannetje Brouwer, was baptised on 13 August 1749 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jakobus Brouwer and Jannetje Hartje, z. huis v.). On 23 October 1769 in New York City she married Jacob Vredenburg, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1745 in Bellville, Essex County, New Jersey, and died on 2 May 1799 in Elizabeth, Union County, New Jersey.
8. Maria Brouwer, was baptised on 11 March 1752 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Samuel Brouwer and Maria Hartje, z. huis v.).
9. Petrus Brouwer, married Maritie Herder.
10. Rachel Brouwer, was baptised on 25 April 1756 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Johannes Brouwer and Rachel Brouwer, j.d.).
11. Jakob Brouwer, was baptised on 15 May 1757 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jakob Brouwer and Tryntje Brouwer, j.d.).
12. Samuel Brouwer, was born on 4 June 1758 and baptised on 17 June 1758 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh (wit.: Abram Brouwer).

Michael Herder, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in New York State, and died between 15 January 1794 and 10 October 1795, the dates on which his will was written and probated. On 28 June 1740 as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg he married as his first wife Hilletje Hardick, a daughter of Jan Herdyk and Maria Becker, who had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 24 September 1748. He married about 1752/1753 as his second wife Maria Rees. [parents]

The will of Michael Herder of Claverack was dated 15 January 1794 and probated 10 October 1795. His wife Maria was not mentioned in it and is presumed to have died before it was written. In his will he mentioned his sons John, Michael, Benjamin, Peter, George, and daughters Lydia, Mary, Geertruy, Hilleyte, Leyntye, and Sophia. The executors were sons John and Michael; the witnesses were Barth. V. Valkenburgh and Jacob Hollenbeck.
Children of Michael Herder and Hilletje Hardick
1. Maria Herder, was born and baptised on 14 June 1741 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Jacob Herder and wife Maria), and died prior to 1756.
2. Jan Herder, was born on 3 August 1743, baptised on 21 August 1743 as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Francis Jans Herdyk and wife Marytje), and died on 11 September 1835, aged 92 years, 1 month, and 8 days. He married Commettje Hoes, a daughter of Robert Hoes and Alida Halenbeck, who was baptised on 8 July 1750 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Linlithgo (wit.: Johannis Muller and Feytje Halenbeeck), and died on 1 November 1828, aged 78 years, 4 months and 23 days.
3. Michael Herder, was baptised (no date) 1746 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Wendel Etchwyr and Geretche Herdigh, and died on 18 June 1828, aged 83 years according to Claverack Church records. He married Catharina (Schmidt or Smth), a daughter of Michael Schmidt and Catharina (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Hilletje Herderwas born on 24 September 1748 and baptised on 27 September 1748 as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Leysnaar Van Hoesen and Antje), and died prior to 1760.


Maria Rees, was baptised on 13 February 1737 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Joris Dekker and Lyntie Dekker). She died prior to 15 January 1794 as she was not mentioned in her husband's will. [parents]
Children of Michael Herder and Maria Rees
1. Georg Herder, was baptised on 20 October 1750 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Joris Decker and Lyntje Decker). He married Gertje Decker, a daughter of Jan Broersen Decker and Jacomyntje Fynhout, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1745. Georg was mentioned in his father's will.
2. Benjamin Herder, was baptised on 26 August 1752 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Benjamin Rees and Geertruy Witbeck), and died on 5 March 1833. He married as his first wife Maria Van Hoesen. On 20 September 1787 he married as his second wife Sara Halenbeck, a daughter of William Halenbeck and Mary Spoor, who was born on 16 March 1766. The 6 April 1833 edition of the Hudson Rural Repository reported the death of Benjamin Herder, aged 81 years, formerly of Claverack, now of Delphi, Delaware County, New York.
3. Peter Herder, was baptised on 15 April 1754 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kinderhook (wit.: Pieter Van Alen and Annatje Van Wie). The parents and sponsors were reversed in the baptismal record. He married Eva Lant, a daughter of Laurens Lant and Christina Schult, who was baptised on 26 June 1763 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Casparus Schult and Eva Stryder). Peter was mentioned in his father's will.
4. Maria Herder, married Peter Brewer.
5. Gertraud Herder, was baptised on 16 July 1758 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Willem Bartel and wife Geertruy Rees). She married Johannes Schmidt, who was a son of Peter Schmidt and Elisabeth Rauch.
6. Hilletje Herder, was baptised on 23 November 1760 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Hendrick Bresie and wife Catharina Rees). She married Peter New.
7. Fytie Herder, was baptised on 20 October 1765 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Linlithgo (wit.: David Brouwer and Tanneke Rees). She married Jeremiah P. Schmit, probably a son of Peter Schmidt and Elisabeth Rauch, who was probably baptised on 8 February 1756 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Germantown (wit.: Joh: Adam Schmidt and wife Anna Maria Stoppelbein).
8. Lydia Herder, was baptised in May 1768 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Dirk Muller and Margriet Hardick). She married John Dennis.

Johannes Hess, had no birth or baptismal record. He married on 27 December 1750 as recorded at the Reformed Church of Germantown. [parents]
Anna Margaretha Scherp, was baptised on 15 September 1726 in Laubenheim, Germany (wit.: Hanß Peter Bed (or Led) and his wife Anna Margaretha). [parents]
Children of Johannes Hess and Anna Margaretha Scherp
1. Michael Hess, married Margaret Schauer.
2. Bartholomaus Hess, was baptised on 6 July 1755 as recorded at the German Reformed Church of Rhinebeck (wit.: Bartholomaus Mets and Susanna Scherb).
3. Johan Jacobus Hess, was baptised on 2 April 1758 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Rhinebeck (wit.: Joh: Jacobus Sherp and Anna Marg: Dithard).
4. (possibly) Daniel Hess, may have been baptised on 1 November 1761 (location unknown).
5. (possibly) Catharine Hess, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Hendrick Stoppelbeen, who was baptised on 22 November 1747 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Germantown (wit.: *****), the son of Johann Hendrick Stoppelbein and Elsje Schmidt.

Wilhelm Schauer, had no birth or baptismal record and may have been born as early as 1721. [parents]
Margaretha Kreisseler, was born on 2 August 1733 and baptised on 19 August 1733 in Kisket as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Daniel Lickhard and Gritje Lehmens) [parents]
Children of Wilhelm Schauer and Margaretha Kreisseler
1. Henricus Schauer, was baptised on 14 August 1757 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Rhinebeck (wit.: Hen. Kreusler and Anna Marie Schneider).
2. Johannes Schauer, was baptised on 5 August 1759 as recorded at the German Reformed Church of Rhinebeck (wit.: Johannes Creuseler and Susanna Stickel).
3. Jacob Schauer, was baptised on 21 March 1762 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Jacob Enderson and Lisabeth Enderson).
4. Margaret Schauer, married Michael Hess.
5. Catharina Schauer, was baptised on 16 August 1767 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Wilhelms Kreisler and Catharina Schauer, his wife).

Judocus de Taeye, had no birth or baptismal record.
Livina Corthals, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 10 December 1677 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. [Was she the sister (or a close relative of) Petronella Corthals who married Andreas Boelens (1638-1676)?]
Children of Judocus de Taeye and Livina Corthals
1. Simon de Taeye, married Elizabeth Buysse.

Egidus Buysse, was born on 27 February 1630 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 27 November 1681. He married on 11 November 1656 Lembeke. [parents]
Vincentia de Wulf, was born on 7 May in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 17 March 1679. [parents]
Children of Egidus Buysse and Vincentia de Wulf
1. Elizabeth Buysse, married Simon de Taeye.
2. Abraham Buysse, was born on 15 December 1659 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 16 December 1659.
3. Judoca Buysse, was born on 30 January 1661 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 1 February 1661.
4. Joanna Buysse, was born on 23 March 1664 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 25 March 1664, and died young.
5. Joannes Buysse, was born on 2 April 1667 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 3 April 1667, and died young.
6. Egidius Buysse, was born on 4 October 1668 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 7 October 1668.
7. Joannes Buysse, was born on 26 November 1671 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 27 November 1671.
8. Joanna Buysse, was born on 2 September 1674 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same date. On 1 May 1696 in Lembeke she married Judocus Baecke, a son of Pachasius Baecke and Elisabeth van Hecke, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1671 in Lembeke and died there on 1 August 1701.

Petrus Aerts, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Livina van de Kerckhove, had no birth or baptismal record and died about 20 June 1665 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Petrus Aerts and Livina van de Kerckhove
1. Jan/Joos Aerts, was born on 6 January 1641 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 25 March 1706. On 24 June 1664 in Lembeke he married Maria Schuerman, a daughter of Andreas Schuerman and Elisabeth Cole, who was born on 23 February 1641 in Lembeke, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 20 January 1713.
2. Joanna Aerts, was born on 9 November 1642 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died young.
3. Ongrardus Aerts, was born on 21 May 1644 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same day.
4. Georgius Aerts, was born on 10 March 1647 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died young.
5. Joanna Aerts, married Adriaen Drieghe.
6. Georgius Aerts, was born on 8 January 1653 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 10 January 1653.

Gislenus Lacaeyse, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1597, and died on 17 November 1666 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium.
Sibilla van Amerongen, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1593, and died on 23 February 1668 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Gislenus Lacaeyse and Sibilla van Amerongen
1. Petrus Lacaeyse, married Alouisa Vanwastene.
2. Barbarina Lacaeyse, was born on 21 October 1629 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium.
3. Judoca Lacaeyse, was born on 13 October 1632 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium.

Jan/Joos van Overvelt, was born on 17 November 1642 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 9 September 1679. On 6 March 1666 in Lembeke he married as his first wife Maria Rogiers. On 12 July 1671 in Lembeke he married as his second wife and as her first husband Joanna van Waes, a daughter of Jacques van Waes and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 20 October 1719 in Lembeke. She married as her second husband Laureyns Cathelijn, and as her third husband Gabriël de Wulf. [parents]
Children of Jan/Joos van Overvelt and Joanna van Waes
1. Joanna Overvelt, was born on 2 June 1674 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 3 June 1674, and died prior to 9 September 1679.
2. Georges van Overvelt, was born on 24 April 1676 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 26 April 1676, and died prior to 9 September 1679.

Maria/Maeyken Rogiers, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 8 April 1671 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Jan/Joos van Overvelt and Maria/Maeyken Rogiers
1. Jacques/Jacobus van Overvelt, married Jacquemijnken/Jacoba Standaert.

Jacques Standaert, was born on 25 September 1642 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 20 May 1679. On 13 November 1666 in Lembeke he married as his first wife and as her second husband Martynken Martens. On 14 February 1673 in Lembeke he married as his second wife Maria Geeraerts, a daughter of Guilelm Geraert and Paschasia de Bats, who was born on 8 November 1643 in Lembeke, and died there on 1 January 1680. [parents]
Children of Jacques Standaert and Maria Geeraerts
1. Maria Standaert, was born on 27 November 1673 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 7 September 1738 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium. On 4 November 1693 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, she married as his second wife Paulus van Hijfte, the widower of Catharina de Pauw and a son of Petrus van Hijfte and Anna van den Hende, who was born on 21 September 1661 in Sint-Laureins, baptised there on 24 September 1661, and died there on 31 March 1725.
2. Jooris/Georges Standaert, had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1679 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, died there on 19 June 1705, and was buried there on the same day.

Martynken Martens, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 26 February 1672 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 5 July 1654 in Lembeke she married as her first husband and as his third wife Balthazar de Grouwe, the widower of Joanna Beeckaert and Elisabeth Lippens, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 5 August 1666. On 13 November 1666 in Lembeke she married as her second husband Jacob Standaert.
Children of Balthazar de Grouwe and Martynken Martens
1. Pieter de Grouwe, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 26 February 1672.
2. Jan de Grouwe, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1661.
3. Baltazar de Grouwe, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 26 February 1672.

Children of Jacques Standaert and Martynken Martens
1. Pirijnken/Petronella Standaert, was born on 19 September 1668 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 23 September 1668, and died prior to 1679.
2. Jacquemijnken/Jacoba Standaert, married Jacobus van Overvelt.

Judocus Goossens, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 10 July 1665 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 2 November 1654 in Lembeke. [parents]
Pauwelyna van de Rostijne, was born on 20 November 1619 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 13 May 1669. On 27 April 1644 in Lembeke she married as her first husband and as his second wife Georgius de Sutter, the widower of Petronella de Wulf(ran) and a son of Georgius de Sutter and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 10 January 1654 in Lembeke. On 2 November 1654 in Lembeke she married as her second husband Judocus Goossens. She married as her third husband Petrus (H)Annaert, who had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Georgius de Sutter and Pauwelyna van de Rostijne
1. Livina de Sutter, was born on 22 March 1645 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 26 March 1645.
2. Georgius de Sutter, was born on 2 October 1646 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 7 October 1646.
3. Petronella de Sutter, was born on 1 February 1649 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 3 February 1649.
4. Petrus de Sutter, was born on 25 May 1651 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 29 May 1651.
5. Joos de Sutter, was born on 3 July 1654 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 5 July 1654.

Children of Judocus Goossens and Pauwelyna van de Rostijne
1. Martin Goossens, was born on 14 May 1656 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 16 May 1656, and died there on 15 September 1676.
2. Anna Goossens, as her first husband Petrus Heyman, and as her second husband Joannes van de Wattijne.

Joannes Nijskens, was born and baptised in 1642 in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died on 11 November 1717 in Nunhem, Limburg. He married in 1667 in Neer. [parents]
Catharina Meeuwissen, was baptised in Heythuijsen, Limburg, The Netherlands.
Children of Joannes Nijskens and Catharina Meeuwissen
1. Anna Nijskens, was baptised in 1668 in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died on 5 February 1723 in Neer.
2. Hubertus Nijskens, married Johanna Vrencken.
3. Cornelia Nijskens, was baptised in 1670 in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died on 27 April 1743 in Nunhem, Limburg. She married in Grathem, Limburg Servatius Tinnemans. Witnesses to the marriage were Wilhelmus Tennemans and Petronella Stappers.
4. Godefridus Nijskens, was baptised in 1674 in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands. In 1706 in Beegden, Limburg, he married as his first wife Anna Veugeler, who was baptised in 1675 in Beegdem, and died there on 31 August 1717. In 1718 in Beegdem he married as his second wife Maria Verhagen, who was baptised in 1690 in Beegdem, and died there on 7 July 1730.
5. Elisabeth Nijskens, was baptised in 1676 in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died on 8 May 1719 in Kessel, Limburg, The Netherlands.
6. Maria Nijskens, was baptised in 1680 in Nunhem, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died on 15 September 1748 in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands.

  Information found here taken from the research of Marcel Nijskens
(__) Sweels, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of (__) Sweels and (__)
1. Hubertus Sweels, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 16 July 1730 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands. On 22 November 1700 in Nederweert Limburg, The Netherlands, he married Anthonia Joosten, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 3 October 1743 in Leveroy. Witnesses for the marriage were Thijs Nabers and Corst Sweels.
2. Corst Sweels, married Petronilla Caris.
3. Elisabeth Sweels, had no birth or baptismal record. On 28 June 1704 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands, she married Aeb Abrahams. Witnesses for the marriage were Thonisken Leen and Corst Sweels.
4. Petrus Sweels, had no birth or baptismal record. On 19 February 1697 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands, he married Elisabeth Op 't Velt, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 31 December 1742 in Leveroy. Witnesses for the marriage were Maria Sweels and Hubertus Sweels.
5. Catharina Sweels, had no birth or baptismal record. On 21 October 1704 in Leveroy, Limburg, The Netherlands, she married Theodorus Gelissen. Witnesses for the marriage were Corst Sweels and Geert Hupsen.

  Information found here taken from the research of Paul Alexander Udo Leo Schoffelen
Joannes/Jan Claeijs, was baptised on 19 January 1650 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Arnoldus Claes and Paschasia Maes), and died prior to 1719. He married on 27 February 1672 in Maldegem with Banns published there on 14 February 1672. Witnesses to the marriage contract were Joannes' cousin Matthijs Wouters and his mother Susanna de Smet, and Cathelijne's father Roeland de Zutter and her uncle Jan de Zutter. [parents]
Catharina de Zuttere, was baptised on 16 January 1650 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 27 August 1719. [parents]
Children of Joannes/Jan Claeijs and Catharina de Zuttere
1. Jan Claeijs, was baptised on 5 December 1672 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jan de Suttere and Magdalenea Boudens), and died on 16 May 1674.
2. Petrus Claeijs, was born on 24 February 1675 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there (no date) (Godparents: Roeland de Zuttere and Susanna de Smet), and died there on 15 October 1734. On 9 January 1725 in Maldegem (with Banns published there on 31 December 1724) he married as her second husband Joanna Buijck, the widow of Joannes de Zutter and a daughter of Georgius Buijck and Joanna Blondeel, who was born on 28 August 1672 in Eeklo, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 11 September 1734 in Maldegem.
3. Jan Claeijs, was born on 8 November 1676 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there (no date) (Godparents: Matheus Wouters and Judoca Wouters), and died on 29 October 1677.
4. Bernard Corneel Claeijs was born on 8 September 1679 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised at Sint-Salvator Church in Brugges, Belgium (Godparents: Cornel Claeijs and Maria Wouters), and died there on 22 June 1747. In 1702 in Maldegem he married Maria van de Wiele, a daughter of Franciscus/Frans van de Wiele and Adriana Geernaert, who was baptised on 12 June 1684 in Maldegem, and died there on 3 December 1764.
5. Anna Maria Claeijs, married as her first husband Franciscus Josephus/Frans Josef van de Wiele, as her second husband Peter de Vos, and as her third husband Joannes de Zuttere.
6. Egidius Ignaas Claeijs, was baptised on 7 February 1688 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Livien de Smet and Maria Magdalena Goeman), and died unmarried there on 27 April 1712.

Johannes Heremans, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1663 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands. He married on 24 April 1695 in Hontenisse with Banns published there on 27 march 1695. His marriage record reads: Den 27 meert (1695) Ondertrout Jan Herman J(onge) M(an) geboren onder Hontenisse met Maria Janssen J(onge) D(ame) geboren onder Hontenisse en beijde daar woonende getuijge van den Bruijdegom is Laureijs van Damme en van de Bruijd is Maria van Remortele zijn bij ons getrout den 24 April.
Maria Jansen, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1667 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands.

Children of Johannes Heremans and Maria Jansen
1. Judocus Heremans, married Elisabeth de Wael.
2. Joanna Heremans, was born on Thursday at 3:00 A.M. on 6 February 1698 and baptised on Sunday, 9 February 1698 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands (Godparents: Cornelius de Rijck and Joanna van Dam).
3. Egidius Heremans, was born at 3:00 A.M. on or about 25 January 1700 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on Monday, 25 January 1700 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Egidius Rosiers and Petronella Baeck).
4. Judoca Heremans, was born on 4 May 1701 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
5. Andries Heremans, was baptised on 1 December 1702 in Boschkapelle, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and was buried on 17 February 1763 in Ossenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On 18 July 1734 in Hontenisse (withmarriage contract dated 3 July 1734) he married as his first wife and as her second husband Elisabeth van Uffelen, the widow of Cornelis Verhoeven and a daugther of Guilliam van Uffelen and Pieternella Buijs, who was born on (__) December 1684 in Hontenisse, and died prior to 1755. On Sunday, 25 May 1755 in Hontenisse (with marriage contract dated 10 May 1755) he married (witnesses: Egidius Buiktaert and Isabella de Schepper) as his second wife and as her first husband Pieternella Neve, a daughter of Dignum Neve and Catharina Voorborst, who was born on Sunday, 20 November 1729 in Hontenisse, baptised there on Wednesday, 23 November 1729 (Godparents: Cornelius Leenknecht and Petronella Lauwaert), and died prior to 10 June 1782 in Lammersveld, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and was buried on 11 June 1782 in Ossenisse. She married as her second husband Pieter van Damme.
6. (speculation) Petronella Heremans, had no birth or baptismal record. On Sunday, 18 September 1729 in the Roman Catholic Church in Hontenisse she married Hilduardus/Eduardus Pieters. Witnesses to the marriage were Joannes du Chesne and Anna Heremans.
7. (speculation) Anna Heremans, had no birth or baptismal record. On Sunday, 18 September 1729 in the Roman Catholic Church in Hontenisse she married Joannes du Chesne. Witnesses to the marriage were Hilduardus Pieters and Petronella Heremans.

Joannes de Wael, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born about 1676 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands. Is he the Joannes van de Walle who was born at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, 16 March 1676 in Hontenisse, and baptised there in the Roman Catholic Church on Thursday, 19 March 1676 (Godparents: Joannes van de Voorde and Petronila van de Walle), a son of Henricus van de Walle and Cornelia van de Voorde? He married on 15 June 1694 in Boschkapelle.
Amelberge van Mullem, was born on 14 January 1667 in Sint Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 15 Janury 1667. [parents]

Children of Joannes de Wael and Amelberge van Mullem
1. Joannes de Waele, was born on 26 July 1696 in Boschkapelle, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on 29 June 1696.
2. Elisabeth de Wael, married Judocus Heremans.
3. Apolonia de Wael, was born at 9:00 P.M. on 23 January 1704 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on Sunday, 27 January 1704 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents Cornelius Buijens and Laurentia Smus).
4. Petrus de Wael, was born at 1:00 A.M. on 8 August 1707 in Hontenisse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and baptised there on Wednesday, 10 August 1707 at the Roman Catholic Church (Godparents: Petrus Bruggheman and Margareta Culemans).

Petrus Scheerlinck, was baptised on 13 December 1659 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparent: Petrus Coppens), and died on 16 October 1689. On 21 September 1684 in Erembodegem he married as his first wife Adriana de Brauw. He married as his second wife Anna de Kegel, probably a daughter of Petrus de Kegel and Catharina van Geert, who was baptised on 26 January 1659 in Moorsel, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. [parents]
Adriana de Brauw, was baptised on 23 January 1660 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Meert en Adriana Vonck). [parents]
Children of Petrus Scheerlinck and Adriana de Brauw
1. Judocus Scheerlinck, married Adriana de Schrijver.

Children of Petrus Scheerlinck and Anna de Kegel
1. Catharina Scheerlinck, was baptised on 28 March 1688 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Meert en Catharina Van Geift). On 4 November 1711 in Erembodegem she married as his first wife Franciscus Callebaut, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 1 May 1737 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the marriage were Joannes Areijs and Judocus Callebaut. He married as his second wife Petronella Gijsels.
2. Joanna Scheerlinck, was baptised on 30 September 1689 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Arijs en Catharina Maes, i.n.v. Joanna Van Langhenhove), and died there on 11 February 1755. On 4 February 1717 in Erembodegem she married Joannes Arijs, son of Michael Arijs and (__), had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 6 August 1762 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the marriage were Michael Arijs and Judocus Scheirlinc.
2. Petrus Scheerlinck, was baptised on 17 August 1693 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Van De Mael en Petronella Van Steenbergh, i.n.v. Barbara De Kegel).
2. Maria Scheerlinck, was baptised on 19 November 1696 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes De Kegel en Maria Wittdoeck).

Adrianus de Schrijver, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 20 March 1721 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 1 April 1677 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the marriage were Antonius Verleijsen and Matthias de Rijck. [parents]
Anna de Rijck, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 25 September 1729 in Erembodegem. [parents]
Children of Adrianus de Schrijver and Anna de Rijck
1. Maria de Schrijver, was baptised on 26 April 1680 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Antonius Verleijsen and Maria de Rijck), and died there on 12 May 1705.
2. Josina de Schrijver was baptised on 20 August 1681 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Martinus De Rijck en Josina De Scrijver).
3. Petronilla de Schrijver, was baptised on 7 June 1683 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus De Scrijver en Petronilla Verlijsen), and died there on 20 June 1744. On 5 December 1708 in Erembodegem she married Joannes Vermoesen, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to Petronilla. Witnesses to the marriage were Adrianus de Schrijver and Renerius (__).
4. Adriana de Schrijver, married Judocus Scheerlinck.
5. Elisabeth de Schrijver, was baptised on 15 April 1687 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Verleijsen en Catharina Van Den bergh, i.n.v. Elisabeth Van Den Meersche), and died there on 28 May 1712.
6. Joannes de Schrijver, was baptised on 10 December 1688 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes De Rijcke en Carolina De Rijcke).

Franciscus de Pelsmaecker, had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his first wife Maria de Coster. On 29 September 1669 in Hekelgem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, he married as his second wife Maria Heydens.
Maria Heydens, was baptised on 23 July 1642 in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Franciscus de Pelsmaecker and Maria Heydens
1. Judocus de Pelsmaecker, married Catharina van Wetteren.
2. Petrus de Pelsmaecker, was baptised on 2 March 1675 in Hekelgem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.

Children of Franciscus de Pelsmaecker and Maria de Coster
1. Elizabeth de Pelsmaecker, was baptised on 2 December 1667 in Hekelgem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.

Egidius van Wetteren was baptised on 22 July 1653 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Egidius Meert en Joanna De Gijter), and died there on 9 March 1729. [parents]
Adriana Robert, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 3 May 1730 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Egidius van Wetteren and Adriana Robert
1. Catharina van Wetteren, married Judocus de Pelsmaecker.
2. Gertrudis van Wetteren, was baptised on 25 December 1679 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: None).
3. Gertrudis van Wetteren, was baptised on 28 March 1681 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Van Vaerenbergh en Gertrudis Crieck), and died there on 6 August 1720. On 10 November 1708 in Erembodegem she married Petrus de Clerck, a son of Philippus de Clerck en Catharina Scheerlinck, who was baptised on 19 August 1682 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Reinerius Verelst i.n.v. Philippus Scherelings en Catharina Vaerenbergh), and died there on 15 June 1736. Witnesses to the marriage were Philippus de Clerck and Egidius van Wetteren.
4. Judocus van Wetteren, was baptised on 8 April 1684 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Heijndrick en Adriana Robert), and died young.
5. Anna Francisca van Wetteren, was baptised on 25 May 1688 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Franciscus Marckx en Anna Callebaut), and died there on 13 October 1767. On 6 January 1713 in Erembodegem she married Petrus van de Maele, a son of Joannes van de Maele and Joanna Meert, who was baptised on 21 January 1686 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Petrus Meit en Margarita Kiekens), and died there on 16 February 1740. Witnesses to the marriage were Joannes van der Cruijse and Guilielmus van de Maele.
6. Judocus van Wetteren, was baptised on 23 May 1692 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Van Haver en Maria Kiekens), and died there on 6 August 1778. He married Anna Hulsbosch, a daughter of Paulus Hulsbosch and Maria Moens, was baptised on 12 January 1697 in Buggenhout, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, and died on 15 October 1771 in Erembodegem.
7. Josina/Judoca van Wetteren, was baptised on 5 December 1695 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus de Scrijvere en Josina de Vriese), and died there on 24 January 1736. On 5 November 1724 in Erembodegem she married Martinus Steenhaut, a son of Laurentius Steenhout and Judoca van Nieuwenborgh, who was baptised on 24 January 1698 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Martinus Van Den Berghe en Catharina Steenhaut), and died there on 3 February 1767. Witnesses to the marriage were Guilielmus Egidius van Wetteren and Laurentius Steenhaut.
8. Engelbertus van Wetteren, was baptised on 11 June 1702 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Engelbertus De Clerck en Maria Droeshaut), and died there on 26 March 1774. On 4 August 1726 in Erembodegem he married Anna Timmermans, a daughter of Joannes Timmermans and Maria van Rons, who was baptised on 26 July 1703 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Andreas Rons en Barbara Collier), and died there on 20 November 1771. Witnesses to the marriage were Joannes Timmermans and Judocus van Wetteren).

Egidius Lammens, was born on 25 September 1656 in Kalken, and died there on 7 December 1741.
Anna Haeghens, was born on 14 August 1650 in Kalken, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Egidius Lammens and Anna Haeghens
1. Maria Lammens, married Petrus Opdorp.

Christophorus de Ridder, was baptised on 26 June 1657 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Christophorus Lanens en Martina De Smet), and died there on 19 September 1740. He married on 20 June 1688 in Merchtem (with Banns published there on 7 June 1688). [parents]
Cornelia Meskens, was baptised on 18 November 1660 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Vanden Bosch, Maria Slachmoelen i.p.v. Cornelia Schelkens), and died there on 9 February 1733. [parents]
Children of Christophorus de Ridder and Cornelia Meskens
1. Anna de Ridder, was baptised on 19 May 1689 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. She married Andreas de Bont.
2. (__) de Ridder, was baptised by the midwife on 12 May 1691 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: None), and died the same day.
3. Marinus de Ridder, was baptised on 26 April 1692 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus Verdoot i.p.v. Marinus Van De Voor, Anna van der Hoeven i.p.v. Maria Gheerems).
4. Adrianus de Ridder, married Catharina Boman.
5. Egidius de Ridder, was baptised on 10 October 1697 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Daniel Laureys i.p.v. Egidius De Ridder en Margarita Brusselmans), and died there on 16 June 1766. On 17 June 1721 in Merchtem he married as his first wife Anna Heyvaert, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 12 June 1743 in Merchtem. On 11 May 1745 in Merchtem he married as his second wife and as her second husband Maria van Acolyen, the widow of Jacobus Verelst, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1698, and died on 22 February 1770 in Merchtem.
6. Magdalena de Ridder, was baptised on 12 March 1700 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Cornelius en Magdalena De Ridder), and died there on 3 May 1701.
7. Maria de Ridder, was baptised on 25 March 1703 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Verdoot en Maria Nols). She married Henricus Lepe Ver.

Henricus Boman/Booghmans, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 6 May 1724 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. He married on 1 January 1686 in Merchtem.
Catharina Heymans, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 9 December 1750 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
Children of Henricus Boman/Booghmans and Catharina Heymans
1. Maria Bomans/Booghmans, was baptised on 24 November 1686 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
2. Catharina Boman/Booghmans, married Adrianus de Ridder.
3. Jan Bomans/Booghmans, was baptised on 16 June 1688 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
4. Petrus Bomans/Booghmans, was baptised on 24 February 1696 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.

Hendrick Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record.

On 8 April 1735 Hendrick was appointed one of the Constables for the Second River area of Newark Township, New Jersey.

Unsourced records, perhaps in an attempt to identify him with an individual named "Old Henry" who was said to have lived to be 134 years old, state that he was born on 11 June 1686 in Essex County, New Jersey, that he died in 1820 on 10 October 1820 in Whitehall, Washington County, New York, and that he married about 1723 in New Jersey. [parents]

Levyntje Van der Koeck, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Hendrick Francisco and Levyntje Van der Koeck
1. Geesje Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record. On 13 May 1740 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River she married Nicholas Stagg, a son of William Stagg and Magdalena Brouwer, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Lena Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record. With Banns published 27 May 1742 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk she married John Van der Hoef, a son of Guysbert Van der Hoef and Margrietje Vreeland, , who had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born about 1720 in the Fairfield section of Essex County, New Jersey. According to their marriage record, John was born in Weezel and living in Hanover Co. at the time of his marriage, and Lena was born in Gansegat and "living there." John posted a bond in the settlement of his father's estate in 1758.
3. Johannes Francisco, married Aeltje Francisco.
4. Machiel Francisco, was born on 2 May 1729 and baptised on 8 June 1729 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River (wit.: Joris Van der Koeck and Elizabeth Stech). On 11 November 1753 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River he married Maria Van der Hoef, a daughter of Isaac Van der Hoef and Elizabeth Van Zeil, who was baptised on 28 March 1731 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk. At the time of their marriage, both Machiel and Maria were recorded as being from Gansegat.

Thomas Corneliszen Doremus, was baptised on 11 April 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Mr. Gilam Bertolf and Maeyke Jacobusen, wife of Arien Tomasen), and died about 1748 probably in New Jersey. He married on 4 October 1712 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack. Thomas was born and living in Acquackanonk and Anneke was born at Bergen and living at Hackensack at the time of their marriage.

They settled near Cedar Grove, at the headwaters of the Peckamin River, in Essex County, New Jersey, on the portion of Garret Mountain tract given to him by his father's will. His allotment was described in subsequent deeds as "the southwesterly corner of the Acquackanonk mountain land." It included at least part, if not all, of the Cedar Grove mill sites. He was chosen one of the constables of Essex County in 1723. In 1743 he bought a tract of 727 acres east of the Bog and Vly, and deed one-third of it to his son Golyn in 1748, and one-third of each of his sons Abraham and John, all of whom settled on these tracts in Jacksonville, northeast of Towaco valley. [
Anneke Abramse Ackerman, was baptised on 27 December 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Johannes Van Laren and Catharina Van Laren). [parents]

Children of Thomas Corneliszen Doremus and Anneke Abramse Ackerman
1. Cornelis Doremus, was born on 16 April 1714, baptised (no date) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Cornelis Doremes and Rachel Peterse), and died on 8 March 1803 in White Hall, Towaco, Morris County, New Jersey. In 1738 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk he married Antje Yong, a daughter of Pieter Yong and Antje Smith, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Cornelis settled in Morris County, New Jersey, a mile or two from the present Montville, on a large farm, probably purchased for him by his father. On this land his descendants located, and in time they became so numerous that the neighborhood came to be generally known as Doremus Town (it is now called White Hall). Cornelis was on friendly terms with the Indians, who were numerous in that region when he first settled there. He and Antje became members of the Reformed Dutch Church at Pompton Plains, Morris County, New Jersey, 17 June 1739. Cornelis died on 8 March 1803.

The will of Cornelius Doremus, of Pequanack, Morris County, was dated 17 February 1791, proved 4 April 1803, and witnessed by Isaac Haulenbeck, Peter Ackerman, and Gerrit Haulenbeck. In it he devised to his "eldest son Henry twenty shillings in consideration of being my oldest son; also all my land and real estate where I now live;" 50 acres of Bacchus (Bocker?) creek to be sold and the proceeds divided amongst all his children. His wife, Ann Doremus, to be comfortably and conveniently maintained by his son John. Executors were his sons Henry and John. His personal estate was appriased at $419.58½.
Cornelis Doremus and Antje Yong have other descendants, such as:
.Thomas Doremus - Rachel Spier
|.Cornelis T. Doremus - Lena Mandeville
||.Thomas C. Doremus - Sarah Platte Haines
|| .ROBERT OGDEN DOREMUS (1824-1906) chemist - Estelle Emma Skidmore
||  .CHARLES AVERY DOREMUS (1851-1925) chemist
|.Pieter Doremus - Susanna Jacobus
| .Nicholas Jones Doremus - Elizabeth Haring
|  .Susan Jane Doremus - JACOB REYNIER WORTENDYKE (1818-1868) Congressman
.Marytje Doremus - Bartholomew Dods
|.Jane Dods - John De Hart
| .Sarah De Hart - Isaac Quinby
|  .Phebe Quinby - Davis Vail
|   .THEODORE NEWTON VAIL (1845-1920) industrialist - Emma Louise Righter
|    .Lucy Grovene Vail - James Jan Converse
|     .James Vail Converse - THELMA MORGAN (1906-1970) socialite
.Johannis Doremus - (1) Sarah Mandeville, (2) Margaret Cadmus
 .(by 1) Anche Doremus - Johannes Jacobus
 |.John I. Jacobus - Mary Aber
 | .Henry Oliver Jacobus - Harriet Amanda Aber
 |  .John Ira Jacobus - Ida Wilmot Lines
 |   .DONALD LINES JACOBUS (1887-1970) genealogist
 .(by 2) James Doremus - Ann Parlaman
  .Sarah Doremus - Josiah P. Huntoon
   .LOUIS DOREMUS HUNTOON (1869-?) mining engineer

2. Abraham Doremus, was born on 31 August 1716, baptised (no date) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Abraham Akkerman and Aeltje Van Laer), and died prior to 25 March 1802. On 8 July 1739 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Helena Van Houten, a daughter of Roelof Corneliszen Van Houten and Jannejte Spier, who was born on 15 October 1715 and baptised [no date] as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: ?).

Abraham lived at Jacksonville, Morris Coounty, New Jersey, on a farm of about 240 acres, given him by his father. He afterward returned to Cedar Grove. Helena probably predeceased her husband because no provision was made for her in his will. Abraham died prior to 25 March 1802, on which dated his lands were mapped out into nine lots by Abraham Willis and apportioned to his heirs.
3. Johannes Doremus, was born on 29 March 1719 and baptised (no date) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Johannes Doremes and Elizabeth Akkerman). On 15 June 1743 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk he married Fransyntje Mourtizen. At the time of their marriage he was living in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey, and she was living in Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey.

They lived in Jacksonville, Morris County, New Jersey, on a farm of about 240 acres, given to him by his father soon after his marriage.
4. Golyn Doremus, was born on 20 March 1722 and baptised (no date) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Gelyn Akkerman annd Sara Akkerman). On 29 October 1744 (with Banns recorded 2 October 1744 at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River) he married Elizabeth Yong, a daughter of Pieter Yong and Antie Smith, who was baptised on 9 January 1724 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Brandt Jacobese and Elisabeth, his wife).
5. Aeltje Doremus, married Johannis Francisco.
6. Thomas Doremus, was born on 9 May 1730 and baptised on 24 May 1730 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Jannetje Doremus). He married as his first wife Sara Sandford, who was probably a daughter of William Sandford III, and born about 1735. She married as his second wife Maragrietje Vanderhoef, a daughter of Jacob VanderHoef and Maria Outwater, who was baptised on 1 August 1762 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh (wit.: ?), and died prior to 5 December 1790. On 5 December 1790 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk he married as his third wife and as her second husband Maragrietje Riker, the widow of Simon Van Ness and the daughter of Ryck Rycker and Trijntje Francisco, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1759, and died on 31 December 1829.

Johannes Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1700, and died about 1732. He married on 9 November 1725/1726 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk as her first husband Elizabeth Bruyn. Banns for their marriage were published there 13 October 1726 with Johannes recorded as being from "Acquegnonk" and Elizabeth as being from "Secund-River." [parents]
Elisabeth Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1708. She married as her first husband Johannes Mandeville. On 22 January 1735 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River (with Banns possibly published there on 21 December 1734) she married as her second husband Arien Cadmus, a son of Johannes Thomaszen and Marytje Van Deusen, who was born on 17 December 1711. [parents]
Children of Johannes Mandeville and Elisabeth Bruyn
1. Hendrick Mandeville, married Magdalena Spier.
2. Jan Mandeville, was born on 12 May 1730, and baptised (no date) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River (wit.: Hendrik Bruyn and Margrieta Lacomba). Prior to 1756 he married as his first wife Geertruy Van Ness, a daughter of Hendrick Van Ness and Catharine Jacobus, who was born on 19 October 1732 in Pompton Plains, Morris County, New Jersey, supposedly baptised on 12 November 1732 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk though no record can be found to support that, and died prior to 1798 probably in Pompton Plains. He married as his second wife Ann Ryerson, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1728 in Pompton Plains. On 30 June 1798 in Pompton Plains he married as his third wife Jane Berry, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1728 in Pompton Plains.

Children of Arien Cadmus and Elisabeth Bruyn
3. Marytie Cadmus, was born on 9 March 1736, and baptised on 11 April 1736 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River (wit.: Thomas Cadmus and Cornelia Jeralomon). On 17 January 1753 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River she married John Mead, a son of Giles Mead and Jannetje Bruyn, who was born on 16 October 1731 and baptised on 14 November 1731 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Elias Thammis and Styntje Meet). According to their marriag record, John was from Pechenech and Maria was from the Gansegat.

About the time of his marriage in 1753, John Mead removed from his father's farm in Two Bridges to his father-in-law's farm on Dutch Lane in Essex Co. at a location called variously Acquackanonk, the Gansegat, Horseneck, and Fairfield. In 1789 this farm would have been partly in West Caldwell and partly in Fairfield.

4. Antonie Cadmus, was born on 12 December 1739 and baptised on 6 January 1740 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River (wit.: Hendrick Bruyn and Aaltje Bruyn). About 1767 he married Jannetje Vreeland, a daughter of Cornelius Vreeland and Margrietje Van Winkle, who had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Hendrick Cadmus, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1742. He married Margritje Wouterse, a daughter of Francois Wouterse and Styntje Bruyn, who was born on 1 March 1749/1750, and baptised on 4 March 1750 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River (wit.: Arie Koning and Margaritie Bruyn).

Frans Spier, was baptised on 2 April 1683 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Jan Aertsen van der Bilt and Annetje Ariaense Sips), and died between 30 December 1767 and 8 January 1771, the dates that his will was written and proved. He married on 17 March 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack as his first wife Dierckje Van Houten. On 4 October 1733 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk he married as his second wife and as her second husband Hester Delamater, the widow of Simon Van Ness and a daughter of Isaac Delamater and Cornelia Evertse, who was baptised on 7 April 1683 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jean and Hester de Lamaistre). They had no children.

Frans was involved with a rather complicated legal problem involving the ownership of the land on which he lived in Horseneck. He and his neighbors claimed their rights to the land by virtue of the deed granted by the Indians on 1 May 1701. The East Jersey Proprietors did not recognize the validity of the Indian deed and claimed the land was rightfully theirs. On 22 December 1744 the proprietors sent a letter to the settlers on the disputed land requesting that they lease or purchase the land on which they already lived. Frans and his neighbors refused and some were jailed for rioting. The dispute continued for several years - nothing had been done as of 23 October 1749 - and apparently no formal settlement was ever reached. Frans wrote his will 30 December 1767 and it was proved 8 January 1771. In it he made a bequest to his eldest son, Cornelius, of land "in the Great piece and in the purchase of Horse Neck." He named eight children and identified the husbands of his daughters. His second wife, Hester, was not mentioned in his will and may have predeceased him. [
Dierckje Van Houten, was baptised on 7 November 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Tonis Roelof and Dirckje Cornelis). [parents]

Children of Frans Spier and Dierckje Van Houten
1. Cornelis Spier, was born on 20 January 1701, and died on 25 June 1785. With Banns published 28 February 1735 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk he married as her second husband Susanna Vincent, the widow of Johannes Van Giesen and a daughter of Levi Vincent and Hester De Veaux, who was born on 3 February 1711 and on 13 December 1797. Both were living "within the Congregation" (of Acquackanonk) at the time of their marriage. Cornelius served in the Revolutionary War as a captain in the 2nd Regiment in the Essex County Militia. His will, dated 15 May 1784 and proved 15 November 1785, names his wife, Susannah, daughters Derrickye, widow of John Pier, Rachel, wife of Thomas Doremus, and Garretye, widow of Brant Jacobusse. His grandson, Jacob Pier, was also named. Land in the mountains of the Notch and on the plain "had of late father" was also described.
Cornelis Spier and Susanna Vincent have other descendants, such as:
.Rachel Spier - Thomas Cornelis Doremus
 .Cornelis T. Doremus - Lena Mandeville
 |.Thomas C. Doremus - SARAH PLATT HAINES (1802-1877) philanthropist
 | .ROBERT OGDEN DOREMUS (1824-1906) chemist - Estelle Emma Skidmore
 |  .CHARLES AVERY DOREMUS (1851-1925) chemist
 .Pieter Doremus - Susanna Jacobus
  .Nicholas Jones Doremus - Elizabeth Haring
   .Susan Jane Doremus - JACOB REYNIER WORTENDYKE (1818-1868) Congressman
2. Garret Spier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1712. He was mentioned in his father's will dated 30 December 1767.
3. Jacobus Spier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1714 possibly in Gansegat, New Jersey. With Banns published 3 June 1740 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River he married Neeltje Coerten, a daughter of Jan Coerten and Neeltje Stagg, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1713/19. They lived on River Road, Below Passaic, on a farm that extended from the river a distance of two and a half miles.
Jacobus Spier and Neeltje Coerten have other descendants, such as:
.Hendrick J. Spier - Metje Vreeland
 .Hendrick Speer - Rachel Van Emburgh
  .ALFRED SPEER (1823-1910) inventor
4. Henry Spier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1716 possibly in Fairfield, New Jersey. On 27 October 1746 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Pompton Plains he married Elisabeth Mandeville, a daughter of Hendrick Mandeville and Elizabeth Vreeland, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1728 possibly in Pompton Plains, Morris County, New Jersey. According to the marriage record Elisabeth was had been born and was then living in Hanover. Henry had been born and was then living in Gansegat. Elizabeth died prior to 28 December 1786 and Henry died after that date.
5. John Spier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1718 possibly in Gansegat, New Jersey. He married Sara Debow, a daughter of Garret Debow and Sarah Vanderbeek, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1735. John's will was dated 22 October 1795 at Acquackanonk, New Jersey, and proved 10 July 1797. In it he named his wife, Sarah, son, Francis, and daughter, Margaret, wife of Abraham Low. A devise was made of land on the south side of the road from Newark to Boonton.
6. Maritje Spier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1720 possibly in Gansegat, New Jersey. With Banns published 26 July 1735 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk she married Pieter Mauritzen, a son of Jacob Maurtizen and (Gerretje or Catharine) Kierstead, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1716 possibly in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey.
7. Helena Spier, married Hendrick Mandeville.
8. Sarah Spier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1724 possibly in Gansegat, New Jersey. On 3 October 1752 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River she married Jan Wouterse. According to the marriage record, he was from Second River and she was from Gansegat. Gerrit Spier witnessed the marriage.

Gerrit Van Ness, was baptised on 20 December 1702 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Cornelis and Gerritje Van den Bergh), and died in 1795. He married on 20 August 1724 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany. [parents]
Sara Van den Bergh, was baptised on 13 May 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Antony Coster and Lysbeth Coster). [parents]
Children of Gerrit Van Ness and Sara Van den Bergh
1. Cornelis Van Ness, married Alida Van Woert.
2. Jan Van Ness, was baptised on 1 October 1727 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Peter Van Den Bergh and Eng. Livingston). He married as her first husband Mayke Van den Bergh, a daughter of Volkert Van den Bergh and Catharina Huyck, who was baptised on 2 August 1730 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: W.V.D. Berg and Cat. V.D. Berg). Jan died prior to 20 January 1769, on which date Maycke married as her second husband Philip Deforest.
3. Santie Van Ness, was baptised on 9 February 1729 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: C. and Antie Van den Bergh).
4. Petrus Van Nesswas baptised on 23 January 1732 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: P. and A. Van Woert).
5. Marritie Van Ness, was baptised on 23 January 1732 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Hendrick and Annaatje Ridder). She married as his first wife Leendert Mulder, a son of Jacob Mulder and Agnietje Conyn, who was baptised in May 1729 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: L. and Jann. Conyn). Marritje was mentioned in the will of her aunt, Ariaantje Van Woert, in 1773. Leendert married on 9 April 1784 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany as his second wife Maria Strunk (a daughter of Hendrik Strunk and Elsje Henrich, who was baptised on 2 October 1757 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jacob Herwich and Maria Strouk).
6. Abraham Van Ness, was baptised on 20 December 1738 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Abraham and Antje Van der Poel). On 27 January 1762 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Annatje De Ridder, a daughter of Hendrick De Ridder and Anna (__), who was baptised on 26 September 1742 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Cornelis Walran and Jannetje Waldron).
7. Aaltje Van Ness, was baptised on 23 August 1741 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Melchert Van der Poel and Catharine Van den Bergh). She married (__) FONDA. Aaltje was mentioned in the will of her aunt, Ariaantje Van Woert, in 1773.

I'm no longer sure that Aaltje married an unnamed Fonda. Based on some baptismal witnesses to her sibling's children, I wonder if instead that she married a Nicolaas Van den Bergh.

8. Nicolaas Van Ness, was baptised on 17 June 1744 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Corns. Nic. Van den Bergh and Zantje Ridder).

Jacob Van Woert, was baptised on 30 October 1698 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Hendrik Van Esch and Catrina Van Esch). He married on 17 October 1723 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany. [parents]
Hendrickje Oothout, was baptised on 5 January 1707 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Cornelis Van Esch and Lammertje Oothout). [parents]

Children of Jacob Van Woert and Hendrickje Oothout
1. Jacob Van Woert, was baptised on 8 January 1724 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jacob and Zara. V. Woert). He married Elizabeth Fort, a daughter of Jacobus Fort and Sara De Wandelaer, who was baptised on 23 April 1727 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Leendt. and Cath. Gansevoort)
2. Johannes Van Woert, was baptised on 7 November 1725 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jan and Aaltie Oothout), and buried on 26 August 1746 in the churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany.
3. Anneke Van Woert, was baptised on 5 November 1727 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Ruth V. Woerd and Maria Gerritsen). about 1746 she married Isaac Lansing, a son of Jacob Hendrick Lansing and Helena Pruyn, who was baptised on 28 January 1722 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Casparus and Alida Van Iveren), and died in 1799.
4. Alida Van Woert, married Cornelis Van Ness.
5. Sara Van Woert, was baptised on 2 October 1731 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: P. V. Woerdt and Sara Gardenier), and died prior to 1 July 1758. On 18 November 1752 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as his first wife Abraham Fort, a son of Jacobus Fort and Sara Wandelaer, who was baptised on 3 February 1731 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Abr. Fort and Anna Fort). On 1 July 1758 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany Abraham married as his second wife Eva Benoit (Benneway).
6. Fytje Van Woert, was baptised on 14 October 1733 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Sand V. Woert and Alida Marselis). On 5 May 1754 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Jellis Winne, a son of Killian Winne and Rebecca Fonda, who was baptised on 19 November 1732 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jillis Fonda and Rebecca Fonda).
7. Petrus Van Woert, was baptised on 9 November 1735 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: P. and H.V. Woerdt). On 25 October 1760 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Rachel Ridder, who was possibly the daughter of Gerrit de Ridder and Anthe Van Den Bergh, who was baptised on 5 February 1738 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Cornelis M. and Rachel Van den Bergh).
8. Louis Van Woert, was baptised on 11 January 1737/38 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Louis and Hiltje Credel). On 10 October 1765 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Catharyntje Van Den Bergh, a daughter of Volkert Van der Bergh and Catharina Huyck, who was baptised on 20 March 1743 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: William van der Bergh and Maria Gerritsen).
9. Myndert Van Woert, was baptised on 17 February 1739/40 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Myndert and Rebecca Marcelis), and may be "Jacob Van Woert's little son" who was buried on 16 August 1744 in the churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany.
10. Rebecca Van Woert, was baptised on 16 May 1742 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Ruth and Elizabeth Van Woerd). She married Harmen Fort, a son of Jacobus Fort and Sara De Wandelaer, who was baptised on 8 January 1737 at Half Moon, New York, as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Pieter De Wandelaer and Maria De Wandelaer).
Rebecca Van Woert and Harman Fort have other descendants, such as:
.Annatje Fort - Johannes Hermanus Schuyler
 .George Washington Schuyler - Matilda Scribner
  .EUGENE SCHUYLER (1840-1890) Ambassador
11. Eva Van Woert, was baptised on 11 March 1743/44 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Lodewyk and Hiltje Schredel). On 27 December 1760 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Isaac Slingerland, a son of Teunise Slingerland and Cornelia Kip, who was baptised on 14 August 1734 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Isaac Kip and Geertruy Veder).
12. Myndert Van Woert, was baptised on 25 May 1746 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Myndert Muselis and Rebecca Dox).
13. Margarieta Van Woert, was baptised on 4 December 1758 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Corn. Ouderkerk and Maritje Oothout).

Hendrick Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record. Unsourced records, perhaps in an attempt to identify him with an individual named "Old Henry" who was said to have lived to be 134 years old, state that he was born on 11 June 1686 in Essex County, New Jersey, that he died in 1820 on 10 October 1820 in Whitehall, Washington County, New York, and that he married about 1723 in New Jersey.
Leventje Van der Koeck, had no birth or baptismal record.

Please see the entry for 848 and 849 for this couples' children.

Thomas Corneliszen Doremus, was baptised on 11 April 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Mr. Gilam Bertolf and Maeyke Jacobusen, wife of Arien Tomasen). He died about 1748 probably in New Jersey. He married on 4 October 1712 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack.
Anneke Abramse Ackerman, was baptised on 27 December 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Johannes Van Laren and Catharina Van Laren).

Please see the entry for 850 and 851 for this couples' children.

Cornelis Drake, was baptised on 11 March 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Barent van Tilburg and Johanna van Swanen). He married in New Jersey.

He might be the Cornelius Drake who on 22 June 1744 sold 110 acres of land to Ellis Cook in Hanover, New Jersey, "lying on the south side of the road to the old iron works and extending 62 chains westerly." [parents]

Mareytje Laurens Toers, was baptised on 30 September 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Helmigh Roelofse and his wife). [parents]
Children of Cornelis Drake and Mareytje Laurens Toers
1. Jacobus Drake, married Helen (__).
2. Sara Drake, was born on 24 May 1730 and baptised on 28 June 1730 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Johannes Toers and Sara Akkerman).
3. Francina Drake, was born on 24 May 1730 and baptised on 28 June 1730 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (wit.: Elias Jac. Vreeland and Margrietje Jac. Vreeland).
4. (possibly) Cornelius Drake, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. (possibly) Gerardus Drake, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1729 possibly in Mamaroneck, New York . He married Sarah Beasley. Gerardus Drake, age 29 in 1758, served in Capt. Abraham Hatfield's Company, Westchester County Militia, during the French and Indian Wars.
6. (possibly) William Drake, had no birth or baptismal record. In 1737 in Beekman Southward, Putnam County, New York, he may possibly have married Elizabeth Taylor, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1720 in New York.

Jeremiah Genung, was born in 1695 probably in Flushing, Queens County, New York, and died on 7 May 1776 in Madison, Morris County, New Jersey. He married as his first wife Deziah (__). Prior to 11 June 1770 (and perhaps by 1733) he married as his second wife Elizabeth (__). It is thought that Elizabeth was the mother of his son Ananias, but this is not certain.

In 1744/47 Jeremiah was overseer of the poor in the township of Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey. On 21 February 1744/45 he witnessed the will of John Radley of Hanover and made an appraisal of Radley's property. In 1746 his father in his own will at North Castle, New York, was mentioned as Jeremiah Gonnong, Senior. On 1 October 1748 he witnessed the will of Barnabas Carter of Hanover. In 1749/50 he was overseer of highways of the township of Hanover. On 28 June 1753 he appraised the estate of Richard Easton. On 15 October 1755, owed the estate of Reuben Winget, late of Morristown, New Jersey, 3 shillings, 4½ pence. On 16 June 1763 he with others took an inventory of the estate of Banjamin Carter of Morris County. On 23 June 1764 Jacob Allen of Morris Co. owed Jeremiah Genung, Sener., 1 shilling 7 pence. On 11 July 1770, he deeded to his son, Jonas Genung, land in Hanover Township, New Jersey. He was mentioned in the will of his uncle John Genung as his uncle's favorite and as living in New Jersey. Prior to 11 June 1770 Jeremiah married as his second wife Elizabeth (__), when they deeded some property to his son Jonas. It is probable that she is the mother of Ananias, but it is not certain. [parents]
Children of Jeremiah Genung and Elizabeth (__)
1. Ananias Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1733 in Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey, and died there on 11 December 1817. He married as her second husband Abigail (__), the widow of (__) Burnett. They lived in Genungtown (now Florham Park), New Jersey. Tax records of Hanover Township, Morris County, New Jersey, for 1778-1780, show Ananias with 40 acres, 4 horned cattle, and 2 hogs. He served as a private in the Morris County, New Jersey Militia during the Revolutionary War. Abigail joined the Bottle Mill (now Madison, New Jersey) Presbyterian Church in 1790.


Deziah (__), had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1703. She was buried on 27 September 1741 in Whippany, Morris County, New Jersey.
Children of Jeremiah Genung and Deziah (__)
1. John Genung, married as his first wife (__), and as his second wife Sarah Clark.
2. Martha Genung, had no birth or baptismal record. On 22 August 1751, probably in New Jersey, she possibly married Jeremiah Poste.
3. Mary Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1724. She died unmarried in 1767/68.
4. Hannah Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1725. Either she or her niece (a daughter of her brother John) as the wife of Rice Nicholas.
5. Jonas Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Morris County, New Jersey. On 5 January 1748 in Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey, he married Deborah Carter, perhaps a daughter of Benjamin Carter and Sarah (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1737.
6. Susannah Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1729. She died unmarried in 1767/68.
7. Nancy Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1731.

Abraham Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born probably in Schenectady, Albany County, New York. He died between 29 March 1725 and 19 April 1726, the dates on which his will was written and proved. He married on 29 March 1700 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack.

Abraham's marriage record refers to him as "j.m. van Schoonegte." The will of Abraham Brouwer of Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey, weaver was dated 29 March 1725 and proved 19 April 1726. In it he mentions his oldest child Pieter who has received his share (1/2 home lot on the East), son David to have land on the west side of the Little Mill, son Johannes residue of real estate which is easterly to the land of his son Petrus. He also mentions his other sons Samuel and David and daughters Lea, Rachel, and Mary (the youngest). Witnesses: Benjamin De Marest, Niklaes Bon, and David de Marest. Wife Lea Brouwer executrix; brothers- in-law James Christy and Pieter tutors and administrators of minor children. [
Lea Demarest, was baptised on 18 April 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Nicola der pree and Reychje Hermens). She died after 1731. She married as her first husband Abraham Brouwer. With Banns published on 15 May 1731 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh she married as her second husband Roelof Lubbertszen Westervelt, a son of Lubbert Westervelt and Geesie Roelofse, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1658/59 in Meppel, Drenthr, The Netherlands. [parents]
Children of Abraham Brouwer and Lea Demarest
1. Petrus Brouwer, was baptised on 24 May 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: David, son of Jan DeMaree and Elena Brouwers). With Banns published on 20 May 1724 he married as her first husband Dina De Groot, a daughter of Pieter De Groot and Beleitie Van Schaick, who was baptised on 12 August 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Jacob DeGroot and Antie Hoppe). Both were recorded as having been born and then living in Hackensack at the time of their marriage. Petrus died prior to 8 February 1734, on which date Dina married as her second husband Benjamin Lozier.
Petrus Brouwer and Dina De Groot have other descendants, such as:
.Maria Brouwer - Cornelis Tallman
 .Maria Tallman - Daniel Van Voorhees
  .Cornelius Van Voorhees - Margaret Monfoort
   .Jacob Voorhis - Nancy McDaniels Tucker
    .Henry Manning Voorhis - Louisa Angeline Bennett
     .Aurelius Lyman Voorhis - Louisa Ann Brown
      .Charles Brown Voorhis - Ella Ward Smith
       .HORACE JEREMIAH VOORHIS (1901-1984) Congressman

2. Johannes Brouwer, was baptised on 18 February 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Hulderik Brouwer and Mary DeMaree).
3. Samuel Brouwer, was baptised on 18 February 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Samuel, son of David DeMaree and Rachel DeMaree). With Banns published on 9 November 1725 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh he married Martyje Hartje, a daughter of Jacob Hartje and Tryntje Stratemaker, who was born on 21 March 1710 and baptised on 12 April 1710 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen (wit.: Isack Blauvelt and Miccke, his wife). At the time of their marriage, Samuel was recorded as having been born and then living in Schraalenburgh and Marytie as having been born and then living in Nyack. Samuel Brouwer, wife, and 6 children, coming from New York, were refugees stopping at Fishkill Landing in 1776.
Samuel Brouwer and Marytie Hartje have other descendants, such as:
.Jacob Brouwer - Anne Catherine Jeandre
 .JOHN HENRY ISAAC BROWERE (1790-1834) sculptor - Elisabeth Catherine Matlock Derrick
  .ALBERTUS DE ORIENT BROWERE (1814-1887) artist

4. David Brouwer, married Jannetje Hartje.
5. Jacobus Brouwer, was baptised on 1 May 1709 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Jeems Christi and Magdalena, his wife). About 1731 he married Jannetje Hartje, a daughter of Coenrart Hanse and Leuntje Magielse, who was born on 29 October 1710 and baptised on 16 January 1711 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen (wit.: Johannes Harte and Jannetie De Remes).

Jacobus Brouwer is said to have married, probably as his second wife, Elizabeth Degrauw, but credible evidence is lacking to support this claim.

Jacobus Brouwer and Jannetje Hartje have other descendants, such as:
.Abraham Brouwer - Neeltje Duryea
 .Richard Duryea Brower - Eliza Archer
  .Abraham Duryea Brower - Mary Rachel Stevens
   .JACOB VREDENBERG BROWER (1844-1905) explorer, archeologist

6. Lea Brouwer, was baptised on 8 April 1711 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Andries Van Norden and Magdalena, wife of Jan DeMaree). She died young.
7. Lea Brouwer, was baptised on 22 August 1714 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Willem Stegge and Magdaleen DeMaree). On 13 December 1739 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh (with Banns published there 27 October 1739) she married as his first wife David Edwards, a son of Thomas Edwards and Alitha (__), who was born on 7 August 1716 "in the Highlands" and baptised on 9 May 1717 at "our meeting at Quaseck" as recorded at the Lutheran Church of New York City (wit.: Isaac Lassen and Elisabeth Myndersen). At the time of their marriage he was recorded as having been born in the Highland and then living in Hackensack and she as having been born and then living in Schraalenburgh. Lea died prior to 22 June 1745, on which date Banns were published at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh for the marriage of David and his second wife Rachel Christy.
8. Rachel Brouwer, was baptised on 9 December 1716 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Benjamin DeMaree and Elisabeth DeGroot, his wife). On 12 August 1738 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh she married as his first wife Hendrick Hendrickse Banta, son of Hendrik Hendrikse Banta and Geertry Terhuyne, who had no birth or baptismal record, died on 14 October 1805, at Pleasureville, Henry County, Kentucky, and was buried on George Bergen's farm in Shelby County, Kentucky. At the time of their marriage he was recorded as having been born and then living in Schraalenburgh as she as having been born and then living in Hackensack. On 24 January 1751 in New York, New York County, New York, he married as his second wife Antje Demarest.

Hendrick was a member of the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack in 1741. He removed from Bergen County, New Jersey, to Somerset County, New Jersey, and was an Elder of the church at Bedminster on 25 October 1758. After about 10 years there, he moved to Conewago, York County, Pennsylvania, and joined the church there. His will, dated 13 December 1799 and proved 14 October 1805, bequeathed to his wife Anna "all and singular my lands, as also all my personal estate of every sort and kinde I die so possed." Executors were Albert Voris, Cornelius Banta, and John Voris. Witnesses were Christopher Bergen, Simon Vanosdal, and Rachael Vanosdal.

Rachel Brower and Hendrick Hendrikse Banta have other descendants, such as:
.Hendrick Banta - Maria Stryker
|.Peter Banta - Rachel Banta
| .Henry P. Banta - Mary C. Mitchell
|  .William M. Banta - Elizabeth Jane Crowder
|   .Cyrus Newton Banta - Susan Price Learned
|    .PARKE MONROE BANTA (1891-1970) Congressman
.Abraham Banta - Margrieta Monfort
|.Rachel Banta - Rachel Banta
| .Henry P. Banta - Mary C. Mitchell
|  .William M. Banta - Elizabeth Jane Crowder
|   .Cyrus Newton Banta - Susan Price Learned
|    .PARKE MONROE BANTA (1891-1970) Congressman
.Leah Banta - Jacob Monfoort
 .Cornelius Van Voorhees - Margaret Monfoort
  .Jacob Voorhis - Nancy McDaniels Tucker
   .Henry Manning Voorhis - Louisa Angeline Bennett
    .Aurelius Lyman Voorhis - Louisa Ann Brown
     .Charles Brown Voorhis - Ella Ward Smith
      .HORACE JEREMIAH VOORHIS (1901-1984) Congressman

9. Daniel Brouwer, was baptised on 5 July 1719 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Petrus Slot and Maritie Meet, wife of Peter Demaree). On 10 October 1743 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married (with license) Maria Koning, a daughter of Abraham Koning and Susanna De Forest, who was baptised on 22 March 1724 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Adam Coningk and Tietje Van Pelt). At the time of their marriage, Daniel was recorded as living at Schraalenburgh and Maria as living at Second River. Daniel's will was probated 21 February 1791 in Mercer County, Kentucky.

At some point after 1761 he and his family moved to Conewago, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He may have been the Daniel Brower who enlisted in Yorktown, York County, Pennsylvania, in December 1776, and served 4 months as a Private in Captain Simon Van Arsdalen's Pennsylvania Company during the Revolutionary War, He and his family stayed in Conewago with others of the Dutch Reform Church until the late 1780's at which point the whole settlement broke up and gradually moved to Mercer County, Kentucky.

By 1791 Daniel and his wife, his children and grandchildren were all in Salt River Valley near Harrodsburg, Mercer County. In his will dated 15 January 1791, and proved on 22 February 1791, he mentioned his children John, Daniel, Abraham, Leah, wife of James Stagg, Susannah, wife of Samuel Demaree, Rachel, wife of Henry Cummings, Mary, wife of Samuel Demaree, Jr., and Phebe, wife of Cornelius Demaree. Executors were his sons Abraham and John, as well as Samuel Demaree, Jr. Witnesses were Peter Demaree, Francis Montfort, and John Demaree. His wife Mary was not mentioned in his will and is presumed to have predeceased him.

10. Maria Brouwer, was baptised on 19 November 1721 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Abram Uldricks Brouwer and Willemte Alberse, wife of Johannes Slodt). On 11 September 1743 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh (with Banns published there 18 August 1743) she married Gerrit Westervelt, a son of Jan Westervelt and Dirkje Blauvelt, who was baptised on 3 May 1724 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh (wit.: Gerrit Westervelt and wife). At the time of their marriage, both were recorded as having been born and then living in Schraalenburgh.

Jacob Hartje, was baptised on 26 November 1681 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jacob Corneliszen and Aeltie Fredricx). He married on 16 October 1706 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen. Banns for their marriage were published 28 September 1706 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack. Jacob was recorded at the time of his marriage as being "b. at the Bowery on York Island and l. Tappen" and Tryntje as being the widow of Jan Klase Kuyper. [parents]
Tryntje Stratemaker, was baptised on 4 March 1674 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Pieter Jacobszen Marius and Tryntie Walings). On 1 October 1694 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, she married as her first husband Jan Klase Kuyper, a son of Claes Janszen Kuyper and Annetje Cornelise Van Vorst, who was born in Bergen, baptised on 22 April 1669 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Thomas Hall and Vrouwtie Jedde), and died on 9 July 1705. She married as her second husband Jacob Hartje. About 1715 she married as her third husband Harmen Coerten, a son of Jan Harmenszen Coerten and Neeltje Janse Buys, who had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jan Klase Kuyper and Tryntje Stratemaker
1. Geesje Cuyper, was born on 26/27 March 1695 and baptised on 14 May 1698 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Jan Straetmaker and Annetje Cornelis, widow of Claes Janse). On 22 February 1718 in Hackensack, Bergen Coounty, New Jersey, she married Harmen Hacobse Roos.
2. Claes Cuyper, was born on 30 November 1696 at Ahasimus, the 2nd child, 1st son, according to records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. No baptismal information was found. He died young.
3. Annetje Cuyper, was born on 29/30 June 1698 at Ahasimus, the 3rd child, 2nd daughter, according to records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. No baptismal information was found. On 29 January 1726 in New Rochelle, Westchester County, New York, she married Benjamin Gerow, possibly the son of Daniel Giraud and Jeanne Lamierre, who had no birth or baptismal record. On 8 April 1769, Benjamin was listed as a member of the Irregular Reformed Dutch Church of Kakiat, and was an Elder there on 28 August 1769.
4. Raeghal Cuyper, was baptised on 3 July 1700 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen (wit.: Cornelis Cuyper and Rachgel Stratmaker).
5. Claes Cuyper, was baptised on 13 February 1703 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen (wit.: Theunis Van Houten and Tryntje, his wife). He married Helena Westervelt, a daughter of Pieter Lubbertse Westervelt and Susanna Demarest, who was baptised on 19 November 1704 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.
6. Tryntje Cuyper, was born on 5 March 1704 (?) and baptised on 10 April 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen (wit.: Dirck Stratemaker and Aeltje Bogaerts, wife of Cornelis Klaessen Kupyer).

Children of Jacob Hartje and Tryntje Stratemaker
1. Jannetje Hartje, was baptised on 14 October 1707 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen (wit.: Roelof Van Houten and Jannetie Van Houten). She died young.
2. Marytie Hartje, was born on 21 March 1710 and baptised on 12 April 1710 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen (wit.: Isack Blauvelt and Miccke, his wife). With Banns published on 9 November 1725 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schraalenburgh she married Samuel Brouwer, a son of Abraham Brouwer and Lea Demarest, who was baptised on 18 February 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Samuel, son of David DeMaree and Rachel DeMaree). At the time of their marriage, Samuel was recorded as having been born and then living in Schraalenburgh and Marytie as having been born and then living in Nyack. Samuel Brouwer, wife, and 6 children, coming from New York, were refugees stopping at Fishkill Landing in 1776.
Marytie Hartje and Samuel Brouwer have other descendants, such as:
.Johannes Brouwer - Antje Lozier
|.Mary Brouwer - Benjamin Romaine
| .SAMUEL BROUWER ROMAINE (1789-1865) New York State Assembly Speaker
.Jacob Brouwer - Anne Catherine Jeandre
 .JOHN HENRY ISAAC BROWERE (1790-1834) sculptor - Elisabeth Catherine Matlock Derrick
  .ALBERTUS DE ORIENT BROWERE (1814-1887) artist
3. Jannetje Hartje, married David Brouwer.
4. Lea Hartje, had no birth or baptismal record. About 1738 she married Daniel Van Deursen, a son of Isaac Van Deursen and Annetje Waldron, who was baptised on 16 September 1716 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Abraham Van Deurse Sr., and Sara Waldron Sr.).

Johannes Michael Härter, was baptised on 1 January 1673 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: Johannes Ludwig of Mößbach, Michael Schmidt of Chumbt, and Veronica, wife of Friedr. Ludwig of Mößbach). He died prior to 1720 in New York State.

Johannes, Reformed, with a Catholic wife, and 1 Reformed child, was on the 1698 Simmern roll at Closter Chumbt. There were probably other children by this couple that have yet to be found. Johann was recorded first on the Hunter Lists on 1 July 1710 with 3 persons over 10 years of age and 3 persons under 10 years. On 31 December 1710 the number of persons over 10 years of age dropped to 2. On 25 March 1711 his family consisted of 3 people over 10 years of age and 2 under 10 years. On 24 June 1711 the numbers changed to 4 persons over 10 years of age and 1 persons under 10 years. And finally on 24 December 1711 his family consisted of 4 persons over 10 years of age and 2 persons under 10 years. Michel Herder was naturalized 17 January 1715/16 according to the Albany Naturalization Records. His widow and 4 children were living in Quunsberg about 1716/17. On 27 November 1720 and recorded in the churchbook of the Lutheran Church of New York City Maria Cecilia married as her second husband Jacob Eschwyn, a widower at Claverack. [parents]

Maria Cecilia (__), had no birth or baptismal record. She died after 1720.
Children of Johannes Michael Härter and Maria Cecilia (__)
1. Anna Elisabetha Herder, was baptised on 19 October 1704 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: Anna Elisabetha, wife of Johann Gerhardt Härdter at Buppach, and Elisabetha Hdrdter).
2. Anna Sophia Herder, was baptised on 2 May 1706 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: Anna Catharina, wife of Joh. Peter Herter).
3. Johann Michael Herder, was baptised on 9 April 1708 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: Joh. Christoffel Herder, son of Peter Herder at Chumbt).
Johann Peter Harter and Elisabetha Catherina Thomas have other descendants, such as:
.Peter Herder - Margaretha Snyder
 .Henry P. Herder - Gertruy Plimley
  .Jeremiah William Herder - Lucy Ann Vaughan
   .Henry Harder - Henrietta Graen
    .Charles Harder - Mary (__)
     .Marion Harder - Steven George
      .Grace George - Edward Christopher Corrigan
       .SHARON CHRISTA CORRIGAN (1948-1986) Shuttle astronaut
4. Johann Pieter Herder, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Elisabeth Catherina Thomas, who was possibly a daughter of Andreas Thomas and Anna Eva (__).
5. Jacob Herder, had no birth or baptismal record. On 3 August 1738 as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg he married as his first wife Maria Van Hoesen, a daughter of Jan Jurianszen Van Hoesen and Jannetje Jans De Ryck, who was born on 7 March 1717 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York, and baptised on 31 March 1717 at Klinceknberg as recorded at the Lutheran Church of New York City (wit.: Jan Jansen Halenbeeck and wife, Willhemtje). On 27 June 1777 he married as his second wife Catalyna Delamater, a daughter of Claude Delamater and Christina Legget, who was baptised on 18 October 1724 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Linlithgo (wit.: John Legget and Bata Legget).

The will of Jacob Herder of Hudson, yoeman, was probated 8 August 1799. Catalyna is probably the Catalina Herder of Claverack whose will was probated 9 November 1801.

Jacob Herder and Maria Van Hoesen have other descendants, such as:
.Peter Herder - Margaret Everts
 .Maritje Herder - Johannes Zufelt
 |.Johannes Shufelt - Catherine Henrietta Jacobi
 | .Elvira Shufelt - William Henry Miller
 |  .Frank Shufelt Miller - Mary Cordelia Carpenter
 |   .Harlow Archie Miller - Evelyn Louise Vyett
 |    .Mildred Anne Miller
 |     - THOMAS PHILLIP O'NEILL, Jr. (aka TIP) (1912-1994) Congressman,
 |       Speaker of the House
 .Annatje Herder - Jeremiah Shuffeldt
  .Peter Shuffelt - Christina Coon
   .William Henry Shufelt, Sr. - Sarah Maria Lockwood
    .John Lockwood Shufelt - Annie M Kent
     .John Hampden Shufelt - Lois Mabel Stratton
      .JOHN STRATTON SHUFELT (1910-1987) song evangelist
6. Michael Herder, married as his first wife Hilletje Hardyk, and as his second wife Maria Herder.
7. Wilhelm Herder, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 5 September 1750.

Benjamin Rees, was baptised on 7 December 1694 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Robbert Levingston and Alida Levingston). They married about 1716. [parents]
Geertruy Witbeck, was baptised on 4 April 1697 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jellis Fonda and Rachel Fonda). [parents]
Children of Benjamin Rees and Geertruy Witbeck
1. Heinrich Rees, was born on 22 May 1717 and baptised on 16 June 1717 in West Camp as recorded at the Lutheran Church of New York City (wit.: Andreas Rees and Catharina Rees). On 13 November 1741 as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg, he married Elsje Carteret, a daughter of Thomas Carteret and Anna Margareta Dörner, who was born on 29 July 1720 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York, and baptised on 13 November 1720 in Claverack as recorded as the Lutheran Church of New York City (wit.: Jan Hardick and wife Maria).
2. Wilhelm Rees, who was born on 9 April 1721 and baptised on 30 April 1721 by the Lutheran Minister Falkner as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack (wit.: Jan Jannesse Van Husum and wife Danicke). He married Ariaantje Woodcock, a daughter of John Woodcock and Rachel Keyser, who was baptised on 8 March 1730 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kinderhook (wit.: Evert Whieler and Mareytie Hieler).
3. Lyntje Rees, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1719. On 6 November 1750 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Linlithgo she married Cornelis Rees, a son of Ephraim Rees and Margarete Bressie, who was born on 7 October 1719 in Livingston Manor, Columbia Coounty, New York, and baptised on 10 January 1720 as recorded at the Lutheran Church of New York (wit.: Thomas Carter and wife Margareta).
4. Catharina Rees, was baptised on 19 May 1723 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Daniel and Dirckie Wenne). About 1742 she married Hendrick Bressie, a son of Nicholas Bressie and Catelyntje Bond, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1715 and died about 1770..
5. Maria Rees, married Michael Herder.
6. Geertruyd Rees, was born on 11 March 1731 and baptised on 9 May 1731 in Loonenburg as recorded at the Lutheran Church of New York City (wit.: Caspar Halenbek and Gerrit v. Hoesen's wife Marytje). She probably married Wilhelm Barthel, a son of Andreas Barthel and Sophia Elisabeth Mertz, who was born in the "latter part of November 1721" in Camp Queemsnury amd baptised on 3 December 1721 in the same place as recorded at the Lutheran Church of New York City (wit.: Wilhelm Hagedoorn and Engel Winneckeren).
7. Benjamin Rees, was born on 16 December 1733 in Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York, and baptised on 7 February 1734 as recorded at St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Rhinebeck (wit.: Leonhard Rees). He married as his first wife Eghie Freer. He married as his second wife Catherine Dingman.
8. Janneke Rees, was baptised on 12 May 1743 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Germantown (wit.: Jan Weene and Mareitje Wenne), and died prior to 22 September 1771. She married as his first wife Thomas Witbeck, a son of Johannes Witbeck and Eva Waldron, who was baptised on 26 April 1741 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Melchert A. Witbeek and Jannetje Witbeek).

Thomas married on 22 September 1771 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany as his seocnd wife Elizabeth Reisdorph (a daughter of Lorentz Reisdorph and Margaret Sarenberger, who was born on 24 May 1753 and baptised on 11 June 1753 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Rhinebeck Flats).

Jeremias Hess, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jeremias Hess and (__)
1. Johannes Hess, married Anna Margaretha Scherp.

Philip Scherp, was baptised (as Philippum) on 2 February 1679 in Laubenheim, Germany (wit.: Philippus Beyer from L'Lonßheim and his wife), and died on 30 July 1730 probably in Laubenheim, Germany. He married on 26 November 1711 probably in Laubenheim, Germany. [parents]
Anna Margaretha Barbara Matheß, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Daxweiler, Germany, and died after 18 May 1732, probably in New York State.

Anna Barbara joined the Red Hook Lutheran Church with her children 18 May 1752.
Children of Philip Scherp and Anna Margaretha Barbara Matheß
1. Johannes Scherp, was born in Laubenheim, Germany, and baptised there on 14 August 1712 (wit.: H. Johannes Scherpf, teacher here). On 11 November 1738 he married Anna Margaretha Hartmann, a daughter of Johannes Hartmann, who had no birth or baptismal date and was born in Gensingen, Germany.

Johannes and his wife joined the Red Hook Lutheran Church on 16 May 1751. John was naturalized 3 May 1755 and appeared on the tax rolls at Rhinebeck from February 1753 to June 1766.

2. Johann Michael Scherp, was born in Laubenheim, Germany, and baptised there on 27 January 1715 (wit.: Joh. Michael Troy, p.t. teacher at Grolsheim, and his wife Otilia). On 28 May 1751 he married Anna Elisabetha Carp, a daughter of Peter Carp and Anna Margaretha (__), who was born on 30 January 1728 and baptised in Laubenheim (wit.: Philipp Puhl (?) and wife Anna Elisab. from Laub.)

Michael joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Germantown 28 May 1740 and the Red Hook Lutheran Church 18 May 1752. He was naturalized 3 May 1755. He made his first appearance on Rhinebeck rolls February 1753 and continued until 1772.

3. Ursula Scherp, was born in Laubenheim, Germany, and baptised there on 20 November 1717 (wit.: Friedrich Mattheu_ and his wife Ursula from Daxweiler), and died on 27 November 1717 in Laubenheim.
4. Sybilla Scherp, was born in Laubenheim, Germany, and baptised there on 20 November 1717 (wit.: Hans Michael Cron and his wife Sybilla), and died on 21 November 1717 in Laubenheim.
5. Anna Elisabetha Scherp, was born in Laubenheim, Germany, and baptised there 29 May 1719 (wit.: Christophel Pister from Langlonsheim and his wife Anna Elisabetha).
6. Johanna Susanna Scherp, was born in Laubenheim, Germany, and baptised there on 7 June 1722 (wit.: Johan Christophel M|ller, single man from Volxheim, and Susanna Scholler, single from Flohnheim). She married Barth. Schmidt. Johanna Susanna joined the Reformed Church in Germantown in 1747.
7. Anna Margaretha Scherp, married Johannes Hess.


Johan Adam Schauer, was baptised on 14 August 1701 as recorded at the Evangelical Parish in Massenbach, Germany (wit.: Anton Bikel, Anwald). He married on 3 April 1720 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York.

Johann Adam was naturalized on 8 and 9 September 1715 according to the Kingston Naturalization records. He was a Palatine Debtor in 1722, 1726, and 1747. He made his initial appearance on the tax rolls in the Middle Ward in 1726/27. He was living in the Teerbosch when he married Maria at Claverack and that marriage was recorded in the New York City Lutheran Churchbook. [parents]

Maria Elisabeth Fritz, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Johan Adam Schauer and Maria Elisabeth Fritz
1. Elisabetha Schauer, was baptised on 11 August 1723 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Linlithgo (wit.: Pieter Sch(midt) and Elis.), and died young.
2. Maria Elisabetha Schauer, was baptised on 2 March 1726 as recorded at the West Camp Lutheran Church (wit.: Balthazer Loot and wife Elisabeth). She was also recorded as being baptised (aged 8 months) on 24 April 1726 according to records of the Lutheran Church of New York City. She died prior to 1734.
3. Magdalena Schauer, had no birth or baptismal record, and was confirmed on 17 June 1744 as Martina at Rhynbek. She married Georg Zufeldt, a son of Johann Wilhelm Zufeldt and Anna Maria Stahl, who was baptised on 15 February 1730 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston (wit.: Jury Toevelt and Catrina Zaam).
4. Michael Schauer, had no birth or baptismal record. On 25 May 1751 in Smithfield, Pennsylvania, he married Cathrine Salide.
5. Wilhelm Schauer, married Margaretha Kreisler.
6. Elisabetha Schauer, was born on 15 January 1734 and baptised (no date) as recorded at the Lutheran Church of Rhinebeck (wit.: Michel Rau and Elisabet Lots, wife of Baltasar Lots).
7. Catharina Schauer, was born on 25 September 1735 and baptised on 22 January 1736 as recorded at St. Peter's Lutheran Church of Rhinebeck (wit.: Joh. Wilhelm Simon and wife Anna Maria). In 1754 she married Wilhelm Kreiseler, a son of Johannes Kreisler and Anna Eva Catharina Manck, who was born on 26 July 1727 in East Camp, Columbia County, New York, baptised on 13 August 1727 as recorded at the West Camp Lutheran Church (wit.: Wilhelm Lehman and Maria Eva his wife), and died in 1808 in Echo Creek, Schoharie County, New York.
8. Anna Schauer, was born in March 1737 and baptised on 17 July 1737 in Teerbosch as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Niclas Rauw Annatje, h.w.). About 1755 i Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York, she married as her first husband Johann Joseph Sypes, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1738. In 1778 she married as her second husband Edward Stookes.

Johann Joseph, known as Jacob, appeared on 18 May 1767 in the Militia returns in Captain Jeremiah Hogeboom's Company that was centered in Dutchess County, New York. Also shown there was his brother-in-law Wilhelm Shower. Sometime between 1767 and 1774 he moved his family from Dutchess County to Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He probably died about 1767/1777 though it is uncertain whether he might have been killed in skirmishes between the British and American revolutionary forces.

Anna came into Niagara 1778 as a widow from Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Two of her sons served with Butler's Rangers. Hannah Sypes received lots fifteen and sixteen in the eleventh concession. Her petition, signed by Christian Riselay for her, stated that "in the year 1778 she joined the Royal Standard by coming into Niagara with nine Children - That being the widow of a soldier she was anxious that her children should serve His Majesty as their Father had done in the French War - That two sons consequently served in the Butler's Rangers, that six of her daughters are now in this settlement and married." - She prayed for a grant of land for herself and fifty acres for each of her children. It was accompanied by the following certificate: "I Do hereby Certify that Hannah Stooks came into this Province with a Famaly of nine in the year 1778 Being a Widow to Jacob Sypes who Served His Majesty in the Late French War and that as I am Credibly informed she lost Considerable Property in the Last War by the Rebels. "Given under my Hand this 8th Day of July, 1796. "Parshall Terry, J.P." An order was made, 31 March, 1797 for a grant of 2000 acres to her as a settler, and for 450 acres as family lands, if not granted before. She had married Edward Stooks, formerly a soldier in Sir John Johnson's regiment, and then lived near Point Abino.

Edward Stooks of Vaughan, at time of discharge in 1783, had in Canada a wife and eight children. Soon after discharge he settled in Matilda with wife and seven children, one child having previously deceased. He had 600 acres in Matilda and several years afterwards removed to Yonge St. and has assigned 200 acres Lot 48 in Vaughan, lived there 20 years. In1808 he was refused 300 acres he asked for in 1797. A letter in 1822 states Ed Stooks lived in Matilda Lot 4 con. 1. A letter by John Stooks to say his father settled in Matilda in 1783 with a wife and 7 children. The names of the children were Jonas, Catherine, Elizabeth, John, Hannah, Richard, Sarah, and Edward was deceased.

9. Henrich Schauer, was born on 8 February 1739 and baptised on 29 May 1739 in Goghkameko as recorded at Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Balthas Loot and Sophia Lootin).
10. Eva Schauer, was born on 5 February 1741 and baptised on 16 June 1741 in Ancram as recorded at Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg. Was she the Eva who married as his second wife Philip Kilmer, the widower of Anna Margaretha Striver and a son of Georg Kilmer and Anna Scheicher, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1713 in Red Hook, Dutchess County, New York?

Johannes Kreisseler, was baptised on 2 December 1703 in Guntersblum, Lower Palatinate (wit.: Johannes Eyrich, sexton or cooper here). He married about 1725.

Johann was confirmed on Easter 1717 at Newtown and recorded in the West Camp Lutheran Churchbook. He appeared on a list of Palatine Debtors 13 December 1747. Johannes, Antje, Elisabeth, Margriet, and Kreiseler joined the Red Hook Lutheran Church 5 April 1749. He was recorded on tax rolls for Rhinebeck from 1738/39 to February 1753, when his estate was listed. [parents]

Anna Eva Catherina Manck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1699/1700. She married as her first husband Johannes Martin, a son of Johann Conrad Martin and Anna Catharina Sommers, who was baptised on 10 September 1702 in Eisemorth, Germany (wit.: Johannes Merten and die Frau Kellerin Agnes Catharina Beckmanning from Dillenburg, and Anna Marg., the daughter of Joh. Sommers from Eysenroth), and died about 1724/1725. About 1725/1726 she married as her second husband Johannes Kreisler. Between 1743 and 1752 she married as her third husband and as his second wife Valentine Kuhn, the widowoer of Anna Catharina Weis, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1690 in Germany. He was living in what is now Clermont, Columbia County, New York, in 1757. [parents]
Children of Johannes Martin and Anna Eva Catherina Manck
1. Jacob Martin, was baptised on 30 August 1724 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston (wit.: Jacob Manck and Maria Marthen). He married Anna Barbara Stickel. Jacob joined the Red Hook Lutheran Church 14 April 1745.

Children of Johannes Kreisseler and Anna Eva Catherina Manck
1. Anna Margaretha Kreiseler, was baptised (aged "7 weeks old") on 15 September 1726 as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Philip Kreisler and Anna Margareta Manken). She died young.
2. Wilhelm Kreiseler, was born on 26 July 1727 in East Camp, Columbia County, New York, baptised on 13 August 1727 as recorded at the West Camp Lutheran Church (wit.: Wilhelm Lehman and Maria Eva his wife), and died in 1808 in Echo Creek, Schoharie County, New York. In 1754 he married Catharina Schauer, a daughter of Johann Adam Schauer and Maria Elisabetha Fritz, was born on 25 September 1735 and baptised on 22 January 1736 as recorded at St. Peter's Lutheran Church of Rhinebeck (wit.: Joh. Wilhelm Simon and wife Anna Maria).
3. Johannes Kreiseler, was born on 1 December 1728 and baptised on 26 January 1729 as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Johannes Maul and Catharina Kreislers). He married Susanna Stickel. Johannes was a deserter from Captain Arnout Viele's Company in 1757.
4. Elisabetha Kreiseler, was baptised on 9 March 1732 as recorded Reformed Dutch Church of Catskill (wit.: Nicolaas Smid and Anna Elisabetha). She married Johannes Trom.
5. Margareta Kreiseler, married Wilhelm Schauer.
6. Catharina Kreiseler, was born on 23 March 1735 and baptised on 31 March 1735 in Kisket as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Judge Wilhelm Dieterich and Cath. Elisabeth Jung). She married Johann Hermann Kuhn, a son of Johann Valentin Kuhn and Anna Catharina Wies, who was born on 21 August 1732 and baptised on 3 September 1732 at Camp as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Herman Kuhn and Anna Maria Mor).
7. Maria Kreiseler, was born on 16 May 1736 and baptised on 19 May 1736 at Kisket at [*] Kreisler's house as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Friderich Eigener and Maria Jung). She married John (__).
8. Matthias Kreiseler, was born on 13 August 1737 and baptised on 21 August 1737 as recorded at Kisket as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Matthys Junge and wife Catharina). He married Cattalyna Boyce.
9. Henrich Kreiseler, was born on 24 September 1739 and baptised on 24 October 1739 at Teerbosh as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Henrich Michel and Marytje Brasy). By 1760 he married Dorothea (Klom or Klum). They joined the Red Hook Lutheran Church on 4 June 1757.
Heinrich Kreisler and Dorothea (Klom or Klum) have other descendants, such as:
.William Chrysler - (__)
 .Henry Chrysler - Martha Dolsen
  .John Matthew Chrysler - Hannah Lundy
   .Henry Chrysler - Anna Maria Breymann
    .WALTER PERCY CHRYSLER (1875-1940) automobile pioneer

10. Anna Kreiseler, was baptised on 2 March 1742 as recorded at the German Reformed Church of Rhinbeck (wit.: Heinrich Major and Lisabeth Mejer).
11. Leonora Cattarina Kreiseler, was baptised on 24 December 1743 as recorded at the German Reformed Church of Rhinbeck (wit.: David Krisler and Leonora Cattarina, his wife).

Joannes Buysse, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 5 February 1655 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 30 July 1621 in Lembeke. [parents]
Elizabeth Dhaenens, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 14 September 1646 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Joannes Buysse and Elizabeth Dhaenens
1. Joosijna Buysse, was born on 2 February 1623 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
2. Georgius Buysse, was born on 13 October 1627 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
3. Egidus Buysse, married Vincentia de Wulf.
4. Catharina Buysse, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Joannes Buysse, had no birth or baptismal record.

Abraham de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 17 November 1681 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He was Burgermeester of Aveschoot. Prior to 1644 he married as his first wife Joanna de Zutter. About August 1660 in Sleidinge he married as his second wife and as her second husband Judoca Grijp, the widower of Daniël de Pauw, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1644, and died on 8 May 1686 in Lembeke. [parents]
Children of Abraham de Wulf and Judoca Grijp
1. Abraham de Wulf, was born on 5 August 1663 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 21 August 1707. He married Elisabeth Coene.

Joanna de Zutter, had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1624, and died on 11 December 1658 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Abraham de Wulf and Joanna de Zutter
1. Joanna de Wulf, was born on 13 April 1641 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same day.
2. Vincentia de Wulf, married Egidus Buysse.
3. Georgia de Wulf, was born on 28 March 1644 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 9 February 1680. On 16 June 1665 in Lembeke she married as his first wife Gislenus Dhaese, a son of Petrus Dhaese and Anna Standaert, who was born on 28 March 1644 in Lembeke, baptised there on the same day, died there on 6 March 1700, and was buried there on 7 March 1700. He married as his second wife Joanna Vereecke.
4. Isabella de Wulf, was born on 28 March 1644 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there unmarried on 19 June 1663.
5. Georges de Wulf, was born on 18 March 1647 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 24 March 1647.
6. Petronella de Wulf, was born on 21 September 1650 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 23 September 1650. She married Georges Vereecke.
7. Joannes de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1637, and died about 1685 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 26 November 1667 in Lembeke he married Christophora de Wulf, a daughter of Greorgius de Wulf and Petronella Lippens, who was born on 6 March 1644 in Lembeke, baptised there on the same date, and died there on 6 August 1720.
8. Anthonette de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Pieter Grijp, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan Aerts, had no birth or baptismal record.
Joanna de Taeye, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan Aerts and Joanna de Taeye
1. Petrus Aerts, married Livina van de Kerckhove.
2. Joanna Aerts, was born on 1 March 1613 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 7 June 1640.
3. Jacob Aerts, was born on 1 October 1617 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 21 February 1662. He married Catharina van de Kerckhove, a daughter of Jooris van de Kerckhove and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Elisabeth Aerts, was born on 17 June 1620 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 2 February 1662. She married as his second wife Jorris Martens, the widower of Martina de Smet, who had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Susanna Aerts, was born on 8 December 1626 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same day.
6. Christofel Aerts, was born on 12 February 1631 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same day. He married Cornelia Wulfran, who had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Petronella Aerts, was born on 16 May 1635 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised on the same day in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium.

Jacobus van Overvelt, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 14 March 1679 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He was a Burgemeester of Lembeke. On 4 June 1638 in Lembeke he married as his first wife Francisca Teirlinck. He married as his second wife Joanna van Bambossche, a daughter of Christoffel van Bambossche and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Francijntgen/Francynken Teirlinck, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 24 April 1672. [parents]
Children of Jacobus van Overvelt and Francijntgen/Francynken Teirlinck
1. Jooris/Georges Overvelt, was born on 20 October 1639 in Lembeke, East Flanders Belgium, and died there on 8 April 1679. On 18 November 1663 in Lembeke he married Janneken/Joanna van Waes, a daughter of Guille/Guillaume van Waes and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 12 April 1679 in Lembeke.
2. Jan/Joos van Overvelt, married Maria/Maeyken Rogiers.
3. Joorijntken/Judoca van Overvelt, was born on 3 November 1645 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 5 November 1679. After 16 June 1666 (possibly the date Banns were published?) she married Gabriël de Wulf, a son of Joannes de Wulf and Catharina Rogiers, who was born on 8 May 1643 in Lembeke, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 2 April 1690. He was a Burgemesster of Lembeke.
4. Vincent van Overvelt, was born on 29 March 1649 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 30 March 1649, and died there on 30 November 1691. Prior to 1676 he married as her first husband Margareta Betssens, a daughter of Petrus Bets and Anna van de Rostijne, who was born on 6 September 1654 in Lembeke, baptised there on 8 September 1654, and died there on 16 February 1711. She married as her second husband Livinus Standaert.
5. Jacquemyntje/Jacoba van Overvelt, was born on 18 September 1651 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 21 September 1651, and died there on 24 April 1679. On 26 October 1670 in Lembeke she married Jooris/Georges van de Velde, a son of Petrus van de Velde and Joanna Boelens, who was born on 31 January 1649 in Lembeke, and baptised there on 2 February 1649.

Vincent Rogiers, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 6 June 1650 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 28 June 1642 in Lembeke. [parents]
Margaretha de Wulf had no birth or baptismal record and died on 11 December 1669 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 28 June 1642 in Lembeke she married as her first husband Vincent Rogiers. Prior to 1664 she married as her second husband and as his first wife Thomas de Jaeghere, a son of Joos de Jaeghere and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 24 June 1676 in Lembeke. Thomas married as his second wife Gerardina de Smet. [parents]
Children of Vincent Rogiers and Margaretha de Wulf
1. Joanna Rogiers, was born on 26 August 1645 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 29 August 1645.
2. Pauwelyntgen Rogiers, was born on 12 January 1648 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same day.
3. Adriaentgen/Adriaan Rogiers, was born on 18 March 1649 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 21 March 1649, and died there on 3 February 1693. On 7 September 1675 in Lembeke he married Catharina van de Velde, a daughter of Petrus van de Velde and Joanna Boelens, who was born on 29 December 1651 in Lembeke, baptised there on 1 January 1652, and died there on 4 March 1693.
4. Maria/Maeyken Rogiers, married Jan/Joos van Overvelt.

Children of Thomas de Jaeghere and Margaretha de Wulf
1. Joosken de Jaeghere, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Petronelleken de Jaeghere, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 30 October 1688 probably in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. She married Pieter de Wispelaere, a son of Jan de Wispelaers and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.

Joorken/Jooris Standaert had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1600 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 1 October 1676. On 5 June 1622 in Lembeke he married as his first wife Anna van Waes, a daughter of Petrus van Waes and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 21 January 1641 in Lembeke. Prior to 1643 he married Petronella Speeckaert. [parents]
Children of Joorken/Jooris Standaert and Anna Van Waes
1. Cornelis Standaert, was born on 13 October 1630 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 15 September 1669. On 2 May 1653 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, he married as her first husband Joanna de Lange, a daughter of Jacob de Lange and Joanna de Zuttere, who was born on 15 June 1633 in Lembeke, and died there on 5 January 1678. She married as her second husband Georges van Zele.
2. Petrus Standaert, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Joanna Goethals, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 1 July 1675 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
3. Petronella Standaert, was born on 6 April 1628 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died about 1657. On 6 June 1648 in Lembeke she married as his first wife Georgius de Sutter, a son of Arnoldus de Sutter and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 13 February 1663 in Oosteeklo, East Flanders, Belgium. He married as his second wife Antonia van Waes.
4. Joannes Standaert, was born on 25 December 1633 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.

Petronella Speeckaert, was born on 8 May 1621 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 6 March 1691 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Joorken/Jooris Standaert and Petronella Speeckaert
1. Jacques Standaert, married as his first wife Martynken Martens, and was his second wife Maria Geeraerts.
2. Georges Standaert, was born on 27 August 1644 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 30 August 1644, and died there on 30 March 1661.
3. Livinus Standaert, was born on 1 February 1647 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 5 September 1706. On 9 October 1692 in Lembeke he married as her second husband Margareta Betssens, the widow of Vincent van Overvelt and the daughter of Petrus Bets and Anna van de Rostijne, who was born on 6 September 1654 in Lembeke, baptised there on 8 September 1654, and died there on 16 February 1711.
4. Elisabeth Standaert, was baptised on 30 April 1650 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 8 May 1650. She married Jacob Verloos.
5. Joanna Standaert, was born on 1 May 1653 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 4 May 1653, and died prior to 1676.
6. Maria Standaert, was born on 13 July 1656 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 23 July 1656, and died after 1677.
7. Vincentius Standaert, was born on 18 March 1660 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 21 March 1660, and died prior to 1676.
8. Georges Standaert, was born on 18 January 1662 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 22 January 1662, died there on 27 June 1705, and was buried there on 29 June 1705. On 31 January 1704 in Lembeke he as her first husband married Maria Rogiers, a daughter of Adriaan Rogiers and Catharina van de Velde, who was born on 19 March 1682 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 20 March 1682, and died there on 27 March 1751. She married as her second husband Judocus Iemmesoet, and as her third husband Jan de Rycke.

Joannes Goossens, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 11 May 1634 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married prior to 1630.
Anna Snoers (Smet)), had no birth or baptismal record and died on 5 April 1671 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. Prior to 1630 she married as her first husband Joannes Goossens. She married as her second husband Petrus van de Kerckhove, who had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Joannes Goossens and Anna Snoers (Smet)
1. Judocus Goossens, married Pauwelyna van de Rostijne.
2. Joanna Goossens, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Cornelis Beck, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 27 February 1672 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
3. Catharina Goossens, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 22 December 1669 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 13 October 1657 in Lembeke she married as his first wife Jan Poppe, a son of Jacob Poppe and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 15 October 1676. He married as his second wife Maria de Sutter.
4. Anna Goossens, had no birth or baptismal record.

Joannes van de Rostijne, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 7 February 1646 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Livina de Taeye, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Joannes van de Rostijne and Livina de Taeye
1. Pauwelyna van de Rostijne, married as her first husband Georgius de Sutter, as her second husband Judocus Goossens, and as her third husband Petrus (H)Annaert.
2. Maria van de Rostijne. was born on 11 December 1622 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 4 August 1669. On 31 July 1647 in Lembeke she married as her first husband Georges de Wulf, a son of Gabriël de Wulf and Catharina Martens, who was born on 8 August 1622 in Lembeke, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 27 April 1662. On 12 August 1662 in Lembeke she married as her second husband Georges Megro, a son of Petrus Megro and Elisabeth van Vooren, who was born on 12 October 1631 in Lembeke and died there on 25 March 1685.
3. Joanna van de Rostijne, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Petrus van de Rostijne, was born on 7 May 1628 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
5. Gillis van de Rostijne, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1625 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married Joanna de Wulf(ran), who had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Joannes van de Rostijne, was born on 15 June 1631 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
7. Judoca van de Rostijne, was born on 24 March 1634 in Lembeke, and died there on 7 March 1669. On 8 June 1658 in Lembeke she married Petrus de Sutter, a son of Vincentius de Sutter and Georgia Verhaegen, who was born on 16 January 1628 in Lembeke, and baptised there on the same day.
8. Georges van de Rostijne, was born on 12 March 1637 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.

Peter Nijskens, was born in 1615 in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died there in 1679. [parents]
Maria (Gijsen/Ginsen/Gissen), had no birth or baptismal record, and died in 1685 Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands.
Children of Peter Nijskens and Maria (Gijsen/Ginsen/Gissen)
1. Guert/Coert/Gerudt/Geradus Nijskens, was baptised in 1640 at the Roman Catholic Church in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died there on 4 January 1676. In 1669 in Neer he married Elske(n) Scho(e)r van Der, who was baptised in 1640 in Neer and died there on 10 April 1679.
2. Dionysius Nijskens, was born in 1641 in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands. He may have been married as he had a son born in 1666.
3. Joannes Nijskens, married Catharina Meeuwissen.
4. Hendrik Nijskens, was baptised in 1643 in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands.
5. Godefridus Nijskens, was born in 1645 in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died on 12 November 1670 in Haelen, Limburg, The Netherlands. He was a Priest and a Pastor in Haelen.
6. Hermanus Nijskens, was born in 1648 in Neer, Limburg, The Netherlands, and died in 1699 possibly in Nunhem, Limburg, The Netherlands. He was a Priest and a Pastor in Nunhem.
7. (__) Nisjkens, had no birth or baptismal record.

  Information found here taken from the research of Marcel Nijskens
Joannes/Jan Claeijs, was baptised on 22 October 1623 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Clays and Anna de Pau, wife of Andreas Braer), and died on 12 July 1662 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 5 November 1647 in Maldegem. The marriage contract was signed on 23 October 1647. [parents]
Susanna de Smet, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born prior to 1611 in East Flanders Belgium, and died in June 1677 on Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium. On 2 October 1633 she married as her first husband Pieter Wauters, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1610, and died before 1647. She married as her second husband Jan Clays. [parents]
Children of Pieter Wauters and Susanna de Smet
1. Elisabeth Wauters, was baptised on 20 July 1634 (?) in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Peter Hughes and Elisabeth Wouters), and died there on 16 April 1642.
2. Anna Wauters, was baptised on 11 November 1634 (?) in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Peter Wouters ipv Peter Dans and Maria Dans ipv Petronilla Martens echtg. Corneel de Smet).
3. Maria Wauters, was baptised on 15 October 1641 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Philip de Swaef).
4. Josina Wauters, was baptised on 17 March 1643 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Frans (__)qart and Josina Verbiest), and died there on 29 November 1680. On 17 October 1662 in Maldegem she married as his second wife Roelandt de Zuttere, the widower of Anna de Vriendt and a son of Roelandt de Zuttere and Lavina (__), who was baptised on 9 June 1615 in Maldegem (Godparents: Jaques de Suttere and (__) echtg. Corneel de Suttere), and died there on 1 August 1683.
5. Matheus Wauters, was baptised on 21 November 1645 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Matheus Wouters and Adriana de Smijt).

Children of Joannes/Jan Claeijs and Susanna de Smet
1. Joannes/Jan Claeijs, married Catharina de Zuttere.
2. Joanna Claeijs, was baptised on 23 March 1653 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jan Garaerts and Hieronima Stockman), and died prior to 12 July 1662.
3. Cornelis Claeijs, was baptised on 26 March 1657 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: (__) de Smet and Elisabeth Dondermans), and died there on 6 April 1725. On 3 September 1680 in Maldegem he married Francisca Vermeersch, a daughter of Pieter Vermeersch and Catharina Seij, who was baptised on 26 March 1657 in Maldegem, and died there on 20 April 1740.

Roelandt de Zuttere, was born on 9 June 1615 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 1 August 1683. On (__) January 1649 in Maldegem he married as his first wife Anna de Vriendt. On 17 October 1662 he married as his second wife Josina Wauters, a daughter of Pieter Wauters and Susanna de Smet, who was baptised on 17 March 1643 in Maldegem (Godparents: Frans (__)qart and Josina Verbiest), and died there on 29 November 1680. On 13 December 1681 in Maldegem he married as his third wife Petronella de Rijcke, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1615. [parents]
Anna de Vriendt, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1625, and died on 29 March 1662 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 27 March 1662 "In het Gewest van Vaecke." [parents]
Children of Roelandt de Zuttere and Anna de Vriendt
1. Catharina de Zuttere, married Joannes/Jan Claeijs.
2. Joanna de Zuttere, was baptised on 24 September 1651 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jan Pinckel and Joanna van Hecke), and died there on 21 October 1651.
3. Roland de Zuttere, was baptised on 21 October 1653 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jan de Sutter and Catharina Badens).
4. Philip de Zuttere, was baptised on 13 September 1656 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Philip de Swaef and Catharina de Wulf), and died there on 4 April 1748. About 1680 in Maldegem he married as his first wife Maria Focke, who was born on 2 May 1660 in Maldegem, and died there on 9 November 1680. About 1682 in Maldegem he married as his second wife Maria Magdalena Goeman.
5. Judocus de Zuttere, was baptised on 21 March 1659 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Frans Braedt and Josina Aerens), and died there on 8 September 1669.
6. Guilielm de Zutter, was baptised on 17 March 1662 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Guilielm van Nieukercke and Maria Hughevel).

Children of Roelandt de Zuttere and Josijne Wauters
1. Peter de Zuttere, was baptised on 17 September 1663 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Peter Kerckaert and Dame Maria Joots), and died on 7 September 1689.
2. Magdalena de Zuttere, was baptised on 19 February 1665 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Matheus Wouters and Magdalena Boudens).
3. Petronella Maria de Zuttere, was baptised on 20 April 1666 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Robert Lambrecht and Maria de Smet ipv Petronella Martens).
4. Jan de Zuttere, was baptised on 17 July 1667 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: EH Pieter vande Wiele ipv EH Jan Drubbels Pastoor and Anna de Smit), and died on 31 July 1667.
5. Maria Magdalena de Zuttere, was baptised on 2 March 1672 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Livien de Smet and Susanna de Smet).
6. Judoca de Zuttere, was baptised on 8 December 1673 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Nicolaas Mortier and Maria van Duerne).
7. Dorothea de Zuttere, was baptised on 10 February 1679 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Corneel Claeijs and Petronella Wouters), and died on 25 February 1679.
8. Cornelia de Zuttere, was baptised on 10 February 1679 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Roland de Zuttere fs Corneel and Joanna Blondeel ), and died on 4 March 1679.

Petrus van Mullem, was born on 31 January 1636 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised [presumably there] on 3 February 1636, and died there on 6 March 1686. He married on 24 January 1660 in Sint-Niklaas as his first wife Barbara Vercauteren. On 12 May 1680 in Sint-Niklaas he married as his second wife Joanna de Meester, a daughter of Claudius de Meester and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1635, and died on 30 April 1695 in Sint-Niklaas. [parents]
Barbara Vercauteren, was born on 13 June 1635 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 17 June 1635, and died there on 23 October 1679. [parents]
Children of Petrus van Mullem and Barbara Vercauteren
1. Martinus van Mullem, was born on 1 December 1660 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium. On 12 November 1684 in Varsene, East Flanders, Belgium, he married as his first wife Anna Maria Noens, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born in 1660 in Vrasene. He married as his second wife Maria van Ende, a daughter of Jan van Ende and Maeyken Varewijck, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born in 1656. On 26 April 1705 in Temse he married as his third wife Maria Geerts, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Joannes van Mullem, was born on 13 June 1663 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 14 June 1663, and buried on 3 April 1713 in Pauluspolder, Zeeland, The Netherlands. On 12 February 1689 in Vrasene, East Flanders, Belgium, he married as his first wife Ceclila Noens. On 10 August 1710 in Boschkapelle, Zeeland, The Netherlands, he married as his second wife and as her first husband Joanna Luijcks, a daughter of Joannes Luijcks and Anna Baptist, who was born on 30 March 1691 in Graauw en Langendam, Zeeland, The Netherlands, baptised on 1 April 1691 in Hulst, Zeeland, The Netherlands, died (no date) in Stoppeldijk, Zeeland, the Netherlands, and was buried on 13 March 1750 in Hulst. She married on 8 December 1713 in Boschkapelle as her second husband Paulus Jansens, on 22 February 1721 in Boschkapelle her third husband Adrianus van Passel, and on 15 February 1733 in Boschkapelle as her fourth husband Joannes Magnus.
3. Amelberga van Mullem, married Joannes de Waele.
4. Antonius van Mullem, was born on 25 October 1669 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 26 October 1669. An Antonius van Mullem married on 14 January in Vrasene, East Flanders, Belgium, to Maria Francisca Weun. An Antonius van Mullem also married on 26 August 1704 in Vrasene to Judoca van Berckmoes.
5. Joanna van Mullem, was born on 9 February 1672 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same day. She died young.
6. Joanna van Mullem, was born on 2 March 1673 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same day.
7. Catharina van Mullem, was born on 25 January 1676 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 26 January 1676. On 18 June 1701 in Boschkapelle she married Michiel de Bou (or de Bauw), who had no birth or baptismal record.

Guilielmus/Wilhelmus Scheerlinck, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Maria Coppens, was baptised on 13 November 1630 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jacobus Baeijens en Maria Dedemaecker). [parents]
Children of Guilielmus/Wilhelmus Scheerlinck and Maria Coppens
1. Catharina Scheerlinck, was baptised on 29 May 1650 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jacobus Droeshoudt en Catharina Droeshoudt).
2. Anna Scheerlinck, was baptised on on 3 May 1656 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Scheerlinck en Anna Mertens). On 8 February 1681 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 12 January 1681) she married as his first wife Petrus Meert, a son of Judocus Meert and Anna van der Velde, who was baptised on 29 June 1657 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Judocus Van De Velde en Joanna Meert i.n.v. Adriana Meert), and died there on 8 May 1697. Witnesses to the Banns were Joannes Wittoeck and Petrus Scheirlinck. Witnesses to the marriage were Judocus de Brouw and Joannes Wittoeck. He married as his second wife Catharina van Varenbergh.
3. Petrus Scheerlinck, married Adriana de Brauw.

Judocus de Brauw, was baptised on 24 February 1633 in Teralfene, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. He married on 22 January 1658 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Anna van de Velde, was baptised on 2 May 1619 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 1 December 1692. On 29 May 1645 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 13 May 1645) she married as her first husband Judocus Meert, a son of Egidius Meert and Catharina Machiels, who was baptised on 8 August 1610 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Judocus Van De Maele en Joanna Warants), and died there on 12 May 1657. Witnesses to the Banns were Joannes van de Velde and Joannes Callebaut. Witnesses to the marriage were Joannes van de Velde and Joannes Callebaut. On 22 January 1658 in Erembodegem she married as her second husband Judocus de Brauw. [parents]
Children of Judocus de Brauw and Anna van de Velde
1. Gerardus de Brauw, was baptised on 4 October 1658 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus De Brauw en Gertrudis Van Varenbergh).
2. Adriana de Brauw, married Petrus Scheerlinck.
3. Adrianus de Brauw, was baptised on 11 April 1662 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus Van Varenbergh en Gertrudis Van Varenbergh i.n.v. Catharina Scingen).

Children of Judocus Meert and Anna van de Velde
1. Egidius Meert, was baptised on 9 July 1645 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Egidius Meert en Gertrudis Van varenbergh).
2. Catharina Meert, was baptised on 14 December 1646 Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Van De Velde en Catharina Meert i.n.v. haar moeder, Catharina Machiels), and died young.
3. Catharina Meert, was baptised on 14 March 1649 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Nicolaes Meerte en Catharina Meerte).
4. Jan Meert, was baptised on 18 October 1650 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jan Callebaut en Maria Meerte).
5. Joos Meert, was baptised on 15 April 1652 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joos De Coninck en Catharina Meerte).
6. Joanna Meert, was baptised on 27 April 1656 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Egidius Meert i.n.v. Joannes Cadron en Adriana Pauwels).
7. Petrus Meert, was baptised on 29 June 1657 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Van De Velde en Joanna Meert i.n.v. Adriana Meert), and died there on 18 March 1713. On 2 February 1681 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 12 January 1681) he married as his first wife Anna Scheerlinck, a daughter of Guilelmus Scheerlinck and Maria Coppens, who was baptised on 3 May 1656 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Petrus Scheerlinck en Anna Mertens), and died there on 8 May 1696. Witnesses to the Banns were Joannes Wittoeck and Petrus Scheirlinckx. Witnesses to the marriage were Judocus de Brouw and Joannes Wittoeck. On 13 January 1697 in Hekelgem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, he married as his second wife Catharina Van Vaerenergh, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1677.

Adrianus de Schrijver, was baptised on 5 July 1657 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus De Schrijver en Martina De Clippel). [parents]
Margareta Verleysen, was baptised on 1 August 1629 in Hekelgem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, and died on 25 January 1668 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Adrianus de Schrijver and Margareta Verleysen
1. Adrianus de Schrijver, married Anna de Rijck.
2. Joannes de Schrijver, was baptised on 20 March 1661 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium, (Godparents: Joannes De Vrint en Elisabeth De Clippel).
3. Petrus de Schrijver, was baptised on 8 May 1667 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium, (Godparents: Petrus Verleijsen en Joanna Verleijsen).

Mathias de Rijck, was baptised on 26 February 1617 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Antonius Fonteyne en Maria Van Wijngaerde). [parents]
Elisabeth Verstraeten, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 27 September 1676 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Mathias de Rijck and Elisabeth Verstraeten
1. Petrus de Rijck, was baptised on 31 January 1644 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Dedemaecker en Machildis Van Den Berghe).
2. Martinus de Rijck, was baptised on 21 November 1645 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Merten De Rijcke en Machelijne De Rijcke).
3. Jan de Rijck, was baptised on 10 November 1647 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jan De Vriendt en Barbara De Ricjke).
4. Maria de Rijck, was baptised on 1 April 1650 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Sr. Jan Van Der Varent en maria De Rijcke).
5. Anna de Rijck, married Adrianus de Schrijver.
6. Carolina de Rijck, was baptised on 29 March 1657 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: R.D. Carolus (__) en Joanna De Mets), died there on 15 May 1737, and was buried there on 16 May 1737. On 21 July 1689 in Ermodegem she married Franciscus van der Driessche, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1737. Witnesses to the marriage were Matthias and Petrus (__).

Thomas Heydens, had no birth or baptismal record. He married on 3 February 1630 in Sint-Gertrudis-Leeuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
Maria de la Tour, was baptised on 19 April 1599 in Hombeek, Antwerp, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Thomas Heydens and Maria de la Tour
1. Margareta Heydens, was baptised on 20 December 1631 in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
2. Hubertus Heydens, was baptised on 20 August 1634 in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. He married Elisabeth van der Veken.
3. Anna Heydens, was baptised on 2 March 1637 in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
4. Catharina Heydens, was baptised on 4 June 1640 in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
5. Maria Heydens, married Franciscus de Pelsmaecker.
6. Elisabeth Heydens, was baptised on 6 July 1645 in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.

Matheus van Wetteren, had no birth or baptismal record.
Judoca Dauman, was baptised on 28 July 1619 in Asse, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. and died in 29 January 1672 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Matheus van Wetter and Judoca Dauman
1. Joosijne van Wetteren, was baptised on 24 July 1650 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents:: Melchior Carnoy en Joosijne Nelus procurat Joanna Van Molle), and died there on 10 April 1669.
2. Egidius van Wetteren, married Adriana Robert.
3. Margareta van Wetteren, was baptised on 3 March 1656 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Dedemaecker en Margareta Dedemaecker).
4. Maria van Wetteren, was baptised on 15 August 1658 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes De Vuijst i.n.v. Jacobus Dauman en Catharina Ingels).
5. Petronella van Wetteren, was baptised on 5 April 1661 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Cornelius Pieters en Petronela De Vrindt).
6. Melchior van Wetteren, was baptised on 6 January 1664 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Melchior Carnoij en Joanna Schoonians).

Jan Haeghens, was baptised on 21 September 1617 in Kalken East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 9 October 1681. [parents]
Petronella Pauwels, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 6 December 1667 in Kalken, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Jan Haeghens and Petronella Pauwels
1. Maria Haeghens, was born on 2 March 1649 in Kalken, East Flanders, Belgium. She married Petrus de Cock, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Anna Haeghens, married Egidius Lammens.
3. Joannes Haeghens, was born on 26 September 1658 in Kalken, East Flanders, Belgium. On 26 November 1689 in Lokeren, East Flanders, Belgium, he married Maria Verschelden, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 4 February 1744 in Kalken.
4. Amelberga Haeghens, was born on 19 July 1666 in Kalken, East Flanders, Belgium. On 29 April 1702 in Kalken she married Jacobus Coppejans, who was eborn in 1664 and died on 17 October 1742 in Kalken.

Cornelius de Ridder, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1616, and died on 24 February 1695 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. He married on 30 September 1647 in Merchtem (with Banns published there on 18 August 1647). Witnesses to the marriage were Gaspar de Smet and Joannes de Ridder.
Catharina de Smeth, was baptised on 10 September 1623 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Anthonius Van Herbosch en Catharina Van Meulders), and buried there on 4 October 1668. She married as her first husband Laurentius de Hertogh, and as her second husband Cornelius de Ridder. [parents]
Children of Laurentius de Hertogh and Catharina de Smeth
1. Jan de Hertogh, was baptised on 8 April 1646 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. He possibly married Gertrudis Meert.

Children of Cornelius de Ridder and Catharina de Smeth
1. Magdalena de Ridder, was baptised on 4 August 1648 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Jaspar Smet en Magdalena Regemeurters).
2. Anna de Ridder, was baptised on 3 May 1650 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus Regenmeuter en Anna De Vetter). She married Joannes Rottiers.
3. Joannes de Ridder, was baptised on 9 September 1652 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes De Ridder en Anna De Smet).
4. Catharina de Ridder, was baptised on 9 September 1652 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Geerens en Catharina De Ridder), and died there on 24 October 1652.
5. Cornelius de Ridder, was baptised on 10 January 1655 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Cornelius en Anna De Smet), and died there on 22 December 1711. On 21 May 1704 in Merchtem (with Banns published there on 11 May 1704) he married Barbara Elisabeth de Proost, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 4 April 1736 in Merchtem.
6. Christophorus de Ridder, married Cornelia Meskens.
7. Petrus de Ridder, was baptised on 23 March 1659 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus De Vetter en Elisabeth Vanden Bossche), and died there on 24 June 1659.
8. Michaël de Ridder, was baptised on 13 September 1660 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparenst: None). On 14 April 1692 in Baardegem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, he married Joanna de Brandt, a daughter of Henricus de Brandt and Paulina de Valck, who was baptised on 7 February 1659 in Opwijk, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
9. Petrus de Ridder, was baptised on 3 May 1663 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Geeroms).
10. Egidius de Ridder, was baptised on 15 January 1668 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Egidius De Ryngher en Joanna Vander Straeten).

Judocus Meskens, may have been baptised (no parents listed) on 19 April 1643 in Puurs, Antwerpen, Belgium, and died on 13 December 1667 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. He married on 3 April 1660 in Merchtem.
Anna Scheltiens/Schelkens, may have been baptised (no parents listed) on 30 March 1638 in Puurs, Antwerpen, Belgium, and possibly died on 3 April 1700 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. She married as her first husband Judocus Meskens. Possibly in 31 January 1671 in Merchtem she married as her second husband Adrianus Verdoodt.
Children of Judocus Meskens and Anna Scheltiens
1. Cornelia Meskens, married Christophorus de Ridder.
2. Egidius Meskens, was baptised on 11 October 1660 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
3. Engelbertus Meskens, was baptised on 2 March 1665 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
4. Petrus Meskens, was baptised on 21 February 1667 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.

John Fransoy, had no birth or baptismal record.
Geeshee (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of John Fransoy and Geeshee (__)
1. Frans Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Harmtje Sanders, a daughter of Sander Egbert and Elsie Pieters Staats, who was baptised (as Herpje) in June 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Jan Willemse van Deventer, and wife Cornelia).
2. Hendrick Francisco, married Leventje Van der Koeck.
3. Barent Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record. On 19 April 1726 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (with Banns published there 6 March 1726) he married Catlyntje Stegers.

Both were recorded at the time of their marriage as living in Second River. Barnt Fransee was witness to the will of Johannes Thomasee, of Newark, dated 28 February 1727. Baurent Francisco was included on the list of freeholders of Morris County from the Township of Preakness dated 31 August 1752. On 15 June 1767, in the Essex County Court Files, he was given a judgement against Nathaniel Pierson in a suit of trespass. In his will, dated 4 January 1775 and proved 13 June 1781, he called himself Barent Francisco, of Morris County.

4. Abraham Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Elisabeth Stagg, a daughter of Thomas Stagg and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.

The Newark (New Jersey) Town Records shows his property as being one of the lines of division between Newark and Second River. The Essex County Court Minutes mentions him as a Constable of Newark in 1744/45.

Abraham Francisco and Elizabeth Stagg have other descendants, such as:
.Sara Francisco - Elisha Arnold
 .BENEDICT ARNOLD (1780-1849) Congressman

5. Johannis Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Acquackanonk, New Jersey, according to marriage records. Prior to 1723 he married as his first wife Grietje Buys, who had no birth or baptismal record. He married (no date recorded) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk as his second wife Claertje Coerte, a daughter of Jan Coerte and Marytie Arianse, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1718 probably in Acquackanonk Township, Passaic County, New Jersey.

The marriage record for Johannes and Claertje states that they were both born in Acquackanonk and living in Pompton. He owned land at Teqaughaw (Towaco) in 1749, and was among the freeholders of Morris County "Township of Poquanack," 31 August 1752.

6. Tryntje Francisco, had no birth or baptismal record. With banns published 5 February 1739 at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk she married Rycke Rycke.

At the time of their marriage, Rycke was recorded as having been born on Staten Island and living in Gansegat. Tryntje was recorded as having been born in Acquackanonk and living in Gansegat. Tryntje and Rycke acted as sponsors for a child of Barent Francisco and Catlyntje Steegers. Tryntje may very well have been the sister of Barent and his brothers. Her marriage date makes it unlikely that she was the child of Hendrick, Barent, and Abraham. She could possibly be the daughter of Johannes though that is unlikely. If she is not the daughter of Jan Fransoy, then she is the daughter of Frans Francisco and Harmtje Sanders.

Michael Van der Koeck, was baptised on 21 February 1677 in Breskens, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died after 1740. Banns for their marriage were published 15 February as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York. The entry in the church record includes the phrase: "Getrouwt met vertoog na Breuckelen" (with remonstrance after Breuckelen).

Michael, a bricklayer by trade, became a freeman of New York City on 26 September 1698. On 5 May 1701, "Isaack Bennitt and wife Helena of Gowanus in Brooklyn deed Machiell Vander Koeck of Bedford one half of a plantation in Bedford lying next to property of Theunis Couverts; another parcel of land between lotts of Jan Gerrits Dorland and Paulus Dircke, also one half of a piece of woods formerly belonging to Joost ffrance, deceased. Both sign by mark. Wit. by Adrian Bennett who signs by mark and Jacobus Vanderwater. Rec'd 6 May 1701 by Jacobus Vandewater, Reg." [parents]

Sara Joosten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1677, and died after 1740. [parents]
Children of Michael Van der Koeck and Sara Joosten
1. Frans Van der Koeck, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 25 May 1773 on which date his wife was called a widow. Prior to 1740 he married Lena Bruyn, a daughter of Barent Bruyn and Annetje Barton, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1717 in New Jersey. Frans was living on the Horseneck tract in 1744.
2. Joost Van der Koeck, was baptised 26 October 1702 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn (wit.: Yzaak Bennet and Lena, his wife).
3. Geertruy Van der Koeck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1704. On 5 June 1728 in Passaic. Passaic County, New Jersey, she married Simon Van Winkle, a son of Jacob Symonsen Van Winkle and Jacomyntje Newkirk, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1703 possibly in Essex County, New Jersey, and died in 1782.
Geertruy Vanderkoeck and Simeon Van Winkle have other descendants, such as:
.Michael Van Winkle - Phoebe Carter
 .John Van Winkle - Jane (__)
  .Isaac Van Winkle - Catherine McCollum
   .Isaac Newton Van Winkle - Elizabeth Ann Pearl
    .ISAAC HOMER VAN WINKLE (1870-1943) State Attorney General

4. Leventje Van der Koeck, married hendrick Francisco.
5. Joris Van der Koeck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1708, and died after 8 June 1729.
6. Henry Van der Koeck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1710 in New Jersey. In 1737 he married Catharina Post, a daughter of Pieter Post and Catryntje Beekman, who was born 11 October 1720 in Hoboken, New Jersey.

Henry and Catharina were married by the Reverend Johs. Van Driessen. He was a Freeholder of Morris County, New Jersey, on 31 August 1752. His will was dated 12 July 1753 and proved 24 November 1755 in Morris County, New Jersey.

7. Michael Van der Koeck, was born on 10 November 1715 in Gansegat, Morris County, New Jersey, died (or was buried) on 2 November 1786, and was buried in the Old Cooksborough Cemetery, Pittstown, Rensselaer County, New York. With Banns published on 11 February 1742 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk he married Cornelia Van Ness, a daughter of Simon Van Ness and Hester Delamater, who was born on 12 January 1722, died about 1779 in Pittstown, and was buried there in the Old Cooksborough Cemetery.
Michael Vandercook and Cornelia Van Ness have other descendants, such as:
.Simon Vandercook - Lavinia Vanderhoof
 .Peter Vandercook - Nancy Filkins
  .Melancthon Vandercook - Carmelia Hardick
   .John Filkin Vandercook - Margaret Womack
    .JOHN WOMACK VANDERCOOK (1902-1963) author


Cornelis Doremus, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in France. He died between 28 January 1714/15 and 8 February 1714/15, the dates on which his will was written and proved. He married on 12 May 1675 in Arnemuyden, The Netherlands. [parents]

Banns for their marriage were publsihed 21 April 1675 in de Groede, Province of Laan, The Netherlands. Their marriage was attested to by Domine Franciscus van Roosbeke. In the record he was referred to as "j.m. van Breskens" and she was referred to as "j.d. van de Groede."

At some point between 7 September 1684 and 11 April 1687 Cornelis and his family left Holland and settled near Bergen, New Jersey. Cornelis was a planter and in 1708 he purchased an extensive farm at Wesel (now Paterson), containing one hundred and fifty acres, whereupon he settled his family. In 1711 he purchased a much larger farm on Wesel Mountain, containing approximately three hundred and fifty acres. Upon this tract he settled his son, Thomas, while he remained on his own farm at Wesel. The will of Cornelis was dated 28 January 1714/15 and proved 8 February 1714/15.

Jannetje Joris Van Elslant, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]

Jannetje appeared in the membership list of the Reformed Dutch Church of New York "met att. Van Middelburg" on 2 September 1685.
Children of Cornelis Doremus and Jannetje Joris Van Elslant
1. Thomas Doremus, was baptised on 24 March 1676 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Middelburg (wit.: Joris Mathijssen, Hendrick Dooremes, and Hubrechtie Jans). He is supposed to have died on the voyage to America and was buried at sea.
2. Maijke Doremus, was baptised on 17 November 1677 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Middelburg (wit.: Machiel Lens and Catelijntie Buys). She died young probably while still in The Netherlands.
3. Janneke Doremus, was baptised on 3 January 1680 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Middelburg (wit.: Matthys Joris van Elsland and Maria Maes). She died young probably while still in The Netherlands.
4. Cornelis Doremus, was baptised on 3 February 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Middelburg (wit.: Anthoni Lhe roo and Lijsebet Wilms). On 12 August 1710 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married Rachel Pieterson, a daughter of Pieter Hessels and Lysbeth Gerrits, who was born on 14 September 1682 and baptised on 2 October 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Claes Arents Toers, Y.M., and Claesje Dirckse Braack).

Cornelis lived on Wesel Road, next north of Crooks Avenue, but afterward removed to Peckamin River, near Cedar Grove. He was elected a deacon in the Acquackanonk church in 1730, being the first of that name to hold office in the church. He was elected constable in 1756, but declined to serve, and was fined five shillings for his failure to qualify.

Cornelius Doremus and Rachel Pieterse have other descendants, such as:
.Elizabeth Doremus - John Vincent
 .Cornelius Vincent - Phebe Ward
  .Bethuel Vincent - Martha Himrod
   .John Himrod Vincent - Anna Richards
    .Anna Vincent - Chester Daniel Massey
     .CHARLES VINCENT MASSEY (1887-1967) Governor General of Canada
     .RAYMOND HART MASSEY (1896-1983) film actor
      - ADRIANNA ALLEN (1907-1993) stage and film actor
      .DANIEL RAYMOND MASSEY (1933-1998) film actor
      | - (1) ADRIENNE CORRI (1933-living) film actor
      | - (2) PENELOPE WILTON (1946-living) film actor
      .ANNA MASSEY (1937-living) film actor
       - JEREMY BRETT (né PETER JEREMY WILLIAM HUGGINS) (1933-1995) film actor

Also, RAYMOND HART MASSEY II (?-living) film producer
      (grandson of Raymond Massey by unknown [to me] parentage)

5. Johannes Doremus, was baptised on 7 September 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Middelburg (wit.: Joris Van [Elsland] and Hubregtje Jans). After 19 August 1709 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Lysbeth Ackerman, a daughter of Abraham Davidszen Ackerman and Aeltje Van Lear, who was baptised on 19 May 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Assuerus Hendrickszen and Hendrickje Wessels).

Johannes was recorded as having been born in "Middelburgh in Zeeland" and now living in Acquackanonk; Lysbeth as having been born in Bergen and now living at Hackensack at the time of their marriage. He settled in Lower Preakness as early as 1717, probably, but in his latter days seemed to have lived in Paramus, where he resided when he made his will, dated 5 July 1754, proved 7 February 1758, and witnessed by Deryck Dey, Nicholas Kip and Philip Schuyler. He gave wife Elisabeth all his estate, with power to sell; the remainder to go as follow: to son Cornelus "all my Realle Estate with the Wive Loume and Couppers toules, which he is to pay £80 New York money to the rest rest of my children hererafter named and that four years after my wife's decease;" to eldest son's son John, five shillings "for his father which is deceased birthright and £20 to the children of my son Abraham, John and Catharine." Executors - son Cornelus and son-in-law Michiel Hertie. Signed, "I.D." In 1754 the New Jersey Legislature passed an act to naturalize Johannes Doremus though it is not sure if he is the Johannes in question.

Johannes Doremus and Lysbeth Ackerman have other descendants, such as:
.Janneke Doremus - Cornelis Van Giesen
 .Fytje/Sophia Van Giesen - John Gould (*)
  .Jane Gould - Caleb Harrison
   .Mary Ward Harrison - Amos Condit Gould
    .Jane Thomas Gould - James Augustus Backus
     .Russell T. Backus - Daisy Gilmore Taylor
      .JAMES GILMORE BACKUS (1913-1989) film and TV actor

(*) the parentage listed for Fytje Van Giesen is speculative and unproven.

6. Thomas Doremus, married Anneke Ackerman.
7. Jannetje Doremus, was baptised on 4 June 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Johannes Vreelannt and Catryna Gerrits, widow of Adriaen Post), and died prior to 1726. With Banns published 22 October 1715 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married as his first wife Frans Thomaszen Outwater, a son of Thomas Franzen Oudewater and Tryntje Jans Van Breestede, who was baptised on 14 October 1688 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Simon Breesteden and Aefje Lucas).

Thomas was living at Monachty at the time of his marriage. Jannetje died prior to 1726, the year Frans married as his second wife Johanna Zanders.

Jannetje Doremus and Frans Thomaszen Outwater have other descendants, such as:
.Catrina Outwater - Jan Romeyn
 .Jannetje Romeyn - Abraham Ackerman
  .Gelyn Ackerman - Jane Coombs
   .Jonathan Combs - Maria Smith
    .James Hervey Ackerman - Ellen Robinson Morgan
     .ERNEST ROBINSON ACKERMAN (1863-1931) Congressman
8. Joris Doremus, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey, according to his marriage record. With Banns published 16 March 1717 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Marritie Berdan, a daughter of Jan Berdan and Eva Sicklen, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1694, possibly in N. Amersfoort, Long Island, New York.

At the time of their marriage, Joris was living in Acquackanonk and Marretie was living in Hackensack. After his marriage Joris removed to Preakness. By deed (unrecorded) dated 4 December 1723, Rip Van Dam, sen., and Rip Van Dam, jun., of New York, attorneys of Priscilla and Mercy Benthall, devisees of Thomas Hart, late of London, deceased, for £270, New York money, conveyed to George Du Remos amd Cornelius Kip, a tract of land at Perekenes: "Beginning at the south end of the land of Mdme. Brackhuls at a beech tree standing near by the run from thence W. by N. 20 chains to a stake there standing; from then N. 7½ (degrees) E. along the marked trees to a stake there standing, 90 chains; W 7½ (degrees) N. along David Daniel's line as the trees are marked to a white oak tree marked four sided near by the run 112... degrees south along the run 30 chains; then N.N.E. along the run 23 (degrees) to the place where it first begun: containing 600 acres, or there abouts." In truth, the boundaries embraced much more than 600 acres, owing partly to careless surveying and partly to the custom of making allowances for waste land. To settle any question as to the title, on account of the excessive quantity of land, Lewis Morris Ashfield, eldest son and heir-in-law of Richard Ashfield, of New York, deceased, by deed dated 1 May 1754, for £60, released all claim in the premises. His will, dated 25 March 1733, witnessed by Johannes Doremus, Isaack Kip, and Cornelius Kip, was proved 20 October 1733 and in it he gave his eldest son, Cornelis, forty shillings for his birthright; to his wife, Marritie, all his lands during his widowhood, "provided that when my eldest son shall come of age of one and twenty years his equal share or dividend of all my lands shall devolve unto him, he paying yearly unto his mother, one-fourth part of the wheat, rye, Indian corn, and buckwheat he yearly raises upon said land and the share of all the rest of my children shall devolve unto them respectively when they come to the age of one and twenty years"; after-born children to share equally. Executors were his brothers, Cornelius and Thomas, and his wife's brother John Berdan, jun., and Cernant (Coenrad?) Berdan.

9. Hendrick Doremus, was born on 26 May 1695 probably in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey. On 11 April 1716 he married Annatie Hesselse, a probable daughter of Hessel Pieterse and Elisabeth Claes, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Both were recorded as having been born and then living in Acquackanonk at the time of their marriage. Hendrick occupied the paternal homestead on the Wesel Road, extending from the river to the foot of the Wesel Mountain. In 1728 he was chosen one of the constables of Essex County, New Jersey.

.Hendrick Doremus and Annatje Hesselse have other descendants, such as:
 .Annetje Doremus - Teunis Hennion
  .David Hennion - Sophornia Hennion
   .David Hennion - Maria M. Piatt
    .Martin Hennion - Marrie J. Reese
     .Frank R. Hennion - Nellie L. Junod
      .Ruth Genevieve Hennion - Harold Scott Chaffee, Jr.
       .NANCY ANN CHAFFEE (1929-2002) tennis player
	- (1) RALPH MCPHERRAN KINER, Jr. (1922-living) baseball player
	- (2) JOHN FRANCIS WHITAKER (aka JACK) (1924-living) sportscaster


Abraham Davidszen Ackerman, was born on 3 May 1659 in Berlicum, North Brabant, The Netherlands. He died after 1723 and was buried in the Dutch Church on the Green, Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. He married on 28 May 1683 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn.

In 1682, Abraham was taxed in Midwout, Kings County, New York. On 1 April 1684 his wife was received into the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen by Certificate from Midwout, and on 3 October 1696, was dismissed to the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack. In 1704, he built a stone house in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. [parents]

Aeltje Van Laer, was born on 14 April 1666 in Kingston, Ulster County, New York, and baptised on 25 April 1666 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston (wit.: Maddeleen Dircks). She died after 1723. [parents]
Children of Abraham Davidszen Ackerman and Aeltje -Van Laer
1. David Ackerman, was baptised on 11 May 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Laurens Ackerman and Anna Maria Deckers). With Banns published on 20 September 1707 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Margritje Jurcks, a daughter of Johannes Paulusen Jurcksen and Jannetje Dret, who was baptised on 12 March 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Willem Hippen, Henrica Wessels).

As David Abrams Akerman he was made one of the Justices of the Quorum for Bergen County, 1 December 1739. He was a farmer and settled at Paramus. His will, dated 13 May 1760 and proved on 25 November 1760, mentioned wife Margaret, oldest son Abraham, and five other children. The inventory was dated 18 August 1760. Son David died prior to probate.

David Ackerman and Margarietje Jurcks have other descendants, such as:
.Gerrit D. Ackerman - Magdalena Van Voorhees
|.Albert G. Ackerman - Antje Storr
| .Garret A. Ackerman - Letitia Van Schyven
|  .Frederick Ackerman - Jennette E. (__)
|   .GEORGE W. ACKERMAN (1884-1962) photographer (**)
.David Ackerman - Annatje Tiebout
 .Abraham D. Ackerman - Elizabeth Frances Verwey
  .Lawrence Ackerman - Cynthia Bent Robertson
   .Joseph Chandler Ackerman - Belinda Sophia van Buren
   |.Caroline Netta Ackerman - Edward Stillman Kendrick
   | .Caroline Isabelle Kendrick - William Darius Eddy
   |  .NELSON ACKERMAN EDDY (1901-1967) singer, film actor
   .WILLIAM KELLY ACKERMAN (1832-1905) railroad president, financier

(**) more work needs to be done to verify that this is the correct lineage for George.

2. Gerrit Ackerman, was born on 12 April 1685 and baptised on 3 May 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: David and Annetie Ackerman). With Banns published on 4 October 1712 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Jannetje Albertse Van Voorhees, a daughter of Albert Stevense Van Voorhees and Tilletje Reyniers Wizzelpenning, who was baptised on 22 April 1690 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Albert Albertse Terheun and Hendrickje Stevens).

Gerrit was recorded as having been born in Bergen and Jannetie as having been born in Hackensack with both living in Hackensack at the time of their marriage. His will, dated 12 December 1757 (Codicil 1 April 1758) and proved on 6 September 1762, refers to his as being a yoeman of Saddle River, and mentions his wife Jannetie and six children.

Gerrit Ackerman and Jannetje Van Voorhees have other descendants, such as:
.Lena Ackerman - Jacob Christian Zabriskie
|.Lea Zabriskie - Isaac Sloat
| .Jacob Sloat - Sarah Bigelow Hollenbeck
|  .Martha Ellen Sloat - Newton Pomeroy Fassett
|  |.JACOB SLOAT FASSETT (1853-1924) Congressman - Jennie (__)
|  | .Newton Fassett - Lillian Eyre Griffis
|  |  .William Elliott Fassett (?-1992) restaurant owner - Madeleine Ulman
|  |   .KALLE FASSETT (1937-living) artist
|  |   .HOLLY FASSETT (?-living) artist
|  |
|  .Henry Ransom Sloat - Carrie Ward Schultz
|   .Carrie Louise Sloat - Samuel Lloyd Eastburn
|    .Barbara Sloat Eastburn - Vine Victor Deloria
|     .VINE VICTOR DELORIA, Jr. (1933-2005) author
.Elizabeth Ackerman - Andries C. Zabriskie
 .Christian A. Zabriskie - Maria Terhune
 |.Catherine Zabriskie - John Anderson
 | .John Christian Zabriskie Anderson - Harriet Myer
 |  .Catherine Zabriskie Anderson - Lucas J. Van Buskirk
 |   .ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK (1855-1932) artist
 .Jannetje Zabriskie - Casparus Bogert
  .Elizabeth Bogert - William Pell
   .Sarah Augusta Pell - ABRAHAM OOTHOUT ZABRISKIE (1807-1873) jurist
    .Sarah Augusta Zabriskie - Baron FRANZ ERNST DE BILLE (?-?) Danish Minister to England

3. Abigail Ackerman, was baptised on 19 January 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Arie Van Laer and Anneken Ackerman). With Banns published in July 1707 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married as her first husband Andries Hopper, a son of Hendrick Hoppe and Maria Van Blarcom, who was baptised on 21 January 1681 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Adriaen Corneliszen and Geertie Hoppen), and died prior to 1733. On 13 October 1733 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (with Banns published there on 7 September 1733) she married as her second husband and as his second wife Dirk Blinkerhof, the widower of Margrieta Banta and a son of Hendrick Jorisen Blinkerhoff and Claasie Cornelise Bogart, who was baptised on 7 February 1677 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Elias Michielszen and Sara Webbers).

Abigail and Andries were both recorded at the time of their marriage as having been born in Bergen and then living in Hackensack. Andries joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack "upon confession" on 6 April 1706. At that time of her second marriage, Abigail was living in Paramus and Dirk was recorded as having been born in Gemenipa and now living in Hackensack. Abigail, the wife of Dirk Blinkerhof, from "Peremes," was accepted into the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack, "with letters", 22 November 1733.

Abigail Ackerman and Andries Hopper have other descendants, such as:
.Altje Hopper - Jan Jacobszen Zabriskie
|.Andries Jan Zabriskie - Christina Bogert
||.John Zabriskie - Jannetje Zabriskie
|| .Casperus J. Zabriskie - Catherine Post
||  .Eliza Jane Zabriskie - Benjamin S. Demarest
||   .Samuel B. Demarest - Wilhelmena Lindgren
||    .CARL WILLIAM DEMAREST (1892-1983) film actor
|.Albert Jan Zabriskie - Geesje Van Horn
| .John A. Zabriskie - Cornelia Bogert
|  .Elizabeth Zabriskie - Samuel R. Demarest
|   .Cornelia Demarest - Jacob Blauvelt
|    .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
|     .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
|      .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
|       .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
.Gerrit Hopper - Hendrickje Terhune
 .Lydia Hopper - Peter P. Demarest
  .Peter P. Demarest - Lea Demarest
   .Daniel P. Demarest - Lea Bogert
    .David D. Demarest - Catherine Louise Nevius
     .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president

4. Lysbeth Ackerman, was baptised on 19 May 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Assuerus Hendrick szen and Hendrickje Wessels). After 19 August 1709 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married Johannes Doremus, a son Cornelis Doremus and Jannetje Joris van Elsland, who was baptised on 7 September 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Middelburg (wit.: Joris Van [Elsland] and Hubregtje Jans).

Johannes was recorded as having been born in "Middelburgh in Zeeland" and now living in Acquackanonk; Lysbeth as having been born in Bergen and now living at Hackensack at the time of their marriage. He settled in Lower Preakness as early as 1717, probably, but in his latter days seemed to have lived in Paramus, where he resided when he made his will, dated 5 July 1754, proved on 7 February 1758, and witnessed by Deryck Dey, Nicholas Kip and Philip Schuyler. He gave wife Elisabeth all his estate, with power to sell; the remainder to go as follow: to son Cornelus "all my Realle Estate with the Wive Loume and Couppers toules, which he is to pay £80 New York money to the rest rest of my children hererafter named and that four years after my wife's decease;" to eldest son's son John, five shillings "for his father which is deceased birthright and £20 to the children of my son Abraham, John and Catharine." Executors - son Cornelus and son-in-law Michiel Hertie. Signed, "I.D." In 1754 the New Jersey Legislature passed an act to naturalize Johannes Doremus though it is not sure if he is the Johannes in question.

Lysbeth Ackerman and Johannes Doremus have other descendants, such as:
.Janneke Doremus - Cornelis Van Giesen
 .Fytje/Sophia Van Giesen - John Gould (*)
  .Jane Gould - Caleb Harrison
   .Mary Ward Harrison - Amos Condit Gould
    .Jane Thomas Gould - James Augustus Backus
     .Russell T. Backus - Daisy Gilmore Taylor
      .JAMES GILMORE BACKUS (1913-1989) film and TV actor

(*) the parentage listed for Fytje Van Giesen is speculative and unproven.

5. Johannes Ackerman, was baptised on 15 September 1690 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jacobus Kindt, and Anneken Ackerman, in plaets van Geertie Egberts), died on 27 October 1690, and was buried on 29 October 1690 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey.
6. Anneke Ackerman, married Thomas Doremus.
7. Anna Maria Ackerman, was baptised on 12 July 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Arent Fredricx and Hester Daniels), died on 22 January 1696, and was buried 24 January 1696 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey.
8. Adrian Ackerman, was baptised on 26 March 1695 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Lodewyck Ackerman and Hilgont Verplanck, wife of Davidt Ackerman). On 24 October 1716 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (with Banns published on 20 October 1716 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York) he married as his first wife Annetie Meyers, a daughter of Jan Janszen Meyers and Annatje Van Vorst, who was baptised on 12 June 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jan Ariaenszen and Anna Van Vorst), and died prior to 1720. On 2 April 1720 he married as his second wife maritie Johannes Van Blarcom, a daughter of Johannes Janszen Van Blarcom and Mettje Jans Springsteen, who was baptised on 30 January 1698 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Adam Janse and Neeltje Leydecker). Adrian and his second wife were recorded having been born and then living in Hackensack at the time of his second marriage.
9. Johannes Ackerman, was baptised on 15 November 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Lodewick Ackerman and Illegond Verplancke). On 5 May 1721 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (with Banns published there on 7 April 1721) he married as his first wife Maria Wakefield, a daughter of Thomas Wakefield and Maria (Burgers or Burgess), who had no birth or baptimal record, and died prior to 1728. On 28 February 1728 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (with Banns published there on 4 February 1728) he married as his second wife Elizabeth Stagg, a daughter of Willem Stegge and Magdalena Brouwer, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Maria joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack by "Letter" from New Harlem on 8 October 1721. Johannes joined Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack upon confession of faith, 1 April 1721. He was a farmer at Paramus. His will, dated 1 August 1759, probated on 19 August 1761, and recorded on 14 December 1761, described him as "Yoeman of Paramus, New Jersey," and in it he left property and land to his wife Elizabeth, to his son Abraham (by his first wife), to his sons William, David, Johannes, Gerrit, Petrus, and Cornelius. The executors were Abraham Lourens Ackerman and Abraham Abrahamse Ackerman; the witnesses were Jacob Banta, Lena Banta (by mark) and Robert Livesey. Johannes signed it with his mark.

10. Geleyn Ackerman, was baptised in December 1697 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: David Daniels and Geertie Ackerman). He married Rachel Albertse Van Voorhees, a daughter of Albert Stevense Van Voorhees and Elena Van der Schuere, who was baptised on 6 October 1702 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Reyyer Martese and Lammetie Bongaert).
Geleyn Ackerman and Rachel Van Voorhees have other descendants, such as:
.Abraham Ackerman - Jannetje Romeyn
 .Gelyn Ackerman - Jane Coombs
  .Jonathan Combs - Maria Smith
   .James Hervey Ackerman - Ellen Robinson Morgan
    .ERNEST ROBINSON ACKERMAN (1863-1931) Congressman

11. Anna Maria Ackerman, was baptised on 6 April 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Johannes Van Imburgh and Magdaleene Housman), died on 14 March 1772, and was buried in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Paramus, Ridgewood, New Jersey. With Banns published 24 October 1719 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married Albertus Terhune, a son of Albert Albertse Terhune, Jr., and Wyntie Bickers, who was baptised on 10 October 1695 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Theunis Slingerlandt and Geertruyt Fonda), died on 23 May 1773, and was buried in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Paramus.

Anna Maria and Albertus were recorded as having been born and then living in Hackensack at the time of their marriage. They were accepted "upon confession of faith" into the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack 1 July 1720.

Anna Maria Ackerman and Albert Terhune have other descendants, such as:
.Wyntje Terhune - Jacob H. Zabriskie
 .Jannetje Zabriskie - John Zabriskie
  .Casperus J. Zabriskie - Catherine Post
   .Eliza Jane Zabriskie - Benjamin S. Demarest
    .Samuel B. Demarest - Wilhelmena Lindgren
     .CARL WILLIAM DEMAREST (1892-1983) film actor

12. Abraham Ackerman, was baptised on 22 February 1702 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Thomas Fransen and Trintie Breestede). On 8 August 1727 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Hendrikje Hoppe, a daughter of Jan Hoppe and Rachel Terhune, who was baptised on 26 January 1710 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Jacob Zaborisco and Antie, his wife).

Abram joined the Reformed Dutch Church in Hackensack "upon confession" 8 December 1726, and his wife joined 25 April 1728. He lived at New Barbadoes, Bergen County, New Jersey. His will was dated on 16 April 1762, proved on 3 August 1762, and recorded on 3 November 1763. It refers to him as Abraham Ackerman of New Barbadoes and in it he left his wife his whole estate and names also as his legates his sons Hendrick, John, Abraham, and his daughters Rachel and Altje and Hendricktje, the daughter of his son Abraham. His wife was to have the copper "Cittle" and furniture; Hendrick and Rachel the dwelling in which he lives; John to have his large Dutch Bible. Hendrick and Rachel were to pay to Altie £30. Rachel was to get £16 when married for her outset and Hendrick was to have "my gun which I call my Bullet Gun." Also "my children Altje, John, Abraham, Hendrick, and Rachel to have a large silverspoon. Also Hendrickje, the daughter of my son Abraham shall have one." The executors were his friend Abraham Lowrance Ackerman and Guilliame Bertholf; and the witnesses were William Provoost, John Earle, and Morris Earle.

Abraham Ackerman and Hendrickje Hoppe have other descendants, such as:
.Abraham A. Ackerman - Anna Maria Bogert
 .Hendrickje Ackerman - Roelof P. Bogert
  .Jannetje Bogert - Garret Myer
  |.Harriet Myer - John Christian Zabriskie Anderson
  | .Catherine Zabriskie Anderson - Lucas J. Van Buskirk
  |  .ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK (1855-1932) artist
  .Maria Bogert - John Bertholf
   .John Bogert Bertholf - Jane Wallace
    .John Jay Bertholf - Annie Francis Price
     .ELLSWORTH PRICE BERTHOLF (1866-1921) US Coast Guard commander

13. Sara Ackerman, was baptised on 21 January 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: David Ackerman and Catryn Ackerman). She married as her first husband Cornelis Laurenszen Toers, a son of Laurens Arentszen Toers and Francyntie Thomas, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 8 December 1733. On 26 December 1733 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (with Banns recorded there on 8 December 1733) she married as her second husband and as his second wife Hendrick Sickles, the widower of Geertruy Fredrickx and a son of Robert Sickles and Geertruyt Redderhaers, who was baptised on 14 August as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Lambert Zickels, Abel Riddenaes, and Maria Jans), died on 20 January 1777, and was buried on 22 January 1777 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey.

At the time of her second marriage, Sara was recorded as having been born and then living in Hackensack and Hendrik as having been born and then living in Bergen.

14. Lauwrens Ackerman, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1706 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. On 27 October 1727 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (with Banns published thee 30 September 1727) he married Geesje Martense Paulussen, a daughter of Martin Paulussen and Margriete Westervelt, who was baptised on 2 September 1709 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Dirck Paulse and Orselena Stimets).

Both were recorded as having been born and then living in Hackensack at the time of their marriage. Lauwrens's parentage is indicated by the fact that the will of Johannes Ackerman, dated 23 April 1738, mentions cousin Lawrence Abrams Ackerman as an executor. Lauwrence was of New Barbadoes and his will, dated 30 March 1770, mentioned his wife Geesje and son Abraham, deceased, and the latter's children.

Hendrick Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1646 probably in Garderen, Guilderland, The Netherlands, and died about 1712 in Pacquenac (now Mountain View), New Jersey. On 18 July 1680 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush he married as his first wife Annetje Scholl, a daughter of Pieter Janszen Scholl and Margaritje Provoost, who was baptised on 16 July 1664 as recorded at the at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Coenradt ten Eyck and Grietie Provoost), and died prior to 21 April 1699. Banns were published 6 June 1680 at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush, and in them Hendrick was recorded as "j.m. Uyt Gelderlt woonende op Noortwyck" and Annetje was recorded as "j.d. woonenede op Hempstede." On 21 April 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married as his second wife and as her first husband Elisabeth Janse Harris.

Hendrick arrived on 12 February 1659, aged 9 years old, in America on board the ship "de Trouw." He was a landowner in Noortwijck (Greenwich) and Hempstead, New York. Adam Mott, Jr., sold to Hendrich Mandefell 50 acres in the south woods at Hempstead, 18 March 1684, and Pieter Jansen Scoll, "the 14th of next June" gave 50 adjoining acres to his beloved son-in-law Hendrick Mandefell. Hendrick witnessed a deed of Robert Bedall, Jr. at Hempstead, 7 April 1687. On 11 May 1695, having purchased the Indian title to the same, Major Anthony Brockholst and Capt, Arent Schuyler in behalf of themselves and their associates, Samuel Bayard, George Ryerson, John Mead (his brother-in-law), Samual Berrie, David and Hendrick Mandeville, obtained a patent for 5,500 acres of land from the East Jersey proprietors at Pacquenac, or Pompton Plains, New Jersey. Hendrick's will was written on 4 August 1709. [parents]
Children of Hendrick Mandeville and Annetje Scholl
1. Maria Mandeville, was baptised on 28 March 1681 as recorded at the at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jilles Janszen and Elsje Jans).
2. Pieter Mandeville, was baptised on 16 September 1682 as recorded at the at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jilles Janszen and Grietie Provoost), and probably died young.
3. David Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. On 10 June 1709 he married Jannetje Jacobs Woertendyk, a daughter of Jacob Corneliszen Stille and Marytie Hendrix, who was baptised on 16 March 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jan Dircxen op Hoboken and Annetje Claes).
David Mandeville and Jannetje Jacobs Woertendyk have other descendants, such as:
.Jacob Mandeville - Sarah Davenport
 .Sarah Mandeville - Joshua Nelson
  .Sarah Nelson - Benjamin Welles
   .Elihu Smith Welles - Deborah Right Burdge
    .Julia Ann Welles - Charles Hazon Barron
     .MARY WELLES BARRON (1865-1948) Titanic survivor
4. Antje Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. On 10 April 1708 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married Johannes Brouwer, a son of Pieter Brouwer and Petronella Uldricks Kleyn, who was born in New Harlem, New York according to marriage records, and baptised on 25 March 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Theunis (__) and Sara Brouwers).


Elisabeth Janse Harris, had no birth or baptismal record and was born probably in Albany, Albany County, New York. On 21 April 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York she married as her first husband Hendrick Mandeville. With Banns published on 30 October 1714 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church ofn Hackensack she married as her second husband Barent Jacobus, a son of Jacobus Jans and Jannetje Oothout, who was baptised on 6 April 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Father, (and carried) by Engeltje Melchertsz). Barent and Elizabeth were recorded as both living at Acquackanonk at the time of their marriage. [parents]
Children of Hendrick Mandeville and Elisabeth Janse Harris
1. Johannes Mandeville, married as her first husband Elizabeth Bruyn.
2. Hendrick Mandeville, was baptised on 24 May 1704 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Davidt Mandeviel and wife Marretie Van Hoese), and died on 2 September 1790. In 1726 he married Elizabeth Vreeland, a daughter of Claes Vreeland and Elsje Pieters, who was born in 1703 in Pompton Plains, Morris County, New Jersey, and died there on 17 July 1781.

Hendrick lived in Pompton Plains, Morris County, New Jersey. The will of Henry Mandeville, of Pequanock, Morris County, was dated 28 December 1786 and proved on 28 December 1790. In it his son Pieter, "who is the eldest son," was to receive 7 shillings and the land on which he currently was living; also 27 acres west of his home lot; and after his death the land was to go to his eldest son Henry; son Henry received "my homestead," also the lot west of his brother Pieter's as well as 50 acres along the mountain; son William was to receive the 50 acres he was living on; son David received the 50 acres where he was living on; grandson Henry Mandevel, son of Henry, received his Dutch Bible; grandson Henry Spear, "only son of my daughter Elizabeth Spear," 12½ acres, "called the Moyack," which adjoins land of John Mead; to his six daughters, and the children of his daughter Elizabeth, deceased, his moveable estate: "that is to daughters Elizabeth Berry, Marey (or Marcy) Bertholf, Ann Francisco, Lea Kip, Clawsey Mandevel, Areyantye Lambert, and children of daughter Elizabeth Spear." Executors were sons Henry and David. Witnesses were George L. Reyerson, Roelof Jacobus, and Nicholas Jones.

Hendrick Mandeville and Elizabeth Vreeland have other descendants, such as:
.Peter Mandeville - Maria Bertholf
|.Sarah Mandeville - Abraham Ryerson
| .Abraham Ryerson - Sarah Bush
|  .Sarah Ryerson - William Anderson
|   .ABRAHAM ARCHIBALD ANDERSON (1847-1940) artist
.Leah Mandeville - Nicholas Kip
 .Leah Mandeville - Nicholas Kip
 |.Leah Kip - Christian Shuart
 | .Mary Ann Shuart - Edward Corwin
 |  .EDWARD TANJORE CORWIN (1834-1914) clergyman, author
 .Nicholas Kip - Hester Johnson
  .Nicholas Kip - Mary Freshour
   .Mary Esther Kip - EDWARD TANJORE CORWIN (1834-1914) clergyman, author

3. Gilles Mandeville, was born about 21 January 1708, and died on 8 August 1776 in Pompton Plains, Morris County, New Jersey, aged 68 years, 6 months, and 18 days. On 8 June 1729 he married Leah Bruyn, a daughter of Hendrick Bruyn and Margrietje Lacomba, who was born on 18 June 1709 and died on 19 July 1799, aged 90 years, 1 month, and 1 day.

Gilles lived in Pompton Plains, Morris County, New Jersey. The will of Yelles Mandevel of Morris County, was dated 28 July 1774 and proved on 4 October 1784. In it he bequeathed his wife Leah "1/3 of moveable estate, while my widow, and my sons John and Henry to support her;" son Henry to have the lot on which he lived, "except that small tract between William and Anthony, which Anthony is to have;" son William was to have the 20 acres on which he was living; son John was to have "my old place, but Abraham must have 25¼ acres of that lying between Pieter and Henry, and also the lands which my sons, Henry, Anthony, and William, have bought, each one to have 5¼ acres;" son John was to have the house "where I dwell;" his six sons were to have his timberland; daughter Lenah to have £30; daughter Elizabeth to have £30; daughter Margaret to have £30, after her mother's death; daughter Sitea was to have £30 after her granmother's death. Executors were sons William and Abraham, who were to also be trustees for his wife and children. Witnesses were Yelles Bertholf, Robert Clark, and Abraham Bertholf.

Giles Mandeville and Leah Bruyn have other descendants, such as:
.Hendrick Mandeville - Rachel Spier
|.Sarah Mandeville - Johannis Doremus
| .Anche Doremus - Johannes Jacobus
|  .John I. Jacobus - Mary Aber
|   .Henry Oliver Jacobus - Harriet Amanda Aber
|    .John Ira Jacobus - Ida Wilmot Lines
|     .DONALD LINES JACOBUS (1887-1970) genealogist
.William Mandeville - Elizabeth Jacobus
|.Cornelius William Mandeville - Jannette Jones
| .Susan Mandeville - David Fairbanks
|  .Ralph Jacobus Fairbanks - Celestia Adelaide Johnson
|   .Zella Vonola Fairbanks - Alexander Revard Modine
|    .Mark Alexander Modine - Dolores Warner
|     .MATTHEW AVERY MODINE (1959-living) film actor
.Anthony Mandeville - Willempje Van Houten
|.Lena Mandeville - Cornelis T. Doremus
| .Thomas C. Doremus - Sarah Platte Haines
|  .ROBERT OGDEN DOREMUS (1824-1906) chemist - Estelle Emma Skidmore
|   .CHARLES AVERY DOREMUS (1851-1925) chemist
.Gilles Mandeville - Christina Houseman
 .Hendrick Mandeville - Sophia Brown
  .Hannah Mandeville - Nathaniel Casterline
   .Ella Casterline - Alfred Decker
    .Harriet Decker - Robert Ludlum
     .George Hartford Ludlum - Margaret Wadsworth
      .ROBERT LUDLUM (1927-2001) author


Children of Elisabeth Janse Harris and Barent Jacobus
1. Jannetje Jacobus, had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born in Wesel, New Jersey. On 17 November 1736 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River she married Guiljaem Bertholf, a son of Hendrick Bertholf and Marretje Albertse Terhune, who was baptised 17 June 1714 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack.
2. Abraham Jacobus, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born about 1719 in Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey, and died about 1790. On 9 November 1742 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk (and also recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Pompton Plains) he married Evaatje Kip, a daughter of Cornelis Kip and Evaatje Berdan, who was baptised on 11 October 1724 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Jan Berdan and Evaatje Berdan).

Abraham was described in the marriage record as living in Hanover, and Evaatje was described as having been born and now living in Preakness, New Jersey. The will of Abraham Jacobus of Towagham, Precinct of Pequannack, Morris County, New Jersey, yeoman, was dated 29 August 1787 and probated on 9 December 1791. In it wife Eve was to receive "1/3 grain and vegetables raised on the place, 2 cows, and furnished room in the house and a supply of firewood while my widow;" daughters Elizabeth and Ann Jacobus were to each receive a cow and be kept by sons John and Brant while single; sons Cornelius and Abraham received "the old place where Cornelius now lives, to be equally divided between them; also a piece of woodland (6 acres) near the sawmill; the same subject to an incumbrance of £25, which they are to pay to my daughter Lena Mandeville, 4 years after my decease;" son James to receive the lot beyond Cornelius, with 2½ acres of meadow in the swamp; son Nicholas received the place where he lived, and 2½ acres of meadow in the swamp; son James and Nicholas to pay to his daughter Jenny Schermerhorn £25, "4 years after my decease;" son Brant received 5 shillings; son John received a piece of land "between the old line and my brother James;" sons John and Brant received the house in which they were currently dwelling and the land it was on, "subject to £60 to be paid to my daughters Elizabeth and Ann, 4 years after my decease;" the remainder of the estate to be sold by vendue and equally divided among all the children, but sons Brant and John were to have the remainder of the meadow. Executors were sons Brant and John. Witnesses were William Menderveal, Nicholas Jacobus, and Charles Ailsworth O'Brien. An inventory of the estate was taken on 13 October 1791 by Thos. Doremus and Philip Hyler and values at £34 and 9 shillings.

Abraham Jacobus and Evaatje Kip have other descendants, such as:
.Jannetje Jacobus - Arent Schermerhorn
 .Eva Schermerhorn - Michael Widerwachs
  .Michael Weatherwax - Sarah Rose Van Allen
   .William C. Weatherwax - Elizabeth Mary Smiley
    .Walter Smiley Weatherwax - Anna L. Wallis
     .FRANK WEATHERWAX l1902-1991) Hollywood animal trainer
     .RUDD WEATHERWAX (1907-1985) Hollywood animal trainer - (__)
     |.ROBERT WEATHERWAX (?-?) Hollywood animal trainer
     .JACK WEATHERWAX (1909-1968) Hollywood animal trainer
     .(__)Weatherwax - (__) Ekins
      .BUD EKINS (1930-2007) film actor, stuntman

3. Jacobus Jacobus, had no birth or baptismal record. On 23 June 1743 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Marritjen Kip, a daughter of Cornelis Kip and Evaatje Berdan, who was baptised on 23 October 1726 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Joris Duremes and Maritje Berdan). Banns for their marriage were published 21 May 1743 at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack, where he was recorded as having been born and now living in Hanover, and she as having been born and now living in Preakness.

Jacobus served in the Revolutionary War as a private in the Morris County Militia, New Jersey. He signed the "Article of Agreement" to uphold the American cause on 12 March 1776. The will of James Jacobus, Jr. of Morris County, New Jersey, was dated 3 October 1793 and probated on 22 August 1794. In it he provided for his wife to be maintained out of his estate, and also to have "an old negro wench and negro, Tom;" son James was to have the south half of a 17 acre lot between Capt. Thos. Doremus and Martin Van Duyne's land, also 11 acres between where he lived and the heirs of Abraham Jacobus, dec'd, and 15 acres between Martin Van Duyne Thomas Doremus; son David was to have 30 acres where he currently lived on, also the north half of the 17 acre lot and 10 acres "whereon the sawmill stands as laid out by Abraham Ryerson;" daughter Ann was to receive 25 acres during her life where on Brant Jacobus, dec'd, formerly lived - after her decease the land was to go tho her son Cornelius Bloom; sons Cornelius, Abraham, and Nicholas received the remainder of lands in Morris Co.; daughters Elizabeth (wife of Wm. Mandeville) and Eva (wife of John Mandeville), received a 50 acre lot in Preakness, Bergen County; son Cornelius received the 6 acres where he was currently living on; grand daughter Ann Van Blaricum received £5; daughter Mary, wife of Richard Duryea, received £100 (to be paid by the 5 sons within 3 years; personal and residue were to be divided between all the children. Executors were sons Cornelius and James. Witnesses were Isaac Kingslan, Jr., Abraham Jacobus, and Charles A. O'Brien. An inventory of the estate valued at £414, 2 shillings, and 7 pence, was made by Thomas Doremus and Philip Hiler on 8 July 1794.

Jacobus Jacobus and Marritjen Kip have other descendants, such as:
.Elizabeth Jacobus - William Mandeville
 .Cornelius William Mandeville - Jannette Jones
  .Susan Mandeville - David Fairbanks
   .Ralph Jacobus Fairbanks - Celestia Adelaide Johnson
    .Zella Vonola Fairbanks - Alexander Revard Modine
     .Mark Alexander Modine - Dolores Warner
      .MATTHEW AVERY MODINE (1959-living) film actor


Hendrick Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Pemmerpogh, New Jersey. He died between 24 January 1745 and 14 March 1757, the dates on which his will was written and proved. He married on 6 September 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack.

They joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River on 18 October 1728. He was a deacon of that church in 29 May 1732, and was recorded as an Elder in 1735, 1739, 1743, and 1749. He signed his name as Hendrick Bruyn, Sr., Churchmaster, on 2 April 1742. His will, dated 24 January 1745, and proved 14 March 1757, was signed by mark and witnessed by Jon. Sergeant (in whose handwriting it is written), Jacobus Vandicke, and Abraham Peir. In it Hendrick gave his wife, Margaret Brown, use of all estate for life; to eldest son Hendrick Brown, "the House wherein I now live" with half his lands; to son John Brown, "the House in which he now lives," the other half of his lands, and all his smith's tools and utensils; to grandson Jacobus Brown, a heifer or colt at his choice. One-eighth of his personal estate was given to each of the following: son Hendrick Brown, son John Brown, eldest daughter Elizabeth Cadmus, daughter "Lao Manderville," daughter Saiche Kerstead, daughter Sauke Woutesse, and daughter Alche Sip; and one-sixteenth each to grandson Jacobes Brown and granddaughter Margret King. Sons Hendrick and John to be executors. [parents]

Margarietje Lacomba, was baptised on 2 April 1681 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Carel de Núson and Marritie Claes). She died after 1745. [parents]
Children of Hendrick Bruyn and Margarietje Lacomba
1. Hendrick Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1701, and died in 1771. He married Martha Mead, a daughter of Pieter Mead, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Anthony Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1703. On 31 October 1727 he married as her first husband Ariaentje Jeralomon, a daughter of Jacobus Jans Jeralomon and Pietertje Claes, who was born on 18 January 1708/09. Prior to 1735 Ariantje married as her second husband Gerrit Wouterse.
3. Martin Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1705, and died about 1729/1730. He married as her first husband Jannetje Cadmus, a daughter of Thomas Thomaszen and Sara Van Deusen, who was born on 27 August 1702 "in the jurisdiction of Nuerck" according to records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. About 1730 she married as her second husband Pieter Mead.
4. Johannes Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1706 in Second River, Bergen County, New Jersey, and died there in 1785. On 21 December 1730 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk he married Hillegont Van Giesen, a daughter of Isaac Van Giesen and Hillegond Claasze Kuyper, who was baptised on 21 November 1709 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Cornelis Claes Kuyper and Annetie Cornelise).
5. Elizabeth Bruyn, married as her first husband Johannes Mandeville, and as her second husband Arien Cadmus.
6. Lea Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 18 June 1709, and died on 19 July 1799 in Pompton Plains, Morris County, New Jersey, aged 90 years, 1 month, and 1 day. On 8 June 1729 she married Gilles Mondeville, a son of Hendrick Mandeville and Elisabeth Jans Harris, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 21 January 1708, and died on 8 August 1776 in Pompton Plains, aged 68 years, 6 months, and 18 days.

The will of Yelles Mandevel of Morris County, was dated on 28 July 1774 and proved on 4 October 1784. In it he bequeathed his wife Leah "1/3 of moveable estate, while my widow, and my sons John and Henry to support her;" son Henry to have the lot on which he lived, "except that small tract between William and Anthony, which Anthony is to have;" son William was to have the 20 acres on which he was living; son John was to have "my old place, but Abraham must have 25¼ acres of that lying between Pieter and Henry, and also the lands which my sons, Henry, Anthony, and William, have bought, each one to have 5¼ acres;" son John was to have the house "where I dwell;" his six sons were to have his timberland; daughter Lenah to have £30; daughter Elizabeth to have £30; daughter Margaret to have £30, after her mother's death; daughter Sitea was to have £30 after her granmother's death. Executors were sons William and Abraham, who were to also be trustees for his wife and children. Witnesses were Yelles Bertholf, Robert Clark, and Abraham Bertholf.

Lea Bruyn and Giles Mandeville have other descendants, such as:
.Hendrick Mandeville - Rachel Spier
|.Sarah Mandeville - Johannis Doremus
| .Anche Doremus - Johannes Jacobus
|  .John I. Jacobus - Mary Aber
|   .Henry Oliver Jacobus - Harriet Amanda Aber
|    .John Ira Jacobus - Ida Wilmot Lines
|     .DONALD LINES JACOBUS (1887-1970) genealogist
.Anthony Mandeville - Willempje Van Houten
|.Lena Mandeville - Cornelis T. Doremus
| .Thomas C. Doremus - Sarah Platte Haines
|  .ROBERT OGDEN DOREMUS (1824-1906) chemist - Estelle Emma Skidmore
|   .CHARLES AVERY DOREMUS (1851-1925) chemist
.Gilles Mandeville - Christina Houseman
 .Hendrick Mandeville - Sophia Brown
  .Hannah Mandeville - Nathaniel Casterline
   .Ella Casterline - Alfred Decker
    .Harriet Decker - Robert Ludlum
     .George Hartford Ludlum - Margaret Wadsworth
      .ROBERT LUDLUM (1927-2001) author

7. Cytie Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1711. About 1730 she married Hans Kierstede, a son of Hans Kierstede and Dina Van Schaick, who was baptised on 13 August 1704 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jacobus Kierstede and Marretie Bayards).
Cytie Bruyn and Hans Kierstede have other descendants, such as:
.Dinah Kierstead - Henry Bush, Jr.
 .Richard Bush - Ann Stagg
  .Sarah Bush - Abraham Ryerson
   .Sarah Ryerson - William Anderson
    .ABRAHAM ARCHIBALD ANDERSON (1847-1940) artist
8. Aeltje Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1713. She married John Sipp, who had no birth or baptismal record and may have been born about 1710. Aeltje was mentioned in her father's will.
9. Styntje Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1715. With license dated 1 December 1741 she married Francois Wouterse. She was called "Sauke" in her father's will.

Johannes Spier, was baptised on 5 October 1653 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Claes Van Elslant, de Oude, Mr. Gysbert, and Barber Gysberts), and died between 22 October 1722 and 18 September 1724, the dates on which his will was written and proved. He married on 12 August 1679 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.

Johannes and his brother, Hans, received the patent for land on Staten Island for which their father had petitioned. Johannes was one of the fourteen men who shared the Acquackanonk patent granted in 16 March 1684/85. In 1714, he was appointed to the committee which partitioned the common lands of Acquackanonk. Johannes owned several lots of land in this area, now Passaic, New Jersey. One of these, he and his wife conveyed to their son, Hendrick, on 31 January 1708/09. Another, probably his homestead, was located just south of the Post farm at Passaic Bridge. This land was still in the family in 1771. The will of Johannes was written on 22 October 1722 and proved on 18 September 1724. In it he left his estate to his wife for her lifetime and stipulates its division after her death among their children, Hendrick, Frans, Jacob, Gertry, Magdelena, Janetea, Rachel, Mary, Garretea and Lea. [parents]

Maritje Franse, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1660 probably in Beest, Gelderland, The Netherlands, and died after 18 September 1724.

Maritje and her parents arrived in New Amsterdam aboard "De Beaver" on 29 July 1661. She joined the Reformed Dutch Church at Bergen on 3 October 1682, and survived her husband as she was executrix of his will. [parents]
Children of Johannes Spier and Maritje Franse
1. Hendrick Spier, was born in Pemmerpogh and baptised on 13 June 1681 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Kersten de Schemaker and Jilletje Jans). With banns published on 30 April 1709 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Sara Dey, a daughter of Teunis Dey and Anneken Shouten, who was baptised on 10 June 1688 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jochem Kierstede and Lysbeth Schouten).

At the time of their marriage, Hendrick was living in Acquackanonk, Essex County, New Jersey, and Sara was living in Pequanac, New Jersey. In addition to the farm at Wesel which he had purchased from his father on 31 January 1708, Hendrick also was allotted Lot #8 West in the Bogt subdivision of the Acquackanonk Patent, which consisted of the southern bank of the Passaic river, opposite an island. The island and river bed had been conveyed to Johannes Joralemon by deed from the East Jersey Proprietors. In 1714 and 1715 Hendrick Spier's right to vote in Bergen County was vouched for by George Reyerse. On 24 November 1737, the two men signed an agreement for the operation of a mill on that site. Later, Hendrick sold about six acres of that land to Joralemon. Hendrick apparently moved from Wesel to Pecquanac. His wife, Sara, had received, jointly with her sister Jannetje and brother Dirck, a farm there from their mother and stepfather, George Reyerse.

2. Frans Spier, married Dierckje Van Houten.
3. Geertruyt Spier, was baptised on 6 April 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Abraham Cornelis and Treyntje Pieters). On 18 March 1704 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married Arent Toers, a son of Lauren Arentszen Toers and Francyntie Thomas, who was baptised on 3 April 1675 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Claes Arentszen and Marritie Ariaens).
4. Maddeleen Spier, was baptised on 11 April 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Johannes Michielse Vreelant and Catreyna Hendrickse Spier, YW). On 28 October 1710 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married Thomas Toers, a son of Lauren Arentszen Toers and Francyntie Thomas, who was born on 4 April 1687 and baptised on 11 April 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Enoch Michielsen Vreelant and Jacomeyntje van Neste, wife of Claes Arentse Toers).
5. Jannetje Spier, was baptised on 2 April 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Adriaen Post and Catreyna Michielse). With Banns published on 1 January 1715 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married Roelof Van Houten, a son of Cornelis Roelofszen Van Houten and Magdalena Van Giesen, who was born on 31 December 1679 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, and baptised on 26 January 1680 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Helmet Roelofszen and Gerritie Cornelis).

Roelof was recorded as having been born in Bergen, Jannetje as having been born in Acquackanonk, and both now living in Acquackanonk at the time of their marriage. Roelof was a member of the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk in 1726. He was a miller, who at some point removed from Bergen to Pompton Plains, Morris County, New Jersey.

Jannetje Spier and Roelof Van Houten have other descendants, such as:
.Johannis Van Houten - Mertyntje Bertholf
 .Janitye Van Houten - Albert Van Voorhees
  .John A. Van Voorhees - Christina Bogert
   .William Van Voorhis - Charity Fredericks
    .Margaret Ann Van Voorhis - Lyman J. Corbin
     .Leon E. Corbin - Frances Cox
      .VIRGINIA LAVERNE CORBIN (1910-1942) film actor

6. Rachel Spier, was baptised on 14 April 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Willem Merry). She married Enoch Vreeland, a son of Abraham Vreeland and Margrietie Van Winkle, who was born on 14 March 1701 and baptised on 2 April 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Enoch Vreelant and Grietje Hendrickx wife of Jacob Jacobsen van Winckel).
7. Maritie Spier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Hackensack, New Jersey, according to her marriage record. On 27 October 1716 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married as his first wife Johannes G. Ryerson, a son of Joris Martensen Ryerson and Anneken Schouten, who was baptised on 8 August 1694 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Samuel Berry and Helena Schouten). Both were living in Hackensack at the time of their marriage. Johannes married as his second wife Geertje Hessels.
8. Gerritje Spier, had no birth or baptismal record. On 8 July 1727 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk she married Reynier Van Houten.

Could he be the Reynier Van Houten, son of Cornelis Roelofszn Van Houten and Magdalena Van Giesen, who married as his first wife Anne Stevens and and his second wife Leah D. Demarest? The marriage Banns list him as "y.m." (i.e young man or bachelor) for his marriage to Gerritje Spier, though this could be a mistake on the part of the person who recorded the Banns.

9. Lea Spier, had no birth or baptismal record. On 13 Dececember 1727 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk she married Pieter Winne, a son of Martin Winne and Margreta Simonse Van Winkle, who was baptised on 7 May 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Lowerens Van Hoek and Annetje Symons, h.v. van Symon Jacosz). In the marriage record, Peter was referred to as "j.m.; Nieuw Brittanje" and Lea was referred to as "j.d.; Secund River."
10. Jacob Spier, had no birth or baptismal record. On 18 October 1727 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk he married Aagtje Van Houten, a daughter or Roelof Van Houten and Achtje Cornelise Vreeland, who was baptised on 18 October 1707 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Cornelis Vreelant and his wife).


Cornelis Roelofszen Van Houten, was probably born in Amersfoort, Long Island, New Netherlands, baptised on 10 September 1651 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Joris Jacobszen and Tryntie Claes), and died prior to 20 April 1701. He married on 13 November 1677 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York. Banns for their marriage were published 14 October 1677 at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. Cornelis was recorded as "y.m. from Amersfoort on Long Island;" Magdalena as "y.d. from New York." The received certificate dated 13 November 1677 to marry in New York.

Cornelis joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen on 25 June 1677. He was one of the Patentees of Acquackanonk on 16 March 1684. [parents]

Magdalena Van Giesen, was baptised on 12 April 1659 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Hans Steyn "en syn huysvrouw"). She married as her first husband Cornelis Roelofszen Van Houten. With Banns published on 20 April 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married as her second husband as as his second wife Sander Egberts, the widower of Elsie Pieters Staats and a son of Egbert Sanders and Harmentje Harmens, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1659.

In 1684 Sanders bought for 15 poounds, 27 acres of land & 2 acres of meadow from William Claus of Staten Island. A Staten Island Cattlemark was assigned to him in 1684. In 1697 Sanders & Elsie sold to George Hoaglean land "Bounded east by my honored father Peter Janse, west by land of Geret Cruse, north by river;" the deed refers to Peter Staats as "brother-in-law to Sander Egbert." Sanders was constable on Staten Island in 1703. He was listed on a deed of land with his first wife in 1692, moved to Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey, sometime before census of 1701. [parents]
Children of Cornelis Roelofszen Van Houten and Magdalena Van Giesen
1. Gerritje Van Houten, was born on 10 August 1678 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, and baptised on 25 August 1678 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Reynier Van Gunst and Gerritie Roelofs), and died prior to 22 March 1701. With Banns published on 24 July 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married as his first wife Tymen Valentyne. They were recorded in the banns with Tymen being from Albany and Gerritje being from Wihake. On 22 March 1701 Tymen married as his second wife Maritie Van Deusen.

At least one wesbite on the Internet states that Tymen's parents were Jan Valentyn and Catherine Tamamizer.

2. Roelof Van Houten, was born on 31 December 1679 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, and baptised on 26 January 1680 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Helmet Roelofszen and Gerritie Cornelis). With Banns published on 1 January 1715 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Jannetje Spier, a daughter of Johannes Spier and Maritje Franse, who was baptised on 2 April 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Adriaen Post and Catreyna Michielse).

Roelof was recorded as having been born in Bergen, Jannetje as having been born in Acquackanonk, and both now living in Acquackanonk at the time of their marriage. Roelof was a member of the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk in 1726. He was a miller, who at some point removed from Bergen to Pompton Plains, Morris County, New Jersey.

