Cemetery Photographs - Introductory Material

Cemetery Photographs

- Introductory Material

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Please see www.cemeteryphotographs.net for updates and additional material.

Thank you. John Hofman


First, I thank all of those who have made this site what it has become.  I am very grateful.

To the visitors of this site, I hope you find the information on this site useful.  I wish you the best in whatever endeavor led you to this site.

I invite your suggestions and comments, and request that you let me know of any errors you find.


John Hofman
[email protected]

Public Domain Dedication

Unless specifically stated otherwise, all material (including, but not limited to: audio, documents, photographs, text and videos) posted by me on this website and related websites (including, but not limited to: Google documents, Google Drive, Google Plus, Google Sites, Rootsweb and YouTube) is hereby placed into the Public Domain. Whenever and wherever the language "is hereby placed into the Public Domain" appears (and similar language appears), it includes, and hereby incorporates by reference, the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) (No Rights Reserved), "Universal" "Public Domain Dedication" "No Copyright" statement (found at https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) and related "Creative Commons Legal Code" (found at https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode).

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