Roelof Van Houten and Jannetie Spier have other descendants, such as:
.Johannis Van Houten - Mertyntje Bertholf
 .Janitye Van Houten - Albert Van Voorhees
  .John A. Van Voorhees - Christina Bogert
   .William Van Voorhis - Charity Fredericks
    .Margaret Ann Van Voorhis - Lyman J. Corbin
     .Leon E. Corbin - Frances Cox
      .VIRGINIA LAVERNE CORBIN (1910-1942) film actor

3. Reynier Van Houten, was born on 9 December 1681 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, and baptised on 24 December 1681 as record at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Johannes and Anna Maria Van Giesen). He married as his first wife Anne Stevens. With banns published on 26 December 1718 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married as his second wife Lea Demarest, a daughter of David Demarest and Antie Slot, who was baptised on 26 November 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Jan Pieterse Sloth and Lea DeMaree). At the time of their marriage he was recorded as living at York Island and she was recorded as having been born and then living in Hackensack.

Reynier is credited as having married as a third wife Gerritje Janse Spier, a daughter of Johannes Spier and Maritje Franse. The Reynier that Gerritje married was called "y.m." (i.e. bachelor) in the church records and was probably not the twice married Reynier.

4. Hendrick Van Houten, was born on 8 November 1683 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, baptised on 2 April 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Bastiensen van Giesen and Jannetje Pieters), and died prior to 6 February 1713/1714. On 15 October 1710 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married as her first husband Magdalena Bruyn, a daughter of Hendrick Hendrickszen Van Rane and Seytje Spier, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1687 in Pemmerpogh, New Jersey. On 6 February 1713/1714 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married as her second husband Hessel Pieterse.
5. Dirckje Van Houten, married Frans Spier.
6. Johannes Van Houten, was born on 6 October 1687 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, and baptised on 30 October 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Johannis Janszen and Aeltje Schepmoes). On 1 November 1712 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Trintie Pieters, a daughter of Pieter Paulus and Tryntje Jans Jacobs, who was baptised on 4 October 1688 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Poulus Pieterse and Tryntje Martens). They were both recorded as having been born and then living in Acquackanonk at the time of their marriage. In 1726 Johannes was a member of the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk.
7. Cornelis Van Houten, was baptised on 22 April 1690 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York. Wit.: Abraham van Giesen, y.m. and Treyntje Claes.


Cornelis Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record. He married on 17 July 1695 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany. He and his wife were residing in Half Moon, New York, in 1720. [parents]
Maria Gerritse Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1671. [parents]
Children of Cornelis Van Ness and Maria Gerritse Van den Bergh
1. Aaltje Van Ness, was baptised on 6 January 1697 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Isak Overkerk and Aaltje Van Es), and died prior to 20 March 1721. On 21 November 1715 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as her first husband Wynand Cornelis Van den Bergh, a son of Cornelis Gysbertszen Van den Bergh and Cornelia Wynantse Van der Poel, who was baptised on 24 June 1694 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Willem Gysbertsz and Maria Melchertsz) and died on 5 September 1758. He was living in Half Moon, New York, in 1720. On 20 March 1721 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany Wynand married as his second wife Anna Wendel, and on 25 Augsut 1750 he married as his third wife Catalyna Van Ness.
2. Gerrit Van Ness, married Sara Van den Bergh.
3. Maria Van Ness, was baptised on 10 March 1706 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Wouter Quakkenbos, Sr. and Maeyke Ouderkerk). On 26 January 1726 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Johannes Van den Bergh, a son of Cornelis Claaszen Van den bergh and Susanna Ouderkerk, who was baptised on 1 March 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Willem Gysbertszen and Marritje Pieters).

Cornelis Claaszen Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 14 February 1738. He married on 12 December 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany.

Cornelis was living in Westchester County, New York, in 1699. [parents]

Susanna Ouderkerk, had no birth or baptismal record. She was buried on 12 August 1744, probably in Albany, Albany County, New York. [parents]
Children of Cornelis Claaszen Van den Bergh and Susanna Ouderkerk
1. Claas Van den Bergh, was baptised on 1 July 1694 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jan Ouwerkerk and Neeltje Claasz). On 16 January 1719 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Antje Hooghkerk, a daughter of Lucas Lucase Hooghkerk and Judik Marselis Van Bommel, who was baptised on 4 December 1695 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Marcelis Jansz and Huybertje Marcelis), and buried 30 October 1762 in Albany, Albany County, New York.
2. Johannes Van den Bergh, was baptised on 1 March 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Willem Gysbertszen and Marritje Pieters). On 26 January 1726 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Maria Van Ness, a daughter of Cornelis Van Ness and Maria Gerrits Van den Bergh, who was baptised on 10 March 1706 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Wouter Quakkenbos, Sr. and Maeyke Ouderkerk).
3. Ariaantje Van den Bergh, was baptised on 17 November 1697 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Evert Byvank and Wyntje Stoutenburg, "s.h. vrouw"), and died August 1773. On 24 May 1715 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Pieter Van Woert, a son of Jacob Teuniszen Van Woert and Anna Loockermans, who was baptised on 23 October 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Henderik Hansz and Catrina Catrina Renselaar), and died after March 1763.

Pieter's will was dated March 1763 and proved November 1766. In it he described himself as being of Rensselaerswyck and mentions Jacob and Lewis, sons of his brother Jacob Van Woert, and Cornelis C. Van den Bergh, son of his brother-in-law Claas Van den Bergh, and was witnessed by Theunis Van Woert. Ariaantje's will was dated August 1773, proved April 1776, and mentioned some children of all her brothers and sisters.

4. Antje Van de Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1700. On 3 January 1722 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Gerrit De Ridder, a son of Evert De Ridder and Anna Van Ness, who was baptised on 5 January 1695 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Kiliaan Van Renselaar and Maria Schuyler).

Antje was still living in 1795 when she was mentioned in the will of her nephew Cornelis C. Van den Bergh.

5. Susanna Van den Bergh, was baptised on 18 January 1702 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Antony Van Schayk, Sr., and Martyje Van Schayk), and died prior to 7 July 1733. On 23 November 1725 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as his first wife Cornelis De Ridder, a son of Evert De Ridder and Anna Van Ness, who was baptised on 20 July 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Thomas Harmense and wife Mayke), and died possibly on 28 April 1744. He married on7 July 1733 as his second wife Gerritie Van Hoesen.
Susanna Van den Bergh and Cornelis De Ridder have other descendants, such as:
.Antje De Ridder - ABRAHAM YATES (1724-1796) Continental Congress delegate
 .Susannah Yates - Abraham Gerrit Lansing
  .GERRIT YATES LANSING (1783-1862) Congressman
6. Pieter Van den Bergh, was baptised on 25 April 1703 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Wouter Quakkenbosch and Neeltje Van den Berg). On 28 January 1730 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Maria Van den Bergh, a daughter of Gerrit Gerritse Van den Bergh and Egbertje Harmense Metselear, who was baptised on 1 January 1715 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Cornelis Van den Bergh and Eckbertie Bratt).

At various times Pieter lived at Watervliet and Boght, New York. In his will, dated 14 August 1794, and recorded at Albany, he mentions all of his children with Cornelis to be cared for for life, and was witnessed by Maus C. and Cornelis Van den Bergh.

7. Sara Van den Bergh, married Gerrit Van Ness.
8. Cornelis Van den Bergh, was baptised on 23 April 1710 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Johs. Roseboom and Gerretje Costers), and died after 1767 in Albany, Albany County, New York. On 1 June 1737 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Anneke Van Vranken, a daughter of Maas Ryckszen Van Vranken and Anneke Winne, who was baptised on 30 October 1715 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jacob Teunissen and Maria Gerritsen), and died after 1767 in Albany.

Jacob Teuniszen Van Woert, had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his first wife Catryn [or Maria] Classe, a daughter of Claas Groesbeck and Elizabeth (__), who had no birth or baptismal record, and died prior to 18 October 1691. He married on 18 October 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany as his second wife and as her second husband Anna Loockermans.

On 25 May 1681, a "certain lot lying without the north gate of Albany" was deeded by Gerrit Reyersen to Brant Myndertse, Jeronimus Wendell, Cornelis van Shelluyn, Symon Jacobse Schermerhorn, Johannes Mingaell, and Jacob Teunise, shoemakers. On 8 July 1681, a house and lot in Albany were granted to Johannes Thomasen Mingael and Jacob Teunissen by Jan Andriese Douw. The following day Johannes granted his half of the house to Jacob. [parents]
Children of Jacob Teuniszen Van Woert and Catryn (or Maria) Classe
1. Teunis Van Woert, had no birth or baptismal record. On 21 January 1711 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York, he married Agnietie Van der Spiegel, a daughter of Laurens Van der Spiegel and Sara Webber, who was baptised on 27 March 1683 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Henricus Selyns V.D.M., Isaac de Foreest, and Machtilda Specht).
2. Ruth Van Woert, had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his first wife Elizabeth (__). He married as his second wife M. Egbertse, who had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried on 9 July 1755 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany.

Ruth's wife Elizabeth may possibly be the Elizabeth baptised on 4 January 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Steph. Croesbeek and Rebecca Croesbeek), a daughter of Willem Groesbeck and Geertruy Schuyler. This identification is uncertain - while a number of members of the Groesbeck family acted as sponsors for this couple's children, the amount of time between Elizabeth's birth and the birth of her first child is a little too short to be comfortably plausible.

3. Nicholas Van Woert, was baptised on 3 June 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jan Thomasz and Claas Rip Van Dam). On 15 December 1708 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Dirkje Barheit, a daughter of Andries Barheit and Geertje Teunis de Metselaer, who was baptised on 13 October 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Lucas Jansz and Grietje Folkersz).
Nicolaas Van Woert and Dirktje Barheit have other descendants, such as:
.Rachel Van Woert - Jacob Wouter Vrooman
 .Adam Vrooman - Margaret de Peyster Mattice
  .Elizabeth Ann Vrooman - John Morden Field
   .Adam Field - Eleanor Robinson
    .John Quincy Field - Charlotte Berry
     .Fleet Folsom Field - Jane Elizabeth Fox
      .Richard Dryden Field - MARGARET MORLAN (1923-living) film and TV actor
       .SALLY MARGARET FIELD (1946-living) film actor
	- (1) Steven Craig
	- (2) ALAN GREISMAN (?-living) film producer
	.(by 1) ELIJAH M. CRAIG (1972-living) film actor
	  - SASHA WILLIAMS (?-living) film actor


Anna Loockermans, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Adam Winne, a son of Pieter Winne and Tannetje Adams, who had no birth or baptismal record, and died prior to 18 October 1691. She married as her second husband Jacob Teuniszen Van Woert. [parents]
Children of Anna Loockermans and Adam Winne
1. Tanneke Winne, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1682 probably in Albany, Albany County, New York. On 7 December 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston (with Banns published 1 November 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany and also (no date) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston) she married Matthys Peersen, a son of Jan Hendricks Peersen and Anna Janse Van Keuren, who had no birth or baptismal record. Matthys was recorded in the marriage record (at Kingston) as "j.m., born and residing in the County of Ulster." Tannake was recorded in the same record as "j.d., born and residing in Albanie."
Tanneke Winne and Matthys Peersen have other descendants, such as:
.Cornelius Peersen - Catharine Turk
 .Cornelius Peersen - Elizabeth Masten
  .Elizabeth Peersen - Cornelius Van Buren
   .JOHN C. VAN BUREN (1799-1855) Congressman
   .Isaac Van Buren - Agnes Ostrander
    .Matthew Van Buren  - Caroline G. Keator
     .MABEL VAN BUREN (1879-1947) film actor
      - (1) ERNEST JOY (1878-1924) film actor
      - (2) JAMES GORDON (1871-1941) film actor
2. Lidia Winne, was baptised on 31 August 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: father and Marten G. Van Berge). She married Jacob Mol, a son of Jan Janszen Mol and Engeltie Pieters, who was baptised on 30 January 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Hendrick Kermer, Lucas Tienhoven, and Tryntie Pieters).
3. Maria Winne, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1685, probably in Colonie, Rensselaerswyck, New York. On 6 July 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch of Albany she married as her first husband Cornelis Willemszen Van den Bergh, a son of Willem Gysbertszen Van den Bergh and Catharine Wynantse Van der Poel, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1679 probably in Albany, Albany County, New York. About 1710 she married as her second husband Jan Gerritsen, a son of Gerrit Ryerszen and Annatje Jans, who had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried on 12 November 1725 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany.

Cornelis lived in Albany where he was a carman (deliveryman) and millwright (carpenter-mechanic). His will was dated 24 November 1706 and proved 18 April 1713. He died prior to 8 June 1707, when he was listed as deceased at the baptism of his child, Cornelis.

The will of Maria Winne

In den Naame Godts, Amen. Be it known to every body, that on the 19 day of September, 1745, I, Maria Gerrittse, widow of Jan Gerrittse, of Albany, "being old in age and considering the briefness of life, and desirous to set all things in order." My funeral charges are to be paid out of a bond which I have against Peter Fonda, of Albany. I leave to my eldest son, Adam Vanderbergh, £1 as eldest son. I leave to my daughter Anna, wife of Adam Yates, a certain piece of ground to the west of the path leading to the Patroons mill, being part of the land where I live and which I improve, Bounded south by the land of my said daughter Anna and my daughter Maria, and is 20 feet wide on the street and 10 feet in the rear, and to run west to the extent of my land; I also leave her my Bible and my best large kettle. I leave to my daughter Maria, wife of Wessell Van Schaick, a part of my land where I now live with the house and buildings, bounded north by the land of my son, Cornelius Vanderburgh, and is 40 feet wide on the street, and the same in the rear and 12 rods in length, Rynland measure; And she shall pay to my son Cornelius £25, and to my daughter, Anna Yates, £15; I also leave her my Great Looking glass. I leave to my son, Adam Van der Bergh, my land situate between the lot left to my daughter Anna and the lot left to my daughter Maria, bounded east by the street and to extend west as far as my land extends; Also my Great silver cup. I leave to my son, Cornelius Van der Bergh, and my daughter Maria, all the land in the rear of the lot I left to her, and back of the land of my son Cornelius and Abraham De Freest. I leave to my son Cornelius a silver spoon formerly belonging to Margaritie Ten Broeck. I leave to my daughters Anna and Maria, 3 silver spoons and a small silver cup; Also a bond due to me from Peter Fonda, and all my clothes. I leave to my sons, Adam and Cornelius Van der Bergh, all my bedding except 8 sheets, which my daughters are to have. I leave to my 2 sons and 2 daughters all my share of the estate of my mother, Anna Van Woert, and all the rest of my estate. I make my son Cornelius and my daughter Maria, executors. Witnesses, Thomas Sharpe, James Sharpe, John Schuyler. Proved, June 24, 1748.

Maria Winne and her second husband Jan Gerritsen have other descendants, such as:
.Maria Gerritsen - Wessel Van Schaick
 .Catrina Van Schaick - PETER GANSEVOORT (1749-1812) General
  .Leonard H. Gansevoort - Mary Ann Chandonette
  |.GUERT C. GANSEVOORT (1812-1868) Naval Officer
  .Maria Gansevoort - Allan Melville
   .HERMAN MELVILLE (1819-1891) author
   .Catherine Gansevoort Melville - JOHN CHIPMAN HOADLEY (1818-1886) civil engineer
4. Rachel Winne, was baptised on 23 November 1686 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Killiaan Winne, by Lyntje Winne). She died young.
5. Anneke Winne, was baptised on 7 October 1688 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Wesel Ten Broeck, by Anna Van Renselaar). She married Maas Ryckse Van Vranken, a son of Ryckert Van Vranken and Hillegonda (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.
.(by 1) Anneke and Maas Ryckszen Van Vranken have other descendants, such as:
.Ryckert Van Vranken - Antje Traux
|.Annatje Van Vranken - Jacob Van Arnhem
||.Elisabeth Van Arnhem - Samuel Collamer
|| .JACOB COLLAMER (1791-1865) Congressman, Senator, Postmaster General
|.Hillegonda Van Vranken - Robert Winne
||.Johannes R. Winne - Elizabeth Dusenbury
|| .Moses J. Winne - Maria Lansing
||  .Maria Winne - RUSSELL SAGE (1816-1906) financier, Congressman
|.Margarita Van Vranken - Hendrick Waldron
| .Henry Waldron - Julia N. Newman
|  .HENRY WALDRON (1819-1880) Congressman
.Adam Van Vranken - Ariaantje Clute
|.Adam Van Vranken - Gertrude Van Vranken
| .Eleanor Van Vranken - Abraham Van Hoevenberg
|  .Adam Van Vranken Van Hoevenberg - Cynthia Melinda Cole
|   .HENRY VAN HOEVENBERG (1849-1918) inventor, Resort Developer
.Maas Van Vranken - Ariaantje Van Der Volgen
|.Maas Van Vranken - Sarah Marselis
||.Nicholas Van Vranken - Jennet Mc Clelland
|| .Anna Van Vranken - RICHARD HANSEN FRANCHOT (1816-1875) Congressman
||  .Stanislas Pascal Franchot - Annie Powers Eells
||  |.Gertrude Franchot - FRANK JEROME TONE (1868-1945) businessman
||  | .STANISLAS PASCAL FRANCHOT TONE (1905-1968) film actor
||  |  - (1) JOAN CRAWFORD (née LUCILLE FAY LESUEUR) (1904-1977) film actor
||  |  - (2) JEAN WALLACE (née JEAN WALASEK) (1923-1990) film actor
||  |  - (3) BARBARA PAYTON (née BARBARA LEE REDFIELD) (1927-1967) film actor
||  |  - (4) DOLORES DORN (née DOLORES HEFT) (1934-?) film actor
||  |
||  .NICHOLAS VAN VRANKEN FRANCHOT (1855-1943) oil producer
|.Nicolaas Van Vranken - Ruth Comstock
||.Harriet Van Vranken - John Scott Mabon
|| .William Augustus Van Vranken Mabon - Emma Deas
||  .JAMES BROWN MABON (1866-1941) financier, New York Stock Exchange President
|.Susanna Van Vranken - Jacobus Van Campen Romeyn
| .Anna Maria Romeyn - John Vreenenberg Varick
|  .Sara Susan Romeyn Varick - CORNELIUS VAN SANTVOORD (1816-?) clergyman
|  .THEODORE ROMEYN VARICK (1825-1884) physician
.Annatie Winne - Maus Van Vranken
 .Hillegonda Van Vranken - Simon Schermerhorn
  .Maus Schermerhorn - Catharine Swits
   .ISAAC MAUS SCHERMERHORN (1790-1849) Mayor, Brigadier-General
   .ABRAHAM MAUS SCHERMERHORN (1791-1855) Congressman

6. Rachel Winne, was baptised on 8 August 1690 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Brandt Schuyler and Catharina Van Cortlant). On 13 August 1713 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Nicolaas Gardenier, a son of Hendrick Gardenier and Neeltje Claase Van den Bergh, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1689.

Nicolaas owned land on Schodack Island and on the Mohawk River. His will, dated 1 June 1756, was recorded 11 April 1759, and in it he called himself "Niclaes Gardenier, of the Mohox River, Albany County, farmer," and named his wife Ragel, sons Hendrick, Adam, Andries, Jacob, Samuel, and daughters Neelty van Falkburgh, Anneke van Alstyn, Sara de Garmo, and Regel Quackenbous. He spoke of "land near ort Hunter on the south side of the Mohawk River adjoining John Schot Quackenous, do. on Schotack Island near Albany, as well as personal property. No executors were names, and the witnesses were Joseph Yates, Christopher Yates, both of Schenectady, and Peter Krurs [?].

7. Catelyntje Winne, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1691. On 12 July 1706 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Christopher Yates, a son of Joseph Yates and Hubertje Van Bommel, who was baptised on 16 April 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jan Karten, Christoffel Cheef, and Anneken Marselis), and died on 26 February 1754.
Catelyntje Winne and Christoffel Yates have other descendants, such as:
.Joseph Yates - Eva Fonda
|.Christopher Yates - Jannetje Bradt
||.JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER YATES (1768-1837) Mayor, Governor
||.Henry C. Yates - Catherine Mynderse
|||.Edward Yates - Elizabeth Jane Miller
||||.Mary Yates - Septimus Henry Norris
|||| .Elizabeth Norris - Charles Platt II
||||  .Charles Platt III - Dorothy Falcon Sims
||||   .Elizabeth Norris Platt - Erastus Corning
||||    .ERASTUS CORNING II (1909-1983) Mayor
|||.Charles Yates - Josephine Bosworth
||||.Stella Yates
|||| - BENJAMIN BREWSTER (1860-1941) P.E. Bishop of western Colorado,
||||   Bishop of Maine
|||.Jane Anne Yates - Edward Satterlee
||| .HENRY YATES SATTERLEE (1843-1908) P.E. Bishop of the diocese of Washington
||.JOHANNES BARENTSE YATES (1784-1836) Congressman
|.Catalyntje Yates - Cornelis Peek
| .Cornelis Peek - Neeltje Bancker
|  .Christoffel Peek - Hester Mabie
|   .Alonzo Paige Peeke - Deborah Parker Provost
|    .Eloise Stelle Peeke - Frank Solomon Cummings
|     .Jean Grinnell Cummings - George Harris Collingwood
|      .CHARLES CUMMINGS COLLINGWOOD (1917-1985) TV newscaster - LOUISE ALLBRITON (1920-1979) film and TV actor
.Huybertje Yates - Jacob Jacobs Lansing
|.Christopher Lansing - Sara Van Schaick
| .Huybertje Lansing - David Pruyn
|  .JOHN VAN SCHAICK LANSING PRUYN (1811-1877) Congressman - Harriet Corning Turner
|   .Huybertie Lansing Pruyn
|    - CHARLES SUMNER HAMLIN (1861-1938) Federal Reserve System head
.Johannes Yates - Rebecca Waldron
|.PETER WALDRON YATES (1747-1826) Continental Congress Delegate
|.Angeltje Yates - Cornelius Van Schaick
| .Maria Van Schaick - James J. Roosevelt
|  .Cornelius Van Schaick Roosevelt - Margaret Barnhill
|   .Silas Weir Roosevelt - Mary West
|   |.James West Roosevelt - Laura D'Oremieulx
|   | .NICHOLAS ROOSEVELT (1893-1982) Ambassador
|   |
|   .James Alfred Roosevelt - Elizabeth Norris Emlen
|   |.William Emlen Roosevelt - Christine Griffin Kean
|   | .George Emlen Roosevelt - Julia M. Addison
|   |  .JULIAN KEAN ROOSEVELT (1924-1986) Olympic gold medalist
|   |
|   .ROBERT BARNWELL ROOSEVELT (1829-1906) Congressman, Ambassador - (childbearing liaison) Minnie O'Shea Fortescue
|   |.GRANVILLE ROLAND FORTESCUE (1875-1952) Rough Rider, journalist, author - GRACE HUBBARD BELL (1883-1979) Massie Affair participant
|   | .THALIA FORTESCUE (1911-1963) Massie Affair participant
|   |
|   .Theodore Roosevelt - Martha Bulloch
|    .THEODORE ROOSEVELT (1858-1919) U.S. President
|    |- (1) Alice Hathaway Lee
|    |- (2) EDITH KERMIT CAROW (1861-1948) First Lady
|    |.(by 1) ALICE LEE ROOSEVELT (1884-1980) colorful personality
|    ||- (1) NICHOLAS LONGWORTH (1869-1931) Congressman (speaker of the house)
|    ||- (2) (liaison) WILLIAM EDGAR BORAH (1865-1940) Senator
|    ||.(by 2) Paulina Longworth
|    || - ALEXANDER MCCORMICK STURM (1923-1951) artist, author, businessman
|    ||
|    |.(by 2) THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1887-1944) General - Eleanor Butler
|    ||.Quentin Roosevelt - Frances D. Webb
|    || .Susan Roosevelt - WILLIAM FLOYD WELD (1945-living) Governor
|    ||
|    |.(by 2) KERMIT ROOSEVELT (1889-1943) businessman - Belle Wyatt Willard
|    | .KERMIT ROOSEVELT Jr. (1916-2000) CIA agent
|    |
|    .Elliot Roosevelt - Anna Rebecca Hall
|    |.ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962) First Lady
|    |- FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (1882-1945) U.S. President
|    | .JAMES ROOSEVELT (1907-1991) Congressman
|    | | - BETSEY MARIA CUSHING (1908-1998) philanthropist
|    | .ELLIOT ROOSEVELT (1910-1990) author - FAYE EMERSON (1917-1983) film and TV actor
|    | .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1914-1988) Congressman
|    |
|    .Corinne Roosevelt - Douglas Robinson
|     .Corinne Douglas Robinson - Joseph Wright Alsop
|      .JOSEPH WRIGHT ALSOP (1910-1989) political columnist
|      .STEWART JOHONNOT OLIVER ALSOP (1914-1974) politcal columnist
|      .Corinne Roosevelt Alsop - Percy Chubb
|       .Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Chubb - WARREN ZIMMERMANN (1935-2004) Ambassador
.Marytje Yates - Jacob Bogart
|.Anneke Bogart - Jacob I. Van Aernam
| .Jacob Bogart Van Aernam - Hannah Wallace
|  .HENRY VAN AERNAM (1819-1894) Congressman
.ABRAHAM YATES (1724-1796) Continental Congress delegate - Antje De Ridder
|.Susannah Yates - Abraham Gerrit Lansing
| .GERRIT YATES LANSING (1783-1862) Congressman
.Pieter Yates - Sara Van Alstyne
 .Christophel Yates - Mary Frey
  .Catherine Yates - JOHN FREEMAN SCHERMERHORN (1786-1851) Indian Commissioner


Children of Jacob Teuniszen Van Woert and Anna Loockermans
1. Pieter Van Woert, was baptised on 23 October 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Henderik Hansz and Catrina Catrina Renselaar), and died after March 1763. On 24 May 1715 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Ariaantje Van den Bergh, a daughter of Cornelis Claaszen Van den Bergh and Susanna Ouderkerk, who was baptised on 17 November 1697 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Evert Byvank and Wyntje Stoutenburg, "s.h. vrouw"), and died after August 1773.

Pieter's will was dated March 1763 and proved November 1766. In it he described himself as being of Rensselaerswyck and mentions Jacob and Lewis, sons of his brother Jacob Van Woert, and Cornelis C. Van den Bergh, son of his brother-in-law Claas Van den Bergh, and was witnessed by Theunis Van Woert. Ariaantje's will was dated August 1773, proved April 1776, and mentioned some children of all her brothers and sisters.

2. Sara Van Woert, was baptised on 31 December 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Hendrik Rensselaer and Marritje Lookerman). She died young.
3. Jeremias Van Woert, was baptised on 16 June 1695 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Gerrit Van Esch and Hilletje Lookerman). He died young.
4. Jeremie Van Woertwas baptised on 17 May 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Kiliaan Van Renselaer and Marritje Van Es). He died young.
5. Sara Van Woert, was baptised on 1 August 1697 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jan Fonda and Debora Van Dam). With Banns published on 22 August 1714 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, she married Andries Gardenier, a son of Hendrick Jacobszen Gardenier and Neeltje Claase Van den Bergh, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1685.

Andries was listed as a Dutchess county householder in 1714, in the Lower Livingston Manor. He was listed as a member of the manor militia in 1715. In his will dated 2 May 1760 and proved 20 November 1787, he mentioned his daughter, Neeltje, wife of Johannes Marcelis. Sara was not mentioned in is his will and is assumed to have predeceased him.

6. Jacob Van Woert, married Hendrickje Oothout.
7. Margriet Van Woert, was baptised on 21 July 1700 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jan Jansz Bleyker and Grietje Bleyker). With Banns published on 30 May 1718 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as her first husband Hendrick Gardenier, a son of Hendrick Jacobszen Gardenier and Neeltje Claase Van den Bergh, who was baptised on 11 March 1694 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Willem Gysbertsz, Cornelis Claasz Van den Berch, and Susanna Ouwerkerk), and died prior to 8 January 1738. On 8 January 1738 she married as her second husband Samuel (Wheeler or Weiler), a son of Edward (Wheeler or Weiler) and Josyna Gardenier, who was baptised on 12 December 1713 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Obedias Couper and Cornelis Couper).
Margriet Van Woert and her first husband Hendrick Gardenier and her second husband Samuel Weiler
have other descendants, such as:
.(by 1) Jacob H. Gardenier - Jannetje Huyck
|.Magdalena Gardenier - John Shibley
||.Peter Henry Shibley - Charlotte Day
||.SCHUYLER SHIBLEY (1820-1890) Canadian House of Commons member
|.Margarieta Gardenier - Peter Dingman
| .Jacob Dingman - Ph(o)ebe Tripp
|  .Solomon Howard Dingman - Clemencia Crochetiere
|   .Emma C. Dingman - James Earl Barr
|    .BYRON ELSWORTH BARR (aka GIG YOUNG) (1913-1978) film actor
|     - ELIZABETH VICTORIA MONTGOMERY (1933-1995) film and TV actor
.(by 2) Hiltje Weiler - William Fitch
 .Assentah (or Sina) Fitch - Lemuel Chipman
  .Sina Fitch Chipman - Cyrus Wells, Jr.
  |.Amelia Wells - Henry Harrison Bingham
  ||.Florence Amelia Bingham - Edward Alleyne Sumner
  || .Anna Chickering Sumner - Louis Antoine d'Aubigny d'Engelbronner
  ||  .Dorothy Alleyne d'Aubugny d'Engelbronner - Harry Freeman Jackson
  ||   .Virginia Alleyne Freeman Jackson
  ||    - Charles Henry Leicester Stanhope, Viscount Petersham
  ||    .SERENA ALLEYNE STANHOPE, Viscountess Linley (1970-living)
  ||     - DAVID ARMSTRONG-JONES, Viscount Linley (1961-living)
  ||       12th in line to the British throne
  |.Mary Mehitable Wells - John S. Butterfield
  | .John Locke Butterfield - Maria Ryder Griffen
  |  .Catherine Butterfield - William Sloane Coffin
  |   .WILLIAM SLOANE COFFIN (1924-living) activist
  .Alethia Wheeler Chipman - Ephrain Warren Cheney
   .CHARLES EDWARD CHENEY (1836-1873) Missionary P.E. Bishop

8. Heyltje Van Woert, was baptised on 2 November 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Aryen Oothout and Lammertje Lokermans). On 31 October 1727 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Johan Lodewyck Schreyder.
9. Catharina Van Woert, was baptised on 24 December 1704 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Cornelis Teeuwise Muller and Hilletje Muller). On 13 February 1728 she married as his first wife Hugo Viele, a son of Lewis Viele and Maria Freer, who was baptised on 25 February 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schenectady (wit.: Marten Dellemont and Lysbet Viele). On 17 September 1752 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, Hugert married as his second wife Elisabeth Van Vechten.
Catharina Van Woert and Hugo Viele have other descendants, such as:
 .Maria Viele - Johannes Nicholas Groesbeck
 |.Harmen J. Groesbeck - Margarita Kip
 | .Johannes Herman Groesbeck - Maria Slocum
 |  .Olivia A. Groesbeck - JOSEPH HOOKER (1814-1879) Major-General
 .Anneke Viele - Frans K. Winne
  .Killian Winne - Mary Jane Perry
   .Francis K. Winne - Dorcas Tefft
    .Emma Winne - John B. Winne
     .DEWITT C. WINNE (1845-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim

Jan Janszen Oothout, had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried on 5 February 1745 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany. He married on 5 May 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany. [parents]
Aeltie Evertse, as baptised on 29 June 1663 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: None), and was buried on 12 December 1739 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany. She married probably shortly before 1685 and probably in Albany, Albany Cunty, New York, as her first husband Gerrit Lubbertszen, a son of Lubbert Gerritszen and Grietje (__), who was baptised on 25 April 1655 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Albert Leendertszen, Dirck de Noorman, and Ariantie), and died prior to 5 May 1689. She married as her second husband Jan Janszen Oothout. [parents]
Children of Aeltie Evertse and Gerrit Lubbertszen
1. Grietje Gerritse, was baptised on 4 January 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: [carried by] Rebecca), and died young.
2. Grietje Gerritse, was baptised on 15 August 1686 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: [carried by] Rebecca Hieronimus).
3. Rebecca Gerritse, was baptised on 4 March 1688 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: father, Douwe Jelisz, and Jannetje Martensz).

Children of Jan Janszen Oothout and Aeltie Evertse
1. (Tietje or Fytie) Oothout, was baptised on 17 April 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Gerrit Van Esch and Jannetje Van Es). On 23 May 1713 (after the publication of three Banns) as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Meyndert Marselis, a son of Gerrit Marselis and Breetje Hanse, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born probably between 1687 and 1690 in Schenectady, Albany County, New York.

Meyndert's parents and a sibling were killed in the Schenctady Massacre of 9 February 1690. As of 1709 he was still living in Schenectady.

(Tietje or Feytje) Oothout and Myndert Marselis have other descendants, such as:
.Alida Marselis - Volkert Van Hoesen
|.Keziah Van Hoesen - Johannes Van Benthuysen
| .Jacobs Van Benthuysen - Mary Simonds
|  .Keziah Keturah Van Benthuysen - John Potter Rollins
|   .Mary Elizabeth Rollins - JOSEPH SMITH (1805-1844) Mormonism founder
.Barbara Marselis - Abraham Dox
 .Pieter Dox - Catalyntie Lansing
  .Abraham Dox - Ann Cary Nicholas
   .PETER MYNDERT DOX (1813-1891) Congressman

2. Rebecca Oothout, was baptised on 17 November 1695 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jan Jansz and Alida Fondaas). On 19 November 1718 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (and with license dated 19 November 1718) she married Barent Barheit, a son of Andries Hanse Barheit and Geertie Teunis de Metselaer, who was baptised on 15 October 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Wouter Quakelbosch and Johanna Pietersz).
3. Jan Oothout, was baptised on 7 January 1700 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Evert Ridder and Antje Ridder). With Banns published on 23 June 1729 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married maritie Wendell, a son of Abraham Wendell and Mayeke Van Ness, who was baptised on 23 October 1709 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Johannes and Maria Mingaal).
4. Hendrickje Oothout, married Jacob Van Woert.

John Fransoy, had no birth or baptismal record.
Geeshee (__), had no birth or baptismal record.

Please see the entry for 1696 and 1697 for this couples' children.

Michael Van der Koeck, had no birth or baptismal record. He died after 1700. Banns for their marriage were published 15 February as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York. The entry in the church record includes the phrase: "Getrouwt met vertoog na Breuckelen" (with remonstrance after Breuckelen).
Sara Joosten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1677. She died after 1740.

Please see the entry for 1698 and 1699 for this couples' children.

Cornelis Doremus, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in France. He died between 28 January 1714/15 and 8 February 1714/15, the dates on which his will was written and proved. He married on 12 May 1675 in Arnemuyden, The Netherlands.
Jannetje Joris Van Elslant, had no birth or baptismal record.

Please see the entry for 1700 and 1701 for this couples' children.

Abraham Davidszen Ackerman, was born on 3 May 1659 in Berlicum, North Brabant, The Netherlands. He died after 1723 and was buried in the Dutch Church on the Green, Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. He married on 28 May 1683 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn.
Aeltje Van Laer, was born on 14 April 1666 in Kingston, Ulster County, New York, and baptised on 25 April 1666 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston (wit.: Maddeleen Dircks). She died after 1723.

Please see the entry for 1702 and 1703 for this couples' children.

Jesayes Drake, was born on 2 August 1640 in Amsterdam, Noord Holland, The Netherlands, and died in 1701 in Newtown, Long Island, New York. He married on 30 April 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York. Banns for their marriage with published 15 April 1682 at the Reformed Dutch Church at New York. Jesayes was recorded as "j.m. Van Amsterdam" and Aaltje as "j.d. Van de Gauwanes."

Jesayes emigated from Amsterdam in 1661 and settled first in New Amsterdam and later moved to Brooklyn where he took the Oath of Allegiance in 1687. He was on the assessment rolls of 1683. In 1692 he resided in Newton. He joined the Reformed Dutch Church in New York on 28 May 1679.

Aeltje Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record. She died on 5 April 1733. [parents]
Children of Jesayes Drake and Aeltje Brouwer
1. Josias Drake, was baptised on 28 May 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush (wit.: Willem Brouwer and Elisabeth Brouwer), and died on 15 November 1748 in East Hadden, Hartford County, Connecticut. On 13 September 1716 in Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut, he married as his first wife and as her second husband Elizabeth Martin, the widow of Joseph Bourne and a daughter of John Martin and Elizabeth Howe, who was born on 24 September 1689 in Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut, and died there on 3 March 1724/1725. He married as his second wife Martha Holland, who had no birt hor baptismal record and was born about 1686 in Flatlands, Kings County, New York. She was still living in 1750 in East Haddam when as the widow of Joseph Driggs she released right of dower in land sold this day (2 March) by Daniel Driggs to Moses Huntley.

Joseph signed his name as Joseph Da Ret on the Cornbury Petition, 1702. He and his descendants adopted the surname Driggs.

Joseph Driggs and Elizabeth Martin have other descendants, such as:
.Joseph Driggs - Rachel Johnson
|.Joseph Driggs - Chloe Beach
| .Elias Driggs - Abigail Coe
|  .William Driggs - Mary Jane Quick
|   .Hiram Driggs - Louisa Woodruff
|    .Herbert Driggs - Minnie Handlog
|     .Katherine Iona Driggs - Carl Priddy
|      .NANCY PRIDDY (?-living) film and TV actor - Robert Applegate
|       .CHRISTINA APPLEGATE (1971-living) TV and film actor
|        - JOHNATHON SCHAECH (1969-living) film actor
.Daniel Driggs - Elizabeth Strickland
 .Daniel Dow Driggs - Ruth Graves
 |.Urial Driggs - Hannah Ford
 | .Shadrach Ford Driggs - Eliza Elizabeth White
 | |.Benjamin Woodbury Driggs , Sr. - Olivia Thankful Pratt
 | | .William King Driggs - Pearl Caroline Mortensen
 | |  .LOUISE DRIGGS (1913-1997) singer
 | |  |- ALVINO REY (né ALVIN HENRY MCBURNEY) (1908-2004) musician
 | |  |.Liza Luise Rey - Edwin Farnham Butler II
 | |  | .EDWIN FARNHAM BUTLER III (1980-living) singer, songwriter
 | |  | |-RÉGINE CHASSAGNE (1977-living) musician, singer
 | |  | .WILLIAM PIERCE BUTLER (1982-living) musician
 | |  |
 | |  .ALYCE GOLDA DRIGGS (1915-1996) singer
 | |  |- (1) Sydney de Azevedo
 | |  |- (2) ROBERT IRBY CLARKE (1920-2005) film actor
 | |  |.(by 1) ALEXIS KING DE AZEVEDO (1943-living) composer
 | |  |.(by 2) CAMERON A. CLARKE (1957-living) voice over actor
 | |  |
 | |  .DONNA OLIVIA DRIGGS (1918-living) singer
 | |  |- JAMES BREWSTER CONKLING (1915-1998) recording industry executive
 | |  |
 | |  .CORNELIA YVONNE DRIGGS (1920-living) singer
 | |   - BUDDY COLE (né EDWIN LAMAR COLE) (1916-1964) musician
 | |   .TINA COLE (1945-living) TV actor
 | |   .Cathy Cole - JIM GREEN (?-?) TV producer
 | |
 | .Samuel Driggs - Elizabeth Ann Taylor
 |  .Amasa Driggs - Catherine Forbes
 |   .Samuel Driggs - Lottie Irene Clink
 |    .Percy Ralph Driggs - Margaret Flora Barrett
 |     .Living Driggs - Living Arrieta
 |      .DEBORAH DRIGGS (1963-?) Playboy Playmate
 |       - MITCHELL JAY GAYLORD (1961-living) Olympic gold medalist
 .Bartholomew Driggs - Elizabeth Spencer
 |.Elliot Driggs - Sarah Smith
 ||.Edmund Smith Driggs - Adelia Ann Marshall
 |||.Edmund Driggs - Amelia Ann Hope
 ||| .EDMUND HOPE DRIGGS (1865-1946) Congressman
 ||.JOHN FLETCHER DRIGGS (1813-1877) Congressman - Anna Marie Hawley
 || .Leroy Channing Driggs -  Mary la Tourette
 ||  .LAURENCE LA TOURETTE DRIGGS (1876-?) writer and aviation specialist
 |.Spencer Driggs - Sarah Turner
 | .William Spencer Driggs - Elizabeth E. Hale
 | |.WILLIAM HALL DRIGGS (1847-1908) Naval officer, inventor
 | |
 | .Louis Labadie Driggs - Roberta Whiting
 |  .ELSIE BELKNAP DRIGGS (1898-1992) artist - LEE GATCH (1902-1968) artist
 .Mary Driggs - Marshall Merriam
  .Sylvester Merriam - Cynthia Burr Johnson
   .Eurotus Driggs Merriam - Laura Ann Bartholomew
    .Katheyn Mae Merriam - Daniel Hebard Case
     .Adrial Hebard Case - Elizabeth McConnell
      .Daniel Case - Carol (__)
      |.STEVEN MCDONNELL CASE (1958-living) founder of American Online
      .James Case - Suzanne Espenett
       .EDWARD ESPENETT CASE (1952-living) Congressman

2. Sara Drake, was baptised on 26 June 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn (wit.: Michiel Hansz and Sara Stryker).
3. Jan Drake, was baptised on 11 December 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn (wit.: Adam Brouwer, Junr., and Antie Brouwer). About 1718 he married Martha Oldfield, a daughter of Joseph Oldfield and Martha Grasset, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1698 possibly in Jamaica, Queens County, New York.

Last Will and Testament of John Drake, of Goshen, Orange Co, NY:

"In the name of God, Amen. I, John Drake, of Goshen, in Orange County, yeoman, being old and infirm. My executors are to pay all debts as soon as possilbe. I leave to my wife, Martha one good riding horse or mare, side saddle, and bridle, two good cows, and all my sheep and hogs, and all provisions and grain, and a bed, bedstead, and bedding complete. I leave to my wife the farm or plantation where I live, with all improvements, during her widowhood, and after her death or marriage, to my son, Benjamin. I leave to my son Benjamin my fishing place, with the right and privilege of fishing in the river Delaware near Minisink. I leave to my sons, Joseph, Benjamin, Samuel, William, and Zephaniah, and the heirs of my son John, all my lands, meadows, and mills in Kings County and Queens County, on Long Island, which descended to me on the death of my grandfather, Adam Brewer. I leave to my daughters, Martha Jackson, Mary Holly, and Esther Knap, five shillings, to be paid in a year. I leave to my granddaughter, Martha Holly, daughter of Joseph Holly, one good cow. I leave all the rest to my wife and son Benjamin and my granddaughters, Martha Holly and Mary Holly, daughters of Joseph Holly. I make my friend, Captain Covil Bradner, and my son Joseph, executors."

Dated 6 February 1779. Witnesses: Daniel Vail, Weaver; Isaac Smith; William Thompson.

Proved: 28 February 28, 1780, Orange Co, NY

Jan Drake and Martha Oldfield have other descendants, such as:
.Joseph Drake - Amy Carman
|.Ruth Drake - John Sloat
| .JOHN DRAKE SLOAT (1781-1867) naval officer
.John Drake - Sarah Perry
|.Hannah Drake - Nathaniel Whitaker
| .Sarah Whitaker - Garret Voorhees
|  .Nathaniel Voorhees - Naomi Leigh
|   .FOSTER MCGOWAN VOORHEES (1856-1927) Governor
.Samuel Drake - Sarah Handy
|.Hannah Drake - Richard Brodhead
| .RICHARD BRODHEAD (1811-1863) Senator - Mary Jane Bradford
|  .JEFFERSON DAVIS BRODHEAD (1859-1920) Congressman
.Zephaniah Drake - Ann (__)
 .Jane Drake - Isaiah Adams
  .Susan Adams - Jesse Van Aken
   .Barrett H. Van Aken - Catherine M. Garrison
    .Cornelia Garrison Van Auken - Lindley Hoffman Chapin
     .KATHERINE GARRISON CHAPIN (1890-1977) poet
     |- FRANCIS BEVERLEY BIDDLE (1886-1968) U.S. Attorneys General
     .CORNELIA VAN AUKEN CHAPIN (1893-1972) sculptor

4. Cathryn Drake, was baptised on 20 February 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Willem Nagel and Maryken Brouwer). In 1722 in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, she possibly married Robert Bossie.
5. Cornelis Drake, married Mareytje Laurens Toers.
6. Betty Drake, was baptised on 15 January 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn (wit.: Willem Hiltin and Johana Kaer). On 4 February 1725 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York she married Reyer Michielsze Reyers, a son of Reyer Michielszen and Jacomyntje Tibout, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1700 from the Manor in Fordhan, New York.
7. Casparis Drake, was baptised on 30 March 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn (wit.: Niclaas Brouwer and Sara Neyt).

Laurens Arentszen Toers, had no birth or baptismal record. He died after 24 May 1707, on which date his will was written. He married on 15 August 1672 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York. Banns for their marriage was published 28 July 1672 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.

Banns for their marriage was published 28 July 1672 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. Laurens emigrated to this country with his parents prior to 1655. In 1665 he took the Oath of Allegiance to the English. He joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen on 27 March 1674 and Francyntje later joined on 25 June 1677. On 8 July 1688 he was dismissed to the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk where he was an Elder there from 25 May 1704 until 2 May 1706. On 24 August 1695 William Nicholls and his wife Ann conveyed land to Lawrence which he later gave to his children in his will dated 24 May 1707. [parents]

Francyntie Thomase, was baptised on 4 April 1665 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Coenraedt ten Eyck) [parents]
Children of Laurens Arentszen Toers and Francyntie Thomase
1. Annetie Toers, was baptised on 8 November 1673 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Claes Arentszen and Marritie Ariaens), and was buried on 19 December 1673 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey.
2. Arent Laurenszen Toers, was baptised on 3 April 1675 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Claes Arentszen and Marritie Ariaens). On 18 March 1704 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Geertruy Janszen Spier, a daughter of Johannes Spier and Maritje Franse, who was baptised on 6 April 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Abraham Cornelis and Treyntje Pieters).
3. Thomas Laurenszen Toers, was baptised on 12 March 1677 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Adriaen Thomaszen and Aeltie Duycking), and was buried on 1 October 1686 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey.
4. Claes Laurenszen Toers, was baptised on 1 March 1679 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jan Arentszen and Sytie Duycking).
5. Maria Toers, was baptised on 19 April 1681 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Cornelis Thomaszen and Catharina Thomas), and was buried "twelfth with pall" on 28 June 1682 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey.
6. Annetie Toers, was baptised on 16 February 1683 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Cornelis Thomaszen and Cathryntie Thomas). On 17 September 1703 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married Jacob Vreeland, a son of Elias Michielse Vreeland and Grietje Jacobs Van Winkle, who was born on 9 August 1678 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, and baptised on 21 August 1678 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Pieter Jacobszen and Marius Marritie Beeck).
Annetie Laurens Toers and Jacob Vreeland have other descendants, such as:
.Elias Vreeland - (__) (possibly Christina Thiese ?)
 .Jacob Elias Vreeland - Antje Post
  .Elias Jacob Vreeland - Maragrietje Post
   .Adrian Elias Vreeland - Anna (Haring or Herring)
    .Abraham H. Vreeland - Jane W. Van Riper
     .Herbert H. Vreeland - Caroline A. Reed
      .Thomas Reed Vreeland - DIANA DALZIEL (1906-1989) fashion designer

7. Johannes Laurenszen Toers, was baptised on 6 April 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Enoch Magielse Vreelant and Jacomeyntje van Neste), and was buried 10 October 1686 in Bergen, Bergen County. New Jersey.
8. Thomas Laurenszen Toers, was born on 4 April 1687 and baptised on 11 April 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Enoch Michielsen Vreelant and Jacomeyntje van Neste, wife of Claes Arentse Toers). On 28 October 1711 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Maddeleen Spier, a daughter of Johannes Spier and Maritje Franse, who was baptised on 11 April 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Johannes Michielse Vreelant and Catreyna Hendrickse Spier, YW).
9. Mareytje Toers, married Cornelis Drake.
10. Johannes Laurenszen Toers, was baptised on 1 November 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Fredrick Thomaszen and Ariaentie Bayard).
11. Ariaen Laurenszen Toers, was baptised on 29 May 1694 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Johannes Tomansse, YM, and Jannetje Tomas, YW). On 13 May 1721 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married as her first husband Annatie Immet, who had no birth or baptismal record and was recorded as being from the Highlands. On 15 December 1746 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk Annatie married as her second husband Harmanus Steynmets.
12. (__) Toers, a son, was born on 20 September 1696 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, and according to records for the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen was buried unbaptised in Bergen on 2 October 1696.
13. Cornelis Laurenszen Toers, had no birth or baptismal record, and died prior to 26 December 1733. With Banns published on 8 December 1733 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married as her first husband Sara Ackerman, a daughter of Abraham Davidszen Ackerman and Aeltje Van Lear, who was baptised on 21 January 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: David Ackerman and Catryn Ackerman). On 26 December 1733 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (with Banns recorded there on 8 December 1733) she married as her second husband and as his second wife Hendrick Sickles.

Cornelis was recorded as having been born and then living in Bergen, and Sara as having been born and then living in Hackensack at the time of their marriage.

Jeremiah Genung, was born in 1671 in Flushing, Queens County, New York, baptised on 9 April 1671 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Geertie Jans), and died on 20 June 1748 in North Castle, Westchester County, New York. He married about 1690. [parents]

In 1698 he was living in Flushing, Queens County, New York with wife Martha and one child, with his name spelled "Genning." During the famine of 1711 he was living in Flushing, Queens County, New York. At the death of his father in 1714, he and his brother John shared their father's farm. He moved to Westchester County, New York between 19 August 1722 and 30 November 1724. He was living in North Castle, Westchester County, New York when he made his will, and probably died there.

His will was made on 8 September 1746, and reads, "In the name of God, Amen, the 8 of September 1746, I Jeremiah Gonnong of North Castle in Westchester County, being very sick, I leave to my wife Martha all estate of every kind and make her executor."

Witnesses were John Gonnong, Gilbert Arnold, William Firth, and the will was proved on 20 June 1748-9.

Martha Denman, was born about 1671 in Flushing, Queens County, New York. She died after 30 June 1748. [parents]
Children of Jeremiah Genung and Martha Denman
1. Thomas Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born with his twin Rebecca in Flushing, Queens County, New York. He married (__).

Thomas died probably in Whippany, Essex County, New Jersey, prior to 12 February 1725, on which date Letters of Administration were granted to John Blanchard of Elizabethtown, his principal creditor. He was mentioned again in a deed from Henry Axtell to Joseph Genung of land in Morris County, New Jersey, called here father of Joseph.

2. Rebecca Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born with her twin Thomas in Flushing, Queens County, New York, and died prior to 1760. She married Jonathan Haight, a son of Samuel Haight (or Hoyt) and Sara (Noble?), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born between 1670 and 1694 probably in Eastchester, Westchester County, New York.

Rebecca lived in Rye, Westchester County, New York. Jonathan was High Sheriff of Westchester County, New York in 1714; Episcopal vestryman 1711-1738; Collector for Rye 1716 and 1718; Surveyor of king's roads 1716; Justice of the Peace at Rye 1720-1722; Surveyor for Rye 1725; and first one of a committee for repairs of Episcopal Church 1725. In his father's will dated 21 July 1712, he was bequeathed "one-half of that lot of land that lyeth within the township of Rye in Westchester County, it being the lot in No. 1, in the Purchase called Harrison's Purchase, provided he pay to Mary Tillman a debt of £27 which I stand bound for," in addition to "400 acres of land that I have bargained for with John Harrison of East Jersey in exchange for my land in Amboy [which] shall be divided among my four sons, Nicholas, Jonathan, David and John." In 1729 he granted land to the 1st Presbyterian Society at Rye; gave deeds in 1718, 1720, and 1724; witnessed three deeds of David Haight in 1746; and was on Episcopal Church records as late as 1752.

3. Ichabod Genung, had no birth or baptismal record. He married (__). The first record of Ichabod was on 15 October 1755 when at the settlement of the estate of Reuben Winget of Morris County, New Jersey, there was due from brothers Genung of Hanover, New Jersey, Jeremy and Ichabot, 7s. 6d.
4. Jeremiah Genung, married as his first wife Deziah (__), and as his second wife Elizabeth (__).
5. Edward Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Flushing, Queens County, New York. He married (__). Edward was living at Lake Mahopac, Putnam County, New York, in 1747, 1752, and 1762. He was one of the signers of a call for a pastor for the Western Congregational Society of Carmel, Putnam County, New York, in 1755. He was mentioned in the will of his uncle John Genung in 1767/68.

Edward Genung and (__) have other descendants, such as:
.John Genung - (__)
 .Martha Genung - Elijah Townsend
  .Rachel Townsend - David Cole
   .CORNELIUS COLE (1822-1924) Senator - Olive Colegrove
    .GEORGE TOWNSEND COLE (1874-1937) artist

6. Joseph Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Flushing, Queens County, New York. He married (__). Joseph probably lived in Westchester, County, New York, and died prior to 1767/68.
7. John Genung, had no birth or baptismal record. He moved to New Jersey.
8. Isaac Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Flushing, Queens County, New York. He married (__). Isaac was chain bearer in 1762 at the survey of the Philipse Patent. He is likely the Isaac Gonong whose property was confiscated by New York State in 1780 and 1781 for opposing the Revolution.
9. Hannah Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Flushing, Queens County, New York. About 1726 she married Anthony Miller, a son of Anthony Miller and Mary (__), who had no birth or baptismal record. Hannah lived in Westchester County, New York.

On 19 December 1764 Anthony was one of the charterers of Grace Church, Rye, Westchester County, New York. Anthony died probably prior to 1776 in Westchester County, New York, and Hannah left her children to the care of their aunt, Martha Miller.

11. Martha Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born about 1711 in Flushing, Queens County, New York, and died probably unmarried and probably prior to 1767/68. He was mentioned in the will of his uncle John Genung.
11. Gilbert Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Flushing, Queens County, New York, and died probably unmarried and probably prior to 1767/68. He was mentioned in the will of his uncle John Genung.

Pieter Brouwer, was baptised on 23 September 1646 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Mr. Paulus Ver Beeck, Williem Bredenbend, Aeltje Bracoyne, and Mary du Trieux). He died after 10 October 1700, possibly in New Jersey. He married about 1671. [parents]

On 1 September 1679, Peter Brouwer was "bound over to answer at the Gravesend sessions for an assault on Gerrit Croesen." As Gerrit died shortly thereafter, the question seems open as to whether or not his death was the result of the assault.

Pieter and Petronella were members of the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush, on 30 March 1682 living at Gowanus. Pieter is listed as Pieter Adamsz, and is recorded with his father, Adam Brouwer. Pieter took the Oath of Allegiance in September 1687 at Brooklyn, Kings County. New York, as "Pieter brouwer, native." He was among the soldiers from King's County sent in 1690 to Albany. He was named in his father's will dated 22 January 1691. He is given three shillings and, for "his disobedience" is cut off from an equal share of his father's property, with his share to pass on to his children.

On 10 October 1700, Peter Brower of East New Jersey deeds Abram and Nicholas Brower of Brooklyn, "Whereas there is a corn mill in Brooklyn called Gowanus Mill bounded by land of Jacob Hanson, Hendrick Vechte, Volkert Briez, formerly in the tenure of Adam Brower, deceased, true owner as by a conveyance from Tunis Nyssen, deceased, and heirs of John Evertse Bout, deceased, etc." The indenture states that Peter Brower is the eldest son of Adam Brower, deceased. Signs by his mark. Witnessed by William Laurence, Anthony Karr, both sign by mark. Acknowledged 21 October 1700 before Colonel Gerardus Beeckman, Justice of the Peace.

Petronella Uldricks Kleyn, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Pieter Brouwer and Petronella Uldricks Kleyn
1. Uldrick Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1673 probably in Schenectady, Albany County, New York, and died on 16 September 1766. He married as his first wife Hester De Vouw, a daughter of Nicholas De Vouw and Maria Du Cie (or Marritje See), who had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born about 1671 and probably in New Harlem, New York, died on 19 May 1710 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, and was buried there on 21 May 1710 according to records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. On 29 January 1711 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married as his second wife Adriantje Pieters, a daughter of Pieter Hessels and Lysbeth Gerrits, who was baptised on 6 April 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Hertman Magielse and his wife).

On 5 April 1712 Adriantje joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. Peter Demarest and Abraham Brouwer, executors of the estate of John Demarest, conveyed property to Uldrick Brouwer, weaver of the town of Bergen, on 18 August 1721. Uldrick Brouwer of Monache, Bergen County, New Jersey, with a number of others bought property from Hessel Pieter, of Acquackanonk, 10 September 1734.

Uldrick Brouwer and his first wife Hester De Vouw and second wife Adriantje Pieters have other descendants, such as:
.(by Hester De Vouw) Abraham Brouwer - Elizabeth Ackerman
|.Hester Brouwer - David Demarest
||.James D. Demarest - Mary Elizabeth Haring
|| .Mary Haring Demarest - Theodore Secor
||  .Rosanna Secor - James Vanderbilt Remsen
||   .IRA REMSEN (1846-1927) chemist, codiscoverer of saccharin
|.Anna May Brouwer - Obadiah Higbee
| .Mary Higbee - Edward Riggs
|  .John Riggs - Mary Phillips
|   .Obadiah Hezekiah Riggs - Emma Louisa Robbins
|    .Emma Ray Riggs - David Oman McKay
|     .Emma Rae McKay - Conway Alan Ashton
|      .ALAN C. ASHTON (1942-living) computer scientist, company founder
.(by Hester De Vouw) Jacob Brouwer - Lea Slot
|.Hester Brouwer - Pieter DeGroot
| .Leah Degroot - Wiert Banta
|  .David Banta - Rachel Van Giesen
|   .Sarah Banta - Abraham H. Bogert
|    .Henry Bogert - Helen Anderson Evans
|     .GEORGE HENRY BOGERT (1864-1844) artist
.(by Adriantje Pieters) Hessel Brouwer - Lena Wessels
 .Annatje Brouwer - Christofel Jurianse Van Riper
  .Betsey Speer Yearance - Abraham Van Emburgh
   .Rachel Van Emburgh - Hendrick Speer
    .ALFRED SPEER (1823-1910) inventor

2. Abraham Brouwer, married Lea Demarest
3. Magdalena Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record. On 23 October 1697 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married Willem Stagg, a son of Thomas Stagg and Margaret (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in New Barbados, Essex County, New Jersey.
4. Vroutje Brouwer, was baptised (as Vrountje) on 14 May 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush (wit.: Willem Brouwer and Elisabeth Brouwer). With Banns published on 16 August 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married Jan Janszen Joralemon, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1670 probably in Albany, Albany County, New York. Jan is possibly the John Vroliman who died prior to 29 January 1732/33 in Hanover Township, Morris County, New Jersey.
5. Johannes Brouwer, was born in New Harlem, New York (according to marriage records), and baptised on 25 March 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Theunis (__) and Sara Brouwers). On 10 April 1708 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Antie Mandeville, a daughter of Hendrick Mandeville and Annetje Scholl, who had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Hempstead, Nassau County, New York.
6. Cornelia Brouwer, was baptised on 13 March 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn (wit.: Cornelis Seebringh and Aeltje Fredericks). With banns published on 23 September 1714 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Nicolaes Bovie, a son of Matthys Bovie and Catherine Barrois, who was born on 7 January 1691/92.
Cornelia Brouwer and Nicholas Bovie have other descendants, such as:
.Neeltje Bovee - Andries Huyck
|.Cornelis Huyck - Hester Gardinier
| .Cornelia Huyck - Peter Huyck
|  .Andrew Huyck - Ellen Burdick
|   .Oren Thomas Huyck - Mary Celia Brazelton
|    .Ethel India Huyck - Orwin K. Peck
|     .RALPH BRAZELTON PECK (1912-2008) civil engineer
.Catharina Bovee - Johannes Huyck
|.Catharina Huyck - Johannes Verplanck
||.Catherine Huyck Verplanck - James Colvin
|| .Andrew James Colvin - Margaret Crane Alling
||  .VERPLANCK COLVIN (1847-1920) engineer
|.Maria Huyck - Ephraim Bogardus
| .Johannes Bogardus - Anna Dietz
|  .Adam Bogardus - Catherine Bice
|   .ADAM HENRY BOGARDUS (1834-1913) sharp shooter
.Ryckert Bovie - Marytje Huyck
|.Johannes Bovie - (__)
| .Susannah Bovie - Daniel Bradt
|  .Aurelius Bratt/Brodt - HELEN TANNER (1838-1908) painter
.Matthias Bovee - Maria Cole
 .Jacob M. Bovee - Jenneke Dodds
  .Mary Bovee - BENEDICT ARNOLD (1780-1849) Congressman
  .MATTHIAS JACOB BOVEE (1793-1872) Congressman

7. Jacob Brouwer, was baptised on 15 November 1694 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn (wit.: Jacobus Ferdon and Geertruid Jansen). On 6 April 1717 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Maria Bovie, a daughter of Matthys Bovie and Catharine Barrois, who was baptised on 8 September 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Bennoni Corlaer and Marta).
Jacob Brouwer and Maria Bovie have other descendants, such as:
.Ariaantje Brouwer - Gerrit Bovee
 .Petrus Bovee - Jane Wigant
  .John W. Bovee - Elizabeth Earl
   .ALVIN EARL BOVEE (aka ALVAN EARL BOVAY) (1818-1903) a founder of the Republican Party

8. Maria Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1700. On 16 November 1727 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Jacob Clute, a son of Frederick Clute and Francynte Du Mond, who had no birth or baptismal record.
9. Antje Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record. On 13 November 1726 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married William Ennes.
10. Adriaentje Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York. With banns published on 10 April 1708 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married Hendrick Claessen, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born in the "jurisdiction of Newark [New Jersey]" according to his marriage record.

Jean desMarets, was baptised on 14 April 1645 as recorded at the Walloon and Huguenot Church of Middelburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands (wit.: Jean le Long and Francois Sohier), and died on 16 October 1719 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. He married on 9 September 1668 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York as his first wife Jacomina Deruine. On 23 March 1692 as recorded at the French Church in Kinderkamack, Bergen County, New Jersey, he married as his second wife and as her second husband Marritje Van Winkle, the widower of Pieter Janszen Slot and a daughter of Jacob Wallings Van Winkle and Tryntje Jacobs, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1643, and died prior to 1702. On 20 December 1702 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married as his third wife and as her second husband Magdalena Laurens, the widow of Jean Tullier. [parents]

Jean joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack by letter from the French Church at Kinderkamack on 10 July 1696. In 1670 Jean was elected a Constable in Harlem, in 1683, was commissioned a Lieutenant of Militia for Bergen County. His first home in New Jersey was on the original patent, exact location unknown. Later he inherited the house built by his father David on the west side of Hackensack River and the Little Mill. This house he in turn left to his grandson David, son of his son David, when he died. His will was dated 29 March 1714, probated on 10 November 1719, and was filed at Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey. Executors were his son Peter and Abraham Brouwer.

Jacomina Deruine, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1652 in Hainault, France. She died about 1687. [parents]
Children of Jean desMarets and Jacomina Deruine
1. David Demarest, was baptised on 18 August 1669 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: David de Mareetz), and died prior to 7 September 1706. About 1695 and probably recorded at the French Church in Kinderkamack he married as her first husband Antie Slot, a daughter of Jan Janszen Slot and Judith Elsworth, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1675/80.

On 5 April 1696 David and his wife joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack with letters from the French Church of Kinderkamack. David died prior to 7 September 1706 on which date as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack Antie married as her second husband Jonathan Hart.

David Demarest and Annetie Slot have other descendants, such as:
.Jacomyntje Demarest - Andries Laurens Van Buskirk
|.Laurens Van Buskirk - Elizabeth Demarest
| .Marietje Van Buskirk - Jan Hallenbeck
|  .Jacob Hollenbeck - Helena Van Wie
|   .Henry Hollenbeck - Margaret McFadde
|    .Jacob Wesley Hollenbeck - Eliza Anna Nichols
|     .Jacob Grant Hollenbeck - Maybelle A. Parmalee
|      .CLIFTON WEBB (né WEBB PARMALEE HOLLENBECK) (1889-1966) film actor
.David Demarest - Maritie Van Blarcom
 .Antie Demarest - Roelof Vanderlinde
  .David Vanderlinde - Catharina Banta
   .Ralph Vanderlinda - Eleanor Ackerman
    .Eliza A. VanderLinda - John Durie
     .Jane Durie - William Henry Blauvelt
      .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
       .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr

2. Jan Demarest, was baptised on 18 June 1671 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: David de Mareets de Jonge and Magdaleentie de Terneu). About 1700 he married as his first wife Debora (Heyet or Hyatt or H(e)yer). He married as his second wife and as her second husband Golah (__), the widow of William Pattison, who had no birth or baptismal record and was from Delaware.

Jan and his first wife lived in Tarrytown, Westchester County, New York, from 1702 to 1707. His will, dated 6 March 1729, has not been located but is referred to in a deed dated 22 April 1731, transferring land to his sons John and David, and also in a deed dated 19 February 1737, transferring land to the sons John, Solomon, and Elly, equally, as well as certain meadow lands to all six children. By this deed, David, Solomom, Elly, and their sister Jemima Martin conveyed lands to Charles Robinson.

3. Mary Demarest, was baptised in 1673 (location unknown), and possibly died in 1721 with burial in the French Burying Ground. About 1695 she married Jacobus Slot, a son of Petrus Janszen Slot and Marretie Jacobse Van Winckle, who was baptised on 17 February 1669 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Magiel Tades and Grietje Jacobs).

On 5 April 1696 Mary and her husband joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack with letters from the French Church of Kinderkamack.

Mary Demarest and Jacobus Slot have other descendants, such as:
.Johannes Slot - Willemtje Albertse Van Voorhees
|.Steven Sloat - Marritie Van Duzer
| .John Sloat - Ruth Drake
| |.JOHN DRAKE SLOAT (1781-1867) naval officer
| |
| .Isaac Sloat - Lea Zabriskie
|  .Jacob Sloat - Sarah Bigelow Hollenbeck
|   .Martha Ellen Sloat - Newton Pomeroy Fassett
|   |.JACOB SLOAT FASSETT (1853-1924) Congressman - Jennie (__)
|   | .Newton Fassett - Lillian Eyre Griffis
|   |  .William Elliott Fassett (?-1992) restaurant owner - Madeleine Ulman
|   |   .KALLE FASSETT (1937-living) artist
|   |   .HOLLY FASSETT (?-living) artist
|   |
|   .Henry Ransom Sloat - Carrie Ward Schultz
|    .Carrie Louise Sloat - Samuel Lloyd Eastburn
|     .Barbara Sloat Eastburn - Vine Victor Deloria
|      .VINE VICTOR DELORIA, Jr. (1933-2005) author
.Lea Slot - Jacob Uldrickse Brouwer
 .Hester Brouwer - Pieter DeGroot
  .Leah Degroot - Wiert Banta
   .David Banta - Rachel Van Giesen
    .Sarah Banta - Abraham H. Bogert
     .Henry Bogert - Helen Anderson Evans
      .GEORGE HENRY BOGERT (1864-1844) artist

4. Sarah Demarest, was baptised on 12 October 1675 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Samuel de Mareetz en syn huysvrouw). About 1707 she married Abraham Canon, who was from Richmond County, New York. Was this the Abraham born in 1668 on Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, a son of Andrew Cannon and Jane Pearce?

Sarah received the Little Mill as per her father's will. She and her husband moved to Pennsylvania. Sarah has also been credited with a first husband named Theophilus Elswart. However, Sarah who married Theophilus was Sarah Dumaresq, who was a daughter of Nicholas Dumaresq.

5. Simon Demarest, was baptised on 22 November 1677 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Sameul de Mareetz and Magdalena de Fonteyn), and died young.
6. Rachel Demarest, had no birth or baptismal record. On 9 May 1702 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married as his second wife Thomas (Heyer or Hyatt), the widower of Elizabeth Ryke and a son of John :Heyer or Hyatt) and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born possibly in Appoquinimink Hundred, New Castle County, Pennsylvania (now Delaware).

Rachel received land per her father's will, east of the Hackensack River. She and her husband lived in Tarrytown, Westchester County, New York, after their marriage until 1707/08 when they moved to Appoquinimink Hundred, where Thomas was Elder in Drawyer's Presbyterian Church in 1727, and Treasurer in 1739.

7. Jacomina Demarest, was baptised on 21 April 1680 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Moses La Contre and Maria Dreuine). On 29 March 1700 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married as her first husband John Stewart, a son of Alexander Stewart and Beatrix Mushet, who was born on 25 December 1675 in Stirling, Scotland, and died about 1723 probably in Appoquinimink Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware. About 1724 she married as her second husband Richard Wilkinson, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1675, and came from Delaware.

Jacomina, also known as Jemima moved to Appoquinimink with John in October 1703.

John was in Edinburgh in 1698 with James Christey, according to Christey's statement in 1752. "He was then shipt on board the ship Unicorn to emigrate to the West Indies in order to settle; the said deponent (Christey) being at the same place in company with the said John Stewart on board of another ship called the Caledonia, which said two ships made their course to the province of New York and arrived some time in the month of August 1699, and the said deponent some time that fall found the said John Stewart in the province of New Jersey at a place called Hackensac." Records of the Dutch Reformed church in Hackensack, New Jersey show that Jan Stuwaert, bachelor born in Stirling, Scotland, was given a license on 29 March 1700, to marry Jacquemyne DeMaree, a young maiden, born in Hackensack.

John Stewart the following spring married Jemima DeMarest, daughter of John DeMarest and the said deponent about two years after married the sister of the said Jemina.

Said John Stewart some time in October 1703 moved to Appoquinmink where he, John Stewart, died." [Appoquinimink is now in Newcastle County, Delaware, but at that time the 3 Delaware counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex were a part of Pennsylvania]. The will of John Stewart has not been found

8. Leah Demarest, married Abraham Brouwer.
9. Peter Demarest, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1683, died between 1 April 1763 and 2 October 1763, and was buried in the French Burying Ground. On 14 May 1709 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married as his first wife Maritie Pieterse Mead, a daughter of Pieter Janszen Mead and Geertie Mandeville, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1691, and died about 1720. On 15 October 1722 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married as his second wife and as her first husband Maria Batton, a daughter of Jacques Batton and Margrietje Sans, who was baptised on 2 April 1704 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack (wit.: Samuel De Maree and Mary, his wife), died on 6 January 1794, and was buried in the French Burying Ground. On 14 August 1767 Maria married as her second husband Barent Cole.

He lived at New Bridge, and had the Little Mill. His will was dated 1 April 1763 and was probated either on 2 October or on 16 November 1763.

Pieter Demarest and his first wife Maretie Mead and his second wife Maria Batton have other descendants, such as:
.(by Maretie Mead) Maria Demarest - William Rutan
|.William Rutan - Margaret Steel
| .HENRY RUTTAN (1792-1873) inventor - Mary Jones
|  .Henry Jones Ruttan - Margaret Pringle
|   .HENRY NORLANDE RUTTAN (1848-1925) engineer
.(by Maretie Mead) Leah Demarest - Samuel Demaree
|.Maria Demaree - Jacobus Westerfield
||.Jacobus Westerfield - Ufeme Cozine
|| .Elizabeth Westerfield - Cyrus Crawford Scott
||  .William Henry Scott - Esther Morrison
||   .Easter Adella Scott - Charles Tillmon Hargrove
||    .Sarah Virginia Hargrove - Colley Edward Martin
||     .Gladys Lucille Martin - John Denham Timberlake
||      .Charles L. Timberlake - Bobbye Joice
||       .Randy Timberlake - Lynn Bomar or Harless
||        .JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE (1981-living) singer
|.Rachel Demarest - (1) Gerardus Ryker, (2) John Van Cleave
||.(by 1) Gerardus Ryker - Leah Smock
|||.Rachel Ryker - Peter Hughey
||| .Jared Hughey - Mary Roberts
|||  .Henry McClellan Hughey - Violet Elizabeth Dodge
|||   .Maude Matilda Hughey - Edmund Emial Kemper
|||    .Edmund Emil Kenmper - Clarnell Stage
|||     .EDMUND EMIL KEMPER III (1948-living) seriel killer
||.(by 2) David Van Cleave - Rachel Swearingen
|| .Peter Cameron Van Cleave - Mary Louise King
||  .Wiliam Stanley Van Cleave - Ida May Smith
||   .Vesta Viola van Cleave - John Harrison Bowers
||    .Robert Stanley Bowers - Maxine Nichols
||     .DEANNA BOWERS (1948-living) film and TV actor - CHRISTOPHER STONE (1942-1995) film and TV actor
|.Tryntje Demarest - Jacob Smock
| .Leah Smock- Gerardus Ryker
|  .Rachel Ryker - Peter Hughey
|   .Jared Hughey - Mary Roberts
|    .Henry McClellan Hughey - Violet Elizabeth Dodge
|     .Maude Matilda Hughey - Edmund Emial Kemper
|      .Edmund Emil Kenmper - Clarnell Stage
|       .EDMUND EMIL KEMPER III (1948-living) seriel killer
.(by Maretie Mead) Trientje Demerest - Laurence Verway
|.Elizabeth Frances Verwey - Abraham D. Ackerman
| .Lawrence Ackerman - Cynthia Bent Robertson
|  .Joseph Chandler Ackerman - Belinda Sophia van Buren
|  |.Caroline Netta Ackerman - Edward Stillman Kendrick
|  | .Caroline Isabelle Kendrick - William Darius Eddy
|  |  .NELSON ACKERMAN EDDY (1901-1967) singer, film actor
|  |
|  .WILLIAM KELLY ACKERMAN (1832-?) Railway President, financier
.(by Maria Batton) Elizabeth Demarest - Laurens Van Buskirk
|.Marietje Van Buskirk - Jan Hallenbeck
| .Jacob Hollenbeck - Helena Van Wie
|  .Henry Hollenbeck - Margaret McFadde
|   .Jacob Wesley Hollenbeck - Eliza Anna Nichols
|    .Jacob Grant Hollenbeck - Maybelle A. Parmalee
|     .CLIFTON WEBB (né WEBB PARMALEE HOLLENBECK) (1889-1966) film actor
.(by Maria Batton) John Demarest - Willemptie Bogert
|.Antje Demarest - David Anderson
| .John Anderson - Catherine Zabriskie
|  .John Christian Zabriskie Anderson - Harriet Myer
|   .Catherine Zabriskie Anderson - Lucas J. Van Buskirk
|    .ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK (1855-1932) artist
.(by Maria Batton) David Demarest - Hester Brouwer
 .James D. Demarest - Mary Elizabeth Haring
  .Mary Haring Demarest - Theodore Secor
   .Rosanna Secor - James Vanderbilt Remsen
    .IRA REMSEN (1846-1927) chemist, co-discoverer of saccharin

10. Magdalena Demarest, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1685, and died in 1749. On 18 September 1703 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married James Christie, a son of John Christie and Anna Ramsay, who was born on 9 October 1670 in Iverden, Scotland, and died on 16 April 1768.

By her father's will, Magdalena received land at Schraalenburgh.

Magdalena Demarest and James Christie have other descendants, such as:
.Johannes Christie - Belitje Demarest
|.Lena Christie - Jacob Quackenbos
| .Belitje Quackenbos - Willem Westervelt
|  .Jacob Westervelt - Elizabeth Westervelt
|   .Margaret Westervelt - John Fowler
|    .FRANK FOWLER (1852-1910) author, critic, artist
.Maria Christie - Jacobus Post
|.Jacobus Post - Metje van Wagenen
| .Jacobus Post - Rachel Alyea
|  .Hannah Post - John Hathorn
|   .Caroline Hathorn - Judah Livesay
|    .Eliza Lamb Livesay - Thomas Southworth
|     .Harry Southworth - Harriet Fay Fox
|      .DOROTHY FAY SOUTHWORTH (1915-2003) film actor
|       - TEX RITTER (né WOODWARD MAURICE RITTER) (1905-1974) singer, film actor
|       .JONATHAN SOUTHWORTH RITTER (1948-2003) film and TV actor
|        - (1) NANCY MORGAN (1949-living) film and TV actor
|        - (2) AMY YASBECK (1963-living) film and TV actor
|        .(by 1) JASON MORGAN RITTER (1980-living) film actor
.William Christie - Cathlyntje Demarest
|.James Christie - Maria Banta
||.Magdalena Christie - David Demarest
|||.Maria Christie Demarest - Aaron Lloyd
||| .HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD (1847-1903) reformer
||| .Caroline Augusta Lloyd - LOTHROP WITHINGTON (1856-1915) Lusitania victim
||.Peter Christie - Agnes Gillespie
|| .Fitz-James Christie - Elizabeth Anna Johns
||  .Anna Virginia Christie - FREDERIC WOLTERS HUIDEKOPER (?-?) railroad executive
||   .FREDERIC LOUIS HUIDEKOPER (1874-1940) military writer
|.Margrietje Christie - Daniel Westervelt
||.Willem Westervelt - Belitje Quackenbos
|| .Jacob Westervelt - Elizabeth Westervelt
||  .Margaret Westervelt - John Fowler
||   .FRANK FOWLER (1852-1910) author, critic, artist
|.Magdalena Christie - Johannes Westervelt
| .Johannes Westervelt - Antje Demarest
|  .Vrouwtie Westervelt - Arie Westervelt
|   .JACOB A. WESTERVELT (1800-1879) Mayor
.Daniel Christie - Fytje Demarest
 .John Christie - Magdalena Banta
  .John Christie - Anna Brinkerhoff
   .Jacob Brinkerhoff - Elizabeth Van Houten
    .JOHN WALTER CHRISTIE (1864-1944) engineer and inventor

11. Samuel Demarest, was baptised on 13 November 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Pieter Legrande and Janneken de Windel), and died young.

Hans Jacobszen Harty, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Bern, Switzerland. He died after 5 January 1686. Banns for their marriage were published 29 July 1668 at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (Hans was recorded as "j.m. Van Baren in Switserlt" and Grietje was recorded as "j.d. Van Nieuw jorck").

Hans appeared (as Hans Jacob Sardingh) on the passanger list for De Bonte Koe which sailed from Amsterdam on 16 April 1663 and arrived in New Netherland between 11 May 1663 and 17 August 1663. On 12 February 1669 he bought a small farm on Stuyvesant's Bowery

Grietje Lambertse Mol, was baptised on 6 September 1648 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Pieter Wolfertszen and Aeltje Pilms). Prior to her firstmarriage she had a child by an unknonw person. She married as her first husband Hans Jacob Harty. With Banns published on 5 January 1686 at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York she married as her second husband Matthys Franzen Outwater, a son of Frans Jacobszen Outwater and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.

On 3 December 1672 she joined the Reformed Dutch Church of New York.

Matthys was described in the marriage Banns as "j.m. Van N. Albanien." Matthy's will was probated on 8 June 1712 in Bergen County, New Jersey. In it he mentioned his wife "Gerke," and the executors were Thomas Franszen and Conradus Harte. [parents]
Children of (__) and Grietje Lambertse Mol
1. Barbara Hanse, was baptised on 31 January 1666 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Lambert Huybertszen and Vroutje Gerrits), and was buried on 18 July 1749 at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York. Barbara was illegitimate, and assumed the name of her adopted father. She married Jacob Kool, a son of Jacob Barentszen Kool and Marretje Simons, who was baptised on 1 January 1672 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Lucas Tienhoven and Tryntie Bickers), and died before 23 November 1719.

Jacob was taxed in the north ward of New York City, where he had a house, from 1695 through 1697. On 23 October 1695 Barbara and Jacob became members of the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen. He, his wife, along with two sons and two daughters were listed on a census in Orange County taken on 16 June 1702. Jacob died intestate in Orange County, New York, and on 24 April 1742 a Letter of Admisitration was granted to his son Jacob.

Barbara Hanse and Jacob Cool have other descendants, such as:
.Barent Cole - Christina Doolhagen
 .Jacob Cole - Sara Demarest
  .Margrietie Cole - Jacobus Demarest
   .David Demarest - Magdalena Christie
    .Maria Christie Demarest - Aaron Lloyd
     .HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD (1847-1903) reformer
     .Caroline Augusta Lloyd - LOTHROP WITHINGTON (1856-1915) Lusitania victim


Children of Hans Jacobszen Harty and Grietje Lambertse Mol
1. Tryntje Hanse, was baptised on 10 March 1670 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Lambert Mol and Gerritje Spiegeltas). On 3 October 1687as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (with Banns published there on 18 September 1687) she married Pieter Pauwelse, probably a son of Paulus Pieterse and Treyntje Martens.
Tryntje Hanse and Pieter Pauwelse have other descendants, such as:
.Francyntie Pieterse - Garret Post
 .Claaritje Post - Pieter De Groot
  .Johanne De Groot - Mary Wood
   .Elizabeth De Groot - Ezra Oakley
    .Mary Ann Oakley - JOHN TAYLOR (1808-1887) LDS Church President

2. Frena Hanse, was baptised on 26 August 1671 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jacob Mens and Jannetje Kierstede), and died after 1721. She married Jurrie Janszen Maris, a possible son of Jan Maris and Marritjen Hermans, who, if so, was baptised on 16 April 1662 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Herman Snymer and Mr. Engel Burg), and died after 1721 probably in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Frena Hanse and Jurrie Janszen Maris have other descendants, such as:
.Jan Maris - Anneke Kammega
|.Maria Maris - Abraham Blauvelt
| .Geertje Blauvelt - Isaac Blauvelt
|  .Isaac Blauvelt - Sara Johnson
|   .Abraham Blauvelt - Maria Blauvelt
|    .Charity Blauvelt - Christian A. Hopper
|     .Gerrit Henry Hopper - Elizabeth Griffiths
|      .EDWARD HOPPER (1882-1967) artist - JOSEPHINE VERSTILLE NIVISON (1885-1968) artist
.Geertie Maris - Jan Wouterszen Van Scheyven
 .Abraham Van Sciver - Mary Perkins
  .Jane Van Sciver - Abraham Vandergrift
   .Jacob Vandergrift - Elizabeth Miller
    .Jacob Vandergrift - Esther Thomas Keen
     .Frances Matilda Vandergrift
      - (1) Samuel Osbourne
      - (2) ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON (1850-1894) novelist
      .(by 1) SAMUEL LLOYD OSBOURNE (1868-1947) author

3. Coenrat Hanse, was baptised on 26 November 1673 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Abraham Lambertszen and Grietie Cozyns), and died prior to 1715. With banns published on 31 December 1698 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married as her first husband Leuntie Miggielse, who was born about 1675/1680 in Schriskerhen, Zeeland, The Netherlands, a daughter of Michael Lynsen and Elizabeth Vreeland. Conrad was recorded as having been born "on the Bowery" and Leuntie as having been born in "Zeeland at Seradtskerke." On 12 February 1715 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen Leuntie married as her second husband Willem De Grauw.

Coenrat and his wife joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappan on 23 October 1695.

Coenrat Hanse and Leuntje Miggielse have other descendants, such as:
.Geertje Hartje - Johann Conrad Roeger
|.Jane Roeger - Hercules Wendover
| .PETER HERCULES WENDOVER (1768-1834) Congressman
.Jannetje Hartje - Jacobus Brouwer
 .Abraham Brouwer - Neeltje Duryea
  .Richard Duryea Brower - Eliza Archer
   .Abraham Duryea Brower - Mary Rachel Stevens
    .JACOB VREDENBERG BROWER (1844-1905) explorer, archeologist

4. Lambert Hanse, was baptised on 26 April 1676 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Huybert Gerritszen, Manus Burgers and Marritie Waldron).
5. Ryer Hanse, was baptised on 27 February 1678 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Pieter (__) and Rebecca Idens). On 15 August 1702 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married as his first wife Sara Janse Helder. At the time of their marriage, Reyer was recorded as having been born "at the Bowery" and Sara as having been born in "Gravesandt." On 15 October 1714 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (with banns published there on 14 September 1714) he married as his second wife Margrietje De Voor. Reyer was referred to in the marriage record as "Wedr. V. Akkins:" and Margrietje as "j.d. V. Deutelbay."
Ryer Hanszen and Sara Janse Helder have other descnendants, such as:
.Lea Harty - Isaiah Valleau
 .Isaiah Valleau - Maritjen Moore
  .Peter Valleau - Ann Reveness
   .Mary Valleau - Ernest Keyser
    .Mary Keyser - Samuel Dexter Bingham
     .Lloyd Melville Bingham - ANNA AMELIA SWILLEY (1869-1927) stage actor

6. Johannes Hanse, was baptised on 7 October 1679 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jan Janszen Langestraet and Margrietje Gerrits), and died prior to 30 June 1723. With Banns published on 14 April 1711 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married Elsie Wiertse Banta, a daughter of Wiert Banta and Gerritie Mandeville, who was baptised on 20 June 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jillis Mandeville, Jan Pietersen, and Maria Bon).

At the time of their marriage, Johannes was recorded as having been born "at the Bay Bowery" and residing in Bergen County, New Jersey, and Elsie as having been born in Hackensack and residing in Bergen County. Johannes died prior to 30 June 1723 on which date he was referred to as deceased.

Johannes Hanse and Elsie Wiertse Banta have other descendants, such as:
.Tryntje Hartje - Vincent De La Montagne
 .John De La Montagne - Mary Briggs
  .Vincent De La Montagne - Susan Schneider
   .Susan De La Montagne - William Cary
    .WILLIAM DE LA MONTAGNE CARY (1840-1922) artist

7. Jacobus Hanse, married Tryntje Stratemaker.
8. Lamert Hanse, was baptised on 21 November 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Herry Breser and Metje Gravenraedt).
9. Amelyn Hanse, was baptised on 4 November 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jueriaen Cordiael and Jannetie Frans). On 2 January 1703 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married as her first husband Johannes Verveelen, a son of Daniel Vervellen and Alida Schaets, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1676. At the time of her first marriage, Amelyn was recorded as having been born in Tappen and Johannes as having been born in New Utrecht, New York. On 21 February 1710 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married as her second husband and as his second wife Wouter Willemszen Van Schyven, the widower of Diwer Janse Van Blarcom and a son of Willem Wouterse and Jannetje Jacobs, who was baptised on 13 December 1667 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Rutgert Willemszen and Metje Davids). At the time of her second marriage Amelyn was recorded as residing in Bergen County, New Jersey, and Wouter as residing in Acquackanonk, New Jersey.

Wouter died intestate, and Letters of Administration were granted to his wife on 18 August 1714 in Rockland County, New York.

Children of Matthys Franzen Outwater and Grietje Lambertse Mol
1. Francyntie Outwater, was baptised on 1 June 1690 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Theunis Franszen and Tryntie Breedstede).


Jan Dirckszen Stratemaker, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1642. With Banns published on 14 January 1666 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married as his first wife Geesje Gerrits van Steenwyck. With Banns publsihed on 12 January 1707 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married as his second wife and as her third husband Neeltje Buys, the widow of Jan Harmens Coerten and Jacob Vigoor and a daughter of Jan Corneliszen Buys and Eybe Lubbertse. They received a certificate to marry dated 27 June 1707 and the rite was performed by Domine Bertholf.

On 19 February 1659 Classie Teunis asked the Orphanmaster for money owed her from boarding Dirck for sixteen years. On 30 December 1663, he and his wife joined the Reformed Dutch Church in Bergen. On 24 March 1686, he was one of the Tappan patentees, and built a house there in 1700. On 18 March 1698, he gave a quit-claim to the tract at Communipaw owned by his father.

On 12 October 1708, he and his second wife Neeltje were received by letter at the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen. [parents]

Geesje Gerrits van Steenwyck, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Zutphen, The Netherlands. She died on 11 February 1700 and was buried in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey. [parents]
Children of Jan Dirckszen Stratemaker and Geesje Gerrits van Steenwyck
1. Jannetje Stratemaker, was baptised on 26 December 1666 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Casperus Steynmets with his wife). On 2 June 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (with banns published there on 17 May 1691) she married Thomas Juriaenszen Van Riper, a son of Juriaen Thomaszen Van Riper and Reyckje Harmens Coerten, who was baptised on 10 June 1668 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Geurt Courten and Annetje Gerrits). At the time of their marriage, she was recorded as living in Hoboken and he as living in Bergen. Domine Selyns performed the ceremony.
Jannetje Straatmaker and Thomas Juriaenszen Van Riper have other descendants, such as:
.Juriaen Van Riper - Aeltje Simonse Van Winkle
|.Antje Van Riper - Marten Ryerson
| .Maria Ryerson - Theunis Ryerson
|  .Theunis Ryerson - Jane Boice
|   .Maria Ryerson - Timothy Botchford Crane
|    .">RICHARD TELLER CRANE (1832-1912) manufacturer - Mary Josephine Prentiss
|     .CHARLES RICHARD CRANE (1858-1939) diplomat - Cornelia Workman Smith
|     |.RICHARD TELLER CRANE (1882-1938) diplomat
|     |.Frances Anita Crane - JAN GARRIGUE MASARYK (1886-1848) Czechoslovokian Foreign Minister
|     |
|     .Emily Rockwell Crane - THOMAS LINCOLN CHABOURNE (1871-1938) lawyer
.Maria Thomasse Van Ripen - Adrian Post
|.Adrian Post - Geertje Vreeland
| .Maragrietje Post - Elias Jacob Vreeland
|  .Adrian Elias Vreeland - Anna (Haring or Herring)
|   .Abraham H. Vreeland - Jane W. Van Riper
|    .Herbert H. Vreeland - Caroline A. Reed
|     .Thomas Reed Vreeland - DIANA DALZIEL (1906-1989) fashion designer
.Elizabeth Van Riper - Gerrit Van Horn
 .Geesje Van Horn - Albert Zabriskie
  .John Zabriskie - Cornelia Bogert
   .Elizabeth Zabriskie - Samuel R. Demarest
    .Cornelia Demarest - Jacob Blauvelt
     .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
      .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
       .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr

2. Annetie Stratemaker, was baptised on 17 February 1669 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Guert Gerrits and Janneke Edsall). On 29 March 1692 she married David Nathanielszen Hennion, a son of Nathaniel Pieters and Anneken Ackerman, who was baptised on 1 July 1665 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Lysbeth Ackermans).

On 28 June 1697, Annetje and David joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. On 6 October 1700 they were dismissed to Hackensack.

Annetje Straatmaker and David Nathanielszen Hennion have other descendants, such as:
.Johannes Hennion - Antje Tunis Tallman
|.David Hennion - Jacomyntje Kip
||.David Hennion - Sophornia Hennion
|| .David Hennion - Maria M. Piatt
||  .Martin Hennion - Marrie J. Reese
||   .Frank R. Hennion - Nellie L. Junod
||    .Ruth Genevieve Hennion - Harold Scott Chaffee, Jr.
||     .NANCY ANN CHAFFEE (1929-2002) tennis player
||      - (1) RALPH MCPHERRAN KINER, Jr. (1922-living) baseball player
||      - (2) JOHN FRANCIS WHITAKER (aka JACK) (1924-living) sportscaster
|.Teunis Hennion - Annetje Doremus
| .Sophornia Hennion - David Hennion
|  .David Hennion - Maria M. Piatt
|   .Martin Hennion - Marrie J. Reese
|    .Frank R. Hennion - Nellie L. Junod
|     .Ruth Genevieve Hennion - Harold Scott Chaffee, Jr.
|      .NANCY ANN CHAFFEE (1929-2002) tennis player
|       - (1) RALPH MCPHERRAN KINER, Jr. (1922-living) baseball player
|       - (2) JOHN FRANCIS WHITAKER (aka JACK) (1924-living) sportscaster
.David Hennion - Lena Andriessen
 .Andries Hennion - Elsje Post
  .Johannes Hennion - Sara Bertholf
   .Catherine Hennion - Lucas Provoost
    .Luke Provoost - Julia Ann Wheeler
     .Julie Ann Provoost - David Van Wagenen
      .Alma Van Wagenen - Birdie Ethel Gray
       .Frank Alton Van Wagenen - Phyllis Barker
	.Lola Jean Van Wagenen - CHARLES ROBERT REDFORD, Jr. (1937-living) film actor
	 .DAVID JAMES REDFORD (1962-living) screenwriter, institute founder
	 .AMY HART REDFORD (1970-living) film actor

3. Dirck Stratemaker, was baptised on 10 September 1671 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Lysbeth Cornelis). On 27 November 1698 he married Tryntje Buys, a daughter of Ariaen Pieterszen Buys and Tryntje Hendrickse Oosteroom, who was baptised on 28 August 1675 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Hendrick Janszen and Grietie Jacobs).

On 28 June 1697 Dirck and his wife joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen, and were dismissed to the Reformed Dutch Church of Tappen on 21 June 1699.

4. Tryntje Stratemaker, married Jacob Hanse.
5. Gerrit Stratemaker, was baptised on 2 October 1676 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Jacob Cornelis and Annetje Steynments, Y.W.), and died on 23 September 1686.
6. <__> Stratemaker, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 9 December 1678.
7. Grietje Stratemaker, was baptised on 19 May 1680 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Gerrit Steenwits and Anneke Jacobs). On 3 April 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (with banns published there on 16 March 1701) she married as his first wife Hendrick Gerritse, a son of Gerrit Gerritsen and Annetje Hermansse, who was baptised on 22 October 1675 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.

Domine Dubois performed the marriage ceremony, and both were recorded as living in Bergen at the time of their marriage. He was elected Deacon of the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk in 1708, and Elder in 1726 and 1739. His name appears among those who signed the petition to the King for redress against the oppressions of the Proprietors in 1700. By deed dated 23 June 1718, John Corta and Marietje his wife, of Essex County, NJ, conveyed to Henry Gerritse, of the same county, for £100, a tract on the Passaic River on the north side of Gerrit Post, 9.31 chains wide and running back 107 to 109 chains, bounded on the north by Gerrit Juriance' lot; also fifty acres immediately in the rear of the first lot, making 150 acres in all. He probably lived at Wesel, New Jersey. He had Lot No. 14, East, and Lot No. 13, West, in the Boght, assigned to him in the suvdivision of 1714. He is probably the same Hendrick Garrison who is referred to in 1761 as the owner of the grist mill and saw mill then standing at the foot of present (as of 1901) Mulberry Street, Paterson, New Jersey. He had been dead three years at that time, but the mill still belonged to his heirs. He wrote his name Hendrick Gerritse. which, modified into Garrison, has been retained by his descendants. His will was dated 9 September 1743 and proved on 20 November 1758.

8. Rachel Stratemaker, was baptised on 24 February 1683 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Nicolaes Bayard and Judith Verlet), and died on 12 March 1708. With banns published on 27 April 1707 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen) she married with certificate to New York dated 15 May 1707 as his first wife Daniel Van Winkle, a son of Jacob Jacobse Van Winkle and Aeltje Daniels, who was born on 28 July 1681 and baptised on 21 August 1681 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Walingh Jacobse and Annetje Ariaense Sips). At the time of their marriage, she was recorded as being from Hoboken and he as being from Bergen. Daniel married as his second wife Jannetje Vreelant.
9. Lea Stratemaker, was baptised on 19 August 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Hendrick Wessels and Susanna Verleth). On 27 December 1704 she married Gerrit Post, a son of Adrian Post and Catryna Gerrits Van Wagenen, who was born on 1 January 1680 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, and baptised on 26 January 1680 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jeuriaen Thomaszen and Jannetie Gerrits).

Johannes Peter Härter, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1642 probably in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, and was buried there on 9 January 1715. He married on 13 January 1663 in Chumbt. [parents]

At the time of his marriage, Johann Peter was forester at Kloster Chumbt. At the time of his death he was referred to as Waldförster, Elder, and Gerichtsmann at Chumbt. He was aged 72 years, 3 months, and some days. Anna Catharina was aged 81 years at the time of her death.

Anna Catharina Schipp, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1643, and died on 17 October 1724 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. [parents]
Children of Johannes Peter Härter and Anna Catharina Schipp
1. Johann Nicolaus Härter, had no birth or baptismal record, and died prior to 24 December 1711, probably in Mohawk Valley, New York. On 2 October 1686 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, he married as his first wife Anna Catharina Bauermann, a daughter of Elias Bauerman and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried in 1703 in Chumbt, aged 40 years less 5 months. He married in Chumbt as his second wife Anna Eva (__).
Johann Nicholas Härter and Anna Catharina Bauermann have other descendants, such as:
.Lorentz Härter - Anna Appolonia Helmer
 .Heinrich Harter - Catherina Pfeiffer
  .Catharina Harter - MICHAEL MYERS (1753-1814) Major-General
  .Ernestina Harter - Adam Staring
   .Eva Staring - Jacob Crim
    .Justus Stephanus Frank Crim - Harriet Douglas Talcott
     .Ella E. Crim - Byron Ashley Stone
      .Bertha Stone - Thomas Channing Moore
       .Jean Douglas Moore - Francis Berger Trudeau
	.GARRETSON BEEKMAN TRUDEAU (1948-living) comic strip artist
	 - MARGARET JANE PAULEY (1950-living) televison personality

2. Eva Catharina Herder, was baptised on 6 June 1669 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: Eva, wife of Cornelius Haußmann of Georgenhausen, Catharina, wife of Hans Peter of Muderschiet, and Johann Georg Conradt, Schultheiß of Rießweiler). She was confirmed in 1683 in Horn, Germany.
3. Johannes Herder, was baptised on 19 February 1671 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: Johann Niclaß at Reichert, Johannes Hottenbacher of Holtzbach, and Walpurga, surviving widow of Johannis Kirch of Dentzen), and died on 5 March 1671.
4. Johann Michael Herder, married Maria Cecilia (__).
5. Anna Eva Herder, was baptised on 31 December 1676 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: Anna Eva, daughter of the late Aug. Bauer of Budenbach, Eva, wife of Christoffel Behl of Horn, and Zacharias Walter of Chumbt). On 26 October 1696 she married Johannes (Mitter or Müller), who was from Weydelbach, Germany.
6. Johann Peter Herder, was baptised on 16 February 1679 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: Johann Peter Mohr, forester at Chumbt, Catharina Barbara, wife of Johannes Conrad at Weydelbach, Anna Catharina, wife of Hans Schloßer of Laubach, and Zacharias Walter of Chumbt), and died about 1705. On 6 November 1703 he married Anna Margaretha Bender.
7. Anna Catharina Herder, was baptised on 16 February 1679 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: Johann Peter Mohr, forester at Chumbt, Catharina Barbara, wife of Johannes Conrad at Weydelbach, Anna Catharina, wife of Hans Schloßer of Laubach, and Zacharias Walter of Chumbt).
8. Gerhardt Michael Herder, was baptised on 18 November 1680 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: (unknown)). On 6 November 1703 he married Anna Elisabetha Rießer.
9. Anna Gertraud Herder, was baptised on 3 May 1683 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: (unknown)).
10. Anna Elisabetha Herder, was baptised on 12 April 1684 in Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany (wit.: [missing] and Anna Maria, wife of Hans Jacob Hoffman at Riegenroth).

Wilhelm Rees, had no birth or baptismal record. He married prior to 1675.

A Willem Andriesse Rees was in Albany in 1672. In 1720 he was living in Claverack. [parents]

Catryn Janse, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Wilhelm Rees and Catryn Janse
1. Geertruy Rees, had no birth or baptismal record. On 25 November 1694 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Johannes Andrieszen Scharp, a son of Andries Hanszen Scharp and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.
Geertruy Rees and Johannes Andrieszen Scherp have other descendants, such as:
.Andries Scherp - Johanna Freer
 .Sarah Sharp - Gerrit G. Lansing
  .Abraham Wendell Lansing - Sarah Holden
   .WILLIAM ESSELSTYN LANSING (1821-1883) Congressman

2. Andries Rees, had no birth or baptismal record. On 1 January 1697 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Ariaantje Andriesse Scharp, a daughter of Andries Hanszen Scharp and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.
Andries Rees and Ariaantje Andriesse Scharp have other descendants, such as:
.Catryntje Rees - Benjamin White
 .Andrew White - Amy Palmer
  .Rachel White - Jonathan B. Wood,
   .Daniel Wood - Elizabeth Benedict
    .Daniel H. Wood - Caroline Almira Starr
     .Martha H. Wood - George Weir
      .Jessie Lenore Weir - Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche
       .LYNDON HERMYLE LAROUCHE, Jr. (1922-living) economist, political activist
3. Johannes Rees, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1682. On 1 November 1702 at the "bride's father's house" as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Maria Goeway, a daughter of Jan Salomonszen Goeway and Catlyntje Loockermand, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1680.

Banns for their marriage were published 9 October 1702 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany. "John Rees" was a freeholder in Claverack in 1720.

4. Cornelia Rees, had no birth or baptismal record. On 28 October 1704 she married Pieter Lassing, Jr., a son of Pieter Pieterse Lassing and Catherine Hoffmeyer, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1683 possibly in Albany, Albany County, New York. Pieter dwelt at "het lange rak" (Poughkeepsie?). His surname is rendered in records as Lassen, Lassing, and Lossing.
Cornelia Rees and Pieter Lassing, Jr. have other descendants, such as:
.Pieter Lassing - Anna Maria Emigh
 .Nicholas Lassing - Christina Woolweaver
  .John Lossing - Miriam Dorland
   .Elizabeth Lossing - Bartholomew Buck
   |.John Lossing Buck - Emeline Townsend
   | .Vincent Morgan Buck - Grace Tenhagen
   |  .John Lossing Buck - PEARL BUCK (née PEARL COMFORT SNYDENSTRICKER) (1892-1973) author
   .BENSON JOHN LOSSING (1813-1891) historian

5. Cornelis Rees, was baptised on 16 September 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Phlip Leendertsz and [carried by] Agnietje Hendricksz).
6. Ephraim Rees, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1690. On 21 September 1714 as recorded in the West Camp Lutheran Churchbook he married Margaretha Bressie, a daughter of Christopher Bressie (of Rulphian Kill, near Livingston Manor) and Christina Claesjen, who was baptised (as Margriette) on 16 May 1690 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: [carried by] Ariaantje Wendell).
7. Leonhard Rees, had no birth or baptismal record. On 20 March 1717 at the house of Francis Hardick, possibly in Klinkenburg, New York, as recorded at the Lutheran Church of New York City he married Volkje Herdyck, a daughter of Francis Herdyck and Caterina Van Hoesen, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1698, and died about 1750. Leonhard, his wife, and children, were members of St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Rhinebeck about 1734.
8. Benjamin Rees, married Geertruy Witbeck.
9. Hendrick Rees, was baptised on 16 February 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jacob Staats and Elsje Cuyler).

Hendrick Witbeck, had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his first wife Lyntje Winne. On 27 September 1707 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (with Banns published there on 29 August 1707) he married as his second wife Helena Hendrickse Bond, a daughter of Hendrick Lambertszen Bond and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Schenectady, Albany County, New York. [parents]
Children of Hendrick Witbeck and Helena Hendrickse Bond
1. Catharina Witbeck, was baptised on 15 August 1708 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Frans and Elsje Winne).
2. Pieter Witbeck, was born in 1718 in Kinderhook, Columbia County, New York. On 12 June 1737 as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg he married Christina Rees, a daughter of Ephraim Rees and Margaretha Bressie, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1718/1720.
3. Goschge Witbeck, was born on 17 December 1719 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York, and baptised on (__) January 1720 in Liinenburg as recorded at the Lutheran Church of New York (wit.: Jan Van Loon and my wife Gerritge). With Banns published on 28 September 1737 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Zacharias Haas, a son of Simon Haas and Anna Rosina Zöller, who was born on 12 December 1713 and baptised on 20 December 1713 as recorded at the West Camp Lutheran Church (wit.: Zacharias Flegler and wife Eva Anna Elisabetha). Zacharias was enrolled in Captain Jeremiah Hogeboom's Company in 1767.
4. Luykas Witbeck, was baptised on 23 May 1725 at the Reformed Dutch Church of Linlithgo (wit.: Claes Brusie and Catalyntje Brusie). On 10 May 1749 as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg he married Cathryne Carter, a daughter of Thomas Carter and Anna Margaretha Dörner, who was born on 17 April 1727 and baptised on 4 June 1727 as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg (wit.: Willem Hardik and wife Anna Catharina).

Lyntje Winne, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Hendrick Witbeck and Lyntje Winne
1. Jan Witbeck, was baptised on 26 December 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Live Winnen and Geertruy Jansz). About 1725 he married Ariaantje Decker, a daughter of Broer Janszen Decker and Cornelia Tappen, who had no birth or baptismal record.
Jan Witbeck and Ariaantje Decker have other descendants, such as:
.Cornelia Witbeck - Isaac Vradenburgh
 .Cornelia Vredenburgh - Abraham Van Deusen
  .Mariatje Van Deusen - Eli Bagley
  |.Lora Bagley - Daniel Van Dusen (below)
  | .Robert Van Dusen - Anne Hortley
  |  .Cynthia Van Dusen - Thomas Scott Marcher
  |   .Cora Brown Marcher - John F Bickel
  |    .FREDERIC MARCH (né ERNEST FREDERICK MCINTYRE BICKEL) (1897-1975) film and stage actor
  |     - FLORENCE ELDRIDGE (née MCKECHNIE) (1901-1988) film and stage actor
  .Robert Van Deusen - Cloah Althizer
   .Daniel Van Dusen - Lora Bagley
    .Robert Van Dusen - Anne Hortley
     .Cynthia Van Dusen - Thomas Scott Marcher
      .Cora Brown Marcher - John F Bickel
       .FREDERIC MARCH (né ERNEST FREDERICK MCINTYRE BICKEL) (1897-1975) film and stage actor
	- FLORENCE ELDRIDGE (née MCKECHNIE) (1901-1988) film and stage actor

2. Tanneke Witbeck, was baptised on 24 December 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Marten Cornelisz and Tanneke Martensz). On 18 March 1711 at Klinkenbergh, New York, she married Jan Hanszen Van Hoesen, a son of Johannes Van Hoesen and Janntje Jans de Ryck, who had no birth or baptismal record and may have been born about 1687. There were two marriage entries at the Lutheran Church of New York City. In addition to the one listed above, the couple was married 11 February 1711 in Albany, Albany County, New York. In the former record, they were recorded as having been both born and living in Claverack, Columbia County, New York.
3. Pieter Witbeck, was baptised on 24 February 1695 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jan Andriesz and Catrina Sanders), and died prior to 1718.
4. Geertruy Witbeck, married Benjamin Rees.
5. Marytje Witbeck, was baptised on 3 September 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Joannes Galen and Antje Galen). About 1718 she married Stephanus Mulder, a son of Cornelis Stephenszen Mulder and Hilletje Loockermans, who had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born prior to 1683 in Albany, Albany County, New York.
6. Lyntje Witbeck, was baptised on 22 June 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Levinus and Willempje Winnen), and died young.
7. Lyntje Witbeck, was baptised on 28 February 1703 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jeremias Mulder and Teuntje Janse). She married Joris Decker, a son of Broer Janszen Decker and Cornelia Tappen, who was baptised on 9 February 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston (wit.: Teunis Tappan and Sara Schepmoes).

Peter Scherp, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Laubenheim, Germany. He married on 24 November 1674 in Laubenheim, Germany. [parents]

Peter was the church warden in Laubenheim

Margaretha Menck, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Peter Scherp and Margaretha Menck
1. Philip Scherp, married Anna (Margaretha) Barbara Matheß.
2. Jacob Scherp, was baptised on 5 February 1680 in Laubenheim, Germany (wit.: Jacob Böhm, Unter-Schultheiß here, and wife Anna Catharina), and drowned on 16 February 1734 in Livingston's Creek. On 26 December 1702 in Laubenheim he married as his first wife Anna Catharina Becker. On 2 November 1728 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (with Banns published there on 31 October 1728) he married as his second wife and as her first husband Anna Maria Bomper.

Jacob Scherp, his wife, and 2 children, were on Captain Bouwel's ship to Holland in 1709. Jacob Scherf of Scherz, aged 25, his wife, a son aged 5, and a daughter aged 2, Ref., husbandman and vinedresser, were in the second arrivals in England later that year. Jacob Scherb made his initial appearance on the Hunter Lists on 4 August 1710 as 2 pers. over 10 yrs. of age and 1 pers. under 10. The household showed 2 over 10 and 2 under 10 on 25 March 1712. A letter in French from Cast dated 6 April 1711 mentions Jacob Scherb. Jacob Sharpe of Kinsdbury in Dutchess County, yoeman, was naturalized at New York City on 4 October 1715. Jacob Scherb and Anna Maria with 2 children were at Quunberg about 1716/17. He was a Palatine Debtor in 1718. Captain Jacob Sharp was an officer in the Albany County Militia of ye Palatine Villages in ye Mannor of Livingston in 1733. Zenger's N.Y. Weekly Journal dated 18 May 1734 noted:

"We hear from Livingston's Mannor that one Mr. Jacob Scherp, a noted Trader and Farmer there, on the 16th of Feb. last, had the Misfortune to be drowned in Livingston's Creek, by stumbling from his horse. His Body was found some days after by his own Son on a small Shoal in the Mouth of the Creek."

Letters of Adminsistration in the estate of Jacob Sharpe of Albany were granted to his two eldest sons, George and Peter Sharpe on 12 October 1734. On 7 April 1736 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Germantown Anna Bomper married as her second husband Johann Matthias Ernst.

Jacob Scherp and Maria Maria Bomper had other descendants, such as:
.Jacob Henrich Scherp - Francina Skaats
 .PETER SHARPE (1777-1842) Congressman


Michael Schauer, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Bavaria, and died possibly after 1709. He married probably in Massenbach, Germany.

The registers of Massenbach call Michael a Catholic and Anna Magdalena a Lutheran. Michael Schauer was a Palantine convert from Catholocism who was admitted to the Lords Supper in the Protestant communion at the Lutheran Church at the Savoy in London shortly after 09 October 1709. A Michel Schehart, his wife, and two children, were on Captain Jno. Untank's ship in the 5th party in Holland in 1709 though it is not for sure that Michel Schehart is the same person as Michael Schauer. Magdalena made her first appearance on the Hunter Lists on 30 June 1710 with 2 persons over 10 years of age and 2 person under 10 years. Her last entry was on 31 December 1710 with the same numbers. She was recorded as Magdalin Schourer in 1718 and Magdalen Shower in 1721 on the Palatine Debt Lists. She was mentioned in the Family List for St. Peter Lutheran Church in 1734 along with her third husband Paul Engel and her daughter by her second marriage Maria Dausweberin.

Anna Magdalena (__), had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born about 1659, and died after 1734 probably in New York State. She married as her first husband Michael Schauer. On 13 February 1711 as recorded at the West Camp Lutheran Church she married as her second husband and as his second husband Johann Melchior Dausweberin, the widower of (__), who was born on 1 January 1655 in Burshel, Marbach Community, Württemberg. Prior to 1734 she married as her third husband Paul Engel.
Children of Michael Schauer and Anna Magdalena (__)
1. (Hans or Johann) Michael Schauer, was born on 17 April 1699 in Massenbach, Germany, baptised there on 30 May 1699 (wit.: Anthoni Bikel, Anwald), died on 16 August 1772 in Heidelberg Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, and buried in St. Daniel's Cemetery, Robesonia, Berks County, Pennsylvania. About 1717 in New York he married Elisabetha Catharina Lauck, a daughter of Johann Valentine Lauck and Anna Catharina Ruehl, who was baptised on 7 October 1696 in Wallau, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia, and died in 1784 in Heidelberg Township.

Johann Michael was confirmed on Easter 1713 at Newtown, New York according to records from the West Camp Lutheran Churchbook. He was naturalised on 8 and 9 September 1715. He was a Palatine Debtor in 1718, 1719, 1721, 1722, and 1726. His obituary in the Tulpehocken Churchbook states that he was born in Massebach, Germany.

Last Will and Testament of Michael Schauer
Written 27 November 1771, Recorded 26 August 1772

Heidelberg Township in Berks County, the 27th day of November 1771

As God hath given me a natural Body and also a Soul so I commend my Body to the Earth as his mother's lap, and my Soul I commend to God who hath given it to me. And with my dear Wife and with my Children and with my Estate I will that it shall be holden as follows:

First I will that all my Estate, personal and real, moveable or immoveable, be they land or money or bonds, notes, book debts or household goods, as of what denomination they may be, shall remain in the Hands of my dear Wife as long as she lives or does not marry. But in case the Burden shall be too heavy for her she may sell at vendue and the money arisen from the vendue she may expend toward her necessary maintenance or to my children where it shall be well laid out towards their inheritance their Father's estate on their giving just obligations & therewith that she may not be over reached. First I will and order that my son-in-law Mattheus Miller as my good friend shall be Executor over my beloved wife and over my transitory estate. The Heirs that have already money in advance shall orderly and yearly pay the interest to the Mother. If they will not do that they must pay the Capital to the Mother.

Secondly, when it shall please God to take my Wife out of the World I will that my deceased son's, Adam Schauer's, children shall have fifteen shillings for their father's birth right and then fifteen shillings Michael Shauer shall have for advance.

And finally thirdly, after my wife's decease, I will that my whole estate and what I leave behind and which my wife in her life time shall have in hand, shall be divided in equal shares among all my children, and if one or more of my children shall not be alive, his share which comes to him without distinction shall be divided among his children.

Fourthly - but if one or the other of my children or grandchildren shall not be satisfied with this my will and testament, he or she shall have one English shilling and no more but from the rest of the whole inheritance shall be excluded.

Fifthly I will and ordain to be Executors my good friends Henry Fiddler, Mattheus Wenrich theYounger and Mattheus Miller in the first Article mentioned.

Sixthly the names of my children among whom my estate in the above manner shall be divided are Adam the first born. My daughters are Elisabetha and Magdalina and Catharina and Maria Catharina and Anna Maria and Anna Christina and Ephrosina and Siwilla and Susanna and Eva.

And this is thus my last serious will and testament, whereby I at the same time make void all former wills. For the ratifying all and singular the above mentioned Articles I Michael Schauer have to this my testament set my hand and seal the day and year as above mentioned.

Michel Schauer (MS - his mark)

Signed and sealed and acknowledged in the

Ludwig Fischer
Georg Wing
Stefan Leinner

2. Johann Adam Schauer, married Maria Elisabeth Fritz.
3. Anna Magdalena Schauer, was baptised on 2 April 1704 as recorded t the Evangelical Parish in Massenbach, Germany (wit.: Anton Bikels, Jagers allhier Anna).
4. Maria Katharina Schauer, was baptised on 4 September 1706 in Massenbach, Germany (wit.: Katharina, Michael Ottenbachers Tochter). She married Johann Henrich Busch, a son of Johann Daniel Busch and Anna Margaretha Eichert, who was born on 11 October 1701 in Rittershausen, Palatine, Germany, and baptised (no date) in Ewersbach Church (wit.: Johann Henrich, son of Jost Schdfer there, and Anna Catharina, daughter of Johann Jost Busch of Ebersbach).

Henrich was naturalized on 17 January 1715/16 according to Albany Naturalization records. He was first taxed in Dutchess County, New York, in 1723/1724. His will, dated 19 July 1780, was proved on 18 January 1791 in Dutchess County.

Children of Johann Melchior Dausweberin and Anna Magdalena (__)
1. Maria Regina Dausweberin, was born on 24 January 1712 in West Camp, New York, and baptised on 31 January 1712 as recorded at the West Camp Lutheran Church (wit.: Johann Straub and wife Maria Elisabeth, and Maria Regina Fridrich). She was confirmed on 28 February 1733 at Teerbosch as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg.

Jurg Wilhelm Fritz, had no birth or baptismal record.

Jurg, his wife, and 3 children, were in the 6th party of Palatines in the Netherlands in 1709. He made his first appearance on the Hunter Lists on 1 July 1710 with 3 persons over 10 years of age in the family. He and his family were at Hunderston about 1716/17. He was on the Palatine Debtors Lists dated 1718, 1719, 1722, and 1726.

Maria Elisabetha Kauffmann, had no birth or baptismal record. Did she married as a first husband (__) Petri? [parents]
Children of Jurg Wilhelm Fritz and Maria Elisabetha Kauffmann
1. Maria Elisabetha Fritz, married Johann Adam Schauer.
2. Johan Christophel Fritz, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1689 in Anhausen near Neuweid in the Westerwald, Germany, and died prior to 19 November 1765. About 1723 he married Anna Dieterich, a daughter of Christian Dieterich and Magdalena Remagen, who was born in Segendorf, Germany, and baptised on 22 September 1689 in Neiderbieber, Germany.

Johan was a Palatine Debtor on the Livingston Debt Lists 23 February 1726. He was referred to as deceased at his daughter Catharina's wedding.

Johan Christophel Fritz and Anna Dieterich have other descendants, such as:
.Christian Fritz - Elisabetha Waldorff
 .Catharina Fritz - Johannes Jacobi
  .Petrus Jacobi - Maria Holsappel
   .Catherine Henrietta Jacobi - Johannes Shufelt
    .Elvira Shufelt - William Henry Miller
     .Frank Shufelt Miller - Mary Cordelia Carpenter
      .Harlow Archie Miller - Evelyn Louise Vyett
       .Mildred Anne Miller - THOMAS PHILLIP O'NEILL, Jr. (aka TIP)(1912-1994) Congressman, Speaker of the House

3. Anna Elisabetha Fritz, was born on 5 May 1708.

Johann Philipp Kreußler, was baptised on 26 January 1679 in Niederneisen, Germany, and died after 1744 probably in Schoharie Valley, New York. He married on 26 April 1701 in Guntersblum, Germany.

Johann made his initial appearance on the Hunter Lists 1 July 1710 with 2 persons over 10 years of age and 2 persons under 10 in the family. The entries changed to 3 persons over 10 years and 1 person under 10 years on 24 June 1711 and then to 4 persons over 10 years on 25 March 1712. He and his family were in New York City in 1710/11 and naturalized, next to Gorg Chryselar, 8/9 September 1715 according to Kingston, New York naturalization records. He, his wife, and three children were living at Beckmansland about 1716/17. Johann was a Palatine Debtor in 1718 and 1721 according to the Livingston Debt Lists. About 1744 he was mentioned as living with the family of Hieronymus Kräusler in the Schoharie Valley. [parents]

Anna Catharina Braun, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1680 probably in Udenheim, Germany, died prior to November 1733, and was buried in Loonenburg, Greene County, New York. [parents]
Children of Johann Philipp Kreußler and Anna Catharina Braun
1. Johann Georg Kreisler, was baptised on 30 April 1702 in Guntersblum, Germany (wit.: Joh. Georg, eldest son of the Unterschultheiss Joh. Jacob [__]). Prior to 27 December 1724 he married Anna Christina Streit, a daughter of Luwdig Streit and Magdalena (__), who was baptised on 30 March 1704 in the Westhofen Catholic Church in Germany.
2. Johannes Kreisler, married Anna Eva Catharina Manck.
3. Beata Maria Kreisler, was baptised on 19 September 1706 in Guntersblum, Germany (wit.: the daughter of the cooper Johannes Eyrich), and probably died prior to 1 July 1710.
4. Johann Henrich Valentine Kreisler, was baptised on 13 September 1710 as recorded at the West Camp Lutheran Church (wit.: Henrich Mehs and Valentin Presler). Johann Henrich was baptised by the Rev. Joshua Kocherthal. He was not counted in the subsistence list of 4 August 1710 nor in that of 4 October 1710 and may have died between those dates.
5. Johan Hieronymus Kreisler, was born on 6 March 1713 and baptised on 8 March 1713 as recorded at the West Camp Lutheran Church (wit.: Hieronymus Klein and Johann Planck), and died on 21 September 1751 in Schoharie County, New York. He married as her first husband Maria Margaretha Bauch, who had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born about 1715 in West Camp, Ulster County, New York, and died on 20 June 1753. On 7 November 1752, Maria Margaretha married as her second husband Michel Hilsinger.

Hieronymous was confirmed on 15 April 1729 at Newton (according to records of the Lutheran Church of New York City). Between 1740 and 1742, Hieronymous moved to Schoharie. In 1742 Hieronymous bought land in South East New Dorlach (Seward), on 16 April 1744. Jeronymous Crysler, William Bouck, and Frederick (__) purchased 12,000 acres of land from the Indians for £30. Hieronymous developed 80 acres and built his home in Fultonham, 10 miles south of Schoharie. Jeronimus was appointed Elder of Lutheran Church of Dominie Peter N. Somers at Schoharie on 1 May 1749.

Johan Heironymous Kreisler and Maria Margaretha Bauch have other descendants, such as:
.Adam Chrysler - Anna Maria Hoover
|.John Chrysler - Elizabeth Morden
| .Ralph Morden Chrysler - Elsie Gansevoort
|  .Catherine Maria Chrysler - ALEXANDER SMITH JOHNSON (1817-1878) New York Court of Appeals Chief Judge
|   .Abigail Adams Johnson - John Forman Seymour
|    .HORATIO SEYMOUR (1844-1907) civil engineer and surveyor
Philip Chrysler - Elizabeth Braun
.JOHN CRYSLER (1770-1852) Canadian politician - Dorothea Adams Myers
 .JOHN PLINY CRYSLER (1801-1881) Canadian politician

6. Anna Catharina Kreisler, was baptised on 13 October 1714 and baptised on 17 October 1714 as recorded at the West Camp Lutheran Church (wit.: Catharina Elisabetha Rau, Appolonia Froehlich, and Johann Philipp Heller). On 11 December 1733 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Catskill (with banns published on 22 September 1733 as recorded at the Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg) she married Gabriel Graad, a son of Johannes Graad and Johanna Walpurga (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1703 in Germany, and died after 1778.

Gabriel was listed as a farmer at Claverack, aged 59 years, in 1762. He appeared on the Rhinebeck tax rolls 1737/38 - 1741/42. The "Minutes of The Commission for Conspiracies" indicate that Gabriel was tried before the Commission on 24 April 1778, and released when his son Nicholas gave £100 sterling bail.

Jacob Manck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1669/1670 probably in Urbach, commune Neuwied, Germany, and died after 1716 probably in New York State. He married about 1692.

Jacob was a husbandman and vinedresser. In 1703 he was called a tailor at Hartert, Germany. He left Germany and arrived in London 2 (12) June June 1707 in the third pary of Palatine emigrants. He was in America by the winter of 1710 and settled in the Hudson Valley.

Anna Margaretha (__), had no birth or baptismal record and was born 1669 probably in Urbach, commune Neuwied, Germany, and died after 1726 probably in New York State.
Children of Jacob Manck and Anna Margaretha (__)
1. Anna Veronica Manck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1690/92 in Urbach, commune Neuwied, Germany. On 28 September 1714 as recorded at the West Camp Lutheran Church, New York, she married as his first wife Johann Mattheus Jung, a son of Jerg Hans Jung and possibly Anna Elisabeth (__), who was baptsied on 11 July 1694 in Genheim, commune Stromberg, Germany (wit.: Joh. Mattheus Müller and Joh. Wißwycks).

Johann was referred to as the Reformed voorleezer in the baptismal record of his daughter Gertraud. Johan Mathis Junck was naturalized on 8 and 9 September 1715. On 14 November 1731 he married as his second wife Catharina Diederich.

.Anna Veronica Manck and Johann Mattheus Jung have other descendants, such as:
|.Catharina Elizabetha Jung - Georg Wilhelm Dederick
|.Zacharias Dederick - Catharine Behr
| .William Dederick - Lena Van Garden
|  .Catharina Dederick - William Allen Dumont
|   .James Allen Dumont - Elizabeth M'Clenahan
|    .May Dumont - EDWARD CLARK POTTER (1857-1923) sculptor
.Peter Jung - Elizabeth Moscher
 .Jeremiah P. Young - Mary Salome Strobeck
  .Mary Young - Robert N. Weller
   .Diana Catharine Weller - Edwin O. Andrews
    .Evagene Irene Andrews - Clarence LeFever France
     .Helen Genave France - Charles M. Warner
      .Myron France Warner - Jeannette McBride
       .Elizabeth McBride Warner - James Frederick Hall
	.RICHARD MELVILLE HALL (aka MOBY) (1965-living) composer

2. (__) Manck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1692 in Rengsdorf, Germany, and (he or she) died there on 6 July 1703.
3. (__) Manck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1695 in Rengsdorf, Germany, and died there on 9 September 1704.
4. Anna Eva Catharina Manck, married Johannes Kreisseler.
5. Anna Barbara Manck, was baptised on 3 September 1702 in Rengsdorf, Germany (wit.: Anna Barbara Fackert and Georg Runckel from Harttert), and died there 10 September 1704.
6. Eva Maria Manck, was baptised on 28 February 1706 in Rengsdorf, Germany (wit.: Theiss Hofmann, Eva Anhauser, and Maria Gertrud Moll). She may be the child who died on 30 March 1715 in West Camp, New York.
7. (__) Manck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1711 in West Camp, New York. He or she may be the child who died on 30 March 1715 at West Camp.
8. Anna Elisabetha Manck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1713 in West Camp, New York. She married as his first wife Johann Henrich Meyer, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1708. About 1740 in New York Johann Henrich married as his second wife Elizabeth Althauser.

Egidius Buysse, had no birth or baptismal record.
Judoca (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Egidius Buysse and Judoca (__)
1. Joannes Buysse, married Elizabeth Dhaenens.

Jan de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Grietken de Clercq, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan de Wulf and Grietken de Clercq
1. Abraham de Wulf, married as his first wife Joanna de Zutter, and as his second wife Judoca Grijp.
2. Petrus de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Margaretha de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record and died about 1647 in Oostburg, East Flanders, Belgium. On 30 April 1630 in Lembeke, Eats Flanders, Belgium, she married as her first husband Georges Claeys, a son of Marijn Claeys and Susanna de Wulf, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1637. She married as her second husband Joos van de Kerckhove, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Jan de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record. On 24 April 1622 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, he married Catharina Claeys, a daughter of Marijn Claeys and Susanna de Wulf, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 22 June 1637 in Lembeke.
5. Catharina de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Geeraert van Haute, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Georgius/Jooris de Zuttere, had no birth or baptismal record.
Martina (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Georgius/Jooris de Zuttere and Martina (__)
1. Joanna de Zutter, married Abraham de Wulf.
2. (speculation)Georgius de Sutter, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 10 January 1654 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 21 October 1638 he married as his first wife Petronella de Wulf(ran), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 3 October 1643 in Lembeke. On 27 April 1644 in Lembeke he married as his second wife Pauwelyna van de Rostijne.

Jooris van Overvelt, had no birth or baptismal record
(__), had no birth or baptismal record
Children of Jooris van Overvelt and (__)
1. Jacobus van Overvelt, married Francynken Teirlinck.

Vincent Teirlinck, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 28 January 1647 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 16 August 1620 in Lembeke.
Jacquemijne/Jacoba Lippens, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 3 August 1653 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. She married as her first husband Jacques de Reytere, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 19 January 1602 probably in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. She married as her second husband Paesschier Gheerts, who had no birth or baptismal record. On 16 August 1620 in Lembeke she married as her third husband Vincentius Teirlinck. [parents]
Children of Jacques de Reytere and Jacoba Lippens
1. Hansken/Jan de Reytere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 19 January 1602.

Children of Vincent Teirlinck and Jacquemijne/Jacoba Lippens
1. Maeyken/Maria Teirlinck, was born on 26 December 1612 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 26 December 1612. She married Vincent Philips.
2. Francijntgen/Francynken Teirlinck, married Jacobus van Overvelt.
3. Georgius Teirlinck, was born on 15 November 1621 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 15 November 1621, and died there on 15 June 1658. On 11 June 1645 in Lembeke he married as her first husband Livina van Bambossche, a daughter of Christoffel van Bambossche and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record, died on 17 July 1678 in Lembeke, and was buried there on 19 July 1678. She married as her second husband Arnold Teirlinck (relationship to Georgius Teirlinck is unknown).
4. Frans Teirlinck, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 21 September 1653 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 6 May 1646 in Lembeke he married as her first husband Anna de Roo, a daughter of Gabriël de Roo and Maria van Laere, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 20 April 1677. She married as her second husband Cornelis de Wulf.

Adriaen Rogiers, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Begella Wulfram, had no birth or baptismal record. Jeremias Wulfram may possibly be her father, her brother, or a close relative.
Children of Adriaen Rogiers and Begella Wulfram
1. Vincent Rogiers, married Margaretha de Wulf.
2. Frans Rogiers, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 12 June 1663 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.

Gabriël de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 24 December 1641 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married as his first wife Vincentijne Steppe, a daughter of Jan Steppe and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 17 February 1610. Prior to 1615 in Lembeke he married as his second wife Catharina Martens. [parents]
Children of Gabriël de Wulf and Vincentijne Steppe
1. Stoffelijnken de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Hansken/Joannes de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1610 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 17 August 1641 in Lembeke he married Catharina Rogiers, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 28 May 1687.
3. Catelijnken de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record.

Catharina Martens, had no birth or baptismal record, died on 13 January 1664 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and was buried there on 15 January 1664.
Children of Gabriël de Wulf and Catharina Martens
1. Gabriël de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1620 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 10 May 1670. On 6 November 1644 in Lembeke he married Maria Teirlinck, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 24 April 1683 in Lembeke.
2. Gregorius de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1618 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 27 October 1669. On 19 November 1638 in Lembeke he married Petronella Lippens, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 4 May 1661 in Lembeke.
3. Joris de Wulf, was born on 22 March 1615 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 22 March 1615, and died there prior to 1622.
4. Pieter de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Maria de Wulf, was born on 12 October 1620 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on the same day. She married Isack Daenes, who had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Georges de Wulf, was born on 8 August 1622 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died on 27 April 1662 in Lembeke. On 31 July 1647 in Lembeke he married as her first husband Maria van de Rostijne, a daughter of Joannes van de Rostijne and Livina de Taeye, who was born on 11 December 1622 in Lembeke and died there on 4 August 1669. She married as her second husband Georges Megro.
7. Cornelius de Wulf, was born on 14 April 1627 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there prior to 1628.
8. Cornelis de Wulf, was born on 4 June 1628 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on the same day, and died there on 23 May 1670. On 25 April 1654 in Lembeke he married as her second husband Anna de Roo, the widow of Frans Teirlinck and a daughter of Gabriël de Roo and Maria van Laere, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 20 Aril 1677.
9. Margaretha de Wulf, married as her first husband Vincent Rogiers, and as her second husband Thomas de Jaeghere.

Cornelis Standaert, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 19 January 1602 probably in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.
Pierynken Lippens, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Cornelis Standaert and Pierynken Lippens
1. Tanneken Standaert had no birth or baptismal record. She married Petrus van Landtschoot, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Hansken/Joannes Standaert, had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his first wife and as her second husband Maria Bral, the widower of Christoffel de Causmaecker and a daughter of Lieven Bral and Pierijntken Wouters, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 8 March 1627 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married as his second wife Judoca Hebbrechts, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 31 July 1661 in Lembeke.
3. Joorken/Jooris Standaert, married as his first wife Anna van Waes, and as his second wife Petronella Speeckaert.
4. Maeyken/Maria Standaert, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Petrus Speeckaert, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 17 January 1634 probably in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. She married as her second husband Petrus Vermeersch.

Jacobus Speeckaert, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 2 December 1648 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married prior to 1625. [parents]
Betken/Elisabeth de Pape, was no birth or baptismal record and died on 1 May 1658 in Kaprijke, East Flanders Belgium. [parents]
Children of Jacobus Speeckaert and Betken/Elisabeth de Pape
1. Joanna Speeckaert, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1613 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, died there on 14 March 1690, and was buried there on the same day. On 21 November 1632 in Kaprijke she married Livinus de Causmaecker, a son of Christophorus de Causmaecker and Maria Brat, who was born on 17 September 1615 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 28 March 1669 in Kaprijke.
2. Maeyken/Maria Speeckaert, was born on 21 May 1619 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there about 1676. On 13 January 1638 in Dordrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands, she married Joannes van Vooren, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 16 December 1659 in Kaprijke. She married as her second husband Adriaan Verheyst, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Petronella Speeckaert, married Jooris Standaert.
4. Joannes Speeckaert, was born on 4 January 1628 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 29 January 1697 in Kaprijke. He married Maria de Walsche, who had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Jacobus Speeckaert, was born on 13 April 1632 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there in 1676. After 1652 he married Joanna Rogiers, who had no birth or baptismal record and died in 1679 in Kaprijke.
6. Vincentius Speeckaert, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1625 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 13 January 1662. After 1642 in Kaprijke he married as her first husband Catharina van Dapel, a daughter of Jan van Dapel and (__), who was born on 28 November 1624 in Kaprijke, and died there on 14 April 1694. She married as her second wife Gabriël Huyghe.

Niklaes van de Rostijne, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Niklaes van de Rostijne and (__)
1. Joannes van de Rostijne, married Livina de Taeye.
2. Elisabeth van de Rostijne, had no birth or baptismal record, and died in 1627 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. Prior to 1620 in Lembeke she married as his first wife Jan Grijp, a son of Jan Grijp and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 22 March 1662 in Lembeke. He married as his second wife Catharina Dhaese, and as his third wife Petronella Claeys.
3. (possibly) Livinus van de Rostijne, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1598. On 21 October 1629 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium, he married Jacoba van Vooren, a daughter of Georges van Vooren and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1604.

(__) Nijskens, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__) van der Reij, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of (__) Nijskens and (__) van der Reij
1. Pieter Nijskens, married Maria (Gijsen/Ginsen/Gissen).

Aernout Clays, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1601, and died on 7 June 1660 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 20 November 1622 in Sleidinge, East Flanders, Belgium, as his first wife Catharina Buysse. On 11 October 1638 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium, he married as his second wife and as her first husband Elisabeth Dondermans, a daughter of Gilles Dondermans and Maeyken Willaert, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1616, and died on 5 March 1673 in Adegem. She married as her second husband Cornelis Willems. [parents]
Children of Aernout Clays and Elisabeth Dondermans
1. Livina Clays, was born on 17 October 1639 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 20 October 1639 (Godparents: Livinus Mariman and Livinia Maghermans), and died there on 21 November 1639.
2. Lucas Clays, was born on 2 January 1641 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there "a week later" (Godparents: Georgius Roeygens and Judoca Rillaers), and died and was buried between 13 March 1641 and 1 April 1641.
3. Arnoldus Clays, was born on 23 October 1644 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 9 May 1678 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium. On 16 October 1668 in Adegem he married Maria Blondeel, a daughter of Pieter Blondeel and Mayken van Loo, who was born on 27 June 1649.

Catharina Buysse, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Aernout Clays and Catharina Buysse
1. Joannes/Jan Claeijs, married Susanna de Smet.
2. Maria Clays, was baptised on 19 January 1625 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents; Matthias Van Hecke from Sleidinge and Maria Clays, wife of Livinus Mariman), and died on 4 June 1671 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium. On 29 November 1646 in Adegem she married Jooris Fockaert, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 12 Setpember 1671 (probably in Adegem).
3. Dionysius Clays, was born on 8 August 1626 in Waarschoot East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 10 August 1626 (Godparents: Dyonisius Buysse from Sleidinge and Margareta de Pau, wife of Joannes Clays). On 17 October 1654 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, he married Anthonia Verlee.
4. Petrus Clays, was born on 15 April 1628 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 24 April 1628 (Godparents: Judoca Buysse, wife of Zeger de Brabanter from Sleidinge), and died on 19 September 1653 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium. He married as her first husband Georgia Stockman, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1627, and died on 27 March 1679 in Adegem. She married as her second husband Laurens de Brabandere.
5. Margaretha Clays, was born on 7 April 1630 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 14 April 1630 (Godparents: Jacobus van Speybroeck from Sleidinge, and Margaretha Clays, wife of Christophorus de Baets from Lovendengem), and died there on 28 May 1630.
6. Paschasia Clays, was born on 2 March 1631 in Waarshoot and baptised there on 9 March 1631 (Godparents: Georgius Goethals, son of Georgius, and Paschasia Verbust, wife of Pieter Clays from Kaprijke). On 12 June 1651 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, she married Judocus Dhaenens.
7. Judocus Clays, was born on 27 February 1633 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 6 March 1633 (Godparents: Peter van Laere and Joanna de Pau, wife of Bernardus van Hecke from Zomergem), and died on 6 (__) 1671 in Oostwinkel, East Flanders, Belgium. On 19 October 1664 in Oostwinkel he married Cathelijne de Brabander, the widow of Jacques Vandevelde and Jan Standaert and a daughter of Laureyns de Brabander and (__), who was baptised on 30 March 1627 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 11 February 1685 in Oostwinkel. She married as her fourth husband Christopher Matthijs.
8. Zacharias Clays, was born on 5 October 1634 in Waarschoot, baptised there on 8 October 1634 (Godparents: Jan Clays and Carola de Vlieger, wife of Joannes de Reu from Lovendegem), and died on 16 April 1678 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium. On 30 April 1661 he married Catharina Potaert, a daughter of Pieter Potaert and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1631, and died on 17 September 1691 in Oostwinkel, East Flanders, Belgium. Witnesses to the marriage were Georgius Clais and Elisabeth Dondermans.

Gillis de Smet, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1585, and died in 1655. He married as his first wife Tanneken Matthijs. About 1627/1628 he married as his second wife Joanna de Zuttere, a daughter of Jacobus de Zuttere and Adriana Maes, who had no birth or baptismal record. About 1631/1632 he married as his third wife Martijntje Wouters (or Wauters), a daughter of Livinus Wouters and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 6 July 1658 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium.

Gillis operated a brewery in Raverschoot, East Flanders, Belgium, from which he supplied ale tothe many inns, pubs, and ale houses in the region. He also owned several windmills.

Tanneken Matthijs, had no birth or baptismal record and died about 1627 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Gillis de Smet and Tanneken Matthijs
1. Susanna de Smet, married Joannes/Jan Claeijs.
2. Corneel de Smet, was baptised on 19 November 1611 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jacob van Lanschoot and Elijsabet Bauts).
3. Pieter de Smet, was baptised on 16 February 1615 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Pieter Gillis and Jaekemijnne van Vussen). He married Judoca Verbiest, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 3 March 1647 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium.
4. Maria de Smet, was baptised on 1 November 1619 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Guilliame de Crock and Maike Daenis).
5. Jan de Smet, was baptised on 29 May 1623 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Henderick de Brock and Anna van Lijndt), and died young.
6. Jan de Smet, was baptised on 19 March 1625 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Heer Roland Vermeersch and Magdalena echtg. Antoon Stobbelare).
7. Anna de Smet, was baptised on 14 February 1627 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Antoon Stobbelare and Jacoba echtg. Gerard van Renterghem).

Children of Gillis de Smet and Joanna de Zuttere
1. Adriana de Smet, was baptised on 16 November 1628 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Andreas de Smit and Adriana echtg. Jacob de Zuttere), and died prior to 1655.

Children of Gillis de Smet and Martijntje Wouters
1. Lieven de Smet, was baptised on 8 August 1632 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Pieter Wouters fs Lieven, and Elisabeth echtg. Philip Wouters).
2. Petronilla de Smet, was baptised on 4 July 1634 in Bellem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: (__)). On 1 February 1658 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, she married Petrus Ramont (or Raman).
3. Elisabeth de Smet, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan de Rinck.
4. Gillis de Smet, was baptised on 3 January 1641 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jacques Meijnaert and (__) echtg. Corneel de Smet).
5. Fransoijs de Smet, was baptised on 15 February 1643 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Adriaan Harens and Janneken Martens).
6. Jan de Smet, was born on 8 March 1645 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 12 March 1645 (Godparents: Meester Jan Sionkers and Elisabeth de Vijt echtg. Peter Soetaert).
7. Paschasia de Smet, was born on 17 April 1650 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 24 April 1650 (Godparents: Adriaan van Gisdaele and Barbara Maris echtg. Gaspar van Maldeghem), and was buried there on 12 September 1656.

Roelandt de Zuttere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1590 in Maldegen, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Livina (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Roelandt de Zuttere and Livina (__)
1. Maria de Zuttere, was baptised on 14 October 1612 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Matheus van Steenberghe and Margriete wed. Joris de Clerq).
2. Roelandt de Zuttere, married Anna de Vriendt.
3. Catharina de Zuttere, was baptised on 14 November 1617 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jan Troost and Cahtarina de Zuttere fa Jacob).
4. Joannes de Zuttere, was baptised on 12 February 1619 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Jan Deeuwe and Joanna wed. Livien Blomdeel).
5. Joanna de Zuttere, was baptised on 5 June 1620 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Livien Maes and Joanna de Zuttere fa Jacob).
6. Jan de Zuttere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1623, and died on 2 February 1678 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium. On 20 July 1649 in Maldegem, he married as his first wife Cathelijne Lambrechts, a daughter of Robert Lambrechts and Anna van Speybroeck, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1628, and died on 13 May 1654 in Maldegem. On 17 December 1654 in Sint-Laureins, East Flanders, Belgium, he married as his second wife Judoca Haerens, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1634 in Sint-Laureins.

Joos de Vriendt, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1605, and died on 11 January 1663 in Maldegen, East Flanders, Belgium. Prior to 1625 he married as his first wife Catharina Batens. On 1 June 1661 in Maldegem he married as his second wife Anna van Hulle, a daughter of Gillis van Hulle and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Catharina Batens, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1594, and died on 23 February 1657 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Joos de Vriendt and Catharina Batens
1. Anna de Vriendt, married Roelandt de Zuttere.
2. Niclaas de Vriendt, had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1637 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 26 January 1660 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium. With Banns published on 24 April 1657 in Maldegem he married as her first Maria Blondeel, a daughter of Franciscus Blondeel and Maria de Rijke, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1637, and died on 7 April 1695 in Maldegem. She married as her second husband Petrus Roelof.

Phillipus van Mullem, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1588, and died on 8 April 1649 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium. On 27 October 1624 in Sint-Niklaas he married as his first wife Amelbergha Coppens. He married as his second wife (__). [parents]
Amelberga Coppens, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1699. [parents]
Children of Phillipus van Mullem and Amelberga Coppens
1. Catharina van Mullem, was born on 15 October 1625 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 15 October 1625, and died there on 21 November 1699.
2. Joannes van Mullem, was born on 1 August 1628 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 6 August 1628. On 23 August 1651 in Sint-Niklaas he married as his first wife Amelberga de Groote, a daughter of Gillis de Groote and Lijsbette de Bruyne had no birth or baptismal record and was born in 1626, and was buried on 5 September 1667 in Sint-Niklaas. On 24 January 1668 he married as his second wife Amelberga de Juiste, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born in 1643.
3. Judoca van Mullem, was born on 15 January 1631 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 19 January 1631.
4. Joanna van Mullem, was born on 20 July 1633 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 24 July 1633, and died there on 9 August 1703.
5. Petrus van Mullem, married Barbara Vercauteren.
6. Amelberga van Mullem, was born on 24 July 1638 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 27 July 1638, and died there on 11 April 1702. On 4 July 1660 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium, she married Egidius de Rijcke, a son of Adriaen de Rijcke and Catharina de Schepper, who was born on 10 February 1635 in Sint-Niklaas.
7. Elizabeth van Mullem, was born on 2 August 1642 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 4 August 1642, and died there on 13 November 1681.

Joannes Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1594/1597, and died on 2 January 1659 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 23 November 1627 in Sint-Niklaas. [parents]
Joanna/Janneken Wijnacker, was born on 24 November 1607 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium, and died (no date) in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Joannes Vercauteren and Joanna/Janneken Wijnacker
1. Aegidius Vercauteren, was born on 3 January 1629 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 7 January 1629, and died there on 3 May 1661.
2. Martinus Vercauteren, was born on 8 September 1630 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 11 September 1630, and died there on 17 January 1685. On 5 June 1660 in Sint-Niklaas he married as her first husband Judoca Verbraecken, a daughter of Petrus Verbraken and Anna de Suttere, who was born on 30 August 1640 in Sint-Niklaas, and died there on 23 December 1699. She married on 8 November 1687 in Sint-Niklaas as her second husband Joannes Nijs.
3. Antonius Vercauteren, was born on 22 January 1633 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 23 January 1633, and died there on 27 January 1703.
4. Barbara Vercauteren, married Petrus van Mullem.
5. Joannes Vercauteren, was born on 16 October 1637 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 17 October 1637, and died young.
6. Thomas Vercauteren, was born on 2 November 1642 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 4 November 1642.
7. Joanna Vercauteren, was born on 10 April 1646 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 10 April 1645, and died there on 15 July 1652.
8. Joannes Vercauteren, was born on 9 January 1648 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 12 January 1648.
9. Catharina Vercauteren, was born on 27 October 1651 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, baptised there on 29 October 1651, and died there on 30 April 1660.
10. Michael Vercauteren, was born on 18 November 1653 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there on 19 November 1653.

Judocus Scheerlinck, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1666.
Catharina Droeshout, was baptised on 3 March 1594 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium, and died in September 1666. [parents]
Children of Judocus Scheerlinck and Catharina Droeshout
1. Guilielmus/Wilhelmus Scheerlinck, married Maria Coppens.
2. Petrus Scheerlinck, was baptised on 13 March 1622 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Droeshout en Maria Scherlinc).
3. Cornelius Scheerlinck, was baptised on 15 February 1626 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus De Smet en Petrina Droeshout).
4. Maria Scheerlinck, was baptised on 15 February 1629 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Gerardus Sceerlinck en Maria Van Varenbergh).
5. Joannes Scheerlinck, was baptised on 12 April 1631 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Droeshout en Catharina Verbeurcht). On 8 July 1656 in Erembodegem he married Judoca Van Vaerenberg, a daughter of Michiel van Varenbergh and Magdalena Ghijsels, who was baptised on 3 December 1627 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Petrus Van Vaerenberg en Judoca Henricx), and died on 3 April 1667. Witnesses to the marriage were Michael Van Varenbergh and Judocus Scheerlinck.
6. Catharina Scheerlinck, was baptised on 14 March 1634 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Michael Droeshout en Catharina Machiels).

Gerardus Coppens, had no birth ot baptismal record and died on 23 August 1640 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium. He married on 19 May 1609 in Erembodegem (witnesses: Barbara Dedemaker, Petrus van Varenbergh, and Cornelius de Rijcke). Marriage Banns were published on 25 April 1609 in Brussels, Belgium.
Catharina Dedemaeckers, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1589 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Gerardus Coppens and Catharina Deegdemakers
1. Joannes Coppens, was baptised on 30 June 1610 Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Deegdemakers), and died there on 30 June 1610.
2. Judoca Coppens, was baptised on 31 July 1611 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Dedemaekers en Judoca Sadeleer), and died there on 27 January 1682. On 8 June 1632 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 24 April 1632) she married Christianus de Vriese. Witnesses to the Banns were Judocus van der Elst en Egidius de Vriese. Witnesses to the marriage were Gerardus Coppens and Egidius de Vriese.
3. Elisabeth Coppens, was baptised on 3 April 1614 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Dedemaeker en Elisabeth (__)elers). She died young.
4. Barbara Coppens, was baptised on 10 April 1616 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Van Der Elst en Barbara Dedemaecker), and died there on 16 November 1694. She married Joannes Callebaut, who died prior to 1694.
5. Elisabeth Coppens, was baptised on 17 February 1619 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Dedemaeckers en Elisabeth T'hons), and died there on 19 July 1686. On 29 May 1674 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 19 May 1674) she married Joannes Aelbrecht, who had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 29 May 1685 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the Banns were Nicolaes de Brabander and Joannes Coppens. Witnesses to the marriage were Joannes Callebaut and Joannes Coppens.
6. Joanna Coppens, was baptised on 3 February 1622 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Dedemaeker en Joanna Cleerhagen). On 24 August 1644 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 1 August 1644) she married Joannes van Molle, possibly the son of Jacobus van Molle and Catharina Vlemincx, who was baptised on 20 February 1623 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Joannes Van De Maele en Philippina Van Mol). Witnesses to the Banns were Jacobus van Molle and Adrianus van Molle). Witnesses to the marriage were Jacobus van Molle and Adrianus van Molle.
7. Anna Coppens, was baptised on 12 May 1627 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Guilielmus Arijs and Anna Van De Elst). On 16 November 1656 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 25 October 1656) she married Jacobus Droeshout. Witnesses to the Banns were Jacobus Droeshout and Judocus de Bleser. Witnesses to the marriage were Jacobus Droeshout and Joannes Callebaut.
8. Maria Coppens, married Guilielmus/Wilhelmus Scheerlinck.
9. Petrina Coppens, was baptised on 3 October 1635 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Guilielmus Arijs en Petrina Van Mighem), and died there on 19 October 1690. On 12 February 1658 in Erembodegem (with banns published there on 31 January 1658) she married as her first husband Petrus de Feijter. Witnesses to the Banns were Joannes de Feijter and Christianus de Vriese. Witnesses to the marriage were Joannes De Feijter and Joannes Coppens. On 14 February 1669 in Erembodegem she married as her second husband Joannes Streck. Witnesses were Joannes de Clerck and Adrianus Callebaut.

Petrus de Brauw, had no birth or baptismal record. He married on 17 November 1626 in Teralfene, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
Elisabeth Moock, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Petrus de Brauw and Elisabeth Moock
1. Adrianus de Brauw, was baptised on 25 April 1627 in Teralfene, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. On 12 February 1657 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (with Banns published there on 3 February 1657) he married ar his first wife Marie Kieckens, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 5 May 1657 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the Banns were Petrus de Brauw and Andreas Kieckens. Witnesses to the marriage were Adrianus de Vos and Joannes de Vrint. On 6 March 1660 in Erembodegem he married as his second wife Judoca de Clerck, who had no birth or baptismal record and died 4 October 1684 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the marriage were Joannes Kieckens and Adrianus van der Elst.
2. Jan de Brauw, was baptised on (__) March 1629 in Teralfene, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, and died young.
3. Elisabeth de Brauw, was baptised on 13 October 1630 in Teralfene, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. She may be the Elisabeth who on 26 January 1669 in Teralfene married Daniel de Ridder.
4. Judocus de Brauw, married as her second husband Anna van de Velde.
5. Joannes de Brauw, was baptised on 1 November 1635 in Teralfene, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. On 29 July 1673 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 16 June 1673) he married as his first wife Margareta Huijbrechts, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 26 January 1677 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the Banns were Judocus de Brauw and Petrus Huijbrechts. Witnesses to the marriage were Adrianus de Brauw and Petrus Huijbrechts. On 2 March 1677 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 20 February 1677) he married as his second wife Maria Beeckman, who had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 18 October 1681 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the Banns were Adrianus de Brauw and Guilielmus Beeckmans. Witnesses to the marriage were Martinus Beeckmans and Egidius Verelst
6. Petrus de Brauw, was baptised on 4 June 1637 in Teralfene, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. On 27 October 1669 in Teralfene he married Joanna Boriau.
7. Catharina de Brauw, was baptised on 1 May 1642 in Teralfene, Flemish Brabant, Belgium
8. Wilhelmus de Brauw, was baptised on 30 March 1644 in Teralfene, Flemish Brabant, Belgium

Joannes van de Velde, was baptised on 6 April 1593 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents:: Joannes De Mey, fs. Joannes en Lysbeth Van De Velde), and died prior to 1667. [parents]
Gertrudis van Varenbergh, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 25 December 1667 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Jan van de Velde and Gertrudis van Varenbergh
1. Henricus van de Velde, was baptised on 12 March 1613 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents:: Henricus Van De Velde en Margareta De Bischop), and died there on 12 October 1692. On 21 February 1635 in Erembodegem he married as his first wife Judoca Goossens, who had no birth or baptismal record. Witnesses to the marriage were Adrianus Goosens and Judocus Goossens. On 27 January 1658 in Erembodegem he married as his second wife Adriana Vonck, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 1 October 1692 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the marriage were Petrus van de Velde and Joannes De Vrindt.
2. Egidius van de Velde, was baptised on 1 March 1616 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Egidius Van Vaerenberg en Margareta Van (__)). He married Judoca Meert.
3. Anna van de Velde, married as her first husband Judocus Meert, and as her second husband Judocus de Brauw.
4. Petrus van de Velde, was baptised on 12 April 1621 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Boone en Maria De (__)).
5. Maria van de Velde, was baptised on 3 August 1625 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Van Varenberg en Maria Van Den Haute), and died there on 1 November 1677. On 25 February 1648 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 21 February 1648) she married Adrianus de Pauw, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1677. Witnesses to the Banns were Petrus De Pau and Petrus Van De Velde. Witnesses to the marriage were Petrus De Pau and Antonius Verleijsen.
6. Catharina van der Velde, was baptised on 24 April 1629 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus Van Nuwenhove en Catharina Van Langenhove).
7. Gerardus van de Velde, was baptised on 24 September 1633 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Gerardus Van Varenbergh en Maria Schoonians).
8. Judocus van de Velde, was baptised on 24 September 1633 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus Van Merenvelt (?) en Catharina Van Varenbergh). On 20 October 1657 in Erembodegem (with Banns published on 29 September 1657) he married Catharina Callebaut, a daughter of Joannes Callebaut and Joanna Meert, who was baptised on 6 October 1633 in Erembodegem (Godparents: Joannes Callebaut en Catharina Machiels), and died there on 13 March 1691. Witnesses to the Banns were Joannes Callebaut and Petrus Van De Velde. Witnesses to the marriage were Joannes Callebaut and Petrus Van De Velde.
9. Joannes van de Velde, was baptised on 7 March 1636 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: (__) Van Schingen en Joanna Kiekens).

Adrianus de Schrijver, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1667.
Elisabeth de Clippel, was baptised on 29 January 1594 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus De Rijcke, kerkmeester, en Elisabeth (__)), and died there on 17 December 1667. [parents]
Children of Adrianus de Schrijver and Elisabeth de Clippel
1. Judoca de Schrijver, was baptised on 3 May 1620 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus De Scrijver en Judoca Dedemaecker), and died there on 6 November 1676. On 11 July 1641 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 26 June 1641) she married Jan de Vriendt, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 24 October 1676 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the Banns were Egedius de Vrindt and Adrianus de Scrijver. Witnesses to the marriage were Petrus de Vrindt and Adrianus de Schrijver. Jan was Burgemeester from 1674 to 1676, and koster in 1676.
2. Joannes de Schrijver, was baptised on 13 March 1622 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus De Clippel en Clara De Schrijver). On 1 February 1646 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 20 January 1646) he married Maria Pauwels, possibly a daughter of Joannes Pauwels and Judoca van Varenbergh, who was baptised on 2 March 1618 in Erembodegem (Godparents: (__) Meert and Maria de Sceper). Witnesses to the Banns were Adrianus de Schrijver and Joannes de Vrindt. Witnesses to the marriage were Adrianus de Schrijver and Joannes de Vrindt.
3. Adrianus de Schrijver, married Margareta Verleysen.

Jan Verleysen, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1584.
Joanna de Greve, had no birth or baptismal record, and was born about 1590. She may possibly be either a daughter or a sister of Michael de Greve (born about 1566, died in September 1625 in Hekelgem) and Catharina Quaribbe (born about 1572 and died on 9 July 1636 in Hekelgem).
Children of Jan Verleysen and Joanna de Greve
1. Joanna Verleysen, was baptised on 2 October 1616 in Hekelgem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, and died there on 26 November 1687. On 16 August 1642 in Hekelgem she married as his second wife Petrus Clauwaert, the widower of Elisabeth van Neervelt, who had no birth or baptismal record and died in 1655 in Hekelgem.
2. Catharina Verleysen, was baptised on 16 October 1619 in Hekelgem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. Possibly on 17 October 1654 in Hekelgem married Joannes van den Driessche.
3. Petrus Verleysen, was baptised on 12 February 1623 in Hekelgem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. Possibly on 17 February 1667 in Hekelgem married Joanna van Snick.
4. Philippus Verleysen, was baptised on 28 September 1625 in Hekelgem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, and died there on 13 August 1692. He married as her second husband Elisabeth van Mighem, the widow of Joannes Schoonjans, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 1 December 1722 in Hekelgem.
5. Margareta Verleysen, married Adrianus de Schrijver.
6. Michael Verleysen, was baptised on 26 October 1632 in Hekelgem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.

Martinus de Rijck, was baptised on 15 October 1564 in Sint-Gertrudis-Leeuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. [parents]
Machildis van den Berghe, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Martinus de Rijck and Machildis van den Berghe
1. Anna de Rijck, was baptised on 14 July 1599 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Antonius Van Leijsen en Anna Henrici).
2. Petrina de Rijck, was baptised on 13 September 1600 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus de Rike en Maria Van Den Bergh). On 3 November 1630 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 19 October 1630] she married Daniel Coen. Witnesses to the Banns were Guilielmus Arijs and Petrus De Smet.
3. Barbara de Rijck, was baptised on 3 March 1602 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Van varenberge en Barbara De Rijcke).
4. Petrus de Rijck, was baptised on 8 May 1603 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus De Rijcke en Elisabeth Pauwels).
5. Judocus de Rijck, was baptised on 24 March 1605 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Judocus De Rijcke en Anna Henricxs).
6. Catharina de Rijck, was batised on 14 September 1607 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Van (__) en Catharina Mannaerts).
7. Joannes de Rijck, was baptised on 21 May 1611 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Van Den Wijngaerde en Petrina Droeshout).
8. Machielde de Rijck, was baptised on 2 March 1615 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes De (__) en Machielde (__)).
9. Mathias de Rijck, married Elisabeth Verstraeten.
10. Maria de Rijck, had no birth or baptismal record. On 20 August 1644 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium (with Banns published there on 23 July 1644) she married Judocus van Haever. Witnesses for the Banns were Adrianus de Rijcke and Daniel Jaecquemijns. Witnesses for the marriage were Matthias de Rijcke and Joannes de Vriendt.

Robert de la Tour, had no birth or baptismal record.
Anna Kerremans, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of
1. Maria de la Tour, married Thomas Heydens.
2. Joanna de la Tour, was baptised on 29 October 1600 in Hombeek, Antwerp, Belgium.
3. Renerius de la Tour, was baptised on 16 September 1605 in Hombeek, Antwerp, Belgium.
4. Arnoldus de la Tour, was baptised on3 February 1609 in Hombeek, Antwerp, Belgium.
5. Philippus de la Tour, was batised on 30 June 1612 in Hombeek, Antwerp, Belgium.
6. Carolus de la Tour, was baptised on 15 March 1616 in Hombeek, Antwerp, Belgium.

Egidius Dauman, had no birth or baptismal record. There is no mother listed for the first five children, and given the lack of de Mol Godparents for these first five children, Joanna de Mol may be a second wife.
Joanna de Mol, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Egidius Dauman and Joanna de Mol
1. Petrus Dauman, was baptised on 10 October 1609 in Asse, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus van Ghinderachter en Martina Spaus). He married Maria Clerckx.
2. Jacobus Dauman, was baptised on 15 March 1612 in Asse, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Jacob Dau en Judoca Esselens).
3. Martina Dauman, was baptised on 6 March 1615 in Asse, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Franciscus Ballieu en Meclina van Ransbeeck).
4. Joanna Dauman, was baptised on 10 December 1617 in Asse, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Steck en Joanna van de Wijgaert). On 9 April 1644 in Asse (with Banns published there on 9 March 1644) she married Gisbertus van Kellegum/Keleghem.
5. Judoca Dauman, married Matheus van Wetteren.
6. Anna Dauman, was baptised on 30 September 1625 in Asse, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Jacobus Cobbaert en Anna de Mol). On 30 pril 1652 in Asse (with Banns published there on 2 April 1652) she married Adrianus van den Abeele.
7. Martinus Dauman, was baptised on 17 February 1628 in Asse, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Martinus de Mol en (__)).
8. Adrianus Dauwmans, was baptised on 22 August 1630 in Asse, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus de Mol en Elisabeth van den Bosch).
9. Egidius Dauman, was baptised on 18 December 1633 in Asse, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Egidius van der Burcht en Maria Dauman).
10. Catharina Dauman, was baptised on 6 April 1636 in Asse, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Egidius van den Cruys en Catharina de Mol).

Joannes Haeghens, had no birth or baptismal record, and died in 1641 in Kalken, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Maria de Vos, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 4 November 1667 in Kalken, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Joannes Haeghens and Maria de Vos
1. Mattheus Haeghens, was born on 23 September 1612 in Kalken, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 12 March 1689. He married Livina van Trappen, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Jan Haeghens, married Petronella Pauwels.

Gaspar Smet, was baptised on 5 April 1596 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Gaspar de Vetter, Petrus Moortgat en Marti Herbosch), died there on 12 December 1662, and was buried there on the same day. Banns for their marriage were published on 28 August 1622 in Merchtem. [parents]
Anna de Vettere, was baptised on 22 January 1602 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Jan Philips en Catharina Coomans), died there on 14 April 1659, and was buried there on the same day. [parents]
Children of Gaspar Smet and Anna de Vettere
1. Catharina de Smeth, married Cornelius de Ridder.
2. Elisabeth De Smet, was baptised on 21 March 1628 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Cornelius De Smeth en Elisabeth Van Herbosch).
3. Cornelius De Smet, was baptised on 22 January 1631 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Martinus Jacobs en Magdalena Struijven), and died there on 7 February 1705. On 27 April 1662 in Opwijk (with Banns published on 25 March 1662 in Merchtem) he married Elisabeth Mannaert, a daughter of Paschasius Mannaert and Catharina de Cleck, who was born on 12 September 1641 in Opwijk, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, and died on 12 November 1694 in Merchtem.
4. Maria Smets, was baptised on 13 July 1632 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: None), and buried there on 10 July 1635.
5. Anna Smets, was baptised on 16 March 1636 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes De Clerck en Elisabeth (__)), and buried there on14 October 1668. On 27 April 1656 in Merchtem (with Banns published there on 23 March 1656) she married Joannes de Ridder, a son of Joannes de Ridder and Magdalena van Regemoertel, who was baptised on 21 March 1632 in Merchtem, and buried there prior to 14 October 1668.
6. Petrus De Smet, was baptised on 3 April 1639 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus De Vettere en Margaretha De Smeth), and buried there on 3 May 1639.
7. Joannes Smet, was baptised on 17 February 1641 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes Van Herbos en Paulina Rottiers), and was buried there on 28 July 1716. On 24 May 1664 in Merchtem (with Banns published there on 28 April 1664) he married as his first wife Joanna van der Straeten, a daughter of Henri van der Straeten and Anna van Herbosch, who was baptised on 6 July 1642 in Ophem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium, and was buried on 15 November 1668 in Merchtem. Witnesses to the marriage were Cornelius de Smet and Henricus van der Straeten. On 11 April 1669 in Merchtem he married as his second wife Catharina van Zeebroeck, possibly a daughter of Petrus van Zeebroeck and Catharina Bieseman, who was baptised on 27 April 1650 in Merchtem, and died there on 20 January 1726. Witnesses to the marriage were Petrus van Zeebroeck and Laurentius van der Straeten.
8. (__) De Smeth, was baptised on 26 July 1652 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: None), and was buried there on the same day.

Francois/Frans Henriks Van der Koeck, had no birth or baptismal record.

On 2 June 1686, with certificate from Bresken (a village in Zeeland, Holland), Francois and Leventje became members of the Reformed Dutch Church of New York. In 1686 he and his wife were living "beyond the Fresh Water, beyond the ancient pond called Kalckhoek." He was living on the West Ward of the City of New York in 1695-1699 where he appeared eight times on the tax lists during that period. He was a bricklayer and became a freeman of New York City on 26 September 1698. He appeared on a list of voters in New York City in 29 September 1701. His name was not found on the 1703 census lists of New York City.

Leventje Machiels de Vries, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Francois Van der Koeck and Leventje de Vries
1. Michael Van der Koeck, married Sara Joosten.
2. Lydia Van der Koeck, was baptised on 17 September 1684 in Breskens, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
3. Mattheus Van der Koeck, was baptised on 2 June 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Pieter Le grand and Sytie Duyckings), and died young.
4. Mattheus Van der Koeck, was baptised on 10 February 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Gerrit Hellaer, Mayken Cornelis, and Susanna Themmers). Nothing further is known of him.

Joost Fransen, had no birth or baptismal record, and died prior to 27 January 1695/1696, on which date an inventory and appraisement was taken of his estate. He married about 1666 as his first wife Geertruyd Auckrsz Van Nuyse. On 30 January 1692 he married as his second wife and as her second husband Annatie Joris Rapalje, the widow of Martin Ryerson and a daughter of Joris Janszen Rapalje and Catalyntje Jeronomus Trico, who was born on 8 February 1646 and baptised on 11 February 1646 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Sara Planck).
Geertruyd Auckrsz Van Nuyse, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1644 probably in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [parents]
Children of Joost Fransen and Geertruyd Auckrsz Van Nuyse
1. Sara Joosten, married Michael Van der Koeck.
2. Magdalena Joosten, was baptised on 2 November 1679 at Midwout as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush (wit.: G. Wijnand and Huisvrouw, Jannetie Aukes). About 1697 she probably married Isaac Bennet, a son of Adriaen Willemszen and Annetie Jans Van Dyck, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1674 probably in New Utrecht, New York.

Hendrick d'Oremus, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Hendrick d'Oremus and (__)
1. Cornelis Doremus, married Janneke Joris Van Elsland.

Joris Matthyszen, had no birth or baptismal record.
Hubrechtje Jans, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Joris Matthyszen and Hubrechtje Jans
1. Janneke Joris Van Elsland, married Cornelis Doremus.

David Ackerman, was born on 16 September 1614 in Oss, North Brabant, The Netherlands. He died before 6 January 1663 probably onboard the ship "Vos" on his way to New Netherland. He married on 16 September 1641 in Berlicum, North Brabant, The Netherlands.

David and his family resided in Berlicum, North Brabant, the Netherlands. He emigrated and arrived in the New Netherland aboard the ship Vos on 2 September 1662 with his wife and six children aged 20, 18, 16, 12, 8, and 6 years old. David died either at sea or shortly after his arrival, but definitely by 6 January 1663 when his wife Elizabeth and their oldest child, Anneken, joined the Church in New Amsterdam. [parents]

Elizabeth Belliers, was baptised on 24 January 1616 as recorded at the Dordredt Walloon Church, The Netherlands. She died about 1669 possibly in Harlem, New York. She married as her first husband David Ackerman. On 29 January 1668 she married as her second husband Kier Wouters, a son of Wouter Kierszen and (__).

Elizabeth and her oldest child, Anneken, joined the Church in New Amsterdam on 6 January 1663. Elizabeth was a resourceful, hard working woman and raised six children on her own, on what was later Whitehall Street, New York City. Lisbet served beer and some food, and traded a few beaver pelts to make money. She didn't remarry until 29 January 1668, now at the age of 52, to Kier Wouters. She and her boys moved to Harlem, just north of New York City, to his farm where she died a couple of months later. [parents]
Children of David Ackerman and Elizabeth Belliers
1. Anneken Davidse Ackerman, was baptised on 31 July 1642 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Berlicum, North Brabant, the Netherlands (wit.: Abraham van Waer and Jan van Gameren). On 28 June 1664 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam she married Nathaniel Pieters, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1638 possibly in Leyden, The Netherlands. The marriage recorded described Anneken as "j.d. Van den Bosch" and Nathaniel as "j.m. Van Leyden."
Anneke Davidse Ackerman and Nathaniel Pieterszen have other descendants, such as:
.David Nathaniels Hennion - Annetje Straatmaker
|.Johannes Hennion - Antje Tunis Tallman
||.David Hennion - Jacomyntje Kip
|||.David Hennion - Sophornia Hennion
||| .David Hennion - Maria M. Piatt
|||  .Martin Hennion - Marrie J. Reese
|||   .Frank R. Hennion - Nellie L. Junod
|||    .Ruth Genevieve Hennion - Harold Scott Chaffee, Jr.
|||     .NANCY ANN CHAFFEE (1929-2002) tennis player
|||      - (1) RALPH MCPHERRAN KINER, Jr. (1922-living) baseball player
|||      - (2) JOHN FRANCIS WHITAKER (aka JACK) (1924-living) sportscaster
||.Teunis Hennion - Annetje Doremus
|| .Sophornia Hennion - David Hennion
||  .David Hennion - Maria M. Piatt
||   .Martin Hennion - Marrie J. Reese
||    .Frank R. Hennion - Nellie L. Junod
||     .Ruth Genevieve Hennion - Harold Scott Chaffee, Jr.
||      .NANCY ANN CHAFFEE (1929-2002) tennis player
||       - (1) RALPH MCPHERRAN KINER, Jr. (1922-living) baseball player
||       - (2) JOHN FRANCIS WHITAKER (aka JACK) (1924-living) sportscaster
|.David Hennion - Lena Andriessen
| .Andries Hennion - Elsje Post
|  .Johannes Hennion - Sara Bertholf
|   .Catherine Hennion - Lucas Provoost
|    .Luke Provoost - Julia Ann Wheeler
|     .Julie Ann Provoost - David Van Wagenen
|      .Alma Van Wagenen - Birdie Ethel Gray
|       .Frank Alton Van Wagenen - Phyllis Barker
|        .Lola Jean Van Wagenen - CHARLES ROBERT REDFORD, Jr. (1937-living) film actor
|         .DAVID JAMES REDFORD (1962-living) screenwriter, institute founder
|         .AMY HART REDFORD (1970-living) film actor
.Catharina Hennion - Pieter Burger
|.Elizabeth Burger - (1) Jacobus Bockee, (2) Alexander Phoenix
| .(by 1) Abraham Bockee - Maria Kaar
| |.Jacob Bockee - Catherine Smith
| | .ABRAHAM BOCKEE (1784-1865) Congressman
| | .Maria Bockee - Morgan Carpenter
| |  .BENJAMIN PLATT CARPENTER (1837-1921) Governor
| |
| .(by 2) Alexander Phoenix - Cornelia (__)
| |.Daniel Phoenix - Anna Lewis Phillips
| | .JONAS PHILLIPS PHOENIX (1788-1859) Congressman - Mary Whitney
| | |.Mary Caroline Phoenix - George Henry Warren
| | ||.WHITNEY WARREN (1864-1943) architect
| | ||
| | |.STEPHEN WHITNEY PHOENIX (1839-1881) benefactor
| | |
| | .Elizabeth Waldron Phoenix - Henry Rutgers Remsen
| |  .Ann Elizabeth Remsen - ALEXANDER STEWART WEBB (1835-1911) Brevet Major-General
| |
| .(by 2) Catharina Phoenix - Adolph Waldron
|  .Catharina Waldron - David Godwin
|   .Catharine Bogert Godwin - CHARLES GERRIT DEWITT (1789-1839) Congressman
.Johannes Nathaniels Hennion - Margrietje Dailly
|.Elias Henion - Maria Phillips
| .Johannes Henion - Annetje Levy
|  .John Henion - Mercy Smalley
|   .John Henion - Chloe Hagar
|   |.Kent Henion - Cornelia White Haines
|   | .Coleman Henion - Anna Merritt
|   |  .Harold Merritt Henion - Gladys Edna Ovens
|   |   .Harold Merritt Henion - Lillian Rainey
|   |    .GAIL SHEEHY (née GAIL HENION) (1937-living) author - CLAY SCHUETTE FELKER (1925-2008) editor, journalist, magazine founder
|   |
|   .Hannah Henion - Edmund Knox
|    .Chloe Ann Knox - Byron Cole
|     .Ella Ann Cole - Charles Frank Sulloway
|      .Ruby Edna Sulloway - Henry Scharf
|       .Iola Scharf - Arthur Huntingdon
|        .Terry Lynn Huntingdon - Joseph Davies Cheeseborough (later changed to Tydings)
|         .ALEXANDRA HUNTINGDON TYDINGS (1972-living) TV actor
.Aaltje Hennion - Jesse de Graaf
 .Daniel de Graaf - Gezina Switz
  .Isaac de Graaf - Susanna Van Eps
   .JOHN ISAAC DE GRAAF (1783-1848) Congressman

2. Johannes Davidszen Ackerman, was born in den Bosch, North Brabant, the Netherlands, baptised on 21 March 1645 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Churchof den Bosch (wit.: Anneken Adriaens, Adrianetje Schuyler, Pieter Ackerman and Jenneken Segers), and died young.
3. Louwerens Davidszen Ackerman, was baptised on 12 June 1650 in Geffen near den Bosch, North Brabant, the Netherlands, as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of den Bosch, and died prior to 3 May 1707. On 3 August 1679 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married as her first husband Geertje Egberts, a daughter of Sanders Egbert and Harmintje Harmens, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1658.

The marriage record states that Louwerens was born in Geffen, in the Maiery of 's Hertogenbosch and Geertje as being from New Albany. He joined the Reformed Dutch Church at Bergen on 2 April 1678 and his wife-to-be joined on 23 June 1679. By deed recorded at Hackensack 10 July 1689, he bought of John Berry a large tract in Bergen County near Little Ferry. In 1693 John Berry was patented 190 acres between Hackensack and Saddle River, north east of Lawrence Ackerman. Lawrence died prior to 3 May 1707, on which date his widow married as her second husband Harman Bras.

Louwerens Davidszen Ackerman and Geertie Egberts have other descendants, such as:
.Egbert Ackerman - Elizabeth Breyant
|.Lawrence Ackerman - Fytje van Winkle
| .Elizabeth Ackerman - John Earle
|  .Magdalena Earle - Pieter van Buren
|   .Belinda Sophia van Buren - Joseph Chandler Ackerman
|    .Caroline Netta Ackerman - Edward Stillman Kendrick
|     .Caroline Isabelle Kendrick - William Darius Eddy
|      .NELSON ACKERMAN EDDY (1901-1967) singer, film actor
.Catherine Ackerman - Jan Verway
|.Laurence Verway - Trientje Demerest
| .Elizabeth Frances Verwey - Abraham D. Ackerman
|  .Lawrence Ackerman - Cynthia Bent Robertson
|   .Joseph Chandler Ackerman - Belinda Sophia van Buren
|   |.Caroline Netta Ackerman - Edward Stillman Kendrick
|   | .Caroline Isabelle Kendrick - William Darius Eddy
|   |  .NELSON ACKERMAN EDDY (1901-1967) singer, film actor
|   |
|   .WILLIAM KELLY ACKERMAN (1832-?) Railway President, financier
Louwerens Davidszen Ackerman and Geertie Egberts have other descendants, such as:
.David Ackerman - Sarah Colve
 .Jacobus Ackerman - Margaret Gudderits
  .David Ackerman - Neeltje Ryckman
   .Jacobus Ackerman - Elizabeth De Pew
    .Eleanor Ackerman - Ralph Vanderlinda
     .Eliza A. VanderLinda - John Durie
      .Jane Durie - William Henry Blauvelt
       .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
	.Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr

4. David Davidszen Ackerman, was born in September 1653, baptised on 5 October 1653 in Geffen, North Brabant, The Netherlands, and died prior to 17 May 1714. With license dated 12 March 1679/1680 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married Hillegond Verplanck, a daughter of Abraham Isaacszen Verplanck and Maria Vigné, who was baptised on 1 November 1648 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jan Vinge, Olof Stephenszen Van Courtlt, and Judith Stuyvesants).

At the organization of the Reformed Dutch Church at Hackensack, David and Hillegond were listed among the original members. David Acarman of Hackensack was deeded 420 acres of land there on 29 October 1695, by Mattheus Corneliuson, on the west side of the Hackensack River and near the present Woodridge in Bergen County. On 27 November 1696 he received a patent for this land. His will, dated 2 October 1710 and proved on 4 June 1724, named his wife Hillegond and three children and refers to land and a grist mill on the road to Kindakemeck, and also a house in New York. He died prior to 17 May 1714, when "Hillegondt, widow Ackerman" was present at the baptism of a grandchild.

David Ackerman and Hillegondt Verplanck have other descendants, such as:
.David Ackerman - Gerbrechtje Romeyn
|.Elizabeth Ackerman - Abraham Brouwer
| .Hester Brouwer - David Demarest
| |.James D. Demarest - Mary Elizabeth Haring
| | .Mary Haring Demarest - Theodore Secor
| |  .Rosanna Secor - James Vanderbilt Remsen
| |   .IRA REMSEN (1846-1927) chemist, codiscoverer of saccharin
| |
| .Anna May Brouwer - Obadiah Higbee
|  .Mary Higbee - Edward Riggs
|   .John Riggs - Mary Phillips
|    .Obadiah Hezekiah Riggs - Emma Louisa Robbins
|     .Emma Ray Riggs - David Oman McKay
|      .Emma Rae McKay - Conway Alan Ashton
|       .ALAN C. ASHTON (1942-living) computer scientist, company founder
.Johannes Ackerman - Jannetje Lozier
|.Tryntje Ackerman - Roelof Westervelt
||.Cornelia Westervelt - Jacobus Bogert
|| .Cornelia Bogert - John Zabriskie
||  .Elizabeth Zabriskie - Samuel R. Demarest
||   .Cornelia Demarest - Jacob Blauvelt
||    .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
||     .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
||      .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
||       .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
|.Nicholas Ackerman - Lea Bell
||.John Ackerman - Dorothy Montfort
|| .Magdalena Ackerman - Jasper Cropsey
||  .Hannah Ann Eliza Cropsey - Orville Augustus Roorbach
||   .ORVILLE AUGUSTUS ROORBACH (1803-1861) publisher - Mary Alline Underhill Van Zandt
||    .Marion Roorbach - EDWARD WELLMAN SERRELL (1826-1906) Brigadier-General, civil engineer
|.Antje Ackerman - David W. Banta
| .Wiert Banta - Leah Degroot
|  .David Banta - Rachel Van Giesen
|   .Sarah Banta - Abraham H. Bogert
|    .Henry Bogert - Helen Anderson Evans
|     .GEORGE HENRY BOGERT (1864-1844) artist
.Maritie Ackerman - Swaine Ogden
 .Samuel Ogden - Phebe Baldwin
  .Sarah Ogden - John Edison
   .Samuel Edison - Nancy Stimson
    .Samuel Edison - Nancy Elliot
      .THOMAS ALVA EDISON (1847-1931) inventor - Mina Miller
       .CHARLES EDISON (1890-1969) Governor

5. Lodewyck Davidszen Ackerman, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1656 probably in Berlicum, North Brabant, The Netherlands, and died prior to 1714 in Phillipsburgh, Westchester County, New York. On 14 June 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston (with Banns published there on 24 December 1681) he married Jannetie Bleyck, a daughter of Jacobus Bleyck and Sara Puten Pieters, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Lodewyck and his Jannetie joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack on 29 July 1686. They later moved to Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.

Lodowyck Ackerman and Jannetie Bleyck have other descendants, such as:
.Lysbet Ackerman - Arent Janszen Putman
|.Lodewyck Putman - Elisabeth Suitz
| .Frederick Putman - Catherine Pennell
|  .Frederick Putman - Margareta Barnhardt
|   .Margareta Putman - Samuel Wilber
|    .George Wilber - Sarah Crowner
|     .Alma Wilber - Robert Day Hershey
|      .ALFRED DAY HERSHEY (1908-1997) Nobel Prize recipient
.David Ackerman - Maria See
 .Jannetje Ackerman - Abraham Martling
 |.ABRAHAM MARTLING (1743-1830) fictional character inspiration (Brome Bones) - Maria Couwenhoven
 | .Edward Martling - Sarah Stivers
 |  .Susan Martling - Stephen Tompkins
 |   .Edward Tompkins - Margaret Green
 |    .Margaret May Tompkins - George Frembd
 |     .George Herbert Frembd  - Edith Adele Ryer
 |      .Adele Edith Frembd - Robert Scott Ringwald
 |       .MOLLY KATHLEEN RINGWALD (1968-living) film actor
 .Jacobus Ackerman - Maritie Anderson
 |.Robert Ackerman - Roxelane Child
 | .Lory Ann Ackerman - Cornelius Van Allen
 |  .George Clinton Van Allen - Jennie M. Wright
 |   .Alfred Morris Van Allen - Alma Olney
 |    .JAMES ALFRED VAN ALLEN (1914-2006) physicist
 .Johannis Ackerman - Catriena Miller
  .James Ackerman - Elizabeth (Alley or Alyea)
   .John Hamlet Ackerman - Emily Nelson
    .Harvey Ackerman - Mary Elizabeth Manvel
     .CHARLES NELSON ACKERMAN (1871-1955) inventor, manufacturer

6. Abraham Davidszen Ackerman, married Aeltje Van Laer.


Adrian Gerritszen Van Laer, was baptised (as Aerjaen) on 17 Jamuary 1634 as recorded at the Nieuw Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He married as his first wife Dwertje Luycus. About 1660 he married as his second wife Abigail Verplanck. On 24 April 1672 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married as his third wife and as her second husband Luytie Schonen, the widow of Hendrick Assuerus.

Adrian arrived in New Amsterdam on 1 May 1658 on De Moesman. [parents]

Abigail Verplanck, was baptised on 1 January 1637, and prior to 24 April 1672. [parents]
Children of Adrian Gerritszen Van Laer and Abigail Verplanck
1. Aeltje Van Laer, married Abraham Davidszen Ackerman.
2. Sara Van Laer, was baptised on 3 November 1667 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Abraham Van Laer and Maryitje Wernaers). There is no further record of her and she probably died young.
3. Gerrit Van Laer, was baptised on 23 November 1669 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Stoffel Van laer and Anna Vincent), and died young.

Yellis Janszen Mandeville, was baptised in June 1626 in Doesburg, Gelderland, The Netherlands (wit.: Dr. Michael a Mandeville), and died after 16 March 1701.

Yellis was also known as Aegidius and Gilles. On 12 February 1659, he, with his wife and four children aged 9, 6, 5, and 1¼ years, arrived in America onboard the ship "de Trouw." Yellis was called Gilles Jansen Van Garder (Garderen on the Veluwe, Guelderland, Holland). He paid f50 for the passage of his wife and himself and f10 for each child; or 90 guilders in all. The name of Gilles de Mandeiville on the original list of the vessel "Moesman" in April 1659 indicates that he was not a passenger, but only a debtor to the Dutch West India Company, for a small sum advanced by them. Yellis probably lived for a time somewhere on Long Island. Two of his children were from New Amersfoort (Flatlands). He was perhaps the Gilles Jansen rated there in September 1676 for 10 morgens of land, etc. Yellis may also have bought a farm at Flatbush (probably the land in the jurisdiction of Hempstead, valued above all his other possessions, devised by will to his son Hendrick), and received afterwards a grant of 30 acres at Greenwich, NY, laid out on 5 December 1679, and patented on 30 December 1680. No lands granted or sold to Yellis are recorded in the Flatbush Records, but many Dutch Patents and Indian Deeds were destroyed or sent to England after 1664. Yellis and his wife were members of the New York Dutch Church on 3 May 1677, and Yellis, Elsje, and Grietie Mandeviel were living above the ancient pond Kalch-hock in 1686. Yellis and his wife were sponsers at a baptism on 16 March 1701.

Gilles Jansen appeared on the assessment rolls of New Uthrecht in 1675. On an " Assessment Roll of the Real and Personal Property of the Inhabitants of Amsfortt [Flatlands], Made up 24th August, 1675," appears the following:
Gillis Jansen: 2 polls, 2 horses, 2 oxen, 3 cows 1 ditto of 1 year £88.10
10 morgens of land & valley                                                           £20

The " Valuation of Amsfortt [Flatlands] made up Septembr 1676," contains the following item:
Gilles Jansen
3 polls 3 horses 2 oxen cows £105
10 morgen land & valley          £20

In 1679 Gillis Jansen Mandeville purchased a property on the western side of Manhattan Island, between Bethune and Twentieth Streets, Eighth Avenue and the Hudson River, in a settlement - the Indian name for the district was Sappokaniken - which the Dutch christened as New Nordwyck, though they often referred to it as "Bassen Bouwery" ("Bas syn bouwery"), and which was subsequently known as Greenwich Village. With his wife and several of his children he probably removed to this new plantation soon after its purchase. In 1686, when Domine Selyns, pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church of New York City, prepared his directory of his parishioners, Gillis Mandeville, with wife, Elsie Hendricks, and daughter, Margaret Mandeville, resided on the Manhattan property:

Over het Vertch Water [over the fresh water - I. E., north of Canal St.]
Jillis Mandevil, en zyn h. v.
Elsje Hendricks
Grietje Mandevil

Both parents were still living, February 14, 1701 (present style), on which date they jointly sold their Greenwich plantation to their son, David. The deed is recorded in the Register's Office, New York City, Liber 26, pp. 474-6, having been "Recorded for David Mandeville the 17th Day of May Anno Dom 1711." It begins:

"THIS INDENTURE made the fourteenth day of February in the fourteenth year [1700, old style; 1701, modern style] of the Reigne of our Sovereign Lord William the third of England, Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the faith &c: and in the year of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ one thousand seven hundred BETWEEN Jullius Janson Mandavill of Greenwich in the County of New York Yeoman and Elsie his wife of the one part and David Mandivill of the same place Yeoman of the Other parte." For #400 the said Jullius Jansen Mandevill and Elsie his wife convey to the said David Mandevill " All that a Certain Bowery now in his Tenure possession and Occupation lying and being at Greenwich aforesaid Containing by estimation fifty three Morgen besides the Meadows on the West side of Hudson River (be the same more or less) all the Right Title Interest and property which the said Jullius Jansen Mandivill bought of Jacob Vandergrift by deed bearing date the one and thirtieth year of his then Majestys Reign [Charles II. dated his reign from the day of his father's execution] Annoqe Dom one thousand Six hundred and Seaventy Nine Relation being there unto had more fully and at large will appear TOGETHER with all and singular the houses Barnes Stables Orchards Gardens upland and Meadow Ground which doth there unto belong or properly Appertain the particulars thereof in a Patent from Coll Nicholls as also in the Bill of Sale from the said Johannes Vanbroughen and Jacob Ver- vanger to the said Jacob Vandergrift bearing date the twenty fourth day of August Anno Dom one thousand six hundred and seventy one."
[ Signed] " Yulius Mandeville [SEAL]
" Elsie Mandevil P her Mark [SEAL]

His will, dated 15 September 1696 reads in part: "I, Jellis Mandeville of Greenwich, in the city of New York, being of sound and perfect health" leaves to wife Elsie all estate during widowhood. "I give to my son Hendrick Mandeville, in preference to all other gifts and in regard to his being my oldest son, all that my farm in Queens County, in the jurisdiction of Hempstead," with houses, barns, etc. "To son David, in consideration of his great services, my negro Peter and £50." All of the rest of the estate is left to his children: Hendrick, David, Tryntie, wife of Cornelis Secum (Seenn), Helike (Aeltie), wife of Lawrence Johnson, Geritie (Gerritie), wife of Peter De Milt (Meet), and Gertrude (Griettie), wife of John Meet. I specially command that my farm or Bowery at Greenwich be sold with the horses, etc., to the highest bidder of my children and the money to be divided. Makes wife Elsie, sole exector. Witnesses: Symon Brestede and Samuel Bayard. The will was proved on 22 May 1701. Elsje Hendricks made her will, as a widow, on 22 May 1701. [parents]

Elsje Hendricks, had no birth or baptismal record, and died after 22 May 1701.
Children of Yellis Janszen Mandeville and Elsje Hendricks
1. Hendrick Mandeville, married as his first wife Annetje Scholl, and as his second wife Elizabeth Janse Harris.
2. Aeltje Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1647/1650 probably in Voortbuzien, Garderen, the Netherlands. Prior to 1677 she married Laurens Janszen de Camp, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1645.

Laurens emigrated in 1664. In the Assessment Roll of New Utrecht, dated 24 August 1675, he appears as "Laurens Jansen 1 Pole, 2 Horses, 2 Cows, £52; 24 Morgens of Land £48; Total £100," and in the Assessment Roll of the same period dated 29 September 1676, he appeared as "Laurens Jansen 1 Pole; 2 Horses; 2 Cows; £52; 12 Morgens of Land; £24; Total £76. In 1677 he and his wife appeared on a list of church members in New Utrecht, New York. On 26 September 1687, his name appeared on a list of inhabitants of Kings County, New York, who took the Oath of Allegiance as follows: "Lawrens Janse De Camp 23 Jaere." On 30 December 1701, he joined in a Petition of the Protestants of New York to King William III, entitled "A list of the majr part of the freeholders and inhabitants of Richmond County." On 7 May 1719, he was Local Pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church of Staten Island.

Aeltje Mandeville and Laurens Janszen de Camp have other descendants, such as:
.Hendrick De Camp - Maria DeLamars
 .Lambert De Camp - Mary Boud
  .Henry De Camp - Mary Morris
  |.Joseph DeCamp - Jane Ford Tuttle
  ||.Chilion Ford DeCamp - Lucy Allen
  || .Edward F. DeCamp - Augusta Scott
  ||  .William Scott DeCamp - Julia James Lyon
  ||   .Lyon DeCamp - Emma Beatrice Sprague
  ||    .LYON SPRAGUE DECAMP (1907-2000) writer
  |.John De Camp - Susan Grandin
  | .Samuel Grandin Johnston De Camp - Nancy Wood
  |  .JOHN DE CAMP (1812-1875) naval officer
  .Moses DeCamp - Sarah Ross
  |.Ezekiel DeCamp - Mary Baker
  | .James DeCamp - Joanna Evans
  | |.James Milton DeCamp - Jane Brandebury
  | | .Walter Alden DeCamp - Caroline Eliott Middleton
  | |  .James Milton DeCamp - Anna Hetherington Graydon
  | |   .CAROLINE MIDDLETON DECAMP (1926-2000) Educationalist
  | |    - ANTHONY NEIL WEDGWOOD BENN (1925-living) British politician
  | |    .HILARY JAMES WEDGWOOD BENN (1953-living) British politician
  | |
  | .Lambert DeCamp - Lydia Garwood
  |  .JOSEPH RODEFER DECAMP (1858-1923) artist
  .James Eliphalet DeCamp - Elizabeth M. (__)
   .Eliphalet DeCamp - Margaret (__)
    .Ralph DeCamp - Mary Lee
     .William DeCamp - Elizabeth Ellis
     |.William Franklin DeCamp - Sarah J. Campbell
     | .William Valentine DeCamp - Margaret Elizabeth Hinman
     |  .ROSEMARY DECAMP (1910-2001) film and TV actor
     .Horace DeCamp - Renette C. (__)
      .RALPH EARL DECAMP (1858-1936) artist

3. Tryntje Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was borna bout 1654 probably in The Netherlands, and died after 15 September 1696. About 1669 she married Cornelis Janszen Van der Veer, a son of Jan Corneliszen Dominicus and Neeltje Kempe, who was baptised on 1 March 1623 in Wemeldinge, S. Beveland, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and died prior to 22 February 1703 in Flatbush, Kings County, New York.

Tryntje arrived in America on 12 February 1659, aged 5 years, on the ship de Trouw. On 13 June 1661, Cornelis was one of six persons who petitioned Governor Stuyvesant for a patent of land, who authorized a survey. In February 1678 he purchased a farm in Flatbush for about 2600 guilders. In 1683, The Assement Roll of Midwout lists him as having 100 acres. This land became known as the 26th and 32nd ward of Brooklyn and was owned by his descendents until 1906. He and his son-in-law Daniel Polhemus, erected a grist mill on Fresh Kill in Flatbush, which came into the hands of his son Dominicus, and later his grandson Cornelius. Both Tryntje and Cornelis were mentioned in her father Yellis' will dated 15 September 1696. Cornelis died in February 1703 in Flatbush, New York.

Cornelis arrived in America in February 1659 on the ship de Otter. He was a landowner and magistrate in Flatbush.

Tryntje Mandeville and Cornelis Janszen Van der Veer have other descendants, such as:
.Neeltje Vanderveer - Daniel Polhemus
|.Catrina Polhemus - Jacob Duryea
||.Cornelis Duryea - Annatje Lupardus
|| .Wilhelmus Duryea - (__)
||  .William H. Duryea - Phebe Kissam
||   .Rebecca H. Duryea - Robert Doughty
||    .Joseph H. D. Doughty - Martha Guthrie
||     .Maria Cook Doughty - WILLIAM CRAWFORD GORGAS (1854-1920) Major General, physician
|.Johannes Polhemus - Annatje Ten Eyck
||.Daniel Polhemus - Margaretta Covenhoven
|| .Tobias Polhemus - Mary Schenck
|| |.Daniel T. Polhemus - Sarah Van Dyke
|| | .Margaret Polhemus - John C. Schenck
|| |  .Mary Schenck - John Woodhull Conover
|| |   .John Chrineyonce Conover - Elizabeth Laura Lloyd
|| |    .John Howard Conover - Marguerite Anna Cameron
|| |     .LLOYD HILLIARD CONOVER (1923-?) inventor
|| |
|| .John Polhemus - Mary Van Mater
||  .Margaret Polhemus - Chrieyonce Schenck
||   .John C. Schenck - Margaret Polhemus
||    .Mary Schenck - John Woodhull Conover
||     .John Chrineyonce Conover - Elizabeth Laura Lloyd
||      .John Howard Conover - Marguerite Anna Cameron
||       .LLOYD HILLIARD CONOVER (1923-?) inventor
|.Elizabeth Polhemus - Abraham Duryea
||.Joost Duryea - Catharina Schenck
|| .Peter Duryea - Deborah Blake
||  .Magdalena Duryea - John Meserole
||   .Mary Ann Meserole - Neziah Bliss
||    .ARCHIBALD MESEROLE BLISS (1838-1923) Congressman
|.Cornelius Polhemius - Antje (__)
||.Machtel Polhemius - Folkert Rapalje
|| .Antje Rapalje - Nicholas Wyckoff
||  .Nicholas N. Wyckoff - Catherine Harris
||   .Henrietta Remsen Wyckoff - Peter A. Meserole
||    .Henrietta Meserole - Charles P. Manney
||     .HENRIETTA REMSEN MESEROLE MANNEY (aka HELEN WESTLEY) (1875-1942) film actor
|.Hendrick Polhemus - Marretje Van der Beek
| .Daniel Polhemus - Cornelia Veghte
|  .Henry Polhemus - Mary Disborough
|   .Catherine Disborough Polhemus - JAMES SCHUREMAN NEVIUS (1796-1859) State Supreme Court Judge
|    .Catherine Louise Nevius - David D. Demarest
|     .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president
.Jan Corneliszen Vanderveer - Femmetje Bergen
|.Catrina Vanderveer - Isaac Jacobusz Van Nuys
||.Jan Van Nuys - Maritie Van Arsdalen
|||.Isaac Van Nuys - Nelly Quick
||||.John Van Nuys - Lucy Brokaw
|||| .Peter Van Nuys - Harriet Kerr
||||  .ISAAC NEWTON VAN NUYS (1836-1912) Los Angeles pioneer and land baron
|||.Maria Van Nuys - William Terhune
||| .Garret Terhune - Nancy Davis
|||  .James Terhune - Eusebia Nay
|||  |.Asa Garret Terhune - Nancy Williams
|||  | .ROBERT MAX TERHUNE (1891-1973) film actor - Maude Cassidy
|||  |  .ROBERT MAX TERHUNE. Jr. (1928-living) film actor, stuntman
|||  |
|||  .Margaret Terhune - Henderson Ragsdale
|||   .Ida Catherine Ragsdale - James Madison Vandivier
|||    .Ara Virgil Vandivier - Isabella W. Daugherty
|||     .ROBERT POLK VANDIVIER (1903-1983) Basketball Hall of Famer
||.Isaac Van Nuyse - Vroutie Quick
|| .John Van Nice - Alice/Letitia Carnine
||  .Sarah Van Nice - Christopher Fullenwider
||   .Susan Catherine Fullenwider - Harvey Marion La Follette
||    .WILLIAM LEROY LA FOLLETTE (1860-?) Congressman - Mary Tabor
||     .SUZANNE CLARA LA FOLLETTE (1893-1983) journalist
||     .ROBERT CHESTER LA FOLLETTE (1897-1993) artist
|.Cornelis Vanderveer - Jannetje Wyckoff
||.Catrina Vanderveer - Jacobus Lefferts
|||.Abigail Lefferts - Bateman Loyd
||| .Lydia Loyd  - Jeremiah Lott
|||  .Catharine Lott - JOHN A. LOTT (1806-1878) New York State Court of Appeals Judge
||.Jan Vanderveer - Seytje Vanderveer
|||.Peter Vandivier - Anna La Grange
||| .Peter Vandivier - Sarah Garshwiler
|||  .Madison Vandivier - Mildred Admire
|||   .James Madison Vandivier - Ida Catherine Ragsdale
|||    .Ara Virgil Vandivier - Isabella W. Daugherty
|||     .ROBERT POLK VANDIVIER (1903-1983) Basketball Hall of Famer
||.Cornelius Vanderveer - Leah Van Kerk
|| .Ann Vandeveer - Teunis J. Bergen
||  .JOHN TEUNIS BERGEN (1786-1885) Congressman
|.Michael Vanderveer - Belitje Suydam
||.Seytje Vanderveer - Jan Vanderveer
|||.Peter Vandivier - Anna La Grange
||| .Peter Vandivier - Sarah Garshwiler
|||  .Madison Vandivier - Mildred Admire
|||   .James Madison Vandivier - Ida Catherine Ragsdale
|||    .Ara Virgil Vandivier - Isabella W. Daugherty
|||     .ROBERT POLK VANDIVIER (1903-1983) Basketball Hall of Famer
||.Hendrick Vanderveer - Mary Voorhees
|| .ABRAHAM VANDERVEER (1781-1839) Congressman
|.Teunis Vanderveer - Alchie Schenck
||.Jacob Vanderveer - Alche Wyckoff
|||.Garret Vander Veer - Rachel Conover
||| .Abraham Harris Vander Veer - Sarah B. Martin
|||  .ALBERT VANDER VEER (1841-1929) surgeon
||.Garret Vanderveer - Jannetje Van Voorhees
|| .Hendrick Vanderveer - Rachael Quackenboss
|| |.Jane Vanderveer - William Crosby
|| | .Julia Maria Crosby - Jessie A. Penniman
|| |  .Katherine Penniman - William Z. Larned
|| |   .WILLIAM AUGUSTUS LARNED (1872-1926) Tennis Hall of Famer
|| |
|| .David G. Vanderveer - Catharine Dubois
||  .Sophia P. Vanderveer - Addison W. Hobart
||   .GARRET AAUGUSTUS HOBART (1844-1899) U.S. Vice-President
||    - ESTHER JANE TUTTLE (1849-1941) acting First Lady
|.Hendrick Vanderveer - Antje Van Siclen
| .Ferdinand Vanderveer - Rebecca Ten Eyck
| |.Henry Vanderveer - Eleanor Sutphen
| | .Peter Vanderveer - Mary Ann Dickey
| |  .FERDINAND VANDERVEER (1823-1892) General
| |
| .Maria Vanderveer - John Brokaw
|  .Mary Brokaw - Jacob Bogart
|   .Peter Brokaw Bogart - Agnes Welty
|    .Adam Welty Bogart - Julia A. (__)
|    |.Belmont Deforest Bogart - Maude Humphrey
|    | .HUMPHREY DEFOREST BOGART (1899-1957) film actor
|    |  - (1) HELEN MENKEN (1901-1966) stage actor
|    |  - (2) MARY PHILIPS (1909-1975) film actor
|    |  - (3) MAYO METHOT (1904-1951) film actor
|    |  - (4) LAURAN BACALL (1924-living) film actor
|    |
|    .Alida Bogart - Avery Greene
|     .Belle H. Greene - EARL ROGERS (1869-1922) lawyer
|      .ADELA ROGERS (1894-1988) writer, journalist
.Dominicus Vanderveer - Jannetje Van Nostrand
|.Tunis Vanderveer - Aeltje Gerretse Schenck
||.David Vanderveer - Catrina Covenhoven
|| .Tunis David Vanderveer - Margaret DuBois
||  .Catherine Vanderveer - James Tobia Barkalow
||   .Rebecca Barkalow - Aaron Denise Schenck
||    .James Barkalow Schenck - Amanda J. Fornshell
||     .PAUL FORNSHELL SCHENCK (1899-1968) Congressman
|.Margaret Vanderveer - Hendrick Van Dyke
||.Dominicus Van Dyke - Margaret Van Pelt
|| .John Van Dyke - Mary Brokaw
||  .Benjamin Van Dyke - Elsie Smith
||   .JOSEPH SMITH VAN DYKE (1832-1915) clergyman
|.Jacobus Vanderveer - Femmetje Strycker
||.Ferdinand Vanderveer - Rebecca Ten Eyck
|| .Henry Vanderveer - Eleanor Sutphen
||  .Ferdinand Vanderveer - Maria Elmendorf
||   .Margaret Elmendorf Vanderveer - WILLIAM LEWIS DAYTON (1807-1864) Senator
|.Neeltie Vanderveer - Peter Lott
| .Lammetje Lott - Peter Wyckoff
|  .Jane Wyckoff - Gerret Bergen
|   .TEUNIS GARRET BERGEN (1806-1881) Congressman, genealogist - Elizabeth Van Brunt
|    .Gertrude Bergen - William G. Kouwenhoven
|     .Teunis Garret Bergen Kouwenhoven - Phebe Florence Bennett
|      .WILLIAM BENNETT KOUWENHOVEN (1886-1975) inventor
.Jacoba Vanderveer - Jan Willemszen Couwenhoven
 .John Couwenhoven - Lydia Pridmore
 |.Joseph Couwenhoven - Sarah Pridmore
 | .Benjamin Couwenhoven - Elizabeth Wells
 |  .Ella Crownover - Riley Anderson Giddens
 |   .Nancy Rhodes Giddens - William Debartus Swanson
 |    .Sudie Kathryn Swanson - John Monrow Esterly
 |     .Hazel Nan Esterly - Jesse Robert Mooneyham
 |      .Paul E. Mooningham - Elizabeth Anna Hodge
 |       .Linda G. Mooneyham - Edward C. Gunderson
 |        .LANCE ARMSTRONG (né LANCE EDWARD GUNDERSON) (1971-living) Tour de France winner
 .Dominicus Covenhoven - Mary Updike
 |.Peter Cownover - Hannah Coombs
 | .Catherine VanLiew Conover - Eli W. Reding
 |  .Martha Ann Reding - James Conover
 |   .Richard Ashton Conover - Sarah Fisher
 |    .Charles Clinton Conover - Perla Mae Petty
 |     .Mary E. Conover - PAUL MELLON (1907-1999) philanthropist and Thoroughbred racehorse owner/breeder
 |      .Catherine Mellon married JOHN WILLIAM WARNER (1927-living) Secretary of the Navy, Senator
 .Garret Couwenhoven - Neeltje van Mater
  .Benjamin Conover - Abigail Buckalew
   .Obadiah Burlew Conover - Sarah Miller
    .Obadiah Milton Conover - Julia Ann Darst
     .Frederic King Conover - Grace Clark
      .Julian Darst Conover - Josephine Taylor
       .Frederick King Conover - Kathryn Beim
	.FREDERICK KING CONOVER (aka TED) (1958-living) author and journalist

4. Jan Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1655 in Voortbuzien, Garderen, the Netherlands. He married Aeltje Peters.
5. Gerritie Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1665 possibly on Long Island, New York. On 3 October 1681 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen she married as her first husband Wiert Epkeszen Banta, a son of Epke Jacobszen Banta and Sitske Dirksdr, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about May 1658 in Minnertsga, West Friesland, The Netherlands, and died about 1690. About 1690 she married as her second husband and as his second wife Pieter Janszen Mead, the widower of Styntje Jacobs and a son of Johannes Mead and Cunertgen Lambertse, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1625/1630, and died prior to 1699. With Bansn published on 24 July 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York she married as her third husband Increase Power, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1660 possibly near Boston, Massachusetts (the location according to his marriage record).

Banns for her first marriage were published on 15 September 1681 at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York, in which she was referred to as "j.d. Van Noortwyck" and Wiert as "j.m. Van Ester Buzum." Wiert and Gerritie joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack on 1 May 1689.

Gerritje Mandeville and her first husband Wiert Epke Banta and her second husband Jan Pieterszen Mead have other descendants, such as:
.(by Wiert Epke Banta) Wiert Wiertszen Banta - Mary Demarest
|.David W. Banta - Antjen Ackerman
| .Wiert Banta - Leah Degroot
|  .David Banta - Rachel Van Giesen
|   .Sarah Banta - Abraham H. Bogert
|    .Henry Bogert - Helen Anderson Evans
|     .GEORGE HENRY BOGERT (1864-1844) artist
.(by Wiert Epke Banta) Hendricus Banta - Trintie Loots
|.Jan Banta - Trientje Demarest
||.Maria Banta - James Christie
|| .Magdalena Christie - David Demarest
|| |.Maria Christie Demarest - Aaron Lloyd
|| | .HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD (1847-1903) reformer
|| | .Caroline Augusta Lloyd - LOTHROP WITHINGTON (1856-1915) Lusitania victim
|| |
|| .Peter Christie - Agnes Gillespie
||  .Fitz-James Christie - Elizabeth Anna Johns
||   .Anna Virginia Christie - FREDERIC WOLTERS HUIDEKOPER (?-?) railroad executive
||    .FREDERIC LOUIS HUIDEKOPER (1874-1940) military writer
|.David Banta -  Hillegond Webber
| .Tryntje Banta - Philip Romaine
|  .Philip Romaine - Mary Edwards
|   .Marvin Romaine - Henrietta Philips
|    .Franklin Hall Romaine - Julia Evelyn Pine
|     .Henrietta Estelle Romaine - Hiram E. Manville
|      .Estelle Romaine Manville - FOLKE BERNADOTTE (1895-1948) diplomat
.(by Wiert Epke Banta) Elsie Wiertse Banta - Johannes Hanszen
|.Tryntje Hartje - Vincent De La Montagne
| .John De La Montagne - Mary Briggs
|  .Vincent De La Montagne - Susan Schneider
|   .Susan De La Montagne - William Cary
|    .WILLIAM DE LA MONTAGNE CARY (1840-1922) artist
.(by Jan Pieterszen Mead) Marretie Mead - Pieter Demarest
 .Maria Demarest - William Rutan
 |.William Rutan - Margaret Steel
 | .HENRY RUTTAN (1792-1873) inventor - Mary Jones
 |  .Henry Jones Ruttan - Margaret Pringle
 |   .HENRY NORLANDE RUTTAN (1848-1925) engineer
 .Leah Demarest - Samuel Demaree
 |.Maria Demaree - Jacobus Westervelt
 ||.Jacobus Westervelt  - Phebe Cozine
 || .Elizabeth Westervelt  - Cyrus Crawford Scott
 ||  .William Henry Scott  - Esther Morrison
 ||   .Easter Adella Scott - Charles Tillmon Hargrove
 ||    .Sarah Virginia Hargrove - Colley Edward Martin
 ||     .Gladys Lucille Martin - John Denham Timberlake
 ||      .Charles L. Timberlake - Bobbye Joice
 ||       .Randy Timberlake - Lynn Bomar or Harless
 ||        .JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE (1981-living) singer
 |.Rachel Demarest - (1) Gerardus Ryker, (2) John Van Cleave
 ||.(by 1) Gerardus Ryker - Leah Smock
 |||.Rachel Ryker - Peter Hughey
 ||| .Jared Hughey - Mary Roberts
 |||  .Henry McClellan Hughey - Violet Elizabeth Dodge
 |||   .Maude Matilda Hughey - Edmund Emial Kemper
 |||    .Edmund Emil Kenmper - Clarnell Stage
 |||     .EDMUND EMIL KEMPER III (1948-living) seriel killer
 ||.(by 2) David Van Cleave - Rachel Swearingen
 || .Peter Cameron Van Cleave - Mary Louise King
 ||  .Wiliam Stanley Van Cleave - Ida May Smith
 ||   .Vesta Viola van Cleave - John Harrison Bowers
 ||    .Robert Stanley Bowers - Maxine Nichols
 ||     .DEANNA BOWERS (1948-living) film and TV actor - CHRISTOPHER STONE (1942-1995) film and TV actor
 |.Tryntje Demarest - Jacob Smock
 | .Leah Smock- Gerardus Ryker
 |  .Rachel Ryker - Peter Hughey
 |   .Jared Hughey - Mary Roberts
 |    .Henry McClellan Hughey - Violet Elizabeth Dodge
 |     .Maude Matilda Hughey - Edmund Emial Kemper
 |      .Edmund Emil Kenmper - Clarnell Stage
 |       .EDMUND EMIL KEMPER III (1948-living) seriel killer
 .Trientje Demerest - Laurence Verway
  .Elizabeth Frances Verwey - Abraham D. Ackerman
   .Lawrence Ackerman - Cynthia Bent Robertson
    .Joseph Chandler Ackerman - Belinda Sophia van Buren
    |.Caroline Netta Ackerman - Edward Stillman Kendrick
    | .Caroline Isabelle Kendrick - William Darius Eddy
    |  .NELSON ACKERMAN EDDY (1901-1967) singer, film actor
    .WILLIAM KELLY ACKERMAN (1832-1905) railroad president, financier

6. William Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1668 possibly in Shapanaconk, New York. In Nassau, New York, he married Elizabeth (__).
7. Grietie Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record. On 11 May 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York she married Jan Pieterszen Mead, a son of Pieter Janszen Mead and Styntje Jacobs, who was baptised on 17 February 1660 in Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Jan came to New Netherlands with his parents in 1663. He was a weaver by trade. Jan made his will on 1 November 1709 but did not die until about 1714 although the date is uncertain because the will was never proven until 27 April 1745. His wife wife was still living in 1745 and qualified as sole executrix.

8. David Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1670 possibly in New Amersfoort, New York. On 19 July 1700 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married Marytie Van Hoesen, a daughter of Jurrian Janszen Van Hoesen and Katherine (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1672.

David obtained, with others, an option for 3500 acres of land in Pacquanac.

Jan Harris, had no birth or baptismal record, and died prior to 12 July 1694.
Lysbeth Claese, had no birth or baptismal record. With Banns published on 3 April 1667 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York she married as her first husband Johannes Gerritszen Burger. He was referred to in the marriage record as "j.m. Van Mydrecht," and she as "Uyt de Cuyndert." She married as her second husband Jan Harris. On 12 July 1694 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as her third husband Jean Kerr. The marriage record reads: "1694 July 12. Jean Kerr, aged 31 years, y.m., of Londonderry, Ireland, last from Southampton, and Elisabeth Claassen, wid. of Jean Harrits, of N.A." [parents]
Children of Johannes Gerritszen Burger and Lysbeth Claese
1. Gerrit Burger, was baptised on 3 January 1671 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Adriaen Dirckszen and Tryntie Klock). On 6 December 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married Sara Martense Ryersen, a daughter of Marten Ryerson and Annetje Rapalje, who was born in Wallabocht, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York according to her marriage record and baptised on 30 May 1673 s recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Theunis Gysbertszen and Judith Joris). Banns for their marriage were published 10 November 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York.
2. Pieter Burger, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Albany, Albany County, New York. On 17 May 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married Catharine Nathaniels Hennion, a daughter of Nathaniel Hennion and Anneken Ackerman, who was baptised on 17 February 1673 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Laurens Ackerman and Grietie Plettenburg). Banns for their marriage were published 1 May 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York.
Pieter Burger and Catharina Nathaniels Hennion have other descendants, such as:
.(by 1) Lysbeth Burger - (1) Jacobus Bockee, (2) Alexander Phoenix
 .Abraham Bockee - Maria Kaar
  .(by 1) Jacob Bockee - Catharine Smith
  |.ABRAHAM BOCKEE (1784-1865) Congressman
  |.Maria Bockee - Morgan Carpenter
  | .BENJAMIN PLATT CARPENTER (1837-1921) Governor
  .(by 2) Alexander Phoenix - Cornelia (__)
  |.Daniel Phoenix - Anna Lewis Phillips
  | .JONAS PHILLIPS PHOENIX (1788-1859) Congressman - Mary Whitney
  | |.Mary Caroline Phoenix - George Henry Warren
  | ||.WHITNEY WARREN (1864-1943) architect
  | ||
  | |.STEPHEN WHITNEY PHOENIX (1839-1881) benefactor
  | |
  | .Elizabeth Waldron Phoenix - Henry Rutgers Remsen
  |  .Ann Elizabeth Remsen - ALEXANDER STEWART WEBB (1835-1911) Brevet Major-General
  .(by 2) Catharina Phoenix - Adolph Waldron
   .Catharina Waldron - David Godwin
    .Catharine Bogert Godwin - CHARLES GERRIT DEWITT (1789-1839) Congressman
3. Eva Burger, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband George Hulgrove; and as her second husband Thomas Scurlock.

Eva's will, written in November 1750 and proved on 6 December 1754 reads as follows:

In the name of God, Amen. I, Eve Scurlock, of New York, "victular and tavern keeper," widow of Thomas Scurlock, of New York, being far advanced in years, "In consideration of the extraordinary fidelity, faithful service, and good behaviour of my negro slave C`sar, and my four other slaves, I manumit them and set them free from all manner of slavery and bondage." I leave to C`sar £4 and a pair of hand irons, and 1/2 the firewood, soap, and candles, six plates, the English books, and a small looking glass. To my slave Anthony I leave the tools he commonly works with in the carpenter's trade. To my slave Ann £3 and some household utensils, and my homespun clothes "and the cupboard I put my clothes in." I give to Elizabeth Man, daughter of my sister Catharine, my purple Tafeta wrap, my quilted peticoat, a suit of calico, and £6. To Eve Oaks, my brother's daughter, my white lutestring wrapper and black quilted peticoat. I leave all the rest of my estate to the children of my brother, Peter Burger, and the children of my brother, Garrit Burger, deceased. And whereas my sister, Catharine Van Dusen, is grown old and almost incapable of helping herself, and as she liveth with her daughter, Elizabeth Man, and her husband, and under their care, I therefore leave to Elizabeth Man and to my nephew, John Van Dusen, 1/3 my estate.

Witnesses: John Alsop, Cornelius Cosyne, and John Clemm.

4. Catharina Burger, had no birth or baptismal record. About 1688 she married Jacobus Isaacszen Van Deusen, a son of Isaac Abrahamszen Van Deusen and Jannetje Janes, who had no birth or baptismal record.
Catharina Burger and Jacobus Isaacszen Van Deusen have other descendants, such as:
.Johannes Van Deusen - Geertje Minthorn
 .Philip Van Deusen - Susanna Blanck
  .Abraham Van Deusen - Cornelia Vredenburgh
   .Mariatje Van Deusen - Eli Bagley
   |.Lora Bagley - Daniel Van Dusen (below)
   | .Robert Van Dusen - Anne Hortley
   |  .Cynthia Van Dusen - Thomas Scott Marcher
   |   .Cora Brown Marcher - John F Bickel
   |    .FREDERIC MARCH (né ERNEST FREDERICK MCINTYRE BICKEL) (1897-1975) film and stage actor
   |     - FLORENCE ELDRIDGE (née MCKECHNIE) (1901-1988) film and stage actor
   .Robert Van Deusen - Cloah Althizer
    .Daniel Van Dusen - Lora Bagley
     .Robert Van Dusen - Anne Hortley
      .Cynthia Van Dusen - Thomas Scott Marcher
       .Cora Brown Marcher - John F Bickel
	.FREDERIC MARCH (né ERNEST FREDERICK MCINTYRE BICKEL) (1897-1975) film and stage actor
	 - FLORENCE ELDRIDGE (née MCKECHNIE) (1901-1988) film and stage actor


Children of Jan Harris and Lysbeth Claese
1. Elisabeth Janse Harris, married as her first husband and his second wife Hendrick Mandeville; and as her second husband Barent Jacobus.
2. Jan Harris, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Jannetje Nessepat, a daughter of Jasper Nessepat and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.

The will of John Harris, baker, of New York City, was dated 29 August 1730. In it he mentioned his wife Jane, daughters Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine, wife of Rev. Ebenezer Pemberton, and Jane, wife of Gideon Lynsen, and son John. Executors were his wife, son John, and son-in-law Ebenezer Pemberton. Witnesses were Johannes Hyer, Edward Gatehouse, and Richd. Nicholls.

The will of Jane Harris, widow, of New York City, was dated 3 August 1739 and reads in part:

Page 130.--In the name of God, Amen. I, Jane Harris, of New York, widow. "I direct that the lot or parcel of land which belongs to me in the Commons of the city near the Fresh water, and which is inclosed with a boarded fence, and has a dwelling house on part thereof, be divided into four lots of equal quantity. The lot with the house on it is to be for my son John, but if he die without heirs then to his sisters, Jane, wife of Gideon Lynsen, Catharine, wife of Ebenezer Pemberton, Elizabeth and Mary Harris." One lot to Catharine Pemberton for life, and then to her son, William Smith. One lot to my daughter Elizabeth, and another lot to my daughter, Mary Harris. I leave to my daughter Jane, wife of Gideon Lynsen, all that my dwelling house and lot on the north side of Stone street, between the house and ground of Elizabeth De Forrest on the west, and the ground of Rodrigo Pacheco on the east, to her for life, then to her children. Whereas my late husband, John Harris, by his will, August 29, 1730, left me two slaves, I give them to my daughters, Elizabeth and Mary. I make my good friends, David Abeel and Richard Ray, executors. Witnesses, John Peter Zenger, Jesse De Forrest, Henry De Forrest. Proved, August 21, 1741. Richard Ray was then dead.

[NOTE.--The large lot divided into four lots, as above, is now a part of the City Hall Park, and bounded north by Chambers street, west by Broadway. The only child of Catharine Harris was William Peartree Smith, by her first husband, William Smith. He bought 10/12 from the other owners (including his own right) and sold it to the Mayor and Aldermen. The south part of the lot was sold by Jane Arden and Francis Arden, her husband, to Isaac Sears, February 3, 1770. Sears was the noted leader of the "Sons of Liberty," and on this lot the second Liberty pole was erected, after the first had been cut down by the British soldiers. This was opposite Murray street, and was bounded east by the Poorhouse. The whole was afterwards bought by the city. The house and lot on Stone street was formerly owned by Jasper Nessepot, and is now a part of the Produce Exchange. The French Huguenot church stood on the north end of this lot, next to Marketfield street, or "Petticoat Lane."--W. S. P.] Abstracts of Wills Vol III 1730-1744, pages 343 & 344:

Jan Harris and Jannetje Nessepat have other descendants, such as:
.Catharina Harris -  William Smith
 .William Smith - Mary Bryant
  .Catharie Smith - ELISHA BOUDINOT (1749-1819) State Supreme Court justice
   .Catharine Boudinot - Lewis Atterbury
    .Lewis Atterbury - Susan L. Butler
    |.Helen Butler Atterbury - WILLIAM SCUDDER STRYKER (1836-1900) Brigadier-General
    | .Kathlyn Berrien Stryker - CHARLES LIVINGSTON HYDE (1863-1925) railroad president
    .John Guest Atterbury - Catherine Jones Larned
    |.Charles Larned Atterbury - Katherine Mitchell Dow
    ||.GROSVENOR ATTERBURY (1869-1956) architect
    |.Katherine Boudinot Atterbury - Charles Horace Conner
    ||.LEWIS ATTERBURY CONNER (1867-1950) cardiology pioneer
    ||.Katharine Conner - HOWARD LOWRIE FISHER (?-?) Lusitania survivor
    ||.DOROTHY CONNER (1890-1967) Lusitania survivor
    ||.Julia Allen Conner - HAROLD JAMES RECKITT (1868-1930) member of Parliment
    |.WILLIAM WALLACE ATTERBURY (1866-1935) Brigadier-General - Minnie Hoffman
    | .MALCOLM ATTERBURY (1907-1992) film and TV actor
    .Julia Maria Atterbury - HENRY CLARK STIMSON (1812-1894) railroad president
     .Henry Albert Stimson - Alice Wheaton Bartlett
     |.JULIA CATHERINE STIMSON (1881-1948) nurse
     .LEWIS ATTERBURY STIMSON (1844-1917) physician - Candace T. Wheeler
     |.HENRY LEWIS STIMSON (1867-1950) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
     .JOHN WARD STIMSON (1850-1930) artist - Eleanor Elvira Maxson
     |.Eleanor Kenyon Stimson - VAN WYCK BROOKS (1886-1963) literary critic
     .Catherine Boudinot Stimson - THEODORE WESTON (1832-1919) engineer
     .Julia Josephine Stimson - Henry Patterson Loomis
      .ALFRED LEE LOOMIS (1887-1975) inventor
      .Julia Atterbury Loomis - Landon Ketchum Thorne
       .Landon Ketchum Thorne, Jr. - Alice Smith Barry
	.Julia Stimson Thorne - JOHN FORBES KERRY (1943-living) Senator, presidential also-ran

3. Marie Harris, was baptised on 22 November 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Robbert Sandersz, by Gerritje Vile).
4. Willem Harris, was baptised on 7 April 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Harmon Tomesz, by Caterina Borger), and died young.
5. Willem Harris, was baptised on 6 September 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Mr. Kint, Benoni Van Corlar, and Lysbeth Van der Poel).
Willem Harris and Catryntje Noxon have other descendants, such as:
.Ann Harris - Johannes DeWitt
 .Catharina DeWitt - Johannes Quackenbos
  .Annatje Quackenbos - THOMAS GREENLEAF (1755-1798) printer, journalist
   .Joseph Greenleaf - Emeline Matilda Riley
    .Thomas Greenleaf - Eleanor Leal
     .JAMES LEAL GREENLEAF (1857-1933) landscape architect


Hendrick Hendrickszen Van Rane, had no birth or baptismal record, and died between 1698 and 12 April 1702.

As Hendrick Hendricks Van Reegnan, he was one of the witnesses to the will of Sigismund of New York, dated 17 September 1673. This is the earliest record of Hendrick in New York. By 13 June 1684 he owned land in Second River, New Jersey. At a Newark Town meeting on 5 March 1693/94, he, along with others, were "admitted Planters." On 25 March 1696 he paid quit rent for forty four acres in Essex County, New Jersey.

Seytje Spier, was baptised on 25 July 1665 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Tryntie Kip). She married as her first husband Hendrick Hendrickszen Van Rane. On 12 April 1702 she married as her second husband and as his second wife Poulus Douwesen, the widower of Aaltje Jacobs. He and Seytje "received certificate to New York," on 3 May 1720. [parents]
Children of Hendrick Hendrickszen Van Rane and Seytje Spier
1. Hendrick Bruyn, married Margrietje Lacomba.
2. (__) Bruyn (a daughter), had no birth or baptismal record and was buried 4 September 1682 in Bergen, Bergen County, NJ, according to records for the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.
3. Johannes Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record. On 28 July 1702 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married Rebecca Van den Boog, a daughter of Frederick Hendrickszen Van den Boog and Lysbeth Salomons, who was probably baptised on 28 February 1677 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Gerardus Beeckman and Tryntie Beeckman).

According to his marriage record, Johannes was living in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey, at the time of his marriage.

Johannes Bruyn and Rebecca Van den Boog have other descendants, such as:
.Saertje Bruyn - Johannes Jacobus
 .Roelof Jacobus - Fransyntje Rycke
  .Johannes Jacobus - Anche Doremus
   .John I. Jacobus - Mary Aber
    .Henry Oliver Jacobus - Harriet Amanda Aber
     .John Ira Jacobus - Ida Wilmot Lines
      .DONALD LINES JACOBUS (1887-1970) genealogist

4. Magdalena Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was borna bout 1687 in Pemmerpogh, New Jersey. On 15 October 1710 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen she married as her first husband Hendrick Van Houten, a son of Cornelis Roelofszen Van Houten and Magdalena Van Giesen, who was born on 8 November 1683 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, baptised on 2 April 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Bastiensen van Giesen and Jannetje Pieters), and died prior to 6 February 1713/1714. on 6 February 1713/1714 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married as her second husband and as his second wife Hessel Pieterszen, the widower of Elisabeth Kuyper and a son of Pieter Hesselszen and Elisabeth Gerrits, who was baptised on 21 July 1668 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jacob Kip and Maria de La Montagne).
5. Barent Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Pemmerpogh, New Jersey. On 30 April 1714 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married Annetje Barten, a daughter of Jacob Barton and Hillegonde Jacobs, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Banns for their marriage were published on 27 March 1714 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. They were admitted in 1735 to the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River from the Reformed Dutch Church of Acquackanonk. Barent signed by mark as a deacon of the Second River Church in 1735 and 1739. He was replaced as elder on 20 May 1744, and relected elder on 20 May 1750.

6. Aeltje Bruyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Newark County, New Jersey , according to her marriage record. On 17 March 1722 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack she married Jan Outwater, a son of Thomas Franzen Outwater and Tryntje Van Breestede, who who was born in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, and baptised on 4 November 1694 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Thys Franszen and Jannetje Breestede).

Jan was living at Monachie at the time of his marriage. Aeltje joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Second River in 1735.

Anthony LaComba, had no birth or baptismal record and may have been born about 1655. He died prior to 2 April 1688.

He was referred to in baptismal records as La Conde, Lacont, La Komba, and de LaCombe.

Styntje Jans, had no birth or baptismal record and may have been born about 1660.

Styntje sometimes appears in the baptismal record with the patronymic Pieters.
Children of Anthony LaComba and Styntje Jans
1. Margrietje Lacomba, married Hendrick Bruyn.
2. Styntje LaComba, was baptised on 23 August 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Dirck Janszen and Grietje Jacobs).
3. Jean Anthony, was baptised on 30 April 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: None).
4. Catreyn LaComba, was baptised on 6 April 1686 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Lourus Ackerman and Hilletje Jans).
5. Magdalena LaComba, was baptised on 2 April 1688 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Elyas Magielsa Vreelant and Mareya Franse). On 16 June 1706 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (with banns published there on 12 May 1706) she married as his first wife Gysbert Janszen Van Blarcom, a son of Jan Lubbertsen and Magdaleentje Theunis, who was baptised on 21 May 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Jacob Janse van de Bilt and Catreyna Hoppe).

Gysbert lived on the east bank of the Saddle River in New Barbadoes Township, Bergen County. He and his wife joined the Hackensack Reformed Church on 8 October 1715 by letter from Bergen. After the death of Magdalena, Gysbert married as his second wife Antje Christeen. The will of Gisbert Van Blarkom of Bergen County was dated 23 April 1760 and proved on 3 March 1764, and in it he left 20 shillings to son John as his birthright; real and personal estate to wife Antie while his widow; son Hendrick one-half of the home plantation on Saddle River; son Jacobus the other half, and the house; each son to pay £40 each to Lena Ferdon and Antie Vreeland. He also stated that he had already given sons John, Antone, and William deed for lands where each lived. The executors were his wife, and Jacob Ferdon; and the witnesses were Pieter Kip, Jacobus Huysman, and Reinier Van Giesen.


Hendrick Janszen Spier, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Aschwaerde, The Netherlands. He died prior to May 1679, possibly even before 4 September 1674. He married on 14 September 1652 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam.

His marriage record states that he was "van Aschwaerde in't stift Bremen." On 18 November 1659, he petitioned for payment of 30 gl. balance of rent due from Aafie Leenders. On 14 February 1660, he purchased from Pieter Pietersen Menist a lot on Heere Graf (Broad Street) which the latter had just purchased from Fredrick Lubbersen. Apparently he visited Holland shortly thereafter as he, his wife, and two children, aged four and five years, returned to New Amsterdam on "De Trouw" on 23 December 1660.

In 1661 Hendrick Jansen Spiering and Johan de Decker were in disagreement concerning repairs made to a house in New Amsterdam. The case was referred to arbitrators who reported on 9 September 1662. Their findings were not given.

Hendrick sold the Heere Graf lot, with a house on it, to Christoffel van Laer, a shoemaker, on 9 May 1662. Disputes concerning this sale were recorded in the town records on 29 May 1663. Hendrick's name appears in the records again when, on 2 October 1668, he acknowledged a debt of 360 florins to Nathaniel Jans Backer and requested a delay in repaying. Spier was granted one month to pay the debt plus costs.

His arrival in what is now New Jersey occurred following his purchase of twenty-five morgans of land near Gemenoepa in July 1662 from Annatien Dircksen, widow of Pieter Kock. This land was one-half of that originally granted to Klaes Karstensen Noorman on 25 March 1647. Hendrick's purchase was confirmed by a patent from Governot Carteret on 1 May 1668. The patent stated that the land was at Minqackqua. It remained in the Spier family until 1 May 1768 when it was sold to Jacob Van Wagenen. Hendrick Spier evidently moved to New Jersey and was living at Mingackqua in 1662 as he was one of the three men who signed a petition refusing support of a Clergyman at Bergen. He extended his holdings by purchasing from Severyn Laurensen about seventy acres of land adjoining that which he already owned. This tract was sold on 10 April 1694 to Gerrit Gerritse Van Wagenen, Jr., by Hendrick's widow and children to pay his debts. On 15 June 1674 Hendrick petitioned, with Joost van der Linde, Hendrick De Backer, and Harmen Edewartse, for land on Staten Island. On 7 July 1674 Hendrick was granted twenty-five morgens "beginning opposite Schutter's Island and further westerly along the Kill van Kull". It appears that Hendrick died prior to 4 September 1674, as a patent for land on Staten Island was granted to Jans and Hans Spieringh, two of his sons, on that date. It is certain that he died prior to May 1679 when a son of Magdalen Hansen, widow of Henrick Jansen Spier, was buried at Bergen.

Madgalena Jans Van Swol, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Zwolle, Overijessel, The Netherlands, and died on 12 June 1697. She married as her first husband Hendrick Janszen Spier. She married as her second husband and as his second wife Harmen Edwards, the widower of Jannetje Hendricks, who had no birth or baptismal record and was buried on 30 April 1681 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey. Magdalena was identified as his widow in the Flatbush Reformed Dutch Church record of her betrothal to her third husband. On 11 December 1681 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush she married as her third husband and as his third wife Jan Aertszen Van der Bilt, the widower of Annetje Hendricks and Dieber Cornelis, who was born about 1627 in The Bilt, Utrecht, The Netherlands, and was buried on 2 February 1705 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey. Banns for their marriage were published 13 November 1681 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.
Children of Hendrick Janszen Spier and Madgalena Jans Van Swol
1. Johannes Spier, married maritje Franse.
2. Sytje Spier, married as her first husband Hendrick Hendrickszen Van Rane, and as her second husband Poulus Douwesen.
3. Tryntie Spier, was baptised on 25 March 1657 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Nicolaes Backer and Catharina Booth).
4. Hans Spier, was baptised on 8 April 1663 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Cornelis Eenduym and Marritie Frans), and died after 13 July 1726. On 1 August 1683 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married Tryntje Pieters, a daughter of Pieters Casparszen Van Naerden and Aechtie Jans, who was baptised on 17 December 1662 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Sara Pieters).

In addition to the land on Staten Island for which Hans and his brother, Johannes, received a patent, Hans acquired a considerable amount of land along the Passaic River in what is now Belleville. On 2 April 1695 he purchased from John Gardner and his wife, Abigail, of Newark, eighty acres located between land belonging to John Ward, Sr., and Sam Ward. At the same time, Hans purchased from Gardner five acres of salt meadow north of Maple Island Creek and two acres of boggy meadow adjacent to property owned by Tunis Jansen Pier. Hans purchased from John Curtiss and his wife, Hannah, on 19 April 1698, a lot on the north side of the Second River. The salt meadow property was sold on 23 December 1698 to Abraham Ruckkey of Newark, a "wever". In this deed, Hans (Hance) is indentifed as a planter. On 1 May 1701 with his brother Jan, and seven others, Hans purchased from the Indians a large amount of land bewteen the mountains and the "Pasaeck River". This was probably in what is now the Fairfield area. On 10 August 1713 Hans purchased for £60, 150 acres from Peter Sonmans. He and his wife coneyed this land to their son, Hans Spier, Jr., for £40 on 3 October 1721. Earlier, on 24 April 1721, Hans and his wife, Trintie, sold a "slip of land" to Elias Boudinot. It was located on the north side of the Second River. A part of the tract which Hans bought from Gardner was sold on 25 April 1722 to Johannes Dowe. It was along the Passaic River, adjacent to land of Hans' daughter Maria. The grantor's name in the body of the deed is Johannes Hendrick Spier but it was signed by Hance Spier and Trynke, his wife. Then on 13 July 1726 Hans and his wife, Catryna, sold, for £26 New York currency, a "small tract of land...beginning at the highway at the northeast corner of a small tract sold by me the said Hance Spier to Abraham King thence northerly as the highway runs one hundred and thirty six foots in breadth thence westerly one hundred and seventy foots more or less..." The grantees were Aaron Schuyler, John Stoutenborh, Garret Woutersee, Ffrance Vandike, Corneilus Tomasee, and Abraham Vreelandt. The deed states that a school house was already erected on the site and that the purpose of the land is for religious meetings. Hans was living as late as 13 July 1726 when he conveyed land for the Second River (now Belleville) Reformed Church.

Hans Spier and Tryntje Pieters have other descendants, such as:
.Hendrick Spier - Rachel Pier
|.Fytje Spier - Jacob Edwards
| .Effie Edwards - Jacob Kent
|  .Elias Kent - Ruth Williams
|  |.Rachel Kent - Abner Williams
|  | .William Hyatt Williams - Rebecca Day
|  |  .Laura Laurinda Williams - Horace Perry Wheeler
|  |   .Ethel Laurinda Wheeler - Frederick Ward
|  |    .EVELYN WARD (?-?) TV actor
|  |     - (1) JOHN JOSEPH EDWARD CASSIDY (aka JACK) (1927-1976) stage, film, and TV actor
|  |     - (2) NORMAN ZENOS MCLEOD (1898-1964) film director
|  |     - (3) ELLIOT SILVERSTEIN (1927-living) TV director
|  |     .(by 1) DAVID BRUCE CASSIDY (1950-living) TV actor, musician
|  |      - (1) KAY ANN LENZ (1953-living) film and TV actor
|  |      - (liaison) Sherry Benedon
|  |      .(by liaison) KATHERINE EVELYN ANITA CASSIDY (1986-living) singer, film and TV actor
|  |
|  .Mary Kent - Joseph Williams
|   .Abner Williams - Rachel Kent
|    .William Hyatt Williams - Rebecca Day
|     .Laura Laurinda Williams - Horace Perry Wheeler
|      .Ethel Laurinda Wheeler - Frederick Ward
|       .EVELYN WARD (?-?) TV actor
|        - (1) JOHN JOSEPH EDWARD CASSIDY (aka JACK) (1927-1976) stage, film, and TV actor
|        - (2) NORMAN ZENOS MCLEOD (1898-1964) film director
|        - (3) ELLIOT SILVERSTEIN (1927-living) TV director
|        .(by 1) DAVID BRUCE CASSIDY (1950-living) TV actor, musician
|         - (1) KAY ANN LENZ (1953-living) film and TV actor
|         - (liaison) Sherry Benedon
|         .(by liaison) KATHERINE EVELYN ANITA CASSIDY (1986-living) singer, film and TV actor
.Johannis Spier - Sara Wouterse
 .Rachel Spier - Hendrick Mandeville
  .Sarah Mandeville - Johannis Doremus
   .Anche Doremus - Johannes Jacobus
    .John I. Jacobus - Mary Aber
     .Henry Oliver Jacobus - Harriet Amanda Aber
      .John Ira Jacobus - Ida Wilmot Lines
       .DONALD LINES JACOBUS (1887-1970) genealogist

5. Willemtje Spier, was baptised on 12 July 1665 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Stoffel Van Laer and Dirckie Alberts). She married Claes Hendrickszen Volck.
6. Cathryntje Spier, was baptised on 11 December 1667 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Dirck Claeszen and Peryntie Michiels). She married Willem Merrit.
7. Abraham Spier, was baptised on 16 June 1671 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Reynier Willemszen and Marritie Cobs), and was buried on 12 May 1679 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey.
8. Barent Spier, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 8 May 1742. On 9 August 1698 in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey, he married Catelyntje Hendrickse Jacobs, a daughter of Jacob Hendrickse Hafte and Geesje Bartels, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1676, and died on 16 December 1767.

Children of Madgalena Jans Van Swol and Jan Aertszen Van der Bilt
1. Jan Janszen Van Der Bilt, had no baptismal record. About 1733 he is thought to have married as her second husband Magdalena Lefferts, the widow of Gerret Martense and a daughter of Leffert Pieterse and Abigail Van Nuyse, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Frans Jacobsen, had no birth or baptismal record, and died about 1664 in New Amsterdam/New York City.

Frans, Geertie, and two children aged 3 and 1½, arrived in New Amsterdam aboard de Beaver, Captain Pieter Reyersen, on 9 May 1661. On 9 June 1665, Geertruyd Gerrits, widow of Frans Jacobzen was recorded as intending to marry Cornelis Abrahams, living at Hasymes. It was further recorded that Frans Jacobs left three minors, Mary, Gerritje and Jacob, by said Geertruyd Gerrits. Ide Cornelisz Van Vorst and Claas Janzen Ramaacker were appointed guardians of said children. [Extracts from Dutch Documents, Bound in a Book Labelled "Original Records of Burgomasters and Orphan Masters. Surrogates." [HSYB 1900:127]] The child "Gerritje" was probably an error made in the records and should read "Gerrit."

Geertie Gerrits, had no birth or baptismal record, died in Pemperbogh, Bergen County, New Jersey, and was buried on 11 October 1688 according to burial records for the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. She married as her first husband Frans Jacobsen. On 31 May 1665 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York she married as her second husband Cornelis Abrahamszen, who had no birth or baptismal record and according to his marriage record was born in Deyl, Gelderland, The Netherlands ["Cornelis Abrahamszen, j.g. Van Deyl in Gelderlt, en Geertruid Gerrits, Wed. Van Frans Jacobs, of hasymes."], and was buried on 3 January 1677 according to records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. He was living in Pennerepoch at Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, at the time of his death.

he burial record for Geertie as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen read: "October 11, 1680. Bur. Geertruy Gerrits ------------Cornelis Abrahams, having lived at Pemmerepoch, eighth with pall."
Children of Frans Jacobsen and Geertie Gerrits
1. Gerrit Franse, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1658 possibly in Beest, The Netherlands. He died probably unmarried and was buried on 8 May 1679 [Gerrit Fransen, son of Geertruyt Gerrits, of Pemmerpoch, the fourth with the pall, at Bergen] according to records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.
2. Maritje Franse, married Johannes Spier.
3. Jacob Franse, was baptised on 30 March 1664 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: None).

Children of Geertie Gerrits and Cornelis Abrahamszen
1. Grietie Abrahamszen, was baptised on 29 September 1669 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Andries Jeuriaens and Geertruyd Cozyns). Nothing further is known of her.


Roelof Corneliszen Van Houten, had no birth or baptismal record and was buried on 16 June 1672 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. He married in 1664.

Roelof arrived in New Netherlands in 1638. Roelof and Gerritie are credited with several other children, namely Magdalene, Magliteltje, Geesje, Henry, and Catharine. Magliteltje is in reality a daughter of Roelof de Duytser. There is no evidence to my knowledge to suggest that the other named children ever existed. Geesie Roelofse who married Lubbert Lubbertsen Westervelt is not a daughter of Roelof Cornelisse Van Houten. She was born at approximately the same time that Roelof was making it impossible for her to be his daughter. [parents]

Gerritie Cornelise Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1627 probably in The Netherlands, and was buried on 11 September 1689 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. She married as her first husband Roelof Corneliszen Van Houten. On 4 September 1672 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (with Banns published there on 18 AUgust 1672] she married as her second husband and as his second wife Jacob Lubi, the widower of Geertruyt Leons, who had no birth or baptismal record and was borna bout 1618 probably in The Netherlands, and was buried ("59th with pall") on 11 June 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. [parents]
Children of Roelof Corneliszen Van Houten and Gerritie Cornelisse Van Ness
1. Helmigh Roelofszen Van Houten, was baptised on 25 June 1648 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jan Claeszen Damen, Diever Cornelis, and Corn. Corneliszen), died on 7 October 1729, and was buried on 9 October 1729 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. On 2 October 1676 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married Jannetje Pieterse Merselis, a daughter of Pieter Merselis and Elisabeth (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.

Banns for their marriage were published on 3 September 1676 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. In the marriage record Hellemeg was recorded as "y.m. from Bergen", and Jannetje as "y.d. from Gelderland", and they were married by the preacher in Bergen. By deed dated 2 November 1696, Helmigh bought lot #2 at Slotterdam. He conveyed the north half of the lot to his son Peter on 27 October 1711. On 25 June 1677, Jannetje joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.

Helmigh Roelofszen Van Houten and Jannetje Merselis have other descendants, such as:
.Roelof Helmigszen Van Houten - Feytje Sickles
|.Robert Van Houten - Elizabeth Post
||.Catriena Van Houten - Johannes Post
|| .Robert J. Post - Rachel Vanderhoff
||  .Catherine Post - Casperus J. Zabriskie
||   .Eliza Jane Zabriskie - Benjamin S. Demarest
||    .Samuel B. Demarest - Wilhelmena Lindgren
||     .CARL WILLIAM DEMAREST (1892-1983) film actor
|.Jannetje Van Houten - Jacob Van Wagenen
| .Johannes Van Wagenen - Margrietje Demarest
|  .Jannetje Van Wagenen - David Durie
|   .John Durie - Eliza A. Vanderlinda
|    .Jane Durie - William Henry Blauvelt
|     .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
|      .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
|       .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
.Pieter Helmigszen Van Houten - Claertje Post
|.Adriaen Pietersezn Van Houten - Angenietje Bogart
| .Pieter Adriaen Van Houten - Rachel Lyne
| |.John Peter Van Houten - Annatje Roome
| | .Sarah Van Houten - George Tise
| | |.Hannah Van Houten Tise - John Van Wagenen Brinkerhoff
| | | .Eleanor Ann Brinkerhoff - GEORGE BRAGG FIELDER (1842-1906) Congressman
| | |  .JAMES FAIRMAN FIELDER (1867-1954) Governor
| | |
| | .Mary Van Houten - Halmagh John Van Wagenen
| |  .John Halmagh Van Wagenen - Eliza Smith
| |  |.David Van Wagenen - Julie Ann Provoost
| |  | .Alma Van Wagenen - Birdie Ethel Gray
| |  |  .Frank Alton Van Wagenen - Phyllis Barker
| |  |   .Lola Jean Van Wagenen - CHARLES ROBERT REDFORD, Jr. (1937-living) film actor
| |  |    .DAVID JAMES REDFORD (1962-living) screenwriter, institute founder
| |  |    .AMY HART REDFORD (1970-living) film actor
| |  |
| |  .Sarah Van Houten Van Wagoner - John Boylston Fairbanks
| |   .John Boylston Fairbanks - Lilie Annetta Huish
| |    .AVARD TENNYSON FAIRBANKS (1897-1987) sculptor
| |
| .Willempje Van Houten - Anthony Mandeville
|  .Lena Mandeville - Cornelis T. Doremus
|   .Thomas C. Doremus - Sarah Platte Haines
|    .ROBERT OGDEN DOREMUS (1824-1906) chemist - Estelle Emma Skidmore
|     .CHARLES AVERY DOREMUS (1851-1925) chemist
.Cornelis Helmigszen Van Houten - Aatje Vreeland
|.Claesje Van Houten - Hartman Corneliszen Brinkerhoff
| .Hendrick Brinckerhoff - Leah Van Wagenen
|  .Hartman Brinkerhoff - Eleanor Clendenny
|   .John Van Wagenen Brinkerhoff - Hannah Van Houten Tise
|    .Eleanor Ann Brinkerhoff - GEORGE BRAGG FIELDER  (1842-1906) Congressman
|     .JAMES FAIRMAN FIELDER (1867-1954) Governor
.Catlyntje Van Houten - Johannis Gerritszen Van Wagenen
|.Helmig Van Wagenen - Marritje Brinkerhoff
||.Johannes Van Wagenen - Johanna Van Dervoort
|| .Halmagh John Van Wagenen - Mary Van Houten
||  .John Halmagh Van Wagenen - Eliza Smith
||  |.David Van Wagenen - Julie Ann Provoost
||  | .Alma Van Wagenen - Birdie Ethel Gray
||  |  .Frank Alton Van Wagenen - Phyllis Barker
||  |   .Lola Jean Van Wagenen - CHARLES ROBERT REDFORD (1937-living) film actor
||  |    .DAVID JAMES REDFORD (1962-living) screenwriter, institute founder
||  |    .AMY HART REDFORD (1970-living) film actor
||  |
||  .Sarah Van Houten Van Wagoner - John Boylston Fairbanks
||   .John Boylston Fairbanks - Lilie Annetta Huish
||    .AVARD TENNYSON FAIRBANKS (1897-1987) sculptor
|.Jacob Van Wagenen - Jannetje Van Houten
||.Johannes Van Wagenen - Margrietje Demarest
|| .Jannetje Van Wagenen - David Durie
||  .John Durie - Eliza A. Vanderlinda
||   .Jane Durie - William Henry Blauvelt
||    .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
||     .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
||      .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
|.Johannis Johanniszen Van Wagenen - Neesje Van Wagenen
| .Leah Van Wagenen - Hendrick Brinckerhoff
|  .Hartman Brinkerhoff - Eleanor Clendenny
|   .John Van Wagenen Brinkerhoff - Hannah Van Houten Tise
|    .Eleanor Ann Brinkerhoff - GEORGE BRAGG FIELDER  (1842-1906) Congressman
|     .JAMES FAIRMAN FIELDER (1867-1954) Governor
.Jacob Van Houten - Marietje Sickels
|.Jannetje Van Houten - Waling Van Winkle
| .Mary Van Winkle - Jonathan Hayden
|  .Samuel Hayden - Christiana (__)
|   .Mary Hayden - Thomas Osburn Hayden
|    .Isaac Hayden - Elizabeth Ann Tharpe
|     .Sarah E. Hayden - John Wilson Rymer
|      .(Orville or Orval) Rymer - Fay Drucilla Brannon
|       .Nedra Ellen Ann Rymer - Donald Ray Paugh
|        .Patricia Ann Paugh - John Bennett Ramsey
|         .JONBÉNET PATRICIA RAMSEY (1990-1996) murder victim
.Elizabeth Helmighse Van Houten - Johannes Post
 .Antje Post - Jacob Elias Vreeland
  .Elias Jacob Vreeland - Maragrietje Post
   .Adrian Elias Vreeland - Anna (Haring or Herring)
    .Abraham H. Vreeland - Jane W. Van Riper
     .Herbert H. Vreeland - Caroline A. Reed
      .Thomas Reed Vreeland - DIANA DALZEIL (1906-1989) fashion designer

2. Cornelis Roelofszen Van Houten, married Magdalena Van Giesen.
3. Teunis Roelofszen Van Houten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1653 probably in New Amsterdam, New Netherlands, and died on 27 July 1737. On 8 January 1678 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married Tryntje Claese Vuyper, a daughter of Claes Janszen Cuyper and Annetje Cornelise Van Vorst, who was baptised on 16 September 1657 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jacob Stoffelszen, Yden Corneilszen, and Hilletje Jans), and died on 20 August 1734.

Banns for their marriage were published on 23 December 1677 at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. He was recorded as "y.m. from Amersfoort, Long Island"; and she as "y.d. from Manatans Isld." They received a certificate on 8 January 1678 for marriage in New York. Teunis removed to Rockland County, New York. As one of the "Committee of Safety", he signed the commission of Jacob Leisler as "Captain of the Fort" at New York on 8 June 1689, and as "Commander in Chief" on 16 August 1689; and he, with others, signed also a letter dated "Fort William in N. Yorke ye 28 Octobr 1689" delivered by Jacob Milborne to convention in Albany, 9 November 1689. He was commissioned a "Justice" for Orange, by Leisler on 14 December 1689.

Teunis Roelofszen Van Houten and Tryntje Claes Kuyper have other descendants, such as:
.Annetie Van Houten - Jacobus DeClark
|.Maria Declark - David Blauvelt
||.Maria Blauvelt - Petrus Haring
|| .Elizabeth Haring - Abraham Blauvelt
||  .Maria Blauvelt - Abraham Blauvelt
||   .Charity Blauvelt - Christian A. Hopper
||    .Gerrit Henry Hopper - Elizabeth Griffiths
||     .EDWARD HOPPER (1882-1967) artist - JOSEPHINE VERSTILLE NIVISON (1885-1968) artist
|.Dirck Declark - Aefie Turneur
||.Jacobus Declark - Neeltje Tallman
|| .Neeltje Declark - Jacob Sly
||  .Evander Sly - Olive Higby
||   .William T. Schley - Mary Antionette Reeve
||    .Reeve Schley - Kate Deforest Prentice
||     .Eleanor Prentice Schley - Webster Bray Todd
||      .CHRISTINE TODD (WHITMAN) (1946-living) Governor
|.Elizabeth DeClark - Johannes Perry
| .Jacobus Perry - Catharina Haring
|  .William Ferdon - Elizabeth Perry
|   .JOHN WILLIAM FERDON (1826-1184) Congressman
.Klaes Van Houten - Margrietje Haring
|.Kathrintie Van Houten - David Demarest
||.Maria Demarest - Peter Demarest
|| .Cornelius Demarest - Maria Demarest
||  .Petrus Demorest - Jane Bro(u)wer
||   .William Jennings Demorest - ELLEN LOUISE CURTIS (1825-1898) businesswoman
|.Roelof Van Houten - Catherine Nagle
| .Claes Van Houten - Catharina Blauvelt
|  .ISAAC B. VAN HOUTEN (1776-1850) Congressman
.Vroutie Van Houten - Cornelis Smith
 .Cornelis Smith - Maria Peek
  .Margrietje Smith - Jacob Blauvelt
   .Cornelius Blauvelt - Elizabeth Lydecker
    .Jacob Blauvelt - Cornelia Demarest
     .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
      .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
       .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr


Reynier Bastiaenszen Van Giesen, had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried on 15 May 1707 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.

Reynier's name first appeared in an agreement dated 6 June 1660, between him and the magistrates of Flatbush, Long Island, where he agrees to teach school besides performing other duties. He was without doubt the first schoolmaster of Flatbush. In 1663, he removed to Bergen, NJ. and took the Oath of Allegiance to the English in November 1665. He joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen in 1664 where he held the office of "Voorlezer" for 42 years.

Dircke Cornelisse Van Groenlinde, had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried on 17 October 1698 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.
Children of Reynier Bastiaenszen Van Giesen and Dircke Cornelisse Van Groenlinde
1. Magdalena Van Giesen, married Cornelis Roelofszen Van Houten.
2. Johannes Van Giesen, had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born in Utrecht, The Netherlands. On 11 July 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (with banns published 26 June 1687 and with certificate dated 26 June 1687 to New York) he married as her second husband Aeltje Schempoes, the widow of Jan Evertse Keteltas and a daughter of Jan Janszen Schepmoes and Sara Pieters, who was baptised on 3 September 1645 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Simon Joosten and Marritje Lievens). At the time of his marriage, he was recorded as "y.m. from Utrecht." He joined the Reformed Dutch Church of New York 2 September 1687 "met Attest Van Bergen."
3. Anna Maria Van Giesen, had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born in Midwout, Long Island, New York, and died prior to 3 August 1698. On 31 March 1686 in New Uthrecht, New York, she married as his first wife Johannes janszen Van Tilburg, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1644 in New Utrecht, New Amsterdam, and died prior to 1707.

According to the records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen, they were married upon certificate at New York dated 24 March 1686. He was recorded as "y.m. from N. Utrecht on LI."; and she as "y.d. from Midwout on LI". Johannes and his brother, Isaac, served with Leisler in the 1690 rebellion against strict Dutch colonial rule in New York City. On 3 August 1698 he married as his second wife Grietje Conselyea.

Anna Maria Van Giesen and Johannes Janszen Van Tilburg have other descendants, such as:
.Pieter Van Tilburg - Metje Bouwman
 .William Van Tilburg - Keziah Larrison
  .Henry Van Tilburg - Julia Ann Sunderland
   .Henry Van Tilburg - Jane/Jennie Shaw
    .Elizabeth Van Tilburg - Ezekiel Robinson
     .Martha Ann Robinson - Lemon Taylor Clark
      .WALTER ERNEST CLARK (?-?) university president - Euphemia Murray Abrams
       .WALTER VAN TILBURG CLARK (1909-1971) author

4. Isaac Van Giesen, was baptised on 26 December 1666 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Ide Van Voorst, Han Didericks, and Janneke Edsall). On 10 August 1690 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (with Banns published there on 27 July 1690) he married as his first wife Cornelia Hendricks Blinkerhof, a daughter of Hendrick Brinckerhoff and Claesie Cornelise Bogert, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1668 possibly in Flatbush, Kings County, New York, and was buried on 7 September 1707 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey. At the time of their marriage, he was referred to as "Y.M. from Bergen" and she as "Y.D. from Midwout, L.I., living at Hackensack." On 12 October 1708 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York with "attestatie van Akkinsak, 12 October 1708" and with banns published on 26 September 1708 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married as his second wife Hillegond Claasze Kuyper, a daughter of Claes Jansz en Cuyper and Annetje Cornelise Van Vorst, who was born on 4 December 1682 in Ahasimus, Bergen County, New Jersey, and baptised on 4 December 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: None). Isaac and Hillegond joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack on 2 January 1709 with letters from Bergen. With banns published on 10 October 1713 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married as his third wife and as her second husband Anna Breyand, the widow of Nicasis Kip and a daughter of Pieter Corneliszen Breyant and Hendriecktje Arents, who was baptised on 10 September 1671 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Dirck Gerritszen and Catharina Foppe).
Isaac Van Giesen and Gornelis Hendrickszen Brinkerhoff have other descendants, such as:
.Hendrick Van Giesen - Sara Romeyn
|.Isaac Van Giesen - Marytjen Hoppe
||.Hendrick Van Giesen - Hendrickje Banta
|| .Rachel Van Giesen - David Banta
||  .Sarah Banta - Abraham H. Bogert
||   .Henry Bogert - Helen Anderson Evans
||    .GEORGE HENRY BOGERT (1864-1844) artist
|.Cornelia Van Giesen - Albert Van Voorhees
| .Lena Voorhees - Christian Zabriskie
|  .Jacob C. Zabriskie - Maria Brevoort
|   .Christian Brevoort Zabriskie - Josephine Rathbone Morrison
|    .Elias Brevoort Zabriskie - Justine Jackson
|     .CHRISTIAN BREVOORT ZABRISKIE (1864-1936) businessman
.Claasje Van Giesen - Richard Blanch
 .Antje Blanch - Johannes Blauvelt
  .Jacob Blauvelt - Margrietje Smith
   .Cornelius Blauvelt - Elizabeth Lydecker
    .Jacob Blauvelt - Cornelia Demarest
     .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
      .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
       .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr

5. Abraham Van Giesen, was born on 13 November 1666 and baptised on 26 December 1666 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Sr. N. Varlet, Hermen Smee, Elyas Magielse, and Miss Anna Stuyvesant). On 25 October 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (with banns published there on 4 October 1691) he married Fytie Andries, a daughter of Andries Claeszen and Pryntie Michiel Vreeland, who was baptised on 20 August 1671 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Thomas Laurenszen and Catalina Rappalje).

In the marriage record she was recorded as "Y.D. from Gemonepa," and he as "Y.M. from Bergen." They were married by Voorlezer Reynier Van Giesen "before the congregation, in the presence of the court." Abraham was commissioned judge of the Essex County Courts on 26 August 1715. His will was dated 23 June 1753, and in it he was styled "gentleman."

Abraham Van Giesen and Fytje Andriesse have other descendants, such as:
.Reynier Van Giesen - Metje Vreeland
 .Cornelis Van Giesen - Janneke Doremus
  .Fytje/Sophia Van Giesen - John Gould (*)
   .Jane Gould - Caleb Harrison
    .Mary Ward Harrison - Amos Condit Gould
     .Jane Thomas Gould - James Augustus Backus
      .Russell T. Backus - Daisy Gilmore Taylor
       .JAMES GILMORE BACKUS (1913-1989) film and TV actor

(*) the parentage listed for Fytje Van Giesen is speculative and unproven.

6. Jacob Van Giesen, was baptised on 16 January 1670 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Claes Arentszen and Annetje Cornelis), drowned on 13 April 1704, was fished up on 15 April 1704, and was buried (109th with Pall) on 17 April 1704 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. On 1 June 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (with banns published 7 May 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen) he married as her first husband Rutje Pluvier, a daughter of Cornelis Pluvier and Neeltje Jacobse Van Couwenhoven, who was baptised on 16 March 1672 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Isaac Van Vleek and Marritie Loockermans).

At the time of their marriage, he was recorded as "Y.M. from Bergen" and she as "Y.D. from New York." Jacob joined the Reformed Dutch Church of New York on 1 June 1694 "met Attestatie Van Bergen." On 19 August 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York she married as her second husband Jan Christoffelsz.

7. Bastiaen Van Giesen, had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born in Midwout, Long Island, New York. On 25 June 1688 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (with banns published there on 10 June 1688) he married Aelthe Hendrickse Brinkerhoff, a probable daughter of Hendrick Joriszen (Brinckerhoff) and Clasie Cornelis, who had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Midwout, Long Island, New York. At the time of their marriage, he was recorded as "Y.M. living at Acquackanonk" and she as "Y.D. living at Hackenesack." They were married by Domine Tessemaker.
8. Gysbertje Van Giesen, was baptised on 30 April 1673 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Balthus Bayard and Annetje Harmens), and was buried on 6 May 1673 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey.
9. Hendrick Van Giesen, had no birth or baptismal record.
10. Reynier Van Giesen, had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan Corneliszen Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1640.

Jan is mentioned as early as 1663 when he was a member of the "night watch" at Fort Crailo. On 17 October 1674 he was on the list of invited guests to the funeral of Jermias Van Rensselaer. As early as 1682 his farm at Half Moon (Waterford) was mentioned and on 6 March 1677, it was recorded that he and Barent Albertse Brandt had bought from Annetie Lievens, the widow of Goose Gerritse, a piece of land "lying in the Halve Moon" with the Island called "Shutter's Island." In April 1675, Jan valued his farm as "well worth 400 or 500 beavers." On 14 March 1675/76, he brought suit against Wynant Gerritse claiming Wynant owed him 48 Guilders in beavers, 10 guilders in seawan, and 60 boards for rent of land, feeding of hogs, etc. Wynant denied having asked Jan to feed the hogs, but the court found in Jan's favor and ordered Wynant to pay Jan within 14 days, plus expenses. On 6 August 1683 he was living "Beyond the North Gate" when he made a contribution of 2 pieces of eight to the salary of Domine Dellius. On 2 December 1684, Aeltje gave testimony in a dispute between Richard Pretty, Sheriff, and Barent Albertse Bratt. On 16 June 1697 his family was composed of 1 man, 1 woman, and 4 children "so far in the Corporation" probably meaning that he then lived within Albany City. On 24 March 1686/87, Jan and his brothers signed a release of all demands of Cornelis Van Ness to the heirs of Maria Damen. On 7 February 1699 his brother Hendrick transferred to him half of his rights to Hoosick. On 4 January 1699 he took the Oath of Allegiance and in 1701 signed a petition of the Protestants of New York. He was an Assessor of Half Moon (1701-1703) and in 1702 a Pathmaster. The names of Jan and Altje Van Esch appeared as members of the Albany Church since 1683. [parents]

Alida (__), had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried on 17 January 1734 in Half Moon, New York.

In at least one modern source, her full name is given as Aeltje Wemp Van der Heyden, indicating that she was a daughter of Jan Barentszen Wemp and Maritie Myndertse, and married (as her first husband?) Jan Corneliszen Van der Heyden, but no primary documents exist to support that claim.
Children of Jan Van Ness and Alida (__)
1. Cornelis Van Ness, married Maria Gerritse Van den Bergh.
2. Mayke Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was buried prior to 20 October 1747. On 3 May 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Isaac Ouderkerk, a son of Jan Ouderkerk and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1675 probably in Albany, Albany County, New York.
Mayke Van Ness and Isaac Ouderkerk have other descendants, such as:
.Aaltje Ouderkerk - Douwe Jansen Fonda
|.Isaac Douw Fonda - Susanna De Forest
| .Douwe Isaac Fonda - Machtel Vischer Lansing
|  .Jacob Douw Fonda - Cornelia Scudder
|   .Matilda Scudder Fonda - Robert Emmet Andrews
|    .KORNELIA THEODOSIA ANDREWS (1847-1913) Titanic survivor
|    .ANNE LOUISA ANDREWS (1860-1947) Titanic survivor
|    .Mary D. Andrews - Levi Fiske Longley
|     .GRETCHEN FISKE LONGLEY (1890-1965) Titanic survivor
.Isaac Ouderkerk - Hesje Van Arnhem
 .Antje Ouderkerk - Pieter Waldron
  .Abraham Waldron - Hannah Christancy
   .Cornelius A. Waldron - Elizabeth C. (Felter or Teller)
    .Henrietta Beatie Waldron - GEORGE WALLACE MELVILLE (1841-1912) engineer, Rear Admiral

3. Willem Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1676. On 10 March 1703 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany with Banns published there on 11 February 1703 he married Helena Fonda, a daughter of Douwe Jellise Fonda and Rebecca Jans, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1680.
4. Dirkje Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record. On 16 March 1698 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Daniel Winne, a son of Pieter Winne and Tannetje Adams, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1678, and died in 1757.
Dirkje Van Ness and Daniel Winne have other descendants, such as:
.Pieter Winne - Rachel Van Alen
|.Tanneke Winne - Marten DeForest
| .Jacob DeForest - Annatie Lansing
|  .Obadiah Lansing DeForest - Sarah Ann Vedder
|   .HENRY SCHERMERHORN DEFOREST (1847-1917) Congressman
.Killian Winne - Rebecca Fonda
|.Frans Winne - Anneke Viele
||.Killian Winne - Mary Jane Perry
|| .Francis K. Winne - Dorcas Tefft
||  .Emma Winne - John B. Winne
||   .DEWITT C. WINNE (1845-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
|.Douwe Winne - Anna Boice
| .John B. Winne - Emma Winne
|  .DEWITT C. WINNE (1845-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
.Willem Winne - Maria de Wandelaer
 .Elizabeth Winne - Johannes Knickerbocker
  .HARMEN KNICKERBOCKER (1779-1855) Congressman
  .Derkye Knickerbacker - Evert Van Alen
  |.Christine Cantine Van Alen - Cornelius Van Reypen
  | .WILLIAM KNICKERBACKER VAN REYPEN (1840-1924) Rear Admiral
  .Cathalyntje Knickerbocker - JOHN LUDOVICUS VIELE (1788-1832) lawyer
   .EGBERT LUDOVICUS VIELE (1825-1902) engineer - Teresa Griffin
    .FRANCIS VIELE-GRIFFIN (1864-1937) poet

5. Hendrikje Van Ness, was baptised on 2 November 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: father, Henderik Oothout and Jannetje Cobusz). On 27 January 1703 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany with Banns published there on 26 December 1702 she married Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Buren, a son of Hendrick Cornelissen Van Buren and Elizabeth Van Slyck, who had no birth or baptismal record. Cornelis was freeholder at Half Moon, New York, in 1720.
Hendrickje Van Ness and Cornelis Van Buren have other descendants, such as:
.Jan Van Buren - Agnietie Conyn
 .Hendrickje Van Buren - Johannes Hendricksen Beeckman
  .Hendrick Beeckman - Catharine McPheardes Livingston
   .Gilbert Livingston Beeckman - Margaret Atherton Foster
    .Margaret Atherton Beeckman - Campbell White Stewart
    |.Katherine Stewart - HALLET JOHNSON (1887-?) Ambassador
    .ROBERT LIVINGSTON BEECKMAN (1866-1935) Governor
6. Johannes Van Ness, was baptised on 7 November 1686 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Symon Van Esch and Antje Van Esch).
7. Maria Van Ness, was baptised on 8 March 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Gerrit Van Esch and Catarina Van Esch).


Gerrit Gysbertszen Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1645. [parents]
Teuntje Gerrits, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Gerrit Gysbertszen Van den Bergh and Teuntje Gerrits
1. Barent Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1665 probably in Albany, Albany County, New York. On 16 March 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch of Albany he married Geertruy Witbeck, a daughter of Jan Thomaszen Witbeck and Geertruy Andriesdr, who had no birth or baptismal record.

On 28 August 1689 Barent, who was suspected of being involved with some recent "distrbance," posted a £50 security "to answer when he shall be called to be examined about yt Bussinesse." It is unknown what became of that incident.

Barent Gerritszen Van den Bergh and Geertruy Witbeck have other descendants, such as:
.Ariaantje Van den Bergh - Louwrens Vanderpoel
 .Annatje Vanderpoel - Hendrick Van Valkenburgh
  .Johannes Van Valkenburgh - Ellen Bullock
   .Lawrence Van Valkenburgh - Sarah A. Seymour
    .ARBA SEYMOUR VAN VALKENBURGH (1862-1944) jurist

2. Ariaantje Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1666, and died prior to 25 November 1704. On 22 September 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as her first husband Cornelis Martenszen Van Buren, a son of Marten Corneliszen Van Buren and maritje Quackenbos, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1663, and died prior to 28 June 1693. On 28 June 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as her second husband and as his first wife Coenraad Elmendorf, a son of Jacob Coenradtszen Elmendorf and Geertje Aartse Van Wagenen, who was baptised on 12 March 1669 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston (wit.: Roelof Kierstede, Gerrit Aertsen, Annetie Aertsen, and Neeltie Aertsen). He married on 25 November 1704 as his second wife Blandina Kierstede.
Ariaantje Van den Bergh and Cornelis Van Buren have other descendants, such as:
.Tobias Van Buren - Helena Bogardus
 .Cornelis Van Buren - Sara Hoogtaling
  .Tobias Van Buren - Sara Dubois
   .Cornelis Van Buren - Elizabeth Peersen
    .JOHN C. VAN BUREN (1799-1855) Congressman
    .Isaac Van Buren - Agnes Ostrander
     .Matthew Van Buren  - Caroline G. Keator
      .MABEL VAN BUREN (1879-1947) film actor
       - (1) ERNEST JOY (1878-1924) film actor
       - (2) JAMES GORDON (1871-1941) film actor

3. Huybert Van de Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1669, and was buried on 11 August 1729 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of New York. On 20 December 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Maria Lansing, a daughter of Hendrick Lansing and Lysbeth Caspers, who had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried on 25 December 1733 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of New York.
Huybert Van den Bergh and Maria Lansing have other descendants, such as:
.Elizabeth Van den Bergh - Johannes Ostrander
|.Catharina Ostrander - Abraham Cooper
| .Cornelia Cooper - Nicholas Sigsbee
|  .Nicholas Sigsbee - Jane Sible
|   .Nicholas Sigsbee - Agnes Orr
|    .CHARLES DWIGHT SIGSBEE (1845-1923) Rear Admiral - Eliza Rogers Loockwood
|     .Anna Sigsbee Sigsbee - SUMNER ELY WHITMORE KITTELLE (?-?) Rear Admiral
|     .MARY ELLEN SIGSBEE (1876-1960) artist
|      - (1) WILLIAM BALFOUR KER (1877-1918) artist
|      - (2) ANTON OTTO FISCHER (1882-1962) artist
.Teuntje Van den Bergh - Gerrit Van Wagenen
|.Marytje Van Wagenen - Johannis William Vredenburgh
| .Teuntje Vredenburgh - Abraham Varick
| |.John Vreenenberg Varick - Anna Maria Romeyn
| | .Sara Susan Romeyn Varick - CORNELIUS VAN SANTVOORD (1816-?) clergyman
| | .THEODORE ROMEYN VARICK (1825-1884) physician
| | .John Abraham Varick - Susan Brinckerhoff Storm
| |  .Susan Brinckerhoff Varick - Algernon Sydney Frissell
| |   .Lewis Fox Frissell - Antoinette Wood Montgomery
| |    .LEWIS VARICK FRISSELL (1903-1931) filmmaker
| |
| .Willem John Vredenburgh - Elizabeth Townsend
|  .Evelina Vredenburgh - ENOS THOMPSON THROOP (1784-1874) Governor, Congressman
.Maria Van den Bergh - Abraham Kip
 .Gerrit Kip - Neeltje Brouwer
  .Abraham Kip - Rachel Blanck
   .Rachel Kip - James Lynch
    .Mary Van Antwerp Lynch - Charles Hawley Close
     .Mary Frances Close - EDWIN RUTHVEN PURPLE (1831-1879) genealogist, publisher

4. Marritje Van den Bergh, married Cornelis Van Ness.
5. Geertje Van de Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record. On 27 October 1700 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Evert Van Ness, a son of Hendrick Van Ness and Annatie Everts, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1672.
Geertje Van den Bergh and Evert Van Ness have other descendants, such as:
.Jannetje Van Ness - Cornelis Waldron
 .Hendrick Waldron - Margarita Van Vranken
  .Henry Waldron - Julia N. Newman
   .HENRY WALDRON (1819-1880) Congressman

6. Teuntje Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Neeltje Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1677. On 15 December 1710 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Barent Staats, a son of Jochem Staats and Antje Reyndertse, who had no birth or baptismal record. Barent served as a First Lieutenant in the French and Indian War and was taken prisoner by the French in October 1709. Colonel Johannes Schuyler, who married his aunt, went to Canada and secured his release for a Jesuit Indian, Milet, and his servant.
Neeltje Van den Bergh and Barent Staats have other descendants, such as:
.Ariaantje Staats - Hendrik Van Deusen
|.Margarita Van Deusen - Johannes Nicholas Bleecker
| .Margarita Bleecker - John Van Schaick
| |.Eliza Van Schaick - SIMEON DE WITT BLOODGOOD (1799-1866) author
| |
| .Ariaantje Bleecker - JOHN BRODHEAD ROMEYN (1777-1825) clergyman
| |
| .Eliza Bleecker - JACOB BRODHEAD (1782-1855) clergyman
|  .JOHN ROMEYN BRODHEAD (1814-1873) historian
.Catrina Staats - Abraham Schuyler
|.Christina Schuyler - John Van Voorhees
||.Catharine Van Voorhees - JOHN NEILSON (1745-1833) Brigadier-General
|| .John Neilson - Abigail Bleecker
|| |.John Neilson - Margaret Ann Fish
|| ||.Elizabeth Stuyvesant Neilson - Ezra W. Howard
|| |||.Thomas Howard Howard - Rose A. Post
|| ||| .Elizabeth Stuyvesant Post - Robert Winthrop Kean
|| |||  .HAMILTON FISH KEAN (1862-1941) Senator - Katharine Taylor Winthrop
|| |||   .ROBERT WINTHROP KEAN (1893-1980) Congressman
|| |||    .THOMAS HOWARD KEAN (1935-living) Governor
|| |||
|| ||.Helen Neilson - DAVID MAITLAND ARMSTRONG (1836-1918) artist, Ambassador
|| || .HAMILTON FISH ARMSTRONG (1893-1973) diplomat, editor
|| ||
|| |.Catharine Neilson - Jacob Stout Carpender
|| ||.Mary Noel Bleecker - Francis Kerby Stevens
|| |||.HENRY HEWGILL STEVENS (1869-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
|| |||.WILLIAM CARPENDER STEVENS (1872-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
|| |||.FRANCES NOEL STEVENS (1874-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
|| ||| - EDWARD WHEELER HALL (?-1922) Hall-Mills murder victim
|| |||
|| ||.William Carpender - ALICE PREBLE TUCKER DE HAAS (?-1920) artist
|| |||
|| ||.John Neilson Carpender, Sr. - Anna Neilson Kemp
|| || .HENRY DE LA BRUYERE CARPENDER (1882-1934) Hall-Mills murder suspect
|| || |
|| || .ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
|| ||
|| |.Josepha Matilda Neilson - William Henry Crosby
|| ||.Ellen Murray Crosby - John Aspinwall Roosevelt
|| || .ELLEN CROSBY ROOSEVELT (1868-1954) Tennis Hall of Famer
|| ||
|| |.Cornelia Neilson - Orlando Harriman, Jr.
|| ||.EDWARD HENRY HARRIMAN (1848-1909) railroad magnate
|| || - MARY WILLIAMSON AVERELL (1851-1932) philanthropist
|| || .MARY HARRIMAN (1882-1934) philanthropist - CHARLES CARY RUMSEY (1879-1923) sculptor
|| || .WILLIAM AVERELL HARRIMAN (1891-1986) Governor, Ambassador
|| || |- PAMELA BERYL DIGBY (1920-1997) Ambassador
|| || |
|| || .EDWARD ROLAND NOEL HARRIMAN (1895-1978) financier, philanthropist
|| ||
|| |.Helen Neilson - John Butler Coles Neilson
|| | .Henry Augustus Neilson - Johanna Bayard Neilson
|| |  .Helena Bleecker Neilson - ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
|| |
|| .Catherine Schuyler Neilson - Augustus Fitz Randolph Taylor
||  .JOHN NEILSON TAYLOR (1805-1878) lawyer
|.Neeltje Schuyler - David Williamson
||.Neeltje Williamson - JAMES SCHUREMAN (1756-1824) Senator
|.Ariaentje Schuyler - Samuel Staats Coeymans
| .Johanna Coeymans - John Neilson
|  .JOHN NEILSON (1745-1833) Brigadier-General - Catharine Van Voorhees
|   .John Neilson - Abigail Bleecker
|   |.John Neilson - Margaret Ann Fish
|   ||.Elizabeth Stuyvesant Neilson - Ezra W. Howard
|   |||.Thomas Howard Howard - Rose A. Post
|   ||| .Elizabeth Stuyvesant Post - Robert Winthrop Kean
|   |||  .HAMILTON FISH KEAN (1862-1941) Senator - Katharine Taylor Winthrop
|   |||   .ROBERT WINTHROP KEAN (1893-1980) Congressman
|   |||    .THOMAS HOWARD KEAN (1935-living) Governor
|   |||
|   ||.Helen Neilson - DAVID MAITLAND ARMSTRONG (1836-1918) artist, Ambassador
|   || .HAMILTON FISH ARMSTRONG (1893-1973) diplomat, editor
|   ||
|   |.Catharine Neilson - Jacob Stout Carpender
|   ||.William Carpender - ALICE PREBLE TUCKER DE HAAS (?-1920) artist
|   ||.John Neilson Carpender, Sr. - Anna Neilson Kemp
|   || .ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
|   ||
|   |.Josepha Matilda Neilson - William Henry Crosby
|   ||.Ellen Murray Crosby - John Aspinwall Roosevelt
|   || .ELLEN CROSBY ROOSEVELT (1868-1954) Tennis Hall of Famer
|   ||
|   |.Cornelia Neilson - Orlando Harriman, Jr.
|   ||.EDWARD HENRY HARRIMAN (1848-1909) railroad magnate
|   || - MARY WILLIAMSON AVERELL (1851-1932) philanthropist
|   || .MARY HARRIMAN (1882-1934) philanthropist - CHARLES CARY RUMSEY (1879-1923) sculptor
|   || .WILLIAM AVERELL HARRIMAN (1891-1986) Governor, Ambassador
|   || |- PAMELA BERYL DIGBY (1920-1997) Ambassador
|   || |
|   || .EDWARD ROLAND NOEL HARRIMAN (1895-1978) financier, philanthropist
|   ||
|   |.Helen Neilson - John Butler Coles Neilson
|   | .Henry Augustus Neilson - Johanna Bayard Neilson
|   |  .Helena Bleecker Neilson - ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
|   |
|   .Catherine Schuyler Neilson - Augustus Fitz Randolph Taylor
|    .JOHN NEILSON TAYLOR (1805-1878) lawyer
.Joachem Staats - Elizabeth Schuyler
|.Philip Staats - Annatje Van Alstyne
| .Barent Staats - Maria Winne
|  .Anna W. Staats - Sylvester Hall Laflin
|   .Jane Laflin - Francis Milton "I. M." Weaver
|    .Sylvester Laflin Weaver - Annabel Dixon
|     .SYLVESTER LAFLIN WEAVER, Jr. (1908-2002) TV executive
|     |- DESIRÉE HAWKINS INGLES (?-living) film actor
|     |.SIGOURNEY WEAVER (née SUSAN ALEXANDRA WEAVER) (1949-living) film actor
|     |
|     .WINSTEAD SHEFFIELD WEAVER (aka DOODLES WEAVER) (1911-1983) film actor
.Teuntje Staats - William Salisbury
|.Neeltje Salisbury - Hendrick Van Bergen
| .Christina Van Bergen - Peter Charles Adams
| |.Henry Adams - Agnes Egberts
| | .CHARLES HENRY ADAMS (1824-1902) Congressman
| |
| .Elizabeth Van Bergen - RICHARD MCCARTY (1780-1844) Congressman
.Elizabeth Staats - Johannis Rutgerse Bleecker
 .Rutger Bleecker - Catharine Elmendorf
 |.John Rutger Bleecker - (1) Eliza Ten Eyck Atwood, (2) Mehitable Lynn Bailey
 ||.(by 1) Sarah Bleecker - George Mortimer Tibbits
 |||.WILLIAM BADGER TIBBITS (1837-1880) General
 ||.(by 2) Mary Bleecker - HORATIO SEYMOUR (1810-1886) Governor, presidential also-ran
 |.Maria Bleecker - MORRIS SMITH MILLER (1779-1824) Congressman
 ||.MORRIS SMITH MILLER (1814-1870) General - June Octavia Macomb
 |||.Maria Bleecker Miller - FRANK WHEATON (1833-1903) General
 ||.Charles Dudley Miller - ELIZABETH SMITH (1822-?) suffragette
 ||.RUTGER BLEECKER MILLER (1805-1877) Congressman
 || .Sophia Seymour Miller - Edward Hurtt Jewett
 ||  .Mary Seymour Jewett - George Carey
 ||   .Elizabeth Carey - Erard Adolph Matthiessen
 ||    .PETER MATTHIESSEN (1927-living) novelist
 ||     .ALEX MATTHIESSEN (1964-living) environmentalist
 |.Blandina Bleecker - CHARLES EDWARD DUDLEY (1780-1841) Senator
 .John Bleecker - Jane Gilliland
  .Charlotte Bleecker - Vinal Luce
   .STEPHEN BLEECKER LUCE (1827-1917) Rear Admiral

8. Gysbert Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record. A Gysbert Van den Bergh's estate was administered in Albany on 4 November 1715 in which he is of Albany County, a carpenter, and has a brother, Gerrit.
9. Cornelis Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record. On 20 December 1702 at the home of Albert Rykman, Mayor of Albany, as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married as her second husband Maria Martense Van Buren, the widow of Jan Teuwisse Van Deusen and a daughter of Martin Cornelis Van Buren and Maritie Quackenbosch, who had no birth or baptismal record. Banns for their marriage were published there on 21 November 1702, and states that Cornelis and Maria were "both born and living in Colonie Rensselearwyck."
10. Johannes Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record.
11. Gerritje Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1682. On 23 October 1710 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Daniel Fort, a son of Libertse (La)Fort and Margriet Rinckhout, who was baptised on 1 September 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Jean Rogier). Banns for their marriage were published there on 1 October 1710. Daniel and Geeritje lived in Half Moon, Albany County, New York.
Gerritje Van den Bergh and Daniel Fort have other descendants, such as:
.Isaac Fort - Sarah Viele
 .Johannes Fort - Elizabeth Worden
  .Catherine Fort - Lewis Stevens
   .Laura Stevens - Lawton Dix
    .JOHN ALDEN DIX (1860-1928) Governor
12. Anneken Van der Bergh, was baptised on 6 December 1685 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Pieter Schuyler, [carried] by Engeltje Schuyler). On 3 January 1713 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Abraham Van der Poel, a son of Melgert Wynantse Van der Poel and Ariaentje Verplanck, who had no birth or baptismal record.
13. Gerrit Van der Bergh, was baptised on 15 July 1688 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Wouter Pietersz Quackelbosch, [carried] by Sara Henderiksz). He married as his first wife Egbertje Harmense Metselaer, a daughter of Harmen Lievense Metselaer and Maritje Teunise, who was baptised on 2 April 1686 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: [carried] by Anna Van Schayk). In 1729 he married as his second wife Maria (__).
Gerrit Van den Bergh and Egbertje Harmense Metselaer have other descendants, such as:
.Gerrit Van den Bergh - Agnietje Lievensen
 .Maria Van den Bergh - Daniel J. Fort
  .Ann Fort - Gerrit Van Vranken
   .Daniel Van Vranken - Marcia Saunders
    .Annie Van Vranken - Archibald Davenport Wright
     .WILLARD HUNTINGTON WRIGHT (1888-1939) editor, novelist, and critic
     .STANTON MACDONALD WRIGHT (1890-1973) artist


Claas Corneliszen Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1630.

Claas was living in Beverwyck, New Netherlands, in 1652 as a servant. In 1666 he was one of the eight original petitioners for the Patent of Kinderhook. [parents]

(__) (possibly Ariaantje), had no birth or baptismal record. Her birth name is unknown, but based on the Dutch system of naming children, her name may have been Ariaantje.
Children of Claas Corneliszen Van den Bergh and (__) (possibly Ariaantje)
1. Neeltje Claase Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record. About 1680 she married as her first husband Hendrick Jacobszen Gardenier, a son of Jacob Janszen (alias Flodder) and Josynea (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1658, and died about 1694. On 20 May 1695 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as her second husband Johannes Ouderkerk, a son of Jan Oudderkerk and (__) (possibly Annatje), who had no birth or baptismal record.

Hendrick Gardenier owned a house lot adjoining easterly the parsonage lot of the Reformed Dutch Church of Schenectady. At the time of his death, he owned half of two mills at Schodack, four lots on Schodack Island, and a lot in Schenectady. Hendrick's estate was administered on 7 April 1695 by his brother Andries Gardenier and brother-in-law Cornelis Claasz Van den Bergh, who owned the other half of the two mills on Schodack.

Neeltje Claase Van den Bergh and Johannes Ouderkerk have other descendants, such as:
.Anna Ouderkerk - Willem Huyck
 .Isaac Huyck - Susanna Clauw
  .Peter Huyck - Cornelia Huyck
   .Andrew Huyck - Ellen Burdick
    .Oren Thomas Huyck - Mary Celia Brazelton
     .Ethel India Huyck - Orwin K. Peck
      .RALPH BRAZELTON PECK (1912-2008) civil engineer

2. Cornelis Claaszen Van den Bergh, married Susanna Ouderkerk.

Jan Ouderkerk, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1645.

Jan was a cooper and settled in Beverwyck as early as 1664. In 1692 he was living on the north side of Yonker (now known as State) Street, and was commonly called "Smalle Cuyper". He was the earliest settler of that name in or around Albany. All of his children were born too early to have had surviving baptismal records.

(__) (possibly Annatje), had no birth or baptismal record. Her birth name is unknown, but based on the Dutch system of naming children, her name may have been Annatje.
Children of Jan Ouderkerk and (__) (possibly Annatje)
1. Johannes Ouderkerk, had no birth or baptismal record. On 20 May 1695 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married as her second husband Neeltje Claase Van den Bergh, the widow of Hendrick Jacobszen Gardenier and a daughter of Claas Corneliszen Van den Bergh and (__) (possibly Ariaantje).
Johannes Ouderkerk and Neeltje Claase Van den Bergh have other descendants, such as:
.Anna Ouderkerk - Willem Huyck
 .Isaac Huyck - Susanna Clauw
  .Peter Huyck - Cornelia Huyck
   .Andrew Huyck - Ellen Burdick
    .Oren Thomas Huyck - Mary Celia Brazelton
     .Ethel India Huyck - Orwin K. Peck
      .RALPH BRAZELTON PECK (1912-2008) civil engineer

2. Isaac Ouderkerk, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1675 probably in Albany, Albany County, New York. On 3 May 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Mayke Van Ness, a daughter of Jan Van Ness and Aletje (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was buried prior to 20 October 1747.
3. Pieter Ouderkerk, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Albany, Albany County, New York. On 13 June 1704 in Niskayuna, Albany County, New York, he married Alida Clute, a daughter of Johannes Clute and Bata Slichtenhorst, who was baptised on 14 September 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: father, Pieter D. Schuyler, and Margareta Schuyler). Pieter was a freeholder of Half Moon in 1720.
4. Abraham Ouderkerk, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Albany, Albany County, New York, died on Canistagioene, New York, and was buried on 24 October 1743. On 6 January 1706 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married as his first wife Elizabeth CLute, possibly a daughter of Johannes Clute and Bata Slichtenhorst, who was baptised on 16 March 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: father, Frederick Cloet and Gysberte Roosenboom). Banns for their marriage were published there on 1 December 1705. Prior to 1724 he married as his second wife Ariaantje Van Ness, a daughter of Evert Van Ness and Geertje Gerritse Van den Bergh, who was baptised on 31 October 1703 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (wit.: Cornelis Van Esch and Gerritje van den Bergh).
5. Susanna Ouderkerk, married Cornelis Claaszen Van den Bergh.
6. Eldert Ouderkerk, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Albany, Albany Count, New York. On 24 July 1714 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Helena Sophia Knipping.

Teunis Jacobszen (Van Schoenderwoert), had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Schoenderwoert, The Netherlands. Banns for his marriage were published on 19 April 1650 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam.

Teunis probably came to New Netherlands by "den Waterhondt" which sailed from the Texel in June or July 1640. He was engaged as a farm hand for the term of six years, beginning on 4 September 1640; three years at f90 a year and three years at f100 a year. He served apparently first under Symon Walichsz and then under Cornelis Teunisz from Breuckelen. From 1650 to 1652 he was charged with f16 a year for a house lot. In one instance he was referred to as Teunis Rut Jacobsz breeder (Teunis, the brother of Rutger Jacobsz). A Teunis van SchoonderWoert "met atteste v. N. Albe op de belydenis van hun geloof" appeared on the membership list of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York on 2 June 1708. [parents]

Sarah Denys, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in England according to marriage records. [parents]
Children of Teunis Jacobszen (Van Schoenderwoert) and Sarah Denys
1. Eva Teunise Van Woert, was born on 9 February 1654. She married Esaias Swart, a son of Teunis Corneliszen Swart and Elizabeth Van der Linde, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1653.

In 1686, Esaias received conveyance of part of the bouwery No. 10 over the Poenties Kil from his mother, In 1716, he received a release from his brother, Cornelis, of a lot on the east side of Church Street.

2. Jacob Teuniszen Van Woert, married Anna Loockermans.
3. Elisabeth Teunise Van Woert, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jacobus Peek, a son of Jan Peek and Maria du Trieux, who was baptised on 16 January 1656 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Frederick Lubbertszen, Simon de Groot, and Tysje Willems).

Jacobus took up land on the Second Flat, south side of the Mohawk River, about five miles above the village of Schenectady. He settled on this land as early as 1670, in company with his kinsman Isaac Du Trieux. The patent for the same was confirmed by Governor Andros on 29 October 1677.

Pieter Janszen Loockermans, had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born in Turnhout, Antwerp Belgium. He died about 1669/1670.

Pieter was in New Amsterdam in January 1642, and as late as October 1648. His first appearance in the records of Rensselaerwyck occurred on 15 April 1649 when he was involved in an undisclosed dispute with "the honorable director." On 7 July 1653 he received a patent for a lot in Beverwyck. In 1653, he was listed as a private on the muster roll of one of the companies of the Burgher Corps of New Amsterdam. In 1656, he was a citizen of Beverwyck, and there purchased the house lot of Hendrick Gerritse (Van Wie or Verwey) on 16 November 1656. In April 1658, he was a boatswain in the West India Company's service. Pieter was referred to as "Senior" in court minutes and records of Rensselaerwyck in order to distinguish him from his son who was referred to as "Junior." After 1669/70 this designation was dropped from their names implying that the elder Pieter was deceased. [parents]

Maria Duncanson, was born about 1614/1615 possibly in Alloa, Clackmannan, Scotland. She married as her first husband Jan Macfasse. Their marriage intention stated the following: "the 14 January 1640. Jan Macfasse from Scotland, soldier aboard ship living in the Joristraet having no parents & Maria Donckes also from Scotland living as before [ie. in the same street] age 25 years." Marriage not found. She married as her second husband Pieter Janszen Loockermans.

The identity of Maria, wife of Pieter Loockermans, has been the subject of debate. In anticipation of a second marriage, Willem Teller, widower of "Margariet Donckesen," made provision for his children by his first wife and appointed as their guardians "Sander Leendertse Glen and Pieter Loockermans, uncles of said children." This has led some people to suppose that Maria was the sister of "Margriet Donckesen." In his article "The Duncanson Wives of Four New Netherland Settlers: Glen, Teller, Powell, and Loockermans," by Gordon L. Remington, F.U.G.A. [The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 128 (1997): 1-10], Maria's possible relationship to Margriet and her other sisters is discussed. On 14 January 1640, banns were published in Amsterdam for the marriage of Maria Donckes from Scotland, aged 25 years, and Jan Macfasse from Scotland. The name Donckes is consistant with other entries of her supposed sisters in the marriage records. However, Remington feels that Maria's age in 1640 makes her birth date potentially conflict with the known baptismal dates of her siblings. Jonet Duncanson was baptised 13 April 1613 and the next sibling in the records, Johne Duncanson, was baptised in Dec. 1615. Remington concludes that "[I]t cannot be certain that she was the sister who later married Pieter Loockermans; however, no other sister is available to have married him. He might also have been the Teller children's uncle by marrying their father's sister, but there is no other evidence that Willem Teller had a sister in New Netherlands."

However, if Maria is accepted as a Teller, then her parentage is unknown. Remington feels that Willem Teller's children's names reflect a potentially strict adherence to traditional Scottish/Dutch naming patterns. He theorizes that Willem's parents were named Andries and Martjen. Willem was referred to in the banns for his marriage to Margrieta Donckess as being from Hitlant, the old Dutch name for the Shetland Islands. There are testaments dative (i.e. Administrations) for Marion Graham, spouse of Andrew Tailzeor/Taylor of Stromness on 12 September 1629, and for Andrew Tailzeor/Taylor and his relict Margaret Sinclair of Stromness on 30 August 1630. Could one of these couples be Willem Teller's parents? [parents]
Children of Pieter Janszen Loockermans and Maria Duncanson
1. Pieter Loockermans, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in New Netherland. He married Maritje Lambertse, a possible daughter of Lambert Lambertszen and (__), who would have been baptised on 5 October 1642 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jan Pieterszen Roos, Maria Thomas, and Tryntie Claes).

Pieter last appeared in the records for the County of Albany on 8 November 1684.

2. Maria Loockermans, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in New Netherland, and died prior to 9 March 1713/1714. About 1673 she married as her first husband and as his second wife Pieter Van Alen, the widower of Maria Teller and the son of Johannes Van Alen and Catharina Van Meirborch, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1634 possibly in Oldenzaal, The Netherlands, and died in January 1674 in Albany, Albany County, New York. With a marriage contract dated 14 February 1676/1677, she married as her second husband and as his second wife Gerrit Van Ness, the widower of (__) and the son of Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Ness and Maryken Van den Burchgraff, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1645 in Greenbush, The Nertherlands.
3. Hilletje Loockermans, had no birth or baptismal record. Prior to 1682 she married Cornelis Stephenszen Mulder, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Cornelis Stevense Mulder was hired 25 November 1660 as a farm servant for Jeremias Van Rensselaer's farm and arrived in New Netherland in January 1661, on the ship, De Hoop. About August 1662 he sent 4 beavers to his uncle back in Europe. On 21 September 1671, the Schout, Captain Salisbury, brought suit against Mulder and Jacques Jennyn to establish the paternity of a child born of Styntje Claes. The honorable court could not determine between them and found them both guilty and sentenced each to pay fl.3:-- a week towards the child's support and, in addition, to provide it with suitable clothing and equipment for three years. On 6 January 1685/85, Cornlis Stevense was appointed to be roadmaster in the county, "from Claverack to Kinderhook, and to the shore." At a convention held in Albany, 17 September 1689, there was "A Proposall to Ye Commonalty for ye maintaining and paying of men in this junction of time for our Defence against ye French - to ye maintaining which men the following persons subscribe, viz: The farmers belonging to Capt. Gert. Teunissens Compe." Cornelis Stevense, £2.-- On 29 January 1676/77, he obtained a Quit Claim from Frederick Claessen to a piece of land called "Pruyn Vlachte." It came to the latter from the widow of the late Jeremias Van Rensselaer, Mr. Stephenus van Cortlandt, and Domine Nicholaus van Rensselaer, the consideration being 14 good whole merchantable beaver skins. On 1 February 1681/82, Elisabeth Gerritsen de Honeur executed a contract whereby she bound her son, Symon Jansen, to serve Cornelis Stephense Mulder, at Claverack, for a whole year to end on 3 February 1682/83. On his part Cornelis agreed to pay to said youngster's mother 17 whole beaver skins, "but can pay in grain at beaver's price as the market shall then be, therefore, to be delivered to her free here in New Albany, and he must in addition have the youngster's clothes washed and mended free." At the time of his death, he owned 1000 acres of farmland and woodland which he had bought from Captan Hendrick Van Renssealer on 22 October 1718.

4. Catlyntje Loockermans, had no birth or baptismal record. Prior to 1683 she married Jan Solomonszen Goeway, a son of Salmon Abelszen Goeway and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was buried on 28 September 171 in the Churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany.

Jan's house lot was on the east side of Broadway next south of Bleecker Hall in Albany, Albany County, New York.

5. Anna Loockermans, married as her first husband Adam Winne, and as her second husband Jacob Teuniszen Van Woert.


Jan Janszen Oothout, had no birth or baptismal record, and died after 13 March 1687 in Greenbush, Albany County, New York. He married in 1664.

Jan in one written record styles his last name as Oothoet. He first appeared in the Albany County records about 1664. He was a brewer, and settled in the Greyneybos (pine woods), opposite Albany. He made his will on 13 March 1687/88 and letters of administration were issued to his sons, Hendrick and Jan, on 3 January 1695/96. In his will he gave to his son Johannes (or Jan) a red mare; to Hendrick, three or four years after "my decease" a young horse or an old mare; Arien, aged about 12 years, was to have two years schooling and a trade, and a red stone horse with a star in his forehead; when 20 years of age, a new suit of clothes; and then the remainder of his property was to be divided equally among his six children. The following were his children in 1688: Johannes, the eldest son, Hendrick, Arien, the youngest son, Mayke, Antje, and Jannetje. [parents]

Hendrickje Cornelise Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1642 in Greenbush, New Netherland. [parents]
Children of Jan Janszen Oothout and Hendrickje Cornelisse Van Ness
1. Jan Janszen Oothout, married Aeltie Evertse.
2. Hendrick Oothout, had no birth or baptismal record and was buried on 15 July 1739. On 5 May 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Caatje Douw, a daughter of Volkert Janszen Douw and Dorothe Janse Van Breestede, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Hendrick was appointed Surveyor of Albany in 1700, and held the office for many years. In 1695 he went to New York City and resided there several years but returned to Albany. His will, written on 11 October 1738 and proved on 26 April 1740, mentioned all of children living at that time. However his wife was not mentioned and was probably deceased when it was written.

3. (Arien or Adriaan) Oothout, had no birth or baptismal record and was buried on 26 February 1752. On 3 November 1700 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Lammertje Loockermans, a daughter of Pieter Janszen Loockermans and Maria Duncanson, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Mayke Oothout, had no birth or baptismal record and was buried on 14 October 1769. On 20 November 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Thomas Harmenszen Hun, a son of Harmen Hun and Cathalyntje Berck, who was born on 2 October 1668 and buried on 12 January 1716.

In 1681, Jan Clute conveyed to Thomas and his sister, Wyntje, 20 morgens of land on Murderer's Creek.

5. Jannetje Oothout, had no birth or baptismal record. On 19 December 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Laurens Van Schaick, a son of Claas Van Schaick and Jannetje Cornelis, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1675.
6. Antje Oothout, was born on 29 March 1669 in Albany, Albany County, New York, and died prior to 10 August 1701. On 28 December 1690 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York she married Adriaen Man, who was born on 1 August (year unknown). Banns for their marriage were published there on 26 December 1690 and read: Adriaen Man. j. m. Van N. Yorck, en Annetje Oothout, j. d. Van N. Albanien, beyde wonende alhier.

On 10 August 1701, Adriaen married as his second wife Hester Bordyn.

Dirck Evertszen, had no birth or baptismal record, and died about 1685.
Fytie Reyerts, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Dirck Evertszen and Fytie Reyerts
1. (__) Evertse, had no birth or baptismal record and were born about 1656 probably in Amersfoort, the Netherlands.
2. Cornelia Evertse, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1660 probably in Amersfoort , The Netherlands. On 3 December 1681 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York she married Isaac Delamater, a son of Glaude Delamater and Hester du Bois, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1658 probably in Flatbush, New Netherland.

Cornelia may very well have been one of the unnamed children born about 1656 or 1662. James Riker, in his book entitled "Revised History of Harlem," calls Cornelis Everts "a sister of Rebecca Everts, wife of Jerome Barheyt." (p. 496)

Cornelia and Isaac joined the Reformed Dutch Church of New York on 3 December 1681, though they lived at Harlem, where he was afterward a deacon. Later Isaac served the town as a commissioner, also a constable. Isaac obtained the upper half (6 morgens) of his father's farm on Montanye's Flat. He leased it, with house, garden, orchard, and half the meadow, to Jan Tibout on 13 February 1688, for 12 years. Isaac drew lot No. 11, Jochem Pieter's Hills, which he sold to John Dyckman. He resumed his farm, and occupied it as late as 3 December 1726, on which date he conveyed all his lands to son John. He, or his son Isaac, bought No. 6, New Lots, from Nicholas Kortright, in 1729, and sold it in 1731 to Johannes Waldron.

3. Rebecca Evertse, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1662 probably in Amersfoort, The Netherlands. On 9 April 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as his second wife Hieronimus Barheit, the widower of (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.

Hieronimus was possibly a widower with a son named Johannes when he married Rebecca. The will of Jeroon Barheyt, of Albany County, written 22 August 1716 and proved on 23 February 1722/23, mentioned his wife, Rebecca, son, Wouter, and one daughter. Witnesses Jacob Schermerhoorn, Myndert Marseles, and Hendrick van Wie.

4. Aeltie Evertse, married Jan Janszen Oothout.
5. Jannetje Evertszen, was baptised on 31 August 1664 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: None), and died young.
6. Hendrick Evertszen, was baptised on 8 May 1667 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: None).

Francois Van der Koeck, had no birth or baptismal record.
Leventje de Vries, had no birth or baptismal record.

Please see the entry for 3396 and 3397 for this couples' children.

Joost Fransen, had no birth or baptismal record. He died prior to 27 January 1695/1696, on which date an inventory and appraisement was taken of his estate. He married about 1666.
Geertruyd Auckrsz Van Nuyse, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1644 probably in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Please see the entry for 3398 and 3399 for this couples' children.

Hendrick d'Oremus, had no birth or baptismal record.

Please see the entry for 3400 and 3401 for this couples' children.

Joris Matthyszen, had no birth or baptismal record.
Hubrechtje Jans, had no birth or baptismal record.

Please see the entry for 3402 and 3403 for this couples' children.

David Ackerman, was born on 16 September 1614 in Oss, North Brabant, The Netherlands. He died before 6 January 1663 probably onboard the ship "Vos" on his way to New Netherland. He married on 16 September 1641 in Berlicum, North Brabant, The Netherlands.
Elizabeth Belliers, was baptised on 24 January 1616 as recorded at the Dordredt Walloon Church, The Netherlands. She died about 1669 possibly in Harlem, New York.

Please see the entry for 3404 and 3405 for this couples' children.

Adrian Gerritszen Van Laer, was baptised on 17 Jamuary 1634. He married about 1660.
Abigail Verplanck, was baptised on 1 January 1637. She died prior to 24 April 1672.

Please see the entry for 3406 and 3407 for this couples' children.

Adam Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1620 in Cologne, Germany, and died between 22 January 1692 and 21 March 1692, the dates on which his will was written and proved. He married on 21 March 1645 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (with Banns recorded there on 19 March 1645). The marriage record reads: Adam Brouwer, j.m. Van Ceulen, en Magdalena Verdon, j.d. Van N. Nederlt. [parents]

Adam Brouwer sailed in 1641 to Brazil in the ship Swol as a soldier in the service of the West India Company. He came to New Netherlands in 1642, for when he took the Oath of Allegiance in September 1687, being then a resident of Brooklyn, he made the statement that he had been in this country for 45 years. He settled first in New Amsterdam where he bought a house and garden lot from Hendrick Jansen, blacksmith, on 21 February 1645. On that some day he had given a power-of-attorney to collect money due him from the West India Company, which he repeated on 21 September 1646. At his wedding party on 21 March 1645, Domine Bogardus criticized Director Keift. Together with Isaac de Forest, Adam Brouwer built and operated at Gowanus a flour mill on land patented 8 July 1645, to Jan Evertse Bout. The will of Adam Brouwer Berchoven of "Bruckland" was dated 22 January 1691/92. He left his wife Magdalena his entire estate. Sons Pieter and Jacob, and daughter Aeltje were "cut off with a shilling for disobedience, but their children are to inherit their parents' share." He named his other children: Mathys, William, Adam, Abraham, Nicholaes, Mary, Fytie, Helena, Anna, Sarah, and Rachel. He left 3 pieces of eight to Adolphus, the son of William; and 1 piece of eight each to Magdalena, daughter of Matthys; Magdalena, daughter of Pieter; Vrouwtje, daughter of Fytie; and Magdalena, daughter of Mary. Executors were Barent van Tilburg and William Nazareth. Witnesses were Henry Sleght, Cornelis Siebring, and John Fredericks.

The will of Adam Brouwer:

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, Whereas Adam Brower Berkhoven, inhavitant of ye town of Bruckland, being at present sick a bedd but fully having his knowledge and understanding and considering ye (fragility) and mortality of mens life and ye uncertaine hours there of -

So it is that ye Adam Brower before his departure out of this world, is willing to dispose of his estate and good to be left by decease, in ye presence of ye under-mentioned witnesses - Henry Sleght, Cornelius Sebring and, John Fredericks, from said testator here unto required -

So it is that ye testator Adam Brower makes his whole estate moveable and imoveable to his wife Magdalena Brower, and my utmost will and desire is, that none of my children shall trouble or move their mother during her life, and further ye testator Adam Brower, makes his oldest son Peter Brower three shillings, for reasons he was disobedient of his father, as also Jacob Brower and (Aelh?) [Aeltje] Brower whoe also for reasons of disobedience shall not receive a penny from their father Adam Brower, but ye testator bequeath ye same from ye three disobedient children, wit. Peter Brower, ye eldest, Jacob Brower and Aeltie [Aeltje] Brower upon their children, ye portion of Peter upon his children, ye portion of Jacob Brower upon his children, ye portion Aeltie [Aeltje] Brower upon her children. further is ye desire of ye testator that ye other children, as Mathys, William, Adam, Abraham, Nicholas, ye daughter Mary, Fyte, Helena, Anna, Sara, Rachel, these eleaven children shall have equall portion amongst them, and also ye children of ye disobedient children above named, they shall also with ye other eleaven children equally divide and further bequeath ye testator to Adolphus form [son] of William Brower before out for a gift of three pieces of eight, and Mathys his daughter Magdalena one piece of eight, and Peter Brower his daughter Magdalena one piece of eight and his daughter [Mary?] one piece of eight, with Fytje daughter Magdalena one piece of eight - This is that whi is ye testator Adam Brower last will and hath signed and sealed ye same with his owne hand, with Henry Sleght, Cornelius Sibring and John Fredericks, and are hereby all former testaments made vow and will dated 22nd of January 1691/2.

-from Steven Brewer, a Dutch Colonies Mailing List posting (29 February 2008), quoting Floyd Brewer's book "A Dutch-English Odyssey" (2997) which in turn quoted Eugene Campbell's book "The Story of the Brewers" (1984).

Much information for this individual and his family is taken from the following website and is copyright protected:
The Brouwer Genealogy Database, by Chris Chester
The information on this website is copyright protected. Use of material on this website is for non-commercial, personal or educational use only. This disclaimer must appear on all copied material. Any reproduction for commercial use is prohibited.
Copyright ) 2008, by Chris Chester

Magdalena Jacobs Verdon, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1627 probably in New Netherland., and died after 12 August 1698 probably in Gowanus, Kings County, New York. [parents]
Children of Adam Brouwer and Magdalena Jacobs Verdon
1. Pieter Brouwer, married Pieternella Uldricks Kleyn.
2. Matthys Brouwer, was baptised on 30 May 1649 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Mathys and Barentje Molenaers),and died prior to 29 July 1726. With banns published on 26 January 1673 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married Marietje Pieterse Wyckoff, a daughter of Pieter Claesen Wyckoff and Grietje Van Ness, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1648 possibly in Beverwyck, New Netherlands. Their marriage record reads: Matthys Brouwer, j.m. Van N. Jorck, en Margrietje Pieters, j.d. Van N. Amersfort.

Matthys and Marietje were a member of the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush, on 19 November 1679 when they were residing at Brooklyn Ferry. They were members of the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn, on 30 November 1680 (date certificate was given) recorded among the new members, "both from Manhattan Island." He appeared on the assessment list of at Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York, on 26 September 1683 as Mattys Brouwer with 1 poll...£18, 1 cow...£5, 1 cow of 3 yrs...£4. He was named in his father's will dated 22 January 1691/1692. Matthys and Marietje were members of the Reformed Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow on 18 April 1716.

3. Willem Brouwer, was baptised on 5 March 1651 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Willem Beeckman, Johannes Marcus, Maria in 't houte paerdt, and Lysbeth Cregiers). Prior to 14 September 1679 he married as his first wife Elizabeth Simpson, a daughter of Pieter Simpson and Grietje (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1662. She died prior to 18 January 1702, by which date Willem married as his second wife Martha Boulton, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1685, and may have died about 1712. About 1712/1713 he possibly married as his third wife Neeltje Thomas, a daugher of Urbanus Thomaszen and Maria Schouten, who was baptised on 18 October 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Joris Martenszen and Neeltie Urbanus).

Willem Brouwer appeared on the assessment list of at Breukelen, Long Island, in September 1676 assessed at 18, with 1 poll. He and Elizabeth Simpson were a member of at Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush. The list of members living at Gowanus is undated, however, it does state that Johannes Christoffelsz died on 22 November 1684, so it was recorded at some time after that date. Their entry reads, "left- Willem Brouwer and wife Elisabeth Brouwers- returned." William was named in his father's will dated 22 January 1691/1692. He appeared on the census of 1698 at Town of Brookland, Kings County, New York, as Willem Brouwer, with a household of 1 man, 1 woman, 2 children, and 2 apprentices. In an indenture dated 7 May 1708, Willem Brower and Martha, his wife, of Brooklyn conveyed to Cornelius Sleght of Newtown, Queens County, a house and garden spot in Brooklyn, "containing six rods in the front to the street and seven rods in the reare bounded easterly by the street or highway in the front, in the reare, westerly by George Hansons land, northerly by Thomas Knight's land and southerly by the lott of said William Brower, bought of Cornelius Vandewater. William and Martha Brower each signed with their mark. In 1704 and 1709 he was mentioned as a constable of Brookland (Breuckelen). A Brooklyn deed dated 7 May 1708 mentioned Willem Brouwer and Martha "h.w. of Brookland."

Sara Knight and Martha Brouwer were indicted by the grand jury for false swearing with regard to a riot which occurred at the tavern kept by Thomas Knight in 1708. They were discharged during a subsequent session as nobody appeared against them.

4. Maria Brouwer, was baptised on 4 June 1653 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Francois Baschet and Engeltje Jans), and probably died prior to 1703. On 20 September 1676 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (with banns published there 3 September 1676) she married as her first husband Jacob Pieterszen (Verhulst), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born probably prior to 1656 in Lübeck, Germany. The marriage record reads: Jacob Pieterszen, j.m. Van Lubeck, en Mary Brouwers, j.d. Van de Gauwanes. On 13 October 1686 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (with banns published there 19 September 1686) she married as her second husband Barent Jansz Van Tilburg, from Midwout, NY, a son of Jan Theunissen (van Tilburg) and Tryntje Pieters, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1666 . Their marriage record reads: Barent Janszen, j.m. Van Midwout, en Marritie Brouwers, Wede Van Jacob Pieterszen, beyde wonende alhier.

Barent van Tilburg took the Oath of Allegiance in September 1687 at Kings County, New York, as "barent Janssen, native." He appeared on the census of 1703 at New York City, New York, with 1 male 16-60, no adult females, 1 male child, 1 female child.

5. Jacob Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1655 (or as early as 1647/1648) probably in Gowanus, New Netherland, and died prior to 20 December 1706. On 29 January 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn (with banns published on 7 January 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush and published again on 8 January 1682 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York) he married Annetje Bogardus, a daughter of Willem Bogardus and Wyntje Sybrants, who was baptised on 3 October 1663 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Cornelis Bogardus and Marritie Loockermans). Their marriage in Brooklyn was not recorded in the records for the church there. Recorded in Flatbush and the New York Church, the marriage record reads: Jacobus Brouwer, j.m. Van de Gauwanes, en Annetje Bogardus, j.d. Van N. Yorck, beyde woonende aende Gauwanes.

Gerrit Kroesen was taxed in Brooklyn in 1675 and 1676 for land between the home lots of Jacob Brouwer and Volkert Hendircksen Bries. Jacob appeared on the assessment list of at Breukelen, Long Island, in September 1676 assessed at 18, with 1 poll, and on another assessment for Brooklyn dated 26 September 1683 with 2 cows, 1 cow of 2 yrs., and 6 morgens of land and valley. Assessed at £42.10.

He took the Oath of Allegiance in September 1687 at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, as "Jacob brouwer, native." Jacob was named in his father's will dated 22 January 1691/1692, for his disobedience he is to receive "not a penny" and his share is devised to his children.

Jacob Brouwer's lands at Gowanus are mentioned in a "Division of Common lands & woods into three parts, at a towne meeting held Febr. 25th, 1692/3 att Brooklyn, in manner following, I - All the lands and woods after Bedford & Cripplebush over the hills to the path of New Lotts shall be long to the inhabitants & free holders of Gowanus beginning from Jacob Brower and soe to the uttermost bounds of the limits of New Utrecht." He appeared on the census of 1698 at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, as Jacob Brouwer, with a family of 1 man, 1 woman, and 6 children. Recorded between Mighiel Hanse Bergen and Adam Brouwer. On 17 October 1704, "William Brower Junr. son of Jacob Brower of Brookland, doth voluntarily and of his own free will and accord by and with the consent of his parents put himself apprentice to Stephen Bedent of Broockland, feltmaker, to serve him from the 17th day of October 1704 till the full term of four years." Jacob Brower, William Brower and Stephen Bedent all sign by their marks.

6. Fytie Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1657 possibly in Gowanus, New Netherland. About 1676 she married as her first husband Evert Hendrickszen (Van Gelder), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1656. With banns published on 20 February 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush she married as her second husband Matthys Corneliszen (Van Horn), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1667. At the time of their marriage, Matthys was recorded as "j.m. van Jutland, Denmark" with both he and Fytie residing in Brooklyn.

Fytie is named in her father's will dated 22 January 1691/92. She was living in 1709; when she is mentioned in a bond indenture between her husband Matthys Cornelisse and her brother Nicholas Brouwer.

Evert appeared on the assessment list of at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, on 26 September 1683 as Evert Hendrickse, rated at £24.10, with 1 poll, 1 cow, 1 do yearling. Evert Hendricksen and Marretje Hendricks may be siblings. Both were married to Brouwer siblings, and in addition, Marretje appeared as a sponsor for the baptism of two of Evert's children, six and eight years before she married Adam Brouwer.

Matthys Cornelissen took the Oath of Allegiance in September 1687 at Kings County, New York, as "Matthys Cornelisen, 23 jeare" (in this country for 23 years). His name was on the assessment roll of New Utrecht in 1693. He appeared on the census of 1698 at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, as Matthys Cornelisse, with a household of 1 man, 1 woman, and 5 children.

On 20 April 1709, Nicholas Brower of Brookland, "am holden and firmly bound unto Mattyse Corneliusse of Brookland, in the penal sum of £350." The conditions of the obligation required Nicholas to pay "unto Cornelius and Abram the two and only sons and children of Mattys Corneliusse and Feytie his wife," the sum of £175 each, within twelve months of the decease of Matthys Corneliusse and Feytie his wife, and in the meantime to pay yearly, and every year to Matthys and Fytie, his wife, and the longest liver of them after, the rate of six percent, payable on 1 May, yearly (a payment schedule is then described). Signed by Nicholas Brower. Then on 12 August 1709, Mattyse Corneliusse bound himself to Nicholas Brower, for the same sum of £350.

7. Helena Brouwer, was baptised on 31 October 1660 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn (Wit.: None). On 6 November 1681 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn she married as her first husband David Hendrickszen. Their marriage record reads: David Hendrickszen, j.m. Uyt Engelant, en Helena Brouwers, j.d. Van de Gauwanus, beijde woonachtig in N. Yorke, en getrouwd, den 6 Nov. op Breukelen. Prior to 1690 she married as her second husband William Nazareth, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1670.

William Nazareth appeared on the census of 1703 at New York City, New York, "Wm. Naeros" is listed in the East Ward, twice. Once with a household of 0 males 16-60, 1 female, 1 male child, 4 female children, then a second time with 1 male 16-60, 1 female, 1 male child, 4 female children. In 1704, William Nazareth was a quartermaster on the Dutch ship Del Rey. On 17 October 1704, William Nazareth, and Capt. Adrian Claver, filed a petition regarding "certain prizes."

Helena has not been found in the records after 1701. Three of her daughters do appear on the Island of Curagao beginning in 1715, so it is likely that the family relocated there sometime in the first decade of the 1700's. Curagao is in the Lesser Antilles, or Netherlands Antilles, off the north coast of Venezuala. It's natural harbor became an important port for the Dutch West India Company, and was a major port in the Atlantic slave trade.

8. Adam Brouwer, was baptised on 18 May 1662 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn (wit.: Neeltie Jans), and died prior to 20 December 1706. With Banns published on 18 May 1690 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush he married Marretje Hendricksen, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1665. Their marriage record reads: Adam Adamse (B)erkoven, j.m., met Marretie Hendricks, j.d., beijde woonachtigh tot Bruekelen.

"Adam Brouwer, Junior, native, of Breucklijn" took the oath of allegiance to the British crown in Sept. 1687. On 18 March 1694, Volkert Hendrickse Breets of Brooklyn sold to Adam Brower of Brooklyn, for £50, a lot of ground situated in Brooklyn towards Gowanus between the lands of Jacob Brower and Volkert Briez, aforesaid. In the 1698 census of Kings County, Adam wass living in Breukelen with a family of 1 male, 1 female, and 4 children. He was named in his father's will dated 22 January 1691/1692. Adam Brower, Jr. was mentioned in a Kings County conveyance dated 23 October 1701: "Volkert Briez and wife Elizabeth of Gowanus deed Coll. Gerardus Beeckman of Kings Co. land in Gowanus bounded by land formerly owned by Adam Brower, Jr."

In 1708, Maritie Browers, with other members and inhabitants belonging to the "Low Dutch Reformed Congregation at Breukelen," signed a petition asking for a minister from Holland for whose support "we will contribute." Marritie signed with her mark. Evert Hendricksen and Marretje Hendricks may be siblings. Both were married to Brouwer siblings, and in addition, Marretje appeared as a sponsor for the baptism of two of Evert's children, six and eight years before she married Adam Brouwer.

9. Aeltje Brouwer, married Josias Janszen Drake.
10. Sara Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1668 probably in Gowanus, Kings County, New York. On 13 July 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Borrklyn (with Banns published there on 28 June 1684) she married as her first husband Theunis Janszen, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1656 in Vlissingen (uncertain whether this refers to the town in The Netherlands or in Queens County, New York). Their marriage record reads: Theunis Janszen, j.m. Van Vlissingen, en Sara Brouwers, j.d. Van de Guijanes, d'Eerste woonende alheir en tweede op de Guijanes. With banns published on 23 September 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush she married as her second husband Thomas Smit, who had no birth or baptismal record. Their marriage record reads: Thomas Smit, j.m., met Sara Brouwer wedue van Tuenes Jansen beijde woonende tot Bruekelen. Prior to 12 August 1698 she married as her third husband Thomas Knight. He died prior to January 1724 when Sara married as her fourth husband Samuel Brooks.

Theunis Janzen appeared on the assessment list of at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, in September 1676 as Theunis Jansen, rated at £197, with 3 poll, 3 horses, do of 2 yr., 2 oxen, 4 cows, 4 do of 3 yr., 4 do of 1 yr, 2 hogs, 23 morgens of land and valley. He appeared on the assessment list of at Brooklyn on 26 September 1683 as Teunis Jansen, rated at £130.10, with 2 horses, 5 cows, 6 do of 2 yrs., 3 do of 1 yr., 4 sheep, 1 poll, 20 morgens of land.

A Thomas Knight appears in the list of soldiers engaged in the expedition against Canada in 1689. On 7 May 1695 Jurian Hendrickse Briez and wife Augnitie of Brooklyn deeded Thomas Knight of that place, land in Brookland at the southside of the Kings Highway, bounded by land of Joris Hansen and by that formerly in possession of John Evertse Bout, deceased. Both signed and witnessed by John Dirckse Woortman and Jacobus Vandewater, and recorded on 21 June 1695. Thomas Knight appeared on the census of 1698 at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, with a family of 1 man, 1 woman, and 1 child. He is recorded next to his mother-in-law, "Magdalena fardon." "Thomas Knight's land," was mentioned in a deed dated 7 May 1708, in which William Brower and his wife Martha, sold their house and garden lot in Brooklyn to Cornelius Sleght. Thomas Knight's land bounded the property being sold, to the north.

11. Abraham Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born about 1667 in Gowanus, Kings County, New York. On 6 February 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush he married as his first wife Cornelia Juriandr Caljer, a daughter of Jurian Caljer and Lysbeth van der Hoeven, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1676 probably in Kinderhook, Columbia County, New York, and died prior to September 1732. About 1732 he married as his second wife and as her second husband Elisabeth Gerritsen, the widow of Nathaniel Britton and a daughter of Jan Gerritszen and Elisabeth Gysberts, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1688, and died after 30 November 1743.

On 1 September 1732, an agreement was made between Abraham Brouwer, of Brooklyn, miller and Elizabeth Brittaine, widow of Nathaniel, late of Staten Island, wherein it was set forth that they intended to marry, and it was agreed that Abraham Brouwer should pay her 200 pounds per year so long as she remained his widow, which should be in lieu of dower. "If she should marry again this allowance is revoked"

12. Nicholas Brouwer, was baptised on 16 April 1672 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Ariaentie Scherps), and died about 1749. With Banns published on 15 September 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush he married Jannetje Juriandr Caljer, a daughter of Jurian Caljer and Lysbeth Cornelise van der Hoeven, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1676 probably is Kinderhook, Columbia County, New York, and died after 1 April 1726.

Nicholas was named in his father's will dated 22 January 16891/1692. He appeared on the 1698 census for Bushwick, Kings County, New York, as Nicholaes Brouwer, with a household of 1 man, 1 woman, 1 child, and 1 apprentice. On 12 August 1698, Magdalena, widow of Adam Brouwer, conveyed to her sons Abraham and Nicholaes in consideration of an annual payment of 300 glds., 10 skipples of wheat, 2 of Indian corn and 2 loads of hay, and the payment of her debts, her right in the dwelling house, mill houses and mill and creeks thereunto belonging. Nicholas and Abraham then bought out their remaining siblings and became sole owners of the mill property at Gowanus.

On 10 October 1700, Peter Brower of East New Jersey deeds Abram and Nicholas Brower of Brooklyn, "Whereas there is a corn mill in Brooklyn called Gowanus Mill bounded by land of Jacob Hanson, Hendrick Vechte, Volkert Briez, formerly in the tenure of Adam Brower, deceased, true owner as by a conveyance from Tunis Nyssen, deceased, and heirs of John Evertse Bout, deceased, etc." The indenture states that Peter Brower is the eldest son of Adam Brower, deceased. Signs by his mark. Witnessed by William Laurence, Anthony Karr, both sign by mark. Acknowledged 21 October 1700 before Col. Gerardus Beeckman, Justice of the Peace.

13. Rachel Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1672 probably in Gowanus, Kings County, New York, and died on 25 February 1748 in Albany, Albany County, New York. On 5 June 1698 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (with Banns published there on 27 May 1698) she married Pieter Hendrickszen, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1656 in Friesland, The Netherlands. Their marriage record states reads: Pieter Hendrickszen, j.m. Uyt Vrieslandt, en Rachel Berckhoven, j.d. Van 't lange Eylt, beyde wonende alhier.

Pieter Hendrickszen was found on the tax list at Amersfort, Kings County, New York, in September 1676 as Pieter Hendrickse, 1 poll, 1 horse...30. In 1683 he was found on the tax list at as Pieter Hendricksen, with 1 man, 3 cows, 1 horse, 1 of 2 years, at 3.11. On 2 March 1684/85, Jan Theunison and Pieter Hendricksen, carpenters, were deposed at Flatlands, Kings County, New York, to testify on the behalf of Mistress Hendricke Strockels, widow of Mister Hainelle, that they witnessed Mr. Hainelle, "sickly in his house and lying before the fire," declare his last will.

14. Anna Brouwer, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1666 probably in Gowanus, Kings County, New York, and died on 25 February 1748 in Albany, Alban County, New York. On 6 April 1693 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as his second wife William Hilton, the widower of Sara Ebb, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1665, and died on 12 February 1749 in Albany, and was buried in the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany.

Anna often appeared in the baptismal entries for the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany as "Barko." William may have been born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England, and came to America while in military service. He was listed as a Private in Colonel Richard Ingoldby's company of Grenadiers in 1697, and later worked as an innkeeper. He and his wife resided in the City of Albany's First Ward in the location known as Southside, or "Cheapside." His name appeared on community rolls as a taxpayer and a freeholder.

15. Daniel Brouwer, was baptised on 7 May 1678 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: None), and probably died young.

Arent Laurenszen Toers, had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried on 8 January 1674 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey according to burial records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.

Arent, his wife, and three sons, emigrated to New Amsterdam prior to 1655. On 15 October 1655, he volunteered to pay 6 florins in labor for the defense of New Amsterdam. On 13 April 1657, "Arent Lourissen Carpenter" was confirmed in his rights as a Small Burgher.

Roelof Jansen, a mason, died at the house of Arent Laurensen on 16 November 1657, and on the 28th he petitioned the Burgomasters and Schepens to authorize one or two persons to sell the property of Jansen at public auction "that thus might be paid the expenses of his funeral, his house rent and other known and unknown debts." Sieur Mattheus de Vos, Notary Public, and Arent Laurensen were appointed. On 12 December 1657 Anna Claes appeared before the Orphanmasters and by two affidavits proved that Roelof Jansen "had given her in his liftime everyday clothing, his gun, powder-horn and what belonged to it; she also produces an account for house rent, for care taking and money advanced, amounting to 99fl. 18 st., wherein are included 7 beavers, the balance being in wampum.

Arent Laurensen was compelled to pay some money owing to the Orphanmasters in 1660. Probably about 1661 he removed to Bergen, where in 1662 he signed the petition of the Magistrates of Bergen asking to be provided with a clergyman. He pledged 10 florins for the support of the clergyman. On 4 July 1663, he volunteered for the protection of Bergen, and on 21 February 1664, he signed a petition for the erection of a blockhouse at Bergen. On 29 May 1664, he petitioned "that a piece of low land, close to his plantation, may be given and granted to him; he exhibits besides an extract from the minutes of the village of Bergen, whereby it appears, that the Court there has promised it to him subject to approval. The petition was granted. He also had property in New Amsterdam, for on 31 January 1664, "Arent Lauwrenzen of the Village of Bergen declared, that by virtue of a patent on 10 May 1662, he cedes, conveys, and grants to Adam Onckelbagh, Burgher and inhabitant of this city, a house and lot in the Westside of Smee Street." In November 1665, "Arent Lawrence," signed the Oath of Allegiance to the English. On 10 October 1670 six various pieces of property in and around Bergen were confirmed to Arent Laurensen. He joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen on 27 September 1672.

Anna Claes, had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried on 9 October 1682 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, seventeenth with pall, according to burial records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.

Anna Claes was one of the "old Memebrs" of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsteram, before 1660, and was one of the charter members of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen in 1664.
Children of Arent Laurenszen Toers and Anna Claes
1. Laurens Arentszen Toers, married Francyntie Thomase.
2. Claes Arentszen Toers, had no birth or baptismal record, and died and was buried on 10 October 1724 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, according to burial records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. On 13 July 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (with banns published there on 22 June 1684) he married Jacomyntje Van Nest, a daughter of Pieter Pieterszen Van Nest and Judith Joris, who was baptised on 29 May 1661 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Rem Janszen, Jan Joriszen, and Sara Montfoort), died on 10 December 1743, and was buried on 12 December 1742 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, according to burial records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.
3. Jan Arentszen Toers, had no birth or baptismal record and died unmarried on 14 August 1729 and was buried in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, according to burial records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.


Thomas Frederickszen, was baptised on 23 September 1611 as recorded at the New Reformed Dutch Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Jan Jansz; baptised by Domine Hollus), and died on 19 May 1702 in Bergen County, New Jersey. He married on 24 June 1646 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands, with intention filed in 26 May 1646. The marriage record reads: Compareerden als Voorn Thomas Frericx van A[msterdam] out 34 jaer varentgesel in de halvemaen steech geen ouders hebbend [ende] Maritie Ariaens van A[msterdam] out 18 jaer, geass[isteerd] met Ariaen Ariaensz in de Blindeman steech.

Thomas and his family probably emigrated between 1647 and 1650. On 11 July 1651, he was a witness at a transfer of property. In 1655 he was taxed 6 florins for the fortification of New Amsterdam, and later testified that he was "fully satisfied for their wages in working at the brandy." In 1656 he was a tavern-keeper, and was also fined 6 florins in a scandal suit of his wife's. That same year he also bought and sold some property. In 1657 he was a laborer at the Weighhouse, which on 9 September 1659, he resigned, and was thanked for his service. In 1660 he had a dispute with Abraham Lubbersen about a boat, and on 7 September it is stated that he is at Fort Orange. In 1659, 1660, and 1664 he sold five lots on the Prince Graght, now Broad Street. His wife was one of the old members of the Dutch Reformed Church of New Amsterdam before 1660, and was one of the charter members of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen in 1664. He removed to Bergen about 1661, as on 28 December 1662, he was one of the inhabitants of Bergen and Communipaw to protest against the fencing of lands near Bergen. In 1673 he was elected one of the Schepens of Bergen, and on 10 November 1677, he received a grant of land there. On 27 July 1678, he made a joint will with his wife, in which he stated that he was 67 years old, and also stated the ages of his children [parents]

Maritje Adriaens, was baptised on 16 April 1628 as recorded at the New Dutch Reformed Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Jaepje Gerrits), and died on 10 December 1702 in Bergen County, New Jersey. [parents]
Children of Thomas Frederickszen and Maritje Adriaens
1. Frederick Thomaszen, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1647, died on 8 November 1745, and was buried on 10 November 1745 in the churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen. On 23 October 1672 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married Tryntje Hoppe, a daughter of Andries Hoppe and Geertje Hendrickse, who was baptised on 10 September 1651 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jan Van de Bildt, Wyntie Elberts, and Arentje Gerrits), died on 8 May 1716, and was buried on 11 May 1716 in the churchyard of the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen.

Frederick was refered to as being 31 years of age in his parent's joint will dated 27 July 1678. He joined the Reformed Dutch Church in Bergen on 18 April 1682. He owned property at Slotterdam on the east side of the Passaic River from Acquackanonk in 1692 but continued to live in Bergen.

2. Adriaen Thomaszen, was baptised on 18 September 1650 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Andries Jochemszen and Hillegond Megapolensis), and died on 11 October 1689. On 21 June 1686 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married as her first husband Mayke Jacobusse, a daughter of Jacobus Jans and Jannetje Oothout, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1668 probably in Albany, Albany County, New York, and died prior to 3 June 1720. She married on 29 April 1690 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen as her second husband Frans Post.

Mayke was baptised as "Maaike Cobussen" and was a member of the Albany Church in 1683. She was admitted to the Bergen Church with Certificate on 6 April 1686. Adriaen was living at Acquackanonk when he died 11 October 1689.

3. Tryntje Thomase, was baptised on 23 February 1653 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Andries Jochemszen, Claes Hendrickszen, and Neeltje Fredericks) and died young.
4. Tryntje Thomase, was baptised on 26 January 1658 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Reyner Peiterszen, Adrian Vincent, and Celitje Fredrickes), and died young.
5. Tryntje Thomase, was baptised on 3 September 1662 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jacob and Margariet Hardenbroeck), died on 27 April 1748 in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey, and was buried on 29 April 1748. On 6 October 1684 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen she married Teunis Janszen Pier, a son of Jan Teuniszen Pier and Marytje Jans, who was baptised on 5 March 1664 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jan Spiegelsaen and Gerrit Lambertszen).

Teunis bought considerable tracts of land at Second River in 1685, 1688, 1690, 1692, 1696, 1697, and 1721, the deeds being sometimes to "Tunis Johnson (alias Speare)," in 1685, 1692, 1697 and 1721; to "Tunis Speere, of Ouchquickenunck," in 1688 and 1690. Tryntje was admitted to the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen in 1682. Teunis Jansen Pier was recorded among the members of the Acquackanonk church in 1726. The will of Tunis Pier, of Newark, Essex Co., yeoman, was dated 1 October 1727 and proved 9 April 1729, and in it he disposed of his property in this manner:

Item my will is and I doe Hereby will & Bequeath unto my Dearly beloved wife Catherine by name on Equall Third part of all my Personall Estate Dureing her life together with the benefit of one third Part of my Real Estate for So long as Shee Shall remain my widow to Improve for her use and benefit; Item I give Bequeath & Devise unto my Eldest son Johannes Pier by name the Sum of Fifty Pounds out of My Estate after Debts being Paid Together with all my wareing apparreil being of Wooling and Lennin Together with an Equall Share with my Six Children of the Remaining Part of my Personall Estate. Item I give bequeath and Devise unto my son Thomas the Sum of Ten Pounds out of a bond of Two hundred and fifty Pounds which he is to pay in Consideration of a tract of Land he hath of me by Deed under my hand bearing Date the Day before these Present will to be paid within Seven Years after me & my Present wife Decease as may appear by the said Bond bearing date as aforesaid Item I give Bequeath and Devise unto my Son Abraham one Equall Sixth part of all my Personal Estate that shall remain after Just Debts being paid, Item. I give Devise & bequeath unto my Son Jacob one Equall Sixth part of all my Personal Estate after Just Debts being paid as aforesd. Item I Give and bequeath unto my Eldest Daughter Rachell and Equall Sixth part as aforesaid with the rest of my Son's. Item I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Janitee also one Equall Sixth Part as aforesaid and I doe hereby Constitute & appoint my Loveing Son's Johannes Pier and Abraham Pier Sole Executors of this my Last will and Testamt.

Witnesses were Jno. Cooper, Gerret Wouterse, and Matheus van Deusen

6. Cornelis Thomaszen, was baptised on 15 January 1659 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Adriaen Vincent, Gabriel de Haes, Engeltie Jans, and Anna Vincent). On 8 August 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married Marytje Coeymans, a daughter of Lucas Pieterse Coeymans and Ariantje (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1676 probably in Albany, Albany County, New York.

Cornelis and his brother bought land at Second River, NJ, in 1695 and were living there four years later.

7. Fracyntie Thomase, married Laurens Arentszen Toers.
8. Johannes Thomaszen, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1666, and died on 22 March 1759 in Essex County, New Jersey. On 1 January 1706 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married as her second husband marritie Van Deusen, the widow of Tymen Valentyne and a daughter of Melgert Abrahamszen Van Deusen and Engeltje Rutgers, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1682. Banns for thier marriage were published on 9 December 1705 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen and certificate was received on 23 December 1705.
9. Jannetje Thomase, was baptised either on or between 8 July 1667 and 3 October 1667 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen (wit.: Jan Loserecht and Aennetje Hermens).
10. Thomas Thomaszen, was baptised on 4 February 1672 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Pieter Corneliszen and Hendrickje Aerts), and died after 1 December 1746. On 17 September 1701 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married Sara Van Deusen, a daughter of Melgert Abrahamszen Van Deusen and Engeltje Rutgers, who had no birth or baptismal record.

They lived near Second River, New Jersey. He owned 180 acres of land in 1696 in Essex County, New Jersey. In the list of those owing quit-rents in New York, is John Gardner for 138 acres. In the 1696 tax list for Essex County is John Gardner, 180 acres sold to Cornelius and Thomas Thomassen (Cadmus) and 100 acres. (NJHSP NS 15:240, 374) Thomas died between 1 December 1746 and 11 September 1753, the dates his will was written and proved.

Jean Genung, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1640 in La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, France. He died prior to 21 May 1714 in Flushing, Queens County, New York. He married on 13 August 1662 in on the farm of the Director General, Brooklyn, Kings County, New Netherland (wit.: Marcus Suson and Jan Duurkop).

Their marriage took place on the farm of the Director General. Witnesses were Marcus Suson and Jan Duurkop.

Jean Genung, who name originally was Guenon (also rendered Guion) sailed from Amsterdam 2 April 1657 in the ship Draetvat under the command of Captain Beastevaer. He was listed as Jan Guion from Leyden, as as a credit passanger, the price of the voyage being 36 florins. After a 6 week voyage he landed in Flushing, Long Island. He was a farmer and land owner. On 26 September 1680 he petitioned for more land and claimed to have lived there for over 20 years. On 29 September 1683, in Flushing, he possessed: six upland acres, 2 horses, 3 cows, 3 - 2 year olds, 3 swine, and 10 sheep. In a list of inhabitants of Flushing in 1698, John Genung and Margreta were he first named of the French families and this is the first recorded use of the "new" family name. At the time, there were three in the family and two negroes. His will was dated 24 November 1703 at Flushing.

Grietie Snedan, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [parents]
Children of Jean Genung and Grietie Snedan
1. Annatje Genung, was baptised on 26 April 1664 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Nicolaes de Lapleine and Machteld de Reimer). Known as Hannah, she married Joseph Hedger, a son of Thomas Hedger and Elizabeth Burton, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Joseph, his wife Hannah, son s Joseph and Uriah, and daughters Margaret, Sarah, and Hannah, were recorded in the list of inhabitants of Flushing, New York, compiled in 1698.

Joseph's will was written on 13 May 1712 and probated at Flushing, New York, on 16 April 1713. It reads in part: My wife Hannah Hedger, my son Joseph Hedger, my seven daughters, viz. Margaret Hedger, Hannah Hedger, Sarah Hedger, Jeane Hedger, Susannah Hedger, Koziah Hedger & Letitia Hedger. My four minor sons, none yet aged 21, viz., Uria Hedger, William Hedger, John Hedger & Charles Hedger. Land bounded by Thomas Hedger and Anthony Badgeley. Land formerly of John Field. Sole executor my wife Hannah Hedger. Overseers my son Joseph Hedger with "Thos." Parmiter. Witnesses; Thomas Parmiter and John Lawrence and Marget Parmiter and Hester Parmiter. Justice was John Tredwell.

2. Grietje Genung, was baptised on 1 November 1665 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Tryntie Jans), and died prior to 1698/1702. Known as Margaret, about 1688 she married as his first wife John Field, a son of Anthony Field and Sarah (__), who was born on 15 May 1659 in Flushing, Queens County, New York, and died between 11 March 1724/1725 and 22 July 1729 in Piscataway, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Between 1698 and 1702 he married as his second wife Sarah (__).
Grietje Genung and John Field have other descendants, such as:
.Jeremiah Field - Marytje Van Vechten
 .Jeremiah Field - Phebe (__)
 |.Maria Field - Johannes Ten Eyck
 | .Jeremiah Field Ten Eyck - Jan Van Arsdalen
 |  .Ida Ten Eyck - John Field
 |   .Alletta Maria Field - Charles Wyckoff
 |    .Isabella Wyckoff - George Victor Totto
 |     .Ida Ten Eyck Totto - Francis Calyxtus O'Keffe
 |      .GEORGIA TOTTO O'KEEFFE (1887-1986) artist - ALFRED STIEGLITZ 1864-1946) photographer
 |      .Anita Ten Eyck O'Keefe - ROBERT RALPH YOUNG (1897-1958) businessman
 .John Field - Elizabeth Fisher
  .Jeremiah Field - Sophia Sebring
  |.John Field - Ida Ten Eyck
  | .Alletta Maria Field - Charles Wyckoff
  |  .Isabella Wyckoff - George Victor Totto
  |   .Ida Ten Eyck Totto - Francis Calyxtus O'Keffe
  |    .GEORGIA TOTTO O'KEEFFE (1887-1986) artist - ALFRED STIEGLITZ 1864-1946) photographer
  |    .Anita Ten Eyck O'Keefe - ROBERT RALPH YOUNG (1897-1958) businessman
  .Maria Field - Joseph Couwenhoven
   .John Conover - Eleanor Davis
    .John Conover - Jane Elisa Cornell
     .John Conover - Alice Leona Austin
      .John Austin Conover - Dora Beals
       .DAVID BEALS CONOVER (1919-1983) photojournalist

3. Susanna Genung, was baptised on 26 May 1667 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Claes Evels and Karsten Sneding). She married (__) (Louereer or Lowery).
4. Jan Genung, was baptised on 31 March 1669/70 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Jan Joosten and Aefjie Laurens), and died unmarried probably about 1767/68 - "Always a cripple but spared by God to a very old age."
5. Jeremiah Genung, married Martha Denman.
6. Saertie Genung, was baptised on 18 March 1674 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Niefie Andries), and died probably unmarried prior to 1727.

John Denman, had no birth or baptismal record and was born on 16 January 1621 in England, and died in 1691 probably in Queens County, New York. He married about 1640/1642 possibly either in Salem Colony, Essex County, Massachusetts, or South Hampton, Long Island, New Netherlands. [parents]

John Denman [alias Denham] was apprenticed ca. 1639 by his mother, widow Judith Smead, to a "Mr Batcheller of Sallem," and later owned land at Wenham, Essex Co, MA, which he sold to Samuel Porter before removing to Middelburg, Long Island, with the family of his cousin Joanna (Chamberlain) Betts, where he was living 1662.

(__), had no birth or baptismal record and is otherwise unidentified. Unsourced information give her name as Mary (born about 1629, died about 1674), possibly with the surname Gano though this latter piece of information is unlikely, while other unsourced information think that she might be Sarah Hollander.
Children of John Denman and (__)

Adam Brouwer, was born on 18 January 1619/1620 in Hoorn, The Netherlands. He died between 22 January 1691/1692 and 21 March 1692, the dates on which his will was written and proved. He married on 19 March 1645 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam.
Magdalena Jacobs Verdon, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1624 probably in The Netherlands. She died after 12 August 1698 in Gowanus, Breukelen Province, New York.

Please see the entry for 3458 and 3459 for this couples' children.

Uldrick Kleyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Staden, Hessen, Germany. He died between 1672 and 1679. Banns for their marriage were published on 28 June 1641 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam.

In the marriage Banns, Uldrick was referred to as a bachelor from Hessen, and Baefje as a spinster from Amsterdam. Uldrick came to New Amsterdam as a soldier and was in the colony as early as 22 May 1640 when he acknowledged a debt of 38 Carolus guilders to Harmen Abrahams Costerius to be taken out of his wages. On 6 August 1642 he bought a small house and garden in New Amsterdam. Later the same month he gave testimony, both times signing his name. On 19 May 1643 he witnessed a document in New Amsterdam. He then disappeared from the records of the colony until 25 October 1653 when he was granted a house and lot in Beverwyck. Baefje was a tavern keeper in Beverwyck and appeared frequently in court records from 1654 until 1671, often to collect unpaid debts from customers. She was evidently the primary provider for her family. Ulderick appeared in court records without an occupation, although he contracted in 1668-69 to be a cowherd. As with many New Netherland residents, verbal and physical violence were sometimes present in cases involving Baefje and Ulderick, like the following:

4 April 1656 Jan de Dekere, commisary and officer here, plaintiff, against Baefgie Pieters, because the defendant last Sunday a week ago treated him, the plaintiff, very badly and by closing her door interfered with and impeded him in the exercise of his office, wherefore the plaintiff demands that the defendant be condemned to pay a fine...

5 September 1657 Ulderick Kleyn, plaintiff, against Eldert Gerbrantsen, defendant. The plaintiff complains that the defendant, last Wednesday, being the 29th of August, called his wife a woman who hed been flogged and branded on the scaffold at Amsterdam and said that she had whored around with the "malle boer" and "hageboom" named Jacob Klomp. The defendant answers that the plaintiff's wife called him a scoundrel and a thief and his wife a whore....

Ulderick and Baefje received assistance from the deacons of the Albany Dutch Church in 1656 and from 1660 to 1669. The goods they received included cloth and articles of clothing, food, blankets, soap and wood. In addition, the deacons paid 129 guilders to a surgeon for curing Ulderick in 1666. In partial payment, Ulderick and Baefje performed such tasks as taking in boarders, cleaning the church, and stringing sewant (pieces of shells used as currency). The deacon's records indicated that the couple had at least a son and a daughter.

[from: The Family of Ulderick Kleyn and Baefje Pieters, by Henry B. Hoff, F.A.S.G., F.G.B.S., NYGBR, Apr. 1998]

Baefje Pieters, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Uldrick Kleyn. Prior to 1 April 1679 she married as her second husband Jan Roelofszen de Goyer, who had no birth or baptismal record and may be from Gooiland in North Holland. He was "burnt in ye house" on 9 February 1690 during the Indian attack on Schenectady, Albany County, New York. Baefje was not listed among the dead or captured victims of the Schenectady Massacre: it is unknown when she died.

Jan had lived in Albany prior to moving to Schenectady about 1670. The marriage was not entirely harmonius, as the following court records indicate:

1 April 1679 Baefje Pieters says that a separation of bed and board has taken place at Schenectady between herself and her usband, Jan Roelofse, as it is not possible for her to live any longer with him.

5 December 1682 Jan de Goyer signs a bond in which he promises to live in a Christian and decent manner with his wife, and shall not maltreat her any more, "nor hereafter give her any occasion to complain about me if she does not give me any occasion to do so. Also that I shall avoid drunkenness and lead a sober and decent life as a Christian man should."

Children of Uldrick Kleyn and Baefje Pieters
1. Melchior Kleyn, was baptised on 23 November 1642 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jacob Swart and Sara Roelofs). He had no further record.
2. Johannes Kleyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1649. About 1678 he married as her first husband Maria Cobus, a daughter of Ludovicus Cobus and Alida Pieters, who had no birth or baptismal record. Johannes died 2 October 1686 "at his home above Schenectady." Between 1686 and 1690 Maria married as her second husband Gerrit Janse Ruyting. On 30 September 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Schenectady she married as her third husband Tam Smith.
3. Petronella Kleyn, married Pieter Brouwer.
4. Ariaantje Kleyn, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1660. She married as her first husband Gerrit Van Vranken, a son of Claes Gerritse Van Vranken, who had no birth or baptismal record. On 10 October 1692 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as her second husband and as his second wife Geraldus (Camberfoort or Comfort), the widower of Antje Raal. He was living in Schenectady in 1690 and Niskayuna in 1720. He owned land on the north side of the Mohawk River which he sold in 1694 to Carel Hansen Toll.
Ariaantje Uldricks and Gerrit Claeszen Van Vranken have other descendants, such as:
.Geertruy Van Vranken - Jacob Clute
|.Ariaantje Clute - Adam Van Vranken
||.Adam Van Vranken - Gertrude Van Vranken
|| .Eleanor Van Vranken - Abraham Van Hoevenberg
||  .Adam Van Vranken Van Hoevenberg - Cynthia Melinda Cole
||   .HENRY VAN HOEVENBERG (1849-1918) inventor, resort developer
|.Elizabeth Clute - Adriaan Quackenbosch
| .Jacob Quackenbush - Experience Wilkinson (*)
|  .Jacob Quackenbush, Jr. - Ann (__)
|   .Isaac Quackenbush - Julia Ross   (**)
|    .Susan Quackenbush - Fletcher Adelbert Defendorf
|     .Hiram Defendorf - Elizabeth (__)
|      .Elizabeth Defendorf - Henry Bostwick
|       .BARRY BOSTWICK (1946-living) film and TV actor - STACEY NELKIN (living) TV actor
.Claes Gerritszen Van Vranken - Geertruy Quackenbosch
|.Gerrit Van Vranken - Marytje Fort
||.Johannes Gerrit Van Vranken - Geertruy Maria Van Vranken
|| .Gerrit Van Vranken - Ann Fort
||  .Daniel Van Vranken - Marcia Saunders
||   .Annie Van Vranken - Archibald Davenport Wright
||    .WILLARD HUNTINGTON WRIGHT (1888-1939) editor, novelist, and critic
||    .STANTON MACDONALD WRIGHT (1890-1973) artist
|.Pieter Van Vranken - Neeltje Groot
||.Gertrude Van Vranken - Adam Van Vranken
|| .Eleanor Van Vranken - Abraham Van Hoevenberg
||  .Adam Van Vranken Van Hoevenberg - Cynthia Melinda Cole
||   .HENRY VAN HOEVENBERG (1849-1918) inventor, resort developer
|.Maria Van Vranken - Johannes Fort
| .Daniel J. Fort - Maria Van den Bergh
|  .Ann Fort - Gerrit Van Vranken
|   .Daniel Van Vranken - Marcia Saunders
|    .Annie Van Vranken - Archibald Davenport Wright
|     .WILLARD HUNTINGTON WRIGHT (1888-1939) editor, novelist, and critic
|     .STANTON MACDONALD WRIGHT (1890-1973) artist
.Uldrick Van Vranken - Geertruy Cregier
 .Jannetie Van Vranken - Nicolaas Van Vranken
  .Geertruy Maria Van Vranken - Johannes Gerrit Van Vranken
   .Gerrit Van Vranken - Ann Fort
    .Daniel Van Vranken - Marcia Saunders
     .Annie Van Vranken - Archibald Davenport Wright
      .WILLARD HUNTINGTON WRIGHT (1888-1939) editor, novelist, and critic
      .STANTON MACDONALD WRIGHT (1890-1973) artist

(*) the parentage given for Jacob Quackenbush suffers from the fact that he would
    have been 15 when he married, and he did not name any children after his
    parents (which was the custom though not the rule).

(**) the parentage of Isaac Quackenbush suffers from the fact that Quackenbush
     genealogies do not list any children for his supposed parents Jacob and Ann.


David desMarets, was born about 1620. He died on 16 October 1695 in Kinderkamack, New Jersey. He married on 24 July 1643 in the French Church of Middelburg, Walcheren, Zeeland, The Netherlands. Their marriage record reads: "4 Jullet 1643. Assistes de Jean de marets et Francois Sohier, margue de Serville, et Maguerite Sohier. David de Marest fils de Jean natif de beauchamp et marie Sohier fille de francois native de Nieppe. ft le 19 Juill. Mariee le 24 Jull."

A name-only charted version of his ancestry may be found here.
Marie Sohier, was born about 1621 in Nieppe. She died about 1677 in either Harlem, New York, or Kinderkamack, New Jersey. [parents]
Children of David desMarets and Marie Sohier
1. Jean Demarest, married Jacomina Deruine.
2. Marie Demarest, was baptised on 21 October 1646 as recorded at the Walloon and Huguenot Church of Middelburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands (wit.: unknown), and died young.
3. David Demarest, was baptised on 22 June 1649 as recorded at the Walloon and Huguenot Church of Middelburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands (wit.: Jean le Long and Francois Sohier) and died young.
4. David Demarest, was born on 20 December 1651 and baptised (no date) as recorded at the Walloon and Huguenot Church of Middelburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands (wit.: Jean Hendricka Esti and Jeanne Moffi), and died about August 1691. On 4 April 1675 as recorded at the French Church in Kinderkamack (Bergen Co., NJ) he married as her first husband Rachel Cresson, a daughter of Pierre Cresson and Rachel Clauss, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1656 possibly in Delft, The Netherlands. Rachel married as her second husband Jan Durie; and as her third husband Roelof Vander Linde.

David died about August 1691 in Bergen County, New Jersey, where tradition states that he was killed by a falling tree. He left no will.

5. Samuel Demarest, was born on 5 August 1656 and baptised on 10 August 1656 as recorded at the Walloon and Huguenot Church of Middelburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands (wit.: Samuel le Sohier and Marguerite Dumont), and died prior to 19 October 1672 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. On 11 August 1678 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen he married Maria Deruine, a daughter of Simon de Ruine and Magdalena Van der Straaten, who was baptised on 1 January 1662 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jean Cocu and Jannetje Frans).
6. Marie Demarest, was born on 27 March 1659 and baptised on 10 April 1659 as recorded at the Walloon and Huguenot Church of Middelburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands (wit.: Augustine Munier and Marie flammert, his wife) and died young.
7. Marie demarest, was born on 17 May 1662 and baptised on 19 May 1662 as recorded at the Walloon and Huguenot Church of Middelburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands (wit.: Pierre Moru and Marie Gerard, jeune fille), and died young.
8. Daniel Demarest, was baptised on 7 July 1666 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Walraven), and died on 8 January 1672.

Simon Deruine, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1615 probably in Landrecies, France, and died on 12 June 1678 in Flushing, Long Island, New York. The name of his first wife in unkwown. He amrried as his second wife Magdalena Van der Straten, a daughter of Lodewyck Van der Straten and (__", who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1620 probably in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Simon emigrated from Hainault region of France and arrived in New Amsterdam on 12 February 1659 onboard De Trouw with his wife and two children.
Children of Simon Deruine and Magdalena Van der Straten
1. Barteljs Deruine, was baptised on 26 October 1659 as recorded Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Adriaen Vincent and Hester Couwenhoven).
2. Marritie Derunie, was baptised on 1 January 1662 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jean Cocu and Jannetje Frans). On 11 August 1678 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen she married Samuel Demarest, a son of David Demarest and Maria Sohier, who was born 5 August 1656 and baptised 10 August 1656 as recorded at the Walloon and Huguenot Church of Middelburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands (wit.: Samuel le Sohier and Marguerite Dumont), and died prior to 19 October 1728 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey.

Samuel was twice an Elder in the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack. His will was dated 10 May 1727 and probated on 19 October 1728.

3. Magdalena Deruine, was baptised on 21 June 1665 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Adriaen Appel and Magdalena Casjou).


(__), had no birth or baptismal record. She died prior to 1659.
Children of Simon Deruine and (__)
1. Jacomina Deruine, married Jean Demarest
2. Jannetje Deruine, had no birth or baptismal record. With banns published on 5 December 1679 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam she married as his second wife Jean de Pre, the widower of Margariet Jans from Scotland, who had no birth or baptismal record. According to the marriage record, Jannetje was "Van Amsterdam" and Jean was "Van Coma."

Lambert Huybertszen Mol, had no birth or baptismal record and may possibly have been born about 1595 in Arnhem, Gelderland, The Netherlands, and died between 8 September 1674 and 22 October 1679. He married about 1624 as his first wife Margaretha (__). Probably about the mid 1630's he married as his second wife Tryn Pieters.

Lambert was most likely living in New Netherland as early as 1625 when his daughter Marritje was born. On 18 January 1631 he was mentioned as a farmer and shipbuilder and living in New Amsterdam is what is current day 63 Wall Street. In 1641 he bought a patent for 25 morgens of land near Rinnegoconck, New York, from Conrelis van Tienhoven. Lambert and his son Reyer were the owners of a tract of land encompasing 150 acres, extending from the marches of the Wallabout to modern day North Street in Brooklyn, which covers about one-half of Modern Williamsburgh. The patent for this land was aquired as early as 1641, and sold to Jacob Kip in 1667. On 20 July 1641, Cornelis Jacobsen Stille deeded to him a house and plantation north east of Hans Hanses [Bergen] in Bushwick, Long Island, New Amsterdam. In the Reformed Dutch Church membership list for 1649 his wife's name was listed as Tryn Pieters. In 1649, Lambert owned a house in The Hoogstraat on the northwest side of New York. In that same year, in a suit against Isaac Kip, Lambert appears to the Court of Burgomasters at the Stadhuys with "a drappie in the eye." The indignant court promptly vindicated its outraged dignity by fining the offender the sum of six guilders and turning him out of its presence. During the Indian attacks in 1655, Lambert loaned one of his vessels to the frightened inhabitants of Gamoenepa (Communipaw), across the North River, for the purpose of ferrying over their cattle to Manhattan Island. The refugees did not return the vessel to Lambert and Lambert experienced much trouble in recovering its possession. In 1656 he was orderd by the council to make an examination and report upon the condition of a vessel from Virginia, then in the harbour. In 1658 he was a guardian in an Orphanhouse together with Cornelis Aaresen. On 25 August 1663 Lambert bought 21 morgens of land in Esopus. Lambert took the Oath of Allegiance to the English in New York in 1664. On 31 August 1669 he witnessed the Will of Anna Medford together with Abraham Verplanck and Warnar Wessels. In 1676 his house was sold to Elias Puddington, shipwright.
Children of Lambert Huybertszen Mol and Margaretha (__)
1. Marritie Lambertse Mol, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1628. On 7 May 1646 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam she married Gerrit Hendrickszen, who had no birth or baptismal record. At the time of their marriage, she was recorded as "j.d Uyt N. Nerderlt" and he as "j.m. Van Deveuter."

The will of Geritt Hendrickszen reads in part:

Appeared before William Bogardus, Notary, 28 November 1683, Geritt Hendrickse, dwelling near Stuyvesants Bowery. He leaves to each of his seven children "begotten on the body of his former wife, Margaret Moll, deceased, viz., Henry, Huybert, Johanes, Abraham, Isaac, Margaret, and Maria Gerrits, 350 guilders in wampum. He leaves all the rest to his wife Josyntie Thomas, and she is to pay all debts and to bring up the children begotten by her, viz., Elizabeth and Peter. If the Bowery or Plantation be sold, his wife shall see that the children are put at trades. He makes Hans Kierstede and John Johnson Longstrate overseers. Witness, John Peterse Herring, John Tiebout, William Bogardus. Endorsed on the will is the approval of his sons Henry Gerritsen and Abraham Gerrittsen, and Lambert Aertzen Van Thuyl, husband of Margaret Gerritsen.

2. Reyer Lambertszen Mol, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1626.


Tryn Pieters, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Cornelis Tijsoon van Woggelem, and as her second husband Lambert Huybertszen Mol.
Children of Lambert Huybertszen Mol and Tryn Pieters
1. Hendrick Lambertszen Mol, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1638. With banns published 20 July 1662 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam he married Jannetje Williems, who had no birth or baptismal record. At the time of their marriage, he was recorded as "j.m. Van Aernham" and she as "j.d. Van Meppel."
2. Huybert Lambertszen Mol, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1638. With banns published 20 July 1662 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam he married Jannetje Williems, who had no birth or baptismal record. At the time of their marriage, he was recorded as "j.m. Van Aernham" and she as "j.d. Van Meppel."
3. Abraham Lambertszen Mol, was baptised on 23 March 1642 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jan Snucker, Schoenm; Gerrit Wolfertszen, Christine Hunen, and Hester Jans). With banns published 16 December 1662 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam he married Jacomyntie Jacobs Dartelbeeck, who had no birth or baptismal record. At the time of their marriage, she was recorded as "j.d. Van Utrecht." They both joined the Reformed Dutch Church of New York on 28 July 1670.

In the name of God, Amen. The 6 September, 1723. I, Abraham Mull, of New York, "being very aged but of sound mind." I leave to my wife, Jackamintie, all my estate of lands, houses, and goods, during her life, and of what remains I give £5 to Abraham Hyer, son of my daughter Catalyntie, deceased. To Abraham Stephense, son of my daughter, Ryertie Meleke, £5. To my daughter Adriana, wife of Francis Harrison, 1/4 of the rest. And to my daughter Ryertie, 1/4, and to Walter, Abraham, and William Hyer, Jr., children of my daughter Catalyntie, 1/4. To Hendrick Van Bomel, son of my daughter Susanah, 6 shillings. I appoint Wynant Van Zandt, blockmaker, and Nicholas Matthiesen, blacksmith, executors.

Witnesses, Johanes Brant, William Hyer, John Bresteed. Proved, September 27, 1732. The executors having relinquished the charge, Letters of Administration are granted to Ryertie Stephense, widow of Michael Stephense, in trust for herself, and her children Abraham and Elizabeth Stephense; And to Walter, Abraham, and William Hyer, Jr., children of Catalyntie and William Hyer; And to Francis Harrison and his wife Adriana; And to Susanah wife of Hendrick Van Bomel, who were the children of Abraham Mull, deceased, and the children of his daughter Catalynte, deceased.

4. Grietie Lambertse Mol, married as her first husband Hans Jacobszen Harty; and as her second husband .

Dirck Stratemaker, had no birth or baptismal record. He died on or very shortly after 26 February 1643 in or near Pavonia, New Netherland, from wounds sustained in an Indian attack.

On the morning of 26 February 1643 he died as the result of an Indian attack. The previous evening (25 February) an attack on the Indian of Pavonia, New Jesrey occurred called the "Communipaw Massacre" led by Maryn Adriaesen. The following describes what occurred on the morning after:

"We, the undersigned Sergeant, Cadet, and Soldiers, declare and testify at the request of Fiscal Cornelis van Hoykens, that on the 26th of February 1643 (in the morning after having attacked according to order a party of savages behind Egbert Woutersen's) Dirck Straatemaker, his wife and some Englishmen came to the place, where the dead were lying, to steal corn or something else. We declare with promise to confirm our statement by a solemn oath, that we have warned the said Straatemaker and his wife and said to them "Go to your house", whereupon the Dirck answered "We are not in danger; even if there were one hundred savages, they would do me no harm". The witnesses then moved away, going according to their instructions to Egbert's house. Arrived there they heard cries and the Sergeant ordered some soldiers to go there, who found the said Dirck wounded (he finally died of his wound) and his wife dead. They rescued the English men, who only had one gun among them. Thomes Willett declares, that the said Dirck was asked "Why did you not come with us when we warned you?" and that he answered "I might have escaped, but I would not leave my poor wife." All of which the witnesses declared to be true. Done this 18th of May 1643 in New Netherlands."

(__), had no birth or baptismal record. She died on 26 February 1643 in or near Pavonia, New Netherland, from wounds sustained in an Indian attack.
Children of Dirck Stratemaker and (__)
1. Jan Dirkszen Stratemaker, married Geesje Gerritse Van Steenwyck.

Gerrit [possibly Janszen Van Steenwyck], had no birth or baptismal record.
(__) [possibly Catryna], had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Gerrit [possibly Janszen Van Steenwyck] and (__) [possibly Catryna]
1. Jannetje Gerritse Van Steenwyck, had no birth or baptismal record. With Banns published 31 March 1652 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam she married as his second wife Caspar Steynmets, the widow of Dorothea Aestens, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1611 possibly in Schiedam, The Netherlands. At the time of their marriage, she was recorded as "Janneken Gerrits, j.d. Van Zutphen" and he as "Casper Steynwits, Wedr. Van Dorothea Aestens."

Jannetje sailed to America in a ship of Judith Verleth's and evidently had agreed to take the passage money from her wages as a servent on the ship, for in February 1653, Casper Steynmets sued Judith Verleth for a balance due on the wages earned by his wife. Caspar arrived in New Netherlands in 1631 and sailed up the river to Albany with his brother, where he became prominent trading with the Indians. He was well educated, and his knowledge of the Indian language made him an invaluable interpreter. He owned a house on Winckel Street, next to that of Domine Bogardus, which he sold 27 August 1657. In 1652 he removed to New Jersey and purchased a bouwery at Ahasimus. In 1655 he was driven out by the Indians, and in consequence was given permission "to tap beer and wine" at New Amsterdam on 22 February. In 1657 he was appointed lieutenant of the Bergen Militia, and on 21 June 1661 he sued Douwe Hermsen for slander. Douwe had accused him of removing the boundary stakes from his land. Steynmets was appointed on 5 September 1661, as one of the Schepens (or magistrates) in the newly formed Court of Justice at Bergen. On 22 December 1661, he, with two others, petitioned for more land for their bouweries in the village of Bergen, and on 16 October 1662, he was re-appointed. In 1662 he and the other magistrates sent a petition asking that Bergen be provided with a Clergyman. He was appointed commander of the militia at Bergen in 1663, took the Oath of Allegiance to the English in 1665. On 8 May 1666, he demanded payment for the use of his house - evidently a house in New York - as a school-house. On 12 May 1668 he received a confirmatory patent on several plots of ground in and around the village of Bergen. Jannetje died in January 1670, and Casper married for a third time with Banns published 26 February 1671 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York Tryntje Jacobs. On 4 September 1673, when the Dutch had come into possession again, Steynmets was made captain of the militia in Bergen, and on the same day Ide van Vorst and Claes Jansen petitioned that "Casper Steynmits shall not be allowed any more privileges than have been granted him under Mr. Stuyvesant's government," which was granted. In 1674 he served as deputy from Bergen in the Council of New Orange, and as a representative from Bergen in the first and second General Assembly in New Jersey. On 5 April 1674 he petitioned "that the lease entered into by his wife and her previous husband with the English Government whereby the Bouwery at Hasimus was granted and leased to them during their lives may be confirmed," which petition was "consented and allowed". On 26 May 1674, there was another dispute with Claes Jansen and Ide Van Vorst, regarding fencing. His third wife, Tryntje Jacobs, died 12 May 1677 and was buried in New York. On 10 November 1677 he received a patent "in right of Trintie Walling, his deceased wife, formerly widow of Jacob Stoffelsen, six acres for a garden at Horsemes."
Jannetje Gerritse Van Steenwyck and Casparus Steynmets have other descendants, such as:
.Christoffel Steynmets - Jannetje Gerrits Van Wagenen
|.Casparus Steynmets - Rachel Pieterse
| .Catharine Steynmets - Andries Hopper
|  .Marytje Hopper - Brazillai Dusenberry
|   .Catharine Dusenberry - ISAAC LEGGETT VARIAN (1793-1864) Mayor
.Urselina Steynmets - Roelof Lubbertszen Westervelt
 .Geesie Roelofse Westervelt - Pieter Vanderlinde
 |.Roelof Vanderlinde - Antie Demarest
 | .David Vanderlinde - Catharina Banta
 |  .Ralph Vanderlinda - Eleanor Ackerman
 |   .Eliza A. VanderLinda - John Durie
 |    .Jane Durie - William Henry Blauvelt
 |     .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
 |      .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
 |       .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
 .Adriaentje Westervelt - Hendrick Van der Linde
 |.Benjamin Van der Linde - Elizabeth Schuyler
 | .Adrianna Van der Linde - Adrian Martense Brinkerhoff
 |  .Hester Van der Linde Brinkerhoff - Peter Jackson
 |   .Jane Jackson - SAMUEL WARE FISHER (1814-1874) college president
 .Kasparus Westervelt - Aeltie Bongeart
 |.Jan Westervelt - Jannetje Haring
 | .Daniel Westervelt - Margrietje Christie
 |  .Willem Westervelt - Belitje Quackenbos
 |   .Jacob Westervelt - Elizabeth Westervelt
 |    .Margaret Westervelt - John Fowler
 |     .FRANK FOWLER (1852-1910) author, critic, artist
 .Johannes Westervelt - Efie De Groot
 |.Petrus Westervelt - Cathlyntie Tallman
 ||.Petrus Westervelt - Cathrina Blauvelt
 |||.Harmanus Westervelt - Mary Summers
 ||||.John Irving Westervelt - Sarah Leak Douglas
 |||| .George William Westervelt - Ida Florence de Ryee
 ||||  .GEORGE CONRAD WESTERVELT (1890-?) engineer co-founder of Boeing
 |||.Jacobus Westervelt - Eleanor Mealey
 ||| .Louise Newell Westervelt - GEORGE FREDERICK BRISTOW (1825-1898) musician
 ||.Benjamin P. Westervelt - Sara Durie
 |||.Catlyntie Westervelt - Samuel Demarest
 ||| .Benjamin S. Demarest - Eliza Jane Zabriskie
 |||  .Samuel B. Demarest - Wilhelmena Lindgren
 |||   .CARL WILLIAM DEMAREST (1892-1983) film actor
 ||.Fytie Westervelt - Johannes Ferdon
 || .William Ferdon - Elizabeth Perry
 ||  .JOHN WILLIAM FERDON (1826-1184) Congressman
 |.Jacob Westervelt - Jannetje Banta
 | .Arie Westervelt - Vroutie Westervelt
 |  .JACOB A. WESTERVELT (1800-1879) Mayor
 .Benjamin Westervelt - Hendrickje Bogaert
  .Orseltie Westervelt - Guilliam Bertholf
   .John Bertholf - Mary Polly Bogert
    .John Bogert Bertholf - Jane Wallace
     .John Jay Bertholf - Annie Francis Price
      .ELLSWORTH PRICE BERTHOLF (1866-1921) Commander of the US Coast Guard

2. Geesje Gerritse Van Steenwyck, married Jan Janszen Stratenmaker.
3. Guert Gerritszen Van Steenwyck, had no birth or baptismal record. With Banns published 19 October 1664 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York he married as her third husband Elizabeth Cornelis, the widow of Marcus Pieterszen and Gerrit Hendricks van Harderwyck. Guert died 28 February 1697 (?) and Elizabeth died 24 January 1707.

Guert was probably the boy, (his wife's brother), that Casper Steynmets sued Jan Hendricks about on 18 December 1656. Steynmets stated that the boy had served Hendrick's nine months, who had treated him harshly and dismissed him, and demanded that the boy be decently fitted out in clothes, as he received him. He took the Oath of Allegiance to the English in 1665. In 1686 Guert Gerrits and Elizabeth Cornelis were living on Broadway in New York City, according to Domine Selyn's records.

The will of Gerrit Gerritsen was dated 27 April 1697 as witnessed by Claas Arentsen and reads in part: "Know all men to who these presents shall be read or see the same. That in the year of the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, 1688, there appeared before me, Claas Arentsen Toers, Clerk of the Jurisdiction of Bergen County in East New Jersey, Gerrit Gerritsen and Elizabeth Cornelisen his wife, well known to me and to the underwritten witnesses; the testator being sicke in body and the testatrix in health going and standing." They declare that out of tender affection to each other, their will is that the survivor should remain in possession of all the estate, but if he or she should marry, then an inventory to be taken to prevent its being wasted, upon which condition the heirs may take care of the same. The testator bequeaths to Annetie Jans, the daughter of Jan Dircksen Straetmaker, and Geesie Gerritse, the sum of 50 shillings, or 100 guilders wampum value, and a silver spoon. To Elizabeth Ottose, daughter of Otto Gerritse and Engeltie Pieters, a silver spoon as a token of rememberance. The testators have declared as their universal heirs: First, the children of testator's sister, Jannettie Gerritse, viz., Johanes, Gerittse, Annetie, Christofells, Urselina, Johanna, and Benjamin Stymetts, being 7 in number, to have one half, and the other half to the testator's sister, Geesie Gerrittse. "All that above is written being distinctly read to the testators, they declared the same to be their last will and testament." Dated at Wicke, in the Jursidiction of Bergen in East New Jersey, at the house of the testators, in the presence of Cornelius Dircks and Jan Barents, Claas Arentsen Torrs.

Johann Härter, had no birth or baptismal record, died in March 1669 in Closter Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, and was buried there on 11 March 1669. He married on 16 April 1638 in Simmern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
Catharine Peters, had no birth or baptismal record, died in December 1684 in Closter Chumbt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, and was buried there on 7 December 1684.
Children of Johann Härter and Catharine Peters
1. Johannes Peter Härter, married Anna Catharina Schipp.
2. Johann Nicolaus Härter, had no birth or baptismal record, and died in 1697 in Rhineland-Pfalz, Germany.

Michel Schipp, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1620 in Germany.
Agnes (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Michel Schipp and (__)
1. Anna Catharina Schipp, married Johannes Peter Härter.

Andries Rees Van Lipstadt, had no birth or baptismal record.

Andries was a soldier with the Dutch West India Company, and served as a soldier in New Amsterdam prior to 1656. Andries and his wife were Lutherans. He was promoted to rank of Cadet on 19 June 1657. Andries bought a house on Smits Street (now William Street) in 1672. His name appears in the New Amsterdam records as late as 1674.

Andries is thought to have been born about 1630 in Lippstadt, Germany, married Celitje (possibly there) about 1650 and fathered his son, Wilhelm, (possibly there), before the three of them sailed for New Amsterdam.

Ciletje Jans, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Andries Rees Van Lipstadt and Ciletje Jans
1. Wilhelm Rees, married Catryn Janse.
2. Elizabeth Rees, was baptised on 25 October 1654 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Jan de Jonge, Cornelia de Jong, and Hillegonde Joris), and was buried on 15 October 1735 "in our Churchyard in Hakkinsack" according to New York Lutheran burial records. About 1673 probably in New York, new York County, new York, she married Jan Pieterszen Van Norden, a son of Pieter mabille (Van Naerden) and Aechie Janes Van Norden, who was baptised on 4 October 1654 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Hendrick Willemszen and Marritie Claes), and was buried in 29 August 1733 probably in Bergen, Bergen County, New Jersey.
3. Johannes Rees, was baptised on 26 April 1656 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam (wit.: Claes Pauluszenen syn huis vr., and David Wesselszen). On 27 March 1681 in Amersfoort as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush (with banns pubished there on 27 February 1681) he married Jacobje Jans. He was recorded in the marriage record as "J.M. van New-Yorke" and she as "J.D. van Midwoud: beijde woonachtig op's Gravezande, & met attestatie van daar getrouwd op den 27 Martii op Amersfoort."
4. Andries Rees, had no birth or baptismal record. Prior to 1690 he probably married (__). The children Jonathan and Johannes were thought to be the sons of Andries Rees and Ariaantje Andriesse Scherp, but this couple married in 1697 (both as unmarried persons) and these children were born in 1690 and 1696. I suggest that the father of Jonathan and Johannes was the son of Andries Rees and Celitje Jans.

Jan Thomaszen Witbeck, had no birth or baptismal record and may have been born in Oostenvelt, Duchy of Schleswig, based on information found in his will, and died about 1684. He married on 10 June 1648 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam.

Jan was first mentioned in the records about 1644, and in 1646 was referred to as the former servent of Adriaen van der Donck. On 11 June 1646 he was engaged by Pieter Hartgers as farmer on de Vlackle, in place of Jan Barentsz Wemp, at yearly wages of f250, cloth for a suit, one pair of shoes, and two shirts. Director van Slichtenhorst ended his contract on 25 March 1649. In 1648 he had a house built by Thomas Chambers and from 1653 to 1658 he, Pieter Hartgers, and Volkert Jansz appear as leasers on the farm on Papecanne Island, formerly occupied by Juriaen Bestval. He bought the farm jointly with Volkert Jansz in 1658 and continued to pay thithes until 1684 after which date till 1688 tithes were paid by his widow. With Volkert Jansz he obtained a patent for land at Shodack in 1663. He was magistrate in 1654, 55, 57, 58, 62, 63, 69, 75, 78. He was also chosen to be a part of the group that had the honor of carrying the corpse of Jeremias Van Renssalaer at his funeral on 17 October 1674. Jan's will was dated 21 October 1679, and in it he referred to himself as "van Oostenvelt" which was a village in the former Duchy of Schleswig, a few miles east of Husem in the immediate vicinity of Wittbek. Witnesses to his will were Volkert Jansz Douw and Jan Andriesen.

Geertruy Andriesdr, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in New Amsterdam according to her marriage record. She possibly died in 1688. [parents]
 , had no birth or baptismal record, and died in or after 1688. Geertruy Witbeck, had no birth or baptismal record. On 16 March 1687 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Barent Gerritszen Van den Bergh, a son of Gerrit Gysbertszen Van den Bergh and Teuntje Gerrits, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1665 probably in Albany, Albany County, New York.

On 28 August 1689 Barent, who was suspected of being involved with some recent "distrbance," posted a £50 security "to answer when he shall called to be examined about yt Bussinesse." It is unknown what became of that incident.

Geertruy Witbeck and Barent Gerritszen Van den Bergh have other descendants, such as:
.Ariaantje Van den Bergh - Louwrens Vanderpoel
 .Annatje Vanderpoel - Hendrick Van Valkenburgh
  .Johannes Van Valkenburgh - Ellen Bullock
   .Lawrence Van Valkenburgh - Sarah A. Seymour
    .ARBA SEYMOUR VAN VALKENBURGH (1862-1944) jurist
Children of Jan Thomaszen Witbeck and Geertruy Andriesdr
2. Andries Witbeck, had no birth or baptismal record, and possibly died in 1732 in Albany, Albany County, New York. He married Engletje Volkertse Douw, a daughter of Volkert Janszen Douw and Dorothee Janse Van Breestede, who had no birth or baptismal record.
Andries Witbeck and Engeltje Volkertse Douw have other descendants, such as:
.Jan Witbeck - Agnietje Bronck
|.Andries Witbeck - Mayke Coeymans
||.Zelotte Witbeck - David McCarty
|||.RICHARD MCCARTY (1780-1844) Congressman
||.Agnietje Witbeck - Cornelius Vanderzee
|| .Harmen Vanderzee - Exia Slingerland
||  .Elizabeth Vanderzee - JOHN I. SLINGERLAND (1804-1861) Congressman
|.Volkert Witbeck - Dorothea Vosburgh
| .Jan Witbeck - Elizabeth Delamater
|  .Pieter Witbeck - Johanna Fonda
|   .Lawrence P. Whitbeck - Christina Eckler
|    .Mortimer Henry Witbeck - Avelyn Hughes
|     .RAY HUGHES WHITBECK (1871-1939) geographer
.Andries Witbeck - Engeltje Slingerland
 .Johannes Witbeck - Annatje (__)
  .Catharina Witbeck - MARTIN GERRETSEN SCHUNEMAN (1764-1827) Congressman

3. Johannes Witbeck, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Lysbeth Conyn, a daughter of Leendert Philipszen Conyn and Agnietie (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.
Johannes Witbeck and Lysbeth Conyn have other descendants, such as:
.Leendert Witbeck - Cathalyntje Verplanck
 .Isaac Witbeck - Jannetje Van Vechten
  .Teunis Witbeck - Elizabeth Van den Bergh
  |.Jane Witbeck - Isaac Caspar Collier
  | .Isaac Henry Collier - Frances Mary Miller
  |  .WILLIAM MILLER COLLIER (1867-1956) University President, Ambassador
  .Lena Witbeck - Aaron Van Schiack
   .ISAAC WHITBECK VAN SCHAICK (1817-1901) Congressman
   .(__) Van Schaick - (__) Cochrane
    .AARON VAN SCHAICK COCHRANE (1858-1943) Congressman, state supreme court justice

4. Lucas Witbeck, had no birth or baptismal record. On 28 June 1691 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Catharina Melchertse Van Deusen, a daughter of Melchert Abrahamszen Van Deusen and Engleltie Rutgers, who had no birth or baptismal record.
Lucas Witbeck and Catharina Melchertse Van Deusen have other descendants, such as:
.Geertruy Witbeck - Reuben Van Vechten
 .Catryna Van Vechten - Harmanus H. Wendell
 |.Annatje Wendell - Philip P. Schuyler
 ||.Catharina Schuyler - ABRAHAM VAN VECHTEN (1762-1823) lawyer
 |.Cornelis Wendell - Annatie Lansing
 | .John Lansing Wendell - Susan Carter
 |  .Anna Mary Wendell - ROBERT BOWNE MINTURN (1805-1866) merchant
 |   .Robert Bowne Minturn - Susanna Shaw
 |    .Edith Minturn - ISAAC NEWTON PHELPS STOKES (1867-?) author of Iconography of Manhattan Island
 .Engeltje Van Vechten - Stephanus Schuyler
  .John S. Schuyler - Maria Miller
  |.Angelica Schuyler - Clarkson Floyd Crosby
  | .John Schuyler Crosby - Harriet Van Rensselaer
  |  .Stephen Van Rensselaer Crosby - Henrietta M. Grew
  |   .HENRY GREW CROSBY (1898-1929) poet - MARY PHELPS JACOB (1892-1970) inventor
  .Jeremiah Schuyler - Jane Cuyler
   .Cornelius Schuyler - Harriet Lane Hillhouse
    .Harriet Schuyler - EDWARD CORNELIUS DELAVAN (1791-1871) Temperance leader

5. Hendrick Witbeck, married as his first wife Lyntje Winne, and as his second wife Helena Hendrickse Bond.
6. Jonathan Witbeck, had no birth or baptismal record. On 7 January 1697 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Catelyntje Martenszen Van Buren, a daughter of Marten Corneliszen Van Buren and Maritie Quackenbush, who had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Thomas Witbeck, had no birth or baptismal record and was buried on 6 May 1731 in Papsknee, New York. On 24 September 1702 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany (with Banns published there on 5 September 1702) he married Jannetje Melchertse Van Deusen, a daughter of Melchert Abrahamszen Van Deusen and Engleltie Rutgers, who had no birth or baptismal record.
8. Catharina Witbeck, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Jacob Sanderszen Glen, a son of Sander Leendertszen Glen and Katheren Duncanson, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1696. On 24 April 1696 as recored at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married as her second husband and as his second wife Jonas Volkertszen Douw, the widower of Magdalena Pieterszen Quackenbush and a son of Volkert Janszen Douw and Dorothee Janse Van Breestede, who had no birth or baptismal record, died after an illness of four weeks at 3 P.M. on Thursday, 7 October 1736, and was buried the following Monday on the Douw family property in Greenbush, New York.

The will of Jacob Sanderszen Glen:

On August 14, 1685, before me, John Becker, residing in Albany, Notary Public, appeared Jacob Sanders Glen, living in Albany, sicke and being a bed, but fully using his understanding.

He makes his present wife Catharine his sole heir and executor, of all lands, money, gold and silver, coyned and uncoyned, jewels and precious things. And although he hath four children begotten by his said wife, viz., Johanes, aged about 10, Anake, 8, Jacob, 6, and Helena, 2 years, and his wife be not troubled by the orphan masters, Trustees, Constables, the Court of the Town, or any other in power, or any Court Judge that they shall not (excepting the respect due to them) in no ways to intermeddle with the children or estate. But she may not sell the lands, and when the children come of age she shall fit them out comfortably. His lands at Schenectady and the house where he now lives are to remain for his children. The lands at Schenectady are mentioned as in possession and under the care of his two brothers Sander and Johanes Glen.

Witnesses, Dirck Wessels Ten Broeck, John Wendel, Robert Livingston.

Jonas was a Lieutenant of Foot in 1700 and later was promoted to the rank of Captain.

Catharina Witbeck and Jacob Sanderszen Glen have other descendants, such as:
.Johannes Glen - Jannetie Bleecker
|.Jacob Sanderse Glen - Elizabeth Cuyler
| .HENDRICK GLEN (1739-1814) Congressman
.Anna Glen - Harmanus Wendell
|.Jacob Wendell - Helena Van Rensselaer
||.Annaatje Wendell - Cornelius Cuyler
|| .Jane Cuyler - Jeremiah Schuyler
||  .Cornelius Schuyler - Harriet Lane Hillhouse
||   .Harriet Schuyler - EDWARD CORNELIUS DELAVAN (1791-1871) Temperance leader
|.Catharina Wendell - Johannes A. Cuyler
||.Cornelius Cuyler - Annaatje Wendell
|| .Jane Cuyler - Jeremiah Schuyler
||  .Cornelius Schuyler - Harriet Lane Hillhouse
||   .Harriet Schuyler - EDWARD CORNELIUS DELAVAN (1791-1871) Temperance leader
|.Harmanus H. Wendell - Catryna VanVechten
| .Annatje Wendell - Philip P. Schuyler
| |.Catharina Schuyler - ABRAHAM VAN VECHTEN (1762-1823) lawyer
| |
| .Cornelis Wendell - Annatie Lansing
|  .John Lansing Wendell - Susan Carter
|   .Anna Mary Wendell - ROBERT BOWNE MINTURN (1805-1866) merchant
|    .Robert Bowne Minturn - Susanna Shaw
|     .Edith Minturn - ISAAC NEWTON PHELPS STOKES (1867-?) author of Iconography of Manhattan Island
.Helena Glen - Jacob Gerritszen Lansing
|.Gerrit J. Lansing - Jannetie Waters
||.JOHN TEN EYCK LANSING, JR. (1754-1829) Continental Congress delegate - Cornelia Ray
|||.Jane Lansing - RENSSELAER WESTERLO (1776-1851) Congressman
||.Abraham Gerrit Lansing - Susannah Yates
|||.GERRIT YATES LANSING (1783-1862) Congressman
||.Gerrit G. Lansing - Maria Antill
|||.RICHARD RAY LANSING (1789-1855) state capital namesake
|||.Barent Bleeker Lansing - Sarah Ann Breese
||| .HENRY LIVINGSTON LANSING (1818-1889) Brigadier-General - Catherine Olivia Gibson
|||  .Livingston Lansing - Grace Cleveland Coxe
|||  |.Cleveland Coxe Lansing - Abbie Livingston
|||  | .Mary Lansing - PETER ARNO (né CURTIS ARNOUX PETERS, Jr.) (1904-1968) cartoonist
|||  |
|||  .Sarah Gibson Lansing - HENRY LAWRENCE BURNETT (1838-1916) General
||.Sanders Lansing - Catherine Ten Eyck
|| .Abraham Ten Eyck Lansing - Jane Ann Stewart
|| |.FREDERICK LANSING (1838-1894) Congressman
|| |
|| .Robert Lansing - Maria Hubbard
||  .John Lansing - Mary Lay Dodge
||   .ROBERT LANSING (1864-1928) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
|.Jacob Jacobse Lansing - Marytje Egbert
||.Annatje Lansing - Abraham J. Ten Eyck
|| .Catherine Ten Eyck - Sanders Lansing
|| |.Abraham Ten Eyck Lansing - Jane Ann Stewart
|| ||.FREDERICK LANSING (1838-1894) Congressman
|| ||
|| |.Robert Lansing - Maria Hubbard
|| | .John Lansing - Mary Lay Dodge
|| |  .ROBERT LANSING (1864-1928) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
|| |
|| .Jacob Ten Eyck - Magdalena Gansevoort
||  .Hester Gansevoort Ten Eyck - Coenraed Anthony Ten Eyck
||   .Abraham Cuyler Ten Eyck - Margaret Matilda Haswell
||    .PETER GANSEVOORT TEN EYCK  (1873-1944) Congressman
|.John J. Lansing - Catherine Schuyler
||.Helena Lansing - John Zabriskie
|| .John Lansing Zabriskie - Sarah Barrea
||  .ABRAHAM OOTHOUT ZABRISKIE (1807-1873) jurist
||   .Augustus Zabriskie - Josephine B. Booraem
||   |.Cornelia Booream Zabriskie - William Temple Emmet
||   | .William Temple Emmet, Jr. - Lily Dulany Cushing
||   |  .Alexandra Temple Emmet - ARTHUR MEIER SCHLESINGER, Jr. (1917-2007) historian
||   |
||   .Sarah Augusta Zabriskie - Baron FRANZ ERNST DE BILLE (?-?) Danish Minister to England
|.Catharine Lansing - Abraham Abrahamse Lansing
| .Abraham Lansing - Elsje Van Rensselaer
|  .Arietta Lansing - HARMEN KNICKERBOCKER (1779-1855) Congressman
.Sander Glen - Rebecca Swits
 .Susanna Glen - Abraham Fonda
  .Rebecca Fonda - Nicholas Yates
   .Joseph N. Yates - Alida Vedder
    .Rebecca Yates - William Barent Wemple
     .EDWARD WEMPLE (1843-1920) Congressman


Pieter Winne, was baptised on 14 April 1609 as recorded at St. Baaf's Cathedral, Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium, and died after 6 July 1684, the date that his will was written. He married about 1641 as his first wife Aechie Jans, who had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his second wife Tannetje Adams. [parents]

Pieter Winne, also referred to as Pieter de Vlamingh (the Fleming), was charged in the accounts with an annual rent of f275 and tithes from stubble time 1652 till 1 May 1655, for a farm apparently situated at Bethlehem, which on 10 April 1655 was taken over by Eldert Gerbertsz Cruyf; also with two years' rent of a sawmill, at f150 a year; and with two years' hire of two horses for the mill at f60 a year. He made a will, 1 June 1677, in which it it stated that he was born in the city of Gent in Vlaenderen and his wife, Tannetie Adams, in the city of Leeuwarden in Vrieslandt. In 1677 he bought from Volkert Janse Dauw, one half of Constapel's Island. That same year he bought of Nicolass Van Rensselaer, a sawmill in Bethlehem, late the property of Eldert Gerbertse Cruyft. He and Tannetje made a joint will on 6 July 1684. Letters of administration were issued to LiviniusWinne and Caspar Leendertse Conyn on 22 February 1695-6; in 1697 his estate was valued at 860 pieces of 8.

The Will of Pieter Winne

In the name of God, Amen. By the contents of this present public instrument know all men that in the year after the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, one thousand six hundred and eighty-four, on the 6th day of July, about midday, and in the thirty-sixth year of his majesty's reign Charles the second, before me, Robt. Livingston, secretary of Albany, colony of Rensselaerswyk and Shinnectdady [sic], etc., and before the hereinafter named witnesses, came and appeared the Honorable Mr. Pieter Winne, magistrate, born in the city of Gent in d Landeren [Intended for Gent in Vlaenderen, Ghent in Flanders. - Ed.], at present sick in body but of sound memory and understanding as is clearly apparent, who, considering the shortness and frailty of human life, the certainty of death and the uncertainty of his temporal effects to be left behind while he yet by God's grace is able, and doing so of his own free will and motion, without the inducement or misleading of anyone, he now ordains and determines this his last will and testament in form and manner following

First and foremost commending his immortal soul (whenever it shall be separated from his body) to the gracious and merciful hands of his Creator and Savior and his body to a Christian burial, likewise canceling, revoking and annulling thereby all and every such testamentary disposition and bequest as he before the date hereof may have made and executed, especially that will by himself and wife made under date of the 1st of June 1677, written by Mr Adriaen van Ilpendam, notary public, holding the same null and of no effect and now making a new disposition, this testator declares that he has nominated and instituted, as he does nominate and institute hereby, his worthy and beloved wife Tannetje Adams as his sole and universal heir of all his lands, property real and personal, claims, credits, money, gold, silver coined and uncoined, jewels, clothing, linen, woolens, household furniture, etc., nothing excepted, so long as she remains in her widowed state, without her being called upon or annoyed by any one of the children, or anyone for them, for an inventory or anything appertaining to the estate and after her death shall his estate be equally divided among the children whom they have begotten together, share and share alike. But if his wife enters the marriage state again, then she shall be holden to divide and apportion the whole estate; that is to say, a just half thereof as it then may be found to the behoof of the children whom he has begotten by his present wife aforenamed, namely, Adam Winne, Livinus, Frans, Allette, wife of Casper Leendertse Tenyn [This should be Conyn - Ed.], Killaen, Tomas, Lyntje, Marte, Jacobus, Eva, Daniel and Rachell Winne; and the other half to the behoof of his wife, with this reservation that she remain holden the minor children to bring up in the fear of the Lord, and cause them to learn reading and writing and a trade or handicraft wherewith in due time they may, by God's favor, with honor obtain their sosistence [sic], the legitimate portion of said minor children remaining so long in the hands of their mother aforesaid and the rents and profits thereof being by her received until they arrive at maturity and enter into matrimony, she giving good security that the portions of the minor children be not lessened; and to the other children who may be already married and have arrived at their majority to pay over their portions pro rata, as their shares in the estate may be, share and share alike, no more to the eldest than to the youngest; she being holden to deliver an inventory of the whole estate and confirm the same, if necessary, by oath. The testator wills and ordains hereby that after his death his oldest sone [sic] Pieter Pieterse Winne, dwelling in the Sopus [sic], shall out of the common estate receive once for all the sum of ten beavers in place of his legitimate portion and entire inheritance, wherewith he shall be content, without any more, not willing that he or anyone for him shall make the least claim any more upon the testator's estate, directly or indirectly.

The testator further desires that if it pleas God the Lord both him and his wife to remove, both now being sick, the whole estate shall be kept together, without any division or partition, until the youngest child shall attain her majority or enter the marriage state, and then be divided among the aforesaid twelve children, share and share alike, the portion of that child or children who die in their nonage to go to the survivors.

The testator excludes herein the honored orphan masters (saving all honor and respect) and in their place requests and constitutes, as he hereby does Mr Marte Gerritse and Mr Cornelis van Dyck (who have accepted the same) to see the contents of this last will and testament promptly and uprightly carried out in all its parts and provisions. All which he, the testator, declares to be his last will and testament, desiring the same after his death to have full force and effect whether as will codicil, donation, gift in anticipation of death, or otherwise, as the same may be last maintained, notwithstanding that some formalities demanded by law or custom may not have been fully observed herein; desiring the utmost benefit hereof to be received, and one or more copies hereof to be made and executed as occasion may require. Thus be done and executed at Bethlehem, lying in the county of Albany, at the house of the testator, which [will] he has signed and sealed in the presence of Mr Marte Gerritse and Mr Cornelis van Dyck, magistrates called as witnesses hereto, the year, month and day aforenamed.

Was signed: Pr. Winne (L.S.); In my presence, Robt. Livingston, Secy.; Marten Gerritse; Cornelis van Dyck.

Source: Van Laer, A.J.F., Early Records of the City and County of Albany and Colony of Rensselaerswyck, vol. 4, [Mortgages I, 1658-1660, and Wills 1-2, 1681-1765], (Albany, NY: University of the State of NY, 1919)
Children of Pieter Winne and Aechie Jans
1. Pieter Winne, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1642 possibly in Curacao, West Indies. About 1661 in Espous, New Netherland, he married Jannetje Albertse, who had no birth or baptismal record.


Tannetje Adams, had no birth or baptismal record and according to her and her husband's joint will was born in Leeuwaerden, Friesland, The Netherlands, and died prior to 1697. On 7 May 1790, Tannetje and Marten Cornelise Van Buren signed an ante-nuptial agreement:

In the name of God, Amen. Know all men wo it may concern that on the seventh day of the month of May, at New Albany, anno 1693, being the fifth year of the reign of William and Mary, King and Queen of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defenders of the Faith, etc., Marte Cornelisz, widower of Marrytie Quackenbosch, and Tanne Adams, wido of Pieter Winne, are resolved in the name of God to enter into the married state, but before the solemnization of the marriage they have thought it advisable to have the following terms and conditions drawn up, to wit:

First, each party's real estate is to remain outside the community property, but the usufruct thereof is to be in common as long as the marriage lasts.

Secondly, the pots, kettles, pewter, farm utensils, etc., which each party contributes to the marriage shall according to the inventory thereof be again taken out of the community property as soon as one of them dies and, and as well as the real estate and all the linen, and woolen clothing of the predeceasin spouse and the chest or chests, closet or closets which he or she contributed to the marriage, they shall got the side whence they came.

Third, the debts contracted by each party before marriage shall be separate from the community property and be vorned by each party personally, the debts of him or her who dies first being payable by his or herheirs.

Fourth the bridegroom shall out of hi own prperty and effects, in commemoration of this marriage, offer to the bride a silver cup, having the weight of eight pieces of eight, which shall remain separate from the community property and, if she happens to die before the grooms, go to her children or heirs before any division takes place.

Fifth, the bride retains apart from the community property the Negro whom she now has, of whom durng the marriage they shall beoth have and enjoy the use and labor, but, if the bridge happens to die before the groom and the said Negro shall then be still alive, he shall, before any division is made, go to her children or heirs, but if he be deceased no compensation shall be made for him.

Sixth, the bridegroom and the bride shall contribute to the communion property of this marriage all their other property and effects, including all live stock, such as horses, oxen, cows, sheep, hogs, geese, hens, etc., without any reservation, to be employed according to the usual practice in case of marraige, but after the death of the predeceasing spouse the estate in its entirety as it shall then be found shall be divided into twoequal portions, of which the survivor of the two shall receive the just half and the children or heirs of the predeceasing spouse the other half. However, with this undersandting and express condition that as regards the real estate and the inventoried proerty the procedure shall be as hereinbefore stated.

Seventh, it is further stipulated the bridegroom, our of the community estate and property, shall build a dwelling house on his farm situated at the Kinderhoeck, in return for which the bride shall receive the rent of the aforesaid farm, namely, as much as it has brought during the last two successive years, which she is to take out of the rent of her own land and which is to remain for the bride apart from the community property and which, if she dies first, is to go to her children or heirs before any division is made, together with the aforesaid silver cup and the Negro above mentioned, if he is then still lving.

Eighth the minor children of the respective parties shall out of the community property and estate be properly provided until they become of age and if they marry they shall our of the community property receive a proper outfit according to the time and circumstances, if the bridegroom and bride shall then still live together.

All that is hereinbefore written, the bridegroom and bride declare to be their marraige contract, which they desire to take effect from the leasst to the most important article inclusive, beinding themselves thereto according to law. In witness of the truth, they have without guile or deceit signed and sealed this with their own hands, on the aforesaid 7th of May 1693.

Marked and sealed by marte Cornelisz and also marked and seled by Tanne Adams, at about half past eleven o'clock in the forenoon

[witnessed by Hendrick Hanse, Wessel Ten Brock, J. Becker]

N. B. The original is in the custody of the parties.

In a note at the end, van Laer gives the inventories (both taken 7 May 1693) of the bride and bridegroom which according to the contract were items to remain outside the community property. -- The bridegroom's inventory mentions 3 wagons, 2 plows, 2 harrows and 1 sleigh, with their appurtenances; a number of scythes, grain hooks, spades, axes, and toerh farm utensils, and some pots and kettles and pewter articles. The bride's list mentions 1 plow, 1 harrow, 2 wagons and 2 sleigh; many farm and household utensils, a number pewter platters, plates, cups, and candlesticks and, in addition, 4 silver spoons and 1 silver punch cup, holding one gill.

The ante-nuptial contract between Marte Cornelissen and Tanne Adams, widow of Pieter Winne, is in the Livingston-Redmond Papers, which were loaned to the NY State Library c 1930 for study and examination. At that time A J F van Laer translated and published several of the Dutch documents that were in the possession of the first Robert Livingston, who served as Albany County Clerk for many years. Van Laer published several of them in an article called "Albany WIlls and Other Documents 1665-1695", in Dutch Settlers Society Yearbook 6: 21 (1931), pp 13-26).

Special thanks goes to Ruth Piwonka for sharing this information on the Dutch Colonies Mailing List (13 January 2000)
Children of Pieter Winne and Tannetje Adams
1. Adam Winne, had no birth or baptismal record. He married as her first husband Anna Loockermans, a daughter of Pieter Janszen Loockermans and Maria Duncanson, who had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her second husband Jacob Teuniszen Van Woert.
2. Lavinus Van Schaick Winne, had no birth or baptismal record and may have been born about 1647 in Curacao, West Indies. About 1682 he married as his first wife Teuntje Martens, a daughter of Marten Corneliszen (Van Buren) and Mayke Cornelise, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1664 in Beverwyck, New Netherland. On 20 June 1699 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married as his second wife and as her second husband Willemtje Viele, the widow of Simon Schermerhorn and the daughter of Arnout Corneliszen Viele and Gerritje Gerritse, who had no birth or baptismal record. They were married in Albany by Joh. Schuyler, Justice.
3. Frans Winne, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1659 probably in Beverwyck, New Netherland. On 12 May 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Elsje Gansevoort, a daughter of Harmen Gansevoort and Maritje Leendertse., who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1671.
4. Aletta Winne, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1651. Prior to 1684 she married Casparus Leendertszen Conyn, a son of Leendert Philipszen Conyn and Agnietje Casperse, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1658.

The will of Casparus Conyn, dated 3 March 1720/21 and proved 7 June 1727, mentioned his wife, Alecta, and all of his children except Tanna.

5. Killiaen Winne, had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Tomas Winne, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1654. On 20 October 1689 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Teuntje Janse Goes, a daughter of Jan Thyszen Goes and Styntje Janse Van Hoesen, who had no birth or baptismal record. She was called Tryntje Jansz in the marriage record.
7. Lyntje Winne, married as his first wife Hendrick Witbeck.
8. Marte Winne, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Albany, Albany County, New York, and died prior to 7 December 1700. On 30 October 1698 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Hackensack he married as her first husband Margaret Simonse Van Winkle, a daughter of Symon Jacobszen Van Winkle and Annetie Ariaense Sips, who was baptised on 4 November 1676 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (wit.: Hans Diedericx and Tryntie Waling). In the marriage record, Marten was called "y.m." born in Albany, and Margreta was called "y.d." born in "Asemes." Prior to 7 December 1700, Margreta married as her second husband Cornelis Breyhandt.
9. Jacobus Winne, had no birth or baptismal record. On 7 October 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Marritje Bronk, probably a daughter of Pieter Bronk and Hilletje Tyssing, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1678 probably near Albany, Albany County, New York.
10. Eva Winne, had no birth or baptismal record. On 18 December 1697 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New York (with Banns published there on 3 December 1697) she married John Woodard, who had no birth or baptismal record. John was referred to at the time as "y.m. from New York" and Eva as "y.d. from Albany," with both living in New York City.
11. Daniel Winne, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1678, and died in 1757. On 16 March 1698 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married Dirkje Van Ness, a daughter of Jan Van Ness and Aaltje (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.
12. Rachel Winne, had no birth or baptismal record and died after 1737 supposedly in Schenectady, Albany County, New York. On 11 December 1695 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany she married Jellis Fonda, a son of Douw Jelliszen Fonda and Rebecca Jans, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1670, and died on 8 September 1737.

Rachel was named in her parents will filed in 1684. She joined the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany in March 1695.

Jellis and his wife first settled in Albany's Second Ward, but later moved to Schenectady where he was a gunsmith in 1700. On 29 January 1703/04, he signed the release of heir to Pieter Winne's estate. He appeared on a list o Schenectady freeholders in 1720.


Otto Scherp, , had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1628 in Laubenheim, Germany, and died prior to 1691. He married as his first wife (__). On 20 November 1666 probably in Laubenheim, he married as his second wife Margaretha Krebs, who had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Otto Scherp and Margaretha Krebs
1. Johann Ludwig Scherp, was born in Laubenheim, Germany, and baptised there on 8 May 1670. On 18 July 1717 in Laubenheim, he married Maria Marg. Croneberger, who had no birth or baptismal record. Johann emigrated to America where he appeared in the North Ward tax lists beginning 1725/26.
2. Engel Scherp, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1672 in Laubenheim, Germany, and died on 5 November 1709. On 14 January 1691 in Laubenheim, she married as his first wife Johann Peters Stoppelbein, a son of Johann Valentin Stoppelbein and Anna Maria Muller, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1667, and died prior to 8 August 1724. On 25 January 1711 Johann Peter married as his second wife Dorothea Brassen.
3. Jacob Scherp, was born in Laubenheim, Germany, and baptised there on 26 September 1675 (wit.: Jacob Böhm, Gerichtsmann here, and his wife).

(__), had no birth or baptismal record, and died priot to 20 November 1666.
Children of Otto Scherp and (__)
1. Peter Scherp, married Margaretha Menck.

Thielman Menck, had no birth or baptismal record.
Appolonia (__), had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 10 September 1687, aged 68 years.
Children of Thielman Menck and Appolonia (__)
1. Margaretha Menck, married Peter Scherp

Johann Kauffmann, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Johann Kauffmann and (__)
1. Maria Elisabetha Kauffmann, married Jurg Wilhelm Fritz.

Johannes Kreußler, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1635 possibly in Heernsheim, Germany, and died on either 15 or 25 October 1686. On 23 November 1658 in Guntersblum, Germany, he married as his first wife Elisabeth a Schmidt, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 22 August 1660. On 21 April 1661 probably in Guntersblum, he married as his second wife Elisabeth Seyfried, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 13 July 1668. On 13 July 1669 probably in Guntersblum, Germany, he married as his third wife Anna Maria Sylwy. [parents]
Children of Johannes Kreußler and Elisabeth Seyfried
1. Paulus Kreußler, was baptised 7 January 1666 "at home" in Guntersblum Germany (wit.: Paulus Kreußler from Bechtheim).

Anna Maria Sylwy, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Johannes Kreußler and Anna Maria Sylwy
1. Henrich Kreußler, was baptised 2 April 1671 in Guntersblum, Germany (wit.: Heinrich Becker, Gemeinsmann here).
2. Johann Philipp Kreußler, married Anna Catharina Braun.
3. (__) Kreußler, was baptised 31 October 1675 in Guntersblum, Germany (wit.: his mother, Elisabeth [poss. Johannes' mother?]).
4. Anna Margaretha Kreußler, was baptised 17 November 1678 in Guntersblum, Germany (wit.: Anna Margaretha, wife of Andreas Obrecht).

Benedict Braun, was born on 2 July 1639 in Beiswalde, Prussia, and died prior to 26 April 1701.

Benedict was a teacher at Udenheim, Germany. He was referred to as deceased at his daughter Anna Catharina's wedding.

Children of Benedict Braun and (__)
1. Anna Catharina Braun, married Johann Philip Kreußler.
2. Magdalena (Maria) Elisabetha Braun, had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born in Udenheim, Germany. She married Nicolaus Feller, a son of Jacob Feller and (__).

Nicolaus made his first appearance on the Hunter Lists 1 July 1710 with 2 persons over 10 years and 2 persons under 10. The entry changed 4 October 1710 to 3 persons over 10 years of age and 1 person under 10. Niclaus Feller of Queensbury was a soldier in 1711. He, his wife, and 6 children were at Neu Quunsberg about 1716/17. Nicholas Ffeller and Mary Ffeller were each patentees 20 April 1725: he on the North side of the Mohawk, she on the South side. The will of Nicholas Feller of Burnetsfield, husbandman, was dated 28 May 1734 and proved 9 February 1763.

Jan de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan de Wulf and (__)
1. Jan de Wulf, married Grietken de Clercq.

Jan Lippens, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan Lippens and (__)
1. Jacquemijne/Jacoba Lippens, married as her first husband Jacques de Reytere, as her second husband Paesschier Gheerts, and as her third husband Vincent Teirlinck.
2. Pierynken Lippens, married Cornelis Standaert.
3. possibly Margriete Lippens, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Maximiliaen Speeckaert.

Francois Rogiers, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Francois Rogiers and (__)
1. Adriaen Rogiers, married Begella Wulfram.
2. Jooris Rogiers, had no birth or baptismal record and died in 1625, probably in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married Livijne van Crombrugge, a daughter of Pieter van Crombruge and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. possibly Pieter Rogiers, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Cathelijne de Coeyere.

Jooris de Wulf, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jooris de Wulf and (__)
1. Gabriël de Wulf, married as his first wife Vincentijne Steppe, and as his second wife Catharina Martens.

Joannes Speeckaert, had no birth or baptismal record.
Margriet Lippens, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Joannes Speeckaert, and as her second husband Jacobus Dherckere.
Children of Joannes Speeckaert and Margriet Lippens
1. Jacobus Speeckaert, married Elisabeth de Pape.
2. possibly Maximiliaen Speeckaert, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Margriete Lippens.
3. possibly Pauswelyne Speeckaert, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Pieter de Meyer, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 11 September 1571 in Lembeke, East Flanders, Belgium.

Vincentius de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record and died on 7 July 1622 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. He was a Burgemeester of Kaprijke in 1614, and a Kerkmeester from 6 June 1621 to 19 May 1622. [parents]
Aernaudijne/Arnaudine van Maldeghem , had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Vincentius de Pape and Aernaudijne/Arnaudine van Maldeghem
1. Jan/Joannes de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1595, and died on 1 December 1657 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 28 April 1620 in Kaprijke he married Petronella Weytssens, a daughter of Ingel/Engelbertus Weytsens and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 16 February 1671 in Kaprijke.
2. Betken/Elisabeth de Pape, married Jacobus Speeckaert.
3. Vincent/Vincentius de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1597 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 30 January 1658 in Bassevelde, East Flanders, Belgium. On 12 January 1630 in Bassevelde he married as his first wife Anna Coppejans, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 18 May 1641. He married as his second wife Joanna Versprille, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Christiaen/Christianus de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 16 March 1629 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 27 September 1625 in Kaprijke he married Suzanna van der Beken, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 8 April 1633 in Kaprijke. He was Poor Master at Kaprijke during 3 office periods between 1625 and 1627.
5. Janneken/Joanna de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Paesschijne de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 2 January 1667 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. On 23 July 1622 in Kaprijke she married Joannes Coppejans, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 24 November 1646 in Kaprijke

Jan Clays [parents]
Margaretha de Pau, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1573, and died on 24 June 1649 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Jan Clays and Margaretha de Pau
1. Petrus Clays, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1595, and died on 26 June 1643 in Kaprijke, East Flanders, Belgium. He married as his first wife Maryke Claeys, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 13 March 1620 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium. On 13 September 1620 in Kaprijke he married as his second wife Tanneken Bylevync, a daughter of Christoffel Bylevync and Elisabeth Vyveraerts, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1595, and died prior to 1 July 1624. He married as his third wife Paschasia Verbiest, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Maria Clays, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1600 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium, and died at 8:00 A.M. on 10 April 1678 in Waarschoot-Oostmoer, East Flanders, Belgium. On 3 August 1619 in Waarschoot she married Lieven Mariman.
3. Aernout Clays, married Catharina Buysse.
4. Joannes Clays, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1602, and died on 21 April 1675 in Waarschoot, East Flanders, Belgium. On 15 June 1631 in Sleidinge, East Flanders, Belgium, he married Jacoba Steenbeke, a daughter of Pieter Steenbeke and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1605 in Waarschoot, and died there on 15 January 1679.
5. Margareta Clays, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1604, and died on 14 September 1647 in Sleidinge, East Flanders, Belgium. On 18 October 1627 in Lovendegem, East Flanders, Belgium, she married Christophorus de Baets, a son of Zacharias de Baets and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 8 October 1647 in Lovedegem. Witnesses to the marriage were Judocus Vermeere and Petrus de Pau.

Denijs Buysse
Children of Denijs Buysse and (__)
1. Catharina Buysse, married Aernout Clays.
2. Jooris Buysse, had no birth or baptismal record.

Jacobus de Zuttere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1568, and died on 21 August 1650 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium. He married about 1588.
Adriana Maes, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1569, and died on 10 November 1648 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium.
Children of Jacobus de Zuttere and Adriana Maes
1. Joanna de Zuttere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1588, and died about 1630. About 1627/1628 she married as his second wife Egidius/Gillis de Smet, the widow of Tanneken Matthijs. He married as his third wife Martijntje Wouters.
2. Roelandt de Zuttere, married Livina (__).
3. Catharina de Zuttere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1600, and died on 23 October 1652 in Eeklo, East Flanders, Belgium. On 14 July 1621 in Maldegem she married Jan Pynckel, a son of Adrianus Pynckele and Elisabeth Lambrecht, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1595, and died on 9 June 1659 in Eecklo, East Flanders, Belgium
4. Joannes de Zuttere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1606, and died on 17 December 1666 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium. On 2 February 1649 he married Elsabeth de Swaef, possibly a daughter of Peter de Swaef and Adriana (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Livinus de Zuttere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1608, died on 28 January 1693 in Maldegem, East Flanders, Belgium, and was buried there on 30 January 1693. Prior to 1635 he married as his first wife Cornelia/Neelken Doens, a daughter of Robert Doens and Janneke/Joanna van Voethem, who was baptised on 11 January 1617 in Maldegem, died there on 6 January 1651, and was buried there on 8 January 1651. On 28 November 1652 in Adegem, East Flanders, Belgium, he married as his second wife Maria de Vuldere, a daughter of Joannes de Vuldere and Maria/Mayekens de Busschere, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1633 and died on 23 September 1678 in Maldegem.

Nicolaas de Vriendt, had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1585. He married prior to 1605.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1585.
Children of Nicolaas de Vriendt and (__)
1. Joos de Vriendt, married Catharina Batens.

Gillis Batens, had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1574, and died prior to December 1645. He married prior to 1594.
Tanneken Huige, had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1574, and died prior to December 1645.
Children of Gillis Batens and Tanneken Huige
1. Catharina Batens, married Joos de Vriendt.

Jan van Mullem, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1554.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan van Mullem and (__)
1. Phillips van Mullem, married Amelbergha Coppens.

Pieter Coppens, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1567.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Pieter Coppens and (__)
1. Amelberga Coppens, married Phillips van Mullem.

Gillis Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1562. [parents]
Joanna Persoon, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1562. [parents]
Children of Gillis Vercauteren and Joanna Persoon
1. Joannes Vercauteren, married Joanna/Janneken Wijnacker.
2. Katelijne Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Frans Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1591.
4. Luenis Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1591.

Merten van Wijnacker, was born on 20 November 1588 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 29 June 1669. [parents]
Barbara Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1584, and died on 20 July 1660. [parents]
Children of Merten van Wijnacker and Barbara Vercauteren
1. Joanna/Janneken Wijnacker, married Joannes Vercauteren.
2. Amelberga van Wijnacker, was born on 14 March 1609 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium.
3. Antonius van Wijnacker, was born on 14 September 1612 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 15 October 1680. On 29 April 1662 in Temse he married as her second husband Maria van Laeken, the widow of Pieter Wauman and a daughter of Andreas van Laeken and Maria Brijs, who was born on 10 December 1628 in Temse, and died there on 7 May 1713. On 28 February 1683 in Temse she married as her third husband Jan Smet.
4. Jan van Wijnacker, was born on 22 November 1616 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium.
5. Magdalena van Wijnacker, was born on 21 June 1620 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium, and died there on 7 July 1692. She married as her first husband Pieter Vastenant, a son of Pieter Vastenant and Berbel van Abeele, who was born on 29 October 1606 in Temse. On 4 November 1640 in Temse she married as her second husband Pieter Helligeers, a son of Jan Hilligeers and Katharina Vastenant, who was born on 20 October 1606 in Temse.
6. Barbara van Wijnacker, was born on 12 March 1623 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date) (Godparents: Laurentius Geylinck en Berbel Scheema). On 29 April 1646 in Temse she married Pieter de Voldere, a son of Pieter de Volder and Judoca (Josijken) de Vriese, who was born and baptised on 2 August 1620 in Temse (Godparents: Cornelis Truyman en Lynke Frisens ), and died there on 27 September 1676.

Petrus Droeshout, had no birth or baptismal record. Did he marry as a second wife Martina Huffele on 14 October 1607 in Erembodegem, East Flanders Belgium (witnesses Joannes Van der (__)) with Banns published there on 23 September 1607 (witnesses: Henricus Meert and Patrus De Vrindt)?
Joanna Veldemans, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Petrus Droeshout and (__)
1. Michael Droeshout, had no birth or baptismal record, and died prior to 1665 probably in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium. With Banns published on 25 November 1610 in Erembodegem he married Andrea Baele, a daughter of Livinus Baellens and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 26 October 1665 in Erembodegem. Witnesses to the Banns were Petrus Droeshout, vader, Petrus De Rijck, Petrus Van Der Gheijlen, burgemeester, and Livinus Baellens, vader.
2. Judocus Droeshout, was baptised on 8 January 1592 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium. He married Catharina van der Beurcht.
3. Catharina Droeshout, married Judocus Scheerlinck.
4. Jacobus Droeshout, was baptised on 11 April 1596 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium, and died on 7 September 1661. He married Gudula van der Burght, who had no birt or baptismal record.
5. Maria Droeshout, was baptised on 3 May 1598 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium. On 13 November 1632 in Erembodegem she possibly married Petrus Raman (or Raeyman)
6. Petronella Droeshout, was baptised on 2 July 1600 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium.
7. Anna Droeshout, was baptised on 19 March 1603 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium.
8. Jan Droeshout, was baptised on 25 March 1607 in Erembodegen, East Flanders, Belgium. On 22 September 1632 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 26 August 1632) he perhaps married Margareta van Pissot. Witnesses to the Banns were Jacobus Droeshout and Cornelius Meert, son of Henricus. Witnesses to the marriage were Petrus Droeshout and Cornelius Kieckens. On 22 November 1648 (with Banns published on 31 October 1648) in Erembodegen he perhaps married Catharina Baijens. Witnesses to the Banns were Jacobus Droeshoudt and Petrus Van Me(__). Witnesses to the marriage were Jacobus Droeshaut and Joannes Droeshaut).

Henrius van de Velde , had no birth or baptismal record.
Anna Schinck, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Henrius van de Velde and Anna Schinck
1. Joannes van de Velde, married Gertrudis van Varenbergh.

Jan de Clippel, had no birth or baptismal record.
Margareta van der Maele, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan de Clippel and Margareta van der Maele
1. Elisabeth de Clippel, married Adrianus de Schrijver.
2. possibly Michael de Clippel, had no birth or baptismal record and possibly died on 9 September 1638 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium. He married Elisabeth Pauwels.
3. possibly Judocus de Clippel, had no birth or baptismal record, and possibly died on 13 September 1638 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium.
4. possibly Martina de Clippel, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband (b>Michael van de Maele, who had no birth or baptismal record and died in 7 April 1632 in Erembodegem, East Flanders, Belgium. On 16 February 1637 in Erembodegem (with Banns published there on 7 February 1637) she married as her second husband Joannes van Varenbergh. Witnesses to the Banns were Petrus van Varenbergh and Cornelius Kieckens. Witnesses to the marriage were Michael de Clippel and Petrus van Varenbergh.
5. possibly Adrianus de Clippel, had no birth or baptismal record.

Erasmus de Rijck, had no birth or baptismal record.
Barbara van Raverschot, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Erasmus de Rijck and Barbara van Raverschot
1. Jan de Rijck, was baptised on 21 September 1563 in Sint-Gertrudis-Leeuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
2. Martinus de Rijck, married Machildis van den Berghe.
3. Augustinus de Rijck, was baptised on 24 November 1568 in Sint-Gertrudis-Leeuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
4. Martha de Rijck, was baptised on 21 January 1571 in Sint-Gertrudis-Leeuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
5. Barbara de Ricjk, was baptised on 5 February 1573 in Sint-Gertrudis-Leeuven, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
6. possibly Petrus de Rijck, had no birth or baptismal record.
7. possibly Judocus de Rijck, had no birth or baptismal record.

Jacobus Haeghens, had no birth or baptismal record.
Anna (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jacobus Haeghensand Anna (__)
1. Joannes Haeghens, married Maria de Vos.

Cornelius de Smet, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 1 August 1636 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. [parents]
Maria van Herbosch, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1556 (in Mollem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium?), and died on 7 April 1646 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. [parents]
Children of Cornelius de Smet and Maria van Herbosch
1. Gaspar Smet, married Anna de Vettere.
2. Magdalena Smeth, was baptised on 7 October 1598 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Nicolaes Jacops en Magdalena Robberechts nomine Petronella Smets). On 9 November 1625 in Merchtem (with Banns published there on 12 October 1625) she married Ludovicus van Hove, who had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried on 25 March 1633 in Merchtem. Witnesses to the marriage were Henricus de Vettere and Stephanus (__) (koster), Goswin van Herbosch and Joannes Geeroms.
3. Paulus Smeth, was baptised on 20 January 1601 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Paulus Van Nieuwenhoven nomine Joannes Herbosch en Maria Moins), and was buried there on 14 October 1651. On 8 January 1634 in Merchtem (with Banns published there on 11 December 1633) he married Elisabeth van den Bosch, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1617, and was buried on 9 June 1667 in Merchtem.
4. Anna De Smeth, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1604, and was buried on 14 October 1674 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
5. Margaretha De Smeth, was baptised on 19 December 1609 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Joannes De Ridder en Margaretha Vermans). On 21 June 1646 in Merchtem she married Judocus Pissens. Witnesses to the marriage were Gaspar de Smet and Laurentius van den Perre.
6. Maria De Smeth, was baptised on 19 December 1609 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Adrianus De Clerck en Maria Van Den Perre).

Henricus de Vettere, had no birth or baptismal record, and was buried on 14 January 1640 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. He married on 11 May 1597 in Merchtem. Witnesses to the marriage were Joannes De Schutteneer and Stephanus (__) (koster). [parents]
Catharina sMoilders, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1569, and was buried on 13 November 1643 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium. He married as her first husband Henricus de Vettere. On 5 November 1641 in Merchtem she married as her second husband Joannes Meskens, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1588, and buried on 7 November 1642 in Merchtem. Witnesses to the marriage were Arthur van Wemmele and Petrus Bieseman.
Children of Henricus de Vettere and Catharina sMoilders
1. Barbara De Vettere, was baptised on 29 June 1599 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Jaspar De Vettere, Joanna Sloosens en Cornelia Maetens), and was buried there on 27 April 1654. On 26 May 1619 in Merchtem (with Banns published there on 21 April 1619) she married Joannes Geeroms, who had no birth or baptismal record and died about 27 April 1654. Witnesses to the mariage were Ludovicus van Hove, (__) van Somerghem, and Anthonius van der Stappen.
2. Anna de Vettere, married Gaspar Smet.
3. Catharina De Vettere, was baptised on 21 September 1608 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: None), and buried there on 12 August 1665. On 30 September 1635 in Merchtem (with Banns published there on 31 August 1635) she married Guilielmus Rottiers, who had no birth or baptismal record and was buried prior to 12 August 1665. Witnesses to the marriage were Adrianus Rottiers and Joannes Lenaerts.
4. Petrus De Vetter, was baptised on 17 July 1612 in Merchtem, Flemish Brabant, Belgium (Godparents: Petrus Moortgat en Barbara De Vinck), and buried there on 17 September 1690. On 22 May 1640 in Merchtem (with Banns published there on 28 April 1640) he married as his first wife Paulina Rottiers, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1607, and was buried on 2 May 1667 in Merchtem. Witnesses to the marriage were Gaspar Smets and Guilielmus Rottiers. He married as his second wife Adriana van Nijverseel, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1610, and was buried on 7 December 1684.

Aucke Janszen Van Nuyse, was born about 1621/1622 in Groningen, The Netherlands. He died 15 May 1698 in Flatbush, Kings County, New York. He married on 23 April 1645 in Amsterdam, Nord Holland, The Netherlands. [parents]
Magdalena Pieterse (Van Langendyck), was born about 1620/1623 in Alkmaar, Noord Holland (or Langendyck), The Netherlands. She died before September 1662 probably in New Amsterdam, New Netherland. [parents]
Laurens Hendrickszen Ackerman, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1570. He died in 169 in The Netherlands. [parents]
Janneke (Jurckse?), had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1579. She died in 1624.
Children of Laurens Hendrickszen Ackerman and Janneke (Jurckse?)
1. David Ackerman, married Elizabeth Belliers.

Jean Belliers, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1590. He died prior to 1641.
Catherina Herque, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1592. She died after 1653.
Children of Jean Belliers and Catherina Herque
1. Elizabeth Belliers, married David Ackerman.

Gerrit Stoffelszen Van Laer, had no birth or baptismal record. He married on 20 April 1630 as recorded at the Nieuw Church in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Baijke Aerjans, had no birth or baptismal record
Children of Gerrit Stoffelszen Van Laer and Barbara Adriaens
1. Dingnom Van Laer, was baptised on 25 March 1631 as recorded at the Nieuw Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2. Jannetjen Van Laer, was baptised on 17 October 1632 as recorded at the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and died young.
3. Adriaan Van Laer, married Abigail Verplanck.
4. Jannetjen Van Laer, was baptised on 13 September 1635 as recorded at the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
5. Aechie Van Laer, was baptised on 17 November 1637 as recorded at the Nieuw Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
6. Stoffel Van Laer, was baptised on 22 March 1639 as recorded at the Nieuw Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
7. Saertje Van Laer, was baptised on 1 October 1641 as recorded at the Nieuw Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
8. Willem Van Laer, was baptised on 15 January 1643 as recorded at the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and died young.
9. Willem Van Laer, was baptised on 2 October 1644 as recorded at the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
10. Abraham Van Laer, was baptised on 10 June 1646 as recorded at the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. His mother's name is recorded as Boucke Reijers making the inclusion of this child in this list suspicious.
11. Abram Van Laer, was baptised on 1 December 1647 as recorded at the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
12. Aeltie Van Laer, was baptised on 12 January 1651 as recorded at the Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Abraham Isaacszen Verplanck, had no birth or baptismal record. He died about 1689/1691.
Maria Vigné, had no birth or baptismal record. He died about 1670. [parents]
Children of Abraham Isaacszen Verplanck and Maria Vigné

Johannes Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1601 possibly in Franeker, Friesland, The Netherlands. He married with third proclamation published on 18 May 1625 at Garderwijk, The Netherlands. [parents]
Trijntgen Wilms Van Harderwijk, had no birth or baptismal record.
Claes Janszen Stavast
Eva Gerrits
Hendrick Janszen Spier, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in Aschwaerde, The Netherlands. He died prior to May 1679, possibly even before 4 September 1674. He married on 14 September 1652 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam.
Madgalena Jans Van Swol, had no birth or baptismal record. She died after May 1679.

Please see the entry for 3416 and 3417 for this couples' children.

Cornelis Meertensz, had no birth or baptismal record.
Adriana Van Broechuysen, had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born in Darthuizen in Doorn, The Netherlands. [parents]
Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1600, and died in 1681 in Fairfield, Essex County, New Jersey. In July 1625 in Vianen he married as his first wife Mayke Hendricksdr van den Burgh Graeff. On 24 March 1664 he married as his second wife Maritge Damen. [parents]

On 16 July 1626, Cornelis Hendricksz van Nes and Maygen Hendricksdr, married and living in the Havendyck, made a mutual will, In 1638, Cornelis, then residing in Middelburg, bought a half share in the ship "Kalmarsund" with Jacob Cornelissen (van Bornholm) to sail the Baltic Countries, the Zuiderzee, and the Zeeland Islands. They probably both left with 6 children on 17 May 1641 from Amsterdam on board the Eyckenboom and arrived in New Netherland on 20 August 1641. They settled in Beverwyck. He worked on a farm from 1642 to 1648 in Bethlehem, and in 1649 had plans to leave the colony. In 1650 he rented for a period ot 8 years for Fl 225 a farm in Greenbush which was occupied by Teunis Corneliszen Van Vechten.

Prior to his second marriage, he made an arrangement concerning the heritage of his first with with her children. The children also got the heritage of Hendrick Adriaensz, the deceased father of Maeyken Hendricxsz, according to the declaration of 12 June 1635. Further they get half of a house and barn and a quarter of the brewery in Greyne Bos in the colony Rensselaerswyck according to the will of 31 July 1625.

On 5/15 July 1668 Cornelis van Nes and Maritie Damen, last widow of Henderick Andriesse, and now his wife, and living in Albany, they authorize Lysbet Dirckse Van Eps, daughter of Maritie Damen and wife of Gerrit Bancker, to receive from Joost Aertse Vanden Burgh Graeff, Cornelis' cousin (Cornelis!), residing in Gorinchem in the Netherlands, the tenant farmer of 3 morgans of land at Laeckervelt or those who now use the same since 1 May 1661 to present the annual sum of fl 48.

Mayke Hendricksdr van den Burgh Graeff, was born in 1602 in Lakerveld, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands, and buried on 24 March 1664 in Rensselaerswyck, New Netherland. [parents]
Children of Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Ness and Mayke Hendricksdr van den Burgh Graeff
1. Margrietje Cornelise Van Ness had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1625, and died about 1699/1703 in Flatlands, Kings County, New York. About 1645/1649 in Rensselaer, New Netherland, she married Pieter Claeszen Wyckoff, a son of Claes Wyckoff and Margaret van der Goes, who was born on 6 January 1624/1625 in Boda, Oland Island, Sweden, and died on 30 June 1694 in Amersfoort, Long Island, New York.

Peter emigrated from the Netherlands in 1636. He settled in Flatlands, where he purchased land, and where on 10 July 1655 he was contracted to superintended the bouwery and cattle of Petrus Stuyvesant. He was magistrate of New Utrecht in 1655, 1658, 1662, and 1663, and was in February 1664, one of the representatives at the convention held at Midwout, for the purpose of sending delegates to the Netherlands, to lay before the States General and West India Company the distressed state of the country. He was also one of the patentess in the town charters of 1667 and 1686.

2. Hendrickje Cornelise Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1628 in Vianen, and died young.
3. Aeltje Cornelise Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1632 in Vianen.
4. Adriaen Corneliszen Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1634 in Vianen.
5. Hendrick Corneliszen Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1638, and died on 9 may 1717 in Albany, Albany County, New York. On 21 October 1663 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Kingston he married as his first wife Annatie Evertse, who had no birth or baptismal record. On 25 November 1688 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married as his second wife Cataryna Van Dam, a daughter of Claes Ripszen Van Dam and maria bords, who was born on 3 October 1655 probably in Beverwyck, New Netherland.
6. Jan Corneliszen Van Ness, married Alida (__).
7. Hendrickje Cornelise Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1640, and died young.
8. Hendrickje Cornelise Van Ness, married Jan Janszen Oothout.
9. Gerrit Corneliszen Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1645 and died on 9 March 1715 in Albany, Albany County, New York. About 17 July 1676 he married as his first wife (__). After 14 February 1676/1677 he married as his second wife and as her second husband Marietje Loockermans, the widower of Pieter Van Alen and a daughter of Pieter Janszen Loockermans and Maria Duncanson, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 9 March 1713/1714.

On 11 May 1675 Gerrit sold a house and lot in Greenbush to Jacob Salomonse (Goeway). He was a member of the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany since 1683. In 1663 he was a member of the "night watch" at Fort Crailo, in 1687 and 1695 Alderman of the 3rd Ward, in 1689, 1692, and 1693 Constable of the 3rd Ward, in 1691, 1693, 1696, and 1702 Assessor of that Ward, in 1694 and 1695 Overseer of Highways, in 1693 Firemaster of the 3rd Ward, and from 1698 to 1702 Asst. Alderman of the 3rd Ward. In 1683 he contributed to the salary of the minister and on 4 January 1699 took the Oath of Allegiance. His name was also found on an address of the influential citizens of Albany (24 August 1700), on a petition of the Protestants of New York (9 December 1701), and on a roster of troops of the City and County of Albany in 1700. On 16 June 1697 he was listed with a family of 1 man, 1 woman, and 2 children. He made wills in 1707 and on 9 March 1715, when he styles himself a wheelwright.

10. Gerritie Cornelise Van Ness, married Roelof Corneliszen Van Houten.

Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Ness, was born in 1599/1600 in Vianen, on the Haverdijk, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands. He died after 12 November 1684 in Flatlands, Long Island, New York. He married on 31 July 1625 in Viaven, on the Havendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
Mayke Hendricksdr van den Burgh Graeff, was born in 1602 in Lakerveld, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands. She buried on 24 March 1664 in Rensselaerswyck, New Netherland, aged 62.

Please see the entry for 6842 and 6843 for this couples' children.

Gysbert Corneliszen Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record and was botn about 1620. He died after 1685 probably in New York State. [parents]
Cornelis Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Jacob (Van Schoenderwoert), had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born about 1596 in Schoenderwoert, The Netherlands.
Children of Jacob (Van Schoenderwoert) and (__)
1. Rutger Jacobszen, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 9 December 1665. On 3 June 1646 at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam he married as her first husband Tryntje Janse Van Breestede, a daughter of Jan Jansen Van Breestede and Engeltje Jans, who had no birth or baptismal record.

At the time of their marriage, Rutger was described as being from Rensselaerswyck and Tryntje as being from Breestede. Rutger embarked at the Texel in the ship Rennselaerwyck (Skipper Jan Tiebkins) on 1 October 1636 for Fort Orange. Early on he became an active businessman and prominent citizen of Beverwyck, owning considerable real estate, and filling responsible offices in the community. He was a brewer by trade and in partnership with Goosen Gerritse (Van Schaick) rented the Patroon's brewery in 1649, at 450 guilders a year, paying in addition one guilder for every ton of beer which they brewed. This duty amounted in the first year to 330 guilders, and in the following season they worked up 1500 skipples of malt. On 2 June 1656, he laid the corner stone of the new church in Beverwyck. Besides various lots and houses in the village, he owned in partnership with Andries Herbertsen (Constapel), the island "obliquely over against Bethlehem" called Pachonakellick, Mohikander's, or Constapel's Island; and was also owner and master of the sloop Eyckenboom, plying between New Amsterdam and Beverwyck. Upon his death prior to 9 December 1665, his gold, silverware, and jewels brought at public sale 512 guilders.

After Rutger's death, Tryntje married in 1695 as her second husband Hendrick Janse Roseboom. She died at her son Jacob's home in Rosendal, Ulster County, New York. Jan Jansen Bleecker wrote upon her death " wife's mother died in the lord Rosendal at the house of her son Jacob. She came to Kinnistgeghyoene on the 18th November...and was sick three weeks."

2. Teunis Jacobszen Van Woert, married Sara Denys.
3. Derkje (Jacobse?), had no birth or baptismal record and may possibly be a daughter of Jacob (and sister of Teunis and Rutger). She married Cornelis Corneliszen Bogart, a son of Cornelis Teunise Bogart and Beeltje (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born in Schoenderwoert, The Netherlands, and died in 1665 in Albany, Albany County, New York.

About 1640 Cornelis came to Rensselaerswyck where he held land. About 1661 (?), his brother Gysbert conveyed to him "a child's just portion, being on-quater of the homestead in Schoenderwoert in Holland, which came to him by the death of his father, Cornelis Teunis Bogaert, and his mother, Beeltje Cornelis, who died in that place." Cornelis died in Albany, Albany Co., NY, in 1665 as is evident by the following entries in the Burial Records First Dutch Reformed Church Albany NY:

      10 July 1665  Marte Post has had the large pall . . . . . .  fl. 10:-
		    Ditto, she must pay 15 gl. for the winding
		    sheet for Cornelis Van de Boger[t] and for
		    two boards for his coffin.

      28 July 1665  Cornellis van de Boger[t], Teunis Jakobsz'
		    brother, is still indebted.  If anything
		    remains of his estate, it will come to us.

      27 July 1665  Paid to Barre Pietersz (Cowymans) for 4
		    boards for the two coffins, Jan Magielsz 1
		    and Cornelis van den Boger[t] 1.

      28 July 1665  To Juffrou Ebing for 2 shrouds, one for the
		    burial of Cornelis Van de Boger[t].  Marte
		    Post is to pay for the shroud and the 2 boards
		    for the coffin.

It is solely on the authroity of the statement, "Cornellis van de Boger[t], Teunis Jakobsz' brother," that Cornelis' wife, Derkje, is assigned as a daughter of Jacob Van Schoenderwoert and sister of Teunis Jacobsz and Rutger Jacobsz. It is assumed that in this case the term "brother" is meant to mean "brother-in-law."

(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of (__) and (__)
1. Sarah Denys, married Teunis Jacobszen (Van Schoenderwoert).
2. Maria Bords, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Claes Ripszen Van Dam, who had no birth or baptismal record.

From the Court Minutes for Fort Orange and Beverwyck, 1652-1656 (A.J.F. Van Lear translation), we find the following exchange: Tuesday, December 2, 1654

Present: J: Dyckman, Sander Leendertsen, J: Verbeeck, Pieter Hertgerts

The honorable consistory here, plaintiffs, against Claes Ripsz, have requested in the presence of the defendant that the defendant may be examined on [interrogatories] as follows:

We, the undersigned, Gedeon Schaets, minister, Rutger Jacobsz, elder, and Anthony de Hooges, deacon, being appointed a committee by the honorable consistory, request that the honorable court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck may be pleased to have Claes Ripsen, summoned before the court at our instance, according to our duty, answer the following interrogatories and then to take into consideration our arguements. First, whether Klaes Ripsz done not admit having had carnal conversation with the sister [of] the wife of Teunis Jacopsz? Answer, Yes.

Whether he promised to marry her or not? Answer, Yes, that he would marry her.

Whether he had acknowledged that he is the father of the child of which the aforesaid woman was recently delivered or not? Answer, Yes.

Whether he has requested to have the banns of marriage proclaimed here, or not? Answer, Yes.

Whether he has informed that it had already taken place or not? Answer, Yes, that he was so informed.

And for certain reasons he is asked whether he does not often sleep with her yet under one cover as man and wife? Answer, Yes.

All this, or the foregoing, being admitted by Klaes Ripsz, he is asked whether he is willing to marry her, or not? Answer, Yes.

When? Says he expects news from his father, whom he has written about it.

Moreover, all excuses and subterfuges about this are very illogical for, seeing that man is mortal, it would be full of danger for them to depart [withour being married];

First, because, although it may be argued that they are engaged, this is neither binding nor legal, as long as they are not united in marriage in the customary way.

Secondly, because as a consequence therof the aforesaid child would be illegitimate.

Thirdly, because of people who live togther like man and wife one can never know when the woman will again be pregnant by him.

Therefore, in view of the inevitable results and consequences above mentioned, we come to the positive conclusion that in order to avoid all scandal, to prevent further mischief, to promote good order, to maintain justice and finally to fulfil our bounden duty, Klaes Ripse must be united with the aforesaid person at the first opportunity. Whereupon we expect the judgement of the honorable court aforesaid. Thus done in Fort Orange, the first day of December 1654. Was signed: Gedeon Schaets, pastor in loco, Rutger Jacopsz, elder, and Anthonius de Hooges, deacon.

The honorable court having heard the arguements and debates on both sides, condemn the defendant to marry the aforesaid person even this day, and as the aforesaid woman is sickly and can not well take the trouble [to go out], the Reverend Gedeon Schaets is requested to [perform the marriage at her house]. Otherwise, if he, Claes Ripse, refused to do so, he shall immediately be put in irons, until he marries her. Which being proposed to him, it was found that he had nothing bur frivolous excuses to offer and therefore was put in irons.

[As a followup, Klaes appeared in Court 26 January 1654/55 accused of denying what he had said on 2 December 1654. After being "sharply examined in regard to the offenses committed by him in word and deed," he confessed his guilt and was fined 50 guilders as an example to others.]

The following article by James Riker appeared in the New York Genealogical and Biographical record, Vol. 13, p. 201 (1882):

"Some years ago I copied from an old Dutch Bible the family record of Claes Ripse Van Dam, the father of the Hon. Rip Van Dam. The record, entered in a good hand after 1686 (the year in which the Bible was printed), was ink-eaten and partly illegible, but contained the births of 5 children, of whom the first and third soon died. The second child was born 3 October 1655, and was named "Cataryna Claes van Dam." No doubt the Catrina who married Hendrick van Ness, November 25, 1688. The fourth was a son, but the date of his birth had perished, and also his name, except "-- Claessen van Dam." This, however, was doubtless the Hon. Rip. The fifth child was a daughter, born 5 June 1664, her name lost, except "-- van Dam." But possibly it was Deborah who married Hendrick Hansen, September 2, 1692. The identity of the fifth child of Claes Ripse van Dam, born 5 June 1664, is rendered uncertain by the fact that there was another daughter named Margaret who married Andrew van Alst."

It is my opinion that the wife of Claes Ripse Van Dam named Maria Bords, was the sister of "the wife of Teunis Jacopsz," Sara Denys. This "sister" was clearly the mother of the first child of Claes born in 1654. It is very likely that Claes did marry this woman given the pressure that the local courts placed on him as he never again appears in court over this matter after January 1655. It is thus very likely that his second child, Cataryna, was also by this "sister," especially since her birth occurs 11 months after his last court appearance. Claes is never mentioned as having more than one wife and apparently James Riker found nothing in the family Bible record to indicate multiple marriages (although he admits that parts of the Bible were illegible). There continued to be close family ties between the family of Claes and his brother-in-law Jacob Teunis (Van Schoenderwoert) some 40 or so years after this incident. And all of Claes' children name a daughter Maria, even Cataryna who was surely a daughter of this unnamed sister.

Jan Loockermans, had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born about 16=585 in Turnhout, Antwerp, Belgium.
Children of Jan Loockermans and (__)
1. Pieter Janszen Loockermans, married as her second husband Maria Duncanson.
2. Jacob Janszen Loockermans, had no birth or baptismal record and was possibly born in Turnhout, Antwerp, Belgium. About 1644 he married as his first wife Tryntje Claes, who had no birth or baptismal record and died after 26 April 1685. On 21 August 1696 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of Albany he married as his second wife Maria de Hooges, a daughter of Anthony de Hooges and Eva Albertse, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1648.

Jacob had settled in Beverwyck as early as 28 July 1657, on which date the Sheriff brought a suit against him for having assaulted Meuwes Hogeboom and having split his face open from his forehead to his under lip with his knife. He was fined 300 guilders and ordered to pay for loss of time, board, and surgical attendence. In May 1664, he and John Davits were Commissioners to negotiate a treaty of peace between the Mohawks and the Northern Indians (or Abenaquis), which they successfully concluded at Narrington on 24 May 1664. In April 1667, he purchased a house and lot in Albany owned by Willem Janse Schutt, and another on 25 July 1684 owned by Laurence Van Alen. On 24 August 1685, he obtained a license to travel, trade, and hunt among the Indians, as far as Wagganasse and Attawaasse (Ottawas), with a company of thirty men. He was probably the Captain Loquerman, who, with Arian Abrahamse Schuyler and Jean Blaquerd, were detained as hostages in Canada by Governor Denonville, while awaiting a reply to his letter to Governor Dongan, dated 2 October 1687, in which he complained of the infraction of the late treaty of peace by the English.

3. Anna Loockermans, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Turnhout, Antwerp, Belgium, and died on 14 May 1684. With Banns published on 26 February 1642 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam she married Olaf Stephenszen Van Cortlandr, a son of Stephen Corneliszen Van Cortlandt and Fijchen Oloffs, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on 4 April 1684.
4. Govert Loockermans, was baptised on 2 July 1612 in Turnhout, Antwerp, Belgium, and died on 18 May 1671. On 26 February 1641 he married as his first wife Arientje Jans, who had no birth or baptismal record. On 20 July 1649 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam he married as his second wife and as her third husband Marritje Jans, the widow of Thymens Janszen and Dirck Corneliszen and a daughter of Jan (__) and Tryntje Jonas, who had no birth or baptismal record. Marritje's will was dated 7 May 1677 (with Codicil dated 1 November 1677) and proved on 22 July 1678.

James Duncanson, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1564 probably in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland. He died on 11 July 1624. He married about 1612. [parents]

He graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1585, and as a minister was admitted to the vicarage of the established church at Alloa in February 1589. In March 1593, King James VI of Scotland presented him to the vicarage of Tullibody. He was minister of both churches until his death in 1624.

Helen Livingston, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of James Duncanson and Helen Livingston
1. Jonet Duncanson, was baptised on 13 April 1613 in Alloa, Clackmannan, Scotland (wit.: Mr. Ritchard Wryt and Jone Carronn). On 20 December 1639 as recorded at the Nieuwkerk, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, she married as her first husband Jan Aerdes, who had no birth or baptismal record. Their marriage intention stated the following: "10 December 1639. Jan Aerdes from Menros in Scotland ship's sailor living in the St. Jorisstraet & Jannetie Donckess from Alow living as before [ie. in the same street]." She married as her second husband and as his third wife Thomas Powell, the widower of Maria Adriaens and Jannetie's sister Anna Duncanson, who had no birth or baptismal record. Thomas Powell, baker, was a sergeant in the West India Company's service in Brazil from 1641 until 1653. After the Dutch lost their Brazillan colonies to Portugal, he moved to New Netherlands. By 1657 he was in Beverwyck, New Netherlands. Besided several lots in Beverwyck, he owned a parcel of land behind Kinderhoek and between Kinderhoek and Neutenhoek. He died prior to 1671, by which year Jannetie Duncanson married as her third husband Richard Orchard, who had no birth or baptismal record. In March 1671, both she and Richard conveyed her second husband's lands in and around Kinderhoek to Hendrick Coenraetse, Lourens Van Alen, Jacob Martense, Dirk Hendricxse Sweed, Andries Hanse [Sharp], and Jan Martense [(De) Weever].
2. Maria Duncanson, married as her first husband Jan Macfasse( and as her second husband Pieter Janszen Loockermans.
3. John Duncanson, was baptised in December 1615 in Alloa, Clackmannan, Scotland (wit.: Jon Murray Mr., [Earl?] of Mar, and James Murray Mr. Wo(__)).
4. Anna Duncanson, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1616/17 possibly in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland. In October/November 1646 in the Oudekerk, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, she married as his second wife Thomas Powell, the widower of Maria Andriens, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Their marriage intention stated the following: "the 27 October 1646. Appeared as before, Thomas Poul from Herifetcheer [probably Herefordshire] soldier aboard ship, widower of Maria Adriaens living in the Jonckerstraet & Annetie Donckes from Sterling age 28 years assisted by her sister Jannetie Donckes having no parents .... not related by blood not by affinity." Marriage not found. Thomas, baker, was a sergeant in the West India Company's service in Brazil from 1641 until 1653. After the Dutch lost their Brazillan colonies to Portugal, he moved to New Netherlands. By 1657 he was in Beverwyck, New Netherlands. Besided several lots in Beverwyck, he owned a parcels of land behind Kinderhoek and between Kinderhoek and Neutenhoek, which his widow Jannetie Duncanson, and her third husband Richard Orchard conveyed in March 1671 to Hendrick Coenraetse, Lourens Van Alen, Jacob Martense, Dirk Hendricxse Sweed, Andries Hanse [Sharp], and Jan Martense [(De) Weever].

5. Margaret Duncanson, was baptised on 17 March 1618 in Alloa, Clackmannan, Scotland (wit.: Mundo D(__) and Patrick E(__)), and died prior to 9 April 1664. On 6 February 1639 as recorded at the Oudekerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, she married as his firs wife William Teller, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Their marriage intention stated the following: the 22 January 1639. Willem Tailler from Hitlant [Shetland Islands] soldier aboard ship [soldaet te waeter] living on the Prinsengraeth having no parents & Margrieta Donckess from Sterlinge living in the Suyckerbackersteght age 20 having no parents." He came from the Netherlands to New Netherlands in 1639, probably in Den Harinck with Sander Leendertse Glen.

Margariet died prior to 9 April 1664, when Willem married as his second wife and as her second husband Maria Verleth, widow of Paulus Schrick. In his marriage contract, dated 19 April 1664, Willem names the seven remaining children of Margariet Duncanson and states their ages. Willem Teller, merchant of New York, aged about 78 years, in a deposition made 6 July 1698, said that he arrived in the Province in the year 1639, was sent to Fort Orange, by [Governor] Kieft, served there as a corporal, and then was advanced to be Wachtmeester of the Fort; that he had continued his residence at Albany, from 1639, to 1692, with some small intermissions upon voyages to New York, Delaware, and one short voyage to Holland. He was a trader for about 50 years in Albany from whence he removed to New York in 1692, with his sons.

Done the 12th of August, 1662, in Fort Orange in N. Netherlant.

In the name of the Lord Amen, be it known that in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ sixteen hundred and sixty-four, the 19th day of April, appeared before me Johannes La Montagne, in the service of, etc., the honorable Willem Teller, widower of the late Margariet Donckesen, who declares in the presence of the afternamed witnesses, that for God's honor he has contracted a future marriage with Maria Verlet, widow of the late Paulus Schrick, and before the consummation of the same, he, the subscriber, has made up and exhibited for the seven remaining children of Margariet Donckesen (the subscriber's late wife), the sum of three thousand five hundred carolus guilders in beaver's price, exclusive of all debts hitherto made, which he undertakes to pay, to be distributed as follows, to wit: to Anderies Teller aged 22 years, Helena Teller 19 years, Martjen? 16 years, Elysabeth Teller 12 years, Jacob Teller 9 years, Willem Teller 7 years, and Johannes Teller 5 years, being her matrimonial inheritance, and for the payment of the aforesaid sum, the subscriber offers all his estate personal and real, as a pledge and mortgage; to which end said subscriber appoints, as guardians, the honorable Sander Leendertse Glen and Pieter Loockermans, uncles of said children; in the meantime the subscriber shall remain holden to bring up the aforesaid children, to wit, the minors, in the fear of the Lord, to teach them to read and write; furthermore, to maintain them in food and clothing, until their majority and marriage, without any diminution of their matrimonial [maternal?] estate; all which the subscriber promises to do, without craft or guile, pledging therefor his person and estate, real and personal, present and future. Thus done in the village of Beverwyck, in the presence of the honorable Evert Wendel and Johannes Provoost, as witnesses hereto called, of date ut supra.


Johannes Provoost, witness. Acknowledged before me, LA MONTAGNE, Commis at Fort Orange.

Willem wrote his will on 19 March 1689, in which he styles himself "merchant," and in the instrument leaves to his eldest son Andrew £500, "in consideration of his birthright or primogeniture." He bequeathed to his son William, 20 merchantable beavers at 12 shillings each. To Anna Margartie, the daughter of his son Jacob, deceased, 20 shillings, and no more, "for good and sufficient reasons I have for soe doing." To his daughter-in-law Susanah Brockholst and his daughter Janake Schuyler, of their mother's portion, the quantity of 85 beavers at 12 shillings each. To his children Andrew, Helena Rumbout, the two children of his daughter Mary Van Allen, deceased, Elizabeth Vander Pool, William, John and Janake Schyler, "all the wrought silver which my present wife found at the time of her marriage." Legacies were to be paid after the death of his wife Mary, and the rest of estate to be divided among the persons above named. He mentioned a former conveyance of a piece of land in New York, to his son Caspar, which he repudiates, and any of his children claiming under it, are to be cut off from inheritance. Executors were his son Andrew. Witnesses were Johnes Kip, Peter Rychman, Johanes Kierstede. The will was proved on 23 May 1701. The inventory of his estate amounted to £910 10s 3p. Maria Varleth died in 1702, and an inventory of her estate amounted to £1,275 12s 3p.

6. Katheren Duncanson, was baptised on 15 April 1621 in Alloa, Clackmannan, Scotland (wit.: Mr. Richard Wryt and Mr. Hendric Livingstou[n]), and died on 12 August 1684. On 31 October 1638 as recorded at the Oudekerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, she married A(exander Glen, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Their marriage intention stated the following: "the 16 October 1638. Sander Glen van vliet [lieterally, "from the stream"] aged 32 years sailor living in the Karseboomsteegh no parents assisted by his sloopboss Edwourt Francs [?] & Catelijn Donckes from alewer aged 18 years living in the Suijckerbackessteeghie also no parents assisted by maria jones her nicht [cousin or niece] & Jenne Donckes her sister.

Sander Leendertsz Glen sailed with his wife, Catalijn Donckesz, on den Harinck, in May 1639 from Texel, West Friesland, The Netherlands, arriving on 7 July 1639 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland. March 11, 1649, they acknowledged their signatures to contracts of 28 March 1639, and 23 February 1645, and stated that they sailed the two yachts of the patroon from 1641, for three years, "but not when they tapped liquor." The nature of the two contracts is not disclosed. Sander Leendertsz is credited with wine and beer furnished between 1644 and 1646, and charged with f32 a year from 1647 to 1652, for ground rent and the right to trade with the Indians. On 2 August 1649, Director van Slichtenhorst notified Sander Leendertsz and other skippers not to transport colonists to the Manhatans without his consent.

Sander was a servant of the West India Company at Fort Nassau on the Delaware in 1633. He recieved a grant of land there in 1651 and was prepared to build there, but was prevented by the violence of the Swedes. He also received a patent for a lot in Smit's Valley, New Amsterdam in 1646, which he sold in 1660 at which time he was called Coopman Van beverwyck. In 1664 he owned lands, house, and cattle in Gravesend. In 1665, he received a patent for lands in Schenectady, which land he called Nova Scotia, and this became his permanent residence. He owned real estate in various arts of Albany, and was a considerable trader with the Indians.

Jan Oothout, had no birth or baptismal record.
Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Ness, was born in 1599/1600 in Vianen, on the Haverdijk, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands. He died after 12 November 1684 in Flatlands, Long Island, New York. He married on 31 July 1625 in Viaven, on the Havendijke, Zeeland, The Netherlands.
Mayke Hendricksdr van den Burgh Graeff, was born in 1602 in Lakerveld, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands. She buried on 24 March 1664 in Rensselaerswyck, New Netherland, aged 62.

Please see the entry for 6842 and 6843 for this couples' children.

Aucke Janszen Van Nuyse, was born about 1621/1622 in Groningen, The Netherlands. He died 15 May 1698 in Flatbush, Kings County, New York. He married on 23 April 1645 in Amsterdam, Nord Holland, The Netherlands.
Magdalena Pieterse (Van Langendyck), was born about 1620/1623 in Alkmaar, Noord Holland (or Langendyck), The Netherlands. She died before September 1662 probably in New Amsterdam, New Netherland.

Please see the entry for 6798 and 6799 for this couples' children.

Laurens Hendrickszen Ackerman, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1570. He died in 169 in The Netherlands.
Janneke (Jurckse?), had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1579. She died in 1624.

Please see the entry for 6808 and 6809 for this couples' children.

Jean Belliers, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1590. He died prior to 1641.
Catherina Herque, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1592. She died after 1653.

Please see the entry for 6810 and 6811 for this couples' children.

Gerrit Stoffelszen Van Laer, had no birth or baptismal record. He married on 20 April 1630.
Barbara Adriaens, had no birth or baptismal record

Please see the entry for 6812 and 6813 for this couples' children.

Abraham Isaacszen Verplanck, had no birth or baptismal record. He died about 1689/1691.
Maria Vigné, had no birth or baptismal record. He died about 1670.

Please see the entry for 6814 and 6815 for this couples' children.

Jean Verdon, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1600. He died prior to 1636. He married about 1623. [parents]
Maria Thomasdr Badie, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1608. She died after 22 June 1670. [parents]
Frederick Thomasz, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1576 in Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands. He married on 16 September 1606 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands. The marriage record reads: Compareerden als vooren Freric Thomasz van Groeningen droogscheerder out 30 jaar Woont op de Lijnbaen Dwarsgraft verclaerende geen ouders te hebben ter eenre ende Fransje Cornelis[dr] out 24 jare woont ter selve plaatse [__] moeder [__] consent aan Jan .omas Vercl[__] [__] ter ander sijde. (Both signed with a mark).

At the time of his married, Frederick called himself a dyer, but in the baptismal record he was referred to as "kleinschuitvoerder" (captain of a barge).

Fransje Cornelis, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1582 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands. [parents]
Children of Frederick Thomasz and Fransje Cornelis
1. Celitje Fredericksdr, was baptised on 10 May 1608 as recorded at the New Reformed Dutch Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Selijtje Willems). On 11 January 1632 in Amsterdam, noord-Holland, The Netherlands, with intention filed there on 20 December 1631, she married Andries Jochemszen, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1607 in Leeuwarden, Friesland, The Netherlands. Their marriage record reads: Compareende als vooren Andries Jochemsen van Liewarden varentgesel out 24 jaer woon[end] inde Linnestraet geass[isteert] met Grieten Pouwels ende Celitgie Frericx van A[msterdam] out 22 jaer, geen ouders hebbend geassis[teert] met Celijtgen Willems haer bestemoei [__] inde Boomstraet.
2. Grietje Fredericksdr, was baptised on 26 October 1609 as recorded at the New Reformed Dutch Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Selijtje Cornelis).
3. Thomas Fredericksz, married Maritje Adriaensdr.
4. Saerken Frederiksdr, was baptised on 29 September 1613 as recorded at the Old Reformed Dutch Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Celij Willemsdr, Marij Jansdr).
5. Sara Fredericksdr, was baptised on 23 August 1615 as recorded at the New Reformed Dutch Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Maritie Jans).
6. Jannetje Fredericksdr, was baptised on 19 November 1617 as recorded at the Old Reformed Dutch Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Celij Willems and Marij Jans). On 16 January 1650 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands, with intention filed on 1 January 1650 she married Barent Jansz, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about1625 in Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands. Their marriage record reads: Compareerden als voorn barent janss van Groningen out 25 jaer geen ouders hebbend woont inde Cal[ver]straat backergesel [ende] Jannetie Vrericx van A[msterdam] woont inde Corsenpoortsteech, geen ouders hebben, out 32 jaer (signed Barent Jans: Ianneta Fredericks).
7. Cornelis Fredericksz, was baptised on 12 January 1620 as recorded at the Old Reformed Dutch Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Willem [__]).
8. Neeltje Fredericksdr, was baptised on 21 February 1621 as recorded at the Old Reformed Dutch Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Celijtje Willemsdr). On 14 November 1649 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands, with intention filed there on 30 October 1649, she married Claes Hendrickszen (Van Schoonhoven), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1624 in Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Their marriage record reads: Compareerden als vooren Claes Hendrickse van Uijtrecht out 25 jaer [ver]toon[de] acte [__] ouders hebbend huijstimmergesel woont int Catgad [en] Neeltie Freric van A[msterdam] out 28 jaer woont inde C[__]brugsteeg geen ouders hebbend (signed: Claes Hendrijcksen: Neeltgen Frederiks).
9. Maritje Fredericksdr, was baptised on 5 January 1625 as recorded at the New Reformed Dutch Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Selijtje Willems).
10. Cornelis Fredericksz, was baptised on 7 November 1627 as recorded at the New Reformed Dutch Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Hilletje Willems).

Adriaen Adriaensz, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1592 in Delft, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands. He married on 10 November 1618 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands. His marriage record reads: Compareerden als voorn Adriaen Adriaensz van Delft, oud 26 jaren geen ouders hebbende, olislager, woont opt Rockin, ende Trijntjen Stevens, van Munster, oud 25 jaren, geen ouders hebbend geass[isteer]t met Sander jansz haer halve broeder, woont ot [ver] (__)p.
Tryntje Stevens, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1593 in Munster, Westphalia, Germany.
Children of Adriaen Adriaensz and Tryntje Stevens
1. Arent [Adriaen] Adriaensz, was baptised on 28 June 1620 as recorded at the Old Dutch Reformed Church of Amsterdan (wit.: Vroutje Jacobs).
2. Cornelis Adriaensz, was baptised on 31 January 1623 as recorded at the New Dutch Reformed Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Vrou Jacobs).
3. Trijntje Adriaensdr, was baptised on 28 July 1624 as recorded at the New Dutch Reformed Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Grietje Franse).
4. Steven Adriaensz, was baptised on 12 October 1625 as recorded at the New Dutch Reformed Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Neeltje Frans), and died young.
5. Pieter Adriaensz, was baptised on 14 March 1627 as recorded at the New Dutch Reformed Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Jaepje Gerrits).
6. Maritje Adriaensdr, married Thomas Frederickszen.
7. Steven Adriaensz, was baptised on 5 May 1630 as recorded at the New Dutch Reformed Church of Amsterdam (wit.: (__) Egberts), and died young.
8. Steven Adriaensz, was baptised on 15 November 1633 as recorded at the New Dutch Reformed Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Grietje Franse).
9. Geertruijt Adriaensdr, was baptised on 26 October 1636 as recorded at the New Dutch Reformed Church of Amsterdam (wit.: Annetje Nannings).

Jan Snedan, had no birth or baptismal record. He died prior to 14 March 1662. [parents]
Grietie Jans, had no birth or baptismal record.
John Denman, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1591 in Essex (not Retford), England, and died about 1622 England. He married about 1620 in England.

Robert Charles Anderson, in his book "The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633," states that his name was Henry Denman without further comment.

Judith Stoughton, was baptised on 9 July 1591 in Naughton Parish, Suffolk, England, and died (prior to 18 May May) 1639 in Salem County, Massachusetts. About 1620 in England, she married as her first husband John Denman. About 1623 in England she married as her second husband William Smead, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1600 in or near Devonshire, England, and died about 1624 in Essex, England. [parents]

Judith sailed with her 3 children from Gravesend, England, 3 September 1635, with John Flower Captain in the ship "Dorset", first to Barbadoes, and then to New England. There she settled in Salem County, Massachusetts, and signed the Dorchester Church Covenant in 1636. As Judith Smead she joined the church in Dorchester about the year 1636, and had 20 acres of land granted to her below the burying place in D. [Dorchester] in 1638.

An abstract of her will recorded in Suffolk County, Massachusetts reads:

An Inventory of the goods of the weadow Smead deseassed, taken the 18th day of the 3 mounth 1639. " My selfe had as followeth "-(various utensils, household goods, produce, &c., mentioned), " I haue had for Commones of Mr Joanes, £4. ; of goodman Bird for the house & lot & Corne, £30 ; for Necke of land of Mr Joanes, £5.5." The names introduced, to whom various household articles were given, are those of John Pope, Sumner, Gibson, goodman Tomkins, Mr Payne, Brother Knight, sister vrsilah, Johnson, Joanes, goodman Juets wife ; vyolette coat to goodman Oldreges; Swift, bro. Kinslie, Mr. Newman, White, sister Clarke, Oliver Purchase, Butler, Thomas Bird, brother Clarke, Mr. Mathers maide, Mr Palsgraue, Jolm Dorman for stockines and shoos, clothes to his master, to goe forth with him, £13.06.08; payd goodman Pope with the boy, £32; payed towards clothing of Mary, £1.10.03; payed John Scudder, 10s; payed for bloodding, 1s; payed for other charges of wine & cake, £1. Articles to the amount of £8,15.10 are given as " Things I know not who had as they are still in being." "debts payed by me on my sisters Account," &c.

Another abstract reads as follows:

Widdow Smead.-Mr. Israell Stoughton, Administrator to Mrs Judith Smeed, widdow, deceased, as by Inventory taken ye 18: 3d : 1639. Sum is £103 : 19 : 05. Payd to Batcheller, of Sallem, Wch wee apprehended is repayd Jno Denman by him, £13. 06. 08. ; payd to John Pope, of Dorchester, wth William Smeed, wch is repayd into ye Deacons hands, £32. ; to Mary Denman, wife to Clement Maxfield, £13. 10s. 10d. ; &c. &c. Roger Clap, Christopher Gibson, Hopestill Foster were appointed to examine Mrs Stoughtons booke & Inventory concerning Mrs Judith Smeeds Estate, who find the balance of the whole Estate to be £85. 07. 11 1/2. ; to be divided among 3 Children. Jn0 Denmans pte comes to £32 00s. 06d. ; Mary Denman, now Clemt. Maxfields wife, £21. 07s. ; Wm. Smeeds pt is £35. 06. The apprisers make a return the 11 of Imo. 1657-8. Mentions "sister Visillah, Jno Scudder, Bro: Knight, Oliver Purchase ; a tub to sister Clarke ; my Brothr Clarke ; good. Tomkins ; Bro Kinsly ; 5 dornix Curtins to Sumner ; good. Jewell & wife ; a vylett coat to goodman Oldreges," &c. &c.
Children of John Denman and Judith Stoughton
1. John Denman, married (__).
2. Mary Denman, was born 16 December 1621 in England, and died on 31 May 1707. Prior to 1639 she married Clement Maxfield, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1620 in England, and died on 3 February 1691/1692 in Dorchester, Massachusetts.

On 18 December 1655, Clement Maxfield of Taunton, Massachusetts, was granted a "percel of land for the house of his division, lying between the lands of Nicholas White and the greate lots which was formerly granted to John Gallop and the said Clement." In 1664 he was made a constable. He, along with his son, Samuel, were mentioned in the will of Christopher Gibson, of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, undated but after 1672. Clement served in King Philip's War in June 1676 in the Medfield Garrison.

Children of William Smead and Judith Stoughton
1. William Smead, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1624 in Essex, England, and died in 1703. In 1658 he married Elizabeth Lawrence, who was born about 1637/38 in Hingham, Norfolk, England, a daughter of Thomas Lawrence and Elizabeth Bates. Elizabeth, along with some of her children, was killed 29 February 1704, by the French and Indians in the Deerfield Massacre.

He was bound out to be reared and taught the weaver's trade by John Pope, who died on 12 April 1646. He was mentioned in John Pope's will (12 : 2 : 1646) as "my Littell boy" to whom Mr. Pope leaves his "Lomes, and such Tackling as do belong vnto them, which is to the vallew of 31b. provided he be willing to dwell with my wife after his time is out, also provided he be willing to Learn my Trad, and that there be a comfortable Agreement mad betweene the[m] Afterward.

William Smead and Elizabeth Lawrence have other descendants, such as:
.Judith Smead - Eliezer Hawks
|.Thankful Hawks - (1) Thomas Taylor, (2) John Ashley
||.(by 1) Thankful Taylor - David Field
|||.Mary Field - James Taylor
||||.Gratia Taylor - David Hurlburt
|||| .Elihu Hurlburt - Emeline Goodell
||||  .Harriet Augusta Hurlburt - John Vose Hazen
||||   .Fannie Vose Hazen - ADELBERT AMES, Jr. (1880-1955) opthalmologist
|||.Tirza Field - Jonathan Ashley
||| .Dorothy Ashley - Roswell Leavitt
|||  .Erasmus Darwin Leavitt - Almira Fay
|||   .ERASMUS DARWIN LEAVITT, Jr. (1836-1916) Mechanical Engineer
|||   .George Roswell Leavitt - Henrietta Swan Kendrick
|||    .HENRIETTA SWAN LEAVITT (1868-1921) astronomer
||.(by 2) Samuel Ashley - Eunice Doolittle
|| .Daniel Ashley - Mercy Pratt
||  .HENRY ASHLEY (1778-1829) Congressman
|.Eleazer Hawks - Abigail Wells
||.Gershom Hawks - Thankful Corse
|||.Thankful Hawks - Samuel Hitchcock
||||.Asenath Hitchcock - Ira Warner
|||| .Alonzo Franklin Warner - Lydia Ann Converse
||||  .IRA DEVER WARNER (1840-1913) Warner Brothers Corset Company co-founder
||||  .LUCIEN CALVIN WARNER (1841-1914) Warner Brothers Corset Company co-founder
|||.Ephraim Hawks - Elizabeth (__)
||||.Elizabeth Hawks - John McFeely
|||| .Eli McFeely - Elizabeth Ward
||||  .John McFeely - Clarissa Brooks
||||   .Charles Albert McFeely - Anna Lindsay
||||    .Fred Brooks McFeely - Nancy (__)
||||     .Nancy McFeely - James Rogers
||||      .FRED MCFEELY ROGERS (1928-2003) TV actor
|||.Israel Hawks - Mary Mitchell
||| .Bernard Hawks - Prudence (__)
|||  .Allen A. Hawks - Betsey Mallory
|||   .Charles Henry Hawks - Elizabeth Addington
|||    .Charles Monroe Hawks - Ida Mae Woodruff
|||     .FRANK MONROE HAWKS (1897-1938) aviator
||.Eleazer Hawks - Margaret Allen
|||.Judith Hawks - Caleb Allen
||| .Lovina Allen - Oliver Starr
|||  .Caleb Allen Starr - Susan Gates Child
|||   .ELLEN GATES STARR (1859-1940) social reformer
||.Joshua Hawks - Abigail Hastings
|||.Jared Hawkes - Elizabeth Failes
||| .Sylvia Hawks - HENRY ASHLEY (1778-1829) Congressman
||.Paul Hawks - Lois Wait
|| .Cephas Hawks - Chloe Case
||  .Eleazer Hawks - Jeannie Goff
||   .Frank Winchester Hawks - Helen Howard
||    .HOWARD WINCHESTER HAWKS (1896-1977) film director
||    .Kenneth Neil Hawks - MARY ASTOR (née LUCILE VASCONCELLOS LANGHANKE) (1906-1987) film actor
||    .William Bettingger Hawks - BESSIE LOVE (née JUANITA HORTON) (1898-1986) film actor
|.Elizabeth Hawks - Hezekiah Stratton
||.Hezekiah Stratton - Mary Smith
|| .Eunice Stratton - Medad Alexander
||  .Phila Alexander - Isaiah Moody
||   .Edwin Moody - Betsey Holton
||    .DWIGHT LYMAN MOODY (1837-1899) evangelist
|.Nathaniel Hawks - Hannah Belden
||.Hannah Hawks - Gideon Bardwell
|| .Lois Bardwell - Solomon Clapp
||  .Eliphaz Clapp - Charlotte Gunn
||   .Richard Clapp - Eunice Amelia Slate
||    .CORNELIA MARIA CLAPP (1849-1934) zoologist
|.Sarah Hawks - Thomas Wells
||.Sarah Wells - William Williams
|| .Miriam Williams - James Denison Colt
||  .Sylvia Easton Colt - Charles Larned
||   .Catherine Jones Larned - John Guest Atterbury
||    .Charles Larned Atterbury - Katherine Mitchell Dow
||    |.GROSVENOR ATTERBURY (1869-1956) architect
||    |
||    .Katherine Boudinot Atterbury - Charles Horace Conner
||    |.LEWIS ATTERBURY CONNER (1867-1950) cardiology pioneer
||    |.Katharine Conner - HOWARD LOWRIE FISHER (?-?) Lusitania survivor
||    |.DOROTHY CONNER (1890-1967) Lusitania survivor
||    |.Julia Allen Conner - HAROLD JAMES RECKITT (1868-1930) Member of Parliment
||    |
||    .WILLIAM WALLACE ATTERBURY (1866-1935) Brigadier-General - Minnie Hoffman
||     .MALCOLM ATTERBURY (1907-1992) film and TV actor
|.Hannah Hawks - Samuel Allen
| .Caleb Allen - Judith Hawks
|  .Lovina Allen - Oliver Starr
|   .Caleb Allen Starr - Susan Gates Child
|    .ELLEN GATES STARR (1859-1940) social reformer
.Mehitable Smead - Jeremiah Hull
|.Elizabeth Hull - John Nims
| .John Nims - Abigail Smead
|  .Esther Nims - Sylvanus Rice
|  |.Huldah Rice - John Fuller
|  | .Matthew Rice Fuller - Sarah Jenks
|  |  .Luther Rice Fuller - Mary Eliza Chapin
|  |   .Edward Watson Fuller - Luna Aleamina Johnson
|  |    .Thelma Fuller - (__) Bledsoe
|  |     .Mary Bledsoe - GILBERT ROBBINS (1933-living) member of The Highwaymen
|  |      .DAVID ROBBINS (1955-living) composer
|  |      .TIMOTHY FRANCIS ROBBINS (1958-living) film actor
|  |       - (child-bearing partneship) SUSAN SARANDON (née SUSAN ABIGAIL TOMALIN) (1946-living) film actor
|  |
|  .John Nims - Betsey Rice
|   .Abigail Nims - Levi Steele
|    .Laura Steele - Calvin Johnson
|     .Lewis Johnson - Maria Dorothea Bass
|      .Luna Aleamina Johnson - Edward Watson Fuller
|       .Thelma Fuller - (__) Bledsoe
|        .Mary Bledsoe - GILBERT ROBBINS (1933-living) member of The Highwaymen
|         .DAVID ROBBINS (1955-living) composer
|         .TIMOTHY FRANCIS ROBBINS (1958-living) film actor
|          - (child-bearing partneship) SUSAN SARANDON (née SUSAN ABIGAIL TOMLIN (1946-living) film actor
.Ebenezer Smead - Esther Catlin
 .Esther Smead - Daniel Arms
 |.Daniel Arms - Mary Stebbins
 ||.Mary Arms - Simeon Harvey
 |||.Polly Harvey - Cyrus Johnston
 ||| .Harvey Peter Johnston - Phebe Cady
 |||  .Charles Johnston - Levantia Benson
 |||   .Florence Elizabeth Johnston - Arthur Grazly Frisbie
 |||    .ROBERT DEAN FRISBIE (1896-1948) Travel Writer
 ||.Experience Arms - Peter Gates
 || .Electa Gates - Samuel Childs
 ||  .Susan Gates Childs - Caleb Allen Starr
 ||   .ELLEN GATES STARR (1859-1940) social reformer
 |.Martha Arms - Othniel Taylor
 | .Samuel Taylor - Esther White (older brother of Othniel)
 | |.Samuel Taylor, Jr. - Sarah Butler
 | | .Othniel White Taylor - Fidelia Phillips Richmond
 | |  .WILLIAM OTHNIEL TAYLOR (1855-1923) Battle of the Little Big Horn survivor
 | |
 | .Othniel Taylor, Jr. - Dorothy Wilder
 |  .Clorinda Taylor - Lemuel Barnard
 |   .Emily Ward Barnard - Samuel H. Robinson
 |    .Elizabeth Ellen Robinson - Henry C. McConnell
 |     .Mary Robinson McConnell - James Lee Gish
 |      .LILLIAN GISH (née LILLIAN DIANA DE GUICHE) (1893-1993) film actor
 |      .DOROTHY GISH (née DOROTHY ELIZABETH DE GUICHE) (1898-1968) film actor
 |       - JAMES RENNIE (1890-1965) film actor
 .Elizabeth Smead - Joshua Wells
 |.Martha Wells - Daniel Nash
 ||.Tubal Nash - Mary Corse
 || .Mary Nash - Asa Conkey
 ||  .Theodore Conkey - Cynthia Foote
 ||   .Helen Byrd Conkey - Lyman Eddy Barnes
 ||    .Alice Alexandra Barnes - Frank Lee Beals
 ||     .Bettina Byrd Beals - Georg Schaller
 ||      .GEORGE BEALS SCHALLER (1933-living) naturalist, conservationist
 |.Elisha Wells - Abigail Brooks
 | .Elisha Wells - Tizrah Severence
 |  .Tizrah Wells - Ezra Chase
 |   .Nancy Bailey Chase - Lorin Farr
 |   |.Sarah Farr - John Henry Smith
 |   | .GEORGE ALBERT SMITH (1870-1951) LDS Church President
 |   |
 |   .Charlotte Chase - HEBER CHASE KIMBALL (1801-1868) LDS Church President
 |   |
 |   .Diana (Diora) Severence Chase - BRIGHAM YOUNG (1801-1877) LDS Church President
 .Ruth Smead - Edward Martindale
 |.Gershom Martindale - Bathsheba Nash
 ||.William Martindale - Obedience (__)
 || .Obedience Martindale - Ira Smith
 ||  .Chloe Smith - Stephen Jeffords
 ||   .Pliny S. Jeffords - Frances Ann Adams
 ||    .James Merrill Jeffords - Mary Merrill
 ||     .Olin Merrill Jeffords - Marion Hausman
 ||      .JAMES MERRILL JEFFORDS (1934-living) Senator
 |.Sarah Martindale - Thomas Dewey
 ||.Ruth Dewey - Nathaniel Wattles
 || .Chandler Wattles - Diana Murray
 ||  .Susan Wattles - Stephen Rexford
 ||   .Anna Louise Rexford - Charles Bellamy
 ||    .Charles Rexford Bellamy - Lilla Louise Smith
 ||     .RALPH REXFORD BELLAMY (1904-1991) film actor - ETHEL SMITH (1910-1996) organist
 |.Lemuel Martindale - Christina Cadwell
 ||.Dorothy Martindale - Anan Bass
 || .Adna Bass - (__)
 ||  .Maria Dorothea Bass - Lewis Johnson
 ||   .Luna Aleamina Johnson - Edward Watson Fuller
 ||    .Thelma Fuller - (__) Bledsoe
 ||     .Mary Bledsoe - GILBERT ROBBINS (1933-living) member of The Highwaymen
 ||      .DAVID ROBBINS (1955-living) composer
 ||      .TIMOTHY FRANCIS ROBBINS (1958-living) film actor
 ||       - (child-bearing partneship) SUSAN SARANDON (née SUSAN ABIGAIL TOMALIN) (1946-living) film actor
 |.Edward Martindale, Jr. - Mercy Nash
 | .HENRY CLINTON MARTINDALE (1780-1860) Congressman - Minerva Hitchcock
 |  .JOHN HENRY MARTINDALE (1815-1881) State Attorney General, Brevetted Major General
 .Abigail Smead - John Nims
  .Esther Nims - Sylvanus Rice
  |.Huldah Rice - John Fuller
  | .Matthew Rice Fuller - Sarah Jenks
  |  .Luther Rice Fuller - Mary Eliza Chapin
  |   .Edward Watson Fuller - Luna Aleamina Johnson
  |    .Thelma Fuller - (__) Bledsoe
  |     .Mary Bledsoe - GILBERT ROBBINS (1933-living) member of The Highwaymen
  |      .DAVID ROBBINS (1955-living) composer
  |      .TIMOTHY FRANCIS ROBBINS (1958-living) film actor
  |       - (child-bearing partneship) SUSAN SARANDON (née SUSAN ABIGAIL TOMALIN) (1946-living) film actor
  .John Nims - Betsey Rice
   .Abigail Nims - Levi Steele
    .Laura Steele - Calvin Johnson
     .Lewis Johnson - Maria Dorothea Bass
      .Luna Aleamina Johnson - Edward Watson Fuller
       .Thelma Fuller - (__) Bledsoe
	.Mary Bledsoe - GILBERT ROBBINS (1933-living) member of The Highwaymen
	 .DAVID ROBBINS (1955-living) composer
	 .TIMOTHY FRANCIS ROBBINS (1958-living) film actor
	  - (child-bearing partneship) SUSAN SARANDON (née SUSAN ABIGAIL TOMLIN (1946-living) film actor



Jean Verdon, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1600. He died prior to 1636. He married about 1623.
Maria Thomasdr Badie, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1608. She died after 22 June 1670.

Please see the entry for 6918 and 6919 for this couples' children.

François Sohier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1585 probably in Nieppe, and was buried on 14 February 1658 in Breskens.

In 1621 it was recorded that François Sohier, son of Pasquier, farmer in the parish of Nieppe, husband of Mary Ernoult, admits selling 'shares three of nine fagoteries .... the amount of wood ... it owns together with his other brothers and sisters. In 1637 he borrowed 1800 Parisian livres from his brother Pierre. In 1639 he was mayor of the seigniory of "Tarweland." He probably moved away shortly thereafter. He eventually moved to Breskens about 1646/1647. About 1647 he was a farmer in the Barbarapolder, where he remained until his death. In 1649 he witnessed as uncle the marriage of contract of Elizabeth Ernoult and Pierre Sauvage. On 22 January 1656 there was a declaration of François Sohier old, farmer and alderman in Breskens, ca 71 years, there are approximately 16 years, he lived in Nieppe or Niepkerkcke, and there was alderman seigniory of 'Tarwelant' and that the citizens of Nieppe, then had borrowed the money for a lawsuit against the lease and aldermen of Nieppe which trial has not progressed because of the French hostilities. [parents]

Maria Ernoult, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1664. [parents]
Children of François Sohier and Maria Ernoult
1. François Sohier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1620 in Steenwerck, died in Breskens, and was buried on 4 October 1670 in Groede. With a marriage contract dated 1 August 1643 in Breskens, he married as his first wife and as her third husband Anne de Gruson, the widower of Jean Fossez and Marc le Roux and a daughter of Michiel de Gruson and Judith Quertu, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born near Fromelles Armentières about 1611, and died prior to 1664. The marriage contract states that François Sohier, a young man associated with his father François Sohier, Matthieu Azouinne his uncle and his brother Pierre Le Grand, and Anne de Gruson, the widow of Marc Roux, associated with his mother Judith Quertu and his brother Pierre de Fache. By 1664 he married as his second wife Abigael Meurisse, a daughter of Bartholomeus Meurisse and Margaret Sauvage, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1636 in Breskens, and was buried on 30 August 1667 in Groede. With a marriage contract dated 15 March 1668 in Groede he married as his third wife Maria Descamps, a daughter of Simon Descamps and Martha (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1642.
2. Marie Sohier, married David desMarets.
3. Pieter Sohier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Nieppe, and died prior to 1700 in Zuidzande. He married as his first wife and as her second husband Jeanne Gruson, the widower of Pierre de Fache and a daughter of Michiel de Gruson and Judith Quertu, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Izegem about 1611/1620, and was buried on 7 May 1651 in Groede. With Banns dated 27 April 1652 in Groede he married as his second wife Catelijntje Conings, a daughter of Pieter de Coninck and Tanneke Guilluiaems de Puijt, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Wijtschate in Flanders and died prior to 1678. With marriage contract dated 29 January 1678 he married as his third wife and as her first husband Elisabeth Pruijs, a daughter of Jan Pruijs and Magdalena du Pond, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1658. She married as her second husband Abraham de Cramer.
4. Marguerite Sohier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1627 in Nieppe, and was buried on 26 June 1675 in Groede. About 1642 she married Pierre le Grand, who had no birth or baptismal record and died about 1684/1693 in New York.
5. Francoise Sohier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1627 in Nieppe and buried on 9 January 1652 in Groede. On 27 December 1645 in Biggekerke (with Banns published there on 10 November 1645) she married as his first wife Philippe Carlier, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1616 in Estaires and buried on 1 February 1672 in Groede. He married as his second wife Janneken Goree, and as his third wife Janneken Meulenaere.

Andries Luykaszen, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1595 possibly in Frederickstad, Denmark. He died in 1680. He possibly married in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Andries was first mentioned in New Amsterdam in a declaration he made before Cornelis van Tienhoven on 28 September 1648. On 17 April 1657, he appeared and registered as a Lesser Burger in New Amsterdam. He was a gauger of barrels and also a fire warden. His occupation was skipper.

Jannetje Sebyns, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1597 possibly in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Children of
1. Marritje Andriese, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in New Amsterdan, New Netherlands. With banns published 1 November 1647 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam she married Johannis Janszen Van Breestede, a son of Jan Janszen Van Breestede and Engeltje Jans, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1624 in Bredstedt, Schleswig, Denmark, and died about 1675 in New York City.

Jan Jansen was a cooper. In 1658 he was appointed marker of beer barrels, or gauger. On 25 April 1659, he appeared in court "requesting, as he is gauger, that the magistrates would be pleased to fix a time, when he shall stamp the barrels and what he may demand for stamping, and marking a small number of barrels. Whereupon Burgomasters resolved that the marking of barrels shall take place in the month of May, and for each barrel under the number of ten, marked at one time to take two stivers, and above ten one stiver each, but to communicate it to the whole Board of Burgomasters and Schepens."

In 1668 he was appointed inspector of pipe staves and the packing of meat. The city record says:

On 28 January 1668, "Jan Jansen van Breestede and Jurian Jansen van Aweryck being sent for to Court, the W. Court proposes to them the necessity, that some persons may be appointed within this City for the inspection and counting of pipe staves, packing of meat and pork and they being asked to perform the said service. The same was accepted by them, and they have taken the oath in this regard at the hands of the W. Court."

On 5 January 1674, Jan Jansen van Breestede and several others were appointed firewardens and chimney inspectors in the city of New Orange [new name for New Amsterdam] "for the term of the current year."

We append the report of these men, and the resolution of the Council acting upon it.

"Pursuant to the commission of the Worship Magistrates, the Schout, Burgomasters and Schepens of this city N. Orange, we the undersigned have, as Firewardens, visited on the 12th January, 1674, the houses of all the inhabitants of this city aforesaid, and found divers fire places very much exposed to cause a conflagration, wherefore we warned and notified them to remedy and improve the same, thus to prevent mischief; we have also caused the City Crier to publish and make known, that if any of the inhabitants of this City had by them any City fire buckets they are to deliver them up without delay at the City Hall or to hand them to us Firewardens: we however have not as yet been able to collect more than 57 Buckets, three of which are at Abel Hardenbroecks to be repaired: we have also found two old fire hooks with one old fire-ladder at the City Hall, but they are unfit for use in case of fire or other misfortune; we therefore request your Worships to be pleased to provide therein, that so many fire ladders and fire hooks may be made as your Honors shall think necessary.

"Herewith we remain Your Worship's humble and faithful Subjects and obedient servants

"(was signed) Jan van Bresteede
"Reynier Willemsen
"Jonas Bartelsen.

"The annexed petition of the Firewardens of this city being considered, read and taken into serious deliberation in Court, as well as their representation of the necessity of making some provision of fire hooks and ladders to be used occasionally and in time of fire.

"The petitioners are fully authorized by the W. Court to have made such supply of ladders, hooks and such like materials at the expense of the City as they shall consider to be necessary (Feb. 9,6, 1674)."

Two of Jansen's sons followed the earlier calling of the father: gauging barrels.

2. Geertruyd Andriesdr, married Jan Thomaszen Witbeck.
3. Lucas Andrieszen, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in New Amsterdam, New Netherlands. With banns published on 20 November 1655 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam he married Aefje Laurens (Vanderwel), a daughter of Captain Laurens Corneliszen Van der Wel and Lysbeth Thys, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1635/40 possibly in the Netherlands.

Lucas and his partner, Jan Joosten, owned a yacht called "Eentracht" (Union) and a yacht called "The Flower of Gelder". They carried goods of various kind between Boston and New Amsterdam and between New Amsterdam and New Oringen (Albany).

4. Barbara Andriese, may be the child baptised (as Berber, parents recorded as Andries Luycasz and Jannetje Jans) on 8 September 1641 as recorded at the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (wit.: unknown), and died on 6 July 1714 in Kingston, Ulster County, New York. With banns published on 24 April 1656 as recorded at the Reformed Dutch Church of New Amsterdam she married Tjerck Claeszen De Witt, a son of Claes De Witt and Taatje Van Leuven, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1620 in Grootholdt in Zunderlandt, the Netherlands, and died on 17 February 1700 in Kingston, Ulster County, New York.
5. Jan Andrieszen, had no birth or baptismal record and was probably born in New Amsterdam, New Netherlands.

was a witness to the baptisms of Jan de Witt in 1666 and Engeltje Breestede in 1654, and witness to the will of Jan Tomassen, husband of Geertruy Andries

Franciscus Winne, had no birth or baptismal record.
Anna (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Leonard Kreußler, had no birth or baptismal record.
Conrad Sylwy, had no birth or baptismal record.
Joannes de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. He was Schepen in 1563 and Burgemeester in 1571 in Kaprijke. He married as his first wife Adrianeken Speeckaert, a daughter of Matheus Speeckaert and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died in 1557 in Kaprijke. He married as his second wife Joanna Dijselinck. [parents]
Children of Joannes de Pape and Adrianeken Speeckaert
1. Adriaen de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Jan de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Maria Joanna de Maere, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Janneken de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.

Joanna Dyselinck, had no birth or baptismal record and died in 1570 in Kaprijke. [parents]
Children of Joannes de Pape and Joanna Dyselinck
1. Vincentius de Pape, married Arnaudine van Maldeghem.
2. Francies de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.

Joannes van Maldeghem, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Avesoete van Schoonackere, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Joannes van Maldeghem and Avesoete van Schoonackere
1. Aernaudijne/Arnaudine van Maldeghem, married Vincentius de Pape.

Judocus/Joos Clays
Children of Judocus/Joos Clays and (__)
1. Jan Clays, married Margaretha de Pau.

Pieter de Pau
Grietken (__)
Children of Pieter de Pau and Grietken (__)
1. Margaretha de Pau, married Jan Clays.

François Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record.
Margriet Duerinc, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of François Vercauteren and Margriet Duerinc
1. Gillis Vercauteren, married Joanna Persoon.
2. Clara Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Mathijs Persoon, a son of Mathijs Persoon and Katelijne Goeman, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1565, and died in April 1615 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium.
3. Katelijne Vercouteren, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as his second wife Arnout Baert, the widower of Paesschyne s Papen (de Paepe) and a son of Jan Baert and Christina Varendonck, who had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his third wife Elisabeth Raes.
4. Anthonijs Vercouteren, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Amelberge Vercouteren, had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Mathijs Vercouteren, had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Johanna Vercouteren, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as his first wife Pieter Gheerts, a son of Marten Gheerts and Maria Saps, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1518, and died after 1584. He married as his second wife Laurencia Brissinx.
8. Barbara Vercouteren, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Wouter van Remoortere, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Mathijs Persoon, had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his first wife Amelberga Smets, a daughter of Petrus Smets and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his second wife Katelijne Goeman.
Children of Mathijs Persoon and Amelberga Smets
1. Cornelius Persoon, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1560, and died on 27 September 1639 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Belgium. He married (__).
2. Egidius Persoon, had no birth or baptismal record.

Katelijne Goeman, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Mathijs Persoon and Katelijne Goeman
1. Philippus Persoon, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1575 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Beglium, and died there on 17 September 1635. On 18 June 1599 in Sint-Niklaas he married Anna Vaels, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1575, and died on 24 June 1654 in Sint-Niklaas.
2. Joanna Persoon, married Gillis Vercauteren.
3. Mathijs Persoon, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1565, and died in April 1615 in Sint-Niklaas, East Flanders, Beglium. He married as her first husband Clara Vercauteren, a daughter of François Vercauteren and Margriet Duerinc, who had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her second husband Martinus Peersman.
4. Petronella Persoon, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Egidius Talboom.
5. Pieter Persoon, had no birth or baptismal record. He married (__).
6. Jacobus Persoon, had no birth or baptismal record.

Merten van Wijnacker, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1556, and died prior to 26 September 1606. [parents]
Joanna ver Haghen, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1562. She married as her first husband Jan Smet. She married as her second husband Merten van Wijnacker. [parents]
Children of Jan Smet and Joanna ver Haghen
1. Gulielmus/Willem Smet, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1581, died on 4 February 1658 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium, and was buried there in St. Amelbergakoor. On 12 June 1600 in Temse he married Elisabeth Smets, a daughter of Jan Smets and Kateline Buytaert, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1583, and died on 20 February 1663 in Temse.
2. Lijsbeth Smet, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1583. On 9 February 1600 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium, she married Adriaen Brant, a son of Pieter Brant and Gertilde Slachmeulen, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1565, and died on 2 March 1628 in Temse. Witnesses to the marriage were Guilielmus Verstraten and Jacob Verstraten alias Meukebeeck.

Children of Merten van Wijnacker and Joanna ver Haghen
1. Merten van Wijnacker, married Barbara Vercauteren.
2. Franciscus van Wijnacker, was born on 22 November 1592 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium, and baptised there (no date) (Godparents: Franciscus Verstraten en Barbara Smet, echtgenote Vastenant).

Anthonis Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record.
Amelberga Steenlandt, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Anthonis Vercauteren and Amelberga Steenlandt
1. Magdalena Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Joos Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Barbara Vercauteren, married Merten van Wijnacker.
4. Carolus Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Abraham Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Helena Vercauteren, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Willem Vercauteren, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Pauwel de Smet, was Schepen of Opwijk. [parents]
Margriet Witleer, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Pauwel de Smet and Margriet Witleer
1. Guillam de Smet, had no birth or baptismal record. he lived in Brussels, and after 1559 in Dendermonde.
2. Kathelijne de Smet, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Carel Calilor.
3. Cornelius de Smet, married Maria van Herbosch.

Antonis/Anthunis van Herbosch, had no birth or baptismal record and was born in Mollem [parents]
Martijne Jacobs
Children of Antonis/Anthunis van Herbosch and Martijne Jacobs
1. Maria van Herbosch, married Cornelius de Smet.
2. Goossen Van Herbosch, was baptised in Laken.
3. possibly Jan Van Herbosch, was baptised in Grimbergen. He married Goedele Van Der Elst.

(__) de Vettere
Anne de Pauw
Children of (__) de Vettere and Anne de Pauw
1. Henricus de Vettere, married Catharina sMoilders.

Jan Goosens, was born in 1581 in Dokkum, Friesland, The Netherlands. He married on 24 December 1606 in The Netherlands.
Ebelken Hermans, was born in 1578 in The Netherlands.
Pieter Jansz, was born about 1588 probably in Broek Op Langjk., Nord Holland, The Netherlands. He married about 1614 possibly in Amsterdam, Nord Holland, The Netherlands. [parents]
Adriantgen Arentsdr, was born about 1590 probably in Alkmaar, Nord Holland, The Netherlands.
Hendrick Ackerman, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Hendrick Ackerman and (__)
1. Laurens Hendrickszen Ackerman, married Janneke (Jurckse?).

Ghislain Vigné, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1590 probably in Valenciennes, France. He died prior to 30 April 1632 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland. He married about 1608. [parents]
Adrienne Cuvellier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1590 probably in Valenciennes, France. She died in 1655 probably in New Amsterdam, New Netherland. [parents]
Michael de Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1574 probably in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. He died on 11 October 1635 in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. [parents]
Maria Van der Rade, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Ros Jansz Van Bruechuysen, had no birth or baptismal record.
Catharina Cornelis (Crijnendr), had no birth or baptismal record.
Hendrick Gerritszen Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record was probably born about 1566/1580 in The Netherlands. He died in 1651.
Gerritje (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Hendrick Gerritszen Van Ness and Gerritje (__)
1. Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Ness, married as his first wife Mayke Hendricksdr van den Burgh Graeff, and as his second wife Maritge Damen.

Hendrick Adriaensz van de Burgh Graeff, had no birth or baptismal record was born about 1570 in The Netherlands, and died (on 29 October?) 1612 possibly in Lakerveld, The Netherlands. He married about 1595 in The Netherlands. [parents]
Anneke Jansdr, had no birth or baptismal record and died after 1635. [parents]
Children of Hendrick Adriaensz van de Burgh Graeff and Anneke Jansdr
1. Adriaen Hendricks van den Burgh Graeff, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1598 and died after 1667. After 1624 he marred Maaike Ariens, a daughter of Arien (__) and Janneke Cornelis.
2. Mayke Hendricksdr van den Burgh Graeff married as his first wife Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Ness.
3. Barbara Hendricksdr van den Burgh Graeff, had no birth or baptismal record and died about 1612/1615. She married Dirk Adriaensz.

Hendrick Gerritszen Van Ness, was born about 1566/1580 in The Netherlands. He died in 1651.
Gerritje (__), was born about 1578/1580 in The Netherlands.

Please see the entry for 13684 and 13685 for this couples' children.

Hendrick Adriaensz van de Burgh Graeff, had no birth or baptismal record was born about 1570 in The Netherlands, and died (on 29 October?) 1612 possibly in Lakerveld, The Netherlands. He married about 1595 in The Netherlands.
Anneke Jansdr, had no birth or baptismal record and died after 1635.

Please see the entry for 13686 and 13687 for this couples' children.

Cornelis Van den Bergh, had no birth or baptismal record.
John Duncanson, had no birth or baptismal record. He died on 4 October 1601 in Stirlingshire, Scotland.
Janet Watson, had no birth or baptismal record.
Hendrick Gerritszen Van Ness, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1566/1580 in The Netherlands. He died in 1651.
Gerritje (__)

Please see the entry for 13684 and 13685 for this couples' children.

Hendrick Adriaensz van de Burgh Graeff, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1570 in The Netherlands, and died (on 29 October?) 1612 possibly in Lakerveld, The Netherlands. He married about 1595 in The Netherlands.
Anneke Jansdr, had no birth or baptismal record and died after 1635.

Please see the entry for 13686 and 13687 for this couples' children.

Jan Goosens, was born in 1581 in Dokkum, Friesland, The Netherlands. He married on 24 December 1606 in The Netherlands.
Ebelken Hermans, was born in 1578 in The Netherlands.

Please see the entry for 13596 and 13597 for this couples' children.

Pieter Jansz, was born about 1588 probably in Broek Op Langjk., Nord Holland, The Netherlands. He married about 1614 possibly in Amsterdam, Nord Holland, The Netherlands.
Adriantgen Arentsdr, was born about 1590 probably in Alkmaar, Nord Holland, The Netherlands.

Please see the entry for 13598 and 13599 for this couples' children.

Hendrick Ackerman, had no birth or baptismal record.

Please see the entry for 13616 and 13617 for this couples' children.

Ghislain Vigné, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1590 probably in Valenciennes, France. He died prior to 30 April 1632 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland. He married about 1608.
Adrienne Cuvellier, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1590 probably in Valenciennes, France. She died in 1655 probably in New Amsterdam, New Netherland.

Please see the entry for 13630 and 13631 for this couples' children.

Jean Verdon
Thomas Badie, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1585/1587.
Aeltje Braconie, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1589. She died after 14 September 1644.
Cornelis (__)(possibly Gerretsz), had no birth or baptismal record.
Celitje Willems, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Cornelis (__)(possibly Gerretsz) and Celitje Willems
1. Fransje Cornelis, married Frederick Thomasz.
2. possiblt Sara Cornelis, was baptised on 9 January 1587 in the Old Reformed Dutch Church of Amsterdam.

John Snoyden
Reverend Thomas Stoughton, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1557 possibly in Sandwich, Kent, England. He died after 20 August 1622. He married about 1585 in Naughton, Suffolk, England. [parents]
Katherine (__), had no birth or baptismal record. She was buried on 18 April 1603 probably in Great Coggeshall, Essex, England.
Jean Verdon

Please see the entry for 13836 and 13837 for this couples' children.

Thomas Badie, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1585/1587.
Aeltje Braconie, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1589. She died after 14 September 1644.

Please see the entry for 13838 and 13839 for this couples' children.

Pasquier Sohier, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Pasquier Sohier and (__)
1. François Sohier, married Marie Ernoult.
2. Pierre Sohier, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Pironne Sohier, had no birth or baptismal record and died about 1658/1664. She married as his first wife Matthieu Houvinne. He married as his second wife Sara Hannot.

Jacques Ernoult, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jacques Ernoult and (__)
1. Marie Ernoult, married François Sohier.

Joannes de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. He was Burgemeester of Kaprijke in 1521, 1527, and in 1535-1536. [parents]
Joanna van de Vijvere, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Joannes de Pape and Joanna van de Vijvere
1. Petrus de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Apolonia de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record, and died about 1563 in Kaprijke.
3. Franciscus de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 17 September 1559 in Kaprijke.
4. Joannes de Pape, as his first wife Adrianeken Speeckaert, and as his second wife Joanna Dyselinck.
5. Jacobus de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Anna Wouters, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan Dyselinck, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan Dyselinck and (__)
1. Joanna Dyselinck, married Joannes de Pape.

Gelijn van Maldeghem, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Gelijn van Maldeghem and (__)
1. Joannes van Maldeghem, married Avesoete van Schoonackere.

Cornelis van Schoonackere, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of
1. Avesoete van Schoonackere, married Joannes van Maldeghem.
2. possibly Margriete van Schoonackere, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1577. She married Jan Danckaert, a son of Cornelis Danckaert and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 26 Juanuary 1577.
3. possibly Maeykin van Schoonackere, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Laurens van Landtschoot, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on or before 31 January 1573.
4. possibly Barbara van Schoonackere, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Cornelius de Vuldere, who had no birth or baptismal record and died on or before 9 March 1571.

Jan Duerinc, had no birth or baptismal record.
Katelijne Waumans, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jan Duerinc and Katelijne Waumans
1. Johanna Duerinc, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Pieter Gheerts, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Amelberge Duerinc, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Sebastiaan van Roeme, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Margriete Duerinc, married François Vercauteren.
4. Lijsbette Duerinc, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Symon Scelfouts, who had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Gillis Duerinc, had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Pieter Duerinc, had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Jan Duerinc, had no birth or baptismal record.
8. Kateline Duerinck, had no birth or baptismal record. and was born about 1530. In 1555 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium, she married Gillis Vercauteren, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1530.

Phillips Goeman, had no birth or baptismal record.
Jacomine Vergouwen, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Phillips Goeman and Jacomine Vergouwen
1. Katelijne Goeman, married Mathijs Persoon.

Jan van Wijnacker, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Cornelia Vermeere, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jan van Wijnacker and Cornelia Vermeere
1. Katharina van Wijnackere, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Adriaen Buytaerts, a son of Gilles Boytas and Lijsbette ver Heyden, who had no birth or baptismal record, and died prior to 2 December 1586.
2. Maria van Wijnacker, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Mathijs Polfliet, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Martine van Wijnacker, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Gillis (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Merten van Wijnacker, married Joanna ver Haghen.

Jan ver Haghen, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Antonine VerStraeten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1512, and died in 1573 in Temse, East Flanders, Belgium. She married as her first husband Gilles Haumen, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1517, and died prior to 1545. She married as her second husband Jan Stuer, a son of Adriaan Stuer and Kathelijne Boytas, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1518 and died prior to 1 May 1547. She married as her third husband Jan ver Haghe. [parents]
Children of Jan ver Haghen and Antonine VerStraeten
1. Joanna ver Haghen, married Merten van Wijnacker.

Gillis van Steenlandt, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Lijsbette de Meijer, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Gillis van Steenlandt and Lijsbette de Meijer
1. Joos Steenlandt, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Amelberga Steenlandt, married Anthonis Vercauteren.

Gheert de Smet, was Schepen of Opwijk from 1546 to 1557. [parents]
Kathelijne Raes, died prior to 1559. [parents]
Children of Gheert de Smet and Kathelijne Raes
1. Pauwel de Smet, married Margriet Witleer.
2. Gillis Smet, was Poor Master from 1566 to 1567 and Schepen from 1569 to 1572 of Opwijk. He married Jacquemijne van Hemelrijck, a daughter of Pauwel van Hemelrijck and Anna van den Bossche.
3. Willem Smet, married Margriete van den Breeden, a daughter of Joos van den Breeden and Barbele van den Bossche.

Paschier Witleer, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Paschier Witleer and (__)
1. Margriet Witleer, married Pauwel de Smet.

Goossen van Herbosch, was born about 1505 in Mollem, and died about 1562. [parents]
(__) van Campenhout, was born in Brussegem. [parents]
Children of Goossen van Herbosch and (__) van Campenhout
1. Antonis/Anthunis van Herbosch, married Martijne Jacobs.
2. Hendrick Van Herbosch, married Kathelijne Jacobs.

Jan Gerritsz, was born about 1560 in Broek Op Langjk., Nord Holland, The Netherlands. He married about 1581 probably in Broek Op Langjk., Nord Holland, The Netherlands.
Jean Vigné, had no birth or baptismal record.
Jean Cuvellier, had no birth or baptismal record.
Johannes de Mandeville, had no birth or baptismal record.
Aegidius Van der Rade, had no birth or baptismal record.
Sara (__)
Adriaen Hendricksz, was born prior to 1525 and died in 1583.
Barbara Dircksdr, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1605. She married as her first husband Adriaen Hendricksz. She married on or prior to 26 March 1585 as her second husband Jan Dirck Claesz.
Children of Adriaen Hendricksz and Barbara Dircksdr
1. Sebastiaen Adriaensz van den Burgh Graeff, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1551, and died about 1613. About 1580 he married as his first wife and as her second husband Maria Florisdr, the widow of Adriaen Adriaensz and the daughter of Floris Geritsz Smit and Anneke Claesdr, who had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1585. About 1585 he married as his second wife (__). He married as his third wife Cornelia Frederickx, a daughter of Frederik Jochems and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.

He was Schepen of Lexmond, The Netherlands, in 1588.

2. Hendrick Adriaensz van de Burgh Graeff, married Anneke Jansdr.

Jan C. Dirckszen, was born about 1544, of Leksmond, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands. He married about 1573 in The Netherlands.
Teunje (__), was born about 1557, of Lavereld, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands.
Children of Jan C. Dirckszen and Teunje (__)
1. Anneke Jansdr, married Hendrick Adriaensz van de Burgh Graeff
2. Jacob Jansz, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. possibly Fijken Jansdr, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Vas Lenaertsz.

Adriaen Hendricksz, was born prior to 1525 and died in 1583.
Barbara Dircksdr, had no birth or baptismal record, and died prior to 1605. She married as her first husband Adriaen Hendricksz. She married on or prior to 26 March 1585 as her second husband Jan Dirck Claesz.

Please see the entry for 27372 and 37373 for this couples' children.

Jan C. Dirckszen, was born about 1544, of Leksmond, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands. He married about 1573 in The Netherlands.
Teunje (__), was born about 1557, of Lavereld, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands.

Please see the entry for 27374 and 27375 for this couples' children.

Adriaen Hendricksz, was born prior to 1525 and died in 1583.
Barbara Dircksdr, had no birth or baptismal record, and died prior to 1605. She married as her first husband Adriaen Hendricksz. She married on or prior to 26 March 1585 as her second husband Jan Dirck Claesz.

Please see the entry for 27372 and 37373 for this couples' children.

Jan C. Dirckszen, was born about 1544, of Leksmond, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands. He married about 1573 in The Netherlands.
Teunje (__), was born about 1557, of Lavereld, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands.

Please see the entry for 27374 and 27375 for this couples' children.

Jan Gerritsz, was born about 1560 in Broek Op Langjk., Nord Holland, The Netherlands. He married about 1581 probably in Broek Op Langjk., Nord Holland, The Netherlands.

Please see the entry for 27196 and 27197 for this couples' children.

Jean Vigné, had no birth or baptismal record.

Please see the entry for 27260 and 27261 for this couples' children.

Jean Cuvellier, had no birth or baptismal record.

Please see the entry for 27262 and 27263 for this couples' children.

Francis Stoughton [parents]
Agnes (__)
Petrus de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. Petrus owned a farm house and land in the Meulestraat where he lived. [parents]
Maria van der Beke, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Petrus de Pape and Maria van der Beke
1. Adriaen de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record and died in 1557 in Kaprijke. He was Schepen of Boekhoute in 1541.
2. Joannes de Pape, married Joanna van de Vijvere.
3. Jacobus de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Livina Maria Speeckaert, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Jacob Waumans, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1444.
Lijsbette van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1456. [parents]
Children of Jacob Waumans and Lijsbette van Ackere
1. Jozine Waumans, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1482. She married Jan van Remoortere, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1480.
2. Katelijne Waumans, married Johannes Duerinc.
3. Amelberga Waumans, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Pieter van Lare, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Beatrix Waumans, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Cauwer, who had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Jan Waumans, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Ysabellis Cawers, who had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Johanna Waumans, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Gillis Thoons, who had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Lijsbette Waumans, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Gillis Thoen, who had no birth or baptismal record.
8. Margriete Waumans, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Pieter de Jonghe, who had no birth or baptismal record.
9. Michiel Waumans, had no birth or baptismal record.

Pieter Vergouwen, had no birth or baptismal record.
Katelijne van Remoortre, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Pieter Vergouwen and Katelijne van Remoortre
1. Jacomine Vergouwen, married Phillips Goeman.
2. Cornelie Vergouwen, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Pieter de Rijckere, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Adriaan van Wijnacker, had no birth or baptismal record.
Katelijne Spruyts, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Adriaan van Wijnacker and Katelijne Spruyts
1. Jan van Wijnacker, married Cornelia Vermeere.

Joos Vermeere, had no birth or baptismal record.
Amelberga Smet, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Joos Vermeere and Amelberga Smet
1. Lijsbette Vermeere, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Joos Smet, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Jan Vermeere, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Cornelia Vermeere, married Jan van Wijnacker.
4. Gillis Vermeere, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Joos Vermeere, had no birth or baptismal record.

Gilles ver Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record.
Katelijne Dalscaert, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Gilles ver Haghe and Katelijne Dalscaert
1. Katelijne ver Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as his first husband Luuc Brande, a son of Niklaas van Brande and Cornelia Soy, who had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his second wife Katelijne Dullaert.
2. Willem ver Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Anna Keppens, a daughter of Jan Keppens and Lijsbette ver Straten, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Gilles ver Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Johanne ver Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Jan ver Haghen, married Antonine VerStraeten.

Jan VerStraeten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1485. [parents]
Lijsbeth Abeele, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1489. [parents]
Children of Jan VerStraeten and Lijsbeth Abeele
1. Jacomine ver Straten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1516. She married Thomas Smet, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1516.
2. Jan ver Straten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1516. He married (__), who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Katelijne ver Straten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1517.
4. Amelberge ver Straten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1518. She married Frans Meersman, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1516.
5. Adriana ver Straten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1519. She married as his first wife Jan Smet, who had no birth or baptismal record. He married as his second wife (__).
6. Anna ver Straten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1520. She married Niklaas van Myegheem, a son of Henric van Myegheem and Kateline Volkeric, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1516.
7. Lijsbette ver Straten, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1521. She married Jan Keppens, who had no birth or baptismal record.
8. Antonine VerStraeten, 19707 married Jan ver Haghen. 19706
9. Joos ver Straeten, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Amelberge Thoen, a daughter of Jan Toen and Amelberge van Acker, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Adriaan van Steelant, had no birth or baptismal record.
Amelberga Vale, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Adriaan van Steelant and Amelberga Vale
1. Gillis van Steelant, married Lijsbette de Meije.
2. Pieter van Steelant, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Geatrice Couwers, a daughter of Pietere de Cauwer and Sophie van Overloop, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Margriete van Steelant, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Thomas Tac, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Maria van Steelant, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Smets, who had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Judoca van Steelant, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Vercouteren, who had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Clare van Steelant, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Joos Vercouteren, who had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Katelijne van Steelant, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Pieter Vercouteren, who had no birth or baptismal record.
8. Joos van Steelant, had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan de Meyere, had no birth or baptismal record.
Amelberge Wittock, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Jan de Meijer. She married as her second husband Jan Noeyncs, who had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her third husband Jacob Soij, who had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jan de Meyere and Amelberge Wittock
1. Jan de Meijer, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Pieter de Meijer, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Lijsbette de Meijer, married Gillis van Steelandt.

Children of Jan Noeyncs and Amelberge Wittock
1. Jan Noeyncs, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Jozijne Noeyncs, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Michiel Hont, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Willem de Smet, was Schepen of Opwijk from 1531 to 1535. He married as his first wife Joanna de Keijser. He married as his second wife Maria Lupaert, a daughter of Henric Lupaert and Margriet de Keersmaecker. [parents]
Joanna de Keijser, died prior to 1542. [parents]
Children of Willem de Smet and Joanna de Keijser
1. Gheert de Smet, married Kathelijne Raes.

Children of Willem de Smet and Marie Lupaert
1. Marie Smet, had no birth or baptismal record.

Gillis Raes, had no birth or baptismal record.
Yde Smets, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Gillis Raes and Yde Smets
1. Kathelijne Raes, married Gheert de Smet.

Henrick van Herbosch, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Josine Moerijersoens, was born about 1485 in Brussegem. [parents]
Children of Henrick van Herbosch and Josine Moerijersoens
1. Goossen van Herbosch, married (__) van Campenhout.
2. Hendrick Van Herbosch, married Elisabeth Van Bevere.
3. Katelijne Van Herbosch, married as her first husband Jan Macharis, a son of Gielis Macharis and Beatrijs Teels. She married as her second husband Anthonis Goossens, a son of Henric Goossens and Elisabeth Van Waeijenberghe.
4. Jan Van Herbosch, married Katelijne Van Der Elst.
5. Joos Van Herbosch, married (__).
6. Lijsbeth Van Herbosch, married Lauwereijs Aelbrecht, a son of Gijsbrecht Aelbrecht and Margriete sNoters.
7. Heijlwige Van Herbosch, married Steven Van Molders, a son of Willem Van Molders and Beatrijs Van Waeijenberge.
8. Margriete Van Herbosch, married Sijmoen Van Waeijenberghe, a son of Jan Van Waeijenberghe and (__).

Franchoijs van Campenhout, had no birth or baptismal record.
Agneeta Verbelen, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Franchoijs van Campenhout and Agneeta Verbelen
1. (__) van Campenhout, married Goossen van Herbosch.

Edward Stoughton, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1494/1495. He died between 27 March 1573 and 16 February 1673/1674, on which dates his will was written and proved. He married prior to 4 November 1529.
Mary Exherst, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1500. She died prior to 1550 [parents]
Jacobus de Pape, was born in 1433. He was Schepen of Kaprikje in 1459 and 1479. [parents]
Livina de Roye, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jacobus de Pape and Livina de Roye
1. Petrus de Pape, married Maria van der Beke.

Adriaan van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1430. [parents]
Margriete Polfliet, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1430. [parents]
Children of Adriaan van Ackere and Margriete Polfliet
1. Lijsbette van Ackere, married Jacob Waumans.

Jan van Remoortere, had no birth or baptismal record.
Margriete Hondt or Hons, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1462. [parents]
Children of Jan van Remoortere and Margriete Hondt or Hons
1. Katelijne van Remoortre, married Pieter Vergouwen.

Jacob Spruuts, had no birth or baptismal record.
Marie van Polvliet, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jacob Spruuts and Marie van Polvliet
1. Katelijne Spruyts, married Adriaan van Wijnacker.

Jacx Smet, had no birth or baptismal record.
Katelijne Zwitten, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jacx Smet and Katelijne Zwitten
1. Pieter Smet, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Jan Smet, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Lijsbette Smet, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Gillis van Voorde, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Margriete Smet, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Inghelbrecht van Belcele (or van Belsele), had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Amelberga Smet, married Joos Vermeere.

Daneel Dalscaert, had no birth or baptismal record.
Pascine Polfliet, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Daneel Dalscaert and Pascine Polfliet
1. Jane Dalscaert, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Pieter Staes, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Katelijne Dalscaert, married Gilles ver Haghe.
3. Paschine Dalscaert, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as his second wife Pieter Smet, the widower of Amelberga Volkeric, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Beatrix Dalscaert, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jacob Smets, a son of Daneel Smets and Lysbeth van Everslaeghe, who had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Amelberge Dalscaert, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jacob van de Voorde, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Bouwen van den Abeele, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1444, and died prior to 1506. [parents]
Lijsbeth van Raemdonck, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1460. She married as her first husband Bouwen van den Abeel. She married as her second husband Gilles van Polfliet, a son of Jan van Polfliet and Katelijne Brissinck, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1454. [parents]
Children of Bouwen van den Abeele and Lijsbeth van Raemdonck
1. Thomas van den Abeele, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Jan van den Abeele, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1485.
3. Gilles van den Abeele, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1486.
4. Lijsbeth Abeele, married Jan VerStraeten.
5. Amelberge van den Abeele, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1490. She married Adriaan Joos, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1488.

Judocus Vale, had no birth or baptismal record.
Catharina Schelfhaut, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Judocus Vale and Catharina Schelfhaut
1. Katelijne Vale, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Symon Daelman, who had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her second Pieter Cauwere, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Amelberga Vale, married Adrianus van Steelant.
3. Janne Vale, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Joos Cauwere, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Josine Vale, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Gillis ver Denderen, who had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Berbele Vale, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Dijckers, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Joos Wittock, had no birth or baptismal record.
Amelberge Hooghen, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Joos Wittock and Amelberge Hooghen
1. Michiel Wittock, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Katelijne Wittock, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Amelberga Wittock, married Jan de Meyere.
4. Jan Wittock, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Josine Wittock, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Vereecken, who had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Gillis Wittock, had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Maria Wittock, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Hendric Coppins, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Laureijs de Smet
Children of Laureijs de Smet and (__)
1. Willem de Smet, married as his first wife Joanna de Keijser, and as his second wife Marie Lupaert.
2. Claus Smet, married Kathelijne van der Sprecht, a daughter of Willem van der Sprecht and (__).

Peeter de Keijser, died prior to 1546. He was a tenant farmer in Berchem from 1501 to 1515 [parents]
Maria [Margriete] van den Wijngaerde [parents]
Children of Peeter de Keijser and Maria [Margriete] van den Wijngaerde
1. Gheerd de Keijser, married (__).
2. Catharina de Keijser, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Joos de Keisjer, died prior to 1572 in Merchtem. He was curate of Merchtem and Ter Spelt in 1569.
4. Joanna de Keijser, married as his first wife Laureijs de Smet.
5. Peeter de Keijser, died prior to 1586. He was a tenant farmer at Berchem from 1563 to 1574.
6. Jan de Keijser, died after 1565. He was Schepen of Opwijk from 1542 to 1545 and from 1561 to 1563, also meisenier in 1534.
7. Margriet de Keijser, had no birth or baptismal record.
8. Lijsbette de Keijser, had no birth or baptismal record.
9. Anna de Keijser, had no birth or baptismal record.
10. Martijne de Keijser, married Gillis/Joos van Waerbeke, a son of Hendrick van Waerbeke and (__).

Goossen van Herbosch, had no birth or baptismal record. He was Schepen of Jette-Relegem in 1496, and of Brussegem in 1515. [parents]
Kathelijne Jacobs, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Goossen van Herbosch and Kathelijne Jacobs
1. Henrick van Herbosch, married Josine Moerijersoens.
2. Jan Van Herbosch, married as his first wife Katline tsNoters. He married as his second wife Katline Van Den Houte. In 1572 in Brussegem he married as his third wife Lijsbeth Van Den Bossche.
3. Kathelijne Van Herbosch, married Willem De Visch.
4. Ide Van Herbosch, married as her first husband Peeter De Hoze, and as her second husband Jan Ghijsmans.
5. Robbrecht Van Herbosch, was buried in 1532. He married (__).
6. Steven Van Herbosch, was buried in 1512 in Asse. He married as her first husband Lijsbeth Van Buijten, a daughter of Daneel Van Buijten and (__). She married as her second husband Henric Willaems.

Jan Moerijersoens, was born about 1460 in Asse. [parents]
Adelheid Plas, was born in 1457 in Ossel. [parents]
Children of Jan Moerijersoens and Adelheid Plas
1. Josine Moerijersoens, married Henrick van Herbosch.

Richard Exherst, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1463. He died after 1512. [parents]
Alice (Notebeme?), had no birth or baptismal record.
Diederick de Pape, was born about 1407 in Kaprijke. Diederick de Pape, geboren te Karijke, werd in de 15de eeuw Gents buitenpoorter, en woonde in Oudburg met zijn vrouw Janne Gaeyaert, en was er o.a. caerdenvlokkenverkoper. [parents]
Janne Gaeyaert, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Diederick de Pape and Janne Gaeyaert
1. Jacobus de Pape, married Livina de Roye.
2. Maria de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Willem de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Joannes de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.

Niklaas Polfliet, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1400.
Amelberge Loots, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1400. [parents]
Children of Niklaas Polfliet and Amelberge Loots
1. Margriete Polfliet, married Adriaan van Ackere.
2. Marie Polfliet, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Michiel Staes, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Willem Hondt or Hons, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1430.
Amelberge Aelbrecht, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1430. [parents]
Children of Willem Hondt or Hons and Amelberge Aelbrecht
1. Laureins Hondt or Hons, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1455.
2. Lijsbette Hondt or Hons, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1457. She married Roeland Heyndrickx, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Beatrijs Hondt or Hons, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1460. She married Lucas de Mare, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Margriete Hondt or Hons, married Jan van Remoortere.

Niklaas van Polvliet, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1366.
Marie Coppiins (Keppens), had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1372. [parents]
Children of Niklaas van Polvliet and Marie Coppiins (Keppens)
1. Marie van Polvliet, married Jacob Spruuts.
2. Katelijne van Polvliet, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Boudin de Smet, a son of Jan Smet and Amelberge van Ackere, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Janne van Polvliet, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1398. She married Jan Varendonck, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1394.
4. Lijsbette van Polvliet, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1392, and died in 1470. She married as her first husband Jan ver Elst, who had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her second husband Pauwel van den Bogaerde
5. Berbele van Polvliet, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Gilles Haghelsteen, who had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Jan van Polvliet, had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Niklaas van Polvliet, had no birth or baptismal record.
8. Heinric van Polvliet, had no birth or baptismal record.
9. Amelberge van Polvliet, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan van Woude, who had no birth or baptismal record.
10. Clare van Polvliet, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Adriaan 'sCosters, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan Zwitten, had no birth or baptismal record.
Lijsbeth Speecht, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jan Zwitten and Lijsbeth Speecht
1. Katelijne Zwitten, married Jacx Smet.
2. Marie Zwitten, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Bartel Hasselman, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan van Polfliet, had no birth or baptismal record.
Katelijne Brissinck, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jan van Polfliet and Katelijne Brissinck
1. Pascine Polfliet, married Daneel Dalscaert.
2. Gilles van Polfliet, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1454. He married as her second husband Lijsbeth Raemdonck, the widow of Bouwen van den Abeel and a daughter of Jacob van Raemdonck and Josine van Varendonck, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Jan van Polfliet, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Lijsbette van Polfliet, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Symon van Overloop, a son of Symon van Overloop and Clara Ruysschers, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Pieter Abeele, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1406.
Clare van Havere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1409. [parents]
Children of Pieter Abeele and Clare van Havere
1 Amelberga Abeele, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1432.
2 Lijsbet Abeele, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1436.
3 Jan Abeele, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1438, and died between 1490 and 1500. He married Maria Varendonck, a daughter of Jan Varendonck and Janne van Polvliet, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1458.
4. Bouwen van den Abeele, married Lijsbeth van Raemdonck.

Jacob van Raemdonck, had no birth or baptismal record.
Josine van Varendonck, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jacob van Raemdonck and Josine van Varendonck
1. Jacomine van Raemdonck, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Adriaen Polfliet, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Lijsbeth van Raemdonck, married Bouwen van den Abeele.
3. Jacob van Raemdonck, had no birth or baptismal record.

Symoen Schelfhaut, had no birth or baptismal record.
Elisabetha Speelmans, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Symoen Schelfhaut and Elisabetha Speelmans
1. Katelijne Schelfhaut, married Judocus Vale.
2. Johanna Schelfhaut, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Pieter Samans, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Amelberga Schelfhaut, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Jan van Overloop, who had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her second husband Willem van Damme, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Pieter Schelfhaut, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Jan Schelfhaut, had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Gillis Schelfhaut, had no birth or baptismal record.

Niklaas s'Hooghen, had no birth or baptismal record.
Amelberge Smets, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Niklaas s'Hooghen and Amelberge Smets
1. Marten s'Hooghen, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Niklaas s'Hooghen, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Gillis s'Hooghen, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Jan s'Hooghen, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Amelberge s'Hooghen, married Joos Wittock.
6. Elisabeth s'Hooghen, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Vale, who had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Josien s'Hooghen, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Baerts, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Peeter de Keijser, died after 1478. [parents]
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Peeter de Keijser and (__)
1. Gheerd de Keijser, called Seelmaker, established himself in Brussels.
2. Willem de Keijser, established himself in Brussels, and was the owner of the court at Wiesbeek in Buggenhout.
3. Peeter de Keijser, married Maria [Margriete] van den Wijngaerde.
4. Kathelijne de Keijser, had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan, dit de Sleeghere van Den Wijngaerde, had no birth or baptismal record.
Kathelijne Arijs, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan, dit de Sleeghere van Den Wijngaerde and Kathelijne Arijs
1. Maria [Margriete] van den Wijngaerde, married Peeter de Keijser.

Gielis van Herbosch, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Gielis van Herbosch and (__)
1. Goossen van Herbosch, married Kathelijne Jacobs.
2. Katline Van Herbosch, married Gillis Vitse.

Jan Jacobs, had no birth or baptismal record.
Kathelijne Suetmans, was born prior to 1485, and died prior to 1506. [parents]
Children of Jan Jacobs and Elisabeth Gielisjans [or Kathelijne Suetmans]
1. Kathelijne Jacobs, married Goossen van Herbosch.

Jan Moeijersoens, was born about 1430/1432 in Asse, and died there on 3 April 1482. [parents]
Godelieve van Nieuwenhove, was born about 1430 in Asse.
Children of Jan Moeijersoens and Godelieve van Nieuwenhove
1. Jan Moerijersoens, married Adelheid Plas.
2. Catharina Moijensoene, was born about 1460 in Asse, and died there about 1482. In 1480 she married as his first wife Guilielmus Plas, a son of Egidius Plas and (__), who was born about 1455 in Ossel, and died there in 1546. He married as his second wife Katelijne Daneels.

Egidius Plas, was born in 1434 in Meise, and died prior to 1514 in Ossel. [parents]
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Egidius Plas and (__)
1. Guilielmus Plas, was born in 1455 in Ossel, and died there in 1546. About 1480 in Asse he married as his first wife Catharina Moeijersoen, a daughter of Joos Moeijersoens and Godelieve van Nieuwenhove, who was born in 1460 in Asse, and died there about 1482. About 1485 he married as his second wife Katelijne Daneels, who was born about 1460.
2. Adelheid Plas, married Jan Moerijersoens.

John Exherst, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1435. He died in 1493, the year in which his will was written and proved.
(Alice Sepham?)
Jacops de Pape, was born about 1370. [parents]
Elisabeth de Smet, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jacops de Pape and Elisabeth de Smet
1. Diederick de Pape, married Janne Gaeyaert.
2. Symoens de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. He married (__).
3. Jan de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. He was Schepen of Kaprijke in 1437-1438, 1448-1449, and 1462-1463.
4. Guillaume de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. He married (__). He was Schepen of Brussels in 1408.

Pieter Staes, had no birth or baptismal record.
Marie Zouters, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Pieter Staes and Marie Zouters
1. Katelijne Staes, married Joos Van Ackere.
2. Margriete Staes, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Pieter Staes, had no birth or baptismal record.

Gillis Loots, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1360.
Margriete Sculaerts, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1360.
Children of Gillis Loots and Margriete Sculaerts
1. Amelberge Loots, married Niklaas Polfliet.
2. Lijsbette Loots, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Lomberchs, who had no birth or baptismal record,

Jan Aelbrecht, had no birth or baptismal record.
Elisabeth 'sBruynen, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan Aelbrecht and Elisabeth 'sBruynen
1. Amelberge Aelbrecht, married Willem Hondt or Hons.

Pieter Coppiins, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1345. He married as his first wife Katelijne 's Tayen. He married as his second wife Elisabeth van Miedeghem, a daughter of Jan van Miedeghem and Margriete van den Ackere, who had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Pieter Coppiins and Elisabeth van Miedeghem
1. Pieter Coppiins, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Jan Coppiins, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1418. He became a priest.
3. Elisabeth Coppiins, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Floreins van Wydenackere, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Katelijne 'sTayen, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Pieter Coppiins and Katelijne 'sTayen
1. Marie Coppiins (Keppens), married Niklaas van Polvliet.
2. Jan Coppiins, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1360.

Jan Speecht, had no birth or baptismal record.
Lijsbette Melis, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jan Speecht and Lijsbette Melis
1. Jan Speecht, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Lijsbeth Speecht, married Jan Zwitten.

Gilles Brisinc, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Elisabeth ver Heyden, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Gilles Brisinc and Elisabeth ver Heyden
1. Katelijne Brissinck, married Jan van Polfliet.
2. Joos Brisinck, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Margriete Brisinck, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Vilain, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Frans Brisinck, had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan van Havere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1373.
Amelberge van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1379. She married as her first husband Jan van Havere. She married as her second husband Boudin Gaylincx, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1366. [parents]
Children of Jan van Havere and Amelberge van Ackere
1. Lijsbette van Havere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1405, and died about 1469. She married Jan Dullaerts, a son of Machiel Dullaerts and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1408.
2. Margriete van Havere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1405. She married Bouwen van Bolsele, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1405.
3. Clare van Havere, married Pieter Abeele.

Pieter Varendonc, had no birth or baptismal record.
Kathelijne Hildegheers, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Pieter Varendonc and Kathelijne Hildegheers
1. Josine van Varendonck, married Jacob van Raemdonck.
2. Jan Varendonc, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Willem Varendonc, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Lijsbette Varendonc, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Soyssens, who had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Marie Varendonc, had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Amelberge Varendonc, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Spildorens, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Pieter Speelmans, had no birth or baptismal record.
Margriete Gabrieels, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Pieter Speelmans and Margriete Gabrieels
1. Elisabetha Speelmans, married Simon Schelfhaut.

Wouter Smeets, had no birth or baptismal record.
Lijsbette Potters, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Wouter Smeets and Lijsbette Potters
1. Amelberge Smets, married Niklaas s'Hooghen.

Jan de Keysere, Heer van ten Broeke (1430-1440) , had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
(__) Seelmakers, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jan de Keysere and (__) Seelmakers
1. Jan de Keijser, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Joos de Keijser, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Peeter de Keijser, married (__).
4. Adaem de Keijser, married Beatrijs van de Putte.

Goossen van Herbosch, was born prior to 1463. and died in Meise. He was a tenant-farmer at the Court of Coeckelberghe at Brussegem, a Schepen from Jette and a Schepen from the "Laathof van Margareta van Pede" in 1516.
Elisabeth/Lijsbette Gielisjans, was born about 1455. She married as her first husband Willem de Greve. She married as her second husband Goossen van Herbosch. [parents]
Children of Goossen van Herbosch and Elisabeth/Lijsbette Gielisjans
1. Gielis van Herbosch, married (__).
2. Hendrik Van Herbosch, died prior to 1477. He married Katelijne Jacobs, who died prior to 1477.
3. Jan Van Herbosch, died prior to 1492. He married Lijsbeth Van Ossele.
4. Pieter Van Herbosch, died prior to 1477. He married (__).

Robrecht Suetmans, was born about 1450.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Robrecht Suetmans and (__)
1. Kathelijne Suetmans, married Jan Jacobs.
2. Hendrick Sueteman, was born prior to 1485, and died prior to 1506. He married Lijsbeth van Herbosch, a daughter of Hendrick van Herbosch and Kathelijne Jacobs.

Hendrick Moeijersoens, was born about 1400. [parents]
Maria Covens, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Hendrick Moeijersoens and Maria Covens
1. Jan Moeijersoens, married Godelieve van Nieuwenhove.

Henricus Van Der Plast, was born in 1415 in Meise. He married about 1432. He was Schepen of Meise in 1487. [parents]
Liesbeth Stickers, was born in 1414. [parents]
Children of Henricus Van Der Plast and Liesbeth Stickers
1. Egidius Plas, married (__).
2. Brict Plas(ch), was born about 1433 in Meise, and died in 1515. About 1454 he married Heilwig van den Branden, a daughter of Marten van den Branden and Suzanna de Mol, who was born about 1435.
3. Geertrui Plas(ch), was born about 1411 in Meise, and died about 1533. About 1466 she married Jan Lauwers, who was born about 1439 in Meise.
4. Henric Plas(ch), was born about 1443 in Meise. About 1468 he married Katelijne Geerts, a daughter of Sarteel Geerts and (__), who was baptised in 1445 in Meise.
5. Liesbeth Plas(ch), was born about 1437 in Meise. About 1462 she married Han Geerts, a son of Sarteel Geerts and (__), who was baptised in 1435.
6. Willem Plas(ch), was born about 1439 in Meise.

Jacobus de Pape, was born about 1336. [parents]
Adriana van Durme, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jacobus de Pape and Adriana van Durme
1. Jacops de Pape, married Elisabeth de Smet.

Anthonis Zouters, had no birth or baptismal record.
Amelberge Mast, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Anthonis Zouters and Amelberge Mast
1. Clausine Zouters, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Brijs, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Gillis Zouters, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Margriete Zouters, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Niklaas Herweyers, a son of Gillis Herweyers and Kateline van Doerne, who had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her second husband Jaspaerts van Tongheren, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Marie Zouters, married Pieter Staes.
5. Matheus Zouters, had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Pieter Zouters, had no birth or baptismal record.

Heinric Coppiins, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1296. He was Schepen of Temse in 1359.
Margriet Raes, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1302. [parents]
Children of Heinric Coppiins and Margriet Raes
1. Pieter Coppiins, married Katelijne 'sTayen.
2. Jan Coppiins, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1374.
3. Clare Coppiins, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1375. She married Arnoud ver Berchmoest, a son of Pieter ver Berchmoest and Margriete Pauwels, who had no birth or baptismal record.

(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Elisabeth 'sTayen, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of (__) and Elisabeth 'sTayen
1. Katelijne 'sTayen, married Pieter Coppiins.

Hendrik Melis, had no birth or baptismal record.
Margriete van Buendre, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Hendrik Melis and Margriete van Buendre
1. Andries Melis, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Pieter Melis, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Jan Melis, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Steven Melis, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Lijsbette Melis, married Jan Speecht.
6. Kalelijne Melis, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Steenaert, had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1347. [parents]
Amelberga Boytas, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1353. [parents]
Children of Jan van Ackere and Amelberga Boytas
1. Lijsbette van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1378. She married Frans Brisincs, a son of Jan Brisinc and Katelijne (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1370.
2. Amelberge van Ackere, married Jan van Havere.
3. Gillis van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Jan van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Jacob van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Margriete van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Dieric van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record.
8. Katelijne van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record.
9. Laureins Van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1391, and died in 1452.

Joos Brisinc, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1390, and died about 1466.
Elisabeth Mins, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Joos Brisinc and Elisabeth Mins
1. Katelijne Brisinc, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Adriaan Volkeric, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Gilles Brisinc, married Elisabeth ver Heyden.
3. Josijne Brisinc, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Soete Brisinc, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Gheeraert Brisinc, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Barbara Baten, a daughter of Bertulphus Baten and Elisabeth Gheetsem, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Gilles ver Heyden, had no birth or baptismal record.
Katelijne Muters, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Gilles ver Heyden and Katelijne Muters
1. Elisabeth ver Heyden, married Gilles Brisinc.

Michiel Hildegheers, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1340.
Elysabeth Bolsele, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1346. [parents]
Children of Michiel Hildegheers and Elysabeth Bolsele
1. Lijsbettte Hildegheers, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan van Lijcbrouc, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1366.
2. Willem Hildegheers, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Jan Hildegheers, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Bertelmeus Hildegheers, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Margriete Hildegheers, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Pieter vanden Vivere, who had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her second husband Pieter Smet, who had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her third husband Petrus Blocs, who had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Amelberga Hildegheers, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Niklaas Moenvijts, who had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Michiel Hildegheers, had no birth or baptismal record.
8. Kathelijne Hildegheers, married Pieter Varendonc.

Niklaas Gabrieels, had no birth or baptismal record.
Margriete Van Weere, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Niklaas Gabrieels and Margriete Van Weere
1. Jan Gabrieels, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Amelberga Gabrieels, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Christiaan van den Voerde, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Katharina Gabrieels, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Gillis van Cleemputte, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Margriete Gabrieels, married Pieter Speelmans.
5. Lijsbette Gabrieels, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Pauwel Goeman, who had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Beatrix Gabrieels, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Hendrik Velde(kens), who had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan Potters, had no birth or baptismal record.
Lijsbeth van Overloop, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jan Potters and Lijsbeth van Overloop
1. Symon Potters, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Rasso Potters, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Amelberga Potters, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan van Remoortere, who had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Lijsbette Potters , married Wouter Smeets.
5. Margriete Potters, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Hollandre, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Daneel de Keysere, was rent master of the abbey Bijgaarden in 1401. [parents]
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Daneel de Keysere and (__)
1. Adaem de Keijser, died after 1440.
2. Jan de Keysere, married (__) Seelmakers.

Wouter Seelmakers, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Wouter Seelmakers and (__)
1. (__) Seelmakers, married Jan de Keysere.

Willem van Pullewouwe (Gielisjans)), was born about 1400, and died prior to 1478. He was a tenant farmer on the court at Pullewouwe. [parents]
Beatrix van der Hoeven (van den Roe), died before 1484.
Children of Willem van Pullewouwe (Gielisjans) and Beatrix van der Hoeven (van den Roe)
1. Lenssen/Lancelot van Pullewouwe (Gielisjans), was born about 1445. He married as his first wife Lijsbette van der Veken, and his second wife Cathelijne Wouters.
2. Joos van Pullewouwe (Gielisjans)), was born about 1450. He was a gatekeeper from Asse in 1499.
3. Elisabeth/Lijsbette Gielisjans, married Goossen van Herbosch.
4. Peeter van Pullewouwe (Gielisjans), had birth or baptismal record.

Joannes Moeijersoens, was born prior to 1400.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Joannes Moeijersoens and (__)
1. Hendrick Moeijersoens, married Maria Covens.

Egidius Van Der Plast, was born in 1390 in Laken, and died in 1461. He married about 1412 in Meise. [parents]
Gertrudis Noytkens, was born in 1392, and died (no date) in Meise, Flemish Brabant, Belgium.
Children of Egidius Van Der Plast and Gertrudis Noytkens
1. Jan van der Plast, was born about 1413 in Meise.
2. Henricus Van Der Plast, married Liesbeth Stickers.
3. Katelijne van der Plast, was born about 1417 in Meise.
4. Oede van der Plast, was born about 1419 in Meise.
5. Corneel van der Plast, was born abut 1421 in Meise.
6. Brict van der Plast, was born about 1423 in Meise.
7. Margriete van der Plast, was born about 1425 in Meise. About 1450 in Meise she married Willem de Conninck, who was born about 1420.

Gillis Stickers, was born about 1387.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Gilbert Stickers and (__)
1. Liesbeth Stickers, married Henricus Van Der Plast.

Joannes de Pape, was born about 1291. [parents]
Lysbeth Bornecolve, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Joannes de Pape and Lysbeth Bornecolve
1. Jacobus de Pape, married Adriana van Durme.
2. Joannes de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Maria van Ghessels.
3. Ghisels de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Peter de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.

Gillis Mast, had no birth or baptismal record.
Margriete Van Mieghem, had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her first husband Lucas van Wijnacker, who had no birth or baptismal record. She married as her second husband Gillis Mast. [parents]
Children of Lucas van Wijnacker and Margriete Van Mieghem
1. Katelijne van Wijnacker, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Margriete van Wijnacker, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Gillis ver Haghe, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Children of Gillis Mast and Margriete Van Mieghem
1. Amelberge Mast, married Anthonis Zouters.
2. Lijsbette Mast, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Willem van Gheetsem, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan Raes, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1282.
Amelberga VanDer Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1284. [parents]
Children of Jan Raes and Amelberga VanDer Haghe
1. Margriet Raes, married Heinric Coppiins.
2. Amelberge Raes, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan van Bolsele, who had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Joos Raes, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Pieter Raes, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Katelijne Raes, had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Jan Raes, had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Lijsbette Raes, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Zigerus Liemans, who had no birth or baptismal record.
8. Clare Raes, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan vander Heyden, who had no birth or baptismal record.
9. Mabelie Raes, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Jan Dullaert alias Hollanders, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Gillis van Buendre, had no birth or baptismal record.
Katelijne Steenaert, had no birth or baptismal record. She married (order uncertain) Gilles van Buendre, and Laureins de Boc(k), who had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Gillis van Buendre and Katelijne Steenaert
1. Margriete van Buendre, married married Hendrik Melis.

Children of Laureins de Boc(k) and Katelijne Steenaert
1. Boudewijn de Boc(k), had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Gijsselbrecht de Boc(k), had no birth or baptismal record.

Pieter Mins, had no birth or baptismal record.
Elisabeth Bake, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Pieter Mins and Elisabeth Bake
1. Elisabeth Mins, married Joos Brisinc.

Wouter van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1310. [parents]
Mabelie van Velde, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1312. [parents]
Children of Wouter van Ackere and Mabelie van Velde
1. Gillis van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1340. He married Maria Verhult, who had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Amelberga van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1342. She married Jan Smeets, who was born about 1321, a son of Gillis Smeets and (__).
3. Jan van Ackere, married Amelberga Boytas.
4. Niklaas van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1350. He married Amelberga van Nieuwenhuyse, a son of Clemencie Van Nieuwenhuyse and (__), who had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1350
5. Katelijne van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1367. She married Jan van Gheetsem, who had no birth or baptismal record.

(__) Boytas, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1321.
Elysabeth (__), had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1327.
Children of (__) Boytas and Elysabeth (__)
1. Amelberga Boytas, married Jan van Ackere.

(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Amelberga Bolsele, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1320. [parents]
Children of (__) and Amelberga Bolsele
1. Elysabeth Bolsele, married Michiel Hildegheers.

(__) Van Weere, had no birth or baptismal record.
Margriette van Hoghenweghe, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of (__) Van Weere and Margriette van Hoghenweghe
1. Margriete Van Weere, married Niklaas Gabrieels.

Michiel van Overloop, had no birth or baptismal record.
Margriete Maes, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Michiel van Overloop and Margriete Maes
1. Lijsbeth van Overloop, married Jan Potters.
2. Willemine van Overloop, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Pieter van Doyse, who had no birth or baptismal record.

Daneel de Keysere, had no birth or baptismal record.
Maria van De Putte, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Daneel de Keysere and Maria van De Putte
1. Daneel de Keysere, married (__).
2. Jan de Keijser, had no birth or baptismal record.

Jan Gielisjans (Van Pullewouwe), was born about 1375, and died prior to 1462. [parents]
Elisabeth Suys, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jan Gillisjans and Elisabeth Suys
1. Willem van Pullewouwe (Gielisjans), married Beatrix Van der Hoeven (van den Roe).
2. Joos van Pullewouwe, was born about 1400, and started the branch of the family in Zellik.
3. Jacob van Pullewouwe, started the branch of the family in Pamel.
4. Hendrick van Pullewouwe, had no birth or baptismal record.

Joannes Van Der Plast, was born in 1365 in Laken. [parents]
Maria Cocx, was born in 1367.
Children of Joannes Van Der Plast and Maria Cocx
1. Egidius Van Der Plast, married Gertrudis Noytkens.

Jehan de Pape, Heer van Berne, Burggraf van Daelhem, was born about 1260. Jehan de Pape was a very important knight and on 5 June 1288 he took part in combat on the side of Jean I "the Victorious," Duke of Brabant, in the Battle of Woeringen. [parents]
Lysbeth van de Poele, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jehan de Pape and Lysbeth van de Poele
1. Joannes de Pape, married Lysbeth Bornecolve.
2. Zeger de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Peter de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Claus de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Lysbeth de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.

(__) VanDer Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record.
Mabelie (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of (__) VanDer Haghe and Mabelie (__)
1. Amelberga VanDer Haghe, married Jan Raes.
2. Gertrud VanDer Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Lysbet VanDer Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Jan VanDer Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Gillis VanDer Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record.
6. Mabelie VanDer Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record.
7. Pauwel VanDer Haghe, had no birth or baptismal record.

(__) Steenaert, had no birth or baptismal record.
Margriete Maes, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of (__) Steenaert and Margriete Maes
1. Katelijne Steenaert, married Gillis van Buendre.

Gillis Bake(n)
Beatrix Bonne [parents]
Children of Gillis Bake(n) and Beatrix Bonne
1. Elisabeth Bake, married Pieter Mins.

Niklaas van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1280, and died after to 13 September 1349. [parents]
Clementie van Gheent, had no birth or baptismal record, and was born about 1278. [parents]
Children of Niklaas van Ackere and Clementie van Gheent
1. Wouter van Ackere, married Mabelie Van Velde.
2. Gillis van den Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record. He married (__).

Jan Van Velde, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1280.
Margriete (__), had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1286.
Children of Jan Van Velde and Margriete (__)
1. Mabelie van Velde, married Wouter van Ackere.

(__) Bolsele , had no birth or baptismal record.
Heylsoete (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of (__) Bolsele and Heylsoete (__)
1. Amelberga Bolsele, married (__).
2. Aelbertus Bolsele, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Petrus Bolsele, had no birth or baptismal record.
4. Elysabeth Bolsele, had no birth or baptismal record.
5. Beatrix Bolsele, had no birth or baptismal record.

Gillis van De Putte, had no birth or baptismal record.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Gillis van De Putte and (__)
1. Maria van De Putte, married Daneel de Keysere.

Gielis Jans/Egidius Jans van Pullewoude (de Polewoude), was born about 1330 in Essene, and died prior to 1396. [parents]
Children of Gielis Jans/Egidius Jans van Pullewoude (de Polewoude) and (__)
1. Jan Gielisjans (Van Pullewouwe) Jan Gillisjans, married Elisabeth Suys.
2. Wouter Gielisjans (Van Pullewouwe), married Catharina Oebens.
3. Margareta Gielisjans (Van Pullewouwe), married Jan Stevens.
4. Catharina Gielisjans (Van Pullewouwe), married Heyn de Fraye.
5. Heyndrick Gielisjans (Van Pullewouwe), had no birth or baptismal record.

Symoen Soys, alias vander Bruggen, was a tenant farmer on the court for the bridges at Sint Ulriks chapel.
Children of Symoen Soys and (__)
1. Elisabeth Suys, married Jan Gielisjans (Van Pullewouwe).

Joannes Van Der Plast, was born in 1340 in Laken. [parents]
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Joannes Van Der Plast and (__)
1. Joannes Van Der Plast, married Maria Cocx.

Gilbert de Pape, knight, had no birth or baptismal record. He was a Schepen in 1249. [parents]
Maria Wilmarus, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Gilbert de Pape and Maria Wilmarus
1. Jehan de Pape, Heer van Berne, Burggraf van Daelhem, married Lysbeth van de Poele.
2. Avezoete de Pape, knight and Herr van Cantieray, had no birth or baptismal record, and died in 1308. He married Clara van Ramst.
3. Willem de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. He married (__).

Gillis Van Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record.
Elisabeth Brijssincs, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Gillis Van Ackere and Elisabeth Brijssincs
1. Agnes Van Ackere, married Andries Van Mieghem.

(__) Maes, had no birth or baptismal record.
Gertrud (__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of (__) Maes and Gertrud (__)
1. Margriete Maes, married (__) Steenaert.

Jan Bonne, had no birth or baptismal record.
Beatrice Noens, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jan Bonne and Beatrice Noens
1. Beatrix Bonne, married Gillis Bake(n).

Wouter van den Ackere, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1248.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Wouter van den Ackere and (__)
1. Niklaas van Ackere, married Clementie van Gheent.

Jan Gheent, had no birth or baptismal record and was born about 1250.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan Gheent and (__)
1. Clementie van Gheent, married Niklaas van Ackere.

Jan de Pullewouwe, had no birth or baptismal record. His name was cited in a tribute book from the period of 1321-1346. [parents]
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan de Pullewouwe and (__)
1. Gielis Jans/Egidius Jans van Pullewoude (de Polewoude), married (__).

Egidius Van Der Plast, was born in 1315 on Laken. He married about 1339 in Brussels. [parents]
Katelijne Nolten, was born in 1315 in Brussels. She married as her first husband Egidius van der Plast. About 1343 she married as her second husband Jan de Graeve, a son of Hendrick de Graeve and (__), who was born about 1310. [parents]
Children of Egidius Van Der Plast and Catharina Nolten
1. Egidius van der Plast, was born about 1342 in Laken.
2. Joannes Van Der Plast, married (__).

Arnould van Aarschot de Pape, was born in 1211. Kannunik na overlijden van zijn echtgenote. [parents]
Maria Heilweghis, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Arnould van Aarschot de Pape and Maria Heilweghis
1. Gilbert de Pape, knight, married Maria Wilmarus.
2. Hugo de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record.
3. Jan de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. He married Katelijne van Durme.
4. Margareta de Pape, had no birth or baptismal record. She married Willem Drake, Schepen in Antwerpen in 1307.

Lonis Noens, had no birth or baptismal record.
Amelberga Vossaert, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Lonis Noens and Amelberga Vossaert
1. Beatrice Noens, married Jan Bonne.

Jan de Pullewouwe, was born about 1290.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan de Pullewouwe and (__)
1. Jan de Pullewouwe, married (__).

Joannes Van Der Plast, was born in 1295 in Laken. [parents]
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Joannes Van Der Plast and (__)
1. Egeidius van der Plast, married Katelijne Nolten.
2. Jan van der Plast, was born about 1317 in Laken, and died about 1389. About 1347 in Brussels he married Katelijne van Huldenberg, a daughter of Loenys van Huldenberg and (__), who was born in 1320 and died in 1384.

Jan Nolten, was born about 1285 in Brussels. He was Schepen of Brussels from 1366 to 1379. He married about 1310.
Lijsbeth Meert, was born about 1285, and died in 1315. In 1307 she married as her first husband Jan Cassaert, a son of Hendrik Cassaert and Katelijne Meert, who was born about 1285, and died about 1309. She married as her second husband Jan Nolten. [parents]
Children of Jan Nolten and [Liesbeth Meert
1. Katelijne Nolten, married Egidius Van Der Plast.

Annekin van Aarschot, Heer van Bierbeke, had no birth or baptismal record. He married in 1195. [parents]
Mechhia van Rotselaer, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Annekin van Aarschot, Herr van Bierbeke and Mechhia van Rotselaer
1. Renier van Aarschot, had no birth or baptismal record.
2. Godefried van Aarschot de Vieve, knight, Heer van Dieve, had no birth or baptismal record, and died on 4 March 1262. Prior to 1235 he married Gertrude van Wesemaele, a daughter of Arnoud [II], Heer van Wesemaere, and (__) van Montferrent, who had no birth or baptismal record and was born prior to 1205, and died on 9 October 1265.
3. Arnould van Aarschot de Pape, married Maria Heilweghis.

Jacob Vossaert, had no birth or baptismal record.
Katelijne Ongenaets, had no birth or baptismal record. [parents]
Children of Jacob Vossaert and Katelijne Ongenaets
1. Amelberga Vossaert, married Lonis Noens.

Jan Van Der Plast, was born in 1275 in Laken, and died there in 1347. [parents]
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Jan Van Der Plast and (__)
1. Joannes Van Der Plast, married (__).

Jan Meert, was born about 1265, and died after 1321. He married about 1286. [parents]
Maria Thonijs, was born about 1265, and died about 1359.
Children of Jan Meert and Maria Thonijs
1. Lijsbeth Meert, married as her first husband (b)Jan Cassaert, and as her second husband Jan Nolten.
2. Henric Meert, was born about 1287. He married Clarissa de Briedere, who was born about 1287.
3. Geldolf Meert, was born about 1290 and died prior to 1341. He wa Schepen of Brussels in 1328. About 1333 he married Helwigis Uyten Nieuwenhuyse, a daughter of Willem Uyten Nieuwenhuyse and Zoete Boeykens.
4. Jan Meert, was born about 1291. He married Maria de Hertogh, a daughter of Willem de hertogh and Kathelijne van der Sprout, who was born about 1291. He was Schepen of Brussels in 1360.
5. Willem Meert, was born about 1293, and died about 1363. He married Catharina Pluckmese (alias Wiericx). He was Schepen of Brussels in 1347, 1357, and 1363.
6. Maria Meert, was born about 1297. She married Floris/Florens van Cauwenbergh or Coudenberge, who was born about 1297, and died before 1378. He was Schepen of Brussels in 1361-1362.
7. Margriete Meert, was born about 1299. She married Simon van Coeckelberghe.

Godfried van Aarschot, Graaf van Aarschott, died in 1174 or after (he may have been captured "in Damiolen" during the Third Crusade). He married as his first wife Ada de Louvain, and as his second wife Alix d'Albret. Godfried sold the county of Aarschot to the Duke of Brabant in 1172 to finance his participation in the Third Crusade. [parents]
Alix d'Albret
Children of Godfried van Aarschot and Alix d'Albret
1. Karel van Aarschot, Graaf van Aarschot, died after 1199. He married Maria.
2. Annekin van Aarschot, Herr van Bierbeke, married Mechhia van Rotselaer.
3. Jan van Aarschot, died after 1199
4. Gozuwijn van Aarschot, died after 1199.
5. Gertrude van Aarschot, married Bartholemeus van de Aa, Heer van Linte, a son of Leon van de Aa, Châtelain of Brussels, and (__), was born about 1150, and died in 1247. Bartholemeus founded the monastery of St. Marie near Lier as well as two other (unnamed) monasteries.
6. Gente van Aarschot, had no birth or baptismal record.

Arnould van Rostelaer, Baron van Rotselaar, had no birth or baptismal record.
Beatrix van Fovre, had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Arnould van Rostelaer, Baron van Rotselaar and Beatrix van Fovre
1. Arnout van Rotselaar, had no birth or baptismal record and died prior to 1180. He was named in a charter dated 1175.
2. Geraard van Rotselaar, Heer van Lubbeek, had no birth or baptismal record and died in 1215. He was a Canon at St. Gertrude)s Church in Louvain
3. Mechhia van Rotselaer, married Annekin van Aarschot, Herr van Bierbeke.

Pieter Ongenaets
Katelijne van Doorslaer
Children of Pieter Ongenaets and Katelijne van Doorslaer
1. Katelijne Ongenaets, married Jacob Vossaert.

Jean de Brabant, was born in 1253 in Brussels, died on 3 May 1294 in Antwerp, and was buried in the Franciscan Church in Brussels. On 5 September 1270 he married as his first wife Marguerite de France, a daughter of Louis IX, King of France and Marguerite de Provence, who was born in early 1255, died in childbirth in July 1271, and was buried in the église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis. In 1273 her married as his second wife Marguerite de Flandre, a daughter of Guy, Count of Flanders, and Mathilde de Béthune, who was born about 1251, died on 3 July 1285, and was buried in the Franciscan Church in Brussels.

His brother Henri de Brabant abdicated on 24 May 1267 due to imbecility, and Jean succeeded him as Jean I "the Victorious," Duke of Brabant. He bought a claim the duchy of Limburg from Adolf V, Graf von Berg, who had disputed the succession of his cousin Ermengard and her husband Reinald I, Graaf van Gelderland. His forces captured Worringen where the other claimant Henri VI, Comte de Luxembourg, to whom Graf Reinald had sold his claim, was killed in battle. The dispute was arbitrated by Philippe III, King of France who found in favour of Duke Jean who was thereupon recognised as Duke of Limburg in 1288. He died during a tournament celebrating the marriage of Henri III, Comte de Bar with the Eleanor, daughter of Edward I, King of England. [parents]
Children of Jean I "the Victorious," Duke of Brabant and Marguerite de France
1. (__) de Brabant, a son, was born and died in childbirth in July 1271, and was buried in Saint-Denis.

Children of Jean I "the Victorious," Duke of Brabant and Marguerite de Flandre
1. Godefroi de Brabant, was born about 1273/1274, and died after 13 September 1283.
2. Jean de Brabant, was born on 27 September 1275, died on 27 October 1312 in Chateau de Tervueren, and was buried in Brussels in Saints Michael and Gudula Church. He succeeded his father in 1294 as Jean II "der Friedfertige," Duke of Brabant. On 8 or 9 July 1290 in Westminster Abbey, England, he married Margaret of England, a daughter of Edward I, King of England, and Infana doña Leonor de Castilla, who was born on 11 September 1279 (or 1280) in Windsor Castle, died after 11 March 1333, and was buried in Brussels in Saints Michael and Gudula Church.
3. Marguerite de Brabant, was born on 4 October 1276, died on 14 December 1311 in Genoa, and was buried in Pisa Cathedral. On 9 June 1282 she married Henry IV, Comte de Luxembourg, a son of Henri III, Comte de Luxembourg and Béatrice d'Avesnes, who was born on 12 July 1274, died on 24 August 1313 in Buoconvento near Siena of "marsh fever," (though rumored to have been poisoned by his Dominican confessor during Mass), and was buried in Pisa Cathedral. He was elected Heinrich VII, King of Germany, on 6 January 1309, and crowned Emperor on 29 June 1312.
4. Marie de Brabant, was born about 1277/1285, died after 2 November 1338, and was buried in the Franciscan Church in Brussels. On 23 October 1297 (or 1304) she married as his second wife Amedee V "le Grand," Comte de Savoie, a son of Thomas II, Conte (Marchese) de Piemonte and Beatrice Fieschi, who was born about 1253 in Bourget de Lac and died on 16 October 1323 in Avignon.

Children of Jean I "the Victorious," Duke of Brabant and unknown mistresses
1. Jan Meeusw, Heer van Donghelberghe en Waver, died in 1310. He married Margareta van Pamele, a daughter of Johan van Pamele, Heer van Pamele en Ledeberg, and Marguerite de Contrecoeur.
2. Jennequin van Mechelen, married (__).
3. Margareta van Tervueren, had no birth or baptismal record. In 1292 she married Jan van Landewijck.

Children of Jean I "the Victorious," Duke of Brabant and Hanneke Pijlijser
1. Jan Pijlijser/Pyliser, married (__).


Aleydis Van Der Plast, had no birth or baptismal record. She was a servant girl in the castle at Laken.
Children of Jean I "the Victorious," Duke of Brabant and Aleydis Van Der Plast
1. Jan Van Der Plast, married (__).

Jan Meert, was born about 1235/1240, and died about 1295. He married about 1264. He was Schepen of Brussels in 1275-1278. [parents]
(__) Veele, was born about 1240.
Children of Jan Meert and (__) Veele
1. Jan Meert, married Maria Thonijs.

Arnould van Aarschot, Graaf van Aarschot. Arnold, with agreement of his brothers Godfried and Reinier, donated property in Wechter (now in Tremeloo) to Middelburg abbey in Zeeland by charter dated 1136 (redated to 1146).

He participated in the Second Crusade in 1147, commanding a fleet of crusaders which left Dartmouth in May 1147 to free Lisbon from the Moors.

In the year 1147 a large fleet [fn 27] was equipped at Dartmouth, numbering 164 vessels, and manned by English, Germans, and Flemings, commanded by Count Arnold de Arscot "nepote Godefridi," Christian de Gistellis, the leader of the Flemings and men of Boulogne, and Hervey de Glanville, who commanded the men of Norfolk and Suffolk, Simon Dorobernens, and Andrew, who led the men of London, and Saher de Arcellis. Before they set out on their journey articles were drawn up that they all should formally agree to observe concord and friendship, religion and morality. On the 23rd of May 1147, they set sail from England, and two days later the fleet passed Brittany. The next day, the 27th, they hove in sight of the Pyrenees, and on the 29th of the same month the fleet experienced a dreadful storm, "Auditae sunt interim Syrenes, horribilis Sonitus prius cum luctu postea cum risu et cachinno quasi insultantium castrorum clamoribus," they then made for San Salvadore in Spain, which they reached on Ascension Day, and from thence proceeded to Ravadeo, thence to Cape Ortegal, and Ferrol, arriving on the 7th June 1147 at the mouth of the Tambre, the fleet proceeded to the Island of Flamba, and to the mouths of the Rivers Minho, Cavado, Cive, and another river not named, and at last arrived at the City of Oporto. The Crusaders received a fitting welcome from the Bishop of that city, and King Alfonso addressed a letter to him concerning them on June 16, 1147. On the 17th the Crusaders from all the ships assembled, and listened to a sermon preached by the Bishop, the words of the text being - "Beata gens cujus est dominus Deus ejus populus quem elegit in haereditatem suam sibi" (Psalm xxxiii. 12). The Pilgrims waited ten days for the Count of Aerschot, and on the 26th of June again set sail and made for the Island of Phoenix (Peniche), which they reached on the 27th, near which are two islands called Baleugas. Between the Island of Phoenix and Oporto are rivers and castles. On 28th June the fleet sailed from Peniche and arrived at Lisbon. The tract then goes on to describe Lisbon (inhabited as it was then by the Saracens), and Cintra, the population, religious liberty, and the Christian remains in that city. On the 28th of June, Arnold, Count of Aerscot, Christian de Gistellis, Hervey de Glanville with the men of Norfolk and Suffolk, Symon Dorobernens, and Andrew with the men of London, and Saher de Arcellis, landed with the men from the fleet and at once attacked the City of Lisbon, afterwards encamping close to the suburbs. On the 29th the Moorish King sent Ambassadors to treat with the Crusaders, who held a council before sitting down to their meal (dinner); whilst they were at their repast, the Flemings agreed to join Alphonso; William Vitulus (Calf) opposed the proposals made by the Ambassadors of the Moorish King, and induced the majority to unite against him.

The Archbishop of Braga then addressed the people, and the Saracens in a long speech answered him; upon which the Bishop of Oporto challenged the Moors to fight; then the soldiers, under Hervey de Glanville, Saher de Arcellis, Count Arnold de Aerscot, and the other commanders, attacked the- suburb, and, after a time, were successful in their endeavours to capture it, and made their camp for the night in a cemetery. On the following morning, the 1st July 1147, the Moors renewed with vigour the battle, but were repulsed and driven back into their city. Sundry other attacks were made by them, and they took every opportunity of insulting the Christian army. Two churches were built in the suburbs for the use of the Pilgrims. About the 15th, the Pilgrims commenced to build machines in order to use them against the walls of Lisbon. Between August 3rd and 15th the engines of the Germans and Flemings were burnt, whilst those of the English being imbedded in the sands suffered the same fate. The Germans commenced a mine which much dismayed the Moors. Letters were sent to the King of Evora, who answered them, and also gave orders that his own forces should be dismissed. In the next engagement between the English and Normans with the Moors at Elmanda, five men were taken prisoners by the latter. The mines were now extended, and new engines were made, and in September the English built a great tower. A famine took place in the city, and on the 16th October a breach was made in the walls by the Germans, but they were repulsed. On the 19th the English tower was completed, and blessed by the Archbishop of Braga, on which occasion a certain priest preached a sermon from Romans xiii. 7. After this the tower was advanced to the walls, and on the 20th the engine was brought up against one of the towers of that city, the defenders of which were driven by our men from the wall. In the night the Moors tried to set it on fire, with seven men of Ipswich in a "Welsh Cat" for the second time our engine was flooded, and the Germans deserted the English. Now the Britons advanced their machine nearer to the wall, and also brought out their bridge, and whilst they were in the act of throwing it from their tower to the wall, the Moors begged a truce, which was granted them, and hostages given by the Moors.

On the 22nd October the Moors capitulated, at which their old enemy King Alphonso was dismayed. A priest from the city of Bristol rebelled, and raised a mutiny against Hervey de Glanville. After this the King deliberated with the "two hostages."

The Count of Aerschot insisted upon having the Alcaide's mare, which he seized. The Germans again rebelled; but on the 23rd arrangements were made as to the plunder of the city, and all the forces did fealty to the King; with regard to the division of the spoils, the conduct of the Flemings and Germans was most greedy, and they endeavoured to plunder the city, and ill-treat the inhabitants. The Flemish nobles under the Earls Aerescot and Christian were ashamed at the conduct of their people, and the cruelties they had inflicted upon their enemies. On the 29th October, 1147, the Moors departed from Lisbon, and Gilbert of Hastings was made Bishop of that city. In November a severe pestilence broke out among the Moors. The MS. here ends with the gratitude of the Pilgrims, and an account of their reflections, etc.

Extract from the Conquest of Lisbon, written by Priest Raoul [from The Normans in Europe, ed. Transl. Elizabeth van Houst]

[The priest Raoul continues. . . ] . . . Thereupon the men of Cologne and Flemings, when they saw so many temptations to greed in the city, observed not the bond of their oath or plighted faith. They rushed about hither and thither; they pillaged; they broke open doors; they tore upon the innermost parts of every house; they drove out the citizens and treated them with insults, against right and justice; they scattered utensils and clothing; they secretly snatched away all those things which ought to have been made the common property of all the forces. They even slew the aged bishop of the city, against all right and decency, by cutting his throat. They seized the alcayde [mayor] himself and carried everything out of his house. And his mare, above mentioned, the count of Aerschot seized with his own hands, and at the demand of the king and of all our men that he give her up, he held on to her so obstinately that, because with an emission of blood she had lost her foal, the alcayde himself spoke out and branded the abominable action as digusting. But the Normans and the English, for whom good faith and scruples of conscience were matters of the highest import, remained quietly at the posts to which they had been assigned, while they wondered what such an event might portend, preferring to keep their hands from all rapine rather than violate their engagements and the ordinances of the earth-bound association - an episode which covered the count of Aerschot and Christian and their principal followers with shame, since through the disregarding of their oath their unmixed greed now stood openly revealed to us.


(__) (perhaps Angésile de Pepijn), had no birth or baptismal record
Children of Arnould van Aarschot and Angésile de Pepijn
1. Godfried van Aarschot, married Alexandra van Albret.
2. Arnould van Aarschot, died in 1174 or after.
2. Jan van Aarschot, died in 1174 or after.

Henri de Brabant, died on either 28 February or 1 March 1261 in Louvain, and was buried there in the Dominican Church. He was Provost at Aachen in 1233. He succeeded his father in 1248 as Henri III "le Pacifique/le Dibonnaire," Duke of Brabant. He married (after 21 July) 1251. [parents]
Alix de Bourgogne, was born about 1233, died on 20 October 1273, and was buried in Louvain in the Dominican Church. She was Regent of Brabant from 1261 to 1268 successively for her sons Dukes Henri IV and Jean I. She corresponded with St. Thomas Aquinus, who dedicated Du Gouvernement du Prince to her. [parents]
Children of Henri III "le Pacifique/le Dibonnaire," Duke of Brabant, and Alix de Bourgogne
1. Henri de Brabant, was born in 1251/1252 in Louvain, and died after 29 April 1272. The Genealogia Ducum Brabantif Heredum Francif specified that Henri was "fatuum et insensatum, debilem et deformem". He succeeded his father in 1261 as Henri IV, Duke of Brabant, but he was incapable of governing because of imbecility, and was obliged to abdicate at Cambrai on 24 May 1267. His maternal grandfather brought him to Dijon in 1269, as a canon at St Etienne where he made his vows. He was betrothed in 1257 to Marguerite de France, a daughter of Louis IX, King of France, and his wife Marguerite de Provence, who was born in early 1255, died in July 1271, and buried in the église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis. This betrothal was terminated because of his imbecility.
2. Jean I "the Victorious," Duke of Brabant, married as his first wife Marguerite de France, and as his second wife Marguerite de Flandre.
3. Godefroi de Brabant, Heer van Aarschot, Seigneur de Vierzon, was born in Brussels, and was killed on 11 July 1302 in battle at Courtrai (Battle of the Golden Spurs). Prior to 1280 he married Jeanne de Vierzon, Dame de Vierzon, de Mizihres-en-Brenne, de Lucy, de la Ferti-Imbault, de Fuselier, de l'Isle-Savary et de la Rochecorbon, a daughter of Herve (IV) de Vierzon Sire de Vierzon, and (__), who died prior to 296, and was buried in the Franciscan Church in Bourges.
4. Marie de Brabant, was born about 1260 in Louvain, died on 12 January 1322 in Murel near Meulan, and was buried in the église des Cordeliers in Paris. She was crowned Queen of France on 24 June 1275 at Sainte Chapelle in Paris. With contract dated 27 August 1274 in Vincennes she married as his second wife Philippe III "le Hardi," King of France, a son of Louis IX, King of France, and Marguerite de Provence, who was born on 1 May 1245 in Poissy, Yvelines, died on 5 October 1285 in Perpignan, and buried in the éiglise de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis.
5. (__), a child, of whom nothing further is known.

Children of Henri III "le Pacifique/le Dibonnaire," Duke of Brabant, and Unknown Mistress(possibly Joanna van der Balc(h)t)
1. Gilles (possibly van de Balch), flourished around 1286/1288.

Henric Meert, was born before 1210, and died after 1265. He was Schepen of Brussels from about 1242 to 1265.
(__), had no birth or baptismal record.
Children of Henric Meert and (__)
1. Agnes Meert, was born about 1225. She married Wouter van Huldenberg, who was born about 1225. He was a Schepen of Brussels in 1255.
2. Geldolf Meert, was born about 1235 and died about 1295. He married (__).
3. Henric Meert, was born about 1242. He married (__). He was Schepen of Brussels in 1260-1261, 1263-1264, and 1265-1266.
4. Jan Meert, married (__) Veele.
5. Katelijne Meert, was born about 1244. She married Hendrik Cassaert, who was born about 1244. They were the ancestors of the Branch Cassaert (alias Meerte) and Cassaert (alisa Pleatman).

Arnould van Aarschot, Graaf van Aarschot, died after 1135. Godefroi Duke of Lower Lotharingia recorded a donation by "Arnulfus comes Aderschot cum duobus filiis Godefrido et Arnulfo" to Afflighem abbey of land in Buggenhout, Malre and Steenhuffel which was the inheritance of "Joannem filium suum", placed as a monk at the abbey, by charter dated 1125. Arnold van Aarschot is named as joint founder of Averbode, with Arnold, Heer van Diest, Arnold, Comte de Looz, and Konon van Repe, in a document of Alexander, Bishop of Liège dated 1135. [parents]
(__)(possibly Beatrix van Loon)
Children of Arnould van Aarschot and (__)
1. Godfried van Aarschot, died after 1146. Arnold, with agreement of his brothers Godfried and Reinier, donated property in Wechter (now in Tremeloo) to Middelburg abbey in Zeeland by charter dated 1136 (redated to 1146).
2. Arnould van Aarschot, married Angésile de Pepijn.
3. Renier van Aarschot, wss Archdeacon of Liège. "Reinero nepote meo de Arscot" is named in a charter dated 1134 under which Godefroi, Duke of Lower Lotharingia founded the gasthuis in Sichem.

Henri de Brabant, was born about 1207, died on either 1 or 2 February 1248 in Louvain, and was buried in Villers. He succeeded his father in 1235 as Henri II, Duke of Brabant. After the death in February 1247 of Heinrich Raspe, anti-King of Germany, Landgraf of Thuringia, Duke Henri II proposed his nephew Willem II, Count of Holland, as successor after declining the position himself. Prior to 22 August 1215, he married as his first wife Maria von Hohenstaufen. About 1241 he married as his second wife Sophie von Thüringen, a daughter of Ludwig IV "der Heilige," Landgraf of Thüringia, and Elisabeth of Hungary, who was born on 20 March 1224 in Wartburg, died on 29 May 1275 possibly in Marburg, and was buried in Villers. She was heiress of Hessen, which was inherited by her son who became Heinrich I "das Kind," Landgraf und Herr von Hessen. [parents]
Maria von Hohenstaufen, was born about 1199/1200, and died prior to 1235 in Louvain. [parents]
Children of Henri II, Duke of Brabant, and Maria von Hohenstaufen
1. Mathilde de Brabant, was born in 1224, died on 29 September 1288, and was buried in the Abbey of Cercamp, Artois. On 14 June 1237 in Compiègne she married as her first husband Robert (I), Comte d'Artois, a son of Louis VIII, King of France, and Infanta doña Blanca de Castilla y León, who was born in September 1216, and killed in battle near Mansurah, Palestine, on 9 February 1250. Prior to 31 May 1254 in Naples she married as her second husband Guy de Châtillon, Comte de Saint-Pol, a son of Hugues (I) de Châtillon, Comte de Saint-Pol, and Marie d'Avesnes, Comtesse de Blois, who was born after 1226, died on 12 March 1289, and was buried in Chercamp.
2. Beatrix de Brabant, was born in 1225, died on 11 November 1288, and was buried in the Abbaye de Marquette, near Lille. On 10 March 1241 in Creuzburg/Werra she married as her first husband Heinrich "Raspe," Landgraf of Thüringia, King of Germany, a son of Herman I, Landgraf von Thüringia, and Sophie van Bayern, who died on 16 February 1247 in Wartburg, and was buried in St. Katharinenkloster in Eisenbach. In November 1247 in Louvain she married as her second husband Guillaume III, Count of Flanders, a son of Guillaume II, Seigneur de Dampierre, and Marguerite II, Countess of Flanders, who was born in 1224, died on 6 June 1251 in Trazegnies, and was buried in the Abbaye de Marquette, near Lille.
3. Henri III "le Pacifique/le Dibonnaire," Duke of Brabant, married Alix de Bourgogne.
4. Marie de Brabant, was beheaded at Donauwörth on 18 January 1256, and was buried in the Heilige Kreuz-Stift in Donauwörth. About 1247 she was betrothed to Edward of England, a son of Henry III, King of England, and Eléonore de Provence. On 2 August 1254 she married as his first wife Ludwig II "der Strenge," joint Duke of Bavaria, a son of Otto II "dem Erlauchten," Duke of Bavaria, Agnes von Braunschweig, who was born on 13 April 1229 in Heidelberg, died there on either 1 or 2 February 1294, and was buried in Fürstenfeld.
5. Marguerite de Brabant, died (about 4 June) 1277. She was a nun at Val-Duc in 1235, and Abbess in 1272.
6. Philippe de Brabant, died young and was buried in St. Pieter in Leeuwen.

Children of Henri II, Duke of Brabant, and Sophie von Thüringen
1. Elisabeth de Brabant, was born in 1243, died on either 17 April or 9 October 1261, and was buried in Braunschweig. On 13 July 1254 in Braunschweig she married as his first wife Albrecht I "der Große" Herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg, a son of Otto I "dem Kind," Herzog von Braunschweig, and Mathilde von Brandenburg who was born in 1236, died on 15 August 1279 in Braunschweig, and was buried in Braunschweig Cathedral. They had no children. He married as his second wife Alessina de Monferrato.
2. Henri de Brabant, was born on 24 June 1244, died on 21 December 1308 in Marburg, and was buried there in Elisabethkirche. He succeeded in 1264 as Heinrich I "das Kind," Landgraf und Herr von Hessen. He renounced his rights to Brabant on 25 November 1279, and was created Fürst by Imperial Order on 10 May 1292. Prior to 26 March 1263 he married as his first wife Adelheid von Braunschweig, a daughter of Otto I "dem Kind," Herzog von Braunschweig, and Mathilde von Brandenburg, who died on 12 June 1274 and was buried in Elisabethkirche in Marburg. Prior to 26 February 1276 he married as his second wife Mechtild von Kleve, a daughter of Dietrich VII, Graf von Kleve, and Aleidis von Heinsberg, Heiress of Hülchrath and Saffenburg, who died on 21 December 1309.

Children of Henri II, Duke of Brabant, and Unknown Mistress
1. Henri, was a cleric in 1244.

Hugues de Bourgogne, was born on 9 March 1213, died on either 27 or 30 October 1272 in château de Villaines-en-Duesmois, Côtes d'Or, and was buried in the Abbaye de Cîteaux. He succeeded his father in 1218 as Hugues IV, Duke of Burgundy, under the regency of his mother until 1231. He acquired Salins in February 1225 from Joceran de Brancion and his wife Marguerite de Vienne, and exchanged it for Chalon on 15 June 1237 with Jean, Comte de Bourgogne. He left on Crusade 1239-1242 and 1248-1250. Otto III, Duke of Merano, Comte Palatin de Bourgogne, gave him possession of the county of Burgundy for 5 years on 29 March 1242, and his sister Béatrice, Gräfin von Orlamünde (Otto's heiress) sold her rights to the county to Duke Hugues IV at Strasbourg in 1265. After trying to enforce his rights, he renounced any claim to the county of Burgundy by agreement with Jean de Chalon at Saint-Jean-de-Losne on 20 April 1270. He bought the titular rights to the kingdom of Thessaloniki from the exiled Emperor Baudouin II of Constantinople in Paris in January 1266, for 13,000 livres tournois. Charles I, King of Sicily, named him Captain and Vicar-General of the kingdom of Sicily (about 11 November) 1270. He transferred the duchy to Robert, his third son, on 23 October 1272, retaining the usufruct. In 1229 (consummated 1231) he married as his first wife Yolande de Dreux, Comtesse d'Ossone. With contract dated November 1258 he married as his second wife Beatrice de Champagne, Infanta doña Beatriz de Navarra, a daughter of Thibaut IV, Comte de Champagne, Teobaldo I, King of Navarre, and Marguerite de Bourbon, who was born about 1242, and died (after July] 1295 in the château de Villaines-en-Duesmois, Côtes d'Or. She was Dame de l'Isle-sous-Montrial. She renounced any claim to the succession of her brother on 2 September 1273. After her husband died, she retired to the château de l'Isle-sur-Serein. She quarrelled with her stepson Robert, Duke of Burgundy, and asked for protection from Philippe II "Auguste," King of France. [parents]
Children of Hugues IV, Duke of Burgundy, and Beatrice de Champagne, Infanta doña Beatriz de Navarra
1. Hugues "Huguenin" de Bourgogne, was born in 1260, died (after January) 1288, and was buried in the Priory at Veausse. He received many properties under the testament of his father, but his brother Duke Robert only let him keep Montréal and some smaller areas. In 1280 (consummated in October 1280, Papal dispensation ordered on 15 May 1282) he married Marguerite de Salins, dame de Montréal, a daughter of Jean I "l'Antique," Comte de Chalon (later Sire de Salins), and Laure de Commercy, who died in 1328.
2. Beatrix de Bourgogne, died in either July 1328 or on 31 May 1329 in Cognac, and was buried in the église des Cordeliers in Angoulême. She was Dame de Grignon in February 1302, later called la Comtesse de La Marche. On 1 July 1276 in Paris she married Hugues XIII "le Brun," Sire de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême, Sire de Foughres, a son of Hugues XII, Comte de la Marche et d'Angoulême, and Jeanne, dame de Foughres, who was born on 25 June 1259, died prior to 1 December 1310 in Angoulême, buried in the église des Cordeliers in Angoulême.
3. Marguerite de Bourgogne, was born after 1300. She was Dame de Vitteaux in 1294, by grant of her half-brother Duke Robert as part of the succession of her brother Huguenin. In 1280, with contract dated 26 September 1272, she married as his first wife Jean I de Chalon, Seigneur d'Arlay, a son of Jean I "l'Antique," Comte Palatin de Bourgogne et de Chalon, and Laure de Commercy, who was born in 1259, and died after 16 April 1316.
4. Jeanne de Bourgogne, died on 30 August prior to 1285. She was a nun.
5. Isabelle de Bourgogne, was born in 1270, died in August 1323 in Chambly, and was buried in the église des Grands Augustins in Paris. She adopted the name Agnes in 1284, and was Dame de Vieux-Château et d'Aigney-le Duc by grant on 20 November 1294. In 1272 she was betrothed to Charles de Flandre, a son of Robert de Flandre, Comte de Nevers, later Robert III, Count of Flanders, and Blanche d'Anjou, who was born about 1266 and died in 1277, aged 11 years. On either 5 February or 6 March 1285 in Basel she married as her first husband and as his second wife Rudolf I, King of Germany, a son of Albrecht IV "dem Weise," Graf von Habsburg, and Heilwig von Kiburg, who was born on 1 May 1216 in Burg Limburg, Upper Rhine, died on 15 July 1291 in Germersheim near Speyer, and was buried in Speyer Cathedral. She married as her second husband Pierre IX "le Jeune" de Chambly, Sire de Neaufles, a son of Pierre V "le Hideux/le Prudhomme," Sire de Chambly, and Isabeau de Rosny, who died in 1319.

Yolande de Dreux, Comtesse d'Ossone, was born about 1212, died on 30 October 1248, and was buried in Cîteaux. [parents]
Children of Hugues IV, Duke of Burgundy, and Yolande de Dreux, Comtesse d'Ossone
1. Eudes de Bourgogne, was born in 1230, died on 4 August 1266 in Acre, and was buried in the cemetery of St. Nicolas in Acre. He was Sire de Bourbon in 1249, by right of his wife, and Comte de Nevers, d'Auxerre et de Tonnerre (1257-1262), by right of his wife. He left on Crusade in 1265. With contract dated in February 1248 he married Mathilde de Bourbon, a daughter and co-heiress of Archambaud IX, Sire de Bourbon, and Yolande de Châtillon, heiress of Nevers, Auxerre and Tonnerre, who was born about 1234/1235, and died in either March or September 1262. She succeeded her father in 1249 as Dame de Bourbon. She succeeded her great-grandmother Mathilde de Courtenay in 1257 as Comtesse de Nevers, d'Auxerre et de Tonnerre.
2. Alix de Bourgogne, married Henri III " le Pacifique/le Débonnaire," Duke of Brabant.
3. Marguerite de Bourgogne, died on either 25 or 26 August 1277. She was Dame de Molinot, by grant of her father as dowry, in return for her first husband transferring his rights to Vergy to her father. Her subjects at Molinot rebelled against her in 1265, her father helping her to crush the revolt. After 4 June 1239 she married as her first husband Guillaume (III) de Mont-Saint-Jean, Seigneur de Mont-Saint-Jean, Salmaise, Thoisy and part of Vergy, a son of Guillaume II, Seigneur de Mont-Saint-Jean, and Marie des Barres, who died in 1256. In 1258 she married as her second husband Guy VI, Vicomte de Limoges, a son of Guy V, Vicomte de Limoges, and Ermengarde de Bary, who died on 13 August 1263 at Branttme, Dordogne, and was buried in église Saint-Martial, Limoges.
4. Jean de Bourgogne, was born about 1231 and died on 17 September 1267 in Moulins, Allier. He was Sire de Bourbon in 1262, in right of his wife as well as Seigneur de Charolais. With contratct dated in February 1248 he married as her first husband Agnes de Bourbon, a daughter and co-heiress of Archamaud IX, Sire de Bourbon, and Yolande de Châtillon, heiress of Nevers, Auxerre and Tonnerre, who was born in 1237, died on either 5 September 1287 or 30 June 1288 in Foggia, Apulia, and was buried in the église des Cordeliers, Champaigue-en-Bourbonnais. She succeeded her sister in 1262 as Dame de Bourbon. She married as her second husband Robert II, Comte d'Artois.
5. (__) de Bourgogne, a son, was born in 1236. It is not known whether this is a son of Duke Hugues who is otherwise unrecorded or whether it refers to one of his other sons whose estimated birth dates may have been incorrect.
6. Robert de Bourgogne, was born about 1245/1250, died on 21 March 1306 in Vernon-sur-Seine, Eure, and was buried in the Abbaye de Cîteaux. He succeeded his father in 1272 as Robert II, Duke of Burgundy. His succession was challenged by Robert III, Count of Flanders, and Robert, Comte de Clermont, in the names of their wives, daughters of Robert's deceased older brothers. Philippe III, King of France, was appointed arbitrator, and found in favour of Duke Robert II. He bought the Vicomté de Dijon in 1276. He planned the annexation of the county of Burgundy by betrothing his son Jean to the heiress, but the marriage did not take place. After disputing the succession of Viennois, following the death in 1282 of Jean de Bourgogne, Dauphin de Viennois, he assigned his rights to Jean's sister Anne and her husband Humbert de la Tour du Pin on 25 January and 23 February 1286. Philippe IV, King of France, appointed him Lieutenant at Lyon in 1294, and Governor of Franche-Comté in January 1297, and granted him Pontailler-sur-Saône in March 1303. He held the first place in the Council of the King of France. By virtue of his will date 25 March 1298, the duchy of Burgundy ceased to be a family possession, becoming a state with territorial unity. In (possibly March) 1273 (with contract dated 20 October 1272) he married Agnes de France, a daughter of Louis IX, King of France, and Marguerite de Provence, who was born in 1260, died on either 19 or 20 December 1325 in the château de Lantenay, Côte d'Or, and was buried in the Abbaye de Cîteaux). She was Regent of Burgundy during the minority of her son Duke Hugues from 1306 until 9 November 1311.

Arnould van Aarschot, Graaf van Aarschot, died after 1125. According to author van Hasselt, "Arnould comte d'Aarschot" commanded one of the fleets which left on the First Crusade in 1096. However, no reference to his name has been found in the works of the chroniclers of the First Crusade, William of Tyre and Albert of Aix. Anselm, abbot of Gembloux, records that Arnold travelled with Obert, Bishop of Liège to celebrate Easter at Aachen in 1115. Godefroi, Duke of Lower Lotharingia, recorded a donation by "Arnulfus comes Aderschot cum duobus filiis Godefrido et Arnulfo" to Afflighem abbey of land in Buggenhout, Malre and Steenhuffel which was the inheritance of "Joannem filium suum", placed as a monk at the abbey, by charter dated 1125. [parents]
(__), thought to be a sister of Godefroi, Duke of Lower Lotharingia.
Children of Arnould van Aarschot and (__)
1. Godfried van Aarschot, died after 1143. About 1120 he married as his first wife Sophia van Bemmel, a daughter of Dirk van Bemmel and (__), who died prior to 1139. Prior to 1139 he married as his second wife and as her third husband Emmissa de Valenciennes, the widow of Roger II de Wavrin and Fastre de Fossé and a daughter of Isaac, Châtelain de Valenciennes and (__). Godefroi, Duke of Lower Lotharingia, recorded a donation by "Arnulfus comes Aderschot cum duobus filiis Godefrido et Arnulfo" to Afflighem abbey of land in Buggenhout, Malre and Steenhuffel which was the inheritance of "Joannem filium suum", placed as a monk at the abbey, by charter dated 1125. He received land at Lier as his inheritance. "Emmissa, quf cognominor comitissa, Isaac et Mathildis filia" donated tax receipts to the church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Valenciennes by charter dated 1107. She and her third husband donated property to the abbey of St Denijs in Liessies in 1139. "Comitissa, uxor Godefridi de Arscoth" renounced her rights in the forest of Vicogne in favour of the abbey of Vicogne by charter dated 1143.
2. Arnould van Aarschot, married (__).
3. Jan van Aarschot, died after 1125. He was a monk at Afflighem abbey. Godefroi, Duke of Lower Lotharingia, recorded a donation by "Arnulfus comes Aderschot cum duobus filiis Godefrido et Arnulfo" to Afflighem abbey of land in Buggenhout, Malre and Steenhuffel which was the inheritance of "Joannem filium suum", placed as a monk at the abbey, by charter dated 1125.

Henri de Louvain, was born in 1165, died on 5 September 1235 in Köln, and was buried in the église collégiale de Saint Pierre in Louvain. He was installed in 1180 as Henri, Duke of Lotharingia, until 1222, and Duke of Louvain from 1183 until 1198. He was installed as Henri I "le Guerroyeur," Duke of Brabant in 1191. He was one of the leaders of a crusade planned by Emperor Heinrich VI King of Germany, arriving in Palestine in mid-1197. He was marching to relieve Jaffa, captured by the Muslims in September 1198, when he heard news of the death of Henri de Champagne, King of Jerusalem. He returned to Acre and took interim charge of the government until the arrival of Amaury de Lusignan, King of Cyprus in January 1198. He recaptured Beirut from the Muslims in October 1197. After the murder of Philipp von Hohenstaufen, King of Germany, in 1208, Philippe II "Auguste," King of France promoted the candidacy of Duke Henri for the German throne. Duke Henri joined his son-in-law Emperor Otto IV against France, and was defeated at the battle of Bouvines in 1214. He was MarkGraaf van Antwerpen in 1211, and no longer Duke of Lotharingia from 1222. With contract dated in 1179 (or 1180) in Antwerp he married as his first wife Mathilde de Flandre. On 22 April 1213 in Soissons, Aisne, he married as his second wife and as her second husband Marie de France, the widow of Philippe I "le Noble," Marquis de Namur, and a daughter of Philippe II "Auguste," King of France, and Agnes von Andechs-Merano,w ho was born after 1197, died on 15 August 1238, and was buried in the église Saint Pierre in Louvain. [parents]
Mathilde de Flandre, was born in 1170, died on 16 October 1210 in Louvain, and was buried there in the église collégiale de Saint Pierre. [parents]
Children of Henri I "le Guerroyeur," Duke of Brabant, and Mathilde de Flandre
1. Marie de Brabant, was born about 1191, died on either 9 March or 14 June 1260, and was buried in the église collégiale de Saint Pierre in Louvain. After 19 May 1214 in Maastricht she married as her first husband and as his second wife, Emperor Otto IV, King of Germany, a son of Heinrich "der Löwe," Duke of Saxony and Bavaria, and Matilda of England, who was born about 1176/1177 in Normandie, died on 19 May 1218 in Harzburg, and was buried in Braunschweig Cathedral. In July 1220 she married as her second husband and as his second wife Willem I, Count of Holland, a son of Floris III, Count of Holland, and Ada of Scotland, who died on 4 February 1222.
2. Marguerite de Brabant, died on either 5 April or 21 September 1231, and was buried in Roermond Cistercian Abbey. On 1206 in Louvain she married Gerhard III, Graaf van Gelderland, a son of Otto, Graaf van Gelderland, and Richardis of Bavaria, who died on 22 October 1229 and was buried in Roermond Cistercian Abbey.
3. Aleidis de Brabant, died about 1261/1267. In 1206 she married as her first husband Arnaud, Comte de Looz, Graf von Rieneck, a son of Gerard (II), Comte de Looz, Graf von Rieneck, and Adelheid von Gelderland, who died prior to 1225. Prior to 3 February 1225 she married as her second husband and as his second wife Guillaume (IX), Comte d'Auvergne, a son of Guy (II), Comte d'Auvergne, and Pernelle de Chambon, who died in 1246 and was buried in Le Bouchet. Prior to December 1251 she married as her third husband and as his second wife, Arnold (III), Heer van Wesemaal, Marshall of Brabant, a son of Arnold (II), Heer van Wesemaal, and (__) van Montferrant, who died in 1260.
4. Mathilde de Brabant, died on 22 December 1267 and was buried in Loosduinen Cistercian Abbey. At the end of November 1212 in Aachen she married as her first husband Heinrich II, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, a son of Henrich, Herzog von Braunschweig, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, and Agnes von Staufen, who was born about 1196, died on 25 April 1214, and was buried in the Kloster Schönau bei Heidelberg. About 5 December 1224 she married as her second husband Floris IV, Count of Holland, a son of Willem I, Count of Holland, and Adelheid van Gelderland, who was born on 24 June 1210, and died on 19 July 1234 in either Noyon or Corbie.
5. Henri II, Duke of Brabant, married as his first wife Maria von Hohenstaufen, and as his second wife Sophie von Thüringen.
6. Godefroi de Brabant, was born in 1209, died on 22 January 1254, and was buried in Afflighem. He was Heer van Gaesbeek in 1236, Seigneur de Baucignies in 1246, and Heer van Herstal in 1247. Prior to 7 August 1243 he married as her second husband Marie van Oudenaarde, Vrouw van Pamele, the widow of Jean, Comte de Rethel, and a daughter of Arnold (IV), Heer van Oudenaarde en Pamee, and (__).
7. (__) de Brabant, died young.

Children of Henri I "le Guerroyeur," Duke of Brabant, and Marie de France
1. Elisabeth de Brabant, died on 23 October 1272. On 19 March 1233 in Louvain she married as her first husband Dietrich von Kleve, gt von Dinslaken, a son of Dietrich (IV) "Nust," Graf von Kleve, and Mathilde von Dinslaken, who was born about 1214 and died on 24 March 1244. In February 1246 she married as her second husband Gerhard (IV) von Wassenberg, Seigneur de Sprimont, a son of Gerhard (II) von Wassenberg and Beatrix von Merheim, who died in early 1255.
2. Marie de Brabant, had no birth or baptismal record and died young.

Philipp von Staufen, was born in either February or March of 1177, murdered on 21 June 1208 at Bamberg, and buried Speyer Cathedral. He was Provost of St. Maria at Aachen in 1189/1190, and elected Bishop of Würzburg in 1190. He resigned his ecclesiastical appointments in 1193. He was installed as Duke of Tuscany by his brother in 1195. He succeeded his brother in 1196 as Philipp, Duke of Swabia. Although, after the death of his older brother Emperor Heinrich VI, Philipp at first supported the succession of his nephew, later Emperor Friedrich II, he was elected Philipp, King of Germany at Ichtershausen on 6 March and at Mühlhausen, Thürgau on 8 March 1198, and crowned at Mainz on 8 September 1198 by the Archbishop of Tarentasia. Meanwhile Otto of Brunswick had been elected king in June 1198 and was crowned at Aachen in July 1198 by the Archbishop of Köln, although he was unable to attract support within Germany despite backing from Pope Innocent III. King Philipp supported the claim to the Byzantine throne of his brother-in-law Alexios Angelos, who had sought refuge at his court in 1201. He and Alexios promised the leaders of the Fourth Crusade enormous sums in return for assisting in the removal of Emperor Alexios III. After attracting the support of Adolf, Archbishop of Köln from his rival King Otto, Philipp was crowned again at Aachen in Jan 1205. Philipp was finally absolved from excommunication in August 1207, and negotiations were underway in Rome between his representatives and those of his rival over the allocation of lands in central Italy when King Philipp was murdered by Otto (IV), Pfalzgraf von Wittelsbach, in revenge for the annulment of his betrothal to Philipp's daughter. He was betrothed on either 2 or 3 April 1195 or 25 May 1197 as her second husband, Eirene Angelina, the widow of Roger, joint King of Sicily. [parents]
Eirene Angelina, was born about 1181, died on 27 August 1208 in Hohenstaufen, and was buried in the Kloster Lorsch. She was among those taken as prisoners by Emperor Heinrich VI King of Germany when he invaded Sicily in 1194. She adopted the name Maria on her second marriage. In either July or August 1192 in Brindisi she married as her first husband Roger, joint King of Sicily, a son of Tancred, King of Sicily, and Sibila di Medania, who was born about 1180 and died on 24 December 1193. He was created Duke of Apulia by his father in 1193. She married as her second husband Philipp, Duke of Swabia. [parents]
Children of Philipp, Duke of Swabia, and Eirene Angelina
1. Beatrix von Staufen, was born in either April or June 1198 in Worms, died on 11 August 1212 in Nordhausen, and was buried in St. Blasius in Braunschweig. Her betrothal with Otto von Wittelsbach was ended to enable her betrothal with a nephew of Pope Innocent III, negotiated in Rome as part of the settlement arrangements with her father's rival Otto of Brunswick. She was betrothed in 1203 (contract broken about 1207) to Otto (V), Pfalzgraf von Wittelsbach, a son of Otto (IV), Pfalzgraf von Wittelsbach, and Benedikta von (Donau-)Wörth, who was executed on 5 March 1209, and buried at Indersdorf). On 22 July 1212 in Nordhausen she married as his first wife, Emperor Otto IV, King of Germany, a son of Heinrich "der Löwe," Duke of Saxony and Bavaria, and Matilda of England, who was born about 1175/1182, died on 19 May 1218 in Harzburg, buried in St. Blasius in Braunschweig.
2. Maria von Staufen, married as her first husband Henri II, Duke of Brabant.
3. Reinald von Staufen, died young and was buried at Lorch.
4. Kunigunde von Staufen, was born in either February or March 1202, died on 13 September 1248, and was buried St. Veit in Prague. In 1228 she married Wenzel of Bohemia, a son of Premsyl Otakar I, King of Bohemia, and Konstanza of Hungary, who was born in 1205, died on 23 September 1253 in Pocaply, buried in Agnes Kloster in Prague). He succeeded in 1230 as Wenzel I, King of Bohemia.
5. Elisabeth von Staufen, was born in either March or May 1205 in Nürnberg, died on 5 November 1235 in Toro, and buried in the Cistercian monastery at Santa Marma la Real, transferred in 1279 to the Cathedral Santa Marma in Seville. On 30 November 1219 in Brugos she married as his first wife, don Fernando III "el Santo," King of Castile, a son of don Alfonso IX, King of León, and Infanta doña Berenguela de Castilla, who was born on either 30 July or 5 August 1201 in Monte de Valparamso, died on 30 May 1252 in Seville, and was buried in the Cathedral Santa Marma in Seville. He married as his second wife Jeanne de Dammartin.
6. Friedrich von Staufen, was born in 1205, died young, and was buried in Lorch.
7. Beatrix von Staufen, was born and died on either 20 or 27 August 1208 in Hohenstaufen, and was buried in Lorch.

Eudes de Bourgogne, was born in 1166, died on 6 July 1218 in Lyon, and was buried in the Abbaye de Cîteaux. He governed Burgundy during his father's absence on Crusade from June 1190. He succeeded his father in 1192 as Eudes III, Duke of Burgundy. He acquired the powerful fortress of Vergy by his second marriage in 1199. He renounced any rights over the duchy of Lorraine in 1203. He commanded a division at the Battle of Bouvines in 1213. He died on his way to rejoin the Crusades. In February 1194 (divorced in 1195 on the grounds of consanguinity) as his first wife and as her second husband Infanta dona Mafalda de Portugal, Countess of Flanders, the widow of Philippe, Count of Flanders, and the daughter of don Afonso I, King of Portugal, and Mathilde (Mafalda) de Savoie, who was born in 1157, drowned off Furnes, West Flanders on 16 May 1218, and was buried in the Abbaye de Clairvaux, Jura. After the death of her husband, she received her widow's portion in southern and coastal Flanders but increased taxes so much that she provoked rebellions at Veurne (Furnes) and the castellany of Bourbourg. She was designated regina and Countess of Flanders when she promised her second husband not to marry again without his permission. She died when her carriage accidentally fell into a marsh near Furnes. In the summer of 1199, Eudes married as his second wife Alix de Vergy. [parents]
Alix de Vergy, was born in 1182, died on either 15 February or 8 March 1251 in Prenois-en-Montage, and was buried in the Abbaye de Cîteaux). She governed Burgundy on the death of her husband for her son until his majority in 1231. [parents]
Children of Eudes III, Duke of Burgundy, and Alix de Vergy
1. Jeanne de Bourgogne, was born about 1200, died shortly after 1222, and was buried in the Abbaye de Foucarmont. In 1222 she married as his first wife Raoul II de Lusignan, Comte d'Eu, a son of Raoul de Lusignan dit d'Issoudun, Comte d'Eu, and Alix, Comtesse d'Eu, who died on either 1 or 2 September 1246. He married as his second wife Yolande de Dreux, and as his third wife Philippa de Dammartin.
2. Alix de Bourgogne, was born about 1204, died on 13 August 1266, and was buried in the Abbaye de Cîteaux. She became a nun at Fontevrault after the death of her husband. She married Robert I "Dauphin," Comte de Clermont en Auvergne, a son of Guillaume, Comte de Clermont et de Montferrand, and Huguette de Chamlières, who died in 1252.
3. Hugues de Bourgogne, married as his first wife Yolande de Dreux, and as his second wife Beatrice de Champagne, Infanta doña Beatriz de Navarra.
4. Beatrix de Bourgogne, was born about 1216. She was Dame de Montréal. She married Humbert (III), Seigneur de Thoire et de Villars-en-Bresse, who died in 1279.

Robert (III) "Gasteblé" de Dreux, was born in 1185, died on 3 March 1234 in Braine, and was buried there. He succeeded his father in 1218 as Comte de Dreux et de Braine. He married on 1210. [parents]
Alienor, Dame de Saint-Valéry, was born in 1192, and died on 15 November 1250. In 1210 she married as her first husband Robert (III) "Gasteblé" de Dreux, Comte de Dreux. In 1237 she married as her second husband and as his second wife Henri I, Sire de Sully, the widower of Marie de Dampierre and a son of Archambaud IV, Sire de Sully, and Lucie de Charenton, who died after 1248. [parents]
Children of Robert (III) "Gasteblé" de Dreux and Alienor, Dame de Saint-Valéry
1. Jean de Dreux, was born in 1215, and died in 1249 in Nicosia. He succeeded his father in 1234 as Jean I, Comte de Dreux et de Braine. In April 1240 he married Marie de Bourbon, a daughter of Archambaud VIII de Bourbon and Beatrix de Montluçon, who was born about 1220, died on 24 August 1274 in Dreux, and was buried in Braine.
2. Robert de Dreux, was born in 1217 and died in 1264. He was Vicomte de Châteaudun, Seigneur de Bû. In 1253 he married as his first wife Clemence de Châteaudun, Vicomtesse de Chéteaudun, Dame de Mondoubleau, a daughter of Geoffroy V, Vicomte de Châteaudun, and Clémence des Roches, who was born after 1220, died prior to 1 February 1259, and was buried in Braine. In 1263 he married as his second wife and as her second husband Isabelle de Villebéon, Dame de la Chapelle-Gautier-en-Brie, the widow of Mathieu, Sire de Montmirail et d'Oisy, Vicomte de Meaux, Châtelain de Cambrai, and a daughter of Adam (II) de Châtillon-Villebéon, and Alix de Garlande, who was born in 1240 and died prior to 1282.
3. Pierre de Dreux, was born in 1220 and died in 1250. He was a priest.
4. Yolande de Dreux, married Hugues IV, Duke of Burgundy.

Arnould van Aarschot, died after 1060.
Children of Arnould van Aarschot and (__)
1. Arnould van Aarschot, married (__).

Godefroi de Louvain, was born in 1142, died on 10 August 1190, and was buried in the église collégiale de Saint Pierre in Louvain. He was installed in 1142 as Godefroi VII, Duke of Lower Lotharingia in succession to his father, Duke of Louvain in 1147, Comte de Brabant in 1153, and Vogt von Tengerloo in 1175. He took part with Philippe, Count of Flanders, and his brother Mathieu, Comte de Boulogne, in a military expedition against Holland in 1166. On 1158 he married as his first wife Margareta van Limburg. He married as his second wife Imagina de Looz, a daughter of Louis (I), Comte de Looz, Graf von Rieneck, Stadtgraf von Mainz, and Agnes von Metz, who died on 5 June 1214. [his ancestry continues here]
Margareta van Limburg, heiress of Rode, died in 1172 and was buried in the église collégiale de Saint Pierre in Louvain. [her ancestry continues here]
Children of Godefroi VII, Duke of Lower Lotharingia, and Margareta van Limburg
1. Henri I "le Guerroyeur." Duke of Brabant, married as his first wife Mathilde de Flandre, and was his second wife Marie de France.
2. St. Adalbert de Louvain, was born about 1166, murdered at Reims on 24 November 1192, and buried in Reims Cathedral. He was Archdeacon of St. Lambert at Liège in 1177/1183, Provost of St. Jean et St Pierre at Liège in 1184/1189, elected Bishop of Liège in 1191, installed 1192, and elevated to Cardinal in 1192. He was canonized in 1613.

Children of Godefroi VII, Duke of Lower Lotharingia, and Imagina de Looz
1. Guillaume de Louvain, died after 1 August 1224 and was buried in the Abbaye de Villers. He was Heer van Perwez en Ruysbroek. Prior to 1206 he married as her first husband Marie d'Orbais, a daughter of Eeguerrand d'Orbais and (__), who died after 10 April 1233. She married as her second husband Baudouin le Karron.
2. Godefroi de Louvain, died on either 2 January 1225 or 16 April 1226. He went to England in 1196. After 1199 he married as her second husband Alice de Hastings, the widow of Ralph de Cornhill, and a daughter and heiress of Robert de Hastings and Mathilde de Flamville.

Mathieu de Flandre, was born about 1137, killed in battle at Driencourt on 25 December 1173, and buried in the Abbaye de Saint-Josse. He took part with his brother in a military expedition against Holland in 1166. He succeeded in 1160 as Comte de Boulogne, by right of his wife. He led the Flemish contingent of Louis VII, King of France, against Henry II, King of England, and was mortally wounded by an arrow at the siege of the château de Driencourt in Normandy. Prior to 1160 he married as his first wife (annulled 1169/1170) Marie de Blois, Comtesse de Boulogne. In 1171 he married as his second wife and as her third husband Eleonore de Vermandois, the widow of Godefroi de Hainaut, Graaf van Oostrevant, and Guillaume IV, Comte de Nevers et d'Auxerre, and a daughter of Raoul I "le Vaillant," Comte de Vermandois et de Valois, and wife Aélis (Petronille) d'Aquitaine, who was born about 1148/1149, died on either 19 or 21 June 1213, and buried in the Abbaye de Longpont. She claimed the succession to Vermandois on the death of her sister in 1183, and succeeded in 1186 as Comtesse de Valois. She succeeded as Comtesse de Vermandois in 1192. She married as her fourth husband Matthieu III, Comte de Beaumont-sur-Oise. [his ancestry continues here]
Marie de Blois, was born about 1136, died on 1182 in Montreuil, and was buried there. She may be the daughter who was betrothed to Hervé II "le Breton," Vicomte de Léon, but there is no proof of this. She became a novice at Lillechurch Priory, Kent, later transferred to Romsey Abbey, Hampshire where she became a nun between 1148 and 1155. She was elected Abbess of Romsey in 1155. She succeeded her brother in 1159 as Marie, Comtesse de Boulogne. Her future husband abducted her from her convent in 1160 and forced her to marry him. After the annulment of her marriage, she became a nun at the Benedictine nunnery of St Austrebert near Montreuil. [her ancestry continues here]
Children of Mathieu de Flandre, Comte de Boulogne, and Marie de Blois, Comtesse de Boulogne
1. Ida de Flandre, was born about 1160/1161, died on 21 April 1216, and was buried in Boulogne. She succeeded her father in 1173 as Comtesse de Boulogne. She married (and later divorced) as her first husband Mathieu de Flandre. In 1181 she married as her second husband Gerhard van Gelderland, a son of Hendrik, Graaf van Gelderland en Zutphen, and Agnes von Arnstein, who was born about 1140 and died in 1181. In 1183 she married as her third husband and as his second wife Bertold IV, Herzog von Zähringen, a son of Konrad, Herzog von Zähringen, and Clémence de Namur, who died on 8 September 1186 and was buried in St. Peter im Schwarzwald. After 1186 she was betrothed to Arnoul de Guines, Seigneur d'Ardres, son of Baudouin II, Comte de Guines, and Christine d'Ardres, who died in 1220. In April 1190 she married as her fourth husband and as his second wife Renaud de Dammartin, a son of Aubry (II), Comte de Dammartin, and Mathilde/Mabille de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis, who was born about 1165/1170, died on 21 April 1217 in Château de Goulet, and was buried in Boulogne. He succeeded his father in 1200 as Comte de Dammartin.
2. Mathilde de Flandre, married Henri I "le Guerroyeur," Duke of Brabant

Children of Mathieu de Flandre, Comte de Boulogne, and Eleonore de Vermandois
1. (__) de Flandre, a daughter, who died young.

Friedrich von Staufen, was born in 1122, drowned in the Göks or Saleph River, Asia Minor, on 10 June 1190, and his entrails were buried in Tarsus, his flesh buried in St. Peters in Antioch, and his legs buried in Tyre Cathedral. He succeeded in 1147 as Friedrich III, Duke of Swabia, resigning in 1152 in favour of his cousin Duke Friedrich IV. He left Germany in May 1147 with his uncle, Konrad III, King of Germany, on the Second Crusade. He was designated as successor by his uncle King Konrad III shortly before the latter died, and was elected Friedrich I "Barbarossa," King of Germany at Frankfurt-am-Main on 4 March 1152, and crowned at Aachen on 9 March 1152. He negotiated the Treaty of Constanz on 23 March 1153 with Pope Eugenius III, who agreed to an imperial coronation. He was King of Italy in 1154. After refusing the Romans' offer of a secular imperial coronation, he was crowned Emperor Friedrich I at Rome on 18 June 1155 by Pope Hadrian IV. He succeeded as Comte de Bourgogne on his second marriage in 1156, and received the homage of the Burgundian magnates at Besangon in 1157. In 1157, he invaded Poland and compelled Duke Boleslaw IV to recognise German suzerainty. Tensions in Italy, and particularly with the papacy, came to a head in 1166 when Emperor Friedrich's army marched to Rome where they defeated the Romans at Tusculum, captured the city, and enthroned his own papal candidate Pascal III, although the emperor was obliged to return to Germany as the army was decimated by malaria. He invaded Italy again in 1174, and in May 1176 his troops were defeated at Legnano near Milan. A peace treaty was signed at Venice on 24 July 1177. On his return from Italy, he was crowned King of Burgundy at Arles on 30 July 1178, thereby symbolically laying claim to the whole of Burgundy. He took the cross at Mainz on 27 March 1188, in answer to the appeal of Pope Gregory VIII in October 1187 to relieve Jerusalem after its capture by Saladin, although he did not finally leave Germany until May 1189. He received a warm welcome in Hungary and Serbia, but tensions developed with Emperor Isaakios II after he entered Byzantine territory on 23 June 1189 at Branicevo. Anxious to protect his interests, Emperor Isaakios signed a treaty of alliance with Saladin, which worsened the situation. After taking Philippopolos (Plovdiv) and Adrianople, as well as threatening Constantinople, Emperor Friedrich forced Emperor Isaakios to give him provisions and ships to cross into Asia Minor, which he did in March 1190. Friedrich was drowned while preparing to cross the river Calycadnus to enter Seleucia, apparently after falling into the river in heavy armour. His body, ineffectively preserved in vinegar and taken with the army to Palestine, had disintegrated by the time it arrived at Antioch. Prior to 2 March 1147 in Eger (with divorce in March 1153 in Konstanz) he married as his first wife and as her first husband Adela von Vohburg, heiress of Egerland, a daughter of Diepold III, Markgraf von Vohburg und Cham, and Kunigunde von Beichlingen, who died on 19 February (__). She married secondly Dieto von Ravensburg, Welf minister in 1152/80. In 1153 he was betrothed to Maria Komnene, a daughter of Isaakios Komnenos, sebastokrator, and Theodora Kamaterina, who was born about 1144 and died in 1190. She later married Istvan of Hungary, who in 1163 succeeded as Istvan IV, King of Hungary. On 17 June 1156 in Würzburg he married as his second wife Beatrix de Bourgogne. [his ancestry continues here]
Béatrix de Bourgogne, was born about 1145, died on 15 November 1184 at Jouhe near Dôle, and was buried in Speyer. She succeeded her father about 1148/1149 as Beatrix, Comtesse Palatine de Bourgogne, under the regency of her uncle Guillaume. The latter attempted to usurp her titles but was defeated by Emperor Friedrich I, who later married Bëatrix. She was crowned Empress at St. Peter's in Rome on 1 August 1167 by Pope Pascal III, and crowned Queen of Burgundy at Vienne in August 1178. [her ancestry continues here]
Children of Friedrich I "Barbarossa," Emperor, and Béatrix de Bourgogne
1. Beatrix von Staufen, was born about 1160/1162, died prior to early 1174, and was buried in Lorch.
2. Friedrich von Staufen, was born on 16 July 1164 in Pavia, died about 28 November 1168/1170, and was bured in Lorch. He was installed as Friedrich V, Duke of Swabia, in 1167 by his father after the death of his cousin. In 1165 he was betrothed to Eleanor of England, a daughter of Henry II, King of England, and Eléonore d'Aquitaine, who was born on 13 October 1162 in Domfront, Normandy, died on 25 October 1214 in Burgos, and was buried in the Cistercian monastery of Santa Marma la Real "de las Huelgas" near Burgos. This betrothal was arranged as part of the treaty of alliance between Emperor Friedrich I "Barbarossa" and her father in 1165, but was broken off about 1169 when the emperor formed an alliance with the King of France. Eleanor later married Alfonso VIII, King of Castile.
3. Heinrich von Staufen, was born in November 1165 in Nijmegen, died on 28 September 1197 in Castilo Favara, near Messina, and was buried in Palermo Cathedral. He was crowned Heinrich VI, King of Germany, at Aachen on 15 August 1169. His father appointed him regent when he left on crusade in May 1189. He claimed his Sicilian inheritance, by right of his wife, on the death of Guillaume II, King of Sicily in November 1189. His departure for Sicily was delayed by news of the death of his father, but in early 1191 he left for Rome where he was crowned Emperor Heinrich V, on 15 April 1191, although he was obliged to return to Germany by illness. Emperor Heinrich's rival in Sicily, Tancred, Conte di Lecce, had gathered support, including that of Richard I, King of England, whose capture by Leopold V, Duke of Austria, removed an obstacle for the emperor. Tancred's death in 1194 opened the way for Heinrich, who marched south again in an expedition funded by the ransom paid by England for the release of King Richard from his prison in Austria. He deposed his wife's great nephew in October 1194, and entered Palermo as Enrico, King of Sicily. He was crowned King of Sicily at Palermo cathedral on 25 December 1194, and a brutal repression of Tancredo's supporters followed. Heinrich proposed making the German succession hereditary, but this was turned down by a meeting of princes in October 1196. After the overthrow of Emperor Isaakios II in 1195, Emperor Heinrich VI threatened to intervene to avenge him. Emperor Alexios III was unable to raise sufficient funds to buy him off through his special "German" tax, and Heinrich started preparing to attack but died of fever before the preparations were complete. On 27 January 1186 at Santo Ambrosio in Milan he married Constance of Sicily, a daughter of Roger II, King of Sicily, and Béatrice de Rethel, who was born on 2 November 1154, died on 28 November 1198 in Palermo, and was buried in Palermo Cathedral. The long-standing conflict between Sicily and Emperor Friedrich I "Barbarossa," King of Germany, was ended in 1184 by the agreement for this marriage. She was declared heir by Guillaume II, King of Sicily, in 1185, confirmed on his deathbed, but the crown was usurped by her nephew Tancredo di Lecce. Her husband invaded the kingdom of Sicily to enforce her rights after his coronation as Emperor in Rome on 15 April 1191, but he fell ill at the siege of Naples. Constance was captured at Salerno by the forces of Tancredo, but escaped back to Germany while she was being sent to the Pope. She was made regent of Sicily by an assembly at Bari in March 1195, which also appointed Konrad von Urslingen as governor. She succeeded her husband as Queen of Sicily in 1197, in the name of her son.
4. Konrad von Staufen, was born in February 1167 in Modigliana, died on either 19 or 20 January 1191 in Acre, and was buried there. He was installed as Friedrich VI, Duke of Swabia, in 1170 by his father after the death of his older brother. He accompanied his father when he left on crusade in May 1189. During the dispute with Emperor Isaakios II, Friedrich captured Didymoticum in Thrace to pressurise the return of German hostages captured by the Byzantine emperor. He assumed command of the German army after the death of his father, but the army was seriously diminished by the time it reached Antioch on 21 June 1190, after suffering heavy losses while crossing Cilicia. Duke Friedrich left Antioch at the end of August 1190, by which time his army was further reduced. After arriving at the siege of Acre in October 1190, he launched a fierce but unsuccessful attack on the city. Prior to 1181 he was betrothed to (__) of Denmark, a daughter of Valdemar I "den Store/the Great," King of Denmark, and Sofia Vladimirovna of Novgorod. This betrothal was terminated when Knud VI, King of Denmark, brother of the betrothed, refused payment of half her dowry. She was sent back to Denmark. About 1189 he was betrothed to Constanza of Hungary, a daughter of Béla III, King of Hungary, and Agnès/Anna de Châtillon-sur-Loing, who was born about 1180, and died on 6 December 1240 at Kloster Tichnowitz.
5. (__) von Staufen, a daughter, was born about October or November 1168, and died at the end of 1184.
6. Otto von Staufen, was born about June or July 1170, died on 13 January 1200 in Besanç and was buried in Saint-Etienne in Bedançon. He succeeded in 1189 as Othon, Comte Palatin de Bourgogne. About 1190 he married as her second husband Marguerite de Blois, the widow of Hugues (III) d'Oisy, Châtelain de Cambrai, and a daughter of Thibaut V "le Bon," Comte de Blois, and Alix de France, who was born about 1170, and died on 12 July 1230. She succeeded her nephew in 1218 as Comtesse de Blois et de Châteaudun. She married as her third husband Gauthier (II) d'Avesnes, Seigneur de Guise.
7. Konrad von Staufen, was born about February or March 1172, murdered on 15 August 1196 in Durlach, and buried in Lorch. He was Herr von Weissenburg-am-Sand und Eger, and Herzog von Rothenburg (1188-1191). He succeeded his brother in 1191 as Konrad, Duke of Swabia. With contract dated 23 April 1188 at Seligenstadt (though the marriage was not consummated) he married as her first husband Infanta doña Berenguela de Castilla, a daughter of don Alfonso VIII, King of Castile, and Eleanor of England, who was born in either January or June 1180, and died on 8 November 1246 in Las Huelgas. She married as her second husband don Alfonso IX, King of León.
8. Rainald von Staufen, was born about October or November 1173, died youg, and was buried in Lorch.
9. Wilhelm von Staufen, was born about June or July 1176, died youg, and was buried in Lorch.
10. Philip von Staufen, married as her second husband Eirene Angelina.
11. Agnes von Staufen, died on 8 October 1184, and was buried in Speyer Cathedral.
12. Sophie von Staufen, died about 1187/1188. In 1187 she married as his first wife Guglielmo di Monferrato, a son of Bonifazio, Marchese di Monferrato, and Elena di Busca, who was born about 1180, and died on 17 September 1225. He succeeded his father in 1207 as Guglielmo VI, Marchese di Monferrato. He married as his second wife Berta de Clavesana.

Isaakios Angelos, was born about 1155, and died on either 28 January or 12 April 1204 in prison in Constantinople. As leader of the aristocrats against whom Emperor Andronikos I had struggled, he succeeded in 1185 on the latter's downfall as Emperor Isaakios II. He immediately attacked the Normans, his general Alexios Branas defeating them at Mosynopolis and Dimitritsa on 7 November 1185, which resulted in their expulsion from Thessaloniki, Durazzo and Corfu. Isaakios also made peace with Béla III, King of Hungary, sealed by the emperor's second marriage with the king's daughter. In 1186, he was faced with the rebellion of Alexios Branas, who had been sent to quell the Bulgarian rebellion of the brothers Ivan Asen and Teodor but, having penetrated rebel territory, used the army for his own interests and led it to Adrianople where he was proclaimed emperor. Branas marched on Constantinople, but was put to flight and killed by loyal forces. Emperor Isaakios led his army personally against Bulgarian rebels, successfully driving them across the Danube. This was followed by further campaigns in September 1187 and 1188, but the emperor was forced to recognise Bulgarian independence under a peace treaty signed in 1188. Tensions developed with Emperor Friedrich I "Barbarossa", leader of the Third Crusade, who had received a warm welcome in Serbia and had crossed into Byzantine territory at Branicevo. Anxious to protect his interests, Isaakios signed a treaty of alliance with Saladin, which worsened the situation. After taking Philippopolis (Plovdiv) and Adrianople, as well as threatening Constantinople, Emperor Friedrich forced Emperor Isaakios to give him provisions and ships to cross into Asia Minor. In September 1190, Byzantine troops defeated the Serbs at the Morava River, but although the Byzantines regained Niš, Beograd and northern Macedonia including Skopje, under the ensuing peace treaty, they were obliged to recognise Serb independence and Nemanja's right to rule Zeta, southern Dalmatia, Trebinje and Hum. In retaliation for Bulgarian raids on Philippopolis, Sardika (Sofija) and Adrianople, Emperor Isaakios attacked Bulgaria but was heavily defeated in 1194 near Arcadiopolis. The reign of Emperor Isaakios saw a major weakening of Byzantium and was marked by a rapid revival of corruption and administrative abuses, especially increased taxes to establish his luxurious court. He was deposed on 8 April 1195 by his older brother Alexios while preparing a further campaign against Bulgaria, and blinded. He was restored as emperor on 17 July 1203 when the crusading army captured Constantinople and his brother Alexios III had fled, his son being named as co-emperor. Isaakios was deposed at the end of January 1204 in an anti-Latin revolt which broke out in Constantinople, and imprisoned once more. Prior to 1181 he married as his first wife Eirene (Palaiologina), who died on 18 November 1184/1185. In 1185 he married as his second wife and as her first husband Margit of Hungary, a daughter of Béla III, King of Hungary, and Agnès/Anna de Châtillon-sur-Loing, who was born in 1175 and died after 1223. She brought Beograd, Branicevo and probably Niš as part of her dowry. The special wedding tax levied to finance her elaborate nuptial ceremonies may have contributed to attracting support for the rebellion in Bulgaria by the brothers Ivan Asen and Tedor. She adopted the name Maria in Byzantium. She married as her second husband Bonifazio I, Marchese di Monferrato, and as her third husband Nicolas de Saint-Omer, Lord of Thebes. [his ancestry continues here]
Eirene Palaiologina, died on 18 November 1184/1185. Eirene and her husband Isaakios are named as parents of Empress Maria in the necrology of Speyer Cathedral ("18 Nov"). However, there remains some doubt about whether Eirene can have been the name of Isaakios's wife as Empress Maria's original baptismal name is also recorded as Eirene, the Byzantine naming practice not normally being to name children after their parents. [her ancestry continues here]
Children of Isaakios II Angelos, Eastern Roman Emperor, and Eirene (Palaiologina)
1. Euphrosyne Angelina, died on 1 October (__). She became a nun.
2. Eirene Angelina, married as her first husband Roger, joint King of Sicily, and as her second husband Philipp von Hohenstaufen, Duke of Swabia.
3. Alexios Angelos, was born about 1182/1183, and murdered (after 28 January) 1204 in Constantinople 1204. Imprisoned with his father when the latter was overthrown, he escaped in 1201 and fled to the court of his brother-in-law Philipp von Hohenstaufen, Duke of Swabia who promised support for his claim to the Byzantine throne, maybe on the basis that he would be Alexios's successor. Alexios joined the crusading army at Zara in Dalmatia on 25 April 1203, promised large sums of money to the leaders and committed to submit the Orthodox church to Rome if he regained the throne. He was accepted as emperor at Durazzo, and sailed on to Constantinople where they arrived on 24 June 1203. The city fell to the crusaders on 17 July 1203 and Emperor Alexios fled. Ex-Emperor Isaakios II was restored, with Alexios crowned as Alexios IV, co-Emperor at St. Sophia on 1 August 1203. Unable to make the payments promised to the crusaders as ex-Emperor Alexios III had looted the state treasury, Alexios announced new taxes and confiscated large quantities of ecclesiastical plate to be melted down. An anti-Latin revolt broke out in Constantinople. The mob elected Nikolaos Kanabos as emperor, although he refused to accept the honor, and when Alexios Murzuphlos invaded the palace he was installed as emperor. Alexios IV was imprisoned and strangled by Alexios Murzuphlos. He was betrothed in 1194 to Ievfemia Glebovna of Chernigov, a daughter of Gleb Sviatoslavich, Prince of Bielgorod and Chernigov, and Anastasia Riurikovna of Ovrutsch.
4. (speculation) (__) Angelina, possibly Anna, was born before 1185. At some point she became a nun. She is thought to have married about 1196/1200 as his second wife Roman Mstislavich, Prince of Volynia, a son of Mstislav II Iziaslavich "Chabry," Prince of Volynia and Kiev, and Agniesk of Poland, who was born after 1160 and killed in battle on 19 June 1205 at Zawichost. He succeeded as Prince of Galich in 1199, and as Roman, Grand Prince of Kiev in 1199.

Children of Isaakios II Angelos, Eastern Roman Emperor, and Margit of Hungary
1. Manuel Angelos, was born after 1192 and died about 1212. He joined in the attack on Theodoros Laskaris, Emperor at Nikaia, in Spring 1211 and was captured.
2. Ioannes "Kaloioannes" Angelos, was Hungarian under-Lord in Syrmia in 1235/1242, Obergespan of Kö in 1235, and Obergespan of Bács in 1240/1242.

Hugues de Bourgogne, was born about 1148, died on either 7 or 25 August 1192 in Acre, and was buried in the Abbaye de Cîteaux. He succeeded his father in 1162 as Hugues III, Duke of Burgundy, under the Regency of his mother until April 1165. After helping Louis VII, King of France, against the rebel Guillaume, Comte de Chalon, the king granted him part of the county of Chalon in 1166. He bought the county of Langres from Guy III, Comte de Saulx in 1178, ceding it to his uncle Gauthier de Bourgogne, Bishop of Langres, in 1179. He went to Palestine with his maternal uncle Etienne de Champagne, Comte de Sancerre, in 1171. He was Comte d'Albon by right of his second wife. He took part in the Third Crusade with Philippe II "Auguste," King of France. After the king's return to France, Duke Hugues was appointed Constable of the French armies in July 1191. He marched south of Acre with Richard I, King of England, but returned to Acre in 1192 following disputes with the other crusader leaders. In 1165 (repudiated in 1183) he married as his first wife Alix de Lorraine. On 1 September 1183 at Saint-Gilles-en-Languedoc he married as his second wife and as her second husband Beatrix, Dauphine de Viennois, Comtesse d'Albon et de Grenoble, the widow of Alberic "Taillefer" de Toulouse, Comte de Saint-Gilles, and a daughter of Guigues V, Dauphin de Viennois, Comte d'Albon, and Beatrice di Monferrato, who was born in 1161, died on 15 December 1228 at the Château de Vizille, Isère, and was buried in the Abbaye de Ayes, near Grenoble. She married as her third husband Hugues, Seigneur de Coligny-le-Neuf. [his ancestry continues here]
Children of Hugues III, Duke of Burgundy, and Beatrix, Dauphine de Viennois, Comtesse d'Albon et de Grenoble
1. André de Bourgogne, was born in 1184, died on 14 March 1237, and was buried in the église collégiale de Saint-André in Grenoble. He was Comte de Gap et d'Embrun by right of his first wife in 1202. He succeeded his mother in 1228 as Guigues VI, Dauphin de Viennois, Comte d'Albon, de Grenoble et de Gap. In June 1202 at Saint-Firmin-sur-le-Buech (separated for consanguinity in 1211) he married as his first wife Beatrix de Sabran, Comtesse de Gap et d'Embrun, a daughter and heiress of Renier I de Sabran, Seigneur de Caylar et d'Ansouis, and Garsende de Forcalquier, Comtesse de Gap et d'Embrun, who was born in 1182, and died after 5 September 1215. About 1216 he married as his second wife Semnoresse de Poitiers, a daughter of Aymar (II) de Poitiers, Comte de Valentinois, and Philippa de Fay. On 21 November 1219 he married as his third wife and as her first husband Beatrice di Monferrato, a daughter of Guglielmo VI, Marchese di Monferrato, and Berta di Clavesana, who was born about 1204/1210, and died in 1274. She was regent for her son in Viennois. She married as her second husband Guy (II), Sire de Bâgé et de Bresse, as her third husband Jean, Seigneur de Châtillon, and as her fourth husband Pierre, Seigneur de la Roue au pays de Vaux.
2. Mathilde de Bourgogne, was born about 1190, and died on 26 March (before 1242). In January 1214 she married as his first wife Jeand'Auxonne, a son of Etienne III, Comte dAuxonne, and Béatrice de Chalon, who was born in 1190, died on 30 August 1267, and was buried in the Abbaye de Bourguignon-lès-la Charité, Haunte-Saône). He was Comte Palatin de Bourgogne about 1224. He succeeded his mother in 1227 and his father in 1241 as Jeane I "l'Antique/le Sage," Comte d'Auxonne et de Chalon, Sire de Salins. He married as his second wife Isabelle de Courtenay, and as his third wife Laure de Commercy.
3. Marguerite de Bourgogne, was born in 1192, and died in 1242. In 1222 she married as his first wife Amedee de Savoie, a son of Thomas I, Comte de Savoie, and Béatrix de Genevois, who was born in 1197 in Montmélian, Savoie, died on either 24 June or 13 July 1253 in Montmélian, and was buried in the abbaye royale de Sainte-Marie at Hautecombe. He succeeded his father in 1233 as Amedee IV, Comte de Savoie. He married as his second wife Cecile de Baux.

Alix de Lorraine, was born about 1145, and died on 4 March (before 1200). She returned to Lorraine after her repudiation. [her ancestry continues here]
Children of Hugues III, Duke of Burgundy, and Alix de Lorraine
1. Eudes de Bourgogne, married as his first wife Infanta dona Mafalda de Portugal, Countess of Flanders, and as his second wife Alix de Vergy.
2. Alexandre de Bourgogne, was born about 1172/1178, and died on 6 September 1205. He was Seigneur de Montaigu et de Chagny, and Seigneur de Gergy by right of his wife. He renounced any rights over the Duchy of Lorraine in 1203. About 1195 he married as her first husband Beatrix de Rion, Dame de Gergy, who died on 12 January (after 1236). She married as her second husband Itier (III), Sire de Toucy.
3. Marie de Bourgogne, was born about 1175, and died after 1219. In 1196 she married Simon I, Seigneur de Semur, Sire de Luzy, a son of Damas II, Seigneur de Semur, and (__), who died in 1219 in Palestine.
4. Alix de Bourgogne, was born in 1177. She married Beraud (II), Sire de Mercœur, a son of Beraud I, Sire de Mercœur, and (__) d'Auvergne, who was born prior to 1151, and died about 1208.

Hugues de Vergy, was born about 1141 and died on 17 December (perhaps 1217). He made a donation to Cîteaux with the consent of his wife by charter dated 1169. He was Seigneur de Vergy, but in 1198 ceded the seigniory of Vergy to Eudes III, Duke of Burgundy at the time of Eudes marriage to Alix de Vergy. Hugues was also Seigneur d'Autrey and Seigneur de Mirebeau. [his ancestry continues here]
Egidede Trannel, Dame d'Autrey, witnessed the donation by her husband of servants to Cluny by charter dated 1187. [her ancestry continues here]
Children of Hugues de Vergy, Seigneur de Vergy, and Egidede Trannel, Dame d'Autrey
1. Warner de Vergy, died prior to 1217. He was named in a charter of Cîteaux in 1189.
2. Simon de Vergy, died prior to 1217.
3. Guillaume de Vergy, was born about 1180, and died about 1240. He was Seigneur de Mirebeau, Seigneur de Fouvent, Seigneur de Champlitte, Seigneur d'Autrey, and Sénéchal de Bourgogne. He married Clemence de Fouvent, Dame de Fouvent, a daughterof Henri de Fouvent and Agnes de Commercy.
4. Hugues de Vergy, Seigneur d'Ormoy, married Elisabeth de Nully, a daughter of Villain de Nully and Ada.
5. Alix de Vergy, married Eudes III, Duke of Burgundy.
6. Nicholeta de Vergy, nothing further known.
7. possibly Marguerite de Vergy, married André de Nesle.

Robert de Dreux, was born about 1153, died on 28 December 1218, and was buried in the église abbatiale de Saint-Ived in Braine. He was Seigneur de Nesles in 1170. Having married the widow of the Comte de Nevers, he administered the counties of Nevers, Auxerre and Tonnerre during the minority of his stepson, Comte Guillaume V. He succeeded his father 1184 as Robert II "le Jeune," Comte de Dreux, and in 1188 as Comte de Braine. He and his wife donated property to Notre-Dame, Paris, with the consent of "Roberti filii nostri", by charter dated 1208. In 1177 (separated for consanguinity in 1181) he married as his first wife and was her fourth husband Mathilde de Bourgogne, Comtesse de Grignon, widow of Eudes (II), Seigneur d'Issoudun, Guy (I), Comte de Nevers, and Pierre de Flandre, and a daughter of Raimond de Bourgogne, Comte de Grignon, and Agnès de Thiers, dame de Montpensier, who was born in 1150, died in 1192 in Fontevrault, and buried there. In 1184 he married as his second wife Yolande de Coucy. [his ancestry continues here]
Yolande de Coucy, was born about 1164, died on 18 March 1222 in Braine, Aisne, and was buried in the église abbatiale de Saint-Ived in Braine. [her ancestry continues here]
Children of Robert II "le Jeune," Comte de Dreux, an Yolande de Coucy
1. Robert (III) "Gasteblé" de Dreux, married as her first husband Alienor, Dame de Saint-Valéry
2. Eleanore de Dreux, was born in 1186, and died after April 1248. Prior to 1212 she married as her first husband Hugues (III) de Châteauneuf, who died in 1229. She married as her second husband Robert de Saint-Clair.
3. Pierre de Dreux, was born about 1187, died at sea off Damietta at the end of May 1250, and was buried in the église abbatiale de Saint-Ived in Braine. He swore allegiance at Paris on 27 January 1213 to Philippe II "Auguste," King of France, as Pierre I "Mauclerc," Duke of Brittany. He was Comte de Penthièvre by annexation in 1214. He was created Earl of Richmond by Henry III, King of England, on 16 January 1218/1219 (confiscated in November 1224, restored in October 1229, confiscated again in January 1234/1235). He surrendered the Duchy of Bretagne to his son in 1237, after which he called himself Pierre de Braine. He accompanied King Louis IX on crusade in 1249, was captured at Faraskur on 6 April 1250, after being wounded at the Battle of Mansurah. He died at sea on his way home. In either March 1213 or October 1214 he married as his first wife Alix de Thouars, Duchess of Brittany, a daughter of Guy de Thouars and Constance, Duchess of Brittany, who was born in 1201, died on 21 October 1221, and was buried on 24 November 1225 in the Abbaye de Notre-Dame in Villeneuve-les-Nantes. He was betrothed prior to 21 July 1229 to Marie de Lusignan, a daughter of Hugues I, King of Cyprus, and Alix of Jerusalem, Countess of Jaffa, who was born prior to 1215 and died about 1251/1253. A Papal prohibition on the marriage by reason of 4th degree consanguinity, was dated on 21 July 1229 at Pérouse. About 1230 he married as his second wife Nicole, who died in February 1323 and was buried in the Abbaye de Notre-Dame in Villeneuve-les-Nantes. Prior to January 1236 he married as his third wife and as her second husband Marguerite de Commequiers, Dame de Montaigu et de La Gamache(-en-Poitou), the widow of Hugues de Thouars, Seigneur de Montaigu, and a daughter of Maurice (II), Seigneur de Commequiers et de Montaigu, and Elvis, Dame de La Garnache, who was born about 1188/1190, and died after 27 November 1241.
4. Isabelle de Dreux, was born in 1188, and died after September 1242. She was Vicomtesse de Mareil. Prior to 1225 (with subsequent divorce due to consanguinity in the 4th degree) she married as her first husband Jean (II), Comte de Roucy, a son of Pierrepont de Roucy and (__), who was born in 1205, and died in 1251 in Flanders. She married as her second husband Renaud de Châtillon.
5. Adela/Alix de Dreux, was born in 1189 and died in 1258. She was Dame de Salins et de Traves. About 1200 she married as her first husband and as his second wife Gaucher V, Seigneur de Salins, a son of Geraud I, Comte de Mâcon et de Vienne, and Guyonne/Maurette de Salins, who died in 1219. In November 1221 she married as her second husband Renaud (III) de Choiseul, who was born about 1195 and died in 1239.
6. Philippa de Dreux, was born in 1192 and died on 17 March 1242. She was Dame de Torcy-en-Brie, de Quincy et de Longueville-en-Tardenois. She married on either on 21 or 27 December 1219 (with contract dated 6 November 1219) Henri II, Comte de Bar, a son of Thibaut I, Comte de Bar, and Ermesende de Bar-sur-Seine, who was born in 1190, and killed in battle at Gaza on 13 November 1239. He took part in the Crusade of 1239, led by Thibaut de Champagne, King of Navarre, and landed at Acre on 1 September 1239. He marched south to attack the Egyptian outposts of Ascalon and Gaza, where they were defeated and Comte Henri was killed.
7. Henri de Dreux, was born in 1193, died on 6 July 1240 in Château de Courville, near Reims, and was buried in Vaucelle, near Cambrai. He was Archbishop of Reims from 1227 to 1240. He was an active builder, but his local taxation provoked a revolt in 1233.
8. Agnes de Dreux, was born about 1195 and died on 19 September 1258. Prior to 1212 she married Etienne (III), Comte d'Auxonne, a son of Etienne (II), Comte d'Auxonne, and Judith de Lorraine, who was born prior to October 1172, and died on 16 March 1241 in Marnay.
9. Yolande de Dreux, was born in 1196 and died on 1 February 1239. She married as his second wife Raoul (II) de Lusignan, Comte d'Eu, a son of Raoul de Lusignan dit d'Issoudun, Comte d'Eu, and Alix, Comtesse d'Eu, who died on 9 February 1250.
10. Jean de Dreux, was born in 1198, and died in 1239. He was Comte de Vienne et de Mâcon, by right of his wife. About 1218/1227 he married Alix de Vienne, a daughter of Gerard de Vienne, Comte de Mâcon et de Vienne, and Alix Guigonne de Forez, who died about 1258/1261. She succeeded her father about 1224 as Comtesse de Mâcon et de Vienne. After her husband died, she sold the counties of Mâcon and Vienne to the King of France.
11. Jeanne de Dreux, was born in 1199, died about 1271/1276 in Fontevrault, and was buried there. She was Abbess of Fontevraud.
12. Geoffroy de Dreux, was born in 1200 and died in 1219.

Thomas de Saint-Valéry, died prior to 1220. He was Seigneur de Saint-Valéry. He married prior to 1192. [his ancestry continues here]
Adela de Ponthieu, died after 18 October 1241. She was Dame de Saint-Aubin. With contract dated 1178 she was betrothed to Renaud de Saint-Valéry, a son of Bernard, Seigneur de Saint-Valéry, and (__). He died prior to the marriage. Prior to 1192 she married his brother Thomas de Saint-Valéry. [her ancestry continues here]
Children of Thomas de Saint-Valéry, Seigneur de Saint-Valéry and Adela de Ponthieu, Dame de Saint-Aubin
1. Alienor de Saint-Valéry, married as her first husband Robert (III) "Gastebli," Comte de Dreux et de Braine, and as her second husband Henri I, Sire de Sully.


The following is a list of descendants of my ancestors who may be considered by some to be famous cousins, notable cousins, or simply interesting cousins.

While some of the notables listed below were uncovered by me during the course of my research, many were derived from the research of others, notably:
* Gary Boyd Roberts
* William Addams Reitwiesner
* George Larson II
* Leo van de Pas
* Robert Protzman
* John Blythe Dobson
* Larry Overmire
* Robert Battle
* Jerry Herndon
* Darryl Lundy
to all whom I owe a debt of thanks.

3428 and 3429 have other descendants, such as:

Claas Corneliszen Van den Bergh - (__) (possibly Ariaantje)
.Neeltje Classen Van den Bergh - (1) Hendrick Jacobszen Gardenier, (2) Johannes Ouderkerk
|.(by 1) Hendrick Gardenier - Margarita Van Woert
| .Jacob H. Gardenier - Jannetje Huyck
|  .Magdalena Gardenier - John Shibley
|   .Peter Henry Shibley - Charlotte Day
|    .SCHUYLER SHIBLEY (1820-1890) Canadian House of Commons member
.Cornelis Claaszen Van den Bergh - Susanna Ouderkerk

3430 and 3431 have other descendants, such as:

Jan Ouderkerk - unknown (possibly Annatje)
.Isaac Ouderkerk - Mayke Van Ness
|.Aaltje Ouderkerk - Douwe Janse Fonda
||.Isaac Douw Fonda - Susanna De Forest
|||.Douwe Isaac Fonda - Machtel Vischer Lansing
||| .Jacob Douw Fonda - Cornelia Scudder
|||  .Matilda Scudder Fonda - Robert Emmet Andrews
|||   .KORNELIA THEODOSIA ANDREWS (1847-1913) Titanic survivor
|||   .ANNE LOUISA ANDREWS (1860-1947) Titanic survivor
|||   .Mary D. Andrews - Levi Fiske Longley
|||    .GRETCHEN FISKE LONGLEY (1890-1965) Titanic survivor
||.Maria Fonda - Pieter Lievense
|||.Alida Lievense - Jacob A. Lansing
||| .Maria Lansing - Derrick Lane
|||  .Jacob Lansing Lane - Caroline Elizabeth Tibbits
|||   .Sarah Tibbits Lane - JOHN RICHARDSON THURMAN (1814-1854) Congressman
||.Jacobus Fonda - Willmeptje Bogart
|| .Isaac C. Fonda - Eva Van Valkenburg
||  .Isaac C. Fonda - Abigail Candace Dollof
||   .MINA M. FONDA (1862-1924) artist - LEONARD OCHTMAN (1854-1934) artist
||    .DOROTHY FONDA OCHTMAN (1892-1971) artist
|.Isaac Ouderkerk - Hesje Van Arnhem
| .Antje Ouderkerk - Pieter Waldron
|  .Abraham Waldron - Hannah Christancy
|   .Cornelius A. Waldron - Elizabeth C. (Felter or Teller)
|    .Henrietta Beatie Waldron - GEORGE WALLACE MELVILLE (1841-1912) engineer, Rear Admiral
.Susanna Ouderkerk- Cornelis Claaszen Van den Bergh

3432 and 3433 have other descendants, such as:

Teunis Jacobszen [Van Schoenderwoert] - Sara Denys
.Eva Van Woert - Esias Teunise Swart
|.Teunis Swart - Christina Vrooman
| .Jacobus Swart - Engeltie Ziele
|  .PETER SWART (1752-1829) Congressman
.Jacob Teuniszen Van Woert - (1) Catryn Classe, (2)Anna Loockermans
.Elizabeth Teunise Van Woert - Jacobus Janszen Peek
 .Sarah Peek - Philip Symonse Groot
 |.Elizabeth Groot - Frederick Nicholas Van Petten
 | .Sarah Van Petten - Abraham Arentse Bradt
 | |.Arent Abraham Bradt - Jannetje Van Schaick
 | | .Abram Bradt - Sarah Van Slyck
 | |  .John Bradt - Mary Kelly
 | |   .Mary Bradt - DAVID WARFIELD (1866-1951) stage actor
 | |
 | .Philip Frederickse Van Petten - Debora Viele
 |  .Simon Philip Van Patten - Hannah Toll
 |   .Jane Van Patten - William Castle Dodge
 |    .PHILIP TELL DODGE (1851-1931) lawyer, inventor, financier
 .Maria Peek - Simon Danielszen Van Antwerp
 |.Maria Van Antwerp - Gysbert Gerritszen Van Brackel
 ||.Maria Van Brackel - Gerrit Sanders Van Brackelen
 || .Alexander S. Van Brocklin - Barbara Crotchenburg
 ||  .Conrad Van Brocklin - Harriet Searle
 ||   .James Madison Van Brocklin - Clarinda Ann Mack
 ||    .James M. Van Brocklin - Ethel May Johnson
 ||     .NORMAN MACK VAN BROCKLIN (1926-1983) Football Hall of Famer
 |.Johannes Van Antwerp - Catharina Vedder
 | .Symon Van Antwerp - Magdelena Veeder
 |  .Philip Van Antwerp - Debora Wemple
 |   .Myndert Henry Van Antwerp - Lucy Savage Thacher
 |    .Ellen Van Antwerp - GEORGE COCHRANE HAZELTON (1832-1922) Congressman
 .Jacobus Peek - Margarietje Cornelise Van Slyck
  .Clara Peek - Abraham Schermerhorn
  |.Rebecca Schermerhorn - Adam Simon Van Petten
  | .Simon Van Patten - Alida Van Alstyne
  |  .Peter Van Patten - Rebecca (__)
  |   .Byron Van Patten - Elizabeth Abigail Butler
  |    .John Peter Van Patten - Florence Tyler
  |     .Richard Byron Van Patten - (1) Josephine Rose Acerno, (2) Eleanor Maria Della Gatta
  |      .(by 1) RICHARD (DICK) VINCENT VAN PATTEN (1928-living) film and TV actor - Pat Poole
  |      |.NELS VAN PATTEN (1955-living) film actor - NANCY VALEN (1970-living) film and TV actor
  |      |.JAMES VAN PATTEN (1956-living) film actor - SHANA HIATT (1975-living) film and TV actor
  |      |.VINCENT VAN PATTEN (1957-living) film and TV actor
  |      | - (1) BETSEY RUSSELL (1964-living) film actor
  |      | - (2) EILEEN DAVIDSON (1959-living) TV actor
  |      |
  |      .(by 1) JOYCE VAN PATTEN (1934-living) film and TV actor
  |      | - (1) MARTIN HENRY BALSAM (1914-1996) film actor
  |      | - (2) DENNIS DUGAN (1946-living) film and TV actor
  |      |.(by 1) TALIA BALSAM (1960-living) film and TV actor
  |      | - (1) GEORGE TIMOTHY CLOONEY (1961-living) film and TV actor
  |      | - (2) JOHN SLATTERY (1963-living) film and TV actor
  |      |
  |      .(by 2) TIMOTHY VAN PATTEN (1959-living) film and TV actor
  .Cornelis Peek - Catalyntje Yates
   .Cornelis Peek - Neeltje Bancker
    .Christoffel Peek - Hester Mabie
     .Alonzo Paige Peeke - Deborah Parker Provost
      .Eloise Stelle Peeke - Frank Solomon Cummings
       .Jean Grinnell Cummings - George Harris Collingwood
	.CHARLES CUMMINGS COLLINGWOOD (1917-1985) TV newscaster - LOUISE ALLBRITON (1920-1979) film and TV actor

3434 and 3435 have other descendants, such as:

Pieter Janszen Loockermans - Maria Duncanson
.Pieter Loockermans - Maritje Lambertse
|.Maritje Loockermans - Jan Douwese Fonda
| .Douwe Janse Fonda - Aaltje Ouderkerk
| |.Isaac Douw Fonda - Susanna De Forest
| ||.Douwe Isaac Fonda - Machtel Vischer Lansing
| || .Jacob Douw Fonda - Cornelia Scudder
| ||  .Matilda Scudder Fonda - Robert Emmet Andrews
| ||   .KORNELIA THEODOSIA ANDREWS (1847-1913) Titanic survivor
| ||   .ANNE LOUISA ANDREWS (1860-1947 Titanic survivor
| ||   .Mary D. Andrews - Levi Fiske Longley
| ||    .GRETCHEN FISKE LONGLEY (1890-1965) Titanic survivor
| ||
| |.Maria Fonda - Pieter Lievense
| ||.Alida Lievense - Jacob A. Lansing
| || .Maria Lansing - Derrick Lane
| ||  .Jacob Lansing Lane - Caroline Elizabeth Tibbits
| ||   .Sarah Tibbits Lane - JOHN RICHARDSON THURMAN (1814-1854) Congressman
| ||
| |.Jacobus Fonda - Willmeptje Bogart
| | .Isaac C. Fonda - Eva Van Valkenburg
| |  .Isaac C. Fonda - Abigail Candace Dollof
| |   .MINA M. FONDA (1862-1924) artist - LEONARD OCHTMAN (1854-1934) artist
| |    .DOROTHY FONDA OCHTMAN (1892-1971) artist
| |
| .Abraham Janse Fonda - Elbertje Van Alen
|  .Pieter Fonda - Christina Van Loon
|  |.Cornelia Christina Fonda - Jacob H. Phillips
|  | .Cornelia C. Phillips - AMBROSE LATTING JORDAN (1789-1865) State Attorney General
|  |  .Caroline Jordan - EDWARD CABOT CLARK (1811-1882) Company co-founder
|  |   .Alfred Corning Clark - Elizabeth Scriven
|  |    .ROBERT STERLING CLARK (1877-1956) art collector
|  |    .FREDERICK AMBROSE CLARK (1880-1964) equestrian
|  |    .STEPHEN CARLTON CLARK (1882-1960) art collector - Susan Vanderpoel Hun
|  |     .Elizabeth Scriven Clark - Henry Richardson Labouisse
|  |      .Anne Labouisse - MARTIN H. PERETZ (1938-living) publisher
|  |       .JESSE PERETZ (1968-living) musician, videographer
|  |
|  .Laurens Fonda - Catharina Van Valkenburgh
|   .Geertruy Fonda - John Thomas
|   |.William Barber Thomas - Jane Paterson Livingston
|   ||.Jeannie Livingston Thomas - Mark Aurelius King
|   || .ALICE MURIAL KING (1858-1933) author - CHARLES NORRIS WILLIAMSON (?-1920) author
|   ||
|   |.Henry Livingston Thomas - Alice Rebecca Phinney
|   | .William Sturgis Thomas - Emma Rheinfrank
|   |  .Catharine Livingston Thomas - ARTHUR THOMAS JERSILD (1902-1994) psychologist, educator
|   |
|   .Johanna Fonda - Pieter Witbeck
|   |.Lawrence P. Whitbeck - Christina Eckler
|   | .Mortimer Henry Witbeck - Avelyn Hughes
|   |  .RAY HUGHES WHITBECK (1871-1939) geographer
|   |
|   .John Lawrence Fonda - (1) Eliza Brooks, (2) Helen DuBois Kelsey
|    .(by 1) James Henry Fonda - Aminta K. (__)
|    |.John A. Fonda - Frances Elizabeth Brown
|    | .Alice Burton Fonda - DARWIN RUSH JAMES (1873-1937) banker
|    |
|    .(by 2) William Thomas Fonda - Elearnor M. Middleton
|     .HARRY STUART FONDA (1863-1942) artist
.Hilletje Loockermans - Cornelis Stephenszen Mulder
|.Jeremias Mulder - Lysbeth Halenbeck
||.Heyltje Muller - Johannes Delamater
|| .Elizabeth Delamater - Jan Witbeck
||  .Pieter Witbeck - Johanna Fonda
||   .Lawrence P. Whitbeck - Christina Eckler
||    .Mortimer Henry Witbeck - Avelyn Hughes
||     .RAY HUGHES WHITBECK (1871-1939) geographer
|.Jannetje Mulder - Pieter Meese Hogeboom
||.Hilletje Hogeboom - Benek Jochem Radcliff
|||.Rachel Radcliff - Petrus DeWitt
||||.John DeWitt - Catrina Van Vliet
|||| .William Radcliff DeWitt - Mary Elizabeth Wallace
||||  .CALVIN DEWITT (1840-1908) Brigadier-General - Josephine Lesesne
||||   .WALLACE DEWITT (1878-1949) Brigadier-General
||||   .JOHN LESESNE DEWITT (1880-1962) Lieutenant General
||||   .CALVIN DEWITT, Jr. (1894-1989) Brigadier-General
|||.Jannetje Radcliff - Eggo Tonckens Van Hoevenberg
||||.Henry Van Hoevenberg - Esther Dumond
|||| .Abraham Van Hoevenberg - Eleanor Van Vranken
||||  .Adam Van Vranken Van Hoevenberg - Cynthia Melinda Cole
||||   .HENRY VAN HOEVENBERG (1849-1918) inventor, Resort Developer
|||.William Radcliffe - Sarah Kip
||| .JACOB RADCLIFF (?-?) Mayor
||.Ariaantje Hogeboom - Laurens Van Alen
|||.Maria Van Alen - Johan Joost Herkimer
||| .Lawrence Herchmer - Elizabeth Kirby
|||  .William Macauley Herchmer - Frances Turner
|||   .LAWRENCE WILLIAM HERCHMER (1840-1915) RCMP Commissioner
||.Maria Hogeboom - Joachem Van Valkenburgh
|||.Jannetje Van Valkenburgh - Charles Crook
||| .Ann Crook - William Reuben Barber
|||  .Jane Ann Barber - Jacob Ten Eyck Mancius
|||   .Margaret Mancius - Richard Yates
|||    .GEORGE WILHELMUS MANCIUS YATES (1843-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
||.Johannes Hogeboom - Elbertje Van Alen
|||.Lawrence Hogeboom - Hester Leggett
||||.JAMES LAWRENCE HOGEBOOM (1766-1839) Congressman
|||.Elbertje Hogeboom - Petrus Van Ness
||| .JOHN PETER VAN NESS (1770-1846) Congressman, Mayor
||| .Gertrude P. Van Ness - Martin H. Hoffman
||| |.Catharine Douw Hoffman - Henry G. Philip
||| | .William Henry Philip - Eliza Worthington
||| |  .HOFFMAN PHILIP (1872-1951) Ambassador
||| |
||| .CORNELIUS PETER VAN NESS (1782-1852) Governor - Rhoda Savage
|||  .JAMES P. VAN NESS (1808-1872) Mayor - Frances Caroline Lesley
|||   .Eliza B. Van Ness - FRANK MCCOPPIN (1834-1897) Mayor
||.Geertruy Hogeboom - Willem Van Ness
|||.Petrus Van Ness - Elbertje Hogeboom
||||.JOHN PETER VAN NESS (1770-1846) Congressman, Mayor
||||.Gertrude P. Van Ness - Martin H. Hoffman
|||||.Catharine Douw Hoffman - Henry G. Philip
||||| .William Henry Philip - Eliza Worthington
|||||  .HOFFMAN PHILIP (1872-1951) Ambassador
||||.CORNELIUS PETER VAN NESS (1782-1852) Governor - Rhoda Savage
|||| .JAMES P. VAN NESS (1808-1872) Mayor - Frances Caroline Lesley
||||  .Eliza B. Van Ness - FRANK MCCOPPIN (1834-1897) Mayor
|||.Willem Van Ness - Elisabeth Cantine
||||.William Van Ness - Jane Bay
|||| .Henry Livingston - Ann Eliza Van Ness
||||  .Ann Bay Livingston - Charles Henry Hedges
||||   .Annie Livingston Hedges - Elisha William McKinstry
||||    .Charles Hedges McKinstry - Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury Wells
||||     .Sarah Griffin McKinstry - George Johnson Hall
||||      .WILLIAM BRADFORD HALL (1958-living) TV actor
||||       - JULIA SCARLET ELIZABETH LOUIS-DREYFUS (1961-living) TV actor
|||.Jannetje Van Ness - Robert Yates
||||.Joseph Yates - Annatje Roosa
|||||.Richard Yates - Margaret Mancius
||||| .GEORGE WILHELMUS MANCIUS YATES (1843-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
||||.JOHN VAN NESS YATES (1779-1839) State Secretary of State
|||.Catharine Van Ness - Casper Huyck
||| .Gertrude Huyck - George Pearson
|||  Catlyna Pearson - JOSEPH GILBERT TOTTEN (1788-1864) engineer
||.Jeremias Hogeboom - Jannetje Van Alen
|||.Stephen Hogeboom - Hillitje Muller
||| .Catharina Hogeboom - SAMUEL BLACHLEY WEBB (1753-1807) General
|||  .Maria Webb - GEORGE MORELL (1786-1845) State Supreme Court Chief Justice
|||  |.GEORGE WEBB MORRELL (1815-1883) soldier, engineer
|||  |
|||  .JAMES WATSON WEBB (1802-1884) publisher, Ambassador
|||   - (1) Helen Lispenard Stewart
|||   - (2) Laura Virginia Cram
|||   .(by 1) ALEXANDER STEWART WEBB (1835-1911) Major-General
|||   .(by 2) HENRY WALTER WEBB (1852-1900) railroad executive
||.Annatie Hogeboom - John Ashley
|| .Jane Ashley - Ruloff Dutcher
|| |.Ruloff Dutcher, Jr. - Lucinda Howe
|| | .Caroline Mary Dutcher - Frederick Augustine Sterling
|| |  .Caroline Dutcher Sterling - JOSEPH HODGES CHOATE (1832-1917) diplomat
|| |
|| .Mary Ashley - John Fellows, Jr.
||  .Hannah Fellows - Joshua Porter
||   .Augusta Porter - Robert Foster Barnard
||    .FREDERICK AUGUSTUS PORTER BARNARD (1809-1889) University President
|.Maria Mulder - Stephanus Van Alen
||.Heyltje Van Alen - Arent Van Dyck
|||.Elizabeth Van Dyck - Jacobus Huyck
||||.Moyca Huyck - Isaac Vanderpoel
|||| .James Vanderpoel - Ann Doll
|||| |.Elizabeth Vanderpoel - JOHN VAN BUREN (1810-1866) State Attorney General
|||| ||.Sarah Anna Vanderpoel Van Buren - Edward Alexander Duer
|||| || .Angelica Singleton Duer - Lucius Tuckerman Gibbs
|||| ||  .OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS (1902-1958) author, drama critic
|||| ||
|||| |.Mary Keith Vanderpoel - Marcus Tullius Hun
|||| | .Mary Vanderpoel Hun - CHARLES BROWN SEARS (1870-1950) jurist
|||| | .Susan Vanderpoel Hun - STEPHEN CARLTON CLARK (1882-1960) art collector
|||| |  .Elizabeth Scriven Clark - Henry Richardson Labouisse
|||| |   .Anne Labouisse - MARTIN H. PERETZ (1938-living) publisher
|||| |    .JESSE PERETZ (1968-living) musician, videographer
|||| |
|||| .AARON VANDERPOEL (1799-1870) Congressman
|||.Christina Van Dyck - Johannes Van Alen
||||.Elizabeth Van Alen - Peter Van Schaick
|||| .Peter Van Schaick - Dorcas Manton
||||  .Elizabeth Van Schaick - GEORGE VAN SANTVOORD (1819-1863) lawyer
|||.Louwrens Van Dyck - Maria Van der Poel
||| .Henry L. Van Dyck - Catharine Van Alen
|||  .CORNELIUS VAN ALEN VAN DYCK (1818-1895) missionary
||.Jacobus Van Alen - Rachel Quackenbush
|||.Pieter van Allen - Maria Ellwood
||| .Frans van Allen - Catherine Ossman
|||  .Abraham van Allen - Olive Ransom
|||   .Ada van Allen - John Conover
|||    .Maud Elaine Conover - Nicholas Edward Bodenschatz
|||     .John Lester Bodenschatz - Mary Agness Nash
|||      .Mary Jane Bodenschatz - (__) Werts
|||       .John Smart - Judy Carrington
|||        .AMY L. SMART (1976-living) film actor
||.Elbertje Van Alen - Abraham Janszen Fonda
|||.Pieter Fonda - Christina Van Loon
||||.Cornelia Christina Fonda - Jacob H. Phillips
|||| .Cornelia C. Phillips - AMBROSE LATTING JORDAN (1789-1865) State Attorney General
||||  .Caroline Jordan - EDWARD CABOT CLARK (1811-1882) Company co-founder
||||   .Alfred Corning Clark - Elizabeth Scriven
||||    .ROBERT STERLING CLARK (1877-1956) art collector
||||    .FREDERICK AMBROSE CLARK (1880-1964) equestrian
||||    .STEPHEN CARLTON CLARK (1882-1960) art collector - Susan Vanderpoel Hun
||||     .Elizabeth Scriven Clark - Henry Richardson Labouisse
||||      .Anne Labouisse - MARTIN H. PERETZ (1938-living) publisher
||||       .JESSE PERETZ (1968-living) musician, videographer
|||.Laurens Fonda - Catharina Van Valkenburgh
||| .Geertruy Fonda - John Thomas
||| |.William Barber Thomas - Jane Paterson Livingston
||| ||.Jeannie Livingston Thomas - Mark Aurelius King
||| || .ALICE MURIAL KING (1858-1933) author - CHARLES NORRIS WILLIAMSON (?-1920) author
||| ||
||| |.Henry Livingston Thomas - Alice Rebecca Phinney
||| | .William Sturgis Thomas - Emma Rheinfrank
||| |  .Catharine Livingston Thomas - ARTHUR THOMAS JERSILD (1902-1994) psychologist, educator
||| |
||| .Johanna Fonda - Pieter Witbeck
||| |.Lawrence P. Whitbeck - Christina Eckler
||| | .Mortimer Henry Witbeck - Avelyn Hughes
||| |  .RAY HUGHES WHITBECK (1871-1939) geographer
||| |
||| .John Lawrence Fonda - (1) Eliza Brooks, (2) Helen DuBois Kelsey
|||  .(by 1) James Henry Fonda - Aminta K. (__)
|||  |.John A. Fonda - Frances Elizabeth Brown
|||  | .Alice Burton Fonda - DARWIN RUSH JAMES (1873-1937) banker
|||  |
|||  .(by 2) William Thomas Fonda - Elearnor M. Middleton
|||   .HARRY STUART FONDA (1863-1942) artist
||.Jannetje Van Alen - Jeremias Hogeboom
|||.Stephen Hogeboom - Hillitje Muller
||| .Catharina Hogeboom - SAMUEL BLACHLEY WEBB (1753-1807) General
|||  .Maria Webb - GEORGE MORELL (1786-1845) State Supreme Court Chief Justice
|||  |.GEORGE WEBB MORRELL (1815-1883) soldier, engineer
|||  |
|||  .JAMES WATSON WEBB (1802-1884) publisher, Ambassador
|||   - (1) Helen Lispenard Stewart
|||   - (2) Laura Virginia Cram
|||   .(by 1) ALEXANDER STEWART WEBB (1835-1911) Major-General
|||   .(by 2) HENRY WALTER WEBB (1852-1900) railroad executive
||.Christina Van Alen - William Van Alstyne
|| .Maria Van Alstyne - Richard B. Esselsteyn
||  .Maria B. Esselsteyn - Anson Fowler
||   .Melzar Fowler - Clarissa Spicer
||    .Nancy Maria Fowler - CYRUS HALL MCCORMICK (1809-1984) inventor
||     .CYRUS RICE MCCORMICK (1859-1936) company president
||     .HAROLD FOWLER MCCORMICK (1872-1941) company president
||     |- EDITH ROCKEFELLER (1872-1932) philanthropist
||     |
||     .Stanley McCormick - KATHARINE DEXTER (1875-1867) suffragette
|.Killian Mulder - Anna Brat
| .Stephen Hogeboom - Hillitje Muller
|  .Catharina Hogeboom - SAMUEL BLACHLEY WEBB (1753-1807) General
|   .Maria Webb - GEORGE MORELL (1786-1845) State Supreme Court Chief Justice
|   |.GEORGE WEBB MORRELL (1815-1883) soldier, engineer
|   |
|   .JAMES WATSON WEBB (1802-1884) publisher, Ambassador
|    - (1) Helen Lispenard Stewart
|    - (2) Laura Virginia Cram
|    .(by 1) ALEXANDER STEWART WEBB (1835-1911) Major-General
|    .(by 2) HENRY WALTER WEBB (1852-1900) railroad executive
.Catlyntje Loockermans - Jan Salomonszen Goeway
|.Sara Goeway - Gerrit Van Schaick
||.Sybrant Van Schaick - Jannetje Bogart
|||.Gerrit Van Schaick - Elizabeth Van Slyck
||| .Jannetje Van Schaick - Arent Abraham Bradt
|||  .Abram Bradt - Sarah Van Slyck
|||   .John Bradt - Mary Kelly
|||    .Mary Bradt - DAVID WARFIELD (1866-1951) stage actor
||.Elizabeth Van Schaick - Gerrit Jacobszen Lansing
|| .Gerrit G. Lansing - Sarah Sharp
||  .Abraham Wendell Lansing - Sarah Holden
||   .WILLIAM ESSELSTYN LANSING (1821-1883) Congressman
|.Salomon Goeway - Alida Van Schaick
||.Benjamin Goeway - Catharina Van den Bergh
|| .Gerrit Goeway - Aagie Look/Egjie Luke/Effie Luke
||  .Magdalena Goeway - John Nathan Cutler
||   .John Nathan Cutler - Mary E. Gould
||    .JAMES GOULD CUTLER (1843-1927) Mayor, inventor
|.Hilletje Goeway - Laurens Hanszen Scherp
| .Catleyntje Scherp - Jacob Van Valkenburg
|  .Lambert or Bartholomew Van Valkenburg - Geertruy Buys
|   .Jakobus or James B. Van Valkenburg - Clarinda Pitts
|    .Eli Van Valkenburg - Jane A Blackmar
|     .Jessie Winifred van Valkenburg - Elliott Elisha Nash
|      .Mary Agness Nash - John Lester Bodenschatz
|       .Mary Jane Bodenschatz - (__) Werts
|        .John Smart - Judy Carrington
|         .AMY L. SMART (1976-living) film actor
.Anna Loockermans - (1) Adam Winne, (2) Jacob Teuniszen Van Woert

3436 and 3437 have other descendants, such as:

Jan Janszen Oothout - Hendrickje Van Ness
.Jan Janszen Oothout - Aeltie Everts
.Hendrick Janszen Oothout - Caatje Volkertse Douw
|.Jan Oothout - Catelina Van Deusen
||.John Oothout - Magdalena Van de Water
|| .Eliza Oothout - Daniel Livingston
||  .Maria LeRoy Livingston - George Crary Satterlee
||  |.WALTER SATTERLEE (1844-1908) artist
||  |
||  .Eliza A. Livingston - JAMES BOWEN (1808-1886) Brevetted Major-General
|.Hendrickje Oothout - Isaac Bogart
| .Hendrick I. Bogart - Barbara Marselis
|  .Johannes Bogart - Christina Vought
|  |.John Henry Bogart - Eliza Hermans
|  | .JOHN BOGART (1836-1920) engineer
|  |
|  .Isaac Henry Bogart - Cathlina Visscher
|  |.Angelica Bogart - GEORGE TALCOTT (1786-1862) Brigadier-General
|  |
|  .Gerrit Bogart - Margaret Nexsen
.Mayke Oothout - Thomas Harmenszen Hun
|.Johannes Hun - Annatje Winne
| .Thomas Hun - Elizabeth Wendell
|  .Abraham Hun - Maria Gansevoort
|   .Thomas Hun - Lydia Louisa Reynolds
|    .Marcus Tullius Hun - Mary Keith Vanderpoel
|     .Mary Vanderpoel Hun - CHARLES BROWN SEARS (1870-1950) jurist
|     .Susan Vanderpoel Hun - STEPHEN CARLTON CLARK (1882-1960) art collector
|       .Elizabeth Scriven Clark - Henry Richardson Labouisse
|        .Anne Labouisse - MARTIN H. PERETZ (1938-living) publisher
|         .JESSE PERETZ (1968-living) musician, videographer
.Jannetje Oothout - Laurens Van Schaick
 .Hendrickje Van Schaick - Casperus Conyn
 |.Marritje Conyn - Peter Van Alstyne
 | .Alida Van Alstyne - Simon Van Patten
 |  .Peter Van Patten - Rebecca (__)
 |   .Byron Van Patten - Elizabeth Abigail Butler
 |    .John Peter Van Patten - Florence Tyler
 |     .Richard Byron Van Patten - (1) Josephine Rose Acerno, (2) Eleanor Maria Della Gatta
 |      .(by 1) RICHARD (DICK) VINCENT VAN PATTEN (1928-living) film and TV actor - Pat Poole
 |      |.NELS VAN PATTEN (1955-living) film actor - NANCY VALEN (1970-living) film and TV actor
 |      |.JAMES VAN PATTEN (1956-living) film actor - SHANA HIATT (1975-living) film and TV actor
 |      |.VINCENT VAN PATTEN (1957-living) film and TV actor
 |      | - (1) BETSEY RUSSELL (1964-living) film actor
 |      | - (2) EILEEN DAVIDSON (1959-living) TV actor
 |      |
 |      .(by 1) JOYCE VAN PATTEN (1934-living) film and TV actor
 |      | - (1) MARTIN HENRY BALSAM (1914-1996) film actor
 |      | - (2) DENNIS DUGAN (1946-living) film and TV actor
 |      |.(by 1) TALIA BALSAM (1960-living) film and TV actor
 |      | - (1) GEORGE TIMOTHY CLOONEY (1961-living) film and TV actor
 |      | - (2) JOHN SLATTERY (1963-living) film and TV actor
 |      |
 |      .(by 2) TIMOTHY VAN PATTEN (1959-living) film and TV actor
 .Jannetje Van Schaick - Johannes Dirckszen Hoes
  .Elizabeth Hoes - Leendert Van Alstyne
  |.Abraham Van Alstyne - Mary Harrington
  | .Leonard Van Alstyne - Christina Clough
  |  .Charles Gilbert Van Alstyne - Rachel Landon Huyck
  |   .HENRY ARTHUR VAN ALSTYNE (1869-1947) civil engineer
  .Dirk Goes - Christina Van Alen
  |.Jannetje Hoes - Harman Pruyn
  ||.Arent Pruyn - Christine Pruyn
  |||.Jane Pruyn - JAMES WOOD (1799-1867) educator
  ||.Matthew Pruyn - Martha Thatford
  |||.William Thatord Pruyn - Mary Church
  ||| .MATTHEW WILLIAM PRUYN (1822-1898) Canadian politician
  ||.Cathrina Pruyn - Bartholomeus Van Valkenburgh
  || .Jacob Van Valkenburgh - Mary Bethia Higgins
  || |.ROBERT BRUCE VAN VALKENBURGH (1821-1888) Congressman
  || ||
  || |.Franklin Butler Van Valkenburgh - Emeline or Emma Wells Pratt
  || | .Frank Pratt Van Valkenburgh - Jane Irvin Swoope
  || |  .FRANKLIN VAN VALKENBURGH (1888-1941) Commander of the USS Arizona
  || |
  || .Bartholomew Van Valkenburg - Ruth Phelps Crandall
  ||  .Huldah Jane Van Valkenburg - Abraham John Goode
  ||   .JOHN PAUL GOODE (1862-1932) cartographer
  |.Johannes Dircksen Hoes - Maria Quackenbosch
  |  .Hannah Hoes - MARTIN VAN BUREN (1782-1862) U.S. President
  |   .Abraham Van Buren - ANGELICA SINGLETON (1818-1877) First Lady
  |   |
  |   .JOHN VAN BUREN (1810-1866) State Attorney General - Elizabeth Vanderpoel
  |    .Sarah Anna Vanderpoel Van Buren - Edward Alexander Duer
  |     .Angelica Singleton Duer - Lucius Tuckerman Gibbs
  |      .OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS (1902-1958) author, drama critic
  .Maria Hoes - (1) Johannes Van Alen, (2) Abraham Van Buren
   .(by 1) JAMES ISAAC VAN ALEN (1776-1870) Congressman - Lucy Trumbull
   |.JAMES HENRY VAN ALEN (1819-1886) Brevet Brigadier-General - Mary Young Steward
   | .James John Van Alen - Emily Astor
   |  .James Laurens Van Alen - Margaret Louise Post
   |   .JAMES HENRY VAN ALEN (1902-1991) Tennis Hall of Famer
   .(by 2) MARTIN VAN BUREN (1782-1862) U.S. President - Hannah Hoes
    .Abraham Van Buren - ANGELICA SINGLETON (1818-1877) First Lady
    .JOHN VAN BUREN (1810-1866) State Attorney General - Elizabeth Vanderpoel
     .Sarah Anna Vanderpoel Van Buren - Edward Alexander Duer
      .Angelica Singleton Duer - Lucius Tuckerman Gibbs
       .OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS (1902-1958) author, drama critic

3438 and 3439 have other descendants, such as:

Dirck Evertszen - Fytie Reyerts
.Cornelia Everts - Isaac Delamater
|.Evertie Delamater - Barnardus Verveelen
||.Johannes Verveelen - Sara Westervelt
|| .Tietje Verveelen - Wilhelmus Ferdon
||  .Johannes Ferdon - Fytie Westervelt
||   .William Ferdon - Elizabeth Perry
||    .JOHN WILLIAM FERDON (1826-1184) Congressman
|.Abraham Delamater - Catherine Benson
||.Catherine Delamater - Hendrickus Brevoort
|| .Henry Brevoort - Sarah Whetten
|| |.Henry Brevoort, Jr. - Laura Elizabeth Carson
|| ||
|| ||.Laura Whetten Brevoort - CHARLES ASTOR BRISTED (1820-1874) scholar, author
|| ||.Elizabeth Neville Brevoort - Frederic William Skinner Coolidge
|| |||.WILLIAM AUGUSTUS BREVOORT COOLIDGE (1850-1926) mountaineer
|| |||
|| ||.Edith Brevoort - Pierre Corné Kane
|| |||.GRENVILLE KANE (1854-1943) financier, book collector
|| |||
|| ||.MARGARET CLAUDIA BREVOORT (1825-1876) mounaineer
|| |.William Whetten Brevoort - Sarah Nash
|| ||.Henry Whetten Brevoort - Bridget Seely/Seeley/Seley
|| || .Sarah Brevoort - FREDERICK AUGUSTUS POTTS (1836-1888) railroad president
|| ||
|| |.Margaret Ann Brevoort - JAMES RENWICK (1790-1863) Scientist, Author
|| ||.JAMES RENWICK, Jr. (1818-1895) architect
|| ||.EDWARD SABINE RENWICK (1823-1912) Engineer, inventor - Alice Brevoort
|| || .WILLIAM WHETTEN RENWICK (1864-1933) architect
|| ||
|| |.Elias Brevoort - Mary Brown
|| | .JAMES RENWICK BREVOORT (1832-1918) artist
|| |
|| .Elias Brevoort - Maria Stoutenburgh
|| |.Christian Brevoort Zabriskie - Josephine Rathbone Morrison
|| | .Elias Brevoort Zabriskie - Justine Jackson
|| |  .CHRISTIAN BREVOORT ZABRISKIE (1864-1936) businessman
|| |
|| .Johannes Brevoort - Mary Tweddle
||  .Isabella Brevoort - John Morse
||   .Emma A. Morse - Joseph Bennett
||    .Emma Bennett - Edward Harvey Close
||     .Edward Bennett Close
||      - (1) MARJORIE MERRIWEATHER POST (1887-1973) philanthropist
||      - (2) Elizabeth Taliaferro
||      .(by 1) Eleanor Post Close
||      | - PRESTON STURGES (né EDMUND PRESTON BIDEN) (1898-1959) film writer and director
||      |
||      .(by 2) William Talifero Close - Bettine Moore
||       .GLENN CLOSE (1947-living) film actor
|.Rebecca Delamater - Isaac Delamater
||.John Delamater - Maria Kip
|| .Jacob Delamater - Elizabeth Dorr
||  .JOHN DELAMATER (1787-1867) physician
|.Susannah Delamater - Johannes B. Waldron
| .Catherine Waldron - Reynier Quackenbosch
|  .Reynier Quackenbush - Maria Forshee
|   .Johannes Quackenbush - Catherine Hanna
|    .Peter Quackenbush - Mary Margaret Schryver
|     .John Quackenbush - Delina Clarke
|      .John George Quackenbush - Martha Mary Edwards
|      |.Clarence Edward Quackenbush - Irene Main
|      | .HUBERT GEORGE QUACKENBUSH (1922-1999) Hockey Hall of Famer
|      |
|      .Edward Baird Quackenbush - Helen Jane Chartrand
|       .E. CLARKE QUACKENBUSH (?-?) inventor
.Aeltie Everts - Jan Janszen Oothout

3446 and 3447 have other descendants, such as:

Joost Franszen - Geertruyd Auckersz Van Nuys
.Magdalena Joosten - Isaac Adriaense Bennet
 .Isaac Bennet - Elizabeth Aerson
  .Elizabeth Bennet - Gerardus Wynkoop
   .David Wynkoop - Anne McNair
    .Henry Wynkoop - Lydia Cornell
     .Henry Wynkoop - Emily G. Nippes
      .FREDERICK WYNKOOP (1885-1972) chemist

(3458 and 3459) and (3520 and 3521) have other descendants, such as:

Adam Brouwer - Magdalena Verdon
.Pieter Brouwer - Petronella Kleyn
.Mattys Brouwer - Marietje Pieters Wyckoff
|.Altje Brouwer - Jörgen Woll
||.Jacobus Wool - Mary Given
|| .John Wool - Ann Reliva
||  .JOHN ELLIS WOOL (1784-1869) Major-General
|.Maritje Brouwer - Johannes Buys
| .Elizabeth Buys - Johannes Dolson
| |.Isaac Dolson - Mary Fields
| | .Matthew Dolson - Elizabeth Willits
| |  .Martha Dolson - Henry Chrysler
| |   .John Matthew Chrysler - Hannah Lundy
| |    .Henry Chrysler - Anna Maria Breymann
| |     .WALTER PERCY CHRYSLER (1875-1940) automobile pioneer
| |
| .Maria Buys - Jacob Dolson
|  .Teunis Dolson - Rachel Cuyper
|  |.John H. Dolson - Catherine Hillman
|  ||.William Dunn Dolson - Janet McLaren
|  || .Samuel Dolson - Margaret Allan Hartley
|  ||  .Edgar Allen Dolson - Mildred Dean
|  ||   .MILDRED F. DOLSON (1918-2004) Olympic Bronze Medalist
|  ||
|  |.Catherine Dolson - Henry Bush
|  | .Henry Bush - Jane Braiden
|  |  .Melinda Bush - Welcome Moore
|  |   .ALICE MOORE (1861-1915) Lusitania victim - ELBERT GREEN HUBBARD (1856-1915) philospher, writer, Lusitania victim
|  |
|  .Jacob Dolson - Mary Cook
|   .Mary Dolson - Michael Cox
|    .James Dolson Cox - Thedia Redelia Kenyon
|     .Redelia Ann Cox - William Wallace Gilchrist
|     |.WILLIAM WALLACE GILCHRIST (1846-1916) composer - Susan Beaman
|     | .WILLIAM WALLACE GILCHRIST (1879-1926) artist
|     |
|     .JAMES DOLSON COX (1828-1900) Union General, Governor, Cabinet Secretary - Helen Clarissa Finney
|      .KENYON COX (1856-1919) painter - LOUISE HOWLAND KING (1865-1945) painter
|       .ALLYN COX (1896-1982) painter
.Wilhelmus Brouwer - (1) Elizabeth Simpson, (2) Martha Boulten
|.Elizabeth Brouwer - Harman Gerretszen Vansant
||.Garrett Vansant - Mary (__)
|| .Garrett Vansant - Elizabeth Larue
||  .Abraham Vansant - Ann Walton Vandegrift
||   .Abraham Larue Vansant - Mary Rankin
||    .Eugene Larue Vansant - Louise Epting
||     .CHARLES EPTING VANSANT (1892-1916) 1916 Jersey Shore shark attack victim
|.(by 2) Jannetje Brouwer - John Loyse
| .Philip Losey - Elizabeth Conselyea
|  .Cornelius Losey - Abigail Tuttle
|   .Ebenezer Tuttle Losey - Lucy Walton
|   |.Joseph Walton Losey - Florence T. Lehman
|   | .Joseph Walton Losey - Ina Higbee
|   |  .JOSEPH WALTON LOSEY (1909-1984) film director
|   |
|   .Susan Beers Losey - John Teasdale
|    .John Warren Teasdale - Mary Elizabeth Willard
|     .SARA TREVOR TEASDALE (1884-1933) poet
.Jacobus Brouwer - Annetje Bogardus
|.Jacob Brouwer - Petronella De La Montagne
||.Johannes Brouwer - Susanna Druljet
|| .Neeltje Brouwer - Gerrit Kip
||  .Abraham Kip - Rachel Blanck
||   .Rachel Kip - James Lynch
||    .Mary Van Antwerp Lynch - Charles Hawley Close
||     .Mary Frances Close - EDWIN RUTHVEN PURPLE (1831-1879) genealogist, publisher
|.Anna Elizabeth Brouwer - Jacob Quackenbosch
||.Reynier Quackenbosch - Catherine Waldron
|||.Reynier Quackenbush - Maria Forshee
||| .Johannes Quackenbush - Catherine Hanna
|||  .Peter Quackenbush - Mary Margaret Schryver
|||   .John Quackenbush - Delina Clarke
|||    .John George Quackenbush - Martha Mary Edwards
|||    |.Clarence Edward Quackenbush - Irene Main
|||    | .HUBERT GEORGE QUACKENBUSH (1922-1999) Hockey Hall of Famer
|||    |
|||    .Edward Baird Quackenbush - Helen Jane Chartrand
|||     .E. CLARKE QUACKENBUSH (?-?) inventor
||.Peter Quackenbush - Rachel Starkey
|| .Sarah Quackenbush - Henry Holiday
||  .John Holiday - Sarah (__)
||   .John Holiday - Nancy Philpot
||    .Julia Caroline Holiday - John Benson Dilbeck
||     .Elmer Jesse Dilbeck - Eula (__)
||      .Wanna Dilbeck - Henry Massoli
||       .Lawrence Massoli - Judith Brooke Hunt
||        .JENNA MARIE MASSOLI (aka JENNA JAMESON) (1974-living) adult film actor
||         - (1) RODNEY HOPKINS (aka BRAD ARMSTRONG) (1965-living) adult film actor and director
||         - (2) JOHN G. GRDINA (1967-living) adult film actor and director
|.Magdalena Brouwer - Willem van Noort
| .John van Note - (__)
| |.William van Note - Mary Jane Drake
| | .Mary van Note - Jonathan Burdge
| |  .Hannah Mary Burdge - Daniel van Note
| |   .James van Note - Lucretia Miller
| |    .Brazilla van Note - Maria Wolf
| |     .Charles Brazilla van Note - Mary Ellen Stinson
| |      .Inez Maria van Not - Herman Kerr Hoglan
| |       .Herbert Kendall Hoglan - Betty Nicklin
| |        .Alice Hoglan - (__) Bingham
| |         .GERALD KENDALL BINGHAM (1970-2001) Flight 93 victim
| |
| .Thomas van Note - Hannah Salter
|  .Thomas van Note - Dorothy Havens
|   .Daniel van Note - Hannah Mary Burdge
|    .James van Note - Lucretia Miller
|     .Brazilla van Note - Maria Wolf
|      .Charles Brazilla van Note - Mary Ellen Stinson
|       .Inez Maria van Not - Herman Kerr Hoglan
|        .Herbert Kendall Hoglan - Betty Nicklin
|         .Alice Hoglan - (__) Bingham
|          .GERALD KENDALL BINGHAM (1970-2001) Flight 93 victim
.Fytje Brouwer - (1) Evert Hendrickszen (Van Gelder), (2) Matthys Cornelissen
|.(by 1) Jacobus Van Gelder - Susanna De Vouw
||.Maria Van Gelder - William Van Voorhees
|| .Albert Van Voorhees - Jannetje Van Houten
||  .John A. Van Voorhees - Christina Bogert
||   .William Van Voorhis - Charity Fredericks
||    .Margaret Ann Van Voorhis - Lyman J. Corbin
||     .Leon E. Corbin - Frances Cox
||      .VIRGINIA LAVERNE CORBIN (1910-1942) film actor
|.(by 1) Hendrick Van Gelder - Femmetje Wynants
||.Fytje Van Gelder - Nathaniel Johnson
|| .Nathaniel Johnson - Eleanor Vanderbilt
||  .Nathaniel Johnson - Elizabeth Hand
||   .Sophia Johnson - CORNELIUS VANDERBILT (aka COMMODORE) (1794-1877) railroad baron
||    .WILLIAM HENRY VANDERBILT (1821-1885) businessman - Maria Louise Kissam
||    |.William Kissam Vanderbilt - ALVA ERSKINE SMITH (1853-1933) socialite
||    ||.WILLIAM KISSAM VANDERBILT II (1876-1944) railroad president
||    ||.CONSUELO VANDERBILT (1877-1964) marital pawn
||    |||      9th Duke of Marlborough (1871-1934) cabinet minister
||    |||- (2) JACQUES BALSAN (1868-?) aviation pioneer
||    |||
||    ||.HAROLD STERLING VANDERBILT (1884-1970) yachtsman, card game inventor
||    ||
||    |.GEORGE WASHINGTON VANDERBILT (1862-1914) built the Biltmore house - Edith Stuyvesant Dresser
||    | .Emily Thorn Vanderbilt - (1) William Douglas Sloane, (2) HENRY WHITE (1850-1927) Ambassador
||    |  .(by 1) Florance Adele Sloane - James Abercrombie Burden, Jr.
||    |  | .Shiela Burden - Blake Leigh Lawrence
||    |  |  .Adele Lawrence - LOUIS STANTON AUCHINCLOSS (1917-living) novelist
||    |  |
||    |  .(by 1) Emily Vanderbilt Sloane - John Henry Hammond
||    |   .Alice Frances Hammond - BENJAMIN DAVID GOODMAN (aka BENNY) (1909-1986) composer
||    |   .JOHN HENRY HAMMOND (1910-1987) music producer - Jemison McBride
||    |    .JOHN PAUL HAMMOND (1942-living) musician
||    |
||    .Cornelius Vanderbilt - Alice Claypoole Gwynne
||     .CORNELIUS VANDERBILT III (1873-1942) Brigadier-General
||     .GERTRUDE VANDERBILT (1875-1942) sculptor - Harry Payne Whitney
||     |.CORNELIUS VANDERBILT WHITNEY (aka SONNY) (1899-1992) businessman
||     |
||     .ALFRED GWYNNE VANDERBILT (1877-1915) Lusitania victim - (1) Ellen French, (2) Margaret Emerson
||     |.(by 1) WILLIAM HENRY VANDERBILT III (1901-1981) Governor
||     |.(by 2) ALFRED GWYNNE VANDERBILT, Jr. (1912-1999) horse owner
||     |.(by 2) GEORGE WASHINGTON VANDERBILT III (1914-1961) scientific explorer
||     |
||     .Reginald Claypoole Vanderbilt - Gloria Laure Mercedes Morgan
||      .GLORIA LAURA VANDERBILT (1924-living)
||       - (1) PASQUALE DICICCO (1909-1978) underworld figure
||       - (2) LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI (né ANTONI STANISLAW BOLESLAWAWICS) (1882-1977) conductor
||       - (3) SIDNEY LUMET (1924-living) film director
||       - (4) Wyatt Emory Cooper
||        .(by 4) ANDERSON HAYS COOPER (1967-living) CNN Correspondant
|.(by 2) Cornelis Matthysen Van Horne - Hannah Seabrook
||.Abram Van Horne - Hannah Huff
|||.Cornelius Van Horne - Elizabeth Young
||| .Hannah Van Horne - Cornelius Cornelius Van Horne
|||  .DAVID VAN HORNE (1837-1930) theologian
||.James Van Horne - Elizabeth Sleight
|| .James Augustus Van Horne - Abigail Carpenter
||  .BURT VAN HORN (1823-1896) Congressman
|.(by 2) Abraham Van Horne - Annetje Cowenhoven
| .Mathias Van Horne - Neeltie Crum
| |.Cornelius Van Horne - Eva Frederick
| ||.Cornelius Cornelius Van Horne - Hannah Van Horne
| || .DAVID VAN HORNE (1837-1930) theologian
| ||
| |.Thomas Van Horne - Maria Frederick
| | .Eva Van Horne - Jacob I. Young
| |  .Peter Young - Margaret Smith
| |   .Jacob Smith Young - Ida Brandow
| |    .OWEN D. YOUNG (1874-1962) industrialist - Josephine Sheldon Edmonds
| |     .JOSEPHINE YOUNG (1907-1990) author (as Josephine Young Case)
| |
| .Margareta van Horn - Hermanus Ruliffson
| |.Catherine Ruliffson - John Trimmer
| ||.Elizabeth Trimmer - Nicholas Neighbor
| || .Mary Ann Neighbor - Philip Hoglan
| ||  .Jesse Jackson Hoglan - Maria Ann van Sickle
| ||   .Herman Kerr Hoglan - Inez Maria van Note
| ||    .Herbert Kendall Hoglan - Betty Nicklin
| ||     .Alice Hoglan - (__) Bingham
| ||      .GERALD KENDALL BINGHAM (1970-2001) Flight 93 victim
| ||
| |.Eleanor Ruliffson - Peter Werts
| | .Hermanes Werts - Jemima Wilmot
| |  .Peter Werts - Mary Vanatta
| |   .GEORGE THEODORE WERTS (1846-1910) Governor
| |
| .Abraham Van Horne - Gertrude Wyckoff
|  .Abram Van Horn - Anne Covenhoven
|   .Cornelius Covenhoven Van Horne - Mary Minier Richards
|    .WILLIAM CORNELIUS VAN HORNE (1843-1915) railroad president
.Helena Brouwer - William Nazareth
|.Mary Nazareth - Peter Bedlow
| .William Bedlow - Catharina Rutgers
|  .Catherina Bedlow - Ebenezer Crosby
|   .William Bedlow Crosby - Harriet Ashton Clarkson
|    .William Henry Crosby - Josepha Matilda Neilson
|    |.Ellen Murray Crosby - John Aspinwall Roosevelt
|    | .ELLEN CROSBY ROOSEVELT (1868-1954) Tennis Hall of Famer
|    |
|    .Clarkson Floyd Crosby - Angelica Schuyler
|    |.John Schuyler Crosby - Harriet Van Rensselaer
|    | .Stephen Van Rensselaer Crosby - Henrietta M. Grew
|    |  .HENRY GREW CROSBY (1898-1929) poet - MARY PHELPS JACOB (1892-1970) inventor
|    |
|    .Edward Nicoll Crosby - Elizabeth Van Schoonhoven
|     .Fredrick Van Schoonhoven Crosby - Julia Floyd Delafield
|      .FLOYD DELAFIELD CROSBY (1899-1985) cinematographer - Aliph Van Cortlandt Whitehead
|       .DAVID VAN CORTLANDT CROSBY (1941-living) musician
.Aeltje Brouwer - Jesias Janszen Drake
.Sarah Brouwer - Thomas Knight
|.Magdalena Knight - Hendrick Vanderburgh
| .Henry Vanderburgh - Sarah Van Kleek
| |.Aeltje Vanderburgh - Wines Manney
| | .John Manney - Elizabeth Collins
| |  .Elida Vanderburgh Manney - John Varnum Ayer
| |   .George Manney Ayer - Amy Gridley Butler
| |    .Adele Augusta Ayer - Levi Addison Gardner
| |     .Dorothy Ayer Gardner - Leslie Lynch King
| |      .GERALD RUDOLPH FORD (né LESLIE LYNCH KING) (1913-living) U.S. President
| |       - ELIZABETH ANNE BLOOMER (1918-living) First Lady
| |
| .Peter Vanderburgh - Elizabeth Taber
| |.Mary Vanderburgh - Rezin Geer
| | .Stephen Geer - Abigail Olney
| |  .Albert Rezin Geer - Sarah Tewksbury
| |   .George Lane Geer - Mary Mae Alworth
| |    .Albert William Gere - Hazel Marjorie Snover
| |     .Homer Gere - Doris Anna Tiffany
| |      .RICHARD TIFFANY GERE (1949-living) film actor
| |       - (1) CINDY CRAWFORD (1966-living) supermodel
| |       - (2) CAREY LOWELL (1961-living) TV and film actor
| |
| .Susanna Vanderburgh - Richard Lewis
| |.Susannah Lewis - Gilbert James Livingston
| | .Judith Livingston - Samuel Herrick Butler
| |  .Courtland Philip Livingston Butler - Elizabeth Slade Pierce
| |   .Mary Elizabeth Butler - Robert Emmet Sheldon
| |    .Flora Sheldon - Samuel Prescott Bush
| |     .PRESCOTT SHELDON BUSH (1895-1972) Senator - Dorothy Walker
| |      .GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH (1924-living) U.S. President
| |      |- BARBARA PIERCE (1925-living) First Lady
| |      |.GEORGE WALKER BUSH (1946-living) U.S. President - LAURA WELCH (1946-living) First Lady
| |      |.JOHN ELLIS BUSH (1953-living) Governor
| |      |.NEIL MAILON BUSH (1955-living) businessman - Sharon Smith
| |      | .LAUREN BUSH (1984-living), Elite model, humanitarian
| |      |
| |      .JONATHAN JAMES BUSH (1931-living) banker - Josephine Bradley
| |       .JONATHAN S. BUSH (?-living) company founder and CEO
| |       .WILLIAM HALL BUSH (aka BILLY) (1972-living), entertainment reporter
| |
| .William Vanderburgh - Margaret Gay
|  .Henry W. Vanderburgh - Francoise Cornoyer
|   .WILLIAM HENRY VANDERBURGH (1800-1832) fur trader
.Abraham Brouwer - Cornelia Colyer
|.Jeury Abrahams Brouwer - Elizabeth Hilton
| .Jeremiah Brouwer - Jannetje Elsworth
|  .Jane Brouwer - Peter Kip
|   .Elizabeth Kip - Ebenezer Irving
|    .Theodore Irving - Jane Sutherland
|     .Elizabeth Kip Irving - George Bickham Reese
|      .THEODORE IRVING REESE (1873-1913) P.E. Bishop
.Nicolaes Brouwer - Jannetje Colyer
|.Adolphus Brouwer - Jannetje Ferdon
||.Jannetje Brouwer - Richard Truman
|||.Peter Truman - Elizabeth Harris
||| .Catherine Truman - Joseph S. Mott
|||  .William Mott - Eunice Miner
|||   .Emma Miner Mott - DAVID JOSIAH BREWER (1837-1910) Supreme Court Justice
||.Femmetje Brouwer - Johann Hendrick Gesner
|| .Hendrick Gesner - Sarah Penio
|| |.ABRAHAM GESNER (1797-1864) geologist
|| |
|| .Cornelius Gesner - Catrina Concklin
||  .Elisabeth Gesner - Garret Volk
||   .LEOPOLD WELLS VOLK (1828-1895) sculptor - Emily Clarisson Barlow
||    .STEVEN ARNOLD DOUGLAS VOLK (1856-?) artist
|.Lysbet Brouwer - John Parsell
| .Jannetje Parsell - Dirk Kip
| |.Richard Parsell Kip - Ann Lyon
| | .Jannetje Kip - Jacob Anthony
| |  .HENRY TIEBOUT ANTHONY (1814-1884) inventor
| |  .EDWARD ANTHONY (1819-1888) photography business pioneer
| |
| .Elizabeth Brouwer - John Percell
|  .Jannetje Percell - Richard Kip
|   .Elizabeth Kip - Daniel J. Ebbets
|    .John B. Ebbets - Elizabeth (__)
|     .John B. Ebbets - Anna Maria Quick
|      .CHARLES HENRY EBBETS (1859-1925) baseball team president
|       - Minnie Frances Amelia Broadbent
|       .L. Mae Ebbets - LEON CADORE (1890-1958) baseball player
.Anna Brouwer - William Hilton
 .Elizabeth Hilton - Jeury Abrahams Brouwer
  .Jeremiah Brouwer - Jannetje Elsworth
   .Jane Brouwer - Peter Kip
    .Elizabeth Kip - Ebenezer Irving
     .Theodore Irving - Jane Sutherland
      .Elizabeth Kip Irving - George Bickham Reese
       .THEODORE IRVING REESE (1873-1913) P.E. Bishop

An unplaced Brouwer:

Jane Brower - Thomas Benjamin Hill
Elinor Jane Hill - Rufus Gillett
Thomas Gillett - Sophia Pratt
Cyrus Foss Gillette - Sarah Jane Norris
Cyrus Faust Gillette - Rose Emma Drake
Goldie Alice Gillette - Axel Aner Elvgren
GILLETTE A. ELVGREN (1914-1980) illustrator

It is highly probably that Jane Brower is a descendant of Adam Brouwer, but her
parentage has not been successfully determined.  For a discusssion of current
theories and problems concerning her lineage, see "Most Frequent Errors and Incorrect
or Unproven Lines of Descent from Anneke Jans," specifically point number 2
in the paragraph entitled "Other Erroneous and Unproven Lines of Descent from
Jacobus Brouwer and Anna Bogardus" found near the bottom of the page.

3462 and 3463 have other descendants, such as:

Thomas Fredrickszen - Marritie Adriaens
.Frederick Thomasen - Catrina [Tryntje] Hoppe
|.Christina Cadmus - Adrian Vermeule
||.CORNELIS VERMEULE (1716-1784) Provincial Congress member- Mary Marselis
|| .Cornelis Vermeule - Elizabeth Middagh
||  .Isaac Davis Vermeule - Mary Field
||  |.Adrian Vermeule - Maria Veghte
||  | .Cornelius Clarkson Vermeule - Carolyn Carpenter
||  |  .Cornelius Clarkson Vermeule, Jr. - Catherine Sayre Comstock
||  |   .CORNELIUS CLARKSON VERMEULE III (1925-living) archaeologist, curator
||  |
||  .Judith Middagh Vermeule - James Phillips
||   .SAMUEL FIELD PHILLIPS (1824-1903) U.S. Soliciter General
||   .CORNELIA PHILLIPS (1825-1908) author
|.Marrytie Frederickse Cadmus -  Harmen Juriaensen
| .Juriaen Van Riper - Helena Van Houten
|  .Christofel Jurianse Van Riper - Annatje Brouwer
|   .Betsey Speer Yearance - Abraham Van Emburgh
|    .Rachel Van Emburgh - Hendrick Speer
|     .ALFRED SPEER (1823-1910) inventor
.Tryntje Thomase - Teunis Janszen Pier
|.Jannetje Teunise Pier - Cornelis Gerbrantse
||.Cornelis Gerbrantse - Jannetje Van Horn
|||.Jannetye Gerbrantse - Johannis Van Horn
||| .John J. Van Horn - Mary Prior
|||  .Jacob Van Horn - Harriet Elisa Outwater
|||   .Catharine Van Horn - AUGUSTUS ALBERT HARDENBERGH (1830-1889) Congressman
||.Neeltje Garrabrant - Garret Banta
|| .Cornelis Banta - Jannetje Vreeland
||  .Ellenor Banta - John L. Van Buskirk
||   .Lucas J. Van Buskirk - Catherine Zabriskie Anderson
||    .ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK (1855-1932) artist
|.Rachel Pier - Hendrick Spier
||.Fytje Spier - Jacob Edwards
|| .Effie Edwards - Jacob Kent
||  .Elias Kent - Ruth Williams
||  |.Rachel Kent - Abner Williams
||  | .William Hyatt Williams - Rebecca Day
||  |  .Laura Laurinda Williams - Horace Perry Wheeler
||  |   .Ethel Laurinda Wheeler - Frederick Ward
||  |    .EVELYN WARD (?-?) TV actor
||  |     - (1) JOHN JOSEPH EDWARD CASSIDY (aka JACK) (1927-1976) stage, film, and TV actor
||  |     - (2) NORMAN ZENOS MCLEOD (1898-1964) film director
||  |     - (3) ELLIOT SILVERSTEIN (1927-living) TV director
||  |     .(by 1) DAVID BRUCE CASSIDY (1950-living) TV actor, musician
||  |      - (1) KAY ANN LENZ (1953-living) film and TV actor
||  |      - (liaison) Sherry Benedon
||  |      .(by liaison) KATHERINE EVELYN ANITA CASSIDY (1986-living) singer, film and TV actor
||  |
||  .Mary Kent - Joseph Williams
||   .Abner Williams - Rachel Kent
||    .William Hyatt Williams - Rebecca Day
||     .Laura Laurinda Williams - Horace Perry Wheeler
||      .Ethel Laurinda Wheeler - Frederick Ward
||       .EVELYN WARD (?-?) TV actor
||        - (1) JOHN JOSEPH EDWARD CASSIDY (aka JACK) (1927-1976) stage, film, and TV actor
||        - (2) NORMAN ZENOS MCLEOD (1898-1964) film director
||        - (3) ELLIOT SILVERSTEIN (1927-living) TV director
||        .(by 1) DAVID BRUCE CASSIDY (1950-living) TV actor, musician
||         - (1) KAY ANN LENZ (1953-living) film and TV actor
||         - (liaison) Sherry Benedon
||         .(by liaison) KATHERINE EVELYN ANITA CASSIDY (1986-living) singer, film and TV actor
|.Thomas Pier - Maria Rutan
| .Jannetje Pier - Roelof Jacobus
|  .Susanna Jacobus - Nicholas Jones
|   .Jannette Jones - Cornelius William Mandeville
|    .Susan Mandeville - David Fairbanks
|     .Ralph Jacobus Fairbanks - Celestia Adelaide Johnson
|      .Zella Vonola Fairbanks - Alexander Revard Modine
|       .Mark Alexander Modine - Dolores Warner
|        .MATTHEW AVERY MODINE (1959-living) film actor
.Francyntje Thomasen - Laurens Arentsen Toers
.Johannes Thomaszen - Marritje Melchiors Van Deusen
 .Thomas Cadmus - Neeltje Jacobuse Joralemon
 |.Pietertje Cadmus - Thomas Cadmus
 | .Thomas T. Cadmus - Maria Egbert
 |  .Cornelius Cadmus - Rachel Miller Osborne
 |   .George Washington Cadmus - Leah Maria Van Ripen
 |    .Egbert Cadmus - Maria Latasa
 |     .PAUL CADMUS (1904-1999) artist
 |     .Fidelma Cadmus - LINCOLN KIRSTEIN (1907-1996) critic, art collector, ballet company cofounder
 .Abraham Cadmus - Geertje Bras
  .Thomas Cadmus - Pietertje Cadmus
   .Thomas T. Cadmus - Maria Egbert
    .Cornelius Cadmus - Rachel Miller Osborne
     .George Washington Cadmus - Leah Maria Van Ripen
      .Egbert Cadmus - Maria Latasa
       .PAUL CADMUS (1904-1999) artist
       .Fidelma Cadmus - LINCOLN KIRSTEIN (1907-1996) critic, art collector, ballet company cofounder

3474 and 3475 have other descendants, such as:

John Denman - (__)
.John Denman - Mary Gano
|.Philip Denman - Rachel Mitchell
| .Deborah Denman - Daniel Bills
|  .Isaac Newton Bills - Lillias Houston
|   .John Houston Bills - Prudence Tate McNeal
|    .Mary Carolyn Bills - Robert H. Wood
|     .Caroline Ophilia Wood - William House
|      .Fanny Tate House - Thomas Kelley Colley
|       .SARAH OPHELIA COLLEY (aka MINNIE PEARL) (1912-1996) country comedian
.Philip Denman - Hasadiah Slough
|.Elizabeth Denman - Zechariah Blakcman
||.Mary Blackman - Ebenezer Coe
|| .James Coe - Huldah Wilcoxson
||  .Josiah Coe - Mary Ann Beach
||   .James Coe - Catherine Hurlbert
||    .Josiah Coe - Jessie Kinnis
||     .Mary Nettie Coe - Frank Eugene Edgerton
||      .HAROLD EUGENE EDGERTON (1903-1990) inventor
|.Sarah Denman - Thomas Beardsley
| .Mary Beardsley - Peter Mallory
|  .Urania Mallory - Lemuel Hoadley
|   .David Hoadley - Rachel Beecher
|    .George Edward Hoadley - Anna Howell
|     .Georgiana Hoadley - William Palmer Smith
|      .Alice Hoadley Smith -  David Sheldon Barry
|       .Alice Smith Barry - Landon Ketchum Thorne
|        .Julia Stimson Thorne - JOHN FORBES KERRY (1943-living) Senator, presidential also-ran
.Martha Denman - Jeremiah Genung

3524 and 3525 have other descendants, such as:

David desMarets - Maria Sohier
.Jean desMarets - Jacomina Deruine
.David desMarets - Rachel Cresson
|.David Demarest - Sarah Bertholf
||.David Demarest - (1) Maritie Lozier, (2) Kathrintie Van Houten
|||.(by 1) Nicholas Demarest - Elsie Demarest
||||.Maria Demarest - Roelof S. Demarest
|||| .Samuel R. Demarest - Elizabeth Zabriskie
||||  .Cornelia Demarest - Jacob C. Blauvelt
||||   .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
||||    .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
||||     .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
||||      .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
|||.(by 1) Trientje Demarest - John Hendrick Banta
||||.Maria Banta - James Christie
|||| .Magdalena Christie - David Demarest
|||| |.Maria Christie Demarest - Aaron Lloyd
|||| | .HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD (1847-1903) reformer
|||| | .Caroline Augusta Lloyd - LOTHROP WITHINGTON (1856-1915) Lusitania victim
|||| |
|||| .Peter Christie - Agnes Gillespie
||||  .Fitz-James Christie - Elizabeth Anna Johns
||||   .Anna Virginia Christie - FREDERIC WOLTERS HUIDEKOPER (?-?) railroad executive
||||    .FREDERIC LOUIS HUIDEKOPER (1874-1940) military writer
|||.(by 2) Maria Demarest - Peter Demarest
||| .Cornelius Demarest - Maria Demarest
|||  .Petrus Demorest - Jane Bro(u)wer
|||   .William Jennings Demorest - ELLEN LOUISE CURTIS (1825-1898) businesswoman
||.Jacobus Demarest - Margrietjen DeGroot
|| .David J. Demarest - Maria Van Buskirk
|| |.Jacobus Demarest - Margrietie Cole
|| ||.David Demarest - Magdalena Christie
|| || .Maria Christie Demarest - Aaron Lloyd
|| ||  .HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD (1847-1903) reformer
|| ||  .Caroline Augusta Lloyd - LOTHROP WITHINGTON (1856-1915) Lusitania victim
|| ||
|| |.Maria Demarest - Jan P. Durie
|| | .David Durie - Jannetje Van Wagenen
|| |  .John Durie - Eliza A. VanderLinda
|| |   .Jane Durie - William Henry Blauvelt
|| |    .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
|| |     .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
|| |      .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
|| |
|| .Jacobus Demarest - Catharina Lozier
||  .Maria Demarest - Cornelius Demarest
||   .Petrus Demorest - Jane Bro(u)wer
||    .William Jennings Demorest - ELLEN LOUISE CURTIS (1825-1898) businesswoman
|.Jacobus Demarest - (1) Lea DeGroot, (2) Margrietje Haring
||.(by 1) David Demarest - Margrietje Haring
|||.Lea Demarest - Albert Bogert
||||.Isaac Bogert - Margaret Durie
|||| .Lea Bogert - Daniel P. Demarest
||||  .David D. Demarest - Catherine Louise Nevius
||||   .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president
|||.Margrietje Demarest - Johannes Van Wagenen
||| .Jannetje Van Wagenen - David Durie
|||  .John Durie - Eliza A. Vanderlinda
|||   .Jane Durie - William Henry Blauvelt
|||    .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
|||     .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
|||      .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
||.(by 1) Belitje Demarest - Johannes Christie
|||.Lena Christie - Jacob Quackenbos
||| .Belitje Quackenbos - Willem Westervelt
|||  .Jacob Westervelt - Elizabeth Westervelt
|||   .Margaret Westervelt - John Fowler
|||    .FRANK FOWLER (1852-1910) author, critic, artist
||.(by 2) Lea Demarest - Isaac Bogert
|||.Albert Bogert - Lea Demarest
||| .Isaac Bogert - Margaret Durie
|||  .Lea Bogert - Daniel P. Demarest
|||   .David D. Demarest - Catherine Louise Nevius
|||    .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president
||.(by 2) Gerrit Demarest - Jacomyntje Helling
|| .Lea Demarest - Peter P. Demarest
||  .Daniel P. Demarest - Lea Bogert
||   .David D. Demarest - Catherine Louise Nevius
||    .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president
|.Daniel Demarest - Rebecca De Groot
||.Peter Demarest - Osseltie Van der Linde
|| .Peter P. Demarest - Lydia Hopper
||  .Peter P. Demarest - Lea Demarest
||   .Daniel P. Demarest - Lea Bogert
||    .David D. Demarest - Catherine Louise Nevius
||     .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president
|.Mary Demarest - Wiert Wiertszen Banta
||.David W. Banta - Antjen Ackerman
|| .Wiert Banta - Leah Degroot
||  .David Banta - Rachel Van Giesen
||   .Sarah Banta - Abraham H. Bogert
||    .Henry Bogert - Helen Anderson Evans
||     .GEORGE HENRY BOGERT (1864-1844) artist
|.Lydia Demarest - Stevense Albertszen Terhune
||.Rachel Terhune - Jacob Banta
|||.Hendrickje Banta - Hendrick Van Giesen
||| .Rachel Van Giesen - David Banta
|||  .Sarah Banta - Abraham H. Bogert
|||   .Henry Bogert - Helen Anderson Evans
|||    .GEORGE HENRY BOGERT (1864-1844) artist
||.Hendrickje Terhune - Gerrit Hopper
|| .Lydia Hopper - Peter P. Demarest
||  .Peter P. Demarest - Lea Demarest
||   .Daniel P. Demarest - Lea Bogert
||    .David D. Demarest - Catherine Louise Nevius
||     .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president
|.Benjamin Demarest - Elizabeth deGroot
| .Peter Demarest - Jannetje Van der Linde
|  .David P.B. Demarest - Helena Van Zile
|   .Johannis Demarest - Eliza(beth) Parmley
|    .Andrew Jackson  Demarest - Mary Chatman
|     .Ernest Demarest - Olivia Symons
|      .Ernest Demarest, Jr. - Alice Wiltz
|       .Leroy Ernest Demarest - Angeline Geraldine Mancine
|        .ARTHUR ANDREW DEMAREST (1952-living) Anthropologist
.Samuel desMarets - Maria Deruine
 .Magdalena Demarest - Cornelis Epke Banta
 |.Jacob Banta - Rachel Terhune
 | .Hendrickje Banta - Hendrick Van Giesen
 |  .Rachel Van Giesen - David Banta
 |   .Sarah Banta - Abraham H. Bogert
 |    .Henry Bogert - Helen Anderson Evans
 |     .GEORGE HENRY BOGERT (1864-1844) artist
 .David Demarest - Matie De Baun
 |.Samuel Demarest - Leah Demarest
 ||.Maria Demarest - Jacobus Westervelt
 |||.Jacobus Westervelt - Phebe Cozine
 ||| .Elizabeth Westervelt - Cyrus Crawford Scott
 |||  .William Henry Scott - Esther Morrison
 |||   .Easter Adella Scott - Charles Tillmon Hargrove
 |||    .Sarah Virginia Hargrove - Colley Edward Martin
 |||     .Gladys Lucille Martin - John Denham Timberlake
 |||      .Charles L. Timberlake - Bobbye Joice
 |||       .Randy Timberlake - Lynn Bomar or Harless
 |||        .JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE (1981-living) singer
 ||.Rachel Demarest - (1) Gerardus Ryker, (2) John Van Cleave
 |||.(by 1) Gerardus Ryker - Leah Smock
 ||||.Rachel Ryker - Peter Hughey
 |||| .Jared Hughey - Mary Roberts
 ||||  .Henry McClellan Hughey - Violet Elizabeth Dodge
 ||||   .Maude Matilda Hughey - Edmund Emial Kemper
 ||||    .Edmund Emil Kenmper - Clarnell Stage
 ||||     .EDMUND EMIL KEMPER III (1948-living) seriel killer
 |||.(by 2) David Van Cleave - Rachel Swearingen
 ||| .Peter Cameron Van Cleave - Mary Louise King
 |||  .Wiliam Stanley Van Cleave - Ida May Smith
 |||   .Vesta Viola van Cleave - John Harrison Bowers
 |||    .Robert Stanley Bowers - Maxine Nichols
 |||     .DEANNA BOWERS (1948-living) film and TV actor - CHRISTOPHER STONE (1942-1995) film and TV actor
 ||.Tryntje Demarest - Jacob Smock
 || .Leah Smock- Gerardus Ryker
 ||  .Rachel Ryker - Peter Hughey
 ||   .Jared Hughey - Mary Roberts
 ||    .Henry McClellan Hughey - Violet Elizabeth Dodge
 ||     .Maude Matilda Hughey - Edmund Emial Kemper
 ||      .Edmund Emil Kenmper - Clarnell Stage
 ||       .EDMUND EMIL KEMPER III (1948-living) seriel killer
 |.Maria Demarest - Thomas Eckerson
 ||.Edward T. Eckerson - Trientje Alyea
 || .Jannetje Eckerson - Albartus Peterson
 ||  .Edward Albert Peterson - Neatha Agnes Carman
 ||   .Anson Rice Peterson  - Rachel Auryansen
 ||    .Alice Peterson - Casper Force Van Dien
 ||     .Casper Anson Van Dien - Elizabeth Marie Bornand
 ||      .Casper Robert Van Dien - Diana Morrow
 ||       .CASPER VAN DIEN (1968-living) film actor
 ||        - (1) CARRIE MITCHUM (1965-liiving) TV and film actor
 ||        - (2) CATHERINE OXENBERG (1961-living) film and TV actor
 |.Elizabeth Demarest - William Campbell
 | .Jannetje Campbell - David S. Demarest
 |  .Simon Demarest - Annatie Banta
 |   .Samuel Demarest - Caroline Westervelt
 |    .Benjamin S. Demarest - Eliza Jane Zabriskie
 |     .Samuel B. Demarest - Wilhelmena Lindgren
 |      .CARL WILLIAM DEMAREST (1892-1983) film actor
 .Jaquemina Demarest - Samuel Helling
 |.Teunis Helling - Grietje Blauvelt
 ||.Jacomyntje Helling - Gerrit Demarest
 || .Lea Demarest - Peter P. Demarest
 ||  .Daniel P. Demarest - Lea Bogert
 ||   .David D. Demarest - Catherine Louise Nevius
 ||    .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president
 |.Susanna Helling - Abraham Quackenbosch
 | .Johannes Quackenbosch - Annetje Anderson
 |  .Abraham Quackenbush - Mary Blauvelt
 |   .Abram Quackenbush - Margaret Hughes
 |    .Charles H. Quackenbush - Jeanette Duryea
 |     .Abraham Brewer Quackenbush - Frances Brennan
 |      .Arthur C. Quackenbush - Julia Newsome
 |       .CHRISTOPHER QUACKENBUSH (1957-2001) World Trade Center victim
 .Judith Demarest - Pierre Durie
 |.Maria Durie - Jacobus Lozier
 ||.Catharina Lozier - Jacobus Demarest
 || .Maria Demarest - Cornelius Demarest
 ||  .Petrus Demorest - Jane Bro(u)wer
 ||   .William Jennings Demorest - ELLEN LOUISE CURTIS (1825-1898) businesswoman
 |.Margrietje Durie - David Demarest
 | .Belitje Demarest - Roelif Brinkerhoff
 | |.Joris Brinkerhoff - Jacomyntie Bevier
 | ||.ROELIFF BRINKERHOFF (1828-1911) Brigadier General, Society founder
 | ||
 | |.HENRY ROELIFSON BRINKERHOFF (1787-1844) Congressman, General
 | |
 | .Annatie (Hannah) Demarest - Jacob Brinkerhoff
 |  .Henry Innes Brinkerhoff - Rachel Bevier
 |   .JACOB BRINKERHOFF (1810-1880) Congressman, author of the Wilmot Proviso
 .Samuel Demarest - Annatie Van Hoorn
 |.Margrietje Demarest - Sibe Banta
 ||.Samuel Banta - Eveatje Berdan
 || .Magdalena Banta - John Christie
 || |.John Christie - Anna Brinkerhoff
 || | .Jacob Brinkerhoff - Elizabeth Van Houten
 || |  .JOHN WALTER CHRISTIE (1864-1944) engineer and inventor
 || |
 || .Annatie Banta - Simon Demarest
 ||  .Samuel Demarest - Caroline Westervelt
 ||   .Benjamin S. Demarest - Eliza Jane Zabriskie
 ||    .Samuel B. Demarest - Wilhelmena Lindgren
 ||     .CARL WILLIAM DEMAREST (1892-1983) film actor
 |.David Demarest - Margaretta Duryea
 ||.Belitje Demarest - Roelif Brinkerhoff
 |||.Joris Brinkerhoff - Jacomyntie Bevier
 ||||.ROELIFF BRINKERHOFF (1828-1911) Brigadier General, Society founder
 |||.HENRY ROELIFSON BRINKERHOFF (1787-1844) Congressman, General
 ||.Annatie Demarest - Jacob Brinkerhoff
 || .Henry Innes Brinkerhoff - Rachel Bevier
 || |.JACOB BRINKERHOFF (1810-1880) Congressman, author of the Wilmot Proviso
 || |
 || .James I. Brinkerhoff - Rachel Bevier
 ||  .Jacob Oscar Brinkerhoff - Lydia Elizabeth Hunt
 ||   .James Hunt Brinkerhoff - Rose Fyock
 ||    .Robert S. Brinkerhoff - AMY VANDERBILT (1908-1974) etiquette authority
 |.Elsie Demarest - Nicholas Demarest
 ||.Maria Demarest - Roelof S. Demarest
 || .Samuel R. Demarest - Elizabeth Zabriskie
 ||  .Cornelia Demarest - Jacob C. Blauvelt
 ||   .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
 ||    .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
 ||     .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
 ||      .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
 |.Peter Demarest - Maria Demarest
 | .Cornelius Demarest - Maria Demarest
 |  .Petrus Demorest - Jane Bro(u)wer
 |   .William Jennings Demorest - ELLEN LOUISE CURTIS (1825-1898) businesswoman
 .Peter Demarest - Margrietje Haring
 |.Cathlyntje Demarest - William Christie
 ||.James Christie - Maria Banta
 |||.Magdalena Christie - David Demarest
 ||||.Maria Christie Demarest - Aaron Lloyd
 |||| .HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD (1847-1903) reformer
 |||| .Caroline Augusta Lloyd - LOTHROP WITHINGTON (1856-1915) Lusitania victim
 |||.Peter Christie - Agnes Gillespie
 ||| .Fitz-James Christie - Elizabeth Anna Johns
 |||  .Anna Virginia Christie - FREDERIC WOLTERS HUIDEKOPER (?-?) railroad executive
 |||   .FREDERIC LOUIS HUIDEKOPER (1874-1940) military writer
 ||.Margrietje Christie - Daniel Westervelt
 |||.Willem Westervelt - Belitje Quackenbos
 ||| .Jacob Westervelt - Elizabeth Westervelt
 |||  .Margaret Westervelt - John Fowler
 |||   .FRANK FOWLER (1852-1910) author, critic, artist
 ||.Magdalena Christie - Johannes Westervelt
 || .Johannes Westervelt - Antje Demarest
 ||  .Vrouwtie Westervelt - Arie Westervelt
 ||   .JACOB A. WESTERVELT (1800-1879) Mayor
 |.Samuel Demarest - Margrietje Brinckerhoff
 ||.Roelof S. Demarest - Maria Demarest
 || .Samuel R. Demarest - Elizabeth Zabriskie
 ||  .Cornelia Demarest - Jacob Blauvelt
 ||   .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
 ||    .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
 ||     .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
 ||      .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
 |.Fytje Demarest - Daniel Christie
 || .John Christie - Magdalena Banta
 ||  .John Christie - Anna Brinkerhoff
 ||   .Jacob Brinkerhoff - Elizabeth Van Houten
 ||    .JOHN WALTER CHRISTIE (1864-1944) engineer and inventor
 |.Sara Demarest - Jacob Cole
 | .Jacobus Demarest - Margrietie Cole
 |  .David Demarest - Magdalena Christie
 |   .Maria Christie Demarest - Aaron Lloyd
 |    .HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD (1847-1903) reformer
 |    .Caroline Augusta Lloyd - LOTHROP WITHINGTON (1856-1915) Lusitania victim
 .Simon Demarest - Vroutie Haring
 |.Samuel Demarest - Belitie Banta
 ||.Antje Demarest - Johannes Westervelt
 || .Vrouwtie Westervelt - Arie Westervelt
 ||  .JACOB A. WESTERVELT (1800-1879) Mayor
 |.David S. Demarest - Jannetje Campbell
 | .Simon Demarest - Annatie Banta
 |  .Samuel Demarest - Caroline Westervelt
 |   .Benjamin S. Demarest - Eliza Jane Zabriskie
 |    .Samuel B. Demarest - Wilhelmena Lindgren
 |     .CARL WILLIAM DEMAREST (1892-1983) film actor
 .Rachel Demarest - Jacobus Peek
 |.(Judith) Maria Peek - Cornelis Smith
 | .Margrietje Smith - Jacob Blauvelt
 |  .Cornelius Blauvelt - Elizabeth Lydecker
 |   .Jacob Blauvelt - Cornelia Demarest
 |    .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
 |     .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
 |      .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
 |       .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
 .Susanna Demarest - Benjamin Van Buskirk
  .Maria Van Buskirk - David J. Demarest
   .Jacobus Demarest - Margrietie Cole
   |.David Demarest - Magdalena Christie
   | .Maria Christie Demarest - Aaron Lloyd
   |  .HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD (1847-1903) reformer
   |  .Caroline Augusta Lloyd - LOTHROP WITHINGTON (1856-1915) Lusitania victim
   .Maria Demarest - Jan P. Durie
    .David Durie - Jannetje Van Wagenen
     .John Durie - Eliza A. VanderLinda
      .Jane Durie - William Henry Blauvelt
       .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
	.Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr

3526 and his two wives have other descendants, such as:

Simon De Ruine - (1) (__), (2) Magdalena van der Straaten
.(by 1) Jacomina Deruine - Jean desMarets
.(by 1) Jannetje Deruine - Jean De Pre
|.Jannetje De Pre - Cornelis Epke Banta
| .Jannetje Banta - Johannes Meyer
|  .Isaac Meyer - Lydia Campbell
|   .Rachel Meyer - John Durand
|    .CYRUS DURAND (1787-1868) engraver
|    |.Jane Durand - John L. Chapman
|    | .CYRUS DURAND CHAPMAN (1856-1918) artist
|    |
|    .ASHER BROWN DURAND (1796-1886) artist - Lucy Baldwin
|     .JOHN DURAND (1822-1908) art critic
.(by 2) Maria Deruine - Samuel desMarets
 .Magdalena Demarest - Cornelis Epke Banta
 |.Jacob Banta - Rachel Terhune
 | .Hendrickje Banta - Hendrick Van Giesen
 |  .Rachel Van Giesen - David Banta
 |   .Sarah Banta - Abraham H. Bogert
 |    .Henry Bogert - Helen Anderson Evans
 |     .GEORGE HENRY BOGERT (1864-1844) artist
 .David Demarest - Matie De Baun
 |.Samuel Demarest - Leah Demarest
 ||.Maria Demarest - Jacobus Westervelt
 |||.Jacobus Westervelt - Phebe Cozine
 ||| .Elizabeth Westervelt - Cyrus Crawford Scott
 |||  .William Henry Scott - Esther Morrison
 |||   .Easter Adella Scott - Charles Tillmon Hargrove
 |||    .Sarah Virginia Hargrove - Colley Edward Martin
 |||     .Gladys Lucille Martin - John Denham Timberlake
 |||      .Charles L. Timberlake - Bobbye Joice
 |||       .Randy Timberlake - Lynn Bomar or Harless
 |||        .JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE (1981-living) singer
 ||.Rachel Demarest - (1) Gerardus Ryker, (2) John Van Cleave
 |||.(by 1) Gerardus Ryker - Leah Smock
 ||||.Rachel Ryker - Peter Hughey
 |||| .Jared Hughey - Mary Roberts
 ||||  .Henry McClellan Hughey - Violet Elizabeth Dodge
 ||||   .Maude Matilda Hughey - Edmund Emial Kemper
 ||||    .Edmund Emil Kenmper - Clarnell Stage
 ||||     .EDMUND EMIL KEMPER III (1948-living) seriel killer
 ||||(by 2) David Van Cleave - Rachel Swearingen
 ||| .Peter Cameron Van Cleave - Mary Louise King
 |||  .Wiliam Stanley Van Cleave - Ida May Smith
 |||   .Vesta Viola van Cleave - John Harrison Bowers
 |||    .Robert Stanley Bowers - Maxine Nichols
 |||     .DEANNA BOWERS (1948-living) film and TV actor - CHRISTOPHER STONE (1942-1995) film and TV actor
 ||.Tryntje Demarest - Jacob Smock
 || .Leah Smock- Gerardus Ryker
 ||  .Rachel Ryker - Peter Hughey
 ||   .Jared Hughey - Mary Roberts
 ||    .Henry McClellan Hughey - Violet Elizabeth Dodge
 ||     .Maude Matilda Hughey - Edmund Emial Kemper
 ||      .Edmund Emil Kenmper - Clarnell Stage
 ||       .EDMUND EMIL KEMPER III (1948-living) seriel killer
 |.Maria Demarest - Thomas Eckerson
 ||.Edward T. Eckerson - Trientje Alyea
 || .Jannetje Eckerson - Albartus Peterson
 ||  .Edward Albert Peterson - Neatha Agnes Carman
 ||   .Anson Rice Peterson  - Rachel Auryansen
 ||    .Alice Peterson - Casper Force Van Dien
 ||     .Casper Anson Van Dien - Elizabeth Marie Bornand
 ||      .Casper Robert Van Dien - Diana Morrow
 ||       .CASPER VAN DIEN (1968-living) film actor
 ||        - (1) CARRIE MITCHUM (1965-liiving) TV and film actor
 ||        - (2) CATHERINE OXENBERG (1961-living) film and TV actor
 |.Elizabeth Demarest - William Campbell
 | .Jannetje Campbell - David S. Demarest
 |  .Simon Demarest - Annatie Banta
 |   .Samuel Demarest - Caroline Westervelt
 |    .Benjamin S. Demarest - Eliza Jane Zabriskie
 |     .Samuel B. Demarest - Wilhelmena Lindgren
 |      .CARL WILLIAM DEMAREST (1892-1983) film actor
 .Jaquemina Demarest - Samuel Helling
 |.Teunis Helling - Grietje Blauvelt
 | .Jacomyntje Helling - Gerrit Demarest
 |  .Lea Demarest - Peter P. Demarest
 |   .Daniel P. Demarest - Lea Bogert
 |    .David D. Demarest - Catherine Louise Nevius
 |     .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president
 .Judith Demarest - Pierre Durie
 |.Maria Durie - Jacobus Lozier
 ||.Catharina Lozier - Jacobus Demarest
 || .Maria Demarest - Cornelius Demarest
 ||  .Petrus Demorest - Jane Bro(u)wer
 ||   .William Jennings Demorest - ELLEN LOUISE CURTIS (1825-1898) businesswoman
 |.Margrietje Durie - David Demarest
 | .Belitje Demarest - Roelif Brinkerhoff
 | |.Joris Brinkerhoff - Jacomyntie Bevier
 | ||.ROELIFF BRINKERHOFF (1828-1911) Brigadier General, Society founder
 | ||
 | |.HENRY ROELIFSON BRINKERHOFF (1787-1844) Congressman, General
 | |
 | .Annatie (Hannah) Demarest - Jacob Brinkerhoff
 |  .Henry Innes Brinkerhoff - Rachel Bevier
 |   .JACOB BRINKERHOFF (1810-1880) Congressman, author of the Wilmot Proviso
 .Samuel Demarest - Annatie Van Hoorn
 |.Margrietje Demarest - Sibe Banta
 ||.Samuel Banta - Eveatje Berdan
 || .Magdalena Banta - John Christie
 || |.John Christie - Anna Brinkerhoff
 || | .Jacob Brinkerhoff - Elizabeth Van Houten
 || |  .JOHN WALTER CHRISTIE (1864-1944) engineer and inventor
 || |
 || .Annatie Banta - Simon Demarest
 ||  .Samuel Demarest - Caroline Westervelt
 ||   .Benjamin S. Demarest - Eliza Jane Zabriskie
 ||    .Samuel B. Demarest - Wilhelmena Lindgren
 ||     .CARL WILLIAM DEMAREST (1892-1983) film actor
 |.David Demarest - Margaretta Duryea
 ||.Belitje Demarest - Roelif Brinkerhoff
 |||.Joris Brinkerhoff - Jacomyntie Bevier
 ||||.ROELIFF BRINKERHOFF (1828-1911) Brigadier General, Society founder
 |||.HENRY ROELIFSON BRINKERHOFF (1787-1844) Congressman, General
 ||.Annatie Demarest - Jacob Brinkerhoff
 || .Henry Innes Brinkerhoff - Rachel Bevier
 || |.JACOB BRINKERHOFF (1810-1880) Congressman, author of the Wilmot Proviso
 || |
 || .James I. Brinkerhoff - Rachel Bevier
 ||  .Jacob Oscar Brinkerhoff - Lydia Elizabeth Hunt
 ||   .James Hunt Brinkerhoff - Rose Fyock
 ||    .Robert S. Brinkerhoff - AMY VANDERBILT (1908-1974) etiquette authority
 |.Elsie Demarest - Nicholas Demarest
 ||.Maria Demarest - Roelof S. Demarest
 || .Samuel R. Demarest - Elizabeth Zabriskie
 ||  .Cornelia Demarest - Jacob C. Blauvelt
 ||   .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
 ||    .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
 ||     .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
 ||      .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
 |.Peter Demarest - Maria Demarest
 | .Cornelius Demarest - Maria Demarest
 |  .Petrus Demorest - Jane Bro(u)wer
 |   .William Jennings Demorest - ELLEN LOUISE CURTIS (1825-1898) businesswoman
 .Peter Demarest - Margrietje Haring
 |.Cathlyntje Demarest - William Christie
 ||.James Christie - Maria Banta
 |||.Magdalena Christie - David Demarest
 ||||.Maria Christie Demarest - Aaron Lloyd
 |||| .HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD (1847-1903) reformer
 |||| .Caroline Augusta Lloyd - LOTHROP WITHINGTON (1856-1915) Lusitania victim
 |||.Peter Christie - Agnes Gillespie
 ||| .Fitz-James Christie - Elizabeth Anna Johns
 |||  .Anna Virginia Christie - FREDERIC WOLTERS HUIDEKOPER (?-?) railroad executive
 |||   .FREDERIC LOUIS HUIDEKOPER (1874-1940) military writer
 ||.Margrietje Christie - Daniel Westervelt
 |||.Willem Westervelt - Belitje Quackenbos
 ||| .Jacob Westervelt - Elizabeth Westervelt
 |||  .Margaret Westervelt - John Fowler
 |||   .FRANK FOWLER (1852-1910) author, critic, artist
 ||.Magdalena Christie - Johannes Westervelt
 || .Johannes Westervelt - Antje Demarest
 ||  .Vrouwtie Westervelt - Arie Westervelt
 ||   .JACOB A. WESTERVELT (1800-1879) Mayor
 |.Samuel Demarest - Margrietje Brinckerhoff
 ||.Roelof S. Demarest - Maria Demarest
 || .Samuel R. Demarest - Elizabeth Zabriskie
 ||  .Cornelia Demarest - Jacob Blauvelt
 ||   .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
 ||    .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
 ||     .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
 ||      .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
 |.Fytje Demarest - Daniel Christie
 || .John Christie - Magdalena Banta
 ||  .John Christie - Anna Brinkerhoff
 ||   .Jacob Brinkerhoff - Elizabeth Van Houten
 ||    .JOHN WALTER CHRISTIE (1864-1944) engineer and inventor
 |.Sara Demarest - Jacob Cole
 | .Jacobus Demarest - Margrietie Cole
 |  .David Demarest - Magdalena Christie
 |   .Maria Christie Demarest - Aaron Lloyd
 |    .HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD (1847-1903) reformer
 |    .Caroline Augusta Lloyd - LOTHROP WITHINGTON (1856-1915) Lusitania victim
 .Simon Demarest - Vroutie Haring
 |.Samuel Demarest - Belitie Banta
 ||.Antje Demarest - Johannes Westervelt
 || .Vrouwtie Westervelt - Arie Westervelt
 ||  .JACOB A. WESTERVELT (1800-1879) Mayor
 |.David S. Demarest - Jannetje Campbell
 | .Simon Demarest - Annatie Banta
 |  .Samuel Demarest - Caroline Westervelt
 |   .Benjamin S. Demarest - Eliza Jane Zabriskie
 |    .Samuel B. Demarest - Wilhelmena Lindgren
 |     .CARL WILLIAM DEMAREST (1892-1983) film actor
 .Rachel Demarest - Jacobus Peek
 |.(Judith) Maria Peek - Cornelis Smith
 | .Margrietje Smith - Jacob Blauvelt
 |  .Cornelius Blauvelt - Elizabeth Lydecker
 |   .Jacob Blauvelt - Cornelia Demarest
 |    .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
 |     .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
 |      .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
 |       .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
 .Susanna Demarest - Benjamin Van Buskirk
  .Maria Van Buskirk - David J. Demarest
   .Jacobus Demarest - Margrietie Cole
   |.David Demarest - Magdalena Christie
   | .Maria Christie Demarest - Aaron Lloyd
   |  .HENRY DEMAREST LLOYD (1847-1903) reformer
   |  .Caroline Augusta Lloyd - LOTHROP WITHINGTON (1856-1915) Lusitania victim
   .Maria Demarest - Jan P. Durie
    .David Durie - Jannetje Van Wagenen
     .John Durie - Eliza A. VanderLinda
      .Jane Durie - William Henry Blauvelt
       .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
	.Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr

3530 and 3531 have other descendants, such as:

Lambert Huybertszen Mol - Tryn Pieters
.Marritie Lambertse Mol - Gerrit Hendrickszen (Blauvelt)
|.Hendrick Gerritszen Blauvelt - Marretje  Waldron
||.Harmanus Blauvelt - Catharina Ecker
|| .Abraham Blauvelt - Christina Eckerson
||  .Catrina Blauvelt - Petrus Westervelt
||   .Jacobus Westervelt - Eleanor Mealey
||   |.Louise Newell Westervelt - GEORGE FREDERICK BRISTOW (1825-1898) musician
||   |
||   .Harmanus Westervelt - Mary Summers
||    .John Irving Westervelt - Sarah Leak Douglas
||     .George William Westervelt - Ida Florence de Ryee
||      .GEORGE CONRAD WESTERVELT (1890-?) engineer, co-founder of Boeing
|.Huybert Blauvelt - Willemtje Ariaens
||.Gerrit Blauvelt - Katrina Meyer
|||.Abram Blauvelt - Maria Maris
||| .Geertje Blauvelt - Isaac Blauvelt
|||  .Isaac Blauvelt - Sarah Johnson
|||   .Abraham Blauvelt - Maria Blauvelt
|||    .Charity Blauvelt - Christian A. Hopper
|||     .Gerrit Henry Hopper - Elizabeth Griffiths
|||      .EDWARD HOPPER (1882-1967) artist - JOSEPHINE VERSTILLE NIVISON (1885-1968) artist
||.Dirckie Blauvelt - Jan Westervelt
|| .Jacobus Westervelt - Debora Van Schyven
|| |.Jacobus Westervelt - Maria Demaree
|| ||.Jacobus Westervelt  - Ufeme Cozine
|| || .Elizabeth Westerfield  - Cyrus Crawford Scott
|| ||  .William Henry Scott  - Esther Morrison
|| ||   .Easter Adella Scott - Charles Tillmon Hargrove
|| ||    .Sarah Virginia Hargrove - Colley Edward Martin
|| ||     .Gladys Lucille Martin - John Denham Timberlake
|| ||      .Charles L. Timberlake - Bobbye Joice
|| ||       .Randy Timberlake - Lynn Bomar or Harless
|| ||        .JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE (1981-living) singer
|| ||
|| |.Isaak Westervelt - Vroutje Arianse
|| | .Jacobus Westervelt - Elizabeth Nagel
|| |  .Elizabeth Westervelt - Jacob Westervelt
|| |   .Margaret Westervelt - John Fowler
|| |    .FRANK FOWLER (1852-1910) author, critic, artist
|| |
|| .Sara Westervelt - Johannes Verveelen
||  .Tietje Verveelen - Wilhelmus Ferdon
||   .Johannes Ferdon - Fytie Westervelt
||    .William Ferdon - Elizabeth Perry
||     .JOHN WILLIAM FERDON (1826-1184) Congressman
|.Johannes Gerritszen Blauvelt - (1) Jannetje Jochemse Van Wert (2) Catharina Cornelis Speets,
||.(by 1) Isaac Blauvelt - Elizabeth Meyer
|||.Annatje Blauvelt - Petrus Smith
||| .Gerrit Smith - Wyntje Lent
|||  .Petrus Smith - Elizabeth Livingston
|||   .Cornelia Smith - Walter Livingston Cochrane
|||   |.JOHN COCHRANE (1813-1898) General, Congressman
|||   |
|||   .GERRIT HENRY SMITH (1797-1874) Congressman - Ann Carroll Fitzhugh
|||    .ELIZABETH SMITH (1822-1911) suffragette - Charles Dudley Miller
|||     .GERRIT SMITH MILLER (1845-?) cattle breeder - Susan Hunt Dixwell
|||     |.GERRIT SMITH MILLER, Jr. (1869-1956) museum curator
|||     |
|||     .ANNE FITZHUGH MILLER (1856-1912) suffragette, philanthropist
||.(by 2) Elizabeth Blauvelt - Jan Nagel
|||.Johannes Nagel - Elizabeth Lydecker
||| .Elizabeth Nagel - Jacobus Westervelt
|||  .Elizabeth Westervelt - Jacob Westervelt
|||   .Margaret Westervelt - John Fowler
|||    .FRANK FOWLER (1852-1910) author, critic, artist
||.(by 2) David Blauvelt - Maria De Clark
|| .Maria Blauvelt - Petrus Haring
||  .Elizabeth Haring - Abraham Blauvelt
||   .Maria Blauvelt  - Abraham Blauvelt
||    .Charity Blauvelt - Christian A. Hopper
||     .Gerrit Henry Hopper - Elizabeth Griffiths
||      .EDWARD HOPPER (1882-1967) artist - JOSEPHINE VERSTILLE NIVISON (1885-1968) artist
|.Margrietje Blauvelt - Lambert Ariaenszen
||.Maria Smith - Hendrick LaRoe
|||.Margrietje LaRoe - Jonathan Traphagen
||| .Henry Traphagen - Margaret Wannamaker
|||  .Abraham H. Traphagen - Catherine Dubois
|||   .Wessel Traphagen - Bridget McCabe
|||    .Abraham Traphagen - Frances Osmun
|||     .Ida May Traphagen - Arthur Frank Kinnan
|||      .MARJORIE KINNAN (1896-1953) author
||.Gerrit Smith - Brechje Haring
|||.Petrus Smith - Annatje Blauvelt
||| .Gerrit Smith - Wyntje Lent
|||  .Petrus Smith - Elizabeth Livingston
|||   .Cornelia Smith - Walter Livingston Cochrane
|||   |.JOHN COCHRANE (1813-1898) General, Congressman
|||   |
|||   .GERRIT HENRY SMITH (1797-1874) Congressman - Ann Carroll Fitzhugh
|||    .ELIZABETH SMITH (1822-1911) suffragette - Charles Dudley Miller
|||     .GERRIT SMITH MILLER (1845-?) cattle breeder - Susan Hunt Dixwell
|||     |.GERRIT SMITH MILLER, Jr. (1869-1956) museum curator
|||     |
|||     .ANNE FITZHUGH MILLER (1856-1912) suffragette, philanthropist
||.Cornelis Smith - Vroutie Van Houten
|||.Cornelis Smith - Maria Peek
||| .Margrietje Smith - Jacob Blauvelt
|||  .Cornelius Blauvelt - Elizabeth Lydecker
|||   .Jacob Blauvelt - Cornelia Demarest
|||    .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
|||     .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
|||      .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
|||       .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
||.Abraham Smith - Marya Tallman
|| .Brechje Smith - Isaac De Pew
||  .Elizabeth De Pew - Jacobus Ackerman
||   .Eleanor Ackerman - Ralph Vanderlinda
||    .Eliza A. VanderLinda - John Durie
||     .Jane Durie - William Henry Blauvelt
||      .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
||       .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
||        .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
|.Abraham Gerritszen Blauvelt - Grietje Minne
||.Jacob Blauvelt - Pieterje Haring
|||.Isaac Blauvelt - Cathlyntje Haring
||||.Catrina Blauvelt - Claes Van Houten
|||| .ISAAC B. VAN HOUTEN (1776-1850) Congressman
|||.Johannes Blauvelt - Antje Blanch
||| .Jacob Blauvelt - Margrietje Smith
|||  .Cornelius Blauvelt - Elizabeth Lydecker
|||   .Jacob Blauvelt - Cornelia Demarest
|||    .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
|||     .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
|||      .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
|||       .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
||.Amerensje Blauvelt - Jan Haring
|||.Cathalyntje Haring - Isaac Blauvelt
||||.Catrina Blauvelt - Claes Van Houten
|||| .ISAAC B. VAN HOUTEN (1776-1850) Congressman
|||.Abraham Haring - Elizabeth Mabie
||| .Petrus Haring - Maria Blauvelt
|||  .Elizabeth Haring - Abraham Blauvelt
|||   .Maria Blauvelt - Abraham Blauvelt
|||    .Charity Blauvelt - Christian A. Hopper
|||     .Gerrit Henry Hopper - Elizabeth Griffiths
|||      .EDWARD HOPPER (1882-1967) artist - JOSEPHINE VERSTILLE NIVISON (1885-1968) artist
||.Elizabeth Blauvelt - Petrus De Pew
|||.Isaac De Pew - Brechje Smith
||| .Elizabeth De Pew - Jacobus Ackerman
|||  .Eleanor Ackerman - Ralph Vanderlinda
|||   .Eliza A. VanderLinda - John Durie
|||    .Jane Durie - William Henry Blauvelt
|||     .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
|||      .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
|||       .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
||.Grietje Blauvelt - Teunis Helling
|| .Jacomyntje Helling - Gerrit Demarest
||  .Lea Demarest - Peter P. Demarest
||   .Daniel Demarest - Lea Bogert
||    .David Demarest - Catherine Louise Nevius
||     .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president
|.Isaac Blauvelt - Saartje Van Schuyven
||.Isaac Blauvelt - Geertje Blauvelt
|| .Isaac Blauvelt - Sara Johnson
||  .Abraham Blauvelt - Maria Blauvelt
||   .Charity Blauvelt - Christian A. Hopper
||    .Gerrit Henry Hopper - Elizabeth Griffiths
||     .EDWARD HOPPER (1882-1967) artist - JOSEPHINE VERSTILLE NIVISON (1885-1968) artist
|.Marretje Blauvelt - Cosyn Haring
| .Jan Haring - Aeltie Van Dalsen
| |.Gerrit J. Haring - Cornelia Lent
| | .Catharina Haring - Jacobus Perry
| |  .William Ferdon - Elizabeth Perry
| |   .JOHN WILLIAM FERDON (1826-1184) Congressman
| |
| .Margrietje Haring - Jacobus Demarest
| |.Lea Demarest - Isaac Bogert
| | .Albert Bogert - Lea Demarest
| |  .Isaac Bogert - Margareta Durie
| |   .Lea Bogert - Daniel Demarest
| |    .David Demarest - Catherine Louise Nevius
| |     .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president
| |
| .Gerrit Demarest - Jacomyntje Helling
|  .Lea Demarest - Peter Demarest
|   .Daniel Demarest - Lea Bogert
|    .David Demarest - Catherine Louise Nevius
|     .WILLIAM HENRY STEELE DEMAREST (1863-1956) university president
.Abraham Mol - Jacomyntje Jacobs
|.Catalyntje Mol - Willem Hyer
| .Wouter Hyer - Janneke Van Vorst
|  .Willem Hyer - Neeltje Stoutenburgh
|   .Isaac Heyer - Jane Suydam
|    .Ann Duryea Heyer - JOHN FORSYTH (1811-1886) Associate Reformed clergyman
|    |
|    .Harriet Heyer - Henry Augustus Rowland
|    |.HENRY AUGUSTUS ROWLAND (1848-1901) inventor, physicist
|    |
|    .Eliza Brodhead Heyer - Abraham Polhemus
|     .Cornelia Whitney Polhemus - Oliver E. Cobb
|      .Jennie P. Cobb - George R. Bunker
|       .ELLSWORTH BUNKER (1894-1984) Ambassador
.Grietje Lambertse Mol - (1) Unknown, (2) Hans Jacobszen Harty

3544 and 3545 have other descendants, such as:

Andries Rees Van der Lipstradt - Ciletje Jans
.William Andrieszen Rees - Catrina Janse
.Elizabeth Rees - Jan Pieterszen Van Norden
 .Adam Janszen Van Orden - Abeltie Slot
 |.Elizabeth Van Orden - Jan Albertszen Van Voorhees
 | .Magdalena Van Voorhees - Gerrit D. Ackerman
 | |.Albert G. Ackerman - Antje Storr
 | | .Garret A. Ackerman - Letitia Van Schyven
 | |  .Frederick Ackerman - Jennette E. (__)
 | |   .GEORGE W. ACKERMAN (1884-1962) photographer (*)
 | |
 | .Elisabet Van Voorhees - Peter Post
 |  .Hannah Post - Martin Brown
 |   .Elizabeth Brown - Gamaliel Sanford
 |    .Hannah Maria Sanford - John Vinson
 |     .Frank Vinson - Eva Burritt
 |      .Frances de Rappelage Vinson - Charles Conrad
 |       .CHARLES CONRAD, Jr. (aka PETE CONRAD) (1930-1999) astronaut
 .Willem Van Norden - Temperance Loveridge
  .Margaret Van Norden - John Baptist Dumont
  |.William Van Norden Dumont - Elizabeth Tibbetts
  | .William Allen Dumont - Catharina Dederick
  |  .James Allen Dumont - Elizabeth M'Clenahan
  |   .May Dumont - EDWARD CLARK POTTER (1857-1923) sculptor
  .Jan Van Orden - Trintje DuBois
   .John Van Orden - Catharine Persen
    .Catherine Van Orden - Apollos Paulus Brando
     .James H. Brando - Nancy H. Joslin
      .Eugene E. Brando - Maria Gleason
       .Marlon Brando - Dorothy Julia Pennebaker
	.JOCELYN BRANDO (1919-2005) film and TV actor - DON HANMER (1919-2003) film and TV actor
	.MARLON BRANDO (1924-2004) film actor
	 - (1) Anna Kashfi
	 - (2) MOVITA (née MARIA CASTENDA) (1917-living) film actor
	 .(by 1) CHRISTIAN DEVI BRANDO (1958-2008) murderer
	 .(mother uncertain) STEVEN BLACKEHART (né STEFANO BRANDO) (1967-living) film actor

(*) more work needs to be done to verify that this is the correct lineage for George.

3550 and 3551 have other descendants, such as:

Pieter Winne - Tannetje Adams
.Adam Winne - Anna Loockermans
.Lavinus Winne - (1) Teuntje Martens [Van Buren], (2) Willempje Viele
|.(by 1) Petrus Winne - Maria Deforest
||.Levinus Winne - Susanna Wendell
|| .Robert Winne - Hillegonda Van Vranken
||  .Johannes R. Winne - Elizabet Dusenbury
||   .Moses J. Winne - Maria Lansing
||    .Maria Winne - RUSSELL SAGE (1816-1906) financier, Congressman
|.(by 1) Bata Winne - John Dunbar
||.Robert Dunbar - Cornelia Spoor
|||.Maria Dunbar - Symon Van Antwerp
||| .Sara Van Antwerp - Christopher Oley
|||  .Eleanor Oley - John Manning
|||   .DANIEL MANNING (1831-1887) Cabinet Official
||.Maria Dunbar - Joseph Yates
|| .Robert Yates - Jannetje Van Ness
|| |.Joseph Yates - Annatje Roosa
|| ||.Richard Yates - Margaret Mancius
|| || .GEORGE WILHELMUS MANCIUS YATES (1843-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
|| ||
|| |.JOHN VAN NESS YATES (1779-1839) State Secretary of State
|| |
|| .Nicholas Yates - Rebecca Fonda
||  .Joseph N. Yates - Alida Vedder
||   .Rebecca Yates - William Barent Wemple
||    .EDWARD WEMPLE (1843-1920) Congressman
|.(by 2) Sarah Winne - John Waters
| .Jannetje Waters - Gerrit J. Lansing
|  .JOHN LANSING, JR. (1754-1829) Continental Congress delegate - Cornelia Ray
|  |.Jane Lansing - RENSSELAER WESTERLO (1776-1851) Congressman
|  |
|  .Abraham Gerrit Lansing - Susannah Yates
|  |.GERRIT YATES LANSING (1783-1862) Congressman
|  |
|  .Gerrit G. Lansing - Maria Antill
|  |.RICHARD RAY LANSING (1789-1855) state capital namesake
|  |.Barent Bleeker Lansing - Sarah Ann Breese
|  | .HENRY LIVINGSTON LANSING (1818-1889) Brigadier-General - Catherine Olivia Gibson
|  |  .Livingston Lansing - Grace Cleveland Coxe
|  |  |.Cleveland Coxe Lansing - Abbie Livingston
|  |  | .Mary Lansing - PETER ARNO (né CURTIS ARNOUX PETERS, Jr.) (1904-1968) cartoonist
|  |  |
|  |  .Sarah Gibson Lansing - HENRY LAWRENCE BURNETT (1838-1916) General
|  |
|  .Sanders Lansing - Catherine Ten Eyck
|   .Abraham Ten Eyck Lansing - Jane Ann Stewart
|   |.FREDERICK LANSING (1838-1894) Congressman
|   |
|   .Robert Lansing - Maria Hubbard
|    .John Lansing - Mary Lay Dodge
|     .ROBERT LANSING (1864-1928) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
.Frans Winne - Elsje Gansevoort
|.Maria Winne - Barent Van Buren
||.Frans Van Buren - Johanna Van Slyck
|||.Peter Van Buren - Elizabeth Upham
||| .James Van Buren - Mary Lyman
|||  .JAMES LYMEN VAN BUREN (1837-1866) brevetted Brigadier-General
||.Harman Van Buren - Eva Van Slyck
|| .Barent Van Buren - Grace Denison
||  .Katherine Starr Van Buren - Milton Barney
||   .ALBERT MILTON BARNEY (1837-1886) Brevetted Brigadier-General
|.Annatje Winne - Johannes Hun
| .Thomas Hun - Elizabeth Wendell
|  .Abraham Hun - Maria Gansevoort
|   .Thomas Hun - Lydia Louisa Reynolds
|    .Marcus Tullius Hun - Mary Keith Vanderpoel
|     .Mary Vanderpoel Hun - CHARLES BROWN SEARS (1870-1950) jurist
|     .Susan Vanderpoel Hun - STEPHEN CARLTON CLARK (1882-1960) art collector
|      .Elizabeth Scriven Clark - Henry Richardson Labouisse
|       .Anne Labouisse - MARTIN H. PERETZ (1938-living) publisher
|        .JESSE PERETZ (1968-living) musician, videographer
.Aletta Winne - Caspar Leendertszen Conyn
|.Annetje Casparse Conyn - Gerrit Hendrickszen Van Wie
||.Alida Van Wie - Gerrit Van den Bergh
|||.Catharina Van den Bergh - Benjamin Goeway
||| .Gerrit Goeway - Aagie Look/Egjie Luke/Effie Luke
|||  .Magdalena Goeway - John Nathan Cutler
|||   .John Nathan Cutler - Mary E. Gould
|||    .JAMES GOULD CUTLER (1843-1927) Mayor, inventor
||.Anna Van Wie - Pieter Van Alen
|||.Maria Van Alen - Abraham Van Alstyne
||| .Annatje Van Alstyne - Philip Staats
||| |.Barent Staats - Maria Winne
||| | .Anna W. Staats - Sylvester Hall Laflin
||| |  .Jane Laflin - Francis Milton "I. M." Weaver
||| |   .Sylvester Laflin Weaver - Annabel Dixon
||| |   .SYLVESTER LAFLIN WEAVER, Jr. (1908-2002) TV executive
||| |   | - DESIRÉE HAWKINS INGLES (?-living) film actor
||| |   |.SIGOURNEY WEAVER (née SUSAN ALEXANDRA WEAVER) (1949-living) film actor
||| |   |
||| |   .WINSTEAD SHEFFIELD WEAVER (aka DOODLES WEAVER) (1911-1983) film actor
||| |
||| .Marytje Aan Alstyne - JAMES LAWRENCE HOGEBOOM (1766-1839) Congressman
||.Hendrick Gerritszen Van Wie - Catrina Waldron
|| .Gerrit Van Wie - Catharyna Lansing
|| |.Helena Van Wie - Jacob Hollenbeck
|| | .Henry Hollenbeck - Margaret McFadde
|| |  .Jacob Wesley Hollenbeck - Eliza Anna Nichols
|| |   .Jacob Grant Hollenbeck - Maybelle A. Parmalee
|| |    .CLIFTON WEBB (né WEBB PARMALEE HOLLENBECK) (1889-1966) film actor
|| |
|| .Willem Hendrickse Van Wie - Jannetje Lansing
||  .Garret Willem Van Wie - Sarah Walsh
||   .Eliza Ann Gerritse Van Wie - ALEXANDER JOY CARTWRIGHT (1820-1892) inventor of baseball
|.Casperus Conyn - Hendrickje Van Schaick
||.Marritje Conyn - Peter Van Alstyne
|| .Alida Van Alstyne - Simon Van Patten
||  .Peter Van Patten - Rebecca (__)
||   .Byron Van Patten - Elizabeth Abigail Butler
||    .John Peter Van Patten - Florence Tyler
||     .Richard Byron Van Patten - (1) Josephine Rose Acerno, (2) Eleanor Maria Della Gatta
||      .(by 1) RICHARD (DICK) VINCENT VAN PATTEN (1928-living) film and TV actor - Pat Poole
||      |.NELS VAN PATTEN (1955-living) film actor - NANCY VALEN (1970-living) film and TV actor
||      |.JAMES VAN PATTEN (1956-living) film actor - SHANA HIATT (1975-living) film and TV actor
||      |.VINCENT VAN PATTEN (1957-living) film and TV actor
||      | - (1) BETSEY RUSSELL (1964-living) film actor
||      | - (2) EILEEN DAVIDSON (1959-living) TV actor
||      |
||      .(by 1) JOYCE VAN PATTEN (1934-living) film and TV actor
||      . - (1) MARTIN HENRY BALSAM (1914-1996) film actor
||      . - (2) DENNIS DUGAN (1946-living) film and TV actor
||      |.(by 1) TALIA BALSAM (1960-living) film and TV actor
||      | - (1) GEORGE TIMOTHY CLOONEY (1961-living) film and TV actor
||      | - (2) JOHN SLATTERY (1963-living) film and TV actor
||      |
||      .(by 2) TIMOTHY VAN PATTEN (1959-living) film and TV actor
|.Eva Konyn - Teunis Oosterhout
| .Annatje Oosterhout - Austin Munson
| |.Lydia Maria Munson - Adam Ten Broeck
| | .John Van Rensselaer Ten Broeck - Emeline P. Parker
| | |.Amasa Junius Ten Broeck - Josephine Alida Howard
| | | .Mary Josephine Ten Broeck - Abram Olin Whipple
| | |  .Esther Olin Whipple - Frank William Jones
| | |   .WHIPPLE VAN NESS JONES (1909-2001) ski industry pioneer
| | |
| | .Austin Munson Ten Broeck - Margaret Van Hoesen
| |  .Rensselaer Ten Broeck - Phoebe Wilson
| |   .Nellie Edna Ten Broeck - John Peter Stevens
| |    .ROBERT TEN BROECK STEVENS (1899-1983) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
| |
| .Aletteka Oosterhout - Lambert Van Alstyne
|  .Lambert Van Alstyne - Elizabeth Lee
|   .Thomas Van Alstyne - Shenzada Roosevelt
|    .Egbert Benson Van Alstyne - Elizabeth Campbell
|     .Charles Van Alstyne - Emma Rogers
|      .EGBERT ANSON VAN ALSTYNE (1882-1951) songwriter
.Lyntje Winne - Hendrick Witbeck
.Daniel Winne - Dirkje Van Ness
|.Pieter Winne - Rachel Van Alen
||.Tanneke Winne - Marten DeForest
|| .Jacob DeForest - Annatie Lansing
||  .Obadiah Lansing DeForest - Sarah Ann Vedder
||   .HENRY SCHERMERHORN DEFOREST (1847-1917) Congressman
|.Killian Winne - Rebecca Fonda
||.Frans Winne - Anneke Viele
|||.Killian Winne - Mary Jane Perry
||| .Francis K. Winne - Dorcas Tefft
|||  .Emma Winne - John B. Winne
|||   .DEWITT C. WINNE (1845-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
||.Douwe Winne - Anna Boice
|| .John B. Winne - Emma Winne
||  .DEWITT C. WINNE (1845-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
|.Willem Winne - Maria de Wandelaer
| .Elizabeth Winne - Johanes Knickerbocker, Jr.
|  .HARMEN KNICKERBOCKER (1779-1855) Congressman
|  |
|  .Derkye Knickerbacker - Evert Van Alen
|  |.Christine Cantine Van Alen - Cornelius Van Reypen
|  | .WILLIAM KNICKERBACKER VAN REYPEN (1840-1924) Rear Admiral
|  |
|  .Cathalyntje Knickerbocker - JOHN LUDOVICUS VIELE (1788-1832) lawyer
|   .EGBERT LUDOVICUS VIELE (1825-1902) engineer - Teresa Griffin
|    .FRANCIS VIELE-GRIFFIN (1864-1937) poet
.Rachel Winne - Jellis Fonda
 .Douw Fonda - Maritje Vrooman
 |.Jelles Fonda - Jannetje Vrooman
 ||.Mary Fonda - Anthony Van Vechten
 || .Jellis Fonda Van Vechten - Catherine Van Brocklen
 ||  .Gilbert Van Vechten - Ilona Bent
 ||   .Charles Duane Van Vechten - Ada Amanda Fitch
 ||    .CARL VAN VECHTEN (1880-1964) photographer - FANIA MARINOFF (1890-1971) stage and film actor
 |.Adam Fonda - Neeltje Breese
 | .Douw Adam Fonda - Lavina Breese
 |  .Garrett Tunis B. Fonda - Rachel Polhemus
 |   .Ten Eyck Hilton Fonda - Harriet McNeil
 |    .William Brace Fonda - Herberta Jaynes
 |     .HENRY JAYNES FONDA (1905-1982) film actor
 |      - (1) MARGARET BROOKE SULLIVAN (1911-1960) film actor
 |      - (2) Frances Ford Seymour
 |      .(by 2) PETER HENRY FONDA (1939-living) actor - Susan Brewer
 |      |.BRIDGET JANE FONDA (1964-living) film actor
 |      | - DANIEL ROBERT ELFMAN (1953-living) composer, musician
 |      |
 |      .(by 2) JANE SEYMOUR FONDA (1937-living) film actor
 |        - (1) ROGER VLADMIR PLEMIANNIKOV (alias VADIM) (1928-2000) film director
 |        - (2) THOMAS HAYDEN (1939-living) Chicago Seven member
 |       .(by 2) TROY (HAYDEN) GARITY (1973-living) film actor
 |        - (3) ROBERT EDWARD TURNER III (aka TED) (1938-living) media mogul
 .Rebecca Fonda - Killian Winne
 |.Frans Winne - Anneke Viele
 ||.Killian Winne - Mary Jane Perry
 || .Francis K. Winne - Dorcas Tefft
 ||  .Emma Winne - John B. Winne
 ||   .DEWITT C. WINNE (1845-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
 |.Douwe Winne - Anna Boice
 | .John B. Winne - Emma Winne
 |  .DEWITT C. WINNE (1845-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
 .Eva Fonda - Joseph Yates
 |.Christopher Yates - Jannetje Bradt
 ||.JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER YATES (1768-1837) Mayor, Governor
 ||.Henry C. Yates - Catherine Mynderse
 |||.Edward Yates - Elizabeth Jane Miller
 ||||.Mary Yates - Septimus Henry Norris
 |||| .Elizabeth Norris - Charles Platt II
 ||||  .Charles Platt III - Dorothy Falcon Sims
 ||||   .Elizabeth Norris Platt - Erastus Corning
 ||||    .ERASTUS CORNING II (1909-1983) Mayor
 |||.Charles Yates - Josephine Bosworth
 ||||.Stella Yates - BENJAMIN BREWSTER (1860-1941) P.E. Bishop of western Colorado, Bishop of Maine
 |||.Jane Anne Yates - Edward Satterlee
 ||| .HENRY YATES SATTERLEE (1843-1908) P.E. Bishop of the diocese of Washington
 ||.JOHANNES BARENTSE YATES (1784-1836) Congressman
 |.Catalyntje Yates - Cornelis Peek
 | .Cornelis Peek - Neeltje Bancker
 |  .Christoffel Peek - Hester Mabie
 |   .Alonzo Paige Peeke - Deborah Parker Provost
 |    .Eloise Stelle Peeke - Frank Solomon Cummings
 |     .Jean Grinnell Cummings - George Harris Collingwood
 |      .CHARLES CUMMINGS COLLINGWOOD (1917-1985) TV newscaster - LOUISE ALLBRITON (1920-1979) film and TV actor
 .Abraham Fonda - Susanna Glen
  .Rebecca Fonda - Nicholas Yates
   .Joseph N. Yates - Alida Vedder
    .Rebecca Yates - William Barent Wemple
     .EDWARD WEMPLE (1843-1920) Congressman

(6798 and 6799) and (6894 and 6895) have other descendants, such as:

Auke Janszen Van Nuyse - Magdalena Pieterse
.Geertruyd Auckersz Van Nuys - Joost Franszen
.Janneke Auckersz - Reiner Arendsz.
|.Helena Reyniersen - Charel Fonteyn
||.Leah Fonteyn - John Smock
|| .Jacob Smock - Tryntje Demarest
||  .Leah Smock - Gerardus Ryker
||   .Rachel Ryker - Peter Hughey
||    .Jared Hughey - Mary Roberts
||     .Henry McClellan Hughey - Violet Elizabeth Dodge
||      .Maude Matilda Hughey - Edmund Emial Kemper
||       .Edmund Emil Kenmper - Clarnell Stage
||        .EDMUND EMIL KEMPER III (1948-living) seriel killer
|.Auke Reyniersen - Eytie Vonck
| .Magdalena Aukese Reyniersen - Christopher Van Arsdalen
| |.John Van Arsdalen - (1) Deborah Van Pelt, (2) Catherine Mills
| | .(by 1) JOHN JACOB VAN ARSDALEN (1756-1832) patriot - Mary Crawford
| | |.Elizabeth Van Arsdale - James Riker
| | | .JAMES RIKER, JR. (1822-1889) genealogist
| | | .JOHN LAFAYETTE RIKER (1828-1862) Army officer
| | |
| | .(by 2) James Mills Van Arsdale - Francis Haines
| |  .James Haines Van Orsdal - Rachel Finch
| |   .JOHN MILLS VAN OSDEL (1811-1891) architect
| |
| .Alida Aukese Reyniersen - Paulus Amerman
|  .Geertje Amerman - Hendrick Gulick
|   .Catrina Gulick - Joseph Kitchen
|    .Alena Kitchen - Hezekiah Thatcher
|     .Harriet Ann Thatcher - WILLIAM BOWKER PRESTON (1830-1908) Presiding Bishop of the LDS Church
|     |
|     .MOSES THATCHER (1842-1909) LDS Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
.Abigail Van Nuyse - Leffert Pieterse
|.Aeltie Lefferts - Johannes Janszen Sebring
||.Leffert Sebring - Jannetie De Groot
|||.Sophia Sebring - Jeremiah Field
||| .John Field - Ida Ten Eyck
|||  .Alletta Maria Field - Charles Wyckoff
|||   .Isabella Wyckoff - George Victor Totto
|||    .Ida Ten Eyck Totto - Francis Calyxtus O'Keffe
|||     .GEORGIA TOTTO O'KEEFFE (1887-1986) artist - ALFRED STIEGLITZ 1864-1946) photographer
|||     .Anita Ten Eyck O'Keefe - ROBERT RALPH YOUNG (1897-1958) businessman
||.Geertruy Sebring - Cornelis Van Ranst
|| .Johannes Van Ranst - Mary Willett
||  .CORNELIUS WILLETT VAN RANST (1763-1841) horse trainer and breeder
|.Auke Lefferts - Marytie Ten Eyck
||.Abigail Hagewout Lefferts - Cyrenus Van Mater
|| .Mary Van Mater - John Polhemus
||  .Margaret Polhemus - Chrieyonce Schenck
||   .John C. Schenck - Margaret Polhemus
||    .Mary Schenck - John Woodhull Conover
||     .John Chrineyonce Conover - Elizabeth Laura Lloyd
||      .John Howard Conover - Marguerite Anna Cameron
||       .LLOYD HILLIARD CONOVER (1923-?) inventor
|.Pieter Lefferts - Ida Suydam
||.Jan Lefferts - Sarah Martense
|||.Pieter Lefferts - Femmetje Hegeman
||| .JOHN LEFFERTS (1785-1829) Congressman
||.Jacobus Lefferts - Catrina Vanderveer
|||.Abigail Lefferts - Bateman Loyd
||| .Lydia Loyd  - Jeremiah Lott
|||  .Catharine Lott - JOHN A. LOTT (1806-1878) New York State Court of Appeals Judge
||.Antje Lefferts - Garret Kouwenhoven
|||.William Kouwenhoven - Johanna Wyckoff
||| .George Kouwenhoven - Ann Bergen
|||  .William G. Kouwenhoven - Gertrude Bergen
|||   .Teunis Garret Bergen Kouwenhoven - Phebe Florence Bennett
|||    .WILLIAM BENNETT KOUWENHOVEN (1886-1975) inventor
||.Adrianetje Lefferts - Abraham Van Voorhees
|| .Mary Voorhees - Hendrick Vanderveer
||  .ABRAHAM VANDERVEER (1781-1839) Congressman
|.Jan Lefferts - Margrietje (__)
||.Leffert Lefferts - Mary Smith
|| .Daniel Lefferts - Susanna Skidmore
||  .Maria Lefferts - Burr Dauchy
||   .Edward Nathan Dauchy - Marion Reid Pardee
||    .Charlotte Dauchy - ALONZO ISAAC ALDEN (1834-1900) Breveted Brigadier-General (Union Army)
|.Jacobus Lefferts - Jannetje Bloom
||.Abigail Lefferts - Lambert Suydam
|||.Jacobus Suydam - Adriana Rapalje
||| .Cornelia Suydam - Abraham Polhemus
|||  .Abraham Polhemus - Eliza Brodhead Heyer
|||   .Eliza Heyer Polhemus - William Eliot Fette
|||    .Margaret Davenport Fette - Atherton Noyes
|||     .ELLIOT FETTE NOYES (1910-1977) architect and industrial designer
||.Leffert Lefferts - Dorothea Couwenhoven
|| .Jacobus Lefferts - Maria Lott
|| |.Maria Lott Lefferts - JOHN LEFFERTS (1785-1829) Congressman
|| |
|| .John L. Lefferts - Sarah Cowenhoven
||  .Leffert Lefferts - Amelia Ann Cozine
||   .Maria Lefferts - JOHN MCKESSON (1807-1893) Company founder
||   |.John McKesson - Leila Forbes
||   | .Irving McKesson - Mary Henderson
||   |  .MALCOLM FORBES MCKESSON (1909-1999) artist and author
||   |
||   .MARSHALL LEFFERTS (1821-1876) engineer - Mary Allen
||    .GEORGE MOREWOOD LEFFERTS (1846-?) physician
|.Abraham Lefferts - Sarah Hoagland
||.Dirck Lefferts - Elsje Kock
|| .Abraham Lefferts - Effie (__)
||  .Ann Lefferts - John Mitchel Mason
||   .Euphemia Provoost Mason - John Knox
||    .James Hall Mason Knox - Louise Wakeman
||     .Louise Wakeman Knox - LOUIS COMFORT TIFFANY (1848-1933) artist
||      .Louise Comfort Tiffany - Rodman Drake DeKay Gilder
||       .Richard Watson Gilder - Anne Spring Alsop
||        .GEORGE FRANKLIN GILDER (1939-living) economist
|.Magdelena Lefferts - Garret Martense
| .Sarah Martense - Jan Lefferts
|  .Pieter Lefferts - Femmetje Hegeman
|   .JOHN LEFFERTS (1785-1829) Congressman
.Jacobus Van Nuys - Marie Williams Cornel
|.Isaac Jacobusz Van Nuys - Catrina Vanderveer
| .Jan Van Nuys - Maritie Van Arsdalen
| |.Isaac Van Nuys - Nelly Quick
| ||.John Van Nuys - Lucy Brokaw
| || .Peter Van Nuys - Harriet Kerr
| ||  .ISAAC NEWTON VAN NUYS (1836-1912) Los Angeles pioneer and land baron
| ||
| |.Maria Van Nuys - William Terhune
| | .Garret Terhune - Nancy Davis
| |  .James Terhune - Eusebia Nay
| |  |.Asa Garret Terhune - Nancy Williams
| |  | .ROBERT MAX TERHUNE (1891-1973) film actor - Maude Cassidy
| |  |  .ROBERT MAX TERHUNE. Jr. (1928-living) film actor, stuntman
| |  |
| |  .Margaret Terhune - Henderson Ragsdale
| |   .Ida Catherine Ragsdale - James Madison Vandivier
| |    .Ara Virgil Vandivier - Isabella W. Daugherty
| |     .ROBERT POLK VANDIVIER (1903-1983) Basketball Hall of Famer
| |
| .Isaac Van Nuyse - Vroutie Quick
|  .John Van Nice - Alice/Letitia Carnine
|   .Sarah Van Nice - Christopher Fullenwider
|    .Susan Catherine Fullenwider - Harvey Marion La Follette
|     .WILLIAM LEROY LA FOLLETTE (1860-?) Congressman - Mary Tabor
|      .SUZANNE CLARA LA FOLLETTE (1893-1983) journalist
|      .ROBERT CHESTER LA FOLLETTE (1897-1993) artist
.Femmetje Aukes Van Nuys - Jan Stevense Van Voorhees
 .Willemptje Van Voorhees - Jacobus Wyckoff
 |.Nicholas Wyckoff - Maria Wall
 | .Myrtle Maria Wyckoff - Hendrick Pittenger
 |  .Henry Pittenger - Mary (Polly) Barcus
 |   .Rebecca Pittenger - William Dwire
 |    .Mary Ann Dwire - William Henry
 |     .Charles Delano Henry - Florence Ida Weed
 |      .LOU HENRY (1874-1944) First Lady - HERBERT CLARK HOOVER (1874-1964) U.S. President
 .Jan Van Voorhees - Neeltje Nevius
 |.Abraham Voorhees - Elizabeth Sebring
 | .John Voorhees - Keziah Falkerson
 |  .PHILIP FALKERSON VOORHEES (1792-1862) naval officer
 .Abraham Van Voorhees - Styntje Vandervoort
  .Lena Van Voorhees - Denys Van Duyn
  |.Abraham Van Duyn - Ada Sutphen
  | .John Van Duyn - Susannah Merchon
  |  .Abraham Van Duyn - Sarah Baylis
  |   .John Van Duyn - Sarah Ann Faulkes
  |    .EDWARD SEGUIN VAN DUYN (1872-1955) Planned Parenthood founder
  .Abraham Van Voorhees - Catherine Doty
   .Abraham Van Voorhees - Mary Workman Voorhees
    .NELSON HOLMES VAN VORHES (1822-1882) Congressman

(6815 and 6911) and her two husbands have other descendants, such as:

Maria Vigné - (1) Jan Roos, (2) Abraham Isaacszen Verplanck
.(by 1) Gerrit Janszen Roos - (1) Aeltje Lamberts Wolf, (2) Tryntje Arents
|.(by 1) Pieter Roos - Elisabeth van 't Horsken
||.Cornelis Roos - Robert Benson
|| .Elizabeth Benson - Harmen Rutgers
|| |.Robert Rutgers - Elizabeth Beekman
|| ||.Gerard Rutgers - Margaret Sarah Bayard
|| || .Anthony Rutgers - Sarah Alexander Johnson
|| ||  .Catherine Bayard Rutgers - Theodore Grant Neilson
|| ||   .Nicholas Bayard Neilson - Sarah G. Chapman
|| ||    .Ruth Rapalje Neilson - THOMAS MELVILLE DILL (1876-1945) Attorneys General of Bermuda
|| ||     .DIANA LOVE DILL (1923-living) film actor
|| ||      - KIRK DOUGLAS (né ISSUR DANIELOVITCH DEMSKY) (1916-living) film actor
|| ||      .MICHAEL KIRK DOUGLAS (1944-living) film actor
|| ||       - CATHERINE ZETA-JONES (née CATHERINE JONES) (1969-living) film actor
|| ||
|| |.Cornelia Rutgers - Jacob LeRoy
|| | .Herman LeRoy - Hannah Cornell
|| | |.Cornelia LeRoy - William Edgar
|| | ||.Hannah Edgar - Robert Rutherford Morris
|| | || .Katharine Augusta Morris - Henry D. Phelp
|| | ||  .Helena Van Cortlandt Phelps - ROBERT TEMPLE EMMET (1854-1936) Congressional Medal of Honor
|| | ||
|| | |.Catherine Augusta LeRoy - Thomas Newbold
|| | ||.Hannah Cornell Newbold - William Henry Morris
|| | || .Augustus Newbold Morris - Eleanor Colford Jones
|| | ||  .Newbold Morris - Helen Schermerhorn Kingsland
|| | ||   .Stephen Van Cortlandt Morris - Persis Warren Mason
|| | ||    .Helen Schermerhorn Morris - MARTIN CHARLES SCORSESE (1942-living) film director
|| | ||
|| | |.Herman Leroy - Janet Edgar
|| | ||.WILLIAM EDGAR LEROY (1817-1888) Rear Admiral
|| | ||
|| | |.Caroline LeRoy - DANIEL WEBSTER (1782-1852) U.S. Cabinet Secretary, Senator
|| | ||
|| | |.Daniel LeRoy - Susan Elizabeth Fish
|| | | .Mary Augusta LeRoy - Edward King
|| | |  .LeRoy King - Ethel Ledyard Rhinelander
|| | |   .LeRoy King - Mary Isabel Lockwood
|| | |   |.Bayard LeRoy King - Moya Beryl Shields
|| | |   | .Adelaide Alexandra King - ILIE NASTASE (1946-living) tennis player
|| | |   |
|| | |   .FREDERICK RHINELANDER KING (1887-1972) architect
|| | |
|| | .Maria Anna LeRoy - John Livingston
|| | |.Cornelia Livingston - Nicholas Gouverneur Rutgers
|| | ||.Mary Anne LeRoy Rutgers - James Holbrook Whitney
|| | || .Alfred Rutgers Whitney - Adeline P. Nesbitt
|| | ||  .Elsie Montgomery Whitney - Harold Ely Griswold
|| | ||   .ALFRED WHITNEY GRISWOLD (1906-1963) University President
|| | ||
|| | |.ROBERT LEROY LIVINGSTON (1778-1836) Congressman
|| | ||
|| | |.Henry Livingston - Ann Eliza Van Ness
|| | | .Ann Bay Livingston - Charles Henry Hedges
|| | |  .Annie Livingston Hedges - Elisha William McKinstry
|| | |   .Charles Hedges McKinstry - Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury Wells
|| | |    .Sarah Griffin McKinstry - George Johnson Hall
|| | |     .WILLIAM BRADFORD HALL (1958-living) TV actor
|| | |      - JULIA SCARLET ELIZABETH LOUIS-DREYFUS (1961-living) TV actor
|| | |
|| | .Jacob LeRoy - Martha Banyer
|| | |.Mary LeRoy - Henry White
|| | ||.John Campbell White - Eliza Ridgely
|| | || .HENRY WHITE (1850-1927) Ambassador
|| | ||
|| | |.Harriet LeRoy - Campbell Patrick White
|| | | .Catharine E. White - John Stewart
|| | |  .Campbell White Stewart - Margaret Atherton Beeckman
|| | |   .Katherine Stewart - HALLET JOHNSON (1887-?) Ambassador
|| | |
|| | .Catherine Rutgers - Jacob LeRoy
|| |  .Elizabeth LeRoy - GULIAN McEVERS (?-1807) Buttonwood Agreement signer
|| |  |
|| |  |.Catherine Augusta McEvers - Hugh Birckhead
|| |  | .Ella Birckhead - William Henry Morris
|| |  |  .Augusta McEvers Morris - Frederic de Peyster
|| |  |   .Ella Morris de Peyster - MORTON LEWIS SCHWARTZ (1882-1953) horse owner
|| |  |
|| |  .Robert LeRoy - Catherine Cuyler
|| |   .Jacob Rutgers LeRoy - Helen Otis
|| |    .Charlotte LeRoy - Henry de Koven
|| |     .HENRY LOUIS REGINALD DE KOVEN (1857-1920) composer, music critic
|| |      - ANNA FARWELL (1860-1953) author
|| |
|| .Tryntje Benson - Martin Hoffman
|| |.Cornelia Hoffman - Isaac Roosevelt
|| ||.James Roosevelt - Mary Eliza Walton
|| |||.Isaac Roosevelt - Susan Howland
|| ||||.James Roosevelt - Sara Delano
|| |||| .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (1882-1945) U.S. President
|| |||| - ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962) First Lady
|| ||||  .JAMES ROOSEVELT (1907-1991) Congressman - BETSEY MARIA CUSHING (1908-1998) philanthropist
|| ||||  .ELLIOT ROOSEVELT (1910-1990) author - FAYE EMERSON (1917-1983) film and TV actor
|| ||||  .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1914-1988) Congressman
|| ||||
|| |||.Grace Roosevelt - Guy Carleton Bayley
|| ||| .JAMES ROOSEVELT BAYLEY (1814-1877) Catholic Archbishop
|| |||
|| ||.Maria Roosevelt - RICHARD VARICK (1753-1831) Mayor
|| ||
|| |.Nicholas Hoffman - Sarah Ogden
|| ||.Martin Hoffman - Beulah Murray
|| |||.David Murray Hoffman - Frances Amelia Burrall
|| ||||.WICKHAM HOFFMAN (1821-1900) diplomat
|| ||||
|| |||.Lindley Murray Hoffman - Susan Lindley Ogden
|| ||| .Elizabeth Hoffman - GEORGE MACCULLOCH MILLER (1832-1917) railorad president
|| |||
|| ||.Josiah Ogden Hoffman - Mary Colden
|| || .JOSIAH OGDEN HOFFMAN (1793-1856) Congressman
|| ||
|| |.Robert Hoffman - Sarah Van Alstyne
|| ||.Elizabeth Hoffman - THEODORUS BAILEY (1758-1828) General, Senator, Congressman
|| |||
|| ||.Mary Hoffman - Samuel Thorn
|| || .Stephen S. Thorne - Mary Sleight
|| ||  .Esther Thorne - BENJAMIN PLATT CARPENTER (1837-1921) Governor
|| ||
|| |.Harmanus Hoffman - Catharine Douw
|| | .Martin H. Hoffman - Gertrude P. Van Ness
|| | |.Catharine Douw Hoffman - Henry G. Philip
|| | | .William Henry Philip - Eliza Worthington
|| | |  .HOFFMAN PHILIP (1872-1951) Ambassador
|| | |
|| | .Anna Hoffman - William McClelland
|| |  .Jennet Mc Clelland - Nicholas Van Vranken
|| |   .Anna Van Vranken - RICHARD HANSEN FRANCHOT (1816-1875) General, Congressman, railroad president
|| |    .Stanislas Pascal Franchot - Annie Powers Eells
|| |     .Gertrude Van Vranken Franchot - FRANK JEROME TONE (1868-1945) businessman
|| |      .STANISLAS PASCAL FRANCHOT TONE (1905-1968) film actor
|| |       - (1) JOAN CRAWFORD (née LUCILLE FAY LESUEUR) (1904-1977) film actor
|| |       - (2) JEAN WALLACE (née JEAN WALASEK) (1923-1990) film actor
|| |       - (3) BARBARA PAYTON (née BARBARA LEE REDFIELD) (1927-1967) film actor
|| |       - (4) DOLORES DORN (née DOLORES HEFT) (1934-?) film actor
|| |
|| .Robert Benson - Tryntje Van Borsum
||  .Robert Benson - Dinah Couwenhoven
||  |.John Benson - Sarah Middagh Lawrence
||  | .David Sutart - Sarah Lawrence Benson
||  |  .Sarah Lawrence Stuart - PHILIP HENRY COOPER (1844-1912) admiral
||  |
||  .EGBERT BENSON (1746-1833) Continental Congress delegate, Congressman, State Supreme Court Judge
|.Johannes Roos - Cornelia (__)
||.Cornelia Roos - Anthony Rutgers
|| .Alice Elsie Rutgers - Leonard Lispenard
||  .Cornelia Lispenard - Thomas Marston
||   .Margaret Marston - William Young
||    .Charlotte Young - Henry Martin Beare
||     .Henry Martin Beare - Charlotte Grosvenor
||      .Charlotte Grosvenor Beare - EDWARD LIVINGSTON TRUDEAU (1848-1915) physician
||       .Francis Berger Trudeau - Jean Douglas Moore
||        .GARRETSON BEEKMAN TRUDEAU (1948-living) comic strip artist
||         - MARGARET JANE PAULEY (1950-living) televison personality
|.(by 2) Aefje Roos - Johannes Van Gelder
| .David Van Gelder - Elizabeth Van der Beek
|  .Catherine Van Gelder - David Provoost
|   .Lucas Provoost - Catherine Hennion
|    .Luke Provoost - Julia Ann Wheeler
|     .Julie Ann Provoost - David Van Wagenen
|      .Alma Van Wagenen - Birdie Ethel Gray
|       .Frank Alton Van Wagenen - Phyllis Barker
|        .Lola Jean Van Wagenen - CHARLES ROBERT REDFORD, Jr. (1937-living) film actor
|         .DAVID JAMES REDFORD (1962-living) screenwriter, institute founder
|         .AMY HART REDFORD (1970-living) film actor
.(by 2) Guleyn Verplanck - Hendrickje Jans
|.Samuel Verplanck - Ariaentie Bayard
| .Gulian Verplanck - Mary Crommelin
| |.Samuel Verplansk - Judith Crommelin
| ||.DANIEL CROMMELIN VERPLANCK (1762-1834) Congressman - Elizabeth Johnson
| || .GULIAN CROMMELIN VERPLANCK (1786-1870) Congressman
| ||
| |.Ann Verplanck - Gabriel George Ludlow
| ||.Gabriel Verplanck Ludlow - Elizabeth Hunter
| || .Edward Hunter Ludlow - Elizabeth Livingston
| ||  .Mary Livingston Ludlow - Valentine Gill Hall, Jr.
| ||   .Anna Rebecca Hall - Elliot Roosevelt
| ||    .ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962) First Lady
| ||    - FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (1882-1945) U.S. President
| ||     .JAMES ROOSEVELT (1907-1991) Congressman - BETSEY MARIA CUSHING (1908-1998) philanthropist
| ||     .ELLIOT ROOSEVELT (1910-1990) author - FAYE EMERSON (1917-1983) film and TV actor
| ||     .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1914-1988) Congressman
| ||
| |.Mary Verplanck - Charles McEvers
| ||.GULIAN McEVERS (?-1807) Buttonwood Agreement signer
| ||
| |.GULIAN VERPLANCK (1751-1799) New York State Assembly Speaker - Cornelia Johnstone
| | .Maria Cornelia Ver Planck - William Allen
| |  .Frances Anne Allen - JARED SPARKS (1789-1866) college president
| |
| .Jacobus Verplanck - Margarita Schuyler
|  .Philip Verplanck - Gertrude Van Cortlandt
|   .Philip Verplanck - Aefje Beekman
|    .Catharine Verplanck - Harmanus Hoffman
|    |.Samuel Verplanck Hoffman - Glorvina Rosil Storm
|    | .Charles Frederick Hoffman - Eleanor Louisa Vail
|    |  .Laura Isabel Hoffman - JACOB VAN VECHTEN OLCOTT (1856-1940) Congressman
|    |
|    .Anna Maria Verplanck - Andrew De Veaux, Jr.
|     .Julia De Veaux - John Hare Powell
|      .Julia DeVeaux Powell - WILLIAM PARKER FOULKE (1816-1865) fossil hobbyist
|       .George Rhyfedd Foulke - Jean Du Val Leiper Kane
|        .JEAN KANE FOULKE (1891-?) reformer - ELEUTHERE PAUL DU PONT (1887-1950) industrialist
.(by 2) Catalyna Verplanck - David Pieterszen Schuyler
|.Pieter Davidtszen Schuyler - Alida Van Slichtenhorst
||.Catalina Schuyler - Jacob Bogart
|||.Jannetje Bogart - Sybrant Van Schaick
||| .Gerrit Van Schaick - Elizabeth Van Slyck
|||  .Jannetje Van Schaick - Arent Abraham Bradt
|||   .Abram Bradt - Sarah Van Slyck
|||    .John Bradt - Mary Kelly
|||     .Mary Bradt - DAVID WARFIELD (1866-1951) stage actor
||.David Schuyler - (__)
|| .Alida Schuyler - George Herkimer
||  JOHN HERKIMER (1773-1848) Congressman
|.Geertruy Schuyler - Willem Groesbeck
||.Nicholas Groesbeck - Marytje Quackenbosch
|||.Wouter Groesbeck - Maria Bogardus
||| .Nicholas Groesbeck - Sarah Becker
|||  .Harmen Bogardus Groesbeck - Maria Bovie
|||   .Nicholas Groesbeck - Elizabeth Thomspon
|||    .Josephine Groesbeck - JOHN HENRY SMITH (1848-1911) notable Mormon
||.Cathalina Groesbeck - Jan Van Ness
|||.Willem Van Ness  - Geertruy Hogeboom
||||.Petrus Van Ness - Elbertje Hogeboom
|||||.JOHN PETER VAN NESS (1770-1846) Congressman, Mayor
|||||.Gertrude P. Van Ness - Martin H. Hoffman
||||||.Catharine Douw Hoffman - Henry G. Philip
|||||| .William Henry Philip - Eliza Worthington
||||||  .HOFFMAN PHILIP (1872-1951) Ambassador
|||||.CORNELIUS PETER VAN NESS (1782-1852) Governor - Rhoda Savage
||||| .JAMES P. VAN NESS (1808-1872) Mayor - Frances Caroline Lesley
|||||  .Eliza B. Van Ness - FRANK MCCOPPIN (1834-1897) Mayor
||||.Willem Van Ness - Elisabeth Cantine
|||||.William Van Ness - Jane Bay
||||| .Henry Livingston - Ann Eliza Van Ness
|||||  .Ann Bay Livingston - Charles Henry Hedges
|||||   .Annie Livingston Hedges - Elisha William McKinstry
|||||    .Charles Hedges McKinstry - Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury Wells
|||||     .Sarah Griffin McKinstry - George Johnson Hall
|||||      .WILLIAM BRADFORD HALL (1958-living) TV actor
|||||       - JULIA SCARLET ELIZABETH LOUIS-DREYFUS (1961-living) TV actor
||||.Jannetje Van Ness - Robert Yates
|||||.Joseph Yates - Annatje Roosa
||||||.Richard Yates - Margaret Mancius
|||||| .GEORGE WILHELMUS MANCIUS YATES (1843-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
|||||.JOHN VAN NESS YATES (1779-1839) State Secretary of State
||||.Catharine Van Ness - Casper Huyck
|||| .Gertrude Huyck - George Pearson
||||  Catlyna Pearson - JOSEPH GILBERT TOTTEN (1788-1864) engineer
|||.Jan Van Ness - Sara Van Alen
||| .Isaac Van Ness - Rachel Banks
|||  .Elizabeth Van Ness - John Quackenbush Huyck
|||   .Rachel Landon Huyck - Charles Gilbert Van Alstyne
|||    .HENRY ARTHUR VAN ALSTYNE (1869-1947) civil engineer
||.David Groesbeck - Maria Vanderpoel
|||.Catrina Groesbeck - Casparus Pruyn
||| .Francis C. Pruyn - Cornelia Dunbar
||| |.Casparus F. Pruyn - Anne Hewson
||| | .ROBERT HEWSON PRUYN (1815-1882) diplomat, NY Assembly Speaker - Ann Lansing
||| |  .ROBERT CLARENCE PRUYN (1847-1934) inventor, banker
||| |
||| .David Pruyn - Huybertje Lansing
|||  .JOHN VAN SCHAICK LANSING PRUYN (1811-1877) Congressman - Harriet Corning Turner
|||   .Huybertie Lansing Pruyn - CHARLES SUMNER HAMLIN (1861-1938) Federal Reserve System head
||.Jacobus Groesbeck - Sara Van Vechten
|| .William Grouebeck - Therese Beufait
||  .Louis Groesbeck - Catherine St. Aubin
||   .Louis Groesbeck, Jr. - Julia Coquillard
||    .ALEXANDER JOSEPH GROESBECK (1873-1953) Governor
|.Abraham Schuyler - Gertrude Ten Broeck
||.David Schuyler - Maria Hansen
|||.Abraham Schuyler - Eva Beekman
||| .David Schuyler - Elizabeth Lawyer
|||  .Anna Elizabeth Schuyler - Peter Hynds
|||   .Salina Hynds - Charles H. Shaver
|||    .Frances Eliza Shaver - JOHN VAN SCHAICK, Jr. (1873-1949) clergyman
|||     .LOUIS JOSEPH VAN SCHAICK (1875-1942) Congressional Medal of Honor recipient
||.Abraham Schuyler - Catrina Staats
|| .Christina Schuyler - John Van Voorhees
|| |.Catharine Van Voorhees - JOHN NEILSON (1745-1833) Brigadier-General
|| | .John Neilson - Abigail Bleecker
|| | |.John Neilson - Margaret Ann Fish
|| | ||.Elizabeth Stuyvesant Neilson - Ezra W. Howard
|| | |||.Thomas Howard Howard - Rose A. Post
|| | ||| .Elizabeth Stuyvesant Post - Robert Winthrop Kean
|| | |||  .HAMILTON FISH KEAN (1862-1941) Senator - Katharine Taylor Winthrop
|| | |||   .ROBERT WINTHROP KEAN (1893-1980) Congressman
|| | |||    .THOMAS HOWARD KEAN (1935-living) Governor
|| | |||
|| | ||.Helen Neilson - DAVID MAITLAND ARMSTRONG (1836-1918) artist, Ambassador
|| | || .HAMILTON FISH ARMSTRONG (1893-1973) diplomat, editor
|| | ||
|| | |.Catharine Neilson - Jacob Stout Carpender
|| | ||.William Carpender - ALICE PREBLE TUCKER DE HAAS (?-1920) artist
|| | ||.John Neilson Carpender, Sr. - Anna Neilson Kemp
|| | || .ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
|| | ||
|| | |.Josepha Matilda Neilson - William Henry Crosby
|| | ||.Ellen Murray Crosby - John Aspinwall Roosevelt
|| | || .ELLEN CROSBY ROOSEVELT (1868-1954) Tennis Hall of Famer
|| | ||
|| | |.Cornelia Neilson - Orlando Harriman, Jr.
|| | ||.EDWARD HENRY HARRIMAN (1848-1909) railroad magnate
|| | || - MARY WILLIAMSON AVERELL (1851-1932) philanthropist
|| | || .MARY HARRIMAN (1882-1934) philanthropist - CHARLES CARY RUMSEY (1879-1923) sculptor
|| | || .WILLIAM AVERELL HARRIMAN (1891-1986) Governor, Ambassador
|| | || |- PAMELA BERYL DIGBY (1920-1997) Ambassador
|| | || |
|| | || .EDWARD ROLAND NOEL HARRIMAN (1895-1978) financier, philanthropist
|| | ||
|| | |.Helen Neilson - John Butler Coles Neilson
|| | | .Henry Augustus Neilson - Johanna Bayard Neilson
|| | |  .Helena Bleecker Neilson - ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
|| | |
|| | .Catherine Schuyler Neilson - Augustus Fitz Randolph Taylor
|| |  .JOHN NEILSON TAYLOR (1805-1878) lawyer
|| |
|| .Neeltje Schuyler - David Williamson
|| |.Neeltje Williamson - JAMES SCHUREMAN (1756-1824) Senator
|| |
|| .Ariaentje Schuyler - Samuel Staats Coeymans
||  .Johanna Coeymans - John Neilson
||   .JOHN NEILSON (1745-1833) Brigadier-General - Catharine Van Voorhees
||    .John Neilson - Abigail Bleecker
||    |.John Neilson - Margaret Ann Fish
||    ||.Elizabeth Stuyvesant Neilson - Ezra W. Howard
||    |||.Thomas Howard Howard - Rose A. Post
||    ||| .Elizabeth Stuyvesant Post - Robert Winthrop Kean
||    |||  .HAMILTON FISH KEAN (1862-1941) Senator - Katharine Taylor Winthrop
||    |||   .ROBERT WINTHROP KEAN (1893-1980) Congressman
||    |||    .THOMAS HOWARD KEAN (1935-living) Governor
||    |||
||    ||.Helen Neilson - DAVID MAITLAND ARMSTRONG (1836-1918) artist, Ambassador
||    || .HAMILTON FISH ARMSTRONG (1893-1973) diplomat, editor
||    ||
||    |.Catharine Neilson - Jacob Stout Carpender
||    ||.Mary Noel Bleecker - Francis Kerby Stevens
||    |||.HENRY HEWGILL STEVENS (1869-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
||    |||.WILLIAM CARPENDER STEVENS (1872-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
||    |||.FRANCES NOEL STEVENS (1874-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
||    ||| - EDWARD WHEELER HALL (?-1922) Hall-Mills murder victim
||    |||
||    ||.William Carpender - ALICE PREBLE TUCKER DE HAAS (?-1920) artist
||    |||
||    ||.John Neilson Carpender, Sr. - Anna Neilson Kemp
||    || .HENRY DE LA BRUYERE CARPENDER (1882-1934) Hall-Mills murder suspect
||    || |
||    || .ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
||    ||
||    |.Josepha Matilda Neilson - William Henry Crosby
||    ||.Ellen Murray Crosby - John Aspinwall Roosevelt
||    || .ELLEN CROSBY ROOSEVELT (1868-1954) Tennis Hall of Famer
||    ||
||    |.Cornelia Neilson - Orlando Harriman, Jr.
||    ||.EDWARD HENRY HARRIMAN (1848-1909) railroad magnate
||    ||- MARY WILLIAMSON AVERELL (1851-1932) philanthropist
||    || .MARY HARRIMAN (1882-1934) philanthropist - CHARLES CARY RUMSEY (1879-1923) sculptor
||    || .WILLIAM AVERELL HARRIMAN (1891-1986) Governor, Ambassador
||    || |- PAMELA BERYL DIGBY (1920-1997) Ambassador
||    || |
||    || .EDWARD ROLAND NOEL HARRIMAN (1895-1978) financier, philanthropist
||    ||
||    |.Helen Neilson - John Butler Coles Neilson
||    | .Henry Augustus Neilson - Johanna Bayard Neilson
||    |  .Helena Bleecker Neilson - ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
||    |
||    .Catherine Schuyler Neilson - Augustus Fitz Randolph Taylor
||     .JOHN NEILSON TAYLOR (1805-1878) lawyer
|.Maria Schuyler - Hendrick Van Dyck
||.David Van Dyck - Christina Ten Broeck
|||.Maria Van Dyck - Marten Gerritsen Van Bergen
||| .Gerrit Van Bergen - Catharina Van Bergen
|||  .William Van Bergen - Neeltje Van Dyck
|||   .Catharine Van Bergen - Lora Nash
|||    .Mary Nash - CORNELIUS REA AGNEW (1830-1888) physician
||.Arent Van Dyck - Heyltje Van Alen
|||.Elizabeth Van Dyck - Jacobus Huyck
||||.Moyca Huyck - Isaac Vanderpoel
|||| .James Vanderpoel - Ann Doll
|||| |.Elizabeth Vanderpoel - JOHN VAN BUREN (1810-1866) State Attorney General
|||| ||.Sarah Anna Vanderpoel Van Buren - Edward Alexander Duer
|||| || .Angelica Singleton Duer - Lucius Tuckerman Gibbs
|||| ||  .OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS (1902-1958) author, drama critic
|||| ||
|||| |.Mary Keith Vanderpoel - Marcus Tullius Hun
|||| | .Mary Vanderpoel Hun - CHARLES BROWN SEARS (1870-1950) jurist
|||| | .Susan Vanderpoel Hun - STEPHEN CARLTON CLARK (1882-1960) art collector
|||| |  .Elizabeth Scriven Clark - Henry Richardson Labouisse
|||| |   .Anne Labouisse - MARTIN H. PERETZ (1938-living) publisher
|||| |    .JESSE PERETZ (1968-living) musician, videographer
|||| |
|||| .AARON VANDERPOEL (1799-1870) Congressman
|||.Christina Van Dyck - Johannes Van Alen
||||.Elizabeth Van Alen - PETER VAN SCHAICK (1747-1832) lawyer
|||| .Peter Van Schaick - Dorcas Manton
||||  .Elizabeth Van Schaick - GEORGE VAN SANTVOORD (1819-1863) lawyer
|||.Louwrens Van Dyck - Maria Van der Poel
||| .Henry L. Van Dyck - Catharine Van Alen
|||  .CORNELIUS VAN ALEN VAN DYCK (1818-1895) missionary
||.Maria Van Dyck - Frans Van Valkenburgh
|||.Hendrick Van Valkenburgh - Annatje Vanderpoel
||||.Johannes Van Valkenburgh - Ellen Bullock
|||| .Lawrence Van Valkenburgh - Sarah A. Seymour
||||  .ARBA SEYMOUR VAN VALKENBURGH (1862-1944) jurist
|||.Lambert Van Valkenbergh - Catharyna Van Valkenbergh
||| .Lambert Van Valkenbergh - Mary Patterson
|||  .Catherine Van Valkenbergh - JAMES SMILLIE (1807-1885) engraver
|||   .JAMES DAVID SMILLIE (1833-1909) artist
|||   .WILLIAM MAIN SMILLIE (1835-1888) engraver
|||   .GEORGE HENRY SMILLIE (1840-1921) engraver - NELLIE SHELDON JACOBS (1854-1926) artist
||.Lydia Van Dyck - Cornelis Van Schaick
|| .Margaretha Van Schaick - Laurens L. Van Alen
|| |.Elizabeth Van Alen - Dirk Gardenier
|| | .BARENT GARDENIER (1776-1822) Congressman
|| |
|| .Cornelius Van Schaack - Engeltje Yates
|| |.Maria Van Schaack - Jacobus J. Roosevelt
|| | .Cornelius Van Schaack Roosevelt - Margaret Barnhill
|| |  .Silas Weir Roosevelt - Mary West
|| |  |.James West Roosevelt - Laura D'Oremieulx
|| |  | .NICHOLAS ROOSEVELT (1893-1982) Ambassador
|| |  |
|| |  .James Alfred Roosevelt - Elizabeth Norris Emlen
|| |  |.William Emlen Roosevelt - Christine Griffin Kean
|| |  | .George Emlen Roosevelt - Julia M. Addison.
|| |  |  .JULIAN KEAN ROOSEVELT (1924-1986) Olympic gold medalist
|| |  |
|| |  .ROBERT BARNWELL ROOSEVELT (1829-1906) Congressman, Ambassador - (childbearing liaison) Minnie O'Shea Fortescue
|| |  |.GRANVILLE ROLAND FORTESCUE (1875-1952) Rough Rider, journalist, author - GRACE HUBBARD BELL (1883-1979) Massie Affair participant
|| |  | .THALIA FORTESCUE (1911-1963) Massie Affair participant
|| |  |
|| |  .Theodore Roosevelt - Martha Bulloch
|| |   .THEODORE ROOSEVELT (1858-1919) U.S. President
|| |   |- (1) Alice Hathaway Lee
|| |   |- (2) EDITH KERMIT CAROW (1861-1948) First Lady
|| |   |.(by 1) ALICE LEE ROOSEVELT (1884-1980) colorful personality
|| |   ||- (1) NICHOLAS LONGWORTH (1869-1931) Congressman (speaker of the house)
|| |   ||- (2) (liaison) WILLIAM EDGAR BORAH (1865-1940) Senator
|| |   ||.(by 2) Paulina Longworth - ALEXANDER MCCORMICK STURM (1923-1951) artist, author, businessman
|| |   ||
|| |   |.(by 2) THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1887-1944) General - Eleanor Butler
|| |   ||.Quentin Roosevelt - Frances D. Webb
|| |   || .Susan Roosevelt - WILLIAM FLOYD WELD (1945-living) Governor
|| |   ||
|| |   |.(by 2) KERMIT ROOSEVELT (1889-1943) businessman - Belle Wyatt Willard
|| |   | .KERMIT ROOSEVELT Jr. (1916-2000) CIA agent
|| |   |
|| |   .Elliot Roosevelt - Anna Rebecca Hall
|| |   |.ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962) First Lady
|| |   |- FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (1882-1945) U.S. President
|| |   | .JAMES ROOSEVELT (1907-1991) Congressman - BETSEY MARIA CUSHING (1908-1998) philanthropist
|| |   | .ELLIOT ROOSEVELT (1910-1990) author - FAYE EMERSON (1917-1983) film and TV actor
|| |   | .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1914-1988) Congressman
|| |   |
|| |   .Corinne Roosevelt - Douglas Robinson
|| |    .Corinne Douglas Robinson - Joseph Wright Alsop
|| |     .JOSEPH WRIGHT ALSOP (1910-1989) political columnist
|| |     .STEWART JOHONNOT OLIVER ALSOP (1914-1974) politcal columnist
|| |     .Corinne Roosevelt Alsop - Percy Chubb
|| |      .Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Chubb - WARREN ZIMMERMANN (1935-2004) Ambassador
|| |
|| .Jannetje Van Schaick - PETER SILVESTER (1734-1808) Congressman
|| |.Francis Silvester - Lydia Van Schaak
|| | .PETER HENRY SILVESTER (1807-1882) Congressman
|| |
|| .PETER VAN SCHAICK (1747-1832) lawyer - Elizabeth Van Alen
||  .Peter Van Schaick - Dorcas Manton
||   .Elizabeth Van Schaick - GEORGE VAN SANTVOORD (1819-1863) lawyer
|.David Davidtse Schuyler - Elsje Rutgers
||.Hermanus Schuyler - Jane Bancker
|||.Elsje Schuyler - Reynier Reijnier Reinier Schaats
||| .David Skaats - Mary Blanch/Blank
|||  .David Schuyler Skaats - Elisabeth Pierson/Pearson
|||   .Ann Skaats - James E. Wheeler
|||    .SCHUYLER SKAATS WHEELER (1860-1923) inventor
||.Catharina Schuyler - Ignatz Du Mond
|||.Elsie Dumont - Teunis van Benschoten
||||.Catrina Van Benschoten - Christian Bergh
|||| .Christian Bergh - Elizabeth Ivers
||||  .HENRY BERGH (1811-1888) society founder
|||.John Baptist Dumont - Margaret Van Norden
||||.William Van Norden Dumont - Elizabeth Tibbetts
|||| .William Allen Dumont - Catharina Dederick
||||  .James Allen Dumont - Elizabeth M'Clenahan
||||   .May Dumont - EDWARD CLARK POTTER (1857-1923) sculptor
|||.Petrus Dumond - Maria Van Wagenen
||||.Isaac Dumond - Sarah Berro
|||| .Petrus Dumond - Jane Johnson
||||  .Isaac Dumond - Julia Maria Britton
||||   .Alonzo Monroe Dumond - Elizabeth Vincent
||||    .FRANK VINCENT DUMOND (1864-1952) artist
||||    .FREDERICK MELVILLE DUMOND (1867-1927) artist
|||.Cornelius Dumond - Margaret Hennes
||| .Esther Dumond - Henry Van Hoevenberg
|||  .Abraham Van Hoevenberg - Eleanor Van Vranken
|||   .Adam Van Vranken Van Hoevenberg - Cynthia Melinda Cole
|||    .HENRY VAN HOEVENBERG (1849-1918) inventor, Resort Developer
||.Myndert Schuyler - Elizabeth Wessels
|| .Annatje Schuyler - Nicholas Bogart
||  .David Schuyler Bogart - Elizabeth Platt
||   .ELIZABETH BOGART (1795-?) poet
|.Myndert Schuyler - Rachel Cuyler
||.Anna Schuyler - Johannes De Peyster
|| .Anna De Peyster - Volkert Petrus Douw
|| |.Magdalena Douw  John Stevenson
|| ||.Sarah Stevenson - Dudley Walsh
|| || .Catharine Walsh - DANIEL DEWEY BARNARD (1797-1861) Congressman
|| ||
|| |.Catharine Douw - Harmanus Hoffman
|| ||.Martin H. Hoffman - Gertrude P. Van Ness
|| |||.Catharine Douw Hoffman - Henry G. Philip
|| ||| .William Henry Philip - Eliza Worthington
|| |||  .HOFFMAN PHILIP (1872-1951) Ambassador
|| |||
|| ||.Anna Hoffman - William McClelland
|| || .Jennet Mc Clelland - Nicholas Van Vranken
|| ||  .Anna Van Vranken - RICHARD HANSEN FRANCHOT (1816-1875) Congressman
|| ||   .Stanislas Pascal Franchot - Annie Powers Eells
|| ||   |.Gertrude Franchot - FRANK JEROME TONE (1868-1945) businessman
|| ||   | .STANISLAS PASCAL FRANCHOT TONE (1905-1968) film actor
|| ||   |  - (1) JOAN CRAWFORD (née LUCILLE FAY LESUEUR) (1904-1977) film actor
|| ||   |  - (2) JEAN WALLACE (née JEAN WALASEK) (1923-1990) film actor
|| ||   |  - (3) BARBARA PAYTON (née BARBARA LEE REDFIELD) (1927-1967) film actor
|| ||   |  - (4) DOLORES DORN (née DOLORES HEFT) (1934-?) film actor
|| ||   |
|| ||   .NICHOLAS VAN VRANKEN FRANCHOT (1855-1943) oil producer
|| ||
|| |.Maria Douw - John DePeyster Ten Eyck
|| | .Elsie Ten Eyck - James Van Alstyne
|| |  .Abraham Van Alstine - Isabella Dunlop
|| |   .Abraham Van Alstine - Sarah Jane Terrell
|| |    .Anna Minerva Van Alstine - John James Cobain
|| |     .John James Arthur Cobain - Grace Almeda Gibson
|| |      .Leland Elmer Cobain - Iris Maxine Labrot
|| |       .Donald Cobain - Wendy Fradenberg
|| |        .KURT DONALD COBAIN (1967-1994) singer, songwriter
|| |         - COURTNEY LOVE (née COURTNEY MICHELLE HARRISON) (1964-living) musician, film actor
|| |
|| .Rachel DePeyster - Tobia Ten Eyck
||  .John DePeyster Ten Eyck - Maria Douw
||   .Elsie Ten Eyck - James Van Alstyne
||    .Abraham Van Alstine - Isabella Dunlop
||     .Abraham Van Alstine - Sarah Jane Terrell
||      .Anna Minerva Van Alstine - John James Cobain
||       .John James Arthur Cobain - Grace Almeda Gibson
||        .Leland Elmer Cobain - Iris Maxine Labrot
||         .Donald Cobain - Wendy Fradenberg
||          .KURT DONALD COBAIN (1967-1994) singer, songwriter
||           - COURTNEY LOVE (née COURTNEY MICHELLE HARRISON) (1964-living) musician, film actor
|.Catalina Schuyler - (1) Johannes Abeel, (2) Rutger Bleecker
| .(by 1) Christoffel Abeel - Margarita Bries
| |.Johannes Abeel - Aliquipiso
| | .CORNPLANTER (about 1740-1836) Seneca Indian Chief
| |
| .(by 1) David Abeel - Maria Duyckink
| |.James Abeel - Gertrude Nielson
| | .David Abeel - Jane Hassert
| |  .DAVID ABEEL (1804-1846) missionary
| |
| .(by 2) Johannes Rutgerse Bleecker - Elizabeth Staats
| |.Rutger Bleecker - Catherine Elmendorf
| ||.John Rutger Bleecker - (1) Eliza Ten Eyck Atwood, (2) Mehitable Lynn Bailey
| |||.(by 1) Sarah Bleecker - George Mortimer Tibbits
| ||||.WILLIAM BADGER TIBBITS (1837-1880) General
| ||||
| |||.(by 2) Mary Bleecker - HORATIO SEYMOUR (1810-1886) Governor, presidential also-ran
| |||
| ||.Maria Bleecker - MORRIS SMITH MILLER (1779-1824) Congressman
| |||.MORRIS SMITH MILLER (1814-1870) General - June Octavia Macomb
| ||||.Maria Bleecker Miller - FRANK WHEATON (1833-1903) General
| ||||
| |||.Charles Dudley Miller - ELIZABETH SMITH (1822-?) suffragette
| |||.RUTGER BLEECKER MILLER (1805-1877) Congressman
| ||| .Sophia Seymour Miller - Edward Hurtt Jewett
| |||  .Mary Seymour Jewett - George Carey
| |||   .Elizabeth Carey - Erard Adolph Matthiessen
| |||    .PETER MATTHIESSEN (1927-living) novelist
| |||     .ALEX MATTHIESSEN (1964-living) environmentalist
| |||
| |||
| ||.Blandina Bleecker - CHARLES EDWARD DUDLEY (1780-1841) Senator
| ||
| |.John Bleecker - Jane Gilliland
| | .Charlotte Bleecker - Vinal Luce
| |  .STEPHEN BLEECKER LUCE (1827-1917) Rear Admiral
| |
| .(by 2) James Bleecker - Abigail Lispenard
|  .Anthony Lispenard Bleecker - Mary Noel
|  |.GARRAT NOEL BLEECKER (1768-1831) Buttonwood Agreement signer
|  |.ANTHONY BLEECKER (1770-1827) author, society founder
|  |.Abigail Bleecker - John Neilson III
|  ||.John Neilson - Margaret Ann Fish
|  |||.Elizabeth Stuyvesant Neilson - Ezra W. Howard
|  ||||.Thomas Howard Howard - Rose A. Post
|  |||| .Elizabeth Stuyvesant Post - Robert Winthrop Kean
|  ||||  .HAMILTON FISH KEAN (1862-1941) Senator - Katharine Taylor Winthrop
|  ||||   .ROBERT WINTHROP KEAN (1893-1980) Congressman
|  ||||    .THOMAS HOWARD KEAN (1935-living) Governor
|  ||||
|  |||.Helen Neilson - DAVID MAITLAND ARMSTRONG (1836-1918) artist, Ambassador
|  ||| .HAMILTON FISH ARMSTRONG (1893-1973) diplomat, editor
|  |||
|  ||.Catharine Neilson - Jacob Stout Carpender
|  |||.Mary Noel Bleecker - Francis Kerby Stevens
|  ||||.HENRY HEWGILL STEVENS (1869-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
|  ||||.WILLIAM CARPENDER STEVENS (1872-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
|  ||||.FRANCES NOEL STEVENS (1874-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
|  |||| - EDWARD WHEELER HALL (?-1922) Hall-Mills murder victim
|  ||||
|  |||.William Carpender - ALICE PREBLE TUCKER DE HAAS (?-1920) artist
|  ||||
|  |||.John Neilson Carpender, Sr. - Anna Neilson Kemp
|  ||| .HENRY DE LA BRUYERE CARPENDER (1882-1934) Hall-Mills murder suspect
|  ||| |
|  ||| .ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
|  |||
|  ||.Josepha Matilda Neilson - William Henry Crosby
|  |||.Ellen Murray Crosby - John Aspinwall Roosevelt
|  ||| .ELLEN CROSBY ROOSEVELT (1868-1954) Tennis Hall of Famer
|  |||
|  ||.Cornelia Neilson - Orlando Harriman, Jr.
|  |||.EDWARD HENRY HARRIMAN (1848-1909) railroad magnate
|  |||- MARY WILLIAMSON AVERELL (1851-1932) philanthropist
|  ||| .MARY HARRIMAN (1882-1934) philanthropist - CHARLES CARY RUMSEY (1879-1923) sculptor
|  ||| .WILLIAM AVERELL HARRIMAN (1891-1986) Governor, Ambassador
|  ||| |- PAMELA BERYL DIGBY (1920-1997) Ambassador
|  ||| |
|  ||| .EDWARD ROLAND NOEL HARRIMAN (1895-1978) financier, philanthropist
|  |||
|  ||.Helen Neilson - John Butler Coles Neilson
|  || .Henry Augustus Neilson - Johanna Bayard Neilson
|  ||  .Helena Bleecker Neilson - ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
|  ||
|  |.Elizabeth De Hart Bleecker - Alexander Lewis McDonald
|  ||.Anthony Bleecker McDonald - Adelaide Joanna Low
|  || .Susan Blanchard McDonald - Edward Delavan Nelson
|  ||  .RICHARD HENRY NELSON (1859-?) P.E. Bishop
|  ||
|  |.Leonard A. Bleecker - Sarah Elizabeth Popham
|  | .Elizabeth Popham Bleecker - Theodore Francis Mallaby, Sr.
|  | |.Elizabeth Bleecker Mallaby - Waldron Moore Dame
|  | | .Donald Grant Dame - Irene E. Rosa
|  | |  .DONALD GRANT DAME, Jr. (1912-1952) opera singer
|  | |
|  | .Leonard Augustus Bleecker - Aletha Hill Popham
|  |  .Leonard Augustus Bleecker - Florence Eleanor Victoria Deacon
|  |   .Charles Victor Bleecker - Elizabeth Candee Bouton
|  |    .Robert Bouton Bleecker - Annabelle Marie Chick
|  |     .CHARLES THOMAS BLEECKER (?-living) author, screenwriter
|  |      - JENNIFER EDWARDS (?-living) film actor
|  |
|  .Johannes Jacob Bleecker - >ANN ELIZA SCHUYLER (1752-1784) poet
.(by 2) Susanna Verplanck - John Garland
|.Sylvester Garland - Soetji Vanderculin
| .Suit Garland - James Anderson
|  .Garland Anderson - Jane Chevalier
|  |.Elizabeth Anderson - Samuel Breese
|  | .Samuel Sidney Breese - Helena Burrows
|  | |.Elizabeth Breese - Augustus Caesar Stevens
|  | ||.BREESE JACOB STEVENS (1834-1903) Mayor (Madison, WI)
|  | || .Helena Breese Stevens - CHARLES DOOLITTLE WALCOTT (1850-1927) paleonotologist
|  | ||
|  | |.Catherine Hallett Breese - NATHAN FITCH GRAVES (1813-1901) Mayor
|  | ||
|  | |.Helen Platt Breese - NATHAN FITCH GRAVES (1813-1901) Mayor
|  | |
|  | .Arthur Breese - (1) Catharine Livingston, (2) Ann Carpender
|  | |.(by 1) SAMUEL LIVINGSTON BREESE (1794-1870) rear admiral
|  | |.(by 1) Sarah Ann Breese - Barent Bleeker Lansing
|  | ||.HENRY LIVINGSTON LANSING (1818-1889) Brigadier-General - Catherine Olivia Gibson
|  | || .Livingston Lansing - Grace Cleveland Coxe
|  | || |.Cleveland Coxe Lansing - Abbie Livingston
|  | || | .Mary Lansing - PETER ARNO (né CURTIS ARNOUX PETERS, Jr.) (1904-1968) cartoonist
|  | || |
|  | || .Sarah Gibson Lansing - HENRY LAWRENCE BURNETT (1838-1916) General
|  | ||
|  | |.(by 1) Catharine Walker Breese - Samuel Bridsill Griswold
|  | ||.Sarah Elizabeth Griswold - SAMUEL FINLEY BREESE MORSE (1791-1872) artist, inventor
|  | |||
|  | ||.Arthur Breese Griswold - Elizabeth Wilson Ensign
|  | || .Geneva Griswold - Frederick Ely Parker
|  | ||  .ARTHUR CASWELL PARKER (aka "GAWASO WANEH") (1881-1955) anthropologist
|  | ||
|  | |.(by 1) SIDNEY BREESE (1800-1878) Senator - Eliza Morrison
|  | ||.SAMUEL LIVINGSTON BREESE (1831-1899) Commodore
|  | ||
|  | |.(by 2) Sarah Ann Breese - THOMAS R. WALKER (1806-1880) admiral
|  | | .Mary Seymour Walker - JAMES EGLINTON MONTGOMERY (1826-1909) Ambassador
|  | |
|  | .Abigail Breese - Josiah Salisbury
|  |  .EDWARD ELBRIDGE SALISBURY (1814-1901) orientalist
|  |   .Elizabeth Martha Salisbury - THEODORE DWIGHT WOOLSEY (1801-1889) educator
|  |    .THEODORE SALISBURY WOOLSEY (1852-1929) author
|  |
|  .John Anderson - Ann (Jane) Irvin
|   .Margaret Anderson - Bezaleel Maxwell
|    .Edward Russell Maxwell - Jane Tilford
|     .John Milton Maxwell - Isabella Davis Moffett
|      .Hessie Daisy Maxwell - David McLean Parry
|       .Lydia Maxwell Parry - William Carey Teasdale Jr.
|        .Priscilla Teasdale - MILTON RUBINCAM (1909-1997) genealogist
.(by 2) Ariaentje Verplanck - Melgert Wynantszen Van der Poel
|.Melgert Van der Poel - Catharina Van Alen
||.Johannes Vanderpoel - Annetje Staats
|||.Isaac Vanderpoel - Moyca Huyck
||||.James Vanderpoel - Ann Doll
|||||.Elizabeth Vanderpoel - JOHN VAN BUREN (1810-1866) State Attorney General
||||||.Sarah Anna Vanderpoel Van Buren - Edward Alexander Duer
|||||| .Angelica Singleton Duer - Lucius Tuckerman Gibbs
||||||  .OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS (1902-1958) author, drama critic
|||||.Mary Keith Vanderpoel - Marcus Tullius Hun
||||| .Mary Vanderpoel Hun - CHARLES BROWN SEARS (1870-1950) jurist
||||| .Susan Vanderpoel Hun - STEPHEN CARLTON CLARK (1882-1960) art collector
|||||  .Elizabeth Scriven Clark - Henry Richardson Labouisse
|||||   .Anne Labouisse - MARTIN H. PERETZ (1938-living) publisher
|||||    .JESSE PERETZ (1968-living) musician, videographer
||||.AARON VANDERPOEL (1799-1870) Congressman
|||.Maria Van der Poel - Louwrens Van Dyck
||||.Henry L. Van Dyck - Catharine Van Alen
|||| .CORNELIUS VAN ALEN VAN DYCK (1818-1895) missionary
|||.Catharina Van der Poel - John Pruyn
||| .Christine Pruyn - Arent Pruyn
|||  .Jane Pruyn - JAMES WOOD (1799-1867) educator
||.Jacobus Vanderpoel - Neeltje Huyck
|||.Abraham Vanderpoel - Maria Van Valkenburgh
||| .Jannetje Vanderpoel - Asa Douglas
|||  .Nancy Douglas - Samuel Baldwin Ludlow
|||   .HENRY GILBERT LUDLOW (1823-1904) inventor
||.Louwrens Vanderpoel - Ariaantje Van den Bergh
|||.Annatje Vanderpoel - Hendrick Van Valkenburgh
||| .Johannes Van Valkenburgh - Ellen Bullock
|||  .Lawrence Van Valkenburgh - Sarah A. Seymour
|||   .ARBA SEYMOUR VAN VALKENBURGH (1862-1944) jurist
||.Maria Van der Poel - David Groesbeck
|| .Catrina Groesbeck - Casparus Pruyn
||  .Francis C. Pruyn - Cornelia Dunbar
||  |.Casparus F. Pruyn - Anne Hewson
||  | .ROBERT HEWSON PRUYN (1815-1882) diplomat, NY Assembly Speaker - Ann Lansing
||  |  .ROBERT CLARENCE PRUYN (1847-1934) inventor, banker
||  |
||  .David Pruyn - Huybertje Lansing
||   .JOHN VAN SCHAICK LANSING PRUYN (1811-1877) Congressman - Harriet Corning Turner
||    .Huybertie Lansing Pruyn - CHARLES SUMNER HAMLIN (1861-1938) Federal Reserve System head
|.Maria Vanderpoel - Jacobus Provoost
||.Sara Provoost - Johannes Louw
|| .Sara Louw - Nicholas Louw
||  .Helena Louw - (1) Dirck Hansen, (2) WILLIAM LINN (1752-1808) college president
||   .(by 1) Catharina Hansen - Stanislas Pascal Franchot
||   |.RICHARD HANSEN FRANCHOT (1816-1875) Congressman - Anna Van Vranken
||   | .Stanislas Pascal Franchot - Annie Powers Eells
||   | |.Gertrude Franchot - FRANK JEROME TONE (1868-1945) businessman
||   | | .STANISLAS PASCAL FRANCHOT TONE (1905-1968) film actor
||   | |  - (1) JOAN CRAWFORD (née LUCILLE FAY LESUEUR) (1904-1977) film actor
||   | |  - (2) JEAN WALLACE (née JEAN WALASEK) (1923-1990) film actor
||   | |  - (3) BARBARA PAYTON (née BARBARA LEE REDFIELD) (1927-1967) film actor
||   | |  - (4) DOLORES DORN (née DOLORES HEFT) (1934-?) film actor
||   | |
||   | .NICHOLAS VAN VRANKEN FRANCHOT (1855-1943) oil producer
||   |
||   .ARCHIBALD LADLEY LINN (1802-1857) Congressman
|.Catharine Van der Poel - Josiah Ogden
||.DAVID OGDEN (1707-1800) judge, Loyalist - Gertrude Gouverneur
|||.Isaac Ogden - Sarah Hanson
||||.PETER SKENE OGDEN (1794-1854) explorer
|||.Sarah Ogden - Nicholas Hoffman
||||.Martin Hoffman - Beulah Murray
|||||.David Murray Hoffman - Frances Amelia Burrall
||||||.WICKHAM HOFFMAN (1821-1900) diplomat
|||||.Lindley Murray Hoffman - Susan Lindley Ogden
||||| .Elizabeth Hoffman - GEORGE MACCULLOCH MILLER (1832-1917) railorad president
||||.Josiah Ogden Hoffman - Mary Colden
|||| .JOSIAH OGDEN HOFFMAN (1793-1856) Congressman
|||.ABRAHAM OGDEN (1743-1798) lawyer - Sarah Frances Ludlow
||||.THOMAS LUDLOW OGDEN (1773-1844) lawyer
||||.Margaretta E. Ogden - DAVID BAYARD OGDEN (1775-1849) lawyer
|||| .Isaac Odgen - Sarah Ogden Meredith
||||  .Sarah Frances Ogden - Thomas Green Clemson
||||   .Gertrude Gouverneur Ogden Clemson - Lewis Lawrence Smith
||||    .Ludlow Ogden Smith - KATHARINE MARTHA HEPBURN (1909-2003) film actor
|||.Samuel Ogden - Euphemia Morris
||| .DAVID BAYARD OGDEN (1775-1849) lawyer
||| .Gertrude Gouverneur Ogden - William Meredith
||| |.WILLIAM MORRIS MEREDITH (1799-1873) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
||| ||
||| |.Sarah Ogden Meredith - Isaac Odgen
||| ||.Sarah Frances Ogden - Thomas Green Clemson
||| || .Gertrude Gouverneur Clemson - Lewis L. Smith
||| ||  .Ludlow Ogden Smith - KATHARINE MARTHA HEPBURN (1909-2003) film actor
||| ||
||| |.SULLIVAN AMORY MEREDITH (1816-1874) General
||| |
||| .Katherine Morris Ogden - JAMES PARKER (1776-1868) Congressman
||.JACOB OGDEN (1721-1780) physician
|.Wynant Vanderpoel - Catherina De Hooges
| .Johannes Van der Poel - Apphia Davis
| |.Apphia Davis Van der Poel - Thomas Longworth
| | .Elizabeth L. Longworth - John Morris
| | |.Susan L. Morris - MARCUS LAWRENCE WARD (1812-1884) Governor, Congressman
| | |
| | .NICHOLAS LONGWORTH (1783-1863) winemaker - Susan Howell
| |  .Joseph Longworth - Annie Rives
| |   .Nicholas Longworth - Susan Walker
| |   |.NICHOLAS LONGWORTH (1869-1931) Congressman (speaker of the house)
| |   ||
| |   |.CLARA ELEANOR LONGWORTH (1873-1955) patron of the arts, Shakespearian scholar - JACQUES ALDEBERT DE CHAMBRUN (1872-1962) General
| |   | .RENÉ DE CHAMBRUN (1906-2002) museum founder, archivist
| |   |
| |   .MARIA RIVES LONGWORTH (1849-1932) founder of Rookwood Pottery - BELLAMY STORER (1847-1922) diplomat
| |
| .Abraham Vanderpoel - Rebecca Issacs
|  .Ann Vanderpool - Dietrich Nave
|   .Rebecca Nave - Leonard Bowers, Sr.
|   |.Valentine Bowers - Abigail G. Buck
|   | .Elizabeth C. Bowers - Abraham Valentine Nave
|   |  .John H. Nave - Winifred O. Kelly
|   |   .David R. Nave - Amelia Chrisman
|   |    .Ella May Nave - Andrew Henry McGraw
|   |     .Frank McGraw, Sr. (aka Big Mac) - Mable McKenna
|   |      .FRANK MCGRAW, Jr. (aka TUG) (1944-2004) baseball player - Betty d'Agostino
|   |       .TUCKER TIM MCGRAW (1967-living) country singer
|   |        - AUDREY FAITH HILL (1967-living) country singer
|   |
|   .William Nave - Martha "Patsy" Williams
|    .Abraham Valentine Nave - Elizabeth C. Bowers
|     .John H. Nave - Winifred O. Kelly
|      .David R. Nave - Amelia Chrisman
|       .Ella May Nave - Andrew Henry McGraw
|        .Frank McGraw, Sr. (aka Big Mac) - Mable McKenna
|         .FRANK MCGRAW, Jr. (aka TUG) (1944-2004) baseball player - Betty d'Agostino
|          .TUCKER TIM MCGRAW (1967-living) country singer
|           - AUDREY FAITH HILL (1967-living) country singer
.(by 2) Hillegond Verplanck - David Ackerman
|.David Ackerman - Gerbrechtje Romeyn
||.Elizabeth Ackerman - Abraham Brouwer
|| .Hester Brouwer - David Demarest
|| |.James D. Demarest - Mary Elizabeth Haring
|| | .Mary Haring Demarest - Theodore Secor
|| |  .Rosanna Secor - James Vanderbilt Remsen
|| |   .IRA REMSEN (1846-1927) chemist, codiscoverer of saccharin
|| |
|| .Anna May Brouwer - Obadiah Higbee
||  .Mary Higbee - Edward Riggs
||   .John Riggs - Mary Phillips
||    .Obadiah Hezekiah Riggs - Emma Louisa Robbins
||     .Emma Ray Riggs - David Oman McKay
||      .Emma Rae McKay - Conway Alan Ashton
||       .ALAN C. ASHTON (1942-living) computer scientist, company founder
|.Johannes Ackerman - Jannetje Lozier
||.Tryntje Ackerman - Roelof Westervelt
|| .Cornelia Westervelt - Jacobus Bogert
||  .Cornelia Bogert - John Zabriskie
||   .Elizabeth Zabriskie - Samuel R. Demarest
||    .Cornelia Demarest - Jacob Blauvelt
||     .William Henry Blauvelt - Jane Durie
||      .Cornelia Blauvelt - Charles Cooper
||       .Isabel O. Cooper - Fred Kerr
||        .DURIE (KERR) MALCOLM (?-?) (alleged wife of JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY)
|.Marritje Ackerman - Swaine Ogden
| .David Ogden - (__)
| |.Joanna Ogden - Isaac Crane
| | .Keturah Crane - Caleb Harrison
| |  .Margaret Harrison - Joel W. Condit
| |   .Sarah Katharine Condit - WILLIAM CROSWELL DOANE (1831-1913) P.E. Bishop
| |
| .Mary Ackerman - Swaine Ogden
|  .Samuel Ogden - Phebe Baldwin
|   .Sarah Ogden - John Edison
|    .Samuel Edison - Nancy Stimson
|     .Samuel Edison - Nancy Elliott
|      .THOMAS ALVA EDISON (1847-1931) inventor - Mina Miller
|       .CHARLES EDISON (1890-1969) Governor
.(by 2) Isaac Verplanck - Abigail Uytenbogart
 .David Verplanck - Catrina Boom
 |.Johannes Verplanck - Catharina Huyck
 | .Catherine Huyck Verplanck - James Colvin
 |  .Andrew James Colvin - Margaret Crane Alling
 |   .VERPLANCK COLVIN (1847-1920) engineer
 .Cathalyntje Verplanck - Leendert Witbeck
  .Isaac Witbeck - Jannetje Van Vechten
   .Teunis Witbeck - Elizabeth Van den Bergh
   |.Jane Witbeck - Isaac Caspar Collier
   | .Isaac Henry Collier - Frances Mary Miller
   |  .WILLIAM MILLER COLLIER (1867-1956) University President, Ambassador
   .Lena Witbeck - Aaron Van Schiack
    .ISAAC WHITBECK VAN SCHAICK (1817-1901) Congressman
     .(__) Van Schaick - (__) Cochrane
      .AARON VAN SCHAICK COCHRANE (1858-1943) Congressman, state supreme court justice

6822 and 6823 have other descendants, such as:

Claes Janszen Stavast - Aefje Gerrits
.Lysbeth Claes Stavast - (1) Johannes Gerritszen Burger, (2) Jan Harris
.Jannetje Claes Stavast - Evert Wesselszen
|.Wessel Evertszen - Susannah Van Tienhoven
| .Evert Wessels - Annatie Ryerson
|  .Lena Wessels - Hessel Brouwer
|   .Annatje Brouwer - Christofel Jurianse Van Riper
|    .Betsey Speer Yearance - Abraham Van Emburgh
|     .Rachel Van Emburgh - Hendrick Speer
|      .ALFRED SPEER (1823-1910) inventor
.Tytje Claes Stavast - Dirck Benson
 .Rachel Benson - Hans Michielszen Bergen
  .Femmetje Bergen - Sylvester Marius Groen
  |.Elizabet Marius - Daniel Kemper
  | .JACKSON KEMPER (1789-1870) P.E. Bishop
  .Hans Bergen - Catryntie De Hart
  |.Teunis J. Bergen - Ann Vandeveer
  | .JOHN TEUNIS BERGEN (1786-1885) Congressman
  .Teunis Bergen - Johanna Stoothof
   .Gerret Bergen - Jane Wyckoff
    .TEUNIS GARRET BERGEN (1806-1881) Congressman, genealogist - Elizabeth Van Brunt
     .Gertrude Bergen - William G. Kouwenhoven
      .Teunis Garret Bergen Kouwenhoven - Phebe Florence Bennett
       .WILLIAM BENNETT KOUWENHOVEN (1886-1975) inventor

(6842 and 6843), (6848 and 6849), and (6874 and 6875) have other descendants, such as:

Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Ness - Maryken Hendricksdr Van de Burghgraeff
.Gerritie Cornelisee Van Ness - Roelof Corneliszen Van Houten
.Grietje Van Ness - Pieter Claesen Wyckoff
|.Nicholas Pieterszen Wyckoff - Sara Montfoort
||.Pieter Wyckoff - Willemtje Schenck
|||.Peter Wyckoff - Sarah Amerman
||||.Nicholas Wyckoff - Antje Rapalje
|||| .Nicholas N. Wyckoff - Catherine Harris
||||  .Henrietta Remsen Wyckoff - Peter A. Meserole
||||   .Henrietta Meserole - Charles P. Manney
||||    .HENRIETTA REMSEN MESEROLE MANNEY (aka HELEN WESTLEY) (1875-1942) film actor
|||.John Wyckoff - Adrianna Lupardus
||||.Cornelia Wyckoff - Cornelius Rapalje
|||| .Adriana Rapalje - Jacobus Suydam
||||  .Cornelia Suydam - Abraham Polhemus
||||   .Abraham Polhemus - Eliza Brodhead Heyer
||||    .Eliza Heyer Polhemus - William Eliot Fette
||||     .Margaret Davenport Fette - Atherton Noyes
||||      .ELLIOT FETTE NOYES (1910-1977) architect and industrial designer
|||.Antje Wyckoff - Nicholas Johnson
||||.Willemptje Johnson - Peter Gulick
|||| .John Gulick - Lydia Combs
||||  .Peter Johnson Gulick - Frances Hinckley Thomas
||||   .LUTHER HALSEY GULICK (1828-1891) missionary - Louisa Mitchell Lewis
||||   |.SIDNEY LEWIS GULICK (1860-1945) educator, missionary - Cara May Fisher
||||   ||.LUTHER HALSEY GULICK (1892-1992) public administrator, educator
||||   ||
||||   |.LUTHER HALSEY GULICK, Jr. (1865-1918) physical education pioneer
||||   |
||||   .William Hooker Gulick - ALICE W. GORDON (1847-1904) missionary
|||.Cornelis Wyckoff - Magdalena Duryea
||| .Peter Wyckoff - Jemima Veghte
|||  .Cornelis Wyckoff - Elizabeth Richmond
|||  |.WILLIAM HENRY WYCKOFF (1807-1877) educator - Helen (__)
|||  | .WILLIAM CORNELIUS WYCKOFF (1832-1888) editor
|||  |
|||  .ISAAC NEWTON WYCKOFF (1792-1869) clergyman
||.Jacobus Wyckoff - Willemptje Van Voorhees
|||.Nicholas Wyckoff - Maria Wall
||| .Myrtle Maria Wyckoff - Hendrick Pittenger
|||  .Henry Pittenger - Mary (Polly) Barcus
|||   .Rebecca Pittenger - William Dwire
|||    .Mary Ann Dwire - William Henry
|||     .Charles Delano Henry - Florence Ida Weed
|||      .LOU HENRY (1874-1944) First Lady - HERBERT CLARK HOOVER (1874-1964) U.S. President
||.Sarah Wyckoff - Jan Derkse Amerman
|||.Sarah Amerman - Peter Wyckoff
||| .Nicholas Wyckoff - Antje Rapalje
|||  .Nicholas N. Wyckoff - Catherine Harris
|||   .Henrietta Remsen Wyckoff - Peter A. Meserole
|||    .Henrietta Meserole - Charles P. Manney
|||     .HENRIETTA REMSEN MESEROLE MANNEY (aka HELEN WESTLEY) (1875-1942) film actor
||.Antje Wyckoff - Stephen Janse Schenck
|| .Antie Schenck - Abraham (Abraham) Duryea
|| |.Anna Duryea - Cornelius R. Van Wyck
|| | .Theodorus C. Van Wyck - Elizabeth Mason
|| |  .CHARLES HENRY VAN WYCK (1824-1895) Senator, Congressman, General
|| |
|| .Maritje Schenck - Samuel Strycker
||  .Rebecca Strycker - Johannes Bergen
||   .Ann Bergen - George Kouwenhoven
||    .William G. Kouwenhoven - Gertrude Bergen
||     .Teunis Garret Bergen Kouwenhoven - Phebe Florence Bennett
||      .WILLIAM BENNETT KOUWENHOVEN (1886-1975) inventor
|.Margrietje Pieterse Wyckoff - Matthys Brouwer
||.Altje Brouwer - Jörgen Woll
|||.Jacobus Wool - Mary Given
||| .John Wool - Ann Reliva
|||  .JOHN ELLIS WOOL (1784-1869) Major-General
||.Maritje Brouwer - Johannes Buys
|| .Elizabeth Buys - Johannes Dolson
|| |.Isaac Dolson - Mary Fields
|| | .Matthew Dolson - Elizabeth Willits
|| |  .Martha Dolson - Henry Chrysler
|| |   .John Matthew Chrysler - Hannah Lundy
|| |    .Henry Chrysler - Anna Maria Breymann
|| |     .WALTER PERCY CHRYSLER (1875-1940) automobile pioneer
|| |
|| .Maria Buys - Jacob Dolson
||  .Teunis Dolson - Rachel Cuyper
||  |.Catherine Dolson - Henry Bush
||  | .Henry Bush - Jane Braiden
||  |  .Melinda Bush - Welcome Moore
||  |   .ALICE MOORE (1861-1915) Lusitania victim - ELBERT GREEN HUBBARD (1856-1915) philospher, writer, Lusitania victim
||  |
||  .Jacob Dolson - Mary Cook
||  |.Mary Dolson - Michael Cox
||  | .James Dolson Cox - Thedia Redelia Kenyon
||  |  .Redelia Ann Cox - William Wallace Gilchrist
||  |  |.WILLIAM WALLACE GILCHRIST (1846-1916) composer - Susan Beaman
||  |  | .WILLIAM WALLACE GILCHRIST (1879-1926) artist
||  |  |
||  |  .JAMES DOLSON COX (1828-1900) Union General, Governor, Cabinet Secretary - Helen Clarissa Finney
||  |   .KENYON COX (1856-1919) painter - LOUISE HOWLAND KING (1865-1945) painter
||  |    .ALLYN COX (1896-1982) painter
||  |
||  .Johannes Dolson - Magdalena Christie
||   .William Dunn Dolson - Janet McLaren
||    .Samuel Dolson - Margaret Allan Hartley
||     .Edgar Allen Dolson - Mildred Dean
||      .MILDRED F. DOLSON (1918-2004) Olympic Bronze Medalist
|.Annetje Pieterse Wyckoff - Roeloff Martense Schenck
||.Margaretta Schenck - Cornelis Willemse Couwenhoven
|||.Willem Covenhoven - Antje Hendrickson
||||.Cornelius Covenhoven - Mary Hendrickson
|||||.Anne Covenhoven - Abram Van Horn
||||| .Cornelius Covenhoven Van Horne - Mary Minier Richards
|||||  .WILLIAM CORNELIUS VAN HORNE (1843-1915) railroad president
||||.Catherine Covenhoven - Nicholas Van Brunt
|||| .Nicholas Van Brunt - Elizabeth Jaques
||||  .GERSHOM JAQUES VAN BRUNT (1798-1863) naval officer - Elizabeth Prince Bradlee
||||   .HENRY VAN BRUNT (1832-?) architect
|||.Saartje Couwenhoven - Isaac Van Deventer
||||.Peter Van Devanter - Margaret Miller
|||||.Jacob Van Devanter - Lydia Fee
||||||.Rebecca Van Devanter - Henry Chamberlain
|||||| .Mary Louise Chamberlain - EDWARD KIRK WARREN (1847-1919) inventor
|||||| .PAUL MELLEN CHAMBERLAIN (1865-1940) horologist
|||||.Isaac Van Devanter - Violetta Maria Spencer
||||| .WILLIS VAN DEVANTER (1859-1941) Supreme Court Justice
||||| .Elisabeth Van Devanter - JOHN WESLEY LACEY (?-1936) State Supreme Court Justice
||||.Isaac Vandevanter - Elizabeth McGeath
|||| .Joseph Vandevanter - Elizabeth Mains
||||  .Washington Vandevanter - Cecilia Braden
||||   .Charles Oscar Vandevanter - Kate Curtin Elliott
||||    .Elliott Vandevanter - Marilla Phelps Brooks
||||     .ELLIOT VANDEVANTER, Jr. (1917-1974) Brigadier-General
|||.Annetje Cowenhoven - Abraham Van Horne
||||.Mathias Van Horne - Neeltie Crum
|||||.Thomas Van Horne - Maria Frederick
||||| .Eva Van Horne - Jacob I. Young
|||||  .Peter Young - Margaret Smith
|||||   .Jacob Smith Young - Ida Brandow
|||||    .OWEN D. YOUNG (1874-1962) industrialist - Josephine Sheldon Edmonds
|||||     .JOSEPHINE YOUNG (1907-1990) author (as Josephine Young Case)
||||.Abraham Van Horne - Gertrude Wyckoff
|||| .Abram Van Horn - Anne Covenhoven
||||  .Cornelius Covenhoven Van Horne - Mary Minier Richards
||||   .WILLIAM CORNELIUS VAN HORNE (1843-1915) railroad president
|||.Roelof Kouwenhoven - Sarah van Voorhees
||||.Cornelius Couwenhoven - Jannetje Denise
|||| .Mary Conover - Samuel Forman
||||  .Jane Forman - Abraham Osborn
||||   .Mary Osborn - Austin Wing Morford
||||    .Harriet Brown Morford - Charles Knight
||||     .Grace Rebecca Knight - George Frederick Burt
||||      .Marion Haviland Burt - John Williams Morgan
||||       .GEORGE FREDERICK MORGAN (1922-2004) poet
|||.Rachel Couwenhoven - Benjamin Van Cleve
||||.John Van Cleve - Catherine Benham
|||| .Margaret Van Cleve - George Reeder
||||  .Catherine Reeder - Daniel Wright, Jr.
||||   .MILTON WRIGHT (1828-1917) United Brethren in Christ Bishop - Susan Koerner
||||    .WILBUR WRIGHT (1867-1912) aviation pioneer, inventor
||||    .ORVILLE WRIGHT (1871-1948) aviation pioneer, inventor
|||.Margaretta Kouwenhoven - Derick Sutphen
||||.Mary Sutphen - Jacob van Arsdale
|||| .Mary van Arsdale - Grover Coe
||||  .Phebe Horton Coe - James Burt
||||   .George Hamilton Burt - Henrietta Tolley
||||    .George Frederick Burt - Grace Rebecca Knight
||||     .Marion Haviland Burt - John Williams Morgan
||||      .GEORGE FREDERICK MORGAN (1922-2004) poet
|||.Jacomyntje Cowenhoven - Jan Roelofse Schenck
||| .Geesje Schenck - Aaron Van Doren
|||  .Peter Aaron Van Dorn - Sophia Donelson Caffer
|||  |.EARL VAN DORN (1820-1863) Major-General (Confederate States)
|||  | .Douglas van Dorn - Asie Louise Heathcock
|||  |  .Maud Myrtle van Dorn - Marvin Carl Nance
|||  |   .(__) Nance - (__) O'Grady
|||  |    .JACK NANCE (né MARVIN JOHN NANCE) (1943-1996) film actor
|||  |     - (1) CATHERINE E. COULSON (194?-living) stage and TV actor
|||  |     - (2) KELLY VAN DYKE (1958-1991) adult film actor
|||  |
|||  .William Aaron Van Doren - Elsie Sutton
|||   .Serren Van Doren - Mahala Smith
|||    .Emily Van Doren - George C. Apgar
|||     .Charles Emery Apgar - Helen May Clark
|||      .VIRGINIA APGAR (1909-1974) physician, humanitarian
||.Neeltje Roelofse Schenck - Albert Covenhoven
|||.William Covenhoven - Lysbeth Van Cleef
||||.William Covenhoven - Elizabeth Story
|||| .Margaret Couwenhoven - Joseph Schenck
|||| |.John Conover Schenck - Ann Brook(e or s) Hutchinson
|||| | .William Edward Schenck - Jane Whittemore Torrey
|||| |  .Adeline Torrey Schenck - Benjamin Strong
|||| |   .BENJAMIN STRONG (1872-1928) banker
|||| |
|||| .Johnson Conover - Ann Disbrow
||||  .Samuel Conover - Ann Maria Barclay
||||   .SIMON BARCLAY CONOVER (1840-1908) Senator
|||.Margaretta Covenhoven - Daniel Polhemus
||||.John Polhemus - Mary Van Mater
|||||.Margaret Polhemus - Chrieyonce Schenck
||||| .John C. Schenck - Margaret Polhemus
|||||  .Mary Schenck - John Woodhull Conover
|||||   .John Chrineyonce Conover - Elizabeth Laura Lloyd
|||||    .John Howard Conover - Marguerite Anna Cameron
|||||     .LLOYD HILLIARD CONOVER (1923-?) inventor
||||.Tobias Polhemus - Mary Schenck
|||| .Daniel T. Polhemus - Sarah Van Dyke
||||  .Margaret Polhemus - John C. Schenck
||||   .Mary Schenck - John Woodhull Conover
||||    .John Chrineyonce Conover - Elizabeth Laura Lloyd
||||     .John Howard Conover - Marguerite Anna Cameron
||||      .LLOYD HILLIARD CONOVER (1923-?) inventor
|||.Peter Covenhoven - Willempie Voorhees
||||.Albert Covenhoven - Patience Covenhoven
|||| .Rachel Conover - Garret Vander Veer
|||| |.Abraham Harris Vander Veer - Sarah B. Martin
|||| | .ALBERT VANDER VEER (1841-1929) surgeon
|||| |
|||| .Albert Couwenhoven - Mary Schuyler Claver
||||  .Daniel Sheldon Conover - Catherine McCauley
||||   .Rowland Judson Conover - Martha Louise Smith
||||    .Willis Clark Conover - Francis Estelle Harris
||||     .WILLIS CLARK CONOVER (1920-1996) radio producer
|||.John Albertse Covenhoven - Catherine Voorhees
||| .John Conover - Martha Higgins
|||  .Jonathan Higgins Conover - Anne Schenck
|||   .William Schenck Conover - Elizabeth Gangwer
|||    .Charles Hopkins Conover - Della Louise Boardman
|||     .HENRY BROADMAN CONOVER (1892-1950) ornithologist
||.Mayken Schenck - Jan Lucaszen Van Voorhees
|||.Lucas Van Voorhees - Altje Ryder
||||.Lucas Voorhees - Rachel Van Buren
|||| .Rachel Voorhees - PETER HERCULES WENDOVER (1768-1834) Congressman
|||.Roelof Van Voorhees - Deborah Cortelyou
||||.Peter Voorhees - Mary Sewell
|||| .Roelof Voorhees - Grace Childs
||||  .Maria Voorhees - John I. McCord
||||   .Anna Eliza McCord - Vincent M. Townsend
||||    .Emeline Townsend - John Lossing Buck
||||     .Vincent Morgan Buck - Grace Tenhagen
||||      .John Lossing Buck - PEARL BUCK (née PEARL COMFORT SNYDENSTRICKER) (1892-1973) author
|||.Petrus Voorhees - Mary Brokaw
||||.Stephen Voorhees - Margaretta Van Dyke
|||| .Peter Voorhees - Lemma Van Arsdale
||||  .Stephen Voorhees - Rachel Elliot
||||   .DANIEL WOLSEY VOORHEES (1827-1897) Senator - Anna Hardesty
||||    .CHARLES STEWART VOORHEES (1853-1909) Congressman
|||.Garrett Voorhees - Deborah (__)
||||.Roeloff Voorhees - Elizabeth Nevius
|||| .Isaac Voorhees - Sabra Mount
||||  .George Washignton Voorhees - Anna Sumner
||||   .Warren Randolph Voris - Emma Santee
||||    .James Voris - Alberta Blanche Mortenson
||||     .ROY MARTIN VORIS (1919-2005) aviator, Blue Angels founder
|||.Abraham Van Voorhees - Adrianetje Lefferts
||| .Mary Voorhees - Hendrick Vanderveer
|||  .ABRAHAM VANDERVEER (1781-1839) Congressman
||.Sara Schenck - Jacob Willemszen Van Kouwenhoven
|| .Roelof Covenhoven - Jannetje Hendrickson
|| |.Catrina Covenhoven - David Vanderveer
|| | .Tunis David Vanderveer - Margaret DuBois
|| |  .Catherine Vanderveer - James Tobia Barkalow
|| |   .Rebecca Barkalow - Aaron Denise Schenck
|| |    .James Barkalow Schenck - Amanda J. Fornshell
|| |     .PAUL FORNSHELL SCHENCK (1899-1968) Congressman
|| |
|| .John Covenhoven - Mary Van Dorn
||  .Nelly Covenhoven - Joris Lane
||   .Mary Lane - John Holmes Schenck
||    .Aaron Denise Schenck - Rebecca Barkalow
||     .James Barkalow Schenck - Amanda J. Fornshell
||      .PAUL FORNSHELL SCHENCK (1899-1968) Congressman
|.Mayken Pieterse Wyckoff - Willem Willemse
||.Willem Willemse - Catalyntje Gulick
|||.Johannes Williamson - Mary (__)
||||.Abraham Williamson - Catherine Ten Broeck
|||| .Anna Williamson - William Tennent Stockton
||||  .William Tennent Stockton - Julia Elizabeth Telfair
||||   .John Noble Cumming Stockton - Frances Baker
||||    .GILCHRIST BAKER STOCKTON (1890-?) Ambassador, Admiral
|||.Pieter Williamson - Maria Cossart  (*)
||| .Jacob Williamson - Elisabeth de Grote
|||  .Peter Williamson - Keziah Low
|||   .Eliza Williamson - John Lewis
|||    .Margaret Marie Lewis - Harvey Anway
|||     .Zella Mary Anway - Joseph Stearns Rivers
|||      .Eva May Rivers - Ora Edward Stocker
|||       .WILLARD FRANK LIBBY (1908-1980) chemist, Nobel Prize Recipient
||.Pieter Willemse - Cornelia Johnson
|||.Johannes Willemse (assumed the surname Wyckoff) - Annetje Debevoise
||| .Peter Wyckoff - Lammetje Lott
||| |.Jane Wyckoff - Gerret Bergen
||| | .TEUNIS GARRET BERGEN (1806-1881) Congressman, genealogist - Elizabeth Van Brunt
||| |  .Gertrude Bergen - William G. Kouwenhoven
||| |   .Teunis Garret Bergen Kouwenhoven - Phebe Florence Bennett
||| |    .WILLIAM BENNETT KOUWENHOVEN (1886-1975) inventor
||| |
||| .Mary Wyckoff - Nicholas Van Brunt
||| |.Albert Van Brunt - Mary Holmes
||| | .CHARLES HOLMES VAN BRUNT (1835-?) State Supreme Court Justice
||| |
||| .Johanna Wyckoff - William Kouwenhoven
|||  .George Kouwenhoven - Ann Bergen
|||   .William G. Kouwenhoven - Gertrude Bergen
|||    .Teunis Garret Bergen Kouwenhoven - Phebe Florence Bennett
|||     .WILLIAM BENNETT KOUWENHOVEN (1886-1975) inventor
||.Cornelius Williamson - Grietje Gullick
|| .William Williamson - Patience Hull
||  .William Williamson - Elizabeth (__)
||   .John Williamson - Elizabeth Lavely
||    .Jeremiah Glenn Williamson - Harriett Jane Mitchum
||     .Mary Louisa Williamson - John Wesley Carter
||      .Horace Leroy Carter - Ethel Harvey
||       .Halbert Leroy Carter - Virginia Hillsman
||        .DIXIE VIRGINIA CARTER (1939-living) TV actor
||         - (1) GEORGE HEARN (1934-living) TV actor
||         - (2) HAROLD ROWE HOLBROOK, Jr. (aka HAL HOLBROOK) (1925-living) film amd TV actor
|.Willemptje Wyckoff - Adrian Kinne
||.Peter Kinney - Catalyntje Davidse
|| .Louis Kinney - Hester duBois
||  .Louis Kinney - Mary Brower Williams
||   .Peter Kinney - Eleanor Pearce
||    .George Washington Kinney - Maryann Brown
||     .Ida Kinney - John William Martin
||      .Mabel McQuiddy Martin - Charles Adams Jones
||       .CHARLES MARTIN JONES (aka CHUCK JONES) (1912-1902) animator
|.Cornelis Pieterszen Wyckoff - Gertje Van Arsdalen
||.Simon Wyckoff - Geertje Van Vliet
|||.Cornelius Wyckoff - Elizabeth Anderson
||| .Gertrude Wyckoff - Abraham Van Horne
|||  .Abram Van Horn - Anne Covenhoven
|||   .Cornelius Covenhoven Van Horne - Mary Minier Richards
|||    .WILLIAM CORNELIUS VAN HORNE (1843-1915) railroad president
||.Peter Wyckoff - Elizabeth Van Pelt
|||.Nelly Wyckoff - John Wyckoff
||| .Elizabeth Wyckoff - Cornelius Van Doren
|||  .Eliza Wyckoff Van Doren - John I. Van Cleef
|||   .Isaac Newton Van Cleef - Annie M. Hoagland
|||    .Clarence V. Van Cleef - Alice A. Apgar
|||     .Clarence Leroy Van Cleef, SR. - Marion Levinia Van Fleet
|||      .LEE VAN CLEEF (1925-1989) film actor
||.Maria Wyckoff - Steven Lucaszen Van Voorhees
|||.Aeltje Van Voorhees - Garret Terhune
||| .Stephen Terhune - Margaret Cornell
|||  .William Terhune - Maria Van Nuys
|||   .Garret Terhune - Nancy Davis
|||    .James Terhune - Eusebia Nay
|||     .Asa Garret Terhune - Nancy Williams
|||      .ROBERT MAX TERHUNE (1891-1973) film actor - Maude Cassidy
|||       .ROBERT MAX TERHUNE. Jr. (1928-living) film actor, stuntman
||.Jan Wyckoff - (1) Gertje Stryker (2) Neeltje Schenck
|||.(by 1) Cornelius Wyckoff - Catherine Van Doren
|||| .Petrus Wyckoff - Catherine Crosen
||||  .Peter Wikoff - Sarah Osborn Buckles
||||   .Henry Cunard Wyckoff - Martha Vetura Brick
||||    .Clifford Wyckoff - Neelie Bogg
||||     .FRANK CLIFFORD WYKOFF (?-?) Olympic gold medalist
|||.(by 2) Jacob Wyckoff - (__)
||||.Abraham Wyckoff - Isabella Dunham
|||| .Charles Wyckoff - Alletta Maria Field
||||  .Isabella Wyckoff - George Victor Totto
||||    .Ida Ten Eyck Totto - Francis Calyxtus O'Keffe
||||     .GEORGIA TOTTO O'KEEFFE (1887-1986) artist - ALFRED STIEGLITZ 1864-1946) photographer
||||     .Anita Ten Eyck O'Keefe - ROBERT RALPH YOUNG (1897-1958) businessman
|||.(by 2) John Wyckoff - Nelly Wyckoff
||| .Elizabeth Wyckoff - Cornelius Van Doren
|||  .Eliza Wyckoff Van Doren - John I. Van Cleef
|||   .Isaac Newton Van Cleef - Annie M. Hoagland
|||    .Clarence V. Van Cleef - Alice A. Apgar
|||     .Clarence Leroy Van Cleef, SR. - Marion Levinia Van Fleet
|||      .LEE VAN CLEEF (1925-1989) film actor
||.Pieterneltje Wyckoff - Jeremyas Aertse Vanderbilt
|||.John Vanderbilt - Agnes (__)
||| .John Vanderbilt - Sarah Polhemus
|||  .Wiliam P. Vanderbilt - Mary Mettler
|||   .Levi Vanderbilt - Mary Cole
|||    .Lewis Vanderbilt - Alice Leach
|||     .ARTHUR T. VANDERBILT (1888-1957) state supreme court chief justice
||.Hendrick Wyckoff - Antje Bennet
|||.John Wyckoff - Margaret van Nostrand
||| .Anna Wyckoff - Nathaniel Olcott
|||  .Henry Wyckoff Olcott - Emily Steele
|||  |.HENRY STEELE OLCOTT (1832-1907) Society founder
|||  |
|||  .John Nathaniel Olcott - Euphemia Helen Knox
|||   .JACOB VAN VECHTEN OLCOTT (1856-1940) Congressman
||.Nicholas Wyckoff - Maria Howard
|| .Nicholas Wyckoff - Maria Lefferts
||  .John Wyckoff - Maria Lott
||   .Henry Wyckoff - Eliza Ann Nicoll
||    .Elizabeth Nicoll Wyckoff - WILLIAM EDGAR LEROY (1817-1888) Rear Admiral
|.Geertie Claese Wyckoff - Christoffel Janszen Romeyn
||.Jan Romeyn - Geatje Van Dyke
|| .Peter Romeyn - Abigail (__)
||  .Mary Romine - William Francis
||   .William Francis - Lavina Boylas
||    .Hiram Francis - Elizabeth Ogle
||     .Mary Francis - Henry Herdman
||      .Sarah Elizabeth Herdman - Clyde Leon Brentlinger
||       .Vivienne Brentlinger - Wardell Daniel Jett
||        .Brent Ward Jett, Sr. - Living Vargo
||         .BRENT WARD JETT, Jr. (1958-living) astronaut
|.Garret Pieterszen Wyckoff - Catherine Johanna Nevius
||.Marretje Wyckoff - Roelof Janszen Terhune
|||.Garret Terhune - Aeltje Van Voorhees
||| .Stephen Terhune - Margaret Cornell
||| |.William Terhune - Maria Van Nuys
||| | .Garret Terhune - Nancy Davis
||| |  .James Terhune - Eusebia Nay
||| |   .Asa Garret Terhune - Nancy Williams
||| |    .ROBERT MAX TERHUNE (1891-1973) film actor - Maude Cassidy
||| |     .ROBERT MAX TERHUNE. Jr. (1928-living) film actor, stuntman
||| |
||| .Garret Terhune - Williempie Wyckoff
|||  .Magdalene Terhune - Goyn Talmage
|||   .Thomas Goyn Talmage - Dorothy Miller
|||    .Tunis Van Pelt Talmage - Magdalene Van Nest
|||     .Katherine Arvilla Talmage - William Hurlbut Force
|||      .Katherine Emmons Force - LORILLARD SPENCER (1883-1939) aircraft manufacturer
|||      |
|||      .MADELEINE TALMADGE FORCE (1894-1940) Titanic survivor
|||       - (1) JOHN JACOB ASTOR IV (1864-1912) businessman, Titanic victim
|||       - (3) VINCENZO FIERMONTE (aka WILLIAM BIRD) (1908-1993) film actor
||.Antje Wyckoff - Minne Lucasse Van Voorhees
|||.Gerret Voorhees - Neeltje Nevius
||||.Garret Voorhees - Matilda Ditmars
|||||.Garret Voorhees - Sarah Whitaker
||||| .Nathaniel Voorhees - Naomi Leigh
|||||  .FOSTER MCGOWAN VOORHEES (1856-1927) Governor
||||.Ann Voorhees - Abraham Beekman
|||| .Ellen Beekman - Jacob Quick
||||  .Ann Brouwer Quick - Martin Schenck Garretson
||||   .Abraham Quick Garretson - Josephine Bowker
||||    .E. Helen Garretson - Francis Berger Trudeau
||||     .Francis Berger Trudeau - Jean Douglas Moore
||||      .GARRETSON BEEKMAN TRUDEAU (1948-living) comic strip artist
||||       - MARGARET JANE PAULEY (1950-living) televison personality
|||.Elizabeth Minne van Voorhees - Martin Roeloff Schenck
||| .Ralph Schenck - Susanna Monfoort
|||  .Ida Schenck - Isaac Adriance
|||   .Letitia Adriance - Cornelius van Wyck
|||    .Susan van Wyck - Abraham Gregorius Storm
|||     .Letitia Storm - ISAAC FERRIS (1798-1873) college president
||.Jannetje Wyckoff - Cornelius Vanderveer
|||.Catrina Vanderveer - Jacobus Lefferts
||||.Abigail Lefferts - Bateman Loyd
|||| .Lydia Loyd  - Jeremiah Lott
||||  .Catharine Lott - JOHN A. LOTT (1806-1878) New York State Court of Appeals Judge
|||.Jan Vanderveer - Seytje Vanderveer
||||.Peter Vandivier - Anna La Grange
|||| .Peter Vandivier - Sarah Garshwiler
||||  .Madison Vandivier - Mildred Admire
||||   .James Madison Vandivier - Ida Catherine Ragsdale
||||    .Ara Virgil Vandivier - Isabella W. Daugherty
||||     .ROBERT POLK VANDIVIER (1903-1983) Basketball Hall of Famer
|||.Cornelius Vanderveer - Leah Van Kerk
||| .Ann Vandeveer - Teunis J. Bergen
|||  .JOHN TEUNIS BERGEN (1786-1885) Congressman
||.Garret Wyckoff - Altje Garretson
|| .Garret Wyckoff - Patience Williamson
|| |.Auke Wikoff - Marie Antonides
|| | .Aletta Williamse Wikoff - Judiah Thorp
|| |  .Emeline Thorp - Jonathan Wagner
|| |   .Harriett Wagner - Harry George Thomas
|| |    .LOWELL JACKSON THOMAS (1892-1981) writer, broadcaster, traveller - Fran Ryan
|| |     .LOWELL JACKSON THOMAS, Jr (?-living) Lieutenant Governor
|| |
|| .Alche Wyckoff - Jacob Vanderveer
||  .Garret Vander Veer - Rachel Conover
||   .Abraham Harris Vander Veer - Sarah B. Martin
||    .ALBERT VANDER VEER (1841-1929) surgeon
|.Jan Pieterszen Wyckoff - Neeltje Van Kouwenhoven
| .Margaret Wyckoff - Jonathan Forman
| |.Samuel Forman - Helena Denyse
| | .General Jonathan Forman - Mary Ledyard
| | |.Mary Ledyard Forman - Henry Seymour
| | | .Mary Forman Seymour - RUTGER BLEECKER MILLER (1805-1877) Congressman
| | | |.Sophia Seymour Miller - Edward Hurtt Jewett
| | | | .Mary Seymour Jewett - George Carey
| | | |  .Elizabeth Carey - Erard Adolph Matthiessen
| | | |   .PETER MATTHIESSEN (1927-living) novelist
| | | |    .ALEX MATTHIESSEN (1964-living) environmentalist
| | | |
| | | .HORATIO SEYMOUR (1810-1886) Governor, presidential also-ran
| | | |
| | | .John Forman Seymour - Abigail Adams Johnson
| | | |.HORATIO SEYMOUR (1844-1907) civil engineer and surveyor
| | | |
| | | .Helen Clarissa - Ledyard Lincklaen
| | | |.Helen Lincklaen - CHARLES STEBBINS FAIRCHILD (1842-1924) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
| | | |
| | | .Julia Seymour - ROSCOE CONKLING (1829-1888) Senator
| | |
| | .Eleanor Forman - PHILIP FRENEAU (1752-1832) poet
| | |
| | .Samuel Forman - Mary McCarty
| |  .Catharine Forman - Benjamin Ledyard
| |   .Benjamin Ledyard - Susan French Livingston
| |    .Henry Ledyard - Matilda Frances Cass
| |     .HENRY BROCKHOLST LEDYARD (1844-1921) railroad executive - Mary L'Hommedieu
| |      .Matilda Cass - Baron KLEMENS AUGUST VON KETTELER (1853-1900) German diplomat
| |
| .William Wyckoff - Angenietje Van Dorn
|  .Catherine Wyckoff - Ezekiel Forman
|  |.Elizabeth Wyckoff Forman - JOHN ANDERSON SCUDDER (1759-1836) Congressman
|  |
|  .Peter Wyckoff - Althea Cox
|  |.Henry Wikoff - (__)
|  | .HENRY WIKOFF (aka CHEVALIER) (1813-1884) promoter, newspaper founder
|  |
|  .Isaac Wyckoff - Martha Cox
|   .Isaac Cox Wikoff - Rachel Hickman
|    .CHARLES AUGUSTUS WIKOFF (1837-1898) Battle of San Juan Hill casualty
.Hendrick Van Ness - Annatie Everts
|.Simon Van Ness - Hester Delamater
||.Hendrick van Ness - Catherine Jacobus
|||.Jannetje van Ness - John de Bow
||| .Rebecca de Bow - John Sanford
|||  .Gamaliel Sanford - Elizabeth Brown
|||   .Hannah Maria Sanford - John Vinson
|||    .Frank Vinson - Eva Burritt
|||     .Frances de Rappelage Vinson - Charles Conrad
|||      .CHARLES CONRAD, Jr. (aka PETE CONRAD) (1930-1999) astronaut
||.Cornelia Van Ness - Michael Vandercook
|| .Simon Vandercook - Lavinia Vanderhoof
||  .Peter Vandercook - Nancy Filkins
||   .Melancthon Vandercook - Carmelia Hardick
||    .John Filkin Vandercook - Margaret Womack
||     .JOHN WOMACK VANDERCOOK (1902-1963) author
|.Anna Van Ness - Evert De Ridder
||.Cornelis De Ridder - Susanna Van den Bergh
|| .Antje De Ridder - ABRAHAM YATES (1724-1796) Continental Congress delegate
||  .Susannah Yates - Abraham Gerrit Lansing
||   .GERRIT YATES LANSING (1783-1862) Congressman
|.Evert Van Ness - Geertje Van den Bergh
||.Jannetje Van Ness - Cornelis Waldron
|| .Hendrick Waldron - Margarita Van Vranken
||  .Henry Waldron - Julia N. Newman
||   .HENRY WALDRON (1819-1880) Congressman
|.Fytie Van Ness - Cobus Jacobus
||.Roelof Jacobus - Jannetje Pier
|| .Susanna Jacobus - Nicholas Jones
||  .Jannette Jones - Cornelius William Mandeville - Jannette Jones
||   .Susan Mandeville - David Fairbanks
||    .Ralph Jacobus Fairbanks - Celestia Adelaide Johnson
||     .Zella Vonola Fairbanks - Alexander Revard Modine
||      .Mark Alexander Modine - Dolores Warner
||       .MATTHEW AVERY MODINE (1959-living) film actor
|.Mayke Van Ness - Abraham Wendell
||.Anna Wendell - Wynant Corneliszen Van den Bergh
|| .Cornelis Wynantse Van den Bergh - Maria Viele
||  .Annatje Van den Bergh - John Wendell
||   .Jacob Wendell - Magdelena Snyder
||    .JONAS WENDELL (1815-1873) clergyman
|.Jan Van Ness - Cathalina Groesbeck
||.Willem Van Ness - Geertruy Hogeboom
|||.Petrus Van Ness - Elbertje Hogeboom
||||.JOHN PETER VAN NESS (1770-1846) Congressman, Mayor
||||.Gertrude P. Van Ness - Martin H. Hoffman
|||||.Catharine Douw Hoffman - Henry G. Philip
||||| .William Henry Philip - Eliza Worthington
|||||  .HOFFMAN PHILIP (1872-1951) Ambassador
||||.CORNELIUS PETER VAN NESS (1782-1852) Governor - Rhoda Savage
|||| .JAMES P. VAN NESS (1808-1872) Mayor - Frances Caroline Lesley
||||  .Eliza B. Van Ness - FRANK MCCOPPIN (1834-1897) Mayor
|||.Willem Van Ness - Elisabeth Cantine
||||.William Van Ness - Jane Bay
|||| .Henry Livingston - Ann Eliza Van Ness
||||  .Ann Bay Livingston - Charles Henry Hedges
||||   .Annie Livingston Hedges - Elisha William McKinstry
||||    .Charles Hedges McKinstry - Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury Wells
||||     .Sarah Griffin McKinstry - George Johnson Hall
||||      .WILLIAM BRADFORD HALL (1958-living) TV actor
||||       - JULIA SCARLET ELIZABETH LOUIS-DREYFUS (1961-living) TV actor
|||.Jannetje Van Ness - Robert Yates
||||.Joseph Yates - Annatje Roosa
|||||.Richard Yates - Margaret Mancius
||||| .GEORGE WILHELMUS MANCIUS YATES (1843-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
||||.JOHN VAN NESS YATES (1779-1839) State Secretary of State
|||.Catharine Van Ness - Casper Huyck
||| .Gertrude Huyck - George Pearson
|||  Catlyna Pearson - JOSEPH GILBERT TOTTEN (1788-1864) engineer
||.Jan Van Ness - Sara Van Alen
|| .Isaac Van Ness - Rachel Banks
||  .Elizabeth Van Ness - John Quackenbush Huyck
||   .Rachel Landon Huyck - Charles Gilbert Van Alstyne
||    .HENRY ARTHUR VAN ALSTYNE (1869-1947) civil engineer
|.Gerrit Van Ness - Catelyntje De Forest
| .Hendrick Van Ness - Magdalena Vrooman
|  .Maria Van Ness - Francis Samuel Pruyn
|   .Hendrick Van Ness Pruyn - Hannah Norton
|    .Samuel Norton Pruyn - Eliza Jane Baldwin
|     .CHARLOTTE PRUYN (1867-1963) art collector (Hyde Collection)
.Jan Janszen Oothout - Hendrickje Van Ness
.Jan Van Ness - Aeltje (__)

(*) There is currently no evidence to support or disprove that Pieter Williamson is the son of
    Willem Willemse.

6852 and 6853 have other descendants, such as:

Gysbert Corneliszen Van den Bergh - (__)
.Gerrit Gysbertszen Van den Bergh - Teuntje Gerrits
.Cornelis Gysbertszen Van den Bergh - (1) Levientje Leunen, (2) Cornelia Van Der Poel
|.(by 1) Tryntje Van den Bergh - Pieter Waldron
||.Willem Waldron - Elizabeth Beekman
|||.Pieter Waldron - Antje Ouderkerk
||| .Abraham Waldron - Hannah Christancy
|||  .Cornelius A. Waldron - Elizabeth C. (Felter or Teller)
|||   .Henrietta Beatie Waldron - GEORGE WALLACE MELVILLE (1841-1912) engineer, Rear Admiral
||.Cornelis Waldron - Jannetje Van Ness
|||.Hendrick Waldron - Margarita Van Vranken
||| .Henry Waldron - Julia N. Newman
|||  .HENRY WALDRON (1819-1880) Congressman
||.Catharina Waldron - Hendrick Gerritse Van Wie
|||.Gerrit Van Wie - Catharina Lansing
||||.Helena Van Wie - Jacob Hollenbeck
|||| .Henry Hollenbeck - Margaret McFadden
||||  .Jacob Wesley Hollenbeck - Eliza Anna Nichols
||||   .Jacob G. Hollenbeck - Maybelle A. Parmalee
||||    .CLIFTON WEBB (né WEBB PARMALEE HOLLENBECK) (1889-1966) film actor
|||.Willem Hendrickse Van Wie - Jannetje Lansing
||| .Garret Willem Van Wie - Sarah Walsh
|||  .Eliza Ann Gerritse Van Wie - ALEXANDER JOY CARTWRIGHT (1820-1892) inventor of baseball
||.Rebecca Waldron - Joannes Yates
|| .PETER WALDRON YATES (1747-1826) Continental Congress Delegate
|| |
|| .Engeltje Yates - Cornelius Van Schaick
||  .Maria Van Schaick - James J. Roosevelt
||   .Cornelius Van Schaick Roosevelt - Margaret Barnhill
||    .Silas Weir Roosevelt - Mary West
||    |.James West Roosevelt - Laura D'Oremieulx
||    | .NICHOLAS ROOSEVELT (1893-1982) Ambassador
||    |
||    .James Alfred Roosevelt - Elizabeth Norris Emlen
||    |.William Emlen Roosevelt - Christine Griffin Kean
||    | .George Emlen Roosevelt - Julia M. Addison
||    |  .JULIAN KEAN ROOSEVELT (1924-1986) Olympic gold medalist
||    |
||    .ROBERT BARNWELL ROOSEVELT (1829-1906) Congressman, Ambassador - (childbearing liaison) Minnie O'Shea Fortescue
||    |.GRANVILLE ROLAND FORTESCUE (1875-1952) Rough Rider, journalist, author - GRACE HUBBARD BELL (1883-1979) Massie Affair participant
||    | .THALIA FORTESCUE (1911-1963) Massie Affair participant
||    |
||    .Theodore Roosevelt - Martha Bulloch
||     .THEODORE ROOSEVELT (1858-1919) U.S. President
||     |- (1) Alice Hathaway Lee
||     |- (2) EDITH KERMIT CAROW (1861-1948) First Lady
||     |.(by 1) ALICE LEE ROOSEVELT (1884-1980) colorful personality
||     ||- (1) NICHOLAS LONGWORTH (1869-1931) Congressman (speaker of the house)
||     ||- (2) (liaison) WILLIAM EDGAR BORAH (1865-1940) Senator
||     ||.(by 2) Paulina Longworth - ALEXANDER MCCORMICK STURM (1923-1951) artist, author, businessman
||     ||
||     |.(by 2) THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1887-1944) General - Eleanor Butler
||     ||.Quentin Roosevelt - Frances D. Webb
||     || .Susan Roosevelt - WILLIAM FLOYD WELD (1945-living) Governor
||     ||
||     |.(by 2) KERMIT ROOSEVELT (1889-1943) businessman - Belle Wyatt Willard
||     | .KERMIT ROOSEVELT Jr. (1916-2000) CIA agent
||     |
||     .Elliot Roosevelt - Anna Rebecca Hall
||     |.ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962) First Lady
||     |- FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (1882-1945) U.S. President
||     | .JAMES ROOSEVELT (1907-1991) Congressman - BETSEY MARIA CUSHING (1908-1998) philanthropist
||     | .ELLIOT ROOSEVELT (1910-1990) author - FAYE EMERSON (1917-1983) film and TV actor
||     | .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1914-1988) Congressman
||     |
||     .Corinne Roosevelt - Douglas Robinson
||      .Corinne Douglas Robinson - Joseph Wright Alsop
||       .JOSEPH WRIGHT ALSOP (1910-1989) political columnist
||       .STEWART JOHONNOT OLIVER ALSOP (1914-1974) politcal columnist
||       .Corinne Roosevelt Alsop - Percy Chubb
||        .Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Chubb - WARREN ZIMMERMANN (1935-2004) Ambassador
|.(by 2) Matthias Van den Bergh - Cathalyna Van Deusen
||.Wyntie Van den Bergh - Gerrit Lansing
|||.Catalyntie Lansing - Pieter Dox
||| .Abraham Dox - Ann Cary Nicholas
|||  .PETER MYNDERT DOX (1813-1891) Congressman
||.Engeltje Van den Bergh - Bastian Teunis Visscher
|| .Cathlina Visscher - Isaac Henry Bogart
||  .Angelica Bogart - GEORGE TALCOTT (1786-1862) Brigadier-General
|.(by 2) Wynant Corneliszen Van den Bergh - Anna Wendell
| .Cornelis Wynantse Van den Bergh - Maria Viele
|  .Annatje Van den Bergh - John Wendell
|   .Jacob Wendell - Magdelena Snyder
|    .JONAS WENDELL (1815-1873) clergyman
.Neeltje Gysbertse Van den Bergh - Wouter Pieterszen Quackenbosch
|.Neeltje Quanckenbosch - Simon Westvael
||.Jurian George Westvael - Blandina Dewitt
|| .Simon Westfall - Jannetjen Westbrook
|| |.Simon Westfall - Sara Cole
|| | .Jannetje Westfall - Peter Swartwout
|| |  .Sarah Swartwout - HENRY ROELIFSON BRINKERHOFF (1787-1844) Congressman, General
|| |
|| .Lydia Westfall - Jacob Westbrook
|| |.Jannetje Westbrook - Levi Van Etten
|| | .Thomas Van Etten - Sarah Van Auken
|| |  .Hudson Van Etten - Lydia Cuddeback
|| |   .HUDSON VAN ETTEN (1871-1941)  Congressional Medal of Honor recipient
|| |
|| .Catrina Westfall - Michael Peter Harness
||  .John Harness - Eunice Petty
||   .Joseph Harness - Rebecca Williams
||    .Elizabeth Mary Harness - JOHN INSKEEP VANMETER (1798-1875) Congressman
|.Wouter Quackenbosch - Cornelia Jans Bogaert
||.Johannes Quackenbosch - Margrietje Bogert
|| .Nicholas Quackenbosch - Catharina Van Pelt
|| |.Johannis Quackenboss - Nancy Smith
|| | .Jane Quackenboss - IRA ALLEN EASTMAN (1809-1881) Congressman
|| |
|| .Johannes Quackenbos - Catharina DeWitt
||  .Annatje Quackenbos - THOMAS GREENLEAF (1755-1798) printer, journalist
||   .Joseph Greenleaf - Emeline Matilda Riley
||    .Thomas Greenleaf - Eleanor Leal
||     .JAMES LEAL GREENLEAF (1857-1933) landscape architect
|.Geertje Quackenbosch - Johannes Groesbeck
||.Nicolas Groesbeck - Agnietje De Wandelaer
|| .Johannes Nicholas Groesbeck - Maria Viele
||  .Harmen J. Groesbeck - Margarita Kip
||   .Johannes Herman Groesbeck - Maria Slocum
||    .Olivia A. Groesbeck - JOSEPH HOOKER (1814-1879) Major-General
|.Annetje Quackenbosch - Johannes Harmanszen Knickerbocker
| .Elizabeth Knickerbocker - Sybrant Quackenbosch
| |.Harmon Quackenbosch - Judith Morrall
| | .Jacob Quackenbosch - Ann Groesbeek
| |  .Harmon Quackenbush - Elizabeth Bancus
| |   .JOHN QUACKENBUSH (1828-1908) Congressman
| |
| .Cornelia Knickerbocker - Teunis Van Vechten
| |.Anna Van Vechten - Ignas Kip
| | .Margarita Kip - Harmen J. Groesbeck
| |  .Johannes Herman Groesbeck - Maria Slocum
| |   .Olivia A. Groesbeck - JOSEPH HOOKER (1814-1879) Major-General
| |
| .Johannes Harmenszen Knickerbocker - Rebecca Fonda
|  .Johannes Knickerbocker - Elizabeth Winne
|   .HARMEN KNICKERBOCKER (1779-1855) Congressman
|   |
|   .Derkye Knickerbacker - Evert Van Alen
|   |.Christine Cantine Van Alen - Cornelius Van Reypen
|   | .WILLIAM KNICKERBACKER VAN REYPEN (1840-1924) Rear Admiral
|   |
|   .Cathalyntje Knickerbocker - JOHN LUDOVICUS VIELE (1788-1832) lawyer
|    .EGBERT LUDOVICUS VIELE (1825-1902) engineer - Teresa Griffin
|     .FRANCIS VIELE-GRIFFIN (1864-1937) poet
.Willem Gysbertszen Van den bergh - Catharina Wynantse Van der Poel
 .Catarina Van den Bergh - Levinus Hermenszen Lievense
 |.Catharina Lievense - Abraham Jacob Lansing
 ||.Jacob A. Lansing - Alida Lievense
 |||.Maria Lansing - Derrick Lane
 ||| .Jacob Lansing Lane - Caroline Elizabeth Tibbits
 |||  .Sarah Tibbits Lane - JOHN RICHARDSON THURMAN (1814-1854) Congressman
 ||.Cornelis Lansing - Hester Vanderheyden
 || .Dirck Cornelius Lansing - Laura Strong
 ||  .Helen Alvord Lansing - George Blake Grinnell
 ||   .GEORGE BIRD GRINNELL (1849-1938) ethnologist, author
 |.Pieter Lievense - Maria Fonda
 | .Alida Lievense - Jacob A. Lansing
 |  .Maria Lansing - Derrick Lane
 |   .Jacob Lansing Lane - Caroline Elizabeth Tibbits
 |    .Sarah Tibbits Lane - JOHN RICHARDSON THURMAN (1814-1854) Congressman
 .Gerrit Willemse Van den Bergh - Alida Van Wie
  .Catharina Van den Bergh - Benjamin Goeway
   .Gerrit Goeway - Aagie Look/Egjie Luke/Effie Luke
    .Magdalena Goeway - John Nathan Cutler
     .John Nathan Cutler - Mary E. Gould
      .JAMES GOULD CUTLER (1843-1927) Mayor, inventor

6864 and 6865 have other descendants, such as:

Jacob [Van Schoenderwoert] - (__)
.Rutger Jacobszen Van Schoenderwoert - Tryntje Van Breestede
|.Margrietje Rutgers - Jan Janszen Bleecker
||.Johannes Bleecker - Annetje Costar
|||.Geerytuy Bleecker - Abraham Wendell
||||.Elizabeth Wendell - Thomas Hun
|||| .Abraham Hun - Maria Gansevoort
||||  .Thomas Hun - Lydia Louisa Reynolds
||||   .Marcus Tullius Hun - Mary Keith Vanderpoel
||||    .Mary Vanderpoel Hun - CHARLES BROWN SEARS (1870-1950) jurist
||||    .Susan Vanderpoel Hun - STEPHEN CARLTON CLARK (1882-1960) art collector
||||     .Elizabeth Scriven Clark - Henry Richardson Labouisse
||||      .Anne Labouisse - MARTIN H. PERETZ (1938-living) publisher
||||       .JESSE PERETZ (1968-living) musician, videographer
|||.Nicholas Bleecker - Margarita Roseboom
||||.Hendrick Bleecker - Catalyntje Cuyler
|||||.Margarita Bleecker - Harmanus Ten Eyck
||||||.Anna Ten Eyck - Andrew Foster
|||||| .Herman Ten Eyck Foster - Mary Pauline Lentilhon
||||||  .Mary Pauline Foster - HENRY ALGERNON DU PONT (1838-1926) Senator
||||||   .LOUISE EVALINA DU PONT (1877-1959) preservationist
||||||   .HENRY FRANCIS DU PONT (1880-1969) art collector, museum founder
|||||.Hendrck Bleecker - Elizabeth Metcalfe
||||| .William Edward Bleecker -Elizabeth Russell
|||||  .Henry Bleecker - Emily Frances Berlin
|||||   .Emilie Bleecker - WILLIAM CLARK NOBLE (1858-1938) sculptor
||||.Johannes Nicholas Bleecker - Margarita Van Deusen
|||| .Margarita Bleecker - John Van Schaick
|||| |.Eliza Van Schaick - SIMEON DE WITT BLOODGOOD (1799-1866) author
|||| |
|||| .Ariaantje Bleecker - JOHN BRODHEAD ROMEYN (1777-1825) clergyman
|||| |
|||| .Eliza Bleecker - JACOB BRODHEAD (1782-1855) clergyman
||||  .JOHN ROMEYN BRODHEAD (1814-1873) historian
|||.Jacob Bleecker - Margarita Ten Eyck
||| .Jacob Bleecker, Jr. - Elizabeth Wendell
|||  .HARMANUS BLEECKER (1779-1849) Congressman, Ambassador
||.Caatje Bleecker - Abraham Cuyler
|||.Hendrick Cuyler - Margarita Van Deusen
||||.Catalyntje Cuyler - Hendrick Bleecker
|||| .Hendrck Bleecker - Elizabeth Metcalfe
||||  .William Edward Bleecker - Elizabeth Russell
||||   .Henry Bleecker - Emily Frances Berlin
||||    .Emilie Bleecker - WILLIAM CLARK NOBLE (1858-1938) sculptor
|||.Margarita Cuyler - Dirck Ten Broeck
||||.Christina Ten Broeck - PHILIP LIVINGSTON (1716-1778) Declaration of Independence signer
|||||.Philip Philip Livingston - Sara Johnson
||||||.EDWARD PHILIP LIVINGSTON (1780-1843) Lieutenant Governor - Elizabeth Street Livingston
|||||| .Robert Edward Livingston - Susan Maria Clarkson de Peyster
|||||| |.GOODHUE LIVINGSTON (1867-1951) architect
|||||| |
|||||| .Elizabeth Livingston - Edward Hunter Ludlow
||||||  .Mary Livingston Ludlow - Valentine Gill Hall, Jr.
||||||   .Anna Rebecca Hall - Elliot Roosevelt
||||||    .ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962) First Lady
||||||    - FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (1882-1945) U.S. President
||||||     .JAMES ROOSEVELT (1907-1991) Congressman - BETSEY MARIA CUSHING (1908-1998) philanthropist
||||||     .ELLIOT ROOSEVELT (1910-1990) author - FAYE EMERSON (1917-1983) film and TV actor
||||||     .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1914-1988) Congressman
|||||.Catherine Livingston - (1) Stephen Van Rensselaer, (2) ELIARDUS WESTERLO (1738-1790) clergyman
||||||.(by 1) STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER (1764-1839) General, Congressman
|||||||- (1) Margaret Schuyler
|||||||- (2) Cornelia Paterson
|||||||.(by 1) Stephen Van Rensselaer - Harriet Elizabeth Bayard
||||||||.Cornelia Paterson Van Rensselaer - Nathaniel Thayer
|||||||||.Cornelia Van Rensselaer Thayer - James Hampden Robb
||||||||||.Louisa Robb - GOODHUE LIVINGSTON (1867-1951) architect
|||||||||.Nathaniel Thayer - Cornelia Street Barroll
||||||||||.Cornelia Van Rensselaer Thayer - CARL, Count von Moltke (1869-1935) diplomat
|||||||||| .CARL ADAM, Count von Moltke (?-?) diplomat - Mabel Wilson
||||||||||  .ALEXANDRA VON MOLTKE (1945-living) TV actor, mistress of Klaus von Bülow
|||||||||.Harriet Bayard Thayer - JOHN FORRESTER ANDREW (1850-1895) Congressman
||||||||.Stephen Van Rensselaer - Harriet Elizabeth Bayard
|||||||| .Harriet Van Rensselaer - John Schuyler Crosby
||||||||  .Stephen Van Rensselaer - Henrietta M. Grew
||||||||   .HENRY GREW CROSBY (1898-1929) poet - MARY PHELPS JACOB (1892-1970) inventor
|||||||.(by 2) HENRY BELL VAN RENSSELAER (1810-1864) General - Elizabeth Ray King
||||||||.Elizabeth Van Rensselaer - George Waddington
|||||||||.Euphemia Van Rensselaer Waddington - Christopher Billop Wyatt
||||||||| .JANE WADDINGTON WYATT (1911-2006) film actor
||||||||.Katharine Van Rensselaer - Francis Delafield
|||||||| .Julia Floyd Delafield - Fredrick Van Schoonhoven Crosby
||||||||  .FLOYD DELAFIELD CROSBY (1899-1985) cinematographer - Aliph Van Cortlandt Whitehead
||||||||   .DAVID VAN CORTLANDT CROSBY (1941-living) musician
|||||||.Cortlandt Van Rensselaer - Catherine Ledyard Cogswell
||||||| .Elizabeth Wadsworth Van Renssealer
|||||||  - EDWARD BURD GRUBB (1841-1917) Brigadier-General, Ambassador
||||||.(by 2) RENSSELAER WESTERLO (1776-1851) Congressman
||||||.(by 2) Catherine Westerlo - JOHN WOODWORTH (1768-1858) State Attorney General
|||||.Margaret Livingston - Thomas Jones
||||||.Catherine Livingston Jones - DEWITT CLINTON (1769-1828) Governor, Senator
|||||.Sarah Livingston - JOHN HENRY LIVINGSTON (1746-1825) college president
||||.Catharina Ten Broeck - John Livingston
|||| .James Livingston - Elizabeth Simpson
|||| |.Elizabeth Livingston - Petrus Smith
|||| ||.GERRIT HENRY SMITH (1797-1874) Congressman - Ann Carroll Fitzhugh
|||| |||.ELIZABETH SMITH (1822-11) suffragette
|||| |||
|||| ||.Cornelia Smith - Walter Livingston Cochrane
|||| || .JOHN COCHRANE (1813-1898) General, Congressman
|||| ||
|||| |.Margaret Chinn Livingston - DANIEL CADY (1773-1859) Congressman, State Supreme Court Justice
|||| ||.ELIZABETH CADY (1815-1902) Woman's rights advocate
|||| || - HENRY BREWSTER STANTON (1805-1887) abolitionist
|||| || .HARRIET EATON STANTON (1856-1940) writer, suffragist - William Henry Blatch
|||| ||  .NORA STANTON BLATCH (1883-1971) suffragist - LEE DEFOREST (1873-1961) inventor
|||| ||
|||| |.Richard Montgomery Livingston - Sarah Jacob
|||| | .Mary Livingston - JOHN WESLEY OLMSTEAD (1816-?) clergyman, editor
|||| |  .Sarah Livingston Olmstead - GEORGE BURLEY SPALDING (1835-1914) clergyman
|||| |
|||| .Catherine Livingston - Elia Willard
||||  .John Willard - Mary Ann Jenkins
||||   .Edward Kirk Willard - Elizabeth Willard
||||    .Margaret Stanbury Willard - Worthington Cogswell Miner
||||     .WORTHINGTON COGSWELL MINER (1900-1982) TV producer - FRANCES FULLER (1907-1980) film actor
||||     |.PETER MINER (?-?) TV director - Diane Roynone
||||     | .RACHEL MINER (1980-living) film actor - MACAULAY CARSON CULKIN (1980-living) film actor
||||     |
||||     .Elizabeth W. Miner - William Charles Browning
||||      .KIRK BROWNING (1921-living) TV director
|||.Johannes A. Cuyler - Catharina Wendell
||||.Cornelius Cuyler - Annaatje Wendell
|||| .Jane Cuyler - Jeremiah Schuyler
||||  .Cornelius Schuyler - Harriet Lane Hillhouse
||||   .Harriet Schuyler - EDWARD CORNELIUS DELAVAN (1791-1871) Temperance leader
|||.Catharyna Cuyler - Jacob C. Ten Eyck
||| .Anthony Ten Eyck - Maria Egberts
||| |.EGBERT TEN EYCK (1779-1844) Congressman
||| |.Coenraed Anthony Ten Eyck - Hester Gansevoort Ten Eyck
||| | .Abraham Cuyler Ten Eyck - Margaret Matilda Haswell
||| |  .PETER GANSEVOORT TEN EYCK  (1873-1944) Congressman
||| |
||| .Abraham J. Ten Eyck - Annatje Lansing
|||  .Catherine Ten Eyck - Sanders Lansing
|||  |.Abraham Ten Eyck Lansing - Jane Ann Stewart
|||  ||.FREDERICK LANSING (1838-1894) Congressman
|||  ||
|||  |.Robert Lansing - Maria Hubbard
|||  | .John Lansing - Mary Lay Dodge
|||  |  .ROBERT LANSING (1864-1928) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
|||  |
|||  .Jacob Ten Eyck - Magdalena Gansevoort
|||   .Hester Gansevoort Ten Eyck - Coenraed Anthony Ten Eyck
|||    .Abraham Cuyler Ten Eyck - Margaret Matilda Haswell
|||     .PETER GANSEVOORT TEN EYCK (1873-1944) Congressman
||.Jannetie Bleecker - Johannes Glen
|||.Jacob Sanderse Glen - Elizabeth Cuyler
||| .HENDRICK GLEN (1739-1814) Congressman
||.Rutger Janszen Bleecker - Catalina Schuyler
|||.Johannis Rutgerse Bleecker - Elizabeth Staats
||||.Rutger Bleecker - Catharine Elmendorf
|||||.John Rutger Bleecker - (1) Eliza Ten Eyck Atwood, (2) Mehitable Lynn Bailey
||||||.(by 1) Sarah Bleecker - George Mortimer Tibbits
|||||||.WILLIAM BADGER TIBBITS (1837-1880) General
||||||.(by 2) Mary Bleecker - HORATIO SEYMOUR (1810-1886) Governor, presidential also-ran
|||||.Maria Bleecker - MORRIS SMITH MILLER (1779-1824) Congressman
||||||.MORRIS SMITH MILLER (1814-1870) General - June Octavia Macomb
|||||||.Maria Bleecker Miller - FRANK WHEATON (1833-1903) General
||||||.Charles Dudley Miller - ELIZABETH SMITH (1822-?) suffragette
||||||.RUTGER BLEECKER MILLER (1805-1877) Congressman
|||||| .Sophia Seymour Miller - Edward Hurtt Jewett
||||||  .Mary Seymour Jewett - George Carey
||||||   .Elizabeth Carey - Erard Adolph Matthiessen
||||||    .PETER MATTHIESSEN (1927-living) novelist
||||||     .ALEX MATTHIESSEN (1964-living) environmentalist
|||||.Blandina Bleecker - CHARLES EDWARD DUDLEY (1780-1841) Senator
||||.John Bleecker - Jane Gilliland
|||| .Charlotte Bleecker - Vinal Luce
||||  .STEPHEN BLEECKER LUCE (1827-1917) Rear Admiral
|||.James Bleecker - Abigail Lispenard
||| .Anthony Lispenard Bleecker - Mary Noel
||| |.GARRAT NOEL BLEECKER (1768-1831) Buttonwood Agreement signer
||| |.ANTHONY BLEECKER (1770-1827) author, society founder
||| |.Abigail Bleecker - John Neilson III
||| ||.John Neilson - Margaret Ann Fish
||| |||.Elizabeth Stuyvesant Neilson - Ezra W. Howard
||| ||||.Thomas Howard Howard - Rose A. Post
||| |||| .Elizabeth Stuyvesant Post - Robert Winthrop Kean
||| ||||  .HAMILTON FISH KEAN (1862-1941) Senator - Katharine Taylor Winthrop
||| ||||   .ROBERT WINTHROP KEAN (1893-1980) Congressman
||| ||||    .THOMAS HOWARD KEAN (1935-living) Governor
||| ||||
||| |||.Helen Neilson - DAVID MAITLAND ARMSTRONG (1836-1918) artist, Ambassador
||| ||| .HAMILTON FISH ARMSTRONG (1893-1973) diplomat, editor
||| |||
||| ||.Catharine Neilson - Jacob Stout Carpender
||| |||.Mary Noel Bleecker - Francis Kerby Stevens
||| ||||.HENRY HEWGILL STEVENS (1869-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
||| ||||.WILLIAM CARPENDER STEVENS (1872-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
||| ||||.FRANCES NOEL STEVENS (1874-?) Hall-Mills murder suspect
||| |||| - EDWARD WHEELER HALL (?-1922) Hall-Mills murder victim
||| ||||
||| |||.William Carpender - ALICE PREBLE TUCKER DE HAAS (?-1920) artist
||| ||||
||| |||.John Neilson Carpender, Sr. - Anna Neilson Kemp
||| ||| .HENRY DE LA BRUYERE CARPENDER (1882-1934) Hall-Mills murder suspect
||| ||| |
||| ||| .ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
||| |||
||| ||.Josepha Matilda Neilson - William Henry Crosby
||| |||.Ellen Murray Crosby - John Aspinwall Roosevelt
||| ||| .ELLEN CROSBY ROOSEVELT (1868-1954) Tennis Hall of Famer
||| |||
||| ||.Cornelia Neilson - Orlando Harriman, Jr.
||| |||.EDWARD HENRY HARRIMAN (1848-1909) railroad magnate
||| |||- MARY WILLIAMSON AVERELL (1851-1932) philanthropist
||| ||| .MARY HARRIMAN (1882-1934) philanthropist - CHARLES CARY RUMSEY (1879-1923) sculptor
||| ||| .WILLIAM AVERELL HARRIMAN (1891-1986) Governor, Ambassador
||| ||| |- PAMELA BERYL DIGBY (1920-1997) Ambassador
||| ||| |
||| ||| .EDWARD ROLAND NOEL HARRIMAN (1895-1978) financier, philanthropist
||| |||
||| ||.Helen Neilson - John Butler Coles Neilson
||| || .Henry Augustus Neilson - Johanna Bayard Neilson
||| ||  .Helena Bleecker Neilson - ARTHUR SCHUYLER CARPENDER (1884-1960) Rear Admiral
||| ||
||| |.Elizabeth De Hart Bleecker - Alexander Lewis McDonald
||| ||.Anthony Bleecker McDonald - Adelaide Joanna Low
||| || .Susan Blanchard McDonald - Edward Delavan Nelson
||| ||  .RICHARD HENRY NELSON (1859-?) P.E. Bishop
||| ||
||| |.Leonard A. Bleecker - Sarah Elizabeth Popham
||| | .Elizabeth Popham Bleecker - Theodore Francis Mallaby, Sr.
||| | |.Elizabeth Bleecker Mallaby - Waldron Moore Dame
||| | | .Donald Grant Dame - Irene E. Rosa
||| | |  .DONALD GRANT DAME, Jr. (1912-1952) opera singer
||| | |
||| | .Leonard Augustus Bleecker - Aletha Hill Popham
||| |  .Leonard Augustus Bleecker - Florence Eleanor Victoria Deacon
||| |   .Charles Victor Bleecker - Elizabeth Candee Bouton
||| |    .Robert Bouton Bleecker - Annabelle Marie Chick
||| |     .CHARLES THOMAS BLEECKER (?-living) author, screenwriter
||| |      - JENNIFER EDWARDS (?-living) film actor
||| |
||| .Johannes Jacob Bleecker - ANN ELIZA SCHUYLER (1752-1784) poet
||.Margarita Bleecker - Hendrick Ten Eyck
|| .Jacob Hendrick Ten Eyck - Annetje Wendell
|| |.Anna Ten Eyck - Wilhelmus Mancius
|| ||.Jacob Ten Eyck Mancius - Jane Ann Barber
|| || .Margaret Mancius - Richard Yates
|| ||  .GEORGE WILHELMUS MANCIUS YATES (1843-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
|| ||
|| |.Harmanus Ten Eyck - Margarita Bleecker
|| | .Anna Ten Eyck - Andrew Foster
|| |  .Herman TenEyck Foster - Mary Pauline Lentilhon
|| |   .Mary Pauline Foster - HENRY ALGERNON DU PONT (1838-1926) Senator
|| |    .LOUISE EVALINA DU PONT (1877-1959) preservationist
|| |    .HENRY FRANCIS DU PONT (1880-1969) art collector, museum founder
|| |
|| .Margarita Ten Eyck - Jacob Bleecker
|| |.Jacob Bleecker, Jr. - Elizabeth Wendell
|| | .HARMANUS BLEECKER (1779-1849) Congressman, Ambassador
|| |
|| .Tobias Ten Eyck - Rachel DePeyster
||  .John DePeyster Ten Eyck - Maria Douw
||   .Elsie Ten Eyck - James Van Alstyne
||    .Abraham Van Alstine - Isabella Dunlop
||     .Abraham Van Alstine - Sarah Jane Terrell
||      .Anna Minerva Van Alstine - John James Cobain
||       .John James Arthur Cobain - Grace Almeda Gibson
||        .Leland Elmer Cobain - Iris Maxine Labrot
||         .Donald Cobain - Wendy Fradenberg
||          .KURT DONALD COBAIN (1967-1994) singer, songwriter
||           - COURTNEY LOVE (née COURTNEY MICHELLE HARRISON) (1964-living) musician, film actor
|.Jacob Rutsen - Maria Hansen Bergen
||.Catharina Rutsen - Johannes Hardenbergh
|||.Jacoba Hardenbergh - Edward Whitaker
||||.Marretje Whittaker -Jacob Heermans
|||| .Jacomyntje Heermanse - Benjamin Van Wagenen
||||  .Elizabeth Van Wagenen - Johannes S. Schoonmaker
||||   .Maria Schoonmaker - ISAAC D. VAN WAGENEN (1796-1867) bought Sojouner Truth's freedom
|||.Johannes Hardenburgh - Maria DuBois
||| .JOHANNES HARDENBERGH (1729-1799) owner of Sojourner Truth - Marie LeFevre
||| |.CHARLES HARDENBERGH (1765-?) owner of Sojourner Truth
||| |
||| .JACOB RUTSEN HARDENBREGH (1736-1790) College President - Dinah Van Bergh
|||  .Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh - Mary Margaret Lowe
|||   .Cornelius Lowe Hardenbergh - (1) Catherine Richmond, (2) Mary Hude Warren
|||   |.(by 1) JAMES RICHMOND HARDENBERGH (1814-1899) Mayor, Mint Superintendent
|||   |.(by 2) AUGUSTUS ALBERT HARDENBERGH (1830-1889) Congressman
|||   |
|||   .Jacob Rutsen Hardenbergh - Mary Pool
|||    .John Pool Hardenbergh - Francis Eliza Eddy
|||     .HENRY JANEWAY HARDENBERGH (1847-1918) architect
||.Margaret Rutsen - William Nottingham
|||.Mary Nottingham - Egbert DeWitt
||||.Andries DeWitt - Jannetje Vernooy
|||||.SIMEON DEWITT (1756-1834) New York Surveyor General, Chancellor of the University of New York
||||.Jacob Rutsen DeWitt - Janneke Depuy
|||||.Margriet DeWitt - Peter Cuddeback
||||||.Peter Cuddeback - Clarissa Stevens
|||||| .Grant Price Cuddeback - Elmira Hale
||||||  .Moses Clinton Cuddeback - Cloa E. Kent-Irons
||||||   .LEON DEWEY CUDDEBACK (1898-1984) aviation pilot
|||||.Hannah DeWitt - Jacobus Ennes
||||||.Elizabeth Ennis - John Daley
|||||| .Abigail Jane Daley - Milo Andrus
||||||  .Amanda Ann Andrus - Howard Ransom Egan
||||||   .Horace Walter Egan - Anna Bernhardina Tengberg
||||||    .Inis Bernice Egan - HOWARD WILLIAM HUNTER (1907-1995) LDS Church President
|||||.Esther DeWitt - Jacobus Depuy
||||| .Jacob Rutsen Depuy - Polly Clement
|||||  .HENRY WALTER DEPUY (1819-1876) historian
||||.William Dewitt - Susanna Chambers
|||||.Charles Jesse Dewitt - Lydia Goldsmith
||||| .Francis Byron Dewitt - Sarah McLean
|||||  .FRANCIS BYRON DEWITT (1849-1929) Congressman
||||.Mary DeWitt - JAMES CLINTON (1736-1812) general
|||||.Mary Clinton - AMBROSE SPENCER (1765-1848) Congressman, State Attorney General
|||||.DEWITT CLINTON (1769-1828) Governor, Senator
|||||.Katherine Clinton - AMBROSE SPENCER (1765-1848) Congressman, State Attorney General
||||.Thomas DeWitt- Elsie Hasbrouck
|||| .JACOB HASBROUCK DEWITT (1784-1867) Congressman
|||.Catharine Nottingham - Matthew Cantine
||| .Grietjen Cantine - Abraham Kip Van Vleck
||| |.John Van Vleck - Sarah Tack
||| | .Peter Van Vleck - Ann Hasbrouck
||| |  .JOHN MONROE VAN VLECK (1833-1912) educator - Ellen Maria Burr
||| |   .EDWARD BURR VAN VLECK (1863-1943) mathematician - Hester Laurence Raymond
||| |    .JOHN HASBROUCK VAN VLECK (1899-?) Nobel Prize Winner (1977, Physics)
||| |
||| .Elisabeth Cantine - Willem Van Ness
||| |.William Van Ness - Jane Bay
||| | .Henry Livingston - Ann Eliza Van Ness
||| |  .Ann Bay Livingston - Charles Henry Hedges
||| |   .Annie Livingston Hedges - Elisha William McKinstry
||| |    .Charles Hedges McKinstry - Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury Wells
||| |     .Sarah Griffin McKinstry - George Johnson Hall
||| |      .WILLIAM BRADFORD HALL (1958-living) TV actor
||| |       - JULIA SCARLET ELIZABETH LOUIS-DREYFUS (1961-living) TV actor
||| |
||| .Cornelia Cantine - John C. DeWitt
|||  .Moses Edward DeWitt - Lydia Ann Miller
|||   .DAVID MILLER DEWITT (1837-1912) Congressman
||.Bregjen Rutsen - William Nottingham
|||.Catharina Nottingham - Matthew Cantine
||| .Grietje Nottingham Cantine - Abraham Kip Van Vleck
|||  .John Van Vleck - Sarah Elmendorf Cool Tack
|||   .Abraham Kip Van Vleck - Catherine Fredericka Graff Bartholomew
|||    .Abraham Kip Van Vleck - Annie Wakeman
|||     .Edgar Wakeman Van Vleck - Bertha Macy
|||      .NATALIE VAN VLECK (1901-1982) artist, founder of Flanders Nature Center
||.John Rutsen - Alida Livingston
|| .Johannes Rutsen - Phebe Carmen
|| |.Catharine Rutsen - George Suckley
|| ||.THOMAS HOLY SUCKLEY (1810-1888) philanthropist - Catharine Murray Bowne
|| || .Robert Bowne Suckley - Elizabeth Phillips Montgomery
|| ||  .MARGARET LYNCH SUCKLEY (1891-1991) archivist
|| ||
|| |.Sarah Rutsen - PHILIP JEREMIAH SCHUYLER (1768-1835) Congressman
|| | .Catharine Schuyler - SAMUEL JONES (1770-1853) jurist
|| |
|| .Cornelia Rutsen - ROBERT VAN RENSSELAER (1740-1802) General
||  .JACOB RUTSEN VAN RENSSELAER (1767-1835) State Secretary of State
||  |
||  .Jeremias Van Rensselaer - Sybil Adeline Kane
||  |.Cornelia Rutsen Van Rensselaer - Francis Granger
||  ||.Cornelia Adeline Granger - John E. Thayer
||  || .Adele Granger Thayer - ROBERT CHARLES WINTHROP (1809-1894) Senator
||  ||
||  |.Alida Maria Van Rensselaer - CHARLES HOLKER CARROLL (1794-1865) Congressman
||  | .Cornelia Granger Carroll - Edward Philo Fuller
||  |  .Sophia Fuller - EDWIN FORREST SWEET (1847-1935) Congressman, Assistant Cabinet Secretary
||  |
||  .Alida Van Rensselaer - Elisha Kane
||  |.John Kintzing Kane - Jane Du Val Leiper
||  | .ELISHA KENT KANE (1820-1857) explorer - MARGARETTA FOX (1836-1893) spiritualist
||  | .THOMAS LEIPER KANE (1822-1883) Major-General
||  | .Robert Patterson Kane - Elizabeth Frances Fisher
||  | |.Elizabeth Middleton Kane - Walter Cope
||  | | .Elizabeth Francis Cope - JOSEPH CHARLES AUB (1890-1973) physician
||  | | .Anne Francis Cope - THOMAS PIERREPONT HAZARD (1892-1968) state treasurer
||  | |  .Anne Francis Hazard - ELLIOT LEE RICHARDSON (1920-1999) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
||  | |  .OLIVER COPE (1902-1994) physician
||  | |
||  | .John Kintzing Kane - Mabel Bayard
||  |  .Jean Du Val Leiper Kane - George Rhyfedd Foulke
||  |   .JEAN KANE FOULKE (1891-?) reformer - ELEUTHERE PAUL DU PONT (1887-1950) industrialist
||  |
||  .Catharine Van Rensselaer - John Arent Schuyler
||  |.Jacob Rutsen Schuyler - Susan Haigh Edwards
||  | .Susanna Edwards Schuyler - NICHOLAS MURREY BUTLER (1862-1947) Nobel Prize Winner (1931, Peace)
||  |
||  .James Van Rensselaer - Susan De Lancey Cullen
||   .John Cullen Van Rensselaer - Cornelia Josepha Codwise
||    .Schuyler Van Rensselaer - MARIANA ALLEY GRISWOLD (1851-1934), writer, art critic
|.Harmanus Rutgers - Catarina De Hooges
||.Anthony Rutgers - (1) Hendrickje Van de Water, (2) Cornelia Roos
|||.(by 1) Petrus Rutgers - Helena Hoogland
||||.Helena Rutgers - JOHN MORIN SCOTT (1730-1784) Continental Congress delegate
|||| .LEWIS ALLAIRE SCOTT (?-?) Secretary of State of New York
|||.(by 1) Anneke Rutgers - Charles Crooke
||||.Charles Crooke - Jannetje Van Valkenburgh
|||| .John Crooke - Cornelia Beekman Livingston
|||| |.Charles Crooke - Anna Neher
|||| | .Mary Helen Crooke - JAMES EMOTT (1823-1884) jurist
|||| |
|||| .Ann Crook - (1) William Reuben Barber, (2) William Broom
||||  .(by 1) Jane Ann Barber - Jacob Ten Eyck Mancius
||||  |.Margaret Mancius - Richard Yates
||||  | .GEORGE WILHELMUS MANCIUS YATES (1843-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
||||  |
||||  .(by 2) Mary Crooke Broom - CHARLES HERMAN RUGGLES (1789-1865) Congressman, New York Court of Appeals Chief Justice
|||.(by 1) Catharine Rutgers - Benjamin Kissam
||||.Peter Rutgers Kissam - Deborah Townsend
|||||.Samuel Kissam - Margaret H. Adams
||||| .Maria Louise Kissam - WILLIAM HENRY VANDERBILT (1821-1885) businessman
|||||  .William Kissam Vanderbilt - ALVA ERSKINE SMITH (1853-1933) socialite
|||||  |.WILLIAM KISSAM VANDERBILT II (1876-1944) railroad president
|||||  |.CONSUELO VANDERBILT (1877-1964) marital pawn
|||||  ||      9th Duke of Marlborough (1871-1934) cabinet minister
|||||  ||- (2) JACQUES BALSAN (1868-?) aviation pioneer
|||||  ||
|||||  |.HAROLD STERLING VANDERBILT (1884-1970) yachtsman, card game inventor
|||||  |
|||||  .GEORGE WASHINGTON VANDERBILT (1862-1914) built the Biltmore house - Edith Stuyvesant Dresser
|||||   .Emily Thorn Vanderbilt - (1) William Douglas Sloane, (2) HENRY WHITE (1850-1927) Ambassador
|||||    .(by 1) Florance Adele Sloane - James Abercrombie Burden, Jr.
|||||    | .Shiela Burden - Blake Leigh Lawrence
|||||    |  .Adele Lawrence - LOUIS STANTON AUCHINCLOSS (1917-living) novelist
|||||    |
|||||    .(by 1) Emily Vanderbilt Sloane - John Henry Hammond
|||||     .Alice Frances Hammond - BENJAMIN DAVID GOODMAN (aka BENNY) (1909-1986) composer
|||||     .JOHN HENRY HAMMOND (1910-1987) music producer - Jemison McBride
|||||      .JOHN PAUL HAMMOND (1942-living) musician
||||.Helena Kissam - Philip Livingston Hoffman
|||| .Adrian Kissam Hoffman - Jane Anne Thompson
||||  .JOHN THOMPSON HOFFMAN (1828-1888) Governor
|||.(by 2) Anthony Rutgers - Margrita Clopper
||||.Anthony Rutgers - Gertrude Gouverneur
|||| .Anthony A. Rutgers - Cornelia Gaines
||||  .Mary Gouverneur Rutgers - Lansing Bond Mizner
||||   .HENRY RUTGERS MIZNER (1827-1915) Brigadier-General
|||.(by 2) Alice Rutgers - Leonard Lispenard
||||.Cornelia Lispenard - Thomas Marston
|||||.Margaret Marston - William Young
||||| .Charlotte Young - Henry Martin Beare
|||||  .Henry Martin Beare - Charlotte Grosvenor
|||||   .Charlotte Grosvenor Beare - EDWARD LIVINGSTON TRUDEAU (1848-1915) physician
|||||    .Francis Berger Trudeau - Jean Douglas Moore
|||||     .GARRETSON BEEKMAN TRUDEAU (1948-living) comic strip artist
|||||      - MARGARET JANE PAULEY (1950-living) televison personality
||||.Anthony Lispenard - Sarah Barclay
|||| .Sarah Lispenard - Alexander L. Stewart
|||| |.Lispenard Stewart - Mary Rogers Rhinelander
|||| | .WILLIAM RHINELANDER STEWART (1852-1929) philanthropist
|||| |
|||| .Leonard Lispenard - Ann Dorothy Bache
||||  .Sarah Lispenard - Alexander L. Stewart
||||   .Helen Lispenard Stewart - JAMES WATSON WEBB (1802-1884) journalist
||||    .ALEXANDER STEWART WEBB (1835-1911) Major-General
|||.(by 2) Maria Rutgers - Henry Barclay
||| .Cornelia Barclay - Stephen Delancey
||| |.Susan Delancey - HUDSON LOWE (1769-1844) Lieutenant General, Governor
||| |
||| .Thomas H. Barclay - Susan Delancey
||| |.Anne Barclay - William Burrington Parsons
||| | .Eliza Barclay - Peter Schuyler Livginston
||| |  .Schuyler Livingston - Ann Eliza Hosie
||| |   .Eliza Glass Livingston - William Barclay Parsons
||| |    .WILLIAM BARCLAY PARSONS (1859-1932) civil engineer
||| |
||| .Anna Dorothea Barclay - Beverley Robinson
|||  .Morris Robinson - Henrietta Elizabeth Duer
|||   .Catherine Alexander Robinson - ALEXANDER SLIDELL-MACKENZIE (1803-1848) naval officer
|||    .RANALD SLIDELL-MACKENZIE (1840-1899) Brigadier-General
|||    .ALEXANDER SLIDELL-MACKENZIE (1848-1867) naval officer
||.Elsje Rutgers - David Pieterse Schuyler , Jr.
|||.Hermanus Schuyler - Jane Bancker
||||.Elsje Schuyler - Reynier Reijnier Reinier Schaats
|||| .David Skaats - Mary Blanch/Blank
||||  .David Schuyler Skaats - Elisabeth Pierson/Pearson
||||   .Ann Skaats - James E. Wheeler
||||    .SCHUYLER SKAATS WHEELER (1860-1923) inventor
|||.Catharina Schuyler - Ignatz Du Mond
||||.Elsie Dumont - Teunis van Benschoten
|||||.Catrina Van Benschoten - Christian Bergh
||||| .Christian Bergh - Elizabeth Ivers
|||||  .HENRY BERGH (1811-1888) society founder
||||.John Baptist Dumont - Margaret Van Norden
|||||.William Van Norden Dumont - Elizabeth Tibbetts
||||| .William Allen Dumont - Catharina Dederick
|||||  .James Allen Dumont - Elizabeth M'Clenahan
|||||   .May Dumont - EDWARD CLARK POTTER (1857-1923) sculptor
||||.Petrus Dumond - Maria Van Wagenen
|||||.Isaac Dumond - Sarah Berro
||||| .Petrus Dumond - Jane Johnson
|||||  .Isaac Dumond - Julia Maria Britton
|||||   .Alonzo Monroe Dumond - Elizabeth Vincent
|||||    .FRANK VINCENT DUMOND (1864-1952) artist
|||||    .FREDERICK MELVILLE DUMOND (1867-1927) artist
||||.Cornelius Dumond - Margaret Hennes
|||| .Esther Dumond - Henry Van Hoevenberg
||||  .Abraham Van Hoevenberg - Eleanor Van Vranken
||||   .Adam Van Vranken Van Hoevenberg - Cynthia Melinda Cole
||||    .HENRY VAN HOEVENBERG (1849-1918) inventor, Resort Developer
|||.Myndert Schuyler - Elizabeth Wessels
||| .Annatje Schuyler - Nicholas Bogart
|||  .David Schuyler Bogart - Elizabeth Platt
|||   .ELIZABETH BOGART (1795-?) poet
||.Harmanus Rutgers - Catharina Meyers
|| .Harmen Rutgers - Elizabeth Benson
|| |.Robert Rutgers - Elizabeth Beekman
|| ||.Gerard Rutgers - Margaret Sarah Bayard
|| || .Anthony Rutgers - Sarah Alexander Johnson
|| ||  .Catherine Bayard Rutgers - Theodore Grant Neilson
|| ||   .Nicholas Bayard Neilson - Sarah G. Chapman
|| ||    .Ruth Rapalje Neilson - THOMAS MELVILLE DILL (1876-1945) Attorneys General of Bermuda
|| ||     .DIANA LOVE DILL (1923-living) film actor
|| ||      - KIRK DOUGLAS (né ISSUR DANIELOVITCH DEMSKY) (1916-living) film actor
|| ||      .MICHAEL KIRK DOUGLAS (1944-living) film actor
|| ||       - CATHERINE ZETA-JONES (née CATHERINE JONES) (1969-living) film actor
|| ||
|| |.Cornelia Rutgers - Jacob LeRoy
|| | .Herman LeRoy - Hannah Cornell
|| | |.Cornelia LeRoy - William Edgar
|| | ||.Hannah Edgar - Robert Rutherford Morris
|| | || .Katharine Augusta Morris - Henry D. Phelp
|| | ||  .Helena Van Cortlandt Phelps - ROBERT TEMPLE EMMET (1854-1936) Congressional Medal of Honor
|| | ||
|| | |.Catherine Augusta LeRoy - Thomas Newbold
|| | ||.Hannah Cornell Newbold - William Henry Morris
|| | || .Augustus Newbold Morris - Eleanor Colford Jones
|| | ||  .Newbold Morris - Helen Schermerhorn Kingsland
|| | ||   .Stephen Van Cortlandt Morris - Persis Warren Mason
|| | ||    .Helen Schermerhorn Morris - MARTIN CHARLES SCORSESE (1942-living) film director
|| | ||
|| | |.Caroline LeRoy - DANIEL WEBSTER (1782-1852) U.S. Cabinet Secretary, Senator
|| | ||
|| | |.Daniel LeRoy - Susan Elizabeth Fish
|| | | .Mary Augusta LeRoy - Edward King
|| | |  .LeRoy King - Ethel Ledyard Rhinelander
|| | |   .LeRoy King - Mary Isabel Lockwood
|| | |   |.Bayard LeRoy King - Moya Beryl Shields
|| | |   | .Adelaide Alexandra King - ILIE NASTASE (1946-living) tennis player
|| | |   |
|| | |   .FREDERICK RHINELANDER KING (1887-1972) architect
|| | |
|| | .Maria Anna LeRoy - John Livingston
|| | |.Cornelia Livingston - Nicholas Gouverneur Rutgers
|| | ||.Mary Anne LeRoy Rutgers - James Holbrook Whitney
|| | || .Alfred Rutgers Whitney - Adeline P. Nesbitt
|| | ||  .Elsie Montgomery Whitney - Harold Ely Griswold
|| | ||   .ALFRED WHITNEY GRISWOLD (1906-1963) University President
|| | ||
|| | |.ROBERT LEROY LIVINGSTON (1778-1836) Congressman
|| | ||
|| | |.Daniel Livingston - Eliza Oothout
|| | ||.Maria LeRoy Livingston - George Crary Satterlee
|| | |||.WALTER SATTERLEE (1844-1908) artist
|| | |||
|| | ||.Eliza A.(__) Livingston - JAMES BOWEN (1808-1886) Brevetted Major-General
|| | ||
|| | |.Henry Livingston - Ann Eliza Van Ness
|| | | .Ann Bay Livingston - Charles Henry Hedges
|| | |  .Annie Livingston Hedges - Elisha William McKinstry
|| | |   .Charles Hedges McKinstry - Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury Wells
|| | |    .Sarah Griffin McKinstry - George Johnson Hall
|| | |     .WILLIAM BRADFORD HALL (1958-living) TV actor
|| | |      - JULIA SCARLET ELIZABETH LOUIS-DREYFUS (1961-living) TV actor
|| | |
|| | .Jacob LeRoy - Martha Banyer
|| | |.Mary LeRoy - Henry White
|| | ||.John Campbell White - Eliza Ridgely
|| | || .HENRY WHITE (1850-1927) Ambassador
|| | ||
|| | |.Harriet LeRoy - Campbell Patrick White
|| | | .Catharine E. White - John Stewart
|| | |  .Campbell White Stewart - Margaret Atherton Beeckman
|| | |   .Katherine Stewart - HALLET JOHNSON (1887-?) Ambassador
|| | |
|| | .Catherine Rutgers - Jacob LeRoy
|| |  .Elizabeth LeRoy - GULIAN McEVERS (?-1807) Buttonwood Agreement signer
|| |  |
|| |  |.Catherine Augusta McEvers - Hugh Birckhead
|| |  | .Ella Birckhead - William Henry Morris
|| |  |  .Augusta McEvers Morris - Frederic de Peyster
|| |  |   .Ella Morris de Peyster - MORTON LEWIS SCHWARTZ (1882-1953) horse owner
|| |  |
|| |  .Robert LeRoy - Catherine Cuyler
|| |   .Jacob Rutgers LeRoy - Helen Otis
|| |    .Charlotte LeRoy - Henry de Koven
|| |     .HENRY LOUIS REGINALD DE KOVEN (1857-1920) composer, music critic
|| |      - ANNA FARWELL (1860-1953) author
|| |
|| .Hendrick Rutgers - Catharine de Peyster
|| |.Catharine Rutgers - William Bedlow
|| | .Catharina Bedlow - Ebenezer Crosby
|| |  .William Bedlow Crosby - Harriet Ashton Clarkson
|| |   .William Henry Crosby - Josepha Matilda Neilson
|| |   |.Ellen Murray Crosby - John Aspinwall Roosevelt
|| |   | .ELLEN CROSBY ROOSEVELT (1868-1954) Tennis Hall of Famer
|| |   |
|| |   .Clarkson Floyd Crosby - Angelica Schuyler
|| |   |.JOHN SCHUYLER CROSBY (1839-1914) Governor - Harriet Van Rensselaer
|| |   | .Stephen Van Rensselaer Crosby - Henrietta M. Grew
|| |   |  .HENRY GREW CROSBY (1898-1929) poet - MARY PHELPS JACOB (1892-1970) inventor
|| |   |
|| |   .Edward Nicoll Crosby - Elizabeth Van Schoonhoven
|| |   |.Fredrick Van Schoonhoven Crosby - Julia Floyd Delafield
|| |   | .FLOYD DELAFIELD CROSBY (1899-1985) cinematographer - Aliph Van Cortlandt Whitehead
|| |   |  .DAVID VAN CORTLANDT CROSBY (1941-living) musician
|| |   |
|| |   .HOWARD CROSBY (1826-1891) college president - Margaret Evertson Givan
|| |    .ERNEST HOWARD CROSBY (1856-1907) poet
|| |
|| .Cathrine Rutgers - Abraham Van Horn(e)
|| |.Margaret Van Horn - Garret Dewitt
|| | .Margaret DeWitt - Maurice William Dwight
|| |  .Margaret Van Horn Dwight - William Bell, Jr.
|| |   .Sarah Ann Bell - George Collier
|| |   |.Margaret Dwight Collier - ETHAN ALLEN HITCHCOCK (1835-1909) Secretary of the Interior
|| |   | .Annie Erwin Hitchcock - WILLIAM SOWDEN SIMS (1858-1936) Admiral, Pulitzer Prize winner
|| |   |
|| |   .Margaret DeWitt Bell - John Logan Blaine
|| |    .Emma Bell Blaine - Edward Spalding Churchill
|| |     .WINSTON CHURCHILL (1871-1947) novelist, author
|| |
|| .Eva Rutgers - John Provoost
||  .SAMUEL PROVOOST (1742-1815) P.E. Bishop - Maria Bousfield
||   .Maria Provoost - CADWALLADER DAVID COLDEN (1769-1834) Mayor, Congressman
|.Engeltie Rutgers - Melchior Van Deusen
| .Rutger Melchiors Van Deusen - Wyntie Harmens Hun
| |.Cathalyna Van Deusen - Matthias Van den Bergh
| | .Wyntie Van den Bergh - Gerrit Lansing
| | |.Catalyntie Lansing - Pieter Dox
| | | .Abraham Dox - Ann Cary Nicholas
| | |  .PETER MYNDERT DOX (1813-1891) Congressman
| | |
| | .Engeltje Van den Bergh - Bastian Teunis Visscher
| |  .Cathlina Visscher - Isaac Henry Bogart
| |   .Angelica Bogart - GEORGE TALCOTT (1786-1862) Brigadier-General
| |
| .Catharina Melchersz Van Deusen - Lucas Witbeck
| |.Geertruy Witbeck - Reuben Van Vechten
| | .Engeltje Van Vechten - Stephanus Schuyler
| | |.John S. Schuyler - Maria Miller
| | ||.Angelica Schuyler - Clarkson Floyd Crosby
| | || .John Schuyler Crosby - Harriet Van Rensselaer
| | ||  .Stephen Van Rensselaer Crosby - Henrietta M. Grew
| | ||   .HENRY GREW CROSBY (1898-1929) poet - MARY PHELPS JACOB (1892-1970) inventor
| | ||
| | |.Jeremiah Schuyler - Jane Cuyler
| | | .Cornelius Schuyler - Harriet Lane Hillhouse
| | |  .Harriet Schuyler - EDWARD CORNELIUS DELAVAN (1791-1871) Temperance leader
| | |
| | .Catryna Van Vechten - Harmanus H. Wendell
| |  .Annatje Wendell - Philip P. Schuyler
| |  |.Catharina Schuyler - ABRAHAM VAN VECHTEN (1762-1823) lawyer
| |  |
| |  .Cornelis Wendell - Annatie Lansing
| |   .John Lansing Wendell - Susan Carter
| |    .Anna Mary Wendell - ROBERT BOWNE MINTURN (1805-1866) merchant
| |     .Robert Bowne Minturn - Susanna Shaw
| |      .Edith Minturn - ISAAC NEWTON PHELPS STOKES (1867-?) author of Iconography of Manhattan Island
| |
| .Marritje Melchiors Van Deusen - Johannes Thomaszen
| |.Thomas Cadmus - Neeltje Jacobuse Joralemon
| ||.Pietertje Cadmus - Thomas Cadmus
| || .Thomas T. Cadmus - Maria Egbert
| ||  .Cornelius Cadmus - Rachel Miller Osborne
| ||   .George Washington Cadmus - Leah Maria Van Ripen
| ||    .Egbert Cadmus - Maria Latasa
| ||     .PAUL CADMUS (1904-1999) artist
| ||     .Fidelma Cadmus - LINCOLN KIRSTEIN (1907-1996) critic, art collector, ballet company cofounder
| ||
| |.Abraham Cadmus - Geertje Bras
| | .Thomas Cadmus - Pietertje Cadmus
| |  .Thomas T. Cadmus - Maria Egbert
| |   .Cornelius Cadmus - Rachel Miller Osborne
| |    .George Washington Cadmus - Leah Maria Van Ripen
| |     .Egbert Cadmus - Maria Latasa
| |      .PAUL CADMUS (1904-1999) artist
| |      .Fidelma Cadmus - LINCOLN KIRSTEIN (1907-1996) critic, art collector, ballet company cofounder
| |
| .Harpert Van Deusen - Helena Van Deusen
| |.Engeltje Van Deusen - Sander Van Brakel
| | .Gysbert Sanders Van Brakel - Barbara Wilson
| |  .Catherine Van Brocklen - Jellis Fonda Van Vechten
| |   .Gilbert Van Vechten - Ilona Bent
| |    .Charles Duane Van Vechten - Ada Amanda Fitch
| |     .CARL VAN VECHTEN (1880-1964) photographer - FANIA MARINOFF (1890-1971) stage and film actor
| |
| .Abraham Melchiorsz Van Deusen - Anna Catharine Meyer
|  .Robert Van Deusen - Antje Bressie
|   .Levinus Van Dusen - Sarah Humphrey
|    .Catherine Cornelia van Dusen - John Eaton
|     .Anson Eaton - Loruhamah Sutton
|      .Wesley Eaton - Mary Ann Masters
|       .Violet Eaton - Frank Clifton Mosher
|        .Blanche May Mosher - Donald Lynn Chaffee
|         .ROGER BRUCE CHAFFEE (1935-1967) astronaut
.Teunis Jacobszen [Van Schoenderwoert] - Sara Denys
.Derkje (Jacobsz?) - Cornelis Corneliszen Bogart
 .Cornelis Corneliszen Bogart - (__)
 |.Marretjen/Marytje Bogart - Gysbert Osterhout
 | .Jenneke Oosterhout - John Robison
 |  .James Robison - Margaret Adams
 |   .Joseph Robison - Cornelia Guinal
 |    .Matilda Robison - Thomas Rice King
 |     .William R. King - Josephine Henry
 |     |.WILLIAM HENRY KING (1863-1949) Senator (President pro tempre), - Vera Bergita Sjodahl
 |     | state Supreme Court Justice, Congressman
 |     | .DAVID SJODAHL KING (1917-living) Congressman, Ambassador
 |     |
 |     .Delilah Cornelia King - George Daniel Olson
 |      .CULBERT LEVY OLSON (1876-1962) Governor of California - Kate Jeremy
 |       .Richard Culbert Olson - Adele Fay
 |        .(__) Olson - (__) Alexander
 |         .KALIN OLSON (1975-living) Playboy Playmate - PASCAL TREPANIER (1973-living) Hockey player
 .Jacob Corneliszen Bogart - Jannetje Quackenbosch
 |.Maria Bogart - Samuel Pruyn
 ||.Francis Pruyn - Alida Van Yveren
 || .Samuel Pruyn - Neeltje Ten Eyck
 ||  .Francis Samuel Pruyn - Maria Van Ness
 ||  |.Hendrick Van Ness Pruyn - Hannah Norton
 ||  | .Samuel Norton Pruyn - Eliza Jane Baldwin
 ||  |  .CHARLOTTE PRUYN (1867-1963) art collector (Hyde Collection)
 ||  |
 ||  .John Samuel Pruyn - Margaret Lansing
 ||   .Samuel John Pruyn - (1) Helen Vandervoort, (2) Mary Putnam
 ||    .(by 1) Margaret Pruyn - Cornelius J. Roosevelt
 ||    |.Clara Pruyn Roosevelt - John Moore Walker, Sr.
 ||    | .JOHN MOORE WALKER, Jr. (1888-1951) P.E. Bishop
 ||    |
 ||    .(by 2) Agnes Pruyn - Robert Strain
 ||     .Agnes Pruyn Strain - JOHN WILBUR CHAPMAN (1859-1918) evangelist
 |.Jacob Bogart - Catalina Schuyler
 ||.Jannetje Bogart - Sybrant Van Schaick
 || .Gerrit Van Schaick - Elizabeth Van Slyck
 ||  .Jannetje Van Schaick - Arent Abraham Bradt
 ||   .Abram Bradt - Sarah Van Slyck
 ||    .John Bradt - Mary Kelly
 ||     .Mary Bradt - DAVID WARFIELD (1866-1951) stage actor
 |.Pieter Bogart - Rebecca Fonda
 ||.Douw Bogart - Willemptje Bradt
 |||.Willmeptje Bogart - Jacobus Fonda
 ||| .Isaac C. Fonda - Eva Van Valkenburg
 |||  .Isaac C. Fonda - Abigail Candace Dollof
 |||   .MINA M. FONDA (1862-1924) artist - LEONARD OCHTMAN (1854-1934) artist
 |||    .DOROTHY FONDA OCHTMAN (1892-1971) artist
 ||.Jacob Bogart - Marytje Yates
 || .Anneke Bogart - Jacob I. Van Aernam
 ||  .Jacob Bogart Van Aernam - Hannah Wallace
 ||   .HENRY VAN AERNAM (1819-1894) Congressman
 |.Isaac Bogart - Hendrickje Oothout
 | .Hendrick I. Bogart - Barbara Marselis
 |  .Johannes Bogart - Christina Vought
 |  |.John Henry Bogart - Eliza Hermans
 |  | .JOHN BOGART (1836-1920) engineer
 |  |
 |  .Isaac Henry Bogart - Cathlina Visscher
 |  |.Angelica Bogart - GEORGE TALCOTT (1786-1862) Brigadier-General
 |  |
 |  .Gerrit Bogart - Margaret Nexsen
 |   .WILLIAM HENRY LAURENTIUS BOGART (1810-1888) historian
 .Hendrick Corneliszen (Van den) Bogart - Jannetje Martense  (*)
 |.Aeltje Bogart - Adrian Nieuwkirk
 ||.Jannetje Newkirk - Johannes Burhans
 || .Helena Burhans - Frederick Britt
 ||  .Leah Britt - John Albert Slingerland
 ||   .JOHN I. SLINGERLAND (1804-1861) Congressman
 |.Rachel Bogart - Isaac Corneliszen Van Ysselsteyn
 | .Rachel Ysselsteyn - Conrad Gerhard
 |  .William Gerhard - Sarah Wood
 |   .Louisa Gerhard - Henry du Pont de Nemours
 |    .William du Point - Anna Rogers
 |    .HENRY ALGERNON DU PONT (1838-1926) Senator - Mary Pauline Foster
 |    |.LOUISE EVALINA DU PONT (1877-1959) preservationist
 |    |.HENRY FRANCIS DU PONT (1880-1969) art collector, museum founder
 |    |
 |    .William du Point - Anna Rogers
 |     .Marion du Pont - GEORGE RANDOLPH CRANE SCOTT (1898-1987) film actor
 |     .William du Pont, Jr. - Jean Liseter Austin
 |      .JOHN ELEUTHÈRE DU PONT (1939-living) convicted murderer
 .Jannetje Cornelisz Bogart - Marten Janszen Van Alstyne
  .Abigail Van Alstyne - David De Forest
   .Susanna De Forest - Isaac Douw Fonda
    .Douwe Isaac Fonda - Machtel Vischer Lansing
     .Jacob Douw Fonda - Cornelia Scudder
      .Matilda Scudder Fonda - Robert Emmet Andrews
       .KORNELIA THEODOSIA ANDREWS (1847-1913) Titanic survivor
       .ANNE LOUISA ANDREWS (1860-1947 Titanic survivor
       .Mary D. Andrews - Levi Fiske Longley
	.GRETCHEN FISKE LONGLEY (1890-1965) Titanic survivor

(*) There is some debate over whether Hendrick was really a son of Cornelis and Derkje.

6866 and 6867 have other descendants, such as:

Unknown - Unknown
Sara Denys - Teunis Jacobszen [Van Schoenderwoert]
.Maria Bords - Claes Ripszen Van Dam
 .RIP CLAESZEN VAN DAM (about 1660-1749) colonial Governor - Sara Van de Speigel
 |.Sarah Van Dam - Walter Thong
 ||.Maria Thong - Robert Livingston
 || .Peter Robert Livingston - Margaret Livingston
 || |.Moncrieffe Livingston - Frances Covert
 || | .Crawford Livingston - Caroline M. Chapman
 || |  .CRAWFORD LIVINGSTON (1848-1925) captialist
 || |
 || .Mary Livingston - JAMES DUANE (1733-1797) Congressman, jurist, Mayor
 || |.Maria Duane - WILLIAM NORTH (1755-1836) General
 || ||
 || |.James Chatham Duane - Mary Anne Bowers
 || | .James Duane - Harriet Constable
 || |  .Mary Anne Duane - Robert Traill Spence Lowell
 || |  |.Robert Traill Spence Lowell. Jr. - Kate Bailey Myers
 || |  | .Robert Traill Spence Lowell, III - Charlotte Winslow
 || |  |  .ROBERT TRAILL SPENCE LOWELL, IV (1917-1977) poet
 || |  |
 || |  .JAMES CHATHAM DUANE (1824-1897) engineer - Harriet Brewerton
 || |  |.ALEXANDER DUANE (1858-1926) ophthalmologist
 || |  |
 || |  .Rebecca Duane - CHARLES FRANKLIN ROBERTSON (1835-1886) P.E. Bishop
 || |
 || .WALTER LIVINGSTON (1740-1979) Continental Congress delegate - Cornelia Schuyler
 || |.HENRY WALTER LIVINGSTON (1768-1810) Congressman - Mary Masters Allen
 || ||.Henry Walter Livingston II - Caroline de Grasse de Pau
 || || .Robert Linlithgo Livingston - Mary S. McRa
 || ||  .Robert Linlithgo Livingston II - Marie J Sheedy
 || ||   .Robert Linlithgo Livingston III - Dorothy Godwin
 || ||    .ROBERT LINLITHGO LIVINGSTON IV (1943-living) Senator
 || ||
 || |.Peter Schuyler Livingston - Eliza Barclay
 || ||.Schuyler Livingston - Ann Eliza Hosie
 || || .Eliza Glass Livingston - William Barclay Parsons
 || ||  .WILLIAM BARCLAY PARSONS (1859-1932) civil engineer
 || ||
 || |.Robert L. Livingston - Margaret Maria Livingston
 || ||.Cornelia Louisiana Livingston - Charles E. Ridgely
 || |||.Elizabeth Augusta Ridgely - WILLIAM HENRY HUNT (1823-1884) U.S. Secretary of the Navy
 || ||| .WILLIAM HENRY HUNT (1857-1949) jurist
 || |||
 || ||.Eugene Augustus Livingston - Harriet Coleman
 || || .Mary Coleman Livingston - Maturin Livingston Delafield
 || ||  .JOHN ROSS DELAFIELD (1874-1964) Brigadier-General
 || ||  |
 || ||  .Mary Livingston Delafield - EDWARD RIDLEY FINCH (1873-1965) New York State Court of Appeals Judge
 || ||   .Anne Crane Delafield Finch - Howard Ellis Cox
 || ||    .EDWARD RIDLEY FINCH COX (1946-living) - PATRICIA NIXON (1946-living)
 || ||
 || |.Gertrude Livingston  - William Cutting
 || ||.FRANCIS BROCKHOLST CUTTING (1804-1879) Congressman
 || ||.Robert Livingston Cutting - Elizabeth McEvers
 || || .Fulton Cutting - Elizabeth Justine Bayard
 || ||  .William Bayard Cutting  - Olivia Peyton Murray
 || ||   .BRONSON MURRAY CUTTING (1888-1935) Senator
 || ||
 || |.Harriet Livingston - ROBERT FULTON (1765-1815) engineer
 || |
 || .Robert Cambridge Livingston - Alice Swift
 || |.John Swift Livingston - Anna Maria Martina Thompson
 || ||.Robert Cambridge Livingston - Maria Bronson Murray
 || || .Robert Cambridge Livingston, Jr. - Maria Whitney
 || ||  .Caroline E. Livingston - Harold Woods Baker
 || ||   .Phyllis Livingston Baker
 || ||    - FRED ASTAIRE (né FREDERIC AUSTERLITZ, Jr.) (1899-1987) film actor
 || ||
 || |.James Duane Livingston - Sarah Swift
 || | .Louisa Livingston - Oliver Hewlett Jones
 || |  .Coralie Elizabeth Jones - John Lyon Gardiner
 || |   .Winthrop Gardiner - Isabel Lemmon
 || |    .Winthrop Gardiner - SONJA HENIE (1912-1969) film actor, Olympic gold medalist
 || |
 || .John Livingston - Mary Ann LeRoy
 ||  .Cornelia Livingston - Nicholas Gouverneur Rutgers
 ||  |.Mary Anne LeRoy Rutgers - James Holbrook Whitney
 ||  | .Alfred Rutgers Whitney - Adeline P. Nesbitt
 ||  | .Elsie Montgomery Whitney - Harold Ely Griswold
 ||  |  .ALFRED WHITNEY GRISWOLD (1906-1963) University President
 ||  |
 ||  .ROBERT LEROY LIVINGSTON (1778-1836) Congressman
 ||  |
 ||  .Daniel Livingston - Eliza Oothout
 ||  |.Maria LeRoy Livingston - George Crary Satterlee
 ||  ||.WALTER SATTERLEE (1844-1908) artist
 ||  ||
 ||  |.Eliza A.(__) Livingston - JAMES BOWEN (1808-1886) Brevetted Major-General
 ||  |
 ||  .Henry Livingston - Ann Eliza Van Ness
 ||   .Ann Bay Livingston - Charles Henry Hedges
 ||    .Annie Livingston Hedges - Elisha William McKinstry
 ||     .Charles Hedges McKinstry - Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury Wells
 ||      .Sarah Griffin McKinstry - George Johnson Hall
 ||       .WILLIAM BRADFORD HALL (1958-living) TV actor
 ||        - JULIA SCARLET ELIZABETH LOUIS-DREYFUS (1961-living) TV actor
 |.Isaac Van Dam - Sarah Pintard
 | .Isaac Van Dam - Sarah Young
 | |.Anne Isabella Van Dam - John Mackenzie
 | | .HENRY MACKENZIE (?-1878) P.E. Bishop
 | |
 | .Anthony Van Dam - (__)
 |  .Sophia Van Dam - Abraham Van Buskirk
 |   .JACOB VAN BUSKIRK60-1834) Canadian politician
 .Debora Van Dam - Hendrick Hansen
  .Maria Hansen - David Schuyler
  |.Abraham Schuyler - Eva Beekman
  | .David Schuyler - Elizabeth Lawyer
  |  .Anna Elizabeth Schuyler - Peter Hynds
  |   .Salina Hynds - Charles H. SHaver
  |    .Frances Eliza Shaver - JOHN VAN SCHAICK, Jr. (1873-1949) clergyman
  |     .LOUIS JOSEPH VAN SCHAICK (1875-1942) Congressional Medal of Honor recipient
  .Ryckert Hansen - Catrina Ten Broeck
   .Dirck Hansen - Helena Louw
    .Catharina Hansen - Stanislas Pascal Franchot
     .RICHARD HANSEN FRANCHOT (1816-1875) Congressman - Anna Van Vranken
      .Stanislas Pascal Franchot - Annie Powers Eells
      |.Gertrude Franchot - FRANK JEROME TONE (1868-1945) businessman
      | .STANISLAS PASCAL FRANCHOT TONE (1905-1968) film actor
      |  - (1) JOAN CRAWFORD (née LUCILLE FAY LESUEUR) (1904-1977) film actor
      |  - (2) JEAN WALLACE (née JEAN WALASEK) (1923-1990) film actor
      |  - (3) BARBARA PAYTON (née BARBARA LEE REDFIELD) (1927-1967) film actor
      |  - (4) DOLORES DORN (née DOLORES HEFT) (1934-?) film actor
      .NICHOLAS VAN VRANKEN FRANCHOT (1855-1943) oil producer

6868 and 6869 have other descendants, such as:

Jan Loockermans - (__)
.Pieter Janszen Loockermans - Maria Duncanson
.Jacob Loockermans - (__)
|.Caatje Loockermans - Wesel Ten Broeck
| .Anna Catherine Ten Broeck - Anthony Van Schaick
| |.Wessel Van Schaick - Maria Gerritsen
| | .Catrina Van Schaick - PETER GANSEVOORT (1749-1812) General
| |  .Leonard H. Gansevoort - Mary Ann Chandonette
| |  |.GUERT C. GANSEVOORT (1812-1868) Naval Officer
| |  |
| |  .Maria Gansevoort - Allan Melville
| |   .HERMAN MELVILLE (1819-1891) author
| |   .Catherine Gansevoort Melville - JOHN CHIPMAN HOADLEY (1818-1886) civil engineer
| |
| .Christina Ten Broeck - David Hendrickse Van Dyck
| |.Maria Van Dyck - Marten Gerritsen Van Bergen
| | .Gerrit Van Bergen - Catharina Van Bergen
| |  .William Van Bergen - Neeltje Van Dyck
| |   .Catharine Van Bergen- Lora Nash
| |    .Mary Nash - CORNELIUS REA AGNEW (1830-1888) physician
| |
| .DIRCK TEN BROECK (1686-1751) Mayor - Margarita Cuyler
|  .Catharina Ten Broeck - John Livingston
|  |.James Livingston - Elizabeth Simpson
|  ||.Elizabeth Livingston - Petrus Smith
|  |||.GERRIT HENRY SMITH (1797-1874) Congressman - Ann Carroll Fitzhugh
|  ||||.ELIZABETH SMITH (1822-11) suffragette
|  ||||
|  |||.Cornelia Smith - Walter Livingston Cochrane
|  ||| .JOHN COCHRANE (1813-1898) General, Congressman
|  |||
|  ||.Margaret Chinn Livingston - DANIEL CADY (1773-1859) Congressman, State Supreme Court Justice
|  |||.ELIZABETH CADY (1815-1902) Woman's rights advocate
|  ||| - HENRY BREWSTER STANTON (1805-1887) abolitionist
|  ||| .HARRIET EATON STANTON (1856-1940) writer, suffragist - William Henry Blatch
|  |||  .NORA STANTON BLATCH (1883-1971) suffragist - LEE DEFOREST (1873-1961) inventor
|  |||
|  ||.Richard Montgomery Livingston - Sarah Jacob
|  || .Mary Livingston - JOHN WESLEY OLMSTEAD (1816-?) clergyman, editor
|  ||  .Sarah Livingston Olmstead - GEORGE BURLEY SPALDING (1835-1914) clergyman
|  ||
|  |.Catherine Livingston - Elia Willard
|  | .John Willard - Mary Ann Jenkins
|  |  .Edward Kirk Willard - Elizabeth Willard
|  |   .Margaret Stanbury Willard - Worthington Cogswell Miner
|  |    .WORTHINGTON COGSWELL MINER (1900-1982) TV producer - FRANCES FULLER (1907-1980) film actor
|  |    |.PETER MINER (?-?) TV director - Diane Roynone
|  |    | .RACHEL MINER (1980-living) film actor - MACAULAY CARSON CULKIN (1980-living) film actor
|  |    |
|  |    .Elizabeth W. Miner - William Charles Browning
|  |     .KIRK BROWNING (1921-living) TV director
|  |
|  .Christina Ten Broeck - PHILIP LIVINGSTON (1716-1778) Declaration of Independence signer
|  |.Philip Philip Livingston - Sara Johnson
|  ||.EDWARD PHILIP LIVINGSTON (1780-1843) Lieutenant Governor - Elizabeth Street Livingston
|  || .Robert Edward Livingston - Susan Maria Clarkson de Peyster
|  || |.GOODHUE LIVINGSTON (1867-1951) architect
|  || |
|  || .Elizabeth Livingston - Edward Hunter Ludlow
|  ||  .Mary Livingston Ludlow - Valentine Gill Hall, Jr.
|  ||   .Anna Rebecca Hall - Elliot Roosevelt
|  ||    .ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962) First Lady
|  ||    - FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (1882-1945) U.S. President
|  ||     .JAMES ROOSEVELT (1907-1991) Congressman - BETSEY MARIA CUSHING (1908-1998) philanthropist
|  ||     .ELLIOT ROOSEVELT (1910-1990) author - FAYE EMERSON (1917-1983) film and TV actor
|  ||     .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1914-1988) Congressman
|  ||
|  |.Catherine Livingston - (1) Stephen Van Rensselaer, (2) ELIARDUS WESTERLO (1738-1790) clergyman
|  ||.(by 1) STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER (1764-1839) General, Congressman
|  |||- (1) Margaret Schuyler
|  |||- (2) Cornelia Paterson
|  |||.(by 1) Stephen Van Rensselaer - Harriet Elizabeth Bayard
|  ||||.Cornelia Paterson Van Rensselaer - Nathaniel Thayer
|  |||||.Cornelia Van Rensselaer Thayer - James Hampden Robb
|  ||||||.Louisa Robb - GOODHUE LIVINGSTON (1867-1951) architect
|  ||||||
|  |||||.Nathaniel Thayer - Cornelia Street Barroll
|  ||||||.Cornelia Van Rensselaer Thayer - CARL, Count of Moltke (1869-1935) diplomat
|  |||||| .CARL ADAM, Count of Moltke (?-?) diplomat - Mabel Wilson
|  ||||||  .ALEXANDRA VON MOLTKE (1945-living) TV actor, mistress of Klaus von Bülow
|  ||||||
|  |||||.Harriet Bayard Thayer (1853) - JOHN FORRESTER ANDREW (1850-1895) Congressman
|  |||||
|  ||||.Stephen Van Rensselaer - Harriet Elizabeth Bayard
|  |||| .Harriet Van Rensselaer - John Schuyler Crosby
|  ||||  .Stephen Van Rensselaer - Henrietta M. Grew
|  ||||   .HENRY GREW CROSBY (1898-1929) poet - MARY PHELPS JACOB (1892-1970) inventor
|  ||||
|  |||.(by 2) HENRY BELL VAN RENSSELAER (1810-1864) General - Elizabeth Ray King
|  ||||.Elizabeth Van Rensselaer - George Waddington
|  |||||.Euphemia Van Rensselaer Waddington - Christopher Billop Wyatt
|  ||||| .JANE WADDINGTON WYATT (1911-2006) film actor
|  |||||
|  ||||.Katharine Van Rensselaer - Francis Delafield
|  |||| .Julia Floyd Delafield - Fredrick Van Schoonhoven Crosby
|  ||||  .FLOYD DELAFIELD CROSBY (1899-1985) cinematographer - Aliph Van Cortlandt Whitehead
|  ||||   .DAVID VAN CORTLANDT CROSBY (1941-living) musician
|  ||||
|  |||.Cortlandt Van Rensselaer - Catherine Ledyard Cogswell
|  ||| .Elizabeth Wadsworth Van Renssealer - EDWARD BURD GRUBB (1841-1917) Brigadier-General, Ambassador
|  |||
|  ||.(by 2) RENSSELAER WESTERLO (1776-1851) Congressman
|  ||.(by 2) Catherine Westerlo - JOHN WOODWORTH (1768-1858) State Attorney General
|  ||
|  |.Margaret Livingston - Thomas Jones
|  | .Catherine Livingston Jones - DEWITT CLINTON (1769-1828) Governor, Senator
|  |
|  .ABRAHAM TEN BROECK (1734-1810) Brigadier-General, Mayor
|   .DIRCK TEN BROECK (1765-1832) New York State Assembly Speaker
.Anna Loockermans - Olof Stephense Van Cortlandt
|.STEPHANUS VAN CORTLANDT (1643-1700) Mayor - Gertruyd Schuyler
||.Johannes Van Cortlandt - Anna Maria Van Schaick
|||.Gertrude Van Cortlandt - Philip Verplanck
||| .Philip Verplanck - Aefje Beekman
|||  .Catharine Verplanck - Harmanus Hoffman
|||  |.Samuel Verplanck Hoffman - Glorvina Rosil Storm
|||  | .Charles Frederick Hoffman - Eleanor Louisa Vail
|||  |  .Laura Isabel Hoffman - JACOB VAN VECHTEN OLCOTT (1856-1940) Congressman
|||  |
|||  .Anna Maria Verplanck - Andrew De Veaux, Jr.
|||   .Julia De Veaux - John Hare Powell
|||    .Julia DeVeaux Powell - WILLIAM PARKER FOULKE (1816-1865) fossil hobbyist
|||     .George Rhyfedd Foulke - Jean Du Val Leiper Kane
|||      .JEAN KANE FOULKE (1891-?) reformer - ELEUTHERE PAUL DU PONT (1887-1950) industrialist
||.Margareta Van Cortlandt - Samuel Bayard
|||.Nicholas Bayard - Elizabeth Rynders
||||.Nicholas Bayard, Jr. - Catharine Livingston
|||| .Catherine Anne Bayard - Robert Charles Johnson
|||| |.Catherine Anne Johnson - THOMAS POLLOCK DEVEREUX (1793-1869) lawyer
|||| ||.MARY BAYARD DEVEREUX (alias MARY BAYARD CLARK) (about 1820-?) author
|||| |||
|||| ||.John Devereux - Margaret Mordecai
|||| || .Mary Livingston Devereux - Arthur Winslow
|||| ||  .Charlotte Winslow - Robert Traill Spence Lowell, III
|||| ||   .ROBERT TRAILL SPENCE LOWELL, IV (1917-1977) poet
|||| ||
|||| |.Sarah Alexander Johnson - Anthony Rutgers
|||| | .Catherine Bayard Rutgers - Theodore Grant Neilson
|||| |  .Nicholas Bayard Neilson - Sarah G. Chapman
|||| |   .Ruth Rapalje Neilson - THOMAS MELVILLE DILL (1876-1945) Attorneys General of Bermuda
|||| |    .DIANA LOVE DILL (1923-living) film actor
|||| |     - KIRK DOUGLAS (né ISSUR DANIELOVITCH DEMSKY) (1916-living) film actor
|||| |     .MICHAEL KIRK DOUGLAS (1944-living) film actor
|||| |      - CATHERINE ZETA-JONES (née CATHERINE JONES) (1969-living) film actor
|||| |
|||| .Eliza Bayard - John Houston McIntosh
||||  .Eliza Bayard McIntosh - DUNCAN LAMONT CLINCH (1787-1849) Brigadier-General, Congressman
||||   .Elizabeth Bayard Clinch - ROBERT ANDERSON (1805-1871) General
||||   |.Martha Latham Anderson - Woodbury Blair
||||   | .Ethel Anderson Blair - William Brooks Clift
||||   |  .EDWARD MONTGOMERY CLIFT (1920-1966) film actor
||||   |  .WILLIAM BROOKS CLIFT (1919-1986) film actor
||||   |   - (1) ELEANOR CLIFT (?-living) political commentator
||||   |   - (2) JO ANNA MARCH (1932-living) actor
||||   |   .(mother uncertain) WILLIAM BROOKS CLIFT (1944-living) photographer
||||   |
||||   .Catherine Maria Clinch - Edward Barnwell Heyward
||||    .DUNCAN CLINCH HEYWARD (1864-1943) Governor
|||.Stephanus Bayard - Alida Vetch
||||.WILLIAM BAYARD (1729-1804) Stamp Act Congress delegate - Catherine McEvers
|||| .William Bayard - Elizabeth Cornell
||||  .Robert Bayard - Elizabeth McEvers
||||  |.Elizabeth Justine Bayard - Fulton Cutting
||||  | .William Bayard Cutting - Olivia Peyton Murray
||||  |  .BRONSON MURRAY CUTTING (1888-1935) Senator
||||  |
||||  .Harriet Elizabeth Bayard - Stephen Van Rensselaer
||||   .Cornelia Paterson Van Rensselaer - Nathaniel Thayer
||||   |.Cornelia Van Rensselaer Thayer - James Hampden Robb
||||   || .Louisa Robb - GOODHUE LIVINGSTON (1867-1951) architect
||||   ||
||||   |.Nathaniel Thayer - Cornelia Street Barroll
||||   ||.Cornelia Van Rensselaer Thayer - CARL, Count of Moltke (1869-1935) diplomat
||||   || .CARL ADAM, Count of Moltke (?-?) diplomat - Mabel Wilson
||||   ||  .ALEXANDRA VON MOLTKE (1945-living) TV actor, mistress of Klaus von Bülow
||||   ||
||||   |.Harriet Bayard Thayer (1853) - JOHN FORRESTER ANDREW (1850-1895) Congressman
||||   |
||||   .Stephen Van Rensselaer - Harriet Elizabeth Bayard
||||    .Harriet Van Rensselaer - John Schuyler Crosby
||||     .Stephen Van Rensselaer Crosby - Henrietta M. Grew
||||      .HENRY GREW CROSBY (1898-1929) poet - MARY PHELPS JACOB (1892-1970) inventor
|||.Geertruyd Bayard - Peter Kemble
||| .Peter Kemble - Gertrude Gouverneur
||| |.GOUVERNEUR KEMBLE (1786-1875) Congressman
||| |.Gertrude Kemble - JAMES KIRKE PAULDING (1778-1860) U.S Cabinet Secreatry
||| |.Mary Kemble - ROBERT PARKER PARROTT (1804-1877) inventor
||| |
||| .Margaret Kemble - THOMAS GAGE (1719/1720-1787) Colonial Governor, General
||| |.HENRY GAGE, 3rd Viscount Gage (1761-1808) Major-General - Susannah Maria Skinner
||| ||.Henry Hall Gage - Elizabeth Maria Foley
||| || .Caroline Harriet Gage - Standish Prendergast Vereker
||| || |.Elizabeth Maria Prendergast Vereker - William Harvey Astell
||| || ||.Cynthia Elizabeth Violet Astell - THOMAS BEAUMONT HOHLER (1871-1946) diplomat
||| || ||
||| || |.John Gage Prendergast Vereker - Eleanor Surtees
||| || | .JOHN STANDISH SURTEES PRENDERGAST VEREKER, 6th Viscount Gort (1886-1946) General, Governor
||| || |  - Corinna Katherine Vereker
||| || |  .Jacqueline Corinne Yvonne Vereker
||| || |   - WILLIAM PHILIP SIDNEY, 1st Viscount De'Isle (1909-1991) Governor General of Australia
||| || |
||| || .EDWARD THOMAS GAGE (1825-1889) Lieutenant General - Ella Henrietta Maxse
||| ||  .Mabel Maria Gage - Sir WILLIAM ELIOT PEYTON (1866-1931) General
||| ||
||| |.Louisa Elizabeth Gage - James H. Blake
||| ||.PATRICK JOHN BLAKE (1797-1884) Admiral
||| ||
||| |.Charlotte Margaret Gage - CHARLES OGLE, 2nd Bt. of Worthy (1775-1858) Admiral
||| |.Emily Gage - Montagu Bertie, 5th Earl of Abingdon
||| ||.MONTAGU BERTIE (1808-1884) Member of Parliment - Elizabeth Lavinia Harcourt
||| || .Montagu Arthur Bertie - Gwendoline Mary Dormer
||| ||  .Gwendoline Theresa Mary Bertie - John Strange Spencer Churchill
||| ||   .Anne Clarissa Churchill - ROBERT ANTHONY EDEN (1897-1977) English Prime Minister
||| ||
||| |.WILLIAM HALL GAGE (1777-1864) Admiral
||| |
||| .Judith Kemble - Archibald McCall
|||  .Mary McCall - LAMBERT CADWALADER (1742-1825) Continental Congress delegate, Congressman
|||  |.Thomas McCall Cadwalader - Maria Charlotte Gouverneur
|||  | .Mary Cadwalader - SILAS WEIR MITCHELL (1829-1914) physician, author
|||  |
|||  .Archibald McCall - Elizabeth Cadwalader
|||   .GEORGE ARCHIBALD MCCALL (1802-1868) Brigadier-General
||.Anna Van Cortlandt - Stephen Delancey
|||.Susan Van Cortlandt Delancey - Sir PETER WARREN (1703-1752) admiral, member of Parliament
||||.Anna Warren - CHARLES FITZROY, 1st Baron Southampton (1737-1797) Member of Parliament
|||||.George Ferdinand Fitzroy - Frances Isabella Seymour
||||||.Charles Fitzroy - Ismania Katharine Nugent
|||||| .Ismay Mary Helen Augusta Fitzroy - Reverend Lord Charles Edward Fitzroy
|||||| |.Charles Alfred Euston Fitzroy - Doreen Maria Josepha Sydney Buxton
|||||| ||.Hugh Denis Charles FitzRoy - ANN FORTUNE SMITH (1920-living) Mistress of the Robes to Queen Elizabeth II
|||||| ||
|||||| |.Violet Freddie FitzRoy - NIGEL MAITLAND WILSON (1884-1950) Major-General
|||||| |
|||||| .Frederica Louise FitzRoy - Percy Edwards Crutchley
|||||| |.VICTOR ALEXANDER CHARLES CRUTCHLEY (1893-1986) British Admiral
|||||| |
|||||| .Blanche Georgiana FitzRoy - EDWARD SHOLTO DOUGLAS-PENNANT, 3rd Baron Penrhyn (1864-1927) Member of Parliament
|||||| |
|||||| .EDWARD ALGERNON FITZROY (1869-1943) Speaker of the Britsh House of Commons [1928-1943]
|||||.CHARLES FITZROY (1762-1831) General
|||||.Henry Fitzroy - Anne Wellesley
||||||.Georgiana Frederica Fitzroy
|||||||- HENRY SOMERSET, 7th Duke of Beaufort (1792-1853) member of Parliament
||||||.WILLIAM FITZROY (1773-1837) Lieutenant General
|||||.Georgiana Fitzroy - WILLIAM PONSONBY (1772-1815) Major-General
||||| .Charlotte Georgiana Ponsonby - CHARLES TALBOT (1801-1876) Rear-Admiral
|||||  .Fanny Charlotte Emma Talbot - Duncan McNeill
|||||  |.ANGUS JOHN MCNEILL (1874-?) Brigadier-General
|||||  |
|||||  .Charles William Talbot - Constance Louisa Delme-Radcliffe
|||||   .Frederick William Talbot-Ponsonby - Hannah Findlay
|||||    .Felicity Philippa Talbot-Ponsonby - PETER MARKHAM SCOTT (1909-1989) nature conservationalist
||||.Susanna Warren - WILLIAM SKINNER (about 1744-?) Lieutenant General
|||||.Susannah Maria Skinner - HENRY GAGE, 3rd Viscount Gage (1761-1808) Major-General
||||| .Henry Hall Gage - Elizabeth Maria Foley
|||||  .Caroline Harriet Gage - Standish Prendergast Vereker
|||||  |.Elizabeth Maria Prendergast Vereker - William Harvey Astell
|||||  ||.Cynthia Elizabeth Violet Astell - THOMAS BEAUMONT HOHLER (1871-1946) diplomat
|||||  ||
|||||  |.John Gage Prendergast Vereker - Eleanor Surtees
|||||  | .JOHN STANDISH SURTEES PRENDERGAST VEREKER, 6th Viscount Gort (1886-1946) General, Governor
|||||  |  - Corinna Katherine Vereker
|||||  |  .Jacqueline Corinne Yvonne Vereker
|||||  |   - WILLIAM PHILIP SIDNEY, 1st Viscount De'Isle (1909-1991) Governor General of Australia
|||||  |
|||||  .EDWARD THOMAS GAGE (1825-1889) Lieutenant General - Ella Henrietta Maxse
|||||   .Mabel Maria Gage - Sir WILLIAM ELIOT PEYTON (1866-1931) General
||||.Charlotte Warren - Willoughby Bertie
|||| .Montagu Bertie - Emily Gage
||||  .Montagu Bertie - Elizabeth Lavinia Harcourt
||||   .Montagu Arthur Bertie - Gwendoline Mary Dormer
||||    .Gwendoline Theresa Mary Bertie - John Strange Spencer Churchill
||||     .Anne Clarissa Churchill - ROBERT ANTHONY EDEN (1897-1977) English Prime Minister
|||.Ann Delancey - John Watts
||||.Anne Watts - Archibald Kennedy
|||||.ARCHIBALD KENNEDY, 1st Marquess of Ailsa (1770-1846) House of Lords - Margaret Erskine
||||||.>ARCHIBALD KENNEDY, Earl of Cassillis (1794-1832) Member of Parliament - Eleanor Allardyce
|||||||.Gilbert Kennedy - Margaret Baird
||||||| .Mary Alice Kennedy - Alfred John Howard
|||||||  .RONALD HOWARD (1878-1959) vice admiral
||||||.Alicia Jane Kennedy - JONATHAN PEEL (1799-1879) General, Member of Parliament
|||||||.Adelaide Georgiana Peel - >MICHAEL BIDDULPH, 1st Baron Biddulph (1834-1923) Member of Parliament
|||||||.Alice Peel - ROBERT BURNETT DAVID MORIER (1826-1893) dipolmat
||||||.John Kennedy-Erskine - Augusta FitzClarence
|||||| .William Henry Kennedy-Erskine - Catherine Jones
||||||  .VIOLET AUGUSTA MARY FREDERICA KENNEDY-ERSKINE (1863-1946) writer and poet
|||||.Robert Kennedy - Jane Macomb
||||| .JOHN KENNEDY (before 1819-1845) dipolmat - Amelia Maria Briggs
|||||  .JOHN GORDON KENNEDY (1836-1912) diplomat
|||||  |.AUBREY LEO KENNEDY (1885-1965) author
|||||  |
|||||  .WILLIAM ROBERT KENNEDY (1844-1909) admiral (Royal Navy)
|||||  |
|||||  .Edward Briggs Kennedy - Caroline Edith Jackson
|||||  |.Edward Coverley Kennedy - Rosalind Margaret Innes Grant
|||||  | .LUDOVIC HENRY COVERLEY KENNEDY (1919-?) author
|||||  |
|||||  .Gilbert George Kennedy - Alice Lyon
|||||   .JOHN DE NAVARRE KENNEDY (1888-1979) author
||||.JOHN WATTS (1749-1836) Congressman
||||.Susannah Watts - Philip Kearny, Sr.
|||| .STEPHEN WATTS KEARNEY (1794-1848) General - Mary Radford
|||| |.William Kearny - Sue Hinckley Mudge
|||| | .CLINTON HALL KEARNY (1871-1931) engineer - Mary Chabot Cresson
|||| |  .CRESSON HENRY KEARNY (1914-2003) inventor, survivalist
|||| |
|||| .Robert Kearney - Ann Livingston Reade
||||  .PHILIP KEARNEY (1815-1862) General
||||  |.John Watts Kearny - Lucy McNary
||||  | .THOMAS KEARNY (1878-1942) historian, lawyer
||||  |
||||  .Susan Watts Kearney - William Ingraham Street
||||   .Anna Livingston Street - LEVI PARSONS MORTON (1824-1920) U.S. Vice President
|||.JAMES DELANCEY (1703-1760) colonial judge - Ann Heathcote
||||.John Peter Delancey - Elizabeth Floyd
|||| .WILLIAM HEATHCOTE DELANCEY (1797-1865) P. E. Bishop - Frances Munro
||||  .EDWARD FLOYD DELANCEY (1821-1905) genealogist, Society President
|||.Pieter Delancey - Elizabeth Colden
||||.Susan Delancey - Thomas H. Barclay
|||||.Eliza Barclay - Peter Schuyler Livginston
||||||.Schuyler Livingston - Ann Eliza Hosie
|||||| .Eliza Glass Livingston - William Barclay Parsons
||||||  .WILLIAM BARCLAY PARSONS (1859-1932) civil engineer
|||||.Anne Barclay - William Burrington Parsons
||||| .Eliza Barclay - Peter Schuyler Livginston
|||||  .Schuyler Livingston - Ann Eliza Hosie
|||||   .Eliza Glass Livingston - William Barclay Parsons
|||||    .WILLIAM BARCLAY PARSONS (1859-1932) civil engineer
||||.Alice Delancey - RALPH IZARD (1742-1804) Senator
|||||.Charlotte Izard - WILLIAM LOUGHTON SMITH (1758-1812) Congressman, Ambassador
|||||.GEORGE IZARD (1776-1828) General, Governor
|||||.Anne Izard - William Allen Deas
||||| .CHARLES DEAS (1818-1867) artist
||||.John Delancey - (__)
|||||.Anna Charlotte Delancey - JOHN LOUDON MCADAM (1756-1836) inventor
|||||.Susan Auguste Delancey - JAMES FENIMORE COOPER (1789-1851) author
||||| .SUSAN AUGUSTA COOPER (1813-1894) author
||||| .Paul Fenimore Cooper - Mary F. Barrows
|||||  .James Fenimore Cooper - Susan Sage
|||||   .Henry Sage Fenimore Cooper - Katherine Guy
|||||    .Katherine Lemoine Fenimore Cooper
|||||     - WILLIAM LUCIUS CARY (1910-1933) Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman
||||.Jane Delancey - JOHN WATTS (1749-1836) Congressman
|||.OLIVER DELANCEY (?-?) Brigadier-General - Phila Franks
||| .Susan Delancey - WILLIAM DRAPER, K.B. (1721-1787) Lieutenant General
||| .Charlotte Delancey - DAVID DUNDAS, K.B. (1735-1820) General, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces
||| .Stephen Delancey - Cornelia Barclay
|||  .Susan Delancey - HUDSON LOWE (1769-1844)  Lieutenant General, Governor
||.Maria Van Cortlandt - Kiliaen Van Rensselaer
|||.Stephen Van Cortlandt - Elizabeth Groesbeck
||| .Elizabeth Van Rensselaer - ABRAHAM TEN BROECK (1734-1810) Brigadier-General, Mayor
|||  .DIRCK TEN BROECK (1765-1832) New York State Assembly Speaker
||.Philip Van Cortlandt - Catharine De Peyster
|||.Stephen Van Cortlandt - Mary Walton Rickett
||||.Philip Van Cortlandt - Catherine Ogden
|||| .Elizabeth Van Cortlandt - William Taylor
||||  .Catharine Eliza Taylor - CLEMENT CLARK MOORE (1779-1863) Biblical scholar, author
|||.PIERRE VAN CORTLANDT (1721-1814) Lieutenant Governor - Joanna Livingston
||| .PHILIP VAN CORTLANDT (1749-1831) Congressman
||| .Katherine van Cortlandt - Abraham van Wyck
||| |.Theordorus van Wyck - Mary Howell Strech
||| | .Abraham van Wyck - Elizabeth Searcy Cantrell
||| |  .Juliet W. Van Wyck - Adna Anderson
||| |   .Sarah Anderson - JOHN C. FREMONT (1851-1911) admiral
||| |    .Juliet W. Fremont - HENRY WATTERSON HULL (né HENRY VAUGHN) (1890-1977) film and stage actor
||| |
||| .Cornelia Van Cortlandt - Gerard G. Beekman
||| |.Ann Beekman - Frederick De Peyster
||| | .Catherine Van Cortlandt De Peyster - BENJAMIN HAZARD FIELD (1814-?) philanthropist
||| |  .Florence Van Cortlandt Field - JOHN EDWARD PARSONS (1829-1915) lawyer
||| |   .HERBERT PARSONS (1869-1925) Congressman
||| |
||| .PIERRE VAN CORTLANDT, Jr. (1762-1848) Congressman
||.Elizabeth Van Cortlandt - William Skinner
|||.CORTLANDT SKINNER (1727-1799) Loyalist Brigadier-General - Elizabeth Kearney
||||.Catherine Skinner - WILLIAM HENRY ROBINSON (?-?) Loyalist General
||||.Maria Skinner - GEORGE NUGENT, 1st Baronet (1757-1849) British Field Marshall, Member of Parliament
|||| .Louisa Elizabeth Nugent - THOMAS FRANCIS FREMANTLE, 1st Baron Cottesloe (1798-1890) British politician
||||  .Augusta Mary Fremantle - William Brodrick
||||  |.Marian Cecilia Brodrick - JAMES BEETHON WHITEHEAD (?-1928) Ambassador
||||  ||.Agatha Whitehead - GEORG LUDWIG, RITTER VON TRAPP (1880-1947) Austrian Naval officer
||||  ||
||||  |.WILLIAM ST. JOHN FREMANTLE BRODRICK, 1st Earl of Midleton (1856-1942) British politician
||||  ||
||||  |.Helen Anna Brodrick - ARCHIBALD EAN CAMPBELL (?-1921) P.E. Bishop
||||  | .Irene Annette Campbell - FREDERICK LLEWELYN DEANE (1868-1952) P.E. Bishop
||||  |
||||  .EDMUND ROBERT FREMANTLE (1836-1929) Admiral - Barberina Rogers Isaacs
||||   .SYDNEY ROBERT FREMANTLE (1867-1958) Admiral - Lelia Hope Fremantle
||||    .Margery Hilda Fremantle - RAYMOND MASSEY (1896-1983) film actor
|||.Gertrude Skinner - James Parker
||| .Janet Parker - Edward Littlefield Brinley
||| |.Elizabwth Parker Brinley - Job Foster Halsey
||| | .Susan Parker Halsey - John Joseph Borie
||| |  .EMILY MARIA BORIE (1863-1939) Titanic survivor - ARTHUR LARNED RYERSON (1851-1912) Titanic victim
||| |   .SUSAN PARKER RYERSON (1890-1921) Titanic survivor
||| |   .EMILY BORIE RYERSON (1893-1960) Titanic survivor
||| |   .JOHN BORIE RYERSON (1898-1986) Titanic survivor
||| |
||| .JAMES PARKER (1776-1868) Congressman - Penelope Butler
|||  .JAMES PARKER (1805-?) lawyer, judge
|||  .Margaret Elizabeth Parker - WILLIAM ADEE WHITEHEAD (1810-1884) historian
|||  |.CORTLANDT WHITEHEAD (1842-1922) P. E. Bishop
|||  |
|||  .JOHN CORTLAND PARKER (1818-1907) lawyer - Elizabeth Wayne Stites
|||   .RICHARD WAYNE PARKER (1848-1923) Congressman
||.Cornelia Van Cortlandt - Johannes Schuyler
|| .PHILIP SCHUYLER (1733-1804) General - Catherine Van Rensselaer
|| |.Angelica Schuyler - John Baker Church
|| ||.Philip Church - Anna Matilda Stewart
|| || .John Baker Church - Maria Trumbull Silliman
|| ||  .BENJAMIN SILLIMAN CHURCH (1836-?) engineer
|| ||
|| |.Elizabeth Schuyler - ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1757-1804) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
|| | .John Church Hamilton - Maria Eliza Van den Heuvel
|| | |.SCHUYLER HAMILTON (1822-1903) Brigadier-General
|| | |.Elizabeth Hamilton
|| | ||- (1) HENRY WAGER HALLECK (1815-1872) General
|| | ||- (2) GEORGE WASHINGTON CULLUM (1809-?) General
|| | ||
|| | |.William Gaston Hamilton - Helen Maria Pierson
|| | | .William Pierson Hamilton - Juliet Pierpont Morgan
|| | |  .PIERPONT MORGN HAMILTON (1898-1982) Major General, Medal of Honor recipient
|| | |
|| | .Philip Hamilton - Rebecca McLane
|| |  .LOUIS MCLANE HAMILTON (1843-1868) Captain, Battle of the Washita victim
|| |  .ALLAN MCLANE HAMILTON (1848-?) physician, inventor
|| |
|| .Gertrude Schuyler - (1) Peter Schuyler, (2) JOHN COCHRAN (1730-1807) physician
||  .(by 1) Cornelia Schuyler - WALTER LIVINGSTON (1740-1979) Continental Congress delegate
||  |.HENRY WALTER LIVINGSTON (1768-1810) Congressman - Mary Masters Allen
||  ||.Henry Walter Livingston II - Caroline de Grasse de Pau
||  || .Robert Linlithgo Livingston - Mary S. McRa
||  ||  .Robert Linlithgo Livingston II - Marie J Sheedy
||  ||   .Robert Linlithgo Livingston III - Dorothy Godwin
||  ||    .ROBERT LINLITHGO LIVINGSTON IV (1943-living) Senator
||  ||
||  |.Peter Schuyler Livingston - Eliza Barclay
||  ||.Schuyler Livingston - Ann Eliza Hosie
||  || .Eliza Glass Livingston - William Barclay Parsons
||  ||  .WILLIAM BARCLAY PARSONS (1859-1932) civil engineer
||  ||
||  |.Robert L. Livingston - Margaret Maria Livingston
||  ||.Cornelia Louisiana Livingston - Charles E. Ridgely
||  |||.Elizabeth Augusta Ridgely - WILLIAM HENRY HUNT (1823-1884) U.S. Secretary of the Navy
||  ||| .WILLIAM HENRY HUNT (1857-1949) jurist
||  |||
||  ||.Eugene Augustus Livingston - Harriet Coleman
||  || .Mary Coleman Livingston - Maturin Livingston Delafield
||  ||  .JOHN ROSS DELAFIELD (1874-1964) Brigadier-General
||  ||  |
||  ||  .Mary Livingston Delafield - EDWARD RIDLEY FINCH (1873-1965) New York State Court of Appeals Judge
||  ||   .Anne Crane Delafield Finch - Howard Ellis Cox
||  ||    .EDWARD RIDLEY FINCH COX (1946-living) - PATRICIA NIXON (1946-living)
||  ||
||  |.Gertrude Livingston - William Cutting
||  ||.FRANCIS BROCKHOLST CUTTING (1804-1879) Congressman
||  |||
||  ||.Robert Livingston Cutting - Elizabeth McEvers
||  || .Fulton Cutting - Elizabeth Justine Bayard
||  ||  .William Bayard Cutting - Olivia Peyton Murray
||  ||   .BRONSON MURRAY CUTTING (1888-1935) Senator
||  ||
||  |.Harriet Livingston - ROBERT FULTON (1765-1815) engineer
||  |
||  .(by 2) Walter Livingston Cochrane - Cornelia Smith
||   .JOHN COCHRANE (1813-1898) General, Congressman
|.Maria Van Cortlandt - Jeremias Van Rensselaer
||.Kiliaen Van Rensselaer - Maria Van Cortlandt
|||.Stephen Van Cortlandt - Elizabeth Groesbeck
||| .Elizabeth Van Rensselaer - ABRAHAM TEN BROECK (1734-1810) Brigadier-General, Mayor
|||  .DIRCK TEN BROECK (1765-1832) New York State Assembly Speaker
||.Anna Van Rensselaer - William Nicoll
|||.Mary Nicolls - Robert Watts
||||.John Watts - Ann Delancey
|||| .Robert Watts - Mary Alexander
|||| |.John Watts - Anna Rutherfurd
|||| | .Helen Rutherfurd Watts - Archibald Russell
|||| |  .WILLIAM HAMILTON RUSSELL (1856-1907) architect
|||| |
|||| .Anne Watts - Archibald Kennedy, 11th Earl of Cassillis
|||| |.ARCHIBALD KENNEDY, 1st Marquess of Ailsa (1770-1846) House of Lords - Margaret Erskine
|||| ||.>ARCHIBALD KENNEDY, Earl of Cassillis (1794-1832) Member of Parliament - Eleanor Allardyce
|||| |||.Gilbert Kennedy - Margaret Baird
|||| ||| .Mary Alice Kennedy - Alfred John Howard
|||| |||  .RONALD HOWARD (1878-1959) vice admiral
|||| |||
|||| ||.Alicia Jane Kennedy - JONATHAN PEEL (1799-1879) General, Member of Parliament
|||| |||.Adelaide Georgiana Peel - >MICHAEL BIDDULPH, 1st Baron Biddulph (1834-1923) Member of Parliament
|||| |||.Alice Peel - ROBERT BURNETT DAVID MORIER (1826-1893) dipolmat
|||| |||
|||| ||.John Kennedy-Erskine - Augusta FitzClarence
|||| || .William Henry Kennedy-Erskine - Catherine Jones
|||| ||  .VIOLET AUGUSTA MARY FREDERICA KENNEDY-ERSKINE (1863-1946) writer and poet
|||| ||
|||| |.Robert Kennedy - Jane Macomb
|||| | .JOHN KENNEDY (before 1819-1845) dipolmat - Amelia Maria Briggs
|||| |  .JOHN GORDON KENNEDY (1836-1912) diplomat
|||| |  |.AUBREY LEO KENNEDY (1885-1965) author
|||| |  |
|||| |  .WILLIAM ROBERT KENNEDY (1844-1909) admiral (Royal Navy)
|||| |  |
|||| |  .Edward Briggs Kennedy - Caroline Edith Jackson
|||| |  |.Edward Coverley Kennedy - Rosalind Margaret Innes Grant
|||| |  | .LUDOVIC HENRY COVERLEY KENNEDY (1919-?) author
|||| |  |
|||| |  .Gilbert George Kennedy - Alice Lyon
|||| |   .JOHN DE NAVARRE KENNEDY (1888-1979) author
|||| |
|||| .Mary Watts - JOHN JOHNSON (1741-1830) Loyalist, Canadian politician
|||| |
|||| .JOHN WATTS (1749-1836) Congressman
|||| |
|||| .Susannah Watts - Philip Kearny, Sr.
||||  .STEPHEN WATTS KEARNEY (1794-1842) General - Mary Radford
||||  |.William Kearny - Sue Hinckley Mudge
||||  | .CLINTON HALL KEARNY (1871-1931) engineer - Mary Chabot Cresson
||||  |  .CRESSON HENRY KEARNY (1914-2003) inventor, survivalist
||||  |
||||  .Robert Kearney - Ann Livingston Reade
||||   .PHILIP KEARNEY (1815-1862) General
||||   |.John Watts Kearny - Lucy McNary
||||   | .THOMAS KEARNY (1878-1942) historian, lawyer
||||   |
||||   .Susan Watts Kearney - William Ingraham Street
||||    .Anna Livingston Street - LEVI PARSONS MORTON (1824-1920) U.S Vice President
|||.Benjamin Nicoll - Charity Floyd
||||.Willaim Nicoll - Joanna De Honneur
|||||.William Nicoll - Frances Smith
||||||.William Nicoll - Deborah Seaman
|||||| .William Nicoll - Sarah Greenly
||||||  .Frances Louisa Nicoll - WILLIAM HANDY LUDLOW (1821-1890) New York State Assembly Speaker
||||||   .WILLIAM LUDLOW (1843-1901) Major-General - Genevieve Sprigg
||||||   |.Genevieve Sprigg Ludlow - Clement Acton Griscom
||||||   | .LUDLOW GRISCOM (1890-1959) ornithologist
||||||   |
||||||   .NICOLL LUDLOW (1842-1915) Admiral
||||||   .EDWIN LUDLOW (1858-1924) mining engineer
|||||.Samuel Benjamin Nicoll - Anna Willett Floyd
||||||.Samuel Benjamin Nicoll - Sarah Brown Payne
|||||| .Charoltte Anna Nicoll - Solomon Townsend Nicoll, Jr.
||||||  .Mary Townsend Nicoll - THOMAS FORTUNE RYAN (1851-1928) financier
||||||  .Benjamin Nicoll - Grace Davison Lord
||||||   .Elsie Nicoll - John Sloane
||||||    .Grace Elsie Sloan - CYRUS ROBERT VANCE (1917-2002) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
|||||.Gloriana Margaretta Nicoll - JOHN LOUDON MCADAM (1756-1836) inventor
||||.Benjamin Nicoll - Mary Magdalene Holland
|||| .Henry Nicoll - Elizabeth Woodhull
||||  .Edward Holland Nicoll - Mary Townsend
||||  |.HENRY NICOLL (1812-1879) Congressman
||||  |.Solomon Townsend Nicoll - Charlotte Anne Nicoll
||||  | .Benjamin Nicoll - Grace Davison Lord
||||  |  .Elsie Nicoll - John Sloane
||||  |   .Grace Elsie Sloane - CYRUS ROBERTS VANCE (1917-2002) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
||||  |
||||  .Eliza Willett Nicoll - Richard Smith
||||   .EDWARD HENRY SMITH (1809-1885) Congressman
||||   .John Lawrence Smith - Sarah Nicoll Clinch
||||    .Bessie Springs Smith - STANFORD WHITE (1853-1906) architect
||||    |.LAWRENCE GRANT WHITE (1887-1956) did a translation of Dante's Divine Comedy
||||    | .ROBERT WINTROP WHITE (1921-2002) sculptor
||||    |  .CHRISTIAN WHITE (1953-living) artist
||||    |
||||    .JAMES CLINCH SMITH (1856-1912) Titanic victim
|||.Catherine Nicoll - Jonathan Havens
||| .Nicoll Havens - Sarah Fosdick
||| |.JONATHAN NICOLL HAVENS (1757-1799) Congressman
||| |.Mary Catharine Havens - EZRA L'HOMMEDIEU (1734-1811) Continental Congress delegate
||| |
||| .Catherine Havens - Thomas Mumford
|||  .Benjamin Maverick Mumford - Harriet Bowers
|||   .Harriet Mumford - Alonzo Christopher Paige
|||    .Harriet Bowers Paige - Douglass Campbell
|||     .Maria Starkweather Campbell - Oothout Zabriskie Whitehead
|||      .OOTHOUT ZABRISKIE WHITEHEAD (1911-1998) film and TV actor, writer
||.Hendrick Van Rensselaer - Catarina Van Brugh
|||.Maria Van Rensselaer - Samuel Ten Broeck
||||.Hendrick Ten Broeck - Annatje Van Schaick
|||||.Antje Ten Broeck - John Cornelius Ten Broeck
||||| .Anne Van Schaick Ten Broeck - Thomas Hillhouse
|||||  .Sarah Ann Hillhouse - Amos Stone Perry
|||||   .Mary Stone Perry - Estevan Antonio Fuertes
|||||    .LOUIS AGASSIZ FUERTES (1874-1927) ornithologist
||||.Jeremiah Ten Broeck - Marytje Van Alen
|||||.Adam Ten Broeck - Lydia Maria Monson
||||| .John Van Rensselaer Ten Broeck - Emeline P. Parker
||||| |.Amasa Junius Ten Broeck - Josephine Alida Howard
||||| | .Mary Josephine Ten Broeck - Abram Olin Whipple
||||| |  .Esther Olin Whipple - Frank William Jones
||||| |   .WHIPPLE VAN NESS JONES (1909-2001) ski industry pioneer
||||| |
||||| .Austin Munson Ten Broeck - Margaret Van Hoesen
|||||  .Rensselaer Ten Broeck - Phoebe Wilson
|||||   .Nellie Edna Ten Broeck - John Peter Stevens
|||||    .ROBERT TEN BROECK STEVENS (1899-1983) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
||||.Christina Ten Broeck - Harmanus Schuyler
|||| .John H. Schuyler - Annatje Fort
||||  .George Washington Schuyler - Matilda Scribner
||||   .EUGENE SCHUYLER (1840-1890) Ambassador
|||.Catryna Van Rensselaer - Johannes Ten Broeck
||||.Catrina Ten Broeck - Ryckert Hansen
|||||.Dirck Hansen - Helena Louw
||||| .Catharina Hansen - Stanislas Pascal Franchot
|||||  .RICHARD HANSEN FRANCHOT (1816-1875) Congressman - Anna Van Vranken
|||||   .Stanislas Pascal Franchot - Annie Powers Eells
|||||   |.Gertrude Franchot - FRANK JEROME TONE (1868-1945) businessman
|||||   | .STANISLAS PASCAL FRANCHOT TONE (1905-1968) film actor
|||||   |  - (1) JOAN CRAWFORD (née LUCILLE FAY LESUEUR) (1904-1977) film actor
|||||   |  - (2) JEAN WALLACE (née JEAN WALASEK) (1923-1990) film actor
|||||   |  - (3) BARBARA PAYTON (née BARBARA LEE REDFIELD) (1927-1967) film actor
|||||   |  - (4) DOLORES DORN (née DOLORES HEFT) (1934-?) film actor
|||||   |
|||||   .NICHOLAS VAN VRANKEN FRANCHOT (1855-1943) oil producer
||||.Cornelis Ten Broeck - Maria Bodine
|||| .John Cornelius Ten Broeck - Antje Ten Broeck
||||  .Anne Van Schaick Ten Broeck - Thomas Hillhouse
||||   .Sarah Ann Hillhouse - Amos Stone Perry
||||    .Mary Stone Perry - Estevan Antonio Fuertes
||||     .LOUIS AGASSIZ FUERTES (1874-1927) ornithologist
|||.Anna Van Rensselaer - Peter Douw
||||.Magdalena Douw - Harme Gansevoort
|||||.PETER GANSEVOORT (1749-1812) General - Catrina Van Schaick
||||||.Leonard H. Gansevoort - Mary Ann Chandonette
|||||||.GUERT C. GANSEVOORT (1812-1868) naval officer
||||||.Maria Gansevoort - Allan Melville
|||||| .HERMAN MELVILLE (1819-1891) author
|||||| .Catherine Gansevoort Melville - JOHN CHIPMAN HOADLEY (1818-1886) civil engineer
|||||.LEONARD GANSEVOORT (1751-1810) Continental Congress delegate
||||.Volkert Petrus Douw - Anne De Peyster
|||| .Magdalena Douw  John Stevenson
|||| |.Sarah Stevenson - Dudley Walsh
|||| | .Catharine Walsh - DANIEL DEWEY BARNARD (1797-1861) Congressman
|||| |
|||| .Catharine Douw - Harmanus Hoffman
|||| |.Martin H. Hoffman - Gertrude P. Van Ness
|||| ||.Catharine Douw Hoffman - Henry G. Philip
|||| || .William Henry Philip - Eliza Worthington
|||| ||  .HOFFMAN PHILIP (1872-1951) Ambassador
|||| ||
|||| |.Anna Hoffman - William McClelland
|||| | .Jennet Mc Clelland - Nicholas Van Vranken
|||| |  .Anna Van Vranken - RICHARD HANSEN FRANCHOT (1816-1875) Congressman
|||| |   .Stanislas Pascal Franchot - Annie Powers Eells
|||| |   |.Gertrude Franchot - FRANK JEROME TONE (1868-1945) businessman
|||| |   | .STANISLAS PASCAL FRANCHOT TONE (1905-1968) film actor
|||| |   |  - (1) JOAN CRAWFORD (née LUCILLE FAY LESUEUR) (1904-1977) film actor
|||| |   |  - (2) JEAN WALLACE (née JEAN WALASEK) (1923-1990) film actor
|||| |   |  - (3) BARBARA PAYTON (née BARBARA LEE REDFIELD) (1927-1967) film actor
|||| |   |  - (4) DOLORES DORN (née DOLORES HEFT) (1934-?) film actor
|||| |   |
|||| |   .NICHOLAS VAN VRANKEN FRANCHOT (1855-1943) oil producer
|||| |
|||| .Maria Douw - John DePeyster Ten Eyck
||||  .Elsie Ten Eyck - James Van Alstyne
||||   .Abraham Van Alstine - Isabella Dunlop
||||    .Abraham Van Alstine - Sarah Jane Terrell
||||     .Anna Minerva Van Alstine - John James Cobain
||||      .John James Arthur Cobain - Grace Almeda Gibson
||||       .Leland Elmer Cobain - Iris Maxine Labrot
||||        .Donald Cobain - Wendy Fradenberg
||||         .KURT DONALD COBAIN (1967-1994) singer, songwriter
||||          - COURTNEY LOVE (née COURTNEY MICHELLE HARRISON) (1964-living) musician, film actor
|||.Helena Van Rensselaer - Jacob Wendell
||||.Jacob Wendell - Barbara Bradt
|||||.Elizabeth Wendell - Jacob Bleecker, Jr.
||||| .HARMANUS BLEECKER (1779-1849) Congressman, Ambassador
||||.Annaatje Wendell - Cornelius Cuyler
|||| .Jane Cuyler - Jeremiah Schuyler
||||  .Cornelius Schuyler - Harriet Lane Hillhouse
||||   .Harriet Schuyler - EDWARD CORNELIUS DELAVAN (1791-1871) Temperance leader
|||.Johannes Van Rensselaer - Engeltie Livingston
||||.Catherine Van Rensselaer - PHILIP SCHUYLER (1733-1804) Major-General
|||||.Angelica Schuyler - John Baker Church
||||||.Philip Church - Anna Matilda Stewart
|||||| .John Baker Church - Maria Trumbull Silliman
||||||  .BENJAMIN SILLIMAN CHURCH (1836-?) engineer
|||||.Elizabeth Schuyler - ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1757-1804) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
||||| .John Church Hamilton - Maria Eliza Van den Heuvel
||||| |.SCHUYLER HAMILTON (1822-1903) Brigadier-General
||||| ||
||||| |.Elizabeth Hamilton
||||| ||- (1) HENRY WAGER HALLECK (1815-1872) General
||||| ||- (2) GEORGE WASHINGTON CULLUM (1809-?) General
||||| ||
||||| |.William Gaston Hamilton - Helen Maria Pierson
||||| | .William Pierson Hamilton - Juliet Pierpont Morgan
||||| |  .PIERPONT MORGN HAMILTON (1898-1982) Major General, Medal of Honor recipient
||||| |
||||| .Philip Hamilton - Rebecca McLane
|||||  .LOUIS MCLANE HAMILTON (1843-1868) Captain, Battle of the Washita victim
|||||  .ALLAN MCLANE HAMILTON (1848-?) physician, inventor
||||.JEREMIAH VAN RENSSELAER (1738-1810) Congressman - Judith Bayard
|||||.SOLOMON VAN VECHTEN VAN RENSSELAER (1774-1852) Congressman
||||.ROBERT VAN RENSSELAER (1740-1802) General - Cornelia Rutsen
|||| .JACOB RUTSEN VAN RENSSELAER (1767-1835) State Secretary of State
|||| |
|||| .Jeremias Van Rensselaer - Sybil Adeline Kane
|||| |.Cornelia Rutsen Van Rensselaer - Francis Granger
|||| ||.Cornelia Adeline Granger - John E. Thayer
|||| || .Adele Granger Thayer - ROBERT CHARLES WINTHROP (1809-1894) Senator
|||| ||
|||| |.Alida Maria Van Rensselaer - CHARLES HOLKER CARROLL (1794-1865) Congressman
|||| | .Cornelia Granger Carroll - Edward Philo Fuller
|||| |  .Sophia Fuller - EDWIN FORREST SWEET (1847-1935) Congressman, Assistant Cabinet Secretary
|||| |
|||| .Alida Van Rensselaer - Elisha Kane
|||| |.John Kintzing Kane - Jane Du Val Leiper
|||| | .ELISHA KENT KANE (1820-1857) explorer - MARGARETTA FOX (1836-1893) spiritualist
|||| | .THOMAS LEIPER KANE (1822-1883) Major-General
|||| | .Robert Patterson Kane - Elizabeth Frances Fisher
|||| | |.Elizabeth Middleton Kane - Walter Cope
|||| | | .Elizabeth Francis Cope - JOSEPH CHARLES AUB (1890-1973) physician
|||| | | .Anne Francis Cope - THOMAS PIERREPONT HAZARD (1892-1968) state treasurer
|||| | |  .Anne Francis Hazard - ELLIOT LEE RICHARDSON (1920-1999) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
|||| | |  .OLIVER COPE (1902-1994) physician
|||| | |
|||| | .John Kintzing Kane - Mabel Bayard
|||| |  .Jean Du Val Leiper Kane - George Rhyfedd Foulke
|||| |   .JEAN KANE FOULKE (1891-?) reformer - ELEUTHERE PAUL DU PONT (1887-1950) industrialist
|||| |
|||| .Catharine Van Rensselaer - John Arent Schuyler
|||| |.Jacob Rutsen Schuyler - Susan Haigh Edwards
|||| | .Susanna Edwards Schuyler - NICHOLAS MURREY BUTLER (1862-1947) Nobel Prize Winner (1931, Peace)
|||| |
|||| .James Van Rensselaer - Susan De Lancey Cullen
||||  .John Cullen Van Rensselaer - Cornelia Josepha Codwise
||||   .Schuyler Van Rensselaer - MARIANA ALLEY GRISWOLD (1851-1934), writer, art critic
|||.Kiliaen Van Rensselaer - Ariaantje (Harriet) Schuyler
||| .Hendrick Kiliaen Van Rensselaer - (1) Alida Bradt, (2) Anna G. Semons
||| |.(by 1) Catharine Van Rensselaer - Cornelius Schermerhorn, Jr.
||| ||.Henry Van Rensselaer Schermerhorn - Hannah Buckminster Dwight
||| || .Mary Sanford Dwight Schermerhorn - Samuel Bowles, Jr.
||| ||  .Charles Allen Bowles - Nellie Harris
||| ||   .CHESTER BLISS BOWLES (1901-1986) Governor
||| ||
||| |.(by 2) David Semons Van Rensselaer - Olivia Carter
||| | .Henry Kiliaen Van Rensselaer - Arilla A. Owen
||| |  .MARTHA VAN RENSSELAER (1864-1932) home economist
||| |
||| .KILLIAN VAN RENSSELAER (1763-1845) Congressman
||| |
||| .Elsje Van Rensselaer - Abraham Lansing
||| |.Arietta Lansing - HARMEN KNICKERBOCKER (1779-1855) Congressman
||| |
||| .Maria Van Rensselaer - Leonard Gansevoort
|||  .Maria Gansevoort - Abraham Hun
|||  |.Thomas Hun - Lydia Louisa Reynolds
|||  | .Marcus Tullius Hun - Mary Keith Vanderpoel
|||  |  .Mary Vanderpoel Hun - CHARLES BROWN SEARS (1870-1950) jurist
|||  |  .Susan Vanderpoel Hun - STEPHEN CARLTON CLARK (1882-1960) art collector
|||  |   .Elizabeth Scriven Clark - Henry Richardson Labouisse
|||  |    .Anne Labouisse - MARTIN H. PERETZ (1938-living) publisher
|||  |     .JESSE PERETZ (1968-living) musician, videographer
|||  |
|||  .Elsie Gansevoort - Ralph Morden Crysler
|||   .Catherine Maria Crysler - ALEXANDER SMITH JOHNSON (1817-1878) New York State Court of Appeals Judge
||.Maria Van Rensselaer - Pieter Philipse Schuyler
|| .Maria Schuyler - Samuel Staats
|| |.Annetje Staats - John Van der Poel
|| | .Catharina Van der Poel - John Pruyn
|| |  .Christine Pruyn - Arent Pruyn
|| |   .Jane Pruyn - JAMES WOOD (1799-1867) educator
|| |
|| .Stephanus Schuyler - Engeltje Van Vechten
|| |.John S. Schuyler - Maria Miller
|| ||.Angelica Schuyler - Clarkson Floyd Crosby
|| || .John Schuyler Crosby - Harriet Van Rensselaer
|| ||  .Stephen Van Rensselaer Crosby - Henrietta M. Grew
|| ||   .HENRY GREW CROSBY (1898-1929) poet - MARY PHELPS JACOB (1892-1970) inventor
|| ||
|| |.Jeremiah Schuyler - Jane Cuyler
|| | .Cornelius Schuyler - Harriet Lane Hillhouse
|| |  .Harriet Schuyler - EDWARD CORNELIUS DELAVAN (1791-1871) Temperance leader
|| |
|| .Pieter Schuyler - Catherina Groesbeck
||  .Philip P. Schuyler - Annatje Wendell
||   .Catherine Schuyler - ABRAHAM VAN VECHTEN (1762-1837) State Attorneys General
|.Sophia Van Cortlandt - Andries Teller
||.Oliver Teller - Cornelia De Peyster
|| .Isaac Teller - Sarah Wiltse
||  .Isaac DePeyster Teller - Alice Schenck
||   .Margaret Schenck Teller - Robert Boyd Van Kleeck
||    .Robert Boyd Van Kleeck - Eliza Mayer
||     .MARY ABBY VAN KLEECK (1883-1972) social researcher and reformer
|.Cornelia Van Cortlandt - Brandt Schuyler
||.Philippus Schuyler - Anna Elisabeth Staats
|| .Brandt Schuyler - Margareta Van Wyck
||  .ANN ELIZA SCHUYLER (1752-1784) poet - Johannis Jacob Bleecker
||   .Margaretta van Wyck Bleecker - Pierre Faugerer
||    .Eveanna Electra Faugerer - John Anthony Bleecker
||     .Eveanna Bleecker - Martin Shippey
||      .Martin Shippey - Caroline Willard
||       .Fanny Bleecker Shippey - Emmett Evan Heflin
||        .EMMET EVAN HEFLIN (1910-1971) Academy Award winning Film Actor
||        .FRANCES HELFIN (1920-1994) Film and TV actor - SOL KAPLAN (1919-1990) Film and TV Music Composer
||         .JONATHAN KAPLAN (1947-living) Film Producer and Director
|.JACOBUS VAN CORTLANDT (1658-?) Mayor - Eva De Vries Phillipse
| .Margaret Van Cortlandt - Abraham De Peyster
| |.Catharine De Peyster - John Livingston
| ||.John W. Livingston - Ann Sanders
| || .John W. Livingston - Julia Broome
| ||  .Julia Livingston - HENRY PHILIP TAPPAN (1805-1881) clergyman
| ||  |
| ||  .Adele Livingston - Joseph Sampson
| ||   .Adele Livingston Sampson - Frederick William Stevens
| ||    .Adele Livingston Stevens - FREDERICK HOBBES ALLEN (1858-1937) diplomat
| ||
| |.James Abraham De Peyster - Sarah Reade
| | .Frederick De Peyster - Ann Beekman
| |  .Catherine Van Cortlandt De Peyster - BENJAMIN HAZARD FIELD (1814-?) philanthropist
| |   .Florence Van Cortlandt Field - JOHN EDWARD PARSONS (1829-1915) lawyer
| |    .HERBERT PARSONS (1869-1925) Congressman
| |
| .Frederick Van Cortlandt - Francine Jay
| |.Augustus Van Cortlandt - Catherine Barclay
| ||.Helen Van Cortlandt - James Morris
| |||.Robert Rutherford Morris - Hannah Edgar
| ||||.Katharine Augusta Morris - Henry D. Phelp
| |||| .Helena Van Cortlandt Phelps - ROBERT TEMPLE EMMET (1854-1936) Congressional Medal of Honor
| ||||
| |||.William Henry Morris - Hannah Cornell Newbold
| ||| .Augustus Newbold Morris - Eleanor Colford Jones
| |||  .Newbold Morris - Helen Schermerhorn Kingsland
| |||   .Stephen Van Cortlandt Morris - Persis Warren Mason
| |||    .Helen Schermerhorn Morris - MARTIN CHARLES SCORSESE (1942-living) film director
| |||
| ||.Anna Van Cortlandt - Henry White
| || .Helen White - Abraham Schermerhorn
| ||  .Helen Schermerhorn - JOHN TREAT IRVING, Jr. (1812-?) author
| ||  |
| ||  .Catherine Schermerhorn - Benjamin Sumner Welles
| ||  |.Benjamin Welles - Frances Wyeth Swan
| ||  | .SUMNER WELLES (1892-1961) Ambassador
| ||  |
| ||  .CAROLINE WEBSTER SCHERMERHORN (1830-1908) socialite
| ||   - WILLIAM BACKHOUSE ASTOR, Jr. (1830-1892) businessman
| ||   .JOHN JACOB ASTOR IV (1864-1912) businessman, Titanic victim
| ||   |- (1) Ava Lowle Willing
| ||   |- (2) MADELEINE TALMADGE FORCE (1894-1940) Titanic survivor
| ||   |.(by 1) WILLIAM VINCENT ASTOR (1891-1959) businessman
| ||   | - ROBERTA BROOKE RUSSELL (1902-?) philanthropist
| ||   |
| ||   .Emily Astor - James John Van Alen
| ||   |.James Laurens Van Alen - Margaret Louise Post
| ||   | .JAMES HENRY VAN ALEN (1902-1991) Tennis Hall of Famer
| ||   |
| ||   .Carolyn Schermerhorn Astor - Marshall Orme Wilson
| ||    .MARSHALL ORME WILSON, Jr. (1885-1966) Ambassador
| ||
| |.Eva Van Cortlandt - Henry White
| | .Henry White - Anna Van Cortlandt
| | |.Helen White - Abraham Schermerhorn
| | | .Helen Schermerhorn - JOHN TREAT IRVING, Jr. (1812-?) author
| | | |
| | | .Catherine Schermerhorn - Benjamin Sumner Welles
| | | |.Benjamin Welles - Frances Wyeth Swan
| | | | .SUMNER WELLES (1892-1961) Ambassador
| | | |
| | | .CAROLINE WEBSTER SCHERMERHORN (1831-1908) socialite, "the Mrs. Astor"
| | |  - WILLIAM BACKHOUSE ASTOR, Jr. (1830-1892) financier, sportsman
| | |  .JOHN JACOB ASTOR IV (1864-1912) businessman, Titanic victim
| | |  |- (1) Ava Lowle Willing
| | |  |- (2) MADELEINE TALMADGE FORCE (1894-1940) Titanic survivor
| | |  |.(by 1) WILLIAM VINCENT ASTOR (1891-1959) businessman
| | |  | - ROBERTA BROOKE RUSSELL (1902-?) philanthropist
| | |  |
| | |  .Emily Astor - James John Van Alen
| | |  |.James Laurens Van Alen - Margaret Louise Post
| | |  | .JAMES HENRY VAN ALEN (1902-1991) Tennis Hall of Famer
| | |  |
| | |  .Carolyn Schermerhorn Astor - Marshall Orme Wilson
| | |   .MARSHALL ORME WILSON, Jr. (1885-1966) Ambassador
| | |
| | .Margaret White - Peter Jay Munro
| |  .Frances Munro - WILLIAM HEATHCOTE DELANCEY (1797-1865) P. E. Bishop
| |   .EDWARD FLOYD DELANCEY (1821-1905) genealogist, Society President
| |
| .Anne Van Cortlandt - JOHN CHAMBERS (?-1764) lawyer
| |
| .Marie Van Cortlandt - Pierre Jay
|  .Eva Jay - Harry Munro
|  |.Peter Jay Munro - Margaret White
|  | .Frances Munro - WILLIAM HEATHCOTE DELANCEY (1797-1865) P. E. Bishop
|  | |.EDWARD FLOYD DELANCEY (1821-1905) genealogist, Society President
|  | |
|  | .Sarah Jay Munro - ASA WHITNEY (1797-1877) merchant and transcontinental railroad projector
|  |
|  .JOHN JAY (1745-1829) Supreme Court Chief Justice - Sarah Livingston
|   .Peter Augustus Jay - Mary Rutherford Clarkson
|   |.Catherine Helena Jay - HENRY AUGUSTUS DUBOIS (1808-1884) physician
|   ||
|   |.Anna Maria Jay - HENRY EVELYN PIERREPONT (1808-1899) philanthropist
|   ||.Henry Evelyn Pierrepont, Hr. - Ellen Almira Low
|   || .Annie Low Pierrepont - LEA McIILVAINE LUQUER (1864-1930) mineralogist
|   || |
|   || .Ellen Low Pierrepont - R. Burnham Moffat
|   ||  .JAY PIERREPONT MOFFAT (1896-1943) Ambassador
|   ||
|   |.Peter August Jay - Josephine Pearson
|   | .Augustus Jay - Emily Astor Kane
|   |  .PETER AUGUSTUS JAY (1877-1933) Ambassador - Susan Alexander McCook
|   |  |.Susan Mary Jay - JOSEPH WRIGHT ALSOP (1910-1989) political columnist
|   |  |
|   |  .Delancey Kane Jay - Elizabeth Sarah Morgan
|   |   .Theodora Moran Jay - PHILIP RAHV (1908-1973) literary critic
|   |
|   .William Jay - Hannah Augusta McVickar
|    .JOHN JAY (1817-1894) Ambassador - Eleanor Kingsland Field
|     .Eleanor Jay - Henry Grafton Chapman
|     |.Eleanor Jay Chapman - Richard Mortimer
|     ||.Stanley Grafton Mortimer - Katherine H. Tilford
|     || .Stanley Grafton Mortimer, Jr. - BARBARA CUSHING (1915-1978) socialite
|     || |.AMANDA MORTIMER (1944-living) urban planner
|     || | - STEVEN J. ROSS (né STEVEN JAY RECHNTZ) (1927-1992) business executive
|     || |
|     || .Katharine Mortimer - FRANCIS XAVIER SHIELDS (1909-1975) Hall of Fame Tennis Player
|     ||
|     |.Beatrix Jay Chapman - Sir GEORGE HEAD BARCLAY (1862-1919) British Ambassador
|     |
|     .Anna Jay - HANS LOTHAR VON SCHWEINITZ (1822-1901) Lieutenant General, German Ambassador to Vienna
|      .Emilie Eleonore von Schweinitz - August von Trott zu Solz
|       .ADAM VON TROTT ZU SOLZ (1909-1944) Hitler assassination plot member
.Govert Loockermans - (1) Ariantje Jans, (2) Marritje Jans
 .(by 1) Marritje Loockermans - Balthazar Bayard
 |.Ariaentie Bayard - Samuel Verplanck
 ||.Gulian Verplanck - Mary Crommelin
 || .Samuel Verplansk - Judith Crommelin
 || |.DANIEL CROMMELIN VERPLANCK (1762-1834) Congressman - Elizabeth Johnson
 || | .GULIAN CROMMELIN VERPLANCK (1786-1870) Congressman
 || |
 || .Ann Verplanck - Gabriel George Ludlow
 || |.Gabriel Verplanck Ludlow - Elizabeth Hunter
 || | .Edward Hunter Ludlow - Elizabeth Livingston
 || |  .Mary Livingston Ludlow - Valentine Gill Hall, Jr.
 || |   .Anna Rebecca Hall - Elliot Roosevelt
 || |    .ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962) First Lady
 || |    - FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (1882-1945) U.S. President
 || |     .JAMES ROOSEVELT (1907-1991) Congressman - BETSEY MARIA CUSHING (1908-1998) philanthropist
 || |     .ELLIOT ROOSEVELT (1910-1990) author - FAYE EMERSON (1917-1983) film and TV actor
 || |     .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1914-1988) Congressman
 || |
 || .Mary Verplanck - Charles McEvers
 || |.GULIAN McEVERS (?-1807) Buttonwood Agreement signer
 || |
 || .GULIAN VERPLANCK (1751-1799) New York State Assembly Speaker - Cornelia Johnstone
 ||  .Maria Cornelia Ver Planck - William Allen
 ||   .Frances Anne Allen - JARED SPARKS (1789-1866) college president
 |.Anna Maria Bayard - Augustus Jay
 ||.Pierre Jay - Maria Van Cortlandt
 |||.Eva Jay - Harry Munro
 ||||.Peter Jay Munro - Margaret White
 |||| .Frances Munro - WILLIAM HEATHCOTE DELANCEY (1797-1865) P. E. Bishop
 ||||  .EDWARD FLOYD DELANCEY (1821-1905) genealogist, Society President
 |||.JOHN JAY (1745-1829) Supreme Court Chief Justice - Sarah Livingston
 ||| .Peter Augustus Jay - Mary Rutherford Clarkson
 ||| |.Anna Maria Jay - HENRY EVELYN PIERREPONT (1808-1899) philanthropist
 ||| ||.Henry Evelyn Pierrepont, Jr. - Ellen Almira Low
 ||| || .Annie Low Pierrepont - LEA McIILVAINE LUQUER (1864-1930) mineralogist
 ||| || |
 ||| || .Ellen Low Pierrepont - R. Burnham Moffat
 ||| ||  .JAY PIERREPONT MOFFAT (1896-1943) Ambassador
 ||| ||
 ||| |.Peter August Jay - Josephine Pearson
 ||| | .Augustus Jay - Emily Astor Kane
 ||| |  .PETER AUGUSTUS JAY (1877-1933) Ambassador - Susan Alexander McCook
 ||| |  |.Susan Mary Jay - JOSEPH WRIGHT ALSOP (1910-1989) political columnist
 ||| |  |
 ||| |  .Delancey Kane Jay - Elizabeth Sarah Morgan
 ||| |   .Theodora Moran Jay - PHILIP RAHV (1908-1973) literary critic
 ||| |
 ||| .William Jay - Hannah Augusta McVickar
 |||  .JOHN JAY (1817-1894) Ambassador - Eleanor Kingsland Field
 |||   .Eleanor Jay - Henry Grafton Chapman
 |||   |.Eleanor Jay Chapman - Richard Mortimer
 |||   ||.Stanley Grafton Mortimer - Katherine H. Tilford
 |||   || .Stanley Grafton Mortimer, Jr. - BARBARA CUSHING (1915-1978) socialite
 |||   || |.AMANDA MORTIMER (1944-living) urban planner
 |||   || | - STEVEN J. ROSS (né STEVEN JAY RECHNTZ) (1927-1992) business executive
 |||   || |
 |||   || .Katharine Mortimer - FRANCIS XAVIER SHIELDS (1909-1975) Hall of Fame Tennis Player
 |||   ||
 |||   |.Beatrix Jay Chapman - Sir GEORGE HEAD BARCLAY (1862-1919) British Ambassador
 |||   |
 |||   .Anna Jay - HANS LOTHAR VON SCHWEINITZ (1822-1901) Lieutenant General, German Ambassador to Vienna
 |||    .Emilie Eleonore von Schweinitz - August von Trott zu Solz
 |||     .ADAM VON TROTT ZU SOLZ (1909-1944) Hitler assassination plot member
 ||.Francine Jay - Frederick Van Cortlandt
 || .Augustus Van Cortlandt - Catherine Barclay
 || |.Helen Van Cortlandt - James Morris
 || | .Robert Rutherford Morris - Hannah Edgar
 || | |.Katharine Augusta Morris - Henry D. Phelp
 || | | .Helena Van Cortlandt Phelps - ROBERT TEMPLE EMMET (1854-1936) Congressional Medal of Honor
 || | |
 || | .William Henry Morris - Hannah Cornell Newbold
 || |  .Augustus Newbold Morris - Eleanor Colford Jones
 || |   .Newbold Morris - Helen Schermerhorn Kingsland
 || |    .Stephen Van Cortlandt Morris - Persis Warren Mason
 || |     .Helen Schermerhorn Morris - MARTIN CHARLES SCORSESE (1942-living) film director
 || |
 || .Eva Van Cortlandt - Henry White
 ||  .Henry White - Anna Van Cortlandt
 ||  |.Helen White - Abraham Schermerhorn
 ||  | .Helen Schermerhorn - JOHN TREAT IRVING, Jr. (1812-?) author
 ||  | |
 ||  | .Catherine Schermerhorn - Benjamin Sumner Welles
 ||  | |.Benjamin Welles - Frances Wyeth Swan
 ||  | | .SUMNER WELLES (1892-1961) Ambassador
 ||  | |
 ||  | .CAROLINE WEBSTER SCHERMERHORN (1831-1908) socialite, "the Mrs. Astor"
 ||  |  - WILLIAM BACKHOUSE ASTOR, Jr. (1830-1892) financier, sportsman
 ||  |  .JOHN JACOB ASTOR IV (1864-1912) businessman, Titanic victim
 ||  |  |- (1) Ava Lowle Willing
 ||  |  |- (2) MADELEINE TALMADGE FORCE (1894-1940) Titanic survivor
 ||  |  |.(by 1) WILLIAM VINCENT ASTOR (1891-1959) businessman
 ||  |  | - ROBERTA BROOKE RUSSELL (1902-?) philanthropist
 ||  |  |
 ||  |  .Emily Astor - James John Van Alen
 ||  |  |.James Laurens Van Alen - Margaret Louise Post
 ||  |  | .JAMES HENRY VAN ALEN (1902-1991) Tennis Hall of Famer
 ||  |  |
 ||  |  .Carolyn Schermerhorn Astor - Marshall Orme Wilson
 ||  |   .MARSHALL ORME WILSON, Jr. (1885-1966) Ambassador
 ||  |
 ||  .Margaret White - Peter Jay Munro
 ||   .Frances Munro - WILLIAM HEATHCOTE DELANCEY (1797-1865) P. E. Bishop
 ||   |.EDWARD FLOYD DELANCEY (1821-1905) genealogist, Society President
 ||   |
 ||   .Sarah Jay Munro - ASA WHITNEY (1797-1877) merchant, transcontinental railroad projector
 |.Jacobus Bayard - Hillegonde De Kay
 ||.Balthazar Bayard - Mary Bowdoin
 || .Phoebe Bayard - ARTHUR ST. CLAIR (1737-1818) General, Governor
 |.Judith Bayard - Gerardus Stuyvesant
 | .Pieter Stuyvesant - Margaret Livingston
 |  .Judith Stuyvesant - Benjamin Winthrop
 |  |.Elizabeth Sheriff Winthrop - Rev. John White Chanler
 |  ||.Margaret Stuyvesant Chanler - LEWIS MORRIS RUTHERFURD (1816-1892) astrophysicist
 |  |||.Margaret Stuyvesant Rutherford - HENRY WHITE (1850-1927) Ambassador
 |  ||||
 |  |||.Winthrop Chanler Rutherford - (2) LUCY PAIGE MERCER (?-1948) presidential mistress
 |  |||
 |  ||.JOHN WINTHOP CHANLER (1826-1877) Congressman - Margaret Astor Ward
 |  || .Winthrop Astor Chanler - Louise Margaret Terry
 |  || |.Laura Astor Chanler - LAWRENCE GRANT WHITE (1887-1956) did a translation of Dante's Divine Comedy
 |  || | .ROBERT WINTROP WHITE (1921-2002) sculptor
 |  || |  .CHRISTIAN WHITE (?-living) artist
 |  || |
 |  || .LEWIS STUYVESANT CHANLER (1869-1942) Lieutenant Governor
 |  || |- JULIA LYNCH OLIN (1882-1961) author, society founder
 |  || |
 |  || .WILLIAM ASTOR CHANLER (1867-1934) Congressman
 |  || |
 |  || .Alida Beekman Chanler - Christopher Temple Emmet
 |  ||  .ELLEN GERTRUDE EMMET (1875-1941) painter
 |  ||
 |  |.Margaret Cornelia Winthrop - GEORGE FOLSOM (1802-1869) antiquarian
 |  |
 |  .Cornelia Stuyvesant - DIRCK TEN BROECK (1765-1832) New York State Assembly Speaker
 |  |
 |  .Nicholas William Stuyvesant - Catherine Livingston Reade
 |  |.Nicholas William Stuyvesant - Content Augusta Chesebrough
 |  ||.Margaret Livingston Stuyvesant - John Howard Wainwright
 |  || .Stuyvesant Wainwright - Caroline Smith Snowden
 |  ||  .Loudon Snowden Wainwright - Eleanor Sloan
 |  ||   .LOUDEN SNOWDEN WAINWRIGHT, Jr. (1924-1988) writer - Martha Taylor
 |  ||    .LOUDEN SNOWEDN WAINWRIGHT III (1946-living) Songwriter, Folk singer - (1) KATE McGARRIGLE (1946-2010) Singer, Songwriter, (2) (child-bearing laiason) SUZZY ROCHE (?-living) Singer-Songwriter
 |  ||    |.(by 1) RUFUS McGARRIGLE WAINWRIGHT (1973-living) Singer-Songwriter
 |  ||    |.(by 1) MARTHA WAINWRIGHT (1976-living) Folk-rock Singer-Songwriter
 |  ||    |.(by 2) LUCY WAINWRIGHT ROCHE (1981-living) Singer, Songwriter
 |  ||    |
 |  ||    .SLOAN WAINWRIGHT (1957-living) Singer-Songwriter
 |  ||
 |  |.Petrus Stuyvesant - Julia Martin
 |  | .Gertrude Stuyvesant - RAYMOND P. RODGERS (1849-1925) Naval Officer
 |  |
 |  .Elizabeth Stuyvesant - Nicholas Fish
 |   .Margaret Ann Fish - John Neilson
 |   |.Elizabeth Stuyvesant Neilson - Ezra W. Howard
 |   ||.Thomas Howard Howard - Rose A. Post
 |   || .Elizabeth Stuyvesant Post - Robert Winthrop Kean
 |   ||  .HAMILTON FISH KEAN (1862-1941) Senator - Katharine Taylor Winthrop
 |   ||   .ROBERT WINTHROP KEAN (1893-1980) Congressman
 |   ||    .THOMAS HOWARD KEAN (1935-living) Governor
 |   ||
 |   |.Helen Neilson - DAVID MAITLAND ARMSTRONG (1836-1918) artist, Ambassador
 |   | .HAMILTON FISH ARMSTRONG (1893-1973) diplomat, editor
 |   |
 |   .HAMILTON FISH (1808-1893) Senator, Governor - Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
 |   |.NICHOLAS FISH (1846-1902) Ambassador
 |   |.HAMILTON FISH (1849-1936) Congressman - Emily M. Mann
 |   ||.HAMILTON FISH (1888-1991) Congressman - Grace Chapin
 |   || .HAMILTON FISH (1926-1996) Congressman
 |   ||  .HAMILTON FISH (1952-?) publisher
 |   ||
 |   |.STUYVESANT FISH (1851-1923) railroad president - MARIAN GROVES ANTHON (?-?) society leader
 |   |
 |   .Susan Elizabeth Fish - Daniel LeRoy
 |    .Mary Augusta LeRoy - Edward King
 |     .LeRoy King - Ethel Ledyard Rhinelander
 |      .LeRoy King - Mary Isabel Lockwood
 |      |.Bayard LeRoy King - Moya Beryl Shields
 |      | .Adelaide Alexandra King - ILIE NASTASE (1946-living) tennis player
 |      |
 |      .FREDERICK RHINELANDER KING (1887-1972) architect
 .(by 1) Jannetje Loockermans - Hans Kierstede
 |.Jacobus Kierstede - Lysbeth Laurens
 | .Marrietje Kierstede - James Livingston
 |  .Robert James Livingston - Susan Smith
 |  |.PETER ROBERT LIVINGSTON (1766-1847) New York State Assembly Speaker
 |  ||
 |  |.Maturin Livingston - Margaret Lewis
 |  | .Julia Livingston - JOSEPH DELAFIELD (1790-1875) scientist
 |  | |.Maturin Livingston Delafield - Mary Coleman Livingston
 |  | | .JOHN ROSS DELAFIELD (1874-1964) Brigadier-General
 |  | | |
 |  | | .Mary Livingston Delafield - EDWARD RIDLEY FINCH (1873-1965) New York State Court of Appeals Judge
 |  | |  .Anne Crane Delafield Finch - Howard Ellis Cox
 |  | |   .EDWARD RIDLEY FINCH COX (1946-living) - PATRICIA NIXON (1946-living)
 |  | |
 |  | .Robert James Livingston - Louisa Matilda Storm
 |  | |.Louisa M. Livingston - ELBRIDGE THOMAS GERRY (1837-1927) reformer
 |  | | .PETER GOELET GERRY (1879-1957) Senator
 |  | |
 |  | .Maturin Livingston - Ruth Baylies
 |  |  .Ruth Livingston - Ogden Mills
 |  |   .OGDEN LIVINGSTON MILLS (1884-1937) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
 |  |   .Beatrice Mills
 |  |    - BERNARD ARTHUR WILLIAM PATRICK FORBES, 8th Earl Granard (1874-1948)
 |  |      Privy Councellor to Edward VII
 |  |    .Eileen Forbes - John Crichton-Stuart
 |  |     .John Crichton-Stuart - Beatrice Nicola Grace Weld-Forester
 |  |      .JOHN CRICHTON-STUART, 7th Marquess of Bute (aka JOHNNY DUMFRIES) (1958-living) Formula One driver
 |  |
 |  .Janet Livingston - WILLIAM SMITH, Jr. (1728-1793) jurist
 |   .Harriet Smith - JONATHAN SEWALL (1766-1839) jurist
 |   .WILLIAM SMITH (1769-1847) historian - Susannah Webber
 |    .Emilie Anne Smith - George Mackie
 |     .Constance Grace Mackie - Walter Pearson Evans
 |      .Bryan Evans - Lucinda Clara Juanita Holt
 |       .">CHARLES FREDERICK HOLT EVANS (1903-1988) genealogist
 .(by 2) Jacob Loockermans - Helena Ketin
  .Govert Loockermans - Sarah Woolford
   .Mary Loockermans - (1) Thomas Haskins, (2) Joseph Ennalls
    .(by 1) Joseph Haskins - Sarah Ennalls
    |.Thomas E. Haskins - Elizabeth Richards
    | .Mary Richards Haskins - John Dupuy
    |  .Charles Meredith Dupuy - Ellen Maria Reynolds
    |  |.Martha Haskins Dupuy - GEORGE HOWARD DARWIN (1845-1912) astronomer and mathematician
    |  | .GWENDELINE MARY DARWIN (1885-1957) artist - JACQUES PIERRE RAVERAT (1885-1925) artist
    |  | |.Elizabeth Raverat - EDVARD ISAK HAMBRO (1911-1977) U.N. General Assembly President
    |  | ||
    |  | |.Sophie Raverat - Mark Pryor
    |  | | .WILLIAM RAVERAT (1945-living) writer
    |  | |
    |  | .GEORGE GALTON DARWIN (1887-1962) physicist
    |  | |
    |  | .Margaret Elizabeth Darwin - GEOFFREY LANGDON KEYNES (1887-1982) bibliophile
    |  |  .RICHARD DARWIN KEYNES (1919-living) editor - Anne Pinsent Adrian
    |  |  |.RANDALL HUME KEYNES (1948-living) author - Zelfa Cecil Hourani
    |  |  ||.SKANDER AMIN CASPER KEYNES (1991-living) film actor
    |  |  ||
    |  |  |.SIMON DOUGLAS KEYNES (1952-living) historian
    |  |  |
    |  |  .QUENTIN GEORGE KEYNES (1921-2003) bibliophile
    |  |  .WILLIAM MILO KEYNES (1924-2009) author
    |  |
    |  .Gertrude Ellen Dupuy - HENRY SHELTON SANFORD (1823-1891) diplomat
    .(by 2) Margaret Ennalls - William Murray Maynadier
     .William Maynadier - Sarah Brown
      .WILLIAM MAYNADIER (1807-1871) brevetted Brigadier-General - Sarah Sanford
       .Eliza Maynadier - SETH LEDYARD PHELPS (1824-1885) naval officer, Ambassador
       .Sally Sanford Maynadier - ALFRED MORDECAI (1840-1920) Brigadier-General

6870 and 6871 have other descendants, such as:

James Duncanson - Helen Livingston
.Maria Duncanson - Pieter Janszen Loockermans
.Margaret Duncanson - William Teller
|.Andries Teller - Sophia Van Cortlandt
||.Oliver Teller - Cornelia De Peyster
|| .Isaac Teller - Sarah Wiltse
||  .Isaac DePeyster Teller - Alice Schenck
||   .Margaret Schenck Teller - Robert Boyd Van Kleeck
||    .Robert Boyd Van Kleeck - Eliza Mayer
||     .MARY ABBY VAN KLEECK (1883-1972) social researcher and reformer
|.Helena Teller - (1) Cornelis Bogardus, (2) Jan Hendrickse Van Balen, (3) Francois Rombouts
||.(by 1) Cornelis Bogardus - Rachel DeWitt
|||.Helena Bogardus - Tobias Martens Van Buren
||||.Cornelis Van Buren - Sara Hoogteeling
|||| .Tobias Van Buren - Sara DuBois
||||  .Cornelius Van Buren - Elizabeth Peersen
||||   .JOHN C. VAN BUREN (1799-1855) Congressman
||||   .Isaac Van Buren - Agnes Ostrander
||||    .Matthew Van Buren  - Caroline G. Keator
||||     .MABEL VAN BUREN (1879-1947) film actor
||||      - (1) ERNEST JOY (1878-1924) film actor
||||      - (2) JAMES GORDON (1871-1941) film actor
|||.Cornelius Bogardus - Catharine Tudor
||| .Cornelius Bogardus - Magtel Phillips
||| |.Cornelius C. Bogardus - Elizabeth Roe
||| | .Cornelius Bogardus - Elizabeth Southard
||| |  .ABRAHAM BOGARDUS (1822-1908) photographer
||| |
||| .Lewis Bogardus - Annie Mills
|||  .James Bogardus - Martha Spencer
|||   .JAMES BOGARDUS (1800-1874) inventor
||.(by 2) Maria Van Balen - Isaac De Peyster
|||.Cornelia De Peyster - Oliver Teller
||| .Isaac Teller - Sarah Wiltse
|||  .Isaac DePeyster Teller - Alice Schenck
|||   .Margaret Schenck Teller - Robert Boyd Van Kleeck
|||    .Robert Boyd Van Kleeck - Eliza Mayer
|||     .MARY ABBY VAN KLEECK (1883-1972) social researcher and reformer
||.(by 2) Margaret Van Balen - Nicholas Evertsen
|||.Nicholas Evertson - Susanna Roeters
||| .Margaret Everston - James Morgan
|||  .JAMES MORGAN (1757-1822) Major-General, Congressman
||.(by 3) Catherine Rombouts - Roger Brett
|| .Francis Rombouts Brett - Margaret Thorne Van Wyck
||  .Hannah Brett - Henry Schenck
||  |.Alice Schenck - Isaac DePeyster Teller
||  ||.Margaret Schenck Teller - Robert Boyd Van Kleeck
||  || .Robert Boyd Van Kleeck - Eliza Mayer
||  ||  .MARY ABBY VAN KLEECK (1883-1972) social researcher and reformer
||  ||
||  |.ABRAHAM HENRY SCHENCK (775-1831) Congressman
||  |
||  .Francis Rombout Brett - Sarah Somendyke
||  |.Catharine Brett - Bernard Harte
||  | .Henry Harte - Elizabeth Ostrander
||  |  .FRANCIS BRET HARTE (1836-1902) author
||  |
||  .Theodorus Brett - Maria Wiltsie
||   .Martin Wiltsie Brett - Susan Ann Milledoler
||    .Philip M. Brett - Cornelia Bogart
||     .Cornelius Brett - Helen B. Runyon
||      .PHILIP MILLEDOLER BRETT (1871-1960) university president
|.Maria Teller - Pieter Van Alen
||.Willem Van Alen - Marietje Van Petten
|| .Maria Van Alen - Thomas Van Alstyne
|| |.William Van Alstyne - (1) Christina Van Alen, (2) Catharina Knickerbocker
|| ||.(by 1) Maria Van Alstyne - Richard B. Esselsteyn
|| |||.Maria B. Esselsteyn - Anson Fowler
|| ||| .Melzar Fowler - Clarissa Spicer
|| |||  .Nancy Maria Fowler - CYRUS HALL McCORMICK (1809-1884) inventor
|| |||   .CYRUS RICE MCCORMICK (1859-1936) company president
|| |||   .HAROLD FOWLER MCCORMICK (1872-1941) company president
|| |||   | - EDITH ROCKEFELLER (1872-1932) philanthropist
|| |||   |
|| |||   .Stanley McCormick - KATHARINE DEXTER (1875-1867) suffragette
|| |||
|| ||.(by 2) Thomas Van Alstyne - Mabel Butler
|| || .THOMAS JEFFERSON VAN ALSTYNE (1827-1903) Congressman
|| ||
|| |.Lambert Van Alstyne - Aletteka Oosterhout
|| ||.Lambert Van Alstyne - Elizabeth Lee
|| || .Thomas Van Alstyne - Shenzada Roosevelt
|| ||  .Egbert Benson Van Alstyne - Elizabeth Campbell
|| ||   .Charles Van Alstyne - Emma Rogers
|| ||    .EGBERT ANSON VAN ALSTYNE (1882-1951) songwriter
|| ||
|| |.Peter Van Alstyne - Marritje Conyn
|| | .Alida Van Alstyne - Simon Van Patten
|| |  .Peter Van Patten - Rebecca (__)
|| |   .Byron Van Patten - Elizabeth Abigail Butler
|| |    .John Peter Van Patten - Florence Tyler
|| |     .Richard Byron Van Patten - (1)Josephine Rose Acerno, (2) Eleanor Maria Della Gatta
|| |      .(by 1) RICHARD (DICK) VINCENT VAN PATTEN (1928-living) film and TV actor - Pat Poole
|| |      |.NELS VAN PATTEN (1955-living) film actor - NANCY VALEN (1970-living) film and TV actor
|| |      |.JAMES VAN PATTEN (1956-living) film actor - SHANA HIATT (1975-living) film and TV actor
|| |      |.VINCENT VAN PATTEN (1957-living) film and TV actor
|| |      | - (1) BETSEY RUSSELL (1964-living) film actor
|| |      | - (2) EILEEN DAVIDSON (1959-living) TV actor
|| |      |
|| |      .(by 1) JOYCE VAN PATTEN (1934-living) film and TV actor
|| |      | - (1) MARTIN HENRY BALSAM (1914-1996) film actor
|| |      | - (2) DENNIS DUGAN (1946-living) film and TV actor
|| |      |.(by 1) TALIA BALSAM (1960-living) film and TV actor
|| |      | - (1) GEORGE TIMOTHY CLOONEY (1961-living) film and TV actor
|| |      | - (2) JOHN SLATTERY (1963-living) film and TV actor
|| |      |
|| |      .(by 2) TIMOTHY VAN PATTEN (1959-living) film and TV actor
|| |
|| .Rachel Van Alstyne - Pieter Winne
|| |.Tanneke Winne - Marten DeForest
|| | .Jacob DeForest - Annatie Lansing
|| |  .Obadiah Lansing DeForest - Sarah Ann Vedder
|| |   .HENRY SCHERMERHORN DEFOREST (1847-1917) Congressman
|| |
|| .Pieter Van Allen - Anna Van Wie
||  .Maria Van Allen - Abraham Van Alstyne
||   .Annatje Van Alstyne - Philip Staats
||    .Barent Staats - Maria Winne
||     .Anna W. Staats - Sylvester Hall Laflin
||      .Jane Laflin - Francis Milton "I. M." Weaver
||       .Sylvester Laflin Weaver - Annabel Dixon
||       .SYLVESTER LAFLIN WEAVER, Jr. (1908-2002) TV executive
||       |- DESIRÉE HAWKINS INGLES (?-living) film actor
||       |.SIGOURNEY WEAVER (née SUSAN ALEXANDRA WEAVER) (1949-living) film actor
||       |
||       .WINSTEAD SHEFFIELD WEAVER (aka DOODLES WEAVER) (1911-1983) film actor
|.Elizabeth Teller - Abraham Van Tricht
||.Margarita Van Tricht - Volkert Douw
|||.Elisabeth Douw - Myndert Veeder
||| .Volkert Veeder - Susanna Myndertse
|||  .Elizabeth Veeder - Joseph Bullock
|||   .Catherine Bullock - Samuel Ap Howell Lloyd
|||   |.THOMAS SPENCER LLOYD (1830-1883) musician, composer
|||   |
|||   .Ellen Bullock - Johannes Van Valkenburgh
|||    .Lawrence Van Valkenburgh - Sarah A. Seymour
|||     .ARBA SEYMOUR VAN VALKENBURGH (1862-1944) jurist
||.Magdalena Van Tricht - Abraham Lansing
|||.Abraham Abrahamse Lansing - Catharine Lansing
||| .Abraham Lansing - Elsje Van Rensselaer
|||  .Arietta Lansing - HARMEN KNICKERBOCKER (1779-1855) Congressman
|||  |
|||  .Killian Van Rensselaer Lansing - Amanda Carter
|||   .Killian Van Rensselaer Lansing - Orrea White Dempster
|||    .Van Rensselaer Lansing - Marian L. Minor
|||     .Emily Stuart Lansing - WILLIAM HORACE MUIR (1902-1964) sculptor
||.Helen Van Tricht - Jan Barentse Wemple
|| .Elizabeth Wemple - Andries Arentse Bratt
||  .Jannetje Bradt - Christopher Yates
||   .JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER YATES (1768-1837) Mayor, Governor
||   |
||   .Henry C. Yates - Catherine Mynderse
||   |.Edward Yates - Elizabeth Jane Miller
||   ||.Mary Yates - Septimus Henry Norris
||   || .Elizabeth Norris - Charles Platt II
||   ||  .Charles Platt III - Dorothy Falcon Sims
||   ||   .Elizabeth Norris Platt - Erastus Corning
||   ||    .ERASTUS CORNING II (1909-1983) Mayor
||   ||
||   |.Charles Yates - Josephine Bosworth
||   ||.Stella Yates - BENJAMIN BREWSTER (1860-1941) P.E. Bishop of western Colorado, Bishop of Maine
||   ||
||   |.Jane Anne Yates - Edward Satterlee
||   | .HENRY YATES SATTERLEE (1843-1908) P.E. Bishop of the diocese of Washington
||   |
||   .JOHANNES BARENTSE YATES (1784-1836) Congressman
|.Willem Teller - Rachel Kierstede
||.Willem Teller - Maria Kenniff
|||.Isaac Teller - Rebecca Remsen
||| .Remsen Teller - Catherine McDonald
||| |.John Teller - Charlotte Chapin Moore
||| | .HENRY MOORE TELLER (1830-1914) Senator, U.S. Cabinet Secretary
||| |
||| .Henry Remsen Teller - Maria Terwilliger
|||  .Mary Henry Teller - John G. Van Voast
|||   .JAMES VAN VOAST (1827-1915) Brigadier-General
||.Hans Teller - Aeltje Vermilyea
|| .Josina Teller - Jacobus Stoutenburgh
||  .John Stoutenburgh - Sarah Griffin
||   .Sarah Catherine Stoutenburgh - William Barnes Platt
||    .John Henry Platt - Mary Elizabeth Cheny
||     .CHARLES ADAMS PLATT (1861-1933) architect - Eleanor Hardy
||      .Geoffrey Platt - Helen Choate
||       .NICHOLAS PLATT (1936-living) Ambassador - Sheila Maynard
||        .OLIVER PLATT (1960-living) film actor
|.Johannes Teller - Susanna Wendell
| .Margarita Teller - Jacob Schermerhorn
| |.Jacobus Schermerhorn - Annatie P. Vrooman
| | .Johannes Schermerhorn - Catharina Bradt
| |  .Jacob J. Schermerhorn - Maria Vedder
| |   .SIMON JACOB SCHERMERHORN (1827-1901) Congressman
| |
| .Maria Teller - Abraham Glen
|  .Deborah Glen - Johannes Viele
|   .Margareta Viele - Eldert Ament
|    .John Viele Ament - Eunice (__)
|     .Justus Ament - Susan Berry
|      .Evelyn Amelia Ament - Charles Knight
|       .Effie May Knight - Judson Boardman Vance
|        .Delbert Vance - Gertrude A. (__)
|         .Beatrice Vance - James Hall Gilliam
|          .TERRENCE VANCE GILLIAM (1940-living) film actor, director, animator
.Catalyn Duncanson - Sander Leendertszen Glen
 .Jacob Sanders Glen - Catharina Witbeck
 |.Johannes Glen - Jannetie Bleecker
 ||.Jacob Sanderse Glen - Elizabeth Cuyler
 || .HENDRICK GLEN (1739-1814) Congressman
 |.Anna Glen - Harmanus Wendell
 ||.Jacob Wendell - Helena Van Rensselaer
 |||.Jacob Wendell - Barbara Bradt
 ||||.Elizabeth Wendell - Jacob Bleecker, Jr.
 |||| .HARMANUS BLEECKER (1779-1849) Congressman, Ambassador
 |||.Annaatje Wendell - Cornelius Cuyler
 ||| .Jane Cuyler - Jeremiah Schuyler
 |||  .Cornelius Schuyler - Harriet Lane Hillhouse
 |||   .Harriet Schuyler - EDWARD CORNELIUS DELAVAN (1791-1871) Temperance leader
 ||.Catharina Wendell - Johannes A. Cuyler
 |||.Cornelius Cuyler - Annaatje Wendell
 ||| .Jane Cuyler - Jeremiah Schuyler
 |||  .Cornelius Schuyler - Harriet Lane Hillhouse
 |||   .Harriet Schuyler - EDWARD CORNELIUS DELAVAN (1791-1871) Temperance leader
 ||.Annetje Wendell - Jacob Hendrick Ten Eyck
 |||.Anna Ten Eyck - Wilhelmus Mancius
 ||||.Jacob Ten Eyck Mancius - Jane Ann Barber
 |||| .Margaret Mancius - Richard Yates
 ||||  .GEORGE WILHELMUS MANCIUS YATES (1843-1876) Battle of the Little Big Horn victim
 |||.Harmanus Ten Eyck - Margarita Bleecker
 ||| .Anna Ten Eyck - Andrew Foster
 |||  .Herman TenEyck Foster - Mary Pauline Lentilhon
 |||   .Mary Pauline Foster - HENRY ALGERNON DU PONT (1838-1926) Senator
 |||    .LOUISE EVALINA DU PONT (1877-1959) preservationist
 |||    .HENRY FRANCIS DU PONT (1880-1969) art collector, museum founder
 ||.Harmanus H. Wendell - Catryna Van Vechten
 || .Annatje Wendell - Philip P. Schuyler
 || |.Catharina Schuyler - ABRAHAM VAN VECHTEN (1762-1823) lawyer
 || |
 || .Cornelis Wendell - Annatie Lansing
 ||  .John Lansing Wendell - Susan Carter
 ||   .Anna Mary Wendell - ROBERT BOWNE MINTURN (1805-1866) merchant
 ||    .Robert Bowne Minturn - Susanna Shaw
 ||     .Edith Minturn - ISAAC NEWTON PHELPS STOKES (1867-?) author of Iconography of Manhattan Island
 |.Helena Glen - Jacob Gerritszen Lansing
 ||.Gerrit J. Lansing - Jannetie Waters
 |||.JOHN LANSING, JR. (1754-1829) Continental Congress delegate - Cornelia Ray
 ||||.Jane Lansing - RENSSELAER WESTERLO (1776-1851) Congressman
 |||.Abraham Gerrit Lansing - Susannah Yates
 ||||.GERRIT YATES LANSING (1783-1862) Congressman
 |||.Gerrit G. Lansing - Maria Antill
 ||||.RICHARD RAY LANSING (1789-1855) state capital eponym
 ||||.Barent Bleeker Lansing - Sarah Ann Breese
 |||| .HENRY LIVINGSTON LANSING (1818-1889) Brigadier-General - Catherine Olivia Gibson
 ||||  .Livingston Lansing - Grace Cleveland Coxe
 ||||  |.Cleveland Coxe Lansing - Abbie Livingston
 ||||  | .Mary Lansing - PETER ARNO (né CURTIS ARNOUX PETERS, Jr.) (1904-1968) cartoonist
 ||||  |
 ||||  .Sarah Gibson Lansing - HENRY LAWRENCE BURNETT (1838-1916) General
 |||.Sanders Lansing - Catherine Ten Eyck
 ||| .Abraham Ten Eyck Lansing - Jane Ann Stewart
 ||| |.FREDERICK LANSING (1838-1894) Congressman
 ||| |
 ||| .Robert Lansing - Maria Hubbard
 |||  .John Lansing - Mary Lay Dodge
 |||   .ROBERT LANSING (1864-1928) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
 ||.Jacob Jacobse Lansing - Marytje Egbert
 |||.Annatje Lansing - Abraham J. Ten Eyck
 ||| .Catherine Ten Eyck - Sanders Lansing
 ||| |.Abraham Ten Eyck Lansing - Jane Ann Stewart
 ||| ||.FREDERICK LANSING (1838-1894) Congressman
 ||| ||
 ||| |.Robert Lansing - Maria Hubbard
 ||| | .John Lansing - Mary Lay Dodge
 ||| |  .ROBERT LANSING (1864-1928) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
 ||| |
 ||| .Jacob Ten Eyck - Magdalena Gansevoort
 |||  .Hester Gansevoort Ten Eyck - Coenraed Anthony Ten Eyck
 |||   .Abraham Cuyler Ten Eyck - Margaret Matilda Haswell
 |||    .PETER GANSEVOORT TEN EYCK  (1873-1944) Congressman
 ||.John J. Lansing - Catherine Schuyler
 |||.Helena Lansing - John Zabriskie
 ||| .John Lansing Zabriskie - Sarah Barrea
 |||  .ABRAHAM OOTHOUT ZABRISKIE (1807-1873) jurist - Sarah Augusta Pell
 |||   .Augustus Zabriskie - Josephine B. Booraem
 |||   |.Cornelia Booream Zabriskie - William Temple Emmet
 |||   | .William Temple Emmet, Jr. - Lily Dulany Cushing
 |||   |  .Alexandra Temple Emmet - ARTHUR MEIER SCHLESINGER, Jr. (1917-2007) historian
 |||   |
 |||   .Sarah Augusta Zabriskie - Baron FRANZ ERNST DE BILLE (?-?) Danish Minister to England
 ||.Catharine Lansing - Abraham Abrahamse Lansing
 || .Abraham Lansing - Elsje Van Rensselaer
 ||  .Arietta Lansing - HARMEN KNICKERBOCKER (1779-1855) Congressman
 ||  |
 ||  .Killian Van Rensselaer Lansing - Amanda Carter
 ||   .Killian Van Rensselaer Lansing - Orrea White Dempster
 ||    .Van Rensselaer Lansing - Marian L. Minor
 ||     .Emily Stuart Lansing - WILLIAM HORACE MUIR (1902-1964) sculptor
 |.Sander Glen - Rebecca Swits
 | .Susanna Glen - Abraham Fonda
 |  .Rebecca Fonda - Nicholas Yates
 |   .Joseph N. Yates - Alida Vedder
 |    .Rebecca Yates - William Barent Wemple
 |     .EDWARD WEMPLE (1843-1920) Congressman
 .Johannes Sanderse Glen - (1) Annatie Peek, (2) Diewertje Wendell
  .(by 1) Catrina Glen - Gerrit Lansing
  |.Ann Lansing - Jacob Egmont
  | .Elsie Egmont - Evert Sixberry
  |  .Nicholas Sigsbee - Cornelia Cooper
  |   .Nicholas Sigsbee - Jane Sible
  |    .Nicholas Sigsbee - Agnes Orr
  |     .CHARLES DWIGHT SIGSBEE (1845-1923) Rear Admiral - Eliza Rogers Loockwood
  |      .Anna Sigsbee Sigsbee - SUMNER ELY WHITMORE KITTELE (?-?) Rear Admiral
  |      .MARY ELLEN SIGSBEE (1876-1960) artist
  |       - (1) WILLIAM BALFOUR KER (1877-1918) artist
  |       - (2) ANTON OTTO FISCHER (1882-1962) artist
  .(by 1) Maria Glen - Albert Vedder
  |.Harmanus Albertszen Vedder - Susanna Veeder
  ||.Albert Harmanus Vedder - Annatje Quackenbush
  |||.Isaac Vedder - Neeltje Van Eps
  ||||.Albert Isaac Vedder - Mary Stilson
  |||| .Emeline Vedder - George Westinghouse
  ||||  .GEORGE WESTINGHOUSE (1846-1914) inventor, businessman
  |||.Alexander Vedder - (__)
  ||| .Elizabeth Vedder - Elihu Vedder
  |||  .ELIHU VEDDER (1836-1923) artist
  ||.Annatje Vedder - Jan Baptist Van Eps
  |||.Susanna Van Eps - Isaac de Graaf
  ||||.JOHN ISAAC DE GRAAF (1783-1848) Congressman
  |||.Johannes Van Eps - Jannetje VanVleck
  ||| .Harmanus Van Eps - Martha Heemstraat
  |||  .Lucy Van Eps - HENRY SCHERMERHORN DEFOREST (1847-1917) Congressman
  ||.Johannes Vedder - Sarah Vedder
  || .Elihu Vedder - Elizabeth Vedder
  ||  .ELIHU VEDDER (1836-1923) artist
  |.Arent Albertszen Vedder - Sara Van der Bogart
  | .Nicolaas Vedder - Eva Dellamont
  |  .Sarah Vedder - Johannes Vedder
  |   .Elihu Vedder - Elizabeth Vedder
  |    .ELIHU VEDDER (1836-1923) artist
  .(by 1) Helena Glen - Jan Baptist Van Eps
  |.Johannes Van Eps - Neeltje Toll
  ||.Aefje Van Eps - Hendrick Wemple
  |||.Jane Wemple - John Starin
  ||| .Myndert Starin - Rachel Sammons
  |||  .JOHN HENRY STARIN (1825-1909) Congressman
  ||.Jan Baptist Van Eps - Annatje Vedder
  || .Susanna Van Eps - Isaac de Graaf
  || |.JOHN ISAAC DE GRAAF (1783-1848) Congressman
  || |
  || .Johannes Van Eps - Jannetje VanVleck
  ||  .Harmanus Van Eps - Martha Heemstraat
  ||   .Lucy Van Eps - HENRY SCHERMERHORN DEFOREST (1847-1917) Congressman
  |.Sander Van Eps - Neeltje Van der Volgen
  ||.Jacobus Van Eps - Engeltje Wendell
  || .Neeltje Van Eps - Isaac Vedder
  ||  .Albert Isaac Vedder - Mary Stilson
  ||   .Emeline Vedder - George Westinghouse
  ||    .GEORGE WESTINGHOUSE (1846-1914) inventor, businessman
  |.Jan Baptiste Van Eps - Maria Truax
  ||.John Baptist Van Eps - Ann Barnes
  || .Anna Maria Van Eps - Conrad Ramsay
  ||  .De Witt Conrad Ramsay - Lucy J. Griffin
  ||   .Francis DeWitt Ramsay - Lillian Carlotta Zulick
  ||    .DEWITT CLINTON RAMSAY (1888-1961) Admiral
  |.Maria Van Eps - Elias Post
  ||.Catlyna Post - Zeger Van Santvoord
  || .Cornelius Van Santvoord - Eva Swits
  ||  .STAATS VAN SANTVOORD (1790-1882) clergyman - Margaret Van Harlingen
  ||   .CORNELIS VAN SANTVOORT (1816-?) clergyman
  ||   .GEORGE VAN SANTVOORD (1819-1863) lawyer
  |.Jacomyntje Van Eps - Takel Marselis
  ||.Maria Marselis - Cornelius Christianse
  || .Thomas Christianse - Zilpha Peckham
  ||  .ISAAC PECKHAM CHRISTIANCY (1812-1890) Senator, state supreme court chief justice
  ||   - Elizabeth Eleonora McClosky
  ||   .JAMES CHRISTIANCY (1844-1899) Congressional Medal of Honor
  |.Catharina Van Eps - Adam Van Slyck
  | .Helena Van Slyck - Samuel Thorn
  |  .JONATHAN THORN (1779-1811) naval officer
  .(by 1) Jacob Sanderse Glen - Anna Hanson
  |.Jacob Alexander Glen, Jr. - Rebecca Miller
  | .Martha Glenn - Thomas Maslin
  |  .Thomas Maslin - Elizabeth Wroth
  |  |.Martha Priscilla Maslin - Sewell Hepbron
  |  | .Sewell Stevely Hepburn - Selina Lloyd Powell
  |  |  .Thomas Horval Hepburn - Katharine Martha Houghton
  |  |   .KATHARINE MARTHA HEPBURN (1909-2003) film actor
  |  |
  |  .Michael Miller Maslin - Elizabeth Sarah Mohler
  |   .Caroline Maslin - Robert Ewing
  |    .Caroline Maslin Ewing - John Vernou Bouvier
  |     .John Vernou Bouvier - Maude Frances Sergeant
  |      .John Vernou Bouvier - Janet Norton Lee
  |       .JACQUELINE LEE BOUVIER (1929-1994) First Lady
  |        - (1) JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY (1917-1963) U.S. President
  |        - (2) ARISTOTLE ONASSIS (1906-1975) shipping magnate
  .(by 2) Abraham Glen - Maria Teller
   .Deborah Glen - Johannes Viele
    .Margareta Viele - Eldert Ament
     .John Viele Ament - Eunice (__)
      .Justus Ament - Susan Berry
       .Evelyn Amelia Ament - Charles Knight
	.Effie May Knight - Judson Boardman Vance
	 .Delbert Vance - Gertrude A. (__)
	  .Beatrice Vance - James Hall Gilliam
	   .TERRENCE VANCE GILLIAM (1940-living) film actor, director, animator

6872 and 6873 have other descendants, such as:

Jan Oothout - (__)
.Jan Janszen Oothout - Hendrickje Van Ness
.Jannetje Oothout - Jacobus Jans
 .Mayke Jacobus - Francoys Post
 |.Jacobus Post - Maritje Chrystyn
 | .Jacobus Post - Metje Gerritse Van Wagenen
 | |.Garret Post - Martyntye Bertholf
 | ||.Peter Schuyler Post - Mary D. Coe
 | || .PHILIP SIDNEY POST (1833-1895) Congressman
 | ||
 | |.Garret Post - Martyntye Bertholf
 | | .James Bertholf Post - Catherine Cornelia Hathorn
 | |  .William Townsend Post - Harriet Griffin Luce
 | |   .Cornelia Almira Post - PHILIP SIDNEY POST (1833-1895) Congressman
 | |
 | .Johannes Post - Catriena Van Houten
 |  .Robert J. Post - Rachel Vanderhoff
 |   .Catherine Post - Casperus J. Zabriskie
 |    .Eliza Jane Zabriskie - Benjamin S. Demarest
 |     .Samuel B. Demarest - Wilhelmena Lindgren
 |      .CARL WILLIAM DEMAREST (1892-1983) film actor
 .Jannetje Jacobus - (1) Anthony Swartwout, (2) Herman Barentszen Van Inwegen
 |.(by 1) Jacobus Swartwout - Antje Gumaer
 ||.Phillipus Swartwood  - Deborah Schoonhoven
 |||.Peter Swartwout - Jannetje Westfall
 ||| .Sarah Swartwout - HENRY ROELIFSON BRINKERHOFF (1787-1844) Congressman, General
 ||.Hesther Swartwout - Abraham Codebec
 || .Peter Cuddeback - Margriet DeWitt
 ||  .Peter Cuddeback - Clarissa Stevens
 ||   .Grant Price Cuddeback - Elmira Hale
 ||    .Moses Clinton Cuddeback - Cloa E. Kent-Irons
 ||     .LEON DEWEY CUDDEBACK (1898-1984) aviation pilot
 |.(by 1) Bernardus Swartwout - Margriet Decker
 ||.Jacobus Swartwout - Lydia Decker
 |||.Jacobus Swartwood - Martha Earl
 ||| .James Swartwood - Mary Ann Jones
 |||  .Julia Ann Swartwood - Milton Crane
 |||   .Milton Elexus Crane - Sarah Snyder
 |||    .Florence Belle Crane - James Allen Whitmore
 |||     .JAMES ALLEN WHITMORE (1921-2009) film actor
 |||      - (1) Nancy Mygatt
 |||      - (2) AUDRA MARIE LINDLEY (1918-1997) TV actor
 |||      - (3) NOREEN NASH (1924-living) film and TV actor
 |||      .(by 1) JAMES WHITMORE, Jr. (1948-living) TV actor and director
 ||.Thomas Swartwout - Elizabeth Ennes
 || .Bernardus Swartwout - Rymerick Van Etten
 ||  .Elizabeth Swartwout - Benjamin Schoonhoven
 ||   .Simeon Schoonover - Sarah Heller
 ||    .John Schoonover - Elizabeth LeBarre
 ||     .FRANK EARLE SCHOONOVER (1887-1972) illustrator
 |.Anthony Swartwout - (__)
 ||.Anthony Swartwout - Mary Armstrong
 || .Elizabeth Swarthout - James C. Cooley
 ||  .Sarah Cooley - Jonas Elisha Freer
 ||   .George Sidney Freer - Rose Ann Burns
 ||    .Russell John Freer - Annie C. Thornton
 ||     .Rose Ellen Freer
 ||      - EDWARD VICTOR CICOTTE (1884-1969) baseball player, Black Sox Scandal participant
 |.(by 2) Gerardus Van Inwegen - Jannetjen DeWitt
 ||.Harmonus Van Inwegen - Margaret Cole
 || .Annetje Van Inwegen - William Cuddeback
 ||  .Lewis Cuddeback - Caroline Lee Thompson
 ||   .WILLIAM HERMAN CUDDEBACK (1852-1919) New York State Court of Appeals Judge
 |.(by 2) Janneke Van Inwegen - Thomas Decker
 | .Annetje Decker - Anthony Van Etten
 |  .Blandina Van Etten - Abraham Westfall
 |   .Catherine Westfall - James Patrick
 |    .Catherine Patrick - JOSEPH MEDILL (1823-1899) Mayor
 |     .Katherine Van Etten Medill - ROBERT SANDERSON MCCORMICK (1849-1919) Ambassador
 |     |.JOSEPH MEDILL MCCORMICK (1877-1925) Senator - RUTH HANNA (1880-1944) Congressman
 |     |.ROBERT RUTHERFORD MCCORMICK (1880-1955) journalist
 |     |
 |     .Elinor Medill - ROBERT WILSON PATTERSON (1850-1910) newspaper publisher and editor
 |      .JOSEPH MEDILL PATTERSON (1879-1946) newspaper founder - Alice Higinbotham
 |      |.Josephine Medill Patterson - IVAN LELORRAINE ALBRIGHT (1897-1983) artist
 |      ||.Joseph Medill Patterson Albright - MADELEINE KORBEL (1937-living) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
 |      ||
 |      |.ALICIA PATTERSON (1906-1963) newspaper publisher and editor
 |      | - HARRY FRANK GUGGENHEIM (1870-1971) Ambassador
 |      |
 |      .ELINOR JOSEPHINE PATTERSON (1884-1948) newspaper publisher and editor
 |       .FELICIA GIZYCKA (1905-1999) author
 |        - ANDREW RUSSELL PEARSON (1897-1969) journalist, radio commentator
 .Roelof Jacobus - Geertruy Buy
 |.Cobus Jacobus - Fytie Van Ness
 ||.Roelof Jacobus - Jannetje Pier
 || .Susanna Jacobus - Nicholas Jones
 ||  .Jannette Jones - Cornelius William Mandeville - Jannette Jones
 ||   .Susan Mandeville - David Fairbanks
 ||    .Ralph Jacobus Fairbanks - Celestia Adelaide Johnson
 ||     .Zella Vonola Fairbanks - Alexander Revard Modine
 ||      .Mark Alexander Modine - Dolores Warner
 ||       .MATTHEW AVERY MODINE (1959-living) film actor
 |.Johannes Jacobus - Saertje Bruyn
 | .Roelof Jacobus - Fransyntje Rycke
 |  .Johannes Jacobus - Anche Doremus
 |   .John I. Jacobus - Mary Aber
 |    .Henry Oliver Jacobus - Harriet Amanda Aber
 |     .John Ira Jacobus - Ida Wilmot Lines
 |      .DONALD LINES JACOBUS (1887-1970) genealogist
 .Brant Jacobus - Elisabeth Jans Harris
  .Abraham Jacobus - Evaatje Kip
   .Jannetje Jacobus - Arent Schermerhorn
    .Eva Schermerhorn - Michael Widerwachs
     .Michael Weatherwax - Sarah Rose Van Allen
      .William C. Weatherwax - Elizabeth Mary Smiley
       .Walter Smiley Weatherwax - Anna L. Wallis
	.FRANK WEATHERWAX l1902-1991) Hollywood animal trainer
	.RUDD WEATHERWAX (1907-1985) Hollywood animal trainer - (__)
	|.ROBERT WEATHERWAX (?-?) Hollywood animal trainer
	.JACK WEATHERWAX (1909-1968) Hollywood animal trainer
	.(__)Weatherwax - (__) Ekins
	 .BUD EKINS (1930-2007) film actor, stuntman

6908 and 6909 have other descendants, such as:

Gerrit Stoffelszen Van Laer - Barbara Adriaens
.Adrian Gerritszen Van Laer - Abigail Verplanck
|.Aaltje Van Laer - Abraham Davidszen Ackerman
.Stoffel Gerritszen Van Laer - Catharina Jans
 .Sara Van Laer - Johannes Hardenbroeck
  .Catharina Hardenbroeck - Jacobus Roosevelt
  |.Helena Roosevelt - Andrew Barclay
  ||.Catherine Barclay - Augustus Van Cortlandt
  |||.Anna Van Cortlandt - Henry White
  ||| .Helen White - Abraham Schermerhorn
  |||  .Helen Schermerhorn - JOHN TREAT IRVING, Jr. (1812-?) author
  |||  |
  |||  .Catherine Schermerhorn - Benjamin Sumner Welles
  |||  |.Benjamin Welles - Frances Wyeth Swan
  |||  | .SUMNER WELLES (1892-1961) Ambassador
  |||  |
  |||  .CAROLINE WEBSTER SCHERMERHORN (1830-1908) socialite
  |||   - WILLIAM BACKHOUSE ASTOR, Jr. (1830-1892) businessman
  |||   .JOHN JACOB ASTOR IV (1864-1912) businessman, Titanic victim
  |||   |- (1) Ava Lowle Willing
  |||   |- (2) MADELEINE TALMADGE FORCE (1894-1940) Titanic survivor
  |||   |.(by 1) WILLIAM VINCENT ASTOR (1891-1959) businessman
  |||   | - ROBERTA BROOKE RUSSELL (1902-?) philanthropist
  |||   |
  |||   .Emily Astor - James John Van Alen
  |||   |.James Laurens Van Alen - Margaret Louise Post
  |||   | .JAMES HENRY VAN ALEN (1902-1991) Tennis Hall of Famer
  |||   |
  |||   .Carolyn Schermerhorn Astor - Marshall Orme Wilson
  |||    .MARSHALL ORME WILSON, Jr. (1885-1966) Ambassador
  ||.Charlotte Amelia Barclay - Richard Bayley
  |||.Guy Carleton Bayley - Grace Roosevelt
  ||| .JAMES ROOSEVELT BAYLEY (1814-1877) Catholic Archbishop
  ||.Sarah Barclay - Anthony Lispenard
  |||.Sarah Lispenard - Alexander L. Stewart
  ||||.Lispenard Stewart - Mary Rogers Rhinelander
  |||| .WILLIAM RHINELANDER STEWART (1852-1929) philanthropist
  |||.Leonard Lispenard - Ann Dorothy Bache
  ||| .Sarah Lispenard - Alexander L. Stewart
  |||  .Helen Lispenard Stewart - JAMES WATSON WEBB (1802-1884) journalist
  |||   .ALEXANDER STEWART WEBB (1835-1911) Major-General
  ||.Ann Dorothy Barclay - Theophylact Bache
  || .Mary Bache - Charles McEvers
  || |.Mary McEvers - EDWARD LIVINGSTON (1764-1836) cabinet secretary, Senator
  || ||
  || |.Bache McEvers - Jane Erin Emmet
  || | .Mary Bache McEvers - Edward Cunard
  || |  .Caroline Margaret Cunard - Athole Stanhope Hay
  || |  |.Robert Athole Hay - Margaret Heywood Jones
  || |  | .Caroline Margaret Hay
  || |  |  - HENRY ALEXANDER HEPBURNE-SCOTT, 10th Lord Polwarth (1916-2005) Member House of Lords
  || |  |
  || |  .Bache Edward Cunard - Maude Alice Burke
  || |  |.NANCY CLARA CUNARD (1896-1965) writer
  || |  |
  || |  .Annie Allen Cunard
  || |   - ARTHUR LAWLEY, 6th Baron Wenlock (1860-1932) British Colonial Governor and Lieutenant-Governor
  || |   .Ursula Mary Lawley - GEORGE ABRAHAM GIBBS (1873-1931) Member of Parliament
  || |   |
  || |   .Margaret Cecilia Lawley - GEORGE GEOFFREY DAWSON (1874-1944) journalist
  || |
  || .Ann Dorothy Bache - Leonard Lispenard
  ||  .Sarah Lispenard - Alexander L. Stewart
  ||   .Helen Lispenard Stewart - JAMES WATSON WEBB (1802-1884) journalist
  ||    .ALEXANDER STEWART WEBB (1835-1911) Major-General
  |.Isaac Roosevelt - Cornelia Hoffman
  | .James Roosevelt - Mary Eliza Walton
  | |.Isaac Roosevelt - Susan Howland
  | ||.James Roosevelt - Sara Delano
  | || .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (1882-1945) U.S. President
  | ||  - ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962) First Lady
  | ||  .JAMES ROOSEVELT (1907-1991) Congressman - BETSEY MARIA CUSHING (1908-1998) philanthropist
  | ||  .ELLIOT ROOSEVELT (1910-1990) author - FAYE EMERSON (1917-1983) film and TV actor
  | ||  .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1914-1988) Congressman
  | ||
  | |.Grace Roosevelt - Guy Carleton Bayley
  | | .JAMES ROOSEVELT BAYLEY (1814-1877) Catholic Archbishop
  | |
  | .Maria Roosevelt - RICHARD VARICK (1753-1831) Mayor
  .Adolphus Hardenbroek - (__)
  |.Lodewyck Hardenbroek - Catryntje Bodine
  | .Lodwick Hardenbrook - Elizabeth Waldron
  | |.Francis Hardenbrook - Nancy Kelley
  | | .Hannibal Hardenbrook - Margaret Cook
  | |  .Florence Bell Hardenbrook - Carl John Gifford
  | |   .Weldon Wayne Gifford - Lola Mae Hawkins
  | |    .FRANK NEWTON GIFFORD (1930-living) football player, sports correspondant
  | |     - KATHY LEE EPSTEIN (1953-living) televison personality
  | |
  | .Mary Hardenbrook Hardenbroeck - Thomas Pittinger Peterson
  |  .Catharine Hardenbroeck Peterson - William Pittenger
  |   .Thomas Peterson Pittenger - Mary Mills
  |    .WILLIAM MILLS PITTENGER (1840-1904) participant in the "Great Locomotive Chase"
  .Aafje Hardenbroeck - Evert Duyckinck
   .Christopher Duyckinck - Catherine Gautier
    .Euphame Duyckinck - Samuel Campbell
     .George W. Campbell - Virginia Watson
      .Jane Allen Campbell - Don Carlo Bourbon del Monte
       .Virginia dei Marchesi Bourbon del Monte Santa Maria - Edoardo Agnelli
	.Clara (Giovanna) Agnelli - Tassilo Egon Marie Georg zu Fürstenberg
	||- ALFONSO HOHENLOHE-LANGENBURG (1924-2003) resort builder
	|.EDUARD EGON PRINZ ZU FÜRSTENBERG (1946-2004) fashion designer
	| - DIANA SIMONE MICHELLE HALFLIN (1946-living) fashion designer
	.GIOVANNI AGNELLI (1921-2003) automotive executive
	|.Margherita Agnelli (1955-living) - Alain Elkann
	| .JOHN JACOB (JAKI) ELKMANN (1976-living) automotive executive
	.UMBERTO AGNELLI (1934-2004) automotive executive

6919 and her three husbands have other descendants, such as:

Maria Thomasdr Badie - (1) Jean Verdon, (2) William Adrianszen Bennet, (3) Paulus Van der Beek
.Magdalena Verdon - Adam Brouwer
.(by 1) Thomas Verdon - Barbara Imbroeck
|.Jacob Ferdon - Femmetje Willemsz Westervelt
| .Thomas Verdon - Adriantje Seubring
| |.Abraham Ferdon - Experience Hedges
| | .Abraham Ferdon - Phebe Jones
| |  .Harriet Ferdon - CALEB SMITH WOODHULL (1792-1866) Mayor
| |
| .Willem Verdon - Elizabeth Demott
| |.Jan Ferdon - Brechje Haring
| | .Wilhelmus Ferdon - Tietje Verveelen
| |  .Johannes Ferdon - Fytie Westervelt
| |   .William Ferdon - Elizabeth Perry
| |    .JOHN WILLIAM FERDON (1826-1884) Congressman
| |
| .Jannetje Ferdon - Adolphus Brouwer
|  .Jannetje Brouwer - Richard Truman
|  |.Peter Truman - Elizabeth Harris
|  | .Catherine Truman - Joseph S. Mott
|  |  .William Mott - Eunice Miner
|  |   .Emma Miner Mott - DAVID JOSIAH BREWER (1837-1910) Supreme Court Justice
|  |
|  .Femmetje Brouwer - Johann Hendrick Gesner
|   .Hendrick Gesner - Sarah Penio
|    .ABRAHAM GESNER (1797-1864) geologist
.(by 2) Adriaen Willemszen Bennet - Agneitje Jans Van Dyck
|.Tryntje Adriaens Bennet - Cornelius Rutgerszen Van Brunt
||.Rutger Corneliszen Van Brunt - Elizabeth Van Voorhees
|||.Albert Van Brunt - Jannetje Hendricks
||||.Nicholas Van Brunt - Mary Wyckoff
|||||.Albert Van Brunt - Mary Holmes
||||| .CHARLES HOLMES VAN BRUNT (1835-?) State Supreme Court Justice
||||.Cornelius Van Brunt - Jannetje Adriance
|||| .Nicholas Van Brunt - Maria Henshaw
||||  .Cornelius Henshaw Van Brunt - Carrie Currier
||||   .JESSIE VAN BRUNT (?-?) stained glass artist
|||.Catryntje Van Brunt - Daniel Hendrickson
||| .Sarah Hendrickson - John Holmes
|||  .Mary Holmes - Albert Van Brunt
|||   .CHARLES HOLMES VAN BRUNT (1835-?) State Supreme Court Justice
||.Nicholas Van Brunt - Geesje Hendricks
|||.Nicholas Van Brunt - Catherine Covenhoven
||| .Nicholas Van Brunt - Elizabeth Jaques
|||  .GERSHOM JAQUES VAN BRUNT (1798-1863) naval officer - Elizabeth Prince Bradlee
|||   .HENRY VAN BRUNT (1832-?) architect
||.Adriaen Van Brunt - Jannetje Hendricksen
|| .Jannetje Van Brunt - Albert Van Brunt
||  .Nicholas Van Brunt - Mary Wyckoff
||  |.Albert Van Brunt - Mary Holmes
||  | .CHARLES HOLMES VAN BRUNT (1835-?) State Supreme Court Justice
||  |
||  .Cornelius Van Brunt - Jannetje Adriance
||   .Nicholas Van Brunt - Maria Henshaw
||    .Cornelius Henshaw Van Brunt - Carrie Currier
||     .JESSIE VAN BRUNT (?-?) stained glass artist
|.Jan Adrianszen Bennet - Femmetje Rapalje
||.Antje Bennet - Hendrick Wyckoff
|||.John Wyckoff - Margaret van Nostrand
||| .Anna Wyckoff - Nathaniel Olcott
|||  .Henry Wyckoff Olcott - Emily Steele
|||  |.HENRY STEELE OLCOTT (1832-1907) Society founder
|||  |
|||  .John Nathaniel Olcott - Euphemia Helen Knox
|||   .JACOB VAN VECHTEN OLCOTT (1856-1940) Congressman
||.Femmetje Bennet - Daniel Van Voorhees
|||.Daniel Van Voorhees - Mary Newton
||||.John Van Voorhis - Sarah Frye
|||| .Daniel Van Voorhis - Jane Roberts
||||  .HENRY CLAY VAN VOORHIS (1852-1927) Congressman
|||.Jerome Van Voorhees - Ann Townsend
||| .Abraham Van Voorhis - Abby Scofield
|||  .Bartow White Van Voorhis - Helen Tappan
|||   .Helen Abby Van Voorhis - Thomas A. Maitland
|||    .James William Maitland - Sylvia Wigglesworth
|||     .Andrée Belden Maitland - Howard Brush Dean, Jr.
|||      .HOWARD BRUSH DEAN III (1948-living) Governor
||.Catrina Bennet - Elbert Hoogland
|| .Albert Hoogland - Susan Ludlow
||  .John Hoogland  - (__)
||   .Benjamin Rowland  Hoogland - Eliza Van Alst
||    .John William Paynter  Hoogland - Ann Eliza Bowden
||     .Charlotte Elizabeth Hoogland - MARSTON TAYLOR BOGERT (1868-1954?) chemist
|.Maria Adriaense Bennet _ Jacob Van Doorn
||.Arie Van Dorn - Antje Janse Schenck
|||.Mary Van Dorn - John Covenhoven
||| .Nelly Covenhoven - Joris Lane
|||  .Mary Lane - John Holmes Schenck
|||   .Aaron Denise Schenck - Rebecca Barkalow
|||    .James Barkalow Schenck - Amanda J. Fornshell
|||     .PAUL FORNSHELL SCHENCK (1899-1968) Congressman
||.Christian Van Doren - Altje Schenck
|||.Abraham Van Doren - Anne Van Dyke
||||.Isaac Van Doren - Abigail Foster Halsey
|||| .Julia Abigail Baldwin Van Doren - Detmar Wilhelm Jucho, later "William Iucho"
||||  .Adeline Stansbury Iucho - Billopp Seaman
||||   .Adeline Iucho Seaman - Henry Granville Stephens
||||    .Homé Catharine Stephens - Addams Stratton McAllister
||||     .Homé Stephens McAllister - George Walter Reitwiesner
||||      .WILLIAM ADDAMS REITWIESNER (1954-living) genealogist
|||.William Van Doren - Catherine Hoff
||||.Christian Van Doren - Nuel Suydam
|||| .Abraham Van Doren - Persis Brigham
||||  .William Henry Van Doren - Hannah Chatman
||||   .Charles Lucius Van Doren - Eudora Ann Butz
||||    .CARL CLINTON VAN DOREN (1885-1950) author, literary critic
||||    |- IRATA BRADFORD (1891-1966) Literary editor
||||    |
||||    .MARK VAN DOREN (1894-1973) poet - DOROTHY GRAFFE (1896-1933) editor
||||     .CHARLES LINCOLN VAN DOREN (1926-living) educator, TV personality
|||.Pieter Van Doren - Frances Huff
||||.Peter P. Van Doren - Mayche De Hart
|||| .Sarah Van Doren - John Schenck Voorhees
||||  .John Schenk Voorhees - Mary Hinman Stebbins
||||   .TRACY STEBBINS VOORHEES (1890-1974) Undersecretary
|||.Cornelius Van Doren - Elizabeth Wyckoff
||||.Eliza Wyckoff Van Doren - John I. Van Cleef
|||| .Isaac Newton Van Cleef - Annie M. Hoagland
||||  .Clarence V. Van Cleef - Alice A. Apgar
||||   .Clarence Leroy Van Cleef, SR. - Marion Levinia Van Fleet
||||    .LEE VAN CLEEF (1925-1989) film actor
|||.Joseph Van Doren - Sarah Vanderbilt
||| .Maria Vanderbilt Van Doren - Peter Vredenburgh
|||  .PETER VREDENBURGH Jr. (1805-1873) jurist
||.Engeltje Van Doren - Roelof Garretse Schenck
|||.Garret Roelofse Schenck - Marie Van Sicklen
||||.John Schenck - Ida Sutphen
|||| .Peter Sutphen Schenck - Sarah "Sally" Van Kirk
|||| |.NOAH HUNT SCHENCK (1825-1885) clergyman
|||| |
|||| .Jane Schenck - Peter Voorhees
||||  .John Schenck Voorhees - Sarah Van Doren
||||  |.John Schenk Voorhees - Mary Hinman Stebbins
||||  | .TRACY STEBBINS VOORHEES (1890-1974) Undersecretary
||||  |
||||  .Charity Voorhees - Samuel Disbrow Bergen
||||   .CHRISTOPHER AUGUSTUS BERGEN (1841-1905) Congressman
|||.Neltje Schenck - Derick Sutphen
||||.Eleanor Sutphen - Henry Vanderveer
|||| .Ferdinand Vanderveer - Maria Elmendorf
||||  .Margaret Elmendorf Vanderveer - WILLIAM LEWIS DAYTON (1807-1864) Senator
|||.William Schenck - Mary Winters
||| .Reulif Schenck - Ann Taylor
||| |.William R. Schenck - Rachel Sammons
||| ||.Benjamin Schenck - Susan Martin
||| || .MARTIN SCHENCK (1848-1918) civil engineer
||| ||
||| |.Eleanor Schenck - Barent I. Wemple
||| | .William Barent Wemple - Rebecca Yates
||| |  .EDWARD WEMPLE (1843-1920) Congressman
||| |
||| .William W. Schenck - Mary Trout
|||  .Anne Schenck - Jonathan Higgins Conover
|||   .William Schenck Conover - Elizabeth Gangwer
|||    .Charles Hopkins Conover - Della Louise Boardman
|||     .HENRY BROADMAN CONOVER (1892-1950) ornithologist
||.Jacob Van Dorn - Maritje Schenck
|||.Sarah Van Doren - Johannes Antonides
||||.Marie Antonides - Auke Wikoff
|||| .Aletta Williamse Wikoff - Judiah Thorp
||||  .Emeline Thorp - Jonathan Wagner
||||   .Harriett Wagner - Harry George Thomas
||||    .LOWELL JACKSON THOMAS (1892-1981) writer, broadcaster, traveller - Fran Ryan
||||     .LOWELL JACKSON THOMAS, Jr (?-living) Lieutenant Governor
|||.Aaron Van Doren - Geesje Schenck
||| .Peter Aaron Van Dorn - Sophia Donelson Caffery
||| |.EARL VAN DORN (1820-1863) General (Confederate States) - Martha Goodbread
||| | .Douglas van Dorn - Asie Louise Heathcock
||| |  .Maud Myrtle van Dorn - Marvin Carl Nance
||| |   .(__) Nance - (__) O'Grady
||| |    .JACK NANCE (né MARVIN JOHN NANCE) (1943-1996) film actor
||| |     - (1) CATHERINE E. COULSON (194?-living) stage and TV actor
||| |     - (2) KELLY VAN DYKE (1958-1991) adult film actor
||| |
||| .William Aaron Van Doren - Elsie Sutton
|||  .Serren Van Doren - Mahala Smith
|||   .Emily Van Doren - George C. Apgar
|||    .Charles Emery Apgar - Helen May Clark
|||     .VIRGINIA APGAR (1909-1974) physician, humanitarian
||.Angenietje Van Dorn - William Wyckoff
|| .Catherine Wyckoff - Ezekiel Forman
|| |.Elizabeth Wyckoff Forman - JOHN ANDERSON SCUDDER (1759-1836) Congressman
|| |
|| .Peter Wyckoff - Althea Cox
|| |.Henry Wikoff - (__)
|| | .HENRY WIKOFF (aka CHEVALIER) (1813-1884) promoter, newspaper founder
|| |
|| .Isaac Wyckoff - Martha Cox
||  .Isaac Cox Wikoff - Rachel Hickman
||   .CHARLES AUGUSTUS WIKOFF (1837-1898) Battle of San Juan Hill casualty
|.Isaac Adriaenszen Bennet - Magdalena Joosten
| .Isaac Bennet - Elizabeth Aerson
|  .Elizabeth Bennet - Gerardus Wynkoop
|   .David Wynkoop - Anne McNair
|    .Henry Wynkoop - Lydia Cornell
|     .Henry Wynkoop - Emily G. Nippes
|      .FREDERICK WYNKOOP (1885-1972) chemist
.(by 2) Willem Willemszen Bennet - Gertruyd Van Mulhem
|.Jan Willemszen Bennet - Antje Van Sicklen
| .Aaltje Bennet - Pieter Haughwout
|  .Peter Haughwout - Mary Martino
|   .Daniel Haughwout - Catherine Stuart
|    .Daniel Haughwout - Parthena Gregory
|     .Angelina Houghwout - William Eldred Jackson
|      .ROBERT HOUGHWOUT JACKSON (1892-1971) Supreme Court Justice
.(by 3) Conradus Vanderbeek - Elsje Jans Schaers
|.Maria Vanderbeek - Hendrick Bosch
||.Hendrick Bush - Maritje Steegar
|| .Henry H. Bush - Dinah Kierstede
||  .Richard Bush - Ann Stagg
||   .Sarah Bush - Abraham Ryerson
||    .Sarah Ryerson - William Anderson
||     .ABRAHAM ARCHIBALD ANDERSON (1847-1940) artist
|.Paulus Vanderbeek - Jannetje Springsteen
| .Elsie Vanderbeek - Pieter Kip
|  .Hendrick Kip - Jannetje Banta
|   .Petrus Kip - Willemyntje Van Winkle
|    .Catharine Kip - Richard Outwater
|     .Harriet Elisa Kip - Jacob Van Horn
|      .Catharine Van Horn - AUGUSTUS ALBERT HARDENBERGH (1830-1889) Congressman
.(by 3) Aeltie Paulus Van Der Beek - Dirck Janszen Ammerman
|.Marijtje Dirksdr Ammerman - Cornelis Simonsz Van Aersdale
||.Aeltje Van Arsdale - Jeronimus Rapalje
|||.Teunis Rapalje - Antje Dorlandt
||| .Teunis Rapalje - Rachel Frazee
|||  .Jesse Rapalje - Margarat Layman
|||   .Jerome Rappleyea - Catherine Coles O'Brien
|||    .George M. Rappleyea - Elizabeth Marion Rogers
|||     .GEORGE WASHINGTON RAPPLEYEA (1894-?) Scopes Monkey Trial figure
||.Jan Corneliszen Van Arsdalen - Jannetje Dorland
|||.Maritie Van Arsdalen - Jan Van Nuys
||||.Isaac Van Nuys - Nelly Quick
|||||.John Van Nuys - Lucy Brokaw
||||| .Peter Van Nuys - Harriet Kerr
|||||  .ISAAC NEWTON VAN NUYS (1836-1912) Los Angeles pioneer and land baron
||||.Maria Van Nuys - William Terhune
|||| .Garret Terhune - Nancy Davis
||||  .James Terhune - Eusebia Nay
||||  |.Asa Garret Terhune - Nancy Williams
||||  | .ROBERT MAX TERHUNE (1891-1973) film actor - Maude Cassidy
||||  |  .ROBERT MAX TERHUNE. Jr. (1928-living) film actor, stuntman
||||  |
||||  .Margaret Terhune - Henderson Ragsdale
||||   .Ida Catherine Ragsdale - James Madison Vandivier
||||    .Ara Virgil Vandivier - Isabella W. Daugherty
||||     .ROBERT POLK VANDIVIER (1903-1983) Basketball Hall of Famer
|||.Gerret Jansz Van Arsdalen - Lucretia Hegeman
||| .Sarah Van Arsdalen - Jan Brinkerhoff
|||  .George Brinkerhoff - Ida Cassatt
|||  |.John Brinkerhoff - Sarah Ann Walter
|||  | .HENRY MUNROE BRINKERHOFF (1854-1933) Battle of the Little Big Horn survivor
|||  |
|||  .James Brinkerhoff - Susan Range
|||   .Jehiel Brinkerhoff - Sophia Saltzgiver
|||    .Clara Frances Brinkerhoff - Allen Jefferson Davis Grammer
|||     .John Thomas Grammer - Emily Tuite
|||      .Frank Allen Grammer - Edna Weeks
|||       .Frank Allen Grammer - Sally Cranmer
|||        .KAREN GAMMER (?-1975) murder victim
|||        .ALLEN KELSEY GRAMMER (1955-living) TV and film actor
||.Symon Corneliszen Van Arsdalen - Jannetje Dorlandt
|| .Antje Van Arsdalen - Cornelis Roelofszen Sebring
||  .Christine Sebring - Peter Carnine
||   .Alice/Letitia Carnine - John Van Nice
||    .Sarah Van Nice - Christopher Fullenwider
||     .Susan Catherine Fullenwider - Harvey Marion La Follette
||      .WILLIAM LEROY LA FOLLETTE (1860-?) Congressman - Mary Tabor
||       .SUZANNE CLARA LA FOLLETTE (1893-1983) journalist
||       .ROBERT CHESTER LA FOLLETTE (1897-1993) artist
|.Paulus Dirckszen Ammerman - Cornelia Emmons
||.Helena Ammerman - Gerrit Van Wickelen
|| .Lena Van Wickelen - David Layton
||  .Margaret Layton - Thomas Burlock
||   .Hester Burlock - Alexander Joy Cartwright
||    .ALEXANDER JOY CARTWRIGHT (1820-1892) inventor of baseball
|.Albert Amerman - Geertje Aumuck
||.Paulus Amerman - Alida Aukese Reyniersen
|| .Geertje Amerman - Hendrick Gulick
||  .Catrina Gulick - Joseph Kitchen
||   .Alena Kitchen - Hezekiah Thatcher
||    .Harriet Ann Thatcher - WILLIAM BOWKER PRESTON (1830-1908) Presiding Bishop of the LDS Church
||    |
||    .MOSES THATCHER (1842-1909) LDS Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
|.Catherine Ammerman - Hendrick Gulick
| .Derick Gulick - Gitty (__)
| |.Hendrick Gulick - Geertje Amerman
| | .Catrina Gulick - Joseph Kitchen
| |  .Alena Kitchen - Hezekiah Thatcher
| |   .Harriet Ann Thatcher - WILLIAM BOWKER PRESTON (1830-1908) Presiding Bishop of the LDS Church
| |   |
| |   .MOSES THATCHER (1842-1909) LDS Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
| |
| .Maria Gulick - Petrus Quick
|  .Jacobus Quick - Margaret Strycker
|   .James Quick - Maria Hageman
|    .Margaret Quick - Abraham Lucas Hoagland
|     .Emily Hoagland - GEORGE QUAYLE CANNON (1827-1901) LDS Apostle, Congressman
|     .Elizabeth Hoagland - GEORGE QUAYLE CANNON (1827-1901) LDS Apostle, Congressman
|      .John Quayle Cannon - Elizabeth Ann Wells
|      |.CAVENDISH WELLS CANNON (1895-1962) Ambassador
|      |
|      .ABRAHAM HOAGLAND CANNON (1859-1896) LDS Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
|      .SYLVESTER QUAYLE CANNON (1877-1943) Presiding Bishop of the LDS Church
.(by 3) Paulus Van der Beek - Sarah Schouten
|.Paulus Van der Beek - Catalina Ryerson
||.Elizabeth Van der Beek - David Van Gelder
|| .Catherine Van Gelder - David Provoost
||  .Lucas Provoost - Catherine Hennion
||   .Luke Provoost - Julia Ann Wheeler
||    .Julie Ann Provoost - David Van Wagenen
||     .Alma Van Wagenen - Birdie Ethel Gray
||      .Frank Alton Van Wagenen - Phyllis Barker
||       .Lola Jean Van Wagenen - CHARLES ROBERT REDFORD, Jr. (1937-living) film actor
||        .DAVID JAMES REDFORD (1962-living) screenwriter, institute founder
||        .AMY HART REDFORD (1970-living) film actor
|.Jannetje Vanderbeek - Jacobus Stryker
| .Pieter Stryker - Antje De Reimer
| |.Jane Stryker - John Thompson
| | .John Thompson - Mary Lyell
| |  .Jane Anne Thompson - Adrian Kissam Hoffman
| |   .JOHN THOMPSON HOFFMAN (1828-1888) Governor
| |
| .Jacobus Stryker - Sarah Metselaer
|  .Johannes Stryker - Elizabeth (__)
|   .Pieter Strycker - Hannah Delamater
|    .Hannah Delamater Stryker - Schuyler Colfax
|     .SCHUYLER COLFAX, JR. (1823-1885) U.S. Vice President
.(by 3) Hester Vanderbeek - Jurrien Blanck
 .Abraham Blanck - Maria Laurens
  .Susanna Blanck - Phillip Van Deusen
   .Abraham Van Deusen - Cornelia Vredenburgh
    .Mariatje Van Deusen - Eli Bagley
    |.Lora Bagley - Daniel Van Dusen (below)
    | .Robert Van Dusen - Anne Hortley
    |  .Cynthia Van Dusen - Thomas Scott Marcher
    |   .Cora Brown Marcher - John F Bickel
    |    .FREDERIC MARCH (né ERNEST FREDERICK MCINTYRE BICKEL) (1897-1975) film and stage actor
    |     - FLORENCE ELDRIDGE (née MCKECHNIE) (1901-1988) film and stage actor
    .Robert Van Deusen - Cloah Althizer
     .Daniel Van Dusen - Lora Bagley
      .Robert Van Dusen - Anne Hortley
       .Cynthia Van Dusen - Thomas Scott Marcher
	.Cora Brown Marcher - John F Bickel
	 .FREDERIC MARCH (né ERNEST FREDERICK MCINTYRE BICKEL) (1897-1975) film and stage actor
	  - FLORENCE ELDRIDGE (née MCKECHNIE) (1901-1988) film and stage actor

6924 and 6925 have other descendants, such as:

Frederick Thomasz - Fransje Cornelis
.Thomas Fredrickszen - Marritie Adriaens
.Celitje Fredericks - Andries Jochemszen
|.Joachim Andrieszen and Emmetje Jans
||.Enoch Andriessen - Tryntje Opdyck
|||.Enoch Andriesen - Mary Oakley
||| .William Anderson - Elizabeth Inslee
|||  .JOSEPH INSLEE ANDERSON (1757-1837) Senator (President pro tempore) - Only Patience Outlaw
|||   .ALEXANDER OUTLAW ANDERSON (1794-1869) Senator, State Supreme Court Justice
||.Cornelis Anderson - Annetje Opdyke
|| .Rebecca Anderson - Frances Vannoy
|| |.John Francis Vannoy - Susanna Baker Anderson
|| | .Francis Vannoy - Millicent Henderson
|| | |.William Vannoy - Mary Sallee
|| | | .Joseph Vannoy - Margaret Alexander
|| | |  .Henry Clay Vannoy - Katherine Raber
|| | |   .IRA VANNOY (1861-?) businessman
|| | |   .CHARLES S. VANNOY (1871-?) businessman
|| | |   .HORACE GREELEY VANNOY (1872-?) businessman
|| | |   .HENRY CLAY VANNOY (1881-1938) businessman
|| | |
|| | .Nathaniel Vannoy - Elizabeth Ray
|| |  .John Van Noy - Elizabeth Ray
|| |   .Nathaniel Van Noy - Margaret Tinsley
|| |    .Milton Thomas Van Noy - Agnes Birrell
|| |     .Thomas Lorenzo Van Hoy - Martha Tyresha Vail
|| |      .Agness Laverna Van Hoy - Rulon Osmond
|| |       .George Virl Osmond - Olive Davis
|| |        .DONALD CLARK OSMOND  (aka DONNIE) (1957-living) singer
|| |        .OLIVE MARIE OSMOND (1959-living) singer
|| |        .JAMES ARTHUR OSMOND (1963-living) singer, businessman
|| |
|| .Andrew Anderson - Rebecca (__)
|| |.Susanna Baker Anderson - John Francis Vannoy
|| | .Nathaniel Vannoy - Elizabeth Ray
|| |  .John Van Noy - Elizabeth Ray
|| |   .Francis Vannoy - Millicent Henderson
|| |   |.William Vannoy - Mary Sallee
|| |   | .Joseph Vannoy - Margaret Alexander
|| |   |  .Henry Clay Vannoy - Katherine Raber
|| |   |   .IRA VANNOY (1861-?) businessman
|| |   |   .CHARLES S. VANNOY (1871-?) businessman
|| |   |   .HORACE GREELEY VANNOY (1872-?) businessman
|| |   |   .HENRY CLAY VANNOY (1881-1938) businessman
|| |   |
|| |   .Nathaniel Van Noy - Margaret Tinsley
|| |    .Milton Thomas Van Noy - Agnes Birrell
|| |     .Thomas Lorenzo Van Hoy - Martha Tyresha Vail
|| |      .Agness Laverna Van Hoy - Rulon Osmond
|| |       .George Virl Osmond - Olive Davis
|| |        .DONALD CLARK OSMOND (aka DONNIE) (1957-living) singer
|| |        .OLIVE MARIE OSMOND (1959-living) singer
|| |        .JAMES ARTHUR OSMOND (1963-living) singer, businessman
|| |
|| .Bartholomew Anderson - Phoebe (__)
||  .Joseph Edward Anderson - Hannah Blue
||   .Ann Anderson - Peter Royston
||    .Joseph Asbury Royston - Harriet Josephine Glascock
||     .George C. Royston - Secy Ann Lawler
||      .Edmund Lewis Royston - Kathleen Lester Ward
||       .Ella Lee Royston - MORRIS KING UDALL (1922-1998) Congressman
|.Francyntie Andries - Roeloff Swartwout
| .Thomas Samuel Swartwout - Elizabeth Jacobse Gardenier
|  .Jacobus Swartwout - Gieletjen Nieuwkerk
|   .Jacobus Swartwout - Aaltje Brinkerhoff
|    .Aaltje Swartwout - John A. Sleight
|     .Mary Sleight - Stephen S. Thorne
|      .Esther Thorne - BENJAMIN PLATT CARPENTER (1837-1921) Governor
.Neeltie Frederickse - Claes Hendrickszen Van Schoonhoven
 .Hendrick Claeszen Van Schoonhoven - (1) Debora Davis, (2) Cornelia Swartwout
 |.(by 1) Nicholas Claesen Schoonhoven - Wyntje Quick
 ||.Deboraha Schoonhoven - Phillipus Swartwood
 || .Peter Swartwout - Jannetje Westfall
 ||  .Sarah Swartwout - ENRY ROELIFSON BRINKERHOFF (1787-1844) Congressman, General
 |.(by 2) Nicholas Schoonhoven - Pieternetje Westfall
 ||.Henricus J. Schoonhoven - Rachel Schoonhoven
 || .Nicholas Schoonhoven - Rachel Van Auken
 ||  .Isaac Van Auken Schoonover - Rebecca Cooper
 ||   .Thomas Schoonover - Sarah Jane Wiggins
 ||    .Lawrence Schoonover - Amelia (__)
 ||     .George Schoonover - Grace (__)
 ||      .LAWRENCE SCHOONOVER (1906-1980) novelist
 |.(by 2) Hendricus Schoonhoven - Johanna Decker
 ||.Rachel Schoonhoven - Henricus J. Schoonhoven
 || .Nicholas Schoonhoven - Rachel Van Auken
 ||  .Isaac Van Auken Schoonover - Rebecca Cooper
 ||   .Thomas Schoonover - Sarah Jane Wiggins
 ||    .Lawrence Schoonover - Amelia (__)
 ||     .George Schoonover - Grace (__)
 ||      .LAWRENCE SCHOONOVER (1906-1980) novelist
 |.(by 2) Rudolphus Schoonhoven - Anna Dorothea Van der Marken
 | .Rudolphus Schoonhoven - Hannah Hyndshaw
 |  .Benjamin Schoonhoven - Elizabeth Swartwout
 |   .Simeon Schoonover - Sarah Heller
 |    .John Schoonover - Elizabeth LeBarre
 |     .FRANK EARLE SCHOONOVER (1887-1972) illustrator
 .Margrietje Claes Van Schoonhoven - Mathieu Blanchan
  .Cornelia Blanchan - Andries Lefevre
  |.Elizabeth Lefevre - Jonathan Dubois
  ||.Louis Jonathan DuBois - Catrina Brodhead
  || .Jonathan DuBois - Rachel Goetschius
  ||  .Catherine DuBoise - Benjamin Van Wagenen
  ||   .Ann Eliza Van Wagenen - Solomon Hasbrouck
  ||    .VanWagenen Hasbrouck - Ladia Marguerite Pingree
  ||     .OLIVE ELIZABETH HASBROUCK (1907-1976) film actor
  |.Marytje LeFevre - Nathaniel LeFevre
  ||.Margriet LeFevre - Daniel Deyo
  |||.Nathaniel Deyo - Leah DeWitt
  ||| .Jonathan N. Deyo - Maria Le Fevre
  |||  .SOLOMON LE FEVRE DEYO (1850-1922) civil engineer
  ||.Jonathan le Fevre - Catharine Freer
  || .Garret Le Fevre - Catharine Du Bois
  ||  .JACOB LE FEVRE (1830-1905) Congressman - Ann Amelia Woolsey
  ||   .FRANK JACOB LE FEVRE (1874-1941) Congressman
  |.Sarah LeFevre - Samuel Bevier
  ||.Andries Bevier - Jacomeyntjen Dubois
  || .Rachel Bevier - Henry Innes Brinkerhoff
  ||  .JACOB BRINKERHOFF (1810-1880) Congressman, author of the Wilmot Proviso
  |.Rachel Le Fevre - Johannes Bevier
  | .Sarah Bevier - Manuel Gonzales
  |  .Elizabeth Gonzales - Elijah Devoe
  |   .Sarah Devoe - Walter Strong
  |   |.CORNELIA ADELE STRONG (1831-1898) artist
  |   |
  |   .Levi DeVoe - Hester Brand
  |    .Elijah DeVoe - Charlotte Blair
  |     .Carnice DeVoe - Mary Etta Akers
  |      .Frederick Wellington DeVoe - Millicent Blanche Catlen
  |       .Donna DeVoe - Rudolph Brand
  |        .VANCE DEVOE RAND (1931-living) astronaut
  .Magdalena Blanchan - Samuel Bevier
  |.Abraham Bevier - Margaret Elting
  | .Sarah Bevier - Petrus Hasbrouck
  |  .Solomon Petrus Hasbrouck - Magdalena Lefevre
  |   .Alexander Hasbrouck - Rachel Elting
  |    .Solomon Hasbrouck - Ann Eliza Van Wagenen
  |     .VanWagenen Hasbrouck - Ladia Marguerite Pingree
  |      .OLIVE ELIZABETH HASBROUCK (1907-1976) film actor
  .Catherine Blanchan - Jean LeFevre
  |.Margaret Le Fevre - Jacobus Hoffman
  ||.Cathrina Hoffman - Pieter Van Sickle
  || .Cornelius Van Sickle - Elizabeth Roloson
  ||  .SELAH VAN SICKLE (1812-after 1880) artist
  |.Nathaniel LeFevre - Marytje LeFevre
  | .Margriet LeFevre - Daniel Deyo
  | |.Nathaniel Deyo - Leah DeWitt
  | | .Jonathan N. Deyo - Maria Le Fevre
  | |  .SOLOMON LE FEVRE DEYO (1850-1922) civil engineer
  | |
  | .Jonathan le Fevre - Catharine Freer
  |  .Garret Le Fevre - Catharine Du Bois
  |   .JACOB LE FEVRE (1830-1905) Congressman - Ann Amelia Woolsey
  |    .FRANK JACOB LE FEVRE (1874-1941) Congressman
  .Elizabeth Blanchan - Peter Cantine
   .Matthew Cantine - Catharina Nottingham
   |.Elisabeth Cantine - Willem Van Ness
   ||.William Van Ness - Jane Bay
   || .Henry Livingston - Ann Eliza Van Ness
   ||  .Ann Bay Livingston - Charles Henry Hedges
   ||   .Annie Livingston Hedges - Elisha William McKinstry
   ||    .Charles Hedges McKinstry - Evelyn McCurdy Salisbury Wells
   ||     .Sarah Griffin McKinstry - George Johnson Hall
   ||      .WILLIAM BRADFORD HALL (1958-living) TV actor
   ||       - JULIA SCARLET ELIZABETH LOUIS-DREYFUS (1961-living) TV actor
   |.Grietje Cantine - Abraham Kip Van Vleck
   ||.John Van Vleck - Sarah Tack
   || .Abraham Kip Van Vleck - Catherine Fredericka Graff Bartholomew
   || |.Abraham Kip Van Vleck - Annie Wakeman
   || | .Edgar Wakeman Van Vleck - Bertha Macy
   || |  .NATALIE VAN VLECK (1901-1982) artist, founder of Flanders Nature Center
   || |
   || .Peter Van Vleck - Ann Hasbrouck
   ||  .JOHN MONROE VAN VLECK (1833-1912) educator - Ellen Maria Burr
   ||   .EDWARD BURR VAN VLECK (1863-1943) mathematician - Hester Laurence Raymond
   ||    .JOHN HASBROUCK VAN VLECK (1899-?) Nobel Prize Winner (1977, Physics)
   |.Cornelia Cantine - John C. DeWitt
   | .Moses Edward DeWitt - Lydia Ann Miller
   |  .DAVID MILLER DEWITT (1837-1912) Congressman
   .Catherine Cantine - Daniel Lefevre
    .Maria Lefevre - Jonathan Deyo
     .Elizabeth Helen Deyo - Henry M. DuBois
      .Catherine DuBois - Elting John France
       .Oliver Devine France - Mary Agnes Crist
	.Clarence LeFever France - Evagene Irene Andrews
	 .Helen Genave France - Charles M. Warner
	  .Myron France Warner - Jeannette McBride
	   .Elizabeth McBride Warner - James Frederick Hall
	    .RICHARD MELVILLE HALL (aka MOBY) (1965-living) composer

7098 and 7099 have other descendants, such as:

Andries Luycaszen - Jannetje Sebyns
.Marritje Andriessen - Johannis Janszen Van Breestede
|.Andries Breestede - Anna Van Borsum
||.Anna Maria Breestede - Jacobus Varick
|||.Sara Varick - Baltus Van Kleeck
||| .Lourence Van Kleeck - Cornelia Livingston
|||  .Baltus Livingston Van Kleeck - Agnes Boyd
|||   .Robert Boyd Van Kleeck - Margaret Schenck Teller
|||    .Robert Boyd Van Kleeck - Eliza Mayer
|||     .MARY ABBY VAN KLEECK (1883-1972) social researcher and reformer
||.Johannes Breestede - Rebecca Onkelbag
|| .Elisabeth Breestede - Johannes Remsen
||  .Rebecca Remsen - Isaac Teller
||   .Remsen Teller - Catherine McDonald
||   |.John Teller - Charlotte Chapin Moore
||   | .HENRY MOORE TELLER (1830-1914) Senator, U.S. Cabinet Secretary
||   |
||   .Henry Remsen Teller - Maria Terwilliger
||    .Mary Henry Teller - John G. Van Voast
||     .JAMES VAN VOAST (1827-1915) Brigadier-General
|.Engeltje Breestede - Jan Fockens
||.Jan Heermans - Annatje Van Wagenen
|||.Jan Heermans - Jacomyntje Swart
||| .Jacob Heermans - Marretje Whittaker
|||  .Jacomyntje Heermanse - Benjamin Van Wagenen
|||   .Elizabeth Van Wagenen - Johannes S. Schoonmaker
|||    .Maria Schoonmaker - ISAAC D. VAN WAGENEN (1796-1867) bought Sojouner Truth's freedom
||.Andries Heermans - Neeltje Van Wagenen
|| .Jacob Heermance - Catherine Vosburgh
|| |.Martin Heermance - Sarah Kierstede
|| | .Cornelia Heermance - Archibald Smith
|| |  .Maria Smith - William Chalmers
|| |   .Cornelia Heermance Chalmers - John Henry Ostrom
|| |    .William Chalmers Ostrom - Norma McGrath Beebe
|| |     .JOHN HAROLD OSTROM (1928-2005) palaeontologist
|| |
|| .Hendricus Heermans - Annatjen Stoutenburg
|| |.Mary Heermance - Garret Heermanc
|| | .Henry Heermance - Catherine Edgar Laing
|| |  .WILLIAM LAING HEERMANCE (1837-1903) Congressional Medal of Honor recipient
|| |
|| .Nicholas Heermans - Jenneke Kip
||  .Garret Heermance - Mary Heermance
||   .Henry Heermance - Catherine Edgar Laing
||    .WILLIAM LAING HEERMANCE (1837-1903) Congressional Medal of Honor recipient
|.Jannetje  Breestede - Hendrick Wesselszen Ten Broeck
||.Andries Ten Broeck - Lyntje Splinters
|| .Annetje Ten Broeck - Gysbert Van Deusen
||  .Andries Van Deusen - Elisabeth Ott
||   .Matthew Van Dusen - Lydia Brehaut
||    .Mary Van Dusen - Paul Ambrose Olvier
||     .PAUL AMBROSE OLIVER (1830-?) manufacturer
|.Tryntje Janse Breestede - Thomas Franszen Oudewater
| .Frans Franszen Outwater - Jannetje Doremus
| |.Catrina Outwater - Jan Romeyn
| | .Jannetje Romeyn - Abraham Ackerman
| |  .Gelyn Ackerman - Jane Coombs
| |   .Jonathan Combs - Maria Smith
| |    .James Hervey Ackerman - Ellen Robinson Morgan
| |     .ERNEST ROBINSON ACKERMAN (1863-1931) Congressman
| |
| .Jacob Franszen Outwater - Martyntje Bertholf
|  .Sara Outwater - Cornelis Bogart
|  |.Hendrick C. Bogert - Efje Van Buskirk
|  | .Abraham H. Bogert - Sarah Banta
|  |  .Henry Bogert - Helen Anderson Evans
|  |   .GEORGE HENRY BOGERT (1864-1844) artist
|  |
|  .Jan Outwater - Hendrikie Lozier
|   .Richard Outwater - Catharine Kip
|    .Harriet Elisa Kip - Jacob Van Horn
|     .Catharine Van Horn - AUGUSTUS ALBERT HARDENBERGH (1830-1889) Congressman
.Geertruy Andriesdr - Jan Thomaszen Witbeck
.Lucas Andrieszen - Aefje Laurens (Van der Wel)
|.Elizabeth Lucas - Jan Stevenszen Coninck
||.Elizabeth Stevens - Matthias Hendrickse Smack
|||.Matthias Smock - Maritje Buys
||||.Elizabeth Smock - Charles Fonteyn
|||| .Jacob Fonteyn - Alida Post
||||  .David B. Van Tine - Marilla Hoag
||||   .Lawrence Van Tyne - Helen Francis (__)
||||    .CLAUDE HALSTEAD VAN TYNE (1869-1930) historian
|||.John Smock - Leah Fonteyn
||| .Jacob Smock - Tryntje Demarest
|||  .Leah Smock - Gerardus Ryker
|||   .Rachel Ryker - Peter Hughey
|||    .Jared Hughey - Mary Roberts
|||     .Henry McClellan Hughey - Violet Elizabeth Dodge
|||      .Maude Matilda Hughey - Edmund Emial Kemper
|||       .Edmund Emil Kenmper - Clarnell Stage
|||        .EDMUND EMIL KEMPER III (1948-living) seriel killer
||.Maria Stevens - Machiel Jans
|| .Jan Janse (John Johnson) - Sarah Jane Haywood
||  .William Johnson - Sarah Nightingale
||   .WILLIAM JOHNSON (1771-1834) Supreme Court Justice
||   .Joseph Johnson - Catherine Bonneau
||    .Robert Poinsett Johnson - Alice Keziah Screven
||     .Catherine Bonneau Johnson - Ralph Kennedy Carson
||      .Rebecca Wilson Carson - Richard Haden Gordon
||      |.Richard Haden Gordon - Mary Alricks Steele
||      | .JOHN STEELE GORDON (1944-living) historian
||      |
||      .JOHN H. CARSON (?-?) Vice Admiral
|.Tryntje Andries - Jasper Hood
| .Jan Hood - Rachel Van Bunschoten
| |.Tunis Hood - Elizabeth Harrison
| | .John Hood - Sarah Austin
| |  .William Hood - Elizabeth (__)
| |   .Joshua Hood - Margaret Johnson
| |    .William Hood - Mary L. Warren
| |     .Jessie D. McCloud Presley - Minnie Mae Hood
| |      .Vernon Elvis Presley - Gladys Love Smith
| |       .ELVIS AARON PRESLEY (1935-1977) singer
| |        - PRISCILLA ANN BEALIEU (née PRISCILLA ANN WAGNER) (1945-living) film actor
| |        .LISA MARIE PRESLEY (1968-living) singer
| |         - (1) DANIEL KEOUGH (?-living) film actor
| |         - (2) MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON (1958-living) singer
| |         - (3) NICHOLAS CAGE (né NICHOLAS KIM COPPOLA) (1964-living) film actor
| |         - (4) MICHAEL LOCKWOOD (1961-living) musician
| |         .(by 1) DANIELLE RILEY KEOUGH (1989-living) model
| |
| .Lucas Hood - Johannah Van Stockholm
|  .Andrew Hood - Massa Sudduth
|  |.Lucas Hood - Frances Winston Wills
|  | .John W. Hood - Theodosia French
|  |  .JOHN BELL HOOD (1831-1879) Lieutenant General
|  |
|  .Catherine Hood - William Smith
|   .Catherine Smith - George Buckalew
|    .Elizabeth Buckalew - Robert Tays
|     .William Buckalew Tays - Sarah Philips
|      .Cynthia M. Tays - David Jackson Richardson
|       .Sarah Elizabeth Richardson - William Jerry Allen
|        .Gertie Allen - Edgar Lee Thompson
|         .Fletcher Session Thompson - Ruth Bradley
|          .FREDDIE DALTON THOMPSON (1942-living) Senator, TV actor
.Barbara Andriessen - Tjerck Claeszen DeWitt
 .Andries DeWitt - Jannetje Egbertsen
 |.Tjerck DeWitt - Anne Pawling
 ||.Henry Dewitt - Maria Ten Broeck
 |||.Henry Dewitt - Hannah Dean
 ||| .JACOB DEWITT (1785-1859) Canadian politician
 ||.Petrus DeWitt - Rachel Radcliff
 || .John DeWitt - Catrina Van Vliet
 ||  .William Radcliff DeWitt - Mary Elizabeth Wallace
 ||   .CALVIN DEWITT (1840-1908) Brigadier-General - Josephine Lesesne
 ||    .WALLACE DEWITT (1878-1949) Brigadier-General
 ||    .JOHN LESESNE DEWITT (1880-1962) Lieutenant General
 ||    .CALVIN DEWITT, Jr. (1894-1989) Brigadier-General
 |.Egbert DeWitt - Mary Nottingham
 ||.Andries DeWitt - Jannetje Vernooy
 |||.SIMEON DEWITT (1756-1834) New York Surveyor General, Chancellor of the University of New York
 ||.Jacob Rutsen DeWitt - Janneke Depuy
 |||.Margriet DeWitt - Peter Cuddeback
 ||||.Peter Cuddeback - Clarissa Stevens
 |||| .Grant Price Cuddeback - Elmira Hale
 ||||  .Moses Clinton Cuddeback - Cloa E. Kent-Irons
 ||||   .LEON DEWEY CUDDEBACK (1898-1984) aviation pilot
 |||.Hannah DeWitt - Jacobus Ennes
 ||||.Elizabeth Ennis - John Daley
 |||| .Abigail Jane Daley - Milo Andrus
 ||||  .Amanda Ann Andrus - Howard Ransom Egan
 ||||   .Horace Walter Egan - Anna Bernhardina Tengberg
 ||||    .Inis Bernice Egan - HOWARD WILLIAM HUNTER (1907-1995) LDS Church President
 |||.Esther DeWitt - Jacobus Depuy
 ||| .Jacob Rutsen Depuy - Polly Clement
 |||  .HENRY WALTER DEPUY (1819-1876) historian
 ||.William Dewitt - Susanna Chambers
 |||.Charles Jesse Dewitt - Lydia Goldsmith
 ||| .Francis Byron Dewitt - Sarah McLean
 |||  .FRANCIS BYRON DEWITT (1849-1929) Congressman
 ||.Mary DeWitt - JAMES CLINTON (1736-1812) General
 |||.Mary Clinton - AMBROSE SPENCER (1765-1848) Congressman, State Attorney General
 |||.DEWITT CLINTON (1769-1828) Governor, Senator
 |||.Katherine Clinton - AMBROSE SPENCER (1765-1848) Congressman, State Attorney General
 ||.Thomas DeWitt- Elsie Hasbrouck
 || .JACOB HASBROUCK DEWITT (1784-1867) Congressman
 |.Johannes DeWitt - Mary Brodhead
 | .CHARLES DEWITT (1727 - 1787) Continental Congress delegate - Blandina DuBois
 | |.John C. DeWitt - Cornelia Cantine
 | ||.Moses Edward DeWitt - Lydia Ann Miller
 | || .DAVID MILLER DEWITT (1837-1912) Congressman
 | ||
 | |.Gerrit DeWitt - Catharina Ten Eyck
 | | .CHARLES GERRIT DEWITT (1789-1839) Congressman
 | |
 | .Andries DeWitt, Jr. - Blandina Elmendorf
 |  .Jennike DeWitt - Jacob(us) Bruyn
 |   .Jacobus Bruyn - Jane Hornbeck
 |    .Catharine Jane Bruyn - Charles Wesley Requa
 |     .Charles Howard Requa - Alice Haven
 |      .Catharine Haven Requa - ERNEST HAROLD CLUETT (1874-1954) Congressman
 .Taatje DeWitt - Matthys Matthyssen Van Keuren
 |.Sara Mathysz - Mattheus DuBois
 ||.Tjaatjen DuBois - Johannes Tappen
 |||.Tjaitje Tappan - Abraham Conklin
 ||||.Gilbert Conklin - Sarah Manning
 |||| .Carpenter G. Conklin - Larissa Louisa Hunt
 ||||  .Rachel A. Conklin - Elias Lyman Bartlett
 ||||   .JESSIE FREMONT BARTLETT (1856-1905) operatic singer
 |||.Teunis Tappen - Hester Concklin
 ||||.Tiatje Tappen - Peter Baltus Van Kleeck
 |||||.Teunis Van Kleeck - Irene Bacon
 ||||| .Sally Ann Van Kleeck - Bartholomew Davis Noxon
 |||||  .Cornelia Noxon - GEORGE FRANKLIN COMSTOCK (1811-1892) New York Court of Appeals Chif Judge
 ||||.Sarah Tappen - John Townsend
 |||| .Susan Townsend - Barnabus Henry McKean
 ||||  .Sarah Ann McKean - JOHN WEBSTER COCHRAN (1811-1873) inventor
 ||||  |
 ||||  .Caroline McKean - William Chollet
 ||||   .Louise Evelyn Chollet - William Furniss
 ||||    .GRACE LIVINGSTON FURNISS (1864-1938) playwright
 |||.Catrina Tappen - Hendrick Ter Bos
 ||| .Elizabeth Ter Bos - Daniel A. McCarty
 |||  .Stephen McCarty - Nancy Canfield
 |||   .ANDREW ZIMMERMAN MCCARTY (1808-1879) Congressman
 ||.Jesse DuBois - Elizabeth Lewis
 |||.Sara DuBois - Michael McDonald
 ||| .Catherine McDonald - Remsen Teller
 |||  .John Teller - Charlotte Chapin Moore
 |||   .HENRY MOORE TELLER (1830-1914) Senator, U.S. Cabinet Secretary
 ||.Jeremiah DuBois - Rachel Viele
 || .Sara DuBois - Jacobus Kidney
 ||  .Robert Kidney - Bethiah Graham
 ||   .Reuben Kidney - Sophia Nichols
 ||    .Janette Kidney - Zara Slayton
 ||     .Lorenzo Dow Slayton - Ida Shultz
 ||      .Charles Slayton - Victoria Adele Larsen
 ||       .DONALD KENT SLAYTON (aka DEKE) (1924-1993) astronaut
 |.Barbara Matthyse Van Keuren - Cornelius Wynkoop
 ||.Tjaatjen Wynkoop - Petrus Tappen
 || .Cornelia Tappen - GEORGE CLINTON (1739-1812) U.S. Vice president, Governor
 ||  .GEORGE CLINTON (1771-1809) Congressman
 ||  .Cornelia Clinton - EDMOND CHARLES EDOUARD GENET (1763-1834) French Diplomat
 ||  .Elizabeth Clinton - MATTHIAS BURNET TALMADGE (1774-1819) lawyer
 |.Tjerck Matthyszen Van Keuren - Maria Ten Eyck
 | .Sarah Van Keuren - William Van Vliet
 | |.Lydia van Vliet - Jan Freer
 | | .Gerrit Freer - Gerretje Van Vliet
 | |  .Jan Freer - Dinah Roosa
 | |   .Jacob Roosa Freer - Phoebe Townsend
 | |    .CHARLES LANG FREER (1854-1919) founder of the Freer Gallery of Art
 | |
 | .Maria Van Keuren - Petrus Louw
 | |.Maria Louw - Petrus Meyer
 | | .Catharina Meyer - Stephanus Fiero
 | |  .Catharina Fiero - Conrad Fiero
 | |   .JOSHUA FIERO (1818-1886) State Senator - Mary Frances Pierson
 | |    .WILLIAM PIERSON FIERO (1843-1912) lawyer
 | |    .JOSHUA MILTON FIERO (1849-1932) lawyer
 | |
 | .Jacobus Van Keuren - Leah Hooghteeling
 | |.Tjerck Van Keuren - Leah Moule
 | | .Charles Van Keuren - Charlotte Rainey
 | |  .James Irvin Van Keuren - Fanny Ann Morgan
 | |   .ALEXANDER HAMILTON VAN KEUREN (1881-1966) Admiral
 | |
 | .Rachel Van Keuren - Dirck Van Vliet
 | |.Judikje Van Vliet - Solomon Louw
 | | .Tryntjen Louw - Daniel Van Wagenen
 | |  .Solomon Van Wagenen - Elisabeth Atherton
 | |   .Mahlon Van Wagenen - Eunice Nott
 | |    .Isaac Van Wagenen - Margaret McClintic
 | |     .JAMES HUBERT VAN WAGENEN (1881-1935) civil engineer
 | |
 | .Lydia Van Keuren - Johannes Beekman
 |  .Tjerk Beekman - Rachel Dumont
 |   .Gertruy Beekman - CHARLES HERMAN RUGGLES (1789-1865) Congressman, Court of Appeals Justice
 |   |
 |   .Sarah Beekman - Cornelius Depuy Westbrook
 |    .Elizabeth Van Wyck Westbrook - MARIUS SCHOONMAKER (1811-1894) Congressman
 .Jan DeWitt - Wyntje Kierstede
 |.Barbara DeWitt - Jan Gerritsen Decker
 ||.Sarah Decker - Guisbert Van Campen
 |||.Gilbert Van Camp - Mary Thatcher
 ||| .Charles M. Van Camp - Mary Halstead
 |||  .GILBERT C. VAN CAMP (1817-1901) manufacturer
 ||.Jan Decker - Diana Kuykendall
 || .Tobias Decker - Sarah Chamberlain
 || |.Barbara Decker - Allen Ramsey
 || | .William Ramsey - Lura Winship
 || |  .Lewis Ramsey - Rhoda Gibbs
 || |   .George Winship Ramsey - Amanda Jane Ross
 || |    .Emily Marion Ramsey - GEORGE QUAYLE MORRIS (1874-1962) LDS Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
 || |
 || .Barbara Decker - James Calvin
 ||  .Luke Calvin - Susannah Samuels
 ||   .Elizabeth Calvin - Greenberry Miller
 ||    .Robert Franklin Miller - Anne Alretta Cunning
 ||     .Lewis Elmer Miller - Mattie Lou Cavender
 ||      .ALTON GLENN MILLER (1909-1944) bandleader, musician
 ||      .JOHN HERB MILLER (1915-1987) bandleader
 |.Blandina DeWitt - Jurian Westfall
 ||.Simon Westfall - Jannetjen Westbrook
 || .Simon Westfall - Jannetjen Westbrook
 || |.Simon Westfall - Sara Cole
 || | .Jannetje Westfall - Peter Swartwout
 || |  .Sarah Swartwout - HENRY ROELIFSON BRINKERHOFF (1787-1844) Congressman, General
 || |
 || .Lydia Westfall - Jacob Westbrook
 || |.Jannetje Westbrook - Levi Van Etten
 || | .Thomas Van Etten - Sarah Van Auken
 || |  .Hudson Van Etten - Lydia Cuddeback
 || |   .HUDSON VAN ETTEN (1871-1941)  Congressional Medal of Honor recipient
 || |
 || .Catrina Westfall - Michael Peter Harness
 ||  .John Harness - Eunice Petty
 ||   .Joseph Harness - Rebecca Williams
 ||    .Elizabeth Mary Harness - JOHN INSKEEP VANMETER (1798-1875) Congressman
 |.Rachel DeWitt - Isaac Van Aken
 ||.Isaac Van Aken - Margaret Hoornbeek
 || .Rachel Van Auken - Nicholas Schoonhoven
 ||  .Isaac Van Auken Schoonover - Rebecca Cooper
 ||   .Thomas Schoonover - Sarah Jane Wiggins
 ||    .Lawrence Schoonover - Amelia (__)
 ||     .George Schoonover - Grace (__)
 ||      .LAWRENCE SCHOONOVER (1906-1980) novelist
 |.Jannetje DeWitt - Abraham Van Aken
 | .Daniel Van Aken - Lea Kittel
 |  .Elijah Van Aken - Catherine Cole
 |   .Jesse Van Aken - Susan Adams
 |    .Barrett H. Van Aken - Catherine M. Garrison
 |     .Cornelia Garrison Van Auken - Lindley Hoffman Chapin
 |      .Katherine Garrison Chapin - FRANCIS BEVERLEY BIDDLE (1886-1968) U.S. Attorneys General
 .Geertruy DeWitt - Hendrick Hendrickszen Schoonmaker
 |.Elsje Schoonmaker - Nicholas de Meyer
 ||.Catherine de Meyer - Christopher Kierstede
 || .Hans Kierstede - Jannetjen Hoffman
 ||  .Sarah Kierstede - Martin Heermance
 ||   .Cornelia Heermance - Archibald Smith
 ||    .Maria Smith - William Chalmers
 ||     .Cornelia Heermance Chalmers - John Henry Ostrom
 ||      .William Chalmers Ostrom - Norma McGrath Beebe
 ||       .JOHN HAROLD OSTROM (1928-2005) palaeontologist
 |.Hendrick Hendrickszen Schoonmaker - Tryntje Oosterhout
 | .Jacob Schoonmaker - Elizabeth Rightmeyer
 || .Johannes S. Schoonmaker - Elizabeth Van Wagenen
 ||  .Maria Schoonmaker - ISAAC D. VAN WAGENEN (1796-1867) bought Sojouner Truth's freedom
 |.Catrina Schoonmaker - Abraham Peersen
 | .Jacobus Persen - Eva Queen
 |  .Catherine Tuller Persen - John van Orden
 |   .Catherine van Orden - Apollos Paulus Brandow
 |    .James Brando - Nancy Joslin
 |     .Eugene Brando - Marie Holloway
 |      .Marlon Brando - Dorothy Julia Pennebaker
 |       .JOCELYN BRANDO (1919-2005) film and TV actor - DON HANMER (1919-2003) film and TV actor
 |       .MARLON BRANDO (1924-2004) film actor
 |        - (1) Anna Kashfi
 |        - (2) MOVITA (née MARIA CASTENDA) (1917-living) film actor
 |        .(by 1) CHRISTIAN DEVI BRANDO (1958-2008) murderer
 |        .(mother uncertain) STEVEN BLACKEHART (né STEFANO BRANDO) (1967-living) film actor
 .Jacob DeWitt - Grietje Vernooy
 |.Tjerck DeWitt - Arientje Decker
 || .Margaret DeWitt - Johannes Rosenkrans
 ||  .Levi Rosencrans - Polly Hankinson
 ||   .William Rosencrans - Priscilla Whitaker
 ||    .Edwin Rosencrans - Louisa Jane Gay
 ||     .Estella Rosencrans - Ira Linden Gray
 ||      .HAROLD LINCOLN GRAY (1894-1968) cartoonist
 |.Jannetjen DeWitt - Gerardus Van Inwegen
 ||.Hermanus Van Inwegen - Margaret Cole
 || .Annetje Van Inwegen - William Cuddeback
 ||  .Lewis Cuddeback - Caroline Lee Thompson
 ||   .WILLIAM HERMAN CUDDEBACK (1852-1919) New York State Court of Appeals Judge
 |.Tjaatje DeWitt - Peter Gumaer , Jr.
 | .Esther Gumaer - Abraham C Cuddeback
 |  .Esther Cuddeback - Evert Hornbeck
 |   .Cornelius Cuddeback Hornbeck - Rachel Van Noy
 |    .James Hornbeck - Susan Corselius Drake
 |     .Elizabeth Van Noy Hornbeck - William Conrad Elmendorf
 |      .HUGH MERLE ELMENDORF (1895-1933) aviation pioneer
 .Rachel DeWitt -Cornelis Bogardus
 |.Helena Bogardus - Tobias Martens Van Buren
 ||.Cornelis Van Buren - Sara Hoogteeling
 || .Tobias Van Buren - Sara DuBois
 ||  .Cornelius Van Buren - Elizabeth Peersen
 ||   .JOHN C. VAN BUREN (1799-1855) Congressman
 ||   .Isaac Van Buren - Agnes Ostrander
 ||    .Matthew Van Buren  - Caroline G. Keator
 ||     .MABEL VAN BUREN (1879-1947) film actor
 ||      - (1) ERNEST JOY (1878-1924) film actor
 ||      - (2) JAMES GORDON (1871-1941) film actor
 |.Cornelius Bogardus - Catharine Tudor
 | .Cornelius Bogardus - Magtel Phillips
 | |.Cornelius C. Bogardus - Elizabeth Roe
 | | .Cornelius Bogardus - Elizabeth Southard
 | |  .ABRAHAM BOGARDUS (1822-1908) photographer
 | |
 | .Lewis Bogardus - Annie Mills
 |  .James Bogardus - Martha Spencer
 |   .JAMES BOGARDUS (1800-1874) inventor
 .Peek DeWitt - Marytje Vandenberg
 |.Maria DeWitt - Hugo Abraham Freer
 ||.Neeltje Freer - Adam Zufelt
 || .Anthony Zufelt - Bethia Rowley
 ||  .Adam Shufelt - Samantha Abbott
 ||  |.Warren Wilkinson Shufelt - Martha Ulrich
 ||  | .GEORGE WARREN SHUFELT (1886-1957) discoverer of the "Lost Land of the Lizard People"
 ||  |
 ||  .Henry Zufelt - Julia Ann Dillabaugh
 ||   .Louisa Zufelt - Eli Bennett
 ||    .William David Bennett - Emma Neat
 ||     .ARCHIBALD FOWLER BENNETT (1896-1965) genealogist
 |.Johannes DeWitt - Ann Harris
 | .Catharina DeWitt - Johannes Quackenbos
 |  .Annatje Quackenbos - THOMAS GREENLEAF (1755-1798) printer, journalist
 |   .Joseph Greenleaf - Emeline Matilda Riley
 |    .Thomas Greenleaf - Eleanor Leal
 |     .JAMES LEAL GREENLEAF (1857-1933) landscape architect
 .Aagje DeWitt - John Pawling
  .Rebecca Pawling - Abraham de Haven
  |.Jesse DeHaven - Drucilla (__)
  | .Abraham DeHaven - Mary Ann Chitwood
  |  .Salome DeHaven - Harrison Cox
  |   .Nancy Angeline Cox - James Thomas Webb
  |    .Robert Lee Webb - Mary Ellen Smith
  |     .James Henry Webb - Vera Lorraine Hodges
  |      .JAMES HENRY WEBB, Jr. (1946-living) Senator, Cabinet Secretary
  .Joseph Pawling - Elizabeth (__)
   .Joseph Pawling - Mary Shannon
    .Susanna Pawling - John Christian Houtz
     .Eleanor Houtz - LORENZO SNOW (1814-1901) LDS President

(13630 and 13631) and (13822 and 13823) have other descendants, such as:

Ghislain Vigné - Adrienne Cuvellier
.Maria Vigné - (1) Jan Roos, (2) Abraham Isaacszen Verplanck
.Christina Vigné - Dirck Volkertszen
|.Grietje Volkertsen - (1) Jan Hermenszen Schut, (2) Jan Nagel, (3) Barent Gerritszen (Van Flaesbeck)
||.(by 1) Fytie Schut - Jan de Consielle
|||.Elizabeth Conselyea - Philip Losey
||||.Cornelius Losey - Abigail Tuttle
|||| .Ebenezer Tuttle Losey - Lucy Walton
|||| |.Joseph Walton Losey - Florence T. Lehman
|||| | .Joseph Walton Losey - Ina Higbee
|||| |  .JOSEPH WALTON LOSEY (1909-1984) film director
|||| |
|||| .Susan Beers Losey - John Teasdale
||||  .John Warren Teasdale - Mary Elizabeth Willard
||||   .SARA TREVOR TEASDALE (1884-1933) poet
|||.Grietje Conselyea - Claes Janszen Bogert
||||.Margrietje Bogert - Johannes Quackenbosch
|||||.Nicholas Quackenbosch - Catharina Van Pelt
||||||.Johannis Quackenboss - Nancy Smith
|||||| .Jane Quackenboss - IRA ALLEN EASTMAN (1809-1881) Congressman
|||||.Johannes Quackenbos - Catharina DeWitt
||||| .Annatje Quackenbos - THOMAS GREENLEAF (1755-1798) printer, journalist
|||||  .Joseph Greenleaf - Emeline Matilda Riley
|||||   .Thomas Greenleaf - Eleanor Leal
|||||    .JAMES LEAL GREENLEAF (1857-1933) landscape architect
||||.Elizabeth Bogart - Elbert Haring
|||| .Margaret Haring - Cornelius Roosevelt
|||| |.John Roosevelt - Ann Beardsley
|||| | .Cornelius John Roosevelt - Ann Lockwood
|||| |  .Cornelius J. Roosevelt - Margaret Pruyn
|||| |   .Clara Pruyn Roosevelt - John Moore Walker, Sr.
|||| |    .JOHN MOORE WALKER, Jr. (1888-1951) P.E. Bishop
|||| |
|||| .Cornelia Haring - SAMUEL JONES (1734-1819) Continental Congress delegate
|||| |.SAMUEL JONES (1770-1853) jurist
|||| |.William Jones - Keziah Youngs
|||| | .Cornelia Haring Jones - Thomas Floyd-Jones
|||| | |.DAVID RICHARD FLOYD-JONES (1813-1871) Lieutenant Governor
|||| | |
|||| | .Hannah Amelia Jones - Samuel Seabury
|||| |  .William Jones Seabury - Alice Van Wyck Beare
|||| |  |.SAMUEL SEABURY (1873-1958) New York State Court of Appeals Judge
|||| |  ||
|||| |  |.William Marston Seabury - Katharine Emerson Hovey
|||| |  | .Katherine Lispenard Seabury - EDWARD SAVAGE CROCKER (1895-1968) Ambassador
|||| |  |
|||| |  .Mary Seabury - Henry Ainsworth Parker
|||| |   .Henry Seabury Parker - Marion Stevenson
|||| |    .Richard Stevenson Parker - Sarah Meade
|||| |     .PARKER STEVENSON (né RICHARD STEVENSON PARKER) (1952-living) film and TV actor
|||| |      - KIRSTIE ALLEY (1951-living) film and TV actor
|||| |
|||| .Maria Haring - JOHN HARING (1739-1809) Continental Congress delegate
|||| |.Nicholas Lansing Haring - Elizabeth Smith
|||| | .Mary Haring - Obadiah Hopkins
|||| |  .Sylvia Ann Hopkins - James White
|||| |   .Joseph Henry White - Minnie Elizabeth Bourke
|||| |    .MARGARET BOURKE-WHITE (1904-1971) photographer - ERSKINE CALDWELL (1903-1987) author
|||| |
|||| .Sarah Haring - Gardner Jones
||||  .Cornelia Haring Jones - Melancton Smith
||||   .MELANCTON SMITH (1810-1893) Rear Admiral
|||.Pieter Conselyea - (Abigail De Puy or Sarah Miller)
||| .Barbara Conselyea - Tunis Van Cats
||| |.Johannes Van Cott - Jemima Titus
||| | .Losee Van Cott - Lovinia Jemima Pratt
||| |  .John Van Cott - Lucy Lavinia Sackett
||| |   .Mary Van Cott - BRIGHAM YOUNG (1801-1877) LDS Church President
||| |
||| .William Conselyea - Mercy Skillman
|||  .William Conselyea - Phoebe Duryea
|||   .Sarah Conselyea - Henry Mackaness Traphagen
|||    .William Conselyea Traphagen - Caroline Ross Maxwell
|||     .ETHEL TRAPHAGEN (1882-1963) fashion designer - WILLIAM ROBINSON LEIGH (1866-1955) artist
||.(by 2) Christyntie Nagel - Willem Aertszen
|||.Aert Aertszen - Maria Mott
||| .Christina Aertse - Guilliam Francois
|||  .Rachel Williams - Martin Van Wart
|||   .Abraham Van Wart - Mary Youngs
|||    .Nancy Davids - Abraham Davids
|||     .Henry Van Wart Davids - Maria Brinckerhoff
|||      .GARRET BRINCKERHOFF DAVIDS (1823-1885) inventor, civil engineer
||.(by 3) Margariet Barents Van Flaesbeek - Laurens Cornelis Koeck
|||.Martie Koeck - Jan Losee
||||.Abraham Losee - Anna Dorland
|||| .John Losee - (__)
|||| |.Phebe Losee - Moses Vail
|||| | .James Vail - Ann Monfort
|||| |  .STEPHEN MONFORT VAIL (1818-1880) clergyman
|||| |
|||| .Margarietje Losee - Henry Bailey
||||  .John Henry Bailey - Eliza Ann Kip
||||   .Ann Kip Bailey - Daniel Miller
||||    .Helen Day Miller - JASON GOULD (1836-1892) robber-baron
||||     .GEORGE JAY GOULD (1864-1923) financier - Edith M. Kingdon
||||     |.GEORGE JAY GOULD II (1888-1935) Olympic medalist
||||     |
||||     .Anna Gould
||||      - (1) PAUL ERNEST BONIFACE, Comte et Marquis de Castellane (1862-1932)
||||      - (2) HÉLIE DE TALLEYRAND-PÉRIGORD, 5th Duc de Talleyrand, 7th Herzog zu Sagan (1859-1937)
||||      .(by 1) Georges de Castellane - Florinda Fernández
||||      |.Diane de Castellane - PHILIPPE DE NOAILLES, 7th Duc de Mouchy, Prince-Duc de Poix (1922-?)
||||      |
||||      .(by 2) Hélène de Talleyrand-Périgord, 9th Duchesse de Sagan
||||       - Comte JAMES ROBERT DE POURTALÈS (1911-?)
|||.Margretie Koeck - Simon Losee
||| .Laurens Losee - Rachel De Lange
||| |.Simon Losee - Phoebe Lewis
||| | .Sarah Losey - Martin Van Nostrand
||| |  .John Van Nostrand - Abigail Horton
||| |   .Adeline Lavinia Van Nostrand - Horatio Dorr
||| |    .John Van Nostrand Dorr - Nancy Maynard Higginson
||| |     .JOHN VAN NOSTRAND DORR (1872-1962) chemical engineer, inventor
||| |      - NELL BECKER (1895-1988) photographer
||| |
||| .Simon Losee - Phebe Lewis
||| |.Sarah Losee - Martin Van Nostrand
||| | .Antje van Nostrand - John Rider
||| |  .Daniel Rider - Hepsibeth Higbie
||| |   .Letitia Ann Rider - John Fowler
||| |    .Sarah Jane Fowler - William Walton Gleason
||| |     .Herbert John Gleason - Mae Kelly
||| |      .JACKIE GLEASON (né HERBERT JOHN GLEASON) (1916-1987) TV and film actor - Genevieve Halford
||| |       .LINDA MAE GLEASON (1942-living) TV actor
||| |        - JASON MILLER (né JOHN ANTHONY MILLER) (1939-2001) film actor
||| |        .JASON PATRIC (né JASON PATRIC MILLER, Jr.) (1966-living) film actor
||| |
||| .Charity Losee - Timothy Titus
|||  .Jemima Titus - Johannes Van Cott
|||   .Losee Van Cott - Lovinia Jemima Pratt
|||    .John Van Cott - Lucy Lavinia Sackett
|||     .Mary Van Cott - BRIGHAM YOUNG (1801-1877) LDS Church President
||.(by 3) Femmetje Barents Van Flaesbeek - Hendricus De Forest
|| .Barent De Forest - Catalina Sarley
|| |.Femmetje De Forest - Benjamin Stout
|| | .Jacob Stout - Frances Carpenter
|| |  .Frances Hogan Stout - SAMUEL LIVINGSTON BREESE (1794-1870) rear admiral
|| |
|| .Femmetje De Forest - Hendrick Barentszen Cool
||  .Phebe Cool - Abraham Godwin
||   .ABRAHAM GODWIN (1763-?) General - Mary Munson
||   |.Phebe Godwin - Peter Van Winkle
||   ||.PETER GODWIN VAN WINKLE (1808-1872) Senator
||   ||
||   |.Abraham Godwin - Martha Parke
||   | .PARKE GODWIN (1816-1904) author
||   |
||   .David Godwin - Catharina Waldron
||    .Catharine Bogert Godwin - CHARLES GERRIT DEWITT (1789-1839) Congressman
|.Magdalena Dirckse - (1) Cornelis Hendrickszen Van Dort, (2)Herman Hendrickszen Rosenkrans
||.(by 1) Marretje Cornelis - Leendert Barentszen Kool
|||.Leendert Kool - Annetjen Decker
||||.Jacob L. Kool - Zara Davenport
|||| .Mary Kool - Matthias Bovee
||||  .Jacob M. Bovee - Jenneke Dodds
||||   .Mary Bovee - BENEDICT ARNOLD (1780-1849) Congressman
||||   .MATTHIAS JACOB BOVEE (1793-1872) Congressman
|||.Maria Kool - Andries Van Leuven
||||.Masery Van Leuven - Frederick Davids
|||| .Jane Davids - Garret Brodhead
||||  .Richard Brodhead - Hannah Drake
||||  |.RICHARD BRODHEAD (1811-1863) Senator - Mary Jane Bradford
||||  | .JEFFERSON DAVID BRODHEAD (1859-1920) Congressman
||||  |
||||  .Samuel Brodhead - Hannah Shoemaker
||||   .Elijah Shoemaker Brodhead - Mary A. Agard
||||    .John Avery Brodhead - Mary Anna Matilda White
||||     .Carrie May Brodhead - HENRY CANTWELL WALLACE (1866-1924) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
||||      .HENRY AGARD WALLACE (1888-1965) U.S. Vice President
|||.Willem Cool - Catryntje DuBois
||| .David Cool/Cole - Eleanor Westfall
|||  .Sara Cole - Simon Westfall
|||   .Jannetje Westfall - Peter Swartwout
|||    .Sarah Swartwout - HENRY ROELIFSON BRINKERHOFF (1787-1844) Congressman, General
||.(by 2) Alexander Rosenkrans - Marrietje de Puy
|||.Catrina Rosenkrans - Nicholas Emmans
||||.John Emmans - Eleanor Brink
|||| .Lanah Emmans - David Whitaker
||||  .Priscilla Whitaker - William Rosencrans
||||   .Edwin Rosencrans - Louisa Jane Gay
||||    .Estella Rosencrans - Ira Linden Gray
||||     .HAROLD LINCOLN GRAY (1894-1968) cartoonist
|||.Johannes Rosenkrans - Margaret DeWitt
||| .Levi Rosencrans - Polly Hankinson
|||  .William Rosencrans - Priscilla Whitaker
|||   .Edwin Rosencrans - Louisa Jane Gay
|||    .Estella Rosencrans - Ira Linden Gray
|||     .HAROLD LINCOLN GRAY (1894-1968) cartoonist
||.(by 2) Rachel Rosenkrans - Albert Gysbert Van Garden
|||.Peter Van Garden - Margaret Decker
||||.Rachel Van Garden - Jochem Schoonmaker
|||| .Isaac Schoonmaker - Elizabeth Brink
||||  .Abram Shoemaker - Cynthia Brink
||||  |.Isaac Shoemaker - Mariah Osborne
||||  | .Clarinda Shoemaker - Sylvanus Dusenberry Rumsey
||||  |  .Sarah Ellen Rumsey - Alexander Hamilton Shelford
||||  |   .VICTOR ERNEST SHELFORD (1877-1978) zoologist, ecologist
||||  |
||||  .Catherine Schoonmaker - Alexander Swartwout
||||   .Joshua Swartwout - Elizabeth Van Loon
||||    .Davenport Swartwout - Ruth Lee
||||     .Frank L. Swarthout - Virgie Wright
||||      .GLADYS SWARTHOUT (1900-1969) opera singer
|||.Guisbert Van Campen - Sarah Decker
||| .Gilbert Van Camp - Mary Thatcher
|||  .Charles M. Van Camp - Mary Halstead
|||   .GILBERT C. VAN CAMP (1817-1901) manufacturer
||.(by 2) Annetje Rosencrans - Humphrey Davenport
|||.Zara Davenport - Jacob L. Kool
||| .Mary Kool - Matthias Bovee
|||  .Jacob M. Bovee - Jenneke Dodds
|||   .Mary Bovee - BENEDICT ARNOLD (1780-1849) Congressman
|||   .MATTHIAS JACOB BOVEE (1793-1872) Congressman
||.(by 2) Christina Rosencrans - Cornelis Hendrickszen Cortright
|||.Hendrick Cortright - Jannetje Ennes
||||.Jannetje Cortright - Johannes Van der Mark
|||| .Daniel Van der Mark - Catherine Bush
||||  .Catherine Vandemark - William Allen Carey
||||   .Henry Clay Carey - Elizabeth Letitia Henry
||||    .Faye Henry Carey - Bart Rockwell Saxbe
||||     .WILLIAM BART SAXBE (1916-living) Senator, U.S. Attorneys General, Ambassador
|||.Benjamin Cortright - Ariaantje Oosterhout
||| .Maria Cortright - Jacob P. Schoonmaker
|||  .Jane Schoonmaker - Hendricus M. Schoonmaker
|||   .AUGUSTUS SCHOONMAKER (1828-1894) State Attorney General
||.(by 2) Dirk Rosenkrans - Wyntje Kierstede
|||.Herman Rosencrans - Ariaantjen Oosterhout
||||.Ariaantje Rosecrans - Petrus Westvael
|||| .Abraham Westfall - Blandina Van Etten
||||  .Catherine Westfall - James Patrick
||||   .Catherine Patrick - JOSEPH MEDILL (1823-1899) Mayor
||||    .Katherine Van Etten Medill - ROBERT SANDERSON MCCORMICK (1849-1919) Ambassador
||||    |.JOSEPH MEDILL MCCORMICK (1877-1925) Senator - RUTH HANNA (1880-1944) Congressman
||||    |.ROBERT RUTHERFORD MCCORMICK (1880-1955) journalist
||||    |
||||    .Elinor Medill - ROBERT WILSON PATTERSON (1850-1910) newspaper publisher and editor
||||     .JOSEPH MEDILL PATTERSON (1879-1946) newspaper founder - Alice Higinbotham
||||     |.Josephine Medill Patterson - IVAN LELORRAINE ALBRIGHT (1897-1983) artist
||||     ||.Joseph Medill Patterson Albright - MADELEINE KORBEL (1937-living) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
||||     ||
||||     |.ALICIA PATTERSON (1906-1963) newspaper publisher and editor
||||     | - HARRY FRANK GUGGENHEIM (1870-1971) Ambassador
||||     |
||||     .ELINOR JOSEPHINE PATTERSON (1884-1948) newspaper publisher and editor
||||      .FELICIA GIZYCKA (1905-1999) author
||||       - ANDREW RUSSELL PEARSON (1897-1969) journalist, radio commentator
|||.Jacobus Rosenkrans - Sarah Decker
||||.Daniel Rosenkrans - Catrina Cool
|||| .Daniel Rosenkrans - Thankful Wilcox
||||  .Crandall Rosenkrans - Jemima Hopkins
||||   .WILLIAM STARK ROSECRANS (1819-1898) General - Annie Eliza Hageman
||||   |.Lily Rosecrans - JOSEPH KEMPE TOOLE (1851-1929) Governor
||||   |
||||   .SYLVESTER HORTON ROSECRANS (1827-1878) Roman Catholic Bishop
|||.Lidea Rosenkrans - Jochem Schoonmaker
||| .Catrina Schoonmaker - Jacobus Schoonmaker
||| |.Martinus Schoonmaker - Maria Smith
||| | .Hendricus M. Schoonmaker - Jane Schoonmaker
||| |  .AUGUSTUS SCHOONMAKER (1828-1894) State Attorney General
||| |
||| .Jacobus Schoonmaker - Annatje Slecht
|||  .Joakim Schoonmaker - Elizabeth Depuy
|||   .Moses T. Schoonmaker - Phebe Ann Decker
|||    .Mary Louise Schoonmaker - ALTON BROOKS PARKER (1852-1926) jurist, presidential candidate
||.Hendrick Rosenkrans - Annetje Vredenburgh
|| .Hermon Rosenkrans - Ariaantje Oosterhout
||  .Benjamin Rosenkrans - Hannah Travis
||   .Benjamin Rosekrans - Esther Huntingdon
||    .Enoch Huntingdon Rosecrans - Caroline Beach
||     .Caroline Rosecrans - ELIHU VEDDER (1836-1923) painter
|.Rachel Volkertsen - Jean Lequier
||.Abraham Lequier - Antoinette Duryea
|| .Jan Luquer - Elizabeth Woertman
||  .Abraham Luquer - Catharine Covenhoven
||   .Nicholas Luquer - Sarah Middagh
||   |.Nicholas Luquer - Sarah Lea Lynch
||   | .Lea Luquer - Eloise Elizabeth Payne
||   |  .LEA McILVAINE LUQUER (1864-1930) mineralogist
||   |
||   .Catherine Luquer - Augustine Hick Lawrence
||   |.Sarah Middagh Lawrence - John Benson
||   | .Sarah Lawrence Benson - DAVID STUART (1816-1868) Congressman
||   |  .Sarah Lawrence Stuart - PHILIP HENRY COOPER (1844-1912) Admiral
||   |
||   .Eliza Lawrence - DAVID JEWETT (1772-1842) Admiral
|.Volkert Dircks - Annetje Phillipse Langelan
| .Dirck Volkertson - Maria DeWitt
| |.Volkert Volkertson - Dinah Van Lieuw
| | .Jacobus Volkertsen - Mary Van Hook
| | |.Peter Fulkerson - Margaret Craig
| | ||.Frederick DeBow Fulkerson - Waitsill Melissa Dunn
| | || .FRANK BALLARD FULKERSON (1866-1936) Congressman
| | ||
| | |.Hannah Fulkerson - Benjamin Sharp
| | ||.Attossa Pinkney Sharp - John Wyatt
| | || .Mary Neil Wyatt - Richard Harrison Gentry
| | ||  .Mary Wyatt Gentry - John Gallatin Paxton
| | ||   .Frank Paxton - Marjorie Ruggles Lane
| | ||    .JOHN LANE PAXTON (?-?) film actor - Mary Lou Gray
| | ||     .WILLIAM PAXTON (1955-living) film actor - Louise Newbury
| | ||      .JAMES PAXTON (1994-living) film actor
| | ||
| | |.Isaac Fulkerson - Rebecca Neil
| | ||.Catherine H. Fulkerson - Shapley Prince Ross
| | || .LAWRENCE SULLIVAN ROSS (aka SUL) (1838-1898) Governor
| | ||
| | |.Abraham Volkertson - Margaret Laughlin Vance
| | | .ABRAM FULKERSON (1834-1902) Congressman
| | |
| | .Dirck Fulkerson - Eleanor (Sharp?)
| |  .Sarah Fulkerson - John Stuart
| |   .Sarah Stuart - Thomas Grayson
| |    .ANDREW JACKSON GRAYSON (1818-1869) artist
| |
| .Phillip Folkerts - Anne Van Cleaf (or Van Clieft)
| |.Folkert Folkerson - Femmetje Buys
| ||.Fulkard Fulkerson - Maria Bogart
| || .John Fulkerson - Margaret Bruner
| ||  .Mary Fulkerson - Reed McGrew
| ||   .Elmina McGrew - John P. Beatty
| ||    .Delilah Beatty - Levi Chancellor
| ||     .John William Chancellor - Mary Isabell DeHaven
| ||      .Estill Marion Chancellot - Mary Barrett
| ||       .JOHN WILLIAM CHANCELLOR (1927-1996) TV News Anchorman
| ||
| |.Rebecca Folkerson - Cornelius Tunison
| ||.Neeltje Tunison - Matthew Ten Eyck
| || .Rebecca Ten Eyck - Ferdinand Vanderveer
| ||  .Henry Vanderveer - Eleanor Sutphen
| ||   .Peter Vanderveer - Mary Ann Dickey
| ||    .FERDINAND VANDERVEER (1823-1892) General
| ||
| |.Dirck Fulkerson - Kosija Van Duyn
| | .Philip Fulkerson - Antye (__)
| |  .Keziah Falkerson - John Voorhees
| |   .PHILIP FALKERSON VOORHEES (1792-1862) naval officer
| |
| .Chrystyntje Volkertse - Roelof Janszen Sebring
|  .Johannes Sebring - Elinor Aten
|  |.John Sebring - Anna Smith
|  | .Thomas Sebring - Susannah Weygand
|  |  .William L. Sebring - Elizabeth Davis
|  |   .Susan Sebring - Newton Kirkpartick
|  |   |.WILLIAM SEBRING KIRKPATRICK (1844-1932) Congressman - Elizabeth Huntington Jones
|  |   | .WILLIAM HUNTINGTON KIRKPATRICK (1885-1970) Congresman - Mary Stewart Wells
|  |   |  .MILES WELLS KIRKPATRICK (1918-?) Federal Trade Commission Chairman
|  |   |
|  |   .Sarah Douglas Sebring - JOHN FREDERICK HARTRANFT (1830-1889) Governor
|  |
|  .Cornelis Sebrring - Antje Van Arsdalen
|  |.Christine Sebring - Peter Carnine
|  | .Alice/Letitia Carnine - John Van Nice
|  |  .Sarah Van Nice - Christopher Fullenwider
|  |   .Susan Catherine Fullenwider - Harvey Marion La Follette
|  |    .WILLIAM LEROY LA FOLLETTE (1860-?) Congressman - Mary Tabor
|  |     .SUZANNE CLARA LA FOLLETTE (1893-1983) journalist
|  |     .ROBERT CHESTER LA FOLLETTE (1897-1993) artist
|  |
|  .Volkert Sebring - Marytje Auten
|   .Elizabeth Sebring - Abraham Voorhees
|    .John Voorhees - Keziah Falkerson
|     .PHILIP FALKERSON VOORHEES (1792-1862) naval officer
.Rachel Vigné - Cornelis Lucaszen Van Tienhoven
 .Lucas Van Tienhoven - Tryntje Bording
  .Susannah Van Tienhoven - Wessel Evertszen
  |.Evert Wessels - Annatie Ryerson
  | .Lena Wessels - Hessel Brouwer
  |  .Annatje Brouwer - Christofel Jurianse Van Riper
  |   .Betsey Speer Yearance - Abraham Van Emburgh
  |    .Rachel Van Emburgh - Hendrick Speer
  |     .ALFRED SPEER (1823-1910) inventor
  .Sara Van Tienhoven - Jacob Balck
  |.Katherine Balck - Aaron Van Hook
  | .Jacob Van Hook - Hannah Debow
  | |.Mary Van Hook - Jacobus Volkertsen
  | | .Peter Fulkerson - Margaret Craig
  | | |.Frederick DeBow Fulkerson - Waitsill Melissa Dunn
  | | | .FRANK BALLARD FULKERSON (1866-1936) Congressman
  | | |
  | | .Hannah Fulkerson - Benjamin Sharp
  | | |.Attossa Pinkney Sharp - John Wyatt
  | | | .Mary Neil Wyatt - Richard Harrison Gentry
  | | |  .Mary Wyatt Gentry - John Gallatin Paxton
  | | |   .Frank Paxton - Marjorie Ruggles Lane
  | | |    .JOHN LANE PAXTON (?-?) film actor - Mary Lou Gray
  | | |     .WILLIAM PAXTON (1955-living) film actor - Louise Newbury
  | | |      .JAMES PAXTON (1994-living) film actor
  | | |
  | | .Isaac Fulkerson - Rebecca Neil
  | | |.Catherine H. Fulkerson - Shapley Prince Ross
  | | | .LAWRENCE SULLIVAN ROSS (aka SUL) (1838-1898) Governor
  | | |
  | | .Abraham Volkertson - Margaret Laughlin Vance
  | |  .ABRAM FULKERSON (1834-1902) Congressman
  | |
  | .David Van Hook - Lucy Bumpass
  |  .Jacob Van Hook - Nancy Jones
  |   .Lucretia Van Hook - Nicholas Thompson
  |    .JACOB THOMPSON (1810-1885) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
  .Elizabeth Van Tienhoven - Pieter Amient
   .Lucas Amient - Hannah Lewis
    .Eldert Ament - Margareta Viele
     .John Viele Ament - Eunice (__)
      .Justus Ament - Susan A. Berry
       .Evelyn Amelia Ament - Charles Knight
	.Effie May Knight - Judson Boardman Vance
	 .Delbert Vance - Gertrude A. (__)
	  .Beatrice Vance - James Hall Gilliam
	   .TERRENCE VANCE GILLIAM (1940-living) film actor, director, animator

13632 and 13633 have other descendants, such as:

Michael de Mandeville - Maria Van der Rade
.Joannes de Mandeville - Trijntgen Wilms Van Harderwijk
|.Yellis Janszen Mandeville - Elsje Hendricks
.Immanuel de Mandeville - Pieternella Van Riemsdijk
 .Michael de Mandeville - Judith Verhaar
  .BARENT (BERNARDUS) DE MANDEVILLE (1670-1733) philosopher, satirist

13898 and 13899 have other descendants, such as:

Thomas Stoughton - Katherine (__)
.Elizabeth Stoughton - (1) John Scudder, - (2) Robert Chamberlain
|.(by 1) John Scudder - Elizabeth Lathrop
||.John Scudder - Elizabeth Hamlin
|| .John Scudder - Ruth Davis
|| |.Ebenezer Scudder - Rose Delap
|| | .Josiah Scudder - Hannah Lovell
|| |  .ZENAS SCUDDER (1807-1857) Congressman
|| |
|| .Ebenezer Scudder - Lydia Cobb
||  .Eleazer Scudder - Mary Lewis
||   .David Scudder - Desire Gage
||    .Charles Scudder - Sarah Lathrop Coit
||     .Daniel Coit Scudder - Harriet Louise Dutton
||     |.JULIA VIDA DUTTON SCUDDER (1861-1954) writer, activist
||     |
||     .SAMUEL HUBBARD SCUDDER (1837-1911) entomologist, palaeontologist
||     .HORACE ELISHA SCUDDER (1838-1902) writer
|.(by 1) Elizabeth Scudder - Samuel Lathrop
||.John Lathrop - Ruth Royce
|||.Ruth Lathrop - Samuel Post
||||.Ruth Post - Joseph Bingham
|||| .Joseph Bingham - Rachel Ween/Weed
|||| |.Jeremiah Bingham - Mary Ives
|||| | .Lucius Augustus Bingham - Sarah Stone
|||| |  .Levi Perry Bingham - Sarah Anne Elizabeth Lusk
|||| |   .Perry Calvin Bingham - Rachel Elvira Henderson
|||| |    .Louisa Emeline Bingham - Samuel Marion Lee
|||| |     .HENRY BINGHAM LEE (1899-1973) LDS Church President
|||| |
|||| .Jeremiah Bingham - Abigail ?
|||| |.Sylvia Bingham - Aaron DeLong
|||| | .Abigail DeLong - Luman Field
|||| |  .Lucinda M. Field - William M. Heath
|||| |   .James W. Heath - Alma Miranda Rhodes
|||| |    .Charles R. Heath - Alice Adaline Maria Oriel
|||| |     .Charles F. Heath - Nellie Marie Brandt
|||| |      .Charles Richard Heath - Sarah Sheeran
|||| |       .SARAH LOUISE HEATH (1964-living) Governor, Vice-Presidential also-ran
|||| |
|||| .Calvin Bingham - Lydia Denton
||||  .HIRAM BINGHAM (1789-1863) missionary - Sibyl Moseley
||||  |.HIRAM BINGHAM (1831-1908) missionary - Minerva Clarissa Brewster
||||  | .HIRAM BINGHAM (1875-1956) Senator, Governor, explorer - Alfreda Mitchell
||||  |  .HIRAM BINGHAM (1903-1988) diplomat
||||  |  |.Anne Abigial Lawton Bingham - William T. Endicott
||||  |  | .SAMUEL BINGHAM ENDICOTT (1974-living) singer
||||  |  |
||||  |  .JONATHAN BREWSTER BINGHAM (1914-1986) Congressman
||||  |
||||  .Calvin Bingham, Jr. - Elizabeth Scott
||||   .KINSLEY SCOTT BINGHAM (1808-1861) Senator, Governor
||||   .Henry Harrison Bingham - Amelia Wells
||||    .Florence Amelia Bingham - Edward Alleyne Sumner
||||     .Anna Chickering Sumner - Louis Antonie d'Aubigny d'Engelbronner
||||      .Dorothy Alleyne d'Aubugny d'Engelbronner - Harry Freeman Jackson
||||       .Virginia Alleyne Freeman Jackson - Charles Henry Leicester Stanhope, Viscount Petersham
||||        .SERENA ALLEYNE STANHOPE, Viscountess Linley (1970-living)
||||         - DAVID ARMSTRONG-JONES, Viscount Linley (1961-living) 12th in line to the British throne
|||.Hannah Lothrop - Samuel Thompson
||||.Samuel Thompson - Hannah North
|||| .Lot Thompson - Anne Hart
||||  .Beulah Thompson - Apher Woodruff
||||   .WILFORD WOODRUFF (1807-1898) Mormon leader - Phoebe Whittemore Carter
||||    .Wilford Woodruff - Emily Jane Smith
||||     .Lucy Emily Woodruff - GEORGE ALBERT SMITH (1870-1951) LDS Church President
|||.Mary Lathrop - William Tyler
||| .Mary Tyler - Francis Guiteau
||| |.Joshua Guiteau - Jerusha Judson
||| ||.Judson Guiteau - Patience Gaylord
||| || .Benjamin Guiteau - Maria Taylor
||| ||  .Emmeline Minerva Guiteau - James Howell White
||| ||   .Mary Anna Matilda White - John Avery Brodhead
||| ||    .Carrie May Brodhead - HENRY CANTWELL WALLACE (1866-1924) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
||| ||      .HENRY AGARD WALLACE (1888-1965) U.S. Vice President
||| ||
||| |.Francis Guiteau - Annah Mackie
||| ||.Francis Guiteau - Hannah Wilson
||| |||.Luther Wilson Guiteau - Jane August Howe
||| ||| .CHARLES JULIUS GUITEAU (1841-1882) presidential assassin
||| |||
||| ||.Lydia Guiteau - Sylvanus Brimhall
||| || .George Washington Brimhall - Rachel Ann Meyer
||| ||  .GEORGE HENRY BRIMHALL (1852-1932) University President - Flora McDonald Robertson
||| ||   .Fawn Robertson Brimhall - THOMAS EVANS MCKAY (1875-1958) LDS Assistant to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
||| ||    .FAWN MCKAY (1915-1981) biographer - BERNARD BRODIE (1910-1978) military stratagist
||| ||
||| |.Mary Guiteau - David Lyman
||| | .David Lyman - Mary Brown
||| |  .David Lyman - Rhoda Phelps Belden
||| |   .DAVID BELDEN LYMAN (1803-1884) missionary - Sarah Joiner
||| |
||| .Bethia Tyler - John Watson
|||  .JAMES WATSON (1750-1806) Senator
||.Elizabeth Lathop - (1) Isaac Royce, (2) Joseph Thompson
|||.(by 1) Elizabeth Royce - Stephen Lee
||||.Isaac Lee - Mary Hubbard
|||||.Isaac Lee - Tabitha Norton
||||| .Chloe Lee - Elnathan Smith
|||||  .Joseph Lee Smith - Frances Kirby
|||||   .EDMUND KIRBY SMITH (1824-1893) CSA General
||||.Martha Lee - Nathaniel Hart
|||||.Nathaniel Hart - Alice Hall
||||||.Sarah Hart - Joseph Doolittle
|||||| .Jared Doolittle - Anna Jones
||||||  .Edgar Jared Doolittle - Jane Elizabeth Sage
||||||   .Edgar Jared Doolittle - Martha Warner Couch
||||||    .Dorothy Doolittle - Frederick Wainwright Holcomb
||||||     .Jane Holcomb - Pierre Samuel III du Pont
||||||      .PIERRE SAMUEL DU PONT IV (1935-living) Congressman, Governor
|||||.Timothy Hart - Phebe Fenn
||||| .Joel Hart - Phebe Dallas
|||||  .Philo Dallas Hart - Almira White
|||||   .Electa Hart - Edward Cutler
|||||    .Ida Cutler - Crosby Alpheus Perry
|||||     .Carl Schurz Perry - Mary Gillick
|||||      .Alton Perry - Maria Schaefer Bennett
|||||       .JOHN BENNETT PERRY (1941-living) TV actor - Suzanne Langford
|||||        .MATTHEW LANGFORD PERRY (1969-living) TV and film actor
||||.Mary Lee - Benjamin Beckley
|||| .Theodore Beckley - Lucy Kirby
||||  .Lucy Beckley - Jesse Hart
||||   .Elizabeth Hart - Frederic Weston
||||    .Margaret Willoughby Weston - CHARLES HEBER MCBURNEY (1845-1913) surgeon
||||     .Henry McBurney - Dorothy Lilian Rundall
||||      .CHARLES BRIAN MONTAGU MCBURNEY (1914-1979) archealogist - Anne Francis Edmondstone Charles
||||       .SIMON MONTAGU MCBURNEY (1957-living) stage and film actor, writer, director
|||.(by 1) Robert Royce - (1) Abigail Benedict, (2) Joanna Gaylord
||||.(by 1)Abigail Royce - Moses Baldwin
|||||.David Baldwin - Parnell Clark
||||| .Joseph Clark Baldwin - Eliza Cook Baldwin
|||||  .Cyrus Briscoe Baldwin - Mary Ann Gates
|||||   .Bessie Baldwin - William Buchanan
|||||    .Henry Martin Buchanan - Mary Agnes Smith
|||||     .William Baldwin Buchanan - Catherine Elizabeth Crum
|||||      .PATRICK JOSEPH BUCHANAN (1938-living) political commentator
|||||      .ANGELA BUCHANAN (?-living) Treasurer of the United States
||||.(by 2) Hannah Royce - Ephraim Hough
|||||.Ephraim Hough, Jr. & Eunice Andrews
||||| .Sarah Hough - Judah Root
|||||  .Ephraim H[ough] Root - Caroline Pool
|||||   .Charles Mitchell Root - Mary Lucy Wade Peevey
|||||    .George Wesley Boyd - Fannie Kate Root
|||||     .Elizabeth Boyd - Jack Carl Roberts
|||||      .GARY BOYD ROBERTS (1943-living) genealogist
||||.(by 2) Esther Royce - Andrew Andrews
|||| .Sarah Andrews - Bartholomew Andrews
|||| |.Lyman Andrews - Molly (__)
|||| | .Bartholomew Andrews - Philomela Merriam
|||| |  .Edwin Andrews - Diana Catherine Weller
|||| |   .Evagene Irene Andrews - Clarence LeFever France
|||| |    .Helen Genave France - Charles M. Warner
|||| |     .Myron France Warner - Jeannette McBride
|||| |      .Elizabeth McBride Warner - James Frederick Hall
|||| |       .RICHARD MELVILLE HALL (aka MOBY) (1965-living) composer
|||| |
|||| .Eunice Andrews - Ephraim Hough, Jr.
||||  .Sarah Hough - Judah Root
||||   .Ephraim H[ough] Root - Caroline Pool
||||    .Charles Mitchell Root - Mary Lucy Wade Peevey
||||     .George Wesley Boyd - Fannie Kate Root
||||      .Elizabeth Boyd - Jack Carl Roberts
||||       .GARY BOYD ROBERTS (1943-living) genealogist
|||.(by 1) Martha Royce - Thomas North
||||.James North - Sarah Seymour
|||||.James North - Rhoda Judd
||||| .Orpha North - Samuel Hart
|||||  .Louisa Hart - JARED BRADLEY FLAGG (1820-1899) artist
|||||   .ERNEST FLAGG (1857-1947) architect
|||||   |
|||||   .Louisa Flagg - CHARLES SCRIBNER Jr. (1854-1930) publisher
|||||    .CHARLES SCRIBNER III (1890-1952) publisher - Vera Gordon Bloodgood
|||||     .CHARLES SCRIBNER IV (1921-1995) publisher
||||.Sarah North - Joseph Woodford
|||| .Samuel Thompson - Hannah North
|||| |.Lot Thompson - Anne Hart
|||| | .Beulah Thompson - Apher Woodruff
|||| |  .WILFORD WOODRUFF (1807-1898) Mormon leader - Phoebe Whittemore Carter
|||| |   .Wilford Woodruff - Emily Jane Smith
|||| |    .Lucy Emily Woodruff - GEORGE ALBERT SMITH (1870-1951) LDS Church President
|||| |
|||| .Joseph Woodford - Sarah Hart
||||  .Marilla Woodford - Gideon Baldwin Hart
||||  |.Joseph Chauncey Hart - Rosanna Giff
||||  | .Clinton O. Hart - Elizabeth Belden
||||  |  .Grace Hart - CLARENCE A. CRANE (1888-?) candy manufacturer
||||  |   .HAROLD HART CRANE (1899-1932) poet
||||  |
||||  .Ebenezer Dickinson Woodford - Mary Francis
||||   .Orin Francis Woodford - Mary Ann Merrill
||||    .Anna Louise Woodford - James Edwin Miller
||||     .Grace Miller - Henry Whitehead
||||      .Louise Woodford Whitehead - Wallace Christopher
||||       .WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER (1932-living) TV actor
|||.(by 2) John Thompson - Sarah Culver
||||.Ann Thompson - Benjamin Sedgwick
|||||.Sarah Sedgwick - Hezekiah Gold
||||||.Benjamin Gold - Eleanor Jackson
|||||||.Harriet Ruggles Gold - ELIAS BOUDINOT (né KILLKENAH GALINGINA) (1802-1839) newspaper founder
||||||| .ELIAS CORNELIUS BOUDINOT (1835-1890) CSA Congressman
||||||.Thomas Gold - Martha Marsh
|||||| .Maria Theresa Gold - NATHAN APPLETON (1779-1861) Congressman
||||||  .Frances Elizabeth Appleton - HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW (1807-1882) poet
||||||  .THOMAS GOLD APPLETON (1812-1884) patron of the arts
|||||.John Sedgwick - Abigail Andrews
||||||.Roderick Sedgwick - Margaret Stuart Dean
|||||||.Katharine Whetten Sedgwick - Wilhelm Heine
||||||| .Katharine Wilhelmina Heine - EDGAR HANFSTAENGL (1842-1910) art publisher
|||||||  .ERNA HANFSTAENGL (1885-1981) rumored mistress of Hitler
|||||||  .ERNST FRANZ SEDGWICK HANFSTAENGL (1887-1975) Beer Hall Putsch participant, possible"Sieg Heil' originator
||||||.Benjamin Sedgwick - Olive Collins
|||||||.JOHN SEDGWICK (1813-1864) Major-General
||||||.Stephen Sedgwick - Anne Baldwin
|||||| .CHARLES BALDWIN SEDGWICK (1815-1883) Congressman
|||||.THEODORE SEDGWICK (1746-1813) Senator - Pamela Dwight
||||||.Theodore Sedgwick, Jr. & Susan Anne Livingston
|||||||.Theodore Sedgwick III & Sarah Morgan Ashburner
||||||| .Susan Ridley Sedgwick - CHARLES ELLIOT NORTON (1827-1908) scholar, man of letters
||||||.Henry Dwight Sedgwick - Jane Minot
|||||||.Henry Dwight Sedgwick II - Henrietta Ellery Sedgwick
||||||| .Henry Dwight Sedgwick III - Sarah Minturn
||||||| |.Robert Minturn Sedgwick - Helen Peabody
||||||| ||.Henry D. Sedgwick - Patricia Rosenwald
||||||| || .KYRA SEDGWICK (1965-living) film actor - KEVIN BACON (1958-living) film actor
||||||| ||
||||||| |.FRANCIS MINTURN SEDGWICK (1904-1967) sculptor - Alice Delano de Forest
||||||| | .EDITH MINTURN SEDGWICK (aka EDIE) (1943-1971) film actor
||||||| |
||||||| .Alexander Sedgwick - Lucy Cameron Rogers
||||||| |.Christina Davenport Sedgwick - JOHN PHILLIPS MARQUAND (1893-1960) novelist
||||||| |
||||||| .ELLERY SEDGWICK (1872-1960) editor
||||||.Robert Sedgwick - Elizabeth Dana Ellery
|||||||.Katherine Maria Sedgwick - WILLIAM TUCKER WASHBURN (1841-1816) poet
||||||||.Natalie Sedgwick Washburn - BAINBRIDGE COLBY (1869-1950) Cabinet Secretary
|||||||.Henriette Ellery Sedgwick - Henry Dwight Sedgwick
||||||| .Henry Dwight Sedgwick III - Sarah Minturn
||||||| |.Robert Minturn Sedgwick - Helen Peabody
||||||| ||.Henry D. Sedgwick - Patricia Rosenwald
||||||| || .KYRA SEDGWICK (1965-living) film actor - KEVIN BACON (1958-living) film actor
||||||| ||
||||||| |.FRANCIS MINTURN SEDGWICK (1904-1967) sculptor - Alice Delano de Forest
||||||| | .EDITH MINTURN SEDGWICK (aka EDIE) (1943-1971) film actor
||||||| |
||||||| .Alexander Sedgwick - Lucy Cameron Rogers
||||||| |.Christina Davenport Sedgwick - JOHN PHILLIPS MARQUAND (1893-1960) novelist
||||||| |
||||||| .ELLERY SEDGWICK (1872-1960) editor
||||||.CATHARINE MARIA SEDGWICK (1789-1867) novelist
||||||.Charles Sedgwick - Elizabeth Buckminster Dwight
|||||| .Grace Ashburner Sedgwick - CHARLES ASTOR BRISTED (1820-1874) scholar, author
|||||.Mary Ann Sedgwick - Job Swift
||||| .Noadiah Swift - Jennet Henderson
||||| |.Samantha Swift - PIERREPONT ISHAM (1802-1872) State Supreme Court Justice
||||| | .Edward Swift Isham - Frances Burch
||||| | |.ANN ELIZA ISHAM (1862-1912) Titanic victim
||||| | |
||||| | .Mary Adeline Isham  - Sartell Prentice
||||| |  .Ezra Parmalee Prentice - Alta Rockefeller
||||| |   .JOHN ROCKEFELLER PRENTICE (1902-1972) cattle breeder - Abbie Cantrill
||||| |    .ABRA PRENTICE (1942-living) philanthropist
||||| |
||||| .BENJAMIN SWIFT (1781-1847) Senator
||||| |
||||| .Samuel Swift - Mary Bridgman Young
||||| |.Edward Young Swift - Irene Battell Eldridge
||||| | .Mary Eldridge Swift - Frederick Moulton Alger
||||| |  .FREDERICK MOULTON ALGER, Jr. (1876-?) Ambassador - Suzette de Marigny Hall Dewey
||||| |   .DAVID DEWEY ALGER (1942-2001) World Trade Center victim
||||| |
||||| .Heman Swift - Ruth Robinson
|||||  .Mary Jennette Swift - ABRAHAM BROOKINS GARDNER (1819-?) Lieutenant Governor
||||.Sarah Thompson - John Moss
|||| .Eunice Moss - Eliakim Hall
|||| |.Electa Hall - John Hitchcock
|||| | .Sophia Hall Hitchcock - Daniel James
|||| |  .William Dodge James - Evelyn Elizabeth Forbes
|||| |   .Audrey Evelyn James - MARSHALL FIELD III (1893-1957) Chicago newspaper publisher
|||| |    .MARSHALL FIELD IV (1916-1965) newspaper publisher - (__) Bass
|||| |     .MARSHALL FIELD V (1941-living) newspaper publisher
|||| |
|||| .Joel Moss - Hannah Hall
||||  .Street Hall Morse - Martha Bartholomew
||||   .Juliana Ann Morse - David Harpin Lines
||||    .Henry Lines - Mary Ann Wilmot
||||     .Ida Wilmot Lines - John Ira Jacobus
||||      .DONALD LINES JACOBUS (1887-1970) genealogist
|||.(by 2) Joseph Thompson - Hannah Clark
||| .Tamar Thompson - Caleb Doolittle
|||  .Amos Doolittle - Abigail Ives
|||   .Abigail Doolittle - Samuel Hull
|||    .Charlotte Hull - John Olmstead
|||     .FREDERICK LAW OLMSTEAD (1822-1903) landscape architect - Mary Cleveland Perkins
|||     |.FREDERICK LAW OLMSTEAD, Jr. (1870-1957) landscape architect
|||     |
|||     .John Hull Olmstead - Mary Cleveland Perkins
|||      .JOHN CHARLES OLMSTEAD (1852-1920) landscape architect
||.Samuel Lathrop - Hannah Adgate
|||.Rebecca Lathrop - Isaac Huntington
||||.Abigail Huntington - Azariah Lathrop
|||| .Charles Lathrop - Joanna Leffingwell
||||  .Harriet Wadsworth Lathrop - Miron Winslow
||||   .Harriet Lathrop Winslow - John Welsh Dulles
||||    .Allen Macy Dulles - Edith Foster
||||     .JOHN FOSTER DULLES (1888-1959) U.S. Cabinet Secretary - Janet Pomeroy Avery
||||     |.AVERY ROBERT DULLES (1918-living) Cardinal
||||     |
||||     .ALLEN WELSH DULLES (1893-1969) Director of Central Intelligence
||||     .ELEANOR LANSING DULLES (1895-1996) author, government employee
|||.Hannah Lathrop - Jabez Perkins
||||.Jabez Perkins - Jemima Leonard
|||||.Jemima Perkins - Benjamin Burnham
||||| .Walter Burnham - Submit Smith
|||||  .Walter Burnham, Jr. - Annia Crawford
|||||   .Stella L. Burnham - Henry Phelps Perkins
|||||    .Henry Phelps Perkins - Helen Virginia Anthony
|||||     .JAMES OSGOOD RIPLEY PERKINS (1892-1937) stage and film actor - Janet Esselstyn Rane
|||||      .ANTHONY PERKINS (1932-1992) film actor - BERINTHIA BERENSON (1948-2001) photographer
|||||       .OSGOOD ROBERT PERKINS (1974-living) film actor
|||||       .ELVIS PERKINS (1976-living) singer-songwriter
||||.Hannah Perkins - Joshua Huntington
|||||.Jabez Huntington - (1) Elizabeth Backus, (2) Hannah Williams
||||||.(by 1) THOMAS CHARLES FARRER (1838-1891) artist
||||||||| .Dorothy Farrer - Sir John Macfarlane Kennedy, OBE
|||||||||  .Geoffrey Farrer Kennedy - Daska Ivanovic-Banac
|||||||||   .TESSA GEORGINA KENNEDY (1938-living) interior designer
|||||||||    - (1) BEDE EVELYN DOMINICK ELWES (1931-1975) portrait painter
|||||||||    - (2) ELLIOT KASTNER (1930-living) film producer
|||||||||    .(by 1) STEVEN CASSIAN CARY ELWES (1959-living) film producer
|||||||||    .(by 1) IVAN SIMON CARY ELWES (1962-living) film actor
||||||||.Hannah Dolbeare Richards - Ephraim Lyman
|||||||| .Hart Lyman - Marion Smythe Torrey
||||||||  .Katharine Lyman - John Nelson Steele
||||||||   .Mary Alricks Steele - Richard Haden Gordon
||||||||    .JOHN STEELE GORDON (1944-living) historian
|||||||.Faith Trumbull Huntington - Benjamin Huntington
||||||||.DANIEL HUNTINGTON (1816-1906) artist
|||||||.Thomas Huntington - Elizabeth Colfax
||||||| .Charlotte Stoddard Huntington - John Hezekiah Clark
|||||||  .Charlotte Stoddard Huntington - John Hezekiah Clark
|||||||   .John Bates Clark - Myra Almeda Smith
|||||||    .Frederick Huntington Clark - Eleanor Phelps
|||||||     .Eleanor Clark - ROBERT PENN WARREN (1905-1989) novelist
||||||.(by 1) Andrew Huntington - (1) Lucy Coit, (2) Hannah Phelps
|||||||.(by 1) Hannah Huntington
||||||||- SAMUEL HUNTINGTON (1765-1817) Governor, State Supreme Court Chief Justice
|||||||.(by 2) Charles Phelps Huntington - Mary Perit
||||||| .WILLIAM HENRY HUNTINGTON (1820-1885) philanthropist
||||||.(by 2) Joshua Huntington - Hannah Huntington
|||||||.Elizabeth Huntington - Frederick Wolcott
||||||| .Mary Ann Goodrich Wolcott - Asa Whitehead
||||||| |.Frederick Wolcott Whitehead - Ada Italia Locker
||||||| | .Genevieve Whitehead - Rial Newland Denison
||||||| |  .Ruth Wolcott Denison - Winfield Scott Peirsol
||||||| |   .Frederick Wolcott Peirsol - Benna Boltin Wells
||||||| |    .Winfield Scott Wells - Mary Louella Morrison
||||||| |     .AARON WELLS PEIRSOL (1983-living) Olympic Gold Medalist
||||||| |
||||||| .Joshua Huntington Wolcott - Cornelia Frothingham
||||||| |.ROGER WOLCOTT (1847-1900) Governor
||||||| |
||||||| .Elizabeth Wolcott - John P. Jackson
|||||||  .Frederick Wolcott Jackson - Nannie Jane Nye
|||||||   .JOHN BRINKERHOFF JACKSON (1862-1920) Ambassador
||||||.(by 2) EBENEZER HUNTINGTON (1754-1834) Congressman
||||||.(by 2) Zachariah Huntington - Hannah Mumford
|||||| .JABEZ WILLIAMS HUNTINGTON (1788-1847) Senator, Congressman
|||||.Lydia Huntington - Ephraim Bill
||||| .Elizabeth Bill - Daniel Lathrop Coit
||||| |.Eliza Coit - William Charles Gilman
||||| | .DANIEL COIT GILMAN (1831-1908) educator
||||| | .William Charles Gilman - Catherine Beecher Perkins
||||| |  .George Houghton Gilman - CHARLOTTE ANNA PERKINS (1860-1935) social reformer, writer
||||| |
||||| .Lydia Bill - Joseph Howland
|||||  .Susan Howland - John Aspinwall, Jr.
|||||  |.WILLIAM H. ASPINWALL (1807-1875) merchant
|||||  ||
|||||  |.Margaret Elizabeth Aspinwall - Hugh Lenox Hodge
|||||  ||.John Aspinwall Hodge - Charlotte Gibhard Morse
|||||  || .John Aspinwall Hodge - Genevieve Baldwin Karr
|||||  ||  .Louise/Lucasta Karr Hodge - Frederic Henry Lahee
|||||  ||   .Genevieve Lahee - Charles W. Allen
|||||  ||    .THOMAS H. ALLEN (1945-living) Congressman
|||||  ||
|||||  |.Mary Rebecca Aspinwall - Isaac Roosevelt
|||||  | .James Roosevelt - Sara Delano
|||||  | |.FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (1882-1945) U.S. President
|||||  | | - ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962) First Lady
|||||  | | .JAMES ROOSEVELT (1907-1991) Congressman - BETSEY MARIA CUSHING (1908-1998) philanthropist
|||||  | | .ELLIOT ROOSEVELT (1910-1990) author - FAYE EMERSON (1917-1983) film and TV actor
|||||  | | .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1914-1988) Congressman
|||||  | |
|||||  | .John Aspinwall Roosevelt - Ellen Murray Crosby
|||||  |  .ELLEN CROSBY ROOSEVELT (1868-1954) Tennis Hall of Famer
|||||  |
|||||  .Samuel Shaw Howland - Joanna Hone
|||||   .Caroline Howland - Charles Handy Russell
|||||    .Joanna Hone Russell - John Winthrop Auchincloss
|||||     .Joseph Howland Auchincloss - Priscilla Dixon Stanton
|||||      .LOUIS STANTON AUCHINCLOSS (1917-living) novelist
||||.Elizabeth Perkins - John Deming
|||| .John Deming - Sibyl (__)
||||  .Prosper Deming - Alice Graves
||||   .William Deming - Marilla Gale
||||   .Amos Deming - Emily Shirley
||||    .William Albert Deming - Pluma Edwards
||||     .WILLIAM EDWARDS DEMING (1900-1993) mathematician, philosopher
|||.Elizabeth Lathrop - John Waterman
||||.Hannah Waterman - Benedict Arnold
|||| .BENEDICT ARNOLD (1741-1801) General, traitor
|||.Thomas Lathrop - Lydia Abell
||||.Lydia Lathrop - Joseph Coit
|||| .Lucy Coit - Andrew Huntington
|||| |.Hannah Huntington - SAMUEL HUNTINGTON (1765-1817) Governor, State Supreme Court Chief Justice
|||| |
|||| .Elisabeth Coit - Christopher Leffingwell
||||  .Lydia Leffingwell - John Whiting
||||  |.William Whiting - Mary E. Starr
||||  ||.Charlotte Lydia Whiting - Rudolph Pierre Garrigue
||||  || .CHARLOTTE GARRIGUE (1850-1923) First Lady
||||  ||  - TOMÀŠ JAN MASARYK (1850-1937) Czechoslovakian president
||||  ||  .JAN GARRIGUE MASARYK (1886-1948) Czechoslovakian diplomat and politician
||||  ||
||||  |.John Leffingwell Whiting - Harriet C. Talman
||||  | .John Talman Whiting - Mary Sophia Hill
||||  |  .Mary De Gama Whiting - William Borden
||||  |   .John Borden - Ellen Waller
||||  |   |.Ellen Borden
||||  |   | - ADLAI EWING STEVENSON II (1900-1965) Governor, Ambassador, presidential also-ran
||||  |   | .ADLAI EWING STEVENSON III (1930-living) Senator
||||  |   |
||||  |   .MARY BORDEN (1886-1968) novelist
||||  |    - (1) George Douglas Turner
||||  |    - (2) Sir EDWARD LOUIS SPEARS, 1st Bt. (1886-1974) Major-General, House of Commons member
||||  |    .(by 1) Catherine Comfort Borden-Turner
||||  |     - Sir RUPERT CHARLES HART-DAVIS (1907-1999) author, editor, publisher
||||  |     .PETER DUFF HART-DAVIS (1936-living) historian, biographer
||||  |     .ADAM HART-DAVIS (1943-living) TV producer and presenter
||||  |
||||  .Joanna Leffingwell - Charles Lathrop
||||   .Harriet Wadsworth Lathrop - Miron Winslow
||||    .Harriet Lathrop Winslow - John Welsh Dulles
||||     .Allen Macy Dulles - Edith Foster
||||      .JOHN FOSTER DULLES (1888-1959) U.S. Cabinet Secretary - Janet Pomeroy Avery
||||      |.AVERY ROBERT DULLES (1918-living) Cardinal
||||      |
||||      .ALLEN WELSH DULLES (1893-1969) Director of Central Intelligence
||||      .ELEANOR LANSING DULLES (1895-1996) author, government employee
|||.Samuel Lathrop - Deborah Crow
||||.Deborah Lathrop - (1) Ephraim Avery, (2) ISRAEL PUTNAM (1748-1790) General
|||||.(by 1) Ephraim Avery, Jr. - Hannah Platt
||||| .John William Avery - Sarah Fairchild
|||||  .Samuel Putnam Avery - Hannah Ann Parker
|||||   .SAMUEL PUTNAM AVERY (1822-1904) art connoisseur, philanthropist
||||.Samuel Lathrop - Elizabeth Bishop
|||||.Simeon Lathrop - Esther Branch
||||||.Elisha Lathrop - Sally Palmer
|||||| .Frederick Fanning Lathrop - Adelia Risley
||||||  .John William Lathrop - Margaret Osborn Clark
||||||   .Cyrus Clark Lathrop - Ida Frances Pulis
||||||    .DOROTHY PULIS LATHROP (1891-1980) illustrator
|||||.Thomas Lathrop - Wealthy Ann Cobb
||||| .Wealthy Ann Lathrop - Elisha Andrews
||||| |.STEPHEN PEARL ANDREWS (1812-1886) abolitionist
||||| |
||||| .Gideon Cobb Lathrop - Catherine Sproat
|||||  .Gideon Lathrop - Elizabeth Dunlop
|||||   .Helen Elizabeth Lathrop - Francis Horatio Stott
|||||    .Arthur Curtiss Stott - Harriet Elizabeth Evans
|||||     .Marguerite Stott - Cassius Miles Davis
|||||      .ANN BRADFORD DAVIS (1926-living) TV actor
||||.Elisha Lathrop - Abigail Avery
|||| .Deborah Lathrop - Ebenezer Lathrop
||||  .Gurdon Lathrop - Elizabeth Rudd
||||  |.Mary Ann Lathrop - William Buttre
||||  | .JOHN CHESTER BUTTRE (1821-1893) engraver
||||  |
||||  .Erastus Lathrop - Judith Crafts
||||   .Griffin Crafts Lathrop - Clarysa H. (__)
||||    .Eugene Vernon Lathrop - Maria L. Parson
||||     .AUSTIN EUGENE LATHROP (1865-1950) Alaskan pioneer
|||.Simon Lathrop - (1) Mary Lathrop, (2) Martha Lathrop
||||.(by 1) Martha Lathrop - Ebenezer Devotion
|||||.Martha Devotion - SAMUEL HUNTINGTON (1731-1796) Governor, Declaration of Independence signer
|||||.Hannah Devotion - Joseph Huntington
||||||.SAMUEL HUNTINGTON (1765-1817) Governor, State Supreme Court Chief Justice
|||||.Lucy Devotion - Joseph Baker
||||| .Rufus Lathrop Baker - Eliza Taintor
|||||  .Charles Taintor Baker - Anna Bartlett Dwight
|||||   .Ella Baker - JULIAN ALDEN WEIR (1852-1919) artist
|||||   .Anna Dwight Baker - JULIAN ALDEN WEIR (1852-1919) artist
|||||    .DOROTHY WEIR (1890-1947) artist - MAHONRI MACKINTOSH YOUNG (1877-1957) sculptor
||||.(by 2) Elijah Lathrop - Susanna Lord
|||||.Anne Lathrop - Nathan Niles
||||| .Sarah Niles - Nathan Noyes
|||||  .Anne Lathrop Noyes - Joseph Balch
|||||  |.Francis Vergnies Balch - Ellen Maria Noyes
|||||  | .EMILY GREENE BALCH (1867-1961) Nobel Prize recipient
|||||  |
|||||  .Francis V. Noyes - Elizabeth Porter
|||||   .Ellen Maria Noyes - Francis Vergnies Balch
|||||    .EMILY GREENE BALCH (1867-1961) Nobel Prize recipient
||||.(by 2) Mary Lathrop - (1) David Nevins, (2) William Bingham
|||| .(by 1) David Nevins, Jr. - Mary Hubbard
|||| |.Henry Nevins - Lucretia Manwaring
|||| | .David Henry Nevins - Cornelia Leonard Perkins
|||| |  .Marian Griswold Nevins - EDWARD ALEXANDER MACDOWELL (1861-1908) composer
|||| |
|||| .(by 1) Mary Nevins - Nathan Lord
|||| |.Hannah Lord - Lemuel Bingham
|||| | .Emma Bingham - George Martin Dewey
|||| |  .Geroge Martin Dewey - Annie Thomas
|||| |   .THOMAS EDMUND DEWEY (1902-1971) Governor, presidential also-ran
|||| |
|||| .(by 2) Aurelia Bingham - Samuel Tappan
||||  .WILLIAM BINGHAM TAPPAN (1794-1849) poet
|||.Nathaniel Lathrop - Ann Backus
||| .Azariah Lathrop - Abigail Huntington
||| |.Charles Lathrop - Joanna Leffingwell
||| | .Harriet Wadsworth Lathrop - MIRON WINSLOW (1789-1864) missionary
||| | |.Harriet Lathrop Winslow - John Welsh Dulles
||| | | .Allen Macy Dulles - Edith Foster
||| | |  .JOHN FOSTER DULLES (1888-1959) U.S. Cabinet Secretary - Janet Pomeroy Avery
||| | |  |.AVERY ROBERT DULLES (1918-living) Cardinal
||| | |  |
||| | |  .ALLEN WELSH DULLES (1893-1969) Director of Central Intelligence
||| | |  .ELEANOR LANSING DULLES (1895-1996) author, government employee
||| | |
||| | .Daniel Whiting Lathrop - Abby W. Howland
||| |  .George Howland Lathrop - Cornelia D. Turner
||| |   .Arthur Douglas Lathrop - Alice McDora Osborne
||| |    .JOHN HOWLAND LATHROP (1880-1967) Unitarian minister
||| |
||| .Amy Lathrop - William Bradford Whiting
|||  .Abigail Whiting - Jason Warner
|||   .Henry Whiting Warner - Anna Marsh Bartlett
|||    .SUSAN BOGERT WARNER (1819-1885) writer
|||    .ANNA BARTLETT WARNER (1827-1915) writer
||.Sarah Lathrop - Nathaniel Royce
|||.Sarah Royce - Hawkins Hart
||||.Nathaniel Hart - Martha Lee
|||||.Nathaniel Hart - Alice Hall
||||||.Sarah Hart - Joseph Doolittle
|||||| .Jared Doolittle - Anna Jones
||||||  .Edgar Jared Doolittle - Jane Elizabeth Sage
||||||   .Edgar Jared Doolittle - Martha Warner Couch
||||||    .Dorothy Doolittle - Frederick Wainwright Holcomb
||||||     .Jane Holcomb - Pierre Samuel III du Pont
||||||      .PIERRE SAMUEL DU PONT IV (1935-living) Congressman, Governor
|||||.Timothy Hart - Phebe Fenn
||||| .Joel Hart - Phebe Dallas
|||||  .Philo Dallas Hart - Almira White
|||||   .Electa Hart - Edward Cutler
|||||    .Ida Cutler - Crosby Alpheus Perry
|||||     .Carl Schurz Perry - Mary Gillick
|||||      .Alton Perry - Maria Schaefer Bennett
|||||       .JOHN BENNETT PERRY (1941-living) TV actor - Suzanne Langford
|||||        .MATTHEW LANGFORD PERRY (1969-living) TV and film actor
||||.Ruth Hart - William Merriam
|||||.Thomas Merriam - Ann Moss
||||| .Thomas Merriam - Hannah Guernsey
|||||  .Philomela Merriam - Bartholomew Andrews
|||||   .Edwin O. Andrews - Diana Catharine Weller
|||||    .Evagene Irene Andrews - Clarence LeFever France
|||||     .Helen Genave France - Charles M. Warner
|||||      .Myron France Warner - Jeannette McBride
|||||       .Elizabeth McBride Warner - James Frederick Hall
|||||        .RICHARD MELVILLE HALL (aka MOBY) (1965-living) composer
||||.Sarah Hart - Stephen Ives
|||||.Sarah Ives - Amasa Merriman
||||| .Charles Merriman - Anna Punderson
|||||  .Anna Merriman - Edward Scoville Hickox
|||||   .Edward Scoville Hickox - Charlotte Maria Perry
|||||    .Howard Miner Hickox - Amelia Atwood
|||||     .Mabelle Merriman Hickox - James Maxon Yard
|||||      .MARY ALEXANDER YARD (1912-2005) feminist, society president
||||.Thomas Hart - Hannah Coe
|||||.Jonathan Hart - Mary Coe
||||| .Jonathan Hart - Orphia Chapin
|||||  .Polly Sophronia Hart - John Morey Roe
|||||   .Addison John Roe - Jennie Henry Scranton
|||||    .Adelaide Elizabeth Roe - George Washington Polk
|||||     .GEORGE WASHINGTON POLK (1913-1948) journalist
||||.Mary Hart - Ebenezer Hawley
|||| .Ebenezer Hawley - Mehitable Rich
||||  .Asa Hawley - Diadamia Root
||||   .Naomi Hawley - Roger Sherman Newell
||||    .Harriet Atwood Newell - Abner Whittlesey
||||     .Henry Hooker Whittlesey - Emma Case
||||      .Horace Whittlesey - Byra Brooks
||||       .Byra Louise Whittlesey - JOHN HADLEY NICANOR HEMINGWAY (1923-2000) writer
||||        .MARGOT LOUISE HEMINGWAY (1955-1996) supermodel, film actor
||||        .MARIEL HADLEY HEMINGWAY (1961-living) film actor
|||.Love Royce - Samuel Hall
||| .Samuel Hall - Sarah Hull
||| |.Samuel Hall - Elizabeth Parsons
||| | .Elizabeth Hall - Noyes Dana Bartholomew
||| | |.Edward Franklin Bartholomew - Cordelia Kellogg
||| | | .Sophia Aurelia Bartholomew - Charles Claude Runner
||| | |  .Waldo Errol Runner - Virginia May McClanahan
||| | |   .Margaret Ruth Runner - Clinton Eastwood
||| | |    .CLINT EASTWOOD (1930-living) film actor
||| | |
||| | .Hezekiah Hall - Esther Lewis
||| |  .Jane Hall - Edward Kellogg
||| |   .Cordelia Kellogg - Edward Franklin Bartholomew
||| |    .Sophia Aurelia Bartholomew - Charles Claude Runner
||| |     .Waldo Errol Runner - Virginia May McClanahan
||| |      .Margaret Ruth Runner - Clinton Eastwood
||| |       .CLINT EASTWOOD (1930-living) film actor
||| |
||| .Mehitable Hall - Hezekiah Parmelee
||| |.Daniel Parmelee - Abigail Norton
||| ||.Mehitable Parmelee - James Eells
||| || .James Eells - Emma Page
||| ||  .Charles Parmelee Eells - Gertrude Shepard
||| ||   .Marion Eells - Conrad Stanton Babcock
||| ||    .Conrad Stanton Babcock - Jadwiga Noskowiak
||| ||     .BARBARA BABCOCK (1937-living) TV actor
||| ||
||| |.Charles Parmelee - Mary Tyler
||| | .Phoebe Tyler - Samuel Castle
||| |  .SAMUEL NORTHRUP CASTLE (1808-1894) businessman, missionary
||| |   - MARY TENNEY (1819-1907) foundation founder
||| |   .Caroline Dickson Castle - WILLIAM DRAKE WESTERVELT (1849-1939) folklorist
||| |
||| .Esther Hall - John Parsons
|||  .Elizabeth Parsons - Samuel Hall
|||   .Elizabeth Hall - Noyes Dana Bartholomew
|||   |.Edward Franklin Bartholomew - Cordelia Kellogg
|||   | .Sophia Aurelia Bartholomew - Charles Claude Runner
|||   |  .Waldo Errol Runner - Virginia May McClanahan
|||   |   .Margaret Ruth Runner - Clinton Eastwood
|||   |    .CLINT EASTWOOD (1930-living) film actor
|||   |
|||   .Hezekiah Hall - Esther Lewis
|||    .Jane Hall - Edward Kellogg
|||     .Cordelia Kellogg - Edward Franklin Bartholomew
|||      .Sophia Aurelia Bartholomew - Charles Claude Runner
|||       .Waldo Errol Runner - Virginia May McClanahan
|||        .Margaret Ruth Runner - Clinton Eastwood
|||         .CLINT EASTWOOD (1930-living) film actor
||.Martha Lathrop - John Moss
|||.Esther Moss - Daniel Maltbie
||||.Daniel Maltbie - Mary Harrison
|||||.Daniel Maltbie - Margaret Munson
||||||.Zacheus Maltbie - Reunah Burchard
|||||| .Mercy Burchard Maltbie - Abel Knapp
||||||  .Oscar Fitzallen Knapp - Airetta Montgomery Terry
||||||   .Flourette Gertrude Knapp - SERENO ELISHA PAYNE (1843-1914) Congressman
|||||.Zaccheus Maltbie - Jerusha Rose
||||| .Zaccheus Maltbie - Sarah Gifford
|||||  .Frederick Lewis Maltby - Harriet Lathrop
|||||   .Sarah Elizabeth Maltby - Thomas Piper
|||||    .WILLIAM THOMAS PIPER (1881-1970) airplane manufacturer
||||.Benjamin Maltbie - (1) Sarah Harrington, (2) Elizabeth Fuller (Fowler?)
|||| .(by 1) Isaac Maltby - Lucinda Murray
|||| |.Elizabeth White Maltby - Ephraim Chapin
|||| ||.EDWARD PAYSON CHAPIN (1831-1863) Brigadier-General
|||| ||
|||| |.Maria Maltby - THOMAS CUTTING LOVE (1789-1853) Congressman
|||| | .Julia Love - Walter Cary
|||| | |.Charles Cary - EVELYN RUMSEY (1855-1949) artist
|||| | ||
|||| | |.Jennie Cary - Laurence Dana Rumsey
|||| | ||.CHARLES CARY RUMSEY (1879-1923) sculptor - MARY HARRIMAN (1882-1934) philanthropist
|||| | ||
|||| | ||.GEORGE CARY (1859-1945) architect
|||| | |
|||| | .GEORGE MALTBY LOVE (1830-1887) Congressional Medal of Honor recipient
|||| | |
|||| | .MARIA MALTBY LOVE (1840-1931) social activist, humanitarian
|||| |
|||| .(by 2) Sarah Maltby - James Linsley
||||  .James H. Linsley - Sophia Lyon
||||   .Sophia Emily Linsley - Silvanus Dryden Phelps
||||    .WILLIAM LYON PHELPS (1865-1943) man of letters
|||.Samuel Moss - Susannah Hall
||||.Samuel Moss - Mary Judd
|||| .Lemuel Moss - Anna Hall
||||  .Demas Moss - Esther Lewis
||||   .LEMUEL MOSS (1829-1904) college president
|||.John Moss - Elizabeth Hall
||||.Joseph Moss - Lydia Jones
|||||.Phebe Moss - Benjamin Atwater
||||||.Joel Atwater - Lydia Sackett
|||||| .Leonard Atwater - Julia Sackett
||||||  .Albert Chamberlain Atwater - Margaret Carswell
||||||   .Bert Leonard Atwater - Blanche Cox
||||||    .Helen Blanche Atwater - PHILIP KNIGHT WRIGLEY (1894-1977) president of William Wrigley, Jr. Co.
||||||     .WILLIAM WRIGLEY (1933-living) president of William Wrigley, Jr. Co.
|||||.Amos Moss - Mary Sperry
||||| .William Amos Moss - Hannah Finn
|||||  .Terressa Morse - (1) Solomon Chamberlain, (2) JOHN DOYLE LEE (1812-1887) massacre participant
|||||   .(by 1) Sariah Louisa Chamberlain - Lemuel Hardison Redd
|||||    .Teresa Artemis Redd - George Samuel Romney
|||||     .MARION GEORGE ROMNEY (1897-1988) LDS Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
||||.Mary Moss - Isaac Hall
|||||.Mary Hall - John Ives
||||| .Isaac Ives - Sarah Amelia White
|||||  .George White Ives - Sarah Wilcox
|||||   .George Edward Ives - Mary Elizabeth Parmelee
|||||    .CHARLES EDWARD IVES (1874-1954) composer
||||.Keziah Moss - Reuben Royce
|||||.Rachel Royce - Andrew Bartholomew
||||| .Noyes Dana Bartholomew - Elizabeth Hall
|||||  .Edward Franklin Bartholomew - Cordelia Kellogg
|||||   .Sophia Aurelia Bartholomew - Charles Claude Runner
|||||    .Waldo Errol Runner - Virginia May McClanahan
|||||     .Margaret Ruth Runner - Clinton Eastwood
|||||      .CLINT EASTWOOD (1930-living) film actor
||||.John Moss - Sarah Thompson
|||||.Joel Moss - Hannah Hall
||||| .Street Hall Morse - Martha Bartholomew
|||||  .Juliana Ann Morse - David Harpin Lines
|||||   .Henry Lines - Mary Ann Wilmot
|||||    .Ida Wilmot Lines - John Ira Jacobus
|||||     .DONALD LINES JACOBUS (1887-1970) genealogist
||||.Levi Moss - Martha Fenn
|||||.Ames Moss - Rachel Culver
||||||.Abraham Morse - Elizabeth Marsh
|||||| .John Morse - Lydia A. Noyes
||||||  .Wilbur Frank Morse - Jessie White
||||||   .WAYNE LYMAN MORSE (1900-1974) Senator
|||||.Martha Moss - Isaac Bartholomew
||||| .Martha Bartholomew - Street Hall Morse
|||||  .Juliana Ann Morse - David Harpin Lines
|||||   .Henry Lines - Mary Ann Wilmot
|||||    .Ida Wilmot Lines - John Ira Jacobus
|||||     .DONALD LINES JACOBUS (1887-1970) genealogist
||||.Ann Moss -Thomas Merriam
|||| .Thomas Merriam - Hannah Guernsey
|||| |.Philomela Merriam - Bartholomew Andrews
|||| | .Edwin O. Andrews - Diana Catharine Weller
|||| |  .Evagene Irene Andrews - Clarence LeFever France
|||| |   .Helen Genave France - Charles M. Warner
|||| |    .Myron France Warner - Jeannette McBride
|||| |     .Elizabeth McBride Warner - James Frederick Hall
|||| |      .RICHARD MELVILLE HALL (aka MOBY) (1965-living) composer
|||| |
|||| .Reuben Merriam - Mary Noyes
||||  .Ruth Merriam - Demoral Talbot Day
||||   .Deming W. H. Day - Adelia Williams
||||    .Rudolph Merriam Day - Maude Archer
||||     .Harriet Day - JOHN WILLIAM BRICKER (1893-1986) Senator, Governor, U.S. Vice Presidential Also-Ran
|||.Solomon Moss - Ruth Peck
||||.Daniel Moss - Mary Watts
|||| .Soloman Moss - Hannah Mayo
||||  .Hannah Moss - Ebenezer Fessenden
||||   .Elisha Moss Fessenden - Elsie Tibbits
||||    .Elisha Joseph Fessenden - Clementina Trenholme
||||     .REGINALD AUBREY FESSENDEN (1866-1932) inventor
|||.Benjamin Moss - Abigail Cole
||| .Joseph Moss - Esther Lewis
||| |.Joseph Moss - Rhoda Griffith
||| | .Harriet Newell Moss - Amos Ozias Osborne
||| |  .Rosalie Osborne - (1) FITZHUGH LUDLOW (1836-1870) writer, (2) ALBERT BIERSTADT (1830-1902) artist
||| |
||| .Eunice Moss - Ebenezer Tuttle
|||  .Eunice Tuttle - Ezra Daggett
|||   .Elizabeth Daggett - Thomas Kensett
|||    .JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT (1816-1872) artist
||.Israel Lathrop - Rebecka Bliss
|||.Israel Lathrop - Mary Fellowes
||||.Jedediah Lathrop - Abigail Hyde
|||| .Mary Lathrop - Elias West
|||| |.Mary West - Samuel Fish
|||| | .Nancy Lathrop Fish - Benjamin Carver
|||| |  .Mary Theresa Carver
|||| |   - LEVI ZEIGLER LEITER (?-?) cofounder of Field and Leiter, later Marshall Fields
|||| |   .Mary Victoria Leiter - GEORGE NATHANIEL CURZON, 1st Marquess Curzon (1859-1924) Viceroy of India
|||| |    .Cynthia Blanche Curzon
|||| |    |- OSWALD ERNALD MOSLEY, 2nd Baronet (1896-1980) member of Parliament, founder of the British Union of Fascists
|||| |    |.NICHOLAS MOSLEY (1923-living) writer
|||| |    |
|||| |    .Alexandra Naldera Curzon
|||| |     - EDWARD METCALFE (aka FRUITY) (?-1957) equerry to and best friend of King Edward VII
|||| |
|||| .Jedidiah Lathrop - Amy Gardner
||||  .Dyer Lathrop - Jane Ann Shields
||||   .JANE ELIZABETH LATHROP (1828-1905) philanthropist
||||    - AMASA LELAND STANFORD (1824-1893) railroad builder, Governor, Senator
|||.William Lathrop - (1) Sarah Huntington, (2) Mary Kelley
||||.(by 1) Jeremiah Lathrop - Lydia Armstrong
|||||.William Lathrop - Cynthia Elderkin
||||| .Alfred Lathrop - Margaret Parsons
|||||  .George Alfred Lathrop - Frances Maria Smith
|||||   .FRANCIS LATHROP (1849-1909) artist
|||||   .GEORGE PARSONS LATHROP (1851-1912) author - ROSE HAWTHORNE (1851-1926) writer, philanthropist
||||.(by 2) John Lothrop - Elizabeth Checkley
|||||.Anna Lothrop - Thomas Motley, Jr.
||||| .JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY (1814-1877) historian, Ambassador - Mary Elizabeth Benjamin
||||| |.Elizabeth Cabot Motley
||||| ||
||||| |.Mary Lothrop Motley - Algernon Thomas Brinsley Sheridan
||||| | .William Frederick Sheridan - CLARE CONSUELO FREWEN (1885-1970) sculptress
||||| |
||||| .Anna Lothrop Motley - Alfred Rodman
|||||  .Eloise Rodman - Steven Minot Weld, Jr.
|||||   .Edward Motley Weld - Sarah Lathrop King
|||||     .Lathrop Motley Weld - Yosene Balfour Ker
|||||      .SUSAN KER (TUESDAY) WELD (1943-living) film actor
|||||       - (1) DUDLEY STUART JOHN MOORE (1935-2002) film actor
|||||       - (2) PINCHAS ZUKERMAN (1948-living) musician
||||.(by 2) Zachaariah Lathrop - Mehitable Cleveland
|||| .Elizabeth Lathrop - Hezekiah Allen
||||  .Eliza Allen Robert Temple - Robert Temple
||||   .Reuben Smith Brown Temple - Jane W. Dunham
||||    .Francis Marion Temple - Cynthia Fell Yaeger
||||     .George Francis Temple - Gertrude Amelia Kreiger
||||      .SHIRLEY JANE TEMPLE (1928-living) film actor, Ambassador - JOHN AGAR (1921-2002) film actor
|||.John Lathrop - Elizabeth Abell
||||.Zebulon Lathrop, Sr. - Lois Rogers
|||||.Zebulon Lathrop, Jr. - Alice Edgerton
||||| .John Lathrop, Sr. - Polly Kinney
|||||  .Justin Lathrop - Mary Isham
|||||   .John Lathrop - Anna J. Eppehimer
|||||    .MARY FLORENCE LATHROP (1865-1951) lawyer
||||.Azel Lathrop - Elizabeth Hyde
|||| .Erastus Lathrop - Sarah Bailey
||||  .Caroline Cushman Lathrop - Charles Rollin Post
||||   .CHARLES WILLIAM (C.W.) POST (1854-1914) cereal manufacturer - Ella Letitia Merriweather
||||    .MARJORIE MERRIWEATHER POST (1887-1973) socialite, founder of General Foods, Inc.
||||     - (1) Edward Bennett Close
||||     - (2) EDWARD FRANCIS HUTTON (1875-1962) financier
||||     - (3) JOSEPH EDWARD DAVIES (1876-1958) FTC chairman, Ambassador
||||     .(by 1) Eleanor Post Close - PRESTON STURGES (né EDMUND PRESTON BIDEN) (1898-1959) film director
||||     |
||||     .(by 2) DINA MERRILL (née NEDENIA MARJORIE HUTTON) (1925-living) film actor
||||      - (1) CLIFFORD PARKER ROBERSTON (1925-living) film actor
||||      - (2) TED HARTLEY (1935-living) film actor
|||.Samuel Lathrop - Elizabeth Waterman
||||.Elisha Lathrop - (1) Margaret Sluman (2) Hannah Hough
|||| .(by 1) Thaddeus Lathrop - Anne Gordon
|||| |.Elisha Lathrop - Elizabeth Charlotte Griswold
|||| | .Azel Lathrop - Susan Ellis
|||| |  .Jane Lathrop - Alaric Mann Bushnell
|||| |   .Harry Lathrop Bushnell - Nellie Ellen Rossiter
|||| |    .Mabel Arbutus Bushnell - Timothy Aloysius Ryan
|||| |     .ROBERT BUSHNELL RYAN (1909-1973) film actor
|||| |
|||| .(by 2) Elijah Lathrop - Elizabeth Elderkin
|||| |.Elizabeth Lathrop - Thomas Fish
|||| | .Lucinda - Joseph Bunting
|||| |  .THOMAS LATHROP BUNTING (1844-1898) Congressman
|||| |
|||| .(by 2) Dennison Lathrop - Sarah Hubbard Harris
|||| |.Sarah Lathrop - Thomas Kennan
|||| | .George Kennan - Mary Tullar
|||| |  .Thomas Lathrop Kennan - Loa Brown
|||| |   .Kossuth Kent Kennan - Florence James
|||| |    .GEORGE FROST KENNAN (1904-?) diplomat
|||| |    .KENT WHEELER KENNAN (1913-2003) composer
|||| |
|||| .(by 2) Samuel Lathrop - Lois Huntington
||||  .Lois Lathrop - ALPHEUS CUTLER (1784-1864) LDS demonination leader
||||  |.Emily Trask Cutler - HEBER CHASE KIMBALL (1801-1868) LDS Church President
||||  |.Clarissa Crissy Cutler -HEBER CHASE KIMBALL (1801-1868) LDS Church President
||||  |
||||  .Jedediah Hyde Lathrop - Mariana Bryan
||||   .THOMAS BARBOUR LATHROP (1847-1927) philanthropist
||||   .Florence Wentworth Lathrop - THOMAS NELSON PAGE (1853-1922) author
|||.Mary Lathrop - Simon Lathrop
||||.Martha Lathrop - Ebenezer Devotion
|||| .Martha Devotion - SAMUEL HUNTINGTON (1731-1796) Governor, Declaration of Independence signer
|||| |
|||| .Hannah Devotion - Joseph Huntington
|||| |.SAMUEL HUNTINGTON (1765-1817) Governor, State Supreme Court Chief Justice
|||| |
|||| .Lucy Devotion - Joseph Baker
||||  .Rufus Lathrop Baker - Eliza Taintor
||||   .Charles Taintor Baker - Anna Bartlett Dwight
||||    .Ella Baker - JULIAN ALDEN WEIR (1852-1919) artist
||||    .Anna Dwight Baker - JULIAN ALDEN WEIR (1852-1919) artist
||||     .DOROTHY WEIR (1890-1947) artist - MAHONRI MACKINTOSH YOUNG (1877-1957) sculptor
|||.Martha Lathrop - Simon Lathrop
||||.Elijah Lathrop - Susanna Lord
|||||.Anne Lathrop - Nathan Niles
||||| .Sarah Niles - Nathan Noyes
|||||  .Anne Lathrop Noyes - Joseph Balch
|||||  |.Francis Vergnies Balch - Ellen Maria Noyes
|||||  | .EMILY GREENE BALCH (1867-1961) Nobel Prize recipient
|||||  |
|||||  .Francis V. Noyes - Elizabeth Porter
|||||   .Ellen Maria Noyes - Francis Vergnies Balch
|||||    .EMILY GREENE BALCH (1867-1961) Nobel Prize recipient
||||.Mary Lathrop - (1) David Nevins, (2) William Bingham
|||| .(by 1) David Nevins, Jr. - Mary Hubbard
|||| |.Henry Nevins - Lucretia Manwaring
|||| | .David Henry Nevins - Cornelia Leonard Perkins
|||| |  .Marian Griswold Nevins - EDWARD ALEXANDER MACDOWELL (1861-1908) composer
|||| |
|||| .(by 1) Mary Nevins - Nathan Lord
|||| |.Hannah Lord - Lemuel Bingham
|||| | .Emma Bingham - George Martin Dewey
|||| |  .Geroge Martin Dewey - Annie Thomas
|||| |   .THOMAS EDMUND DEWEY (1902-1971) Governor, presidential also-ran
|||| |
|||| .(by 2) Aurelia Bingham - Samuel Tappan
||||  .WILLIAM BINGHAM TAPPAN (1794-1849) poet
|||.Benjamin Lathrop - (Mary or Martha) Adgate
||||.Cyprian Lathrop - Mary Stark
|||| .Adgate Lathrop - Anne House
||||  .John Lathrop - Martha Clifford
||||   .WILLIAM LATHROP (1825-1907) Congressman - Sarah Adeline Potter
||||    .JULIA CLIFFORD LATHROP (1858-1932) social reformer
|||.Ebenezer Lathrop - Lydia Leffingwell
||| .Sybil Lathrop - Samuel Tracy
||| |.Sybil Tracy - Wheeler Coit
||| | .Sarah Coit - Thomas Day
||| |  .Elizabeth Day - Nathan Perkins Seymour
||| |   .Thomas Day Seymour - Sarah Melissa Hitchcock
||| |    .CHARLES SEYMOUR (1885-1963) historian
||| |
||| .Sarah Lathrop - William Coit
||| |.Elisha Coit - Rebecca Saltonstall Manwaring
||| ||.Sarah Lathrop Coit - Charles Scudder
||| || .Daniel Coit Scudder - Harriet Louise Dutton
||| || |.JULIA VIDA DUTTON SCUDDER (1861-1954) writer, activist
||| || |
||| || .SAMUEL HUBBARD SCUDDER (1837-1911) entomologist, palaeontologist
||| || .HORACE ELISHA SCUDDER (1838-1902) writer
||| ||
||| |.Sarah Coit - Benjamin Coit
||| | .Benjamin Billings Coit - Cornelia Adelaide Johnson
||| | |.Benjamin Howard Coit (1824-1885) namesake of Coit Tower, San Francisco
||| | | - ELIZABETH WYCHE HITCHCOCK (1843-1929) philanthropist
||| | |
||| | .Abby Coit - GEORGE PAYSON BAKER (1807-1848) State Attorney General
||| |
||| .Ebenezer Lathrop - Deborah Lathrop
|||  .Gurdon Lathrop - lizabeth Rudd
|||  |.Mary Ann Lathrop - William Buttre
|||  | .JOHN CHESTER BUTTRE (1821-1893) engraver
|||  |
|||  .Erastus Lathrop - Judith Crafts
|||   .Griffin Crafts Lathrop - Clarysa H. (__)
|||    .Eugene Vernon Lathrop - Maria L. Parson
|||     .AUSTIN EUGENE LATHROP (1865-1950) Alaskan pioneer
||.Joseph Lathrop - (1) Mary Mercy Scudder, (2) Elizabeth Waterhouse/Waterous
|||.(by 1) Abigail Lathrop - Jacob Hazen
||||.Jacob Hazen - Mary Brett
|||| .Jacob Hazen - Abigail Burnham
|||| |.Sally Hazen - Wilkes Hyde
|||| | .Henry Hazen Hyde - Lucy Baldwin Beach
|||| |  .HENRY BALDWIN HYDE (1834-1899) founder of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
|||| |
|||| .Lydia Hazen - Hubbard Corwin
||||  .Russell Corwin - Mary Perkins Hood
||||   .Charles Dana Corwin - Margaret Sweeney
||||    .Walter Francis Corwin - (__)
||||     .Walter Whittier Corwin - Mary Emma Carlson
||||      .Marcy Herbert Corwin - Charlotte Evelyn Gardner
||||       .Marcy Herbert Corwin, Jr. - Valerie Simmons
||||        .JEFFREY SAMUEL CORWIN (1967-living) TV personality
|||.(by 2) Temperance Lathrop - John Bishop
||||.Temperance Bishop - David Holmes, Jr.
|||| .ABIEL HOLMES (1763-1837) author - Sarah Wendell
||||  .OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES (1809-1894) poet - Amelia Lee Jackson
||||   .OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES (1841-1935) Supreme Court justice
|||.(by 2) Solomon Lathrop - Martha Perkins
||| .Joseph Lathrop - Elizabeth Dwight
|||  .SAMUEL LATHROP (1772-1846) Congressman
||.Abigail Lathrop - John Huntington
|||.John Huntington - Thankful Warner
||||.John Huntington - (Mehetable or Sarah) Steele
|||| .John Huntington - Rebecca Newell
|||| |.Robert Goodloe Harper Huntington - Lectania Hatch
|||| | .RANDOLPH HUNTINGTON (1828-1916) horse breeder
|||| |
|||| .William Huntington - Prescendia Lathrop
||||  .William Huntington - Zina Baker
||||   .Prescendia Lathrop Huntington
||||   |- (1) JOSEPH SMITH (1805-1844) Mormonism founder
||||   |- (2) HEBER CHASE KIMBALL (1801-1868) LDS Church President
||||   |
||||   .ZINA DIANTHA HUNTINGTON (1821-1901) social activist
||||    - (1) JOSEPH SMITH (1805-1844) Mormonism founder
||||    - (2) BRIGHAM YOUNG (1801-1877) LDS Church President
||||    .(by 2) Zina Presendia Young - Charles Ora Card
||||     .Orson Rega Card - Lucena Richards
||||      .William Richards Card - Peggy Jane Park
||||       .ORSON SCOTT CARD (1951-living) novelist
|||.Hannah Huntington - Joseph Rockwell
||||.Jonathan Rockwell - Margaret Bush
|||||.Benjamin Rockwell - Susan Tapley
||||| .Lot Rockwell - Mary Prosser
|||||  .Benjamin J. Rockwell - Emma Glase
|||||   .Frederick Joshua Rockwell - Catherine Celia Herr
|||||    .WILLARD FREDERICK ROCKWELL (1888-1978) businessman - Clara Whitcomb Thayer
|||||     .WILLARD FREDERICK ROCKWELL, Jr. (1914-?) businessman
||||.Samuel Rockwell - Hepzibah Pratt
|||| .Alpha Rockwell - Rhoda Ensign
||||  .Edward Rockwell - Matilda DuPlessis Salter
||||   .Matilda DuPlessis Rockwell - George Lewis Kent
||||    .Rockwell Kent - Sara Ann Holgate
||||     .ROCKWELL KENT (1882-1971) artist, illustrator and author
|||.Martha Huntington - (1) Noah Grant, (2) Peter Buell
||| .(by 1) Noah Grant - Susanna Delano
||| |.Noah Grant - Rachel Kelly
||| | .Jesse Root Grant - Hannah Simpson
||| |  .ULYSSES SIMPSON GRANT (1822-1885) Union General, U.S. President
||| |  |- JULIA BOGG DENT (1826-1902) First Lady
||| |  |.FREDERICK DENT GRANT (1850-1912) Brigadier-General - Ida Marie Honore
||| |  | .ULYSSES S. GRANT III (1881-1968) soldier and planner
||| |  |
||| |  |.ULYSSES S. GRANT, Jr. (1852-1929) attorney, entrepreneur - Fannie Josephine Chaffee
||| |  | .ULYSSES S. GRANT IV (1893-1977) paleontologist
||| |  |
||| |  .Mary Frances Grant - MICHAEL JOHN CRAMER (1835-1898) Ambassador
||| |
||| .(by 2) Abigail Buell - Joshua Porter
|||  .PETER BUELL PORTER (1773-1844) U.S Cabinet Secretary, Congressman - Letitia Breckenridge
|||  |.Peter Augustus Porter - Mary Cabell Breckenridge
|||  | .PETER AUGUSTUS PORTER (1853-1925) Congressman
|||  |
|||  .Joshua Porter - Hannah Fellows
|||  |.Augusta Porter - Robert Foster Barnard
|||  | .FREDERICK AUGUSTUS PORTER BARNARD (1809-1889) educator
|||  |
|||  .Augustus Porter - Jane Howell
|||   .AUGUSTUS SEYMOUR PORTER (1798-1872) Senator, Mayor
|||   .PETER B. PORTER, Jr. (1806-1871) New York State Assembly Speaker
||.Anne Lathrop - William Hough
|| .Hannah Hough - William Pratt
||  .Christopher Pratt - Sarah Pratt
||   .Obadiah Pratt - Jemima Toll(e)s
||    .Jared Pratt - Charity Dickinson
||    |.ORSON PRATT (1811-1887) Mormon leader
||    |.PARLEY PARKER PRATT (1807-1857) Mormon leader - Mary Wood
||    | .Heleman Pratt - (1) Emaline Victoria Billingsley, (2) Anna Johanna Dorothy Wilckin
||    |  .Ray Lucero Pratt - Mary Stark
||    |  |.Emaline Pratt - Virgil Ronceal Bluth
||    |  | .DONALD VIRGIL BLUTH (1937-living) animator and movie executive
||    |  |
||    |  .(by 2) Anna Amelia Pratt - Gaskell Romney
||    |   .GEORGE WILCKEN ROMNEY (1907-1995) Governor - Lenore LaFount
||    |    .MITT ROMNEY (1947-living) Governor
||    |
||    .Lovinia Jemima Pratt - Losee Van Cott
||     .John Van Cott - Lucy Lavinia Sackett
||      .Mary Van Cott - BRIGHAM YOUNG (1801-1877) LDS Church President
|.(by 2) Joanna Chamberlain - Richard Betts
| .Richard Betts - Sarah Huestis
| |.Richard Betts -Mary Creed
| ||.Mary Betts - Frederick Van Liew
| || .John Van Liew - Martha Denton
| ||  .John Van Liew, Jr. - Elizabeth (__)
| ||   .John Van Liew - Eliza Louise Baker
| ||    .ELIZABETH LOUISE VAN LIEW (1818-1900) Union spy
| ||
| |.Elizabeth Betts - Theophilus Phillips
| ||.Keziah Phillips - John Moore
| |||.Nathaniel Moore - Eleanor van Brunt
| ||| .Keziah Moore - Joseph Prigmore
| |||  .Daniel Prigmore - Nancy Smith
| |||   .Thomas Prigmore - Rachel Jennings
| |||    .Joseph Monroe Prigmore - Mary Elizabeth Nicholson
| |||     .Pearl Prigmore - William Granville Reynolds
| |||      .Raymond Francis Reynolds - Maxene Harmon
| |||       .DEBBIE REYNOLDS (née MARY FRANCES REYNOLDS) (1932-living) film actor
| |||        - EDDIE FISHER (né EDWIN JOHN FISHER) (1928-living) singer
| |||        .CARRIE FRANCES FISHER (1956-living) film actor
| |||        |- PAUL FREDERIC SIMON (1941-living) singer, composer
| |||        |
| |||        .TODD EMMANUEL FISHER (1958-living) TV commercial director
| |||
| ||.Hannah Phillips - John Hart , Jr.
| || .Rebecca Hart - John Marshall
| ||  .Philip Marshall - Sarah Wilson
| ||   .JAMES WILSON MARSHALL (1810-1885) started the California gold rush
| ||
| |.Abigail Betts - Samuel Hunt (speculative connection!)
| | .Richard Hunt - Mercy Hull
| |  .Sarah Hunt - George Armstrong
| |   .Rachel Armstrong - John Lock(e)
| |    .Anne Nancy Lock(e) - JOHN INSLEY BLAIR (1802-1899) railroad magnate
| |     .Emma Elizabeth Blair - CHARLES SCRIBNER (1820-?) publisher
| |      .CHARLES SCRIBNER Jr. (1854-1930) publisher - Louisa Flagg
| |       .CHARLES SCRIBNER III (1890-1952) publisher - Vera Gordon Bloodgood
| |        .CHARLES SCRIBNER IV (1921-1995) publisher
| |
| .Joanna Betts - John Scudder
| |.Richard Betts Scudder - Hannah Reeder
| ||.Richard Scudder - Hannah Stillwell
| |||.Deborah Scudder - JOHN HART (1711-1779) Declaration of Independence Signer
| ||| .Martha Hart - John Wood
| ||| |.Rebecca Wood - Jacob Kurtz
| ||| | .John Kurtz - Sarah Ann Truman
| ||| |  .Martha Ann Kurtz - William Lamont Taylor
| ||| |   .Adelaide Taylor - Charles Peter Buchanan
| ||| |   |.Adelaide Taylor Buchanan - Charles Lansing Baldwin
| ||| |   | .Jean Baldwin - Steen Theilgaard Hoyer
| ||| |   |  .STENY HAMILTON HOYER (1939-living) Congressman, Majority Leader
| ||| |   |
| ||| |   .Irving Kurtz Taylor - Edith Howes
| ||| |    .Ellen Ann Taylor - Laurence Patrick Maxtone-Graham
| ||| |     .JOHN MAXTONE-GRAHAM (1929-living) naval historian, author - Katarina Kanzler
| ||| |      .IAN HOWES MAXTONE-GRAHAM (1959-living) TV writer, TV producer
| ||| |      .GUY MAXTONE-GRAHAM (?-living) TV actor, TV writer
| ||| |
| ||| .Mary Hart - Jacob Vandergrift
| |||  .William Knowles Vandergrift - Sophia Sarver
| |||   .JACOB JAY VANDERGRIFT (1827-1899) capitalist
| |||
| ||.John Scudder - Phebe Howell
| |||.Jedediah Scudder - Anna Roberts
| ||| .Richard Scudder - Jemima Burroughs
| |||  .Charles Scudder - Margaret Ann Titus
| |||   .Uriel Titus Scudder - Eliza Anderson
| |||    .Charles Anderson Scudder - LAURA EMMA CLOUGH (1881-1959) Entrepreneur
| |||
| ||.Joseph Scudder - Mary Hart
| || .Rebecca Scudder - Titus Hart
| ||  .Mary Hart - Benjamin Hendrickson
| ||   .Sarah Hendrickson - Joseph Anderson
| ||    .Eliza Anderson - Uriel Titus Scudder
| ||     .Charles Anderson Scudder - LAURA EMMA CLOUGH (1881-1959) Entrepreneur
| ||
| |.John Scudder - Mary Peck
| | .John Scudder - Sarah (__)
| |  .Ephraim Scudder - Martha Spinning
| |   .Arrowsmith Scudder - Margaret Gaston
| |    .ISAAC WILLIAMSON SCUDDER (1816-1881) Congressman
| |
| .Mary Betts - Joseph Swayze
| |.Joanna Swazey - Israel Parshall
| ||.Joanna Parshall - Christopher Youngs
| |||.Christopher Youngs - Anne Wells
| ||| .Anna Youngs - Elias Parshall
| |||  .Elias Parshall - Jane Tingley
| |||   .James Sankston Parshall - Hannah Coldron
| |||    .James Tisdale Parshall - Mary Ellen Huggins
| |||     .Maud Lois Parshall - William Crawford Staples
| |||      .Gretchen C. Parshall Staples - JAMES GUILFORD SWINNERTON (1875-1974) cartoonist
| |||
| ||.Keziah Parshall - Joseph Mapes
| |||.James Mapes - Deliverence Hawkins
| ||| .JONAS MAPES (1768-1827) General - Elizabeth Tylee Tyler
| |||  .JAMES JAY MAPES (1806-1866) inventor - Sophia Furman
| |||   .MARY ELIZABETH MAPES (1831-1905) author and editor of children's literature
| |||
| ||.Jemima Parshall - Jonathan Terry
| |||.Parshall Terry - Deborah Clark
| ||| .Parshall Terry - Rhoda Skinner
| |||  .Lydia Terry - George Thomson
| |||   .Hugh Thomson - Mary Nichol Sylvester
| |||    .Herbert Thomson - Alice Coombs
| |||     .ROY HERBERT THOMSON (1894-1976) media entrepreneur - Edna Alice Irvine
| |||      .KENNETH ROY THOMSON (1923-2006) art collector - Nora Marilyn Lavis
| |||       .PETER JOHN THOMSON (1965-living) race car driver
| |||
| ||.Elizabeth Parshall- Joseph Davis
| |||.Timothy Davis - Elizabeth Jayne
| ||| .Asenath Davis - David Robbins
| |||  .Elizabeth Jayne Robbins - Nelson Norton
| |||   .Jane Amanda Norton - Josiah Frank Corwin
| |||    .Arthur Corwin - Claudia Thomas
| |||     .Gwendolyn Belle Corwin - FREDERICK GEORGE FROST (1907-1991) Architect
| |||
| ||.Israel Parshall - Bethia Case
| || .Israel Parshall - Ruth Howell
| ||  .Keziah Parshall - Benjamin Hulce
| ||   .Elisha Hulce - Hannah Hulce
| ||    .Elisha Hulce - Laura Sanburn
| ||     .Alton Fenton Hulce - Ella A. Weaver
| ||      .Raymond Stillman Hulce - Lenna Grace Baker
| ||       .Raymond Albert Hulce - Joanne Winkleman
| ||        .THOMAS EDWARD HULCE (1953-living) film actor
| ||
| |.Samuel Swayze - Penelope Horton
| ||.Samuel Swayze - Hannah Horton
| |||.Samuel Swayze - Elizabeth Putman
| ||| .James Swayze - Elizabeth (__)
| |||  .Alexander P. Swayze - Amanda M.F. (Littlejohn or Littleton)
| |||   .John Wesley Swayze - Sallie E. McDonald
| |||    .Jesse Elija Swayze - Maria Bell Johnson
| |||     .Jessie Wayne Swayze - Patsy Yvonne Helen Karnes
| |||      .PATRICK WAYNE SWAYZE (1952-2009) film actor - LISA (HAAPA)NIEMI (1956-living) film actor
| |||      .DON SWAYZE (1958-living) film actor
| |||
| ||.Barnabas Swayze, Sr. - Hannah Honeywell
| |||.Joseph Swayze - Mary Sutton
| ||| .Christopher Swayze - Sarah Davis
| |||  .Sanford Swayze - Experience Brand
| |||   .Wesley Swayze - Adelphia Williams
| |||    .John Ernest Swayze - Christiane Cameron
| |||     .JOHN CAMERON SWAYZE (1906-1995) news commentator
| |||
| ||.Richard Swazey - Sarah Horton
| |||.Richard Swazey, Jr. - Hannah Budd
| ||| .Mary Swazey - Henry Noble
| |||  .Sarah Noble - John Lamb
| |||   .Sarah C. Lamb - John Sloman
| |||    .Emma Louisa Sloman - Henry Samuel Ball
| |||     .Mary Blanche Ball - William Franklin Beedle
| |||      .WILLIAM HOLDEN (né WILLIAM FRANKLIN BEEDLE, Jr.) (1918-1981) film actor
| |||       - BRENDA MARSHALL (née ARDIS ANKERSON) (1915-1992) film actor
| |||
| ||.Israel Swayze - (2) Elizabeth Seward, (3) Elizabeth Seward
| |||.(by 2) Lydia Swayze - Henry Dusenbury
| ||||.John Loder Grant - Euphemia Dusenbery
| |||| .Elizabeth Van Arsdale Grant - Joseph Fithian Garrison
| ||||  .LINDLEY MILLER GARRISON (1864-1932) U.S. Cabinet Secretary
| ||||
| |||.(by 3) Caleb Swayze - Elsie Kinney
| ||| .Israel Swayze - Mary Anne Lawrence
| |||  .Jacob Lawrence Swayze - Johanna Hill
| |||   .FRANCIS JOSEPH SWAYZE (1861-1932) jurist
| |||
| ||.Caleb Swayze - Elizabeth Pitney
| |||.ISAAC SWAYZE (1751-1828) Canadian politician
| ||||
| |||.Daniel Swayze - Bethia Horton
| ||| .Mehitable Swayze - John Leonard Sliker
| |||  .John Leonard Sliker - Nancy Johnson
| |||   .Renzila Sliker - Alfred Allen Seguine
| |||    .Margaret Seguine - Benjamin Kinsey
| |||     .Alfred Seguine Kinsey - Sarah Ann Charles
| |||      .ALFRED CHARLES KINSEY (1894-1956) biologist
| |||
| ||.Mary Swayze - John Seward
| || .Samuel Seward - Mary Jennings
| ||  .WILLIAM HENRY SEWARD (1801-1872) U.S. Cabinet Secretary - Frances Adeline Miller
| ||  |.FREDERICK WILLIAM SEWARD (1830-1915) diplomat, journalist, author
| ||  |.WILLIAM HENRY SEWARD, Jr. (1839-1920) brevetted Union Brigadier General
| ||  |
| ||  .George Washington Seward - Tempe Wick Leddel
| ||   .Samuel Swezey Seward - Christina F. Kimber
| ||    .FREDERICK KIMBER SEWARD (1878-1943) Titanic survivor
| ||
| |.Richard Swayze - Elizabeth Parshall
| | .Elizabeth Swezey - Zerubable Hallock
| |  .John Hallock - (__)
| |  |.JOHN HALLOCK, Jr. (1783-1840) Congressman
| |  |
| |  .Daniel Hallock - Mary Wells
| |   .Ezra Hallock - Lydia Emily
| |    .JOSEPH NEWTON HALLOCK (1834-1913) author, publisher
| |
| .Thomas Betts - Mercy Whitehead
| |.Thomas Betts - (1) Susannah Stevenson, (2) Susannah Field
| ||.Thomas Betts - Sarah Smith
| |||.Stephen Betts - Hannah Blackfan
| ||| .Stephen Betts - Elizabeth Grubham
| |||  .Stephen Betts - Letitia Hudnut
| |||   .Margaretta Scarborough Betts - Eleazer Twining Wilkinson
| |||    .Harry Rockafellow Wilkinson - Mary Agnes Wolf
| |||     .Mary Willa Wilkinson - Harry William Streep
| |||      .MARY LOUISE STREEP (aka MERYL) (1949-living) Film, Stage, and TV Actor - DON GUMMER (1946-living) Sculptor
| |||       .MARY WILLA GUMMER (aka MAMIE) (1983-living) Film and Stage Actor
| |||       .GRACE JANE GUMMER (1986-living) Film Actor
| |||
| ||.(by 1) Anna Betts - Johannes Debevoise
| |||.Margaret Debevoise - John Duffield
| ||| .Margaret Duffield - Samuel A. Willoughby
| |||  .Margaretta Willoughby - EDWARDS PIERREPONT (1817-1892) U.S. Attorneys General, Ambassador
| |||
| ||.(by 2) Zachariah Betts - Mary Lacey
| || .Thomas Betts - Margaret Head Baker
| ||  .Elizabeth Betts - Thomas Trego
| ||   .Nellie Henry Trego - Hamilton Henry Gilkyson
| ||    .Anna Gilkyson - Ralph Jackson Baker
| ||     .Eleanor Trego Baker - Charles Vere Wintour
| ||      .ANNA WINTOUR (1949-living) magazine editor - DAVID SHAFFER (?-living) psychiatrist
| ||
| |.Elizabeth Betts - Robert Comfort
| | .Richard Comfort - Charity Perkins
| |  .Thomas Jefferson Comfort - (1) Abigail Depew Davids, (2) Sarah Odell
| |   .(by 1) William Cooper Comfort - (__)
| |   |.(__) Comfort - (__)
| |   | .WILL LEVINGTON COMFORT (1878-1932) war correspondent, novelist
| |   |
| |   .(by 2) Abigail Comfort - DEWITT CLINTON LEACH (1822-1909) Congressman
| |
| .Elizabeth Betts - Joseph Sackett
| |.Simon Sackett - Mary McGaw
| ||.Thomas Sackett - Sarah Haywood
| || .Bathsheba Sackett - Joseph Eaton
| ||  .George Washington Eaton - Eliza Hammer Boardman
| ||   .James Rodolphus Eaton - Martha Elizabeth Lewright
| ||    .HUBERT LEWRIGHT EATON (1881-1966) businessman
| ||
| |.Joseph Sackett - Hannah Alsop
| ||.Hannah Sackett - Thomas Whitehead
| |||.Hannah Whitehead - John Moore
| ||| .Anna Moore - John McVickar
| ||| |.JOHN McVICKAR (1787-1868) clergyman
| ||| |
| ||| .Abigail Moore - Thomas Billopp
| |||  .Frances Billopp - William Edward Wyatt
| |||   .Christopher Billopp Wyatt - Mary Angelica Croghan
| |||    .William Wyatt - Jane Kirby
| |||     .Christopher Billopp Wyatt - Euphemia van Rensselaer Waddington
| |||      .JANE WADDINGTON WYATT (1911-2006) film actor
| |||
| ||.Charity Whitehead - Jacob Field
| || .Mary Field - Samuel Blackwell
| ||  .Lydia Hallet Blackwell - Henry Schenck
| ||   .James Wiltsie Schenck - Harriet Tillinghast
| ||    .Eliza Ann Schenck - Walter Phelps
| ||     .Mary Phelps - William Hearn Jacob
| ||      .MARY PHELPS JACOB (1891-1970) inventor - HENRY GREW CROSBY (1898-1929) poet
| ||
| ||.Frances Sackett - Jacob Blackwell
| |||.Joseph Blackwell - Mary Hazard
| ||| .Frances Elizabeth Blackwell - James Grant Forbes
| |||  .John Murray Forbes - Anne Howell
| |||   .Francis Blackwell Forbes - Isabel Clark,
| |||    .JAMES GRANT FORBES (1879-1955) businessman - Margaret Tyndal Winthrop
| |||     .Rosemary Isabel Forbes - Richard John Kerry
| |||     |.JOHN FORBES KERRY (1943-living) Senator, presidential also-ran
| |||     |
| |||     .Fiona Forbes - Alain-Gauthier Lévy (later Lalonde)
| |||      .BRICE LALONDE (1946-living) French Secretary of State
| |||
| ||.Elizabeth Sackett - Jonathan Fish
| || .Nicholas Fish - Elizabeth Stuyvesant
| ||  .Margaret Ann Fish - John Neilson
| ||  |.Elizabeth Stuyvesant Neilson - Ezra W. Howard
| ||  ||.Thomas Howard Howard - Rose A. Post
| ||  || .Elizabeth Stuyvesant Post - Robert Winthrop Kean
| ||  ||  .HAMILTON FISH KEAN (1862-1941) Senator - Katharine Taylor Winthrop
| ||  ||   .ROBERT WINTHROP KEAN (1893-1980) Congressman
| ||  ||    .THOMAS HOWARD KEAN (1935-living) Governor
| ||  ||
| ||  |.Helen Neilson - DAVID MAITLAND ARMSTRONG (1836-1918) artist, Ambassador
| ||  | .HAMILTON FISH ARMSTRONG (1893-1973) diplomat, editor
| ||  |
| ||  .HAMILTON FISH (1808-1893) Senator, Governor - Julia Ursin Niemcewicz Kean
| ||  |.NICHOLAS FISH (1846-1902) Ambassador
| ||  |.HAMILTON FISH (1849-1936) Congressman - Emily M. Mann
| ||  ||.HAMILTON FISH (1888-1991) Congressman - Grace Chapin
| ||  || .HAMILTON FISH (1926-1996) Congressman
| ||  ||  .HAMILTON FISH (1952-?) publisher
| ||  ||
| ||  |.STUYVESANT FISH (1851-1923) railroad president - MARIAN GROVES ANTHON (?-?) society leader
| ||  |
| ||  .Susan Elizabeth Fish - Daniel LeRoy
| ||   .Mary Augusta LeRoy - Edward King
| ||    .LeRoy King - Ethel Ledyard Rhinelander
| ||     .LeRoy King - Mary Isabel Lockwood
| ||     |.Bayard LeRoy King - Moya Beryl Shields
| ||     | .Adelaide Alexandra King - ILIE NASTASE (1946-living) tennis player
| ||     |
| ||     .FREDERICK RHINELANDER KING (1887-1972) architect
| ||
| |.Anne Sackett - Benjamin Moore
| ||.Samuel Moore - Sarah Fish
| |||.BENJAMIN MOORE (1748-1816) P.E. Bishop - Charity Clark
| ||| .CLEMENT CLARK MOORE (1779-1863) Biblical scholar, author
| |||
| ||.John Moore - Hannah Whitehead
| || .Anna Moore - John McVickar
| || |.JOHN McVICKAR (1787-1868) clergyman
| || |
| || .Abigail Moore - Thomas Billopp
| ||  .Frances Billopp - William Edward Wyatt
| ||   .Christopher Billopp Wyatt - Mary Angelica Croghan
| ||    .William Wyatt - Jane Kirby
| ||     .Christopher Billopp Wyatt - Euphemia van Rensselaer Waddington
| ||      .JANE WADDINGTON WYATT (1911-2006) film actor
| ||
| |.Abigail Sackett - John Alsop
| ||.JOHN ALSOP (1724-1794) Continental Congress delegate - Mary Frogat
| |||.Mary Alsop - RUFUS KING (1755-1827) Senator, Ambassador
| ||| .JOHN ALSOP KING (1788-1867) Governor, Congressman - Mary Ray
| ||| |.Elizabeth Ray King - HENRY BELL VAN RENSSELAER (1810-1864) General
| ||| | .Elizabeth Van Rensselaer - George Waddington
| ||| | |.Euphemia Van Rensselaer Waddington - Christopher Billop Wyatt
| ||| | | .JANE WADDINGTON WYATT (1911-2006) film actor
| ||| | |
| ||| | .Katharine Van Rensselaer - Francis Delafield
| ||| |  .Julia Floyd Delafield - Fredrick Van Schoonhoven Crosby
| ||| |   .FLOYD DELAFIELD CROSBY (1899-1985) cinematographer - Aliph Van Cortlandt Whitehead
| ||| |    .DAVID VAN CORTLANDT CROSBY (1941-living) musician
| ||| |
| ||| .CHARLES KING (1789-1867) university president - Elizabeth Gracie
| ||| |.RUFUS KING (1814-1876) General
| ||| ||
| ||| |.Eliza Gracie King - Charles Henry Halsey
| ||| | .William Frederick Halsey - Annie Masters Brewster
| ||| |  .WILLIAM FREDERICK HALSEY, Jr. (aka BULL) (1882-1959) admiral
| ||| |
| ||| .JAMES GORE KING (1791-1853) Congressman - Sarah Rogers Gracie
| |||  .Caroline King - William Denning Duer
| |||  |.James Gore King Duer - Elizabeth Meads
| |||  ||.ALICE DUER (1874-1942) writer - Henry Wilse Miller
| |||  || .ALICE DUER G. MILLER (1894-1985) writer
| |||  ||
| |||  |.William Alexander Duer - Ellen Travers
| |||  | .Catherine Alexander Duer
| |||  |  - CLARENCE HUNGERFORD MACKAY (1874-1938) communications executive, philanthropist
| |||  |  .Ellin Mackay - IRVING BERLIN (né ISRAEL ISIDOR BALIN) (1888-1989) songwriter
| |||  |
| |||  .Frederika Gore King - JOHN CHANDLER BANCROFT DAVIS (1822-1907) lawyer diplomat
| |||
| ||.Richard Alsop - Mary Wright
| || .RICHARD ALSOP (1761-1815) author - Mary Pomeroy
| || |.Mary Caroline Alsop - Francis Johonnot Oliver
| || | .Mary Alsop Oliver - Joseph Wright Alsop
| || |  .Joseph Wright Alsop - Elizabeth Winthrop Beach
| || |   .Joseph Wright Alsop - Corinne Douglas Robinson
| || |    .JOSEPH WRIGHT ALSOP (1910-1989) political columnist
| || |    .STEWART JOHONNOT OLIVER ALSOP (1914-1974) politcal columnist
| || |    .Corinne Roosevelt Alsop - Percy Chubb
| || |     .Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Chubb - WARREN ZIMMERMANN (1935-2004) Ambassador
| || |
| || .Abigail Alsop - THEODORE DWIGHT (1764-1846) Congressman
| || |
| || .Clarissa Alsop - Samuel Wyllis Pomeroy
| || |.Clara Alsop Pomeroy - Valentine Baxter Horton
| || | .Clara Pomeroy Horton - JOHN E. POPE (1822-1892) Major-General
| || |
| || .Joseph Wright Alsop - Lucy Whittelsey
| ||  .Joseph Wright Alsop - Mary Alsop Oliver
| ||  |.Joseph Wright Alsop - Elizabeth Winthrop Beach
| ||  | .Joseph Wright Alsop - Corinne Douglas Robinson
| ||  |  .JOSEPH WRIGHT ALSOP (1910-1989) political columnist
| ||  |  .STEWART JOHONNOT OLIVER ALSOP (1914-1974) politcal columnist
| ||  |  .Corinne Roosevelt Alsop - Percy Chubb
| ||  |   .Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Chubb - WARREN ZIMMERMANN (1935-2004) Ambassador
| ||  |
| ||  .Mary Wright Alsop - THOMAS DENT MÜTTER (1811-1959) museum founder
| ||
| |.Patience Sackett - John Lawrence
| | .Joseph Lawrence - Patience Moore
| | |.Anna Lawrence - SAMUEL RIKER (1743-1823) Congressman
| | |
| | .William Lawrence - Anna Brinkerhoff
| | |.Dientje Lawrence - Abraham Lent
| | ||.JAMES LENT (1782-1833) Congressman
| | ||
| | |.John Lawrence - Mary Penfold
| | ||.Richard Penfold Lawrence - Sarah Conrey
| | || .John Riker Lawrence - Margaretta Quick
| | ||  .John Lawrence - Emily May Agnes la Farge
| | ||   .Aimee Marie Suzanne Lawrence - Douglas Walter Campbell
| | ||    .Ian Douglas Campbell - (1) Janet Gladys Aitken, (2) Louise Hollingsworth Morris Clews, (3) ETHEL MARGARET WHIGHAM (1912-1993) Britsh society figure
| | ||     .(by 1) Jeanne Louise Campbell - NORMAN KINGLEY MAILER (1923-2007) novelist
| | ||     |.KATHERINE MAILER (1962-living) stage and film actor
| | ||     |
| | ||     .(2) Colin Ivar Campbell - GEORGE WILLIM ZIADIE, Lady Campbell (1949-living) biographer
| | ||
| | |.Isaac Lawrence (President of the US Bank Branch in New York)- Cornelia Beach
| | | .WILLIAM BEACH LAWRENCE (1800-1881) Lieutenant Governor - Esther R. Gracie
| | | |.ALBERT GALLATIN LAWRENCE (1834-1887) General (Union)
| | | |
| | | .Cornelia A. Lawrence - JAMES ABRAHAM HILLHOUSE (1789-1841) poet
| | | .Maria Elizabeth Lawrence - WILLIAM INGRAHAM KIP (1811-1893) P.E. Bishop
| | |
| | .Thomas Lawrence - Elizabeth Fish
| | |.NATHANIEL LAWRENCE (1761-1796) State Attorneys General, Delegate to Constitutional Convention - Elizabeth Berrien
| | | .Margaret Lawrence - PHILIP P. LINDSLEY (1786-1855) college president
| | |  .JOHN BERRIEN LINDSLEY (1822-1897) educator
| | |
| | .JONATHAN LAWRENCE (1737-1812) Provincial Congress delegate - Ruth Riker
| |  .SAMUEL LAWRENCE (1773-1837) Congressman
| |  .John L. Lawrence - Sarah Augusta Smith
| |  |.ABRAHAM RIKER LAWRENCE (1832-?) State Supreme Court Justice
| |  |
| |  .WILLIAM THOMAS LAWRENCE (1788-1859) Congressman
| |
| .Sarah Betts - Edward Hunt
|  .Anna Hunt - Isaac Reeder
|   .Isaac Reeder - Joanna Hunt
|    .John Reeder - Hannah Merchon
|     .Absalom Reeder - Christiana Smith
|      .ANDREW HORATIO REEDER (1807-1864) Governor
.Thomas Stoughton - Elizabeth Thompson
|.Thomas Stoughton - Mary Wadsworth
||.John Stoughton - (1) Elizabeth Bissell, (2) Sarah Fitch
|||.(by 1) John Stoughton - Eunice Bissell
||||.Martha Stoughton - Samuel Strong
|||||.David Strong - Sarah Warner
||||| .John Stoughton Strong - Tamar Whitney
|||||  .Lyman Whitney Strong - Ruth Martha Dix
|||||   .Sarah Elizabeth Strong - Adelbert Lorenzo Spitzer
|||||    .Lyman Strong Spitzer - Blanche Carey Brumback
|||||     .LYMAN STRONG SPITZER, Jr. (1914-1997) astrophysicist
||||.Sarah Stoughton - Jerijah Phelps
|||| .Joseph Phelps - Elizabeth Sadd
||||  .Isaac Newton Phelps - Sarah Maria Lusk
||||   .Helen Louisa Phelps - Anson Green Phelps Stokes
||||    .ISAAC NEWTON PHELPS STOKES (1867-?) author of Iconography of Manhattan Island
||||    .James Graham Phelps Stokes - ROSE HARRIET PASTOR (née WEISLANDER) (1879-1933) Socialist
||||    .ANSON PHELPS STOKES, Jr. (1874-1958) educator, clergyman - Carol G. Mitchell
||||    |.ANSON PHELPS STOKES III (1905-1986) P.E. Bishop
||||    |
||||    .CAROLINE MARGARETHA PHELPS STOKES (1878-?) Socialist - WILES ROBERT HUNTER (1874-1942) Socialist
||||    .Harold Montrose Phelps Stokes - Elizabeth Miner King
||||     .Lydia King Phelps Stokes - NICHOLAS de BELLVILLE KATZENBACH (1924-?) U.S. Attorneys General
|||.(by 1) William Stoughton - Elizabeth Strickland
||||.Jerusha Stoughton - Benjamin Newberry
|||| .Amasa Newberry - Ruth Loomis Warner
||||  .Elihu Newberry - Rhoda Phelps
||||  |.JOHN STOUGHTON NEWBERRY (1826-1887) Congressman - Helen Parmalee Handy
||||  | .TRUMAN HANDY NEWBERRY (1864-1945) Senator, Cabinet Secretary
||||  | .Helen Hall Newberry - HENRY BOURNE JOY (1864-1936) manufacturer, financier
||||  |
||||  .OLIVER P. NEWBERRY (1789-1860) steamboat builder
||||  |
||||  .Amasa Stoughton Newberry - Cornelia Perry Pangborn
||||  |.WALTER CASS NEWBERRY (1835-1912) General, Congressman
||||  |
||||  .WALTER LOOMIS NEWBERRY (1804-1868) merchant, philanthropist
|||.(by 2) Sarah Stoughton - Roger Alger
||||.Joseph Alger - Mary Huntley
|||| .Keturah Alger - Charles Reed
||||  .Jonathan Reed - Rhoda Cody
||||  |.Sarah Reed - Lincoln Chapman
||||  | .James Lincoln Chapman - Agnes Josephine Barnes
||||  |  .MINERVA JOSEPHINE CHAPMAN (1858-1947) artist
||||  |  .Blanche Ethelyn Chapman - John Munson Gamble
||||  |   .Mary Annis Gamble - Walter Sidney Atkinson
||||  |    .Grace Atkinson - Viggo Peter Mortensen
||||  |     .VIGGO PETER MORTENSEN, Jr. (1958-living) film actor
||||  |     - EXENE CERVENKA (née CHRISTINE CERVENKOVA (1956-?) musician
||||  |
||||  .Abigail Reed  - Seymour Judd
||||   .Increase Sumner Judd  - Margaret Fields
||||    .Elijah Hubert Judd - Frances Pack
||||     .Mary Jane Judd - James Oliver Moore
||||      .Roy Ogden Judd - Sallie Ellen Moore
||||       .Charles Glen Judd  - Pauline Oliver
||||        .NAOMI JUDD (née DIANA ELLEN JUDD) (1946-living) singer
||||         - (1) Charles Jordan
||||         - (2) Michael Ciminella
||||         .(by 1) WYNONA JUDD (née CHRISTINA CLAIRE CIMINELLA) (1964-living) singer
||||         .(by 2) ASHLEY JUDD (née ASHLEY TYLER CIMINELLA) (1969-living) singer, film actor
||||          - DARIO FRANCHITTI (1973-living) racing car driver
|||.(by 2) Nathaniel Stoughton - Martha Ellsworth
||| .John Stoughton - Ruth Belden
||| |.Elizabeth Stoughton - OLIVER WOLCOTT, Jr. (1760-1833) Governor, U.S. Cabinet Secretary
||| | .Laura Wolcott - GEORGE GIBBS (1766-1883) mineralogist
||| |  .GEORGE GIBBS (1815-11873) antiquarian
||| |  |
||| |  .Elizabeth Wolcott Gibbs - Lucius Tuckerman
||| |  |.BAYARD TUCKERMAN (1855-?) author - Annie Osgood Smith
||| |  ||.BAYARD TUCKERMAN, Jr. (1889-1974) racetrack founder, horse breeder
||| |  |||
||| |  ||.May Appleton Tuckerman - Gustav Hermann Kinnicutt
||| |  || .DOROTHY MAY KINNICUTT (1910-1994) interior designer
||| |  ||
||| |  |.Lucy Tuckerman - Arthur George Sedgwick
||| |  | .Susan Ridley Sedgwick - Arthur Warton Swann
||| |  |  .Lilian Louise Swann - EERO SAARINEN (1910-1961) architect
||| |  |
||| |  .OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS (1822-?) chemist
||| |  |
||| |  .ALFRED GIBBS (1823-1868) Brevet Major-General
||| |  |
||| |  .Francis Sarason Gibbs - Eliza Gay Hosmer
||| |   .Lucius Tuckerman Gibbs - Angelica Singleton Duer
||| |    .OLIVER WOLCOTT GIBBS (1902-1958) author, drama critic
||| |
||| .Joseph Stoughton - Martha Wolcott
||| |.Joseph Stoughton - Phoebe D. Carter
||| | .Thomas A. Stoughtin - Emily Stowell
||| |  .Oliver Chamberlain Stoughton - Esther Mason
||| |   .Sanford William Stoughton - Margaret (__)
||| |    .Oliver Howard Stoughton - Stella (__)
||| |     .CECIL WILLIAM STOUGHTON (1920-living) photographer
||| |
||| .Nathaniel Stoughton, Jr. - Abigail Potwine
|||  .Thomas Potwin Stoughton - Susan Bradley
|||   .Henry Evander Stoughton - Laura Elmira Clark
|||    .Charles Bradley Stoughton - Ada Ripley Hooper
|||     .Mildred Louise Stoughton - Benjamin Ives Spock
|||      .BENJAMIN MCCLURE SPOCK (1903-1998) physician
||.Thomas Stoughton - (1) Dorothy Talcott, (2) Abigail Edwards
|||.Mary Stoughton - Peletiah Allyn
||||.Elizabeth Allyn - Nathaniel Mather
|||||.Elijah Mather - Mary Strong
||||| .Mary Mather - Josiah Bissell
|||||  .Josiah Bissell - Henrietta Perkins
|||||   .Champion Aristarcus Bissell - Josephine Wales
|||||    .EMILY PERKINS BISSELL (1861-1948) Social Worker
||||.Dorothy Allyn - David Hayden
|||| .Eleanor Hayden - Phineas Cadwell
||||  .Emma Cadwell - Philo Benson Castle
||||   .Adeline Castle - Lester Pratt
||||    .Emma Gertrude Pratt - Augustus Henry Bennett
||||     .Ralph Stone Bennett - Lydia Schaefer
||||      .Maria Schaefer Bennett - Alton Perry
||||       .JOHN BENNETT PERRY (1941-living) TV actor - Suzanne Langford
||||        .MATTHEW LANGFORD PERRY (1969-living) TV and film actor
|||.(by 2) Thomas Stoughton - Hannah Olcott
||| .Samuel Stoughton - Sarah Munn
|||  .Timothy Stoughton - Eunis Shattuck
|||   .Timothy Morgan Stoughton - Maria Clarissa Richardson
|||    .Exene Eveline Stoughton - FRANCIS AMASA WALKER (1840-1897) college president
||.Samuel Stoughton - Dorothy (__)
|||.Samuel Stoughton - Abiah Pinney
||| .Dorothy Stoughton - Aaron Bissell
|||  .Chloe Bissell - Erastus Wolcott
|||   .Helen Wolcott - Horace Hooker
|||    .Horace B. Hooker - Susan Pamelia Huntington
|||     .ALBERT HUNTINGTON HOOKER (1865-1936) chemist
|||     .ELON HUNTINGTON HOOKER (1870-?) chemical company founder - Blanche Ferry
|||      .Blanchette Ferry Hooker - JOHN DAVISON ROCKEFELLER III (1906-1978) philanthropist
|||      |.JOHN DAVISON ROCKEFELLER IV (1937-living) Senator
|||      |
|||      .Adelaide Ferry Hooker - JOHN PHILLIPS MARQUAND (1893-1960) novelist
||.Israel Stoughton - Mary Birge
|||.Ann Stoughton - Samuel Fyler
||| .Elizabeth Fyler - Horace Hooker
|||  .Mary Hooker - GAYLORD GRISWOLD (1767-1809) Congressman
||.Rebecca Stoughton - Atherton Mather
|| .William Mather - Silence Buttolph
|| |.Timothy Mather - Hannah Fuller
|| | .Phinehas Mather - Huldah Taylor
|| | |.James Mather - Fanny Bryant
|| | | .Ellen Mather - NOAH DAVIS (1818-1902) Congressman, State Supreme Court Justice
|| | |
|| | .Timothy Mather - Hannah Church
|| |  .Hannah Mather - Reuel Kimball
|| |   .Reuel Kimball - Cleantha Thomas
|| |    .Walter Scott Kimball - Jane Spinnery
|| |     .Helen Mather Kimball - EDMUND WILSON (1863-1923) State Attorneys General
|| |      .EDMUND WILSON (1895-1972) essayist, critic - MARY MCCARTHY (1912-1989) critic
|| |
|| .Jerusha Mather - Samuel Smith
||  .Elizabeth Smith - Graves Loomis
||  |.Elizabeth Loomis - Timothy Phelps
||  | .Thaddeus Phelps - Dorintha Ellsworth
||  |  .Julia Elizabeth Phelps - STEVENS THOMSON MASON (1811-1843) Governor
||  |   .Dorothea Elizabeth Mason - Edward Henry Wright
||  |    .William Mason Wright - Majory R. Jerauld
||  |     .JERAULD WRIGHT (1898-1995) Admiral, Ambassador
||  |     .Magery Wright - DAVID MCKENDREE KEY (1900-1988) Ambassador
||  |
||  .Cotton Mather Smith - Temperance Worthington
||  |.Juliana Smith - JACOB RADCLIFF (?-?) Mayor
||  ||
||  |.JOHN COTTON SMITH (1765-1845) Congressman, Governor
||  | .William Mather Smith - Helen Livingston
||  |  .JOHN COTTON SMITH (1810-1879) Ambassador
||  |
||  .Mary Smith - Daniel Smith
||   .Thomas Mather Smith - Mary Greenleaf Woods
||    .Sarah A. W. Smith - WILLIAM STEVENS PERRY (1832-1898) P.E. Bishop
||    .John Cotton Smith - Harriette Appleton
||     .Ellen Appleton Smith - Chalmers Wood
||     |.Mary Appleton Wood - LOUIS BROMFIELD (1896-1956) novelist, playwright
||     |
||     .Annie Osgood Smith - BAYARD TUCKERMAN (1855-?) author
||      .BAYARD TUCKERMAN, Jr. (1889-1974) racetrack founder, horse breeder
||      |
||      .May Appleton Tuckerman - Gustav Hermann Kinnicutt
||       .DOROTHY MAY KINNICUTT (1910-1994) interior designer
|.Catherine Stoughton - John Wilcox, Jr.
| .Israel Wilcox - Sarah Savage
| |.John Wilcox - Mary Warner
| ||.Ozias Wilcox - Mabel Gould
| || .Eliphalet Wilcox - Abigail Shepard
| ||  .Abigail Wilcox - William C. Redfield
| ||   .John Howard Redfield - Mary Jane Whitney
| ||    .Robert Stuart Redfield - Mary Thibault Guillon
| ||     .Mary Whitney Redfield - Henry Ferrand Griffin
| ||      .DONALD REDFIELD GRIFFIN (1915-2003) animal behaviorist
| ||
| |.Samuel Wilcox - Hannah Sage
| ||.Daniel Wilcox - Sarah White
| |||.Lois Wilcox - Solomon Sage
| ||| .Isaac Sage - Mary Rice
| |||  .Sabrina Sage - Ira Tillotson
| |||  |.Andrew Jackson Tillotson - Sarah Ellen Little
| |||  | .Minnie Ella Tillotson - James Loring Carney
| |||  |  .Lora Maude Carney - WILLIAM ROEDEL RATHVON (1854-1939) witness to history
| |||  |
| |||  .Isaac Sage - Clarissa Rising
| |||   .Lydia Marie Sage - Kosciusko Pulaski Peet
| |||    .James Oliver Peet - Anna Louisa Killeen
| |||     .Charles Peet - Margaret Louise Sherman
| |||      .Charles Peet - Cindy Levy
| |||       .AMANDA PEET (1972-living) film actor - (engaged) DAVID BENIOFF (1970-living) author
| |||
| ||.Hannah Wilcox - John Wilcox
| || .Joseph Wilcox - Miriam Bacon
| ||  .Lavinia Wilcox - Ebenezer Bacon
| ||   .Sarah Bacon - Isaac Coe
| ||    .T. Eloise Coe - Frank Ireland
| ||     .Sarah Coe Ireland - William Leland Hayward
| ||      .LELAND HAYWARD (1902-1971) theatrical producer
| ||       -(1) MARGARET SULLAVAN (1911-1960) film actor
| ||       -(2) PAMELA BERYL DIGBY (1920-1997) Ambassador
| ||       .(by 1) BROOKE HAYWARD (1937-living) film actor
| ||       |- (1) DENNIS HOPPER (1936-living) film actor
| ||       |- (2) PETER DUCHIN (1937-?) Orchestra leader
| ||       |
| ||       .(by 1) WILLIAM HAYWARD (1941-living) film producer - FIONA LEWIS film actor
| ||
| |.Thomas Wilcox - Anna North
| | .Thomas Wilcox - Freelove Bradley
| |  .Edmund Wilcox - Elizabeth Scranton
| |   .Austin Wilcox - Clarissa Nettleton
| |    .Clarissa Punderson Wilcox - Ira Bidwell
| |     .Albert Ira Bidwell - Anne Jane Gibbons
| |      .Mary Louise Bidwell - Lincoln Butler Smith
| |       .DOROTHY HOPE SMITH (1895-1955) Artist
| |
| .Samuel Wilcox - Abigail Whitmore
|  .Samuel Wilcox - Hester Bushnell
|  |.John Wilcox - Hannah Wilcox
|  | .Joseph Wilcox - Miriam Bacon
|  |  .Lavinia Wilcox - Ebenezer Bacon
|  |   .Sarah Bacon - Isaac Coe
|  |    .T. Eloise Coe - Frank Ireland
|  |     .Sarah Coe Ireland - William Leland Hayward
|  |      .LELAND HAYWARD (1902-1971) theatrical producer
|  |       -(1) MARGARET SULLAVAN (1911-1960) film actor
|  |       -(2) PAMELA BERYL DIGBY (1920-1997) Ambassador
|  |       .(by 1) BROOKE HAYWARD (1937-living)
|  |       |- (1) DENNIS HOPPER (1936-living) film actor
|  |       |- (2) PETER DUCHIN (1937-?) Orchestra leader
|  |       |
|  |       .(by 1) WILLIAM HAYWARD (1941-living) film producer - FIONA LEWIS film actor
|  |
|  .Francis Wilcox - Abigail Graves
|   .Margery Wilcox - Elisha Stocking
|   |.Rachel Stocking - Eli Butler
|   | .Sarah Butler - Asa Eames
|   |  .Harriet Eames - John Otis Taylor
|   |   .Henry Hobart Taylor - Adelaide Chatfield
|   |    .Hobart Chatfield-Taylor - Rose Farwell
|   |     .Adelaide Chatfield-Taylor - Hendricks Hallett Whitman
|   |      .Hendricks Hallett Whitman - Margaret Goodhue
|   |       .MARGARET CUSHING WHITMAN (1956-living) Company CEO
|   |
|   .Rebecca Wilcox - Amos Sage
|    .William Sage - Bathsheba Hollister
|    |.William Sage - Elizabeth Cook
|    | .Charles Sage - Sally Williams
|    |  .HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE (1814-1897) philanthropist - Susan Elizabeth Linn
|    |   .Dean Sage - Sarah Augusta Manning
|    |    .Henry Manning Sage - Annie Wheeler Ward
|    |     .KATHERINE LINN SAGE (1898-1963) Artist - RAYMOND GEORGES YVES TANGUY (1900-1955) Artist
|    |
|    .Elisha Sage - Martha Montague
|     .Elisha Sage - Prudence Risley
|      .RUSSELL SAGE (1816-1906) financier, Congressman
|       - MARGARET OLIVIA SLOCUM ((1828-1916) philanthropist
.Judith Stoughton - (1) John Denman, (2) William Smead
.Israel Stoughton - Elizabeth Knight
 .Hannah Stoughton - James Minot
 |.Elizabeth Minot - John Danforth
 ||.Hannah Danforth - Samuel Dunbar
 || .Elijah Dunbar - Sarah Hunt
 ||  .Thomas Dunbar - Chloe Bent
 ||   .Nathaniel Dunbar - Frances Ann Draper
 ||    .Francis Draper Dunbar - Francesca Vavassour Trask
 ||     .Francis William Dunbar - Edith Vaughn Flanders
 ||      .HELEN FLANDERS DUNBAR (1902-1959) physician, psychiatrist
 |.Mehitable Minot - Thomas Cooper
 | .William Cooper - Judith Sewall
 | |.WILLIAM COOPER (1721-1809) - Katharine Wendell
 | ||.JOHN COOPER (1765-1845) Brigadier-General - Elizabeth Savage
 | || .William Cooper - Eliza Balch Dutton
 | ||  .Elizabeth Dutton Cooper - LUTHER STEARNS CUSHING (1803-1856) jurist
 | ||
 | |.SAMUEL COOPER (1725-1783) clergyman - Judith Bulfinch
 | ||.Judith Cooper - Gabriel Johonnot
 | || .SAMUEL COOPER JOHONNOT (1768-1806) Consul at Demerara, British Guiana
 | ||
 | |.Judith Cooper - William Rand
 | | .William Rand - Priscilla Bradford
 | |  .Charles Turner Rand - Deborah Sprague
 | |   .Alonzo Cooper Rand - Mary Celine Johnson
 | |    .Rufus Randall Rand - Susan Mealey
 | |     .Rufus Randall Rand - Helen Chase
 | |      .Mary Celine Rand - Charles Sheldon Whitehouse
 | |       .SHELDON WHITEHOUSE (1955-living) Senator
 | |
 | .Thomas Cooper - Elizabeth Haven
 |  .Elizabeth Cooper - ELIAS VANDERHORST (?-?) Consul at Bristol, England
 .Rebecca Stoughton - William Tailer
 |.Elizabeth Tailer - JOHN NELSON (about 1654-1734) Lieutenant-Governor of the Massachusetts Colony
 ||.Rebecca Nelson - Henry Lloyd
 |||.Margaret Lloyd - William Henry Smith
 ||||.Rebecca Smith - John Aspinwall
 |||| .Gilbert Aspinwall - Ann Sowers
 |||| |.Rebecca Aspinwall - Francois Eloi Berger
 |||| | .Cephise Berger - James de Berty Trudeau
 |||| |  .EDWARD LIVINGSTON TRUDEAU (1848-1915) physician - Charlotte Grosvenor Beare
 |||| |   .Francis Berger Trudeau - Helen Garretson
 |||| |    .Francis Berger Trudeau - Jean Douglas Moore
 |||| |     .GARRETSON BEEKMAN TRUDEAU (1948-living) comic strip artist
 |||| |      - MARGARET JANE PAULEY (1950-living) televison personality
 |||| |
 |||| .John Aspinwall, Jr. - Susan Howland
 ||||  .WILLIAM H. ASPINWALL (1807-1875) merchant
 ||||  |
 ||||  .Margaret Elizabeth Aspinwall - Hugh Lenox Hodge
 ||||  |.John Aspinwall Hodge - Charlotte Gibhard Morse
 ||||  | .John Aspinwall Hodge - Genevieve Baldwin Karr
 ||||  |  .Louise/Lucasta Karr Hodge - Frederic Henry Lahee
 ||||  |   .Genevieve Lahee - Charles W. Allen
 ||||  |    .THOMAS H. ALLEN (1945-living) Congressman
 ||||  |
 ||||  .Mary Rebecca Aspinwall - Isaac Roosevelt
 ||||   .James Roosevelt - Sara Delano
 ||||   |.FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (1882-1945) U.S. President
 ||||   | - ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962) First Lady
 ||||   | .JAMES ROOSEVELT (1907-1991) Congressman - BETSEY MARIA CUSHING (1908-1998) philanthropist
 ||||   | .ELLIOT ROOSEVELT (1910-1990) author - FAYE EMERSON (1917-1983) film and TV actor
 ||||   | .FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, Jr. (1914-1988) Congressman
 ||||   |
 ||||   .John Aspinwall Roosevelt - Ellen Murray Crosby
 ||||    .ELLEN CROSBY ROOSEVELT (1868-1954) Tennis Hall of Famer
 |||.Rebecca Lloyd - Melancthon Taylor Woolsey
 ||||.Rebecca Woolsey - JAMES HILLHOUSE (1754-1832) Senator, Congressman
 ||||.Melancthon Lloyd Woolsey - Alida Livingston
 |||| .MELANCTHON TAYLOR WOOLSEY (1780-1838) naval officer - Susan Cornelia Treadwell
 |||| |.MELANCTHON BROOKS WOOLSEY (1817-1874) naval officer
 |||| |
 |||| .Rebecca Nelson Woolsey - John Borland
 ||||  .Melancthon Woolsey Borland - Julia Gibson
 ||||   .Madeline Borland - Louis McLane Tiffany
 ||||    .Katherine McLane Tiffany - Gordon Abbott
 ||||     .Eleanor Abbott - Francis Bacon Lothrop
 ||||      .Mary Buckminster Lothrop - MCGEORGE BUNDY (1919-1996)
 ||||                                  National Security Advisor, Ford Foundation head
 |||.James Lloyd - Sarah Corwin
 ||||.JAMES LLOYD (1769-1826) Senator
 |||.John Lloyd - Sarah Woolsey
 ||| .Rebecca Lloyd - JOHN BROOME (1738-1810) Lieutenant Governor
 ||.Mehitabel Nelson - Robert Temple
 || .Robert Temple, Jr. - Harriet Shirley
 || |.Mehitabel Hester Temple - Hans Blackwood, 3rd Baron Dufferin and Claneboye
 || | .Price Blackwood, 4th Baron Dufferin and Claneboye - HELEN SELINA SHERIDAN (1807-1867) poet
 || |   5th Baron, 1st Marquess of Dufferin etc. (1826-1902) viceroy
 || |   - Harriot Georgina Rowan-Hamilton
 || |   .Helen Hermione Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood
 || |   |- RONALD MUNRO-FERGUSON, 1st Viscount Novar (1860-1934) Governor General of Australia
 || |   |
 || |   .Victoria Alexandrina Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood
 || |   |- WILLIAM LEE PLUNKET, 5th Baron Plunket (1864-1920) Governor of New Zealand
 || |   |
 || |   .Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 7th Baron and 3rd Marquess of Dufferin etc.
 || |    - Brenda Woodhouse
 || |    .Basil Sheridan Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 8th Baron and 4th Marquess of Dufferin etc.
 || |     - Maureen Constance Guinness
 || |      - (1) LUCIAN MICHAEL FREUD (1922-living) artist
 || |      - (2) Israel Citkovitz
 || |      - (3) ROBERT TRAILL SPENCE LOWELL, IV (1917-1977) poet
 || |      .(by 2) Evgenia Citkowitz - JULIAN SANDS (1958-living) film actor
 || |
 || .William Temple - Amy Fitch
 || |.Robert Temple - Clarina Brown Hawkins
 || | .Clara Temple - Henry Chapman
 || | |.Clara Temple Chapman - Nehemiah Allen Leonard
 || | | .Anna Chapman Leonard - Eustace Anstruther Bradley
 || | |  .Mary Temple Bradley - John Coleman Purves
 || | |   .Eustacia Purves - Richard McCurdy Grandin
 || | |    .TEMPLE GRANDIN (1947-living) writer, activist
 || | |
 || | .Robert Emmet Temple - Catherine Margaret James
 || |  .Katherine Temple - Robert Stockton Emmet
 || |   .GRENVILLE TEMPLE EMMET (1877-1937) Ambassador
 || |
 || .John Temple - Elizabeth Bowdoin
 ||  .Elizabeth Bowdoin Temple - Thomas Lindall Winthrop
 ||   .ROBERT CHARLES WINTHROP (1809-1894) Congressman - Elizabeth Cabot Blanchard
 ||    .Robert Charles Winthrop, Jr. - Elizabeth Mason
 ||     .Margaret Tyndal Winthrop - JAMES GRANT FORBES (1879-1955) businessman
 ||      .Rosemary Isabel Forbes - Richard John Kerry
 ||      |.JOHN FORBES KERRY (1943-living) Senator, presidential also-ran
 ||      |
 ||      .Fiona Forbes - Alain-Gauthier Lévy (later Lalonde)
 ||       .BRICE LALONDE (1946-living) French Secretary of State
 |.WILLIAM TAILER (1676-1732) Lieutenant-Governor - Sarah Byfield
 | .Rebecca Tailer - MATHER BYLES (1707/1708-1788) clergyman, poet
 .WILLIAM STOUGHTON (1631-1701) Chief Justice of the Salem Witch Trials

222372 and 222373 have other descendants, such as:

John Exherst - (Alice Sepham?)
.Richard Exherst - Alice (Notebeme?)
|.Benett Exherst - Thomas Aldy
| .Margaret or Margery Aldy - John Monins
|  .Thomas Monins - Elizabeth Peyton
|   .Peyton Monins - George Toke or Tooke
|    .Thomas Tooke - Joan or Jane Hales
|     .Charles Tooke or Toke - Bridget Toke
|      .Thomas Toke or Tooke - Catherine Hales
|       .Thomas Tooke - Elizabeth Chevall
|        .(__) Tooke - (__)
|         .WILLLIAM TOOKE (1744-1820) historian - (__)
|          .THOMAS TOOKE (1774-1858) economist
|          .WILLIAM TOOKE, Jr. (1777-1863) President of the Royal Society of Arts
.Mary Exherst - Edward Stoughton
 .Francis Stoughton - Agnes (__)

First Created on 6 December 2005 - Last Modified on 22 September 2010




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